All Are Welcome Gates Catholic Community Holy Ghost, St. Helen


All Are Welcome Gates Catholic Community Holy Ghost, St. Helen
Gates Catholic Community
May 17, 2015
Holy Ghost, St. Helen & St. Jude
4100 Lyell Road, Rochester, NY 14606
Pastor ~ Rev Michael Schramel
Assisting Priest ~ Fr. Thomas Akowuah
Vietnamese Priest ~ Fr. Michael Pham
Holy Ghost Church
Coldwater Road
E-mail: [email protected]
~ Mass Times ~
Sunday 8:30AM & 10:30AM
St. Helen Church
Hinchey Road
E-mail: [email protected]
~ Mass Times ~
Saturday 4:00PM /Sunday 9:00AM
11:30 ~ Vietnamese Mass
St. Jude The Apostle Church
Lyell Road
E-mail: [email protected]
~ Mass Times ~
Saturday 5:00PM / Sunday 11:00AM
GCC Office: 247-4322
Fax: 429-5111
The Spirit of God who hovered over the waters at the dawn of creation—
the Holy Spirit who descended upon the disciples at Pentecost in ever-changing
forms in the sound of a mighty wind or tongues of flame—hovers also over our
celebration of the liturgy, giving it life, making it real. It is the Spirit of God who
draws us, gathering us together, Sunday after Sunday. It is the Spirit of God who
called loudly to the inspired writers of the scriptures and who continues to
whisper to us, revealing ever-new facets of God’s word, granting insight just when
we need it. It is by the Spirit’s power that, when Christ’s words are uttered by the
priest, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. And it is surely
the Spirit who inspires us—that is, breathes in us—when, sent forth from the
assembly, we seek ways to serve our brothers and sisters, to allow the gospel to
come to life in the world.
—Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Happy Pentecost!
Holy Ghost, St. Helen
and St. Jude
to the GCC Main office:
Gates Catholic Community
4100 Lyell Road
Rochester, NY 14606
Page 2
Holy Ghost—HG
St. Helen—SH
St. Jude—SJ
Mass Intentions
Saturday & Sunday, May 16 & 17
4:00PM-SH Edward & Loretta VerWeire
by Daughter, Linda
5:00PM-SJ Anniversary Remo Salzetta by Family
8:30AM-HG Mr. & Mrs. Edward Statt by Elaine Sullivan
9:00AM-SH Dominic Cocuzzi by Andre & Sandy Silano
10:30AM-HG Baptism Sunday
Ralph Simolo by Julia Sample
Baptism Sunday
Filomena Abiuso & Deceased Members of
the Abiuso Family
11:30AM-SH Vietnamese Mass
Monday, May 18
8:15AM-HG Felix & Frances Roma by Don & Laura
9:00AM-SJ Anita Garofalo by Lori Garofalo & Children
6:00PM-SH Vietnamese Mass
Tuesday, May 19
7:30AM-SH David Nelson by Barb Leech
8:15AM-HG Carmella & Dominic P. Dentino by Family
6:00PM-SH Vietnamese Mass
Wednesday, May 20
7:30AM-SH Communion Service
8:15AM-HG Francesca DiPaola by Anna Trapani
Thursday, May 21
7:30AM-SH Rita Boss by Estate
9:00AM-SJ Anita Garofalo by
Gerald & Marilynne Santangelo
Friday, May 22
7:30AM-SH Communion Service
9:00AM-SJ Anthony Schiano by Bill & Dodie Mickelson
Sun., May 17
HG - 8:30AM & 10:30AM - Coffee Hours - NH
HG - 10:30AM - Baptism Sunday - CH
SH - 10:15AM - VCC First Eucharist Practice - CH
SJ - 11:00AM - Baptism Sunday - CH
SH - 11:30AM - VCC First Eucharist Celebration - CH
Mon., May 18
SH - 1:45PM - Bible Study - GP
SJ - 7:00PM - Evangelization Committee - PC
SJ - 7:00PM - Liturgy Committee - PC
SH - 7:00PM - Bible Study - GP
Tues., May 19
HG - 6:30PM - Rosary - CH
SJ - 6:30PM - Assembly Officers - PC
SH - 7:00-8:30PM - Bereavement Group - GP
HG - 7:00PM - Bible Study - NH Youth Room
Wed., May 20
SJ - 6:30PM - K of C Council #10758 Meeting - PC
SH - 7:00PM - Choir - CH
Thurs., May 21
HG - 12:30-2:00PM - Women’s Faith Sharing - NH
HG - 5:00PM - Rosary - CHPL
SH - 6:00-8:30PM - Girl Scouts - PC
SJ - 7:00PM - Blue Army - CH
Fri., May 22
Sat., May 23
Sun., May 24
Saturday & Sunday, May 23 & 24
4:00PM-SH William & Eleanor Nally by Family
5:00PM-SJ David Caito by Friends at the Y
8:30AM-HG James Cannarozzo by Wife, Marie & Family
9:00AM-SH Joseph M. Nicosia
by Daughter, Joanna Newton
10:30AM-HG Salvatore Gionta by Hosie Family
Frances Lombardo
by Jim & Margaret Commercial
11:30AM-SH Vietnamese Mass
Banns of Marriage
Banns are public announcements in a parish
of an upcoming marriage between two
individuals. Please pray for this couple as
they approach their wedding day.
II Chaz Giehl and Felicia Frattali
HG - 8:30AM & 10:30AM - Pentecost Buffet - NH
Holy Ghost
Our Lamp will burn this week in Loving Memory of
From Family
St. Helen
Our Lamp will burn this week in Loving Memory of
St. Jude
Our Lamp will burn this week in Loving Memory of
Having parishioners join our Westgate
Nursing Home celebration makes it a
richer experience for the residents.
Please consider coming to our next
mass at Westgate on Monday, May 18
at 10:30AM. If you have any questions, call Betty Worden
at 247-2793.
Page 3
Ava Aiello, Patrick Conti, Giovanni Valerie,
Brody Jackson and Fr Mike
Saturday, May 9 at St. Jude
Matthew Discavage, who was confirmed on April 29,
sang a beautiful solo.
back row: Anthony Berardi, Luke Munding,
Tyler Pettinato, Lennon Ford
front row: Hannah Doles, Elizabeth DeHond,
Alaina Ruffino, Fr Mike missing: Mason Suro
Sunday, May 10 at St. Jude
Thanks to all the walkers, church volunteers, and everyone at the churches
who contributed to the annual Crop Walk. Pictured are the 11 walkers
from our Gates Catholic Community churches who had a wonderful day
for the walk and raised more than $2560 for the work of SWEM and
Church World Services to fight hunger.
Page 4
May 17, 2015 - Seventh Sunday of Easter
Easter Season Call to
Respond to Global Climate Change
While Jesus was on earth he modeled a life based on
simplicity and love of God and neighbor. Jesus entrusted us,
his followers, to carry on his work.
"Modern society will find no solution to the ecological
problem unless it takes a serious look at its life style. . .
Simplicity, moderation and discipline, as well as a spirit of
sacrifice, must become a part of everyday life, lest all suffer
the negative consequences of the careless habits of a few."
Peace with God the Creator, Peace with All of Creation,"
John Paul II
People in the U.S. use a far greater share of the earth’s
resources than others. Are we willing to buy smaller, more
fuel-efficient cars and homes, trade in our electronics less
frequently, shop less and eat sustainably? Choose one change
and try to make it a new habit.
(greeters, servers, lectors, and communion ministers):
It is time to begin planning the next Liturgical
Ministers’ Schedule. Please let me know dates
you are not available to serve for June, July and
August by Monday morning, May 18. Schedules
will be sent electronically the week of May 18 to
all for whom I have an email address and hard
copies will be available for pick up on Sunday, May 24. Thank
Shirley Curatolo
Attention Parents & Grandparents!
St. Jude’s Preschool offers a high quality
learning environment for your children
and grandchildren. Our program is
designed to foster in children a positive
self-image and a love of learning that
will last a lifetime.
St. Jude’s Preschool currently has openings for the 2015
-2016 school year in our Half Day 3-year-old or
4-year-old classes, as well as our Full Day 4-year-old
enhanced program. Call 247-4322 x115 for information.
Thursdays at 5PM
Holy Ghost Chapel
The Blue Army
of Our Lady of Fatima
Thursdays at St. Jude’s Church
at 7PM
In an effort to be welcoming to
parishioners new and old, we would
like to have a Social once a month
after the 5PM and 11AM Masses at St. Jude. We
would need help in setting up before the 5PM Mass,
serving refreshments and putting away supplies after
the 11AM Mass. If you are able to help in this
ministry, please call Sharon Campione at 352-3767.
In celebration of our Feast Day, Pentecost Sunday
on May 24, we will have a hot buffet after both the
8:30 and 10:30AM masses at Holy Ghost. Please join us in
Nellis Hall. We look forward to seeing as many parishioners as
Wear red! Next Sunday the Church will celebrate the great
Solemnity of Pentecost. For Holy Ghost, this is also our Feast
Day. Join us in affirming the indwelling of God’s
Spirit by wearing red or fire colors to Mass next
weekend, May 23 & 24. “Come Holy Spirit, fill the
hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the power of
your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created and
you shall renew the face of the earth.”
The Evangelization Committee will
meet on May 18, 7PM in the Main Hall
of the Parish Office. At this meeting we
will discuss our vision, goals and objectives as we move
forward in outreach activities such as the Kentucky trip
in August, upcoming events, brochure distribution and
welcoming programs.
HELP WANTED: Parish Council is looking
for a new member from both St. Helen’s and
Holy Ghost. Parish Council meets monthly
from September until June. If you're interested in
serving on the Council, contact Don Vogler
(734-797). Prospective members should attend the
June 8 meeting in the Parish Life Center at 7PM.
Page 5
Summer Drawing
St. Helen’s Church is collecting for the Next-to-New Sale
on Tuesdays, from 5:30 - 7PM on May 19, 26, & June 2. This will be
the same time and location.
Clean items that are being taken include baby clothing,
seasonal items, toys, children and adult books, furniture, sheets/
blankets, tablecloths, toasters, blenders, lamps, jewelry, craft supplies, sporting equipment and collectibles. We will also take unused greeting cards.
We are not taking stuffed animals, cribs, adult clothing/
shoes, encyclopedia, outdated car seats and VCR tapes.
If you have any questions, please call Tina at 755-5937.
If you would like to donate auction items, please call Jay at
Knights of Columbus Council 10758
Focus Pregnancy Help Center
Thursday, June 25
Cash Bar at 6PM
Whittier Party House
Tickets $20 per person
RSVP BY May 22, 2015
It is now time to plant the flowers in the
gardens at Holy Ghost. We will be meeting in
front of Church on Saturday, May 30 at 9AM. All are
welcome to join us. We invite adults, youth, and scouts/youth
working on community service hours. Please bring any tools
you would use for planting, weeding and general clean-up.
We will clean out the front gardens and then plant the
flowers. If you have any questions, please call 794-3747.
Grand Prize
Rochester Broadway Theater Tickets
for Two
2nd Prize - $500
3rd Prize - Apple iPad Air with Wi-Fi 32 gb
4th Prize -Charbroil 6-Burner Gas Grill
Drawing will be held on
September 6, 2015
CASH Only Please
Good Food, Friendship
and Fun
Saturday, June 13
Following 4PM Mass
Sign up for a Main Dish, Salad or Dessert
Paper Products and Drinks will be provided.
Sign-up Sheets will be in the Gathering Place of St. Helen or Call
Debbie S. at x 107 to let her know what you’re bringing.
Food donations needed for the month of May. As always, thank you for your generosity.
Cereal, Fruit, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Mac & Cheese, Pasta, Pasta sides, Jell-o, Coffee, Cake Mix,
Shampoo, Toothpaste, Liquid Soap, Toilet Paper.
Page 6
Have you thought about becoming Catholic?
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Are you or someone you know interested in being initiated into the Catholic Church? The Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which individuals, who have reached the age of
reason (6 years of age or older), are initiated into the Catholic Church. It is a journey of conversion to see Jesus more
clearly, love him more dearly and follow him more nearly, day by day and encounter him through the grace of the
Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, which sustain us in our lifelong journey of discipleship.
There is an adapted process for those who have been baptized in another Christian faith tradition or those who were
baptized Catholic but have not received any formation. I would love to talk more with you. Contact me, Michelle Peter,
at 247-4322, ext. 138 or [email protected] for more information.
Mercy Spirituality Center is located at 65 Highland Avenue. If you have questions or would
like to register for any of the opportunities below, please call 585-473-6893
A Day to Call Your Own, Thursday, May 21, 9AM – 4PM at Mercy Spirituality Center. An opportunity to step back and
refresh your mind, body and spirit. Fee: $25.
Centering Prayer Practice, Tuesday, May 26 and Tuesday, June 30, 6:30 – 8PM at Mercy Spirituality Center. Are you
looking for a group to help support you in your own practice of Centering Prayer? This group which meets monthly might
be the perfect choice for you. Fee: $10 per session.
Wee sing: an Iona-style “Wee Sing”, Monday, June 22, Wednesday, July 15 and Tuesday, August 25, 7 – 8 PM at Mercy
Spirituality Center . A delightful event for anyone who has never sung in a choir, cannot read music but enjoys singing to
join others with former Iona abbey musician, Mary Van Houten. Fee: $8 per session.
Please join St. Jude’s Church and the Madonna Dei Miracoli Rosary Society
in the Celebration of a Novena to the Madonna Dei Miracoli (Our Lady of Miracles)
Thursday, June 4 - Friday, June 12
Thursday, June 4
Friday, June 5
Saturday, June 6
Sunday, June 7
Monday, June 8
Tuesday, June 9
Wednesday, June 10
Thursday, June 11
Friday, June 12
7 PM Opening Mass of Novena
with Celebrant Father Dollen
followed by Rosary and Novena Prayers.
7PM Novena Mass with Father Shatzel
followed by the Rosary and
Novena Prayers. St. Boniface
5PM Novena Mass followed by the
Rosary and Novena Prayers.
11AM Novena Mass followed by the
Rosary and Novena Prayers.
7PM Novena Mass with Father Shatzel
followed by the Rosary and Novena Prayers.
7PM Pro-Life Mass with Father Dollen
followed by the Rosary and Novena Prayers.
7PM Mass with Father Shatzel followed
by the Rosary and Novena Prayers,
7PM Novena Mass with Father Dollen
followed by the Rosary and Novena Prayers
and Distribution of Blessed Bread.
6PM Procession
6:30 PM Closing Mass of SACRED HEART
with Celebrant Father Shatzel
Indoor Program with Knights of Columbus Color Corps
Refreshments provided in the Faith Formation Center.
For more information, contact Anna Maria Pietropaolo, 368-0392
Page 7
Teens in Grades 7 - 12
Looking for something
to do this summer?
Come join the Summer Program team and share your
Faith. July 6 – July 17, 8AM till noon
I am looking for help in grades K-6, art room and snack.
Does this sound like something you might be interested
in? Come join us June 6, 2015 at 10AM at Holy Ghost in
the youth room to find out more. We will also do a
training session so you will be ready to help if you
choose to join us.
Any questions, please contact Rose Dunning at
[email protected] or 585-247-4322 ext 140.
Words of wisdom for our High
School students nearing
graduation . . . .
Build the stepping stones of your future
Nothing is carved in granite. You can begin one
career while searching for another. Life
experiences build upon each other. Many
students abandon their major once they graduate,
but nothing is lost or wasted. Sometimes mistakes
take you to your greatest successes. Each life
experience prepares us, enriches us and expands
us, for better or worse. If you are alert and paying
attention, you will be ready when the next
opportunity presents itself. This is how you lay the
stepping stones towards your future.
The most important thing is to listen to your inner
voice and find your true vocation by aligning
yourself with your authentic self so that your
actions reflect your thoughts and feelings. This will
lead you to your destiny. Remember: Not
everyone is interested in college. However, college
graduates tend to get a broad and general
education that prepares them for many of the
challenges life has to offer.
Junior High Events for June:
Calling all Eighth Graders
June 6 Training for Summer Program helpers 10AM
till Noon at Holy Ghost in Nellis Hall.
Senior High Events for June:
June 6 Training for Summer Program helpers
10AM till Noon at Holy Ghost in Nellis Hall.
Page 8
Fiscal Year July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015
Financial Updates for Holy Ghost
Weekly Collection 5/10/15
Financial Updates for St. Helen
Weekly Collection 5/10/15
Financial Updates for St. Jude
Weekly Collection 5/10/15
Weekly Budget
$ 6,771
Weekly Budget
$ 6,762
Weekly Budget
$ 5,394
Weekly Collection Received
$ 7,540
Weekly Collection Received
$ 7,227
Weekly Collection Received
$ 4,785
Variance for Weekend
$ 465
Variance for Weekend
$ (-609)
Variance for Weekend
Holy Ghost
St. Helen
St. Jude
$50,011 $48,307 $38,715 -
SHRINE SHOP volunteers we forgot to mention Dodie Mickelson and Sylvia Nagy.
THANK YOU to all who have donated to the
Just a reminder . . . For us to make our goal for
2014 all pledges need to be paid in full by the
end of May, 2015.
Plastic pill bottles and lids for clinics in Third-World
countries are being collected. People come into the clinic
and have to receive medication without proper containers.
Therefore, we are asking parishioners to save their empty
pill bottles (please remove labels) to be sent to medical
facilities in Third World Countries. Pill vials will be
collected on the first weekend of the month along with
food donations for the food cupboard.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
St. Helen has a place to drop your returnable bottles and
cans. The receptacle is located on the far side of the
school and has easy drop off.
One request: Please be sure that all bottles and cans are
rinsed and placed in a tied plastic bag before putting
them in the bin for sanitary and safety reasons.
WE ALSO COLLECT unwanted cell phones and used
prescription glasses. Boxes for both these items are
available in the Gathering Place.
Today is Diocesan Missions Sunday honoring this year the Sisters
of Mercy’s fifty years of presence in Chile. We also acknowledge
the missionary efforts of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Brazil.
We are called to take part in the missionary work of the Church.
Impelled by the Holy Spirit, each of us can move beyond our daily
concerns, important as they are, to help others live in the faith
that sustains us.
Our Bishop calls us to a responsible sharing in the missionary
works at the Diocese of Rochester. We are not truly a diocese
unless we extend past our own borders. May we share the gift of
faith today by helping our missionary friends with our prayers and
generous gift. In this year of Consecrated Life may God continue
to bless these women in Consecrated life and strengthen their
commitment to follow Jesus.
May 3
Jane Hartman
May 4
Tom Farrell
May 5
Betty Schoen
May 6
Eleanor Kane
May 7
June Romano
May 8
Jovonna Kinne
May 9
Lorraine Enders
Page 9
May 24, 2015
1st Reading: Acts 2:1-11
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13
Gospel: John 20:19-23
Some events are so life-changing that we have to keep
going back to them in memory to grasp their true meaning.
That's how it was with the gospel writers and the
resurrection of Jesus. In this reading, John recalls the
evening of the first Easter. Jesus appears in the midst of the
disciples and gives them His peace. He breathes on them
and gives them the breath of the Holy Spirit so that they
have the power to forgive sins.
As we know from the first reading, the Spirit would be
experienced again as fire and a mighty wind at Pentecost.
But whatever form the Spirit takes, His gifts are intended to
bring unity and peace to the Body of Christ.
How would you complete this statement: "To me,
peace means...." Describe times when you have
experienced peace. When Jesus says "Peace be with
you," what do you think He has in mind?
Why is the power to forgive sins so important in the
Christian community?
What examples have you seen in your family or your
parish of people sharing the peace of Christ?
WESTSIDE EXPRESS is now in operation. This is a
transportation service in Gates and Chili for Seniors who do not
have a way of getting to the store, doctor’s appointments, bank,
picking up prescriptions, etc. It will be available weekdays and on
Sundays for Church. Brochures are available at your parish or by
calling 889-6104.Rides will be provided for appointments within
Monroe County. By calling 889-6104, you can let WestSide Express
know when your appointment is scheduled and they will provide
you with a driver at no cost to you.
MAGNIFICAT, a Ministry for Catholic Women presents Monica
Pierce on May 30, 2015 to share her personal journey as a breast
cancer survivor and as well, her husband’s suicide. Holiday Inn –
Rochester Airport -911 Brooks Ave.-Breakfast: 9:00AM – 12 Noon.
Reservations:, or
[email protected] or call Kathy, 436-1284
1 1/2 cups shelled fava beans (about 1 3/4 pounds unshelled)
6 ounces uncooked campanelle or farfalle (bow tie pasta)
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
6 center-cut bacon slices, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1 1/2 cups sliced red onion
8 garlic cloves, sliced
3 ounces thinly sliced mushrooms
1 cup green peas
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 1/2 ounces fresh pecorino Romano cheese
(about 6 tablespoons), grated and divided
1/2 cup torn basil leaves
Place fava beans in a large pot of boiling water; cook one minute.
Drain; rinse with cold water. Drain well. Remove tough outer skins
from beans. Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting
salt and fat; drain.
Team 1
Elsie Jacobs, Carla McNamara,
Rosemary Bachmann, Beth Carboni
Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1
tablespoon oil to pan; swirl to coat. Add bacon; sauté 3 minutes or
until bacon begins to brown. Add onion and garlic; sauté 3 minutes
or until vegetables are tender. Add mushrooms; sauté 3 minutes
or until mushrooms begin to brown. Add fava beans and peas;
sauté 2 minutes. Stir in remaining 1 tablespoon oil, pasta, juice,
and salt; cook 2 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Remove pan
from heat. Stir in 3 tablespoons cheese. Divide pasta mixture
evenly among 4 bowls, and top evenly with remaining 3
tablespoons cheese and basil. Serve immediately.
Page 10
Gates Catholic Community Office
Pastor ~ Fr. Mike Schramel - x101
[email protected]
Assisting Priest - Fr. Thomas Akowuah - x103
[email protected]
VCC Priest ~ Fr. Michael Pham - x137
[email protected]
Deacon Patrick Shanley - 586-7725 - x119
[email protected]
Deacon Mike Zuber—472-1189 - x119
[email protected]
Pastoral Associates
Sr. Barbara Baker, MHSH - x143
[email protected]
Ron McMillan - x139
[email protected]
Michelle Peter - x138
[email protected]
Faith Formation
Sr. Barbara Baker, MHSH - x143
[email protected]
Debbie DiFilippo - x141
[email protected]
Rose Dunning - x140
[email protected].
Youth Ministry
Rose Dunning - x140
[email protected]
Liturgy and Music
Shirley Curatolo, Liturgy - x109
[email protected]
Marisa DeMario, Music for St. Jude -247-4322
[email protected]
Craig Kemp, Music - 247-4322
Lisa Lancia, Music for St. Helen - 247-4322
[email protected]
Office Staff
Sandy Bleier, Business Manager - x104
[email protected]
Karen Bready, Secretary
[email protected]
Peggy Brown, Secretary - x100
[email protected]
Jackie Feeney, Secretary - x102
[email protected]
Susan Hosie, Bookkeeper - x108
[email protected]
Debbie Sumner, Secretary - x107
[email protected]
Holy Ghost:
St. Helen:
St Jude:
First Saturday of the month 3:30-4:30PM or by appointment.
Saturday at 3:15 - 3:45PM or by appointment.
Second through fifth Saturday of the month
3:30-4:30PM or by appointment.
Holy Ghost, St. Helen and St. Jude:
Baptisms are celebrated during Saturday Evening /
Sunday Mass by appointment only.
Participation in a Baptism preparation session is required.
To register, contact Sr. Barbara through the Parish office.
St. Helen:
Offered three times a year (October, January and June)
Call the Parish Office to register. (Classes fill quickly )
To be married at - Holy Ghost, St. Helen or St. Jude,
please contact the Gates Catholic Community Office
at least six to nine months before the date you want to be
Holy Ghost:
St. Helen:
St Jude:
Contact Michelle Peter at the parish office.
Contact Debbie DiFilippo at the Parish Office.
Contact Sister Barbara at the Parish Office.
Everyone can use more prayer. Anyone, regardless of
age, can request prayer of any purpose - spiritual,
physical, emotional health, loss of a loved one or family
problems. To activate the Prayer Tree call Debbie
Sumner 235-1210 or 247-4322 with the person’s first
name and a brief description of the need. Soon
approximately 30 more people will be praying for your
Please contact the Parish Offices concerning the
needs of the sick, hospitalized or shut-ins. For
those unable to attend Mass regularly, Holy
Communion can be brought to them at their
Monday through Friday 9AM - 3PM
Wednesday - 9AM - 6PM
Saturday 9AM- 12PM Noon
The Cluster Churches:
Routing Code: 1
Run: #62
Editor: Debbie Sumner
Phone: 585-235-1210
Fax: 585-235-8018
Holy Ghost, Gates
Saint Helen, Gates
Saint Jude, Gates