Honeywell Instant Alert Instructions


Honeywell Instant Alert Instructions
Cranford Public Schools
132 Thomas St.
Cranford, NJ 07016
Honeywell Instant Alert System Instructions
Be aware that all information needs to be uploaded before you can register *
Contact – Garnett Nichols (908) 709-8872
Step 1: Enter this URL into the address box on your internet browser:
Step 2: Click on “Help Request” on the right hand side of the Honeywell homepage
Step 3: Then, select “I am a parent with a question”.
Step 4: A form will load, and then fill out all information.
Everything marked with a red asterisk must be filled in.
For “Support Request Type” choose “Unable to register – system cannot locate
Make sure to write down a home email address which is checked daily.
In “Additional Information” write down “Please let me know when I am able to
Step 5: Make sure all information is correct and click “Send to Support”.
Step 6: A confirmation page will load.
Step 7: Honeywell will notify you within 2-3 days that they have received your request,
and you will then be able to create your account.
Step 1 & 2
Step 3
Step 4 & 5
Step 6