Your guide to requesting and recruiting an


Your guide to requesting and recruiting an
Your guide to requesting and recruiting an AmeriCorps VISTA member through the
Power of We Consortium AmeriCorps VISTA Program
AmeriCorps VISTA conceived by President
John F. Kennedy
Began as a national service program
designed to eliminate poverty through
capacity building in American communities
VISTA, or Volunteers in Service to America,
was formally incorporated into the
AmeriCorps network of programs, and
today is governed by a federal agency – the
Corporation for National and Community
Service (CNCS).
The Power of We Consortium (PWC) AmeriCorps VISTA Program places VISTA members at host
organizations, or host sites, throughout Ingham County to focus on five project goals related to
economic development and education:
Economic Development
1. Improve low-income residents’ financial literacy
3. Increase the number of low-income students move
4. Enhance youth’s academic performance in STEAM
and overall assets
Improve low-income residents’ financial stability
and guide renters towards homeownership of safe,
affordable and energy efficient homes
into college educational programs
(science, technology, engineering, art and math)
subjects through after-school programs,
workshops and summer camps
Assure economically disadvantaged and minority
children (ages 0-8) will be ready to succeed in
school through implementation of school readiness
Members commit to serving full time from November 3, 2015 through November 2, 2016.
AmeriCorps VISTA members each receive training, living allowance, educational award or end-ofservice stipend at the completion of the service term, and loan forbearance for qualified student
loans. Members attend a mandatory orientation when service begins.
Organizations hosting members will be invoiced for a host site match fee, which is invoiced quarterly
over the year. Host sites are required to provide a cost-share match for each VISTA member hosted.
Payment can be submitted to Ingham County Health Department in full or in four installments over
the service term. David Holiday, [email protected], from the Ingham County Health Department
will email the VISTA site supervisor invoices four times during the VISTA service year. Questions
about cost-share billing for VISTA members should be directed to VISTA Program Director.
Full Time Service
36 – 40 hours/week
Living Allowance
Education Award / Stipend
$5,730 / $1,500
Host Site Match
Daily tasks include planning and implementing programs that support one or more of the five goals
listed above, as well as measuring these programs’ impact on the community. Activities must directly
benefit low-opportunity neighborhoods of Ingham County. Members may only engage in activities
listed in the position descriptions, or VISTA Assignment Descriptions (VADs) and may include:
Build partnerships with local, public, private organizations
Recruit, train, and coordinate part-time volunteers
Write grant applications for funding
Solicit donations and other in-kind support
Publicize projects including the development of any marketing and outreach
Create community events to support the project
Mobilize resources in and outside of the community in support of the project
Promote project sustainability
Federal Restrictions
On the use of AmeriCorps VISTA members in Organizations-VISTA Members CANNOT:
Displace staff or conduct existing staff responsibilities
Supervise employees or another VISTA member
Provide direct service in any form to individual clients or community members
Request or receive compensation for their services as a VISTA
Provide religious instruction, conduct workshop services, proselytize or engage in
related religious activities while on duty or while he/she may be perceived to be
on duty
Participate in political campaigns, voter registration drives, provide transportation
to polls, lobbying pro or anti-labor organizing, or take any action with respect to
partisan or nonpartisan political activities while on duty or perceived to be on duty
as a VISTA. VISTAs cannot direct resources (financial or human) to influence
elections or legislation
The PWC AmeriCorps VISTA Program Director will work collaboratively with host sites to recruit and
select strong candidates. Prospective members will only be considered for enrollment if they:
Are a U.S. Citizen, National or Legal Resident and at least 18 years old
Are not listed on the U.S. Department of Justice Sex Offender Registry
Have never been convicted of a serious or violent felony
Do not have a relative on staff at the host site
Discuss their expected educational course plan or class schedule prior to selection.
VISTAs are allowed to take courses during their term with the exception that they
do not interfere with the VISTA’s service. Approval of course plan will be decided
jointly between the host organization and project sponsor (PWC).
The Power of We Consortium and previous host site staff have established a standardized instrument
tool for the selection of VISTA members. Selected host sites will be expected to follow this
instrument tool during the interview process. Additionally, the AmeriCorps VISTA Program Director
will coordinate all VISTA Member interviews, in conjunction with selected host sites, to ensure that
PWC staff can be present at all interviews to provide additional support and answer VISTA-specific
questions. The final selection of VISTA members must be pre-approved by the PWC AmeriCorps VISTA
Program Director once a final recommendation has been made by the host site, prior to making an
offer to the candidate.
At least one full-time AmeriCorps VISTA member to serve during the 2015 – 2016 year.
All member benefits, including the living allowance, loan forbearance, education
award or stipend, and some training are provided by CNCS.
Support in recruiting and selecting qualified individual(s) who will serve as
AmeriCorps VISTA member(s)
Ongoing support to AmeriCorps VISTA members and host site supervisors
The opportunity to increase your organizational capacity to address local needs
Limited mileage reimbursement for AmeriCorps VISTA members, funded by the grant
Enhanced partnerships with others involved in programs designed to eliminate
Recognition by local, state and national decision-makers for being part of a project
that changes the lives of individuals in our communities
Host site must sign an organizational charter with the Power of We Consortium once selected to host an
AmeriCorps VISTA Member
The host site must provide the required host site match, invoiced in four installments over the year, by the
date determined on the invoices
Submit signed host site Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to the PWC AmeriCorps VISTA Program Director
by the to-be-determined deadline
The host site will designate a staff person to be the “site supervisor” for the VISTA member(s). The site
supervisor is responsible for day-to-day supervision, support and guidance of the VISTA member, and will
also serve as the Power of We Consortium’s primary contact person with the host site.
The host site must work collaboratively with Power of We staff to recruit, screen and interview VISTA
candidates for the position in the organization. PWC staff will take the lead in scheduling interviews for all
VISTA candidates
The site supervisor will attend an in-person training to take place prior to the VISTAs start date, which will
highlight the VISTA program, program policies and procedures and proper orientation of VISTAs when they
arrive at the host site. The supervisor will also be required to attend a luncheon during on-Site Orientation
and Training, which is held during the first week of the VISTA’s year of service. There will also be a
required Leadership and Practice Committee (LPC) meeting site supervisors attend on a quarterly basis.
The site supervisor must accommodate and participate in two program site visits and one mid-year
evaluation survey scheduled by the PWC VISTA Program Director throughout the VISTA’s year of service.
The site supervisor must provide initial orientation, on-site supervision, and check-ins (at least once weekly
is recommended, no less than once bi-weekly) with the VISTA member(s) and assist with and verify the
a. VISTA’s activities adhere to VISTA guidelines and VAD objectives are followed and completed by the
end of the VISTA’s term
b. VISTA member time sheets submitted to PWC VISTA Program Director on a bi-weekly basis
c. Data reports and supporting documentation are accurate and submitted to PWC VISTA Program
Director in a timely manner
d. VISTA member(s) meets his/her mandatory training requirements outlined by the PWC VISTA
Program Director (includes trainings, team service days, meetings and other in-person sessions)
The host site must provide support, access to records, curricula, resources and other program-related
materials for AmeriCorps VISTA member(s) to complete assigned projects successfully
The host site must provide adequate office space, access to computer, internet, e-mail and telephone
access, and technical support to the AmeriCorps VISTA member(s).
The host site must provide financial support for telephone, mailings, printing and supplies related to local
programming efforts.
Communicate with the PWC AmeriCorps VISTA Program Director about program activities, questions or
concerns about prohibited VISTA activities, and any other issues that could impact the VISTA’s service.
Designate the AmeriCorps VISTA member(s) serving as “AmeriCorps VISTA member” in all communications
and media. VISTAs are not staff, volunteers or interns and should not be referred to as such.
Our organization understands and agrees to these requirements:
__ YES
__ NO
The following are important dates to keep in mind for the year:
2015 – 2016 Schedule
June 10, 2015 PWC AmeriCorps VISTA/State
Informational Session
June 22 – 25, 2015 Secure 2015 – 2016 Host Site
July 20 – August 7, 2015 Recruit and Accept VISTA Applicants
August, 2015 Next LPC Meeting for Supervisors
August – September, 2015 Begin Interview Process for VISTA
September, 2015 Announcement of 2015 – 2016
AmeriCorps VISTAs!
October, 2015 VISTA Potluck/Mixer: Old & New VISTA
November, 2015 Member Celebration in Lansing!
November 3 - 6, 2015 VISTA Pre-Service Orientation
November 9 – 12, 2015 VISTA On-Site Orientation and Training
at PWC
November 3, 2015 – November 6, 2016 VISTA Start/End Dates
November 16, 2015 Official First Day of Service for all
VISTA Members
January, 2016 First official site visits with PWC VISTA
April, 2016 Mayors Day of Recognition for National
Service Event
May, 2016 Russ Mawby Signature Service Project
May 2016 Mid-Year Site Visits and Evaluations
November, 2016 End of Year Site Visits and Exit
**Schedule does not include:
1) Mandatory monthly professional development trainings and service events for all PWC AmeriCorps VISTAs,
or 2) Mandatory quarterly Leadership and Practice Committee (LPC) meetings for all site supervisors**
Please keep in mind that some of these dates are tentative and are
subject to change.
Please fill in the following information about your organization:
Organization Name
Supervisor Name
Telephone Number
Fax Number
We are interested in hosting ___ AmeriCorps VISTA member(s) at our
organization. We understand each member requires a member host
site fee.
Authorization: The legal applicant certifies to the best of her/his knowledge that this data is true
and correct, that the filing of this application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the
applicant and that the applicant will comply with the assurances required if the proposal is
Name (Printed): _______________________________ Title: __________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Applications are due by June 19th, 2015 by 5PM. Please submit applications to Rose
Henderson, AmeriCorps VISTA Program Director, by e-mail [email protected]
Organizations seeking to host one or more VISTA members must answer the questions below and
submit all parts of the application by June 19th, 2015 by 5PM. Type responses in the boxes below or
reproduce the following number titles (in bold), in the following order, for your application format.
Keep in mind that not all reviewers are familiar with organizational and community programs.
1. Focus Area
Which of the focus areas are you applying under? Please check one focus area per VISTA member
and no less than one goal in that area:
__ Education
__ Economic Opportunity
2. Goal Area
Under the focus area you selected in question 1, which of the goal areas are you applying?
__ 1. School Readiness/Head Start/Early Childhood Education: PWC AmeriCorps VISTA
members will provide support with the implementation of programs to engage low income
families, ages 0-8, with supportive community resources necessary for family stability to
ensure that economically disadvantaged children ages 0-8 will be ready to succeed in school.
__ 2. Out of School Time/Summer Learning: PWC AmeriCorps VISTA members will engage
youth in a variety of technology-based activities designed to enhance academic performance
in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) to improve reading and
digital writing skills.
__ 3. College Access and Success: PWC AmeriCorps VISTA members will increase the number
of Ingham County low-income/students moving into college educational programs, assist with
the creation and implementation of a program sustainability plan which will secure the
needed revenue, volunteers, and resources to establish an ongoing school and community
based college access program in Ingham County.
Economic Opportunity
__ 4. Financial Literacy: PWC AmeriCorps VISTA members will assist low-income Ingham
county residents improve their financial literacy, improve their overall assets, support and
enhance efforts to identify financial literacy resources and opportunities for school-age
children/youth and adults, and implement financial training curricula with partner
organizations and institutions.
__ 5. Safe and Affordable Housing: PWC AmeriCorps VISTA members will assist low-income
families improve their financial stability, move out of rental properties, and guide low-income
residents toward safe, affordable, energy-efficient homes through supportive home ownership
3. Organizational Information
Briefly describe your organization’s mission and history. How many VISTA members are you
applying to host? If your organization has hosted or is hosting AmeriCorps and/or VISTA members,
how many and when?
4. Project
Describe how the requested VISTA member(s) will support your organization in addressing one or
more of the five (5) VISTA project goal areas listed above (brief review of goal areas provided
1. Assure economically disadvantaged and minority children (ages 0-8) will be ready to succeed
in school through implementation of school readiness programs.
2. Enhance youth’s academic performance in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and
mathematics) subjects through after-school programs, workshops and summer camps.
3. Increase the number of low-income students move into college educational programs.
4. Improve low-income residents’ financial literacy and overall assets.
5. Improve low-income residents’ financial stability and guide low-income renters toward
homeownership of safe, affordable and energy efficient homes.
5. Poverty
Describe how your VISTA member(s) will help to educate the community and build awareness
around issues of poverty, as well as work toward eradicating poverty. Expand on why this is a
need in your community. How does it relate to the goal(s) on which you’ve chosen to focus?
6. Tracking Data and Outcomes
VISTA members are required to produce databases and supporting documents of people served,
funding received and other outcomes. What data will you provide to the PWC AmeriCorps VISTA
Program to track the outcomes of the VISTA member’s service? How will you support the VISTA
member to ensure he/she is tracking and submitting data and supporting documents properly?
7. Avoiding Duplication
If you are requesting multiple VISTA members, describe how they would maintain separate and
unique roles. Summarize the basic differences between their duties, characterized by capacity
building element, specific programs, or other factors (leave blank if you are only requesting one
8. Sustainability
a. If you have not hosted a PWC VISTA member in the past, please describe how you will
work to sustain your proposed VISTA’s efforts and initiatives once your VISTA’s service has
ended (skip to part B if you have hosted a PWC VISTA member).
b. If you have hosted PWC AmeriCorps VISTA members this past year or in previous years,
please provide examples of how the current or previous VISTA has effectively increased
the capacity of your organization to address poverty. Discuss your progress in the past
year and the next steps you will take to continue further growth and sustainability of the
VISTA’s projects. What goals did you apply under in the past year and what have you
accomplished? If you are applying under a different focus area or goal(s) from last year,
please explain why and how you utilized the previous year to shift towards the new goals
under which you are applying (skip if you answered part A).
9. Recruiting Members
It is important to the program that the Lansing community is accurately represented in the
applications submitted as well as the members selected for service. The PWC program will
facilitate program wide recruitment to its networks but does not have the capacity to reach all
host site’s networks. How will your organization aid in member recruitment?
Choosing Members
PWC Staff plans to coordinate the schedules for all VISTA candidate interviews. At least one PWC
staff member and the site supervisor from the host site must be present at all interviews. Are you
willing to create a joint interviewing schedule and sessions with the PWC AmeriCorps VISTA
Program? How will you ensure that the member at your site is connected to the community he or
she will serve?
Describe how the selected site supervisor is the appropriate choice for member supervision;
describe their role within the organization, time with the program & organization,
connections to the community and other applicable information. How will you and/or the site
supervisor ensure that the member is prepared to overcome challenges in project
Additionally, you are required to provide the equipment necessary to complete the duties
listed on the position description. Describe your organization’s capacity to manage the
AmeriCorps member(s), including the provision of adequate desk space with
phone/fax/computer/internet connection.
Host Site Match
What funding source will your organization utilize to secure the required host site match?
Include the amount of any unpaid host site match from previous and/or current VISTA
placements. Please note, paying the host site match with federal dollars is prohibited, unless
you receive written permission.
This year, the Power of We Consortium AmeriCorps VISTA Program may be able to offer needbased scholarships to fulfill or partially fulfill the host site match. If interested in this option,
please describe why your organization should be awarded a scholarship to host a VISTA
VISTA Assignment Description (VAD):
Submit a draft VAD, one for each VISTA requested, to show specifically how the VISTA will
build capacity at the host organization. A VAD is used in recruiting and for tracking
performance and also serves as a position description and work plan for the VISTA. Refer to
appendix A.1 for a sample VAD, and appendix A.2 for the VAD template to assist you in
creating your VAD. Please complete the VAD to the best of your ability. If your organization is
selected to host a VISTA member, PWC staff will assist host site in refining the VAD. Any
additional minor changes can be made at that time. Attach your draft VAD in a Microsoft
Word document with this application. The VAD should include the following:
a. Title of VISTA’s overall position based on their activities outlined in the VAD. Each VISTA
must have a unique title.
b. Focus Area: the Focus Area that you selected in this application
c. Goal of the Project: the Goal Area that you selected in this application
d. Objective for the Assignment: The objectives you identify for the VAD should articulate
what the VISTA will achieve during his/her assignment. Each VAD should include more
than one objective and include completion dates for each objective. The objectives
should form a bridge between the goal statement and the VISTA’s activities.
Follow these steps:
1. Describe the outcome of a set of activities in a sentence of two.
2. Check that what you’ve written aligns with your goal statement.
3. Check that you’ve included a completion date (The dates for each objective
should fall between November 2015 – November 2016).
e. Member Activities: Specifically identify what VISTAs will be doing to achieve their
objectives. Activities should begin with action verbs, be clear and specific but avoid too
much detail. Activities should be written in 500 words or less. Sub-activities may be
written under each activity if needed.
Please include a summary of your organization’s annual budget from the previous year.
Site Selection Criteria
Based on VISTA guidelines and Power of We Consortium priorities, proposals will be evaluated
by the review team on the following criteria:
A project focusing on at least one of the Power of We Consortium AmeriCorps VISTA
Program Goal Areas
A commitment to focusing VISTA members on capacity building and approved activities
that target appropriate beneficiaries
A commitment to demonstrating impact using member accomplishments and community
A commitment to providing strong on-site supervision
A commitment to working collaboratively with the Power of We Consortium in recruiting
and hiring
A demonstrated ability to provide a well-equipped, supportive environment for members
to complete their term of national service, including proper training and guidance for
each VISTA member
A plan to pay the required host site match
A.1 Sample VISTA Assignment Description (VAD)
Title: Mentor Recruitment and Management Systems Designer
Sponsoring Organization: Waketa Community Services (WCS)
Project Name: MentorCorps
Project Number: 12ABCD345
Project Period: 08/20/20XX - 08/19/20YY
Site Name (if applicable):
Focus Area(s)
Primary: Education
VISTA Assignment Objectives and Member Activities
Goal of the Project: To help ensure that children of incarcerated parents receive the educational,
social, and emotional support they need to help them break the cycle of poverty, the MentorCorps
VISTA project will build the capacity of WCS by developing a sustainable volunteer recruitment and
management system for its mentoring program.
Objective of the Assignment (8/20/20XX – 2/01/20YY)
Assess the current state of WCS’ efforts in reaching, selecting, and supporting volunteer mentors, and
create or revise policies, procedures, and documents to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of
the mentor-recruitment and matching system.
Member Activities:
1. Research the history of volunteer programs at WCS.
a. Identify strengths and challenges of the current program. Based on this report,
make a plan for improvement.
2. Develop systems for screening and matching mentors.
Objective of the Assignment (1/01/20YY – 8/19/20YY)
Set up outreach systems and build partnerships with community organizations in order to spread the
word out about the mentor program. Develop targeted marketing materials.
Member Activities:
1. Plan for outreach and recruitment.
a. Identify skills, abilities, and experiences sought in volunteer mentors.
b. Write volunteer task descriptions that include: qualifications, activities, benefits,
time commitment, and other expectations.
c. Develop partnerships with community organizations whose members are possible
mentors or who can support the organization in other ways.
d. Develop partnerships with people or organizations that understand the needs of
children of prisoners and can assist with the training and support of mentors.
2. Market the program to targeted audiences.
A.2 VISTA Assignment Description (VAD) Template
Title: (VISTA Position Title here)
Sponsoring Organization: Ingham County Health Department
Project Name: Power of We Consortium
Project Number: 13VSNMI001
Project Period: 09/21/2014 - 09/20/2015
Site Name: (Host Site name here)
Focus Area(s)
Primary: (Focus Area here)
VISTA Assignment Objectives and Member Activities
Goal of the Project: (Goal Area here)
Objective of the Assignment (November 2014 – November 2015)
First objective of this assignment, written in a sentence or two. Bridge between goal and activities.
Member Activities:
3. First activity that will contribute to accomplishing the first objective.
a. Smaller element that’s part of the first activity.
b. Another element of the activity.
4. Activity 2.
Objective of the Assignment (November 2014 – November 2015)
Second objective that this VISTA is to accomplish. Bridge between goal and activities.
Member Activities:
1. First activity.
2. Second activity.
a. Sub-activity.
3. Third activity