the quest quilter newsletter


the quest quilter newsletter
Volume 16 Issue 2
Febuary 2014
Our Mission: The QUEST Quilters Guild, Inc. is a not-for-profit volunteer organization
founded in 1999. The main objective of QUEST Quilters is to promote the exchange of
ideas in quilting and fiber arts, encourage and maintain the highest standards of all
fiber arts and quilting ideas, techniques, design, and creativity. We hope to inspire and
encourage personal achievement while enjoying the fellowship of others.
Dear Q.U.E.S.T. Members,
It was so good to see you again after the ice storm!
Thank you very much to all the officers and team members who
made our meeting fun, educational and very interesting.
If you took pictures please send them to the new webmaster
for publication to the website - [email protected] . This
reminds me - we need someone to take photos at each meeting
that knows how to upload them to our webmaster.
The ticket sales for the door prizes were a huge success, so we
will continue. Here are the rules. You buy tickets (3 for $1). If
one of your ticket numbers is drawn, you win a prize. No limits
on how many times you can win; no name tags needed to win.
You can also donate to the door prizes by giving your donation
to Elizabeth Ritter at the meetings.
Our next program is Celtic Quilts with award winning
quilter, our own member, Jaynette Huff. Velva Stoner will be
our member showcase feature. Volunteer to show us your quilts.
Get ready for the Yard Sale coming up in March! Any
member can rent a table for $10. You can go in with a friend
and split the cost. You bring articles to sell to each other.
Consider homemade, handmade, notions, fabrics, your art work,
anything, all clean and nicely packaged and priced reasonably.
You keep the money for the things you sell. You take home what
you don’t sell. The guild keeps the table rent. It is a wonderful
way to acquire something you may want and a great way to sell
your possessions. Bring a sheet to cover your table until the sale.
Our next fund raiser will be a beautiful Spring Basket full of
goodies! You can see it at the meeting and buy a ticket to win it
in April!
Gyleen Fitzgerald will be coming in April and will present a
workshop. Start cutting 3” strips for a swap. Cut 12 @width of
fabric, different fabrics and colors, put in a baggie with your
name on it. Bring to Feb, March, or April meeting and you will
have a big head start on the workshop project! More to come.
We will always have Show and Tell. Our programs will try to
encompass a wide range of skills and interest. You may not be
interested in every program but please plan to stay to support
the guild efforts.
Weren’t the refreshments good? Thanks folks. Remember, if
you want to advertise in the newsletter, as a member, you get a
discount. Send your info to Helen Stanfield. Bring a friend next
month. Keeping you in stitches,
Sharon H. Bailey/President
Everyone is encouraged to take a turn
bringing refreshments for the meeting. Please
refer to the calendar in the newsletter to see
which month is your month to help out.
THIS month, FEBRUARY, if your last
name begins with the letter D-G, it is your
turn to bring something to share with
everyone for refreshments.
It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive!
Cookies, bars, candies, finger-foods, nuts,
or fruits are all welcome! Please try to
contribute something when it is your turn to
bring treats to the meetings. Thank you.
President: Sharon Bailey
First Vice President: Paula Norris
Second Vice President: Sue Garrett
Secretary: Jan Partain
Treasurer: Helen Stanfield
Community Outreach: Juanita Woodward
Membership Chairman: Judy Pearlstein
Newsletter Editor: Claire Duderstadt
Publicity Chairman: Julie Heim
Door Prize Chairman: Elizabeth Ritter
Program Team Leader: NEEDED
Program Team Member: Shirley Chai
Sunshine: Irma Gail Hatcher
Webmaster: Shari Cook
Block of the Month: Connie Lee
Please fill out a slip which you will pick up at the
greeting table when entering the meeting. Before you
show your work, hand your completed slip to Jan
Partain our secretary. This ensures that what is
printed about your work and the pictures taken are
accurate for the newsletter.
The MARCH newsletter deadline is February 20th.
QUEST Quilters Guild Minutes
Central Arkansas Library
January 13, 2014
New president Sharon Bailey opened the first meeting of 2014 with a warm welcome and a reminder of what QUEST means: “Quality,
Unity, Education, Service, Teamwork.” She also read our mission statement (as shown on the top of the first page of this newsletter).”
She encouraged active participation, which is essential for the guild to grow.
The 2014 officers and team leaders were introduced. Paula Norris presented gifts to outgoing presidents Elizabeth Ritter and Irma Gail
Guests at the meeting were Victoria Peabody from the Simi Valley Quilt Guild in Thousand Oaks, California, who proclaimed our group to
be astonishing and amazing; Jane Doty, who has retired and is just learning to quilt; Nancy Heckmaster from Cabot; and Jan Roberts, who
is now a new member. Other new members were Trish Mounce and Barbara Atwood, who rejoined. All guests and new members
received a friendship bag.
Sunshine requests: Jan Dougherty, Katherine Carter, Margaret Bailey, and Frances West. They are in our thoughts and prayers.
Door prize winners: Mary Sue Meyer, Ludy Balmat, Terrie Newman, Frances West, Victoria Peabody, and Janell Barkley.
Terrie Newman reminded members that the deadline for entering quilts in the Great Arkansas Quilt Show is April 7. More information,
including the categories and prizes, is at!userfiles/GAQS3_Proof_03.pdf
Show and Tell:
Elizabeth Ritter: a calendar quilt made as a challenge in the Cabot guild.
Paula Norris: a wall hanging from the Pepper Cory workshop.
Charlie Nash: a US Air Force memory quilt for her husband.
Carol Ikerman: Snowflakes; a blue Christmas quilt from a religious magazine; and a scrap quilt with strips in the background and a tree
with appliqued leaves.
Claire Duderstadt: a quilt made in the Conway guild.
Charlotte Williams: a Jo Martin Block of the Month that measured 100” x 100” with only nine big blocks; and “Saturday Sampler.”
Challenge Quilt: Kathy Jones and Sharon Weinsinger did an excellent job organizing the fabric challenge. The response was so good that
another challenge quilt is being planned.
Winners of this challenge:
Viewers’ choice: Jaynette Huff’s Celtic quilt
Third place: Sharon Helmer’s “Dancing in the Moonlight,” featuring Turkish and Celtic patterns and glow-in-the-dark thread
Second place: Sharon Bailey’s “Where Southern Boys Love the Joy of Fishing,” with trapunto, applique, textured seaweed, and metallic
quilting, plus a silhouette of her grandson
First place: Jan Partain’s “Zinnialicious,” with the bright colors of zinnias on a black background.
Other entries:
Elizabeth Ritter - had to add borders to make it the required size
Reta Lawrence - an AccuCut Birds and Bees quilt she designed herself
Sherri Dodds - circle of squares
Delores Keathley - a fall/harvest quilt
Elaine Walizer - one from Pepper Cory’s book
Kathy Jones - a central medallion with a tree and 81 colorful buttons
Judy Pearlstein - a modern interlocking squares quilt
Sharon Weinsinger - an appliqued quilt with lollipop trees
Rita Barnes - a wall quilt using a Pat Sloan copy of a Baltimore Album
Shirley Miller - a Dutch doll center and 2” batik squares
Darlene Davis - scrappy quilt that used pieces she’d already cut
Sue Garrett - a raw-edge applique
Program: Irma Gail Hatcher’s Medallion Quilts: Irma Gail has been making medallion quilts since 1981 when she first started quilting. A medallion quilt has
a center block which should be one-fourth the size on the whole quilt and have as many added borders as you want. She showed 15 quilts, many awardwinners that were featured in magazines. Richard Larson in Plano, Texas, quilted several of them. After she’d completed one of her first ones, she learned
from Jinny Beyer that the center should be dark, so she took out all the quilting and reconstructed the center; it won an honorable mention in Houston.
Some of the quilts weren’t actually medallions, but they gave that impression because of a strong center.
Quilts for her family included “Geoffrey’s Star” and “1492,” depicting Columbus, ships, water, and five Mariner Compasses. Her 50th wedding anniversary
quilt included pictures of her kids, grandkids and pets, as well as the 16 houses they’d live in during the 50 years. “Irish Eyes” is the most famous, and was
featured in 31 magazines and won awards in Brussels, Texas and California, as well as Arkansas. “Cooperation” began with a napkin Irma Gail bought in a
shop on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California; it depicts how the Americans and French cooperated during the American Revolution. “Springtime in Blue”
combined 3D applique and ruched flowers; “Masterpiece” also had 3D applique. She used the broderie perse technique on a red and brown Lone Star quilt;
on “Tree of Life,” which was a design from the Nebraska Quilt Museum; and on a Kaffe Fassett quilt. She also showed a top she’d made for this program that
used the medallion formula with a center plus several borders.
Members of the Conway Quilters showed the results of a round robin they’d had, in which each member made a center and passed it around every two
months for other members to add a new border. Quilts were shown by Kay Handling, Barbara Atwood, Marcie Thompson, Charlotte Skinner, Velva Stoner,
Phyllis Holder, Janice Todd, Ludy Balmat, Elaine Walizer, and Delores Keathley.
Since the newsletter is a member benefit, it will no longer be published on the website, but will be available to members with the password “Quilty.” The
newsletters will still be emailed to members and the print version will be available for members who do not have email.
A discussion was held about the current meeting room at the library. If anyone wants to drop off quilts, machines, or other things at the back door, they can
call Sharon Bailey on her cell phone, and someone will meet them there. Her number is 680-2833.
Next month’s meeting will feature Jaynette Huff’s Celtic quilting.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Partain, Secretary
Events listed on the calendar are subject to change.
Be sure to check the most current issue of this newsletter for updated information!
Feb 10
Workshops, Classes,
Or Special Events
Jaynette Huff
Celtic Quilts
Yard Sale
(See President’s note for
Mar 10
Apr 14
Gyleen Fitzgerald
Diamonds are a Girl’s Best
Friend (Supply List to Come)
Member Showcase
Velva Stoner
Shirley Chai
Last Names:
Kathy Jones
Elizabeth Ritter
Last Names:
Last Names:
Tickets will go on sale in February and the drawing will
be after the break in April.
The basket will be on display at the February meeting.
Don’t forget that our program for February 2013 will be our own Jaynette Huff. Jaynette is an accomplished author
and award-winning quilter, who lives in Conway, AR. She is also a former quilt-shop owner. Some of her books include Paper
Piecing Quilts of Praise - Patterns Inspired by Beloved Hymns, Stash Magic, Quilts from Grandmother’s Garden, Needles
and Notions, Christmas Delights – Quilts That Celebrate the Season. Jaynette’s lecture will be on Celtic Quilts.
Janis Roberts
4210 Longtree Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
Trish Mounce
1506 Quail Creek, Conway, AR 72032
Phyllis Wright
2223 East Race, Searcy, AR 72143
June 3
[email protected]
There were 49 attendees at the January meeting, three of whom were visitors: Nancy Heckmaster,
Victoria Peabody and Jane Doty. Judy Pearlstein is our Membership Chairman. Please address all
Membership questions to her. PLEASE GET YOUR 2013 DUES IN! Forty-five members have
paid so far. As of this time dues are still $25 for the year. If you have a new contact phone
number, email or snail mail address, please be sure we have the correct information for our
records. Thank you!
Beth Wynn
Paula Norris
Sue Garrett
Jaynette Huff
Ann Ferris
Mary Sue Meyer
Terrie Newman
Dana Downes
Total Quilts Donated
Total Hats/Caps Donated
Total Pillowcases Donated
Total Volunteer Hours Represented
Dollar Value Donated to the Community
It has been my honor and my pleasure to serve as your Outreach Chairperson. I sincerely thank all of you who generously gave of your
time, your supplies, your talents and your monies in support of this guild’s Community Outreach Program.
As of January 2014, your new Chairperson is Juanita Woodard. She brings with her many years of experience in organizing community
support programs, and I am certain you will give her the support you have given me and QUEST in the past.
Thank you again for your hard work and dedication.
Kathy Jones
Monthly Outreach Report
We started off the year with a generous donation from our members. At the January meeting we received 12 quilts in
total from the following members: Helen Stanfield, Genell Casey, Billie Sanders, Sherri Dodds, La Verne Massey, Jan
Partain and Kathy Jones.
Barbara Murray and Deedy Mansfield contributed a total of 20 knit hats and Ann Scott contributed one pillowcase.
If you don’t have the time to make a quilt, perhaps you have time to make a single block for a group quilt to support
breast cancer research and treatment. I am asking for blocks made in pink or pink and white fabrics. The block should
be 9 1/2 inch square (finishes at 9 by 9). Choose your favorite block or try a new one, it’s your choice. When we have
enough blocks turned in we’ll have a workday to assemble them into a quilt. The size of the quilt will depend on how
many blocks come in, but will be at least big enough to use as a throw.
Respectfully submitted,
Juanita Woodard, Outreach Chairperson
QUEST's mission includes encouraging members to enter contests. National shows, some juried, are
becoming more frequent thanks to the popularity of quilting. To learn about upcoming shows (requirements,
themes, deadlines, submission process) you might visit (the site of Mancuso Show
Management, an outfit that organizes large shows all over the country) or (the
AQS site--click on Quilt Shows.) The American Quilter's Society has added shows across the country in
the past couple of years; the latest addition, in Phoenix, takes place in early February. See information
regarding AQS shows below:
Grand Rapids, MI
Chattanooga, TN
Des Moines, IA
Entry Deadline
Notification Letters Sent
Quilt Due at AQS
March 12, 2014
May 14, 2014
June 25, 2014
April 2, 2014
June 20, 2014
July 25, 2014
April 23, 2014
July 2, 2014
August 6, 2014
June 4, 2014
August 8, 2014
September 13, 2014
Online entries are possible! Check it out.
Winner Announcement
July 30, 2014
August 20, 2014
September 10, 2014
October 1, 2014
$50.00 PER YEAR
Members may post ads in the newsletter for $3.00 per insertion. Please keep the ads related to sewing, crafts, or other needle arts.
Contact Helen Stanfield at [email protected] to place your ad in an upcoming newsletter.
QUILTING EVENTS: If you know of any quilting events, please let Claire Duderstadt know so that they can be included
in the newsletter.
Great Arkansas Quilt Show III, at Historic AR Museum (HAM) in Aug 7, 2014 - May 3, 2015.
o Details for entries:
April 7, 2014 Digital photographs on a CD and entry form must be postmarked no later than
May 9, 2014 All accepted entrants will be emailed notification. Detailed delivery instructions will
be emailed by HAM
July 9, 2014 Accepted quilts must be received by HAM for inclusion in the exhibit.
August7, 2014 Opening reception and Awards Presentation
May 3, 2015 Exhibit closing date.
o Go to web site for more information:
Super Quilt Seminar with Ricky Tims, Apr 3-5, 2014, Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, AR. For
information: 719-275-2770 or [email protected]. Early Bird Registration ends January 31, 2014. Early bird cost
is $189 – a Savings of $35.00.
Sewing retreat in Oklahoma City called Sew OK.
See below:
July 17 - 19, 2014
Skirvin Hotel, Downtown Oklahoma City, OK
Sew OK will have 2 classes, one on day 2 & one on Day 3, with Dana Bolyard & Carolyn Friedlander.
There will be give-aways, swaps & good times.
Registration is $250.00 and is open now.
The website is for more information.
Contacts: Jemellia Hilfiger and Susannah Kate Rodgers
Ladies, I have no information on the hotel or the guild. This info was forwarded to me by Donna Toombs, President of
Arkansas Quilters Guild, after she received it from sew-ok. If anyone is interested, please check directly with their website for
specific information.
Thank you. Kathy Jones
7TH Annual Quilt Show – Jonesboro, AR; Saturday, April 5, 2014, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm; Sunday, April 6, 2014,
1:00-4:00 pm; Entry deadline – March 31, 2014;
Miller-Bowie Quilt Show; April 11-12, 2014, Four States Fairgrounds, 3700 East 50th Street, Texarkana, AR
Online resource for area and surrounding state quilting events:
PO Box 96
Wooster, AR 72181
Next Guild Meeting:
FEBRUARY 10, 2014
Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month
9:30 AM - sign-in and socializing
10:00 AM - Program
The Darragh Room
100 Rock St - Little Rock, AR
(Parking in library parking lot)