Winter - Utep - University of Texas at El Paso


Winter - Utep - University of Texas at El Paso
Class of
One Hundred Thirty-First
December 14, 2013
The listing of graduates is based upon information provided prior to printing of
the program. The appearance or absence of any name in the program does not
constitute recognition or denial of completion of degree requirements nor the
conferring of honors.
The program is issued as a ceremonial publication and is not an official record
of graduates. The awarding of degrees will be based on the outcome of final
examinations and final grades. The University apologizes for any errors or omissions.
Board of Regents
The University of Texas System
Paul L. Foster, Chairman .................................................. El Paso
R. Steven “Steve” Hicks, Vice Chairman .......................... Austin
Wm. Eugene “Gene” Powell, Vice Chairman......... San Antonio
Ernest Aliseda ................................................................. McAllen
Alex M. Cranberg ........................................................... Houston
Wallace L. Hall Jr.................................................................. Dallas
Jeffery D. Hildebrand . ...................................................Houston
Brenda Pejovich . ................................................................ Dallas
Robert L. Stillwell............................................................Houston
Nash M. Horne (Student Regent)...................................... Austin
Francie A. Frederick
General Counsel to the Board of Regents
Senior Administrative Officials
The University of Texas System
Francisco G. Cigarroa, M.D.
Pedro Reyes, Ph.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Raymond S. Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Scott C. Kelley, Ed.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Morning Ceremony 9 a.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ The University Symphonic Winds
Mark Schuppener, Conductor
Assistant Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... Willie Ray Parish, Grand Marshal
Professor, Art
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and The University
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Symphonic Winds
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Junius Gonzales, Provost
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... Diana Natalicio, President
The College of Liberal Arts .............................. Patricia Witherspoon, Dean
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin C. Flores, Dean
Announcement of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Richard Pineda
Associate Professor, Communication
Rebecca Rivas Visiting Assistant Professor, Theatre and
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... James Holcomb
Associate Professor, Economics and
Maria-Socorro Tabuenca
Professor, Languages and
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page 7 of
the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Morning Ceremony 9 a.m.
Willie Ray Parish
Grand Marshal of the University
Lisa Ann Lyons
The University Banner
Andrew Michael Clark
Graduate School Banner
Melissa Ann Martinez
Liberal Arts Banner
Diana Natalicio
Gary Edens
Vice President for
Student Affairs
Junius Gonzales
Howard Daudistel
Senior Executive Vice President
Vladik Kreinovich
President, Faculty Senate
Benjamin C. Flores
Dean of the Graduate School
Russell Autry
President, Alumni Association
Charles Boehmer
Chair, Graduate Council
Paulina Lopez
Student Government Association
Maria Placencia
Chair, Staff Council
Members of the Faculty
The Graduate School
Charles Boehmer, Marshal
Benjamin C. Flores, Dean
The College of Liberal Arts
Cheryl Martin, Marshal
Patricia Witherspoon, Dean
Faculty of the College
Graduates and
Candidates for the Degree
The Graduate School
The College Banner Bearer
Scott McDonald
Faculty Marshal of Students
Raquel Gonzalez de Anda, Liberal Arts
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College of Liberal Arts
The College Banner Bearer
Lawrence Cohn
Michael Topp
Faculty Marshals of Students
Benjamin Williams
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Charles Gaunce, Marshal
The University Staff
Sherri I. Terrell, Marshal
Student Seating and
Post-Commencement Family Waiting Areas
9 a.m. Ceremony
Winter Commencement • Saturday, December 14, 2013
Afternoon Ceremony 2 p.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ The University Symphonic Winds
Mark Schuppener, Conductor
Assistant Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... John Hadjimarcou, Grand Marshal
Professor, Marketing and Management
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and The University
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Symphonic Winds
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Junius Gonzales, Provost
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... Diana Natalicio, President
The College of Business Administration.......... Robert Nachtmann, Dean
The College of Education ................................ Stephen Riter, Interim Dean
The School of Nursing .....................................Elias Provencio-Vasquez, Dean
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin C. Flores, Dean
Announcement of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Adriana Dominguez
Director, Audience Development
Theatre and Dance
Elena Izquierdo
Associate Professor, Teacher Education
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... James Holcomb
Associate Professor, Economics and Finance
Robert Trussell
Associate Dean, Education
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page
11 of the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Afternoon Ceremony 2 p.m.
John Hadjimarcou
Grand Marshal of the University
Risper Jepkemoi Kimaiyo
The University Banner
Ricardo Vargas
Graduate School Banner
Devin Roush
Jorge Luis Banos Gomar
Education Banner
Business Administration Banner
Kizzy Myisha Parker
Nursing Banner
Diana Natalicio
Gary Edens
Vice President for
Student Affairs
Vladik Kreinovich
President, Faculty Senate
Russell Autry
President, Alumni Association
Paulina Lopez
Student Government Association
Junius Gonzales
Cynthia Vizcaino Villa
Vice President for
Business Affairs
Benjamin C. Flores
Dean of the Graduate School
Charles Boehmer
Chair, Graduate Council
Maria Placencia
Chair, Staff Council
Members of the Faculty
The Graduate School
Charles Boehmer, Marshal
Benjamin C. Flores, Dean
The College of Business Administration
The College of Education
Eddie Wei, Marshal
Robert Nachtmann, Dean
Faculty of the College
Alberto Esquinca, Marshal
Stephen Riter, Interim Dean
Faculty of the College
The School of Nursing
Yvette Marie Luna-Bowen, Marshal
Elias Provencio-Vasquez, Dean
Faculty of the College
Graduates and
Candidates for the Degree
The Graduate School
The College Banner Bearer
Hendrik Devos, Business Administration
Lawrence C. Ingalls, Education
Monique Lambert, Nursing
Faculty Marshals of Students
Maricruz Saenz,
Business Administration
Zuleika Anne Simone Vargas-Cortes, Education
Annie Lee Garcia, Nursing
Student Marshals
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College of Business
The College Banner Bearer
Fernando Jimenez-Arevalo
Faculty Marshal of Students
Anamaria Camargo Salazar
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College of Education
The College Banner Bearer
Ron Wagler
Faculty Marshal of Students
Ana P. Nuñez
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for
the Degree
The School of Nursing
The College Banner Bearer
Myrna Anchondo
Faculty Marshal of Students
Melissa Rose Molina
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Sebastian Diaz, Marshal
The University Staff
Ernesto Robles, Marshal
Student Seating and
Post-Commencement Family Waiting Areas
2 p.m. Ceremony
Winter Commencement • Saturday, December 14, 2013
Evening Ceremony 7 p.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ The University Symphonic Winds
Mark Schuppener, Conductor
Assistant Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... Ann Q. Gates, Grand Marshal
Professor, Computer Science
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and The University
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Symphonic Winds
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Junius Gonzales, Provost
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... Diana Natalicio, President
The College of Engineering . ........................... Richard Schoephoerster, Dean
The College of Science ..................................... Robert Kirken, Dean
The College of Health Sciences........................ Kathleen A. Curtis, Dean
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin C. Flores, Dean
Announcement of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Richard Teschner
Professor Emeritus, Languages and
Irma M. Lopez, Associate Director
Human Resource Services
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... James Holcomb
Associate Professor, Economics and Finance
Harry Meeuwsen
Director, Center for Excellence
in Teaching and Learning
David Zubia
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page
15 of the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Evening Ceremony 7 p.m.
Ann Q. Gates
Grand Marshal of the University
Brandan Garcia
The University Banner
Katherine Ramos-Carrasco
Maria del Carmen Lozano
Engineering Banner
Graduate School Banner
Adam Emmanuel Sierra
Matthew Ryan Gutierrez
Science Banner
Health Sciences Banner
Diana Natalicio
Junius Gonzales
Gary Edens
Vice President for
Student Affairs
Vladik Kreinovich
President, Faculty Senate
Russell Autry
President, Alumni Association
Paulina Lopez
Student Government Association
Roberto Osegueda
Vice President for Research
Benjamin C. Flores
Dean of the Graduate School
Charles Boehmer
Chair, Graduate Council
Maria Placencia
Chair, Staff Council
Members of the Faculty
The College of Engineering
The Graduate School
Thomas Boland, Marshal
Richard Schoephoerster, Dean
Faculty of the College
Charles Boehmer, Marshal
Benjamin C. Flores, Dean
The College of Science
The College of Health Sciences
Joanne Ellzey, Marshal
Robert Kirken, Dean
Faculty of the College
Stephanie Capshaw, Marshal
Kathleen A. Curtis, Dean
Faculty of the College
Graduates and
Candidates for the Degree
The College of Engineering
The Graduate School
The College of Science
The College of Health Sciences
The College Banner Bearer
Pavana Prabhakar
Faculty Marshal of Students
Virginia Jimenez
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College Banner Bearer
Son-Young Yi
Faculty Marshal of Students
Taylor Bramblett
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College Banner Bearer
Joseph H. Pierluissi, Engineering
Joan Staniswalis, Science
Delfina C. Dominguez, Health Sciences
Faculty Marshals of Students
Joshua Scott Bowen, Engineering
Jonathon Eric Stautberg, Science
Leah N. Diaz, Health Sciences
Student Marshals
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College Banner Bearer
George King
Faculty Marshal of Students
Brandon M. Dougherty
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Harvey Castellano, Marshal
The University Staff
Jose R. Huerta, Marshal
Student Seating and
Post-Commencement Family Waiting Areas
7 p.m. Ceremony
Winter Commencement • Saturday, December 14, 2013
distinguished Alumni
The University of Texas at El
Paso is proud to recognize its
2013 Distinguished Alumni Award
recipients presented by the UTEP
Alumni Association. The award is
the highest honor bestowed upon
graduates who have excelled in
their professions and sustained a
commitment to the University.
Our 2013 distinguished alumni are
Sally A. Hurt Deitch, Kathy Patrick,
Gary Wagner and Robert V. Wingo.
In less than 18
years, Sally Hurt
Deitch worked
her way up from
a 22-year-old
staff nurse in
an endoscopy
to CEO of one of El Paso’s newest
Deitch knew she wanted to go into
a health care field after graduating
from Burges High School, but it
wasn’t until her freshman year at
UTEP that she narrowed down her
interests even more. She became
fascinated with what her older
brother was doing in the UTEP
nursing program and decided to
follow in his footsteps.
Deitch earned a Bachelor of Science
in Nursing in 1990. Her first job was
at Sun Towers, later called Columbia
Medical Center and now Las Palmas
Medical Center, as a staff nurse in
endoscopy and the operating room.
As a young, single, energetic nurse in
her early 20s, Deitch had the energy
and drive to learn as much as she
“By the end of my first year, I had
rewritten [her boss’s] policies and
procedures, I was doing her payroll,
I was doing the scheduling, I’d done
the operational budget, the capital
budget; I was doing all these things
and, honestly, it was because I didn’t
know any better,” Deitch said.
When her boss announced her
retirement, the doctors advocated
for Deitch to fill in as the director
of endoscopy services and the
operating room, Deitch recalled. The
CEO at the time was skeptical since
she was only 23, but he gave her six
months to prove herself, she said.
She did, and she continued to
move up the ladder, working as
director of family maternity suites,
OB anesthesia, special care nursery
and endoscopy; associate director of
nursing; and by 1996, chief nursing
officer. By then, she also had earned
a Master of Science in Nursing from
UTEP (1994).
She moved to Del Sol Medical
Center as chief nursing officer, then
moved up to chief operating officer
before taking a position as chief
executive officer at Edmond Medical
Center in Edmond, Oklahoma.
UTEP honored Deitch with a Gold
Nugget Award for the School of
Nursing in 2003.
Before her 40th birthday, she was
recruited back to El Paso to preside
over the $150 million project that
became Sierra Providence East
Medical Center, a 110-bed hospital
in far East El Paso. It opened in May
2008 with Deitch as CEO.
When she’s not actively running
the hospital, Deitch and her husband,
Greg, keep busy parenting their five
Kathy Patrick,
a partner at
the Houstonbased litigation
boutique Gibbs
& Bruns LLP, has
been involved
in some of the
biggest cases of
the last three decades and called “the
woman Wall Street fears most” by
Forbes magazine.
Born in Rapid City, S.D., Patrick
moved to the El Paso area in 1966
when her military father was
transferred to what was then Biggs
Air Force Base. She applied to several
universities as she finished her senior
year at Canutillo High School, but
chose UTEP because she wasn’t
ready to leave home only four years
after her father died in a house fire.
The fact that UTEP offered her a
full scholarship also helped make a
college education possible for her.
Enrolling at UTEP was like opening
her eyes to the world around her.
“My memory is of windows and
doors opening,” Patrick said. “I
remember every day thinking that
there was so much more to the world
than I had ever known. I went to a
small rural high school without a lot
of resources, and when I got to UTEP,
the amount of energy and insight
and challenge was just staggering.”
She started out as a psychology
major but switched to history with a
concentration in Soviet and Eastern
European studies when she learned
that psychology majors were required
to take statistics. Her program placed
a strong emphasis on critical thinking
and writing, two skills essential for
lawyers that Patrick “improved upon
tremendously” while at UTEP, she
After graduating with a B.A. in
history in 1982, she attended Harvard
Law School and earned her J.D. in
1985. She began working for Gibbs
& Bruns in 1986 after a one-year law
clerkship with Judge John R. Brown
of the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit.
Patrick works on high-dollar,
high-stakes commercial litigation,
including a number of pending
mortgage-backed securities cases that
will take several years to resolve. So
far, she and her firm have negotiated
settlements with Residential Capital,
or ResCap, a large mortgage
originator that went bankrupt, and
one with Bank of America for $8.5
billion – the second biggest legal
settlement in American history.
When she’s not working, Patrick
sings in the praise band at Faith
Lutheran Church in Houston, teaches
an adult bible study class, and spends
time with her husband, Arthur
Murphy, and their two teenage sons.
Gary Wagner’s
military family
moved to El Paso
when he was in
sixth grade. He
graduated from
Jesuit High School
in 1969 and
enrolled at UTEP
so he could become an engineer like
his uncle.
“My uncle was the only relative
that had gone to college,” Wagner
said. “He was held up as somebody
that had been able to achieve more
because of his education.”
Wagner had friends who dropped
out of UTEP’s engineering program
because it was too difficult, but he
was determined to challenge himself
and finish. He graduated in 1973 with
a B.S. in electrical engineering.
Hughes Aircraft Co. in Los Angeles
recruited Wagner out of UTEP, and
he took a position there as a field
engineer. During his seven years
with the company, he took overseas
assignments in Germany and the
Middle East, and earned an M.S.
in business administration in 1977
from Boston University. Upon his
return to California, he left Hughes
and enrolled in the University of
California, Los Angeles Master of
Business Administration program,
which he completed in 1982.
He partially attributes his
engineering background to helping
him secure his next job as an
investment manager for Prucapital, a
subsidiary of Prudential Insurance Co.
“There was a bias to people who
had engineering backgrounds,”
he said. “The assumption was that
somebody with an engineering
background has a fairly logical way
of looking at things, can get into the
details and be very rigorous. All those
things are necessary to be a successful
investment manager.”
However, with interest rates at
more than 14 percent in the early
1980s, people were not interested in
borrowing money. Three years later,
Wagner jumped at the opportunity
to become an assistant treasurer at
Ameron, a publicly traded company
that manufactured concrete, steel
and fiberglass piping and protective
coatings at plants around the world.
He worked his way up the
management ladder at Ameron,
from vice president and treasurer
to chief financial officer and then
president and chief operating
officer. As the No. 2 person in the
company, he oversaw its day-to-day
His international background
served him well during his tenure
at Ameron, where he eventually
managed the company’s worldwide
businesses and was the primary
contact for its foreign affiliated
Wagner retired in October 2011
following the acquisition of Ameron
by National Oilwell Varco. He and
his wife, Karen, continue to live in
Manhattan Beach, California.
Even though he works with
the Martin
Luther King,
Jr., National
board in
D.C., has had
job offers in
New York and
has clients from major companies
around the country, Robert Wingo
feels most at home in El Paso.
Wingo, president and CEO of
Sanders\Wingo Advertising Inc.,
moved to the Paso del Norte region
in 1960 from Ohio when his military
father was stationed at Ft. Bliss.
After graduating from Bel Air
High School, he served with the U.S.
Army from 1966-68. Not long after
he returned home from Vietnam
with a Purple Heart, Wingo enrolled
at UTEP. He became the first in his
family to earn a college degree – a
B.B.A. in marketing – in 1973.
Wingo’s first job was as a part-time
engineering aide at Braddock Dunn
McDonald, a scientific engineering
and analysis firm, while a student at
UTEP. He learned very quickly that
engineering wasn’t for him, but the
job gave him the opportunity to see
how important education was for
career success.
After graduation, he took a
customer service job with Billy the
Kid, a now-defunct El Paso boys
apparel company. After about a
year, he was promoted to assistant
to the national sales manager
and eventually vice president of
advertising for the company that did
more than $100 million in annual
sales. During that time, Billy the Kid
was a client of Sanders Company
Advertising, and Wingo worked
closely with the company. When Billy
the Kid was sold and moved to New
York, Wingo had the opportunity
to follow, but decided El Paso was
a better fit for his family. He joined
what became Sanders, Wingo, Galvin
and Morton Advertising as executive
vice president and owner in 1984.
The company, now called Sanders\
Wingo, has expanded its operations
to Austin and New York, with
satellite operations in Atlanta and
Los Angeles.
Wingo has worked with major
companies around the country,
including AT&T, Burger King, Mini
Cooper, State Farm Insurance and
the United States Postal Service. His
local clients include Peter Piper Pizza,
GECU, the Convention and Visitors
Bureau and El Paso Water Utilities.
Wingo received the Gold Nugget
Award from the College of Business
Administration in 2002. His wife,
Paulette Wingo (’92, ’96), received
a Gold Nugget Award from the
College of Education in 2009 in
recognition of her impact as a
teacher, tutor, lecturer and advocate
for children.
Ex alumnos Distinguidos
La Universidad de Texas en El
Paso se enorgullece en anunciar a
los ganadores del Reconocimiento
al Ex - Alumno Distinguido 2013,
que presenta la Asociación de Ex
-Alumnos de UTEP. Este galardón
es la distinción de mayor rango
que se otorga a los ex -alumnos
que han sobresalido en sus
profesiones y por su compromiso
hacia la universidad.
Los reconocimientos al ExAlumno Distinguido 2013 se
otorgan a Sally A. Hurt Deitch,
Kathy Patrick, Gary Wagner y
Robert V. Wingo
En menos de 18
años, Sally Hurt
Deitch logró
ascender a los
22 años, de su
puesto dentro
del personal de
enfermería en
el Departamento de Endoscopia a
Directora Ejecutiva de uno de los más
nuevos hospitales de El Paso.
Después de graduarse de la
Preparatoria Burges, Deitch sabía
que quería incursionar en el área
del cuidado de la salud, pero no fue
hasta su primer año en UTEP que
logró identificar mejor su carrera. Le
fascinaba lo que estaba haciendo su
hermano mayor en el programa de
enfermería de UTEP y decidió seguir
sus pasos.
En 1990, Deitch obtuvo una
Licenciatura de Ciencias en
Enfermería. Su primer empleo fue
como enfermera en endoscopia
y quirófano en el Sun Towers,
conocido después como Centro
Médico Columbia y actualmente
Centro Médico Las Palmas. Siendo
una enfermera joven, soltera y
entusiasta en sus tempranos veinte,
Deitch contaba con la energía y
determinación para aprender todo lo
que podía.
“Para finales de mi primer año,
había reestructurado las políticas
y procedimientos [de su jefa],
estaba a cargo de su nómina y
de hacer la programación, había
hecho el presupuesto operativo,
el presupuesto de capital; estaba
haciendo todas estas cosas y
honestamente, fue porque no las
sabía hacer”, comentó Deitch.
Cuando su jefa anunció
su jubilación, los médicos
recomendaron que Deitch ocupara
el puesto de Directora de Servicios
de Endoscopia y Quirófano y Deitch
aceptó. Aunque en ese entonces, el
Director Ejecutivo tenía sus dudas
pues ella solo tenía 23 años de
edad, le dio seis meses para que
demostrara sus habilidades, comenta
Lo logró y continuó ascendiendo,
trabajando como Directora de
suites familiares de maternidad,
de anestesia en ginecoobstetricia,
de cuneros en cuidado especial y
endoscopia; como Directora Adjunta
de Enfermería y para 1996, como
Directora en Jefe de Enfermería.
Para entonces, también se había
graduado de la Maestría de Ciencias
en Enfermería (1994 ) de UTEP.
Se cambió al Centro Médico
Del Sol como Directora Ejecutiva
de Enfermería, luego ascendió a
Directora Ejecutiva de Operaciones
antes de aceptar el puesto de
Directora Ejecutiva en el Centro
Médico Edmond en Edmond, Okla.
En el 2003, UTEP reconoció a Deitch
con el galardón Gold Nugget por la
Facultad de Enfermería.
Antes de cumplir los cuarenta
años de edad, fue contratada para
regresar a El Paso con el fin de dirigir
el proyecto de 150 millones que se
convirtió en el Centro Médico Sierra
Providence del Este, un hospital de
110 habitaciones al este de El Paso.
Fue inaugurado en mayo del 2008
teniendo a Deitch como Directora
Cuando no la vemos trabajando
activamente en el hospital, Deitch
y su esposo, Greg, se mantienen
ocupados cuidando a sus cinco hijos.
Kathy Patrick,
socia de la firma
legal Gibbs &
Bruns LLP con
sede en Houston,
ha estado
en algunos de
los casos más
importantes de las tres últimas
décadas y ha sido llamado por la
revista Forbes como “la mujer más
temida por Wall Street”.
Patrick nació en Rapid City, S.D. y
en 1966 se mudó al área de El Paso
cuando su padre que era militar,
fue transferido a lo que era en
ese entonces la Base de la Fuerza
Aérea Biggs. Mientras terminaba
su último año en la Preparatoria
Canutillo solicitó su admisión a varias
universidades, sin embargo, escogió
UTEP porque no estaba lista para irse
de casa a tan solo cuatro años de que
su padre falleciera en un incendio.
El hecho de que UTEP le ofreciera
una beca completa también le
ayudó a hacer realidad su educación
Inscribirse en UTEP fue como abrir
sus ojos al mundo que le rodeaba.
“Mi recuerdo es de puertas y
ventanas abriéndose”, dijo Patrick
“Recuerdo que todos los días
pensaba que había mucho más del
mundo de lo que había conocido.
Fui a una pequeña preparatoria
rural sin muchos recursos y cuando
llegué a UTEP, la cantidad de
energía, conocimientos y retos fue
simplemente sorprendente.
Comenzó como estudiante en
la carrera de psicología pero
cuando supo que los estudiantes
de psicología necesitaban tomar
estadística, se cambió a historia
con una concentración en
estudios soviéticos y Europa del
Este. Su programa se enfocaba
principalmente en el pensamiento
y la escritura críticos, dos aptitudes
que son esenciales para los abogados
y que Patrick “fue mejorando
considerablemente” estando en
UTEP, comentó.
En 1982, después de graduarse con
una licenciatura en historia, asistió
a la Escuela de Derecho de Harvard
y en 1985, obtuvo su título de Juris
Doctor. En 1986 comenzó a trabajar
para Gibbs & Bruns después de una
pasantía de un año con el Juez John
R. Brown del Tribunal Federal por el
Quinto Circuito.
Patrick se ocupa de litigios
comerciales de alto costo y riesgo,
incluyendo una cantidad de casos
pendientes de valores respaldados
por hipotecas que les llevará varios
años resolver. Hasta ahora, Patrick
y su despacho legal han negociado
acuerdos con Residential Capital o
ResCap, un importante precursor
hipotecario que se declaró en banca
rota, y uno con Bank of America por
8.5 mil millones, el segundo arreglo
legal más grande en la historia de los
Estados Unidos.
Cuando no está trabajando, Patrick
canta en el grupo de alabanza de la
Iglesia Faith Lutheran en Houston,
imparte una clase de estudios
bíblicos para adultos y convive con
su esposo, Arthur Murphy, y sus dos
hijos adolescentes.
La familia militar
de Gary Wagner
se mudó a El
Paso cuando
él estaba en
sexto año. Se
graduó de la
Jesuita en 1969
y se inscribió en UTEP para ser
ingeniero como su tío.
“Mi tío era el único pariente que
había ido a la universidad”, comenta
Wagner. “Se le tenía como alguien
que podía lograr más gracias a su
Wagner tuvo amigos que se
salieron del programa de ingeniera
de UTEP porque estaba muy difícil,
pero él estaba decidido a enfrentar
el reto y terminar. Se graduó con una
Licenciatura en Ingeniera Eléctrica en
La compañía Hughes Aircraft Co.
en Los Ángeles reclutó a Wagner
en UTEP y allí aceptó un puesto
como ingeniero de campo. Durante
sus siete años con la empresa
realizó proyectos en el extranjero
en Alemania y el Medio Oriente
y en 1977, obtuvo su Maestría en
Administración de Empresas de la
Universidad de Boston. Luego de
su regreso a California, se salió de
Hughes y se inscribió en el programa
de Maestría en Administración
de Empresas de la Universidad de
California en Los Ángeles, el cual
terminó en 1982.
Wagner atribuye que su experiencia
en ingeniería le ayudó, en parte, a
asegurar su siguiente empleo como
Gerente de Inversiones en Prucapital,
una subsidiaria de Prudential
Insurance Co.
“Había preferencia por las personas
con experiencia en ingeniería”,
comentó. “Suponían que alguien
con un historial en ingeniería tiene
una manera bastante lógica de ver
las cosas, puede observar a fondo los
detalles y es muy preciso. Todo esto
es necesario para tener éxito como
gerente de inversiones”.
Sin embargo, con las tasas de
intereses a más de 14% a principios
de los años ochenta, las personas no
estaban interesadas en pedir dinero
prestado. Tres años después,
Wagner aprovechó la oportunidad
de convertirse en tesorero adjunto
en Ameron, una empresa que cotiza
en el mercado de valores y que
fabrica concreto, acero y tubería y
revestimiento protector de fibra de
vidrio en plantas de todo el mundo.
Wagner escaló los peldaños
gerenciales en Ameron, de
vicepresidente y tesorero a
director ejecutivo de finanzas, y
posteriormente presidente y director
ejecutivo de operaciones. Como el
segundo al mando en la compañía,
supervisa sus operaciones diarias.
Su experiencia internacional le
ayudó durante su trayectoria en
Ameron, donde eventualmente llegó
a administrar las operaciones de la
compañía a nivel mundial y era el
primer contacto para las empresas
filiales en el extranjero.
Wagner se jubiló en octubre del
2011 después de que Ameron fuera
adquirida por National Oilwell Varco.
Él y su esposa Karen continúan
viviendo en Manhattan Beach,
A pesar de que
trabaja con
el Consejo de
la Fundación
Luther King,
Jr., National
Foundation en Washington, D.C.,
tiene ofertas de empleo en Nueva
York y cuenta con clientes de
importantes compañías en todo el
país, Robert Wingo se siente más en
casa en El Paso.
Wingo, Presidente y Director
Ejecutivo de Sanders\Wingo
Advertising Inc., se mudó a la
región de El Paso del Norte en 1960
proveniente de Ohio, cuando su
padre fue destacado a Fort Bliss.
Después de graduarse de la
Preparatoria Bel Air, prestó su
servicio en el ejército de los Estados
Unidos de 1966 a 1968. Poco tiempo
después de regresar de Vietnam
con la condecoración Purple Heart,
Wingo se inscribió en UTEP. En 1973
llega a ser el primero en su familia
en obtener un título universitario
– una Licenciatura en Administración
de Empresas en Mercadotecnia.
Siendo todavía estudiante en
UTEP, consiguió su primer empleo
de medio tiempo como auxiliar
de ingeniería en Barddock Dunn
McDonald, una firma de ingeniería
y análisis científico. Muy pronto se
dio cuenta que la ingeniería no era
para él, pero este trabajo le dio la
oportunidad de ver lo importante
que era la educación para el éxito
Después de graduarse, trabajó en
servicio al cliente en Billy the Kid,
una empresa de ropa para jóvenes en
El Paso que ya cerró sus puertas. Poco
después de un año, fue promovido
a Asistente del Gerente de Ventas
a nivel nacional y eventualmente a
Vicepresidente de Publicidad para
la compañía que logró más de 100
millones en ventas anuales. Durante
ese tiempo, Billy the Kid era cliente
de Sanders Company Advertising
y Wingo trabajaba estrechamente
con la empresa. Cuando la empresa
Billy the Kid fue vendida y reubicada
a Nueva York. Wingo tuvo la
oportunidad de seguir a la compañía
pero decidió que El Paso era una
mejor opción para su familia. Se
incorporó como Vicepresidente
Ejecutivo a la que después sería
Sanders, Wingo, Galvin y Morton
Advertising, adquiriéndola en 1984.
La compañía llamada ahora
Sanders\Wingo, ha ampliado sus
operaciones a Austin y a Nueva York
con operaciones satélite en Atlanta y
Los Ángeles.
Wingo ha trabajado con
importantes compañías de todo el
país, incluyendo AT&T, Burger King,
Mini Cooper, State Farm Insurance
y el Servicio Postal de los Estados
Unidos. Sus clientes locales incluyen
a Peter Piper Pizza, GECU, the
Convention and Visitors Bureau y El
Paso Water Utilities.
Wingo recibió el galardón
Golden Nugget de la Facultad
de Administración de Empresas
en el 2002 y su esposa, Paulette
Wingo (’92, ’96), recibió en el
2009, el galardón Golden Nugget
por la Facultad de Educación, en
reconocimiento a su labor como
instructora, tutora, maestra y
defensora de los niños.
for Degrees
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Alysha Nikia Green
Claudia Ley
Isabel Tovar
Anthropology/Criminal Justice
Connie Marquez
Art History
Josias Castorena
Melissa Ann Duran
Maria Dolores Fierro
Alejandra Garcia
Jennifer Lee Serna
Art History /History
Rosa Elva Gomez
Ko-Hsin Chen
Levi Constancio
Maria del Pilar Cruz
Kira Lyn Gosnell
Alberto Ibarra Hernandez
Sarai Sanchez
Samuel Soria
Art/Organizational and Corporate
Ana Gabriela Becerra
Communication Studies
Chelsea Nedlyn Hill
Robert Kenneth Hudnall
Lauren N. Pinson
Kimberly Ann Riggs
Creative Writing
David Ernesto Arroyo
Monique Nicole Deitrick
Adrian David Luna
Lizette Priscilla Ruiz
Sebastian Immanuel Vargas
Laurel Briann Wietecha
Creative Writing/Art History
Jesus A. Castillo
Criminal Justice
Alexis Armando Arenivar
Claudia Yvonne Atilano
Jair R. Avila
Jonathan Michael Birdwell
Adrian Marcos Calvillo
Joanna Cazares
Nicole Ceniceros
Brittany Emily Ann Chamberlin
Javier Ernesto De La Cruz
Javier De La Rosa Jr.
Carlos Antonio Diaz
Eleni Danielle Droutsas
Abraham C. Duran
Anahi Duran
Blanca Araceli Esparza
Monica Estrada
Rene Pablo Fernandez
Miguel Angel Figueroa
Tricia Delgado Flake
Corina Flores
Andres Garcia
Araceli Garcia
Brian Antonio Garcia
Katherine Irene Garcia
Genevieve Marie Gomez
Hector L. Gonzalez
Lizette B. Granado
Matthew Joseph Gutierrez
Roozbeh Hamed-Zanjani
Krystyl Alexis Hamilton
Noah Dillon Helmick
Gabriela Hernandez
Hector Ruben Hernandez
Jesus Manuel Hernandez
Martha Gabriela Hernandez
Aldo Enrique Holguin
Elian Jannette Holguin
Yazmin Irigoyen
Samantha Juarez
Peter J. Klundt
Ana Marcela Landeros
Shelby Lynn Lara
Melissa Lorena Leyva
Victor Manuel Martinez
Melissa Martinez Bellapu
Vivian Mendoza
Mireya Nallely Moreno
Roxana Muniz
Erica Lee Onsurez
Laura Yvonne Orrantia Hurtado
Adrian Ortega
Luis Angel Ortiz
Kevin D’Aundre Perry
Judith Jessel Portillo
Enrique Ramos
Luis Ramos
Cesar Arturo Robles
Erik Robles
Evan Robert Robles
Magali Rodriguez
Denisse Orey Rosas
Ruby Rubio
Luis Gerardo Rubio-Gonzalez
Kaysie Alexa Samaniego
David Sierra
Irene Silva
Bertha Alicia Valdez
Michelle Varela
Criminal Justice/Biological Sciences
Dyana Nunez Ruiz
Criminal Justice/French
Brigitte L. Palacios
Criminal Justice/History
William Edward Elias
Criminal Justice/Psychology
Adriana Escobedo
Cristal Angelica Araiza
Ileana Sanchez
Digital Media Production
Luis Alberto Amador
Jose Guillermo Cortez
Victor Enriquez
Jose Eduardo Jimenez de los Reyes
Ana Cristina Lafon
Gabriel Alejandro Lira
Rosangelica Lomas
Cristina Ramos
Electronic Media
(Mass Communication)
Najwa Loreli Hassan
Crystal Rocha
Azucena Santos
Christopher Jesse Velasquez
English and American Literature
Jehan Katherine Al-Hanna
Sonja Kay Arnold
Ray Alexander Cerecerez
Alicia Flores
Jacqueline Michelle Hernandez
Christopher Francisco Herrera
Sarah Celene Herrera
Jacqueline Huerta
Joshua Isaiah Lopez
Sharon Lopez
Maria Salinas
Evanna Noelle Shafer
Mercedes Maria Thrush
Tanya Ariel Torres
Christina Maria Velasquez
Patricia Weller
Amanda Soliz Williams
David Christopher Woods
English and American Literature/
Paola Denirah Lujan
Aracely Alvirde
Heather Elaine Anderson
Raquel Castillo
Yisell Eve Halm
Randy Ralph Hancock
Rashan Eugene Isaac
Mabel Nicolet Perales
Sandra Ydalith Portillo
Andrea Faye Webb
French/ Art History
Lauren Azucena Ruiz
Christina M. Alva
Jackeline Bahena
Pedro Daniel Candelaria Jr.
Edgar Carlos
Saul G. Carrasco
Carlos Alfonso Castro
Randy Click
Bryan Christopher Contreras
Rogelio Favela
Esther Figueroa
Veronica Flores
Romulo Frias
Danielle Elizabeth Healy
Daniel Paul Miskei
Crystal A. Morales
Alejandro Munoz
Hunter Cole Nix
Alfredo Ivan Olivo
Cynthia Marie Ortiz
Martin Ramirez Jr.
Ricky Ramirez
Jecoa Lee Ross
Christopher Adam Salcido
Mario Tejeda Jr.
Yvette Valenzuela
Fernando Alberto Villar
Carlos Villasenor III
Angela Marie Bennett
Omar Nidal Freitekh
Samuel Josue Lozano
Viridiana Pico Gamwell
Ismael Robles
Kenneth Gregory Anderson
Media Advertising/Communication
Rodolfo Jose Alarcon
Denise Cedillos
Pablo Antonio Delgadillo
Joey Armando Dickerson
Sabrina Marie DuMond
Lauren Blair Falco
Cynthia C. Jimenez
Steven Austin Mansfield
Nathaniel Dylan Meyer
Patricia Miranda Salazar
Alonso Alejandro Morales
Mariana Cecilia Rey
Orlando Sandoval
Media Advertising/Communication/
John Paul Bustamante
Multimedia Journalism
Norma Nicole Chavez
Alan Alejandro Chavez Perez
Guerrero Garcia
Oscar Francisco Garza
Joel Herrera
Krystle Marie Holguin
Cristina Valerie Quinones
Lucia Quinonez
Yuritzy Alexandra Ramos
Germad A. Reed
Priscilla Rey
Stephanie Nicole Solis
Valorie Marie Vasquez
Audrey Nicole Westcott
Organizational and Corporate
Endurance Abinuwa
Christine Nichole Aranda
Lia Baca
Darlene Yvett Barajas
Melissa Barrera
Cinthia A. Casillas Ruiz
Alexandra Joy Castillo
DeAndra Karina Chaffino
Jessica Escobar
Arturo Flores Jr.
Jessica Gomez
Rebecca Nicole Miranda
Maria De Los Angeles Ruiz
Amanda M. Salcedo
Organizational and Corporate
Veronica Rojo
Organizational and Corporate
Daniel Cruz
Julian David Maltby
Jose Luis Martinez
Mario Martinez
Richard Alexander Olsson
Julian Andrew Tenorio
Benjamin Lee Williams
Allen Glenn McClendon
Political Science
Ricardo Cerros
Antonio J. Cifuentes
Coral K. Contreras
Hesser Cross
Bricia Garcia
Jose Garcia Jr.
Nelson Anthony Harrelson
Hugo Abraham Hernandez
Eliza Leon
Gustavo A. Lopez
Sebastian Rodrigo Martinez
Esmeralda Hernandez Zazueta
Political Science/Criminal Justice
Hugo Alejandro Romero
Political Science/French
Monika Ximena Ramos
Igi Giovann Acosta
Cristal Ann Aguirre
Claudia A. Arias
Amy Ann Avery
Martha Marina Banuelos Calvillo
Karla Betancourt
Sarai Bibriescas
Sarah Christine Bolanos
Eugenia Brizuela
Saeed Alfredo Castillo
Amber Yamel Chavez
Jacquelyne Olivia Cisneros
Adriana De Leon
Javier Armando Dominguez
Gloria Duran
Todd Eric England
Lily Ashley Escobedo
Laura C. Estrada
Denise Anna Fernandez
Stephen Ray Flores
Ashley Nicole Gallegos
Ruben Alan Garcia-Reyes
Jorel S. Gilbert
Mercedes Guevara
Brittany Hernandez
Paul John Hubbard
Lillian Jimenez
Jihye Kang
Linda Denise Lara
Jessica Maggie Lawrence
Carmen Morena Lozano
Valeria Dennise Macias
Daisy Ruth Maese
Armando Martinez
Manuel Medina
Amanda Lynn Melhoff
Maressa A. Morales Salas
Sonia Daniella Moran
Ileana D. Ontiveros
Karen Christina Orquiz
Jacqueline Pelaez Jasso
Leslie Yvonne Pina
Daniel Pulido Jr.
Lisa Renee Purviance
Juliana Quintana
Erika Quiroz
Andrea Marie Rangel
Denise Marie Rocha
Aleida P. Rodriguez
Ernestina Elizabeth Rodriguez
Roxana Rodriguez
Itzel Susana Rosales
Carlos Arturo Ruiz
Gabriela Stephanie Santillan
Yvette Shibley
Leonardo Andres Steinhauser
John Rito Torres
Rodolfo Trevizo
Martha Leticia Vargas
Cynthia Villarreal
Christina Alejandra Villegas
Lianna Kristine Wheatley
Psychology/Criminal Justice
Gloria Botello
Yvonne Jauregui
Zulema Roxana Vasquez
Blanca Ivonne Diaz de leon
Ramon Alejandro Salazar
Doris C. Davis
Brian Gordon Diedrich
Jonathan David Klassen
Laureen Michelle Orozco
Anna Gabrielle Yee
Sociology/Criminal Justice
Loren Flores
Orline Anneth Garcia
Nora Nelva Gonzalez
Alfonso Jose Gustave
Nadia I. Lechuga
Guadalupe Lizeth Mendoza
Olga Romo
Theatre Arts
John Michael Davis
Karina Franco
Theatre Arts/Philosophy
Reyes Espinoza
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Andrea Prado
Chelsea Janae Shugert
Graphic Design
Ariel Jose Acevedo
Jonathan Louis Aguilar
Samuel Cardona
Priscilla Frutos
Jose Luis Martinez
Pauline G. Mateos
Christopher Ray Munoz
Jose Luis Perez
Sarahi Ramos
Graphic Design/Painting
Rodolfo Enrique Rincones
Graphic Design/Sculpture
Edgar Alfonso Bonilla
Music Theatre
Sylvia Elena Prieto
Studio Art
Gabriela Rocio Carballo
Cynthia Lynn Evans
Aidee Lara
Ruben Romero
Claudia Hare
Lluvia Ilusion Almanza
Marq Aaron Gonzalez
Richard Lawrence Nielsen
Avery Christina Segapeli
Bachelor of Multidisciplinary
Scott Edward Adams
Brenda Lorena Aguirre
Francisco Alarcon
Veronica Anaya
Loretta Hernandez Arredondo
Marcus Traymon Bagley
Charissa Ann Ballesteros
Belen Rosario Brown
Myriam Chagoyan
Sabrina Lynetta Clemmer
Steven Cordero
James Daniel Davidson
Calvin Jerome Ely
Sharif K. Fajardo
Alicia Faz
Amanda Sue Feil
Victoria Alana Fields
Marisol Figueroa
David Jacob Flores
Gabriela Gallegos
Jose R. Gallegos
Roseanne T. Garrison
Latrice Nicole Gibson
Guy C. Gilbert
Sheri Monique Giordano
Andrea Marie Gonzales
Irma Lizette Gonzalez
Natalie Marie Gonzalez
Jazmin Irene Guevara
Jose D. Guillen
Angelica Hernandez
Elida Hernandez
Stephanie Burt Hollanders
Jeane Mae Horton
Jorge Manuel Ibarra
Caroline James
Randy Scot Johnson
Michael Thomas Kelley
Alejandro Ricardo Leal
Fabian Lechuga
Nubia Monserrat Legarda
Yahchaaroah N. Lightbourne Stua
Fernando Lucero
David Macias
Amber Marie Martin
Andrew Martinez
Lulani Nichole Martinez
Raphael Martinez
Khawla Yasmin Masoud
Karen Lynn McKee
Christina Lorraine Mcglothlin
Mercedes Michelle Medina
Norma Gabriela Medina
Ashlie Danielle Mena
Graciela Mendez
Horace John Miller
William Miller
Manuel A. Mireles
Jacob Z. Monteros
Christy Michelle Mora
Paul Richard Muela
Erika Rose Munoz
Edgar Nevarez
Joshua Ortega
Steven John Pena
Scott D. Plottner
Wayne W. Portalatin
Alejandra Quevedo
Debra Michelle Ramirez
Julia B. Ramos
Luis Antonio Ramos
Liliana Ramos Lopez
Emily Elizabeth Rendon-Brown
Jacqueline Renteria
Ashley Rose Revels
Angela Reyes
Alonzo Rivera
Andrew Thomas Rodriguez
Christine Baca Rodriguez
Monica B. Rosa
Michelle Lee Rosales-Mancias
Elkana Rotich
Maria Elena Ruybe
Ronald A. Saks
Nora Samaniego
Claudio Alejandro Serrano
Armando Silex
Kimberly Ann Singleton
Lucy M. Snelson
Rebecca Sarai Sosa
Larscenia D. Staley
Jacques Jermaine Streeter
Cynthia Lorena Tovar
Maria Elena Trail
Jared Michael Urbanek
Luisa D. Vargas
Melissa Vargas
Daniel Francisco Vasquez
William Vizcarra
Paulina Alexandria Zaragoza
Bachelor of Music
Commercial Music
Jorge Alejandro Gonzalez
Peter Carsten Zacherl
General Music
Ana L. Escobedo
Cesar Daniel Perez Banuet
Sergio Ramos
Ruben Roberto Salinas
Jasmine Alyssa Torres
Bachelor of Science
Nicole Marie Baldwin
Chantal Diaz
Daisy Duarte
Kimberly Reyes Edwards
Kourtney Brooke Edwards
Andrea Michelle Erikson
Lorraine Stephanie Garcia
Jennifer Guerra
Juan Manuel Hernandez
Michelle Rose Hinojos
Yazmine Kangur
Samuel King
Hatty Lara
Elizabeth Licerio
Melissa Ann Martinez
Angelica Ruth Munoz
Ligia Catherine Ochoa
Aviance Uriah Ramsey
Danielle K. Torres
Jessica Velazquez
College of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business
Aldo Raul Villegas Jr.
Summer R. Webb
Veronica Teresita Aguilar
Mario Alarcon
Gloria Yvette Alvarez
Fabiola Alvarez-Primo
Jorge Banos Gomar
Linda J. Brown
Jazmin Dagmar Brunken
Claudia Y. Carrillo
Luis Adrian Cruz
Perla A. Diaz
Alejandra Diaz De Leon
Valeria Duron Gonzalez
Alejandro Escobar
Jared Escobar
Alicia Esqueda
Denisse Alejandra Fernandez
Oscar Flores Jr.
Mayra Guerra
David Guerrero
Myrella E. Gutierrez
Elisa Herrera De Rey
Latonya Minnette Houston
Esmeralda King
Michael Lamas
Monica Cecilia Leos
Rosalba Lopez
Oscar Loy Jr.
Ilse Gabriela Martinez
Morayma Y. Meraz
Elizabeth Cynthia Miramontes
Diana Isabel Montes
Hilda Pena
Jose Alvaro Reyes III
Barbara Rios
Mariel Rocha
Ana Teresa Rodriguez
Roberto Rodriguez
Lucero Romero Morales
Ross Aaron Rotwein
Yadira Sotelo
Edith Stybalis Suarez
Jennie Ericka Torres
Arturo U. Valenzuela
Grecia Villalobos
Ana Georgina Villanueva
Anamaria Camargo Salazar
Andres De la Riva
Michael Lee Guy
Marisol Hernandez Dominguez
Sean Michael Myerly
Ruben Rodriguez
Miguel A. Cortez
Iliana Ortiz
Computer Information Systems
Matthew Adan Bustamante
Pedro Contreras
David Aaron Diaz
Robert Joseph Estala
Erika Jeannette Ibarra
Guillermo Lopez Jr.
Frank Ortega Jr.
Jose Puga
Javier Siliceo
Christian Villa Lujan
Computer Information Systems/
Luckens Cadet
Rodolfo Alberto Vazquez Jurado
Computer Information Systems/
Alejandra Gomez
Matthew James Youngs
Computer Information Systems/
Operations and Supply Chain
Jose Ramon Almanza
Erika Guadalajara
Carlos Ramon Avina Jr.
Samantha Yael Garcia
Patricia Krysel Valdez
Arnoldo David Verazas Rojas
Rafael Alvarado
Ricardo Chavez Garcia
Economics/General Business
Ivette Margarita Ortega Ibarra
Guillermo Aguilera
Angelica Aguirre
Gilbert Alarcon
Andres Arturo Alvarez
Angeles Geraldine Bangert
Raul Fabian Castro-Gomez
Christian J. Corral
Adam Delgado
Robert Diaz
Nidia Alejandra Flores
Jordan Kevin Gallacher
Diana Angelica Garcia
William Andrew Gutierrez
Michael George Jacobs
Gustavo Lopez
Nicholas Pavia Lopez
Michael D. Lujan
Juan L. Mora
Nathan L. Morales
Sean Michael Motts
Tako Khady Niare
Robert Anthony Ordonez
Enrique Antonio Quintana
Steven Rodriguez
Anibal Miguel Roman Guerra
Jesus Alfredo Ruiz
Richard M. Spencer
Sean Phillip Thompson
Santiago Vasquez III
Martin Villegas
Jose Gabriel De La Cruz
Felipe Alejandro Lozano Prado
Jorge Alberto Cepeda
Finance/General Business
Dariya Abdrakhmanova
Miguel Hernandez
Roberto Carlos Del Angel
Daniel Marquez
Inaam Alaa Abdel-Jaber
General Business
Jaime Fernando De La Cruz Jr.
Dahena Guadalupe Hernandez
Myrna Cecilia Lespron
Gabriela Alejandra Montes Ojeda
David Alonso Ortiz
Carina Isolda Popoca Fehr
Anna Karen Rey Loya
Edward P. Weigel
General Business/Management
Laura M. Avila
Andrea Elizabeth Perez Ledezma
Maria Antonia Portillo
General Business/Marketing
Ivan Arnulfo Montes
Mohammad Bassam Abdo
Jeanette Almaraz
Charlene Daniela Faustina Aranda
Saul Aranda
Adrian J. Armstrong
Judith Barragan
Priscilla Barrios-Hernandez
Jose Guadalupe Cadena
Matthew Taylor Cannon
Daisy Isela Cano
Patricia D. Carrillo
Kathryn Kraft Ferree
Melissa Vianney Gameros
Misael Garcia
Corina Gonzalez
Diego Gonzalez
Claudia Guereca
Charles L. Haley
Maria E. Hudson
Jesus E. Leyva
Beatriz Azucena Lopez
Belinda Lopez
Flor I. Lujan
Karla E. Lujan
Mario Ernest Martinez
Luis Jesus Olivas
Carlos Enrique Panzardi
Andres Payan
Daniel E. Ponce Flores
Andres Portillo
Martin Quijas
April Quintana
Idalhi Reyes
Lorena J. Rincon
Abril M. Rodriguez
Jose A. Romo
Angelica Sanchez
Santiago Sanchez
Sergio Hiram Sandoval Jr.
Christopher Joseph Serrano
Sarah Ann Simpson
Sarah Janette Sullivan
Jennifer Vanessa Taylor
Alfredo A. Torres
Javier Daniel Zepeda
Elizabeth Alvarado
Ethan Slape
Jessica Alejandra Villagran
Management/General Business
Nydia Vanessa Castaneda
Zhara Liberty Smith
Irene C. Trevizo
Jacob James Chavez
Oswaldo Chavez
Joanna Annette Faudoa
Alejandro Javier Guerra
Richard Majalca
Juan Carlos Orduna
Paulina Raquel Parra-Barraza
Mael Vazquez Chong
Pierre Rene Adame
Krista Marie Apodaca
Armando Armendariz
Mario Osvaldo Ayala
Miguel A. Chavez
Rosario Contreras
Claudia Cruz
Andrew Scott Cutler
Stephanie Anne Daw
Aaron Anthony Enriquez
Carlos Ruben Flores Miramontes
Julia Elena Hernandez
Ruifeng Li
Kimberly Lopez
Abraham Eli Martinez
Rodrigo Javier Olmedo
David Rodriguez
Sarai Romero
Andres Sandoval
Juan Carlos Santiago
Farid Sapien
Muhammad Adnan Shahid
Jennie Valentin
Marketing/Computer Information
Oliver Urdiales
Marketing/General Business
Mercedes Alvarado
Zahira Buhaya
Isaac Ontiveros
Sandra Yadhira Sandoval Alcantar
Debra Ann Duff
Anibal Hernandez
Julio Cesar Jimenez
Nora Estefania Lozano
Claudia Elena Nungaray
Julieta N. Torres
Marketing/Operations and Supply
Chain Management
Flor Alicia Ornelas Perez
Operations and Supply Chain
Adam Ayala
Karina Clarke
Luis Carlos Garcia
Joaquin Gutierrez-Murguia
Raul Hernandez
David Edward Lusky
Fernando Ivan Quinones
Augustine R. Ramos
Operations and Supply Chain
Jorge Esteban Solis
College of Education
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary
Alexandria Acosta
Britany Elise Acosta
Alejandra Acosta Davila
Silvia L. Adame
Rita Aguayo
Jessica Aguilar
Maria De Los Angeles Aguilar
Amanda Aguirre
Mariana Aguirre
Teresa Yvette Aldana Martinez
Adriana Anguiano
Pamela B. Antwine
Aleida Arzate
Edgar Ivan Avila
Nasreen Minerva Aziz
Cynthia I. Baca
Briana Marie Baeza
Rosalia Balderrama
Christina Bauer
Lucy Bell Bejarano
Karina Berthaud Beltran
Myrna Isela Beltran Portales
Erica Bermudez
Amanda Marie Borunda
Alex Ellen Buggs
Nancy Calderon
Lucia A. Calixtro
Sofia Cano
Berenice Cardenas
Lizet Castillo
Isabel Castro
Rebecca Ceballos Antunez
Gabriela G. Chavez
Manuela Coleman
Cynthia Cortes
Maria Trinidad Cortez
Pedro Covarrubias
Anna M. Cruz
Adrianna Daniela Daher
Olga De La Cruz
Faviola De La Pena
Ariadne DeLaTorre
Violeta Del Rio
Crystal Denise Del Valle
Diana Delgado
Monica Delgado
Karla Patricia Diaz
Yvette Belinda Diaz
Lizette Irene Diaz de la Vega
Eloisa Guadalupe Encerrado Rocha
Stephanie Y. Enriquez
Gracie Esparza
Margarita Espinoza
Yvonne Espinoza
Javier Alejandro Esquivel
Zulema Estrada
James Daniel Fatuch
Angelica Stephanie Fernandez
Claudia Fernandez
Fernando Adrian Fernandez
Lindsay Anne Flora
Yvette Lorena Frias
Olga T. Galache
Ilbian Danise Galarza
Jasmine Aida Gallardo
Annette Garcia
Cynthia Garcia
Esmirna Garcia
Jacqueline Garcia
Monica Garcia
Nicole Marie Garcia
Remi Kathleen Garcia
Lillian A. Garduno
Denice Sanchez Gavilanes
Liliana Gaytan de Pinedo
Esther Gonzalez
Irma N. Gonzalez
Jessica Priscilla Gonzalez
Nallely Gonzalez
Brenda Lizeth Griego
Kaylon Renee Griffith
Gloria Gutierrez
Arlene Hernandez
Erin Hernandez
Jazzmin Raquel Hernandez
Judith Marie Hernandez
Maria C. Hernandez
Clarissa Ilianna Herrera
Edith Herrera
Severina Luna Holt
Carmen Violeta Ibarra
Elizabeth Ibarra
Patricia Vasquez Jaquez
Humberto Gerardo Jaramillo
Reina Zenaida Jaramillo
Lizette Jauregui
Mercy Landeros
Lisa Michelle Lee
Lindsay Kaye Leeah
Randi D. Licano
Janis M. Lopez
Melissa Rae Lopez
Mercedes Lopez
Nancy Lopez
Stephanie M. Lopez
Paulina Abilene Loya
Eric Lucero
Crystal Lennette Magdaleno
Brenda Marquez
Leslie E. Marquez
Karla L. Martinez
Georgina I. Mejia
Sarah Lucia Mena
Monica Paulina Mercado
Eduardo Meza
Ashley Marie Mireles
Angelica Montes
Guadalupe Gonzalez Moran
Omar Morin
Casandra Noriega
Ana Paola Nunez
Jessica Nunez
Josue Nunez
Manuel Nunez
Maria Gisel Nunez
Arlene Paloma Ochoa
Velia H. Ocon
Daniel Ortega
Debbie Ortega
Angela Ortiz
Teresa Ovalles
Liliel Papadakis
Brenda Parra
Ivonne Parra
Paulette Pena
Lucila April Pineira
Julieta Prieto
Deyanira Azurina Quinonez
Nicole Quintana
Jazmin Michelle Quintanilla
Andrea Margarita Ramirez
Luz Maria Ramirez
Susana Ramirez
Monica Ramos
Mary Ann Rangel
Raul Rangel Jr.
Laura Lee Renteria-Moya
Denise Reyes
Eduardo Luis Reyes
Erica Reynolds
Rosa Isela Rincon
Isela Sifuentes Rios
Lorena Mercedes Rivera
Yazmin Rivera
Abigaiy Rodriguez
Desirae Ivana Rodriguez
Emma Elizabeth Rodriguez
Luis Carlos Rodriguez
Ana Berenice Rosales
Devin Kacie Roush
Marisol Ruiz
Karissa Nicole Runkles
Diana Jessica Sandoval
Ricardo Sierra
Alejandra Silva
Lorena Sims
Leticia Soltero
Stacy Lynne Tarango
Lorenza M. Tuda De Esparza
Adriana Angelica Turner
Erica Ruby Valadez
Adriana Valdez
Rocio Valdivia
Araceli Vargas
Rocio I. Vargas
Ana Alejandra Vazquez Jurado
Brenda L. Vidana
Jesus Jacob Villa
Patrick Samuel Villarreal
Priscilla Elizabeth Villegas
Loreal Alicia Wood
Rachael L. Yeatman
Lizzette Zambrano
Krystal Zavala
School of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Andrea Margarita Alvarado
Abiodun Monsurat Ambali
Elsie C. Andrade
Daniel E. Arioga
Guadalupe Ivonne Armenta
Guadalupe Arrambide
Maria Gloria Arroyo
Diana Garibay Artalejo
Alexa Avila
Madalyne Nichol Baca
Paola Baeza Valenzuela
Sandra Kay Caldwell
Heidi G. Cantu
Norma Carrillo
Devin Leeann Castellanos
Virginia Chavira
Yahaira L. Cisneros
Maribell S. Cordova
Michelle Avila Cortinas
Roger Allen Diaz
Alba Esther Dominguez-Arriaga
Abel Duque Jr.
Elizabeth Estrada
Marisol Janette Fematt
Sandra Flores
Riahmohiko Grace Fonseca
Sean Christopher Forquer
Allissa N. Foster
Maria Isabel Gallegos
Clara Lee Garza
Jacqueline S. Garza
Eugene Gentry
Alejandra Ismene Gines
Leslie Guadalajara
Manuel Gutierrez
Elise Linne Harboldt
Stephanie K. Harris
Janain Hernandez
Roxana Higareda
Cristina Camille Hinojosa
Paulette Spearman Holt
Sherrill Lynn Howell
Graciela B. Isa
Gibran Asdhrubal Juarez
Risper Jepkemoi Kimaiyo
Marty Sue Kirkes
Thomas Mallare Kondik Jr.
Elide Nohemi Lozoya
Melissa Luera-Sanchez
Juanita Flores Marrero
Susan Melissa Martin
Edith Y. Martinez
Leslie Dell Mendoza
Maria C. Minjares
Melissa R. Molina
Juan Carlos Montes
Brenda Berenice Morales
Juliana Morales
Melissa Morales
Amanda Rebeca Moreno
Maria Rowena-McGee Munoz
Philip Gatu Mwangi
Graciela Navarrete
Jacqueline C. Nevarez
Rosa B. Ogaz
Olufunke M. Olushola
Horacio Ornelas
Belinda Orozco
Jeanette Aileen Ortiz
Veronica C. Ortiz
Kizzy Myisha Parker
Adan Humberto Perez
Joann Piliado
Jessica Powell
Diana L. Pulido
Mia Elizabeth Pursel
Jessica M. Quinones
Evelyn Quiroga
Diana Reyes
Hector Manuel Rivera Jr.
Annie Louise Rocha
Daniela A. Rodriguez
Roy Rios Rodriguez
Sylvia F. Romero
Armando Ismael Ruiz
Javier Ivan Ruiz
Luis Raul Saenz
George Adrian Sanchez
Jeovanna Saucedo
Rebecca Seyffert
Madison Elizabeth Shelton
Olga Lidia Silva
Amanda Marie Smith
Ithzel Y. Solis
Allis Marie Thomas
Stephanie L. Torres
Nancy Varela-Medina
Laura Veronica Vega
Alejandra Velarde
Daniella Simona Ytuarte
College of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil
Barbara Paola Aguilera
Frankie Macias Aidoo-Rodriguez
Michael Archuleta
Alejandro Artalejo
Ricardo Alan Avila
Marianna Borrego
Victoria Alexandra Castaneda
Rodrigo Chavez
Martin Contreras
Nereida Celia Cora
Paulina Cristoforo
Milly Elizabeth De Jesus
Javier Antonio De La Cruz Jr.
Braulio Delgado
Andrew Benjamin Drewes
Oscar Garcia
Adalberto Gonzalez
Oscar Daniel Gonzalez
Alexandro Hernandez
Eric Isaac Hernandez
Jassivy L. Hernandez
Jose Carlos Hernandez
Jose Luis Hernandez
Yvette Nicole Holguin
Ulysses Jaquez
Daniel Jimenez
Melodie Jimenez
Omar Jimenez
Karen Gabriela Jurado Duarte
Adrian Arturo Lopez
Ana Lucia Lopez
Christian Fernando Martinez
Alejandro Miramontes
Hector Antonio Moreno Gutierrez
Cesar Alejandro Quezada Arellano
Oswaldo Quinonez
Jose Luis Ramirez
Estefany Ramos
Nancy Magdalena Rodarte
Everardo Rodriguez
Pedro Alejandro Romero
Miguel Angel Rosas
Melissa Marie Sanchez
Adriana Catalina Sustaita
Jose Manuel Valencia Jr.
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science
Joseph Ryan Aguirre
David Allen Archer
Gabriel Reynaldo Arellano
David Jay Arenas
Adriana Contreras
Julio Mario Corral
Andre De La Cruz
Arturo Ismael Delgado
Monica Isabel Galindo
Alexis Xavier Garcia
Edzel Fernando Garcia
Daniel Guzman
Jaime Alberto Jaloma
Stephen D. Liles
Crystal Yvette Lopez
Carlos Enrique Luevanos
Carlos Emilio Montijo
Edward Moreno Jr.
Berenice Olivas
Joseph Daniel Ortega
Rogelio Arturo Portillo II
Jonathan K. Quijas
Heber Daniel Ramirez
Juan Roberto Rodriguez
Fernando Sifuentes Jr.
Jesus Manuel Tabares Jr.
Adam N. Telles
Xavier Alexis Thomas
Ramon Vega III
Steven Douglas Werner
Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering
Carlos Avalos
Gary William Badley
John S. Bilberry
David Bujanda
Brett Carrera
Jose Carlos De La O
Victor Hugo Escobedo
Michael Edwin Furth
Raul Alberto Gallegos
Diane Garcia-Gaytan
David Hernandez
Alberto Jimenez
Virginia Jimenez
Ernesto Lopez
Francisco Jonathan Lozano
Pedro Lucero
Fernando Machado
Daniel Moran
Jose Emanuel Munoz
Juan Carlos Ordonez
Edgar O. Payan
Luis Enrique Puentes
Sarahi Alejandra Rivera
Ricardo Rodriguez
Dante Noel Schlomer
Raymond Manuel Torres
Gideon Atamfon Udo
Sonia Cristina Valadez
Alejandra Angelica Vargas
Suzette Vasquez
Dawid Michael Yhisreal-Rivas
Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering
Sergio Alonso Baca Ramos
Diana Eileen Canizales
Efren Jose Dominguez
Jesus Homero Gomez
Natalia Madrid-Jimenez
Rafael Ivan Moreno
Saul Noriega Landa
Luis Rodrigo Padilla
Laura Alejandra Perez
Pablo Quintana
Raul Alonso Ramirez Reyes
Brianda Ivonne Rodriguez
Ngozi C. Ubani
Armando Urrutia
Luis Fernando Villeda Trejo
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering
Alan Alvillar
Jaime David Arroyo
Martin Gustavo Arzate
Juan Manuel Barragan
Nathan Bouche
Mercedes Christine Cardenas
Alfredo Casavantes
Christopher Kodiak Caviglia
Cesar Chavez Perez
Eira Karina Chico
Christian James Clancy
Carlos Andres Contreras
Rafael Armando Contreras
Herman Ryan Cordero
Manuel Alberto Cruz Rocha
Diego Ivan Delfin Manriquez
Armando Alonso Duarte
Joseph Duran
Julian Duran
Domingo Estrada
Antonio Ferez
Alejandra Garibaldi Garcia
Eberyk Enrique Gomez
Rogelio Grisanti
Sergio Emanuel Guerrero
Francisco Javier Guevara Arreola
Andres Gutierrez
Guillermo Alonso Heinrichs Delgado
Alex Hernandez Jr.
Jose L. Julian
Deanna Elisabeth Key
Erick Martinez
Gustavo Adolfo Martinez
Xavier Ismael Martinez
Jesus Julian Medrano
Ricardo Mejia Jr.
Alejandra Gabriela Melendez
Emma Annalise Navar
Felipe Nunez
Luis Carlos Ochoa
Kenneth Klint Palomino
Gilbert Paquian Jr.
Adrian Perez
Arturo Perez Jr.
Jose Antonio Pulido
Alberto Elias Rivera
Ricardo A. Rodriguez
Jorge Serrano
Bhriannon Ines Tiscareno
Alex James Whisler
Travis James Wilson
Bachelor of Science in
Metallurgical and Materials
Dorian Lucero
Katherine Ramos-Carrasco
Ida Alicia Sanchez
Alberto Antonino Yepez
College of Science
Bachelor of Science
Applied Mathematics
Mary Ann Veliz
Cinthia Acosta-Lopez
Daniel D. Anchondo
Tomas E. Espinosa
Fabiola Moreno Olivas
Scott Alan Rush
Veronica Becerra
Biological Sciences
Samantha Alvarado
Ivan Alvarez
Miguel Ricardo Amezcua
Rebecca F. Apodaca
Jorge A. Aranda
Norberto Fabian Avila
Alejandra Balcorta
Paola Bustillos
Samantha Carlos
Erika Michelle Carpinteyro
Michelle Carreon
Valorie Nicole Castro
Samantha Lee Cuellar
Monica Cueva
Maria Teresa Curiel
Ziad Nouriddin Dabbagh
Danielle Nadine Daw
Richard Delval
Marcela Lucia Diaz
Salvador Dominguez
Anthony Hau Duong
Annette Escobedo
Mayra C. Estrada
Kayla Marie Farr
Denys Eleonor Garcia
Alanna Desiree Garcia-Ramos
Anthony Gongora
Jacquelyn Ruby Gonzales
Tiffanie Marie Gonzales
Laura Alejandra Guerra
Kavita Gupta
Ashley Nicole Hamilton
Alexandra Hernandez
Nathan Andrew Herrera
Fabiola M. Ibarra
John Paul Juarez
Keith B. Kofoed
Christina Natalie Lopez
Jose Ricardo Lopez
Norma Lowry
Alexzandra Lozano
Silas Steven Luna
Oscar Alberto Martinez
Larissa Mendoza
Jorge Alberto Miranda
Andrea Nicole Miskei
Carla Leticia Moreno
Emmanuel Muniz
Alonso Nevarez
Sabrina Nur
Evelyn K. Orona
Andrew Jonathen Ortega
Anna Elisa Pina
Cristal Posada
Carolyn Annette Ramirez
Jennifer Ramirez
Gabriel Ramos
Berenice Rocha
Luis M. Rodarte Jr.
Sergio Ivan Rodriguez
Juancarlos Humberto Ruiz
Bianca Z. Salas
Cassandra Isabel Salas
Crystal Michelle Scott
Adam Emmanuel Sierra
Christopher Alexander Styles
Samuel G. Tellez
Chantal Nicole Tillman
Monica Tom
Caresse Lynn Torres
Chidimma Ifeoma Ukanwa
Christina Michelle Umana
Alejandro Velarde
Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry
Adam Banda
Mayra Alejandra Gonzalez
Marianna Ortiz
Isai Polanco
Adrian Rodriguez
Samuel Rodriguez
Danny Soltero Jr.
Maria Concepcion Garcia
Jessica Kell
Reyna Rey
Dorothy Nell Zurlinden
Environmental Science
Suzanne Annette Apodaca
Sarah Tesia Baca
Melissa Martinez
Isa C. Valdez
Forensic Science
Christina Marie Dominguez
Samantha Jo Dominguez
Jennifer Ramos
Jasmine Saenz
Geological Sciences
Richard Alexander Alfaro-Diaz
Cindy Joanna Almeda
Jose Jesus Navarro Jr.
Alfredo Rojo
Sean Michael Sahs
Luis Adolfo Valadez
Guillermo Antonio Vargas
Shane Michael Schinagel
Celeste Aranda
Abel Alfredo Cadena
Cynthia Jean Carmona
Martha Alicia Delgado
Melissa Duran
Sharon Kay Farrow
Edward Hernandez
Maria del Carmen Luevano
Jeanette Maritza Mendoza
Ulisses B. Montes
Isla Andrea Porras
Joseph R. Quintela
Luis Alberto Reyes
Ignacio Sandoval
Josue Manuel Torres
Raul A. Villagrana
Zachary Sahban Al-Tabbaa
Reena S. Amaro
Denise Avalos
Taylor Ann Bramblett
Bianca Denise Cazares
Marycruz Contreras Figueroa
Jessica Marie De La Luz
Marco Antionio Flores
Ivette Gonzalez
Magaly Idaly Gonzalez
Edna Lopez
Veronica Payan
Sonja Kathleen Payne
Robert Sigala
Bernardo M. Terres
Michelle Valdiviez
Tulia Araceli Villa
Andrea Elaine Wurm
Arturo Adame
Luis Armando Barreda
Elissa Victoria Canseco
Brandan A. Garcia
College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Clinical Laboratory Science
David Anthony Camacho
Antonio Espinoza
Health Promotion
Valeria Anali Baeza
Cristina Yvonne Calderon
Cynthia Chavez
Stephanie Brooke De La Cruz
Sandra Elia Espinoza
Joseph Shane Garcia
Tiffany Garcia
Karen Elizabeth Gardea
Monica Lynn Gongaware
Angela Rose Hernandez
Lidia Hernandez
Fabiola Nevarez
Estefania Nunez Gonzalez
Yvette Ontiveros
Anabel Orquiz
Naomi Owens
Victor Ramirez Jr.
Naomi Rodriguez
Francisco Javier Arellano
Kailah Krystal Bailey
Kayla Rae Black
Michelle Maria Chavez Benitez
Alejandra Cruz
Marissa Ivette Diaz
Brandon Michael Dougherty
Arabella Duarte
Michelle Irene Enriquez
Edward Favela
Anthony Rene Flores
Steven Ray Galaviz
Rocio Garcia-Silva
Emmanuel Gardea
Matthew Ryan Gutierrez
Tess A. Hall
Stephanie Christine Han
Abraham Haro
Anh Nhat Huynh
Aaron Anthony Lopez
Vanessa Marie Maurizzio
Christopher Michael McMillen
Jeremy Joseph Perales
Carl Logan Petry
Eddie T. Ramirez
Adriana Rosales
Ebernoel Ruvalcaba
Stephanie Salgado
Erica Alyssa Solis
Richard Park Tachibana
Julio Cesar Vega
Sofia Vega
Rocio Villalobos
Haydee Lymari Vizcarra
Marquis Antwan Washington
University honors program
University Honors Degree
University Honors Certificate
Anamaria Camargo
Jorge L. Banos Gomar
Biological Sciences
Miguel R. Amezcua
Paola Bustillos
Kavita Gupta
Biological Sciences
Carla L. Moreno
Economics/International Business
Ivette M. Ortega
Kizzy M. Parker
Criminal Justice/ Intelligence and
National Security Systems
Lizette B. Granado
Multidisciplinary Studies
Liliana Ramos Lopez
Alba E. Dominguez Arriaga
Jorel S. Gilbert
Graduate School
Doctor of Education
Educational Leadership and
Tami Lynn Greggerson
Dissertation Title: Educators’
Perceptions about Cooperating
Teacher Effectiveness: Implications for
Policy and Practice
Jesus Francisco Hinojos
Dissertation Title: Predictors of
Academic Success between On-Track
and Off-Track Students in a Mexican
Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Sciences-Pathobiology
Susana Pamela Barrera
Dissertation Title: Regulation of the
Glycine Transporter 1 (GlyT1) by PKC Dependent Ubiquitination
Civil Engineering
Mustafa Abushaala Aldalinsi
Dissertation Title: A Method to
Reduce Plastic Shrinkage Cracking
of Concrete Using Re-vibration
Guillermo Guadalupe Delgado
Dissertation Title: An Evaluation of
the CERRO Process as an Efficient RO
Concentrate Management System
Rafael Arturo Ramirez Sr.
Dissertation Title: A Stochastic
Approach for Pavement Condition
Projections and Budget Needs for the
MTC Pavement Management System
Mohammad Ali Zokaei Ashtiani
Dissertation Title: An Improved Finite
Element Model for the Analysis
and Design of Jointed Concrete
Jose Angel Hernandez Viezcas
Dissertation Title: Determination
of the Effects of ZnO and CeO2
Nanoparticles in Mesquite (Prosopis
juliflora velutina) and Soybean
(Glycine max): Synchrotron and
Spectroscopic Approaches
Computational Science
Victor Manuel Carrillo
Dissertation Title: Post-Pareto
Optimality Methods for the Analysis
of Large Pareto Sets Obtained
from Evolutionary Multi-Objective
Optimization Algorithms
Miguel Hernandez IV
Dissertation Title: Reduced Order
Modeling Using Orthogonal and
Biorthogonal Wavelet Transforms
Javier Polanco
Dissertation Title: Surface Plasmon
Polaritons and Waveguide Modes
at Structured and Inhomogeneous
Christian Servin
Dissertation Title: Propagation of
Interval and Probabilistic Uncertainty
in Cyberinfrastructure-Related Data
Processing and Data Fusion
Daniel Tesfai Yehdego
Dissertation Title: Secondary
Structure Prediction of Long RNA
Sequences Based on Inversion
Excursions and Distributed
Computing Techniques
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sergio Fabian Almeida Loya
Dissertation Title: Integration of
Memristors with MEMS for Dynamic
Displacement Control
Rafael Gerardo Lopez
Dissertation Title: Application of
Compressive Sensing to Microwave
Cristian Mauricio Potes
Dissertation Title: Development and
Validation of a Novel Framework to
Map Brain Function
English Rhetoric and Comosition
Teresa Quezada
Dissertation Title: BureauSpeak: A
Rhetorical Analysis of Municipal
Employees’ Professional Writing and
Environmental Science and
Faraj Mohamad Aboargob
Dissertation Title: Determinants of
Neighborhood Exposure to Extreme
Heat: A Spatial Examination of El
Paso and Juarez, 2010
Susmita Bandyopadhyay
Dissertation Title: Interaction of
Ceo2 and Zno Nps towards the
Symbiotic Association of Alfalfa and
Sinorhizobium Meliloti in Soil Matrix
Abdelatif Bashir Eldeb
Dissertation Title: Assessing the
Equity Implications of Greenspace
Distribution in an Arid Region
Ali Ragab Elkekli
Dissertation Title: Lead and
Association Heavy Metal Distribution
in El Paso, Texas
Samia El fituri Grimida
Dissertation Title: Lead and
Associated Heavy Metal Distribution
in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Christine Marie Laney
Dissertation Title: Connecting
Ecological Research through a New
Information Management and
Sharing Paradigm
Noe Ortega-Corral
Dissertation Title: High-Recovery
Inland Brackish Desalination:
Concentrate Treatment by
Electrodialysis and Batch Reverse
Sudipa Sarker
Dissertation Title: Effect of Multitube Injector Geometry on Flame
Stability and NOx Emission in a
Designed High Pressure Gas Turbine
Arturo Sepulveda Fernandez
Dissertation Title: Analysis in the
Thermal Energy Storage Medium
with Small Particles at High
Temperatures (700oC-1000oC) for
Concentrating Solar Power Systems
General Psychology
Marisela Gutierrez
Dissertation Title: Strengthening
Cognitive Development in Minority
Populations: A Study of the Beneficial
Effects of Active Bilingualism
David R. Herring
Dissertation Title: An Intra-Individual
Event Related Potential-Based
Concealed Attitude Test
Geological Sciences
Pawan Budhathoki
Dissertation Title: Integrated
Geological and Geophysical Studies
of the Indio Mountains and Hueco
Bolson, West Texas
Munazzam Ali Mahar
Dissertation Title: In-situ, Integrated
U-Pb, Hf and O Isotopic Study of
Igneous, Metamorphic and Detrital
Zircons, Implications to the Crustal
Evolution and Geodynamics
International Business
Belal Mahmoud Taher Abdelfattah
Dissertation Title: Essays on the
Digital Divide
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
Roxana E. Delgado Martinez
Dissertation Title: Phenomenology
of Blast-induced Traumatic Brain
Injury in Military Personnel
Maissa Hussein Khatib
Dissertation Title: Arab Muslim
Immigrant Women’s Experiences
of Living in the United States: A
Descriptive Qualitative Study
Material Science and Engineering
Francisco Medina Jr.
Dissertation Title: Reducing Metal
Alloy Powder Cost for Use in Powder
Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing:
Improving the Economics for
Olanrewaju Wasiu Tanimola
Dissertation Title: Synthesis of Novel
Electronic and Functional Materials
from Crude Oil Waste
Teaching, Learning, and Culture
Ruby Lorilee Lynch Arroyo
Dissertation Title: Complexity of
Affective Disposition and Reflective
Transphenomenality: An Exploratory
Study of Middle School Mathematics
Teacher and Student Self-Positioning
and Positioning-by-Others Toward
Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching
and Learning
Andres Diego Muro
Dissertation Title: The Effect of
Domestic Violence, and other
demographic variables on General
Education Development (GED) Test
Performance of Latina Women
Enrolled in an Adult Basic Education
Program on the US-Mexico Border
Amabilia Valverde Valenzuela
Dissertation Title: Expanding
the Pipeline for Latino Bilingual
Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Marisela Correa
Linzi-Ball Crisafulli
Aafke de Boer Zaffke
Katie Alyssa Fernandez
Caitlin Joy Giesler
Alfredo Daniel Jurado
Christopher LeBlanc
Eric Malmin
Erin Kathleen McDeavitt
Laura Michelle McVicar
Jonathan R. Montez
Vanessa Marie Nandin
Mark Samuel Navarro
Jarrod Levi Ochoa
Elisa Monica Olague
Anthony Patrick Perales
Ricardo Jesus Portillo
Laura Ann Sander
Hannah Lynn Shoemaker
Samantha Casey Sturdevant
Carlos Alfonso Torres
Alyssa Mariel Valdez
Nicholas Ray Valencia
Chloe Ann Wright
Master of Arts
Art Education
Linda Sue Al-Hanna
Elijah Daniel Escobar
Rafael Lerma Jr.
Clinical Psychology
Corina Mendoza
English and American Literature
Maria G. Fernandez
Experimental Psychology
Corin Sue Ramos
Amy Bethany Ross
Josephine Hannah Jimarez-Howard
Daniel Romero Jr.
Doriana Rhea Torres
Juan Carlos Varela
Leadership Studies
Devilyn James Boyles
Sheiloh Shane Agatep Carlos
Andrew Michael Clark
Jay Colloton
Vanessa Dominguez
Kenneth Wayne Hardy
Gabriel Harvey
Ronald Terence Howell II
John David Jarvis
Mison Kang
Kimberly Grace Kopack
Irma Marie Lopez
Elena Mei Lin Madrid
James Thomas Morgan
Brian Nilles
Jessica Perales
Rachel Serrano
Robert Spinks
Jonathan Coyt Taylor
Royston Stephen Voglezon
Jonathan Wayne Wheeler
Ronald Julius Yuhasz Jr.
Master of Arts in Teaching
Raquel Gonzalez de Anda
Sevda Rahymov
Gisela Simental
Jose Luis Acevedo Lopez
Jose Agustin Alvarado
Osman Fatih Aysu
Stephen Ballesteros
Luis Enrique Bonilla Barrera
Leandro Salvador Brandi
Angel Eduardo Cancino
Leonardo Castro Jr.
Ricardo David Christobal
Elizabeth Ann Claudio
Michelle Elane Cochrane
Ruth Elizabeth Cruncleton
Miranda Elise De La Fuente
Rosendo Dominguez Jr.
Santiago Dozal
Marcela Gonzalez
Maria De Los Angeles Gonzalez
Cynthia Lee Graham
Anthony M. Hart
Marco Alejandro Hernandez
Adam Cody Herrera
Carla Matilde Hurtado-Dominguez
Abhilash Reddy Kothi
Michael Alexander Martinez
Hadi Medina
Pablo Uriel Mena
Kaitlyn Cline Merola
Rosalba Miranda
Francisco Javier Morales
Debjani Mukhopadhyay
Yen T. Nguyen
Ismael Ojeda
Political Science
Rosa Alicia Garcia Compean
Paola Chavez-Payan
Alejandra Rivas Gomez
Master of Accountancy
Susan Arrieta
Natalie Marie Baker
Lorenzo Beltran Del Rio
Gloria Michelle Diaz de Leon
Joseph Henry Gonzalez
Richard Glenn Hunt
Rebekah Marie Jay
Clara Hyejeong Latka
Kheila Zarina Medina
Guadalupe San Miguel
Adrian Armando Idelfonso Serrano
Tingting Yang
Master of Arts in
Interdisciplinary Studies
Brenda Berumen
Nancy Moya
Miguel Mendoza
Jeremy Lee Ramirez
Allyssa Margarita Amaya
Luz Selenia Carrillo
Jie Li
Angel Salvador Marquez Jr.
Teaching English
Matthew Lyle Black
Brandon Brock
Brenda R. Gallardo
Sarah Luna
Lisa Ann Lyons
Master of Business
Carloantonio Andres Oliver
Laura Lorenie Orozco
Dominic Jose Padilla
Frida Fernanda Palencia Delhumeau
Michael Dinh Pham
Jorge Abraham Ramos
Andrea Reza
Enrique Rivera Jr.
Maricruz Saenz
Giovanni Sandoval Sr.
Adrian Santiago
Abimael Sosa
Fausto Soto Sanchez
Daniel Robert Valdez
Sonia Margarita Villa
Cesar Octavio Villanueva
Wenqin Wang
Master of Education
Educational Administration
Hilda Alarcon
Jorge A. Altamirano
Angelo Michael Arriaga
Jaime Castor
Daniel Reuben Delgado
Stephen Anthony Fernandez
Leslie Lizet Goldmann
Jessica Nadine Harrison
Olivia H. Henderson
Emma Villa Hernandez
Ahmad Khaled Ismail
Jose Jeddery
Erika Y. Lara
Eva Katelle Lewis
Edgar Ponce
Veronica Elizabeth Reyes
Oscar Jonathan Trillo
Educational Diagnostician
Sara Duarte
Yvonne Andrea Gallegos
Mariantonia Fermina Ligorio
Candice Marie Rivera
Ana Maria Wood
Guidance and Counseling
Saira S. Armendariz
Maria Martina Delgado
Marisela Duran
Teresa Perez Frias
Jessica Marlana Jacobo
Carolyn Corey Machen
Bianca Villa Pena
Eugene Keil Reyes
Ana Marlene Rios
Enriqueta Claudia Serrano
Liliana Vacio
Shana Janette Varnell
Rachel LaVaughn Zobeck Instructional Specialist
Delia Aguilar
Marian Ali
Monica Ibarra Almanza
Priscilla Alvarado
Jorge Anaya
Alexandra Ivonne Arras
Jose Luis Bautista
Victor Hugo Campos
Nohemi Yolanda Cerecerez
Nora Gladis Chavez de Salgado
Deborah Michelle Cruz
Andrea De Santiago
Richard NMN Diaz
Elizabeth Duarte
Gerardo Escobar
Cristina Gillis
Maricela Gonzalez
Sarah Marie Guerrero
Keren Rosario Jaramillo
Atonce Rachel Joseph
Norma Eloisa Leyva
Maria del Carmen Mares
Adriana Reyna Marquez
Melissa Martinez
Karla Alejandra Martinez Franco
Jessica Morales
Mariela Munoz
Lynette Renee Napier
Josette Pelatan
Patricia Marie Rodriguez
Diana Saenz
Jessica R. Samaniego
Abel Saucedo
Cristina Silerio
Carol Jeanette Smith
Salvador Tellez Jr.
Mucahit Ismail Turel
Zuleika Anne Simon Vargas-Cortes
Veronica Vasquez Garcia
Deborah Patricia Villalva
Thomas Villarreal III
Reading Education
Veronica Maria Gandara
Stephanie Eileen Munoz
Javier Pena
Aju Thomas
Bianca Nichole Villanueva
Michael Anthony Williams
Kuo-Hua Yeh
Special Education
Isela Buitrago
Danielle Contreras
Elia Cruz
Laura Marie Custard
Alejandro De La Pena Jr.
Maria Del Val
Maria Fernanda Garcia
Cynthia Michelle Grunsten
Elena Guerrero
Karina Hernandez
Nathan Herrera
Barbara Pauline Hughes
Rosa Martinez
Frankie Lee McDuffie
Erika Margaret Moeller
Elda Morales
Roman P. Payan
Laura Christine Ramirez
Christian Fernando Tovar-Enriquez
Lee Douglas Willmott III
Jessica Jerene Wilson
Master of Public
Master of Music
Music Performance
Guillermo Flores
Elisa Deanna Gomez
Frank Gonzalez
Master of Occupational
Alejandra Acuna
Stephanie Rita Almaraz
Mayur Bhakta
Rachel Lani Engstrom
Jessica Marie Garcia
Jacklynn Adele Gonzalez
Kelly Marie Harkins
Valerie Nicole Hernandez
Loni Johnnette Jaime
Ashley Nicole Love
Alba Leticia Quiroz
Matthew Allen Ross
Jessica Leann Sander
Kelly Rae Smith
Jaime Alberto Castro-Salazar
Stephanie J. Cecil
Arturo Marquez Jr.
Joseph T. Marshall
Evangelina Martinez
Joanna Martinez
Anna Marith Mauro
Joel Pedro Rodriguez
Lori Shepherd
Juan Urbina
Master of Public Health
Julio Ramirez Jr.
Master of Rehabilitation
Maggie Armendariz
David Enriquez
Corina Esther Huerta
Alejandro Alberto Lopez
Master of Science
Rishabh Jain Vignesh Ravichandran
Biological Sciences
Katie Anderson
Jennifer Lynn Martinez
Civil Engineering
Javier Caraveo
Sergio Delgado Jr.
Lynda Jeanette Macias
Daniel Saenz
Mutiu Olaitan Tanimola Chemistry
Sayan Chakraborty
Belinda Delilah Molina
Construction Management
Cecilia De Leon Soto
Rogelio Dominguez Jr.
Eduardo Rodriguez
Ivan Adrian Teran
Computer Science
Mohammad Shajib Khan
Enrique Portillo
Lillian Torres
Miguel Ramon Martinez
Electrical Engineering
Rodolfo Aguirre II
Saran Bhagavathula
Ahmad Ibrahim Fares-Hammad
Abhilash Kongu
Adolfo Laszlo Lazcano
Alejandro Olivas Miramontes
Wenqing Sun
Computer Engineering
Elliott Ivan Gurrola
Erasmo Morales
Ivan Santos
Edgar Lorenzo Acosta
Sami Ali Al-Haddad
Edgar Padilla
Ericka Nadia Parra
Environmental Science
Maria del Carmen Lozano
Jessica Martinez Jurado
Geological Sciences
Amed Gomez
Alexandra Massad
Jonathon Eric Stautberg
Alay Ghebremariam Gebregiorgis
Felix Ziwu
Industrial Engineering
Iram Avila
Natalia Vanessa Espino
Luis Hidrogo
Alejandra Mendez
Denise Catalina Rodriguez
David Ricardo Romo
Intelligence and National Security
Gary W. Adkins
Adrian Allen
Jeremy Libner Eaglebear
Mario Hernandez
Miguel Angel Ibarra
Jose Palomino Jimenez
Linda Marie Mais
Stefanie Renee Montes
Richard J. Parga
Vania Jeanette Reyes
Lisa Marie Saenz
Hans M. Sassenfeld
Michael Yatskievych
Laura Rose Hoover
Brianna Veronica Lopez
Justin Paul Porta
Jennifer Renae Stalter Manufacturing Engineering
Jonathan Noe Anchondo
Ricardo Espinoza
Francisco Xavier Prieto
Eduardo Valdepenas Mojica
Mechanical Engineering
Christian De Jesus Barraza
Joshua Scott Bowen
Marco Alan Flores
Hasanul Karim
Marco Antonio Machado
Md Rajib
Jorge Ramos
Metallurgical and Materials
Polette Esmeralda Cortez
Jorge Mireles
Luis Javier Sanchez
Systems Engineering
Aldo Alonso Baca Sr.
Carlos Adrian Barron
Jose Cerino
Mario Alberto Chavez Jr.
Ingrid Dayan Flores Puente
Alfonso Hidrogo
Kristian Eunice Ortiz
Carlos Rodriguez
Ismael Uriel Velarde
Speech Language-Pathology
Katherine Mailani Timbreza-Garza
Master of Science in
Information Technology
Aaron Ricardo Cervantes Herrera
Master of Science in Nursing
Nursing Education
Hugo Fernandez
Hafid Armando Guerrero
Jennifer Lynn Oliver
Samuel Phillip Warren
Eunice Asah
Annette Gonzalez
Jorge Ibarra
Nasla Victoria Loya
Maria De Jesus Martinez
Vicenta Leler Simpson
Mary Ann Spencer
Ricardo Vargas
Elizabeth Zamora
Nursing Systems Management
Leslie Daniel Andersen
Elenita Tinio Bautista
Annie Lee Garcia
Olufunmilola Idowu
Belynder Akinyi Ouko-Kendrick
Master of Social Work
Jose Arody Alvarez
Leah Nadine Diaz
Elisa Elena Gonzalez
Rosana Lopez
Roxanna Ramirez
Teala Lissa Robinson
Elisa Renee Sierra
Daniel Silvadoray
Jose Luis Valdez
“No man is an island:
No man stands alone”
-John Donne
Today we pay tribute to the accomplishments of the graduates of The University of
Texas at El Paso. For them, this ceremony marks both the culmination of years of hard
work and commitment to this goal, and a prelude to many future opportunities. We
congratulate them and wish them well as they pass this major milestone in their lives.
Of equal importance to us, however, is the opportunity to recognize you,
the family members and friends of the graduates. For today as we honor these
graduates, we honor you as well. We see in their success the love and support of
parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, spouses and children – all of you who have
so willingly made many sacrifices because you believed in the importance of their
You invest many todays to achieve a brighter tomorrow, and we are all enriched
by your commitment. The faculty and staff of The University of Texas at El Paso
thank you for your support, and we congratulate you, too, for we know that these
graduates’ achievements are not theirs alone. Your presence here today illuminates
this ceremony with warmth and love.
´ hombre es una isla:
Ninguno existe solo”
-John Donne
Rendimos homenaje hoy a los logros de quienes se reciben de La Universidad
de Texas en El Paso. Para ellos, esta ceremonia representa no sólo sino también
la culminación de años de trabajo y de compromiso personal hacia esta meta, el
preludio a innumerables oportunidades en el futuro. Los felicitamos y les deseamos
lo mejor en esta ocasión de crucial importancia en su vida.
Pero nos parece indispensable también aprovecharnos del momento presente
para brindarles nuestro reconocimiento a ustedes, los familiares y amigos de los
graduados, puesto que al honrar éstos honramos además a todos ustedes. Vemos
en el éxito de ellos el amor y el apoyo de padres, abuelos, hermanos, esposos e hijos
todos los que han hecho de buen grado sacrificios porque han creído firmemente en
la importancia de la educación de sus seres queridos.
Ustedes han hecho la inversión provechosa de su presente para alcanzar un
porvenir mejor, y todos nosotros nos hemos beneficiado por su empeño en esta labor.
Los profesores y empleados de La Universidad de Texas en El Paso les agradecemos su
apoyo y los felicitamos también, porque comprendemos que lo que han conseguido
estos graduados no lo han conseguido solos. Iluminan ustedes nuestra ceremonia
hoy con su presencia aquí, con su calor humano y su cariño.
Summer 2013
Participating in the
December 2013 commencement
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Jacqueline Loweree
Kelly Rae Vidaurri
Emelia Rubi Castro Farina
Communication Studies
Carson David Meger
Ruben Romero
Criminal Justice
Yadira Juarez Buckner
Matthew Shawn Cabigon
Wilbur Castillo
Paul Jacob Castro
Maria Dolores Cortez
Nicolette Marie Cozzitorto
Sandra Araceli De La Torre
Tabare L. Faison
Juan Manuel Frausto
Alberto Lopez
Jorge Luis Lopez
Michelle Lynn Lopez
Jesus Maciel
Ofelia Ivonne Meran
Luis Mota
Vanessa Hortensia Ortiz
Luis Andres Padron
Kristian E. Perez
Ana Irene Ruiz
Sandra Luz Sanchez
Joshua Lawrence Swintek
Sammy Naser Yousif
Victor Alexander Zarur
Criminal Justice/Political Science
Elizabeth Caudillo
Jeremy Martin Jordan
Criminal Justice/Psychology
Irving Ivan Gonzalez
Digital Media Production
Rudolph Arocha
Herman Delgado
Sarahi Anabelle Ruiz
Digital Media Production/Criminal
Sara Chavez
Jesus Alfredo Pimentel
Steve Reyes
Denise Yvette Terrazas
Electronic Media
(Mass Communication)
Josue Moreno
Eva Astrid Cortez
English and American Literature
Lorena Flores
Joanna Ruth Hinojosa
Carlos Emilio Montijo
Christopher Omar Nail
Aarin Kathleen Walston
Ana Karen Aldana
Melanie Alyssa Almada
Daniel Andrew Barber
Paul Thomas Farmer
Oscar Garcia
Raquel Debbie Garcia
Jesus Miguel Huizar
Adam Lee Melendez
Devin White Miertschin
Sonia Olivas
Ivan Roberto Portillo
Christopher Chong Sherman
Ernesto Inez Villalobos
Roxana Gonzalez
Elsa V. Arias
Michael Calvin Avery
Adriana Centeno
Luisana Clarke
Denisse Anai Ruiz
Alejandro David Velez
Media Advertising/Communication
Samuel Xavier Delgado
Ibrahim Valle
Multimedia Journalism
Andrea J. Castro
Sarah Ann Duenas
Cassandra Morrill
Amber Kai Watts
Organizational and Corporate
April Marie Aguilar
Kris Julian Armendariz
Aurelio Juico Buhay
Carolina Camargo De Luca
Richard Michael Fernandes II
Itzel Figueroa
Diana Gloria
Maria Fernanda Maldonado
Patricia Vanessa Martinez
Erasmo Nogueira
Stephanie Bustillos
Political Science
Aubrey Martin Alexius III
Tyler Samuel Dryden
Jordan Elizabeth Hartshorn
Jessica Medina
Jorge Alonso Rodriguez
Maite Salcido
Vanessa Vasquez
Political Science/History
Roberto Jesus Diaz
Maria del Carmen Aguirre
Perla C. Alarcon
Alexandra Christine Anderson
Kevin Wilson Avalos
Jose Antonio Avila
Karina Lisette Bocanegra
Alexandra Carmona
Jana Rebekah Cazares
Cynthia A. Corrales
Cynthia E. Costa
Elizabeth Angelica Dominguez
Itzel Gabriela Duran-Vega
Adrian Michael Flores
Christopher Garcia
Bertha Elena Gonzalez
Sylvia Alejandra Hernandez
Jasmine Lopez
Jeagan Janei Luna
Elizabeth Marrufo
Robert Donavin McCreary
Alyssa Gabrielle Mijares
Rachel Montes
Roby Ray Quintela
Mercedes Ruiz
Elizabeth Christine Sepulveda
Norma Denise Urias
Jasmine Velasquez
Angelica Abigail Zuniga
Stephanie Elizabeth Clark
Sofia Eloise De Anda
Russell M. Leggett
Todd Lawrence Reiser
Jimena Anchondo
Jose Jaime Avila
Luis Carlos Soto
Jessica Zamarripa
Theatre Arts/Philosophy
Laura Elena Chaparro
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Studio Art
Maria Eugenia Loya Fernandez
Studio Art-Drawing
Phillip Ray Ladd
Studio Art-Graphic Design
Miriam Castillo
Eduardo Garza
Mandy Shantyne Lopez
Bachelor of Music
Commercial Music
Manuel Gerardo Flores
Erick Alejandro Gutierrez
General Music
Anastasia Lupe Chuca
Jonathan Reyes
Czarina Olivia Vazquez
Commercial Performance
Karla Ramos
Bachelor of Multidisciplinary
Lillian Arizela Alarcon
Irma Andrade
Orlando Antonio Arriola Sr.
Benjamin Joshua Barberan
Pauline Calvillo
Alba R. Carrillo
Carmen L. Carrillo
Brenda G. Compean
Daniel James Contreras
Ricardo Cruz
Valarie Therese DeKoatz
Jordan Wayne Donahoe
Jennifer Lynn Drysdale
Michael Lee Edwards
Sergio Espinoza
Mario Estrada
Rosalind Facio
Cortney Ann Flores
Manuel Isaac Frias
George R. Garcia
Joe Anthony Gonzales
Jeanette Sanae Gonzalez
Miguel Granados Jr.
Donovant Grant
Elliott Jacob Harold
Danae Hernandez-Ware
Marko Jason Hijar
Nicholas Allen Hittler
Diana Angelica Jaramillo
Raymond Licon Jr.
Craig Allen Lumbatis
James Davidson Martin
Kathleen Metzo Matula
Lauren Desiree McKinney
Irma Medina
Jose Raul Medrano
Gary Eugene Milam
Malcolm B. Moore
Xavier Morales
Jimmie Wayne Nelson Jr.
Patrick Kelly Noll
Jorge Nunez
Jesenia Perez
Elsa Jacquelyn Quintana
Adriana Monique Ramos
Davina Linette Reveles
Misty Rey
Vincent Richardson
James Timothy Robinson
Armando Rosales Jr.
Daniel Ruiz
Daniel Saenz Jr.
Keith Matthew Sanders
Erik Richardson Seime
Amanda Marie Sepulveda
Andrea Elizabeth Sharp
Aaron Soll
Justin Ervin Stene
Melvin Otis Stephenson
Julyan Stone
Megan Therese Vallee
Ephraim Aaron Varela
Maria Victoria Velasquez
Ana C. Veloz
Lorenzo Antonio Villa
Craig Allen Wenrick
Darren Lydell Woodard
Rachel Ann Wright
Bachelor of Science
Lexana Patrice Alfaro
Jopy Ray Baker
Vanessa Davalos
Eric Ryan Dillinger
Jessica Gomez
Cristina Iran Orozco
Luis Manuel Rangel Jr.
Juan Angel Sierra
Lizeth Nohemi Solis
College of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business
Linda Yasmine Alvarado
Elaine Araujo
Nellie Lucila Balderrama
Jorge David Cabildo
Sofia Chaparro
Samantha Gomez
Clarissa Nicole Landin
Claudia Gonzalez Melendez
Alondra Murillo
Carolina Rocha
Norman Adrian Romero Jr.
Olga Denis Sanchez
Patricia Quintana Torres
Tanya Zubia
Eduardo Alvarado
Krista Marie Martinez
Computer Information Systems
David Espino
Martin Adrian Rodarte
Michael Salas
Jesus Tovar
Computer Information Systems/
Alfredo Vasquez Jr.
Computer Information Systems/
Valeria Ivonne Minjarez
Jose de Jesus Aguirre
Joshua Eliseo Gomez
Joseph Paul Moreno
Blake William Wakefield
Maria R. Aguilar
Samuel Alarcon
Vikky Alexandra Armenta
David Ramon Barraza
Carolina Castrejon
Darlien Irene Gallegos
Steven Fletcher Gregory II
Julio Cesar Hernandez
Tyler James Kubinski
Daniel Sandoval
Edmundo Urrutia
Victor Manuel Villalobos
Finance/General Business
Priscila Anette Carbajal Loya
Javier Herrera Sr.
Fernando Ramirez
Eduardo Hernandez
Ricardo Valdez
Emmanuel Arzate
General Business
Anna Maria Anchondo
Brian Michael Bulko
Mark Alexander Landeros
Paulina Rodriguez
Suyash Vikram Singh
General Business/Management
Estefania Arecco
General Business/Marketing
Rosali Hernandez Cabral
Jose Antonio Canales
Eric Hernandez
Alexandria Christin Sattelmeier
Jose Antonio Yanar III
Management/General Business
Ilian Valeria Acosta
Jose Arnaldo Campa
Paulina Terrazas
Marybel Holguin
Ivonne Ortega
Pedro Acosta
John H. Alarcon
Jose Alberto Arellano
Cynthia Chavira
Ismael De La Rosa
Luis Rene Flores
Ernesto Miramontes-Marrufo
Monica Fernanda Olivares Aveitia
Yesenia Rosales
Evangelina Ruiz
Pearl Brenda Villa
Operations and Supply Chain
Daniela Alejandra Acosta
Marketing/Computer Information
Christian David Arriola
Operations and Supply Chain
Management/General Business
Claudia Daniella Castrellon Madrazo
Lorena Michelle Garcia
Christopher Ornelas
College of Education
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary
Emilia Alonso
Veronica Armendariz
Cynthia Teresa Baeza
Patricia De La Fuente Mojica
Tyler Wayne Dillard
Julio Alberto Dominguez
Alexandro Flores
Griselda Guevara
Sylvia Gerardo Hernandez
Virginia Esther Jimenez
Seraph Alexandra Luby
Susana Martin Del Campo Melano
Sandra Berenicee Nevarez
Celina Stephanie Pinuelas
Melissa Ruby Quintanilla
Gabriela Carolina Reyes
Perla Ruth Ricarte
Elia Rodriguez Rojas
Yvonne Therese Rubio
Michael Richard Sotelo
Sandra Tinajero
Susana Valle
Kayla Paige Villigan
Angelica Zamora
School of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Jasmin Ayala
Daniel Scott Babcock
Brenda Alexandra Barroso
Bernice Becerra
Victoria Pico Brunsink
Adriana Bustillos Pack
Mariah Cade
Jay Frias Candelario
Samantha Anne Diaz
Gabriel Espinoza
Denise Garcia Fuentes
Carina Garcia
Jason Brandt Garcia
Annette Gomez
Cassandra Yvette Gonzales
Cynthia Angie Gonzalez
Michael William Hernandez
Crystal Yanel Ibanez
Angel Jauregui
Elisabeth Ashley Kamalipour
Jonathan Emeka Lawson
Lyndsey Brooke Levy
Celene Lopez
John N. Lucero
Claudia Y. Luna-Evans
Bamby Linda Patricia Macias
Nadia Judith Martinez
Ana Teresa McBirnie
Dina Marie Mejia
Paola Nunez
Yanelle Yliana Olmos
Stephanie Summerour Rainbow
Rosina Rodarte
Jessica Denise Rodriguez
Jessica Lee Rodriguez
Krystal Romero
Paulina Saavedra
Alexandria Celeste Schiffert
Guillermo Ruben Terrazas
Virginia Tijerina
Mayra Alejandra Torres
Tanya Marie Trujillo
Jessica Anne Tysz
Lindsey Ann Valderrama
April Rose Valverde
Karina Vasquez
Jacquelynn Monique Veilleux
Deanna Marie Vilardell
College of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil
Karla Yolanda Gamez
Ana Isis Hernandez
Luis Eduardo Hernandez Jr.
Guillermo Marquez
Levi Alonso Pereda
Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering
Luis Ricardo Gamez
Jacob Edward Herrera
Edgar Ivan Santiesteban
Daniel Sierra
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science
David Joshua Ambriz
Begona Carolina Beorlegui
Marisol Chacon
Curtis Sean Chambers
Heriberto Gonzalez
Andrew Molina
Keicha Marie Myers
Gustavo Ponce
Aldo I. Reyes
Carlos Antonio Valenzuela Herrera
Mateusz Neal Wojciechowski
Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering
Oscar Alejandro Diaz De Leon
Victor Hugo Dominguez Sr.
Jorge Alejandro Garay
Jose Jaime Lafon
Victor Manuel Martinez
Jose Francisco Mota Moreno
Alexis Ramirez
Miguel Ivan Serrato Carrasco
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering
Jesus Ismael Dominguez-Garcia
Javier Edgar Romero
Marcos Villalobos
Bachelor of Science in
Metallurgical and Materials
Daniel Chavez
College of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Yazmin Salazar
Bachelor of Science
Ana Cecilia Barrios
Biological Sciences
Michelle Aguilar
Jazmin Annelle Araujo
Karina Eileen Contreras
Toni Kimberly Dumas
Jessica Garcia-Sanchez
Laura S. Gonzalez
Jolene Lettunich
Shana Renee Levin
Abril Alejandra Lopez
Lionel Quartus Lowery III
Sylvia Christina Mercado
Capri Beonka Middleton
Amanda Maria Molina
Jessica N. Pena
Reyna Patricia Puentes
Miguel Angel Reveles
Susana Elisa Sandoval
Bruno M. Tabarani
Oscar Gabriel Veloz
James Patrick Welker
Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry
Daniel Dominguez
Maripaz Anadela Calderon
Javier Grajeda
Gustavo Rodriguez
Jose Miguel Veleta
Christopher Ryan Vidales
Environmental Science
Curtis Terrence Kock
Naomi Robin Luna
Marcos Alexandro Rios
Geological Sciences
Arturo Ramirez
Sergio Celis
Sandra Angelica Hardy
Ana Laura Arroyo
Claudia M. Guerrero
Lorena Lizette Ibarra
Elizabeth Renata Aguilera
Alejandra Catalina Camacho
David Alejandro Carbajal
Punam Ghimire
College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Health Promotion
Candi Ann Madrid
Dustin Douglas Baca
Le Roy Anthony Bates IV
Matthew Castanon
Gustavo Contreras
Raquel Dominguez
Oscar Escobar
Jose Luis Gutierrez
Steven James Lopez
David B. Pineira
Marco Antonio Suriano
Alexandra Villarreal
Heather Lynn Wincapaw
Bachelor of Social Work
Elena Caridad Amaya
Graduate School
Doctor of Education
Educational Leadership and
Sarah Jo Chavez-Gibson
Dissertation Title: The
Comprehensive, Powerful, Academic
Database (CPAD): An Evaluative
Study of a Predictive Tool Designed
for Elementary School Personnel
in Identifying At-Risk Students
through Progress, Curriculum, and
Performance Monitoring
Laura Guzman-DuVernois
Dissertation Title: From Plyler to
DACA, Policy Guiding Undocumented
Students’ Rights in a Public Education
System and its Pipeline to Higher
Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Sciences-Pathobiology
Tavis Lyle Mendez
Dissertation Title: Giardia lamblia:
Regulation of Cyst Production by
Civil Engineering
Alicia Romo
Dissertation Title: Analysis of Vehicle
Interactions on Interstate Highways:
Discrete Choice and Linear Systems
Yubian Wang
Dissertation Title: Investigation into
the Operation and Safety of Freeway
Auxiliary Lanes: Towards Uniform
Design Guidelines
Computational Science
Luis Basurto
Dissertation Title: Upgrades to
Marco Olguin
Dissertation Title: Organic
Photovoltaics: A Charge Transfer
Perspective in the Study of DonorAcceptor Systems
Computer Science
Aida Gandara
Dissertation Title: A Semantic Webbased Methodology for Describing
Scientific Research Efforts
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Sandra Villarreal
Dissertation Title: International
Polar Year (IPY) Back to the Future
(BTF): Changes in Arctic Ecosystem
Structure over Decadal Times Scales
English Rhetoric and Comosition
Myshie Mcgavock Pagel
Dissertation Title: Rewriting
Revision: A Case Study of First Year
Composition Students
Ramesh Kumar Pokharel
Dissertation Title: (Re)Mapping
the Rhetorical Situation: Toward a
Transactional Networked Ecology
Environmental Science and
Sumayeh Ahmad Freiwan
Dissertation Title: Urban Impact of
Dissolved Metals in the Paso Del
Norte Segment of the Rio Grande
Ashvin Kumar Narayana Swamy
Dissertation Title: Experimental Study
on the Fabrication of Advanced
Materials for Energy Applications
Using High Energy Mechanical
Hassan Sharif Sr.
Dissertation Title: Synthetic
Asphaltene as a Novel Dye in Dye
Sensitized Solar Cells DCCs
General Psychology
Stephanie Ann Quezada Gomez
Dissertation Title: Changing the
Face of American Culture: A New
Perspective on Immigration
a High Schools: Case of Spatial
History-Borderlands History
Yvette Jeanne Saavedra
Dissertation Title: Competing Visions:
The Politics of Racial and Ethnic
Identity Formation and Land Use in
Pasadena, 1771-1890
Master of Arts
International Business
Gaurav Gupta
Dissertation Title: The Impact of
Organizational Culture on Decisions
to Use Comprehensive Performance
Measurement Systems
Anh Duc Ngo
Dissertation Title: Investigations into
the Underpricing of Seasoned Equity
Offerings and the Cost of Equity
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
Ximena Burgos
Dissertation Title: The Mediating
Role of Dietary Patterns on the
Relation between Acculturation,
Psychosocial Factors, and
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in
the U.S. - Mexico Border
Rena Marie DiGregorio
Dissertation Title: Stress Appraisal,
Coping Response, and Acculturation
Level as Predictors of Postpartum
Depression Symptoms in Women of
Mexican Origin
Silvia Flores
Dissertation Title: The Association Of
Vitamin D Status With Allergy And
Asthma In Children: Findings From
The National Health And Nutrition
Examination Survey (Nhanes) 20052006
Teaching, Learning, and Culture
Raymond Falcon
Dissertation Title: Connected
Mathematics Learning and Gender
Equity in Predominantely Latino/
Master of Accountancy
George Inostroza
Clinical Psychology
Carolina Lara
Enrique Gallegos Aguilar
Oscar Guzman Escalante
Laura Leanne Macauley
Christian Daniel-Morales Portillo
Jerson Hiroldo Moreno Mendoza
Paulina Pinto Uribe
Victoria Romero Hernandez
Mariana De Jesus Vera Zambrano
English and American Literature
Paul Richard Hernandez English: Rhetoric and Writing Studies
Shahbaa Zaidan Experimental Psychology
Julia Rose LaBianca
Sonya Marie Stokes
Skye Alani Woestehoff Leadership Studies
Jonathon Ballard
Franklin Benjamin Benabise Jr.
Michael Jamaine Bostic
Terrance Edward Brooks
Kyle Steven Brunell
Rondall Ervin Burt
David Keith Burton II
Petra Maria Casarez
Yi-Jyun Chen
Donald Wayne Clayton
William Michael Cook
Sean C. Edwards
William Gentry
Janelle Mari Hane
Raymond Hayes Hendrick
Willard E. Holland Jr.
Michell Howard
Jermaine Luvon Jenkins
Stedroy Joseph
Lassine Konate
David Scott Lane
Anthony Wayne Lee
Pei Wen Liao
Hector Javier Lopez
Howard Lee McCollum
Genc Metaj
Victor Moreno III
Charles Jerome Peterson II
Cynthia Benicia Reed
David Ray Rhodes
Christopher Aaron Roche
Ernesto Luis Santiago
David Allen Sarrette Jr.
Christopher Wayne Seaton
Donald Sparks
Schroeder Jay Streat
Randy Scott Thomas
James William Weir
Bradley James Young
Jacqueline Elaine Brixey
Martin Adam Smith
Political Science
Janette Galvan
Allam Salamah
Young-An Kim
David Haller McKenney
Master of Arts in Teaching
Monica Nicole Carrell
Marlene Rodriguez Gallegos
Cynthia Lizbeth Portillo
Jasmine Yvette Velarde Master of Business
Ricardo Acevedo
Carlos Aaron Aguirre
Ivan Anibal Astorga
Cecilia Bertolli
Matthew Boykin
Jacqueline Butler
Ricardo Calzada Sr.
Areli Jahzzel Carrillo
Manuel Chavez
Gabriela Cordero
Maribel Corral
Larry James Crisafulli
Michael Todd Deaner
Carlos Adrian Delgadillo
Samuel Eric Escandon
Loretta K. Flores
Carla Veronica Gallardo
Norberto Gallardo Ramirez Sr.
Monica Garcia
Yvette Alexis Garcia
Oscar Gomez
Angelica Monique Gonzalez
Mar Patricia Gutierrez Navarro
Omar A. Jarquin
Joshua Ladd
Christopher Manuel Lechuga
Griselda Lino Fernandez
Luis Miguel Martinez
Maria Eugenia Meneses
Giovanni Jacob Mireles
Erika Rumor Myers
Martha Elsa Najera
Lourdes Carolina Palacio
Eloisa Carida Portillo-Morales
Elizabeth Reyes
Luisa Alejandra Reyes
Daniel Rivera
Lorena Rivera
Hilda Saad
Ismael Sanchez
Valerie Ann Sanchez
Teresa Velasquez Shobney
Perla Alejandra Sotelo
Rebecca Lynn Torres
Enrique Vazquez
Sergio Vazquez Sr.
Master of Education
Educational Administration
Lorena Molinar Arriaga
Patricia Bellman
Elisa Espinosa
Robert Gallegos III
Alfred Miranda
Stacey John Nunez
Laura Margaret Nunez-Bolanos
Howard Prestwood
Casey Austin Rangel
Cristina Sanchez-Chavira
Jose Villa
Hope Waltzer-Wright
Guidance and Counseling
Maria del Rosario Carrillo-Saunders
Armando Gerardo Laura Elena Molina
Melissa Nicole Nava
Denise Garza Quintana
Crystal Avila Saucedo Instructional Specialist
Patricia Alva
JoAnna Lee Arriola
Cesar Gabriel Del Hierro
Hilda Azucena Dominguez
Melanie Ann Dominguez
Romeo Andrew Fierro
Veronica Isela Flores
Steven Rafael Gomez
Noel Holguin
Josefina A. Lopez
Yury Camarena Munguia
Jeffrey Allen O’Haver
Yvette Ramirez
Maria Esther Rivera
Ana Elizabeth Rojo
June Holland Walton
Special Education
Nuria Colom
Erika Nicole Gutierrez
Master of Music
Music Performance
Francisco David Pedroza Jr.
Master of Public
Lauren Christine Alvidrez
Nickole Marie Heater
Colin Patrick Sherman Master of Public Health
Kristen Eileen Hernandez
Master of Rehabilitation
Rosario Margarita Aguilar
Jamie Marie Aguirre
Jacqueline Molinar
Master of Science
Biological Sciences
Eva A. Iniguez
Griselda Melendez
Nickole A. Miller
Marisol Ann O’Neill
Diego Reyes
Civil Engineering
Maria Gisel Hernandez
Victor Abraham Liberato Jr.
Hassan Ahmad Bleibel
Alfredo Ornelas
Sarit Pal
Computational Science
Paul M. Delgado
Israel Portillo Vazquez
Computer Science
Md Towhidul Islam
Md Abu Jahid
Omar Ochoa
Jaime Parra Jr.
Suresh Subramanian
Construction Management
Michael Armando Gutierrez
Avilia Bueno
Felipe Isaias Galan Uribe
Electrical Engineering
Manuela Erika Chacon Engineering
Lizzeth Jimenez Estrada Environmental Science
Anna Cristina Ortiz Geophysics
Teira Solis Industrial Engineering
Maria Veronica Gonzalez
Jesusita Ibarra
Ramiro Hernandez Martinez Sr.
Ethel Regina Martinez Schabez
Rashmi Ranjan Das
Sankara Aditya Sarma Sarma
Intelligence and National Security
Krystina Marie Martinez
Andrew Brendan Scott
Manufacturing Engineering
Juan Venegas Mendez Mechanical Engineering
Luis Alonso Hernandez
Gustavo Martinez
Stephen Josiah Wells
Medical Physics
Courtney Elizabeth Bosse
Judith Noemi Rivera
Metallurgical and Materials
Jessica Lynn Porras
Carmen Raquel Rocha Gutierrez
Sajib Kumar Barman
Masoud Mollaee
Erik Rodrigo Valdes Estrada
Speech Language-Pathology
Lyna Marie Sullivan
John Appiah Kubi
Adel Bedoui
Christopher Alfred Dodoo
Juana Maribel Herrera
Master of Science in
Environmental Engineering
Perla Teresita Torres Master of Science in
Information Technology
Juan Gabriel Vicario
Master of Science in Nursing
Nursing Education
Amanda Paul
Nursing Systems Management
Mark Fanning 66
Yvonne Anyanwu Basil
Kimberly Ruth Capps
Leigh Carreon
Zoe Nicole Collette
Elicia Danielle Currier
Lia Paz Davalos
Erick Del Pozo
Victor Ivan Dominguez
Cynthia Haide Estrada
Dorothy Lee Hall
Shawn D. Harris
Tiffany Cawthon Kent
Esther H. Kumar
Mary Priscilla Leong
Alejandrina Lindsay
Valerie Kay Meshell
Jessica Hazel Ortiz
Elizabeth Reyes
Selene Reyes
Melanie Dawn Schwarz
Patrick James Sherlock
Celya N. Tilley
Lourdes Vargas-Cobos
Heather Elaine Vaughn
Laura Ann Wilson
Kristina Martinez Navarro
Honors Candidates
December 2013
College of Business
Gilbert Alarcon
Mario Alarcon
Jose Ramon Almanza
Gloria Yvette Alvarez
Jorge Banos Gomar
Anamaria Camargo
Matthew Taylor Cannon
Claudia Y. Carrillo
Miguel A. Cortez
Andrew Scott Cutler
Valeria Duron Gonzalez
Myrella E. Gutierrez
Michael George Jacobs
Michael Lamas
Belinda Lopez
Gustavo Lopez
Oscar Loy Jr.
Felipe Alejandro Lozano
Michael D. Lujan
David Edward Lusky
Morayma Y. Meraz
Juan L. Mora
Sean Michael Myerly
Ivette Margarita Ortega
Carina Isolda Popoca
Ruben Rodriguez
Edith Stybalis Suarez
Jennie Ericka Torres
Arturo U. Valenzuela
Aldo Raul Villegas Jr.
Matthew James Youngs
College of Education
Alejandra Acosta Davila
Rita Aguayo
Jessica Aguilar
Mariana Aguirre
Adriana Anguiano
Aleida Arzate
Briana Marie Baeza
Christina Bauer
Karina Berthaud Beltran
Erica Bermudez
Amanda Marie Borunda
Alex Ellen Buggs
Berenice Cardenas
Isabel Castro
Rebecca Ceballos
Maria Trinidad Cortez
Pedro Covarrubias
Anna M. Cruz
Ariadne DeLaTorre
Monica Delgado
Lizette Irene Diaz de la
James Daniel Fatuch
Jasmine Aida Gallardo
Cynthia Garcia
Nicole Marie Garcia
Remi Kathleen Garcia
Liliana Gaytan de
Irma N. Gonzalez
Jessica Priscilla Gonzalez
Nallely Gonzalez
Brenda Lizeth Griego
Gloria Gutierrez
Judith Marie Hernandez
Clarissa Ilianna Herrera
Severina Luna Holt
Lisa Michelle Lee
Lindsay Kaye Leeah
Janis M. Lopez
Nancy Lopez
Stephanie M. Lopez
Eric Lucero
Crystal Lennette
Sarah Lucia Mena
Monica Paulina Mercado
Angelica Montes
Guadalupe Gonzalez
Ana Paola Nunez
Jessica Nunez
Maria Gisel Nunez
Velia H. Ocon
Teresa Ovalles
Ivonne Parra
Paulette Pena
Julieta Prieto
Deyanira Azurina
Luz Maria Ramirez
Susana Ramirez
Monica Ramos
Eduardo Luis Reyes
Rosa Isela Rincon
Yazmin Rivera
Luis Carlos Rodriguez
Devin Kacie Roush
Diana Jessica Sandoval
Alejandra Silva
Lorena Sims
Leticia Soltero
Stacy Lynne Tarango
Lorenza M. Tuda De
Adriana Angelica Turner
Ana Alejandra Vazquez
Brenda L. Vidana
Rachael L. Yeatman
College of
Alan Alvillar
Gabriel Reynaldo
Priscilla Frutos
Ashley Nicole Gallegos
Jose R. Gallegos
Andres Garcia
Lorraine Stephanie
Roseanne T. Garrison
Oscar Francisco Garza
College of Liberal
Latrice Nicole Gibson
Jorel S. Gilbert
Lluvia Ilusion Almanza
Rosa Elva Gomez
Kenneth Gregory
Nora Nelva Gonzalez
Lizette B. Granado
Sonja Kay Arnold
Alysha Nikia Green
Loretta Hernandez
Mercedes Guevara
Alfonso Jose Gustave
Lia Baca
Claudia Hare
Nicole Marie Baldwin
Alberto Ibarra
Ana Gabriela Becerra
Edgar Alfonso Bonilla
Krystle Elizabeth Bowser
Cinthia A. Casillas Ruiz
Chelsea Nedlyn Hill
Alexandra Joy Castillo
Rose Hinojos
Amber Yamel Chavez
Alan Alejandro Chavez
Robert Kenneth Hudnall
Jacquelyne Olivia
Samantha Juarez
Sabrina Lynetta Clemmer Daniel Yehuda Katz
Jonathan David Klassen
Randy Click
Peter J. Klundt
Hesser Cross
Jessica Maggie
Adriana De Leon
Carlos Antonio Diaz
College of Health
Blanca Ivonne Diaz de
Kayla Rae Black
Brian Gordon Diedrich
Brandon Michael
Carmen Morena Lozano
Daisy Duarte
Paola Denirah Lujan
Calvin Jerome Ely
Arabella Duarte
Julian David Maltby
Adriana Escobedo
Matthew Ryan Gutierrez
Steven Austin Mansfield
Ana L. Escobedo
Tess A. Hall
Melissa Ann Martinez
Reyes Espinoza
Abraham Haro
Khawla Yasmin Masoud
Lauren Blair Falco
Aaron Anthony Lopez
Karen Lynn McKee
Rogelio Favela
Manuel A. Mireles
Estefania Nunez
Amanda Sue Feil
Jacob Z. Monteros
Esther Figueroa
Angelica Ruth Munoz
Naomi Owens
Arturo Flores Jr.
Alfredo Ivan Olivo
Jeremy Joseph Perales
Romulo Frias
John S. Bilberry
Alfredo Casavantes
Christian James Clancy
Carlos Andres Contreras
Herman Ryan Cordero
Diego Ivan Delfin
Joseph Duran
Julian Duran
Michael Edwin Furth
Sergio Emanuel Guerrero
Guillermo Alonso
Heinrichs Delgado
Yvette Nicole Holguin
Virginia Jimenez
Ana Lucia Lopez
Ernesto Lopez
Fernando Machado
Gustavo Adolfo Martinez
Carlos Emilio Montijo
Kenneth Klint Palomino
Luis Enrique Puentes
Katherine RamosCarrasco
Juan Roberto Rodriguez
Dante Noel Schlomer
Sonia Cristina Valadez
Alejandra Angelica
Carl Logan Petry
Eddie T. Ramirez
Victor Ramirez Jr.
Ebernoel Ruvalcaba
Stephanie Salgado
Richard Alexander Olsson
Erica Lee Onsurez
Laureen Michelle Orozco
Roque Orozco
Brigitte L. Palacios
Andrea Prado
Sylvia Elena Prieto
Cristina Ramos
Julia B. Ramos
Liliana Ramos Lopez
Mariana Cecilia Rey
Christine Baca Rodriguez
Jecoa Lee Ross
Lauren Azucena Ruiz
Ronald A. Saks
Christopher Adam
Nora Samaniego
Azucena Santos
Jennifer Lee Serna
Yvette Shibley
Kimberly Ann Singleton
Lucy M. Snelson
Mario Tejeda Jr
Jasmine Alyssa Torres
Isabel Tovar
Christina Maria
Cynthia Villarreal
Carlos Villasenor III
Andrea Faye Webb
Patricia Weller
Audrey Nicole Westcott
Amanda Soliz Williams
Benjamin Lee Williams
School of Nursing
Guadalupe Arrambide
Maria Gloria Arroyo
Paola Baeza Valenzuela
Norma Carrillo
Devin Leeann Castellanos
Maribell S. Cordova
Abel Duque Jr.
Elizabeth Estrada
Marisol Janette Fematt
Sandra Flores
Riahmohiko Grace
Allissa N. Foster
Maria Isabel Gallegos
Clara Lee Garza
Eugene Gentry
Elise Linne Harboldt
Janain Hernandez
Paulette Spearman Holt
Risper Jepkemoi
Marty Sue Kirkes
Juanita Flores Marrero
Susan Melissa Martin
Leslie Dell Mendoza
Melissa R. Molina
Juan Carlos Montes
Juliana Morales
Amanda Rebeca Moreno
Philip Gatu Mwangi
Horacio Ornelas
Kizzy Myisha Parker
Joann Piliado
Evelyn Quiroga
Hector Manuel Rivera Jr.
Roy Rios Rodriguez
Sylvia F. Romero
George Adrian Sanchez
Laura Veronica Vega
College of Science
Richard Alexander
Ivan Alvarez
Reena S. Amaro
Daniel D. Anchondo
Rebecca F. Apodaca
Denise Avalos
Norberto Fabian Avila
Sarah Tesia Baca
Adam Banda
Luis Armando Barreda
Taylor Ann Bramblett
Paola Bustillos
Erika Michelle
Valorie Nicole Castro
Danielle Nadine Daw
Salvador Dominguez
Anthony Hau Duong
Annette Escobedo
Mayra C. Estrada
Brandan A. Garcia
Ivette Gonzalez
Laura Alejandra Guerra
Kavita Gupta
Fabiola M. Ibarra
Silas Steven Luna
Jorge Alberto Miranda
Carla Leticia Moreno
Evelyn K. Orona
Andrew Jonathen
Isla Andrea Porras
Gabriel Ramos
Jennifer Ramos
Reyna Rey
Luis M. Rodarte Jr.
Jasmine Saenz
Adam Emmanuel Sierra
Robert Sigala
Bernardo M. Terres
Isa C. Valdez
Michelle Valdiviez
Honors Graduates
Summer 2013
Aurelio Juico Buhay
Carmen L. Carrillo
Brenda G. Compean
Ismael De La Rosa
Ricardo Cruz
Darlien Irene Gallegos
Sarah Ann Duenas
Javier Herrera
Itzel Gabriela DuranDaniel Sandoval
Rosalind Facio
College of Education Tabare L. Faison
Veronica Armendariz
Adrian Michael Flores
Cynthia Teresa Baeza
Oscar Garcia
Sylvia Gerardo
Roxana Gonzalez
Jordan Elizabeth
Seraph Alexandra Luby
Susana Martin Del
Sylvia Alejandra
Campo Melano
Celina Stephanie Pinuelas Jacqueline Loweree
Elia Rodriguez Rojas
James Davidson Martin
Yvonne Therese Rubio
Jessica Medina
Sandra Tinajero
Jose Raul Medrano
Susana Valle
Carson David Meger
Ofelia Ivonne Meran
College of
Devin White Miertschin
Alyssa Gabrielle Mijares
Rachel Montes
Aldo I. Reyes
Carlos Emilio Montijo
Daniel Sierra
Christopher Omar Nail
Mateusz Neal
Jonathan Reyes
Ana Irene Ruiz
College of Liberal
Daniel Ruiz
Maite Salcido
Perla C. Alarcon
Keith Matthew Sanders
Melanie Alyssa Almada
Amanda Marie
Elsa V. Arias
Kevin Wilson Avalos
Elizabeth Christine
Karina Lisette Bocanegra Sepulveda
Yadira Juarez Buckner
Juan Angel Sierra
College of Business
Aaron Soll
Kelly Rae Vidaurri
Aarin Kathleen Walston
College of Health
Jered Andrew Holder
Marco Antonio Suriano
Heather Lynn Wincapaw
College of Science
Elizabeth Renata
Ana Cecilia Barrios
Maripaz Anadela
Alejandra Catalina
Daniel Dominguez
Lorena Lizette Ibarra
Jose Miguel Veleta
Oscar Gabriel Veloz
School of Nursing
Mariah Cade
Samantha Anne Diaz
Jason Brandt Garcia
Elisabeth Ashley
Celene Lopez
Yanelle Yliana Olmos
Stephanie Summerour
Rainbow Rocha
Rosina Rodarte
Jessica Denise Rodriguez
Virginia Tijerina
Student Honors
Members of the Graduating Class
Men and Women of Mines
Mirna Nayeli Acevedo
Elizabeth Aguilera
Lori Berumen
Ramon Hernandez
Stephanie Moreno
Juan C. Muñoz
Shannon Murphy
Ramiro Piñon
Marie St. Clair
Andrew Velazquez
Who’s Who Among Students
in American Colleges and Universities
Mirna Nayeli Acevedo
Elizabeth Aguilera
Lori Berumen
Anamaria Camargo
Yaisah Granillo
Ramon Hernandez
Stephanie Moreno
Shannon Murphy
Ramiro Piñon
Andrew Velazquez
ROTC Commissionees as Second Lieutenants
in the United States Army
Ronald Agee .............................................................................US Army Reserve
Jonathan M. Birdwell .......................................Transportation Corps - US Army
Carlos Diaz ....................................................................Field Atrillery - US Army
Abraham C. Duran ....................................................................US Army Reserve
Christopher A. Gamez...............................................................US Army Reserve
Manuel Gomez .........................................................................US Army Resreve
Rosa M. Moncada............................................................Signal Corps - US Army
Monica Munoz ..........................................................................US Army Reserve
Joseph M. Newkirk ...................................................................US Army Reserve
Ana I. Ruiz ...................................................................Military Police - US Army
Keith M. Sanders .......................................................Medical Service - US Army
Raymond Sandoval....................................................................US Army Reserve
Honors Regalia
University Academic Honors candidates are recognized by cords with the following designations:
3.9 - 4.0
Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors).....................................................................................Gold
3.8 - 3.89
Magna Cum Laude (High Honors).........................................................................................White
3.5 - 3.79
Cum Laude (Honors)...................................................................................................College Color
Business Administration........................................................................................................................................Drab
Education.......................................................................................................................................................Light Blue
Engineering....................................................................................................................................................... Orange
Health Sciences.................................................................................................................................................. Salmon
Liberal Arts.................................................................................................................................................... Royal Blue
Science....................................................................................................................................................Golden Yellow
Honors Degree ............................................................................................................................................ Gold Stole
Honors Certificate...................................................................................................................................................Lilac
Honors Senior Thesis................................................................................................................................. Dark Green
College of Business Administration
Beta Alpha Psi – Black/Red Cords.................................................................National, Scholastic, and Professional
Financial Information Honor Society
Beta Gamma Sigma – Blue/Gold Cords and Stole...................................................... International Honor Society
College of Education
Chi Sigma Iota - Blue/White..............................................................................National Counseling Honor Society
Kappa Delta Pi..............................................................................................International Education Honor Society
Double Gold
3.9 - 4.0
Double White
3.8 - 3.89
3.5 - 3.79
3.25 - 3.49
College of Engineering
Alpha Sigma Mu - Yellow ............................................................................ Materials Engineering Honor Society
Chi Epsilon - Purple Cowl........................................................................National Civil Engineering Honor Society
Eta Kappa Nu - Red/Blue................................................................ National Electrical Engineering Honor Society
Tau Beta Pi – White/Orange Stole........................................................................... Interdisciplinary Honor Society
College of Health Sciences and School of Nursing
Eta Sigma Gamma Lambda – Gold/Forrest Green Stole.... National Honorary Health Education Organization
College of Liberal Arts
Iota Iota Iota - Lavender ................................................................................. Honor Society for Women’s Studies
Lambda Pi Eta - White/Red..................................................................................... Communication Honor Society
Psi Chi - Gold Double Cords with Blue/Gold Tassels.................................. National Honor Society in Psychology
University Honor Societies/Programs
Alpha Chi – Royal Blue/ Emerald Green Cords.............................................................National Honor Society for
Juniors, Seniors, and Graduates
Golden Key International – Blue/Gold Cords, .................................International Honor Society for Graduates
Gold Medallion with Blue/Gold Ribbon, and Gold Stole
and Undergraduates
Alpha Lambda Delta - Red, White and Gold Honor Cords...............................................National Honor Society
for Freshmen Year Students
National Society of Collegiate Scholars - Gold/Maroon or Gold Sash (officers)......................... National Society
of Collegiate Scholars for First and Second Year Students
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi - Navy Blue/Gold......................................................National Honor Society
Sigma Alpha Lambda – Navy Blue, Gold, and Black Cords.............................................National Leadership and
Honors Organization
University Honors Council - Royal Blue/Orange................................................... Honors Program Honor Society
United States Military Honor – Red/White/Blue Cords.......................................................All Military Candidates
Prior to 1980, The University
of Texas at El Paso (and its
predecessors, the Texas College of
Mines and Metallurgy and Texas
Western College) borrowed regalia
for ceremonial occasions. In 1980,
Drama Department faculty member
C.L. Etheridge suggested that the
time had come for UTEP to have
its own unique regalia. President
Haskell Monroe established the
University Heritage Commission to
raise funds for the creation of official
regalia, to include a mace, chains of
office for the President and the Vice
President for Academic Affairs, a
UTEP banner and seal, and a banner
and seal for each of the colleges.
A University seal, depicting El
Paso’s sun, mountains and river,
had been created for Texas Western
College in 1949 by renowned
local artist José Cisneros. This seal
was incorporated into the official
heraldic layout for the University
banner designed by Art Department
faculty member Sally Bishop Segal,
who also designed seals for the
colleges of Liberal Arts, Science,
Nursing and Allied Health (now
the College of Health Sciences),
and the Graduate School. Albert
Ronke, Drama Department faculty
member, designed the seals for the
colleges of Business Administration,
Education, and Engineering. All
eight seal designs in their heraldic
layout were then crafted into fabric
by Esther “Terrie” Cornell. In 2001,
the seals for Engineering, Business
and Health Sciences were updated
by Sally Segal to reflect new
programs offered by those colleges.
UTEP alumnus James Love
created the Chain of Office for the
President, consisting of eight seals
reproduced on two-inch-diameter
enameled disks; the Chain of Office
for the Vice President for Academic
Affairs; and the University Mace.
C.L. Etheridge developed the
ceremonial rituals used in University
commencement since 1981.
Among the many traditions
associated with commencement,
the presentation of the
ceremonial University and
College banners symbolizes the
accomplishments of the graduates
whom we honor on this occasion
and the University’s commitment
to their success. Each banner
bears a unique seal placed on a 4
x 6-foot heraldic field, or saltire,
and each incorporates symbols
and colors that define it:
University Banner
Colors: Orange, White and Blue
Symbols: Open Book – the learning
process; the Sun, Mountains and River
– the city of El Paso; Star – The Lone Star
of Texas; Laurel Branch – high academic
achievement; Oak Branch – solidity and
Business Administration
Colors: Brown - Business and Accounting
Copper - Economics
Symbols: Flame - depicts knowledge and
enlightenment; Miner’s pick - represents
unity with the University’s identity;
Column - symbolic of strength and an
emblematic inference to the importance
of international accreditation; Scroll
- associated with commerce and
contracting; Laurel branches - denote
academic and professional success;
Globe -international
Color: Light Blue
Symbols: Lamp – lamp of learning; Book
– learning and literacy; Sigma – Greek
symbol for “all-encompassing”; Book,
Ruler and Compass – the tools of learning
- honor; “Corpus Sanare” - healing the
body; Burnt Orange Ring - School of
Nursing becomes part of The University
of Texas System in 1972; Columbia Blue
and Navy Blue - past and present shades
of blue designated as official colors; Stars
- the State of Texas with Miner orange.
Color: Dark Orange
Color: Golden Yellow
Symbols: Castle Structure – civil
engineering; Gear – mechanical
engineering; Bolt of Lightning
– electrical engineering; Hammer and
Assaying Scale – metallurgical and
mining engineering; Human Form
– industrial engineering; Computer Card
and Binary Numbers – computer science
Symbols: Clouds/Sky – the atmosphere
surrounding the earth; Globe – earth
and geography; Methane Molecule
– chemistry, biology and physics; Five
Mathematical Symbols – basic and
higher math concepts; Tree – the history
of science; and the Mountains, Earth
and Strata – geology
Health Sciences
Graduate School
Colors: Apricot – Nursing
Green – Healing Arts
Colors: University colors of Orange,
White and Blue and other colors from
academic areas offering graduate study
Symbols: Dark Red Field – blood
of life; White Shield and Red Cross
– humanitarian aid; Human Figure
– physical care and therapy; Beaker,
Needle and Test Tube – laboratory
research and application
Liberal Arts
Color: White – Humanities, Arts and Letters
Symbols: Alpha/Omega – first and last
letters of Greek alphabet symbolizing
the scope of studies in Liberal Arts;
Torch – knowledge; Open Book – the
learning process and literacy
Color Stripes denote disciplines within
liberal arts: Brown for Fine Arts, Crimson
for Journalism, Pink for Music, Dark Blue
for Philosophy, Violet for Psychology,
Scarlet for Religion, Citron for Social
Work and Silver Gray for Speech and
Color: Apricot
Symbols: Maltese Cross - exceptional
service to humanity; Lamp of
Knowledge - tribute to Florence
Nightingale; Eternal Flame - lifelong
quest for knowledge; Laurel Leaves
Symbols: Rainbow – the spectrum of
disciplines forming the Graduate School;
Star – the Lone Star of Texas and the
skyward direction of the flames; Pan of
Flames – group knowledge; and Laurel
Branches – high academic achievement
A symbol of authority and
dignity of office, the Mace has
been associated with civil and
academic ceremonies from at
least the 14th century. The Mace
is designed to convey honor,
optimism, hope, accomplishment,
learning and scholarship, and its
association with special events
denotes tradition, solemnity and a
commitment to excellence. At The
University of Texas at El Paso, the
Mace plays a prominent role in all
Commencement and Convocation
The University Mace is a timeless
and inspiring symbol that combines
forms selected from the distinctive
Bhutanese architecture of the UTEP
campus; the natural landscape of
the Chihuahuan Desert; and the
multicultural heritage of the U.S.Mexico border region. The Mace
captures the University’s rich history
as well as its highly promising
future, from its beginnings as Texas’
first mining school in 1914 to today’s
competitive research university
serving a 21st century student
As UTEP launches the
commemoration of its Centennial
in 2014, the University Mace
will take its place as a cherished
legacy of that major milestone,
an extraordinarily beautiful
reminder of UTEP’s first 100 years
of commitment to providing higher
education opportunities to residents
of this U.S.-Mexico border region.
The tradition of the gown, cap
and hood worn at UTEP events
dates back to universities in the
Middle Ages, when such garments
had very practical applications. The
gown and hood kept the chill away
as students and teachers labored
in halls of learning that were often
damp and drafty.
Originally, the mortar board, or
flat square cap, was a hat which,
when removed, provided its wearer
with a flat writing surface. Writing
instruments and paper were kept in
the long sleeves of the gown.
Until modern times, caps and
gowns were made of black fabric
to illustrate the gravity of learning.
Although today’s gowns, caps and
tassels are available in a variety
of colors, the symbolism of color
remains. For example, students who
graduate from UTEP wear a tassel
whose color represents the college
from which they receive their
The hood drapes over the
shoulders and is worn by those who
have earned a master’s or doctoral
degree. It consists of a black shell,
lined in satin, and bears the color
of the institution that conferred the
degree. The hoods worn by UTEP
graduates have an orange lining
crossed with a white chevron. The
velvet on the border bears the color
of the field of learning in which the
degree was earned.
Commencement Stoles
The University of Texas at El
Paso Alumni Association honors
Faculty and Student Marshals,
Banner Bearers and the University
Banner Bearer with an orange satin
stole bearing the Class Medallion
and Alumni Association logo.
Inaugurated in May 2004, the
stoles are proudly worn by students
who were selected to represent
their college based on their
exceptional academic achievement.
The University Banner Bearer
— selected based on academic
achievement, leadership and
campus involvement — is
considered the highest honor
bestowed upon a student during
commencement. This student
follows the Grand Marshal and
leads the college banners in the
processional. The University Banner
Bearer is the second to receive their
diploma in their respective college.
In the second phase of the
processional, undergraduate and
graduate Student Marshals lead
their fellow candidates and are the
first in their college to receive their
The College Banner Bearers
carry their college banner and
lead their college in the second
phase of the processional. These
students are second in their college
to receive their diploma except
in the college represented by the
University Banner Bearer.
Class Medallion
The first class medallion was
created to commemorate UTEP’s
100th Commencement ceremony
in May 1998 at the Sun Bowl
featuring The Honorable George
W. Bush, then Governor of Texas.
Because of the medallion’s
popularity, University officials
decided to create a Class Medallion
for each year’s graduating class
starting in the new millennium. The
Class Medallion unifies graduates
of the spring, summer and winter
graduation classes into a single class
determined by the graduation year.
A scholarship from the Medallion
Endowed Scholarship Fund is
awarded to a commencement
candidate during the spring and
winter ceremonies.
Now in their sixteenth year, the
medallions have become a tradition
and part of the regalia worn by
graduates at commencement
To honor the Class of 2013
Winter Semester graduates, Mining
Minds, the iconic piece of public
art installed in 2010 to enhance
the entrance of The University
of Texas at El Paso campus, will
glow in orange and blue through
the weekend of commencement.
Michael Clapper, the sculptor who
created Mining Minds, honored
President Diana Natalicio by
selecting and converting into binary
code on the pick the final lines from
her Fall 2008 Convocation remarks:
Believe in yourself and in your
dreams. Believe in UTEP and its
aspirations. Share the dream!
At night, light illuminates the
steel structure, while LEDs emanate
from the perforated ones and zeros
at each end of the pick. On special
occasions, including historic dates,
annual milestones and to celebrate
special accomplishments, the pick
illuminates the campus’ entrance.
The majestic pickaxe sculpture
is located in the roundabout
at University Avenue and Sun
Bowl Drive, in front of the UTEP
La Universidad de Texas en El
Paso, al igual que sus antecesoras,
Texas College of Mines and
Metallurgy y Texas Western College,
pedían prestados los trajes que
se usaban en algunas ocasiones
solemnes que tuvieron lugar antes de
1980. En el verano de dicho año, el
profesor C.L. Etheridge, miembro del
cuerpo docente del Departamento
de Arte Dramático, sugirió que ya
era hora de que UTEP contara con
sus propios trajes de ceremonia. El
Presidente Haskell Monroe fundó
la Comisión Patrimonial de la
Universidad con el fin de recaudar
fondos destinados a la creación de
una serie de elementos decorativos
oficiales, que incluirían un bastón
de mando, collares emblemáticos de
los cargos de Rector y Vicerrector de
Asuntos Académicos, el estandarte
universitario y el escudo, así como
estandartes y escudos para cada una
de las facultades.
En 1949, el renombrado
pintor paseño José Cisneros creó
un escudo universitario para
Texas Western College. Más
tarde, se incluyó el escudo que
representaba el sol, las montañas
y el río de El Paso en el diseño
heráldico oficial del estandarte
de la universidad, diseñado por la
profesora y pintora Sally Bishop,
quién también creó los diseños de
los emblemas para las facultades
de Artes Liberales, Ciencias,
Enfermería y Ciencias Afines (actual
facultad de Ciencias de la Salud),
y la Escuela de Graduados. A su
vez, Albert Ronke, profesor de arte
dramático y escenógrafo, concibió
los diseños de los escudos para las
Facultades de Administración de
Empresas, Educación e Ingeniería.
Los ocho diseños de los escudos
y su disposición heráldica fueron
plasmados en tela por Esther
“Terrie” Cornell. En el 2001, los
escudos de la Facultad de Ingeniería,
de Administración de Empresas
y de Ciencias de la Salud fueron
rediseñados para que se incluyeran
los nuevos programas ofrecidos por
dichas facultades.
Un ex-alumno, James Love,
artista y joyero de El Paso, elaboró
el collar del cargo oficial de Rector,
que comprendía ocho escudos
reproducidos sobre discos esmaltados
de dos pulgadas de diámetro, así
como el collar de cargo de Vicerrector
de Asuntos Académicos y el bastón de
mando de la Universidad.
Los procedimientos y procesiones
ceremoniales que se siguen
actualmente fueron ideados por
C.L Etheridge y fueron puestos en
práctica desde 1981.
Entre las diversas tradiciones
relacionadas con la Ceremonia de
Graduación, la presentación de
los estandartes ceremoniales de
la Universidad y de las Facultades
simboliza los logros alcanzados por
los graduados a los cuales honramos
en cada ocasión, así como el
compromiso de la Universidad para
que tengan éxito. Cada estandarte
ostenta el escudo oficial de la
universidad colocado en un campo
heráldico de cuatro por seis pies, y
cada uno de ellos muestra los colores
y símbolos que identifican a cada
una de las facultades.
Colores: Naranja, Blanco y Azul.
Símbolos: Libro Abierto-el proceso de
aprendizaje; el Sol, las Montañas y el
Río-La ciudad de El Paso; La Estrella- La
Estrella Solitaria de Texas; La Rama de
Laurel-logros académicos superiores, La
Rama de Roble-solidaridad y permanencia.
simbolizando los ámbitos de estudio
en las Artes Liberales; Antorcha –
conocimiento; Libro abierto – el proceso
de aprendizaje y el alfabetismo.
Las franjas de colores denotan las
disciplinas que forman parte de las Artes
Liberales: Café para las Bellas Artes,
Carmesí para Periodismo, Rosa para
Música, Azul Rey para Filosofía, Violeta
para Psicología, Escarlata para religión,
Verde Lima para trabajo Social y Gris
plateado para Declamación y Drama.
Administración de Empresas
Colores: Café- Administración y Contabilidad
Cobre – Economía
Símbolos: Flama – conocimiento e
iluminación. Pico Minero – unidad con la
identidad de la Universidad, Columna –
Fortaleza y es una inferencia emblemática
a la importancia de la acreditación
internacional, Pergamino – relacionado
al comercio y contratos, Ramas de Laurel
– éxito académico y profesional, Mapa
Mundi – internacional
Color: Azul cielo
Símbolos: Lámpara- luz del conocimiento;
Libro – aprendizaje y alfabetismo; Sigma
– símbolo griego que significa “que lo
abarca todo” ; Libro, regla y compás- las
herramientas del aprendizaje
Color: anaranjado oscuro
Simbolos: Castillo – ingeniería civil;
Engranaje – ingeniería mecánica;
Relampago – ingeniería eléctrica;
Martillo y Bascula de Ensaye – ingeniería
metalúrgica y materiales; Forma
Humana – ingeniería industrial; Tarjeta
de Computadora y Números Binarios
– Informática
Ciencias de la Salud
Color: Enfermería – Albaricoque
Artes de Curación – Verde
Símbolos: Campo Rojo Oscuro – la
sangre de la vida, Campo Blanco y Cruz
Roja– ayuda humanitaria; Figura Humana
– cuidado y terapia física; Vaso de
precipitado / Aguja / Tubo de Ensaye –
investigación de laboratorio y su aplicación
Artes Liberales
Color: Humanidades, Filosofía y LetrasBlanco
Símbolos: Alpha / Omega – Primera
y última letra del alfabeto Griego
Color: Albaricoque
Símbolo: Cruz de Malta - Servicio excepcional
a la humanidad; Lámpara del Conocimiento
- Tributo a Florence Nightingale; La Llama
Eterna - Búsqueda del conocimiento durante
toda la vida; Hojas de Laurel - Honor; “Corpus
Sanare” - Sanador de cuerpo; Aro Naranja
Quemado - La Escuela de Enfermería forma
parte del Sistema de la Universidad de Texas
en 1972; Azul Columbia y Azul Marino - Tonos
anteriores y actuales del color azul designados como oficiales; Estrella – El estado de
Texas con el color naranja de los Mineros.
Color: Amarillo dorado
Símbolos: Nubes/ cielo – la atmósfera
que rodea la tierra; Globo – la Tierra
y la geografía; Molécula de Metano –
química, biología y física; Cinco Símbolos
Matemáticos – conceptos matemáticos
básicos y superiores; Árbol – la historia de
la ciencia; y las Montañas, la Tierra y el
Estrato –geología
Escuela de Graduados:
Colores de la Piedra Angular: los colores
universitarios Anaranjado, Blanco y Azul
y otros colores de áreas académicas que
ofrecen estudios para graduados
Símbolos: Arco iris – el espectro de las
disciplinas que forman la escuela de
graduados; Estrella – la estrella solitaria
de Texas y las flamas dirigidas hacia el
cielo; Bandeja de Flamas – conocimiento
grupal; y Ramas de Laurel – conocimiento
académico superior.
El bastón de mando, símbolo
de autoridad y dignidad del cargo,
ha sido asociado con ceremonias
civiles y académicas desde el Siglo
XIV, por lo menos. El bastón de
mando está diseñado para trasmitir
honor, optimismo, esperanza, logro,
aprendizaje y sabiduría y su vínculo
con acontecimientos especiales
denota tradición, solemnidad y un
compromiso hacia la excelencia. En
la Universidad de Texas en El Paso,
el bastón de mando representa
un papel importante en todas las
ceremonias de graduación y de
El Bastón de Mando
Universitario es un perenne
símbolo de inspiración que combina
las formas seleccionadas de la
característica arquitectura Butanesa
del campus de UTEP, el paisaje
natural del Desierto Chihuahuense
y la herencia multicultural de
la región fronteriza de Estados
Unidos y México. El bastón de
mando capta la rica historia de
la Universidad así como su futuro
sumamente prometedor, desde sus
inicios como la primera escuela de
minería de Texas en 1914, hasta la
universidad de hoy en día, dedicada
a la investigación competitiva, que
ofrece sus servicios a la población
estudiantil del Siglo XXI.
Al iniciar UTEP la
conmemoración de su Centenario
en el 2014, el Bastón Universitario
tomará su sitio como un invaluable
legado de ese significativo logro, un
recordatorio extraordinariamente
hermoso de los primeros 100 años
de compromiso por parte de UTEP,
de brindar oportunidades de
educación superior a los residentes
de esta región fronteriza de Estados
Unidos y México.
La tradición del uso de las
togas, birretes y esclavinas que
se utilizan en las ceremonias de
UTEP tiene su origen en los albores
de las universidades medievales,
cuando dicha vestimenta tenía usos
prácticos. La toga y la esclavina
eran utilizadas por los estudiantes y
profesores para abrigarse del frío y
la humedad imperantes dentro de
los salones de aprendizaje.
En un principio, el birrete, o sea
la gorra plana cuadrada, se utilizaba
para cubrir la cabeza del estudiante,
y cuando se quitaba podía
emplearse como una superficie
plana para escribir (el papel y
los instrumentos para escribir se
guardaban en las amplias mangas
de la toga).
Incluso actualmente, las togas
y los birretes se fabrican con tela
negra para simbolizar el aspecto
sombrío de la educación. Aunque
hoy en día existe variedad en los
colores de las togas, birretes y
borlas, el simbolismo del color
permanece. Por ejemplo, los
estudiantes que se gradúan de UTEP
utilizan borlas cuyo color representa
la facultad de la cual se están
La esclavina la portan
únicamente aquellos que han
obtenido un grado de Maestría o
Doctorado. Consiste en una capa
negra forrada en satín que cuelga
sobre la espalda de la toga; el
color del forro varía según el color
de la institución que confiere el
título. Las esclavinas que portan los
graduandos de UTEP ostentan un
forro color naranja atravesado por
un listón blanco. El terciopelo del
borde ostenta el color del campo de
estudios del cuál se está obteniendo
el título.
Estolas distintivas de
La Asociación de Ex-Alumnos de
la Universidad de Texas en El Paso
honra con una estola de satín color
naranja que ostenta el Medallón de
la Generación y el Emblema de la
Asociación a aquellos estudiantes y
profesores que fueron distinguidos
para fungir como Marshals, como
portadores del estandarte universitario
y de la insignia de cada facultad.
Los estudiantes que llevan con
orgullo estas estolas instauradas en
mayo de 2004, son seleccionados para
representar a su escuela en base a sus
logros académicos.
Ser Portador del Estandarte
Universitario, es el mayor honor
que se otorga durante la ceremonia
de graduación a un estudiante que
ha sido elegido por su desempeño
académico, liderazgo y participación
en el campus. El galardonado sigue al
Grand Marshal, guía a los estandartes
de las facultades durante la ceremonia
y es el segundo en recibir el diploma
en la facultad que le corresponde.
En la segunda fase de la procesión
ceremonial, los estudiantes de
licenciatura y de posgrado que fueron
designados como Marshals guían a
sus compañeros graduandos y son los
primeros en recibir el diploma de su
Los Portadores del Estandarte de
la Facultad llevan el que representa
a su escuela, sirven de guía para
los graduandos de la misma en la
segunda fase de la ceremonia y son
los segundos en recibir el diploma
de su facultad, a excepción de la
representada por el Portador del
Estandarte Universitario.
Medallón de la
El primer Medallón de la
Generación fue ideado con el fin
de conmemorar la Ceremonia de
Graduación del Centenario de UTEP
en mayo de 1998 en el Estadio Sun
Bowl. La ceremonia contó con la
presencia del Honorable George W.
Bush en ese entonces, Gobernador de
Debido a la popularidad
del medallón, los funcionarios
universitarios decidieron crear uno
para cada generación a partir del
nuevo milenio. El medallón de
generación une a los graduados de las
generaciones de primavera, verano
e invierno en una sola generación
que se determina por año de
graduación. Durante las ceremonias
de primavera e invierno se otorgará a
un graduando una beca del Fondo de
Becas del Medallón.
Los medallones, ahora en su
quinceavo año, se han convertido en
toda una tradición y en parte de las
decoraciones, insignias y trajes que los
graduados portan en las ceremonias
de graduación.
La icónica pieza de arte público,
Mining Minds, instalada en el 2010
para realzar la entrada del campus
de la Universidad de Texas en El Paso,
brillará de color naranja y azul este
fin de semana de graduaciones para
celebrar a los graduandos del semestre
de invierno de la Generación 2013. El
escultor que elaboró Mining Minds,
Michael Clapper, hizo honor a la
Rectora Diana Natalicio al seleccionar
y convertir en código binario las
palabras de la convocatoria de Otoño
del 2008 para añadirlas al pico: “Crean
en ustedes mismos y en sus sueños.
Crean en UTEP y en sus aspiraciones.
¡Compartan el sueño!”
Por la noche, la luz ilumina la
estructura de acero, mientras que
los pequeños focos emanan de los
unos y ceros perforados en cada orilla
del pico. En ocasiones especiales
incluyendo fechas históricas, hitos
anuales y para celebrar logros
especiales, el pico ilumina la entrada
del campus. La majestuosa escultura
de la punta de pico se ubica en la
glorieta de la Avenida Universidad
y la calle Sun Bowl Drive, frente a la
librería de UTEP. Traducciones al español por Richard Ford y Victoria Alicia Garcia
Previous Commencement Speakers
May 18, 2013
May 12, 2012 & December 15, 2012
May 14, 2011 & December 10, 2011
May 15, 2010 & December 11, 2010
May 16, 2009 & December 12, 2009
Dr. Diana Natalicio
President, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating morning, afternoon and
evening ceremonies
May 7, 2005
Steffen E. “Steve” Palko
President, XTO Energy Inc.
December 11, 2004
The Honorable Carlos de Icaza
Ambassador of Mexico to the
United States
December 13, 2008
Dr. Richard Jarvis
Provost, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating morning ceremony
May 8, 2004
Bob Malone
Chief Executive, BP Shipping Limited
December 13, 2008
Dr. Diana Natalicio
President, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating afternoon and evening ceremonies
December 13, 2003
Robert Wingo
President and CEO
SWG&M Advertising
May 10, 2008
Antonia Hernández
President and CEO
California Community Foundation
May 10, 2003
The Honorable Antonio O. Garza Jr.
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
December 15, 2007
Henry A. de La Garza
Chairman and CEO
de La Garza Public Relations
May 12, 2007
The Honorable Shana Dale
Deputy Administrator, NASA
December 9, 2006
Brian J. Haley
The University of Texas System
Student Regent
May 13, 2006
Gilberto Perez
President of U.S. Operations, CEMEX
December 10, 2005
John Brooks Slaughter
President and CEO
National Action Council for Minorities
in Engineering Inc.
December 14, 2002
Dr. Rita R. Colwell
Director, National Science Foundation
May 11, 2002
Dr. Irving Wladawsky-Berger
Vice President of Technology and
Strategy, IBM
December 15, 2001
Dr. Bonnie Dunbar
Astronaut and Assistant Director
NASA Johnson Space Center
May 12, 2001
The Honorable Henry Cuellar
Texas Secretary of State
December 16, 2000
John Daniel Olivas
NASA Astronaut
May 13, 2000
Sara Martinez Tucker
President and CEO
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
December 18, 1999
The Honorable Richard W. Riley
U.S. Secretary of Education
May 12, 1995
The Honorable James R. Jones
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
May 15, 1999
The Honorable Lucille Roybal-Allard
U.S. Representative
33rd Congressional District, California
December 16, 1994
Mario E. Ramirez, M.D.
The University of Texas System Regent
December 19, 1998
David Satcher
U.S. Surgeon General
May 15, 1998
The Honorable George W. Bush
Texas Governor
December 20, 1997
Adair Margo
Member, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
Carlos Villa
Member, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
May 17, 1997
The Honorable Silvestre Reyes
U.S. Representative
16th Congressional District, Texas
December 21, 1996
C. Paul Robinson
President, Sandia Laboratories
May 18, 1996
The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senator, Texas
Dr. France Cordova
Chief Scientist, NASA
December 16, 1995
Dr. Felix Gutierrez
Vice President and Executive Director,
The Freedom Forum, Pacific Coast
El Gran Paseño Award Recipient
May 13, 1994
The Honorable Ronald Kirk
Texas Secretary of State
December 17, 1993
Carol Bellamy
Director, U.S. Peace Corps
May 15, 1993
Dr. Luther S. Williams
Assistant Director for Education and
Human Resources,
National Science Foundation
December 18, 1992
Dr. Herminio Blanco
Chief Negotiator of the Free Trade
Agreement for Mexico,
Undersecretary of Foreign Trade
May 15, 1992
Maestro Abraham Chavez Jr.
Commencement Performance
December 13, 1991
Ellen C. Temple
The University of Texas System Regent
May 11, 1991
The Honorable Dan Morales
Texas Attorney General
December 14, 1990
Dr. John D. Negroponte
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
May 12, 1990
Sam Donaldson
ABC News Journalist
December 15, 1989
Allen Born
Chairman, CEO and President of
May 17, 1986
The Honorable Wilhelmina R. Delco
Chair, Texas House Committee on
Higher Education
May 13, 1989
The Honorable Jaime Oaxaca
Corporate Vice President,
Northrop Corp.
December 20, 1985
Helen Houser Popovich
President, Florida Atlantic University
December 16, 1988
The Honorable Katherine D. Ortega
U.S. Treasurer
May 11, 1985
Wilson H. Elkins
President Emeritus
University of Maryland
May 14, 1988
The Honorable William Sessions
Director, Federal Bureau of
December 21, 1984
Dr. Hans Mark
The University of Texas System
December 18, 1987
Daniel W. Foster, M.D.
Outstanding Ex-Student 1987
Professor of Internal Medicine
UT-Dallas-Health Science Center
May 12, 1984
Rudy Tellez
President, Telco Productions Inc.
May 17, 1987
The Honorable George H. W. Bush
Vice President of the United States
December 19, 1986
Bobby Ray Inman
CEO, Microelectronics and Computer
Technology Corp.
December 18, 1983
Dr. Gerald W. Thomas
President, New Mexico State University
May 14, 1983
Major General James P. Maloney
Commanding General, U.S. Army Air
Defense Center and Fort Bliss
December 19, 1982
The Honorable Wallace E. Snelson
Texas Senator
Committee on Commencement
Olympia Caudillo........................................................................ Graduate School
Richard Daniel................................................................ Alumni Relations Office
Holly Denney............................................................................... Military Services
Bill Dethlefs............................ Center for Accomodations and Support Services
Ofelia Dominguez.............................................................................Union Office
Gary Edens..................................................................................... Student Affairs
Charles Gibbens................................................................................Miner Village
Pete Hensgen...............................................................................University Police
Jose Huerta..................................................................... Information Technology
James H. Holcomb.................................................Economics and Finance, Chair
Cassandra Lachica-Chavez ................................Registration and Records Office
Beto Lopez............................................................................. University Relations
Chris Lopez................................................................University Communications
Paulina Lopez.................................................. Student Government Association
Rene Lopez................................................................................. Facilities Services
Catie McCorry-Andalis.................................................................. Student Affairs
Alex Muñoz......................................................................................Food Services
Fernando Padula..................................................................University Bookstore
Mike Spence.......................................................................... Don Haskins Center
Paul Stresow............................................... Parking and Transportation Services
Craig Thompson............................................................................ Career Services
A Centennial Celebration
You are a Part of the UTEP Legacy
In 2014, The University of Texas at El Paso will celebrate its 100th
birthday. As a 2013 UTEP alum-to-be, you are part of a very special
group of students who have attended UTEP during its first century.
You are part of the legacy that began in September 1914 when the
Texas State School of Mines and Metallurgy opened and 27 students
enrolled. Since then, the University’s name has changed several
times, the physical campus and student enrollment have grown, the
demographics have changed, the degree programs have expanded
and the University’s reputation and impact have grown around the
globe. But UTEP’s goal has not changed: to provide access to excellent
educational opportunities to all students.
The degrees you receive today will be among the last awarded in UTEP’s
first century. As we prepare to start the University’s second century in
2014, we hope you will be a part of the Centennial celebrations that
have already begun and will continue through 2014.
Stay up to date with the latest Centennial news and events at
UTEP Centennial Events
March, Conference USA Tournament
March 21, TCM Day campus-wide
April 11-13, Campus Open House
May, Spring Commencement
July 12, Alumni Pick-Nic
Fall, Centennial Plaza complete
August 24, New Miner Convocation
September 5, Minerpalooza
Fall, Opera Bhutan (in El Paso)
Fall, Homecoming Week
December 13, Winter Commencement

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