Tom Suchomel Woznicki Employment Records (Wisconsin Educator)

Tom Suchomel Woznicki Employment Records (Wisconsin Educator) Tom Woznicki, EdS has been employed as an Educator with several school districts in Wisconsin. Tom Suchomel Woznicki has served as the Superintendent of the Florence County, Wisconsin school district and the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district. Tom S Woznicki was previously a teacher at the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district and the Manitowoc, Wisconsin school district. It is unclear whether Tom Woznicki, EdS is currently employed as an Educator with any specific school district. In addition, it is not clear whether Tom Suchomel Woznicki has profiles or pages on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and/or other websites.

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Thomas Woznicki Photograph (Florence County, Wisconsin School District)

Thomas Woznicki Photograph (Florence County, Wisconsin School District) This photograph was taken while Thomas Woznicki served as the Superintendent of the Florence County, Wisconsin School District between 2009 and 2013.

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Thomas Woznicki Middle Name Change (James to Suchomel)

Thomas Woznicki Middle Name Change (James to Suchomel) Thomas Woznicki appears to have changed his middle name from James to Suchomel at some point in time, although the reason for the apparent change is not clear.

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Thomas Woznicki Dismissal (Boscobel, Wisconsin School District)

Thomas Woznicki Dismissal (Boscobel, Wisconsin School District) Items 1 and 3 on the first page indicate that Thomas Woznicki was asked to leave the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district. Pay close attention to Item 7 on the third page. “Exhibit A” refers to the letter on the last page.

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Thomas Woznicki Address Verification (New Richmond and Boscobel School Districts)

Thomas Woznicki Address Verification (New Richmond and Boscobel School Districts) This document contains a brief email exchange between Thomas Woznicki and Brian Johnston, Business Manager at the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. The email exchange occurred while Mr. Woznicki was the Superintendent of the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district. Note the reason for the address verification specified by Mr. Johnston in the first email, which appears to reference the “Woznicki Rule” notification requirement applicable to public records requests in Wisconsin.

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