Mordechai Feiglin


Mordechai Feiglin
Dear Members of B.C.O.D.,
As you have already been advised, we at Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah have taken on to
facilitate that all Botei Chabad and other Moisdos in Australia can take part in the Pidyon
Shvuyim case to secure the release of Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, Bekoreiv Mamesh.
In the first instance you will find enclosed:
A letter from Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s wife, Leah Rubashkin.
A letter of support from our Rabbi, Chaim Tzvi Groner with the appropriate links.
A letter from Menachem Broner, regarding the Australian donations.
A letter of support from our Federal Member of Australian Parliament, The Hon.
Michael Danby MP.
I have been advised by Leah Rubashkin that in order to be represented to the highest
degree possible and also to prepare for the “Freedom of Information” case, as well as
anything else necessary in order to give her husband the absolute best possible chance, it
has been estimated that the total cost should be in the range of US $750,000. Accordingly,
we have decided to set our Australia wide target to be at least 10% of this amount i.e. US
$75,000. Hopefully, Australia’s initiative will be a tremendous example to other Chabad
communities around the world to also become involved.
I have asked Rabbi Yoni Reyder to work together with our treasurer Menachem Broner to
spear head the distributing of all of the information involved as well as to organise all of the
details regarding the direct payment of the funds. In this regard Menachem Broner has
established a new and separate Australian bank account specifically for this purpose.
In addition we have created a website for this urgent appeal.
Accordingly please visit
Let us hope that we will all be able to proudly participate in the Seudas Hodaah that Leah
Rubashkin has referred to in her accompanying letter, Teikef Umiyad Mamesh!
Thanking you in anticipation of your support for this extremely important cause.
Mordechai Feiglin
Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah,
30 Meadow Street,
East St Kilda VIC 3183
Letter from Leah Rubashkin
Dear Mr. Feiglin,
Thank you so very much for reaching out to us. What a chizuk it is for my family and
myself to hear from a fellow Jew from the other side of the world! Your care, concern and
encouragement are like a breath of fresh air.
As you can imagine, this has been a very trying time for our family, one that requires much
strength. Unfortunately, the government has very cleverly stripped our family of our
resources, surely hoping that we would not be able to fight for my husband's freedom. But
they underestimated the power of Am Yisroel! They didn't realize that this would be a fight
with a nation. It is thanks to the generosity of Klal Yisroel that we've been able to get this
far, and we pray and hope that this chesed will take us to the end when we will
Celebrate together at the seudas hodaah.
We now B"H have a chance to submit to the court a petition that challenges the
Constitutional fairness of the trial; it's known as a "2255". We have retained an excellent law
firm from Kansas City that has fought dozens of appeals. They feel that there was a terrible
injustice done here and they hope to reverse this. We also have another lawsuit pending in
the courts in which we are suing different government agencies to release any information
connected to this case (Freedom of Information Act) that the lawyers feel will really bolster
our arguments.
We are confident that Hashem has sent us shluchim that will finally win Sholom
Mordechai's freedom. We are hopeful that with the help of people like yourself we can
continue to fund this effort and celebrate together. Our family is forever indebted
to Acheinu Beis Yisroel for their extraordinary Ahavas Chinam.
The Australian communities have been especially helpful and very welcoming in the past
when my son Meir Simcha travelled there a few years ago. I hope that they will be as
sympathetic as you were on the phone. This has been a new uncomfortable role for our
family who typically was on the other side of the door...
Thank you again and hopefully we will all be blessed with hatzlacha from the Aibeshter!
With enormous respect,
Leah Rubashkin
Further response that we received from Leah Rubashkin on 4 May, 2013:
Thank you so much! I went with the children to visit Sholom Mordechai and he was so
moved by your call and correspondence. It’s the tremendous Ahavas Yisroel that is keeping
us going. Thank you.
Letter from Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner ‫שליט"א‬
To all members of BCOD and anyone reading this email:
I am personal friend of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin and his
family. Please respond generously to this heartrending letter from his
family. To be convinced that this is a vitally important cause please go
to and read all the facts presented there.
There is an ongoing worldwide effort to protest this injustice and I appeal to you all to join
this unified global campaign by helping fund this very important petition.
Let us hope that this display of Achdus will bring about the revelation of Moshiach and we
will all go together with Sholom Mordechai to Eretz Yisroel immediately, NOW!
Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner
Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah,
30 Meadow Street,
East St Kilda VIC 3183
Letter from Menachem Broner
Dear Friends,
Further to the emails sent previously with the strong encouragement from Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner
and Mottel Feiglin in relation to the worldwide effort to protest the injustice, we ask that people
should not yet directly contribute via the website. We would like to collect all
the financial support together as one lump sum from Australia and send it with the appropriate
acknowledgment of everyone’s contribution. Please advise Mottel or myself as to your contribution
Hopefully, when the other Chabad and other communities around the globe see what Australian
Chabad has done or is doing, it will encourage them to also get on board.
We have set up a special account for the donations.
Westpac Account name “Australia for Rubashkin” BSB: 033018 Acc: 311713
Please note that we expect this account to be active only after this coming Shabbos (Parshas Bamidbar). Please
transfer your donations then.
Menachem Broner
Beis Chabad Ohel Devorah,
30 Meadow Street,
East St Kilda VIC 3183
Letter from the Hon. Michael Danby MP