PDF - Moss Motoring
PDF - Moss Motoring
^ a * J^v HJi J'j£jJ iJj<T; •- SSOUI '' - • -.1 ..' !' '' is , / ' - Hwninv •' •if* ^British Motoring Alan ParadlsoEcftor BRITISH MOTORING MANAGEMENT Aaron SmithF*afun> Editor Annette ParadiseWaragmg Erj.vv Joy KellerAsjooaie Eaw AmyCovingtonCoay £(Mor Leigh DeFreeceA/t Unctot Lacey HendersonEaro'jMsus/j'ir Nicole LeapGrapMc Designer NancyWadeGraphc Dos.n,ne,» ContntorigEdtors Harry Newton BillPlggott Paul Richardson Ken Smith Steve Tom John Sprinzel GooffWhcatlcy HowtoConrad British Motoring 805 681.3400 Go'ela,CA93117 Moss Motors 440 Rutherford Street Etfforial Queries. Comments and Photos: 619.463.5100 La Mesa. CA 91941 B'itish Motoring 4700Spring St Ste.304 Br^UttriigaiagezK ispuMshedtMtines peryear by Wow Moors lb Mot Motors. Lid or DSCG, Inc dismbuleethis megum wilde» uxJorsUndngBut ino tie written consent of Moss Motors Lid trJcrmason preserved rs fromvarioussources fromwhen twi un be nowtiraniy orrMpons>(>%«t to tie togaUy, completeness end acojoey. M melcnais.ten. iusMlOns end photographs art Iha propertyo! BnWi Motoring and can nol bo reproduced In wholoor part or Kitted wltn.1 Eottr.il constPutions are welcome, however, editors reccmrr.erd mat contnoutets query In advance. Manuscripts must be presented in wniton lorn and Contnbuhons mustbe accompanied byreturnposage and weassumenoroporwoMylotlossordamagedmaim* Motors Lid reserves the right to use materials at its persons « pnotoonphs (nolirxtidngputtcevents) Moss accompanied byelectronic He. All photographs musthave accompanying captons Fftoto modalreleaserequredon 304. La Mesa. CA 91W1 8194635100 Lett* tome raneibuIiowfcBntthMclcmj 4700U MesaBMJ Ste drsoeton, andwereserveu» nghtto edl materialtomeet cur rRjjrements Contributor s ad ofmatingcontnbuun sha'l conisrjj!oan eipress warranty Bialdie material is original and noIntrtngemwl onIhe rightsofoJwns. Mel edict «l be accepted lor pubtcabon provded nan*, eddress and telephone number accompany thorn AntonMxcmg wi tecete MosslAgtors G» Certteatts nBiehtowng amounts: Contributorswhose material« selected lor pub'eabon In $150 00 G*T CERTIFICATES Tedncal articles. Mud-page feature stories and Personallyprofess Bookreviews. Ck* ancle reprints $8000 GIFTCERTIFICATES AUTUMN 2001 • BP.ITIS $3500 GIFTCERTIFICATES Tochrvceibps. Cartoons. Humorousanecdotes. Puzzles. Photos (eecaaSngany photocontest ccrtrtusons) 2 'J 1 u en Feedback, comments, questions. Letter Box 1954 Alpine Rally A famous endurance test. Greenwich Concours d'EIegance i classic cross-section of cars. 91 On lite Cmvr Minis were sold In tlio Unltod States from J 960 to return to motorsports. 7967. developing a cult (of/owing Ifiat continues to be active at the dawning ol the new Mini. Photography by AlanParadise On Ibis Pjiic WarronHughes tests the ail-now MG Lota sporfs car al the Lo Mans circuit, spearheading MG's long-awalltd Car Mart Buttonwillow Bonanza MG at Le Mans 20 Events Calendar Classic cars for sale. OrilTISH I.IOTORINQ Places to go...people to see. • 3 Vintage auto racing at its best. 12 A Mini Love Affair The history of the Mini in America. 23 18 13 Hello Mini The new Mini arrives. British car manufacturer returns to racing. 17 AU1IIMN200I rBox iving in Florida, high engine temperatures (above 200 degrees) at 60 mph in the summer has always been a problem. I installed an oil cooler, added a water a breeze. What I originally figured to he a weekend project took less than thrce.hours. outbuilding, removedthe car cover and. to my surprise. found a 1961 BugeyeSpnte with .17,000 original miles. I did, however, take thisprocess one step further Setvice records located in the vehicle indicated the car to help ensure proper alignment when reassembling the tie rod to the tie rod end. After loosening the lock nut and screwing it finger-light against the lie rod end, Iwrapped a piece of masking tape around the lie rod a: the inside face of the nut Thisacted as a rough "stop" for the original location. I then put a small,aligning dot of paint on both the tape and nut Hal.After removing What did I pay for this little gem? Well, let's j.isl say my wife smiled when I brought the car home and told her the price. I found mine! paint on the nut and tie rod This would be my starting location to count the turns when replacing the nut Ibis ptoccss worked well and helped me avoid any confusion ol where to start and end my "turn" count an engine shroud and I can't wait to lest it because the Upon completion, I checked the distance l>clwccn lire airflow over the engine should be much greater and I marks and lound it to Ik- tight on the money. I have recently pulled the engine out of my 1965 hope it takes another five to 10 degrees olf the running temperature. The specs call for a running temperature My thanks to Drill's!) Moloriiir; lor providing this information. If I had proceeded with the Spnte to replace the clutch. I had to disconnect the of 165to 190degrees I'm hoping the addedairflow conventional process, I would siill be under the car hydraulic line to the clutch slave cylinder and because willput me in that range once and for all. Right now on a 75 to 80 degree day, the engine stays at about 175 to 180 degrees, even after I put the thermost.tt back in III sec how it nuis when lite temperature teaches 95 degrees with the shroud Hy the way. this is only a rather than in the driver's scat the clutch and brake share the same reservoir. I drained the entire hydraulic system to prevent spills. Now (he controversy begins When I refill the system, I want 10 use the new siliconc-lascd brake lluid because it won't harm the paint and it doesn't bond high-speed problem. The engine has always run okay with water. I am told it also won't cause the corrosion at slow speeds such as in parades. around the cylinders. The problem is that many Hunks again tor your assistance. My wife and I enjoy driving the car around the area, it is a head turned people bale silicone lluid and say that the silicon btcaks down the nthher teak in brakes and makes them Hal I'abst "spongy" They also say it is slightly compressible definitely not what you want in a brake lluid. Do any ol your readers have any facts or personal experiences St. August Matk Young I havecompletedrestoring my 1955TF 1500and lam ntaoo PAINT 10'. Njr • I t KOrj tKDj PI "00 IOCS Mil M y 40J high school reunion is coming up and a Wichita. KS group ol my friends in Santa Cruz were talking about finding cats from 1961, our graduation year, Many times you feature a British auto that one of your readers has restored fixingthem up and driving them to the class reunion. I wanted to Here's the story abuui how I totind my special car One of my friends recently purchased an old introduce you to mine I spent six years restoring this 1958 MCA Roadster using many Moss Motors parts. The work started in 1989 and was completed in 1995. It has won numerous first and second place awards and was given a six-page feature spread in the March 1997 issue of Gallic Aitlo Rntorcr.This was the firsi car I ever restored and it was tie-finitely a challenge* but 1 learned a lot about welding, sand Ijust finished replacing the steering rack boots on my 1970 MCB and I want to say thanks for the article "Steering Rack Boot Replacement," by Steve Tom, in the winter edition of /irili.fi blasting and mechanics.Although it is long overdue, Molorind. Even though I had purchased the proper tools to remove the ball joints, I had been putting I wanted to thank the Moss Motors staff lor helping me through some of the tough spots. this project off because I knew it was going to be a real bear 1 he process outlined by Tom made it 4 AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING happy to say il is running and looking like new. Now tfiat the restoration is complete. I wanted to share the latest news. Recently, I entered my car In the Santa Barbara 7000 Concours d Hcgancc and I was fortunate to receive Isl placein the European Sports car class with the new silicone brake fluid? Clcn R. Alvis Wally Walker Soquel, CA Sebastopol, CA (THMAOtO SlClKWI ***PS^te^ could find with the car was a leak in the radiator hose. the tie rod from the tie lod end and unscrewing the wetter, replaced the radiator, added a heater radiator temperature about ten degrees. I just finishedinstalling on the rafters, It was all there, a complete car I met with the owner, drove the car and purchased it after a ten-minute conversation. The only problem I lock nut to the 'flush" location, I put another dot ol up front right behind the grille and hooked it parallel to the heater hoses That loweredthe engine'srunning had been driven less than 1,000 miles in the past eleven years. This owner wasthe car's second, anil it had been painted yellow The top, bows and side curtains were Thiswould nol have been possiblewithout the help ol Moss Motors and its employees, who demonstrated impressive knowledge about MCs. I have enclosed a picture of the car lor you to share with your readers Silvio L. Motta Santa Barbara, CA0 chicken ranch on the outskirts of Santa Cruz, complete with several outbuildings and old sheds He told me there was an old sports car under a car cover patked in one ol the outbuildings Apparently, it had been stored lot several years The owner, a WWII veteran who lives in San f-rancisco, kepi his spoils car stored for when he visits. My friend said the owner was a tall man who had both knees replaced and bad difficulty getting in and out of the car, thus it was rarely driven. With the owner's permission, we unlocked the AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING 5 195't ALPINE RALLY By Paul Richardson inJ Jimmy Ray at the a mountains where the climbs and descents had solid Kc"Kchardj0: T, he checkpoint in the French Alps, which was reached in whatsoever on then outer edge. One mistake could darkness Cars were refueled there for the daunting result in a drop ol thousands of feet off the side lust task of driving lour major Alpine passes in the dead lo make things more interesting for crews, the route- ol n.ghi. The Col D'Allos (7,350 It), Col dc Vars (6,926 It.) and the Col D'lzoard (7,746 It.) were successfully negotiated and the three TRs pressed was organized so that many of the highest passes were met at night International rallies in Huropc in the '50s were tun over some ol the most testing routes imaginable, especially the were so dangerous It was also a policy of the Alpine In 195-1 three works Triumph TR2s took part in the Alpine, which was the Itrsl International rally In Critcriuml)es Alpes. commonly knownasThe Alpine As us name implies, the rallywasessentially contested over the high Alpine passes ol central huropc and was organizers to include the highest and toughest of generally regarded as the toughest test of endurance avalanche,The passeshad steep climbs anil descents, forany car or crew But competitor,pressand spectator which m those days could only be desctibed as loose. opinion labeled the 1954 cvenl as the toughest and Mills and U.K. Sales Manager ol the company, Jimmy Ray, Robbie Slotemaker and Maunce surfaced, single-lane can tracks. At altitude they werecovered in snow, often on lop of sheet ice, and Catsonidcs. It is well known that the Alpine rally was (eared at the lowerlevels icyroadscould be madewotseby Southern France. The three-car team left the starting by many ctews simply because the Alpine passes rain. Many of the passes were hewn from the side ol ramp in late afternoon for their first Alpine most dangemus Alpine to date. 6 AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING those passes if llicy were not impassable by snow or adventure. The mute ran cast towards the first rock on one side and no effective guard rails which a works team was entered. The three-car team consisted ol team leaders Ken Richardson and co- dnver Kit lleathcote, who became his PA , Lyndon The tally started on July 8 in Marseilles in On to Bnancon and over the border into Italy via the Col dc Montgenevre (6,070 ft ) The remaining lew hours of darkness were then spent driving through the Lombardy plain towards Bergamo in readiness to tackle the single track roads leading up into the mountains towards the Vtvionc pass. It was in a narrow section of the Vivione that a puncture put Richardson and Heathcotc out ol the tunning lor a coveted Coupe des Alpes which was awarded for any car completing the rally without losing points. The puncture caused a time penalty at the next AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING T checkpoint where they arrived one minute and 54 seconds late. Having had no sleep, crews spent the second day's hard driving headingfor the first nightstop at St. Moritz, Switzerland, which was the end of the first stage All the works TRs arrived safely and in gootl lime. At St Moritz, the organizers re- routedthe secondstageof the rally due to an avalanche which totally blocked the Slelvio pass Major flood reports caused a second toute change. Once resumed, the rally passed from St Moritz into Italy, back into Switzerland and then Austria and Germany From Germany the route competitors back to Austria took through "Our rally very nearly ended on the Stclvio," Kit I leathcote said. 'Ken had caught up with lean Behra,the racing driver,who was in an Alfa Romeo. We wete right on his tail and, as we followed him out ol a comer, the Alfa undcrstcercd Straight into the mountainside and bounced back into the front of our TR which then pushed ihe Alia back into the mountainside Luckily, we only sustained Front end body damage, but the Alfa's rally was over because of serious front end damage and a burst radiator." Alter dealing the Slelvio, the route veered West to the foothills of the Italian Alps and then lo the French Alps again, which were reached in "Ken and I were extremely tired by ibis lime, d.ukness The crossing into France took place al the but we suddenly felt wide awake driving with a summit of the Col du Petit St. Bernard at 7,178 (l. snapped rear spring!" I leathcote said. By this tunc Brenner pass Finally competitors arrived at The final section through the French Alps involved Slotcmakcr and Gatsonides had driven a superb rally Cortina D'Anipcsso lor the end of the maneuvering the ascents and descents ol some of with no problems and were well on their way to winning a coveied C!oupe I)i-s Alpes for completing Innsbruck and into Italy via the notorious second stage The third stage was essentially a 190mile road race in and around the Dolomitemountains with the siart and finish al Cortina. "The day dawned with perfect conditions and for the lirsi 30 miles 01 so we encountered some very sleep ascents which held es-eryone'saverage speed well down, so much so that it appeared we'd never make up the lost nme," I leathcote said "But it turned out later on that there were some sec lions where much higher speeds could be the most dangerous of the French Alpine passes in rapid succession in snow and ice. "File TRs raced reliably and relentlessly through the night passes over the Col dc L'lseran(9,090 ft.), Col de la Cioix de Fcr (6.818 ft). Col du Telegraph (5,292 ft.), Col dc l.'lzoard (7,746 It.), Col de Vars (6,926 ft.) and the Col dc la Cayollc (7,634 It.). Near disaster struck when a rear spring snapjicd on the Richardson/Heathcote TR in the Gorge dc Daluis, My lather, who was chief mechanic and works test wheel steering caused by rear axle movement, just get the second fastest time overall." 1leathcote said. the road became a major Slotcmakcr ami Gatsonides also linished a problem, However, Richardson and 1leathcote remarkable sixth overall. With the privately entered driving, got us to the finish back in Cortina with 28 minutes in hand. By achieving this managed to stay in the race. averaged 50 mph for the 190-milecircuit, we failed and they had to retire from the tally The last event at Cannes was a speed and breaking lest around cones on the sea front. "Ken never liked these tests around cones, and this one- was more than the usual challenge because he had to drive with the broken rear spring, but he managed to keeping the car on that had started before us and, having an impressive performance, a real wheel Ix-armg tlnver lor the ERA learn, often related that, with rear achieved This, coupled with Ken's superb performance we had overtaken all the cars the rally without losing points. Lyndon Mills and Jimmy Ray had extremely bad luck only 400 miles Irom the finish when, alter TR2 belonging to loscph Kat and I lands Tak, who had recovered from an accident near the control at Bolzano, and look manufacturers' prize. Richardson, team ihe I leathcote, Slotcmaker, and Gatsonides linished in second, third and loiirlh places in the 2000CC class, and won the Pernod Challenge Cup (or the team, which put up the fastest cumulative limes over the timed speed tests and hill climbs Thus, before the ball way mark, we became the leading car in the rally." The final 24-hour stage of the rally rati Irom C ortina to Cannes on the Mediterranean coastline of France. This at Munich, I'ordoi, Stclvio and Izuatd. They section took in the Stclvio pass, which was also won the prize lot the Ik-si performance of cleared for the return run Competitors a non-French team. drove 9,045 It of what was one ol the The 1954 Alpine rally was the first ol many rallies ol its type where TR2s and 3s highest toads in Europe The Stclvio pass zigzags up mountainsides in a seties ol short won Straights connected by hairpin bends. The endless class and team awards throughout the '50s. The stealth of the TR is majority of the mad surface was loose shale legendary and the very same TR2 OVC 276 used by Richardson anil Healhcote in the '51 with reinlorced concrete (the only hard surface) on the hairpin bends where grip Trecherous Alpine Rally panes,including thefamousStelrio pass(middle). Richardson/Heathcote TR2s made our second lastest time o( the day. I the Slolemaker/Calsonides Alpine rally is still running in pristine iindeibraking and acceleration wasessential, condition on the roads of Europe today © even for normal traffic. Victorious T^sajur the ra „,u,.^-^:^:;. ides, Ki' Heathcou. Robbie SlotemokcT.Muu 8 AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING 9 emeritus David P.. Davis double as chief judge and event banquet guest speaker Antiques and classics were the focus of Saturday's display with post-WW II sports and CT cars presiding on Sunday. The Concours continually adds new sponsors who recognize this as an ideal venue lo showcase their products. New to the 2.001 event were Cadillac and SAAB, joining long-time sponsors Mcrccdcs- lienz, Land Rover. Ferrari and Lincoln-Mercury. Even though rain made a quagmire of the harbor-front park, a prestigious field of internationally known vehicles assembled lor the enjoyment of several thousand devoted enthusiasts. Included in the field were a fabulous one-oil Hispano Suiza Dubonnet, brought by Charles Morse of Seattle, Washington,, which was awarded Best of Show, a tribute thai eluded the remarkable machine at Pebble Beach and the Louis Vtiilton Classic in 2000. Also on display was Lawrence Auriana's ex-Terry Colin Alfa Romeo 8C 2900 cabriolet, acquired two years 111 only its sixth year, the Greenwich Concours d'Hcgancc has become recognized by those whose opinions count as one of the major events and a mid-60s Corvette. The newest entrant was a recently minted BMW Z8, which looked right-at- included a Nclhcrcuttquality 1904 Pope Hartford, home among its vintage peers entered by QUIENSABE, as well as a pair of splendid of its type. All the ingredients were abundantly post war Mascratis and several Ferraris. present, providing entrants, sponsors and olficials SATURDAY with a whirl of on-and-off site activities. The Saturday morning's monsoon broke event organizer Bruce Wcnncrsliom's six-year perfect wealher record for this popular Concours result was a field of entries that could stand against those found at some of the belter-known, longer-established automotive contests. d'Elcgancc. The Greenwich Concours attracted entries from A Concours prc-tour ol back-country Greenwich included a preview of retired auto- dealer Malcolm Fray's newly built museum in Banksville This facility, housed in three buildings, each measuring 4,000-sq. ft., represents an addition ol about 30 cars to Prays existing collection at his Greenwich home. Al the conclusion ol the afternoon drive through the noted estate country, rallyisls stopped by I'ray's Greenwich estate for poolsidc refreshments. Vehicles in the Friday road-rally were a cross- section of those thatwould beexhibited throughout the weekend. Several pre-war Packards. Rolls Royces, Pierce Arrowsanil Buicks were offset by an equally fine group of sports cars Irom the post-war era.A truly splendid XK I20M FHCand an equally pristine Austin I lealcy I00M were standouts in that category, along with a Mascrati 3500Touring coupe 10 AUTUMN 2001 • a wide area, thanks to title sponsorship of AUTOMOBILE magazine. It also FRIDAY BRITISH MOTORING ago at Christie's Pebble Beach sale. Other strong contenders for high honors helped to have the publication's cdiiorial director All and all, it was quite a splendid weekend for vintage and classic auto enthusiasts, setting the stage lor an even grander event in the future. © RETURN TO Mans MG Re-enters Motorsports With the MG Lola EX257 its best race position of third place within the first two stride It wasat this point that the MG Lolaclimbed to Flic- rain continued as the race settled into its 12 horsepower Cowley with lowered suspension MC. has always enjoyed certain measures of racing success. It all began in 1922 when a won a gold medal in the Motor Cycling Club's (MCC) Land's Unci Trial. A variety of MCs have leak initiated repairs The MG Lola returned lo face hours Fight bonis in and a third ol the race behind it, the MG I"la pressed on. despite the persistent rain, which was causing electrical difficulties. Later, an oil nsing temperatures, which just alter the 12-hour set motorsport milestones since then, including the I -sencs, a woiks-backcd MGB and the MC, Metro Turbo Despite this rich history, it has halfway lime point, led to its retirement. • BRITISH MOTORING make MG even more successful next year.' © confident that we will have the right package to back to the Le Mans and frankly it has been beyond our expectations," said Rob Oldakcr, managing director, MG Spoil & Racing I muled This has always been our learning year and now we arc- "We are immenselyproud lo have brought MG been 36 years since MG last competed at the Lola FJX257, which was built and designed by Lola 1 he flagship MC, racing project car is the MG Insioiii Le Mans event Cars International with input from MG Rover Design Director Petei Stevens. Powered by a MG X Power 2 liter, four-cylinder tutbo unit, two l;X257s were entered into the LMP675 class, the lightest qualiflt ation group at Le Mans. Diiven by an all liriiish team, the F.X257 reached third fastest time Overall. Many cars, including MG Lola third overall within two hours of the start, ami established the fastest wet weatherlap.witha blisteting car 34.spun amicrashed duringthe opening lapsdue to AUTUMN 2001 heavy ram. Car 34 Suffered wing damage and later a puncture, which dtopped ii to 37th place. 12 Get Under Caver NEW TOPS AND TOIMMEAUS FOR THE COMING SEASON llieffiK^r TRIUMPH Vinyl HoodsUcK Covers i oicieci Top Vinyl Topas P a r t <> Reg. Sale TR2-1R3 to TS22013- Black TR3AIron TRS220I4-TR3B • BUCK 640-020 $27995 $237,95 640040 279.95 237.95 1R3AItem TRS22014-TR3B • White 640-050 27995 IR4 • Biack 040-060 279 95 TR4 - Wh.ta 640-070 27995 237.95 TR4A - Black 640-080 26995 221.35 TR4A - White 640-090 269 95 237.95 IR250(*lthre«eci:ve strps) • Black 640140 349.95 314.95 IR5 (v.ilhrenedrvesines) - Black TR250-TR6 (without retlective strips. 640-150 38995 311.95 fixedrear window)- Black 640-100 269 95 237.95 TR3AtromIS4l743-TR3B 644-240 99.95 77.95 TR4A 644-260 16045 128.35 221.35 269.95 221.35 TR260-TR6 - Black 640-116 246 55 197.20 644-000 $25995 $207.95 TR2-TR3AloTS41742-WMt 644-OI0 25995 207.95 644-030 644-220 SIU9.95 99.95 77.95 Reg Car Covers Vinyl frame Cavers TR/-8 Roadster Duravent Ccver 237-520 TR250 BUck 644-140 S209 95 $167.95 TR250Light Tan 644 195 209.95 167.95 TH6 Black 644-150 20995 167.95 IR6 Chestnut 6-14-150 209.95 167.95 TRS Shadow Blue 644-170 2C9.95 167.95 TR6LightTan 644-180 209 95 167.95 TR6 New Tan 644-190 20995 167.95 Sale $99.95 $74.95 99 95 74.95 TR/-8 Coupe Duravent Cover CarCover Stowage Bag 237-505 643-850 7.95 5.95 Car Cover Cao e Lock 643-855 8.95 6.70 071-931 072-481 $329 50 $219.95 26995 237.55 Taps & Tonneau iR7 Top-BUckVinyl TR7tonneju • Bart Vinyl Tap Installation Parts Vinyl Tonneau Covers TR2-TR3A to TS41742-Black TR3A Irom TRS4I743-IR33 - White Sale $17.95 237.95 640-120 644420 Reg. 644-230 TR2S0-TR6 (without releclrvestrips. ztppered rearwindow) - Biack TR3A Irom TRS417431R33 - Black P a r t 4t IR2 to TS5255 1R2 Irom TS525S. TR3A to TS41742 20995 167.95 209.95 167.95 TR4 - Black 644-040 IR4 - Write 644-050 209 95 167.95 IR4A-Black 644-060 20995 209.95 167.95 167.95 TR250 - Black 644-080 229 95 183.95 TR6(with headrest pockets] - Black TR6(uithojt deadest pockets)• B.ack 644-100 239.S5 191.95 644-120 21995 175.95 TR4Retainer StripSet TR2-IR4A Webbmg TR250/6Webb«-.g TR25076Frame to Windshield Seal 644-275 $22 40 S16.80 644-280 15.75 11.80 644-285 ) K 5.95 681-040 14 75 11.05 TR250/6 lop Sealto Glass 681-050 295 2.20 TR25G76 TopSeal to Glass 681-060 295 2.20 TR250/6 Frame lo Wrndsnud Sea: TR25076 Channel tor Side Seal 681-180 20.15 15.10 803-625 5.85 .1.65 TR250/6 Channel loi Side Seal 803-635 5.95 4.7S TR25Q/6 Seal Reta Mr, LH TR250/6Seal Retainer.RH 803-645 6.75 5.05 803-656 6.7S S.05 803-665 160 5.70 TR250VBSeal Retainer. Center Vinyl Side Curtains TR2-TR3A lo TS28825-BtKk 259-218 $34995 $279.95 TR2-1R3AIOTS28825-Write 259228 39995 319.S5 TR3A Irom TS28826-3B - Biack 259-688 489.95 391.95 TR3A horn TS28826 33-Writ: 259-728 52900 423.20 Car Covers TR2-38 TyvekCovet 235-440 TR2-3B Duravenl Ccver 237-410 99.95 74.95 TR2-3B risnne; Uned 238-410 139 95 111.95 $4995 $37.45 TR4 6 TyvekCover 236-445 The unique solution-dyed labric is extremely lade resistant, Stayfast canvas Is TR4-6(lhru 73) Duravenl Cover 237-420 99.95 74.95 engineered to be soft ana fleuoe over a wide range ct temperatures. >et highly resistant to sagg ng. I>lcw ng and shrinking Thedesign a so leatures a Tip-outrear TR4-6(inru73) Ranne!Lined 233-420 139.95 111.95 TR6(1974 on) Duravent Cover 237-4(30 99 95 74.95 TR6(1974on) FlannelLined 238-480 139 95 111.95 Stayfast Canvas Tops window. Prolcssonai installationsuggested. SPITFIRE MKIU&1500 49 95 37.45 Tops & rm Tonneau TopBlackVinyl 644-650 Tonneau B;ack Vinyl Sol!TopCover Black Vinyl 644-580 644 690 Ha-d lop CoverBlackVinyl 644-890 $25995 229.95 159.95 74 85 Sale $220.95 183.95 127.95 56.10 Sunfast Canvas Top The unique soluhon-dycd labric is extrerret/ lade resistant, engineered to be sot arc tleilbleovera wkfe rangeol temperatures. Part # Reg Sale TR250-TR6 Black 640-160 $52995 $450.45 IR250TR6Tan 640-170 52995 450.45 yetnghty tesstant tosagging, billow.ng andshirking Cockpit Covers Reg Hotson. windand dirt will slowly but suretydestroyyourInterior. Ouicockpit coverselves the vital tunc!on cl protect,rg your interiorwithoutire b- k ol a tul tenneau or car cover TR250-TR6 Stayfast Canvas TR4-TRC $44 95 $35.05 Part # Reg. Sale Padded Door Cap Tailored in the tradition of the finest European sports cars, we are proud to offer these premium quality tops by Robbins. The unique solution-dyed fabric is extremely fade resistant, engineered to be soft and flexible over a wide range of temperatures, yet 237-800 TR6[l974cn)Ri<)ht 856-135 S14 50 $10.85 TR6!1974on)Lett 556-125 1450 10.85 Sun'ast lop - 3lac« Sole 641-660 549.95 $439.95 $2015 $15.10 Top Seals Frame to Windshield Seal 661-180 Seal Retainer. LH Seal Retainer, Rli 803-645 803-655 675 S.05 675 $.05 Seal Retainer. Or 603-665 760 5.70 Dashtop Repair Panels Rtvit.il a y:„- ok)cracked dashto? pacietti tils molded A3S cover. Its easierloinstall,anda lotless opt i:svcthana complete dashpad Complete with ndheslva 4 instructions Sprt*.u/GT6 $44-645 Spittiie 1971-80 644640 p,,MJ sale $4895 $38.15 $99 95 $74.95 C a r Covor Spitlire 1971-/4 Djraverl Cover 237-510 highly resistant to sagging, billowing and shrinking. The design also features a zip-out rear window. Professional installation suggested. SALEPRICES VALID FROM August 20,2001 THRU September 28, 2001 DIRECT DRDER HOTLINE - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ORDER BY 3:D0 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME AND WE'LL SHIP THE SAME DAY AUSTIN-HEALEY SPRITE-MIDGET TOps Tonneau Covers fleg Ou ccnverhNe topkitsandtonneau covers are maiiL'actured to theoriginal Stowage Bags specificationsand patterns, Incorporatng premiumquakty and correct colors. 130-4 Side Curtain3ag EN4BT7 Side CurtainBag 248-930 $57.95 All necessaryfastenersaro Included witheach kit. Reg Tonneau Covers 100-4 Back 100-4 Bue 100-4 White 100-4 Red 100-6 BN6/3000 BN7 Bl-ick 100-6 BN6/3000BH7 Blue 100-6 BN4/3003BT7 Black 100-6 BN4/3003 BT7 Blue 100-6 eN4V3003 BT7 VVhltl 100-6 BN4/30O0 BT7 Red 100-6 BN6/3000BN7 Black 100-6 B.W3000 BN7 Blue 3000 BJ7/BJ8 BUck 3003 BJ7<BJ8 Blue 3000 BJ7.BJ8 Wnite 021-535 643-010 643-000 643005 021-536 643-030 021-537 521995 219.95 219.95 219.95 349.95 Sale $175.95 175.95 175.15 175.95 307.95 16.3$ BfM.'8I7 Tonneau Slihener Set 453-658 47.95 199.95 199.95 323.95 287.95 BJ7/8J8 Tonneau Bow 021-541 29.95 22.45 100-4 Top latch Set 804-988 89.95 76.45 BN4/8T7TopLatchSet BT74ster. R/HTopLatch BT74ster. UH TopLalch 805-008 59.95 46.75 805-330 32.50 24.15 805-035 32.50 24.35 215.95 269.95 215.95 021-525 $289 95 $231.95 641-000 239 95 269.95 379.95 379.95 379.05 299.95 Convertible Tops 100-6 BN4/3003 BT7 4ster Red 231.95 231.95 322.95 322.95 322.95 BUN 299.95 231.95 641-045 299.95 299.95 239.95 239.95 3000 BJ7/DJ8TopIrom 59372 BUck021-533 3000 BJ7/BJ8 TopIrom 59372 Blue 641-080 269.95 215.95 269.95 215.95 $209 95 $167.95 209.95 169.95 167.95 169.95 135.95 Convertible Top Boots 3009 BJ7 Black 3009 BJ7 Blue 100-6 BN6/300U BN7Blue BJ8 Black Side Curtain S o t s 103-4 Black 103-4 Blue 100-4 Red BN4-BT7 643-080 643-110 643-130 643-090 $19.45 70.85 215.(5 541-040 33.70 199.95 269 95 100-6 BN4/3000 BT7 4staf While 44.95 21.80 269.95 100-6 BN4/30O0BT7 4 ster BUck 10O6B,W3000BI7 4sterB ue 641-085 94.50 021-539 643-070 643-060 100-6 BN4 10 68959 Blue BJ7,'B;a TonreauRailBag Top & Tonneau Hardware 130-4 Front TopBow 021-580 525.95 45.20 021-786 359.95 100-6 BN4 lo 68959 White 44.(5 806-080 021-529 641-010 021-527 641-020 021-528 641-030 641-050 44.95 59.95 BN67BH7 TopFrame finisher 249.95 100 6BN4lo68959Blac< 59.95 641-075 BN4/BN6/BN7/BT7Front Bow 643-045 64I-955 57.95 641-055 279.95 643-050 643 040 100-4 Back 100-4 Bue 100-4 Red 248-940 BJ7/BJ8 Top Cover Bag BJ7/BJ3Tonneau Bag 199.95 34995 249.95 249.95 249.95 359.95 Sale $45.20 135.95 35.95 MGA Tonneau Covers Frames & Stowage Ourtonneaucoversare tailored lor left-handrirve cars onlyand are avalable in blackonly Suppledcompletewithallnecessarysnaps and studs(not instated). Header Rail Header Rail Seal Retainer flog Sale 1500Black Vinyl. 1 window 150u716OQ(Ute) Black, 3 wlnjow 150uVI6O0(latc) White. 3 window 242-330 242-310 242-320 $249.95 $1(9.95 249.95 199.95 24995 199.95 1971-80 w/out headrest 219021 on 241-445 23995 MKII Black,3 window 242-950 249.95 1(9,95 1969 w/headtest 158371-18/210 241-460 249 95 199.95 MKII White. 3 aindow 242-960 24995 199.95 1970-80 w/headrest 187211 on 241-465 239 95 203.95 Vinyl Tops and Tonnaaus Reg 241-440 1968-70 w/oi-lheadrest 138401-219020 241-443 $239.95 billowingand shrinking. 23995 1500 (aarty) BUck 243-955 $439.95 243-950 439.95 373.95 1500/1690 BUck 243-965 489.95 391.(5 1500/1600 Tan 243-960 489.95 391.(5 Short-mounis en rear rat, Black Stayfast 243-985 $234 95 $187.(5 Short-mounts en rear ra'l. Elac<Vinyl 241-420 15995 127.(5 Short-mounts en rear rail.TanStayfast long-mountsbehindrail,BUck Stayfast 243-980 23195 187.(5 243-995 234 95 187.(5 Lorg-moc.nts benlnd rail, BUckVinyl 241-620 179.95 152.(5 Long-mojntsbehindtail,WhileVinyl Long-mounts behindrail,Tar. Stayfast 241-530 179.95 152,(5 243990 234.95 187.95 $373.(5 Sale $174.95 $139.(5 453-600 9.95 7.45 Header Rail Seal Rear Anchor Bar 453-610 1695 244-210 19.95 14 JO 14.95 203.95 1969-70Optional Folding Frame 406-280 239.95 1(1.95 203.95 1970 80 Standard FoldingFrame 1970-80 Standard FcldlngFrame 406-290 179.95 15995 143.95 454-490 1962-69Slow-A.viy Frame:LH 454-500 159.95 135.95 Stow-away TopBag 242-600 47.95 Slow-away TopFrame Bag 242-615 7135 55.65 Tonneau Bow. RH 453-630 2195 16.45 Reg Sale 1500(early)Tan Sale $203.95 MOB Deluxe Sun-Fast Tops Thisuniquesolution-dyad material'seitiemefyfade-resistant,engineeredto be soft and flexible over a wide range of temperatures, yet highly resistant to sagging, b'lkmingorshrinking. Professional installation suggested. With zipoutrearwindow. Stayfast Canvas Tops "he uniquesolution-dyed labricis extremely tads resistant,engineered to be sort and flexible- over a wide range of ttrrpe-atu'ts. yel highlyresistant to sagging, flog 1962-67 w/oul headrest lo 138400 Reg 406-250 Bags Sale 1971-80 BUck 242-740 $58995 $471.95 1971-80Tan 242-745 589.95 471.95 135.95 39.30 Tonneau Bow. LH 453-640 21.95 16.45 TonneauBowStowageBag 242-625 242-605 26.95 29.30 26.35 fonneauCoverStowage Bag 21.00 English Dull-Coat Vinyl Tops Rugged British-made lop is heavier than other liudget tops and all seams are stitchedand weldedformaximum strength. With zip-outtear window. Tonneau Covers Reg 1971-80 Blia 242-685 $737.00 Sale $189.60 Cabriolet Tops Deluxe UK produced -cabriolet" tops borrowed fromthe German style of padded tops witha full headiiner and truck insulation The extremely durable Stayfast canvasis smuton dyedacryliclabric. Professional InstalUUon suggested. Keg 1971-80Black Stayfast 1971-80Brown Stayfast 1971-80Black Vinyl 242-795 242-785 242-775 $86930 869.30 549.95 Sale $895.40 696.40 4(3.05 Original Tops Thru 1987 Dash Roll Thru1987Doc* CapSet,Madt/Whlto Rdst 196265 Door CapSet. Black/Red Pest 1982-65 Door Cap SaL BUck Rdst1966-69DoorCapSeLBUck Rdst 1970-76 DoorCap SeL Ochre Met 1970-76 DoorCap SeL Champagne Theseare genuineEnglish Ixtklord factorystylodouble-coated vinyl tops, complete Rdit 1970-80 DoorCap Scl, Autumnloaf with header ral: and all snaps prc-lnslaled. BUckVinyl only. Rdst1977-80DoorCapSeLBUck Rag Sale 1963-70Toptor slow-away frame 1303-70Topfor folding frame 250-040 250-000 $449.95 475.85 $159.(5 380.65 1971-76 Topw/llxedwlrdo* 1977-80 Topw/np-out window 250-060 250-130 44995 449.95 359.(5 359.95 Replacement Vinyl Tops Thesehkjhquality replacement tops are suppliedwithallsnaps and tastencrs. but Dashtop Repair Panels Revitalize youi oldcrackeddash top pad win thismooedASScover,ll's easier to install, anda lotless expensive than a compirtedasnpad Ccmuk-te witharjiesre &matructiens, Reg Sale 1963-71 453-890 $4895 $3«.1S 1972-76 453-895 48.95 38.15 1977-80 453-905 <895 38.15 $111.95 do not include the header rail »406-25O cr rear anchor oar »244-210. S i d e Curtain S e t s 1500"RanUp' Blackvsryl 1500"FlipUp"BlackCanvas 1600BUckVinyl IGOOBUck Canvas Reg Sale 242-630 242-650 242-680 428.15 1962-63 Foldrg lop frame BUck 1963-70 Stow-awaytop frame Black 1963-70 Stow-awaytop frame Wnite 1963-70 Foldinglep frame Black 1963-70Folding top frameWhite 259-258 $549.95 $439.95 259-268 549.95 439.95 259-616 535.20 259-628 639.95 511.95 1600"en StayfastCarrras 259-625 639.95 511.95 AluminumReplacement Type 259-648 368.65 2(4.90 $23995 $191.95 Top Frame Hardware ToeFiarne Assemofy 4C6-890 FrontTopBow 453-250 44.95 33.70 TopBow Socket (2 req.) TooBow wing Bolt(2 red) 406-920 4.95 4.20 406-200 6.75 6.55 Hear Anchor Bar 244-200 11.95 1.(5 Car C o v e r s rasHwewiJNEoruiFJOMGOOTct vvww.niossmotois.com Sala 5279.95 279.95 27995 $229.55 229.55 229.55 242-640 279.95 229.55 242670 27995 229.55 $139.95 237-440 99.95 236-445 4995 37.45 Roadster 1962-74 Flannel 238-420 139.95 111.95 74.95 247-645 27995 229.55 Roadster 1962-74 Dura-rent Cover 237-420 9995 242-655 279.95 229.55 Roadster 1962-74 TyvekCover 236-440 49.95 74.95 37.45 1977-80 Zip-outrear windowWhite 1977-80 Zip-outrear windowTan 242-695 242-295 279.95 27995 229.55 229.55 Roadster 1975-80 Rannol Top and Cockpit Covers Cockpit Cover 237-900 1971-80TopCover BUck Vinyl 241-465 $44 95 13995 $35.(5 111.95 238-430 13995 111.95 Roadster 1975-80 Duravent Cover 237-430 99 95 74.95 Roadster 1975-B0 TyvekCover 236-445 49.95 37.45 Ail MG Nylon Cover 236-015 69.95 52.45 MQBOT W e a t h e r S e a l s FUme. 238-410 $139 95 $111.95 237-410 99.95 74.(5 GUzmg Rubber. Windshield Tailgate InnerSeal 287-430 782-480 $4495 1975 $33.71 14.88 Tyvek 236-440 49.95 37.45 Tailgate Outer Seal 282-490 1995 14.(5 Glazing Rubber, RearWindow 282-590 3595 28.(5 FAX:B05.69B.B525 SALEPRICES VALID FROM August20,2001 THRU September 28, 2001 •-C-- 238-440 Gl Duravenl Cover GTTyvekCover GTFUnne' 1971-76 Fixed rear window Black DVER5EA9:BQ5.BB134aO Elk Car C a v e r s 1977-80Zip-out rearwindow BUck Ouravrt 80a.EG7.787B moss Rog DIRECT ORDER HOTLINE - DPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ORDER BY 3:D0 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME AND WE'LL SHIP THE SAME DAY MG TC-TD-TF Tons Tonneau Covers Vinyl Side Curtain --'jTifTSj am'* ^fc if ( t [' // r'/J55^^M '/MiH^rC;»ml ^VmI^^|I l^^"-^ ^^am«a^r^« - 'D Complete kit(2 bow) BUck IDCover .it (2 sow)3lack TO Complete kit(3 bow) B'ack IDCcver kil(3 bow) Buck IF Complete kilBUck essssW. Mj. 1, L'iV^^g—M Reg. 243-710 243-715 TC w/sirglewindow "an TCw/single window Back TD(with3 metalbows)Tan 243-725 243-720 243-735 243-730 243-745 TD (with 3 metal bows) BUck 243-740 TFTan IF BUck 243-755 243-750 $73995 $591.95 289.95 739.95 28995 231.95 Tops 4L Tonnotius 591,95 231.95 XK120Tcrneau Cover BUck XK140 Rdst Torreau Cover Black 256-958 256-410 256-470 739.95 28995 28995 591.95 231.95 XK150 Rdst Torreau Cover Black E-Type 1961-71 BUck lop E-TypeV12 1971-74 Black Top 231.95 5529.95 529.95 439.95 439.95 439.95 439.95 439.95 439.95 439.95 439.95 Sale $450.49 450.43 TO coverkit(2 bow) TDcoverkit(3 bow) 256-850 $354 95 364.95 364.95 Side Curtain Components Stowage Bags 259-808 $109.95 TFBack TFWhite 247-220 $279.95 279.95 279.95 279.95 $291.(5 738-490 $13995 9995 $111.(5 237-490 236-445 4995 37.45 351.05 TO-TF boll and nul set 351.513 TD(2 Bow)stripset TD(3 Bow)stripset 252018 252-208 252-308 104.95 $87.95 24.10 78.70 24.10 70.70 104 95 78.70 453-335 $29550 $223.95 223.(5 223.(5 223.95 225.00 XK120-150 Duravent 3095 104 95 351.95 226.00 XK120-150 FUnnel 252-008 Bows & 183.(5 1(1.95 XK120-150 Tyvek 252-108 351.95 351.95 $1(3.(5 291.95 rc snip set 351.95 351.95 2418 Sale $229.95 229.95 239.95 282.50 25000 291.95 TC bolt and nut set 351.95 Reg 011-350 011-360 011-370 2417 Car Covers 256830 255-840 30.95 74.(5 Hardware TC TopFrameAssy TD(2 bow)TopFrame Assy TO (3 bow) Top Frame Assy TF Top Fiame Assy 242-010 242-110 242-210 TD(With 3 metalbcws) Black tm Sale Duck Side Curtain Kits 1Cw/splitwindowTan TCw/spl-lw.rdow Black Vinyl Tops TD(w.lh 2 metalbows) BUck 256-878 256-210 TC cover kit Stayfast Tops TD(wilh 2 metal bows) Tin R«g 256918 256-310 TF Cover kil BUck TFCover kit - White * - TO (wilh 2 metal bows) BUck Kits Topand SideCurtain TanSprayPain TopBowSocket(2 rcq.) TopBowWingBolt(2 rsq.) 453-345 289.95 $236.40 231.95 453-355 453-366 220-520 406-920 406-200 28950 231.60 289 50 231.60 12.95 (.70 238-400 237-400 236-440 236-016 4.95 4.20 175 6.55 $139 95 $111.95 Car Cavers Stayfast Tonneau Covers TC Full Tonneau "an TC F.ll Tonneau BUck TD Full Tonneau Tan TD Fu'l Tonneau Black TD 1.2 Tonreau Ian TD 1/2 Tcnneau Black TF Full Tonneau Tan TF Full Tonneau 3lack TF 1/2 Tonneau Tan TF 1/2 Tonneau B ack MG TC-TD-TF FUnnel 243-850 $419.95 $356.95 243-860 243-870 243-880 243875 243-885 41995 41995 41995 23995 356.95 356.95 243-890 243-910 243-895 243-915 239.95 419.95 MQ TC-TD-TFDuravent MGTC-TD-TF Tyvek AllMGNylonCover 99 95 4995 74.95 37.45 6995 52.45 356.9S 196.75 196.75 356.95 41995 356.95 23995 239.95 196.75 $269.95 269.95 229.45 229.45 $845.95 693.65 6(3.65 196.75 1/J-JDJS Oils' yj^JJ^Jl^! 3J-X Black Vinyl Tonneau Covers TD Full Tonneau TF Full Torreau 741-220 241-320 Stayfast Side Curtai n TCComplete kitTin TCCompletekit Biack TC Cover kil Tan TC Ccver kll Black TDComplete kil(2 bow)Tan 10Ccn;lelekil(2 0ow)BUck TDCover kil(2 bow)Tan TDCover kit(2 bow)Black TOComplelekil(3 oow)Tan TOComplelekil(3 bow) BUck TOCover kil(3 bow)Tan TDCoverkit (3 bow) Black TFCompletekit Tan TFCo-iplete kit BUck TF Cover kit Tan TF Cover kil BUck 243-788 243/98 243/80 243-790 243-818 243-828 243-810 845.95 384.95 334.95 84595 84595 334.95 693.65 Ijl^ CALL FOR YOUR NEW BOOl CATALOGS aaa.EB7.7B7s % flllll 327.20 334 95 327.70 693.65 693.65 243-820 B45 95 645.95 384.95 361.95 243-838 845 95 693.65 243-848 243-830 243-840 84595 693.65 384.95 327.20 327.20 384.95 - 327.20 327.20 693.65 www.mossmotorSeCom ,»X i^ ^2 *4 ^«v Kits 243-768 243-778 243-760 743-770 MJSTHHEUn 327.20 327.20 S a m e Day Shipping M-F, JAGUAR by 3 P.M. your 8aO.EB7.7B7E moss SALEPRICES VALID FROM August 20,2001 THRU September 28, 2001 —.~— a DIRECT ORDER HOTLINE - OPEN 7 DAY5 A WEEK From U P S around Shipping on ordara TRIUMPH uVERSEAS:Bu5.681.34DD MGB kt-—-kj B l o c a l timet. FAX:Ba5.B9B.S525 MGA •3 9> It ordcrocl msaxKotajworiBiMQooTft www.mossmoiors com MGT TRIUMPH ovar SSOO! MG TC-TO Oil FilterAssembly Amodern replacementlor the original throwawayfilterunit Visual / unscrews easily lo allowchangingtrie inexpensive fiitcr cartrldgo. similar to the original right down lo triepaint color. A bottom ping 435-395 435-385 12.95 $89.95 Fits TCand TDIo(e)l4223. Replacement FilterCartridge OJFilerAssembly (includes tiller cartridge) Four Cylinder Race Distributor A more original looking aitemabvelo the Manny dual point distrujtor. This points-type distributn has an advance curve designed for use with .orig durabonrace cams. Ccnlntugal advanceonly,for Ihe serious racer. FitsMGA-B, Midget and many 143-165 $179.95 C4hcr4cytnd«rcars. Uses 153-915 pom set. 151855 rotor and 151-875 cap. 4 cyi Raco DislnbUor 2.95 5.95 9.95 151-855 153-915 151-875 Replacement Point Sel Replacement Cap Replacement Rotor K&N Air Filters K4N is the leadingmanufacturer ofair filters. OurK&N inters carrya 1-million milowarranty. ThoflatfilterIsa perfectfitlor late modelSpitfire and Midget. GT6 etc Thetapered filleris twin lfS6 conversion. 222-995 New, Not Rebuilt Lucas Alternators 130-100 9995 fits MGB 68-74, Spridget72-80,TR250 130-000 S109.95 fits MG878-80. Spitfire75-84 Speedlsleeves 520-500 31.95 $31.50 the LkeUtaod ofleakson highmileagecomponents. machining.Speedlsleeves come with InsUIUliontools and willreduce Repair worn seal surfaces quickly and easily without expensive TR2-6, Spridget, MGA. M3B-67 (Banjo) Differential Pinion 520-505 29.95 31.95 TR3-4Aliming Cover TR250-6, Spnfi-e/Midgct 1500, GT6 Timing Cover 520-510 MGB, Ute 948-1275SpridgetTiming cover 520-515 Adjusting tappets is nevera pleasantchore. This Clikadjust necessary(ob. Turn Ihehandle,dick and lighten. Your clearanceIssel! Replaceslie clumsyscrew- British tool takes much ol the effort out ol this drr/er/wrench rarrtrjOTafion with a single easy lo use tool. Requires a 1/2' drive socket tofittappet $59 95 adjustment nut. Notsuitable for MGT-SCftes. ClikadjustTappetAdjuster 386-205 DIRECT ORDER HOTLINE - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK $53 35 designod for limited clearance appicatoos such as trie MGB I-3/4 "SU carts fiat Chrome FilterAssembly fits 1SOCO ZcnnhStromberg (1-3/4- deep) 222-925 Tapered Chrome Filter Assembly fits 0VER9EAS:B05.6B1.3400 FAX:8Q5.692.2525 aOD.BB7.7B7e rvjHSKiKCMjacometKcoTO: www.mossmotors.com moss! :C- Austin-Healey Alloy ValveCovers 100-4 PolishedAlloy ValveCover 852-105 852-130 219.95 $229.95 Cutdownontappet noiseand highlight you enginecompaitmenl 100 6 thru3000Wished and Engraved Alloy Valve Cover Madein the UK byWipac. these highquakti 7" Halogen Headlamp Sets WipacHeadlampSet 162-725 228-866 228-665 XL L M 228-852 228-851 228-850 M 228-856 228-855 $1495 noil lo the zero line. ruler withyourindex finger Place yourhand on a fiat Glove Sizing $75.05 headlamps come with repUceable H4 bulbs. Fits all regular 7' headlamp applications such as MGA, MGB. Midget. TriumphTR2-8 Headlamp Cover headlamp covers protect your 7- headlamps Irom Protect your investment. Rigid deal plastic 228-867 L 169-200 rock damage. Fits most 7' headtamp application 7" Headlamp Cover Mechanixwear Gloves with Logo less enjoyable aspects of British car life. Tlieso Cut down on trie nicks, cuts and bums mat are me glovesoffer protection Irom sharp edges and hot manyprofessional mechanics. Machine washable. surfaces yet stJI allow a sensibve touch Used by M MGLogo Your Choice $29.95 L British Flag Logo XL a TRLogo 228861 228-860 AHLogo 228-862 228-857 M XL L I| I| I I I [I| I| I I-| I [I| I| 1| I'; I| I[I| I| <I| 3 1/2*- Sire 9 (Medium) 4"-S«e 10 (Large) 4l/2-Si:ol1(X-Laigc) DRDER BY 3:DO P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME AND WELL SHIP THE SAME DAY/ Secrets of Auto Painter Video Learn what pa-nl products fit you appiicabon betae 211-145 $17 95 stepp,ng nto the painl store. Ihen lake a peek ns oe a Dcdyshop lo learn me secrets the pros uso. Video,Secrets of the Auto Pa'nter Fruo UPS Ground Shipping on o r d e r s o v o r SSOOI tSmmmM E3l£j iaB 0VER5EAS:B05.6Bl.a40B FAX:BD5.692.2525 8aO.BE7.787e roRsraKwajMEORriciiirir.ooia www.iiiossmotors.cont moss 215-001 $1195 Ihis calendar makes a great present lor yourcar British Car 2002 Calendar lovingItiends. Calendar.BritishCar 20Q2 _ *fe^ JAOiMr Jaguar License Plate Frame Show your love lorIhemarque wiln theseheavy Black Clirome 222-806 222805 27.95 S32.95 steelframes. Avallacle insh'nlngchromeor black. TR6 VtGB Lim.feUAdd ton MGB witnChrome Bumper MGB withRubber Bumper 909-175 909-170 909-165 909-160 909-155 909-145 909-135 7.95 7.95 7,95 7.95 7.95 $795 British Car Mouse Pads BugeyeSprite Austin-llealtry, Ftonl 909-180 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.9S MGA Auslin-Healey, Side 909 190 •JC9-185 909-195 VG3-GI IR3A Spitfire ORDER BY 3:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL SAME DAY TIME AND WE'LL SHIP THE DIRECT ORDER HOTLINE - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK the Austin Seven and the Morris MiniMinor, the (irst Coopers, Mini vans, pickups, and even a military winter ol production saw a hosto( problems forthe reject called the Moke graced American roads (see little car including, but not limited to, leaking sills, sidebar, "Pick Your Passion"), In 1967 the bottom (ell rolling carpets and walcr logged distributors. out of the British motor industry as companies like Nevertheless, the lust Mini arrived on LI S shores in Morns and Austin lost valuable and Irretrievable I960. American media werealready giving the Mini incredible coverage, astheyhadseentheimpact it had ground to rivals Renault, Fiat and Volkswagen. In atldition, 1968 US. safety and emissions regulations had on the Furopcan market They were intrigued by virtually doomed theMini Specifically, a requlremeni the unique layout, design andoverall Specifications. roi occupant prolection would hnvc required a major overhaul to the Mini interior This, combined with a Love at First Sight? BMC realignment, combined wilh other factors, Americans had grown accustome-d to a certain level of interior and exterior trim, even in economy cars. Many were disappointed by the Mini's spare accoutrements antl solemn finish. Americansweren't as signaled the end of the Mini in America. To this day, n isn't unusual lo find many"non standard" Minis in cai clubs across America. Because directly affected by the postwar depression as England of BMC'sdecision lo discontinue the supply line in the United Stales, many enthusiasts came up with had been, and they were looking for more in a car. They wanted something thai was fun. unique and cieative wayslo obtaintheir lavontc ride,including practical, lliis iswhere ihe Mini did nol disappoint smuggling cars Irom Canada until American regulations put on the brakes. Americans became Roail k Track tested the Austin 850 Mini in obsessed with maintaining and rebuilding their March 1960,justas the first carswerearriving. The original Minis, and often resorted to piecing together badly wrecked or rusted cars, sometimes resulting in an automotive Frankensteineffect. magazine expressed concern about highway noise level, but was impressed by even the slowest Mini's performance. Criticswereamazed by how generous the interior roomwasin such a diminutive package, surpassing the externally larger VW Beetle Rumors of the Mini's return have turned out to be fact. When BMW bought Rover, the Mini followed Production of the old Mini stopped in Weighing around 1,300lbs. with 35 hoi\epower, it October 2000 as production ol the new Mini was a close tun for a l,20(k:c VW in a straight line - siarled U.S. sales arc projected to begin in March but in corners there was no comparison.The Beetle's 2002 (see The New Mini", p. 17 lor more detailed information). Welcome back Mini. quaint suspension was no match fnt the Mini's road- hugging performance,and at a list price ol $1,295 in 1960, it was a serious competitor to the S1,675 VW. In 1961, British Motor Company (BMC) introduced the MiniCooper 997 Developed by the famed Cooper racing team, which had won the 1959 and I960 Formula One World Championships, this But there were rebels who craved the compact appeal ol lorcign cars like MGs and Triumphs. About this same time, the Volkswagen Beetle was making signilicant headway in the economy small car market. And while there were olher makes such space and comlorl " Issigonis and his design learn came up with the radical idea to relocate the gearbox into the engine sump At a time when most cars had a separate chassis, Issigonis' design was as the Renault, Simca and PcugCOl - ihey justdidn't monocoquc (the body was integral with the chassis) and the running gear and engine were attached have the light attitude. Then the Mini came along. through the from and real sub (rames. Money was an issue, so Issigonis spot-welded the hotly panels Bursting Bubbles British automobile designer Alec Issigonis shared one thine in common with many other suspension system and a lightweight (ront-wheel European engineers ol his day. They saw the drive, which provided exceptional handling lor an "bubble"can rolling out ol Germany and wanted to economy car. counter wilh something that used "the minimum The Miniwas launched Aug. 26, 1950, through Austin and Morrisfranchises worldwide. Badged as amount ol materials to give the maximum amount of 14 AUTUMN 2001 • BHIIISII MOTORING together using external "jigs", which explains the Mini's scams. The tiny vehicle also sported a rubber Pick Your Passion I here were many Mini models sold in the United States (mm I960 to 1967, and later models have been brought in by a variety of means The model had 20 more horsepower thanks to a longer Mini line included sedans, sports models, vans and trucks Here arc the most common Minis th.it made stroke connected to a slightly smaller bore that it stateside Note datesarc for U.S. salesonly. brought the displacement lust under the I.OOOcc limit of many racing classes. Intake valves were enlarged and the compression was increased. A more radical cam breathed through iwin SI! carburetors and the gcarl>ox got closer ratio gears and an extension that brought the shift lever back beside the driver, replacing the long "magic wand" shift lever of the 850s The American sports car crowd loved the new Coopers. Finally, here was a true 4-scat sports sedan Austin 850 1960-1967 Engine size: 848CC Power output: 35 bhp at 5,500 rpm Torque: 44 lb. ft. at 2,900 rpm Tlie Austin 850wasIhet»stMini lo Ixiimporuxi lo the United States, wilh nu'ntx variations between Morrisand Austin models Most American Mini:-, worn madebyAustin IrJiiaDy, ttioAusunversions worecalled Austin850, but Iris was changed in 1962 lo A;.r.tTi Mm. The Mini8SCs were dcJvcred wtth sc*l coky pantjoosina limited range olcolors. with room for two kids or luggage in back The only "competition" at the time was the Renault Cordini and the Fiat-Abaiths. The Mini wasin a classby itself lor the next seven years, Americans were introduced to variations ol the Mini. Deluxe models Mini Van and Countryman, 1960-1967 Englno: aame as Mini 850 The MiniVan was Introduced in 1960 os a commercial vehicle primarily intendedlor light delivery work. AUTUMN 2001 • BRIIISH MOTORING 15 Accommodations were sparse, and the wlieolbaso war, longer than a standard Mini,even though the running gear Mini Cooper S, 1963-1967 Engine size: 970, 1071 and 1275CC was almost identical. Lal8 in 1960 n "Woodie" version ol Powor output: 64 bhp at 6,500 rpm (970), 67.5 bhp the van. called Ihe AustinCountryman,was Introduced (Hio at 6,500 rpm (1071), 76.1 hp at 6,000 rpm (1275) Torque: 57 lb. ft. at 5,000 rpm (970).6? lb. ft. at Morris version was called Ihe Traveller) It had wood trim around tho back ol the body and on the twin reor doors. 4,500 rpm (1071), 79 lb. ft. at 3,000 rpm (1275) THE nELU mini Evolution of an automotive icon This more accommodating version ol tho van hud u roar seal and similar interior trim lo an 8S0 sodan. The Ccunliyman proved to be popular in the US and many The MiniCooper S was inlroduced in 1071cc lonn in early 1963 In 1964 Ihe 970cc and 1275cc versions were Reed said it looked "like a scrappy little soccer hooligan spoiling for a fight ' added Tho 9 70 was a special model lo get Ihe S engine into the undci lOOOccracing classes, and was discontinued less wore sold Mini Pickup, 1961-1567 The new Mini will be available in the United than a year after its introduction. States in two trim levels, the Mini Cooper and the Engine: same as Mini 850 Mini Cooper S. Pricing isn't firm yet, but Mini Moke, 1964-1967 become hghly sought after Tre Iron included spartan pressed stool Qriiis Dial were parted body color and a'l intended to be a iignt militaryvernce tnat could be stacked Icr Interiors were black. easy shipment (hence tr-o angjlar sides). Rejected by tl-« unofficially the base price will start at around $18,000. A five-speed manual transmission will be standard with automaticas an option, and a 115-or 160-horsepowcr, four-cylinder 1.6-litcr, 16-valvc miliary, tho Moke entered cr/ilan p-oducbon in 1964. BMC engine will be available Tins liny unitarian vehicle was imporlod in small njTto-s and survival rates are lo*. Tney have recently Engine: same as Mini 850 Nicknamed Ihe 'Hying Bedstead." ihe Voke was initially Mini Cooper, 1961-1967 dealers could order iliern and a reasonable number wero Of course there are differences between the old Englno size: 997 and 998cc imported by indrwcuals both during the BMC yeais and afterwards Although (fled with a rudimentary fabric lop. Ihe passengor seals and side curtains were optional and new Mini. The first one is that drivers won't Power output 55 bhp at 6,000 rpm Torque: 54 lb. Il at 3,600 rpm (997); 57 lb. ft at 3,000 rpm (998) Riley Ell and Wolseley Hornet, 1961-1967 Tho Mini Cooper put Minis on Ihe performance map Iho lirsi models liad 997cc eng-nes witha longer stroke and Engine size: 848cc and 998cc smaller bore than Ihe 848cc engines Twin SU cartnuolory replaced the single carb setup and b;gger vaivos and o Tltoso two "upmarket" Min- variations wero not ollicially imported by BMC bul a small number have been brought In trom Canada or England by private owners. These holler cam were added as well Front brakes wore 7-inch Lockheed discs lhat provided only marginallymore slopping ixiwirrthan drums, Pain; on all Coopers was two-toned and insliumcnl poda in place ol Ihe single speedometer lilted to resembled Mini850 sedans with vertical grills up Iron! and tin oxlended tail with small tins Early models used B48cc engines, bul in 1963 Ihoy were titled wiin a deluned version ol the 998cc engine also used in Ihe Mini Cooper Interior trim was more lavish than in regular Mini models, with leather standard Miri 8b0s seals mklrxlin 1962 © shllt levers were relocated lartner back besido tho driver lor a shorter, moro oireel throw Coopers also had three-gauge M 1N 1S Summary of models 16 Austin If A M E R lllorris 1C A Production Period need to pry themselves into the new Mini, which has much more interiorspace. In addition, the 50/50 Only about 10,000 Minis made it lo U.S. soil split folding rear seats make belter use of the during its 41-ycar, 5.3 million production run. available space.The smooth dash is brokenup by a series of different-sized circular gauges, dials and Nevertheless, it isn't hard to (ind die-hard American enthusiasts who worship the bold little statement vents. The tachometer sitsabove ihesmall steering Now comes news that those smashing little Mini wheelwhile the largespeedometer is placedright in Coopers - based in parton the InhnCooper inspired Minis of old that excelled in motoisports - will be dashing around the streets of America beginning in the middle of the dash. multi-link design in the rear. Disc brakes are attached 2002. Of all the car companies to pick up this iconic to allwheels (ABS isstandard) andBMW saysthat the design. BMWtook up the charge, vowingI" preserve the historic feel while blending various innovations developedsince the firstMinis appearedin 1959. size, giving it a go-kart feel. As for those tiny wheels 'Ihe Mini Cooper is not a retro designed car, standard IS-in or optional 16- or 17-in. aluminum The new Mini has advanced suspension with a body is two to three times stiffer than other cars of its on the original Minis, they've been replaced with but an evolution of the original," says frank wheels linished inwhite or silver. What about safely? Stephenson, the Mini's chief designer "Il has the It was, after all, safety concerns among other issues genes and many of the key characteristics of its that drove Minis out of the United Slates in 1967. predecessor, but is larger, more powerful, more muscularand more exciting.' Saloon A/A2S7 M/A2S4 August 1959- 1967 De Luxe Saloon A/A2S7 M/A2S4 August 1959 - October 1962 Super Saloon A/A2S7S M/A2S4S June 1961 - October 1962 without a major redesign. But like the VW Beetle, (Super) De Luxe Saloon A/A2S7S M/A2S4S October 1962-1967 BMW states that an exceptionally strong passenger cell is combined with front and rear crumple zones andimpact door beams A"full array of airbags" shields the driverand passenger from frontand sideimpacts. A head protection airbag is also standard Dynamic- sometimes new is better In England,where the first Stability Control traction system and Xenon Cooper Saloon C/A2S7 K/A2S4 August 1961-1967 new Mini models are scheduled headlights are options, along Cooper S' Saloon C/A2S7 K7A2S4 April 1963 - September 1964 to be released in July 2001, C/A2S7 K/A2S7 March 1964 - January 1965 peoplearealready referring lo il with a navigation system Coopor 'S' 970 Saloon Cooper'S' 1215 Saloon C/A2S7 K7A2S7 March 1964-1967 The Mini Cooper instantly cndeaied itself to driving enthusiasts wotldwide and has lasted decades as "the baby BMW." BMWis calling the Mini an independent brand within the BMW has kept the bulging BMW Croup. The car will be Estate Car A/AW7 M/AVV4 March 1960- 1967 All-steel Estate Car A/AW7 M/AW4 March 1961 -1967 V4-ton Van A/AV7 M/AV4 January 1960-1967 the '/S-ton Pick-up can M/AU4 February 1961 -1967 When looking for a way to describe the new Mini's look, Americans A/AV7 expect to sec Minis at U.S. tdmunds.com ol 2002. © AUTUMN 2001 • hood, distinctive "whcels-at- the-corncrs" construction, and chopped-off hatchback writer Philip made in Oxfordshire, England, and imported to select BMW dealerships. BMW dealerships In the spring BRITISH MOIOHING AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOIORING 17 BUTTONWILL w Bonanza WggJ spectators who came through the gates 'Hie new airconditioned control center provided spectators and mmm\ By Ken Buttonwillow Car Show Results: Competitors with an excellent v.mtagcpoint of the track. From the control center, veteran commentator Alan Boltc kept race Information and facts flowing to an attentive audience The audience was especially attentive when an Alfa Romeo CIV was raffled. which raisednearly$20,000for chanty. In the IIP race on Sunday, no fewer than 75 (mainly British) cars siarted and stretched halfway around the trackbefore finally comingIn ihe linelor the announcement, "Andyou're ofd" Included in this impressive line-up was British Marketing Manager KelvinDodd in his 1965MCB woiks replica.Tnily, wc drive what wc sell. Tune in to Spccdvision for coverage of the Moss Rxtravaganza. AW Motors fruitfully acknowlrdi/n llxcooperation oj /f/i. tril.- fatobsen prepare, in drivehit vintage ".V" MC. Top Right Thiscouple, ceate.l in a Morgan, dressedin period clothing to show their support. Ab*ne Right: A I9tn Sational antl a coupleoj Morgans the Jirtilcn .mil ilafjo/ BtttlomPlfJottl Railway, lb? oj/iciuls and ipoiitm ojVARA, Drill and Durum Longacrt, thr lona out thii pre-war line up. litach MG Car Club mid the dozens o]olben who madi llir Moss Motors returned tor the sixth successive year to Buttonwillow Raceway to host their annual place on Sunday Spectators at the MC/Triuniph challenge watched as Robert Colosia won by just British Extravaganza May S-6 The event was held in COnjunf lion Withthe Vintage Auto Racing Association CiT<j. Robert's winning speed was 7H.7-12 mph, (VARA) lor $25 per person, attendees could enjoy a roughly twice as fast as the average punter made in variety of competitive auto racing events his lunchtime drives around the Circuit Sprite/Mini Challenge, last year's stunning result was reversed, with lathei and son adversaries, Mark Matthews Sr. and )r. Finishing lirst and second in a morning. Registrants were able to take their own circuit for the inaugural Moss Motors lunkhana The ' lunkhana" was a new feature this year and ptoved to BRITISH MOTORING 1" Ed Kioaon 1953 Sunbeam Talbol Olher British Open cart: Sam & Mono logon I960 Morgan +4: Pat HcncBon. 1963 Elva Courier funkhana: 1 Scm rl Marie locon Morgan >4; 2" .'ason Mclhaney Triumph IM50 Corner Worker's Spiril ol Ihe Meellng Awards: Terry Baker 1957 MGA: Michael Denneiing A-HSprifo tM Top left:George Cnilbera In various MOs and Morgans, lo a suburb 1939 Laguna hissuperb 1934 MG "V. Above: TheMG /Triumph acquitted themselves admirably. Some of the drivers challenge race Marls frith • and riding mechanics dressed in period costume (or a photo shoot on Saturday. Peter Conway ol the British Tourist Authority was • Peler Rosoj 1959 100-6 Other British Closed eon: Vl2, All the veterans ran competitively and a welcome guesi at the event I le dispensed heebies AUTUMN 2001 Peler McGralh 1963 MK II Big Heatoys: Charts 5. Carol Hurl 1955 I0O-4: 1965 Sprite and 1959 Bugeye respectively. program, ihe traditional in-lip barbecue was held, followed by several entertaining rounds of karaoke. 18 Mike Cemonto 1962 TR4A Kim Panic 1953 Bugeye Jaguar: Sieve 4 CoicJ Kennedy 1967 XKE: Notable this year was the huge turn out of pre war machinery, ranging from a 1916 National and be a wild ride hollowing Saturday's exciting racing The two major Moss-sponsored events took Eorly Triumph: Hich Koch 1938 TR3A: Sprites 1 Mldgelt: MiKe McLean I960 Spnle: In the Entries this year weie at an .ill-time high with no cars out on the track during lunchtime Hack sessions to gel a taste of what the raters experience. We wete allowed to use the skulpan at the jm & Karon Bull 1966 MGB PaulKonHo 197? MGB 5. It) seconds in his TRfi ahead of Steven Smith in a fewer than 270 racecars and more than 150 fine British automobiles entered in the Popular Vote Car Show. The itinerary included lull practice and 11 races on Saturday and Sunday, plus a car show on Sunday Bxtraoaganza sosuccrss/iil 0 Early MG: Geol! timer 1952 MG ID: loloMG: JayCohon I980MGB.IE: hang, tarleft. Big Healcts pose al the car show. left: British Marketing Manager Kelvin Dodd ink, Irom his booth while othei vendors weie busy selling t-shirts and souvetuis to the estimated 10,000 to Ihe track in his /96S MGBwork) replica. AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORING 19 CA R^ MA RTI Woroquost aSIO sorvico loo lor each vohlcio advertised. For an additional Closing dalolorthe next issueis September •». 2001. Please sendyour ad. S25 tve willloaliiro a color photograph ol yourcar. British cars only, no photo and remittance to: Moss Motoring Sports Car Mart.-140Rutherford parts, exporters, and no dealers please! Text is to be 30 words or loss and Street. Golola. Cahlornia 93117. Wocannot accept ads viaemail. Please it helps sell tho car il an asking price is quoted. IIusing a credit card lor payment, be sure to include your credit card numberand expirationdate. photographs cannot be returned. label photographs with name, address andtelephone number. Sorry, OG0OO® OO00OO 1955 Austin Hcaley UK)-I BN I lull Restoration, Hcaley Blue All parts like factory no modem upgrades except chronic wires ^jUL*^ 1952 MC TD restoration t<S S. Spokes.$32,000 project 34,000 miles, last Ph(5l0)787-3IO6orF-mail 1950 MCTD. Excellent Condition, ready tu show. 1963 XKE Scries I coupe No mst excellent condition Primrose paint, iiunior good, 406 Chevy small block, new suspension bushings, new rack and pinion steering. Chevy 1962 Austin Hcaley 31)00 MK II 2 sealer tn carb Everything woiks, including heater All side curtains, top and tonneau covers in great condition Rebuilt carbs, mns damage, all original parts, asking $1,000 OBO by 09-01-01 Bob I as Vegas, NV Ph (702) 878 6122. NV 1957 MCA Roadster. Exc Red with tan lop, tonneau, side curtains, leather intcrio Condition nms great. 83k miles. Tan Wilton wool carpet. $13,000. Ph (765) 457-8640. IN Rebuilt engine/transmission Same owner last 17 yeats Show winner. $22,000 Ph.(330)650-9259. OH great Asking $17,000. Ph (425) 483 9220 or E mail: M|lrbliyao!.coin. Seattle.WA I960 MCA Roadster. high pcrformaix.c oil pump, Dependable driver. Painted 48 spnngs. rollbar, gas tank,etc $6,900 ill (603) 399-7006or (603) 352 8866 Unry. NH spoke wire wheels Moss leather interior, burl veneerdash Literature, specialtools 70 mph at 2000 rpm $19,500 tan leather interior Dunlop Ph(54l) 846 6876 OR racing tires. Aluminum body, Rill). $33,500. 2 scater I960 MCA 15.000 miles on rebuilt engine. New top. New 1957MCA.Imron paint,black leather w/red piping, chrome hardtop r, 2nd lull race engine cxtia Ph(352) 746-9889. II 1905 Austin Hcaley 3000 MK III "A classic beauty" restored, original one owner 33 years Bids over $18,000 to loving home. Jill Ph (701) Dunlop while walls w/svirc wheels Excellent condition, 1953 MC TD. Restored by wires 1800 engine, balanced s, professional East Coast icstoration firm in 1990. hardened (only 35,000 miles) lullsyncro trans, 3.90d:(f., Bcautilul condition inside (red leather) and nut (black). Runs MCI! radiator cure $13,000. Ph.(7l4) 841 1086 or E-mail: twice at Monterey I listorics CGAnimiioisH'aul com CA Professional built engine, 1959 MCA, twin cam S * YN.3-2098. Vintage racecar, 1952 MC TO Roadster, well Over $27,500 invested original, registered New $20,000. Jon Vick, Ph (760) Wchcrs, dual brakes, frame-up 751-0300, Valley Center, CA restoration, lull interior, lire system, fuel cell, rebuilt shocks, brakes, etc. New Dunlops 1969 XKE Roadster recent bare England MC register Ilns isan metal rcspray, new top, exceptional car, hand built in tonneau, Michclins. chrome wire wheels, interior like new, 3 England, 1952,not mass produced. Crcat body, no rust, carbs. no smog, 67,000 miles. $25,000 Ph (018) 106-1510 IL good motor, cloth top, fold and tonneau. $23,800 Jeff down windshield, leather Kracmcr Ph (831) 6240645 or upholstery, tuns line. Extra parts.-wiring harness, earns, 831)659 2728 CA 773-2474. ND * * radiator, new chrome hub ca|», mimttl, tools, clc. Asking $18,000ormakeoffer Ph(406) 244-5682 Plan lor the future MT 1985 Jaguar X|S. VI2, automatic, taupe with black, block California car Oiiginal I960 Bugeye Sprite tuned up. rebuilt steering rack, owner. Body sound Engine not Professional icstoration of mst free car Body & parts dipped Bcautilul paint. Every component cither replaced or rebuilt, including drive train Both soil 7 hard lops $16,000 61k miles, inspected, registered, (Atlantic City NJ aiea) $7,500 for a CI ASSIC CAR. Ph.(609) 992-8346 or E-mail: OK $3,500, including low bar. Shorrock supercharger wkiiiki.w("'l>clljiljnlic.net. NJ Ph.(541)993-2220 OR • BRITISH MOTORING 1952 MCTD "Ken Miles' running, needs rebuild Tim available separately Charles I lascall, San Diego County I'h (760) 734-4735 CA Crcat driver. Asking$10,0011 Ph.(541)741-1540. OR 1970MCBConv. New eng. head, OD, Minilne Wheels, Bridge-stone tires, led black lot PECO Ext. New cooling fan. rear springs, generator, _ ji^' battery, kill switch, CD spcakcis, oil cooler, and brakes. $6,500 & out 10. Ph.(954)647 0159 II. Have folding lop, side curtains, 1964 MCB rebuilt in 1991 New everything fromwiring to forged wheels with stainless steel spokes, late MDL rear cud door latches, fenders, gas tank, AUTUMN 2001 1968MCBtotalIxxtyicstoration. Rebuiltengine, new vals-cs, scats, w $12,500 Ph (978) 263-0873 or E-mjil.phccbal&juno.com. MA R700 automatic transmission, Completely restored red with 20 1959 MCA, complete professional restoration. licensed 1966, no major RWCARBARINOfeCS cum CA I955MC.TF. 1500.83,830 miles. Only three MS car club owners Wire wheels. Californ Car. Matching numbers Neve 1959MCTD Ground-up restoration completed in 1995 painted or restored, but drives and looks as new including Multiple show winner that is tool and curtains All tools mechanically excellent Custom A genuine car. $21,500 woodenluggage nick $22,000 Ph (562) 907-9444. CA ' —"**• wilh easy miles since Original stock clipper blue color with &O.D tranny CD player &AC. 74,000 miles.$12,000 OBO Ph (808) 635-2007 HI biscuit leather interior 1965 MCB Second owner I960 MCA Roadster. Red * 87.000 orig. miles, garaged, hard and soft tops Wire wheels, rebuilt engine, red. $8,500. Ph (562) 438 B190. CA 1972 MCB CT. Many limes show winner, including 3nd in nation' Complele ground-up restoration all parts new or rebuilt, rare aqua color. US Ph (250) 598-1183 or E-mail: Mackleather intcnor Top CoventrywwOpacIfiCCOaSt net. canvas, 3,S56k on new engine Victoria. B.C Canada and transmission, 17k on Franszcn. Ph (616) 4650151. restoration, all receipts Asking $17,500. Ph. (610) 294-8280 or E-mailJacsimot?')uno com PA Stevcnsville, Ml OEM. roof rack, plush car cover. $13,000 OBO Robert CAR^tMART BRITISH UTIIIlfi @0©©0© 0OO@©0O© 20 All British Car, Cycle Meet and Social Omaha, NE Bill Rodingor 402-636-3991 [email protected] 22-25 VTA 2001 Brockonridge. CO Harry Cornelius 303-840-2504 24-26 Drive In #4 Lancaster. HA Richard Miller 908-713-6251 24-26 21st Lotus Owners Gathering Worcester. MA Foster Cooperstein 617-965-2058 [email protected] 1973 MCB CT, great daily driver, garaged and covered. 28 12th Annual A Taste ot Britain Auto Show Lancastor. PA J.m Harbold 717-292-0579 [email protected] So California car. spare O/D 31-2 tranny. Weber rear end brakes, too many spares to list $4,500 Kansas City All British Car and Cycle Meet Kansas City. MO Bill Young 816-942-8099 [email protected] OBO Ph.(619) 669-4831. CA 25th Annual All British Field Meet Cortland International Raceway. OR 503-504-2236 1973 MCB Roadster [email protected] Completely rebuilt, and all i components, including: Loch Norman's British Car & Boat Fast Moorosvillo. NC Tyrone Stoner 704-872-3015 Weber carb, clutch, master 15-16 [email protected] Falltest Dover, NJ Allen Rosenberg 908-755-3794 [email protected] 7th Annual British Car Festival Tipton, PA Jim Pastoro 814-942-7742 mgnut@msn com Battle ol the Brits Sterling Heights. Ml Suzanno Snydor 810 979-4875 [email protected] 15th Annual British Car Fosllval Don Plainos. IL Bill Kowalski 630 852 6898 [email protected] 23rd Annual British Car Msst Palo Alto. CA Rick Foibusch 310 392-6605 rfeibusch@loop com British Car Day at Bronte Creek Provincial Park Burlington, ON [email protected] British Motor Car Day on tho Ohio Rlvor Nowtxtrgh. IN BillBarrow 812-4900560 [email protected] 20th Annual All British Car Show St Louis. MO Fred Housor 314 965 9320 [email protected] The Colorado English Motoring Conclave Arvada CO Gary George 303-477-0189 glgv12e@aolcom 18-23 Jaguar Roadrunner 1000 Classic Car Rally Santa Fe. NM John Smallwood 800-561-0898 1976 TR6, professionally cylinder, factory top, and restored body, engine and exhaust. Runs well and driven interior, 48.000 original miles. $9,800. Ph (day) (860) 510-0012 (evenings) (860) regularly. $5,000 OBO Ph.(972) 254-5944 or Email: [email protected] TX 437 8649. CT 0©O©<D 1979 MCB Crcat Carl 63K, AC. runs well, excellent condition, no rust. New paint, front end, tires, and brakes Original French blue, in Carclully maintained Extra and loved for 25 years 12k on a 1974 Midget, 34,500 miles, transmission/carburctor/parts rebuilt engine with new clutch, completely restored, Weber $6,700. Ph(9l5) 587 8448 or E carb, electronic ignition, new exhaust/muffler, $8,000 Ed mail: dcanthatchciCgte net TX paint, tires and lots mote. $9,500. John Crossley Ph (530) 1974 TR-6 with overdrive [email protected] excellent condition. Owned 19-23 229-7830 or E-mail: Crossleyj(C*>ol.com. CA Boyd Ph.(520) 296-4618 or Email:EJAB37iff,uno com A'/ 40,360 miles. New tan Elva Courier, MK II. completely restored, vintage race prepped, 30k mile CA car. All the right race sniff and all interior & black wool soft street equipment Accepted ©©O0OOCD 1976 Triumph TR6. BRC.w/ 15-16 1977 MCB parts car Complele with engine and transmission. 5 Limited Edition wheels plus 4 lop One Owner Factory everywhere Beautiful, fast, fan. standard wheels. Cood hardtop, overdrive. Panasport Street or track. $22,000. suspension, interior, and body parts intact. Towablc Never wheels/Yokohamas. Rcdlincs Ph (805)5446516 CA© GoFMk72 Walkins Glen, NY Tony Thomas 919-851-3030 [email protected] 10-22 Fall QoF Kerrvillo, TX Ken Lesslg 972-843-0201 kenlanalos@aol com 21-23 Indy British Motor Days Indy Raceway Park, IN Don Hayman 3I7 887-3B67 mgdr@quiknel net 21-23 1llh Annual Rio Grande Valley Reg. Rdvs Raion. NM Kevin Kittle 505-345-4207 23 17th Ann. Richmond British Car Day Ricrmond. VA Bruce Woodson 804-264-8551 27-30 South Eastern Fall GoF Mk 11 29 MGs on tho Rocks Car Show Rocks State Park, MD Richard Liddick 410-817-6862 Hiawasseo. GA Charles S. Mitchell 770-964-2911 rgl2mgbgt@aol com Very British Car Meet Fresno. CA Marty 559-439-5062 MGs on ths Green Davidson. NC Pioter Korvmk 704-046-6606 [email protected] Wings and Wheels Santa Monica. CA Kelvin Dodd 800-235 6954 British Legends on the Lawn Whppany. NJ Ralph Brown 973-285 6930 [email protected] All British Sports Car Show Lincoln, NE Fred Meier 402-475 1302 &original wheels included. Rust-lrcc $15,500 Ph (770) left LA. $1,000 firm. Ph.(310)473-7318 or E-mail; 1959 Triumph TR3A. grbosworthGiijuno.com. CA Beautifullyrestored Looks like .$16,000 OBO Ph.(985) 873-9627. IA 366-7558 CA 5-7 6 6 7 14 20th Annual Fall British Car Festival Waynosboro. VA Bob Shillet 540-943-1236 11th Annual British Car Club Day Fairhope, AL Davo Burrows 334-990-5744 Autumn Meet Rally & Popular Vote Show Chestor, NJ Bob Horfurth 908-369-4656 22nd Annual British Car Day San Diego, CA 19th Annual Groatsr LA British Car Meet Woodloy Pans. CA RickFoibusch 310-392-6605 [email protected] 18-21 Trlumphtost Venluia, CA Bob Muzio 818-703-1846 [email protected] 21 Hunt Country Classic Middloburg, VA Steve Boyco 703-207-9048 [email protected] 26-28 17th Ann. British Car Day Charleston. SC Jim Cloes 843-795-6636 dlambort@bennetthof1ord com NOVEMBER 2-4 22 AUTUMN 2001 • BRITISH MOTORINO Rendezvous 2001 Tallahassee,FL Joo 8, PhoonlaKaiser 850-222-9317 [email protected] TOLL FREE DATED MATERIAL - PLEASE RUSH Moss Motors, Ltd. Fax a O S . 6 3 2 . 2 S 2 S 440 Rutherford Street 11 Same Day Shipping! Ordered by 3 P.M. your local time M-F VISA For a Free Parts & Accessories Catalog Call us at 800.667.7872 iwinv.mossmofors.com I P.O. Box 847 _] Golela,CA93116 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PRESORTED STANDARD U.S.POSTAGE PAID LASVEGAS, NV PERMIT #2543