Work Heating Up - International Union of Operating Engineers
Work Heating Up - International Union of Operating Engineers
Operating Engineer i n t e r n at i o n a l W W W. I U O E . O R G • W I N T E R 2014 Work Heating Up Northeast natural gas expansion fuels jobs and training Operating Engineer i n t e r n at i o n a l Winter 2014 • Volume 157, No. 1 Brian E. Hickey, Editor Jay C. Lederer, Managing Editor Keystone XL Awaits Final Decision 12 Right-to-Work Battles Spread 14 Pipe Dreams Can Come True 22 Canadian Local Invited to Asia Departments 10 Gulf Coast segment complete, begins operations New fights spring up across state, national borders Jobs and training come to Connecticut local British Columbia Trade Mission Includes IUOE 05 From the General President 06 Education & Training 18 Healthcare 18 HAZMAT 20 Local Spotlight 24 GEB Minutes 28 In Memorium [cover] A multi-billion dollar natural gas expansion in Connecticut is fueling more jobs and specialized pipeline training for IUOE Local 478 members. [photo] Sean Gallup/Getty Images News [right] The first pilings of a new span that will replace the existing Tappan Zee Bridge have been placed in the icy waters of the Hudson River in New York. [photo] EarthCam 2 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER WINTER 2014 3 International Operating Engineer (ISSN 0020-8159) is published by the: International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO 1125 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 International Union of Operating Engineers AFL-CIO general officers James T. Callahan, General President Brian E. Hickey, General Secretary-Treasurer William C. Waggoner, First Vice President Patrick L. Sink, Second Vice President Jerry Kalmar, Third Vice President Russell E. Burns, Fourth Vice President James M. Sweeney, Fifth Vice President Robert T. Heenan, Sixth Vice President Daniel J. McGraw, Seventh Vice President Daren Konopaski, Eighth Vice President Michael Gallagher, Ninth Vice President Greg Lalevee, Tenth Vice President Terrance E. McGowan, Eleventh Vice President Louis G. Rasetta, Twelfth Vice President Mark Maierle, Thirteenth Vice President Randy Griffin, Fourteenth Vice President Subscription Terms - $5 per year Change of Address - Requests must be submitted in writing to the IUOE Membership Department (address above). Include your new address, registration and local union number. POSTMASTERS – ATTENTION: Change of address on Form 3579 should be sent to: International Operating Engineer Mailing List Dept. 1125 17th St., NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20036 Publications Mail Agreement No. 40843045 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 2835 Kew Drive Windsor, ON N8T3B7 trustees Printed in the U.S.A. John T. Ahern, Chairman Kuba J. Brown, Trustee Bruce Moffatt, Trustee James T. Kunz, Jr., Trustee Joseph F. Shanahan, Trustee Big News Got from Your Local We want to ? hear about it. 4 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER International Operating Engineer appreciates the stories and photos we receive from local affiliates throughout North America. Send us your submissions or ideas for stories you would like us to consider. Send your submissions, plus photos (digital images are preferred), to Jay Lederer at [email protected], or mail 1125 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036 From the General President [James T. Callahan] Opportunities on the Road Ahead Proactive engagement will define success A NEW YEAR has begun, full of promise and opportunity. The economy has shown signs of life as we prepare to put this long term recession in the construction industry behind us. A productive summer gave back some of the gains towards the end of the year, as we slid back to double digit unemployment in the industry. However, bright spots abound with solid membership gains in many regions of the International. I’m cautiously optimistic that work will pick up across the board in the second quarter of this year. One of these bright spots has been in oil and gas pipeline work. The recently completed Gulf Coast segment of the Keystone XL Pipeline resulted in over 2 million hours of work for Operating Engineers. A decision on building the Northern segment is still pending, but a recent environmental assessment issued by the State Department gives us hope that it will be approved this spring. Pipeline projects of all kinds will benefit from a new, three year National Pipeline Agreement negotiated between IUOE and the Pipe Line Contractors Association last month. As we emerge from the recession, we are still facing well funded and coordinated attacks on our collective bargaining rights. Capturing employment gains and defeating external threats means standing united with the other trades. To that end, the IUOE has re-affiliated with the Building & Construction Trades Department as of the beginning of the year. Raising our collective voice and acting with common purpose will benefit not only our members, but all union construction tradesmen throughout the U.S. and Canada. If the downturn has taught us anything, it’s to not pine over the current predicament, but to prepare and position ourselves to capture as many jobs as possible for Operating Engineers as demand for our highly skilled members increases. In that vein, I want to underscore the International’s role in assisting all local unions whenever possible, understanding that one size does not fit all. First and foremost, we will rise and fight alongside any state or provincial local that comes under attack by socalled “right to work” legislation or similar threats to the rights of Operating Engineers. Several state legislatures and the Ontario provincial government are moving in this direction right now. In addition, the mid-term federal elections this November could see an influx of lawmakers to Congress who would further advance an antiworker agenda. We will never be able to match the deep pockets of corporate political funding, but we can overcome it through member action. It is critically important that we engage in these political battles and that every member carry the union’s message to co-workers, families and friends. Second, we are moving forward with a comprehensive effort to gain market share in the South. Industry analysts believe that the Gulf Coast region is poised to see investment and development in the oil and gas sector as high as $190 billion over the next 10 years. Industry heads have voiced concerns with the mega-contractors over their ability to meet the future demand for qualified workers. To address this, we must make a commitment to train more individuals and show them what the union advantage has to offer. Planning is underway to build a National Training Center based in the South to capture the work that we have traditionally enjoyed in other regions—notably Crane, Stationary, Heavy Highway, and Petrochemical. In turn, high quality training will serve as a foundation for an all out Southern organizing effort. There have been numerous inquiries from union crane and heavy equipment vendors who are interested in participating with us. They see the potential of shaping policy and safety regulations nationally with such a partnership. Some may say that these are lofty reaches and that it has the potential of becoming a white elephant. I believe that whether the Gulf Coast takes off as predicted or not, the potential to increase our market share in the Southern part of this country begins with training and is too important to let such an opportunity pass us by. Our union is poised to make solid gains in the coming year. We will be proactive instead of reactive; and we won’t shy away from a fight when warranted. Solidarity is the hallmark of the Operating Engineers and standing shoulder to shoulder with other building trades will benefit all members—past, present and future— as we pursue these new opportunities. Work safe and have a prosperous new year. WINTER 2014 5 Education & Training Training Instructors Come Together for Crane Curriculum Review THE NATIONAL TRAINING FUND (NTF) presented a crane curriculum review and rollout for 65 Training Administrators and Instructors in January at the Maritime Institute Conference Center in Linthicum, Maryland. The review included statements from many of the subject matter experts that helped design and guide this project to completion. Also included was a synopsis of the 31 modules in the new crane training instructor manual, with a snapshot of the 31 power point presentations, including almost 1100 slides, many with embedded videos for the classroom. This new curriculum, which took approximately a year and a half to complete, met with the group’s approval and many requests for order information. IUOE Training Directors and Instructors who are interested in ordering copies of the manual can contact Steve Brown at (202) 778-2665 or [email protected] Stationary Engineers Helping to Develop New National Skills Standards for Energy Management THE NATIONAL TRAINING FUND (NTF) is currently working with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to address new national energy management skill standards. IUOE training, including the NTF’s Energy Conservation curriculum, helps members develop state-of-the-art craft skills. In turn, IUOE Stationary Engineers play a pivotal role in implementing energy management programs. The DOE is currently working with the National Institute of Building Sciences on a project called “Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines.” The IUOE is represented on the project’s Commercial Workforce Credentialing Council Board of Advisors by Stationary Department Director Russell Duke. Several IUOE Stationary Engineers are also helping to ensure the union’s voice is heard in setting national skill standards, by serving as industry practitioner subject matter experts or alternates. They are participating in a formal process called job task analysis which will describe in detail the essential skills needed for energy-related job categories. 6 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER IUOE members already have a tremendous impact on facility energy management as part of their day to day responsibilities and their craft skills will increase in importance as new technologies and work processes are implemented. The NTF is committed to maintaining the highest quality standards in the expected expansion of both training and certification activity for energy conservation. Training Standard Project Puts Instructors Through the Paces A TRAINING STANDARD PROJECT (TSP) administration and evaluator training class was held at the Southern Apprenticeship Training site in Memphis, TN this past September. Twelve IUOE and Job Corps Instructors participated in the three day class. Instructors represented Locals 624, 513, 627, 3, 320, 841, 649, 627, 66, and 181. The training covered how to properly administer a TSP checklist on tasks performed with the excavator, backhoe, dozer, grader, loader, and scraper. Actual demonstrations with the equipment helped participants practice mock evaluations of an operator’s skill level in performing the task with the piece of equipment. WINTER 2014 7 Healthcare Your Health: 20 Tips to Help Prevent Medical Errors Learn about your condition and treatments by asking your doctor and nurse and by using other reliable sources. SADLY, MEDICAL ERRORS can occur anywhere in the health care system: In hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, pharmacies, and patients’ homes. Errors can involve medicines, surgery, diagnosis, equipment, or lab reports. Errors also happen when doctors and patients have problems communicating. The best way you can help to prevent errors is taking part in every decision about your health care. These tips tell what you can do to get safer care. 4. When your doctor writes a prescription for you, make sure you can read it. If you cannot read your doctor’s handwriting, your pharmacist might not be able to either. 5. Ask for information about your medicines in terms you can understand—both when your medicines are prescribed and when you get them: • What is the medicine for? • What side effects are likely? What do I do if they occur? Medicines 1. 2. 3. 8 • Is this medicine safe to take with other medicines or dietary supplements I am taking? Make sure that all of your doctors know about every medicine you are taking. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements, such as vitamins and herbs.2 Bring all of your medicines and supplements to your doctor visits. Talk about them and find out if there are any problems. It can also help your doctor keep your records up to date and help you get better quality care. Make sure your doctor knows about any allergies and adverse reactions you have had to medicines. This can help you to avoid getting a medicine that could harm you. INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER • What food, drink, or activities should I avoid while taking this medicine? 6. When you pick up your medicine from the pharmacy, ask: “Is this the medicine that my doctor prescribed?” 7. If you have any questions about the directions on your medicine labels, ask. 8. Ask your pharmacist for the best device to measure your liquid medicine. 9. Ask for written information about the side effects your medicine could cause. If you know what might happen, you will be better prepared if it does or if something unexpected happens. Hospital Stays 10. Ask all health care workers who will touch you whether they have washed their hands. Handwashing can prevent the spread of infections in hospitals. 11. When leaving the hospital, ask your doctor to explain the treatment plan you will follow at home. This includes learning about your new medicines, making sure you know when to schedule follow-up appointments, and finding out when you can get back to your regular activities. Surgery 12. If you are having surgery, make sure that you, your doctor, and your surgeon all agree on exactly what will be done. 13. If you have a choice, choose a hospital where many patients have had the procedure or surgery you need. Patients tend to have better results when they are treated in hospitals that have a great deal of experience with their condition. Other Steps 14. Speak up if you have questions or concerns. You have a right to question anyone who is involved with your care. 15. Make sure that someone, such as your primary care doctor, coordinates your care. This is especially important if you have many health problems or are in the hospital. 16. Make sure that all your doctors have your important health information. Do not assume that everyone has all the information they need. 17. Ask a family member or friend to go to appointments with you. Even if you do not need help now, you might need it later. 18. Know that “more” is not always better. It is a good idea to find out why a test or treatment is needed and how it can help you. You could be better off without it. 19. If you have a test, do not assume that no news is good news. Ask how and when you will get the results. 20. Learn about your condition and treatments by asking your doctor and nurse and by using other reliable sources. When you pick up your medicine from the pharmacy, ask: “Is this the medicine that my doctor prescribed?” WINTER 2014 9 Politics & Legislation Keystone XL Gulf Coast Completed, Northern Leg Still Pending THE STATE DEPARTMENT recently released a final environmental impact statement, the fifth one in five years, for the Keystone XL project, the 1,179-mile northern leg that would stretch from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, Nebraska. The State Department conducts the environmental review and makes recommendations on a Presidential Permit for projects that cross international borders. In a previous review, the State Department called the Keystone XL its “preferred alternative,” stating that it’s a better environmental and economic option than other alternatives or even no project at all. The new study is consistent with past findings. In a statement, General President Callahan called on the Obama Administration to green light the project as soon as possible. “Thousands more skilled construction jobs—jobs that feed families, pay mortgages, send kids to college—hang in the balance of the President’s decision. Today, this 10 decision just got easier. ” After earlier delays in the environmental review, TransCanada moved forward with the Gulf Coast segment of the project, which did not need a Presidential Permit. In January, the company began shipping crude oil through the recently completed segment. The Gulf Coast segment begins in Cushing, Oklahoma and extends south to Nederland, Texas. The construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor, including over 2 million hours of work performed by members of Operating Engineers Locals 178, 450 and 627. The Gulf Coast pipeline will have the initial capacity to transport 700,000 barrels per day with the potential to transport 830,000 barrels per day to Gulf Coast refineries. In addition to the Keystone Gulf Coast segment, work has begun on the 48-mile Houston Lateral Project, INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER which will transport oil to refineries in the Houston area. The final route of the Houston Lateral involves building a pipeline through the Texas counties of Liberty, Chambers and Harris to Houston’s refining center. Operating Engineers have already logged over 200,000 hours on that project. Both pipelines are critical infrastructure projects for U.S. energy security and the American economy. Approval of the northern leg of the Keystone XL Pipeline has the potential to reduce the amount of oil the U.S. imports from Venezuela, the Middle East and other unstable regions of the world by up to 40 percent. U.S. crude oil production has been growing significantly in Oklahoma, Texas, North Dakota and Montana. Currently, producers do not have access to enough pipeline capacity to move their product to the large refineries along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Both projects will address this constraint. U.S. Senate Races to Dominate 2014 Election Cycle CONTROL OF THE United States Senate hangs in the balance in the November elections. A spate of retirements by longtime Democratic Senators puts a number of highly vulnerable seats in play and jeopardizes the current 55-45 majority held by the Democrats. Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA) Powerful Committee Chairmen, many of them close friends of the IUOE, are heading for retirement at the end of their terms, having had enough of the bitter partisanship that now characterizes American politics. After 30 years in the Senate, longtime champion of working people Tom Harkin of Iowa, Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, will retire this year. General President Callahan thanked Chairman Harkin for his years of service. “Few elected officials have so proudly stood shoulder to shoulder with Operating Engineers to fight the good fight. Everyone knows where Tom Harkin stands on the bread-andbutter issues of working folks,” he said. Congressman Bruce Braley (DIA) will attempt to fill the vacancy left by Harkin. He will face the winner of the multi-candidate Republican primary in November. Braley has been a fierce advocate for Operating Engineers since being elected to the House of Representatives in 2006, consistently voting to uphold Project Labor Agreements, support Davis-Bacon prevailing wages, and to invest in rebuilding the country’s crumbling infrastructure. Carl Levin, Michigan’s Senior Senator and Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, will also retire after six terms. Another Congressman and staunch supporter of IUOE Local 324 waits in the wings to replace him. Representative Gary Peters (D-MI), seeks to fill the vacancy created by the loss of one of the Senate’s giants. Peters knows that the middle class was built on the backs of hard-working Americans who play by the rules and that they are being squeezed by policies that favor millionaires and huge corporations. Peters is leading the fight against bad trade deals and working hard to restore the battered construction economy through investments in transportation, water and energy infrastructure. Other powerful Senate Committee Chairmen leaders are also choosing to retire this year: Jay Rockefeller, West Virginia’s Chairman of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee; Max Baucus, Chairman of Senate Finance Committee from Montana; and South Dakota’s Tim Johnson, Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. A shift in power in the U.S Senate could see a slew of anti-worker legislation work its way through the chamber in coming years. Already, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has signaled his desire to see a national Right to Work bill pass under his leadership, should the Republicans gain control. Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI) ENGINEERS ACTION & RESPONSE NETWORK REGISTER TODAY! WWW.IUOE.ORG WINTER 2014 11 Right-to-Work (for less) New Battle Lines Are Drawn in Fight Over Worker Rights A NEW YEAR brings new legislative sessions, but an old foe is still targeting workers and their unions. IUOE locals in Ohio and Pennsylvania are continuing to battle against Right to Work supporters, while several other states have been marked for action by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Workers in Missouri, Oregon and Anchorage, Alaska are under fire from anti-union, right-wing politicians bent on widening the huge wage gap between CEO’s and average employees. Unfortunately, corporate greed knows no bounds – not even international borders. In the US and Canada, anti-worker politicians are seeking to erode the basic workplace rights that employees have earned through negotiation over decades. Why? Anti-labor politicians are giving political payback to their billionaire financiers while dismantling Labor’s political power. 12 The anti-labor, Tory conservatives in Canada are working to erode the Rand Formula (also known as automatic check-off ) designed to protect against free riders – non-union employees who enjoy the benefits of membership without paying their fair share. (See related article on page 13) Conservatives say Right to Work is a worker freedom issue. Monte McNaughton, a provincial Conservative and labor critic from Ontario, Canada says “Our proposal is about worker choice. It is simply about the worker being able to choose whether they want to belong to a union and pay union dues or not.” Sound familiar? That’s because language similar to that is being used to move “workplace freedom” in Ohio. This is simply a race to the bottom for workers. In Anchorage, Alaska Local Ordinance 37 severely hamstrings the ability of public employees to bargain collectively. In Oregon, a citizen INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER initiative there is designed to enact Right to Work on public employees and limit workers’ influence in politics. And in Missouri, anti-worker legislators have crafted a message around economic competition between states. They say the Show Me State will lose jobs to Michigan or Indiana, if they do not pass Right to Work legislation. When asked about the studies that prove wages are lower in Right to Work states, Missouri State Senator Ed Emory conceded, “sure they go down.” Makes you wonder who Senator Emory thinks he represents. Labor will never be able to match ALEC and the Chamber dollar for dollar in these fights. But what we lack in funding, we make up for in member action. The conversation has to move past meetings and the workplace. It needs to happen at the dinner table, in our communities, and at the ballot box. Whenever an opportunity appears, we must be ready to engage. Could U.S. Style “Right to Work” Laws Come to Canada? Rand rightly argued that collective bargaining, grievance handling, benefits administration, pension administration, and training is of benefit to all members of a union, added to higher wages and workplace representation. Rand therefore concluded that it’s only fair and reasonable for all union members to pay for these services which all members benefit from. His decision ultimately directed that employers must deduct union dues from each paycheck and remit those funds to the union to keep the agreements in place and the union functions viable. Imagine what trade unions and unionized workplaces would be like if this well established mandatory dues check off formula was eliminated. WHITE ROCK M.P. Russ Hiebert’s Bill C-377 isn’t the only anti-worker legislation facing Canadian labour. There are strong indications that Conservatives want to bring U.S.-style ‘right to work’ laws into Canada in the near future. Of course, the name is misleading. There’s nothing in these U.S. laws which guarantees or makes effort to improve or grow opportunities to work… only the right to avoid paying union dues for the services the organizations provide. Both Ottawa area Conservative Minister Pierre Poilivere and Ontario’s provincial Conservative Leader Tim Hudak have recently expressed support for legislation to do away with mandatory dues check-off in Canada. They want to scrap the ‘Rand Formula’ which has been so important to trade union development in Canada. The ‘Rand Formula’ is an agreement between employers and unions that was put in place in Canada shortly after the 2nd World War. Following a bitter and lengthy auto industry strike in Windsor Ontario in 1946, Supreme Court of Canada Justice Ivan Rand established mandatory dues check-off as part of an arbitrated settlement. The ‘Formula’ was subsequently adopted in all provinces, and has been a valuable cornerstone of Canadian labour law ever since. The Rand decision basically says that all members of a trade union should pay dues in exchange for the services it recognizes that members receive from their trade union. All union members would continue to benefit from the collective agreement—but individual members would be free to decide whether or not they pay dues. Obviously some members would decide not to pay (discreetly or openly, with or without any valid reason). That in turn would create “free riders” who would continue to benefit personally from the union contract without having to pay for it, while unions would still have an expensive obligation to represent and provide for all members, paid-up or not. Imagine the tension, conflict, and financial stress this would create in unions and workplaces. Members still paying dues would greatly resent those choosing not to, or simply join them. Eliminating the Rand Formula is a deliberate recipe for conflict in the workplace, disputes amongst employees, and severe weakening or failure of their unions. Article: Kevin Willemse/IUOE Local 115 WINTER 2014 13 Pipe Dreams Can Come True Work in the political trenches pays off for Operating Engineers 14 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER Feature IN THE ICY DEPTHS of another New England winter, residents of Connecticut have peace of mind knowing that relief is on the way. That relief, besides the change of seasons, will be spearheaded by the men and women of IUOE Local 478 as they trench and set enough new natural gas pipeline to connect over 300,000 homes and 75% of the state’s businesses to a cheaper and cleaner alternative to heating oil. The work is part of an estimated $7 billion home heating expansion championed by Governor Dannel Malloy, but supported from the very beginning by the Operating Engineers. Connecticut is home to Local 478, a 100 year old hoisting and portable local that has seen the pendulum of history swing between tremendous prosperity and economic distress. From the Great Depression of the 1930’s through the Great Recession of the past decade, Local 478 operating engineers have overcome adversity by taking whatever steps were necessary to reinvent themselves and their trade. When the recession hit in 2008, Connecticut was already in the midst of a jobs crisis as the State’s once strong manufacturing based economy was on life support. Many economists predicted that just as the Northeast was the first region hit by the recession; it would also be the last to recover. That made the saying “Find something else to do until 2022” ring true when it came to Connecticut’s heavy construction industry. Despite this dire prediction, Local 478 operators had three characteristics which had seen them through difficult times in the past. They had an active political program, a formidable new business organizing strategy and an unwavering commitment to training and retraining their members. As long as the Local kept those three objectives at the forefront, their chances of beating the odds were good. Opportunity knocked in 2010 when the Local met with then gubernatorial candidate Dannel Malloy and they seized it. Malloy was already well known to the Local as Mayor of the City of Stamford, where he had helped create thousands of new jobs and obtained more than $90 million in Federal and State funding for public construction projects. But there was more. Malloy had substantive policy papers detailing his plans to increase construction jobs by redeveloping the State’s university campuses, improving and expanding the State’s roads and bridges, and laying hundreds of miles of [left] Local 478 members practice manuvering sidebooms as part of the Pipeline Training Program. [photo] IUOE Local 478 WINTER 2014 15 pipelines to bring natural gas from shale plays in other states into Connecticut. Local 478 now had a gubernatorial candidate with a proven track record and innovative ideas to get behind and they went to work. During the campaign, Local 478 members phone banked, precinct walked and door knocked tens of thousands of Connecticut voters. The Connecticut AFL-CIO stated that Local 478 put in more campaign hours than any other local union in the state. In fact, they put in more political hours than all the other local unions put together. As soon as Dan Malloy was sworn in as Connecticut’s Governor, he began working in conjunction with the Operating Engineers on a number of his proposals including the $2 billion, 10 year expansion of the UConn Campuses, rebuilding the State’s roads and bridges and, the crown jewel of his public construction plan, the Governor’s Comprehensive Energy Strategy. The plan would require constructing new transmission and distribution pipelines that would allow 16 more than 300,000 homes and 75% of that State’s businesses to convert to natural gas for their energy needs. Still, the Connecticut Legislature needed to be convinced on the merits of the energy plan. So Local 478 Business Manager Craig Metz and COPE Director Nate Brown reached out to the gas utilities and joined forces with them to push the Governor’s energy plan through. The successful lobbying efforts by both the union and the utilities went on into the final hours of the legislative session. In the process, Local 478 hit its second objective of finding new business since the big three gas utilities were now in a solid alliance with the union. Through it all, the Local’s biggest challenge remained their ability to train and deliver enough operating engineers with pipelining skills to meet the manpower that was going to be needed. The best way for that to happen was for the International to send the National Pipeline Training Program instructors to Connecticut to teach their intensive, three-week program. With the INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER [top] Local 478 members taking part in the Pipeline Training Program show off their new skills to members of the media and invited guests. [below, left] IUOE General President Callahan and Local 478 Business Manager Craig Metz stand with local members, pipeline trainers and union staff at the training facility. [below, right] Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy spoke at the press conference. [photos] IUOE Local 478 support of IUOE General President Callahan, Pipeline Training Director Mike Gavlock and his staff conducted two back-to-back pipeline training programs. Participants completed rigorous training on the sideboom, the angle dozer and the backhoe. During the first training session, Local 478 hosted a pipeline training showcase and press conference. Business Manager Craig Metz introduced General President Callahan and Governor Malloy who touted the benefits of natural gas and praised the union for their foresight and commitment to producing the nation’s best trained pipeline builders. General President Callahan assured the Governor of the IUOE’s commitment. “If this work is so plentiful, we’ll make sure that you have the best trained people to complete the job.” Callahan’s assurance that the International and Local 478 would ensure that Connecticut’s pipelines were built right, built safe and built to last was applauded by Connecticut DEEP Commissioner Daniel Esty, Connecticut AFL-CIO President Lori Pelletier, State Senator Dante Bartolomeo and State Representative Lonnie Reed who were also in attendance. Following the press conference, over 100 attendees including elected officials, utility company representatives and pipeline contractors got to see a demonstration of IUOE pipeline training instructors and their students performing hands-on, in-theseat practical training as Local 478 operating engineers began laying a new foundation for Connecticut’s energy future. WINTER 2014 17 HAZMAT Local Union Instructors Achieve OSHA Master Trainer and Safety and Health Specialist Certificates WHY WOULD INSTRUCTORS pursue OSHA recognitions that require a minimum of 160 hours of training? Because these recognitions validate a high level of professional development that enables instructors to meet changes in workforce requirements and the needs of working safety professionals. The OSHA Certificate program provides instructors with a solid background in OSHA regulatory compliance requirements and complex occupational safety and health issues. This program has been designed by experienced safety and health professionals and includes training in key areas. Core courses give a strong foundation in the fundamentals of occupational safety and health. Elective courses enable instructors to focus on the specialized needs of their workplace. The IUOE NTF’s National HAZMAT Program congratulates the following 8 IUOE instructors who have recently achieved the OSHA Master Trainer Status from West Virginia University’s National Resource Center for OSHA Training. • • • • • • • • Keith Adolf, Local Union 825 Bobby Barwick, Turner Job Corps Hamona Dowell, Local Union 3 Kenneth Keirn, Local Union 158 Rodney Piper, Local Union 825 William Selzer, Local Union 181 Hugh Snow, Local Union 4 Darryl Wagler, Atterbury Job Corps The National HAZMAT Program also congratulates the following 3 IUOE instructors who have recently achieved the OSHA Safety and Health Specialist Certificate from West Virginia University’s National Resource Center for OSHA Training. These instructors may now choose to attend the Teaching Techniques – Beginner course, an additional 32 hours of training to earn the OSHA Master Trainer Status. • Kerry McCormack, Local Union 4 • Sam Redden, Local Union 99 • Henry Simms, Local Union 501 IUOE instructors may refer to the HAZMAT Health and Safety Community for instructors on Blackboard for more information on the OSHA Safety and Health Specialist Certificate and the OSHA Master Trainer Status. Instructors may also contact the National HAZMAT Program at (304) 253-8674 or [email protected] with questions. 18 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER National HAZMAT Program 2014 Trainer Course Schedule THE 2014 TRAINER COURSES are designed to meet instructors’ needs, maintain instructor credentials, and expand the instructors’ skills and knowledge to meet the changing requirements of the local unions’ membership. The following trainer courses are scheduled for 2014. *Dates and courses are subject to change. Packets with complete information are being sent to Business Managers, Training Directors and Instructors with additional information including how to apply for a class and class location. WINTER 2014 19 Local Spotlight Local 37 Dedicates New Headquarters in Baltimore County INTERNATIONAL UNION OF Operating Engineers Local 37 recently opened a new home located in Dundalk, Maryland. The ceremony was attended by a slew of local politicians, as well as many members of the Union’s executive board, including Joseph F. Shanahan, Robert A. Holsey, Jr. and Charles E. McGee, Jr. Local 37 represents approximately 1,800 members. Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz opened the event by praising the union’s decision to relocate to Dundalk. “It’s good to have Local 37 here in Baltimore County,” Kamenetz said. “This is a great move for the union ...and obviously the role that they will play in the community is exemplified by the turnout of elected officials, because we do value your presence.” Kamenetz followed his speech by presenting an Executive Citation commending Local 37 for over 113 years’ worth of work. ‘’The International Union of Operating Engineers has served as a valuable advocate for operating and stationary engineers, significantly enhancing the quality of Life for ‘families throughout Baltimore County and the state of Maryland’ Kamenetz said. “Your commitment to protecting the rights of Maryland’s workers should be a source of great pride for your organization.” [above] Local 37 leaders and elected officials cut the ceremonial ribbon to open the new headquarters building in Dundalk, MD. [photo] IUOE Local 37 Shanahan dedicated the new building to Ronald Buchholz, Jr., a member who died in 2012, from injuries incurred in an automobile accident. Buchholz rose up the ranks of the union in an extremely short amount of time, becoming the vice president in approximately seven years’ time. According to Shanahan, he was a beloved member of the union who had a future as bright as any. “Ronnie’s death has affected everyone differently, and we all have Joseph Shanahan, Local 37’s Business Manager and International Trustee, then had an opportunity to speak, saying that the day marked another milestone for an already storied union. After the ribbon was cut to signify the official opening of the building, 20 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER fond memories of our time with him, and each grieves in a different manner,” said Shanahan. “It is for that reason the sitting officers and our executive board and members have come together in wishing to honor Ron’s life.” A plague has been placed outside of the new home for Local37. “We wanted to put this plaque up so that everyone who comes in here knows about Ron Buchholz,” Shanahan said. The dedication was followed by a moment of silence in honor of Ron’s life. Virginia Treacy: Dedicated Trade Unionist Calls it a Career BORN AND RAISED in the Bronx, the eldest of five siblings, in what she calls a traditional Irish/Italian household; Virginia “Ginny” Treacy wanted to be a nurse since reading her Nurse Nancy, Golden Book as a little girl. She pursued that dream graduating from the Beth Israel Medical School of Nursing in Manhattan in 1971. Ginny loved working with patients, but she soon realized fighting for fair wages, benefits, and working conditions for nurses would help elevate patient care. Nurses took care of patients and patients’ families, but who was taking care of the nurses? In her early days, Ginny realized nurses’ awareness to issues beyond patient care was non-existent; nurses felt powerless in the face of management and/or physicians. After several years as a practicing RN at several New York /New Jersey hospitals, Ginny realized that organizing nurses at the facilities in which they worked was the only way for nurses to gain equitable treatment in the workplace. Her first effort as the internal organizing chairperson in the hospital where she worked resulted in an election loss but a new job as a labor representative for JNESO the labor division of the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA). Meanwhile, in the larger context the professional landscape for nurses was changing. In 1968, nurses began organizing in the public sector. In 1974, there was a change to the law, the National Labor Relations Act that allowed private sector nurses to organize in their workplaces. Nurses and healthcare workers realized their collective voice was louder than speaking alone and soon nurses at facilities began exercising their rights. of Operating Engineers becoming JNESO District Council 1-IUOE-AFLCIO with a multi-state jurisdiction. Currently the District Council represents just over 5,000 RNs, LPNs, and professional/ technical members in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. A firm believer in educating membership, Ginny credits her Executive Board, Local Leaders, members, and staff for their zealous devotion to the Labor movement as the main ingredient to JNESO’s successes. Ginny found her way into the Labor movement in 1977. She became the Executive Director at JNESO in 1980. In 1985, she led her membership, at the time 2,300 Registered Nurses, out of the NJSNA and started the independent professional health care union, JNESO. Ginny had cut her teeth negotiating several contracts and strikes and gained a fierce reputation with members, and management alike, for negotiating a tough but fair contract. In 1992 under Ginny’s leadership, JNESO members voted overwhelmingly to affiliate with the International Union Over the past 37 years, Ginny’s position at JNESO has evolved from her traditional duties of organizing, negotiating, and representing members to include varied educational presentations from assertive behavior workshops to steward and advanced steward training. Ginny has often expressed the belief that working for JNESO has been “nursing” on a slightly larger scale. Like the health care professionals we represent, trying to make life better, optimizing our quality of life while taking care of business. Ginny is married and is the proud mother of two adult daughters. She is a loving mother-in-law and the proud grandmother of 17 month old, Kylie. When not working she can be found on the golf course in any kind of weather or planning her next golf excursion. Although Ginny is retiring, she will remain available for advice and guidance and for special projects and educational programs in the years ahead. Ginny looks forward to spending quality time with her granddaughter Kylie and spending more time on the golf course. [above] Virginia Treacy, Executive Director JNESO-District Council 1, IUOE [below] Treacy in 1971 upon graduating from nursing school. [article & photos] JNESODistrict Council 1 WINTER 2014 21 Canadian News Cochrane Part of Official BC Jobs and Trade Mission to Asia IN A SIGN of respect for the strong advocacy role played by IUOE Local 115 on behalf of its members, Business Manager Brian Cochrane was invited by the province’s Premier, Christy Clark, on a recent Jobs and Trade Mission to China, Korea and Japan. of jobs available to IUOE Local 115 members,” says Cochrane. “We will work with local, provincial or national governments who respect our members’ interests and we will put aside differences to reach common goals of mutual benefit.” Local 115 has been a strong critic of Clark’s right-of-center BC Liberal government on important issues like unemployment and workers’ rights, but also recognizes that obtaining needed investment to create jobs is best The government estimates that up to 70,000 jobs could be created through LNG exports, many of them in LNG plant construction. It is telling that Cochrane has also country to BC while denying jobs to any qualified Canadians who applied. While the Court case was not successful in overturning Temporary Foreign Workers permits, IUOE Local 115 and building trades unions won the most important battle – in the court of public opinion, Cochrane said, which forced government to make positive improvements to the program. “IUOE Local 115 will continue to monitor the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and take action to protect our members’ jobs,” said Cochrane. The new role being played by IUOE Local 115 is an indication that effective public advocacy by the union is being noticed and that the importance of IUOE Local 115 as a key source of skilled workers for key resource sector jobs is being recognized. [L to R] Brian Cochrane (Business Manager, IUOE Local 115), Lee Loftus (President, BC Building Trades), Christy Clark (Premier of British Columbia), Tom Sigurdson (Executive Director, BC Building Trades), Glen Hilton (Business Manager, IBEW Local 993) achieved when labour, business and government can find agreement. So Cochrane joined other private sector labour leaders, business representatives and government cabinet minsters to support Premier Clark’s efforts to bring new jobs to British Columbia through investment in natural resource extraction, especially Liquified Natural Gas exports. “Our union’s most important role is to protect and increase the number 22 “Operating Engineers are acknowledged leaders in training workers for skilled jobs across North America,” Cochrane said. “Our union can help employers and governments meet labor market needs but there has to be support for our members and unionized jobs at the end of that process or it doesn’t work.” played a prominent role in challenging Canada’s use of Temporary Foreign Workers from China to develop coal mining projects in northern British Columbia. Cochrane says participating in BC Premier Clark’s Asian mission helped both the government, employers and IUOE Local 115 members, by showing potential investors that despite differences, all parties can work together to create jobs. Last year Canada’s Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper changed the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to end abuses after IUOE Local 115 and other unions went to Federal Court to fight a government decision allowing HD Mining – a Chineseowned firm – to bring workers from that “The previous Premier either attacked or ignored our union – we are still here and he is long gone,” Cochrane said. “We will work in good faith with governments of any political stripe so long as they respect our union and our members – that’s a bottom line that will never change.” INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER uOttawa Power Plant Engineers Celebrate Long Careers chilled water, natural gas, telephone lines and electrical cable. The building is unique in that the side that faces King Edward Avenue is made entirely of tinted glass and exposes all the power plant’s pipes, wires and machinery to the view of passing motorists and pedestrians. [Back row, L to R] Shawn Casey (20 years), Mike Noonan (2nd Class Relief, Recent Hiree), Bob Guenette (retiree 23 years), Wayne Hedges (retiree 47 years), Henri Major (1971-1996 1st Class Shift Engineer, Plant Chief 1996-2008 - retired), Jean Bordeleau (retiree 43 years), Marc Paul (2nd Class Shift Engineer, 40 years), Julien Bedard (2nd Class day shift, retired 1995) AT A SPECIAL retirement event at the University of Ottawa, Local 772 Power Plant Engineers in attendance celebrated their years of experience and career highlights with great stories of working together and all the changes at the Plant over the years. The Engineers in attendance constituted about 285 years of Power Plant experience. Marking 47 years upon his retirement, Wayne Hedges’ colleagues tried to convince him stay on for another three years so he could hold a record of 50 years working for the university as a Power Engineer, without success. Wayne was anxious to enjoy his well-deserved retirement. several other buildings. The building also houses administrative offices, shops, storage areas and two snowmelting pits. Some three kilometres of tunnels link buildings throughout the campus, centralize to meet at the Plant. These tunnels are used to carry steam, [Front row, L to R] Andre Forget (Shift Engineer 2001-2008, Plant Chief 2008-present), Todd Nobert (2nd Class Shift Engineer, 25 years), Paul Lagasi (2nd class Shift Engineer, 26 years), Stephan Berger (3rd class shift Engineer, Recent Hiree) [below] The uOttawa Power Plant The Power Plant is state of the art, built 40 years ago at a cost of $4.5 million and inaugurated in 1973, it is some 20,000 square feet in size. The plant provides controls for all environmental and mechanical systems throughout the campus from one central location. Also located in this complex is a sophisticated computerized “watchdog” network that controls temperature, humidity, clocks and atmospheric conditions in several laboratories, as well as conditions in WINTER 2014 23 Death benefits paid October - December 2013 In Memorium October 2013 Local 004 Medway, MA Anthony Barbere William Bonito Frederick J. Daly Donald Medeiros Jesse L. Morse jr Robert W. Poland Frank J. Rines jr Local 012 Pasadena, CA Lou Azevedo Clarence J. Benke Preston Bickerstaff Jimmie Brazelton Carl F. Brooks Alfred Castro Dewey Coffman Stanley Coker John Culbertson Miguel De quevedo David Elder Jerry Frugia Donald Gallon Ray Goin Robert Groesbeck Eddie Henderson James Holmes Albert Iannarelli Thurman Jones Ronald E. Knapp B. Knowles Nick Marez Joe E. Marks Edward Maxon John Moody Edwin Ramsey Fred J. Silberberger Dewayne Stout Clyde Thomason Francisco Yriqui Local 014 Flushing, NY Walter E. Dearing Ernest V. Digiacinto William Edkins William R. Morrison Albert Scarpati jr Local 015 Long Island city, NY James J. Fortune Henry E. Wallace Local 016 Harold W. Carter Local 017 Lakeview, NY George C. Dovey Harry J. Gerlach Leo J. Stoll Local 018 Cleveland, OH Carl Auletta Eugene H. Barr Patrick A. Corcoran William P. Givens 24 William B. Hilyard Daniel G. Kelovsky Charles Kiskadden Jerald B. Lenning Dan L. Meager Harlen Mercer Robert L. Morris Frank T. Perry Richard H. Schilling David N. Schunatz Wallace E. Servey John Shockley Talmadge J. Stephens Patrick J. Wright Local 034 Louis Rassier Local 036 Ilo Billings Local 037 Baltimore, MD James J. Hartsell Local 049 Minneapolis, MN Tingvald G. Evenson Otto A. Haake Darold E. Olberg Robert Sesser Vinal L. Severeid Local 066 Pittsburgh, PA Michael J. Barbish jr James R. Ceyrolles George O. Dick Daniel F. Grega Larry E. Moore Frederick B. Neuner Carl L. Rea Edwin L. Smith Byron C. Steele Robert A. Strauser Paul R. Thompson Thomas R. Chiado David L. Goodfriend Odis H. Goodrich Warren Hall Dennis A. Heidmann Charles S. Novak Wayne Nuss Michele Santucci Local 520 Granite City, IL Roger J. Behrmann James D. Easley Larry J. Nalley Local 158 Glenmont, NY Donald B. Brinkman Francis Dolan Local 542 Fort Washington, PA Robert H. Clark Local 181 Henderson, KY Bobby J. Vaughn Local 302 Bothell, WA Harold Bibbee Travis W. Brock William E. Cooke Andrew F. Crane James B. Ellis James G. Mariotti George T. Ovenell Lee Young Local 324 Bloomfield Township, MI Paul J. Brulla Gerald L. Diponio Robin Dougherty Lester J. Lutat Elmer Mott John Paull Richard D. Price Donald E. Riedel Norman Titsworth jr Rinaldo Vella Local 351 Borger, TX Donald E. Hill Local 071 W .D. Milroy Local 375 Loyd N. Rowe Local 103 Indianapolis, IN William H. Shafer Local 385 Arnold J. Perdue Local 115 Burnaby, BC Wesley K. Brooks Edwin F. Dobrindt Jake Enns John Kirkpatrick Tony Purcha Sandy Snihor Local 139 Pewaukee, WI Adrian B. Cherney Eugene Dedolph Robert J. Johnson John Michalek jr David L. Wishau Local 150 Countryside, IL Local 400 Helena, MT George E. Linnell Local 406 New Orleans, LA Vernon F. Hebert Local 428 Phoenix, AZ Ray L. Edwards Local 450 Mont Belvieu, TX Jimmy Pace Local 478 Hamden, CT Edward Ryan INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER Local 525 Noah Everett Local 552 H .C. Ferguson Local 624 Jackson, MS Billy L. Rogers Local 701 Gladstone, OR Roger L. Larson Melvin Leikas Eugene Watkins Local 793 Oakville, ON Douglas E. Brown William L. Hineman Local 825 Springfield, NJ George R. Soehngen Local 826 George C. Franklin Local 832 Rochester, NY James Chest Local 841 Terre Haute, IN Charles O. Hendricks Local 900 Oak Ridge, TN Kenneth E. Thomas Local 912 Columbia, TN Buster B. Hargrove Paul F. Lanius jr Local 917 Chattanooga, TN Fred H. Brown Local 926 Rex, GA R .B. Andrews Local 955 Edmonton, AB Sidney J. Gould November 2013 Local 002 St Louis, MO Thomas E. Jansen Joseph Knefelkamp Local 003 Alameda, CA David A. Bardine Martin Best jr Ronald Burns Loyal R. Conde Henry D. Cosio Lawrenc E. Hale Leo W. Harrison Roy A. Harrison Ruben Hernandez Clarenc Hutcheson James Johnson Howard Kahue Jim D. Kepley Bill Lauderdale Cliff J. Lawrence Frank Lodl James E. Nevois Edward W. Peterson Wayne D. Poole Marcus H. Seaford William Tullis Elfawn Wall Local 004 Medway, MA Francis A. Buchanan Richard L. Faulkner Louis J. Francioso Joseph A. Gauvin Dana Witham Local 009 Denver, CO Claude D. Canton Osa A. Kelley Local 012 Pasadena, CA Harold Allee, jr. W .D. Blakesley Darron Evans Robert Gillies Robert Gray Raymond Lawson Joseph Moreaux Chester Moreland Darrel Myers Delbert Nelson Mickey Phillips Theron Quinton Patrick Quiroz Robert Rasmussen Billy Sadler Hans Stoltenberg Kenneth Swanson Bill Tolbert Local 018 Cleveland, OH Duane E. Fry Ronald J. Gilgenbach Alton P. Myers Bruno Plavney Charles R. Sapienza Daniel L. Schomaeker Dennis W. Spieth Cloyce H. Swisher Rudy Veselko Local 039 Sacramento, CA Stanley Andersen Lennard H. Anderson Charles W. Heatherly Local 049 Minneapolis, MN James G. Beeman John Dannis Harley A. Johnson John E. Larson Charles Warner Local 066 Pittsburgh, PA Eldon Baringer sr Jack Barr William Bowan Charles H. Brown jr Ronald P. Ferraro Ray E. Landy Thomas J. Lockaton Local 068 West Caldwell, NJ William Gould Albert Pekarek Anthony Pikul Local 098 East Longmeadow, MA Waldron W. Chesney Earl R. Daniels Clarence D. Macmahan George E. Thibeault Local 101 Kansas City, MO Jim Fiser Anthony C. Wagner Local 103 Indianapolis, IN Solomon Ratliff Albert J. Yates Local 014 Flushing, NY Martin Griff Jeremiah J. Sullivan Local 138 Farmingdale, NY John Albanese James J. Duffy Local 015 Long Island city, NY James Margro Local 139 Pewaukee, WI Clifford Fischer Danny V. Gunnlaugsson Victor P. Woellner Local 017 Lakeview, NY Dale A. Barkewitz Local 147 Norfolk, VA Roger F. Robinson Local 150 Countryside, IL Donald L. Fenn Paul Gumber Alfred Justak John P. Omeara Norman D. Spoor Louis M. Tedesco George Vomish Charles Watkins Thomas H. Wellman Local 158 Glenmont, NY Eli F. Bickom H .Bohl Howard Foster Local 178 Fort Worth, TX Jack D. Hubbard Local 181 Henderson, KY Walter Emmitt James R. Gant Marshall L. Mc coy Leslie Willis Local 216 Baton Rouge, LA Lee T. Cassels Local 302 Bothell, WA Tony Arthur George W. May Local 310 Green Bay, WI Donald Riebe Local 318 Marion, IL Robert E. Ross Local 324 Bloomfield Township, MI William Cummings Elwood C. Elwell Eugene Fortura Lyle E. Goss Lanny R. Haring Robert T. Harris Emery H. Johnson Paul A. Schmittou William Trimper Local 347 Willie Frazier Local 351 Borger, TX C .C. Chelf B .L. Ingram Local 370 Spokane, WA Thomas L. Reilly Local 399 Chicago, IL Donald B. Floeckher Dale E. Richeson Chester Woodworth Local 406 New Orleans, LA George R. Newton jr Local 428 Phoenix, AZ Richard J. Brown Local 450 Mont Belvieu, TX Hulen Hopson J .D. Smith John I. Wiggins Local 463 Ransomville, NY Edward A. Redmond Local 501 Los Angeles, CA Fred R. Duncan Wayne L. Howard Robert Sweeney Local 513 Bridgeton, MO Loyd Harthimmer Eugene J. Norton Local 520 Granite City, IL James H. Spreter Local 542 Fort Washington, PA Rudolph J. Czekalski Paul S. Mock Louis R. Paulo Bill Thornhill John P. Trahey Local 564 Richwood, TX C .D. Dornak Local 571 Omaha, NE Arlan G. Ehlers Local 612 Tacoma, WA E .H. Turner Local 670 Ardmore, OK Altus Gillaspy Elwood K. Morris Local 701 Gladstone, OR John Carlson Calvin Curtis Theodore A. Renner Local 825 Springfield, NJ Fred J. Bulas Local 826 Cecil O. Ryals Local 841 Terre Haute, IN Ernest Meador Local 891 Brooklyn, NY James J. Lynch Frank N. Minissale Local 965 Springfield, IL Leonard D. Cotton December 2013 Local 002 St Louis, MO Roy V. Hartman Local 003 Alameda, CA Joseph Biasca James Dickey Charles C. Evans Walter E. Haws Wendell Kochis Terry C. Rasmussen Joseph Schneider Alvin Silva Robert Slater George W. Smisek Meritt Sterrett Jose T. Vargas Garin Watson Local 004 Medway, MA Joseph A. Bruno William Caswell Adalbert J. Dipaolo Laurence Vitello Local 006 Elzy Ragsdale Local 009 Denver, CO Mark M. Martich Local 012 Pasadena, CA Dale Barrett Samuel Bryan Gonzalo Contreras Elmer Doane David Elder Willie C. Epperson jr Ralph Farner Melvin Gilman Gerald Gort John Kimes Richard Langager Paul Limon Eliseo Lopez Donel Mount Annibale Muscolo Cecil Neal C. Norton Victor Norton Edward K. Nunes Kenneth G. Reifenstahl Ellsworth Riker Clinton Rogers Floyd Sharp Dave Shriner Loren Sundvall Verle Thomas Alvin Thompson Gonzalo Valenzuela Robert L. Weaver Local 015 Long Island city, NY John Ferrara Edgar W. Sanderleaf jr Local 017 Lakeview, NY Donald Nauert Local 018 Cleveland, OH Don R. Arehart Helmer E. Carpenter Johannes K. Cats Herman M. Hostler Local 030 Richmond Hill, NY Joseph Tucciarone Local 038 Dennis Poledna Local 049 Minneapolis, MN Milo A. Carroll Gordon J. Diethelm Leroy Doeden O .Doroff Robert C. George Le Keeler Bernard P. Kloss Local 057 Providence, RI Marcel Cousineau Local 066 Pittsburgh, PA Randall W. Baringer Robert S. Gavlak Lloyd D. Keith Gregor Peterson John M. Stacey Donald C. Trainer Harvey Underwood William J. Viscuso Local 095 Pittsburgh, PA Jefferson A. Whalen jr Local 098 East Longmeadow, MA Edward A. Cancro Christian J. Jensen Roger Pincince Local 101 Kansas City, MO Howard Brown Everett Weber Local 106 Glenmont, NY O .E. Boull Local 115 Burnaby, BC Curtis M. Harris George A. Lemon John R. Rogers Local 132 Charleston, WV Albert W. Maxwell Local 138 Farmingdale, NY Paul Schimansky Local 139 Pewaukee, WI Francis J. Wolfert Local 148 Saint Louis, MO George W. Denning Local 150 Countryside, IL Bob J. Addams William P. Crumpacker Richard D. Harris Donald N. Harris Joseph Lemler Wm H. Moellenkamp jr Philip E. Nichols Joseph P. O’malley Bernie E. Sarrett Louis Schiro Donald C. Tresselt Local 158 Glenmont, NY Wendell R. Dowling Robert G. Earing Local 181 Henderson, KY Robert E. Bugg Escar O. Coe jr Harmon F. Negley Local 280 Richland, WA V .M. Belliston Local 302 Bothell, WA Glen L. Grayson Hugh P. Wallace Local 310 Green Bay, WI Kenneth R. Schuldes Local 312 Birmingham, AL Jessie W. Smith Local 825 Springfield, NJ Julio C. Gamio Local 324 Bloomfield Township, MI Roland P. Campbell Sammy D. Carson Roy L. Hess Kenneth E. Kolver Harold L. Prough William C. Rupprecht Carlyle Wyatt Local 826 Arthur Jones Local 351 Borger, TX Harry L. Ehrlich Local 882 Coquitlam, BC H .E. Justesen Local 369 Cordova, TN C .W. Jordan Local 891 Brooklyn, NY Charles Haughey jr Harry Nilsen Local 370 Spokane, WA Doil W. Clark John E. Spaulding Local 399 Chicago, IL John P. O’sullivan Local 428 Phoenix, AZ Earl Nugent Local 501 Los Angeles, CA James R. Ebarb Robert A. Gagg Local 841 Terre Haute, IN William L. Gray Local 865 Thunder Bay, ON E .Jakubowski Local 917 Chattanooga, TN Robert Z. Luster Local 925 Mango, FL Rufus J. Starling Local 926 Rex, GA F .R. Archer Local 965 Springfield, IL Carl L. Constant Local 513 Bridgeton, MO Eugene J. Burroughs Clem Weber Local 520 Granite City, IL Charles A. Schleeper Local 537 Walter W. Landers Local 542 Fort Washington, PA William D. Forney Local 547 Detroit, MI Francis Eckhout Local 564 Richwood, TX W .W. Bartlett Local 701 Gladstone, OR Ronald D. Paul Local 793 Oakville, ON Clair Mclean WINTER 2014 25 Stop by and say “Hello!” Look for the IUOE booth at CONEXPO in the Grand Lobby. Booth #20125 26 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER International Union of Operating Engineers 1125 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID KELLY PRESS, INC. Printed in the U.S.A. S IN S AV Discounts apply to rentals at participating locations, blackout periods may apply. Other terms and conditions apply. Rates and savings vary depending on type of vehicle, time of year, location and length of rental. l SAVE UP TO 25% on your rental. l ADDITIONAL DEALS on weekend and monthly rentals. l SAVE TIME. Quotes and reservations by phone or online. l MORE OPTIONS. GPS, E-Toll, and electronic receipts available, plus additional savings on upgrades. 240 360 180 420 480 120 600 0 IT B O R 540 60 C E PRIORITY SERVICES with loyalty programs. N OF OP IO E N ZED DEC R I . N 300 T l INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER UN I O N P LU hen you need to rent a vehicle, we can help you get the best deal. Check out the union-member savings and services offered by Alamo, Avis, Budget, Enterprise, National and Hertz. Then drive away in style—for less—with the car, van, SUV or truck of your choice while supporting fellow union workers. LA For full details, visit ENJOY • ENG NG IN TI E A 1896 , 7 on rental cars! • BEN EFIT S AT I O N A L ORG U A 25% 40 M up to W FRO Save Reference union I.D. # 7015700 RN Reference union I.D. # 5029562 IN Reference union I.D. # V816100 1-800-462-5266 ONE OF LIDARIT Y 1-800-227-7368 • SER VICE GS SO 1-800-455-2848 No I.D. Number OM NIA VI S Reference union I.D. # 205666 1-877-222-9711 N R Reference union I.D. # B723700 1-800-654-2200 E 1-800-698-5685 01/14 WINTER 2014 27
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