31st Infantry Infantry Organization Day Twenty
31st Infantry Infantry Organization Day Twenty
--- Bf¥==~- ------ ----- -. ----~- Orfjanization TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY COAT OF ARMS HE Coat of Arms adopted by the Regiment and approved by the War Department commemorates and 8ymbolizes the principal features of the regimental history. Emblazoned on a field of Infantry Blue stands a Sea Lion grasping in its paws a rifle with bayonet fixed. Over the shield is engraved the reg:mental motto: "Pro Patria" (For Country) and ab.ve this stands a Polar Bear. The Sea Lion is taken from the Coat of Arms of the Philippine Idand8, while the Polar Bear is a reminder of- the part plaTed by the Thirty-First Infantry in Siberia. T THIRTY-FIRST U. S. INFANTRY MANILA, PHILIPP I NES 1916 - 1941 AUGUST 13TH - - COMMANDING OFFICERS OF THE REGIMENT FROM CAY OF ORGAN IZATION TO DATE * Colonel WALTER H. GORDON, August I, 1916- Colonel FREDERICK H . SARGENT, :- June 27, 1917 - : - Colonel FRED W. BUGBEE, June 26, 19 17 October I. 19 19 October 2, 1919 - : -A/>ril 4, 1920 Colonel RALPH H. V AN DEMAN, 1\ ~ A/>ril 5, 1920- : -A/>ri1 6. 192 3 Lt. Col. FRANCIS C. ENDICOTT, Atrri! 7. 1923 - : -October 17. 1923 Colonel WILLIS ULINE, October lB. I92r :- Ja ..uary B, 192 4 June 3. 1924- :- Jule 4, 192 5 October 5. 1925 :- No"ember 3. 192 5 Lt. Col. H. CLAY M. SUPPLEE, November 4, Colonel DANIEL G. BERRY, February 1925-:- February 22, 1926 23. 1926-: - Februay 15. 192B Colonel JAMES H. KIMBROUGH. February 16, Colonel EARLE W. TANNER,March 192B-:- March II, 1930 12, 1930- . -August 4, 193 0 Lt. Col. EDWARD L. HOOPER, August 5. 193o--:-December S. 193 0 C;)lonel GUST AVE A. WISER, December 9. 1930 Lt. Col. GEORGE A. LYNCH, Fehruary 24. 193I- January 29, 193 1 :-]une 17. 193 1 Colonel LORENZO D. GASSER, June lB. 1931- : -March Lt. Col. OLIVER S. WOOD, March 19. 1934 - : -]une Colonel SAMUEL T. MACKALL, June 17, 1934-: Colonel CHARLES S. HAMILTON. Fehruary 13. 1936-: Colonel WILLIAM A. ALFONTE, February 21, Colonel JESSE C. DRAIN, 16. 1934 February 12. 193 6 February 20. 193 8 1938 - : - 0ctober 30. 1938 October 31.1938--:-],,1126,1940 Lt. Col. CONSTANT L. IRWIN, ]uly Colonel ALBERT M. JONES, 18. 1934 26. 1940- : -0ctober 31, 1940 November I, 1940 to date *~*~==~========================~~~ C010nel ALBE!'\.T M. JONES Commandin,l! Officer. 3ut Infantry United States Arm1 Foreword COL. ALBERT M. JONES Commanding Officer, 3ut Infancry Fellow Members of the Thirty First Infantry : · ODAY, August 13th, we commemorate the Silver Anniversary 01 our regiment's organization. Youihtul in POInt or years - twenty-five in all - it looks with just pride upon its past acruevements. It is our privilege to do honor to those individuals and groups of the regiment wno by their labors have comribu\ed to itsoSum ot • accomplishments. We honor ourselves In doing honor to them. Although young, our regiment has an enviable body of traditions, a clean wholesome record to build upon. We an, proud of the Esprit de Corps of the Thirty First Infantry. But we, t he prosent complement, must not be content to b&sk in the glory OI the achievements ot. our predecessors. We must progress in the truly American spirit of youth and hopefulness and initiative. Due to unsettled world conditions. the Army of the United States is now engaged in IntensivelY preparmg to meet any emergency. Our regiment occupies a key strategic position in this far eastern possessIOn. ~t is ready for prumpt expeditionary employment. It is a. reservoir ot trained troop leaders. It is rrepared to take its position in the defense of the Philippines. Here in the Orient, the Thirty First Infantry represents and .stands for the highest ideals of tne American people. . During the ·past six months our ranks have been greatly increased by the absorption of the highest type of young American mannood. In the face 01 a threatening international Situation, these patriotic young men volunteered for service in this exposed outpost. We havp. subjected them \.0 intensive training under trying tropical conditions. The soldier of today, more than ever, must spend his time learning the things that make a man etticient in combat, that make him act intelligently in an emergency and that toughen him phYSically to withstand the rigors of modern warfare. In no other arm must so much trust be placed in the individual soldier as in the Infantry. This calls for a high degree cf training, morale, phYSical courage, intelligence and initiative on the part of every individual. The efficiency ot the company. battalion and regiment is measured in direct ratio to the ertlciency ot the individual soldiers, and the squad, section and platoon leaders. The degree ot profesional, moral and physical fitness of ea.ch individual largely determims the efficiency of the regiment. These basic characteristics are developed by study, training and selt-discipline. The courage and efficiency ot the individual soldier are dE)cisive factors in battle. The purpose of all training is to insure success in battle. Since I assumed command of the regiment last November First, the r . giment has more t.han doubled in strength. U 's armament, transportation and equipment have been tremendously increased and modernized. It's officers and non-commissioned officers have worked ceaselessly and tirelessly to train these young men in the tundamentals of soldiering. These new members of our command have been hardened, seasoned and trained to use the many and varied infantry weapons. transportation and equipment. They have been trained also in their specific combat functions, in all weather, in the jungle, in t.he swamps and on the mountains. Throughout all thcse unusually trying experienc.es these young soldiers have manifested an intense eagerness to fit themselves to carry on the traditions of the regiment. I am deeply appruciative of the loyalty and cooperation I have received ! rom all of you from the newest recruit to the oldest-timer, both commissioned and enlisted. Our standards must be the highest attainable. We know not what lies ahead. We must be fully prepared. We must not spare ourselves. Our ranks are being constantly increased by more of these fine young Americans. We must continue to work tirelessly and unceasingly to train, discipline and develop them. Ours is a great responsibUity. I have absolute faith In the ability of our regiment. to accomplish all of its many and vadous missions. The honor and glory of t he Thirty First Infantry established by our predecessors. must and will be upheld by us· 3 History of the Thirty-First Infantry Officers of the 31st Infan'ry Colonel ALBERT M . JONES. Commanding 4 WF.NTy.FIVE years ago today, August 13, 1916, the 31st Infantry (l<lme into being. It W39 Cl"cated by the transfH of personnel from the 8th, 13th, 15th and 27th regiments of Infantry. The 1st battalion was organized at Regan Barracks, Albay, tile 2ni! huttnlion at Camp McGl'llth, Batangas, and the remainder of thf units at Fort McKinley. Colonel Walter H. Gordon • was the first regimental commander. The sen'ice of the Regiment is unique in that it has never been st3tioned in the United States. A few months after the Regiment was organized the United States entered the World War, but the chances of thl.' 31at Infantry partiCipating appeared very sllin because of the fact that it was here in the Philippin(' IsJands. However, with the dissolution of the Russian Army in the Spring of 1918, thp Allied War Council decided to ,end troops to Siberia to assist in the withdrawal of Czech t)·oops, to keep the Trans·Siberian railroad open anll to gU:ll'd allie(i supplies t'h at had been shipped there for the Russian Army. The 31st Infantry was one of the organizations of the U . S . Army designated for service in Siberia and on August 13, 1918, just two years after its or;;anizntion the Regiraent >ailed trom Manila enroute to Vladivostok, wher~ it landed on August 21st and estab· li~hed csmp east of the city. The Reglment was then broken up into detachments of varying size and located at important point~ along the Trans·Siberian railroad and a branch Hne of 81 miles to the Suchan minea. To understand conditions pertaining to service in Siberia, it is essential to realiJe that a statl' of civil war e.,'tist.t'd. The ct.untry was over·run with partisan bonds engaged in guerillA warfare and in addition, bandit gl'oups were very acth·e. While the United Atates was not at war with any of these factions, our troops, in carrying out their missions of guarding supplies and keeping thl' railroad open, were frequently fired upon. Pnrsuit of these guerilla bands occupiell mu(h time of small detachments and in BOrne C:lses it was necessary to organize exveditions of several companies to proceed against (l\'gAnized re,istance. The Regiment suffered its first battle casualties on . Augus~ 29, 1!n8, just eight days :lfter landing, when the troops were fired on ncar UgoJnaya, 25 miles nortll of Vladivostok. During itr. tour of service in Siberia, 1 officer and 29 enlisted men were killed in action and thel'e w~re approximately double this number wounded. One Congres.ional Medal of Ho~or and fift~en Distinguishp.d Service Crosses were conferred npon illdividuals of tloe lWgiment. In addition to battl~ casualties, the 8e'l'cre winter weather was responsible for "ery great 8\1.fferillg and hardship and 3 largil number of mcn lost an arm or leg because of severe frost bite. In April. 1920, the Regin."nt returned to the Philippine Islands and was stationed at Port McKinlev until December of that year when it mond to Manila. During the following eleven yellrs, clnties were those normal to garrison life in the Islands. At 8: 30 A. M., February 1, 1932, orders were received directing the Regiment to proceed til Shnllghai, China, to protect the lives and property of United States citizens. It embarked at 10 :40 P. M., February ht on the Navy 'rransport ChaUlIlO'lt and sailed at 'J: 10 A. M., February 2nd. The srri"al in Shanghai was in the midst of the J apanese·Chinese struggle for poeses· ~ion of the city and the Regiment was a~sign~d the mission of guarding a section of the International Settlt'ment. While carrying out this mission considerable fighting of the .Japanese and Chinese was in the vicinity of and under the observation of perBOnnel of the Regimt'nt. After five months of rather strenuous field service the Regiment returned to Manila ,'11 July 5, 1932. Since that date it has been stationed in M~nila performing duties normal to such 8t»tion. "8 the Po~t of Manila. 5 Orqanization :J)alj Proqram "Silver G'/nniVlmarlJ 11 * Wednesday, August 13, 1941, is announced as the Twenty-fifth Regimental Organization Day. All duties will be suspended except those prescribed in connection with the activities of the day and the necessary guard and fatigue. The following program will be observed: 9:00 A. M. Regimental Review . . Wallace Field 12:00 Noon Holiday Dinner . Served in organization messes Music by the 3ISt Infantry Band 2:00 P. M. Track and Field Meet . Rizal Stadium 5 :0 0 P. M. Regimental Barbecue . Harrison Park 7:30 P. M. Regimental Boxing Festival . * HEA DQU ARTERS PHILIPPI N E DEPA RTMENT Fort Santiago t;1<up 'Cm gllJ in9" 7 Rizal Stadium Citations Enlisted Men of tIl(' regi nll' nt ha " e I,cen a ward cd dtations as follo\vs: SILVER STAR CITATION lIIEXICAN INTERIOR MEDAL For Gallantry In Action Otto Jcnsen Co. "M" PURPLE HEART For Wom:ds Received In Battle Rergeant Staff Rergeant Prinlte Co. t'A " CO. I'},"~ Co. "L" Bernard McDermott L ee Adkins James Armstrong 1st Sergean t Emanuel Hamburger )-;nlisted men ":ho aCHed with the regiment in Siberia 0I1d Staff Sergeant Sam Dietz Pvt. 1 class John L.~basewski 1st Sergeant Beresford O. Seale Staff Sergeant John P. Flynn Anti-tank Co. ar~ still with the organization: Service Co. Co. "A" Hq. & Hq. Det. 2nd Bn. Co. "L" VICTORY .MEDAL For Service In The .'hmed Forces Dnring The WCl'ld War: YANGTZE SERVIOE MEDALS For Service In Shanghai, China From February 5 to July 2, 1932, Sta ff S~ rg eant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Corpornl Pvt, 1 <lass Prt. 1 class 1st Sergeant Sergeant p\·t. 1 tla ss Prt. 1 dass 1st Sergeant Sergeant Staff SNgcant Sergeant Pri,'ate Staff Sergeant P\'t. 1 class Staff Scrgean t 1st Sergeant Staff Sergea nt Sf..~l'gl."Hl1t Sergeant "C'I'g-e:111t Corporal Prt. I rlnss Sam Dietz Hn rvey H . Keen Jose Atienza F eli cia no Balingit Teocioro Armesto Albil;o Tiburcio Ja cinto Arpilleda Felirc Mandin Samuel Talvy Wanen E. Ager John L abasewski Simon D. VilaI' Harry E. Rin'l'ler John W. Slownick Irdn H. Sutphin Jnmes B. Cabral Archie Hughes Old F. Anderson George S. Talley Lee Adkins Steffan Widcrnyski John P. Flynn William W. White Roy Zoberbier Jesse C, Burbank Hany M. Neff Willinm P. Katz Servite Co. Service Co. Band Band Band Band Band Band Co. ttA" Co. "A" Co. "A" Co. "A" Co. "B" Co. "B" Co. uB" Co. ne" Co. " C" Co. leE" Co. ' ''E'' Co. "F" Co. "L" Co. tiL" Co. elL" Co. uM" Co. "M" Co. " ~1" Co. "M" SOLDIERS MEDAL 1st ~(,l'g('nnt. 1\'fnx\r ell W einstei n Co. "E" SPANiSH' AMERICAN WAR MEDAL Pvt. 1 CLlS5 Arthur E. Peters 8 Co. "G" Staff Sergeant St!lff Sergeant Corporal 1st Sergeant Sergeant Master Sergeant Master Sergeant Master Sergeant 1st Sergeant 1st Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Pvt. 1 class Sergeant Corporal Corporal Pvt. 1 class Pvt. 1 class 1st Sergeant Sergeant Pvt. 1 class Staff Sergeant Sergeant Private 1st Sergeant 1st Scrgeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Pvt. 1 class Private 1st Scrgeant Pvt. 1 class Pvt. 1 class Staff Sergeant 1st Sergeant Staff Sergeant Pvt. 1 class 'Private Staff Sergeant Ser~ant Sergeant Private Henry H. Bonds J oseph Jankowski Stanley L. Wisniewski Emanuel Hamburger James J. Murphy Nathan H. Cleayes Walter L. Coulter Willard B. SpurlinF' Joseph V. Graham Max Chower Sam Dietz Vincent Ramos Whitfield S. Long Feliciano Balingit Alino Tiburcio Teodl,ro Annesto Jacinto Arpilleda Felipll Mandin I>amuel Talvy Bernard McDermott Simon D. Vilar Irvin R. Sutphin Jal.nes B. Cabral Joseph E. Dufresne Edward J. Monahan James W. Evans Lee Adkins Fab Arsenault Josef Cebula Charles R. Jones Harry P. Stone Dewey Kincaid Corbin W. Abbott John Juvan Steffan Widerynski John P. Flynn Christ H. NelEon James Armstrong Otto Jensen Jesse C. Bnrbank Boy Zoberbier Andrew 'I. Bryant 9 Hq. Co. Hq. Co. Hq. Co. Anti·tank Co. Anti-tank Co. Service Co. Service Co. Service Co. Service Co. Service Co. Service Co. Service Co. Service Co. Band Band Band Band Band Co. "A" "A" "A" Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. "F" (,0. "F" Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. "F" "D" "C" "D" "D" "F" "F" "H" "H" "H" "I" "L" "L" "L" "L" "M" tiM" tiM" "M" Roster of Regiment Regimental Commander . Executive Officer S-l and Adjutant Assistant and Unit Personnel Officer . S'2 S-3 Assistant and Regimental Gas Officer Colonel Albert M. Jones . Lt. Col. Constant L. Irwin . Major Eugene T. Lewis 1st Lt. Herbert H. Eichlin, Jr. Lt. Col. Irvin E. Doane Lt. Col. Ollie W. Reed Major Peter D. Calyer Lt. Col. Jacob E. Uhrig Major John H. Bennett Major Harry D. McHugh Chaplain Robert P. Taylor S4 Regimental Transportation Officer Regimental Athletic Officer Regimental Chaplain Regimental Unassigned Roster Lt. Col, Grattan N. McCafferry, OS, Office Dept. IG, Hq. Phil. Dept. Lt. Col. Henry G. Sebastian, SO, Investigating and Survey Officer, Post of Manila. Lt. Col. George R. Connor, SD, Adjutant and Recruiting Officer, Post of Manila. Major Harold S. Ruth, SD, Post Exchange Officer, Post Theatre Officer, Post of Manila. Major Robert H. Vesey, SO, Post Police & Prison Officer; Post Athletic Officer. Major Nunez C. Pilet, OS, Office G-2 Hq. Phil. Dept. Major Harry D. McHugh, Commanding Special Units Battalion (ProviSional ). Major Leigh A. Fuller, Instructor, Regimental Sr.hool. Major Allen Thayer, Instructor, Regimental School. 1st Lieut. Arthur W . Wermuth, SD, BOBth Military Polic. Company, Post of Manila. REGIMENTAL NONCOMMISSIONED STAFF AND SERGEANTS ON DUTY AT POST AND REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS Administrative Section Master Sergeant Nathan H. Cleaves. . Service Company, Post Sergeant Major Master Sergeant Walter L. Coulter .. Regimental Sgt. Major Technical Sgt. John B. Fry. .. Staff\Sergeant Charles D. Brown .. Staff Sergeant Henry Lorenz .. Staff Sergeant Sam Dietz. Sergeant John K. Luhman Company L, Post Hqrs. Sergeant Grover W. Nunn Service Company Sergeant Earl A. Hickox, Jr. . . Company H, Post Hqrs. Personnel Section Master Sergeant Willard B. Spurling . Service Co., Personnel Sgt. Major Sergeant Charles W. Britt .. .. .. . Supply Section HISTORIC SAINT JAMES GATE, FORT SANTIAGO 10 1st Sgt. Max Chower, Hq. & Hq. Det. 3rd Bn. 31st Inf. (Regimental Supply Sgt.) St. Sgt. Andrew B. Casey, Service Company, 31st Infantry. St. l>gt. Harvey H. Keen, Service Company, 31st Inf~ntry. St. Sgt. Vincent Ramos, Service Company, 31st Infantry. St. Sgt. Jack ROlen, Service Company, 31st Infantry. Sgt. Morris E. Petty, Service Company, 31st Infantry. 11 BAND, THIRTY FIRST INFANTRY Major EUGENf; 'r. LEWI S, C"mmanding Warrant Officrr NWHOLA8 FRAKK, Ba.dl Leader 1'('cll nical Serf/callt Tnll'ehrigtson, Arnold Ati~nza, Fetzer, Bert D. Sergeant .. Balingit, Feliciano Paseu:d, Felipe Josc Belamide, Antonio V. Cor1""'ale Armrsto, 'I eodoro Tiburcio, Albino P,·iwltc .• First Cla8 .• Cazin, Patricio A. De los Santos, Florendo Del Rosario, Gelaeio Enano, Mnriano A . Gabriel, Adriano C. Jimenez, Bernardo A. :r.hndin, Felipe Agustin, Ignacio ArpilINl:i, Jarinto R:lfjuirnn, Marrelo Bclarmino, Elins Denwrdino, Casimiro Bllen:1VClItlll':I, }'lorcntino Capuellino, Alfredo Mercado, Macario G. Obstaculo, Emilio O. Sa lumbides, Amado G. Tiambeng, Rodolfo R. Velando, Osmundo n. . Villanueva, Juan L. PI'i1late Femnndo, Ambrosio HEADQUARTERS COMPANY GII/)tdn HJ.:NRY C. BRI'l'T, GOlll',,<andin.'I C"pt. Earl C. Packer 1st Lt. Harry L. Morris 1st Lt. Joseph O. Stcnsland 1st Lt. Louis '1'. HlIllolil ls"t Lt. Jay J. Nnvin 2nd Lt. Thane H. Hoohr M(I,.frr Ser!}pant Fr,"el!, Fir,t L~wjs Cruii'shank, Edward H, Gr~cn, Smith L. ' S~rgeont Hnll, Walter H, T-r.l.nieal Srr{lrontB Kiessig, Fred B. Ma lsepti, George V . Piontek, Adolph Trotter, Geol'ge W, Staff 8 rrgrant,. TIlattnN, Carl n, Bonds, Hc'nry H . Cron~, Emil O. Fox, Woodro\\' W. Jankowski, Joseph Overton, Berna rd Roh,'rt W. Collllnbia , Lor~n C. Dotson, Dani~l W. Hale, James A. Kane, Josepll M, Korllie, Thomas J. Critser, Harold G. ,Toll nson , Ea d E. Kindle, Gc'or!!,c' P. Koc'hk, ,Tolin '1'. Cul'7)!)ral.Lester O. P~mhkton, Kie W. Rizzo, Josepll Rohertson, lI1~rdlle Lindgr~n, 12 [hI" Joseph E. Blankenship, OWl'n Clal'k, Hllrshell Coppoel;, Robert B . Jl'. Ellsworth, Dadd H, l"oster, Tommy Garrison, Harold A. Gt'ntry, Adrion D. Gilliam, On'Hle K Hamilton, Leonard Arriola, Fr:l!1k B. Bailey, Charlie Fl. TInker, Robert 0, Bell, Jack H. Book, Kermit C. Bragg, Henllan L . Brenner, NOl'mnn Brooks, James R. Bruce, Jacl<soll Broussard, Claud I. Brown, Alhert F . Brown, TllOmas W . Burdick, Wilhur R. Byrd, Arlie F, Champagne, Francis E. Chan(lIcr, Newell W. Cloutier, Georgc W. Cook, Orville F. Davis, Kenneth E. Deveny, James A. J>r:lke, Wayne E . l>t'm'i~, Ecl\rin D. 11unlap, :-leil E 1':ml';rk, ,Toll1es B. Fenton, William '1' . Gagnon, Wilfrcd A. Ganett, Rohert ,T. GatschenhNll'er, Rohfl't .T. e la ss, C"ri I Firs~ Pilnrksi, Joseph J. Reagan, Knowlton R. Stanko, John M. 8ergC(lllt8 Bul'll~, HEADQUARTf.RS COMPANY-(Cv" "" ,,,,/) Staff Sergeant lIfedwick, George J. Tl'aylor, Larkin B. VRtlgh~n, Buford C. Wilson, Ralph Wisniewsl,i, Stnnley L. lJI' i t'tlf c,\' F ir ... t Clas:oJ H"YC'3, \\' infr('(1 O. II i('ks, ,T ;lHll'g L. Hit'I,;. R:i1l'h Horsry, NOl'm1111 V. Jncl,sol1, Jolil1llil' H. Kerrigan, WilIi:lm .T. Ledl>~tter, Warrc'n G, ~ [ "thpin, Joscph F. )[Ol'1'OW, ,Tcnn P. Privati'S Griero, )li"h:lcl ,T . H:lnco,k, Allen \Y. Handley, John E . Harrington, Thomas C. Harvey, Hc'IlI'~' ,J. Hasty, Lynn '1', Hedges, George W. Hester, W;vntoll H . Hickmnll, D:lilllcl' F. Hill, Edward L. Hinkle, Lawrenr~ W. Holladay, Otha L , Horton, FIr,."r1 W, Hnghes, L,oyd W, I ngl'fI h:lIl1, CJ:. renee \V. .Toncs, Hohart )f. Keven, David R. KI:lllS, Alhert W. Lane, 1' holl1as 1'1 1[:lddoel<, Waltel' W. )[n,I (lox. ("11'1 W. }r:d()n~k. W"lt('r ~r. ~rr(':lII , ('!oesle,' ;\, ,(nnson, Chal'1es E. )(rttl~', Melton ('. )(~' c, Jnm~s Fl. Pn~'nc, Ralph G. ppnnington. St""'a rt R. Phillips, John V, Nugen, Donalt1 R. Pcttillgill, Hobert A. Richal'll'on, Pl'rty G, .Jr, Rose, Ralph B . ~;lno{'ki, TTt'111',)' V:lII dcr Hoe"cn, Lloyd P. Witakn, EdW:lI'd L. W heeler, Willi:lm H . Wisnicwski, Stl'phen ~'f, Pi~l'rc', ,J osel'll J . Pl"i('l', Carlos E. Proulx, Thollltls E. Pl'tlj:lg':l, Jl'fih Rhoocs, V t\rnOl~ R. Rosson, Rohert R. Ronsey, Edgar Me. ~kssion~, R:llph Ri lvCI'llIflll, Samuel Rmith, Bud D. Snell, Lconard Southerland, Al1cn ,J. Staats, Clarence Stadig, Gustav W. Stanedrh, Clement J. Stouh'nbnrgh, ,Tason A, Stcphenson, Lonnie D, Rtymelski, John Rullivan, Logan J. Taylor, Kendl'i( k K. TCI'I'cll, Marion E. 'fiHlmns. Willimn Tolar, Sam };. Jr. T"olltll1:m. v\·illi:llll Wei,,,I, Rohert p, Wilrkr. William Willems, Rex '1'. Wilson, TI('my E. Withncll, Thomas M. HQ & HQ DET . 1st BATTALION Lirnt-:nant CLARENCE H. BEFlS, COIIIIll(lllcling F ir8i Sergeant ~[ic'ke:v, Stcve ". Slaff Srr.'lca"t.~ RlI'lll ,m, Aile] R. RpOOlH'r, Harold Corporal.; (,Iuwscr, A:l 111 ucl M, Jr. Grecne, Maynard F, lI[yers, Hershell L. Ashby, Hcnt'y B, Anderson, Otis M. Cox, Ishmael Brownlee, Raymond A. !"mith, \Voorlrr, w Thorstecl, DaITe1 K. 1 , ptOIl, Max S. ,Tr, Veatrh, Doylc W. Privales Fir,<t Clas" Hal1ignn, John G, .Jvnes, Rtew:trt A, Lyons, John R. f'enk)'1'ik, Ignnr 'I'omcavage, Albert Uzelac, GE'orge Private" Avp.rill, Charlps A, Raker, Fred K. Clark, Chinles E, Falk, George L, Grill, Leo N. Hansen, John E . Hi:ltt, Ri . hard C. Lamagna, Sal "ndore G, McMurdO, Hew B, Jr, Meyer, Raymond D. Morelli, Cannen J. "Wyers, Willis G, . ' orris, en rI 13 P('ontek, Henry W, PI'ater, Chestcr ,J, Rico, Raymond Thompson, Lee Vun In Wagen, Edgar Ware, WilEOn H. I; RQ. & HQ. DET .. 2ND BATTALION l-'irst Lip\ltennnt E:\ HI, R. RlIORT, C 11l""llllllill{1 F"·,,t ii,"l/Nl1lt Beresford O. Re,'i1e Siaff Sergea.nt .. Clemon J. Ellel' l'\ ic'holas A. Gahriel TIarolcl J. Carlson 01'11(1 L. GoodlYin Cm'para7s \ .J ohn H. ~r";\J,'nig"l Pn l'al£" Fir8t C7a.,,, Theol';]108 ,. CbisenJ.::J1 \ Inn ,r. C01H'l111U "e!' Wil]']'I'n H. L.,,,,]{ Haml.l W. Root ·J<·\\'d D. J obnson Priral,.-: ~['l/'g'lI'itu Agntlnnu .Jolln Y. Blantoll l .Tr. Thollla. R. Cnnol! Dnl'l'el Church Clinton H. Bllyatt Orville E. ('lm'k Le\\'iR F. Collins, Jr. ('leo C. Crumley Arden R. Elligson Delmor W. Erwin R;I" PIl'lthl'r Wi'lIium .r. r;,nleiJ .Tohnl1i .. n. nall L.'slil' C. Hammer (1larle8 ,V. Illlgiles (i('01'~P A. KiJler Ralpll G. Lang-don .TOl· :'>iontol'a Olil'er E. Xellmier nj~n.iall1in I';. PO' (' Ra 1'11\0,"1 H.·th·ay Dm'ic1 L. '1'lWllll'>Oll J,,..k H. Tl!('k,'1' / .l:lll](·" A. Yitl'lJi ('ol'di" L. W",hillgt"n .Jo"Pjlh W"lIl{lOnowitz .T"ge111 \V. Wilson F"al1k F. Yallal1 HQ. & HQ. DET.; LD BATTALION 1"1I'.,t Sfjl'g,'{lnt UholV~r, ~1"" ,~ I(!ff sJt 9 cant Doms, John fl. SPI'gjnt Stewart. William IT I Crowell, Royal K / Corporals JOI1CS, James T. Mitcllcl, Arthor J. I P1'ivatcs Fil'st Class ~mpol, Sheldon G.I ! 1lickolaje7.zk. John M. Richstcin, Avraham Olman, Vincent J. Prit·atcs HEADQUARTERS, 31st INFANTRY C""rtel de E.ipa"a Anderson, Ali Y. Bush, Alvert B. Clamp. GeOl'ge C. H ammond, William C. Kelley. James W. :Markham, David L. Peters, Roilert S. Ross, Raymond L. Sherman, George C. Stubblefield, Lawrence .K BnITctt, Ray BuJ'lls, Albel·t R. Crudel', John B. Hicks, Leroy Knight, Raymond Maltin, Harvey M. Pierce. R;]y H . Runyan. William T. Speirs, Ross M. 15 BroW9hcr, Hi!man D. Jr. Cnrl, Earl J. Eisasser, Harold E. Johnson, Charles J. Lee, Henry G. Miller, Richard J. Robel'son, George G. Sheehan, Lawrence J. Stephens, Raymond Winfield, Henry J. SERVICE COMPANY Captaill ROBERT n ..Ton:\""ITO:\,. C"HII'lllH,/iHfI 1st Lt. HERBERT H. EICIlU:\, ht Lt. WILLTA:lr n. :lfl:\l:n 1st Lt. CHARLER 1. GARRETT 1st Lt. GOR])O:\" n. :II YEll" ~nd Lt . .J.\:lH:S K R:lflTH , ,TI'. , .I10.,' rr ,. t S(I'{,'·(l111 .• ('01111<'1', 'Walt('r L. Willir,,,,s, Cliff ('. C1e''''es, N"than R. 1'(('11 II io((1 /;""!I,lIlIl Fir:;1 S,r.I](·olll 1'1.'", Johll Graham, ,Josl'l'h \'. n. Siaff oS, "rlell1"" RO!-il'il, .1 :1t' k Keen, Har\'ey H. Bl'Ql\'n, Charles D. Casey, AndreI\' B. Dietz, Sam Lorenz, Henry Ramos, Viuee]]t Bouey, Donald E. Britt., Chnrles W. Fallslet; Carl G. Gorske, Harr) .1. ,Tohn son, Leo Leahy, Lloyd W. Sl'lil':ltZ , Prank .1. S Cl'geanls 1\111\11, r:ro\"l'l' \\' Pdty, 1I1ol'l'is K ZiJl:lllll'J .Jolln If . Corporals Bail e,\', John C. Frink, Wheeler H. Weber, Willi"m R. Ballard, George 'vV. ; Cobia, Sant P. Doddato, Arthur J. )<'ellll, Wilfred \V. Harwood, Ray A. Hendrix, Dalton D. J;'l'ytrn nzki, Ed,,':II'd ~1. Privat f.' Fir"t Cia.'" Kaylor, Edw:ll'd ('. Lallllllel't, William Y. Long, Whitfield R. 1\f:lJ'J'ol1c, ~fi ;111('1 ~l;:l'tin ?lll'SSPI', .r. ;\101'" I('s . .1 ""'I,ll :\1. .11'. H"otl" 1l:l 11'11 I{. i-;isk, El'skili \\'. rl'holllp sll lI , Ot to I'~. Tnl11l1l'R, 11 ('IlI',Y O. Whit,·, nll,l' I". J''I'irr.:tr'''i Alt, Ti.tus L. llal'J'ctt, Arthur Bartell, Clifford C. l'prr,l'hill , James n. R"ldt, Merle H. Bradd,\', George (', J~1lI'ns, H erbert ]~nteher, Jalll "s C,I, penter, Clifton Cflrtel', Robert C. Casteel, AnbI'ey C. Chambers, Howard L. Clark, Edward K. Dn\'is, Max A. DeYoung, Walter A. Draper, 'WilSOll E. Estes, Joll1lie \V. l~"ers, Robert lIf. f'eragen, Dnn L. Finle,\', Leslie H. Gilbreath, Norman L. Goldsmith, lA'OJ""'" 11. ({OO(h:, Tho",,,s I';. 001'd011, .1:ll'k I~. 01'''''e8, J"m ts 1-1. Hopkins. \\'all:lt(' \\' . H,,"kt', IT:''TY '\1. .11'. .Tonts, P:lIi1 ]) . 1<1:11'8, .J:I""'S G. .1r. Klinkh, ,lolln ] , :11" "Nt. P:ll11 )l :l g'l'ntll ) '1'. ri(tl'l'rt \\', )l:lrtilll'ZI F:ll'l ~; H('llI'\' )1:1ttill'WS, .1 :111I('S :\". I". T. :lld.'llInl.:, 1)"1,, \\'. 17 16 1 Hl'lliH ' 1l \', Pl'il , (i! or~I' .J . Pl'lti, 'l', 11:11'\'('\' .J . 1'{'lIlIi lI g-tllll , (;'C'''l'~1' 1'it t 1:1'111, ,1;I1II1 'S ,\ , Ht,jllll :tr dl , nt'III1 , :\II11l1:111 .1:lI'k \\', F', ~('ll(,!,ltll'l'lIllrl1, 1Io\\': l l'd ~it'tll j llJ;;l '\\'i i 'Z! Uolwrt ( ', ~lIlill" 1.:1\\'1'1 ' 11 1 (' 1( , :--;11 ,,111'1' 1'1 ,11'1' ~1 ;'{ 11HJ: rn c,ll:ll'd ,\ . PI'tt'I' .J. Lo(·kh:ll't , :\1:" 1). l.-' fltlll' I' C, :ll"tl,eI'8, lI'"it,1' I )on :1 11I T . (hil, "', (;:,,'1"'111 II. l'I ';II:n l , JIahel'l""",. E,ll1'al'<1 .\. ]Janis, (,Iydt' L. TIiggins, P"tl'i tk .1 .. i 1'. LOll', )flll'(ku , "' 1':1111.; T. "\ 11g'('11f 'j':lri()I' , 1):111 .li ''':'W I:' 'liI!HII:IS IL '1'11 '01'111011 , 'j'fllll!ill, 'ori ~, 1.llIyd I .. \\':1 rd. l{,oll:1l1d .\. V,.::t ,· I', .1:lI'k P . / SERVICE COMPA~Y- (Cvnclllll.:J) At+aciled for Duty fronl other Organizations Fir:,t Tax, IIq. ~. Hq. I 'l t, ;~1'(1 ('110\\'('1', . i('ol .' ( r,O' (IH I .J:l llH':-> ~., HIt Ii .\ i l' H:l "P 1'1(' /111 S( nl( w/I (,1'0, :-; 11 :111, BlI. ~qdll, .\(', . 'ivllOl" Fil'l(l, P. 1. S( 'J"[J ( ((Ilt,\ 1~\Ilhl,\- , nllfll~ .J., l!lth .\ir n:! (' ~lpll1, .\C, . Tivhol.. I'll.'ld, P. 1. LH1I1ll:111, .lolln K" ('0. I ' L ", ;j 1.·t 1111'. l~r~'ll(':ltit:t1lO, PI':lnl- --- --~'------ .1illl''', L(';:.;tl'l' O. ('0. "~1". '0. Co. ' E". ]< crrf"'ll, l\Iaul'i e Ct.. 'L ' t I a,',· J>)' i 1'((/ ( " Fir, '/ ( ; e,'. l' Y , .T 0 ' ~lly<1l'I' <.,1 rl. Co. "{". run ik, ~f:ll't ill L. tJL 'II' '. '0. '0". J)Pll, Prirat(',' Al xaudl'o\\'i'z Co. Edmund C. L:111 'an, Oli('(' ri'. Co. 'n' Good fe 1I (n\', J ;11l1(,f' ~1' Co. ' . ANTI-TANK COMPANY Fir, t Li ut<'n:lut ROBEHT A. H.t RKER 101ll11WJldillll Fil' t .LicutCllllut L. RRY PTD :E.. ccond Li ut 'll~nt IL R L1) F. [01 T~ 0 . . ~ REC'Olld I.Ji nt('n~nt .rOII - ~ 1'1' Fin.;t J'{JNwt Tf;\lllhllrg( r. blll:tnnd ,,'taft ,,'(,1'g (I:I( \Yil~on .T:lllll',' T. 1 '( J'{I('(LHt ..... .r 0 11 11 :E 1 rn i n g, H pper 'Til1i~ III ~t • [l.ll1illH, P. . . Iurl> h~" , .1: Illl F. Pl'l 11 R. 1\\':\ .J. .. [ it -hit" LilY l'gllC A. T:I~'l()r, (':11\1('1'on J. .T. 10n,\" S t t' pit l' 11 •() n , "\' : d l:l "1'1 oll::-ld:lll' ... H:t Iph Edmi·toll, I·~ll '\\'ortlt L. natlin. Po\' er n. IT:. 111:1 nn, l'~l1d \Y. Y:lllO·lt :J Jl, t' L. .rop g. (l!<l' -' ~Id':lff,\'ty. Bail y, Thoma. 'I. ('Oll}',' 11 nO.'tat n ....,... ,. ..., . .. . . ... .... .. , -'-"- ..- 11'Prt ) .. \lll'in, 1 )0. TIl. --.,., ;~. , ~il1i:lJ11 (1. , CllrtL n. H:w:p, 1\1 -h:l1"t P. II :ll'l'lS, (hIY, Y ( d' '('II SallypoTt LUCIA BA RRA CKS n. Il(llllll' r ~ .. K(';\11, \\~(tltt,l' \\~. L(l\\'is, (111:11'1(1: ('. .r. L.nll.1I, (lonc1i:) .1:lrtiIH'all, .10, ., 11 I? . fazzlH ('a, Firoillo I·. 1i.' \ 1', t' , ., (lO; n I ·Tllt,"lf', nOhl~1 t L. 1 ill " }'1'(, Tillt'., .1:1\11('. ~. _ 1001't'lt('<ld, Cl' :tOll ~:t1,]" T 1. .J IS 'i(' .J. "\V: l 1'1'(' n \Y. .Jlll1:l l'1.·OI1 , 0\\'1 ...; 19 ~p;ll('k, Hoh<l't t ',\':11 t, Ell \\':1 }'(l L. '1 OllI' " ':I rltoll 'rl'Ollt. Ira U. "\ \' l' J, h R 01 )(' 1 t J> . Bl'( J:ll.'oh'on, Llo .... d E. I". ,ill. ,"i( l'lt n 'at- ..\. Hill, Carltoll Hill, (i('ol'gl' B. L o\\':\ '<1, .f:t1lH'S C . lin de. 1-. :luI 1{;\\'nH\W 1 Tl('rU:lIHt'z, .., Brad ~h:tw, Ce{'il \Y. Hl':111 III hcrgl'l', .101111 Cnlkin." (1UlJPIl E. en 'H 'dn.·. Rol)p} tV. ('by tOll, (har! " l·~, ( on 01':111. Patl'l{'k 1"'. COl'l'Y, I hOl1la.' n. (11'{),'~ l):n itl 1,... 1'. l)nigh\ hlmo .J. ~ r. Prirai('s lI('utl'l', 1-'\"(1nk ~. 11 l'IHlri. ", ~:l.'"1ll01l<l Ed \\':1 I'd ' -k, L '0'1 O. Bpl'l ndt, LOll i Orin,l Pf'l'kill:. Flo ,<1 \ 111 h1'o. C - -------~- -- 1', .J 011(" Eug 11 Lu<', .1"<1 \. --... ~fol'1'iH p~: :C'{)(, A. Bl'I:1I:1l'd ... r. Bllllyan ncorgiv L. <1, F 1'('(1 .J. 1(<.'<"'('," G('r:dd D. I~('id, Edw:l]'(l \V. HillllllPl'., EI1IIlI·tt T. 1\ 0 I> 'rt .. , _ l' lIul' ~ .. :--. : ! d It· rEd \l1 \111 (1 },' . ~l'h ulz, Lest l't' L ~lllitl1, CIH1'l'lli." ~ t e l'Ill"' l' , () \\' '}1 '1 it 111 :111, U ( raId V. '1oland. Phiiip 'r '"I1lPH ... ki, J nit 11 r't) ", \'illialll \\'. 111 rag 'I, E rlg:l1' • 'It- 11 P:1 n I I'. 'hit , ('1,-<.1(' .J r. \. i II ett. l. 0 1 I 11 1. "\Yi11imn:, Edg:ll' .J, "\\' 00<1, Hom 'I' L. :111' Z~!Hh 'lIko 11':1!'!(,' (', FIRST BATTALIO N Lt. Col. VIRGIL N. CORDERO, CO"lmanding Major LEO C. PAQUET , Executi,·c Officer Captain W ILLARD M. TRUESDELL 1st Lieut. CLARENCE R. BESS, Adjutant " a :2 « COMPANY " A " Captain JOHN E. MEAD, Commaniling Captain GLEN C. JOHNSON 1st Lt. WILLIAM C. FITE 2nd Lt. THOMAS O. BUSH 2nd Lt. CHARLES J. LI'rKOWSKI .. '" ~ ~ t- ~ « ::J Ci a « First Sergeant Stel!! Sergeant Tall'y, Samuel BlII'khaltcr, Jack W. Sel'pcar!is ~ ::r: L.L. 0 :2 Ager, Warren E. Bogie, 'Thomas H. Elings, John Raynes, Ezra F. Konik, Edward P. Lee, Alfred E. Jr. Alexander, Bruce F. 'Black, Aubrey L. Dickson, Robert H . Gebo, Perley Godsil, Kevin A. Grimm, .Tames Helvey, Pink Smith, Edison J. DeMars, Virgil D. Franklin, Clifforn Hardesty, Henry A. Harrington , Joe D. Hofer, Joseph F . Hunt, Grover W. Jellison, Wilbur B. Jolley, Clinton A. La basewski, John Lonergan, .Tamps J. Ludwig, Clarence E. McElhaney, Harold D. Milks, Robert C. Milton, Glenn Nutt, Clarence A. Petrarca, Joseph J. Schiel', Lee A. Adkins, J oReph Angle, Henry Jr. Aragon, James Armstrong Jack Bevilock, Ersel BJU\'ton, Ralph Brasuel, George A. Burton James D. Caizer, John T. Calderone, Thomas G. Campbell, Marvin H. Chambers, 'Fronk D. Charlanil, William H. Christensen, Victor L. Ciecierski, John P. Coats, Clyde A. Collier, Noble C. Crookshank, Jnmes A. C,'o okshank, Sherman E. ClIrry, William C. Dclaney, Frank M. Pacello, Waydenn Ferrell, A lfred FO"d, NOl'lnan C. Fryar, Le\\'i M. Green, David J. GlIelzolV, Clinton L. Hall, Dick R. Hammonds, V!ilbllrn D. Hemphill, Walter H. Horton, Lonie Hukill, Virlril V. Jackson, Robert A. Jarlsberg, Paul T. Jal'l'ett, Chal'lcp W. Jaster, Martin G. Johnson, Cletlls W. Jones, Richard L. Lanning, LewiR H. Lawson, John E. Loomis, Le Roy L . Mnrtin, Vernon A. Martinez, Relph J. Mayo, r'red E. McCall, Plii/ip J . Jr. Mil un, Fronk J. Mortensen, Collis A. Ncsteby, Meld. H. 0 Corporals r:« u 0 ..J «" 'Z >- P"iva! F.S «~ c..f- "'z L1J« Ll. L1Jz a- ..J :;; L1Jt-'" ~ " «2 ::JQ u..J « L1Jf::r:ft-« ace -z :; ~ 0 ::r: '" >t- U aL1J ...J ...J « ~ L.L. 0 ~ ~ ;;: ..J « i2 ~ « Lllpton, Tum H. McDermott, Bernard Sellers, Hemy E. Smock, Claude C. Trevillia n, Jesse O. Wise, P"eston K. Young, Albert E. Fir.~t Clas.~ Shrock, James K. Spl'ingston, William B . Jr. Staunton, Harry G. Triggs, Emory M. Trujillo, Herman C. VilaI', Simon D. West, Ira L. Woods, James L. Privates 21 Kewman, Charles Newman, .Tames E. O'Connor, James O . Ortiz, Fofilo W. Penderg"ass, Eldrage J. Phillips, Charles D. PirJ'zchalski, Edwa,·t1 J . I"'o ~ tor, Cameron P. Prllsak, Leonard J . TI nnl!:"y, Rcnj!llliin .r. R"msey, Albert C. Rllncho, Andrew :--rl,allfll'l,1, H"nUln H. Rchultz, Roy O. Rhults, William E. Simonsell , Junior A. Sumrell. Bertie \V. Swain, l~oy Villiers, Russell L. Wells, R'ilph H . Wright, Emcs t H. "\toung, Elmel' D . Young, Oeol'g~ F.. COMPANY "C" Captain RAM{ EL, Eo JONE~. C'01Jl1Jla1Irii!1f1, Coptnin JAMES .J. O'lJON0V.\N lst LiNIt. JOHN FTLOZOF 2nd Licut. CLYDE C. CHILDRF:SS COMPANY "B", Captain EDMUND W. WILKES, Commanding W. llullhnm 1st Lt Lloyd G. Mllrphy 2nd Lt Rohed K. Camham 2nd Lt (;11:1 rh's 1'. Ely 2nd Lt Elden L. McKown Fir.,! Rr1·.f}C(mt Rinl'7}cl', HalTJ ' E. H()w~n, Elnwr 'f. C:lITivC':(n, Edward T. J.I:lWR , Troy W. • Cmce, Joscph N. j<'l'inl'n, Frank .J. (;ulillski Lco ,J. (;1'01'1', j<;c1\\,nrd HalJ\l\'l1e, James n. A 1I('lle, .Toscph Banks, Pcny B:lnhs, Wnltcr 1:',11. Cliliri CS W. Ihidgc8, Douald W. Cnllins, Ci!:II'lea W. FullrI', Woodrow A. nlt'nSOIl, .T ohn E. GlomI>, Willinm A I>hott, Th eodore D. J\ lo~r c!t" M cleO!' AI"":lnd~I' , Miltoll G. Anna", H~lC R. R;ll·tl, I RpI'nlll'd O. fl" II,Cha rips R,,:ttti~, ' WiJlinm F. B"l·k, floyo H. flpightol, Cn rI ~r. JlI:1ir, Chnril'" L. Roon~, John 1. RI'ight, William M. Britt. Ori~ W. Hro(l~rir k, V I'rnou J. T1urdu~, .Tohn M. Burns, DOlIglns J. • C:llragno , .Tosep h (':Ilk illS, William Cart\\'right, .Tohn P. Chacon, Mnnuel C'onco~', Mike Co\\'nno, Willinm .J. C:l hl, Clnyton G J):Hone, Elmer K. Sniezko, William Twombly, William C. Jr. Wood, George Corporah LYda. Jnme~ A. rvillhoney, William C. 1Ioc1gers, Floycl R. Rogcrs, lynn E. Sherman, Kenneth F. Spangler, Donald A. Terruso, Louis Wood, Clifford M. Privates First Clas8 Hutson, Joe H. Johnson, CloYRe E. J unt'B, J efirey D. Keys, Jospph P. Liszewski, Walter F. L ydn, Fred G. MnA'garn, Jamcs R. McCourt, Eugene J. Jr. 'Renfree, Frederick J. Rodecker, Albr.rt Seidl, Fr·aneis X. Jr. Seymour, Charles E. Stanley, Charlie B. Wnngberg, Ronald T. Wasson. Clydc L. Yates Lawdell L. Privates Dn vy, Dcrwood W. Dickson, Adoulph D. Du hose, Ethan A. Tlnnakey, Ben B. Bighmey, John F. Epple, Arthur M. Pennell, R erno I'd J. Gardner, Charles W. GHnett., H~rold .T. Gentry, Jesse W. Glory, 'rom Hnmmon, Mike D. Hanson. Charles M. Haroldson, Rudolph H. Hayes, Ben F. Hicks, Irvin L. Hlivjak, Frank Tf "ghes, Wood I'OW R. J:lmes, Jock L. .' (lhnson, Ogle T. . fo'y:ler, 'Tommy E. K ,'!ley. Verna on J. !\:"rchum, Paul L .i nebnrg . Carlton R. J Mu I'tin, Henry M. McLain, Armand L. Me<lm~, Procopio 1Ifi~eheJJ, James S. .L\~ OJ'eno, H.u ben MUl'phy, .Tohn F. Nichols, Conover B. Pen\'08C, Irvin Rankins, Roy L . • Redden, James J. Reynolds, John E. Reynolds, Thomas W. Russcl, James A. Sanders, Jack S. Schutz, Homer A. SharpetJ, Russell B. Taylor, Fred A. 'rwogood, Chn rlcs A. Uphoff, Milton M. Walsh, Paul E . Ward, David L . Watkin, Roy Worley, Hebel' R. Young, Leonnrd C. Zimmerman, Rouert C. Attached from other OrganIzations Company .. E " Corporal Stimart, Rene J. Jr. MOITison, Denn J. YlInas8~, 22 Staff Serf/emits Simmons, Ralpli C. lirr!lcant., Abmlt:lm. Auic Cn brn I, J n mes B. Mosley, Bill F . Muzikar, RnIl J. Nnsato, ManSlleto Payne, Auure)' W. Andrew W. Shcrman, Glen N. W:II'd, Glenn F. Corporal., COI.dgon, Edgal' P. Drobek, Peter J. Lnwrenre, Helll'Y D. Matola, John McGowan, Chal'!es Nyman, Gunnard F. Pa\'l'ish, Ralph R. Radollovich, Michael .Relihan, Chnrles R. Terrel, William A. Trumble, Benjamin C. Jr. Weavel', Richard J. Wright, Elliott D . Pri,;ates First Class Broomc, Elgin M. Campbell, Roscoe C. Durachko, Victor W. -"lamhnm, Gernld Flint, Frn11('is W. Johnsoll, Marten L. Latoul'cll, Harold F. Morisette, Kellnctll C. Niekerwn, Andrc\\' E. Oboc1zinski, Ed ward T. Odell, George F. Peters, Charles A. Popielek, Nietck Puro, D~iq _ -RidTIirdson, Charl es E. Rosholt, Willinm G. Simpson, John R. Smith, Jack O. Terry, Raymon E. 'Polline, Burton G. Williams, Virgil D. Zubrzyki, .fuhn S. Pri1lates Acams, Clwrlcs K. Alexandl'Owicz, Edmund C. Bnchelicr, Leo S. Burnhm t, M)Tla 1:'. Bowmnn, Marvin R. Browning, Robert J. Cnmpbel!. WilliaJJ' T. Campos, Jose S. Canllnza • Jesus M. Cnrter, William B. Chapman, Wilfred H. Chi lds, Leslle H. Collum, Richard A. ondos, Jnmes Czajkow ki, John De Foe.• Lester V. DeVIl:csllower, En'in A. Ellman, 8:11!luel F('tzcr, Leo F. Fl'eeman, John liiusO II, Palll D. GO'J\1,,1, Rohel'! T.. Hng~r, Phillip D. Hnl comu, Ezekiel Hmnoek, Yirgle L. HalTis, Roscoe Hilton, Chades M. Holden, Alvin R. How~lI , Leroy J. Hughes, Arches Johanson, Gilbert A. Johnaoll, Virgil Kalil, George Jr. Keller, Hcrman J. J~ally, John G. Lichty, Donald R. Lovclad.y, Ha rvey H. Lukemire, Edwin S. 2Vlecikalski, Chester A. MeLenn, Clair C. Miles, 'F, nncis D. MilpR, Leo H. !lIillel', n:Iymcno E. ~i1kr, Rohert J. Mims, Jolin L. ~icllrl1, Don B. ~onnc'y, L ycll R. .rr. Mnldoon, Chades E. Nchrhass, Hcnry W. Niscwongcr, .Tack B. Z3 P. Oompany Pl'i1late8 ]11[. I I H ollght),.,·, A rtlll\l' C. Cal'i:lnd, 're:> Sergeant .• Leschuk, Michael Loan, Floyd D. Siowni(' k, John W. 808th FirHt Sergeant Staff Se1'geant Sutphin, Irvin R. ~ 1st Licut. CARL II. WALL 2nd Li ""t. CHARL I~S L. 1I 01lG1NS • I N o\'ak, J ohn Pennington, Z. L. Perduc, Jam es R. Peterson Charlcs E. Phillips, Irvin R. Pow~ll, DeHaven Reader, Ed",i n L. Rexrode, Roy D. Roberts, Melvin J. Rod rigues, John SaCC,"naIlO, Joseph . J. Smith, Richard, V. Snyder, James F. Solberg, George W. Southard, Waltel' D. Rtenzlcr, Samuel Ste,ens, Robert L. 1'h011138 , Frnnk C. Vargas, Ch:,r1es G. Ward, JeRHc W. W:>J'dlll:ln, Harry M. ,Vnrr, Jolll1 T. Wllitfol'(l, Clayton R. Williamson, Joe W. Yuarrn, Rosbel S. SECOND BATTALION COMPANY "D" Major RUSSELL ]. NELSON, Commanding Major EUGENE H. VERNON, Executiw Officer Capt. FRED M. SMALL, Asst. Executive Officer 1st Lieut. EARL R. SHORT, Adjutant C:lptain, G. W. FRASER, COnIlIlOr,(/i7l11 COMPANY "E" 1st Lt. C. J. HEFFERNAN 2nd Lt. ROflERT C. EMERSON !!nd Lt. 1st Lt. JOHN R. RICHARDSON 2nd Lt. AlBERT W. ERICKSON MONRor~ D. FRANKLIN Fir.~t Serf/"ant E<!w:1l'(1 J. )[onahan • Captain ARTHUR G. CHRISTENSEN, Commanding 1st Lt. HERMAN G. RAMSEY 2nd Lt. JOHN C. FI'l'ZGEl{ALn 2nd Lt. WALTER J. HINKLE 2nd Lt. ALLAN LAWHON Staff Ser.Qeant Olaf F. Anderson First Sergeant Maxwell Weinstein Stall Sergeant Evlyn Dempsey Sergeants Sp.rueanls Ames, Ensign, R. Arnold, Henry C. Brown, '\<'rnnk M. Jr., Crunk, Homer FOI'sythe, Edmund Hallll'ick, Cecil Metcalf, William St. C., Milliren, Fred H. Cc ~ i1 L. Brand Othello V. Burr Alvin D. Crow Phillip., Horace H. Symezyk, Waltpr J. Wright, Dean M. Kirklan<l. Collie Marrs, Billy .T. Miller, Fmnk V. Powers, Bill D. Provaznik, Cyril M. [oiimmol1s, Leon G. TllOma8, John A. Jr., Harold B. Anderson Uoyd E. BaIt, Jr. Eyron D. Braly Jay Burk Charles J. Butcher Thorne, Gale H. '1'hornton. Lester L. Shimko, Frank H. Wightman, Darrell M. Witzman, John Wynn, William W. Fioretta , John A. Gib1isco, Sebnstain Kline, }'red W. Locke, Lonza P. Manners, Pierce D. Ma7,llrkiewicz, Heury Miller, C. R. Monis, Roy .Tames E. Anderson Joseph G. Blalock Alcide S. Benini 'Frank Brancaticano Floribel·t J. Constantineau Eugene L. Davis Henry H. Dyer Myers, Lloyd E. Nicholson, Wilmer J. Russell, Allen A. Rountree. Larnce M. 8taber, Robert F. Walberg, Arthur B. Welter, Christopher Zmur, Michael , I I Ford, Gporge O. Gaines, Dplmar Gibbon_, EdwnI'd A. Ginn, Francis E. Gregerson, Geol've L. Hamilton. Earl B. Hiehert, King G. Jackson, Albert J. Jensen, James .Tohnson, Joscrh Q. Kr~sal, Eugene C. Lambrecht, Melvin R. Lane, Robert H. Lewis, Robl'rt A. Lewis, Wayne B. McQuade, John C. Millison, Clarence E. Minchl'n Eugenl' J. Moyers, Glenn W. Mrnmol', Rudolph J. Noel, H:.rry O'Lenl, Frank Olson, Harry W. Petrimoulx, Earl W. Phillips, Harley E. Piburn, Frank H. Richards, William R. Ring, Gay R. Rizzo, Guico Rowland, Cohen T. Sanders, Elton W. Sanchez, Daniel R. Seeman, Mark Seiling, Wayne A. Sbibe, Wayne A. Snyder, Dale L. Simcox, Robert A. Taylor, Thomas E. Vnldez, Armando Williams, John P. Wilson, Henry N. Wolf, Jospeh Wroten, Fred W. 13. Colemnn Dyson, Jr. Hunter Kraynanski Lloyd L. Lavalley Theodore A. Maninger Garrett A. Russell Gerald E. Snow Rene J. Stimart, Jr. Walter E. Elliott .J ohn G. Gunn Lawrence K. Hanscom Edgar H. Hayes Gern Id L. Hicks Wa Iter L. Konicky Robert L. Morris George McConnaughhay Elmer Pruitt Raymond V. Shaffer ,Tames H. Stidham Harry G. Truax Enstace Q: Ulshafer James M. Walker Pri1)otes Prit'ates Anl'erson, Don:J1d R. A .... o~· o, Jesns G. Rn k er. J n lIlOS Rnll, Rnssell W. Barnett, Billie D. Rnssett, Hnrl'ey A. En xter, Ea l'I 1,. Biederman, Max H. Boone, John P. Bowlin, Richard BrolVn, Robert H. Brown, John R. C:lI'lon, Frederick Cinnfl'ini, Anthony Coneh, Winforil C. f:nnninghnm, Charles Dny, Roy I •. Devitt, Willialll Dufresne, Josl'l'h Flores, 1..0nie F"eill'rick, Trm·i. P. Freeman, John R. Donald Powell Orville George Privates First Class p,·i1)lJte.9 Fir.9t Cla.9s Adams, John "'. Bakel', James Bliss, Clinton A. Brown, Durwnrd B. C:lin, Mark M. D0110hue, Eugene A. Dundas, I,cmac A. Elliot t, Eugene R. \villis G. I~olwrt.s Joiln R(.• liell Puul J. St efel: Corporals Corporals Dumunski, Martin Estep, Allcn J. Ferrarn, John A. Gilewitrh, Mil·hael Heiscy, Donnld W. .Jenncss, Orcn L. Johnson, William R. .1ospph B. DeCarlo Ho1.ert Donelli • .Tesse M. Adams ,Tack G. Bart Warren M. Bates Harold Benvie James P. Bigham Lacy W. Boyster Francis E. Bryant Isam Butler, Jr. Dail Catterlin Francis E. Chirgwin Ro bert F. Cochran James H. Cody Elton W. Copeland William H. Eddleman Melvin W. Elliott Albert J. Ervin Walter A. Frye Eugene Gamble Donald D. Hampton William L. Hankins Kenneth T. Havins J. D .. Hayes John J. Hecimovich William R. Hill Anthonv J. Hoffman " John R. J ackaon Roy R. Jarvis Richard F. J odeI' George E. Jones, Jr. James W. Jones Donald G. Kincaid Joseph F. Kondrasiewicz Louis Lachman Harry E. Lamb . Virgil C. McCart Domony W. McClintock • David H. McClure Wesley L. McCroy Roy Medley Lawrence 'I. Miller James A. Morgan Harry H. Murphy Kathaniel A. Murphy .rohn M. Neary Earl R. Norenberg Eugene Osborne 'Earl K. Peoples Dan Perreira Wesley A. Peterfish, Jr. 25 • 24 • Rohert W. Pfaff Freddie M. Ray Roland R. Roa rk Pn ul T. Ro berson Ramt.el R. Robertson Rudolph Rodrigues Orren C. Ross Angelo R. Russo Charles F. Saksek Bruce H. Saycrs Wallace D. Simmons Clinton F. Shen Thomas E. Sliger Delos W. Stetler 'E"prett H. Stigge Harry A. Stone. Ogden O. St.ringer Oscar M. Swepston GeOl·ge S. Talley Austin D. Teague Henry A. Thurman Albert F. Tresch Paul H. Vail Charles R. Welch I COMPANY "G" C~l't~in COMPANY "F" C:optu:n LLOYD C. MOF}'lTT, Commanding 1st Lt. George E. Porter, .J r. 2nd Lt. \\'illinm T. Olson 2nd Lt. Newton L. Mathews, .Jr. 1st Lt. Dean R. Wood 2nd Lt. Eugene B. Conrad 2nd Lt. Howard W. Hansen H. M. PABL, C",,,,,,,,nding 1st Li cl,t. John 1. Prny 1st Lieut. Kenneth O. Bench 2nd Licut. IJ,,"ing J. Broknw 2nd Lieut. Cecil It Welchko First Sergeant Staff Sergeant Daniel Proctor Herbert Rochester Sergeant .• First Ser.lJeant Staff Sel'peant .T:omes W. Evans Adkins, Lee George R. Brndshnw Hugh A. Hacker Cleorge T. Holmes 8ergeants .\rsennult, Fal> A nstin, John E. Bigelow, .James };. C!lTito, Russell Higginhothnm, James C. Hilinski, Edwl!rd R. Dail D. Rukol'in8ky, Andl'ew 1'. Corhrnn, Juli:1n T. Hawley, Edwnrd D. MeElfi~h, Cllllrles W. Nicolal'di, Peter .J. Ollen hrett, Joseph J. Rowley, Charles W. ~cl'uhy, Rohert Bnrtlcski, Myron Brown, Alexand('r Bunga, Joseph .J. C;chula, Josef Ciements, Ernest };. C.>m b8, Verlin Edwards, Osr:I>' S. P()iey, Ch:orles .J. Ford, Mervin L. Frnlick, Burton Gillis, James L. Gordon, Alhprt R. Grabowski, Leo J. Hnrrison, HalTY Hnrtmen, Theodore H. Herbert, Harry T. Huddleston, Loyi! Reiley, Eugen~ L. S hafsky, Francis T. Shannon, Frank C. Smit.h, Carl Solomon, Paul E. Wallace, Joseph A. Privates First Class Rnutson, Melyin L. Leahy, Joseph A. Mandy, George E. Martins, John Ouellette, Raymond L. Rucker, Paul W. Snell, Lloyd L. toe Laer, Robert D. Wells, Arthur Pri1:atea Armcllino, John J. Arwood. Walter O. Reck, Travis T. Blnnk, Rnlph F. Bl'llnseh, Edward Brown, Pnul C. Ruehdg, Elmer C. Cnvender, Rol)('rt R. Chadwell, Chllrle. Chdstensen, Charles M. Clnrk. Alton B. Cont('s, Joseph H. Dnvii!son, 1'om J•. Dnyis. ChnrJie G. DIIYis, Jnspcr, Jr. Dn~', Joseph Denton, Arthur L. Derker, Pnul Eo Dills. WiJlnrd H. ))olski, Pf'ter P. Dufle\'. Elmcr C. Dyer, ·Hllr,..,11 D. F"ltr, George E. L: Goforth, Donn Id H. Graham, Robert J., Jr. Greenberg, Mnx M. Haney, Alban Hough, William V. Hultgren, Earl M. .Tones, Charlie R. Jones, Elmer J. .Jordan, .TMk P. Lendcr, Hnrry Lo,'e, William R. Maloy, Joseph R. Mnnion, Renneth B. Mnrceljn, Vineent S. Massi, Andrew McBI'ide, .J. B . Miller. John Mitehell, Jimmie E. Morin, Ro~er A. Muniz, Felix Nnnre, TrumAII Phillips, Enrl Pierson, Lester 26 Joseph ReveJia Henderson B. Walsh John T. Wislock i Corporals T.mveI'Y, John X. PheJp~, Cbnrles W. Shirk, George L . Clarence R. Bem'er H ~nry L. Croft William H . Driscoll Perry .T. Dunn Emil J. Duzer RLhllrd C. Gnlloway Delmar D. Gilderslceve Owen L . .Tones Robert E. Landry Gordon M. Bailey Robert R. Bartlett Jeremiah Collins Arthur A. Clemenson 'J'homas A. Duffey Hnymond Eklund Bernnrd R. Cirzyb'HI',ki 'Tholllas A. Hammolltree George H IlSSOll Amold R. Hunter Stn nley P. Jones Willimn D. Jnhl, Jr. Geol'ge O. Kingstad Roy L. Knight Walter J. Lanphier Edmond A. Mnrbr Corparals B~i1cy, Stephen Mnserick Thelton B. McDougle Andrew Prevuznak Pylant, Cecil R. Quick, Lee J. Ramsay, Ivan E. Robles, Alexander C. Russell, Everett L. Rutledge, Tillman J. Scott. Phillip E. Smalley, vernon C. Smith, Clootus O. Smith, Ulysses E. Sparks, Thomas M. Spencer, Paul R. Spratt, John C. Tafolla, Antonio A. Tarsa, Henry M. Tash, James R. Van Winkle, Frank F. Wallace, Leon H. W'llch, Allrt!d R. Wise, Angelus E. Worrell, Morris R. Wyntt, Edward D. Zuhil', Joaepb R. J. Martin Ernest C. Oatcs Edward F. Pieczonka Western Price Curtis L. Sizemole Privates First Class William L. F. McLnughlin Lcst!'r O. Miller Arthur E. Peters .John B. Reynolds ~:I u) Ru 1Jenst~ill W.alter Smith LN' B. WiJJtnlllsun Jack P. Zinn Privates Antonio Alvaro Charles R. Baron Michael R. Boron Albert H. Brickman George L. Bulloel" Jr. Woodrow Byrd Rossell CArrillo Edward Carpenter Or:1n J. Childs 13ruce B. Cohb Prnllklin O. Davis .Tamc" G. Denton .Joe C. Denny ~(r"'vin W. Denny George K. Eriehol1 James Vi. Fu!'e)' 'am D. Flora . .loseph A. UalTison Herbert P. 'joss, Jr. Jay A. Grnham Louis H. HarriM .Joseph C. Hauser Marion F'. H enderson Jay L. Hendricks Stanley H. Herbert Edward F. Hlavinkn George H oechc l'l Loui_ B. J:ltkson Leo L. Ring Arthur L. Knox Emil H. Ko~lhel Bernard C. Ropelkr '1'hom:lS \\'. Kopper r;mnnnel Korn .Tohn .J. Kowalc'ld Olice '1'. L,nen\'e [(pnneth F. Lntlll'op John H. Littrell '1'1'(',1' R. Lon{r8n .Joseph C. Mnl~Z()i1e Mnnuel D. Martinez George W . Mayo Bohby 1/. McCwl'en lbymon,d .f. MrNulty Herlllnn E . Milps Knrl E. Mjller Donald M. )(ichols ' fltllnl~t P . 'ogntel< Peter OluRurznk 27 .J oseph .J. Petl'osius Harry O. P";ce Guy H. Pritchard, Jr. ::;nlvntore Puzzo"ghel'a William C. Quel'l WOI·d F. Hcdshnw Douglas J. Heed Glenn B. Rigdon Itoi>crt O. SC('lt, JI., Robcrt Sinlmons "Richnd E. Swank Albcrt L. 'J'ay!or Floy,1 D. 'I'aylor LeOllard W. Taylor .J essie V. Toliver 80nrnd E. ' r" otter Fredir O. Weatherington Joseph A. W~nt~(k Oscar L. Whitmire Joseph L. WiEinmsun .)esRe A. WilMUII Thomas D. Wilson Hal'l·cy D. Yager' Jack P. Yngcl' THIRD BATTALION Lt. Col. MALCOM Y. FORTIER. CommanJing M ajo r CHRISTIAN HILDEBRAND. ['~cc uri<ie Officer 1st Lieut. JO HN W. TH OMPSON, Adjutant COMPANY "H" Captain H. W. VOLC'KMANN, Commanding lst Lt. DWIGHT T. HUNKINS 1st Lt. GOHl>ON A. UTKE 21/(1 Lt. ROBERT K. MAGEE 2nd Lt. WALTER S. STRONG 2nd Lt. GRAHAM S. MALLETT COMPANY " r" ('nptnin JI'IARf'IlALL I-I. Hr ::T, .11" .. {llil/ '/lHlUdil/f/ 1st 1.1. (lJ-;OH(;Jo; P. l'f NN I': U , l ,t. Lt. EVBRE'I"1' V. ?ilEA Tl 2 nd Lt . W.~L'I'ER I';. ()'HHIEN , .J1'. 2nd Lt. GEORGE C. ('A LA!'> First Sergeant ~iiller , BlIl'inca, Ste\'en L. Gilmore, Rnymond H. Hickox, Earl A. Jr. Eric Rrr{l('cmls Freel, Raymond A. Sergeant, McCaa, Burwell B. Powell, Luther C. Pugh, Donald M. St. Germnin, Orel C. A Icxander, Willinm Sullivan, Robert E. Walk, Earl F . Williams, Carl J. Corp()ra/II Rogl'nrl. Heimie Cole, Clyde D('nn, Fred E. Ekhnrdt, George J. Jr. Englehart. Sterling G. Flnnten, Harold N. Friend, Basil C. Gamer, Natbun L. Hicks, Carl Horn, William W. Meredith, Edgar U. Nance, Paul C. Neigum, Gotlieb G. Outzen, Harris J. Ragan, Robert E. Sirbaugh, Charles A. Steed, James H. Sweeney, Michael M. Walsh, John E. White, William J. Privates First Cia II.' A bbott, Corbin W. Broome, Woodrow W. BUl'inda, John P. Carrotti, Angelo Cline, Willard C. Cole, Brownell H. CrawfOl'd, Jes8e M. Daubenspeck, Clnt'ence Duquette, Allthony M. Jr. Frank, John L. Handte, John Hayes, Amos I. Jr. Hendon, Clifford D. Hurtienne, Milton H. Kincaid, Dew\'y Kunik, Martin L. Liebgott, John D. Nichols, Woodrow W. Pittman, Henry D. Prusko, Joseph Robbins, Leonard F. Schmidt, Louis J. Seaton, Richard B. Seger, Alfred P. Strong, Carl E. Timberlake, Roscoe E . Wilson, Woodrow Private, Abbott, Howard Bnrkley, Syl"ester Bernhardt, William Bressie, Je8se A. Rurks, John C. Carrico, Clnrence Cnstillo, Herman B. Colon. Edwin F. Cmig, Jewel D. Da"is, Leo F. Edwards, Leo F . Fnninn, Benjamin Fuseliel', Andrew W. Gerlitz, Hllrry Heaton, Ernest D. Helm8, Jame8 G. HendrickR, Snmuel Higgin8, JRmes J. Holeomb, Lionel. Honeycutt, Leroy H . Jr. Hou8kie, Clnrenfe Jones, Kenneth C. ]{nlel', Yalley H. Keck, BUl'tran M. Kelch, Albert M. L.1ake, Leon R. LeMaster, Harvey P. Lnngenhnhn, Howard L. Lawler, Lee E. Lewarchik, Paul L. Lea8e, Monroe S. JJong, Jessie F. MRI·tinez, Lazaro McDonough, Donald H . McLean, Gerard E. McPherson, Sullivan H. Mollohan, Orvel R. Moore, James G. Nelson, Leon W . Nickols, Victor O. Nowak, Aloysuis W. Ortego, Nicolas R. Patman, Lonnie E. Phillips, Clyde W. Pierce, John K. Piper, Hugh E. 28 S('I' ,I/f'(LIII .lll\·all, :J01111 Ro""rt. K Staff lIergcaftts F;~khal'dt, Sfft!! Fi"st Srl'!I('an I Stone, Harry P . Porcella, John R. Purvis, Harold D . Ramey, Emmett G. Reed, Vernon C. Ricci, Joseph P. Richard, Robert Y. Riley, Rober-t L. Roam, Paul. Rodgers, J obn S. Russell, Hillis L. Savini, Frank J. Sirfus, Charlie Snyder, Harold C. Stacy, James G. Stanko, Steve J. Sweeney, Wilburn J. Torkelson, Wallace E. Van Almen, William J. VetI8, Eugene E. Wakeman, Clifford W. Warr, Franklin O. Wiltse, Frank Woodman, Arthur L n. 'Rnllel', Chnrl~s Bennett, Dominic W. Byrne, Pa tr ick Gibhins, K ('n nl,tl, A. Ellis, Burton C. 1' 0",~l1, Ea rI C. S I' :IIIl'II,'. TheoU(II'l' ""hiltl, Tom Cnrl'om/" Brngn, George F . Chnndler, L ell' ell F. Duvnll , ,Tames K Marner, Hemy W. Marsh, Keener B. Murray, Lester N. o 'Nen l, Boh H. Pryor Kenl1c'"h E. Pr~Yh;.sl:l\\'ski, Wlnd)'sJnw Beaver, Oren C',n ndl cl', Merle L. Cohrn, I sn dorc Combs, .Tnmes A. Crnllc, Pc·ter R: Dcns, Normnn G"yrl<'r, Wilson C. Githc,,". Edll':ll'(] n. Horenstie", Enol R. J ackson, Glenn E. KelT, George J . Magdon, Bcn ~fuff, Eugene A. t\'o,"ali, Hll IIl'Y A. P"ttel·snll. ,Tallll's P. Presnall, En'el F. H!lsscll , Don:\ld K. Rt:lI l1l11 , H aro ld 111. TUIll:lIll:v~t A lltlJ onr Tl'c~lIIicwski) Bd" ,'U l'c1 H. Whi te, Wallcr H . J> ri1la t tN 'First Clas., Polnnrpo, Dennis P. fli cha l'd, Theodol'e Robinsoll, Clinton Rnydel', Dellsel 'r. Hun('s, .J :lmes II. Rt('Vl'II>, n ('I sltd .r. 1''''yJOI', Vnll K rrCl'ry, R:llnll:d r. p,.;vatrs TIl'ilXt.Oll, H:ll'ry Camp bell , Rnymollo ECn n , ,Tc~sie G. Cnstor, HnlTey P. Chnpmnn , Rny \Y. Clnrk, Donnld L . Clement, .Tnmes M. Clollinltel', Dn"id n. Cook, H:l1'1'Y Dads, Bnkrl' V. DeKoeb, Edward DeITY Arlhur L. Dowli:'It, Leslie R Ensl('l' Mnr~hel D. Bdiso'n'. lI·t ark Jo'llis nol ,ert F.. Ex(·(\~n, Lf'on:ll'd n. Fnitl ,. Walt('r Gilhert, Lrs ic A. Gilliam, Cn],'in J. Grnre, Edgar L. Or(' gor)" Loren .T. Hen], Mae JI il1ker, Richard H. Jrrinc, Wyatt H. Kit.cl,ens, Willnrd Kllskie, Glen K L a Roqlle, Andrew Lnvelle, Frnnci_ L. L emnnski , J ohn R. },elll'qllin, John H . L ewis, Alfred Liringston. Dnrid W. LO"pl:,ce, Willinm J . Lo"clndy. Leon L. Lux. R~lljamin Mnrl'on. CUI'!is V. Mnrx, Cl)' le F. Mnki, Al'thnl' O. 1I lce" nn , .Tohn -'f··Dolllt" I, D:"'icl ~fillcl', Glenn D . ~fille,', James A. ~ Ii lliken, Jimn~i(' !'>. '\fitl'ekevirh, Felix P. Murphy, Fl'ank ~fllrph:-, Jo eph C. Nalezynsl;i, Alexan,1el' F. 29 ;\c'al. n. W. Np\\'nl:lll, John D. Pet l'ose, Antholl'y M. Phela n, .Tolin .Pot";s, John F. Preganz. Michnel QI';lIn, Fost(·,· L. Roc' II (,I', Lawrence, E. RolleI', Gaines B. Reitz, Bill Slrtnghtel'bnck, J. B. Smith, 1"1'('(1. D. ~nyi!er. Geol'ge A. !'>pn ngll"', '~'illi"m E. Rtew:lI't, Clin rles L. Rt ·'''':lI't. Ho',p,-t P. !'>tohnngh. 1\'olnn G. E:nl G. TlIl'llrl', lfollst011."E . rr:1\'}OI'. r.lIH'st 'TlI·III'1TI'II1. \Vn1i{('r. (;:1,"1011 ~. White, Kenneth • COMPANY "L" (-"pt:li1l C. 1. fll'?>I1H:n. 1'0"",,,,,.(1;11 11 COMPANY "X" 1st Cal'tain C. J. BROWNE, Commanding (';Iptain G. H. Peets Jr. 1st Lieut. C. M. Talbott 2nd Lieut. J. M. La\'o 2nd Lieut. G. W. Wylie 2nd Lieut. D. W. Griswold ~JI(I Lit'lit. H. A. Martin Fir.,! Sergcant naris, William F. n. Hoft'lIIauu, F,.",wis P. Mallettc, J:>m,'s 1. D:I\' is, .J. B. Huggins. Edgar U. Rpcers, Thomas Heib, Harley F. Long, James R. Sh6rota, Edwat'd W. /' ;"S/ ,I H. Lil'lIt. 11 ..\ . Hu,h,· A rmstrong, Doyle R. Collins, William R. Jr. Gure, John Pl'terson, Milton F. Bc:tycn. Denver F. (;o_twa, Joseph G. Herr, Harry P. Jr. Poratoski, Walter Tempia., El'I1est Crook, Wesley W. Evans, Herhert McK. Jones, Rohe,·t L. Lewis, Morris F. Michalak, Edward C. Pitts, Thomas M. Rtout, Jesse E. 'Tucker, Carl E. Walkcr, Friedman H. C. To:. Clegg .1. H . Jon es 1, Lopez Lit,"t. \\' . .J. Tooh-.Y I Sf' t[l('(1n I ,1. P. 1-'1 •\'lIn Wid",.ynski .1. 1<. LII h ilia n F. F. Rosa C. E. Rontson H. Sto\'rr .T. A. TU\\,Ilt'r W. W. Whitc Corporals I';. Dupree W . .T. Gardner H. W. Garrett L. Y. Heller R. . W. M. B. D. Huggins Koit Eo May M. Na\'ullo J . F. P:t~riak .J. W. R ohc ,·td H . Simrkin .1. A . 'raft T. E. Wntson p,·it·al es First Class R. S. Alt Dallpern, :rohn G. Gibson, Eugene Kaminskas, Petcr P. McCaulley, Frank B. Myers, Anol L. Richey, William T. Rikola, John G. Umbaugh, George W. Staff S,II'gco.'nt ~lId SCrOfal' t.' 1. Privates Fi,·.;t Class Rancs, Charles Dllnn, James W. liod"k, Rtanle.v .T. Kelley, Jamcs W. McLanghlin, Emory W. O'Donnell, Oscar J. R"'lers, Bnrtoll Tamulevi('h, Anthony R. • H. nOlll' Corporals A IIcn, Charles D. lll'llmhack, Ellller D. Hrccr, Leslie J. Hlllnplll'ics, John C. Schmidt, Hcrmann G. ~lId Staff Sergeant J ones, Henry S. Sergeants TIro\\,(')', Dauit'l 1.il'ut ~. W . TIMM EI{MAN C. R . Cannon P. .r. Chnmonte T. T. Cydylo ';If. A. Engess~l' M. Ferrell Jr. •1. T . Gleason n. E. Hedlund J. It. Henderson C. H. Kennedy C. O. Hinton S. Kraozewski S. Kupinski J. Meredith C. H. Nelson [11. J. O'Hara .r. O. Onifer H. D. Phillips C. U. Quinn Vi P. Rucket· Jr. R. J. Sewell H. L. ~mith A. P. Soyka D. \\'. St~nley • R. B. Toney J. C. 'T r<'Tlt B. .J. \Vodka Privates P"ivates I I Aaron , .Jamcs L. A nd" eo ttola, Ramu('/ J. CalIal",n, (,Ilarles L. ('alldill, Panl A. Davie, Patri('k A. Dreger, Fonest F. Bdwards. Edward N. Flame, P,·ter M . Harza. Willic L. Hillison, Edgar R. .rnrkson, J::WH'S M. .Joncs, Edwtlrd .r. Lokcy, Harold E. M;l<'Lauglin, .Ja (·k H. MeKel', Han'('Y L. M":tns, Dalc J. Mills. Lonnic F. Monison , Edg:lr M. O'Tonh'. Warrcn R. ~l'I"\';tI·tz. Adloph R. ~1:lWt'k. ~lIIit. h, Wnltt'r R. William .J. Torti, (,h;lI'lps J. White, ?fondell Yeagl'r, Taylor J. Anilerson, Ceeil H. Barnhart, Nevin W. Capc, Jack Cook, George D. deMcnn , },;dward W. Dutkiewicz, Frank T. Eneriz, Manuel A. Flowers, Daniel L. Hay, Cccil H . Hulbcrt, Jay W. Jedlicka, Emil Larick, Charles A . Longknif<', Joseph Mansficld, Thurman O. ?feKce, Homer C. Mirhl'l, Ralph E. Jr. Milton, Jackson T. Mooneyham, Jerrell B. Palmer, James J. Hiegel, J ftC k Sord, Charles J. T:tylor, Howard E. Walker, Paris E. 30 Anderson, Malcolm J. Bl'Own, Dewey Casto, Wallace Curtis, A "nold R. Dietrick, John R. liunning, Clayton G. Ferguson, Frank J. Fulkrod, John H. Howard, Raymond .7. J ockolne, Joseph J. Jenson, Edwin A. Light, Vincent A. T.oyal, .Toe VI'. Mnrcum, Erwin R. McPherson, John F. Mieczkowski, Rtanley M;o l'I'is, Lee M. MYfJ's, Mevlin J. Pa tterson, W iJlin m II. IIIpson. Bruce L. auffer, Lee E. '~l'ylor, 11'3 W. Walters, Joseph Wilson, J nmes B. Zinn, Victor H. • I V . A [tlord :r. Alexander .T. Armstrong C. C. Bonks B. R. Book P. .f'. Bridgeman R. L. Ca llahan F. E. Chapman ,r. R. Cheslin G. H. Clark ,1. W. Cramer Jr. W. N. Dahn H. D. Dieke:v .r. 'r. Domanski E. B. Draper 1'. G. Earp p Economopolos B. A. :Ennis W. Forte G. Gentry W. J. Hein~ecius W. H. Hunter P. C. Imperialc D. 1". Ingle T. W. Jones H. King R. E. Lee R. S. M3rlatt R. B. McCluskey A. W. McKenzie G. H. MeYers R. H. :Monroe .1. :!If orga n C. }' . Mott J 1' . .T . J . MUl'I'ny O. B. Mvers . M. P. Nackley J. J. Newtnnn W. H. Noel F. J. O'Donnell C. G. Pinnington T. J. Reid - R :E. Hughes 31 1<. J . :k,m s h a \I' J. Rey nola. M. R. Rodgt rs K C. Sampi 'r. J. Skowronski L. R. Slay A. G. Smith r.:. . mith H. E. Sm ith F. H. Rhllnper n. J. Stanevirh H. }; . 'tcven J. W. Stewa,t G. W. Sto "er G. H. Suttle O. F. Sutton J •• .1. \V rIll' J. C. We"lp W. D. Whitlow C. F. Wulf J. Zeligson D. Zucca . y . __ __ === iC* ** =~=~=_.c~--_=~- ~ 1(.. GOD BLESS AMERICA COMPANY " M " ( ': 'I,I:lill ~!ERRJ('I\ Jr . THrLY , ('rJ1lI111Q1l(Un!l 1st 1.1. ~,,,I 1.1. TII()~r.I>; TII()~f..I>; I' . III·;U. 11' . >;1'1 (' 1-\AI{]) \Vhile the storm clouds gather GO~ZALER (.':'I,t:';11 .J ERRY O. Far across the sea, 1s t Lt. WILLIAM R. NEALSO;-; ~lId Lt. J A ~ES Le t us swear allegiance R. T UGGLE F irsl ,..,', (quill! Slaff S ergtant ";:IIIIt'st C. Fuulltain Otto Jensen To a land that's free; Let us all be grateful For a land so fair. As we raise our voices Sr'l',r;callt,y HI! !'I IiI Ilk I .J 1 ' :-l~'H.' 1\ I'l l. .J:t 111( ''\ I). l\ i",·I. ,\1:1' Ll'nt!., TIIIIIII:I!) ,1 [ :1 ttio Ii , .J oseph I' il'olo, ~:lII(l y E, RIIO:ld('s, en l\'in A, (', ('. I), Smith, J a mes V n n Niman. \\'e noell P . Wngoner, By,'on L . Zobe l'bier, Roy ~1d;I'"t!" ~f"I'LiIl 1\cff, !I:lI' I'Y M. 1\ys, Nel':lsti:ln, .J. O"ks PI'I',I P OOl.' Wi 1Ii:r "' p , HosC'lIft' Jr. ('"stnn.! S,' I! II It" TT:II'1"',r .T. (',,"'" 101(','. ~''':I Ilk .T. Fit,j"I,,;. lI ("'II"'" O. 1·'11 .. 1i,·k. 1"" 111, ,, I) , )'(':ld:lI''':llIoI, lI o":I .. d II. ),ill" .,', ] ["11"." !" Stand beside her and guide her, S el"vn I'tz, Cal'l :::lhenette, H enl'y A. Skillnel', H a l'l'y J . Strout, DUl'wood TI!ol'nsbeI'Y, Jim M . Vicllcux, Edwal'd "Vilson , Mnrlin W, Thru the night with a light from Above; From the mountains, to the prairies. To the oceans white with foam, God Bless Ametica t-.1r home sweet home. 1', ira t f's F i n,d Class f:1:lil, .J:11111'<'; ,I. 1:/,,,.:h:,!ll, j 11111"1111,111" (';/ri·f) II . noll II. ('ho:d ,'. j·'r;lIlk L. j'j(H'('i:I, ('liS . 11:I ..d.;(,U, IL II IIlIt. Ft ' IT:1)':I. (;r<':-;~1 :--::lI\':ltll l't' L. fl l'r1I(,l't \V . \r. 1:(' lIll :u'k, .Johllll\" N.,I IIlIidt. HI) 11':1 I'll 1(. Eclw:lrri P 'ill,ith, A "th II I' J-;, ~ki llllC'l', P. l,itl<,lsOII , A 1'11,,1,1 1/:111", .1:111"" L. (;"1111 ;1111 R,tY1l101Id (;. ':. J';li/., \\"illi; , 111 ( 'hi. k ('IIII-dllg":III I , '1'110111:11) nil filS God Bless America Land th at I love, COl'porai,y n:lkt·l', i{OIH '1"1 L. ('"thrall, Pitn! L. In a solemn puyer, ~t:ll'llt'8, (,l IHl'll's .J. HII:-i~n, A ngelo I~. >;: 11"I"illi , 1';dll':ll'<1 A. * II~. H"e lly, H"YIllO'HI L. A. '::'holllpson, Fl'edl'ricl, Velett, Hol!crt ~;. Weeks, Hobel't H , .'tCC\'CS, JlIJnl'S iI. 31st U, S. INFANTRY MARCH We're a Yankee clan in 1'l'ivatr .. •\ IlIS/.,I' • .f a"', \r. 1: :ll d, (:('01',1.:'<' fr. IlI :II', S:lIIfo .. ,l ,J, nIO:\!I :lld, H:t\, Ir. I!od\', Hol'(Il't .J. I ~o\\: 1 ill • • 1:1111(',", (' , IhoWllillJ! . Ir owanl \V , hl',rnnt, All(l n.'w T. ('Iillrl! , ])011:11,1 W , ('Of('I', r .. :1 T. Cv \\'g'ill, R:!ll'iI R. Cntsillg('I', H()Il~l'l' )'L J.:ldl'iogt" Willi,,", L. 1'I'l'lIstr:l, RObel't 1'. f;~ld , El'ne.t T. Gi l'''l'(l , Elmel' H . ('r:1I1(1, In'illg (;I'iffin, CI:ll'cn rc Eo Hnlhel'ill , Nenl E. Hnycs, JnlllPS F. Henke, Albel't C. Hetze, GU8tnf TTi('k ll 'j!ho tto!l1, .\ lid"",,' .T, H Ol'te ll , ,T:l y )of. .Tal'iscl" AIr.- d E.J"",,S. Alhe "t A, .TI', .TIlIII()Il\'il le, Pet(II' P. 1\.(\ hol't , Lpn- is E. Lcl)IIr , Ll oyd E. Lt'(', OWl'lI R. Lillgner, M:lJ'\'in .J. L o ng', Dwight W. M" o lll'n, Roh(' l't .1. )1cClcJJ:llld , Jim R. Mr DoII'eli . Willinm A. Miller, Chorlc8 E. Miller, Mnl'eU8 Mock, Willinm E. Moore, Myron G. MO I'gron, MnxwelJ E. Mortimore, Buford E. Mnl':1skin, B ell .T. Oleon , Thoma8 H . P:llnter, Johnnie W. 32 :l foreign iand proudly we will stand, Becau,,, we're in the Thirty-First, Picl'('~', TSlIflC n. P od e,y n, .fo'1'~del'ick r:. P onzio, Angelo E . Prollt, Philip W, Rn;VI,ol'l1, Brod" Rhodes, Hnl'l'Y K. Rynn, Thomns J. S lezak, ,John Jr. Sto rk, Dorrell D. Tntl'O, Charl es F. Tilley, Estell V, Tobin, Edwnrd J , Travel's, Robert J. Tuley, John A. Van Arsdale, John D. Wnde, Floyd R. Wickmnn, Charles W. Wire, RU8sei T. Wolf, Frederick J. Wo~d, Jack W . Zacinjalec, Charle8 D. Zayncr, Paul P . n. ·'\(lit.h Ot.;} 3(c1nd:lru:; high we will ...-10 or tilt: nc·'ei' rr.!rt'iOl' \vhy, BeC""S~ we're in th.:: Thirty-First. 'We went to Russir. to lick the Bolshevik, And then in Shangh ai we did o u r little bit. So we'll carryon with a cheerful song ever brave and strong, Because we're in the Thirty-First. +: ==~==~~