Gunwharf Quays Leasing Brochure


Gunwharf Quays Leasing Brochure
A P r e m i u m D e s t i n at i o n
t h e l e a d i n g p r e m i u m r e ta i l o u t l e t i n t h e U K
Uniquely situated in a harbourside location on the South Coast of
England, just 90 minutes from London, Gunwharf Quays welcomes
8 million guests annually to experience the best premium brands,
world-class customer service and a diverse catering offer.
With an unrivalled approach to redefining the premium retail
experience, we offer a truly exclusive opportunity for shoppers and
brands alike in one of the most unique environments in retail in the UK.
P r e m i u m R e ta i l
A n e v o lv i n g d e s t i n at i o n
With a strong selection of leading premium, national and international
brands, our offer continues to evolve. Over the past two years
we have invested in the centre and transformed our retail mix which
has led to strong sales growth with a number of our retailers trading
in excess of £1,000 per sq. ft.
Using our expert knowledge, insight and passion, the team at
Gunwharf Quays continue to work collaboratively with our tenants to
understand their strategy and requirements to deliver an unparalleled
shopping environment for both our brands and visitors.
Dine w ith us
An Unrivalled Experience
Gunwharf Quays provides a varied catering offer with over 30
different bars and restaurants for dining from
breakfast through to dinner.
From the relaxed French cuisine of Brasserie Blanc, the
cosmopolitan Italian experience of Carluccio’s, to the traditional
taste of Loch Fyne, and picturesque views across the iconic
Solent, we offer an unrivalled food experience in one of the
country’s most stunning environments.
a d e s t i n at i o n
Leisure for the stylish shopper
With a multi-plex cinema, casino and hotel, Gunwharf Quays
encompasses a distinctive lifestyle experience where guests
stay longer and spend more.
T h e G u n w h a r f Q U AY s
Ex per ien ce
e xc e e d i n g e x p e c tat i o n s
We pride ourselves on Gunwharf Quays being a destination
that delivers the high expectations of the premium shopper.
Every shopper is our guest, and we invest in research to
ensure we understand their needs and aim to deliver an
exceptional customer experience.
A landm ar k
A D e s t i n a t i o n i n i t s Ow n R i g h t
Situated on the South Coast of England, Portsmouth
attracts millions of visitors a year, with Gunwharf Quays
being the key draw for the area.
Set on the picturesque harbour front, with its own marina
next to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, we recognise the
opportunity to offer visitors a unique experience in one of
the most iconic locations in England.
Over the next five years the city will welcome significant
investment to further advance its position as a hub for
international and domestic tourists.
Dr iv e
High Wycombe
80% of shoppers live
within 104 minutes
Population within
1 hour drive of centre
k e y fa c t s a n d f i g u r e s
50% of shoppers live
within 32 minutes
G u n w h a r f Q u ay s i s p e r f e c t ly s i t u at e d to d r aw s h o p p e r s f r o m
a w i d e r c atc h m e n t. T h e a r e a h o s t s a n e x pa n s i v e r a i l n e t wo r k
and is in close proximit y to the A3 from London.
Kingston upon Thames
miles from
Central London
minute direct
train from London
Wat e r lo o
OVER 1 2 0 U n i t s
15 0 0
Car parking spaces
Haywards Heath
12 0
Bognor Regis
g r ow t h i n r e ta i l
sales density
unique annual
Pat h I n t e l l i g e n c e 2 0 1 4
425,0 0 0
outlet centre
T h e B i gg e r P i c t u r e
L a n d S e c u r i t i e s R e ta i l P o rt f o l i o
Gunwharf Quays is the outlet shopping centre-piece
of the Land Securities retail portfolio comprising
shopping centres, retail parks and leisure schemes
across the UK, attracting in excess of 300 million
customer visits every year.
C o n ta c t s
Gemma Dew
020 7024 5133
M o s ta fa S b i t r i
0207 317 3720
Julian Head
020 7408 9409
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
J a ck B u sb y
020 7024 5487
Ian Kitchen
0207 317 3707
[email protected]
[email protected]
l a n d s e c u r i t i e s r e ta i l . c o m
g u n w h a r f - q u ay s . c o m