2016-2025 Capital Plan - Lehigh County Authority
2016-2025 Capital Plan - Lehigh County Authority
LEHIGH COUNTY AUTHORITY ALLENTOWN, PA 10-YEAR CAPITAL PLAN ALLENTOWN DIVISION 2016-2025 SEPTEMBER 2015 LEHIGH COUNTY AUTHORITY 10‐YEAR CAPITAL PLAN 2016‐2025 INDEX Page Introduction Water Department Summary Project Details WasteWater Department Summary Project Details 1‐3 4 5‐24 25 26‐38 LEHIGH COUNTY AUTHORITY ALLENTOWN DIVISION CAPITAL PLAN 2016 – 2025 SUMMARY The Allentown Division Capital Plan (Plan) is a ten-year plan that covers the years 2016 through 2025. The Plan includes water and wastewater projects to assure facility / infrastructure reliability and to comply with the Lease required projects. It also includes projects and studies deemed necessary by LCA, where the latter will identify and evaluate upgrades and improvements that will be incorporated in future Capital Plans. The Lease requires that LCA submit a 5-year Capital Plan to the City for review and approval which is incorporated within the Capital Project summary tables. The projects identified in the Plan fall into to two primary categories, those funded by LCA and those funded by the City, with the latter further categorized as Administrative Order (AO) projects and Uncompleted Work (UW). AO Projects: This includes projects necessary to bring the City’s wastewater system into compliance with the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Administrative Order to eliminate Sanitary Sewer Overflows / By-passes at Outfall 003 of the wastewater treatment plant. Pursuant to the Concession Lease Agreement (Lease) the City is responsible for making all decisions related to this work; and for funding said work. LCA is responsible for the execution of the work. . UW Projects: This category includes projects that the City’s expected to be completed before the Lease began, but were not completed prior to the Lease start. The City and LCA reached an agreement providing that LCA will manage these projects but be reimbursed by the City for all project cost. Of these projects, the WWTP Bar Rack replacements and WFP Chemical Building Roof replacements, have been completed by LCA since the Lease inception. Funding by Budget Area and category is as follows: Capital Funding 2015-2024 Budget Area LCA City UW Water $69,765,100 $ 1,306,000 Wastewater $17,795,600 $ 225,000 Totals $87,560,700 $1,531,000 AO Sub-Total Totals $ 1,306,000 $ 71,071,100 $ 4,880,000 $ 5,105,000 $ 22,900,600 $ 4,880,000 $ 6,411,000 $ 93,971,700 (1) Reflects 2/3 of the Project costs. Reference Administration Projects section in the next page for additional information 1 Water Projects: Focus on regulatory compliance, immediate and future needs at the Water Filtration Plant (WFP) future needs and addressing the Lease operating standards. Projects at the WFP include a Master Plan that will identify capital improvements to address future regulatory requirements and/or operational needs. Funding is also provided to replace a leaking segment of the Schantz Spring main located on Martian Luther King Blvd; the annual replacement of 2-miles of aged and/or failing spun and pit cast water main as required by the Lease; and other infrastructure replacement as needed. Wastewater Projects: The Projects focus on regulatory compliance, immediate and future needs at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and addressing the Lease operating standards. Projects include the replacement of five motor control centers, replacement and/or rehabilitation of the three belt filter presses, the replacement of two digester covers at the WWTP, and for the replacement and/or rehabilitation of defective sewer mains when warranted. Additional information regarding these projects can be found in the Plan’s individual detail sheets. Supplemental Revenues: Under the Concession Agreement, LCA is able to charge Capital Cost Recovery Fees and Capital Recovery Fees to City customers. These charges will be applied to all Major Capital Improvements (MCI), which are defined as projects exceeding $1 million (indexed for inflation in the future) within the proposed Plan. We expect 8 projects will generate capital recovery charges, which will generally begin in the year following completion of MCI. Over the span of Plan annual charges will rise from $373,000 beginning in 2017 to $4,542,000 in 2025 and generate total charges of $27,867,000. These revenues will be used to pay capital project costs on a current basis or used to justify incurring additional debt. For example, the $4,542,000 annual revenue would justify borrowing over $70,000,000 for a 30 year term and provide all funding designated as Operating Revenues in the table below. 2 FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION Under the Concession financing, LCA financed projected Capital Improvements for the Allentown Division, in the amount of $ 32,105,407 with $ 24,220,000 projected to be available as of 1/1/16. These funds are anticipated to be exhausted by 2017 based on the proposed plan. In 2018 and beyond, LCA anticipates that Capital Projects will be funded through a combination of available reserves, operating surplus and/or additional borrowings. 2016 ‐2025 Capital Plan City Division Funding Sources Plan Part Water Bonds 2013 Issue $16,925,700 Wastewater $7,294,300 Total $24,220,000 LCA Sources Operating Contributions‐ Reserves in‐Aid $51,233,900 $10,089,400 $61,323,300 City Sources Administrative Uncompleted Order Work $1,605,500 $411,900 $4,880,000 $2,017,400 3 $4,880,000 Total Sources $1,306,000 $71,071,100 $225,000 $22,900,600 $1,531,000 $93,971,700 WATER 4 - - 192,500 $ 6,643,173 $ 3,500 N/A 189,000 GRAND TOTAL E On-going D $ UW N/A UW N/A UW N/A TOTAL CITY FUNDED PROJECTS Itron/ AMR Meter Project Pre-Lease Valve Replacements $ 0 0 0 CITY FUNDED PROJECTS Schantz Spring Chlorine Booster Station $ $ 6,450,673 P P P P $ 6,450,673 $ 5,576,460 $ 304,085 $ 381,300 $ 135,148 $ 39,680 $ 14,000 - $ No Yes Yes Yes Partial-D Various E S Various Various $ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TOTAL LCA FUNDED PROJECTS S7 Yes No No Yes No No A A A A A A A Amount Subtotal Pending Authorization WFP SCADA Upgrades Schantz Spring Main Replacement Badger Meter Replacements Fixed Base Meter Reading System S7 No No No No No No No Stage (3) Approvals 1,690,000 600,000 250,000 1,203,800 850,000 4,925,000 1,235,000 5,130,000 560,000 1,555,000 1,300,000 1,715,000 1,650,000 250,000 290,000 1,110,000 $ 77,400,100 $ $ $ $ $ 75,750,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ 59,866,300 $ 47,850,000 $ 1,425,000 $ 381,300 $ 5,150,000 $ 4,260,000 $ 800,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,329,000 344,000 90,000 40,000 214,000 5,985,000 - - 5,935,000 5,350,000 125,000 170,000 150,000 40,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 - Project Cost Prior Years (4) $ 10,753,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,954,100 1,096,000 160,000 40,000 896,000 8,858,100 720,000 560,000 150,000 10,000 6,441,300 5,060,000 350,000 211,300 620,000 200,000 1,696,800 260,000 50,000 25,000 86,800 350,000 675,000 250,000 2016 Year -1 (4) Includes estimate of expenditures through 2015. Note: Shading indicates new project or significantly revised project scope. (3) A= Annual Item, S= Study/Planning, D= Design, C= Construction / Implementation, P = Pending Approval, E = Entire Project Approved, AO= "Administrative Order" Projects as per the Agreement are to be Funded by the City and executed by LCA. S7= Required Capital Improvement as shown on Schedule 7 of the Agreement and will be funded by LCA. (2) MCI = Major Capital Improvement. Pursuant to the Agreement if approved by the City the cost of the project will be recovered from the customers via a Capital Cost Recovery Charge over the useful life of the improvement or 30-years whichever is less. Note: At the request of the City of Allentown, LCA has agreed to identify Projects that at the time of the Capital Plan preparation are known to be a MCI. This information is being provided for informational purposes only. The City acknowledges that Article 4 of the Concession Agreement sets forth the methodology for MCI submittal and approval. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ LEHIGH COUNTY AUTHORITY ALLENTOWN DIVISION 2016 - 2025 CAPITAL PROGRAM WATER (1) UW= "Uncompleted Work" City Projects that were supposed to be complete by the time of settlement or executed by City personnel after settlement. The City will fund these projects but has requested that LCA execute them. AD-W-13 AD-W-15 AD-W-16 AD-W-6 AD-W-11 AD-W-20 AD-W-21 Subtotal Water System Hydraulic Model Transmission Main Evaluation, Replacements & Rehabilitation General Water System Replacements/Improvements Emergency Power - Water & Wastewater Facilities Previously Authorized Water Main Replacements Various Water System Related Studies Subtotal Name or Title of Proposal LCA FUNDED PROJECTS Annual New & Replacement Meter Installations (non AMR & Badger projects) Distribution Mains - Development and Service Connections Distribution Mains - Upsizing Mobile Equipment Other Equipment WFP General Improvements Reservoir Rehabilitation / Maintenance (1) Type AD-W-7 AD-W-9 AD-W-10 AD-W-18 AD-W-19 AD-W-22 AD-W-4 AD-W-5 AD-W-8 AD-W-17 AD-W-1 AD-W-2 AD-W-3 Project # 9/11/2015 (2) MCI 10,410,000 140,000 140,000 - 10,270,000 2,810,000 1,405,000 500,000 905,000 5,960,000 4,160,000 150,000 1,000,000 400,000 250,000 1,500,000 260,000 50,000 25,000 165,000 100,000 650,000 250,000 2017 Year -2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,832,500 15,000 15,000 - 7,817,500 1,600,000 800,000 800,000 4,910,000 4,160,000 100,000 400,000 250,000 1,307,500 155,000 62,500 25,000 260,000 50,000 650,000 105,000 2018 Year -3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,569,500 10,000 10,000 - 6,559,500 - - 5,660,000 4,160,000 100,000 1,000,000 400,000 - 899,500 145,000 62,500 25,000 32,000 50,000 500,000 85,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,517,500 10,000 10,000 - 5,507,500 - - 4,660,000 4,160,000 100,000 400,000 - 847,500 145,000 62,500 25,000 80,000 50,000 400,000 85,000 This Capital Program 2019 2020 Year -4 Year -5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 40,283,600 1,271,000 160,000 215,000 896,000 39,012,600 5,130,000 560,000 1,555,000 1,300,000 1,715,000 27,631,300 21,700,000 800,000 211,300 2,000,000 2,220,000 700,000 6,251,300 965,000 287,500 125,000 623,800 600,000 2,875,000 775,000 Years 1-5 Sub-Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30,787,500 35,000 35,000 - 30,752,500 - - 26,300,000 20,800,000 500,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 - 4,452,500 725,000 312,500 125,000 580,000 250,000 2,000,000 460,000 2021 - 2025 Years 6-10 Sub-Total 1,690,000 600,000 250,000 1,203,800 850,000 4,875,000 1,235,000 5,130,000 560,000 1,555,000 1,300,000 1,715,000 1,306,000 160,000 250,000 896,000 $ 71,071,100 $ $ $ $ $ 69,765,100 $ $ $ $ $ $ 53,931,300 $ 42,500,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 211,300 $ 5,000,000 $ 4,220,000 $ 700,000 $ 10,703,800 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Grand Total Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium High High Medium Medium Medium High Hiigh High High Low High Mandated High Dept. Priority Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: FJL 8/27/15 Date: New & Replacement Meter Installations (non AMR or Badger Projects) AD-W-1 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Covers meters for new water customers and also includes funds annually to cover routine meter and radio reading equipment replacement 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Regulatory agencies require metering of all properties connected to the water system. The costs associated with meters for new customers are recovered through customer paid meter fees. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 585,000 1,055,000 Total Operating Costs 50,000 1,690,000 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 1,690,000 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 50,320 50,320 $ 50,320 - $ $ $ 916,500 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 260,000 260,000 155,000 145,000 145,000 725,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 182,000 182,000 54,250 50,750 50,750 253,750 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) 78,000 78,000 100,750 94,250 94,250 471,250 Legally Mandated (1) Yrs 1 & 2 assumes ~30% recovered from meter fees paid by new customers; and/or for damaged meters. Yrs Yrs 3-10 assumes ~65% recovered from meter fees paid by new customers; and/or for damaged meters. 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: RA 9/11/15 Date: Distribution Mains & Service Connections AD-W-2 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Plan review and construction inspection of extensions and connections to the water system. Also included are general planning expenses. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): To assure that development water lines and service connections to the City water system are designed and constructed according to the applicable specifications. Also allows for planning expenses. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: Capital Works (Staff) Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other (Labor) Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 550,000 $ 600,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 50,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 600,000 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - $ $ $ 600,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 50,000 50,000 62,500 62,500 62,500 312,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) 50,000 50,000 62,500 62,500 62,500 312,500 Legally Mandated (1) Plan Review and Inspection fees paid by Developers 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Distribution Mains Upsizing AD-W-3 Preparer: RA 7/28/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Contribute to developer-installed systems to increases pipe diameters to provide additional flow capabilities ; or the extension of water mains to serve a development all pursuant to the LCA Main Extension Policy. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): To economically provide proper pipe capacities and extensions to meet future service needs. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: Capital Works (Staff) Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other (Labor) Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 25,000 225,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 250,000 250,000 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 16,260 16,260 $ 16,260 - $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues Low $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X 7 Borrowing 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Other Equipment Project: AD-W-4 Preparer: RJK/JG 8/6/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Generally utilized for individual equipment greater than $5000 for both the water filtration plant and distribution system. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Replacement and new equipment is required periodically to maintain and improve service integrity and reliability. Items include electric and electronic equipment, pumping equipment, leak detection equipment and other equipment as needed. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: Capital Works (Staff) Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other (Labor) Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 $ 850,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 25,000 975,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 55,290 55,290 $ 55,290 - $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 350,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 350,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 8 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION -CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Water Filtration Plant (WFP) General Improvements AD-W-5 Preparer: JWP 9/9/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Funding will cover the on-going replacement of equipment that is nearing the end of its useful life and to address unforeseen equipment failures Equipment will be constantly evaluated and repaired or replaced as needed. A Water Optimization Study and a Water System Master Plan will begin in 2015. Future projects will be identified as a result of these studies. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The Water Filtration Plant was constructed in the 1920's with upgrades in the mid 1950s and mid 1990s. Much of the water plant infrastructure is at or past its expected useful life. The WFP and associated pumping facilities provides the water for City of Allentown and a large portion for LCA central Lehigh Division. A breakdown of critical equipment could lead to regulatory violations and/ or interruption or reduction the water supply. 5. Status of Proposal: x Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other (Labor) Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 400,000 3,525,000 850,000 Total Operating Costs 100,000 4,875,000 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 4,875,000 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - - 320,380 320,380 $ 320,380 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 50,000 675,000 650,000 650,000 500,000 400,000 2,000,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 50,000 675,000 650,000 650,000 500,000 400,000 2,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 9 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves 10 Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: Project: AD-W-6 Preparer: PRB Date: 8/3/2015 Water Filtration Plant (WFP) SCADA Upgrade 1. Proposal Title: AD-WFP 2. Location: 3. Description: Upgrade existing Dynac SCADA software to latest version Dynac ES. This will also include replacing existing PC hardware. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Project will complete upgrade of SCADA systems at both WWTP and WFP giving a common operator interface and system. Replace hardware the is nearing its life expectancy (6-years). 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. l.f. Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) Total: @ @ $ /acre /lin ft. 0 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Yrs. Personnel Services Material Supplies Equipment Other Sub-Total 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved $ $ $ $ $ - Sub-Total $ $ $ 36,430 36,430 Total Operating Costs $ 36,430 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) 8. Estimated Costs: Engineering (Staff) Land Acquisition Meters/Equipment Professional Services Other (Labor) Contingencies Total Project Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 50,000 460,000 Requested in this Capital Program $ 560,000 50,000 560,000 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Other 11. Source of Funds: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 560,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Borrowing 560,000.00 - Assess., Contr.-in-Aid $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High $ $ - Source Oper. Revenues Need Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Beyond 5th Year $ Medium X Low Legally Mandated 10 Reserves $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Water Main Replacements AD-W-7 Preparer: JMP 8/26/15 Allentown 2. Location: ( Spun Cast, Pit Cast & City Streets Program Areas) 3. Description: A majority of the City's water distribution system is pit cast iron or spun cast iron mains. Some of the pit cast mains date back to the turn of the century, however the spun cast mains have a higher failure. Although the entire system will be evaluated, LCA will work closely with the City Streets department to coordinate main replacements in advance of the annual City Street paving schedule. Note: At minimum $500,000 of spun cast iron water main shall be replaced in any given year 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The Operating Standards of the Concession Agreement require replacement of 2-miles of pipe per year (1-mile in the first year) . Until such time as the City deems it not necessary. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: Capital Works (Staff) Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 37,800,000 4,410,000 500,000 3,570,000 47,850,000 $ 42,500,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 1,570,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ 3,112,710 3,112,710 $ 3,112,710 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 5,350,000 5,060,000 4,160,000 4,160,000 4,160,000 4,160,000 20,800,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 5,350,000 5,060,000 4,160,000 4,160,000 4,160,000 4,160,000 20,800,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated Notes: This a Required Capital Improvement as shown on Schedule 7 of the Agreement and will be funded by LCA 11 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JWP 9/9/15 Date: Reservoir Rehabilitation / Maintenance AD-W-8 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: In the Allentown Division, there are ten water storage facilities consisting of three welded steel tanks and seven concrete tanks. The storage facilities range in capacity from 0.118 MG to 30 MG. Rehabilitation / maintenance for the three welded steel tanks are covered under an long-term contract with Utility Services Corporation. The needs of the remaining aboveground concrete tanks will be addressed when applicable on an individual basis or group basis with separate contracts. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The reservoirs are in need of regular inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation as they age to assure their viability and maximize their useful life. Some of the tasks include both interior and exterior inspections, sandblasting and recoating interior and exterior surfaces, structural repairs and interior chemical cleaning . Note: The Operating Standards of the Concession Agreement requires this work. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Misc Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 935,000 50,000 100,000 1,235,000 $ 1,235,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 150,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 72,300 72,300 $ 72,300 - $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 250,000 250,000 105,000 85,000 85,000 460,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. (1) Revenues 25,000 25,000 10,500 8,500 8,500 46,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 225,000 225,000 94,500 76,500 76,500 414,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 12 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Various Water System Related Studies AD-W-9 Preparer: JWP 8/24/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: The following studies are included in this Project (1) Water Filtration Plant Coagulant Change - Conduct a study to assure that the change in the type of coagulant to a more reliable and robust chemical will not impact the quality of the finished water. (2) Water System Master Plan - (a) conduct a full-scale condition assessment of the water plant and all remote stations, reservoirs, and storage tanks. (b) conduct an operational audit to optimize plant operations, chemical usage, power consumption, etc. (c) prepare shortterm, medium-term and long term Capital Plans based on condition assessment and operational audit results. Master Plan will evaluate among other items: both surface water intakes, filter upgrades, preparation to fully-treat Schantz Spring water. (3) West End Pressure Booster Station Feasibility Study - conduct a study to assess the location, cost, etc for a pump station/storage tank on the city's west end where typical pressures have historically been only slightly higher than the regulatory limit of 20 psi. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): To assure the highest quality water and to plan for future upgrades to the WFP in order to meet water production needs. Focus will be made on keeping both ground water sources fully operational and reliable as they are the groundwater is less costly to treat than either surface water. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 200,000 1,185,000 25,000 15,000 1,425,000 $ 1,300,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 92,700 92,700 $ 92,700 - $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 125,000 350,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 125,000 350,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 13 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: City Water System Hydraulic Model AD-W-10 Preparer: ELH 8/4/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Develop a calibrated all-pipe, hydraulic model of the City water system. It is envisioned that the model will utilize, when applicable, the semi-automated data update programming that was developed for the LCA Central Lehigh Division model. The model will be upgraded from the current 10,000-pipe version to the unlimited-pipe version. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): There is no model of the City water system. As such there is no dynamic way to evaluate the capabilities of the water system and identify areas where pipe sizes or the network configuration impacts needed fire flows and water age. A model would be a useful tool in evaluating sections of aged mains that have not structurally failed to determine if replacement is warranted. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other (SELECT subscription) Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: Capital Works (Staff) Land Acquisition Software Upgrade Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,500 234,800 35,000 36,000 381,300 $ 211,300 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 70,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ 150 3,416 1,250 4,666 $ $ 6,148 24,800 30,948 $ 35,613 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 170,000 211,300 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 170,000 211,300 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 14 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Schantz Spring Main Replacement AD-W-11 Preparer: JMP 8/20/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Replacement of approximately 2,000 l.f of 1903 vintage 30-inch diameter main in Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard from Schribers Bridge to the Water Filtration plant. The project also includes addressing other leaks that were identified during the Smart Ball leak detection work. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): To maintain the integrity of the Schantz Spring water supply transmission main. A previous smartball survey conducted by the City indicated there are a dozen some leaks in the last 2000' feet of the Schantz Transmission main prior to the water plant. The SmartBall leaks have been identified by PaDEP as needing to be repaired. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,300,000 60,000 15,000 120,000 1,555,000 $ 1,555,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 60,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ 101,150 101,150 $ 101,150 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 1,405,000 Medium X Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 150,000 1,405,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated Note: This a Required Capital Improvement as shown on Schedule 7 of the Agreement and will be funded by LCA 15 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water-Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JWP 8/6/15 Date: Schantz Spring Chlorine Booster Station AD-W-13 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Schantz Spring and the surrounding areas have historically been subjected to local power failures, leading to operational problems such as interrupted chlorine feed. In order to address this, a chlorine booster station was to be added between Schantz Spring and the Allentown Water Plant. With the inability to obtain clearance for a site in the City Parkway, and with the installation of LCA's backup generator across Schantz Road, the project was changed to provide localized backup power at the Schantz Spring chlorination building. A UPS backup supply will be added to the building to power the chemical feed pumps and the building has been interconnected with the LCA generator. More reliable chemical pumps have been added in addition to automatic data recorders. A static mixer may be added to the transmission line ahead of the chlorine analyzer if fluctuating chlorine levels are seen. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Schantz Spring is a inexpensive groundwater supply source for the Allentown Division and as such is subject to the EPA Ground Water Rule, which requires that a specified minimum chlorine residual be maintained at all times. If the residual is not maintained, all of the water in the 30-inch diameter 5-mile long Schantz Spring transmission main must be wasted otherwise a boil water notice might be required. Currently there is only one chlorination station on the Schantz transmission line and it is located at the Spring. Historically unreliable local power supply has made operation of the Schantz Spring station problematic during storm events. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned x No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 165,000 25,000 5,000 25,000 250,000 $ 160,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 30,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 16,260 16,260 $ 16,260 - $ $ $ 250,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 90,000 160,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 90,000 160,000 - Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) $ 90,000 $ 160,000 $ $ $ $ $ Legally Mandated (1) This an Uncompleted Work (UW) Project that will be funded by the City of Allentown 16 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water-Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JWP 8/24/15 Date: Itron/ AMR Meter Project AD-W-15 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: This Project completes the remaining work of the City's Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) project. The City AMR project included the replacement of ~27,000 aged residential meters ranging in size from 5/8" to 2" and ~155 commercial meters that were 3" or greater in size. Radio read capability was included on all meter exchanges, allowing for mobile read application. The project includes the purchase and implementation of Water Analytics software package which is a data repository to store massive amounts of data that will be gathered from the meters in the Allentown division. The stored data will be used in identifying and addressing customer metering issues. 747 meter installs were not completed in the city AMR because the sites were either vacant or not accessible. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Replacement of aged meters that may not be registering all water usage is expected to reduce the amount of nonrevenue water. Analysis of metering data will allow for enhanced customer service including data-backed resolution of customer metering complaints, flow analysis and other useful functions. 5. Status of Proposal: Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed X Other (Specify) City/LCA contracts- work underway 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 120,000 $ 250,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 75,000 35,000 Total Operating Costs 20,000 250,000 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - - $ $ $ 290,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 40,000 40,000 140,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 35,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) 40,000 40,000 140,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 35,000 Legally Mandated (1) This an Uncompleted Work (UW) Project that will be funded by the City of Allentown 17 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water-Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JMP 8/26/15 Date: Pre-Lease Valve Replacements AD-W-16 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: The replacement of ~ 55 valves that were identified as inoperable prior to the Lease settlement. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Replacement of inoperable valves will allow for greater operation and flexibility in the water system when planned or unplanned outages occur. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 800,000 60,000 10,000 120,000 1,110,000 $ 896,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 120,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - - $ $ $ 1,110,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 214,000 896,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) $ 214,000 $ 526,000 $ 370,000 $ $ $ $ Borrowing Legally Mandated (1) This an Uncompleted Work (UW) Project that will be funded by the City of Allentown 18 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL DEPARTMENT: City-Organizational Unit: OPERATIONS Water Capital 1. Proposal Title: Mobile Equipment 2016 3. Description: Project: Preparer: Date: KG 8/20/15 Allentown 2. Location: 2- Utility trks.,2 SUVs AD-W-17 2019 1 Mid-size trk. 2 Pick-up trks., 1 Van, Fork Lift 2020 1- Mini Excavator 1 mid size trk. 2018 2 SUVs, 1 Lg. Dump trk. 2021-2025 Undefined 1 Mid-size trk. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Vehicles are replacements. Aged vehicles will be traded in or sold to the highest bidder. 2017 5. Status of Proposal: 6. Cost of Land Rights: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) ac. Total: l.f. @ @ $ /acre /lin ft. 0 9. Add. Annual Personnel Oper. Cost Man-Hrs. Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved $ $ $ $ $ Sub-Total Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-20yr.) 8. Estimated Costs: Engineering (Staff) Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other (Labor) Contingencies Total Project Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Requested in this Capital Program $ - 89,450 $ $ 89,450 $ 89,450 Sub-Total 1,203,800 Total Operating Costs 10.Gain/Loss Revenuein Impact: Annual Revenue 1,203,800 Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other $ $ $ 1,203,800 11. Source of Funds: 89,000 Source Oper. Revenues Need Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 86,800 165,000 260,000 32,000 80,000 580,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Borrowing 79,800 153,000 244,500 30,500 77,000 530,000 Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,000 12,000 15,500 1,500 3,000 50,000 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High - X Medium Low Legally Mandated (1) Represents trade-in value on replaced vehicles. 19 Reserves $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water-Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Project: AD-W-18 Preparer: DL / JWP 9/11/15 Date: Transmission Main Evaluation, Replacements & Rehabilitation Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: This project involves leak detection of many older and large sized water transmission mains that are located within the city which is planned to be completed in 2015 . Based on the findings, appropriate repairs or replacements of those mains will be made. The costs of the replacements and repairs are included in this project. The previous year of the project involved non-invasive leak detection of approximately 32,000 feet of cast iron and steel transmission mains. Years 1-10 assumes, when warranted, that the rehabilitation and/or replacement of approximately 500 feet of transmission main will be done annually. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Many of the existing transmission mains are approaching 100 years old. The mains range in size from 16" to 36", and could cause serious local damage if a major break should occur. A pro-active program to find any leaks in these areas, followed by remediation of the problem, will keep the chances of major damage to a minimum. 5. Status of Proposal: x Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 150,000 4,600,000 250,000 50,000 100,000 5,150,000 $ 5,000,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ 335,010 335,010 $ 335,010 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 150,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 Medium x Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 150,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 20 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water-Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JWP 9/8/15 Date: General Water System Replacements/Improvements AD-W-19 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Distribution system valve, fire hydrant, blow-off, sample station, ect. replacements will occur annually. If warranted, funding is also allocated to replace some lead services and to provide looping for problematic dead end water mains. Funding is also allocated for replacement of other infrastructure on an as-needed basis, an example of the is replacement of a segment of the Schantz Spring raw water main that is exposed due to erosion. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Valves that are found to be defective during routine exercising must be repaired, if possible, or must be replaced. Fully operational valves are needed throughout the distribution system in the event that a leak or main break must be isolated in order to allow for remediation. In some cases, eliminating dead ends in the distribution system will generally improve water quality and fire service. 5. Status of Proposal: x Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,387,000 $ 4,220,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 2,633,000 75,000 25,000 100,000 4,220,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ 277,120 277,120 $ 277,120 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 40,000 620,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,000,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 40,000 620,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 21 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water-Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JWP 8/6/15 Date: Badger Meter Replacements AD-W-20 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: There are approximately 5,000 badger water meters that are currently being used to monitor water consumption in the city. These sites were not a part of the original City of Allentown AMR project in 2012/2013. The sites also have existing, but outdated ERTs which are now approaching the end of their useful lives. Should LCA decide to implement Project AD-W-21 (Fixed Base AMR), the outdated 40W/50W/60W ERTs will not be readable on the new system. The replacement Neptune meters can read much lower flows compared to the badger meters and some revenue may be lost because very low flows are not being recorded presently. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The existing badger water meters are reaching the end of their useful life. They also utilize the old 40W/50W/60W ERTs which are also approaching the ends of their useful life. 5. Status of Proposal: Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed X Other (Specify) Use cost data from AMR 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 200,000 1,050,000 Total Operating Costs 25,000 25,000 1,300,000 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 1,300,000 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 84,570 84,570 $ 84,570 - $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 500,000 800,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ x Oper. Revenues Borrowing 500,000 800,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 22 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water-Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JWP 8/24/15 Date: Fixed Base Meter Reading System AD-W-21 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: The city of Allentown's original AMR project started in 2011 and ran into 2013. There were insufficient funds from the Pennvest Loan to cover all 33,000 water meters and a drive by system was selected for this reason also. The original AMR was installed as a hybrid system which is upgradeable to a fixed base system. A fixed base system provides instantaneous readings of any water meter via a radio signal directly to the customer care center through a series of transmitters and repeaters installed throughout the water system service area. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): A fixed base system would allow for instantaneous readings on any account. In order to implement the fixed base system, a data repository must be installed to house the enormous volume of data that will accumulate. The data repository was an original component of the City's AMR project. 5. Status of Proposal: x Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,050,000 110,000 250,000 205,000 1,715,000 $ 1,715,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 100,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ 111,560 111,560 $ 111,560 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,000 905,000 800,000 Medium x Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 10,000 905,000 800,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water-Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JWP 8/6/15 Date: Emergency Power - Water & Wastewater Facilities AD-W-22 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: There have been several instances over the past few years when the water plant and/or the high level distribution systems were without power. All four (4) high level distribution systems presently have manual transfer switches and a single portable generator was purchased in 2015. The wastewater plant needs a permanent generator and manual transfer switch for the chlorination building, both having been designed in 2015. 2016 will include design of back-up power needs for the Crystal Spring and Schantz Spring pumps in the water plant. Having the Schantz and Crystal pumps operational during a power failure will allow for approximately 10-12 MGD of potable water to be pumped into the distribution system until the power failure is over and the water plant can be re-started. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Emergency power will allow the water plant to pump both Crystal and Schantz Springs, providing 10-12 MGD while extending the time until the distribution system starts to experience low pressure. 5. Status of Proposal: x Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,000 700,000 70,000 10,000 10,000 800,000 $ 700,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 52,040 52,040 $ 52,040 - $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 100,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 100,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 24 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves WASTEWATER 25 Various Various $ 1,120,000 $ 5,394,955 TOTAL CITY FUNDED PROJECTS GRAND TOTAL 585,000 535,000 - $ $ $ N/A N/A N/A N/A $ 4,274,955 $ 2,482,000 $ 162,695 $ 1,630,260 CITY FUNDED PROJECTS WWTP-Security Upgrades Sanitary Sewer Manhole Lining Sanitary Sewer Manhole Collars & Water Tight Covers WWTP Interim Blending Pumping System UW AO AO AO E D E A A A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $ 4,274,955 No Yes Yes Yes A A Amount TOTAL LCA FUNDED PROJECTS Pending Authorization Various Wastewater System Related Studies Subtotal S7 S7 No No No No No Stage (3) Approvals 650,000 7,129,000 2,482,000 2,747,000 1,900,000 344,500 1,810,100 1,125,000 2,750,000 6,950,000 12,979,600 6,095,000 225,000 3,428,000 1,192,000 1,250,000 $ 26,203,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - - 3,953,000 990,000 478,000 512,000 - 2,963,000 - 2,963,000 1,800,000 163,000 1,000,000 Project Cost Prior Years (4) $ 20,108,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,608,000 2,110,000 225,000 295,000 340,000 1,250,000 4,498,000 200,000 200,000 2,874,000 682,000 1,292,000 900,000 26,000 148,000 225,000 275,000 750,000 1,424,000 2016 Year -1 (4) Includes estimate of expenditures through 2015. Note: Shading indicates new project or significantly revised project scope. (3) A= Annual Item, S= Study/Planning, D= Design, C= Construction / Implementation, P = Pending Approval, E = Entire Project Approved, AO= "Administrative Order" Projects as per the Agreement are to be Funded by the City and executed by LCA. S7= Required Capital Improvement as shown on Schedule 7 of the Agreement and will be funded by LCA. (2) MCI = Major Capital Improvement. Pursuant to the Agreement if approved by the City the cost of the project will be recovered from the customers via a Capital Cost Recovery Charge over the useful life of the improvement or 30-years whichever is less. Note: At the request of the City of Allentown, LCA has agreed to identify Projects that at the time of the Capital Plan preparation are known to be a MCI. This information is being provided for informational purposes only. The City acknowledges that Article 4 of the Concession Agreement sets forth the methodology for MCI submittal and approval. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ LEHIGH COUNTY AUTHORITY ALLENTOWN DIVISION 2016 - 2025 CAPITAL PROGRAM WASTEWATER (1) UW= "Uncompleted Work" City Projects that were supposed to be complete by the time of settlement or executed by City personnel after settlement. The City will fund these projects but has requested that LCA execute them. AD-S-12 AD-S-14 AD-S-15 AD-S-16 AD-S-9 Subtotal WWTP- Digester Cover Replacements Facility Roof Replacements (Water & Wastewater Facilities) Previously Authorized WWTP- Replacement of Motor Control Centers WWTP General Improvements Subtotal Other Equipment Sanitary Sewer Main Replacements and/or Rehabilitation Mobile Equipment Name or Title of Proposal LCA FUNDED PROJECTS Annual Collection System - Development and Service Connections (1) Type AD-S-5 AD-S-7 AD-S-18 AD-S-1 AD-S-17 AD-S-2 AD-S-4 AD-S-3 Project # 9/11/2015 (2) MCI 3,483,300 635,000 295,000 340,000 - 2,848,300 50,000 50,000 1,292,000 1,292,000 - 26,000 505,300 100,000 275,000 600,000 1,506,300 2017 Year -2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,520,500 295,000 295,000 - 1,225,500 50,000 50,000 - - 32,500 168,000 100,000 275,000 600,000 1,175,500 2018 Year -3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,876,300 295,000 295,000 - 1,581,300 50,000 50,000 - - 32,500 523,800 100,000 275,000 600,000 1,531,300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,367,500 295,000 295,000 - 1,072,500 50,000 50,000 - - 32,500 15,000 100,000 275,000 600,000 1,022,500 This Capital Program 2019 2020 Year -4 Year -5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14,855,600 3,630,000 225,000 1,475,000 680,000 1,250,000 11,225,600 400,000 400,000 4,166,000 682,000 2,584,000 900,000 149,500 1,360,100 625,000 1,375,000 3,150,000 6,659,600 Years 1-5 Sub-Total $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,045,000 1,475,000 1,475,000 - 6,570,000 250,000 250,000 - - 195,000 450,000 500,000 1,375,000 3,800,000 6,320,000 2021 - 2025 Years 6-10 Sub-Total 650,000 650,000 4,166,000 682,000 2,584,000 900,000 344,500 1,810,100 1,125,000 2,750,000 6,950,000 12,979,600 5,105,000 225,000 2,950,000 680,000 1,250,000 $ 22,900,600 $ $ $ $ $ 17,795,600 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Grand Total Medium Mandated Mandated High High High Medium High High High High High High Dept. Priority Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: RA 9/11/15 Date: Collection System - Development and Service Connections AD-S-1 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Plan review and construction inspection of extensions and connections to the sanitary sewer system. Also included are general planning expenses. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): To assure that development sewer mains and the connection of laterals to the City sanitary sewer system are designed and constructed according to the applicable specifications. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 324,500 $ 344,500 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 20,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 344,500 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - $ $ $ 344,500 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 26,000 26,000 32,500 32,500 32,500 195,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) 26,000 26,000 32,500 32,500 32,500 195,000 Legally Mandated (1) Plan Review and Inspection fees paid by Developers 26 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Other Equipment Project: AD-S-2 Preparer: RJK/JG 8/24/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Generally utilized for purchase of individual equipment greater than $5,000 and will be used for needs of both the wastewater treatment plant and the sanitary collection system. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Replacement equipment is required from time to time to maintain service integrity. Items include valves, sampling equipment, electric and electronic equipment, Infiltration & Inflow (I/I) equipment and other equipment as needed. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 70,000 1,050,000 50,000 Total Operating Costs 1,170,000 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 1,125,000 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 73,180 73,180 $ 73,180 - $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 225,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 225,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 27 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) General Improvements AD-S-3 Preparer: JWP 9/8/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: This annual funding is to cover the on-going replacement of equipment that is nearing the end of its useful life and to address unforeseen equipment failures Equipment will be constantly evaluated and repaired or replaced as needed. The Wastewater Treatment Plant will undergo a condition assessment in 2016. Funds have been budgeted in Years 210 of this project to address deficiencies that are found in that study. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The WWTP was built in the 1920's with major upgrades in 1968, 1978 and 1998. Replacement of failed critical WWTP equipment is required immediately to assure proper operation and compliance with regulatory permits. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,000,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 6,950,000 $ 6,950,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 200,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ 452,110 452,110 $ 452,110 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 750,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 3,800,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 750,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 3,800,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 28 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: JMP 8/26/15 Date: Sanitary Sewer Main Replacements and/or Rehabilitation AD-S-4 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: This is annual funding for the replacement and/or rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mains that have been found to be defective. The replacement and/or rehabilitation of "Building Sewers" or Laterals as defined in City Ordinance "Title Five- Sewers" that are connected to said sewer mains is not included because these laterals are owned and maintained by the owners of the improved properties. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The Operating Standards require replacement and/or repair of any sanitary mains found to be defective when said mains are located in a street that has been included the City 's annual Streets Program. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,800,000 300,000 200,000 320,000 2,750,000 $ 2,750,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 130,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - $ $ $ 2,750,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 1,375,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 1,375,000 Legally Mandated (1) This an Administrative Order (AO) Project that will be funded by the City of Allentown 29 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Replacement of Motor Control Centers AD-S-5 Preparer: JWP 8/26/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: This Project will replace five aged motor control centers that provide power on a 24/7 basis to various parts of the WWTP. Most of the electrical gear to be replaced is from 1968. Replacement parts are nearly impossible to find and compliance with industry codes is a real concern. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The motor control centers are located in areas where they are exposed to corrosive wastewater gas and have deteriorated considerably over their 50 year lifetime. Because of their age, replacement parts are nearly impossible to find. This equipment is critical for the daily operation of the WWTP. 5. Status of Proposal: Preliminary Estimate x Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,975,710 210,273 20,000 126,017 2,482,000 $ 682,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 150,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ 161,460 161,460 $ 161,460 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 1,800,000 682,000 - Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 1,800,000 682,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated Note: This a Required Capital Improvement as shown on Schedule 7 of the Agreement and will be funded by LCA 30 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: WWTP: Digester Cover Replacements AD-S-7 Preparer: PMD 7/31/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Phase 1 of this Project will replace the Secondary Digester Cover. Phase 2 will replace the Primary Digester No. 1 Cover. Other miscellaneous work (piping, electrical , mixing) will also be included in the project. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The WWTP has two primary digesters and one secondary digester. In 2009, Primary Digester No. 2 cover failed and caused major operational issues. The failed digester cover replacement work was completed in 2010. The remaining two digester covers are nearing the end of their useful life and must be replaced before failure. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,411,000 116,000 10,000 50,000 2,747,000 $ 2,584,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 160,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ 178,700 178,700 $ 178,700 $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 163,000 1,292,000 1,292,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - Medium X Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 163,000 1,292,000 1,292,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated Note: This a Required Capital Improvement as shown on Schedule 7 of the Agreement and will be funded by LCA 31 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Water Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Date: Various Wastewater System Related Studies AD-S-9 Preparer: JWP 8/6/15 Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: As infrastructure ages and regulations become more stringent, there are periodic needs for professional services to study the feasibility of changes, upgrades, etc. The following studies are requested in 2016: (1) WWTP Condition Assessment - Some original components of the Allentown WWTP are bearing in on 90 years old. A general condition assessment of the WWTP is long overdue and would be very similar to the type of study which is being implemented at the Allentown Water Plant for the same reason. (2) WWTP Feasibility Study to use alternate disinfectant - There many health and safety risks to using chlorine gas as the sewage plant disinfectant, and a feasibility study is needed to determine the practicality of converting from chlorine gas to sodium hypochlorite or another disinfectant. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Engineering studies are periodically required to address feasibility of implementing new programs or changing existing ones. Health and safety concerns with chlorine gas, plus increasingly stringent regulatory requirements have brought on the need to consider alternatives. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100,000 $ 650,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 550,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 650,000 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ 42,280 42,280 $ 42,280 - $ $ $ - Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High x Need 200,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 200,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid Legally Mandated 32 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: KG 8/20/15 Date: WWTP Security Upgrades AD-S-12 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: Installation of upgrades and related equipment to the existing security system at the WWTP. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): Enhanced security would further reduce the risk of breaches that may have the potential to impair to the operation of the facility. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 25,000 175,000 Total Operating Costs 5,000 20,000 225,000 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other $ 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - - $ $ $ 225,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 225,000 Medium X Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) 225,000 Legally Mandated (1) This an Uncompleted Work (UW) Project that will be funded by the City of Allentown 33 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: PMD 7/31/15 Date: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Lining AD-S-14 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: This annual project will install lining in approximately 85 brick manholes to eliminate infiltration and provide structural reinforcement. The City has directed LCA to bring the project to a bid ready stage each year, but not to bid unless authorized to do so by the City. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): This work is a component of the work that will be necessary to comply with the EPA Administrative Order. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,770,000 456,000 404,000 600,000 3,428,000 $ 2,950,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 198,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - - $ $ $ 3,428,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 478,000 295,000 295,000 295,000 295,000 295,000 1,475,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) 478,000 295,000 295,000 295,000 295,000 295,000 1,475,000 Legally Mandated (1) This is an Administrative Order (AO) Project that will be funded by the City of Allentown 34 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: PMD 7/31/15 Date: Sanitary Sewer Manhole Collars & Water Tight Covers AD-S-15 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: This project involves affixing manhole frame and covers to approximately 80 aged brick manholes identified by previous City staff and current LCA staff. Alternatives include installing aluminum straps and stainless steel bolts into existing concrete collars, replacing the existing frame and cover with a watertight frame and cover, or pouring a five foot diameter concrete collar. This work will eliminate the potential for inflow and infiltration (I/I) entering these manholes, thus eliminating the potential for sanitary sewer overflows (SSO’s) from these manholes. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): This work is a component of the work that will be necessary to comply with the EPA Administrative Order. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000 1,192,000 $ 680,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 105,000 935,000 151,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - - $ $ $ 1,192,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High Need 512,000 340,000 340,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) $ 512,000 $ 340,000 $ 340,000 $ $ $ $ Legally Mandated (1) This is an Administrative Order (AO) Project that will be funded by the City of Allentown 35 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ X Reserves Project: Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL CAPITAL WORKS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: RJK 8/11/15 Date: WWTP Interim Blending Pumping System AD-S-16 Preparer: Allentown 2. Location: 3. Description: This project provides for the installation of 4 diesel power pumps and associated pipeline to increase the hydraulic capacity of Kline's Island WWTP (KIWWTP) during significant wet-weather events which result from the remnants of hurricane and tropical storms. Once installed blending of wastewater that has received primary treatment with fully treated plant effluent will be made possible reducing environmental concerns related to the current practice of discharging raw sewage to the Little Lehigh Creek during these extreme wet-weather events. Note: This Project is contingent upon PADEP approval of the NPDES Permit renewal that includes blending. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The peak hydraulic capacity of KIWWTP is currently limited to 86 millions gallons per day (mgd) by a number of hydraulic bottlenecks located throughout the facility. When the hydraulic capacity of the facility is exceeded, untreated sewage and storm water from inflow & Infiltration (I&I) is bypassed to the Little Lehigh Creek through Outfall 003 located at the plant headworks. The proposed project represents a portion of the scope of work necessary to increase the peak flow capacity of the facility to 95 mgd. The 4 pumps and connected pipeline will provide for the blending of 10 mgd of primary settling tank effluent with the fully treated plant effluent in the chlorine contact tank and discharge of a portion of this blended flow to the Lehigh River. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Svcs Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equip. Professional Services Other Contingencies Total Project Cost Requested in this Capital Program $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 80,000 20,000 110,000 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-30yr.) Sub-Total 40,000 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Grants & Other 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - - - $ $ $ 1,250,000 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 1,250,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) 1,250,000 Legally Mandated (1) This an Administrative Order (AO) Project that will be funded by the City of Allentown 36 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL DEPARTMENT: City-Organizational Unit: OPERATIONS Wastewater Capital 1. Proposal Title: Mobile Equipment 3. Description: 2016 2017 2018 Project: Preparer: 1- Truck tractor, 1-Used tanker trailer 1-Vactor, 1 Dump Trk., 1 Gator-3, 1 SUV, 1 Pick-up Trk. 1 Backhoe, 1 Pick-up Trk. KG 8/20/15 Date: 2. Location: AD-S-17 Allentown 2019 1- Tri-axle & 1 Small Dump trk., 1 TV Van 1- Cement Mixer 2020 1- Gator 2021-2025 Undefined Undefined 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): The pickup trucks are replacements for older equipment which will be traded in. 5. Status of Proposal: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) 6. Cost of Land Rights: ac. @ l.f. @ Total: $ 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Services Other Sub-Total 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equipment Professional Services Other (Labor) Contingencies Total Project Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Requested in this Capital Program $ Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-20yr.) Sub-Total 1,810,100 Total Operating Costs 10. Revenue Impact: Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Other 1,810,100 1,810,100 11. Source of Funds: Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years - /acre /lin ft. $ $ $ $ $ - - $ $ $ 145,250 145,250 $ 145,250 $ $ $ 66,400 Source $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High X Need 148,000 505,300 168,000 523,800 15,000 450,000 Medium $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Oper. Revenues $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Low Borrowing 148,000 505,300 168,000 523,800 15,000 450,000 Assess., Contr.-in-Aid (1) $ $ 7,000 $ 5,200 $ 5,000 $ 7,200 $ 2,000 $ 40,000 Legally Mandated 37 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Reserves Lehigh County Authority ALLENTOWN DIVISION-CAPITAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT DETAIL OPERATIONS Wastewater Capital DEPARTMENT: Sub-Organizational Unit: 1. Proposal Title: Project: Preparer: Date: Facility Roof Replacements (Water & Wastewater Facilities) 2. Location: AD-S-18 JWP 8/24/15 Allentown 3. Description: Many roof systems at the water plant, wastewater plant, distribution/collection building and water system remote stations are in various stages of disrepair. The distribution/collection offices have had two major instances of interior mold within the past 3 years, resulting in unsafe work environments and costly remediation. Other locations have had instrumentation and other damages as a result of leaking roofs. Project costs will be apportioned between the applicable water and wastewater funds as appropriate. Additional Phase II projects are required in 2016 to address engineering reports that list other deficiencies. 4. Justification (need, function, selection of time, specific relationship to any long-term work program): 49 different roof systems were evaluated in 2014. Many of them are the original slate roofs from as far back as 1916. In order to keep safe and healthy work environments for all employees, not to mention keeping all operational equipment safe, dry and fullyfunctional, a remediation and/or replacement project is needed to protect the assets of both the City of Allentown and LCA. The roof evaluations and condition assessments, performed by a consultant that specializes in roofs and buildings, has determined 5. Status of Proposal: 6. Cost of Land Rights: X Preliminary Estimate Plans and Specs Completed Other (Specify) ac. l.f. Total: @ @ $ /acre /lin ft. - 9. Annual Oper. Cost Impact: Incr./(Decr.) 7. Status of Land Rights: Not Yet Acquired Partly Acquired LCA Owned X No Land Involved 8. Estimated Costs: LCA Staff Land Acquisition Construction/Equipment Professional Services Other (Labor) Contingencies Total Project Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25,000 1,625,000 200,000 Requested in this Capital Program $ 900,000 Add. Personnel Man-Hrs. Personnel Services Supplies & Equipment Maintenance Services Other Sub-Total $ $ $ $ $ Indirect Operating Costs: Overhead Costs Debt Service (5%-20yr.) Sub-Total $ $ $ 152,460 152,460 $ 152,460 Total Operating Costs 25,000 25,000 - 10. Revenue Impact: 1,900,000 Gain/Loss in Annual Revenue Assessment, Contributionin-Aid-of-Construction Other 11. Source of Funds: $ $ $ - Source Oper. Revenues Need Prior Years 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th thru 10th Years $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,000,000 900,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Borrowing 1,000,000 900,000 - Assess., Contr.-in-Aid $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12. Departmental Priority Rating: High - x Medium Low Legally Mandated 38 Reserves $ $ $ $ $ $ $
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