St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Community 7005 Brockton


St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Community 7005 Brockton
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Parish Community
7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506
Parish Office/Ministry Center: phone, 781-9855 – fax, 683-4114
Rectory: 683-0800
School: 684-1091
Ministered by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC)
Rev. Gene Sabio, MSC, Pastor
Rev. Benjamin Alforque, MSC, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Nicolas B. Gito, MSC, In Residence
Deacon John De Gano
Deacon Don Tillitson
Mass Schedule
Saturday Evening:
Sunday Schedule:
5:15 pm - Vigil Mass
6:30 am, 8:30 am,
10:15 am - Interpreted for Deaf
12:00 pm, 1:30 pm (español),
5:15 pm
Holy Days: (Except Christmas & New Year’s)
Vigil Mass on Eve of Holy Days at 5:30 pm;
8:00 am, 10:15 am & 7:00 pm
Daily: 8:00 am (Monday thru Saturday)
5:30 pm (Monday thru Friday from
Labor Day thru Memorial Day)
First Friday: Novena to the Sacred Heart - 8:30 am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Friday after 8 am Mass until 8 am Saturday
First Saturday: Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - 8:30 am
Confessions: Saturday, 4:00 - 5:00 pm and daily upon request
Marriages: 781-9855 (9 months preparation required)
Baptismal Instruction: 781-9855 ext. 10
Bautizos en Español: 781-9855 ext. 10
Children’s Homily: During 8:30 & 10:15 Masses; children 1st thru 6th grade
Nursery: (Children under three years of age) held in Parish Hall during Sunday 8:30 & 10:15 am Masses
Sick Calls (during Office hours): 781-9855
Emergencies & Sick Calls (after office hours): 683-0800 ext. 25
Parish Office in the Ministry Center
Monday through Friday
9:00 am-5:00 pm
St. Catherine’s Website:
MSC Website:
Further information located in Parish Directory
JULY 5, 2009
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Page 2
One God, One people in Christ, One community
of love guided by the Holy Spirit to impact lives.
Mass Intentions - Intenciónes de Misas
6:30 am
8:30 am
10:15 am
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
5:15 pm
Intentions of Alfred Sintek
Anton “Bob” Meier
Anton “Bob” Meier
Anton “Bob” Meier
Intentions of Carla Marie Taniguchi
8:00 am
Jean Brown
7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside
Un Dios, Un pueblo en Cristo, Una comunidad
de amor guiada por el Espiritu Santo para impactar vidas.
Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2009
My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is made perfect in weakness.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9
Last week’s Treasure mentioned the “Nuns of the Battlefield,” religious sisters from several communities
8:00 am Ed Rix
who served as nurses in the Civil War. Florence
Nightingale had only instituted female nurses a decade
8:00 am Intentions of Christina Nicole Munoz
before in the Crimean War, so the idea of women
8:00 am Father Ivan Fitzwilliam
tending to wounded soldiers was extraordinary. The
medical and sanitary conditions on the battlefields
8:00 am Intentions of Patricia Granados
10:00 am at AFV — Mary Murphy
were appalling, and the sisters were nearly all teach5:15 pm Sandi Lenfestey
ers. Few had any medical training beyond what they
had learned as youngsters in the family. Anti-Catholic
6:30 am Intentions of Mercy Soliz
prejudice was so deeply entrenched in America that
8:30 am Barbara Tabora
10:15 am Paul Villamero
sisters could not wear their habits in public. These sis12:00 pm Adele Carta
ters were the first, and people on both the Union and
1:30 pm Humberto Ramirez Brand
Confederate sides soon began to marvel at their brav5:15 pm Parishioners
ery, efficiency, and respect for Protestant soldiers.
Symbolizes Soul of Deceased
More than six hundred sisters from twenty-one comLiturgy Corner
munities went to war, serving in wretched conditions.
“An indulgence is a remission before God of the tem- They were tough and single-minded, efficient and
poral punishment due to sins whose guilt has already fearless.
8:00 am
Maxine H. Plotz
been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly
disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions
through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the
saints.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1471)
After the war, sisters could appear in public everywhere in the reunited nation, and often received the
praise and gratitude of grateful soldiers and family
members on behalf of their sister nurses. An outdoor
monument to the “Nuns of the Battlefield” stands in
Washington at M Street and Rhode Island Avenue.
The inscription reads: “They comforted the dying,
nursed the wounded, carried hope to the imprisoned,
gave in His name a drink of water to the thirsty.”
In order to promote prayers for priests, the Holy See
has announced a plenary indulgence may be gained
on the first and last day of the Year for Priests (June
19th), on the first Thursday of each month, and on the
—Rev. James Field, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch o.
150th anniversary of the death of St. Jean Vianney
(August 4th). To obtain the indulgence, the faithful
must attend Mass and offer prayers to “Jesus Christ,
supreme and eternal Priest, for the priests of the
Church, or perform any good work to sanctify them
and mold them to His Heart”. These must be accompanied by sacramental confession within 21 days before or after, and prayers for the Pope.
Due to an early press deadline, financial updates were
not available. Look for them in next week’s bulletin.
Have a happy and safe 4 of July!
our Freedom
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 3
July 5, 2009
Dear Parishioners,
Last Sunday, we read in the Gospel about the faith of Jairus and of the woman who was cured of
her affliction. According to the Dominican theologian and exegete Fr. Pierre Benoit, during Jesus’
ministry, before the resurrection, faith could not have meant an act of belief in Christ as a divine
person, but “would have meant a receptivity to God’s healing word proclaimed by Jesus, together
with a confident self-abandonment to God whose saving power was being exercised in and through Jesus.”
In contrast, the readings for today tell of the lack of faith. In first reading the prophet Ezechiel is sent by God to a
people “who have rebelled against me; they and their ancestors have revolted against me to this very day. Hard of
face and obstinate of heart are they to whom I am sending you.” In the Gospel Jesus is in his native place Nazareth,
where enthusiasm yields to skepticism, then to opposition, then to disbelief; their admiration changes to resentment.
Then Jesus tells them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his
own house." The Gospel episode ends with Jesus being “amazed at their lack of faith.”
In contrast to these rebelliousness, obstinacy of heart, skepticism, opposition, disbelief and resentment, the second
reading from the second letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians illustrates his receptivity to God, the confident selfabandonment, so that he may have the power of Christ. He writes, “Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” His
faith in the risen Lord gives meaning to his sufferings, hardships and persecutions.
In the mid-60’s when we were college students we would sing at the end of the Mass “Walk with Faith in Your Heart”
by the Bachelors. The words in the middle section say,
Whenever you have troubles
Just reach our for his hand
He’s by your side
Your constant guide
And quick to understand.
Faith in the Lord kept us strong to go in the face of the challenges of students life: exams to prepare for, terms papers to submit, etc. It was an inspiring song that reminded of God’s constant presence and guidance.
We hear of many stories of people whose experiences have deepened their faith in God. Four years ago, I was in
Slovakia, and one seminarian mentioned that he spent some months in India with the Missionaries of Charity,
founded by Mother Teresa; the experience had a profound effect on him, deepened his faith, and made him convinced of his vocation. In India, I met a guy who was a volunteer in one of the stations of the Missionaries of Charity; he told me that some of the homeless and dying whom he took care of were nasty with their words, but he would
bear all these because of his faith and commitment. A Texas born professor in Claremont Graduate University in
California writes of her journey in faith in her paperback Finding Calcutta: What Mother Teresa Taught Me About
Meaningful Work and Service. Here is one book review:
"Find the sick, the suffering and the lonely right there where you are. . . . You can find Calcutta all over the
world, if you have the eyes to see." --Mother Teresa
Lifelong educator Mary Poplin, after experiencing a newfound awakening to faith, sent a letter to Calcutta asking if she could visit Mother Teresa and volunteer with the Missionaries of Charity. She received a response
saying, "You are welcome to share in our works of love for the poorest of the poor." So in the spring of 1996,
Poplin spent two months in Calcutta as a volunteer. There she observed Mother Teresa's life of work and service to the poor, participating in the community's commitments to simplicity and mercy. Mother Teresa's unabashedly religious work stands in countercultural contrast to the limitations of our secular age.
Poplin's journey gives us an inside glimpse into one of the most influential lives of the twentieth century and
the lessons Mother Teresa continues to offer. Upon Poplin's return, she soon discovered that God was calling
her to serve the university world with the same kind of holistic service with which Mother Teresa served Calcutta.
Not everyone can go to Calcutta. But all of us can find our own meaningful work and service. Come and answer the call to find your Calcutta!
Dear Parishioners, faith sees what ordinary eyes and mind do not. Discover the hand of God at work in your daily
lives, even in your “weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints.” St. Paul says, “For when I am
weak, then I am strong,” because God reveals his power through human weakness. He chooses the weak and
make them strong in bearing witness to him. May the Good Lord keep you constantly strong in faith.
Fr. Gene Sabio, MSC
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 4
FORMATION 781-9855
Olivia Garcia x 25
Rachel Mahoney x 26
July 5, 2009
Lance Wiseman
Archie LaSalle
781-9855 x 14
Faith Formation REGISTRATION LIFE TEEN (high school age teen)
Catechetical Year 2009 – 2010
Tonight, Sunday – “Summer Fun Night” – This social
We will be having registration
for all Faith Formation Programs:
Elementary Middle School
High School Sacramental Preparation
Youth Confirmation
night will included some water fun. Please dress appropriately. Bring a change of clothes. This night is at the
Youth House at 7:00 PM.
Next Sunday – 7/12– “Land of the Free” – This night
will explore the freedom of Country and the freedom
God graced us with. This night is at the Youth House at
after the 8:30am, 10:15am, 12:00noon, 1:30(español), 7:00 PM.
and 5:15pm Masses
Summer Thursdays – 7/16 – Summer Thursday starts
Sunday, July 12, 2009 in the Parish Hall
at 4pm. Contact Archie for more info @ 684-1065.
and Sunday, August 16, 2009
Remember every Sunday is LIFE NIGHT from 7:00
Please bring a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certifi- PM to 8:30 PM at the Parish Hall or the Youth House,
cate & information needed to fill out an emergency 6956 Nixon St. All High School age Youth are welcard. Be prepared to pay the registration fee by either come to come over as soon as the LIFE TEEN Mass
cash or check made payable to St. Catherine’s.
If you have any questions regarding where your child Youth Service Hours - We are looking for help with
may be in the process, here is a helpful guide:
our upcoming fundraiser for our youth on July 25th.
Usual Ages for Catechesis and Sacraments:
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th - 6th Grade
7th - 8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
Baptism (0 - 6 years old)
Sunday Preschool (3 – 5 years old)
1st Reconciliation (Confession)
1st Eucharist (Communion)
Continuing Catechesis
Continuing Catechesis & “The Edge”
First Year Confirmation Process
Second Year Confirmation Process
Third Year Confirmation Process/
Help will be needed before the event with ticket sales
and other things. Contact Lance at 781-9855 ext 14.
Youth Fundraiser – 7/25/09 –
Dinner & Dessert Auction Round Up - 6:30pm in the
parish hall – If you remember the past, this dinner will
be worth the cost for only $10.00 Adults, and $8.00 for
Children under 12 you will be treated to some great
Chicken and Ribs and have a great time bidding on
some great desserts. Western attire encouraged. Tickets
on sale at the Ministry Center 9am to 5pm.
Middle School
THE EDGE – a Ministry for youth in middle school –
Open to 6th to 8th graders in private or public schools.
Matrículación (Registración) para el año
Our next summer gathering will be Thursday, July 9th,
starting at 4pm. For more information, contact Archie
El domingo, 12 de julio 2009 y domingo 16 de LaSalle @ 684-1065.
agosto 2009; después de la misa de la 1:30 de la tarde Confirmation News –Please see registration
en el salon de la parroquia.
information in the adjacent column
Usted necesita traer una copia de su certificado del Confirmation 1th year – The Make up Modules will be
bautismo de sus niños y venir preparado para pagar las Sunday July 19 1pm to 3pm or 3:00pm to 5:00pm in
cuotas de inscripción. Si su niño/a fue matriculado el the Parish Hall. nd
año pasado, usted necesitará matricular de nuevo a su Confirmation 2 Year –Remember 4 Life Nights,
Mass reflection and service hours for each year. Conniño/a para este próximo año.
tact Lance if you have any questions.
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 5
Activities Calendar
Week of July 6th– July 12th (as of June 25th)
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
1:45 pm
6:00 pm-8:00pm
7:00 pm
July 6th
Church (side chapel)
MC Rooms 1& 2
July 7th
Blue Army Prayer
Church (side chapel)
Life Teen Band Rehearsal Church
Sp. Prayer Group Meeting
& Rehearsal
MC Room 1
7:00 pm
Spanish Eucharistic
Ministers Meeting
MC Room 2
7:00 pm
Core Team Meeting
Youth House
July 8th
10:00 am
St. Jude’s Wirebenders
Youth House
7:00 pm-9:30pm Traditional Choir Rehearsal Church
July 9th
7:00 pm-9:00pm Choir Rehearsal Dr. Trent Church
7:00 pm-9:00 pm Little Rock Bible Study
MC Room 1
July 10th
6:30 pm
Spanish Prayer Group
MC Spirituality Room
7:00 pm-9:00pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal
MC Room 1
July 11th
10:00 am
6:30 pm
Marriage Orientation Mtg. MC Rooms 1&2
July 12th
8:00 am-1:00 pm RCIA
MC Spirituality Room
9:00 am
Children’s RCIC
MC Room 2
10:00-11:30 am
Gospel Choir Rehearsal
MC Room 1
12:00 pm
Spanish Choir Rehearsal
MC Room 1
3:30 pm
Scripture Study
MC Room 1
3:30 pm
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal Church
7:00 pm
Life Teen
Parish Hall
Blue Army Prayer
Crecimiento Espiritual
F.F. = Faith Formation
Filmin = Filipino Ministry
MC = Ministry Center
Sp. = Spanish
S.C. = Saint Catherine
Spir. Rm. = Spirituality Room
Rooms and Facilities must be reserved
through the parish office.
All activities need to end by 10 pm.
Regulations for using the Facilities:
Must leave Rooms clean
Carefully return all equipment to original location (s)
Empty all trash and place in dumpster, replace trash liners.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
During this time, we celebrate the independence of
our country. We would do well to echo the psalmist
saying, “ Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading
for His mercy”. May we always recognize and use
wisely the gifts of freedom and abundance He has
showered upon us.
“Meals on Wheels” volunteer drivers needed.
Call 683-7151
July 5, 2009
At the Crossroads
The drama of God’s self-revelation continues, in the Yahwist narrative concerning
the Creation, Fall and Redemption of our
First Parents.
So, there was that pristine unity and deep communion
among God, humanity and nature. In that place of daintiness, of perfection, God spoke and humanity listened. God
affirmed the freedom of humankind; humankind knew and
lived the moral imperatives between good and evil. There
was abundance of life: nature was cared for by humans,
and in turn nature gave humans the satisfaction of their
needs.. Among humans was a relationship of love and
communion, sanctified by married love as a delightful expression of equality and human generativity.
Then a fourth actor appeared on the stage. It presented a
new voice from the bowels of the earth: the snake. In the
ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Canaan and Egypt,
and even among present-day indigenous tribal communities, the snake was a symbol of life and good health, fertility
and productivity and wisdom and understanding. Life and
good health: the venom of the snake was used to cure
sickness and diseases; the snake itself was eaten as medicinal (note, for example, the Hippocratic symbol for medicine). Fertility and productivity: the presence of the snake
is salvation for one who lives in the desert. The snake
goes in and out of the ground, and plows and softens the
ground. The waste of the snake is fertile and sticky, making the sand gel together. So this patch of soil catches
early morning dew, allowing the green grass to grow, this
same grass that can hold the dew. Thus a traveler in the
desert who is hungry and thirsty, may eat the grass and lick
this moisture and live. Wisdom and understanding: the
snake can change its color according to its environment,
and it can adjust to the four seasons of the year.
So, the question arises: why did the biblical author use this
positive symbol to bring out the negative? Before we answer the query, we may ponder this: man and woman are
made of the dust of the ground. The snake lives in the
ground. Therefore, in every man and woman, there is a
snake. The question really is: how big or how small is the
snake that is in me. Moreover, the snake feeds on the
ground. It eats its very own home!
Now, to answer the first question: first, the voice of the
snake that is in us, that speaks of unbridled desire and uncontrolled appetite for life and good health, for fertility and
productivity, for wisdom and understanding at the expense
of others, of nature, and of God, of the voice of God that is
in our heart too, for we have been made to God’s image
and likeness. Second, the ambiguity of human goodness:
there are many things that I do that seemingly are good,
but are actually destructive of humankind, of nature, of my
sense for God! When our first parents listened to the irrationality of human desire and appetite, and gave in to an
ambiguous good, they failed to listen to the voice of God
that speaks of freedom as moral choice. And life was
never the same again! – Fr. Ben
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 6
Best Intentions
Over the last few weeks we have invited you to fill out
an Intention Card as part of our Stewardship drive.
Many have filled one out, but many more have not.
Making a commitment to God and our community is
not something to do lightly. We have provided Prayer
Journals, a Parish Action Plan and homilies and reflections in the bulletin to help you discern what you
are capable of doing at this time. Most of us can
spare an hour a week or a couple of hours a month.
And we can certainly all pray.
They say that the road to h—l is paved with the bones
of those with good intentions. Please don’t let this opportunity go by to demonstrate to God in a tangible
way your gratitude for his blessings and are willing to
be not only good (but great!) stewards of the blessings you have received.
July 5, 2009
Do you have a
great dessert
Our Youth Ministry is looking for
some desserts to auction off at our
Dinner & Dessert Auction fundraiser
on July 25, 2009.
If you could help us by donating a great
dessert, please contact Lance Wiseman
at 781-9855 ext 14.
38th Annual
SCRC Catholic Renewal Convention
This year’s theme:
“Happy the People Whose God is the Lord”
May God bless you richly for the commitment of
Labor Day Weekend September 4-6, 2009
prayer, time, talent and treasure you make today.
Anaheim Convention Center
Over 45 Speakers! Spiritually Enriching for all Ages!
LIFE TEEN Inspiration
For registration brochure/information contact:
November 7, 2009
SCRC, (818)771-1361,
[email protected]
Six Flags Magic Mountain – $45.00 reserves your
ticket. - Inspiration is when Life Teen combines thrillINQUIRY
ing rides and intense worship, hearts are
Thinking about becoming Catholic?
enlivened and souls ignited. Six Flags
Baptized but never received
may provide the entertainment, but Life
your First Communion? Confirmation?
Teen provides the real attractions: the
Know a friend who has told you
Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, praise and
they would like to become Catholic?
worship and powerful Catholic speakers.
Come to Adult Inquiry to explore
Inspiration is more than your “ordinary” youth rally;
get your questions answered.
it’s an extraordinary encounter with Christ. Contact
2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 PM
Archie at 684-1065 for permission slip and more inor
2nd & 4th Saturdays of each month at 9:00 AM
formation. Deadline to register is September 20,
in the Ministry Center.
2009. Call today.
You will find the blue Intention Cards in the back of
the church. Simply fill one out and drop it in the weekend collection (or bring it to the Ministry Center during
normal business hours to Deacon John).
Next meetings: Tuesday July 14, Saturday, July 11
Join Fr. Tim Keppel, C.R., of Our Lady of
For any questions, call Mary or Marty at 781-9855 ext.29
the Lake in Lake Arrowhead, on his 23rd
annual Winter Vacation in beautiful InnsIsaac Society
bruck, Austria on January 16—23, 2010
We will be singing and sharing with the resifor only $1,175. The trip includes airfare, airport transdents at Chapman Convalescent Hospital on
fers, hotel and a daily buffet breakfast. Daily optional
Sunday, July 19th at 2:00 pm for our monthly
side trips are offered to: Salzburg, Venice, Bolzano, The
Ice Cream Social. Come join us and bring your
Castles of Mad King Ludwig, San Moritz, and a Winter
family. The residents light up when the children
Wonderland Sleigh Ride. Call Fr. Tim for information@
visit. For more information call Walter 789909-337-2333 or e-mail him at [email protected]. Be
0186 or Diana 781-9855 ext. 18.
sure to put Innsbruck in the subject line.
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 7
July 18: International Potluck
Join us on Saturday, July 18
following the 5:15 p.m. Mass
in the parish hall for our annual
International Potluck Dinner.
All participants are invited to
come in native attire (costume), express their
pride by bring a dish (representing their culture)
to share and discover the wonderful diversity of
our parish community.
The annual potluck is sponsored by the
Ministry of Social Concerns
to promote unity through diversity.
Those wishing to attend Mass prior to the potluck
are encouraged to drop off their dishes at the
parish hall before 5 p.m. or after Mass.
If you would like to help with this event (set up,
environment, clean up, etc.) or you would like
more information or ideas regarding entrees to
bring, please call Deacon John and Cheryl De
Gano at (951) 781-9855, ext. 11
July 5, 2009
“Think globally…act locally”
While our young people are learning about
global solidarity through their participation in
such things as World Youth Day, The Invisible
Children, etc., we can all learn from the
Church’s social teaching on Solidarity by
‘thinking globally and acting locally’.
War is just one reason people are displaced.
Poverty, loss of job or land or even just trying
to feed your family are reasons people give for
relocating their homes. Sometimes people
choose to freely move. Other times they are
forced to do so through no fault of their own.
This is true both here in Riverside, California,
as well as, elsewhere in the United States. So
then before we judge our migrant, our immigrant, our emigrant and our refugee brothers
and sisters, let us seek to understand their
side of the story and ‘walk a mile in their
We all deserve to be treated with dignity and
respect. In so doing, we just might make a
friend in the process. And that person may be
Jesus Christ himself.
Youth Ministry Trip:
Mass on the Beach
Monday August 3, 2009
9:00 AM to 10 PM
Youth Ministry ‘09 Fundraiser
BBQ Chicken & Rib Dinner
& Dessert Auction - Round up
July 25, 2009
6:30 PM in the Parish Hall
$10.00 Adult / $8.00 child (12 & under)
Tickets Available at the Ministry Center.
Western Attire Encouraged
Come join the fun,
in the surf & sun.
Celebrate Mass with
youth from all over
Southern California.
Bring food, to share with our group
(potluck style)
$10.00 for Official T-Shirt (optional)
Pick up permission slip at any Thursday event,
Sunday Life Night or call Archie 684-1065.
Deadline July 26, 2009
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 8
Prayer for Military personnel in hostile territories, call
Carolyn, 781-9855 x22. PLEASE LET US KNOW
when someone on the list has returned home safely.
Please pray for Peace and for a safe return home of our
military personnel stationed in hostile territories:
Erik Navarrette
Martin Saine
PFC Jacob Romero
PFC Kieran Dohr
Pvt. Jeremiah Morgan
Valerie De Leon
Vance Campbell
SS Angel Trujillo
Pfc.Michael Llantada
Tony Sandoval
CPO Jeff Scarano
SGTF Douglas Dietel
LCPL Raymond Rocky Nava
Kalolo Joseph Luamanuvue
LCpl Joshua Baldridge
Carlos Fernandez
SSgt. Richard Guillen-Avila
Sgt. Brenda Sanchez
Sgt. Kenneth James Kelly
Michael Loftus
ET5 Richard W. Pena, Jr.
Pfc. Kevin McCoy
Pfc. Devin Robinson
Ricardo Sanchez
Michael Merkelbach
SSgt. Ken Jamison
Don Hedge
Brandon Walker
Matt Truex
Tom Koehler
SSG Adrian Romero
Charissa Bowen
Please Pray for the Sick
Por Favor Oren Por Los Enfermos
Alma Acosta
Frank Berry
Gloria Bowes
Tanya Butzloff
Rosa Covarrubias
Bill Craig
Luis O. DeLoera
Bill Dressman
Bea Fernandez
Jacob Fernandez
Judith Fish
Bill Fitzgibbons
Gloria Furlan
Blanche Gadbois
Diandra Galarza
Bob Koehler
Robert Koagel
Linda McDonald
Alba McGarvey
Teresa Merkelbach
Jean Murphy
Bill Nassar
Emily Parker
Pledger Parker
Teri Reed
Jessica Riboni
Sarah Robeck
Cecilia Sablo
Aurora Saldaña
Steve Saldaña
Vannys Salinas
Lee Spriggs
Cathy Stevens
Jason Thompson
Nancy Warkentien
Chris & Ed Wegele
Dan Webb
Katie Webb
McKayla Wood
Brooklynne Williams
Stephanie Sharpe
Rosanna Grisham
Betsy Sarno
Rose Romo
Kevin Romo
Mary Espinoza
Miriam B. Haydel
Ruben Mesa
Angelina Micklow
Paul Stephens
Jayne Barton
Jim Uli
Mark Daly
Frank Vanderpoel
Rose Yanni
Albert Anderson
Ofelia Granados
Debrah R. Chavez
Lois Grill
Leanne Klump
Marissa Anne
Mark Pena
Brandon Vergara
Carmen Velasco
Debbie Friedrich
Pauline Knock
Tex & Alice Piper
Patricia Granados
Fr. Edward McGuinness
Mak Nai Dohr
Carmen Dorado
Mike Rodriguez
Guadalupe Trujillo
Terri Unkovich
Patrick O’Malley
Anna Carranza
Frank Gorback
Bill Haggard
Annie Keen
Lucy Lovi
Christina Rojas
Bill Wanelik
Maria Figueroa
Albert Tedaldi
Dominga Aliaga
Raymond Echevarria
Leonor Laya
Maria Ramos
Maury Ferraro
Sara Thomason
Jed Young
Fr. Earl Henley, MSC
Antonia Castana
New this week
Jonathan Gensch
Prayer for the Sick
Names submitted for the prayer list for the sick are
kept on the list for 3 months. If you wish a name to
remain on the list for a longer time or to add a new
name, please call 781-9855 ext. 22. If leaving a message, please leave your name and number so information can be verified. PLEASE CALL IF A NAME
July 5, 2009
With the bad economy, we seem to be getting a lot of calls to help single moms.
This writer's gut feeling is that a lot of husbands/boy friends hit the road when the
finances get tough. The following case is
sadly typical.
On a recent Saturday, one of our teams visited a single mom with one child. She was
working , but her car had needed repairs. This unexpected issue wreaked havoc on her finances, so she
was behind on her bills. Because of your support, we
were able to help with food and utilities.
Exploring this Sunday’s Scriptures
Have you wanted to understand the
Sunday readings from the bible, but
not known where to start?
Or who to discuss it with?
Come to the Ministry Center, across the
street from the Church, any Sunday between
3:30 and 5:00 PM to explore the scriptures
and how they relate to our lives.
No cost, no materials to bring. Just show up, listen,
discuss, pray. All adults (18 to 98) are welcome.
More info? Call Bev at 689-1710.
Life is a fragile wonderful gift.
Give the “gift” of life, donate blood.
Call Jo @ 684-9785.
Gn 28:10-22a; Mt 9:18-26
Gn 32:23-33; Mt 9:32-38
Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Mt 10:1-7
Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Mt 10:7-15
Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10:16-23
Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Mt 10:24-33
Am 7:12-15; Ps 85; Eph 1:3-14 [1:3-10];
Mk 6:7-13
Gn 28:10-22a; Mt 9:18-26
Gn 32:23-33; Mt 9:32-38
Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Mt 10:1-7
Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Mt 10:7-15
Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10:16-23
Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Mt 10:24-33
Am 7:12-15; Sal 85 (84); Ef 1:3-14
[1:3-10]; Mc 6:7-13