[email protected] Parish established in 1953 in honor of
ST. ANASTASIA CATHOLIC CHURCH SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, JULY 21st, 2013 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: 310-670-2243 ♦ Fax: 310-670-5052 Website: www.st-anastasia.org E-mail: [email protected] Parish established in 1953 in honor of James Francis Cardinal McIntyre Ministry gathers us and makes us a faith family... 16th Sunday In Ordinary Time: Today’s readings speak of hospitality. Abraham, who cheerfully did for his guests all that desert hospitality required, was rewarded with his heart’s desire — a son. Martha also busied herself with all the details of hospitality, but grudgingly and with complaint. Am I a cheerful or a grudging giver? Dear Parishioners, As you can tell, we are progressing along nicely with the construction on our "Pastors' Plaza". The construction project will provide for an appropriate playground for our new Junior Kindergarten. We have accepted 22 new students for our Junior K and we are very excited about welcoming these little ones among as the newest and youngest for teaching the ways of Jesus. Thank you to all of you for helping to make this dream come alive. We still need your help! Please consider a donation for our construction project. Please help the mission of St. Anastasia grow! Martha and Mary -- we need both in our life!! Enjoy your summer! Devotedly yours, Father Gabe LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER … For those who are ill, and those in need of our prayers … Please let us know about the condition of those for whom we pray. We’ll keep/ remove their name(s) as requested, after the first few weeks. Jazzmine Peluchette Eliodoro Alvarado Baby Wryan Lashuay Bob Caldwell Greg Paquin Bambi Byrons Chris Sykes Francine Rehberger Vivian Tew Sandy Dalton Carmen Pereira Baby Anastasia Wittenberg Stephen Ahearn Phyllis Jones Bryce Vernon Suzanne Wheeler Victoria Mitsakos Danny Welchhance Diana Guerra Jessica Schaffhausen Brenda Rooney Vicki Garcia Barbara DeVico Juan J. Morales Juan J. Morales, Jr. Johann Hudson Lisa Dennehy Lorraine Crothers Agnes Mocsny Gerry Oakley Carla Roberts Peter Heredia Jack Muñoz Michael Jones Fran Wilkerson John Swanson George Rader Roy Sheraden Sam Solter Larry Lovett Ursula Lovett Jorden Aponte Tom Tyrrell Shareen Hakim Maxine & Stuart Liebman Matthew Salvo Sherry Stevens Bernice Cubie George Galip Ethel Curry Kim Calimlim Mary Witteman Jose Gutierrez Ed Kwinn Benita Bicarme Vicky Duron Lucille Burk Delgado Martha Keglevich Jody Bruno Cathy Lee Bertha Marcinkus Jeanne Ahern Derek Comes Luanne Sinski Peggy Keelaghan Steven Appleldorn Pauline Runyan Sgt. Shawn Dorton Catherine Fleming Silvana Shinsato Nicole Shinsato Delphine Gonzalez Bob Sapien Brittany Gunnell Bruce Randall Angelo Aparicio Jocelyn Cotlon Michelle Anaya Julietta Anaya Jude Keith Hebert Lisa Carfano Cathy Lee Tim Mueller MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUN, 7/21 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 7:30 PM PARISHIONERS OF ST. A’S EILEEN ADAMS CHRISTOPHER O’CONNELL RON & LOUISE WASILEWSKI ♥ SPECIAL INTENTIONS MON., 7/22 6:30 AM 8:00 AM VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL TUE., 7/23 6:30 AM 8:00 AM RON & LOUISE WASILEWSKI ♥ WED., 7/24 6:30 AM ZACHARY KIERNAN 8:00 AM LYNN KIERNAN THURS., 7/25 6:30 AM 8:00 AM BEATRIZ & GEORGE VASEK FRI., 7/26 6:30 AM REV. PATRICK O’SHEA 8:00 AM SAT., 7/27 8:00 AM 5:30 PM DEAN LORTIE Birthday — Anniversary ♥ — Memorial — Support ♦ HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF BECOMING A PRIEST? Visit: www.lavocations.org Ministry gathers us and makes us a faith family... Reflection on Today’s Readings: FOCUS: Setting aside time to pray helps to ensure that Christ’s peace reigns in our hearts and lives. The fast-paced nature and rapid rate of change in today’s world can serve as obstacles to experiencing peace and serenity in our lives. However, by following the example of Mary in today’s Gospel by taking the time to pray each day and listen to Jesus, Christ’s peace can reign in our lives and hearts no matter what obstacles we face. LITURGY OF THE WORD: In Genesis we hear of the Lord appearing to Moses and telling him that his wife Sarah would give birth to a son. The second reading tells on how Paul rejoices in his sufferings. In the Gospel, Martha provides hospitality for Jesus while her sister Mary sits at the feet of Jesus and listens. Next Week - Celebrating Our Faith Sat., July 27th & Sun., July 28th, 2013 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses: Sat: 5:30 pm. Sun: 7:30 am. Sun: 9:00 am. Sun: 10:30 am. Sun: 12:00 NN. Sun: 7:30 pm. Celebrants: Msgr. Gonzales Msgr. Gonzales Fr. Tom Msgr. Vadakin Msgr. Cox Msgr. Cox SATURDAY CONFESSIONS: 3:30 - 5 pm & 7:30 - 8 pm ** Msgr. Gonzales ** To Receive Holy Communion, (For those who are sick, hospitalized, or home bound) Please call Gloria Bowen, 310-670-5971, Eucharistic Minister to the sick. To have the name(s) included in our prayers, please call the Rectory Office at 310-670-2243. Silverado Senior Living—Beach Cities The South Bay Brain Train is conducting a 4 hour program for those with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Some of the Activities will include Yoga for the Brain™, a support group that focuses on creativity and education, a social hour for the participants, and cognitive stimulation exercises. Another crucial part of this program is a concurrent 90 minute program that happens for the family caregiver giving instruction and insight on how to further enhance the individual’s creativity, health, and healing. If you are interested in this weekly and ongoing program, please contact Richelle Lyon at 310-717-7483 We encourage all to read and reflect on the Biblical passages that will be proclaimed at all Masses next Sunday: Reading 1: Gn 18:20-32 Reading 2: Col 2:12-14 Gospel: Lk 11:1-13 The Family Visitation Ministry offers spiritual support to those in need. Please call Sr. Teresita at 310 -216-2001, or the Rectory Office at 310-670-2243. Treasures from our Tradition: There ‘s a different pace to a summer Sunday, especially on those days when we dream of air conditioning and wave any available paper to stir the air. Yet we persist in gathering, even with so many breaks from the usual routines. We distance ourselves not only from routines, but from schedules and familiar well-worn paths. These are playful days and contemplative days. We see long-lost friends and visit almost forgotten places. We have more leisure than any people before in the history of the world, and we need it because our lives are so care-worn and tiring. More of us walk barefoot and look up at the stars or dip our toes in the lake or sea, sing around campfires, read novels on the beach and eat comfort food with our fingers. We see how beautiful life can be, and are more aware than usual of how God is always breaking in with signs of love. In Genesis today, Abraham and Sarah practice hospitality to their visitors, who turn out to be God dropping in. During the summer months, God practices hospitality in return, inviting us into a season of celebration. Keeping Sunday holy is a good habit to cultivate these days when our spirits are especially receptive to God’s deep desire for us to know divine love. - James Field, Copyright © J.S. Paluch Co. Ministry Equips us to deepen our love for God and share our faith… MONDAY MORNING PRAYER AND ADORATION ♦Consider this a personal invitation to come and join us as we pray the Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. This prayer time is immediately following the 8:00AM Mass and will help you keep prayer front and center in your life. As St. Paul said in his letter to the Colossians: "Pray without ceasing, be attentive to prayer and pray in a spirit of thanksgiving." We believe that a parish is an authentic community only when it sticks together all week long-after the Mass has ended-by living the gospel through daily prayer, mutual support, and loving service to all those in need. This is the goal of our praying the Novena and singing praises to the Lord and His Blessed Mother, and we're sure it's your goal as well. Come pray with us! REGISTER FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL — Come and Join the Fun! Registration for School of Religious Education will take place on Sunday, August 25th and Sunday, September 15th, from 9 am to Noon in Diamond Courtyard. Registration is for Early Traveling Holy Family New On-Line Travel Journal! Sign up today to have a statue of the Holy Family come visit your house for a week. Each household will have the opportunity to gather to pray, reflect and spend faithfilled time with the Holy Family. You will also be able to connect with other parishioners through each Holy Family’s *new* on-line travel journal where photos and family stories can be shared with fellow participants. There will be a sign-up table after each Mass on Sunday, July 28th for those who wish to participate for 2013-14. You may also contact Regina Aaron at [email protected], or by leaving a message at the Rectory, 310-670-2243. This is a unique, faith-deepening and interactive experience for all who participate! Traveling Holy Family - Family 1 Vacation Bible School 07/21/2013 St. Anastasia Parish 07/28/2013 Traveling Holy Family - Family 2 Vacation Bible School 07/21/2013 Garica family 07/28/2013 : DATE E H T SAVE 2013, / 9 2 / 9 :00pm 4 0 0 1: Childhood Education, 3,4 and 5 yr. old; Sacramental Preparation for 1st and 2nd year students; Older Sacramental, and Continuing Education. There is no registration necessary for the childcare offered at the 9 am and 10:30 am Mass. Volunteers needed at all age levels. If you can not make these registrations date, call Jonette Mauch at the Rectory Office, 310-670-2243. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOME CASINO FUN? We're headed to Harrah’s Casino on Tuesday, Aug. 13. We'll leave St. A’s at 8 AM and return at 6 PM. The cost is $12 per person, and you will receive $10 in free play on your Rewards Card, plus a raffle on the bus. Please call Laurette at 310-6702488 for reservations. The deadline is July 30, but don't delay, as this trip will likely sell out soon. A PHOTO ID IS REQUIRED. Sponsored by the St. Anastasia Social Club. Don’t miss out the 16th Annual St. Anastasia Family Picnic All Parishioners Invited! In n' Out burgers, potluck, desserts, drinks, music, bouncers and games for all! Last year was a BIG hit, so mark your calendars to come join the fun!! (Stay tuned - more information to come in August.) Ministry in Community … AN AMAZING JOURNEY OF FAITH- FOR YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW Are thinking about becoming a Catholic? Do you know someone who might be thinking about becoming a Catholic? Here is the chance to invite that special someone to an informal gathering to share and question whether or not the time is right for them to pursue becoming a Catholic. The process is called RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This is the process through which adults are fully initiated into the Catholic faith community. We become a member of the Catholic faith by truly experiencing the life, the self-understanding, and the activities of the community itself. Please consider experiencing this process or inviting someone to join us for this amazing journey of faith. We begin with an informal gathering on Thursday evening September 5th at 7:30 PM. Call Jonette in the Rectory @310-670-2243 or [email protected] SAVE THE DATE: The 18 Annual St. A’s Golf Tournament th will be held on Monday, October 21, 2013. Don’t miss out on all of the fun at Skylinks Golf Course in Long Beach. The day includes a post-tournament BBQ dinner catered by Outdoor Grill at the Elks Club. All members of the parish community are welcome. Contact Chris Turkmany (310) 200-8021 with any questions. Helpful tips to help children and the elderly bear the heat - Did you know that elderly people (65 years and older), infants and children and people with chronic medical conditions are more prone to heat stress. Keep in mind that air-conditioning is the number one protective factor against heat-related illness and death. During conditions of extreme heat, spend time in locations with air-conditioning such as shopping malls, public libraries, or public health sponsored heat-relief shelters in your area. Get informed. Listen to local news and weather channels or contact your local public health department during extreme heat conditions for health and safety updates. Drink cool, nonalcoholic beverages and increase your fluid intake, regardless of your activity level. For more information visit: http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/ extremeheat/heat_guide.asp. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650. Confirmation Early Registration!! Continues thru July 31st. Confirmation Registration forms are available in the back of the Church, Vestibule, and in the Rectory Office. For questions and more information, please contact Catrina at 310-670-2243 x51 or [email protected]. CONFIRMATION CORNER: HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES! ♦ Life Teen Summer Camp Incoming Freshmen through Seniors in High School, Camp Whittier, Santa Barbara. August 6-10, 2013 - $265 (includes 4 nights/11 meals). Adventures include: Kayaking at Lake Cachuma, high ropes course, swimming, hiking, rock climbing wall, zip line, competitive games, small groups, team building and much more! Grow in faith with: Praise/Worship, Daily Mass, Sacred Space, and Reflection. Living Faith for Kids: Angels are some of the most exciting and colorful characters in the Bible. The word “Angels” means “messenger,” and they are messengers from God. The angel shown here is talking to Mary, announcing the Birth of Jesus to shepherds. Solve the following code to find out one of the most important things messengers from God have to tell us: (Do the math and then write the letter in the proper space below) 1 + 7=___(B), 5 - 2=___ (T), 3 + 6=___ (A), 4 - 3=___ (N), 2 + 3= ___(D), 9 - 2=___(R), 7 - 3=___ (E), 8 + 2=___(O), 6 - 4=___(F), 8 - 2=___(I) __ __ 5 10 __ __ __ 1 10 3 __ __ 8 4 __ __ __ __ __ __! 9 2 7 9 6 5 REMINDERS! TODAY Sunday, July 21st, the St. Joseph Center Collection takes place; this collection benefits the poorest and needy of the Westside area. Your donations of cash/non-perishable food are greatly appreciated. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Starts this Monday, July 22nd thru July 26th. Next Sunday, July 28th the monthly Wedding Anniversary Blessing will take place after the 12 Noon Mass. All couples married during the month of July are welcome. ** For info and questions regarding any of these events, please call the Rectory Office @ 310-670-2243. St. Anastasia Catholic Church 7390 W. Manchester Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-670-2243 Office 310-670-5052 Fax Website: www.St-Anastasia.org Email: [email protected] SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASSES WEEKDAYS Mon-Fri: 6:30AM & 8:00AM First Friday: 6:30AM, 8AM, 11AM (School in session) Saturday: 8:00AM WEEKENDS Saturday (Vigil): 5:30PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 10:30AM, 12 & 7:30PM HOLY DAYS Holy Day Vigil Mass: 5:30PM Holy Day: 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 11AM (during the School year) & 7:00PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30PM-5:00PM & 7:30-8:00PM DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal Novena, Rosary and Benediction - Monday, following the 8AM Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Saturday of the month from 8:30AM- 9:30AM ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Sacrament for the Sick is celebrated upon request of family BAPTISM: Parents and Godparents are required to participate in preparation program. Contact the Rectory Office 310-670-2243 or Fred & Esmeralda Balsz @ 679-9119. MARRIAGE: Engaged couples must contact the Rectory no later that 6 months before their proposed wedding date. Call the Rectory Office 310-670-2243. R.C.I.A.: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Becoming Catholics - Please call the Rectory. Funerals: Contact the Pastor by calling the Rectory Office, 310-670-2243. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Ministers of the Eucharist Gloria Bowen-to the Sick.. .. 670-5971 Jan & Herb Masi... .............. 641-2819 Ministers of the Word ......... Carl Pentis ........... .............. 649-4238 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) Evelio Leon .......... .............. 670-1298 Pat Hendon .......... .............. 337-9191 Courtyard Hospitality Sr. Teresita…………………. 216-2001 Altar Care Dolores Saenz ..... .............. 337-7213 Altar Servers Ed Charette .......... .............. 823-3118 Liturgy Committee Richard Arias ....... .............. 641-4194 PASTORAL TEAM PASTOR Msgr. Gabriel Gonzales Priest in Residence Msgr. Gregory A. Cox Pastors Emeriti Rev. Thomas F. King Msgr. Royale M. Vadakin, P.A. St. Anastasia Catholic School 8631 S. Stanmoor Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-645-8816 Office Website: school.St-Anastasia.org Email: [email protected] PARISH LIFE MINISTRIES Bereavement …………….....670-2243 Young Adult Ministry Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Nancy Albin ......................... 927-8891 Sacramental Recorder Prayer Group—English Aleida Rodriguez Lori Mountain ...................... 502-9105 Director of Religious Education Rosary Ministry Jonette Mauch Rose De Leonardis………...645-7175 Confirmation Coordinator Ben Oakley………………….670-2771 Catrina Grove-Reyes Respect Life Director of Adult Faith Formation Jim & Nancy Taylor ............. 645-7671 and Stewardship Safe Guard the Children Rose Healy-Fissinger .......... 670-2243 Director of Music Ministry Karen Diaz .......................... 670-2243 Greg Koppenhaver School Principal St. Joseph Center. Jayne Cram ........................... 645-1140 Michael Muir School Office Manager, Bookkeeper Homeless Weekend Program/ Louise Lance St. Robert’s Center Office Assistant Bob & Lori Caldwell ............. 823-7417 Linda Schmidt St. Margaret’s Center Consultative School Board Mary Agnes Erlandson ........ 672-2208 Olivier Chaine Catholic Charities PTO-Parent Teacher Organization Cindy Begazo ...................... 306-9390 Betsy Sichi Adopt-A-Family ADESTE (After School Program) Rose and Matt Fissinger ..... 645-8285 Elizabeth Soriano Maintenance Bundles for Babies and Diaper Drive Javier Antunes Teressa Syta ....................... 670-0285 Nurses Ministry SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Nancy Reilly .........…….424-228-4767 RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults; Pen Pal Project - Prison Ministry and SRE (Sunday School) ............. ...............……….. .670-2243 Jonette Mauch ..... .............. 670-2243 ………………. [email protected] Confirmation Ministry for Married Couples Catrina Grove-Reyes ........... 670-2243 Jon & Suzette Sornborger ... 670-2243 Infant Baptism Women’s Faith Sharing Fred & Esmeralda Balsz .... 679-9119 Susan Senia ..........………….670-2243 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Men’s Spirituality Joe Berberich ...................... 745-7009 Parish Finance Council Shad Meshad ...................... 568-1065 Jim Healy ............. .............. 410-1206 Pastor Advisory Council Men’s Morning Hour ..……..670-2243 ………………………………..670-2243 MOMS Ministry Site Committee Jayne Cram………………….645-1140 Stefan Politz ........ .............. 337-9534 Men’s Club Bible Study Chris Turkmany .... .............. 642-6646 Susan Senia ........................ 822-6511 Knights of Columbus Social Ministry Arts and Education Laurette Bibeau……………..670-2488 Jayne Cram .......... .............. 645-1140 Family Visitation Ministry Stewardship ………......…….670-2243 Sr. Teresita………………….216-2001 J.S.Paluch - Wendy Schatan, Bulletin Ads Chronic Pain Support Ministry Patrick Doherty…………….650-0274 (Back cover) - 310-200-5597
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