March 8th, 2015, Third Sunday of Lent
St. Anastasia Catholic Church 7390 W. Manchester Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: 310-670-2243 • Fax: 310-670-5052 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Ministry gathers us and makes us a faith family... Third Sunday of Lent - When Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water, He opened the door for a life changing relationship with Him. Scripture says her testimony drew many others to Him as well. We, too, must be ready to respond whenever and wherever the Lord speaks to us and be prepared for it to change our lives! Dear Parishioners, On this Third Sunday of Lent, we celebrate the First Scrutiny for those who will be received into the Church this coming Easter. Please pray for our catechumens and candidates as they prepare to enter the Church. The readings are rich this Lenten Season. I hope you have been striving to follow the Lord Jesus with a renewed faith and a renewed heart. Devotedly yours, Fr. Gabe LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER ~ For those who are ill, and those in need of our prayers… Ana Castellanos Angie Alvarado Ann Lamkey Beatrice Vasek Bill Corrigan B. N. R. Bob Harris Brandi Hines Bruce Foley Cameron Aziz Charles Guerra Charles Keglevich Deanna Marie Messier Diana Guerra Donna Corrigan Elizabeth Hauser Frances Wilkerson Israel, and family James Dugan Janet Erike Jazzmine Peluchette Joanna Musacchio Jose A. Anaya Joyce Lynn Donnellan Julian Moran Lori Caldwell Lysa Dennehy Martha Keglevich Mary Ann Kwinn Mary Lanzner Mary Ratkovic Melvin Peluchette Michelle Anaya Michlene “Mimi” Hébert Norma Aaron Nuria Lavilla Brau Peggy Keelaghan Potenciana Suner Rebeca Acuna Renee Harrangue Richard Mendenhall Ron & Louise Wasilewski Rosa Zunilda Ruth Smith Sr. Eileen Marie (Marleen) Corrigan Stephane Lempire Sue McLaughlin Victoria Mitsakos Virginia Lorraine Robinson Yolanda Wygal ***Please note that this list will be updated monthly. Family members should please contact the Parish Office to add names or to let us know about the condition of those for whom we pray. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK SUN. 3/08 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 7:30 PM JUSTINE WALKER ROSEMARY CONNOLLY CARMEN PEREIRA THE PEOPLE OF ST. ANASTASIA SHIRLEY D. VESCERA MON. 3/09 6:30 AM 8:00 AM SPECIAL INTENTIONS THE FAMILY OF CARMELITA TIU TUES. 3/10 6:30 AM 8:00 AM SPECIAL INTENTIONS CHUTI L. TIU WED. 3/11 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 5:30 PM SPECIAL INTENTIONS OSCAR TORRES JACOB KOFFMAN THUR. 3/12 6:30 AM 8:00 AM SPECIAL INTENTIONS EMILIA TORRES FRI. 3/13 6:30 AM 8:00 AM SPECIAL INTENTIONS JOSE TORRES SAT. 3/14 8:00 AM 5:30 PM PETER WENNER PETER WENNER Birthday Anniversary ♥ Memorial Support ♦ Ministry gathers us and makes us a faith family... This Week: Saturday, March 7th/Sunday, March 8th Third Sunday of Lent Reflections on Today’s Readings Focus: God has given us His commandments to help us direct our lives toward Him. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments so that we could direct our behavior in ways that help us to grow in our love of God and in our love of neighbor. Given that we have received these commandments, you would think it would be easy to live as beloved children of God. However, sometimes the things we want are not the things we need and we can become distracted by what culture would command us to do. The wisdom of God helps us to make decisions for our lives that keep us growing in our love of God and others. Liturgy of the Word: In Exodus we hear the commandments given by God through Moses, the commandments for God’s people to live by. Saint Paul teaches us that the wisdom of God is not easy to accept, in particular, the message of the crucified Christ. The Gospel tells of Jesus cleansing the Temple in Jerusalem. Celebrating Our Faith Next Week ~ Saturday, March 14th/Sunday, March 15th Fourth Sunday of Lent Masses: Sat: 5:30 p.m. Sun: 7:30 a.m. Sun: 9:00 a.m. Sun: 10:30 a.m. Sun: 12:00 NN. Sun: 7:30 p.m. Celebrants: Msgr. Cox Msgr. Cox Fr. Tom Msgr. Vadakin Msgr. Gonzales Msgr. Gonzales Saturday Confessions 3:30 to 5 p.m. and 7:30 to 8 p.m. Msgr. Cox The Family Visitation Ministry offers spiritual support to those in need. Please call Sr. Teresita at 310-216-2001, or the Rectory Office at 310-670-2243. To Receive Holy Communion (For those who are sick, hospitalized, or home bound) Please call Gloria Bowen, Eucharistic Minister to the sick at 310-670-5971. TODAY’S READINGS: 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT (CYCLE A) FIRST READING: EXODUS 17:3-7 PSALM 95 SECOND READING: ROMANS 5:1-2, 5-8 GOSPEL: JOHN 4:5-42 WE ENCOURAGE ALL TO READ AND REFLECT ON THE BIBLICAL PASSAGES THAT WILL BE PROCLAIMED AT ALL MASSES NEXT WEEK. (CYCLE A) First Reading — As the prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David (1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — You who were once darkness are now light in the Lord (Ephesians 5:8-14). Gospel — The man who had been blind from birth proclaimed: The one called Jesus made clay with His saliva, anointed my eyes with it, and told me to wash (John 9:1-41). We invite you to attend an Open House Information Session for our Graduate Theological Studies Program on April 14, 2015. Following the Open House, you are invited to sit in on a Graduate Theological Class session! Details for Open House: Time: 3:15 P.M. (Dinner will be served.) Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Location: Jennifer Scott’s Office --‐ Theological Studies Department University Hall 3723. RSVP to Graduate Program Administrator, Jennifer Scott [email protected] Free Parking Coupon Code Upon RSVP Where faith is… Vibrantly Expressed … Critically Examined ... Ultimately Transformed Ministry Equips us to deepen our love for God and share our faith… Lent began with Ash Wednesday. The Catholic Community around the world follows these gen regulations during Lent. ABSTINENCE – Is a penitential practice consisting of refraining from the consumption of meat and is to be observed by all Catholics who are 14 years of age and older. Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and the Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. Pastors and parents are encouraged to see that children who are not bound by the obligation to fast and abstain are led to appreciate an authentic sense of penance. FASTING AND ABSTINENCE – In addition to abstinence, fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics between the ages of 18-59 years (inclusive). On days of fasting, one full meal is allowed. Two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed. Note: If a person is unable to observe the above regulations due to ill health or other serious reasons, they are urged to practice other forms of self-denial that are suitable to their condition. 2015 Each Wednesday, during Lent we have a 5:30 pm Mass in addition to the morning Masses, followed by Simple Soup in the Parish Hall (Basement) -ONLY for the first 4 Wednesdays! AND Stations of the Cross each Friday @ 7:30 pm. Beginning Sunday, March 29th (last Sunday of the month) the monthly Wedding Anniversary Blessing will take place after ALL MASSES! FACT OF LIFE Killing the Pain-Not the Patient By Richard M. Doerflinger and Carlos F. Gomez, M.D., Ph.D. In important ways, assisted suicide and good palliative care are not only distinct-they are radically opposed to each other. Control of pain and suffering eliminates the demand for assisted suicide. As Dr. Herbert Hendin notes in his book Seduced by Death, some terminally ill patients have suicidal thoughts, but “these patients usually respond well to treatment for depressive illness and pain medication and are then grateful to be alive.” Such treatment responds to the underlying reasons why patients ask for death, instead of treating the patient himself as the problem to be eliminated. When pain control and other care improves, assisted suicide becomes largely irrelevant. Once the assisted suicide is accepted , doctors lose the incentive to pursue more difficult but life-affirming ways of truly caring for patients close to death. The converse is also true: prohibiting assisted suicide sets a clear limit to doctors’ options so they can commit themselves to the challenges of accompanying patients through their last days. (Continued in next week’s Fact of Life) The 2015 Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Collection takes place NEXT Sunday, March 15th. The CRS Collection supports six Catholic agencies that work to serve our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. Through humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals and families, and providing legal and advocacy services for migrants, the CRS Collection allows us to see every encounter with a person who is suffering as an opportunity to HELP JESUS IN DISGUISE. Envelopes are in the pews. “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 SIMPLE SOUP - Stewardship in action… Save the Date! This Wednesday is the last opportunity to participate in the Simple Soup supper, please join us! Host Ministries: Wed., Mar. 11th, PARISH FAMILIES …a way of life for St. Anastasia Church REMINDER: The Lenten presentation: How Well Do You Know Jesus? Continues throughout Wednesdays, March 11,18,25, and April 1. Meet in the Parish Hall from 7:15 to 9 pm (right after the Simple Suppers) Cost: $10. Please pay at the door. This donation allows you to attend any or all of the sessions. Limited seating, to please register, send an email to: [email protected] or call 201-7762986. Facilitated by the St. A’s Prayer Group. Teaching children about boundaries and safe touches is healthy - Teaching children about boundaries and safe touches is not sex education. There are many safety issues we teach children: bike safety, water safety, fire prevention, driver's training, etc. Personal safety programs should have age appropriate lessons that give children the skills they need to protect themselves without frightening them. Keeping children unaware of the dangers around them does not keep them safe. Predators count on children not knowing what to do. For more information, please visit: child-and-youth-protection/faqs.cfm. Ministry in Community… LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE 2015 St. Anastasia’s: Tuesday, March 24, 7:30 pm. St. Jerome: Wed., Mar. 25, 7 pm. St. Augustine: Wed., Mar. 25, 7:30 pm. St. Mark: Thurs., Mar. 26, 7 pm. St. Monica: Tue., Mar. 31, 7 pm. Visitation: Tue., Mar. 31, 7 pm. the Vestibule. WASHING OF THE FEET LITURGY: PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD! Holy Thursday’s Liturgy (April 2nd @ 7:30 pm) needs volunteers for the foot washing. Please consider being a part of this beautiful and humbling celebration. Sign-up board in EASTER FLOWER ENVELOPES ARE IN THE VESTIBULE AND BY THE DOORS . Please use them to make a donation in memory of a loved one or for a particular intention. Drop them in the collection basket or at the Rectory. Walk the Stations of the Cross! - On Good Friday, April 3rd @ 1 pm, we will be having the traditional Stations of the Cross in the Church… and a “familyfriendly” Stations of the Cross using our Stations planted throughout the campus. The stations were created by our school children. All are welcome. Time: 1 pm. Meet in the Diamond Courtyard! St. Anastasia Poetry Contest. IMAGINATION! Contest Rules and Information: All Saint Enjoy a visit from the TRAVELING HOLY FAMILY this New Year! Have a statue of Jesus, Mary & Joseph join you for a week (or more!) and share God’s wonderful love with you as we start 2015! Sign up for this wonderful St. A’s tradition at or call Regina at 310-670-2243. Upcoming Host Families: 3/8 - 3/14 Hillery Family 3/15 - 3/21 Molina Family 3/22 - 3/29 James Family Important Reminders: Don’t forget that Bulletin announcements should be submitted 2 weeks prior to the requested publication date! ♥ TODAY, Sunday, March 8th, Nurses Ministry, Blood Pressure readings after the 10:30 am and 12 Noon Masses in Diamond Courtyard! ♥ NEXT Sunday, March 15th, the St. Joseph Center Collection takes place after all Masses. This collection benefits the poorest and needy of the Westside area. Your contributions of cash/ non-perishable food are greatly appreciated! Anastasia Parishioners in Grades 1-8 may enter. You do not have to be a student of St. Anastasia School. The theme is Imagination.” Your poem may reflect this theme in any way you choose. Poems must be written by the student alone. It must be original work. Entries are due by Friday, March 20, 2015. They must include a completed contest form and be turned into the school office or rectory in an envelope marked “St. Anastasia Poetry Contest.” No late entries will be accepted. Poems must be typed or neatly printed. Parents may help with typing for younger students, but please, no editing! Please save a copy of your poem, as they will not be returned. Attention Parents: Please take seriously the Pledge of Originality that your child MUST sign (you could find it in the School or Rectory Office). It means that they did not receive help from any person or source in writing their poem. The only help they should get from parents is encouragement. Thank you. (A detailed form is available in the School and Rectory Office). Questions? Susan Pearson: [email protected] Welcome New Parishioners! Email [email protected] to request a New Parishioner registration form today! Already a registered parishioner? Make sure we have all your current contact information on file phone, email address, mailing address, etc. - so you won’t miss out on parish news and activities! St. Anastasia Catholic Church 7390 W. Manchester Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-670-2243 Office 310-670-5052 Fax Website: Email: [email protected] PASTORAL TEAM PASTOR Msgr. Gabriel Gonzales Priest in Residence Msgr. Gregory A. Cox Pastors Emeriti Rev. Thomas F. King Msgr. Royale M. Vadakin, P.A. St. Anastasia Catholic School 8631 S. Stanmoor Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-645-8816 Office Website: Email: [email protected] PARISH LIFE MINISTRIES Bereavement …………….....670-2243 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Young Adult Ministry MASSES Nancy Albin ......................... 927-8891 Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor WEEKDAYS Prayer Group—English Mon-Fri: 6:30 AM & 8 AM Sacramental Recorder Lori Mountain ...................... 502-9105 First Friday: 6:30 AM, 8 AM, Aleida Rodriguez 11 AM (School in session) Director of Religious Education Rosary Ministry Saturday: 8 AM Rose De Leonardis………...645-7175 Jonette Mauch WEEKENDS Ben Oakley………………….670-2771 Confirmation Coordinator Saturday (Vigil): 5:30 PM Gabriel Reyes Respect Life Sunday: 7:30, 9, 10:30 AM, 12 & 7:30 PM …………………….. .............. 670-2243 Director of Adult Faith Formation HOLY DAYS and Stewardship Holy Day Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM Safe Guard the Children Rose Healy-Fissinger .......... 670-2243 Holy Day: 6:30 AM, 8 AM, 11 AM (during Karen Diaz .......................... 670-2243 the School year) & 7 PM Director of Music Ministry Greg Koppenhaver St. Joseph Center. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: School Principal Jayne Cram……….. .............. 645-1140 Saturday: 3:30 - 5 PM & 7:30 - 8 PM Michael Muir Homeless Weekend Program/ DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal Novena, St. Robert’s Center Rosary and Benediction - Monday, following the School Office Manager, Bookkeeper Louise Lance Bob & Lori Caldwell ............. 823-7417 8 AM Mass. School Office Assistant EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Saturday of St. Margaret’s Center Linda Schmidt the month from 8:30 - 9:30 AM Mary Agnes Erlandson ........ 672-2208 ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Sacrament for the Consultative School Board Catholic Charities Sick is celebrated upon request of family Olivier Chaine Cindy Begazo………………..306-9390 PTO - Parent Teacher Organization Bundles for Babies and Diaper Drive BAPTISM: Parents and Godparents are Denise Gustafson Teressa Syta ....................... 670-0285 required to participate in preparation program. Shawna Wiseman Contact the Rectory Office 310-670-2243 or Nurses Ministry ADESTE (After School Program) Fred & Esmeralda Balsz @ 679-9119. Nancy Reilly .........…….424-228-4767 Elizabeth Soriano MARRIAGE: Engaged couples must contact the Pen Pal Project - Prison Ministry Maintenance Rectory no later that 6 months before their [email protected]………..670-2243 Javier Antunes proposed wedding date. Call the Rectory Office Ministry for Married Couples 310-670-2243. Jon & Suzette Sornborger ... 670-2243 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION R.C.I.A.: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Becoming Catholics - Please call the Rectory. RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults; Men’s Spirituality FUNERALS: Contact the Pastor by calling the and SRE (Sunday School) Joe Berberich ...................... 745-7009 Rectory Office, 310-670-2243. Jonette Mauch ..... .............. 670-2243 Shad Meshad ...................... 568-1065 Confirmation Men’s Morning Hour ..……..670-2243 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Gabriel Reyes .......…………. 670-2243 MOMS Ministry Infant Baptism Ministers of the Eucharist Jayne Cram………………….645-1140 Fred & Esmeralda Balsz .... 679-9119 Gloria Bowen-to the Sick.. .. 670-5971 Bible Study Jan & Herb Masi... .............. 641-2819 Carolyn Godlewski .............. 670-2243 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Ministers of the Word ......... Marti Moran………………….670-2243 Parish Finance Council Carl Pentis ........... .............. 649-4238 Social Ministry Jim Healy ............. .............. 410-1206 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) Laurette Bibeau……………..670-2488 Pastor Advisory Council Evelio Leon .......... .............. 670-1298 ………………………………..670-2243 Family Visitation Ministry Courtyard Hospitality Site Committee Sr. Teresita………………….216-2001 Sr. Teresita…………………. 216-2001 Stefan Politz ........ .............. 337-9534 Chronic Pain Support Ministry Men’s Club Altar Care Patrick Doherty…………….650-0274 Chris Turkmany .... .............. 642-6646 Dolores Saenz ..... .............. 337-7213 Patty Wiacek……………….713-5298. Knights of Columbus Liturgy Committee Arts and Education Richard Arias ....... .............. 641-4194 INTERESTED IN BECOMING A Jayne Cram .......... .............. 645-1140 Altar Server Committee: PRIEST OR IN RELIGIOUS LIFE? Herb Masi …………………… 641-2819 Stewardship ………......…….670-2243 Call the Office for Vocations Richard Arias .......………….. 641-4194 213-637-7248 Maura Reznik .......………….. 645-6845 J.S.Paluch - Brent Lavitt, Bulletin Ads (Back cover) - 818-554-0000
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