The Plenum - January 2013
The Plenum - January 2013
F E AT U R E S JANUARY 2013 VOL. 28 • NO. 1 You are cordially invited to PBACCA 2013 Installation Banquet 2 President’s Perspective 3 4 held at Benvenuto Restaurant Program & Fax Back Form AIR SHOW 2 0 1 3 5 FACAA HAPPY HOUR SPON SORD Apprenticeship Training Program 6 attend the Saturday, Januar y 12, 20 13 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 1730 North Federal Hig hway Boynton Beach, Florida BY AL PACKER FORD ENJOY ENTERTAINM ENT PROVIDED BY JOE CONTI AND HIS BAND. SPONSORED BY FEDE RATED INSURANCE Member of the Year 8 Installation Banquet Reser vations are necessar y. Please register by calling Pam at 561-585-3880 or complete the registration form on page 8 and fax back to 561-585-3347 . 9 Air2 0Show 1 3 Grand Prize Sponsor 13 Calendar of Events PBACCA Ser ves You! PBACCA Presents RGF ENVIRONMENTAL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2013 aboard “ENVISION” - RGF Mega Yacht Call Pam at 561-585-3880 FEB 7, 13 way FEB 7, 13 Another Where does the time go? It’s 2013 already! I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as President of PBACCA this year. I would like to “Thank you” in advance to my new officers and board members. I would like to thank our past president Roy Wattenbarger, for a job well done. A special “Thank you’ to Pam Ripple, executive director, who does an Cliff Griffith outstanding job every year for PBACCA. I hope 2013 is a great year for all the members of PBACCA. I hope o ee more attendees at our general meetings. If anyone has any “topic” ideas for our general meetings please call Pam or myself. Our first event for 2013 will be the installation banquet on January 12th at the Benvenuto restaurant. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. PBACCA 2013 OFFICERS President: Cliff Griffith Mechanical A/C Systems (561) 848-6227 • Fax (561) 848-9004 Cell (561) 718-3958 • [email protected] President Elect: Patrick Mesmer Smithco Services (561) 833-3793 • Fax (561) 832-9051 Cell (561) 202-7302 • [email protected] Vice President: Abel Garza AG Services Maintenance & Repair, Inc. (561) 792-5539 • Fax (561) 932-1744 Cell (561) 386-7929 • [email protected] Secretary: Dale Vernatter John C. Cassidy Air (561) 863-6750 • Fax (561) 863-8305 Cell (561) 601-3870 • [email protected] Treasurer: Nick Italiani Celtic Ice (561) 603-7250 • Fax (888) 561-3823 Cell (561) 379-9488 • [email protected] Director: Sue Hagenbaumer Tropic Supply (561) 684-3997 • Fax (561) 684-6343 Cell (561) 252-4644 • [email protected] Sincerely, Cliff Griffith Director: Arturo A. Alba, Jr. ARCO Supply (561) 586-3331 • Fax (561) 586-4938 Cell (561) 436-7881 • [email protected] Director: John Riley Al Packer Ford-Lincoln PBACCA (561) 868-2806 • Fax (561) 478-4388 Cell (561) 818-5424 • [email protected] Ph 561-585-3880 Fax 561-585-3347 Email [email protected] Website Another Way PBACCA is working for YOU! Director: Don Flori Apollo Air Conditioning (561) 840-7940 • Fax (561) 840-7930 Cell (954) 868-6075 • [email protected] Associate Distributors - Palm Beach County Director: Daryl Sholar Village of Wellington (561) 753-2575 • Fax (561) 753-2428 Cell (561) 685-6309 • [email protected] Director: Leo Breault Robert R McGill Air Conditioning (561) 588-2630 • Fax (561) 547-9574 Cell (561) 719-0546 • [email protected] Past President: Roy Wattenbarger EDS Air Conditioning (561) 586-7080 • Fax ( 561) 586-0771 Cell (561) 601-6931 • [email protected] ————— Executive Director: PAM RIPPLE 585-3880 • Fax-585-3347 e-mail: [email protected] LEGAL COUNCIL: John Hockin - Linkhorst & Hockin, P.A. (561) 626-8880 FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Donna M. Sotillo, CPA - Sotillo & Company (561) 547-5730 ————— In Memory of Pat Hegarty Arco Supply, Lake Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-586-3331 Bayshore Equipment, Jupiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-741-3685 Carrier Enterprise, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .888-827-3352 Coastline, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-848-1416 Economic Electric Motors, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-683-6262 Gemaire Distributors, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-842-6311 Johnstone Supply, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-689-3366 Lennox International Supply, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-656-4030 Goodman Distribution SE, Inc., West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-616-9466 Refricenter, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-689-8075 Trane Company, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-683-3306 Tropic Supply, West Palm Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561-684-3997 Palm Beach Air Conditioning Contractors Association (PBACCA) is an independent association serving the needs of the HVACR industry in Palm Beach County. PBACCA is not affiliated with the national group Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). The mission of PBACCA is to assist and better enable PBACCA members to acquire, serve, and satisfy their customers. The Plenum 2 JANUARY ’13 January Program Call to Action Fax Back Page February 7, 2013 RGF PBACCA Presents… RGF ENVIRONMENTAL IAQ-INDOOR AIR QUALITY ***THURSDAY**** FEBRUARY 7, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm IAQ-Indoor Air Quality Cost: Courtesy of RGF aboard “ENVISION” RGF Mega Yacht “ENVISION” RGF Mega Yacht Old Port Cove Marina North Palm Beach Old Port Cove Marina, North Palm Beach (For Directions call 561-585-3880) - Important Reservations are required For Directions visit 2121 Old Port Cove Marina North Palm Beach FL#Scene 1eons. Please fax this form back to the PBACCA office at 561-585-3347 or call Pam at 561-585-3880 to make your reservation today. Reservation deadline, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. Cost: Courtesy of RGF Environmental Just another example of how we serve the Air Conditioning Contractors of Palm Beach County Company_______________________ #Attending ________ Attendees ______________________________________ DON’T WAIT....REGISTER NOW ________________________________________________ Call Pam at 561-585-3880 Company phone # ________________________________ [email protected] *** To Guarantee your seat please FAX back this page before Tuesday, February 5 - 5 PM. PLEASE NOTE: Due to guarantees given to the hotel, no refunds for cancellations can be approved after February 4th. Cancellations after this date, and no-shows, will be charged and invoiced for the full cost of the dinner. Cancellations must be made in writing. The Plenum Our Website! Visit and see what’s new! 3 JANUARY ’13 PBACCA proudly presents… Air Show 2013 The Largest Air Conditioning Trade Show of the Palm Beaches Tuesday, March 5, 2013 • 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. South Florida Fairgrounds • The Expo Centre 9067 Southern Boulevard • West Palm Beach APPLICATION FOR EXHIBITOR BOOTH: Company Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Representative(s) List all names ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Fax_________________________E-mail Address ______________________ $400 per booth for members $500 per booth for non members 1BMN#FBDI"JS$POEJUJPOJOH$POUSBDUPST"TTPDJBUJPO "*34)08 Please indicate 3 choices of location for your booth (1) _____ (2) _____ (3) _____ Door Prize Cards will be included in the package for you to fill out the night of the trade show. We ask that you bring at least (2) door prizes per booth purchases. I DO ____ DO NOT ____ need the 6’ table that is included with my booth. Additional table(s) available thru Show Management. Do you need electricity? ___ There will be a charge of $60.00 for electricity. There will be forklifts available for unloading trucks. Any or all special requests should be made with our office before the day of the show. Upon receipt of your reservations, you will receive a confirmation letter with booth number, set up time and other miscellaneous instructions. Please make your check to PBACCA and remit to: PO Box 3407 Lantana, FL 33465 PBACCA reserves the right to alter floor plan if necessary for vehicle locations. 120 Booths Concession Stand Rest Rooms First Aid Concession Stand Curtain s s s s s s ss ssss ssss s s s sss s ss s s s ssss s s ss ss sss s s s s s ssss ss s ss s ss ss ss ss s sss 511 510 509 B-Line UEI Uniweld 415 416 s s s s s s s Specialty Chemical 110 Pioneer Metals Pioneer Metals 412 411 410 409 B-Line UEI Uniweld 315 316 413 414 Pioneer Pioneer Metals Metals 508 Specialty Chemical 417 507 506 505 B-Line UEI Uniweld 418 419 504 Specialty Chemical 420 421 Specialty Chemical 313 314 Pioneer Metals Pioneer Metals Pioneer Pioneer Metals Metals 104 BAR 312 213 Pioneer Metals 311 310 309 B-Line UEI Uniweld 215 216 214 Pioneer Metals Pioneer Pioneer Metals Metals 101 212 211 210 209 113 114 115 116 Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Ford Ford Ford Ford Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Ford Ford Ford Ford 501 B-Line UEI Uniweld 423 424 s s s s 422 Metals Pioneer Metals Pioneer Metals Pioneer Metals 408 407 406 405 404 403 402 401 B-Line UEI Uniweld B-Line UEI Uniweld 319 320 323 324 Specialty Chemical 317 Pioneer Metals 318 Pioneer Metals 308 Specialty 217 Pioneer Metals 307 Chemical 321 Pioneer Pioneer Metals Metals 218 Pioneer Metals 306 305 UEI Uniweld 219 220 208 Pioneer 206 205 304 Specialty Chemical 221 Pioneer Metals 117 Ford 118 119 120 Al Packer Al Packer Al UÀ` 322 Pioneer Metals Pioneer Pioneer Metals Metals 303 302 301 B-Line UEI Uniweld 223 224 222 Pioneer Metals Pioneer Pioneer Metals Metals Curtain 201 523 121 122 123 124 524 Ticket Office & Window Curtain SOUTH FLORIDA FAIRGROUNDS EXPO CENTRE MARCH 5, 2013 4 JANUARY ’13 521 202 Entrance The Plenum 520 203 Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Ford Ford Ford For d 1#"$$""*34)08 Check # _____________ enclosed in the amount of $__________________ 518 204 Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Ford Ford Ford Ford Stage Cancellations must be written and received a minimum of 30 days prior to the show. Signature ____________________ 517 522 Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Al Packer Ford Ford Ford Al 515 519 Pioneer Pioneer Metals Metals 207 Pioneer Pioneer Metals Metals 514 516 103 102 502 Pioneer Metals 106 Specialty Chemical 503 Pioneer Metals 109 105 s s s s s s ss s ss s s s s s s s s ss s s s s ss s s ss s 513 512 111 107 Stairs Elevator Curtain 112 108 Dressing Room 5 The Plenum 5 JANUARY ’13 Member of of the the Year Year Member SEER Member of the Year S ervice E nthusiasm E ffort R eliability The SEER Member of the Year is presented for service to the Association and the industry during the past year, and shall be given to the nominee deemed most worthy by the Board of Directors. The nominees shall be chosen from the current membership of the Association, or their employees. No class of membership shall be excluded from Consideration; however, paid-up membership is required for selection. Nominations shall be presented to the Board no later than January 1st and the award shall be presented at the January 14th Installation Dinner. President of current year is not eligible, but past President’s and current Board Members are eligible. NOMINEES NEEDED By January 1st!! Please forward your nominees to the Association office for consideration to Pam Ripple fax # 561-585-3347 or E-mail [email protected] SEER Member of the Year Award Nominee: ____________________________________________________ Nominee Company:____________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Your Name and Company (optional):____________________________________ Write a small paragraph why you believe your nominee should be Member of the Year. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Committed to you and your business, always Proudly serving Florida heating, air conditioning and refrigeration Contractors since 1973. Visit your local Tropic Supply Palm Beach area Resource Center and let us know how we can help you. Cape Coral (T11) (239) 989.0088 Jacksonville (T18) (904) 332.0990 Orlando (T17) (407) 219.3255 Ft. Pierce (T6) (772) 465.4707 W. Palm Beach (T5) (561) 684.3997 Delray Beach (T9) (561) 279.2710 Daytona Beach (T19) (386) 258.8337 Ft. Lauderdale N. (T2) (954) 565.4803 Ft. Lauderdale S. (T4) (954) 522.2874 Ft. Myers (T8) (239) 278.1117 Naples (T10) Miami S. (T3) Mid-Miami (T7) (239) 643.7118 (305) 255.0438 (305) 638.9673 Sunrise (T20) Tampa (T15) Tampa W. (T16) Sarasota (T14) (954) 835.6020 (813) 514.1198 (813) 514.9939 (941) 378.0910 Miami N./Export (T1) (305) 652.7717 Port Charlotte (T12) (941) 255.8330 Exclusive distributor of the Ruud product line. The Plenum 6 JANUARY ’13 SPECIAL SPECIAL INTEREST INTEREST Please Welcome Palm Beach Air Conditioning Contractors Association, Inc. 2013 Slate of Officers and Directors PRE SID ENT P R E S I D E NT- E L EC T V I C E P R E S I D E NT SECRE TARY TREA SURER Cliff Griffith (Mechanical A/C Systems) Patrick Mesmer (Smithco Services) Abel Garza (AG Services Maintenance & Repair) Dale Vernatter (John C. Cassidy) Nick Italiani (Celtic Ice, LLC) D I R EC TO R S Sue Hagenbaumer (Tropic Supply) Arturo A. Alba, Jr. (ARCO Supply) John Riley (Al Packer Ford-Lincoln) PA ST P R E S I D E NT Don Flori (Apollo Air Conditioning) Daryl Sholar (Village of Wellington) Leo Breault (Robert R. McGill Air Conditioning) Roy Wattenbarger (EDS Air Conditioning) ANNUAL PLATINUM SPONSORS ANNUAL GOLD SPONSOR ANNUAL BRONZE SPONSOR The Plenum 7 JANUARY ’13 The Plenum 8 JANUARY ’13 Great Great Opportunity Opportunity Air Show 2013 The Largest Air Conditioning Trade Show of the Palm Beaches Be a Grand Prize Sponsor Tuesday, March 5, 2013, 5:00 – 8:30 p.m. South Florida Fair Grounds Expo Center 9067 Southern Blvd. West Palm Beach, Florida Don’t miss the opportunity to be this year’s Grand Prize Sponsor! • You will be Recognized in the Plenum every month now though April as a Grand Prize Sponsor. • Acknowledged as a Grand Prize Sponsor in the event articles printed by Trade News Paper. Listed in the program the night of the event. • Company name listed on the Air Show Poster PBACCA 1st Annual Toy Drive PBACCA held their first annual toy drive at their December 6th General Meeting. With 40 members in attendance more than 60 toys were collected. The guest speaker was Shannon Bothwell of Florida Green Energy Works, PACE Program. Financing for energy efficient retrofits to commercial buildings, including HVAC upgrades, is now available in West Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Lantana, Mangonia Park and Tequesta through a new Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program. There is little or no upfront cost to commercial property owners who can finance the entire cost of a new high-efficiency system and other energy improvements. The cost is paid over time as a non ad valorem assessment on the property tax bill. Learn how your customers can take advantage of this financing to pay for projects that may save them a great deal of money in the long run. If your customers are postponing upgrades due to the cost, let them know about the program. Become a registered contractor by visiting For more information Contact: Shannon Bothwell 561-762-2135 or [email protected]. Many thanks to RGF Environmental for the table top air ionizer provided to everyone at the meeting; and for the large Santa bags of toys for tots. The response to Toys for Tots was so great we thank you again for your participation. The Plenum 9 JANUARY ’13 Introducing New Tempstar® Two-Stage Communicating Condensers and Observer™ Communicating Wall Control New Tempstar® two - stage communicating condensers are now available in two through five ton cooling capacities and feature self -configuring Installation capabilities and text-based diagnostics capabilities when installed with the Observer ™ communicating wall control. Now Available up to 19 SEER The ICP Commercial® Line is an industry leading replacement product. Coastline is your full line ICP Commercial® distributor 1731 Old Okeechobee Rd W. Palm Beach, FL 33409 561-848-1416 The Plenum 10 JANUARY ’13 Bill Weschrek Owner / Operator ll Weschre i B !!!!!!!!"#$%&'()*$+!%#!%,-!.)//-00!#1!2"!"#345$'-0!2/�!67#&'85 k Crane Service Inc. Phone: 561-547-0169 Cell: 561-889-8140 !!!!"#$%!&'(%)*!&+,(%- 722 Valley Forge Road West Palm Beach, FL 33405 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!:5$)57!;!<#58!"57/0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!:5$)57!=!<'+,%!"#33-&/'57!<#58!"57/0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!>$-&+?!"57/0!@!A-0'8-$*57!5$8!"#33-&/'57 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!:5$)57!B!B)/%!B-0'+$ PERFECT BALANCE, INC. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!B)/%!<-5C5+-!5$8!B)/%!.3#C-!D-0*$+ Certified Building Commissioning Cleanroom Certification Independent and Certified - Air & -Hydronic Test and Balance Hydronic, Sound & Vibration Measurement Sound &Air, Vibration Measurement • Cleanroom Certification !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!!!!!E7#F-&!B##&!E)'78'$+!<-5C5+-!D-0*$+ Building Commissioning, LEED® Main Office: Branch Office: 50 South US Hwy One 7077 Bonneval Road 50 S. US Hwy. 1, Suite440 307 P.O. Box Suite 312 1584 Suite Jupiter, Florida 33477 Jupiter, Florida Florida33468 33477 Jacksonville, Florida 32256 AABC (561) 575-4919 (904)746-0726 332-8533 (561) Fax (561) 575-4919 (561) 746-0726 faxBill Halm Bill, Halm LEED® AP, CxA fax (904) 332-8534 !!!!!!!.%#/,-!0'1!.%#2(334#'05 !!!!"#$%&'()&#*+,-.%/0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!123451647858 President President !!!!!!!!!!!999.()&#*+,-.%/0 [email protected] The Plenum 11 JANUARY ’13 The Plenum 12 JANUARY ’13 Events Events Calendar Calendar Palm Beach Air Conditioning Contractors Association, Inc. 2013 CALENDAR of Events Jan. 3 Board Meeting - 5:30 Smithco Service Jan. 12 Installation Banquet - 7:00 p.m. Benvenuto 1730 N. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach Feb. 7 General Meeting - 6:30 p.m. Aboard RGF’S Mega Yacht The Envision Mar. 5 Board Meeting - 5:30 Smithco Service Mar. 7 22nd Annual AirShow- South Florida Fairgrounds 5:00p.m. - 8:30 p.m. **Calendar of Events Subject to Change Questions? Call Pam Ripple, Executive Director PBACCA at 561-585-3880. The Plenum 13 JANUARY ’13 12 Convenient South Florida Locations to Serve You GOODMAN LIGHT COMMERCIAL PACKAGED UNITS FEATURING EASY INSTALLATION AND SERVICEABILITY Miami 305.621.5758 Kendall 305.969.3162 North Port 941.429.5008 Pompano Beach 954.984.4848 West Palm Beach 561.616.9466 5 Year Compressor and 5 Year Parts Warranty The Plenum 14 Fort Pierce 772.465.2233 Sarasota 941.355.9770 Ft. Myers 239.332.0166 Naples 239.643.7387 Doral 305.594.1104 Hollywood 954.581.9203 Boynton Beach 561.732.3400 JANUARY ’13 Spot Coolers Another Reason to Smile Your Source for Instant Portable Air Conditioning When your memory starts fail! After her 90th Birthday, Marie found that shopping for Christmas gifts had become too difficult, so she decided to send checks to everyone instead. On each card she wrote, "Buy your own present," and she mailed them early. Marie enjoyed the usual flurry of family festivities. Only after Christmas did she get around to clearing off her cluttered desk. Under a stack of papers, she was horrified to find the gift checks, which she had forgotten to, enclose in each card. ! Sales and Rentals ! Largest Fleet of Rentals ! 1 to 25 Ton Portables ! Dependable Delivery Service Tampa • Orlando • Jacksonville • Boca Raton • Miami 1-800-367-8675 Linkhorst & Hockin, P.A. Attorneys at Law JOHN A. HOCKIN Board Certified Construction Law Attorney 4495 Military Trail, Suite 106 Jupiter, FL 33458 Tel. 561-626-8880 Fax. 561-626-8885 Tel. 954-776-5990 Cell. 561-351-4593 [email protected] SOTILLO & COMPANY Certified Public Accountants Donna M. Sotillo, C.P.A. 6605 South Dixie Highway, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Phone: (561) 547-5730 Fax: (561) 547-4720 The Plenum 15 JANUARY ’13 PALM BEACH AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION 302 West Mango Street #26 Lantana, FL 33462 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID West Palm Beach, FL Permit No 1446 OUR MISSION: To assist and better enable PBACCA members to acquire, serve and satisfy their customers. New Address August 31, 2012 Palm Beach Air Conditioning Contractors Association PO Box 3407 Lantana, FL 33465 561-585-3880 Become Certified PBACCA will provide a proctor upon request for onsite testing. The E.P.A. has established a Mandatory Technician Certification Program. Technicians are required to become certified under the mandatory program. Under the final E.P.A. rule, the sale of refrigerant will be restricted to certified technicians. For more information on EPA testing call Pam at 561-585-3880. Apprenticeship Corner Need Qualified Technicians? The next time you have an opening for a technician, call the local Apprenticeship office at 2965236. They can help you find a qualified apprentice to hire and enroll in the local PBACCA sponsored Apprenticeship Program offered at Palm Beach Community College. You’ll be sure your employee is being taught the right skills and acquiring the training to become a productive journey man. Another way PBACCA serves you!
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