Betsy Call - The Bleu Door
Betsy Call - The Bleu Door
Tr- ) fler€ s I BetsyMcCall She and her cousin Bo.rbara tnke Nosy to a Red Feather fashion shou and. pet parad.e, and, Nosy wins a,prize The most wonilerful thing has happeneil to Betsy McCall and her cousin Bartrara and Nosy, Betsy's puppy! They have been in a Red Feather fashion show and pet parade. All the'Iittle girls in sehool rore their favorite clothes and paradeil across the stage in the auditorium with their pets. There were all kinds o{ pets-cah . and dogs and even a rabbit and a fat old turde! Above thestagewas a big flag with a red feather "Give o' to your Community Chest on it and rvords that said Everybody who came to the show gave money to the Community Chest to help other people, anil eaeryboily came-mothers anil fathers and teachers and friends. And what do you think? Nosy won a prize-a bright red. {eather-because he could sit up straighter than any othbr dog in the parade! 1TNXT !|ONTf, EBISY DIoCAI,L EAS A TIIAIIiS,SGIIANG .Ihis is BarbaraUIcCall This is BetsvMcCall TI;NTEY Barbara's new hat has a fur pompon on one side of it Betsy's nerv hat matches her new coat and slacks Betsy's red suit with the brass buttons that she wore in the lashioh show DUWNGS trY (AY TOrc&Y AI'II BY IOI'NG-sET .tr,I, oTFsR Betsyoswarm coat rvith the stole over rhe left shoulder € Copyrlsl't l95l Mrcrll 174 .ir,":'l,L,.1-1,,;;:, Corporotion Betsyosgreen slacks that she wears when it's cold For dHigos fo. a poper-.:oil td'nily on rh'ray Barbara's new coat with the fu.r that she wore in the fashion show mdboardr !tud t0( ir sDps b MODEnI{ I{OMf,MrlKEIt, McCal[ AT STORES LISTNII Duyron APONTOGS, cl,()TnElt I, Ohio. Itr Crrs'ls, Bv DA-IIBWY ON PACf, I?2 615 Qu@tr S., E-, To@rro 0, Olr