
General Manager, IT Project Circle,
Telephone Exchange Building, Patny,
Secunderabad – 500 003
Ph.:91-40-27816699 FAX 40-27813399
E-mail: [email protected]
CGM IT Project Circle
Dated: 21/08/2007
All Heads of Telecom Circles/Metro Telephone Districts/Maintenance Regions
Sub: Reconciliation of CDR disputes with Other Licensed Operators
Ref:1) BSNL Corporate Office letter no. 9-11/2005-BSNL/TR dated 17-8-2207
2) BSNL Corporate Office letter no 352-5/2004-Regln dated 23-3-2007.
3) BSNL Corporate Office letter no 9-70/2006-BSNL/TR dated 14-5-2007.
Kindly refer to the letters mentioned above. Kindly refer to our guidelines issued
earlier on the subject vide our letter no. ITPC/IOBAS/33/2006-07 DTD. 09-08-2006
(copy enclosed). It is observed that we are finding it difficult to settle the disputes if they
are forwarded to data centres without preliminary examination by the Circle IOBAS cell
as well as when there is a delay of 6 to 8 months in sending disputes to data centres. This
has resulted in accumulation of disputes as well as delay in settlement of dispute cases.
To facilitate quick resolution of the dispute cases, circle IOBAS cells may please check
the points mentioned in Annexure before sending dispute to data centre for reconciliation.
It is also requested that disputes should be forwarded to data centre within one month of
issue of invoice /outgoing statement.
You are requested to kindly issue the instructions to the IOBAS Cell to follow
these guidelines and help us in resolving the disputes early.
Encl. As above
Check list for IOBAS cell before sending the dispute to the data centre.
1. List out all pending disputes –operator wise, month wise and direction wise.
2. Review the pending disputes taking supplementary bills / sanction memos into
3. Confirm that the TGP id / type configured in the IOBAS is correct.
4. Confirm whether complete and correct cdr data has been generated and sent to
ASP. File wise details of data received and processed are provided through End
to End reports available on the portal.
5. In case of non generation /loss/ corrupt CDR due to any reason , check whether
the same was reported to Data Centre for charging on average basis as per the
6. Confirm Call count and duration as per Switch through CDRAS.
7. Compare day wise call count and duration of IOBAS with the corresponding call
details provided by the operator.
8. Mark the dates on which variation in call count and duration between IOBAS and
OLO are noticed.
9. Call for CDRs / Reconciliation reports from ASP/data centre for the specific dates
for which variation is noticed.
10. If variation is noticed throughout the month , ask for CDRs for any 3 days.
11. For disputes on long duration calls verify whether there was spurt in meter
reading in switch.
12. For disputes on Non / improper CLI calls , verify whether the same is due to
BSNL switch .
13. For disputes on distance slabs etc, collect necessary details from OLO for
comparison of the same with the reference data configured in IOBAS.
14. After obtaining CDR reconciliation reports from the Data Centre the case
regarding dispute may be settled according to guidelines issued by Regulation
branch of Corporate office and various provisions of the interconnect agreement
with the OLOs.