Cocos (Keeling) Islands Contents Page Isi
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Contents Page Isi
$2.00 Cocos Snapshots Cocos (Keeling) Islands Gambaran Cocos The Cocos (Keeling) Islands comprises of 27 coral islands forming two atolls, situated 2768km NW of Perth and 3685km due West of Darwin, is an isolated speck in the Indian Ocean. Contents Page Isi Kandungan West Island Market Day Cocos (K) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2 Public Notices Notis-notis Umum 10 Sports & Rec Review Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi 12 Cocos Snippets Keping-kepingan Cocos 15 Games Kemainan 16 Cocos Moment Saat Cocos 17 Birthdays Ulang Tahun Community Events Acara Masyarakat 18 Cocos Snapshots 2 Gambaran Cocos 2 19 Advertisements Advertais Translation Fees apply Quarter Page Suku Kertas $10.00 Half Page Setengah Kertas $25.00 Full Page Penuh Kertas $50.00 Nek Namira with a surprise in his workpants!!! You can subscribe to The Atoll electronically by contacting: [email protected] VMRS Fundraising Page 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) Rainfall Stats Administration Building (PO Box 1039) Cocos Keeling Islands WA 6799 P: 08 9162 7707 F: 08 9162 7708 E: [email protected] W: [email protected] Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter February Statistics (latest up to 30 Mar): 426.60 mm Latest 2016 Statistics: (latest up to 30 Mar) 970.80mm 2014: 2081.80mm ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A COMMITTEE MEMBER? LATEST WEATHER 27.latest.shtml The Cocos Keeling Islands Community Resource Centre is looking for volunteers to join our Committee. We meet quarterly, and our Coordinator emails reports directly to the Committee on a monthly basis. Please contact the Cocos Islands CRC Chairperson, Amber Watters for further information Emergency Contact List AFP VHF 91626600 Ch20 IOTHS WI Clinic IOTHS HI Clinic 91626655 91627609 VHF Ch24 DFES HI DFES WI 91627788 91627777 VMRS 0406329056 VHF Ch20 2016 MEMBERSHIP Shire HI Shire WI 91626649 91626740 A reminder that memberships for 2016 are now due. Please contact our office if you wish to renew to receive your membership discounts and continue using your 30 day account. Watercorp 91626722 WEST ISLAND MARKET DAY Thanks to our stall holders and everyone that came along to our Market Day on Saturday 19th March, once again it was a successful morning. Our next Market Day will be held on Saturday 18th June. FLARE KIT ORDERS Orders and payment for flare kits are to be received by our office no later than Friday 1st April 2016. SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITY Thumbs Up To the AFP who happily helped to transport the Yr 7/8 students to Horsburgh Island for the Parks Australia science excursion. Join us on Monday 11th April from 8.30am and make your very own melamine plate or mug! See our flyer in this edition of The Atoll for further details. RSVP’s are required for this event, and all profits go to the West Island Playgroup. INFORMATION SESSION - DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES The Cocos Islands CRC will host Scott Evans from the Department of Fisheries on Wednesday 27th April. Join us to hear more about the latest research findings in relation to giant clam stocks, gong gong stocks and the results of the reef health monitoring program. Proudly supported by Feel free to email your thumbs up to: [email protected] Page 2 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Quote of the Day Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) ‘Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?’ ~ Dennis and Wendy Mannering Thought for the Day ‘It is not the time which needs to be managed; it is ourselves.’ ~ Unknown SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITY AT THE COCOS ISLANDS CRC Jokes of the Week The Clever Judge One drunk man started a fight and the police came and took him to jail. The next day the man went before the judge. The judge asked the man, “Where do you work?” The man said, “Here and there.” The judge asked the man, “What do you do for a living?” The man said, “This and that.” The judge then said, “Take him away.” The man said, “Wait, judge when will I get out?” The judge said to the man, “Sooner or later.” Who cut down the cherry tree A farmer grabbed his 10-year-old son and asked, “Did you cut down that cherry tree?” “Yes, Daddy, I did.” – the boy replied sobbing. “I cannot tell a lie.” The farmer grabbed the boy, put him on his knee and whaled the tar out of him. “But, Daddy,” the boy cried, “George Washington’s father didn’t do that to him when he cut down that cherry tree when he was a boy.” “That’s true,” the father replied, “but George Washington’s father wasn’t sitting in the tree when he cut it down!” You are not getting older For his wife's birthday, a doctor ordered a cake with this inscription: "You are not getting older, You are getting better." When asked how he wanted it arranged, he said, "Just put 'You are not getting older' at the top, and 'You are just getting better' at the bottom." It wasn't until the good doctor was ready to serve the cake that he discovered it read: "YOU ARE NOT GETTING OLDER AT THE TOP, YOU ARE JUST GETTING BETTER AT THE BOTTOM." MONDAY 11th APRIL 8.30am - 10.30am $25 $20 The original melamine Pictureplate Turn children's artworks, photos, hand and footprints into something they'll treasure for ever. Strong enough to use every day, they provide a lasting memory of childhood. Made of durable BPA-free food-safe melamine, it's dishwasher safe and covered by a 40 year quality guarantee. PLEASE RSVP BY MONDAY 4th APRIL WITH CASH PAYMENT MELAMINE PLATES: $25.00 PLASTIC MUGS: $20.00 ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE WEST ISLAND PLAYGROUP Page 3 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Community Funding Program - Equipment/Capital The Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands is calling on interested applicants for our “Community Funding Program 2016/2017”. Funding is available only to non-profit entities and/or community groups located within the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands for activities which will provide benefits directly / in-directly to this community. A maximum of $2,000 per applicant is available. In exceptional circumstances a grant higher than $2,000 may be awarded. Funding for projects will be awarded to cover a 12 month period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 for projects beginning on or after 30 June 2016. Any organisation is not eligible to apply if it has an outstanding acquittal from a previous community funding program. Application process is now open to be submitted before 12 noon on Friday 15th of April 2016. Applications will than be assessed at the April Council meeting and successful or non successful applicants will be notified by writing. Applications will only be accepted on standard application forms which can be obtained from our Shire Offices. For further information or if you require clarification please feel free to contact Luluk Sloan (Mak Zamani) our Community Projects Officer by telephone on 9162 6649 or alternatively via email: [email protected]. Program Duit Bantuan Masyarakat - Pekakas/Harta Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands memanggil pihak-pihak yang berminat untuk “Program Duit Bantuan Masyarakat 2016/2017”. Duit bantuan disediakan untuk pihak-pihak ‘non-profit’ dan/atau kumpulan masyarakat yang berada di Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands untuk aktiviti yang akan memberi manfaat langsung / secara tidak langsung untuk masyarakat ini. Sebanyak $2,000 setiap pemohonan pihak disediakan. Ada keadaan yang boleh dikecualikan untuk memberikan lebih dari $2,000. Duit bantuan untuk projek-projek akan diberikan untuk meliputi jangkah masa 12 bulan dari 1 July 2016 hingga 30 June 2017 untuk projek-projek yang bermula pada masa 30 June 2016 atau selepasnya. Pihak-pihak persatuan yang tidak layak untuk memohon ada yang masih ada ’acquittal’ yang belom diselesaikan daripada program duit bantuan masyarakat kemarin tahun. Proses pemohonan sekarang dibuka untuk dimasokkan sebelom jam 12 tengah hari pada hari Jumaat 15hb April 2016. Pemohonan akan dinilai dimitingan Council bulan April dan pihak yang berhasil akan diberitahu secara tertulis. Pemohonan hanya akan diterima di form pemohonan yang boleh didapati dari Opis-opis Shire. Untuk keterangan selanjutnya silahkan hubungi Luluk Sloan (Mak Zamani), Community Projects Officer kami dengan talipun 9162 6649 atau secara email: [email protected]. Proudly presented by Cocos Island Youth Council All young people of Cocos Island its time to get motivated, get thinking and excited! National Youth Week is an annual, week-long celebration of young people (aged 8 - 20) throughout Australia! We’re getting ready to make the week of 11th - 17th April an awesome experience for young people in our community with great competition, prizes, performances, games & much more! Act NOW and be part of NYW 2016 by talking and engaging with your Youth Council for great ideas and get involved. For more information or if you would like to put forward your ideas please get in contact with the Youth Officer on 91626649 or email [email protected] Fully supervised. Smoke, Alcohol & Drug Free Event Page 4 Did You Know??? Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Exposure to blue-light-emitting devices such as smartphones, tablets, TVs and laptops results in a delay in melatonin production—the sleep-inducing hormones. Cocos Malay Words Plant/Tree - Pokok Trunk - Batang Roots - Akar Bud - Pentel Flower - Kembang/Bunga Leaves - Daun Branches - Carang Fruits - Buah Seeds - Biji Taproot - Akar Besar Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) VISITING SPECIALISTS Dentist Paediatrician Dental Therapist Podiatrist - 12-23rd April 5-12th April 26th April – 7th May 31st May – 7th June INFO SESSION Join us for a community information session regarding the Department of Fisheries research on Cocos Keeling Islands. Wednesday 27th April 2016 - 5.00pm Join Scott Evans from the Department of Fisheries as he updates the Community on the latest research findings in relation to giant clam stocks, gong-gong stocks and the results of the reef health monitoring program (including info on the coral mortality event in the lagoon in 12/13). Please RSVP by no later than Wednesday 20th April 2016 Soft drinks and finger food will be supplied. Page 5 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Green Living Tips Handy Lemon/Lime Tips Ant deterrent Pouring lemon juice around areas that ants frequent is said to repel them. Air freshener An equal amount of lemon juice and water added to an atomizer will create a wonderful synthetic chemical-free green air freshener. EARLY FERRY: DEPART HOME ISLAND 1200 - ARRIVE / DEPART WEST ISLAND 1230 LATE FERRY: DEPART HOME ISLANDS 1600 - ARRIVE / DEPART WEST ISLAND 1630 There will be food and drinks for sale from 9am PKPK / JUKUNG CLUB PRESENTATION ( ASDD trophy for winner of Jukung Race ) 1500 JUKUNG CLUB COOPERATE JUKUNG RACING ( each jukung must take at least 1 west islander) 1330 PKPK LUNCH 1300 HISRA VOLLEY-BALL (CORPORATE) 1000 PKPK JUMPING CASTLE ( KIDS ) 0900 TYPE OF ACTIVITIES TIME 32ND ACT SELF DETERMINATION DAY PROGRAMME (ASDD) ORGANISED BY Lemons - a fruit with a wonderful fragrance, great in food and beverages, but also very handy for multiple purposes around the home! All purpose cleaner Again, an equal amount of lemon juice and water added to a spray bottle is an effective kitchen and bathroom cleaner and can also be used on walls (spot test first). A small amount of lemon juice can also be added to vinegar based cleaning solutions to help neutralize the smell of the vinegar. Microwave Heat a bowl of water and lemon slices in your microwave for 30 seconds to a minute; then wipe out the oven. Stains will be easier to remove and old food odours will be neutralized. Fridge Half a lemon stored in your fridge will help control and eliminate unpleasant smells. Chrome/copper/brass Rub a lemon juice and baking soda paste onto chrome or c op pe r , r in s e a n d t he n wipe/buff with a soft cloth or paper towel. Toilet Mix 1/2 cup borax and a cup of lemon juice for a powerful toilet cleaner that will leave it smelling extra clean! Lime scale Use a half lemon to clean the lime scale off a sink or taps/faucets; rinse well. Laundry For bleaching purposes, add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to your washing machine's rinse cycle and hang clothes outside to dry. A teaspoon of lemon juice thrown into your wash can also help your clothes to smell fresher. Dishes A teaspoon of lemon juice added to your dishwashing detergent can help boost grease cutting power Hands The smell of fish can linger on your hands, even after scrubbing with soap - rubbing your hands with lemon juice will neutralize the smell and leave your hands smelling wonderful. More tips in next edition... Page 6 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) CKI VMRS would like to thank the community for their support in the recent fundraising event held on Sunday the 27th of March 2016. The amount raised was $3,200. This will be put towards purchasing much needed equipment for rescue operations. Thankyou to the teams who participated in the volleyball competition and to all who came. The day wouldn't have been successful without the help and support of the community and the partners of the Volunteer group. So, well done everyone. Our sincere gratitude also goes to the following sponsors who had made this event a success. Cocos Islands Co-operative Cocos Autos CRC Tourism Association Toll Priority We are fortunate to have you donated items for the volleyball competition prizes and the Shire for the use of the Mobile tower. We look forward for another successful event. CKI VMRS Page 7 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) is a member of the tuna finfish bag limit of 4 fish per day. This means that in total, and mackerel family and are found worldwide in tropical apersonmaynottakemorethan4pelagic finfish per day, and sub-tropical seas. which includes species such as wahoo, barracuda, mahi Wahoo can grow up to 2.5 m in length and weigh up to 83 -mahi, tuna and billfish. kg. They are fast growing fish; one species tagged at 5 kg Feel free to contact Kim Boothman, Community grew to 15 kg in a year. Wahoo are one of the fastest fish Education Officer for the IOTs, at any time on [email protected] or Work: 9203 0345 / in the ocean – they can swim up to 97km/h! Mobile: 0418 915 281. Wahoo tend to be solitary, but in favorable conditions can be found in schools as large as 100. Their diet is made up of other fish and squid. Most wahoo have a parasite living in their stomachs known as the giant stomach worm (Hirudinella ventricosa), which does not appear to harm the fish. Under the proposed recreational fishing rules for Cocos (Keeling) Islands, wahoo are included in the pelagic Page 8 Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya) TENGIRI Tengiri (Acanthocybium solandri) adalah memba dari Menurut undang-undang pemancingan rekreasi yang keluarga tuna dan mackerel dan didapati diseluruh dunia dicadangkan untuk Pulu Cocos (Keeling), tengiri dengan lautan tropika dan sub-tropika. termasuk dalam limit ikan ‘pelagic’ hanya 4 ikan sehari. Tengiri boleh membesar hingga 2.5m panjangnya dan Ini bermaksud yang jumlah, seorang tidak boleh mengambil lebih dari 4 jenis ikan pelagic dalam sehari, seberat 83kg. Mereka adalah ikan yang deras besar; satu jenis yang di tag hanya 5kg membesar sampai 15kg yang termasuk jenis-jenis seperti tengiri, todak, mahidalam setahun. Tengiri adalah salahsatu ikan yang paling mahi (ikan dolpen), tuna dan jenis billfish. deras dilautan - mereka boleh berenang sederas 97km/ Silahkan hubungi Kim Boothman, Community Education jam! Officer untuk IOTs, bila-bila masa saja di Tengiri biasanya suka sendirian, tetapi dalam keadaan [email protected] atau Kerjaan: 9203 0345/ yang sesuai boleh didapat dalam kumpulan sebesar 100 Mobile: 0418 915281. tengiri. Diet mereka mengandungi ikan lain dan sotong. Kebanyakkan tengiri mempunyai ‘parasite’ yang hidup dalam perot mereka yang dikenali sebagai cacing perot besar (Hirudinella ventricosa), yang ternyata tidak membahayakan ikan sendiri. Page 9 Public Notices Notis‐notis Umum WHY YOU MUST KEEP YOUR VEHICLE REGISTERED These are short articles about legal issues that may interest you. They are not legal advice. You should always get individual legal advice for your situation. Every owner of a motor vehicle (eg car, motor bike, quad bike) or trailer must keep their vehicle registered. This is also called having a current licence for your vehicle. There are two very important reasons for doing this. The first is that it is a criminal offence to drive an unregistered (unlicensed) vehicle. If you do so, the penalty is a fine up to $500 plus an extra monetary penalty of an amount equivalent to the cost of 6 months’ registration for that vehicle. In addition, you must register the vehicle before you drive it again. Any other person who drives your unregistered vehicle also commits an offence. The second extremely important reason is because when you register your vehicle, you, and anyone else who is driving your vehicle, get insurance if you or they injure or kill someone when driving your vehicle. This type of insurance does not cover you for any property damage you cause to another vehicle or other property. You need to get another type of insurance for that. When you pay the registration (licence) fee for your vehicle, part of this registration fee is to insure you and anyone driving your vehicle for any claim against you or them for injuring or killing someone if you or they drive the vehicle negligently. Negligence is where you don’t take reasonable care and cause someone loss and injury. An example might be where you are driving, while looking down at your phone and texting, and because you are not looking at the road, you run over a person beside the road and cause them serious injury. You have been negligent in your driving because you were not taking reasonable care (and in this case you have also committed a criminal offence). A claim against you for injuring someone due to your negligent driving is called a “third party personal injury claim.” The person injured can make a claim against you for all of the loss and damage they have suffered because of your mistake when you were driving. A claim can even reach hundreds of thousands of dollars if the person is badly injured. For example, they may have a permanent disability and/or lose their job because they can no longer work, or have to take lower paid work because of their injuries. When your vehicle is registered and you are therefore insured, and have not done anything that cancels your insurance (see below) the Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA) will pay for all the loss and damage (called “damages”) if you have injured a person through your negligent driving. So you do not have to pay. If you have not registered your vehicle, and injure someone through your negligent driving and cause them loss and damage, ICWA may have to pay the person injured for their loss and damage. However, ICWA can then force you to repay ICWA. Or you may have to pay the person directly. This can cost you up to several hundred thousands of dollars, depending on the severity of the injury and loss and damage caused. When you buy a vehicle, or are given one as a gift, you must make sure that it is registered before driving or riding it. You should get the registration papers. Even if you just drive or borrow someone else’s vehicle, you should always make sure that it is registered before driving it. It is also very important to know that there are some ways in which you can void or cancel your vehicle’s third party personal injury insurance (which means it no longer covers you). This happens if you breach (break) important terms of the insurance. Some ways in which you can breach the terms are if you: are driving above the legal blood alcohol level use the vehicle for something other than you claim when you register it do not report an accident that injures or kills someone to ICWA are unlicensed to drive drive your vehicle when it is damaged or unsafe. If you are involved in an accident in a vehicle which causes someone injury or death, you must write to ICWA straight away (whether your vehicle is registered or unregistered) and advise it of: there has been an accident the date, time and place of the accident the registration/licence plate details of all vehicles involved the names and addresses of all people involved the names and addresses of any witnesses what happened. Another important thing to know is that if you drive someone else’s vehicle without their permission and cause injury to someone, you are not covered by the third party personal injury insurance attached to the vehicle. Again, you may end up being liable for thousands of dollars. You have also committed an offence of stealing. In summary, always only drive a registered vehicle, never use a vehicle without the owner’s permission and never breach the terms of third party personal injuries insurance. Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA Page 10 Public Notices (cont’d) Notis‐notis Umum (seterusnya) KENAPA KAMU SELALU MESTI REJISTA KENDERAAN (kereta, motorsekel, roda 4, dan sebagainya) KAMU Majalah-majalah pendek ini tentang perkara-perkara undang-undang mungkin menarik minat anda. Ia bukan nasihat perundangan. Kamu seharusnya selalu dapatkan nasihat undang-undang untuk keadaan kamu. Setiap pemilik kenderaan (seperti kereta, motorsekel, roda 4) atau trailer mesti pastikan kenderaan mereka selalu direjista. Ini juga dipanggil mempunyai lesen hidup untuk kereta kamu. Ada dua sebab penting kenapa dibuat sedemikian. Pertama ia adalah kesalahan jenayah untuk membawa kereta tidak direjista (tidak ada lesennya). Kalau berbuat sedemikian, dendaannya hingga $500 dengan tambahan dendaan ‘monetary’ sejumlah setanding ongkos 6 bulan rejistresen untuk kereta itu. Dengan tambahnya, kamu mesti rejista kereta itu sebelom kamu membawanya. Sesiapa yang membawa kereta kamu yang tidak direjista itu juga melakukan kesalahan. Kedua sebab yang penting sekali olehkerana bila kamu rejista kereta kamu, kamu, dan sesiapa yang membawa kereta kamu, dapat insuran kalau mereka mencederakan atau membunuh seorang bila membawa kereta kamu. Insuran jenis ini tidak menutup kamu untuk segala kerusakkan harta yang kamu sebabkan kepada kereta lain atau hak kepunyaan kamu. Kamu perlu mengambil insuran lain untuk itu. Bila kamu bayar rejistresen (lesen) untuk kereta kamu, sebahgian daripada ongkos ini ialah untuk memastikan yang kamu dan sesiapa saja yang membawa kereta kamu terhadap tuntutan terhadap kamu atau mereka jika mencelakakan atau membunuh seorang dimasa kamu atau mereka membawa kereta kamu secara tidak berperhatian. Tidak berperhatian ialah bila kamu tidak mengambil perhatian yang baik dan menyebabkan kerugian atau kecelakaan orang lain. Satu contoh ialah dimasa kamu driving, kamu memandang kebawa pandang talipun kamu dan texting, dan bersebabkan kamu tidak memandang jalan, kamu terlanggar orang dipinggir jalan dan menyebabkan kecederaan serius. Kamu telah tidak berperhatian dimasa driving kerana kamu tidak mengambil perhatian sewajarnya (dan dalam keadaan ini kamu juga telah melakukan pelanggaran jenayah). Tuntutan terhadap kamu kerana mencederakan orang lain kerana cara driving-an kamu dipanggil “third party personal injury claim.” Orang yang celaka boleh membuat tuntutan terhadap kamu atas kerugian dan kerusakkan yang mereka mengalami bersebabkan kesalahan kamu bila driving. Tuntutan boleh sampai ongkos ratusan ribu kalau orang itu terok celakanya. Contohnya, mereka hingga cacat seluruh hidup dan/atau kehilangan kerjaan kerana tidak boleh kerja lagi, atau terpaksa bekerja kerjaan gaji yang kurang bersebabkan luka mereka. Bila kereta kamu direjista, kamu di insure, dan tidak membuat apapa yang membatalkan insuran kamu (lihat dibawa), Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA) akan membayar semua kerugian dan kerusakkan (dipanggil “damages”) jika kamu celakakan orang kerana driving kamu yang tidak berperhatian. Jadi kamu tidak perlu bayar. Kalau kamu tidak rejista kereta kamu, dan mencelakakan orang kerana driving kurang berperhatian dan menyebabkan mereka kerugian dan kerusakkan, ICWA mungkin harus membayar orang yang cedera itu terhadap kerugian dan kerusakkan mereka. Tetapi, ICWA boleh memaksa kamu untuk mengganti rugi membayar ICWA. Atau kamu mungkin harus membayar orang itu secara langsung. Ongkos terhadap kamu ini boleh hingga berberapa ratusan ribu, tergantung dengan teruknya kecelakaannya dan kerugian dan kerusakkan yang telah disebabkan. Bila kamu membeli kereta, atau diberikan sebagai hadiah, kamu mesti pastikan yang kereta direjista sebelom dibawak. Kamu seharusnya menerima surat rejistresenya. Walaupun kamu hanya membawak atau meminjam kereta orang lain, kamu seharusnya selalu pastikan yang direjista sebelomnya. Juga yang penting diketahui ada cara-cara yang kamu boleh membatalkan ‘third party personal injury insurance’ kereta (bermakna ia tidak akan melindungi kamu). Ini berlaku kalau kamu melanggar syarat-syarat penting insuran ini. Berberapa cara yang kamu boleh melanggar syarat-syarat ialah kalau kamu: driving dengan batas ‘blood alcohol’ yang melebihi menurut undang-undang gunakan kereta itu untuk sesuatu selain dari apa yang kamu klaim bila direjista kamu tidak melaporkan kecelakaan yang mencederakan atau membunuh seorang kepada ICWA tidak mempunyai lesen untuk membawak kereta membawak kereta kamu bila ada kerusakkan atau tidak selamat. Kalau kamu terlibat dalam kecelakaan dalam kereta yang menyebabkan seorang cedera atau mati, kamu mesti menulis kepada ICWA seterusnya (jika kereta kamu direjista ataupun tidak) dan memberitahu mereka tentang: telah terjadi kecelakaan haribulan, jam dan tempat kecelakaan keterangan rejistresen/licence plate semua kereta yang terlibat nama dan alamat semua orang yang terlibat nama dan alamat semua saksi apa yang berlaku. Satu perkara penting untuk diketahui lagi ialah jika kamu membawak kereta orang lain tanpa keizinan mereka dan menyebabkan kecederaan terhadap orang, kamu tidak dilindungi oleh insuran peribadi ‘third party’ yang berkaitan dengan kereta kamu. Sekali lagi, kamu akhirnya mungkin bertanggungjawab terhadap bayaran ratusan ribu. Kamu juga telah membuat keselahan pencurian. Ringkasnya, selalu membawak kenderaan yang direjista, jangan sekali menggunakan kereta tanpa keizinan orang yang punya dan jangan sekali-kali melanggar syarat-syarat ‘third party personal injuries insurance.’ Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA Page 11 Sports & Rec Review Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi Page 12 Sports & Rec Review (cont’d) Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi (seterusnya) Healthy Living Tips Techniques to Quit Smoking. Knowing Reasons It is really good to know reasons about giving up Smoking. Reasons can be any. If the reasons are your own, not someone else’s then it would be easier for you to follow the plan for quit smoking. Get Ready Consult the doctor to know about the medicines and help available in your area for the people, who want to quit smoking. You can also consult your insurance provider to know about some medicines and counseling that are available in your health plan, if you are taking services of health insurance. Set Your Goals It is easy to follow small goals so, you should break the goals in to smaller one because they become easier to achieve. Try to set the clear goals. Set a quit date and time and follow it strictly. Reward yourself achieving the goals. It takes several weeks in quitting smoking, it takes sometime so, don’t give up your efforts and lose heart, if initially you are not achieving your goals. Try to plan realistic goals because you cannot quit smoking in 10 to 20 days. on Make Few Changes Try to take off all the Cigarettes, Ashtrays and lighters from the home. Try to avoid the smell of smoke. Clean the house, clothes etc to throw away all the reminders etc. Don’t let people smoke at your place. Try to avoid the company of those, who smoke. Take all the reminders from your car as well. Try to read the Smoking Journals etc it would help you in getting information about the tough things about quitting smoking. More tips in next edition... Page 13 Sports & Rec Review (cont’d) Berita Olahraga & Rekreasi (seterusnya) 2016 AFL Broadcast Guide Cocos Keeling Islands Time ROUND 2 Friday, Apr 1 Collingwood v Richmond 3.00pm 7Mate (live) 11.00am 4.00pm 7Mate (delayed) 7Mate (delayed) 11.30am 7Mate (live) 4.00pm 7Mate (live) 12.00pm 4.00pm 7Mate (delayed) 7Mate (live) 11.30am 7Mate (live) Saturday, Apr 2 Adelaide Crows v Port Adelaide Fremantle v Gold Coast Suns Sunday, Apr 3 Hawthorn v West Coast Eagles ROUND 3 Friday, Apr 8 Port Adelaide v Essendon Saturday, Apr 9 St Kilda v Collingwood West Coast Eagles v Fremantle Sunday, Apr 10 Western Bulldogs v Hawthorn Expression of Interest - HISRA NEEDS YOU! Would you like to join a community group? The Home Island Sports and Recreation Association Incorporated (HISRA Inc.) is looking for a dedicated and motivated individual to join their team. The objective of the Home Island Sports and Recreation Association Incorporated is to foster and promote health and wellbeing in the community through the organising and development of community sporting activities and facilities, including other community based activities which promote healthy, inclusive and active community involvement. Please forward your interest by COB Friday 15th April 2016. For more information please contact Osman Macrae on 9162 7634. Page 14 Cocos Snippets Keping‐kepingan Cocos Cocos Island Meteorological Office (Western Australia) March has been a particularly rainy month! The manual rain gauge as of 30th March has recorded 442.6 mm over 26 rain days, which is 210mm – or 90% - above average. Our highest falls were recorded on 23rd March from overnight rain totalling 79.4mm, nowhere near as much as the record set on 6th March 1985 at 216.4mm. Whether or not this is a sign of the month ahead – April being the highest rainfall month on average – will have to wait to be seen. Adding to our stormy start to the year, we had 5 days of noted lighting and/or thunder. This added to the tally so far has us at 12 recorded thunder/lightning days which is already over the average of 11.3.. And it is only March! Temperatures both during the day and overnight have remained above average by 0.8 and 0.9 deg C respectively. Our highest wind gust was at 2pm on the 1st of March – 50 kph from SE during a heavy rain day. Winds have varied through the compass this month as the monsoon trough hovered nearby, this also giving us a few very beautiful doldrum days on the lagoon. Regards, Cocos Met team: Alana, Matthew & Joshua (departed!). Page 15 ACROSS Crossword Sudoku Station How do I do it? The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and group of squares enclosed by the bold lines must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. The rules for different size and shape puzzles are pretty much identical. The different size puzzles simply require a different set of numbers. 1. Terminates 5. Diaphanous 10. Break in friendly relations 14. Verruca 15. French farewell 16. Beige 17. Always 18. Insight 20. Fine or decorative clothing 22. Terrestrial 23. Charged particle 24. Classifies 25. Empty boasting 32. Promises 33. Fruit of the oak tree 34. Henpeck 37. Violent disturbance 38. Cubic meter 39. Spanish lady 40. Shade tree 41. Moon of Saturn 42. Anagram of "Paste" 43. Financial support 45. 3-banded armadillo 49. Dandy 50. Photo devices 53. Cordial 57. Feelings of anxiety 59. Coloured part of an eye 60. Care for 61. Film 62. Shower 63. Countercurrent 64. Perspiration 65. Anagram of "Ties" DOWN 1. Pitcher 2. Central area of a church 3. Remnant 4. Not curved 5. Fine wheat meal 6. Bright thought 7. 54 in Roman numerals 8. Encounter 9. Christmas season 10. Backward-looking 11. Less friendly 12. Not back 13. Melodies 19. Malicious burning 21. Records 25. Drill 26. Train track 27. "Smallest" particle 28. Philippine tribal chief 29. Large body of water 30. Sores on toes 31. Fury 34. Ark builder 35. Against 36. Shocked reaction 38. Take in slowly 39. Loses heart 41. Russian emperors 42. Academician 44. Compensate for 45. Sharp 46. Like windows 47. Alter 48. Prepared 51. Goals 52. Winter precipitation 53. Largest continent 54. Rascal 55. 53 in Roman numerals 56. Feudal worker 58. Night before Brainteaser Central! The fourth column has question marks in the place of numbers. Do you know which one of the given options will take place of the fourth column? The correct choice will be the option 'd'. In each succeeding row, the previous column is reversed and the lowest digits are omitted. Brainteaser Answer Page 16 Sudoku Solutions Crossword Solutions A COCOS MOMENT Photo: Rik & Jo Soderlund Sunrise SUP session Do you have a Cocos Moment you would like to share? Email your favourite photo to [email protected] or drop into the Community Resource Centre. Birthdays & Anniversaries Wish to send love ones special messages on their birthdays and anniversaries? Drop in at the Cocos Islands Community Resource Centre or email [email protected] Page 17 Community Events Acara Masyarakat Upcoming 2016 Community Events Event Name Event Date Event Host ASDD Volleyball 06/04/2016 HISRA Kids Movie Night 08/04/2016 Cocos Club Plate/Mug Decorating Activity 11/04/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Cricket Match 17/04/2016 Cocos Club Anzac Day/Two Up and Lunch 25/04/2016 Cocos Club/North Park Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 27/04/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Mothers Day - Cocktails 08/05/2016 Cocos Club Kids Blue Light Disco 13/05/2015 Cocos Club Indoor Sports Competition 15/05/2016 Cocos Club Karaoke Night 20/05/2016 Cocos Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 25/05/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea 26/05/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Cocos Lagoon Swim—Registration Opens 01/06/2016 Cocos Islands Tourism Association Cocos Lagoon Swim—Food Night 03/06/2016 Cocos Club Cocos Mid Year Ball (Casino Royal) 10/06/2016 Cocos Club West Island Market Day 18/06/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Cocos Lagoon Swim—Registration Closes 24/06/2016 Cocos Islands Tourism Association Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 29/06/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Kids Movie Night 24/07/2016 Cocos Club Cocos Open 24/07/2016 Cocos Islands Golf Club Council Meeting - West Island (Admin Conference Room) 27/07/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council Barefoot Ball 19/08/2016 Yacht Club Cocos Club Members BBQ 23/08/2016 Cocos Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 31/08/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council West Island Market Day 17/09/2016 Cocos Islands CRC Club Champions—Round 1 18/09/2016 Cocos Island Golf Club West Fest 24/09/2016 Cocos Club Club Champions—Round 2 25/09/2016 Cocos Islands Golf Club Council Meeting - Home Island (Council Chamber) 28/09/2016 Cocos Islands Shire Council The above events with further details are all advertised on the Cocos Islands CRC website. If you have a community event you would like to advertise, please contact our office with your details. This is a FREE service for our Community. Phone: 9162 7707 Email: [email protected] Website: Page 18 Thursday 14th Apr 2016 The next edition of The Atoll will be produced on: Edisi The Atoll selanjutnya akan dikeluarkan pada: 1:00pm Tuesday 13th Apr 2016 All items/materials must be received by: Semua majalah mesti diterima sebelom: Cocos Snapshots 2... Gambaran Cocos 2... Is it a bird? No, is it a plane? No, it is Joey learning to kite surf!!! Photo: Rik & Jo Soderlund You owe me $20! SUPs on waves! Photo: Cocos Islands Visitor Centre Have Your Say Letters to the Editor will either be accepted or rejected by the Editor. Items need to be: ll: he Ato ct for T o m k Conta in Isa M d e m m Moha u Email: cos.w ns@co o ti a ic un one: comm Teleph 2 6649 6 1 9 (08) Accurate and/or factual Not defamatory or inflammatory Identified by author Please take into consideration our format when preparing your items/materials to make the most of the spaces available. The Atoll publication staffs reserves the right to edit the formatting of articles submitted for publication. Materials should preferably be electronically forwarded to: [email protected] To ensure a timely distribution of the newsletter, we request that all items/materials be forwarded before 1pm, 2 days prior to its distribution date. Disclaimer The views expressed in articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editors or other volunteers who work to produce The Atoll. The editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items as considered necessary. No responsibility is accepted for any statement of opinion, any error or omissions. Page 19
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