football: the billion-dollar business
football: the billion-dollar business
€ 6 / chf 9 / $ 8 / £ 4 The International Magazine for Retailing and Shop Design Das internationale Magazin für Laden-Marketing und Shop-Design Allianz Arena / B. Ducke 104 Football: the billion-dollar business Trends in shop lighting Retail report Norway Hartlauer Optik Pur SHOP Inhalt Contents SHOP TALK mit Christian Göggerle über „Mehr Ertrag auf gleicher Fläche“ – Seiten 12 – 13. SHOP TALK with Christian Göggerle on “Increased revenues from the same area” – pages 12 – 13 Das Milliardengeschäft mit dem Fußball – Seiten 6 – 11 The billion-dollar football business – pages 6 – 11 In den Shopping-Tempeln von San Francisco und Las Vegas – Seiten 42 – 47. In the shopping temples of San Francisco and Las Vegas – pages 42 – 47 Hartlauer Optik Pur – Seiten 36 – 41 Hartlauer Optik Pur – pages 36 – 41 Inhalt Contents SHOP INSIDE Editorial, Impressum, Leserservice Editorial, Masthead, Reader service 4–5 SHOP CONCEPT TOPIC Das Geschäft mit dem Fußball (Fanshops) The football business (fan shops) 6 – 11 SHOP TALK Christian Göggerle über “Mehr Ertrag auf gleicher Fläche” Christian Göggerle on “More revenues from the same area” 12 – 13 SHOP DESIGN 14 – 17 Trends in der Shop-Beleuchtung Trends in shop lighting SHOP PANORAMA 18 – 31 Mustang, Sportler, Christ, Snipes, Orion, Podium, Bata, Rousseau Librairie-Papeterie, Airfield, NIKEiD Studio RETAIL REPORT 32 – 35 Norwegen Norway The new Sportler in Treviso is an attraction which is visible from afar. This fact is guaranteed from the outside by the presence of the thirdlargest climbing hall in Europ with spectacular routes for experts and beginners (more in SHOP PANORAMA on pages 20 to 21). SHOP REPORT Hartlauer Optik Pur 36 – 41 SHOPS & SHOPPING 42 – 47 San Francisco/Las Vegas SHOP EVENTS 48 – 51 Umdasch Shop Academy, Termin-Kalender, Neue Bücher Umdasch Shop Academy, Calendar of Events, New Books SHOP aktuell 104 umdasch shop-concept 3 SHOP Editorial SHOP Inside Setting the scene Konzernmedien im neuen Outfit Company media with a new look Liebe LeserInnen, Reinhard Peneder SHOP aktuell Chefredakteur Editor-in-Chief unter dem Titel „Wahre Authentizität und ihre Inszenierung“ fasste das Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut (GDI) ihre 5th European Marketing and Sales Conference vom Juni 2008 zusammen. „Auch die Nicht-Inszenierung muss inszeniert werden“ war ein Statement während der hochkarätigen, ausverkauften Konferenz. All das macht die Bedeutung des Themas Inszenierung für die internationale Shop- und Shopping-Szene deutlich. Deshalb möchte ich Sie schon heute auf „Die Kunst der Inszenierung II“ aufmerksam machen. Dieses außergewöhnliche Handelsforum wird vom 15. – 17. Oktober 2009 in der authentisch inszenierten Kulisse der Tiroler Bergwelt, im Kongressdorf Alpbach, stattfinden (siehe auch Seiten 48/49). Das Thema Inszenierung wird dabei aus verschiedenen, teilweise ungewöhnlichen, Blickwinkeln beleuchtet. Sie sollten unbedingt dabei sein! Im Zusammenhang mit der Eröffnung des Umdasch InfoCenters in Amstetten im Herbst 2007 sind auch die Konzernmedien schrittweise neu gestaltet worden. So u. a. das Mitarbeiter-Magazin WIR, der Geschäftsbericht und plakative Konzern-Broschüren, die einen kurzen Überblick über die Aktivitäten des Umdasch Konzerns bieten. In conjunction with the opening of the Umdasch InfoCenter in Amstetten in autumn 2007, the company media have gradually been given a new look too. These include, for example, the staff magazine WIR, the annual report and eye-catching brochures which provide a brief overview of the activities of the Umdasch Concern. Die Broschüre DER UMDASCH KONZERN, die einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten des Unternehmens gibt, können Sie bei Interesse gerne anfordern. If you are interested you are most welcome to order a copy of the brochure DER UMDASCH KONZERN (The Umdasch Concern), which provides an overview of the company’s activities. Reference display on the website Dear Readers, The Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut (GDI) summarised its 5th European Marketing and Sales Conference in June 2008 with the title “Wahre Authentizität und ihre Inszenierung” (True authenticity and how to present it). “Even non-presentation has to be presented” was one of the statements made during the high-quality conference, which played to a packed hall. All this makes clear the importance of the subject of presentation for the international shop and shopping scene. That is why I should like to draw your attention today to “Die Kunst der Inszenierung II” (The art of stage management II). This unusual retail forum will be held from 15 – 17 October 2009 in the Kongressdorf Alpbach against the authentically dramatic backdrop of the mountains of Tyrol (see also pages 48/49). The subject of retail stage management will be illuminated from a variety of sometimes unorthodox angles. You should make a point of attending! 4 umdasch shop-concept By far the most frequently consulted subject on the website of Umdasch ShopConcept is “References”. Of course this is no coincidence, since it describes several hundred interesting projects worldwide, in most cases illustrated with attractive pictures. The selection is updated continuously. The webpage is clearly arranged according to sector and within each sector according to country. In each case we also list the project location, the sales area and the month when it was opened. Why not take a look! You can access the subject “References” directly from the start page of the Umdasch Shop-Concept website. Leserservice Reader service Wenn Sie Fragen im Zusammenhang mit dem Inhalt dieses SHOP aktuell haben, so wenden Sie sich per Fax oder Mail direkt an die Redaktion. For further information on any of the topics in this issue of SHOP aktuell, please contact our editorial department by fax or e-mail. Fax +43/7472/605-3722, E-Mail: [email protected] Masthead SHOP aktuell is published by Umdasch Shop-Concept. For addresses see back cover of magazine. Nummer 104/September 2008. German/English edition. Price per copy: € 5, CHF 8, $ 7, L 4. Subscription price: € 20 for 5 consecutive issues (plus postage). Distributed free of charge to Umdasch MDB members. Project management: Reinhard Peneder, Umdasch Shop-Concept, A-3300 Amstetten. Authors of this issue: Reinhard Peneder, Mag. (FH) Sonja Scheidl, Reto Wüthrich, Dr. Hans Wellenreuther, Dott. Valentina Santiloni, Milena Hunziker, Regula Wirth. Design: Denise Siegl, Matthias Koch. Photos/Illustrations: Manfred Aigner, Reinhard Peneder, Andreas Sütterlin, Allianz Arena/B. Ducke, ICSC, DLV, FC Barcelona, Nike, Günter Wohlschlager, Anja Steinhammer, Hutner-Gruppe, RZB, Mustang, Corbis, Hartlauer, Guide Publishing Group, Where Maps, EHI, Luis Paterno, Catherine Smith, Nicola Giuliani, Luca Delmonte, Paolo Mancia, Hanspeter Dietiker. Translation: Jane Michael. Printing: LVDM Landesverlag Denkmayr, Linz. N.B.: Projects executed by Umdasch are listed as such in the text or the photo caption. SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP Inside “GREEN” as an essential factor Horizont, Varo, Reco/Steco The necessity of using resources with care and demonstrating social responsibility has become a global trend under the heading GREEN. It is a subject which arouses the emotions of consumers and which influences consumer behaviour. Retailers and brands are increasingly making statements which attract public attention in a more or less demonstrative way. Commentators, however, are starting to issue warnings that many of them are merely juggling with names. Even the most succinct statement can quickly rebound if the philosophy it preaches is not lived out behind the scenes. For Umdasch, “Corporate Social Responsibility” forms a part of the company strategy. That includes, for example, certified quality politics in accordance with ISO 9001:2000; environmentally friendly production processes; auditing of network partners in accordance with strict criteria; and project-specific life-cycle analyses. Furthermore the companies within the Umdasch Shopfitting Group are well aware of their responsibility as a source of economic momentum within the region where they operate. Umdasch Shop-Concept komplettiert mit Broschüren über die Programme Horizont, Varo und Reco/Steco die neue Produktprospektgeneration. Bei Interesse senden wir Ihnen diese Unterlagen gerne zu (Adressen siehe Rückseite). Umdasch Shop-Concept has completed the new generation of product brochures with publications describing the programmes Horizont, Varo and Reco/ Steco. If you are interested we shall be pleased to send you copies (for addresses see back cover). GREEN as a global trend. During the RECon in Las Vegas the International Council of Shopping Centers even published its own brochure entitled “The Shopping Center Industry GOES GREEN”. 140 Jahre Umdasch 140 years of Umdasch Die Entstehung des Umdasch-Konzerns geht auf das Jahr 1868 zurück. In diesem Jahr hatte Stefan Hopferwieser, der Urgroßvater der heutigen Eigentümer Hilde Umdasch und Alfred Umdasch, die „Concession zum Betrieb des Zimmergewerbes“ erhalten. Das Unternehmen ist also in diesem Jahr 140 Jahre alt geworden. Die Spezialisierung auf die heutigen Produkt- bereiche Schalungstechnik (Doka) und Ladenbau (Umdasch Shopfitting Group) erfolgte Mitte der 50er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts. Heute beschäftigt der Umdasch-Konzern weltweit über 7.500 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. 2007 betrug der konsolidierte Jahresumsatz 1,074 Milliarden Euro, Die ehemalige „Mühle am Oberwörth“ in Amstetten war in den Anfangsjahren der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens. An old mill, the former “Mühle am Oberwörth” in Amstetten, was the company’s headquarters during the early years. SHOP aktuell 104 davon entfielen 236 Millionen Euro auf die Umdasch Shopfitting Group. The foundation of the Umdasch Concern can be traced back to 1868. It was in that year that Stefan Hopferwieser, the great-grandfather of the present owners Hilde Umdasch and Alfred Umdasch, was granted the “concession to exercise a carpentry business”. This means that the company celebrates its 140th birthday this year. The specialisation in today’s product areas, formwork technology (Doka) and shopfitting (Umdasch Shopfitting Group) took place during the 1950s. Today the Umdasch concern employs more than 7,500 staff members worldwide. In 2007 the consolidated annual turnover totalled 1.074 billion euros, of which 236 million euros can be attributed to the Umdasch Shopfitting Group. umdasch shop-concept 5 Text Text Reinhard Peneder Fotos Photos Manfred Aigner, FC Barcelona, Nike, Günter Wohlschlager, Anja Steinhammer SHOP Concept TOPIC Fan shops Das Milliardengeschäft mit dem Fußball Der Fußball hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem grenzüberschreitenden Milliardengeschäft entwickelt. Das hat zuletzt auch die Europameisterschaft in der Schweiz und Österreich gezeigt. Und ganz abgesehen von Welt- und Europa-Meisterschaften ist allein der europäische Fußballmarkt 13,6 Milliarden Euro schwer. Tendenz stark steigend. Internationale Sport- und Mode-Marken sowie der Sportartikelhandel naschen mehr und mehr an diesem Kuchen mit. Eine besonders steile Karriere machen derzeit aber Fanshops. Große Turniere sind immer auch ein Wettbewerb der Ausrüster. Bei der EM 2008 hat Adidas das große Los gezogen, standen doch mit Spanien und Deutschland die beiden Finalisten plakativ mit den drei Streifen auf dem grünen Rasen. Im Vergleich zur EM 2004 registrierte Adidas eine Umsatzsteigerung von 50 % im Bereich Fußball. Aber auch die Mitbewerber Puma 6 umdasch shop-concept und Nike zogen zufrieden Bilanz. Die Intersport-Händler wiederum freuen sich über eine spürbare Belebung des Umsatzes mit Fußballschuhen. Intersport International war das offizielle Sportfachgeschäft der UEFA EURO 2008. In 26 Ländern wurden seit 2007 Fanartikel in 1.260 Shops verkauft. SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP Concept TOPIC Fan shops Mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 98.000 Sitzplätzen ist das Camp Nou Stadion in Barcelona die größte Fußball-Arena in Europa und beherbergt natürlich auch den attraktiven Fanshop des FC Barcelona. With a capacity of 98,000 seats, the Camp Nou Stadion in Barcelona is the largest football stadium in Europe. It also houses the attractive fan shop of FC Barcelona. Einer Untersuchung des Beratungsunternehmens Deloitte zufolge erwirtschaftete der europäische Fußballmarkt 2006/2007 Gesamteinnahmen in Höhe von 13,6 Mrd. Euro, eine Milliarde mehr als in der Vorsaison. Rund 7 Milliarden entfallen davon allein auf die „Big Five“-Ligen (Deutschland, England, Frankreich, Italien und Spanien). Erstaunlich hat sich auch die Profitabilität entwickelt. So liegt die durchschnittliche Umsatzrendite der Clubs der deutschen Bundesliga bei 18 %. Bayern München etwa gilt seit vielen Jahren als Paradebeispiel einer professionell geführten Fußball-Company. Auch in FußballSchwellenländern wie Österreich werden amateurhafte Konstruktionen langsam von professionellen Strukturen abgelöst. The biggest football leagues in Europe Country League GB Turnover Profit/ Loss Premier League 2.27 Mrd. € 141 Mio. € Bundesliga 1.38 Mrd. € 250 Mio. € I Serie A 1.33 Mrd. € -40 Mio. € E La Liga 1.16 Mrd. € information not available F Ligue 1 0.97 Mrd. € 23 Mio. € D source: Deloitte Das Geschäft mit den Fanshops Die Entwicklung der Einnahmenstruktur der großen Fußballvereine ist mit Flughäfen vergleichbar. Dort sinkt der Anteil der Einnahmen aus dem Flugbetrieb, im Fußball wird der Anteil der Einnahmen aus Eintrittsgeldern kleiner. Stattdessen kommt SHOP aktuell 104 durch Sponsorverträge, Werbeeinnahmen, der Vermarktung der TV-Rechte und der Etablierung von VIP-Clubs ordentlich Butter aufs Brot. Eine ganz wesentliche Einnahmequelle ist nicht zuletzt die Kreation und der Verkauf von Fanartikeln. Ein eigener Fanshop ist für einen ordentlich geführten Verein umdasch shop-concept 7 SHOP Concept TOPIC Fan shops „Fan-Meile“ und Fanshop liegen beim norwegischen Spitzenverein Rosenborg Trondheim unmittelbar nebeneinander. Den Shop hat auch in diesem Fall Umdasch Shop-Concept eingerichtet. For the top Norwegian club Rosenborg Trondheim the “fan mile” and the fan shop lie close together. This shop, too, was fitted out by Umdasch Shop-Concept. der ersten Kategorie bereits ein Hygienefaktor und ein wesentliches Instrument der Markenführung. Bei den Big-Playern werden solche Fanshops häufig in Zusammenarbeit mit dem jeweiligen Ausrüster – also etwa Adidas, Puma oder Nike – konzipiert und realisiert. Da und dort sind auch lokale Sporthändler mit im Spiel. Die Shops finden sich im Stadion und/oder in Einkaufsstraßen und Shopping-Zentren der jeweiligen Stadt. Sporthosen, Trikots, Schals und Kappen zählen zu den Rennern im Sortiment. Der Phantasie in Sachen identitätsstiftendem Krimskrams sind zwar keine Grenzen gesetzt, das Prinzip „Less is More“ sollte man aber nicht aus den Augen verlieren. Verkaufsfördernd ist auf jeden Fall Schnelligkeit. Bereits beim nächsten Heimspiel nach dem denkwürdigen 7:0-Auswärtssieg bei Red Bull Salzburg brachte der österreichische Rekordmeister Rapid Wien „7:0-Trikots“ auf den Markt. Und die fanden natürlich reißenden Absatz. Der furiose Start des niederländischen Teams an der EM 08 wiederum führte zu vorübergehenden Engpässen bei orangen Trikots, ehe die Oranjes von den Russen entzaubert wurden. 8 umdasch shop-concept Gefragt ist konsequentes Branding Bei der Gestaltung von Fanshops ist konsequentes Store Branding (also die deutliche Herausstellung der Marke) gefragt. Die jeweiligen Vereinsfarben sind dafür ein hervorragender Ausgangspunkt und prägen in der Regel den Auftritt. Bei der Warenpräsentation leisten die Spielregeln des klassischen Visual Merchandising gute Dienste. Also zum Beispiel: - Arena Prinzip (von vorne bis zum Regal hin ansteigende Warenpräsentation). - Die dritte Regalebene für emotionale Botschaften nutzen (zB Mannschaftsfotos, Fotos der Stars oder von Spielszenen). - In der zweiten Ebene Ware (also zum Beispiel Dressen/ Leibchen) frontal zeigen. - Erst darunter und im Mittelraum mit Warendruck agieren (sortieren nach Farben und innerhalb der Farben nach Größen). - LIM-Prinzip berücksichtigen. SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP Concept TOPIC Fan shops Manchester United wurde 2007/2008 nicht nur Champions League-Sieger, sondern verfügt im legendären Old Trafford Stadium auch über einen rekordverdächtig großen Fanshop (1.500 m²!). Diesen Shop hat Umdasch Shop-Concept eingerichtet. Not only did Manchester United become the Champions League winners in 2007/2008; in their legendary Old Trafford Stadium they also boast a spacious fan shop (1.500 m²!) which may well be a record-breaker too. The store was fitted out by Umdasch Shop-Concept. Ein „Klassiker“ auf Grund des plakativ grün/weißen Brandings und des professionellen Merchandisings: Der von Umdasch eingerichtete Nike Fanshop von Celtic Glasgow. A classic for its eye-catching green-and-white branding and professional merchandising: the Nike fan shop at Celtic Glasgow, fitted out by Umdasch. Umdasch Shop-Concept als Fanshop-Profi Umdasch Shop-Concept hat zuletzt bei der Realisierung zahlreicher Fanshops in Europa als Ladeneinrichter mitgewirkt. Unter den Shops sind solche für prominente Namen wie Celtic Glasgow, Manchester United, Aston Villa, Rosenborg Trondheim, Hamburger SV und LASK Linz. Die Größen der Shops variieren. Sie reichen vom 60 m² großen LASK-Corner bis zu bereits sagenhaften 1.500 m² im Manchester United Old Trafford Stadium. Vor allem der Nike Fanshop von Celtic Glasgow gilt ob der plakativen Umsetzung der Vereinsfarben Grün/Weiß bereits als „Klassiker“. Bei Heimspielen hat dieser Shop eine Frequenz von 8.000 Besuchern pro Stunde. verein 2007 den Wiederaufstieg in Österreichs höchste Spielklasse geschafft. Dort hat er in der Saison 2007/2008 durchaus für Furore gesorgt. Das riesige Fan- und Zuschauerinteresse hat sich schließlich auch auf die Verkaufszahlen des Fanshops ausgewirkt. Renner im Sortiment sind das 100-Jahr-Jubiläumsbuch und vor allem die Dressen, welche die Fans mit ihrem eigenen Namen beflocken lassen können. Heimvorteil hatte Umdasch bei der Einrichtung des Fanshops des Traditionsvereines LASK im Linzer Passage-City-Center. Das Konzept dafür wurde von ShopConsult by Umdasch entwickelt, die Einrichtung kommt von Umdasch Shop-Concept. Nach einer längeren Durststrecke hatte der Linzer ParadeSHOP aktuell 104 umdasch shop-concept 9 SHOP Concept TOPIC Fan shops Die LASK-Stars Ivica Vastic, Christian Mayrleb und Jürgen Panis passen perfekt ins gut inszenierte Warenbild des Fanshops im Passage-City-Center. LASK stars Ivica Vastic, Christian Mayrleb and Jürgen Panis perfectly fit the carefully styled design of the fan shop in the Passage-City-Center in Linz. The billion-dollar football business In recent years, football has become a billion-dollar international business. The recent European Championships in Switzerland and Austria clearly demonstrated the fact. Apart from the World and European Championships, the football market is worth 13.6 billion euros in Europe alone. And the upwards trend seems likely to continue. International sports and fashion brands and sports equipment retailers are claiming for themselves an increasingly large slice of the cake. Fan shops in particular are currently enjoying a remarkable boom. Major tournaments also result in a contest for the equipment manufacturers. At the European Championships 2008 it was Adidas that won the jackpot; when the two finalists, Spain and Germany, marched onto the field they prominently sported the three-stripes logo. Compared with the European Championships 2004 Adidas registered an increase in turnover of 50 % in the football sector. But rivals Puma and Nike were also well pleased with their results. Intersport retailers, on the other hand, were pleased to record a noticeable increase in turnover in football boots. Intersport international was the official specialist sports retailer of the UEFA EURO 2008. Since 2007 fan articles have been sold in 1,260 shops in 26 countries. According to an investigation by the consultants Deloitte, the European football market achieved in 2006/2007 total revenues of 13.6 billion euros, one billion euros more than during the previous year. Some 7 billion euros were earned by the “Big Five” leagues (Germany, England, France, Italy and Spain). Profitability has also developed to a remarkable extent. The average return on sales of the clubs in the German Bundesliga is 18 %. For many years, Bayern München has been regarded as a model of a professionally managed football company. Even in countries like Austria where the interest in football is still develop10 umdasch shop-concept ing, amateur set-ups are slowly being replaced by professional structures. The business with fan shops The development of the revenues structure of the major football clubs can be compared with that of airports. The proportion of income derived from the flying business as such is sinking, and in football it is the share of revenues arising from entrance fees which is diminishing. Instead, the bread-and-butter income is being provided by sponsor agreements, advertising revenues, the marketing of television rights and the establishment of VIP clubs. Last but not least, another not inconsiderable source of income is the creation and sale of fan articles. For a well-run premier-league club a fan shop of its own is an absolute essential and an important instrument of brand management. For the Big Players such fan shops are frequently designed and realised in co-operation with the equipment provider in question – in other words, in many cases Adidas, Puma or Nike. Here and there a local sports retailer may also be involved. The shops are located either in the stadium itself and / or in shopping streets and shopping centres in the city in question. Jogging trousers, sports shirts, scarves and caps are among the most popular SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP Concept TOPIC Fan shops items in the range. The imagination knows no limits when it comes to dreaming up knick-knacks which add to the sense of team identity, but all the same it seems advisable not to lose sight of the principle “less is more”. In any case, being quick off the mark is definitely a sales advantage. At the next home game after the remarkable 7:0 away victory against Red Bull Salzburg, Austrian record holder Rapid Wien offered “7:0 sports shirts” for sale. They were, of course, tremendously popular. The Dutch team’s high-energy start in the European Championships 2008, by contrast, led to a temporary shortage of orange sports shirts Emotionalisierung des Warenbildes – Zielgruppenbezug. The emotionalisation of the product presentation – target-group relevance. Das Warenbild hat einen (imaginären) „Rahmen“. The product presentation has an (imaginary) “frame”. Ein Thema farblich sauber sortiert. One subject, neatly arranged by colour. Umdasch Shop-Concept as a fan shop professional Umdasch Shop-Concept has recently been involved as shopfitter in the realisation of numerous fan shops in Europe. Among the shops are stores for famous names like Celtic Glagow, Manchester United, Aston Villa, Rosenborg Trondheim, Hamburger SV and LASK Linz. The size of the shops varies. They range from the LASK Corner at 60 m² to the already legendary 1,500 m² store at the Manchester United Old Trafford Stadium. The Nike fan shop of Celtic Glasgow in particular is already regarded Akzentuierung der Wandabwicklung durch die helle indirekte Beleuchtung. Accentuation of the wall display by means of bright indirect lighting. Ware in der oberen Ebene frontal zeigen ... Show the goods from the front in the upper level ... ... darunter „Ärmelpräsentation“ sortiert nach Farben und Größen. ... below which, “sleeve presentation“ is arranged by colour and size. Niedrige Mittelraummöblierung: freier Blick auf die Wand (nach dem Arena-Prinzip). Low furniture units in the central sales area: unobstructed view of the wall (the “arena principle”). until the Oranjes’ spell was broken by the Russians. Consistent branding is called for Consistent branding (in other words clear brand display) is called for when it comes to fan-shop design. The club’s colours provide an excellent starting point and will usually dominate the overall appearance. The classic rules of visual merchandising will serve well when it comes to product display. So, for example: - Arena principle (product presentation rising upwards from the front to the shelves). -The third shelf level should be used for emotional messages (e.g. team photos, photos of stars or game scenes). -On the second level, show products (for example uniforms/ vests) should be displayed from the front. -Products which encourage customers to buy should only be positioned below this and in the central area (sorted by colour and within each colour by size). - Remember the LIM principle. SHOP aktuell 104 as a classic because of the eye-catching use of the club colours green and white. During home games the shop attracts no fewer than 8,000 visitors per hour. Umdasch was able to take advantage of its home advantage when fitting out the fan shop of the long-established club LASK in the Linzer Passage in Linz city centre. The concept was designed by ShopConsult by Umdasch, and the shopfitting was supplied by Umdasch Shop-Concept. After a long period in the doldrums, in 2007 the top club in Linz managed to climb back up into Austria’s top league. They caused quite a stir there during the 2007/2008 season. The vast interest of fans and spectators also affected the sales figures in the fan shop. The topselling items in the range of goods on sale are the centennial commemorative book and especially the uniforms, which the fans can have personalised with their own names. umdasch shop-concept 11 Interview Reto Wüthrich SHOP TALK Christian Göggerle on increased revenues from the same area Improving the productivity of the sales area is the order of the day in the retail business. In addition to tackling this challenge in its consultancy work with customers, Umdasch also focuses on the controversial subject during various events staged by the Umdasch Shop Academy. “Increased revenues from the same area” is the title of a successful Shop Academy seminar with Christian Göggerle, Managing Director, adviser and trainer at the renowned Hutner Group. Reto Wüthrich *) talked to him about the subject. sible for the sales area. He or she is the link between the buyer and the customer, and shares the responsibility for the achievement of the targets which have been set for the sales area. You want to provide participants with a sort of manual for the improvement of sales-area productivity. That sounds almost like magic: is it even possible in such a short period of time? “The customer will only be inspired by attractive sales areas.” The seminar “Increased revenues from the same area”, developed by Umdasch Shop Academy in collaboration with the Hutner Group, was given excellent marks by the retail professionals who took part when it was launched last year. What can participants expect from this seminar, which will also be held in autumn 2008 and 2009? Increased revenues from the same sales area can only be achieved through continuous and sustained management of the area in question. The interaction between purchasing and sales can be more effectively interlinked. Participants learn about the new role of the staff member respon12 umdasch shop-concept During this one-day seminar we want to show managers the measurable chances which are there if staff members are given the opportunity of thinking about returns and acting accordingly with regard to the sales area. Our retail and seminar programme also includes a six-day special training for the staff member responsible for the sales area. Staff development is a process which requires a great deal of sustainability within a company. Participants are given concrete tips and advice for specific courses of action in order to support the staff member responsible for the sales area in his or her recognition of monthly deviations from the target and the implementation of appropriate corrective measures. Our practical experience shows that after just six months or so of disciplined sales-area management the turnover and estimates could be significantly improved. In your view, one important component is to make staff members share the responsibility for sales. How does that work? The development from ordinary staff member to someone who bears a share of the responsibility is the result of a target set jointly by buyers and sales staff. In practice there is often no real link between the two. The sales staff have no knowledge – or too little knowledge – of the annual and monthly targets which have been set as regards turnover, financial calculations, deductions, stocks and local user groups. The limit planning is often restricted to procurement, but in fact successful salesarea management continues beyond the order phase into the sales area itself. Our limit planning at Hutner establishes the link between purchasing and sales and makes it easier for the manager in charge of the sales area to interpret the figures, since he or she is given all the important information every month on a single A4 sheet. This sheet forms the basis for a regular dialogue between purchasing and sales. The seminar is directed towards owners and managers – why is sales-area productivity exclusively a matter for the boss? The boss holds the key to the translation of productivity planning to sales itself. In the old days the boss used to take a look at the cashbook every evening, thus checking on a daily basis whether the day had been a success or a failure. But what calculations were actually performed on the basis of the day’s turnover? What writeoffs are still acceptable? The communication of “new” codes, not to mention calculations and sales-area productivity, remain a matter for the boss. The skill lies in discussing the figures with his team in an easily comprehensible and motivating manner. High sales-area productivity is SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP TALK “The golden rule for the retail trade should often be Less is more or Efficiency before innovation.“ an important goal for all those working in retail. In which ways has the role of the manager in charge of the sales area changed during the past few years? In addition to the main departments, shop-in-shop systems and stores play an increasingly important role for a successful range of products. It is essential to retain a precise overview. The classic retail career progressed from retail salesman to head salesman, and then to deputy department manager. Many good salesmen have become buyers by climbing the only career ladder available. However, new goods ranges require more responsibility and profit-oriented thinking on the shop floor. It is here that the department head or the buyer needs support. What do you think of sales-area partnerships? Are they more than just a means of attracting attention away from one’s own shortcomings? Sales-area partnerships work when they result in a win-win situation. The regular dialogue with the sales-area partner regarding joint courses of action and corrective measures promises success. Sales-area partnerships become critical when they have been agreed in writing but only lead in practice to mutual accusations of guilt when the area in question gets out of control. Sales-area productivity seemed remarkable short-lived, especially in view of the “Saving is sexy” debate. SHOP aktuell 104 Now there is talk once again of sustainability. How can sustainability be achieved in the field of sales-area productivity? Sustainability is the key to “Charm is sexy”. It is only through attractiveness and professional advice that the customer will be inspired to buy and the price will become less important. Continuous quality management of the sales area plays a decisive role in this respect. Analyses in our test sales department reveal that customers are usually noticed and greeted far too late. The next dates for “Increased revenues from the same area” are listed in the Calendar of Events on pages 50/51. You can check on the dates from January 2009 in the annual seminar programme of the Umdasch Shop Academy. They will also be published from December 2008 on our website As Managing Director at Hutner Consulting you are concerned, among other things, with the optimisation of quality standards. In addition to salesarea productivity, what are the most important areas which the retail trade must focus on in order to be successful in the long term? An analysis of over 1,000 test purchases revealed a clear picture across the board. Customers were not approached at the right moment, so that the opportunities for additional sales are not fully exploited. Many retailers could achieve improved turnover with existing customers, as well as improving customer loyalty. That is why we are optimising the quality standards in consultancy techniques. Customers today expect to be addressed individually and to be given personal advice. At the same time, we also define the leadership standards for management on the shop floor. Daily feedback, a regular exchange regarding proposed targets and an annual promotion meeting are important elements for the manager in his capacity as coach. It is only in this way that good sales techniques can be put into operation for the good of customers in the long term. You compensate for the demands made on you in your job by spending your leisure time on cars which are considerably older than you are. Vintage cars can be a lot of fun. Can you imagine vintage cars which we have lost the ability to appreciate being sold in the shops? My Volkswagen Beetle was manufactured in 1954 and its motto is “It runs and runs and...” The story of the Beetle’s success lies in simple technology, versatility and reliability. If we translate these qualities for the retail trade we could say, perhaps, “Less is more” or “Efficiency before innovation”. The most promising routes to success are perfect advice which you can rely on any day of the week, and a clearly structured range of goods adapted to suit the target group and providing the customer with attractiveness and use.” *) Reto Wüthrich is Editor-in Chief of HANDEL HEUTE, the biggest Swiss specialist magazine for the retail trade. umdasch shop-concept 13 SHOP DESIGN Trends in shop lighting Text Hans Wellenreuther Photos RZB Consistent store branding: the design of the track lighting system id entity can be adapted to suit the brand in question. The Dramaturgy of Light in the World of Shopping Good lighting is indisputably an important characteristic in architecture; its effect can be considerably increased by lighting design. In addition to guiding customers through the store, it is increasingly the task of lighting planning to attract customers’ attention. At their best, shops are the result of successful architecture. The aim is that they should serve the business purpose in question. In a flagship store in New York or London this will of necessity be a different purpose from that in one of the 1000 or more sales areas of a retail shoe chain in a shopping centre somewhere in the world. What are the developments and trends in lighting which can be applied to these different situations? What effects can lighting have? The impression which customers form of the architecture and design of sales areas is primarily a visual one. Lighting and light effects can stimulate the impulse to buy. Light as a creator of atmosphere Light has a considerable influence on the way people – not only customers but also the staff employed by a company – actu14 umdasch shop-concept ally feel. We are all affected to a greater or lesser degree by mood changes brought about by weather situations, including, for example, whether the sun is shining or not. Doing business in the retail sector can be compared with the telling of good, interesting, exciting stories. Lighting helps to make a good story more exciting, whereby all the essential factors – goods, shop presentation and, of course, lighting, must blend harmoniously together. It is not so much a matter of bright colours but rather a matter of appropriate lighting colour schemes which best support the presentation of the goods. Sales can also be encourSHOP aktuell 104 SHOP DESIGN Trends in shop lighting Gastronomy and sales environments seen in the right light. Seen in the airport at Ankara (left) and in the fan shop of the legendary German football club Bayern München (right). aged by realizing a dynamic lighting scheme which simulates, for example, sunrise in the Caribbean or the passage of a summer’s day. Dynamic lighting seduces the customer The targeted use of new lighting mediums and equipment makes it possible to change the mood in order to increase the attractiveness of shopping situations in a dramatic way and thus to present scenes in a different light. With the appropriate lighting it is even possible for the shopkeeper to save energy. Light bears a message Sometimes it is just the effect created by lighting which is desired. Then the light fittings, as the source of light, are banished to so-called lighting vaults. Indirect lighting along the length of the ceiling plays with the size of the room. In the case of soft, flowing ceiling contours in particular it can emotionalise and capture the customer, showing him the direction and the depth of the space. By contrast, RZB Leuchten has been one of the prime initiators of a lighting trend in which large-area light fittings are consciously employed as an interior-design element. They can be SHOP aktuell 104 made of metal, plastic or foil; the latter can even be printed with large-format photos. For example, you can create the optical illusion of a ceiling or a starry night sky around a restaurant or café in an airport arrival or departure hall or in a trade fair centre, thus transforming it into a space which visitors notice. In shopping areas such features can signalise from afar the position of the checkouts or the bar in the shop-in-shop sales area. id entity is another innovative product by RZB which represents a special case of lighting as interior design: it permits the application of logos onto the lighting element in a series of spotlights which also provide all the features required of spotlights in shopfitting. The application of logos on spotlights in entrance areas and possibly shop windows results in an increased brand presence, thus fitting ideally, for example, into the marketing concept of dominant, vertical fashion concepts. The miniaturisation of light fittings Large-area lighting is specifically designed to attract attention. Miniaturised lighting, by contrast, is employed to create specific lighting effects, such as the precise illumination of objects by means of exceptionally tiny lights. This applies in particular in the case of jewellery and jewels, in other words relatively small items, whose size, however, should not have to compete umdasch shop-concept 15 SHOP DESIGN Trends in shop lighting The atmospheric lighting effects at the Umdasch stand at the EuroShop 2008 came from RZB Leuchten. Although the path to extensive use is still rather stony, the much-discussed LED technology is definitely promising. At Light+Building RZB presented LED lights which provide new design possibilities in form and colour. with the lighting. The latest lighting developments also permit this, especially in the case of high-pressure discharge lamps. Lamps of this kind with 10-20 watts performance can exceed the output previously achieved by 50 watt halogen lamps, with similar levels of lighting brilliance and colour reproduction. Energy considerations matter too Another major subject of increasing importance in the lighting sector is energy efficiency. Modern lighting concepts permit the realisation of better lighting systems while at the same time reducing energy consumption. It is possible to calculate how long it will be before the cost of a new, energy-efficient lighting installation has been paid for through savings in energy consumption. The additional cost can often be recouped within a year, after which the new system will result in net savings. change light bulbs without tools as well, so that the sales staff in the shop can also change the bulbs if necessary. LEDs save electricity Many people also set great store by the use of LEDs when it comes to reducing energy costs. These sources of light employ semiconductor technology; even today they transform a similar amount of the energy consumed into light as light sources in the past. However, LEDs do not radiate ultraviolet rays, nor do they produce heat – at least, not in the direction in which the light is focused. This last fact is of great importance where the goods on sale are light-sensitive, for example in the health and beauty or in the food sector. Special LED lights built into the shelving are already in use, and new systems are being developed. As general lighting sources, LEDs still have a number of disadvantages and involve relatively high costs. Lighting becomes service-friendly A further trend is towards tool-less installation of lighting. Magcardo is a built-in cardan series by RZB with magnetic fixings. The product installation takes only one-fifth of the time needed to install its predecessor. Of course it should also be possible to 16 umdasch shop-concept Nonetheless, they can still be used in this way. As demonstrated at the trade fairs EuroShop and Light+Building, there is a spotlight version of id entity using a 40 watt LED module. Its use cannot, however, be recommended without reservation. It may well be, however, that this judgment will have to be revised in SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP DESIGN Trends in shop lighting The trend is clearly heading towards lighting which is simple and quick to change. “Roland-Schuhe” in Leipzig, for example, uses Magcardo lights by RZB. Corporate lighting is the art of interpreting the company’s identity through lighting. At La Prairie the logo immediately catches the visitor’s eye. 2-3 years. A great deal of research is being carried out in this field because of the undisputed advantages (long life, no IR and UV radiation on the goods, and dimming potential). The way to the right lighting solution Good advice is essential in order to devise a lighting solution which is ideal for the individual customer using industrial – in other words, inexpensively produced – elements. Light can help to create the appropriate atmosphere and to set the scene. SHOP aktuell 104 6 mega-trends in lighting Shining examples 1. The products in the foreground/ Products seen as desirable. Abercrombie & Fitch, N.Y. 5th Avenue 2. Corporate lighting: the brand as the focal point of the message. Allianz Arena, Munich, Fan Shop 3. Lighting as a dynamically controlled element in space/ ceiling design . Throughout Germany: Bertelsmann Book shops 4. Energy-efficient lighting using electroncally controlled lights. Kaufhaus des Westens, Berlin 5. Use of lights with longer lifespan than previously. Bulbs with ceramic elements 6. Installation and bulb changing without tools. Magnetic fixings umdasch shop-concept 17 SHOP Panorama Mustang The vintage surfaces with a rust-like appearance support the jeans-casual presentation in the Munich store. Mustang The Fashion Business on Four Legs In 1948, the tailors L. Hermann produced the first jeans outside the United States. Since then the German family concern has established itself as one of the leading jeans brands in Europe. The wild horse of America, known as the MUSTANG, provided the name. It stands for spontaneity, power and authenticity. Mustang sells its fashions on some 40 countries throughout the world. The garments reach the customer via franchise stores, shop-in-shops and the company’s own stores. Mustang has more than “only” jeans to offer. Body wear, belts, bags, leather jackets, shoes and watches complete the lifestyle range. Mustang offers commercial mainstream fashion for the large part of its collection and a small premium segment with an individual look at the top of the range. “Furnishings and fittings with a wealth of detail serve to make sure that the product is the focal point. The overall impression must capture the Mustang spirit; that means that everything is carried out in line with our CI”, explains Heiner Sefranek, the Managing Director of Mustang. Umdasch has been the shopfitting partner of the fashion label for many years, realising the shops in a Mustang-like manner. Among the latest projects is the re-design of the store in the Olympia shopping centre in Munich. The typical branding elements can be seen not only 18 umdasch shop-concept Infobox Location: Olympia ShoppingCentre Hanauer Straße 68 80993 Munich Contact: Sales area/ no. of floors: 160 m² / 1 Opening (Renovation): February 2008 Sector: Fashion Planning: Mustang Jeans GmbH Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Germany Shopfitting system: Brand-specific development Lighting: LTS Licht & Leuchten GmbH at the cash desks but also in the changing rooms. Slide vitrines with seasonally changing motives arouse the emotions. Authentic materials, the “used look” and ideas reminiscent of the Wild West characterise the shop’s appearance. SHOP aktuell 104 aktuell 104 Photos:SHOP Mustang umdasch shop-concept 19 Shop Panorama Sportler Sportler Best and biggest in the Alps With its slogan “Best in the Alps!” Sportler has positioned itself as the leading specialist store for sports, leisure fashion and sports equipment in Upper Italy. The focus lies on the sports which can be practised in the Alpine region. The 19 branches prove themselves with high-quality brands such as Nike, North Face, Salewa and Adidas. In its choice of location, Sportler prefers large areas in city centres and shopping centres as well as good stand-alone locations. In the new store in Treviso the local hero impresses by virtue of its size. This branch is the largest specialist sports store in Italy. It is located beside the country’s biggest climbing hall which is also the third-largest in Europe. Mountain, cycling, running, fitness and fashion are the main points of emphasis of the range of products on display. The new Sportler provides a dramatic setting with impressive areas for experience and action. In addition to the climbing hall there is plenty of fun and action thanks to an old cable car gondola with a slide for the children, a mountain-bike course and a boxing ring. The store design is skilfully adapted to the adventure world. Sportler and the shopfitters, Umdasch, paid attention to interesting details including the cable-car cabins, tables and wooden duckboards around the cash desks. The colours of the rear walls provide an atmospheric backdrop for the range of goods on display. In the new shop great store is set by professional visual merchandising and emotional communication via big prints. Infobox Location: via Eroi di Podrute 2/4/6 31057 Silea Italy Contact: Sales area/ no. of floors: 6.000 m² / 2 Opening: March 2008 Sector: Sport Planning: Sportler, Umdasch Shop-Concept, Italy Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Italy Shopfitting system: Luys, brand-specific developments Lighting: D&L Wallmeier “We want to offer our customers not only advice and service but also to arouse emotions,” commented Georg Oberrauch, the Managing Director of Sportler at the opening of the new store in Treviso. The pictures speak for themselves. 20 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 Shop Panorama Christ Christ Glittering offering It was in the year 1863 that a certain Wilhelm Alexander Christ opened his first clockmaker’s shop. That was how the foundation stone was laid for what is today the largest jewellery chain in Switzerland. With their famous watch, jewellery and lifestyle brands (Longines, Rado, Swatch, Tag Heuer, Tissot … ) as well as own brands, Christ appeals to a trend-conscious clientele. Since 2006 the chain brand has been a member of the Coop, the second-largest specialist retailer in Switzerland. Pedestrian zones, shopping centres and top locations are the company’s tried and tested settings. The Christ flagship in the Bahnhofstraße in Zurich was recently re-opened. Following a period of rebuilding which lasted for several weeks, Umdasch ShopConcept has made the store shine in renewed splendour. The flagship store retains its elegant but modern character thanks to its minimalist appearance in white and silver. The use of glass, stainless steel and white surfaces provides an impressive interpretation of the Swiss retailer’s corporate identity. The Mondrian wall with its built-in back-lit vitrines combines both levels. A black logo panel along the wall provides an overview of the range of brands displayed in the shop. On the back walls of the individual floors, built-in vitrines ensure a stylish presentation of the brands. Infobox Location: Bahnhofstraße 78 8001 Zurich Switzerland Contact: Sales area/ no. of floors: 196 m² / 2 Opening: June 2008 Sector: Clocks / jewellery Planning: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Switzerland Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Switzerland Shopfitting system Brand-specific development Lighting: Zumtobel The clean lines along the walls and the soft shapes in the central area provide for an overall impression which is full of contrasts. 22 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 Shop Panorama Snipes Following store openings in Klagenfurt, Graz and Vienna (shown here) franchiser Sport Eybl & Sports Experts plan to offer the wide range of urban streetwear at a further seven location in Austria. Snipes Cult label takes off internationally During the past ten years Snipes has expanded to become the cult streetwear brand in Germany. The company’s close contact to the trendy music, sports and entertainment scene has contributed to this development. With famous brands such as Nike, Puma, Adidas, Converse… and its own clothes brands “Black” and “Verry Berry”, Snipes appeals to a clientele aged between 14 and 25. Its success is now being multiplied on the international stage. For this purpose Snipes engaged Sport Eybl & Sports Experts as their official franchiser. The recently opened Vienna flagship is the company’s third store in Austria. It is planned that further stores will follow, and in Eastern Europe, too, the company is searching for suitable 1A locations. Snipes clearly aims to fit out its stores with a high value of brand recognition. The store design of the flagship in Mariahilferstrasse in Vienna conveys the desired blend of individuality and lifestyle. An open-plan design and clear lines characterise the store’s overall appearance. The CI colour orange not only sets colour accents but also sub-divides the store into sections according to the goods ranges on display. The sneakers wall on the ground floor is one of the shop’s highlights. Shoe shelves made of plexiglass present a comprehensive selection of the sneakers for which Snipes is famous beyond the national boundaries. 24 umdasch shop-concept Even from the street, the appearance of the street-culture label is designed to appeal to a target group which places great value on lifestyle and fashion. Infobox Location: Mariahilferstraße 49 1090 Vienna Austria Contact Sales area/ no. of floors: 249 m² / 2 Opening: March 2008 Sector: Streetwear Planning: Snipes Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria Shopfitting system: Arena Alu, brand-specific development Lighting: Leifeld Lichttechnik, Snipes SHOP aktuell 104 Shop Panorama Orion, Podium Orion That certain something Infobox Location: MARY´s, Paladspassagen 2 Lejwemal 212 7100 Vejle Denmark Contact; Sales area/ no. of floors: 205 m² / 1 Opening: March 2008 Sector: Erotica Planning: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria Shopfitting system: Classic, brand-specific development Lighting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria The recipe for success in Orion’s new store concept: valuable materials, individual lighting elements, oversize digital prints and professional product presentation. The luxury department store conforms with modern, international design requirements as well as corresponding with the spirit of the times on the Arabian market. The selection of brands is designed to appeal to a demanding clientèle and also caters for the smallest customers (Baby Dior, Dolce & Gabbana Kids…). Podium Luxury for big and small Infobox Location: Red Sea Mall Jeddah Saudi Arabia Contact: Sales area/ no. of floors: 2.500 m² / 1 Opening: June 2008 Sector: Department Store Planning: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Middle East Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Middle East Shopfitting system: Arena Alu, Classic Para Mini, Steco, Horizont, Varo 26 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 Shop Panorama Bata, Rousseau Librairie-Papeterie Bata Store with style The Bata Superstores are large-format branches of the international shoe chain established in shopping centres. The picture shows the superstore in the Centro Commerciale Emisfero which has recently been fitted out by Umdasch. It makes skilful use of the typical branding elements (logo, corporateidentity red). Infobox Location: Centro Commerciale Emisfero 33080 Fiume Veneto Italy Contact Sales area/ no. of floors: 650 m² / 1 Opening: June 2008 Sector: Shoes Planning: Shop Design Bata Italia Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Italy Shopfitting system: Classic, brand-specific development Lighting: Biffi Luce A colour composition of warm Merano wood, black furnishing elements in the middle of the sales area and green accents creates a pleasant mood in the renovated store of the local leader for books and PBS. The word puzzles along the walls are eye-catching and assist orientation. Rousseau Librairie-Papeterie A new setting for the local hero Infobox Location: 20, Rue de la République 25300 Pontarlier France Sales area/ no. of floors: 500 m² / 2 Opening: March 2008 Sector: Book/PBS Planning: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Switzerland Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Switzerland Shopfitting system: Classic, Umdasch gallery system Lighting: Satec SHOP aktuell 104 umdasch shop-concept 27 Shop Panorama Airfield Gleaming surfaces, elegant walnut and stone floors and shelves of glass and stainless steel characterise the Cologne branch of the Airfield premium label. Airfield Takeoff in Seewalchen Airfield is one of the most successful Fashion Brands in the German-speaking region. The headquarters in Seewalchen (Austria) is the turntable for the international company. The father-and-son team heading the company aims to produce high-quality ladies’ outdoor fashion and children’s clothes. Walter Moser sen. claimed in an interview in the Österreichische Textil-Zeitung (ÖTZ): “We added a sporting accent to classic fashion long before anyone else had the same idea.” Airfield supplies 1,800 retailers. Its main export markets are Germany, followed by France, Switzerland and Russia. Recently Airfield has also invested in its own stores, concentrating on attractive inner-city locations with other premium retailers in the vicinity. One of the locations is Cologne. The materials employed within the store reflect the high-ranking position of the Airfield brand. The rules of premium visual merchandising have been consistently observed. According to the principle “space is luxury”, in the central space only a small number of selected items are presented on display tables. The subjects of the collections change regularly and constantly catch the eye. Comfortable seating areas encourage customers to stay for a while and provide an opportunity for leisurely consultations. The lighting, consisting of indirect lighting, ceiling spots and spotlights, rounds out the project, which was planned and executed by Umdasch, in a harmonious manner. 28 umdasch shop-concept Infobox Location: Mittelstraße 12 50672 Cologne Germany Contact: Sales area/ no. of floors: 200 m² / 2 Opening: February 2008 Sector: Fashion Planning: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria Shopfitting system: Horizont, brand-specific development Lighting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria SHOP aktuell 104 Shop Panorama NIKEiD NIKEiD Studio Design 2.0 With the NIKEiD studios the U.S. sports article manufacturer has proved yet again its instinct for innovation. The concept behind it is easy to explain. Customers can become Nike designers and design their products according to individual preference. They can choose between a wide range of colours, materials and labels. The internet branch paved the way (Web 2.0); the next big thing is “Do-it-yourself design”. In the 3,000 m² Niketown in London you will find one of the first iD studios. The glass cube in a covered inner courtyard is very striking architecturally; the shoes on display encourage customers to try their hand at design. Umdasch Shop-Concept is the shopfitting partner which is accompanying the re-structuring of Niketown in London, which is taking place in stages. Before establishing a new store Nike attaches particular attention to the planning and detailed design stages. It is the company’s goal to visualise innovation and authenticity in design combined with the materials employed.The iDStudio in London lives up to expectations. The spacious consultation areas are placed in the central area; the glass shelves on the rear wall are visible from inside and outside and they focus attention on the sports shoes. A finely blended mixture of veneered walnut, polished stainless steel and white steel and gleaming white lacquered surfaces give the studio a high-quality appearance. Infobox Location: Oxford Circus London U.K. Contact Sales area/ no. of floors: 200 m² / 2 Opening: October 2007 Sector: Sports Planning: Nike Brand Design, HMKM Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, UK Shopfitting system: Brand-specific development Lighting concept: DPA Lighting On the first floor of the NIKEiD studios special Nike software is available, thus permitting the shoes to be individually designed. The second floor offers more exclusivity. Upon prior appointment customers are also given tips by professional designers at the teachers’ tables. 30 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 Photos: NIKE RETAIL REPORT Norway Norwegen Text Text Sonja Scheidl Fotos Photos Corbis, Manfred Aigner Der Karl Johans Gate ist Oslos bekannteste Shopping- und Flaniermeile. Karl Johans Gate is Oslo’s most famous boulevard for shopping and strolling. Kaufkräftig.Konsumfreudig. Patriotisch. Innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte entwickelte sich Norwegen vom Agrarland im hohen Norden zu einem hoch profitablen Wirtschaftsmarkt. Diese rasante Entwicklung tut dem Einzelhandel überaus gut. Konsumausgaben und Einzelhandelsumsätze erlebten gerade in den letzten Jahren einen Höhenflug. Internationale Brands wollen am Kuchen mit naschen. Dabei unterschätzten einige die Markentreue der Norweger. Auf Grund seiner Öl- und Gasreserven, die aus heutiger Sicht noch mehrere Jahrzehnte reichen, zählt Norwegen zu den reichsten Ländern der Welt. Ein Blick auf die Konsumausgaben der Norweger zeigt, wie gut die Geschäfte laufen: Mit einem Zuwachs von 6,4 %, dem höchsten seit 1985, befand sich der private Verbrauch 2007 auf Rekordkurs. Für 2008 ist mit einem etwas geringeren Wachstum zu rechnen, nichtsdestotrotz blickt die Retail-Branche in eine rosige Zukunft. Nach einer Steigerung der Einzelhandelsumsätze um 8,5 % 2007, werden 2008 erneut Spitzenwerte erwartet. Besonders konsumfreudig zeigen sich die Norweger bei Marken-, Luxus- und Sportartikel. Hohe Konzentration, gute Rendite, loyale Kunden NorgesGruppen, Coop Norge, Reitan Gruppen und ICA Norge sind die vier Key Player im Food-Einzelhandel und teilen sich 32 umdasch shop-concept 98 % des Marktes. Die norwegische Lebensmittelbranche ist nicht nur für einen hohen Konzentrationsgrad, sondern auch für europäische Höchstpreise bekannt. Anfang 2006 witterte Lidl die Chance, am norwegischen Markt mit seiner Billigpreisschiene zu punkten. Gut zwei Jahre später tritt der Diskonter den Rückzug an. Bei den an Traditionsprodukten gewöhnten Käufern kamen Eigenmarken und an Lagerhallen erinnernde Läden einfach nicht an. Lachender Sieger ist der heimische Diskonter Rema 1000 (Reitan Gruppen), der Läden sowie Mitarbeiter übernimmt. Lidl befindet sich mit seinem missglückten norwegischen Gastspiel in guter Gesellschaft. Ende der 60er nahm der USKonzern Procter&Gamble Kurs auf das Königreich und konnte sich genauso wenig wie der Markenriese Unilever in den 90ern gegen die norwegischen Platzhirsche durchsetzen. Neben der SHOP aktuell 104 retail report Norwegen Norway vehementen Markentreue der Norweger erschweren auch die Zollgrenzen Aktivitäten ausländischer Retailer. Für die nächsten Jahre stehen bereits weitere Projekte in der Pipeline. Speziell der Non-food-Einzelhandel zeigt, dass sich Einzelhändler aus den Nachbarländern (Bestseller, IKEA, Lindex u. a.) am besten auf die Marktgegebenheiten in Norwegen einstellen. Der schwedische Modekonzern H&M beispielsweise bezeichnet Norwegen als einen seiner umsatzstärksten Märkte. 2008 eröffnet H&M noch weitere vier Läden, plant den Ausbau einer Reihe bestehender Stores sowie die Etablierung einer neuen Kette im höheren Preissegment. Umdasch mit erstklassigem Netzwerk an Partnern vor Ort 1 m² Shopping-Center-Fläche für jeden Einwohner Wie die Kennzahlentabelle auf Seite 34 zeigt, steht dem Norweger im europäischen Vergleich die meiste Shopping-Center-Fläche zur Verfügung (773,71 m² pro 1.000 Einwohner). Ein klares Indiz für eine ausgereifte Shopping-Center-Branche. Von Stillstand aber trotzdem keine Spur. Noch im Herbst 2008 eröffnen zwei neue Center. Kolbotn Torg sorgt im Süden Oslos auf 22.000 m² für zusätzliches Shopping-Vergnügen. Auf der Insel Stord entsteht gerade das 20.000 m² große Heiane Storsenter. Die norwegische Ladenbauszene ist eher klein strukturiert. Nur wenige internationale Player sind vor Ort. Darunter New Store Europe mit einer sehr intensiven Marktbearbeitung und Umdasch Shop-Concept mit einer langjährigen punktuellen Präsenz. Umdasch holte sich von Beginn an profunde Kenner der norwegischen Handelsszene an Bord. Ein langjähriger Weggefährte des Shopfitters ist Adam Laska, Gründer der norwegischen Firma Design Partners. Gemeinsam mit ihm richtete Umdasch u. a. Läden für den Modefilialisten Four Men, die Parfümeriekette Fredrik&Louisa sowie für das Telekommunikationsunternehmen Telenor ein. Mit dem norwegischen Design- und Shopfitting-Partner Torger Svindland AS baute Umdasch sein Netzwerk 2007 weiter aus. Die Fashion-Stores für Geddon und Capone sowie ein Fanshop für den norwegischen Traditionsclub Rosenborg Trondheim sind Ergebnisse der bisherigen Zusammenarbeit. In dieser Gangart soll es auch zukünftig weitergehen. Für die Parfümeriekette Fredrik&Louisa realisierte Umdasch bereits eine Reihe hochwertiger Stores. Hier im Bild das 150 m² große Fachgeschäft im Byporten Kjöpesenter. Umdasch has already realised a number of high-quality stores for the perfumery chain Fredrik&Louisa. Shown here is the 150 m² specialist store in the Byporten Kjöpesenter. Geddon setzt bei seinen Multibrandstores in Stavanger auf eine Verschmelzung von Kunst und Design. Die international bekannte Künstlerin Pia Myrvold hinterließ im Laden ebenso ihre Handschrift (rechts) wie die Shopfitting-Partner Umdasch und Svindland (links). In its multi-brand stores in Stavanger, Geddon aims at a fusion of art and design. The internationally famous artist Pia Myrvold has left her mark on the shop (right) as have the shopfitting partners Umdasch and Svindland (left). SHOP aktuell 104 umdasch shop-concept 33 RETAIL REPORT Norway Norwegen Selected retail statistics Basic 2005/2006 Germany Austria Switzerland Netherlands Italy UK France Population in 1,000 82,438 8,266 7,509 16,334 58,752 60,393 62,886 Retail sales in billion EUR 351.3 46.1 53.7 83.3 280.5 411.0 395.0 Retail sales per inhabitant 4,261 38 5,577.06 7,151.42 5,099.79 4,774.31 6,805.42 6,281,.21 m² sales area in 1,000 120,766 19,927 9,918 23,853 77,436 62,384 91,897 m² sales area per inhabitant 1.46 2.41 1.32 1.46 1.32 1.03 1.46 Retail sales per m² sales area 2,908.93 2,313.44 5,414.40 3,492.22 3,622.35 6,588.23 4.,298.29 Employees in retail trade in 1,000 2,527 324 309 716 1,855 2,948 1,565 Number of outlets 253,595 41,540 47,943 82,420 699,392 201,600 436,263 325 199 157 198 84 300 144 11.26 2.19 1.13 5.27 7.44 13.67 12.86 136.59 264.94 150.49 322.64 126.63 226.35 204.50 Inhabitants per outlet Area of shopping centres in million m² (5) Area of shopping centres per 1,000 inhabitants in m² (5) (1) 2004 *) Sources: Eurostat, Östat, EHI, ICSC, Euromonitor, European Retail Handbook, WKO Oslo, national statistical offices. The figures serve primarily to indicate trends, since a complete harmonisation was not possible in view of the different definitions of terms and methods of compilation. The time frame of the publication of different sources varies considerably in some cases. The values are generally given without vehicle and fuel trade and without the fuel costs trade. Consumer-oriented. Prosperous. Patriotic. Within a few decades, Norway has been transformed from an agricultural country in the far North into a highly profitable market economy. The rapid developemnt has profited the retail trade. During recent years, consumer spending and retail turnover have experienced a new high. International brands also hope for a share of the cake. Some of them, however, have underestimated the Norwegians’ brand loyalty. Norway’s oil and gas reserves, which are expected to last for several decades more, have made it one of the richest countries in the world. A glance at Norwegians’ consumer spending shows the extent to which business is booming: with 6.4 percent growth, the highest level since 1985, private consumption in 2007 was set to break all records. Growth in 2008 is expected to slow down somewhat; nonetheless, the future looks rosy for the retail sphere. Following an 8.5 percent increase in retail turnover in 2007, 2008 is predicted to reach new highs. The Norwegians are particularly keen consumers of brand, luxury and sports articles. Lidl is not alone with its unsuccessful Norwegian interlude. At the end of the 1960s, the US concern Procter&Gamble set its sights on the Nordic kingdom and failed to establish itself in competition with the Norwegian brand leaders. The brand giant Unilever suffered a similar fate during the 1990s. Apart from the fierce brand loyalty of the Norwegians, customs barriers represent a further hurdle for foreign retailers to overcome. High concentration, good return, loyal customers The four key players in the food retail branch are Norges Gruppen, Coop Norge, Reitan Gruppen and ICA Norge. They share 98 percent of the market. Norwegian food retailers are famous not only for their high degree of concentration, but also for their prices, which are the highest in Europe. In early 2006 Lidl saw an opportunity to gain a foothold on the Norwegian market with its low-price concept. Some two years later, the discounter decided to withdraw. Used to traditional products, the customers were not ready to accept own-brand goods and shops which resembled a warehouse. The winner is the local discounter Rema 1000 (Reitan Gruppen), which took over both shops and staff. 34 umdasch shop-concept Die herausragende internationale Stellung im Travel Retail-Geschäft beweist Umdasch u. a. beim Duty Free in Oslo. Umdasch demonstrates its outstanding position in the travel retail business in the Duty Free shop in Oslo and elsewhere. SHOP aktuell 104 retail report Norwegen Norway Norway 299,398 4,640 1953.3 37.5 6,524.09 8,081.90 956,267 9,738 3.19 2.10 2,042.63 3,850.89 12,359 194 (1) 863,400 (1) 29,406 347 158 562.97 3.59 1,880.34 773.71 Important shopping streets Oslo: Karl Johans gate, Bogstadveien, Stortingsgata, Hegdehaugsveien, Stortorvet. Bergen: Olav Kyrres gate, Torgallmenningen, Strømgaten. Trondheim: Torvet, Nordre gate, Olav Tryggvasons gate. Important Shopping Centres (Opening date, sales area) Bergen: Lagunen Kjøpesenter (1985, 60,000). Sandvika: Sandvika Storsenter (1992, 2007 Erweiterung, 60,000). Sandnes: Kvadrat Steen & Strøm (1984, 44,000), Amfi Vagen 33 (1988, 32,900). Straume: Sartor Senter (1978, 40,000). Ski: Ski Storsenter (1995, 34,000). Alesund: Stormoa (1983, 30,600). Vinterbro: Vinterbro Senteret (1996, 30,000). Porsgrunn: Downtown (1988, 29,000). Trondheim: City Syd (1987, 27,000), Tiller Torget (2004, 24,600). Oslo: Stovner Senter (1975, 26,600). Lysaker: CC-Vest (1985, 25,000). Lier: Liertoppen (1987, 23,000). Haugesund: Amanda Storsenter (1997, 23,000). Basic 2008 USA Top players in the retail trade Food stores: NorgesGruppen: Kjøpmannshuset Norge (1,726), Kiwi (421), Meny Ultra (166); Reitan Gruppen: Narvesen (433), Rema 1000 (412), 7-Eleven (190); Coop Norge: Coop-Marked (371), Prix (314), Mega (149), Obs! (23); ICA Norge: Naer (268), ICA Rimi (256), ICA Supermarked (81), Maxi (25). Department stores : Steen & Strøm Oslo (1), GlasMagasinet Oslo (1). Textiles/ Fashion/ Clothing/ Shoes: Euro Sko: Euro Sko (242), dna (48), Økonomisko (44); Skoringen Norge (132), Garant Sko (61), Wedins (58), Texcon AS (220); Varner- Gruppen: Cubus (160), Dressmann (114), Bik Bok (77), Carlings (71), Vivikes (58), Wearhouse (9); Bestseller: Vero Moda (104), Jack&Jones (89), Only (34), Exit (23), Vila (7), Selected (6); Voice: Voice of Europe (100), Match (100), Vic (65), Boys of Europe (48); b.young (140), Lindex (91), KappAhl (86), H&M (81), Conseptor: Lene V (80), Solid (33), Benetton (32), Gresvig Retail: G-Sport (200), Intersport (115); Sport 1 (176), MX Sport (124); Stadion/Sport Direkt (65). Electrical: Expert Norge (261); Elkøp/Lefdal (110); Euronics (85). Other non-food: IKEA (Furniture), Bohus Kjeden (Furniture), Living (Furniture), Byggmakker (DIY); Jernia (DIY); BK Byggkøp/Nordek (DIY); Bauhaus (DIY); Libris (Books), Norli Gruppen (Books); Ark (Books); Tanum (Books), Ringo (Games); Cosmetic Group (Cosmetics); PHI Kjeden (Cosmetics); Interoptik (Optics), Brilleland (Optics); Synsam (Optics). Important Norwegian store brands abroad Reitan (Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Slovakia), Varner-Gruppen (Sweden, Iceland, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Germany, Denmark). Important foreign store brands in Norway ICA Norge (Sweden), H&M (Sweden), Bestseller (Denmark), Lindex (Sweden), KappAhl (Sweden), IKEA (Sweden), Byggmakker (Finland), Elkøp (UK) Der Mix aus Eiche, Edelstahl und hellen Oberflächen verleiht dem neuen Store von Capone im Kilden Shopping-Center seinen klassisch zeitlosen Charakter. The blend of oak, stainless steel and light surfaces gives Capone’s new store in the Kilden Shopping Centre its classic, timeless character. The non-food retail sector in particular demonstrates that retailers from neighbouring countries (Bestseller, IKEA, Lindex etc.) are also well advised to adapt to Norway’s market conditions. For example, the Swedish fashion concern H&M described Norway as one of its top markets. In 2008 H&M opened another four stores and plans the expansion of a number of existing stores as well as the establishment of a new chain in the upper price sector. 1 m² shopping-centre floor area for every inhabitant As the statistical table on page 34 shows, the Norwegians have more shopping-centre sales area at their disposal than any other European country (773.71 m² per 1,000 inhabitants). This is a clear indicator of a mature shopping-centre sector. However, there is no sign of things coming to a halt. In autumn 2008 two new centres will be opening. In south Oslo, Kolbotn Torg will be introducing additional shopping entertainment across 22,000 m². And on the island of Stord the Heiane Storsenter is currently being built on some 20,000 m². Further projects are in the pipeline for the next few years. SHOP aktuell 104 Umdasch on the scene with a first-class network of partners The Norwegian shopfitting scene is relatively limited in extent. Only a handful of international players have established themselves on the spot. They include New Store Europe, which is extremely active on the market, and Umdasch Shop-Concept, which has been present at intervals for many years. From the start, Umdasch involved experts with a profound knowledge of the Norwegian retail scene. Adam Laska, founder of the Norwegian firm Design Partners, is a long-standing partner of the Austrian shopfitting experts. His company and Umdasch have worked in partnership on such projects as shops for the fashion chain Four Men, the perfumery chain Fredrik&Louisa and the telecommunications concern Telenor. In 2007, Umdasch further extended its network with Norwegian design and shopfitting partner Torger Svindland AS. The fashion stores for Geddon and Capone and a fan shop for the traditional Norwegian club Rosenborg Trondheim are just some of their joint projects to date. Umdasch intends to continue along a similar path in future. umdasch shop-concept 35 “ 36 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 “Your Robert Hartlauer” In spring 2008 Hartlauer, the Austrian chain retailer specialising in photo equipment/ eyewear/ mobile phones introduced a new store concept. “Optik Pur” focuses precisely on eyewear for customers in shopping centres and top inner-city locations. Hartlauer developed the concept with Umdasch Shop-Concept. SHOP aktuell 104 umdasch shop-concept 37 SHOP REPORT Hartlauer Optik Pur Text Reinhard Pender Photos Hartlauer, Manfred Aigner In Hartlauer’s customer publication “LÖWENMAGAZIN” the new field of optics and thus confirms its image as the market leader, concept is described as follows: “In recent years, the increasgiving new impetus to the entire sector.” ing numbers of shopping centres have radically changed shopA remarkable company ping behaviour. Hartlauer has reacted to these changes with a new business concept: Optik With more than 150 branches and Pur (Pure optics). As the name Infobox 1,300 staff members, including indicates, Optik Pur is a very Location: Shopping City Süd 170 apprentices, Hartlauer is one purist concept which will help 2334 Vienna - Vösendorf of the most famous retail comcustomers to see eyewear as a Austia panies in Austria. The company fashion item, particularly in the Contact: was founded in 1971, when Franz field of optics. Since the midSales area/ no. of floors: 178 m² / 1 Josef and Renate Hartlauer purdle of April Optik Pur has been Opening: April 2008 chased the house at Pfarrgasse 6 present in the Shopping City Sector: Optics in Steyr and opened a modern Süd in Vienna/Vösendorf and in Planning: Fürst/Bartosch, Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austia photographer’s shop there. Furthe Plus City Pasching. It thus Shopfitting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austia ther shops were opened during the serves to complement HartShopfitting system: Brand-specific development following years, and the range of lauer’s neighbourhood shopLighting: Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria (Planning), Elektro Kammerhofer (Development) products was expanded. Hartlauping locations. We are currently er rapidly acquired the reputation searching for suitable locations of being an “consumer advocate” in all top shopping centres in for his aggressive pricing policy. It Austria as well as in popular is therefore no coincidence that the company symbol is a lion, inner-city locations. With Optik Pur we have succeeded for the standing for strength, reliability and fairness. There was an uproar first time in developing an ultra-modern concept in the design in the opticians’ sector in 1993 when Hartlauer added spectaof exclusive optician’s shops combined with unique all-inclusive cles to the product range and fuelled a minor revolution with an prices. This has led to a completely new generation of shops overall fixed price for a pair of glasses. In 1999 Hartlauer opened which will point the way ahead for the optics market in Austria. the most modern glasses production workshop in Europe, with With Optik Pur Hartlauer is embarking on a new course in the 38 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP REPORT Hartlauer Optik Pur Eye-catching, modern, unadorned: the design of Hartlauer Optik Pur in the Shopping City Süd. The façade looks welcoming, attractive, but still allows customers to sense the intimate atmosphere within the store itself. a capacity of 5,000 pairs of spectacles per day. To this day the company employs some 300 opticians in its various branches. When Franz Josef Hartlauer died prematurely in 2000 his son Robert, who was only 25 at the time, took over the management of the company. Robert Hartlauer continues to run the company imaginatively along the lines established by his father. From his father he adopted the idea of acting as his own testimonial. And so he smiles cheerfully from advertising hoardings and posters, is present in brochures and acts as the main character in advertising spots, which always end with a friendly “Your Robert Hartlauer”. It was also the memorable spot – “Tigern Sie zum Löwen!” (Why not tiger along to the lion!) which ensured Hartlauer’s remarkably high brandrecognition factor. The company has also made its name with its professional staff training and further education in the “Hartlauer Academy”. Hartlauer as a neighbourhood shop Today Hartlauer sees itself as a neighbourhood shop in its core competences of photos/ developing, telecommunications and optics/ hearing aids. In some of the larger branches, consumer electronics and CDs and DVDs complete the range of products on offer. The full range of goods SHOP aktuell 104 The eye-catching glasses shelf at Hartlauer ... an overall view ... ... and in detail showing the storage units. umdasch shop-concept 39 SHOP REPORT Hartlauer Optik Pur Competition is good for business. In the SCS Optik Pur is located right next to its rival. Ladies Unisex Children Hearing studio Waiting area Sunglasses Fitting tables Workshop Cash desk Sports/frameless/eyesight correction Refraction Accessories Staff office An overview of the sub-divisions of the product range, use of space and function areas. is seen as such at the high-street locations. In the more compact setting of a shopping centre, clearly recognisable individual goods profiles are more important. That was – as already indicated – the main reason for the development of Optik Pur. It is pure coincidence that Optik Pur is thereby following the rapidly growing trend in the fashion sector towards the differentiation of concept, target group and product range. For that, as Robert Hartlauer confirmed in a conversation with SHOP aktuell, was definitely not the intention behind the new concept develop40 umdasch shop-concept ment. Umdasch as a professional partner In the case of Optik Pur, Umdasch Shop-Concept has proved itself to be a professional partner both in concept development and as shopfitter. The project was a typical case of store branding. During a briefing, the professionals at Hartlauer explained their requirements to the Umdasch Shop-Concept team (Peter Radner and Katharina ben Salah, with the addition of Architekt SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP REPORT Hartlauer Optik Pur The function areas – including till area, fitting tables, workshop, hearing studio – have been well integrated into the overall concept. Fürst). During the process, area requirements were defined (comprising sales area and side rooms for refraction, hearing aid department, workshop), as well as the content and volume of the product range, function requirements (also with reference to the customer-orientation system), CI/CD factors, etc. On the basis of the floor plan of the locations in the SCS and Plus City, which were already known, Umdasch drew up a function plan with product-range sub-divisions, space-allocation concept, sight-line planning and orientation concept. At the same time the eye-catching fittings were developed: slightly rounded shelving with horizontal slits for the delicate plastic frames. In the wall area there are mirrors between the individual shelves, and in the upper area image photos have been positioned; down below, storage units provide important storage space. In the entrance area the shelves form an elegant doorway. The unadorned modern design is repeated in the fitting tables. The lighting concept skilfully accentuates the product range. Spotlights on tracks (on SHOP aktuell 104 the walls), built-in down lights and lighting cylinders above the fitting tables have all been employed. The shelving doorway at the entrance is back-lit. Once the concept had been approved by Hartlauer a number of fine adjustments were made. After that, the first two branches were fitted out. “The opening day was the most successful day in the history of Hartlauer Optik!” was the comment after 16 April. The new Optik Pur stores were invaded by the customers and broke all opening records on the very first day. umdasch shop-concept 41 42 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 SHOPS & SHOPPING San Francisco/Las Vegas Text Reinhard Pender Powell Street The Palazzo Shoppes are a brandnew shopping temple in Las Vegas. They are directly linked with the Grand Canal Shoppes. In San Francisco, in the Westfield Shopping Center on Market Street and in the shopping district opposite surrounding Union Square, you will find virtually all the leading addresses of the American retail scene. In the shopping temples of San Francisco and Las Vegas We took the opportunity provided by our research for another “Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!” (Shop Dramaturgy LIVE!) seminar in Las Vegas to investigate a number of trends in shops and shopping in the desert metropolis and in San Francisco. We were particularly struck by the department stores with their new profile, interesting segmentation and differentiation strategies and by the booming accessories shops. As a shopping metropolis, San Francisco is by no means as well known as New York, Chicago or entertainment destinations such as Los Angeles, Orlando and Las Vegas. The most European of all American big cities has, however, a number of unusual features to offer. For example, the Westfield Center on Market Street is not only the largest shopping center west of the Mississippi but is also an unusual example of an inner-city project. It was SHOP aktuell 104 elaborately renovated and considerably enlarged to the tune of US$ 460 million in 2006 (more than 100,000 m² sales area, some 170 shops, its own spa and a 9-screen megaplex cinema). The vast complex soars upwards over nine levels of interlinked terraces (!! – hardly possible in Europe). A number of architectural details encourage the visitor to climb to unaccustomed heights: broad malls which ascend like a staircase, vast domes, umdasch shop-concept 43 SHOPS & SHOPPING San Francisco/Las Vegas The terrace-like design encourages the visitor to the Westfield Center to head upwards – through all nine levels. Eye-catching spiralling escalators in the Westfield Center. They lead to Nordstrom, one of the two anchor tenants. Generously designed fashion avenues characterise the layout of Nordstrom. spiralling escalators. The West-Coast flagship of Bloomingdales to say – or rather, something to sell – on the American/ global and the second-largest Nordstrom in America are the twin retail scene (see section of town plan) can be found here. Once anchors and provide two examples of department stores at their again it is the department stores which are particularly impresvery best. In between you will find all the familiar faces of the sive, including Saks Fifth Avenue, Barneys New York and Neiman American shopping-mall scene, but with very different concept Marcus. In crass contrast: just two blocks further on, the America generations. Particularly impressive is the design of Abercrombie of the homeless characterises the appearance of the streets. & Fitch. The fashionable American brand has no fewer than four stores in the Westfield Center; with AberThe elegantly designed Crocker Galleria (near crombie & Fitch, Abercrombie, Hollister and Montgomery Station) and the open-plan EmbarFurther information in the Ruehl it provides a virtuoso demonstration cadero Center (near Ferry Building) seem to be WWW: of the techniques of positioning and segin a state of flux. The little centres surroundmentation. With striking façades, dramating Fisherman’s Wharf – Pier 39, Anchorage ic lighting, first-class visual merchandising, Shopping, The Cannery and Ghirardelli Square appropriate background music and perfectly – clearly concentrate on tourists. Large-scale cast staff the shops appeal to all the senses. shopping centers outside San Francisco which A remarkable number of shops are devoted are worth mentioning include the Great Mall in to the subject of shoes and/ or accessories Milpitas, the Stoneridge Shopping Center and – another powerful trend. the Napa Premium Outlets. The district on the other side of Market Street exhibits a succession of flagships. Union Square provides a striking focal point. Tiffany, Williams-Sonoma, Levi’s, Nike Town, Armani, Zara, H&M, Chanel, Escada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton ... Everyone with something 44 umdasch shop-concept The lights never go out in Las Vegas It is in Las Vegas, rather than anywhere else in the world, that every aspect of retail trends can best be observed. Virtually all American and global brands and retail brands can be found here, SHOP aktuell 104 SHOPS & SHOPPING San Francisco/Las Vegas Always tops: The sensuously designed world of Abercrombie & Fitch. The trendiest shopping zone – with a sales area of more than 100,000 m² – extends from Planet Hollywood (Miracle Mile)/ Via Bellagio as far as the Wynn Esplanade and the Fashion Show Mall opposite. usually demonstrating the very latest concept generation. Equally varied is the range of types of business found here. The curious European trend scout will find a wide range of operations, from the classic shopping centre via the open-air village-style shopping centre to the themed mega-malls of the big hotels, to vast FOCs. Even Wal-Mart is currently testing an environmentally friendly store type under the name HE.5; it uses 45 % less energy than the company’s normal superstores. Ultimately, however, what makes Las Vegas unique as a mega-hub is the perfect interlinking of retail shopping with entertainment and gastronomy. That is why these days only 40 % of the city’s revenues derive from gambling. The desert metropolis has long since metamorphosed into a trade-fair and congress centre. More than 50,000 visitors attended RECon in mid-May, a global retail property fair on a similar scale to EuroShop. The city’s 140,000 hotel rooms provide the capacity; by 2011 there will be another 40,000 additional rooms. Most of them will be located in the City Center project directly on the Strip, where it is currently filling the gap between the hotels SHOP aktuell 104 WHERE Las Vegas reaches an exclusive audience of high-earning professionals who lead an active lifestyle and have a passion for the best Las Vegas has to offer. Every month, there readers spend $171 million on retail and $141 million on dining, selections they’ve chosen from the brand’s exhaustive content. Hotels Bellagio, Monte Carlo and New York New York. Las Vegas 2008. With the Trump International (without casino!) and the Palazzo, the city has acquired two further mega-hotels; the “Wynn sister” Encore opens in late autumn. The Forum Shops at Caesars Palace are still the most attractive and dramaturgically the most interesting shopping centre in Las Vegas – not only since they were extended. They provide pure, unadulterated luxury; and if you stroll on through the Wynn Esplanade, the “Shoppes at the Palazzo” provide a worthy continuation. From there, after crossing an impressive palazzo, you have direct access to the “Grand Canal Shoppes at the Venetian”. These three shopping temples provide a truly breath-taking experience. It is crowned by umdasch shop-concept 45 SHOPS & SHOPPING San Francisco/Las Vegas The fashion department store of Neiman Marcus with its meticulously styled luxury departments the recently-opened Barneys New York, which has been positioned between the Palazzo and the Venetian and which can be accessed from the Strip as well as from the Palazzo itself. This fashion department store on three levels and with a sales area of some 8,000 m² attracts customers with its generous architecture and casual, light-hearted presentation. It has an attractive mixture of branches and tenants. The Las Vegas Outlet Center and the Las Vegas Premium Outlet Shops provide something resembling a local FOC. Almost an hour away – but easily accessible by shuttle bus – lie the Fashion Outlets of Las Vegas in Primm (on the border between Nevada and California). Less successful is the re-design of the former Aladdin as the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. The shopping centre includes some 170 stores and is now called “Miracle Mile Shops”. The façade has been extensively altered, but inside the Aladdin outfit is still in evidence. A short distance out of town, near McCarran International Airport, the Town Square is an open-air shopping centre in the style of a village. It was designed primarily for locals. There is no doubt that the American retail scene also has to live with a number of ups and downs. At all times, however, it has served as a role model with regard to such disciplines as architecture, staging, branding and visual merchandising. “LadenDramaturgie LIVE!” with Dr. Christian Mikunda, the Shop Expedition presented by the Umdasch Shop Academy, repeatedly takes a look behind the scenes of the major and minor strategies. It will 46 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 SHOPS & SHOPPING San Francisco/Las Vegas Town Square Fashion Outlets Outlet Center Premium Outlets x x x x x x x x x x BCBG Max Azria x x x x x x x x x x Miracle Mile x Grand Canal Fashion Show x Banana Republic Sector/Range Branchen / Sortimente Palazzo Shoppes Forum Shops Retailers&&Brands Retailer Brandsininden the Shopping-Tempeln shopping temples von of Las Las Vegas Vegas *)*) Women's Apparel Ann Taylor bebe x x x Caché x x x Chico's x x x Gap x x x x x J. Crew x x x x Lucky Brand Jeans x x x x x x x Marciano x Pacific Sunwear x Quiksilver/Roxy x Victoria's Secret x White House Black Market x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Men's Apparel The brand-new flagship of Barney’s New York in Las Vegas attracts customers with its spacious architecture and delicate-looking furnishings. Here, too, accessories play an important part among the range of products on offer. be heading back to Las Vegas from 18 to 21 October 2008 – a good opportunity to experience it all live! Banana Republic x Gap x J. Crew x Lucky Brand Jeans x Pacific Sunwear x Quiksilver/Roxy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Children's Apparel & Toys Gymboree x Health & Beauty Bath & Body Works x Perfumania x x Jewelry, Watches, Eyewear & Accessories Fossil Landau x x x x x x Sunglass Hut x x x Swarovski x x x Ultra Diamonds x x x x x x x x x Luggage, Handbags, Leather Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE! Coach (Shop Dramaturgy LIVE!) Las Vegas – 18.10. – 21. 10. 2008 Shop expedition with Dr. Christian Mikunda and Mag. Denise Mikunda Schulz From € 1,740 (excluding flight) x x Shoes Aldo x Cole Haan x Journeys x Skechers x The Walking Company x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Department Stores Barneys New York As always, luxury accessories are very much in fashion. Seen at Cole Haan, Niccolo & Maffeo, Coach and Bottega Veneta in the Wynn Esplanade and the Palazzo in Las Vegas. SHOP aktuell 104 x Bloomingdale's Home x Dillard's x Macy's x Neiman Marcus x Nordstrom x Saks Fifth Avenue x *) The Es handelt information sich um refers einetoAuswahl a selection vonofEinkaufszentren shopping centres in der in the LasLas Vegas Vegas Area. area. Aufgenommen We have listed wurden thosejene retaiRetailer lers and undbrands Brands, which die inare mindestens represented vierinder at least genannten four ofShopping-Center the shopping centres vertreten as well sind as sowie all department alle Department stores. Stores. All information Ohne Gewähr is supplied und without ohne Anspruch guarantee aufand Vollständigkeit. without any attempt Restaurants at completeness. und Food Courts Restaurants sind nicht and enthalFood ten. Courts Erhebungszeitraum: are not included. The Mai information 2008. Copyright was obtained by SHOPduring aktuell.May 2008. Copyright by SHOP aktuell. umdasch shop-concept 47 SHOP EVENTS Design Awards for Barneys, ZEN, Globetrotter Ein Highlight der EuroShop 2008 war die vom EHI ausgerichtete EuroShop RetailDesign Conference, die besonders starken internationalen Zuspruch fand. Unter der Moderation von John Ryan (Retail Week) moderierten u. a. Ron Pompei, Todd Reisz (OMA), Lewis Allen (Portland Design), Rodney Fitch und Ramsay Weatherford (Macy’s). Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung wurden erstmals die EuroShop Design Awards für global vorbildliche Store-Konzepte vergeben. Die von Helmut Neher (Umdasch-Vorstand), Christian Kronsteiner (Umdasch Middle East) und Günther Berger (Umdasch USA) lauditierten Preisträger: Globetrotter Köln (Shop Design von Architekt Moths, eingerichtet von Umdasch Shop-Concept), ZEN Department Store Bangkok (Shop Design von Blocher Blocher Partners) und Barneys NewYork für das Projekt in Dallas. One highlight of the EuroShop 2008 was the EuroShop RetailDesign Conference, organised by the EHI. It appealed in Preisträger und (Umdasch-) Laudatoren beim EuroShop RetailDesign Award ’08. Prizewinners and (Umdasch) presenters at the EuroShop RetailDesign Award ’08. particular to international visitors. Presented by John Ryan (Retail Week), it included lectures by Ron Pompei, Todd Reisz (OMA), Lewis Allen (Portland Design), Rodney Fitch and Ramsay Weatherford (Macy’s) and others. Within the framework of the event, the EuroShop Design Awards were presented for the first time in the field of exemplary global store concepts. The prizewinners honoured by Helmut Neher (Umdasch Board), Christian Kronsteiner (Umdasch Middle East) and Günther Berger (Umdasch USA) were Globetrotter Cologne (Shop Design by Architekt Moths, shopfitting by Umdasch Shop-Concept), ZEN Department Store Bangkok (Shop Design by Blocher Blocher Partners) and Barneys NewYork for the project in Dallas. 15. bis 17. Oktober 2009 in Alpbach/Tirol: DIE KUNST DER INSZENIERUNG II THE ART OF STAGE MANAGEMENT II Schon jetzt sollten Sie sich den Termin für ein absolutes Highlight im internationalen Veranstaltungsprogramm der Umdasch Shop Academy vormerken: Vom Abend des 15. bis am Vormittag des 17. Oktober 2009 wird im Tiroler Kongressdorf Alpbach das Handels-Forum „Die Kunst der Inszenierung II“ stattfinden. An Hand von Disziplinen wie Kunst/Kultur/Wissenschaft/Forschung/Entertainment/Architektur, aber auch aus dem Handel selbst, werden prominente Referenten über Beispiele erfolgreicher Inszenierungen berichten. Moderiert wird diese außergewöhnliche Veranstaltung von TW-Herausgeber Peter Paul Polte, der bei der letzten Veranstaltung dieser Art u. a. Claus Peymann als Vortragenden begrüßen konnte. Das detaillierte Programm für die „Die Kunst der Inszenierung II“ wird Anfang 2009 bekannt gemacht. 48 umdasch shop-concept You should be sure to make a note of an absolute highlight in Umdasch Shop Academy’s international event programme: from the evening of 15 to the morning of 17 October 2009 the retail forum “The Art of Stage Management II” will take place in the Kongressdorf Alpbach in Tyrol. Prominent lecturers will report on examples of successful retail stage management by making use of disciplines such as art/ culture/ science/ research/ entertainment/ architecture, as well as referring to the retail sector itself. This unusual event will be presented by Peter Paul Polte, the publisher of the specialist publication Textilwirtschaft (TW). During the last event of this kind he introduced speakers including Claus Peymann. Details of the programme for “The Art of Stage Management II” will be published in early 2009. Das idyllisch in der Tiroler Bergwelt gelegene Kongressdorf Alpbach wird vom 15. bis 17. 10. 2009 Schauplatz von „Die Kunst der Inszenierung II“ sein. Surrounded by the mountains of Tyrol, the idyllic Kongressdorf Alpbach will provide the stage for “The Art of Stage Management II” from 15 – 17 October 2009. SHOP aktuell 104 SHOP EVENTS Shopping-Center im Palais Pallavicini Shopping Centre in the Palais Pallavicini Das altehrwürdige Palais Pallavicini war stimmiger Schauplatz des 33. österr. Umdasch Shop-Concept-Forums am 7. April 2008 in Wien. Unter dem Titel „Die 72 Geheimnisse der Shopping-Center“ entführte ECE-Geschäftsführer Klaus Striebich die mehr als 200 Besucher in die Welt des Shopping-Center-Managements. The venerable Palais Pallavicini in Vienna provided an appropriate setting for the 33rd Austrian Umdasch Shop-ConceptForum on 7 April 2008. In line with the title “Die 72 Geheimnisse der Shopping-Center” (The 72 Secrets of Shopping Centres), ECE Managing Director Klaus Striebich transported more than 200 visitors into the world of shopping centre management. Klaus Striebich bot in altehrwürdigem Rahmen ein brandaktuelles Thema. Klaus Striebich presented an up-to-date subject in a historic setting. Umdasch Shop Academy focuses on “The New Centre” More than 20 events will fill the Umdasch Shop Academy calendar this autumn. Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, UK and the USA provide the settings forthe various events (see the Calendar of Events on pages 50/51). An unusual and interesting event will be held on 4 November 2008 in the Umdasch ShopShow in Amstetten. The Shop Academy will provide the setting for the Handelstag der Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich (Retail Day of the Chamber of Commerce of Lower Austria); the Umdasch Shop-Concept Forum which was originally planned for this date will be integrated, so to speak, into the event. The principal subject of the event is “The New Centre in Retail”. Dr. Ronald Barazon will chair the event, and Dr. Helene Karmasin will give the principal lecture. Additional lectures and a stage discussion with representatives of the retail trade will demonstrate the opportunities available for medium-sized retail stores. The new seminar “Ladengestaltung für Praktiker” (Practical Shop Design) has been specially designed to meet the requirements of medium-sized retail businesses. This practically-oriented seminar shows various important building blocks and aids in decision-making on the way to successful shop design (store branding, shop planning, shop design, shop systems, visual merchandising, shop lighting, international trends). The panel of lecturers has been assembled from among Umdasch Shopfitting Group experts who operate in the international field. The first seminar is on 10 September in Oberentfelden; further dates include 7 October (Amstetten) and 23 October (Neidenstein). For all those who find the way to Las Vegas on the travel expedition “LadenDramaturgie LIVE!” (18 – 21 October) too arduous, there will be an opportunity to attend Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE&KOMPAKT (Shop Dramaturgy Live and Compact), the concise version of this popular seminar, on 19/20 September 2008 in Vienna with Dr. Christian Mikunda. In 2009 “Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!” will be focussing on Tokyo 17 – 20 May). Preliminary research is already under way. Günther Berger, Anton Gassner, Andreas Küssner, Alfred Leitl, Max Wöss and Mathias Seiler are the lecturers and presenters of the new seminar“Ladengestaltung für Praktiker” (Practical Shop Design). SHOP aktuell 104 umdasch shop-concept 49 Books Bücher calendar Kalender Neue Bücher New Books (German editions) Christian Scheier, Dirk Held Was Marken erfolgreich macht Brauchen wir wirklich ein weiteres Buch zum Thema Marke? Die Autoren dieser Neuerscheinung bejahen vehement. Während die gängigen Markenmodelle nur das „Was“ erfolgreicher Marken erklären, gehen die beiden Psychologen einen entscheidenden Schritt weiter und begründen das „Wie“ und „Warum“ der Anziehungskraft starker Brands. BDIA – Bund Deutscher Innenarchitekten (Hrsg.) Handbuch Innenarchitektur 2008/09 Ein harmonisches Raumkonzept verbindet technische und emotionsgeladene Details. Das jährlich erscheinende Handbuch präsentiert 20 Projekte, die solche Konzepte erfolgreich umsetzen. Der Leser erhält einen Überblick über aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen in der Innenarchitektur, die auch Impulsgeber für den Handel sein können. Rudolf Haufe Verlag, Ludwigsburg 2008, 234 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-448-08610-2 29,80 € Callwey, München 2008, 200 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-7667-1742-9 29,95 €; 50,90 Sfr Gerrit Heinemann J. Zentes, D. Morschett, J. Krebs Multi-Channel-Handel HandelsMonitor 2008 Die neue Mitte Das World-Wide-Web ist erwachsen geworden, der Online-Handel boomt. Eine Entwicklung, die Multi-Channel-Retailing zum Top-Thema macht. Dieses Buch erläutert systematisch Erfolgsfaktoren, Best Practices und zu guter letzt auch die Frage, wie sich Multi-Channel rechnet. Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden 2008, 215 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-8349-0789-9 29,90 € Die totgeredete Mitte erlebt ihr Comeback. Der HandelsMonitor 2008 diskutiert das breite Spektrum an Einflussfaktoren dieses Phänomens. Im Anschluss lüftet das Werk anhand zahlreicher Beispiele auf Sortiments-, Produkt- und Handelsformat-Ebene das Erfolgsrezept der Neuen Mitte. Verfeinerte, verbesserte Geschäftsmodelle und eine klare Positionierung sind wichtige Zutaten. Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt am Main 2008, 193 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86641-113-5 198 € Event-Kalender Calendar of events* Date Location Event Type Information 3. – 5. 9. 2008 Seattle International Retail Design Coference Design Conference 10. 9. 2008 Oberentfelden Ladengestaltung für Praktiker Eintagesseminar, Andreas Küssner 11./12. 9. 2008 Zürich 58th International Retail Summit Handelstagung (English and French simultaneous translation) 16./17. 9. 2008 Köln Store Planning + Design Konferenz 16. – 18. 9. 2008 Mumbai India Retail Forum 2008 Einzelhandelskongress Retail Congress 17. 9. 2008 Oberentfelden Der erste Eindruck zählt Eintagesseminar, Margrit Lipczinsky 18./19. 9. 2008 Berlin German Council Congress Shopping-Center-Kongress 19./20. 9. 2008 Wien Laden-Dramaturige Live&Kompakt! Shop-Expedition, Dr. Christian Mikunda 23. 9. 2008 Renens Ladendiebstahl LIVE! (franz.) Séminaire d´un jour, Jürgen Schmidt 24./25. 9. 2008 Verona Store Branding (italienisch) Seminario della durata di un giorno, Gerhard Lipp 30. -9.30. 29. 2008 9. 2008 Düsseldorf Berlin Mehr Ertrag Luxury Summit auf gleicher Fläche Eintagesseminar, Christian Göggerle Mode-Kongress 7. 10. 30. 9. 2008 2008 Amstetten Düsseldorf Ladengestaltung Mehr Ertrag auf gleicher für Praktiker Fläche Eintagesseminar, Christian Markus Wöss Göggerle 7. 10. 2008 Neidenstein Amstetten Visual Merchandising Ladengestaltung für Praktiker für Praktiker Eintagesseminar, Markus Irmgard Wöss Heyd 8. 10. 2008 7. Bozen Neidenstein Mehr Ertrag Visual Merchandising auf gleicher für Fläche Praktiker Eintagesseminar, Irmgard Markus Haslinger Heyd 13./14. 8. 10. 2008 10. 2008 London Bozen European Mehr Ertrag Outlet auf gleicher SeminarFläche ICSC Seminar Eintagesseminar, Markus Haslinger 14. 10. 2008 13./14. 10. 2008 Amstetten London Visual Merchandising European Outlet Seminar für Praktiker Eintagesseminar, ICSC Seminar Irmgard Heyd 14. 10. 2008 Düsseldorf Amstetten Umdasch Visual Merchandising Shop-Concept-Forum für Praktiker Fachvortrag, Uwe Irmgard Eintagesseminar, SeibickeHeyd 14. 10. – 16. 2008 20. 2008 Macao Düsseldorf Asia Expo Shop-Concept-Forum Umdasch Global Retail Event Fachvortrag, Uwe Seibicke 18. – 16. 14. 21. 10. 2008 Las Vegas Macao Laden-Dramaturgie Asia Expo LIVE! Shop-Expedition, Global Retail EventDr. Christian Mikunda 21. 10. 18. – 21. 2008 10. 2008 Amstetten Las Vegas Ladendiebstahl LIVE!LIVE! Laden-Dramaturgie Eintagesseminar, Alfred Shop-Expedition, Dr. Christian Fuchsgruber Mikunda 50 umdasch shop-concept SHOP aktuell 104 Bücher Books Kalender calendar Robert Misik Jennifer Hudson Das Kult-Buch – Glanz und Elend der Kommerzkultur Restroom- Zeitgenössisches Toilettendesign Robert Misik thematisiert in diesem Buch, dass Güter mehr und mehr auf Grund ihrer Images konsumiert werden und der Gebrauchswert zur Nebensache verkommt. Mit Ware wird ein Stück Identität gekauft. Kurz gesagt: Es handelt sich hier um eine pointierte Bestandsaufnahme des Lifestyle-Kapitalismus in schillernde Aufmachung und ebenso schillernden Titel verpackt. Lange Zeit unterschätzt, werden gepflegte Toilettenanlagen heute als wichtiger Wohlfühlfaktor in öffentlichen Räumen erkannt. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Geschäfte und Shopping-Center. Jennifer Hudson geht auf Entdeckungsreise und stellt 45 Toiletten-Designs aus der ganzen Welt vor, gestaltet von bekannten Architekten und Designern. Aufbau Verlagsgruppe, Berlin 2007, 199 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-351-02651-6 19,95 €; 38,60 Sfr avedition, Ludwigsburg 2008, 192 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-89986-100-6 39 €; 66 Sfr (German/English editions) Dominic Sacher Peter Zec (EDITOR) Shopleuchten – Gutes Licht für den Einzelhandel red dot design yearbook 2008/2009 vol. 1, 2 Dominic Sacher, erfahrener Lichtplaner und Leuchtendesigner, erklärt in diesem Buch verschiedene Effekte und Formen der Shopbeleuchtung. Zur Veranschaulichung werden gelungene Lichtinszenierungen unterschiedlicher Branchen, von Textil über Buch bis Kosmetik, gezeigt. Exkurse zu Spezialthemen (Visual Merchandising, Messung, Wartung&Effizienz u. a.) runden das Werk ab. The jury of the “red dot design awards” selects the most interesting and exciting design projects. And the winners 2008 are… listed in the yearbook for the first time in two volumes. Vol. 1 “Living” presents products for a more attractive life at home. Vol. 2 “Doing” shows innovative designs for a stylish lifestyle in the age of communication. DZA-Verlag, Altenburg 2008, 164 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-936300-46-8 39 € avedition, Ludwigsburg 2008, 2 volumes, 892 pages ISBN 978-3-89939-096-4 88 €, 139 $, 140 SFr Date Location Event Type Information 23. 10. 2008 21. Neidenstein Amstetten LadengestaltungLIVE! Ladendiebstahl für Praktiker Eintagesseminar Alfred Fuchsgruber Eintagesseminar, 28./29. 23. 10. 2008 10. 2008 Köln Neidenstein Energiemanagement Ladengestaltung für Praktiker im Einzelhandel Konferenz Eintagesseminar 30. 10. 2008 28./29. 10. 2008 Oberentfelden Köln Ladendiebstahl LIVE! im Einzelhandel Energiemanagement Eintagesseminar, Alfred Fuchsgruber Konferenz 3. 11. 30. 10.2008 2008 Zürich Oberentfelden Umdasch Shop-Concept-Forum Ladendiebstahl LIVE! Fachvortrag, Dr. David Eintagesseminar, AlfredBosshart Fuchsgruber 3. 11. 2008 4. 11. 2008 Zürich Amstetten Umdasch Shop-Concept-Forum „Die Neue Mitte im Handel“ Fachvortrag, Dr. David Bosshart Handelstag WKNÖ 4. 11. 2008 5./6. 11. 2008 Amstetten Düsseldorf „Die Neue Mitte im Handel“ Modehandelskongress Handelstag WKNÖ Kongress 11./12. 5./6. 11.11. 2008 2008 Berlin Düsseldorf Deutscher Handelskongress 2008 Modehandelskongress Kongress 13. 11. 2008 11./12. 11. 2008 London Berlin Umdasch Shop-Concept-Forum Deutscher Handelskongress 2008 (engl.) Specialist Lecture Kongress 10. 11. 2008 13. Lausanne London Umdasch Shop-Concept-Forum (frz.) Conférence, Specialist Lecture Tobias Humpert 19. –11.21. 10. 2008 11. 2008 Cannes Lausanne MAPIC Shop-Concept-Forum Umdasch Retail Real Estate Conférence, TobiasFair Humpert 20./21. 19. – 21.11. 11.2008 2008 München Cannes World Marketing & Sales Forum MAPIC Marketing-Kongress Retail Real Estate Fair 25./26. 11. 2008 20./21. Köln München „Gefährdete World Marketing Liebschaften“ & Sales Forum Fachkongress Marketing Marketing-Kongress 2. 12. 2008 25./26. 11. 2008 Kelkheim Köln Trendreport 2008 „Gefährdete Liebschaften“ (Horx) Afterwork-Seminar Fachkongress Marketing 10.12.– 2008 2. 12. 2. 2009 Düsseldorf Kelkheim EuroCIS Trendreport 2008 (Horx) Trade Fair for IT in Retail Afterwork-Seminar 10. 12. 3. 2. 2009 2009 23. –– 25. Düsseldorf Las Vegas EuroCIS GlobalShop Trade Fair for and IT inIn-Store Retail Marketing Fair Retail Design 23. 25. 5. 3. 2009 2009 17. –– 20. Las TokioVegas GlobalShop Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE! Retail Design and In-Store Marketing Fair Shop-Expedition, Dr. Christian Mikunda 17. – 20. 5. 2009 15 – 17. 10. 2009 Tokio Alpbach/Tirol Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE! „Die Kunst der Inszenierung II“ 15. – 17. 10. 2009 26. 2. – 2. 3. 2011 Alpbach/Tirol Düsseldorf „Die Kunst der Inszenierung II“ EuroShop Shop-Expedition, Handels-Forum Dr. Christian Mikunda (English simultaneous translation) Handels-Forum (English simultaneous The Global Trade Fair translation) 26. 2. – 2. 3. 2011 Düsseldorf EuroShop The Global Trade Fair information is * The event in the language of the event. * The event information is supplied in the language of the event. SHOP aktuell 104 umdasch shop-concept 51 Der Auftritt der Umdasch Shopfitting Group an der EuroShop 2008 in Düsseldorf beeindruckte die Messebesucher aus aller Welt. Unter dem Motto tasteandstyle standen Emotionen und Produktinnovationen im Vordergrund der Präsentation. The Umdasch Shopfitting Group presentation at the EuroShop 2008 in Düsseldorf impressed trade-fair visitors from all over the world. Emotions and product innovations were at the forefront of the presentation under the motto tasteandstyle . Member of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH A-3300 Amstetten Tel. +43 7472 605-0, Fax 63487 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept AG CH-5036 Oberentfelden Tel. +41 62 7372525, Fax 7372550 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH D-74933 Neidenstein Tel. +49 7263 401-0, Fax 401-145 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept SAS F-91160 Champlan Tel. +33 1 60491840, Fax 60491841 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept Ltd. GB-Oxford OX4 1LF Tel. +44 1865 207800, Fax 207801 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept Ltd. IRL-Drogheda Tel. +353 871 200 184, Fax 41 686 1634 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept S.r.l. I-39055 Pineta di Laives (BZ) Tel. +39 0471 958700, Fax 958777 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH NL-7556 BN Hengelo (Ov.) Tel. +31 74 2467360, Fax 2504423 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept spol. s r.o. CZ-37001 České Budějovice Tel. +420 387022011, Fax 7022013 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept L.L.C UAE-Dubai Tel. +971 4 3618462, Fax 3618335 [email protected] ShopConsult by Umdasch GmbH A-3300 Amstetten Tel. +43 7472 605-0, Fax 605-3500 [email protected] Umdasch Shop-Concept and the Umdasch Shopfitting Group are also available in the following planning and sales offices as well as at the following locations (selection). Austria: Vienna, Traun/ St. Martin, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt. Switzerland: Münsingen (Berne), Renens (Lausanne). Germany: Hamburg, Oberhausen, Monheim, Bad Hersfeld, Bamberg, Hofheim/Wildsachsen. Netherlands: Delft. France: Claix/Grenoble. Italy: Parma, Milan, Roncadelle. Spain: Madrid. Sweden: Gothenborg. Norway: Oslo, Stavanger. Slovenia: Slovenska Bistrica. Croatia: Zagreb. Serbia: Belgrade. Poland: Warsaw. Russia: Moscow. Greece: Athens. Israel: Tel Aviv. Saudi Arabia: Jeddah. Canada: Toronto. USA: New York, Newport Beach/CA. And wherever else your business takes you! • • • •