Face the Fury!
Face the Fury!
Face the fury! ICON Games and Comics convention 17 – 19 july 2015 jAbula Rec. centre, sandringham, Joburg Berserkers allowed! The Norse are out of their long houses! By popular vote – no doubt influenced by a certain TV series – ICON 2015 is the Viking ICON. So dress up in your finest furs and barbarian splendour and scull your long boat to Jabula, where you can for once wander around in costume and NOT freeze! I am expecting a plethora of Thor’s and a hand full of shield maidens, not counting and Odin or two. If we are lucky the Loki’s will pass us by… Come and join us for three days of fun, games and good friends! It will be great to see you all again. And no, I’m afraid I still don’t remember your name, even if you have been to all 24 ICON’s. Sorry! (But I do remember your face!) WHEN AND WHERE EXHIBITORS Friday to Sunday, 17 – 19 July 2015 Jabula recreation Centre, Athlone Avenue, Sandringham Doors open at 09:00(ish) A registration table will be available outside beforehand! For Role-playing, specifically! Door entry: R30 per day | R50 for the weekend For more information: Contact Grant Charlton cell: 082 823 7199 Email: [email protected] | Web: www.outerlimits.co.za Board Games SA; Extreme Wargaming / Outer Limits, Pretoria; Reigning Red; Outer Limits, Melville; Cosmic Comics; The Batcave: The Silk Road; Sin Bin; Gamersquest; Sad Robot; Dracoti; Skycastle Games; The Underground; Legion Ink; Blades and Stitches; 4Ever Odd; Zed Bee’s Comic Universe; Anime Infection/AI Fest; Plushie Heaven; D20 Geeking Venue; Tales of Teana; Coool Anime Store; Eye Voodoo; GeekXP. THANKS WHERE THANKS ARE DUE THE FOOD SIDE OF THINGS ICON Committee: Grant Charlton, Grant Dixon, Richard van den Heever, Savvas Themistocleous, Marie Wessels Sacrificial lambs (ICON Volunteers): Deric Knox, Rudi Booysens, Michael Reynolds, Alex Bauer and Anya Den Teuling. Shelly Dixon for feeding the masses. ICON Brochure and logo: Robyn Saul ICON Artwork: ClipArt Comic relief: Vittorio Leonardi, Warren Harrison and Paul Cowan. The Module and LARP writers. The Games Workshop, Warmachine, X-Wing and Flames of War crew. The Magic Judges, Wizkids, L5R and Vampire crew. The Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh organisers; Geek of All Trades and GeekXP. A.I. Fest, for the anime screening and cos-play competition. Skycastle Games and Boardgames SA for board gaming events. Blowfish Investments for Magic sponsorship. And many more we may have inadvertently forgotten. From the tired Hot Chocolate - boy! (Who’s worried about diabetes? I need the extra sugar boost!) The ‘feeder of the poor & misunderstood’, AKA Shelly Joseph-Dixon, will be back, as always, in the ICON kitchen, shouting at the committee to eat proper food & making certain that the masses are fed with healthy, hearty faire and not just dodgy hot dogs and salad rolls. (Yes, yes, we will still have the dodgy hot dogs and salad rolls!) Daily soups and stews will be availible to help fight the winter cold. The fan favourites, Mac & Cheese and Spaghetti Bolognaise, will no doubt make an appearance. ICON Mugs for free coffee will, as always, be readily available (for the right number of gold coins! Or paper notes – the gold gets heavy.) (Last year we sold out! So I have upped the order to 500!) Limited food will be availible in the evenings up to 7pm for Larpers and comedy goers. For those of you staying for LARPS and the Comedy Mayhem email [email protected] to ensure you are taken care of! ICON SUNDAY DINNER Yes, we will be having the normal after prize giving dinner. And after 21 years I am sure no-one expects the Mexican Inquisition! And I’ll include some Vodka for those that are too weak for the Tequila… Three courses and our normal bar should make most of you happy! Suggestions and recipes (with samples) can be sent to [email protected] and will be considered! Suggestions and recipes can be sent to [email protected] and will be considered! DONATIONS AND COLLECTIONS In 2013 Alan Kent gave his hair to the cause and in 2014 Grant Charlton exposed his neck to the Ice Bears! Do we have any sacrificial volunteers who will go out of their way to help us raise even more in 2015? Contact Grant on [email protected] For the last number of years we have raised money for the Lory Park Zoo. In 2014 we raised enough to sponsor the white lion pair (Daniel & Heidi), the jaguar pair (Leia & Jupiter) as well as Evee the three-legged Serval. ALL the animals have had healthy cubs! With your help, we will collect even more this year! The zoo needs many items you may have lying around the house! Please have a look at the zoo’s website for the donations list: www.lorypark. co.za. Feel free to drop off these donations at ICON! We will also, again, making collections for the South African Guide Dog Association for the blind. Last year we gave them R8 500 rand! This year we should have a few puppy walkers and their puppies visiting us on the Saturday morning. DISCLAIMER ICON recognises the status of all copyrights, trademarks, product names and registered trademarks. The use of the aforementioned within this publication should not be construed as a challenge to such status, but rather a promotion of the products in question. All articles, photographs and artwork remain the property of their respective owners. 1 schedule Date & Time Roleplaying & LARPs Magic 09:30 10:00 Other Registration 1A Storm Tossed 1B Shards of the Sun Friday, 18 July 2014 Wargaming IRON MAN EVENT Outer Limits Standard Demo games A weekend of Anime! Painting demo’s Origins Sealed or booster draft Friendly play Legion Ink Artists Alley (All weekend) HeroClix Battle Royal Events Commander Board Gaming Demo’s all day Teana LARP Camp 13:00 14:00 Lunch 2A A most peculiar hoax 2B Gravity Falls: Time Lapse 13:00 Pauper Standard Events continue Events continue Events continue 18:00 Dicemasters Colossal Card Crisis 2C Time War 19:00 3A Empire of the Emerald Stars IRON MAN EVENT: FNM Outer Limits (Standard) Booster Draft 3B Poetic Revenge 09:30 Saturday, 19 Julty 2014 10:00 Registration 4A Competitive: Space Station 13 – project Odin Iron Man Event: PPTQ #1 of 2016 Warhammer Fantasy A weekend of Anime! Warhammer 40K Settlers of Catan competition Legacy 4B Competitive: A ace for Grizbad’s treasure Warmachine/ Hordes Standard Flames of War Tournament Mini Board Game Tournaments (All weekend) L5R draft X-Wing 4C Competitive: Pathfinder Scenario VtES Tournament Painting competition – entries accepted Painting demo’s Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament 13:00 14:00 HeroClix Nationals sealed/ constructed qualifier Legion Ink Artists Alley COSPLAY and ICON costume competition Lunch 5A Competitive: The Silver Man 13:00 The Underground Tarmogoyf League Event 5B Competitive: The Jarl’s Revenge 13:00 Commander 5C Competitive: Pathfinder Scenario 13:00 Modern Masters 2015 Draft Competitions continue Board Game Demo’s all day 15:30 Dicemasters Nationals Events continue Events continue 19:30 ICON COMEDY AWESOMENESS (With some singing and dancing)! 09:30 Registration Sunday, 20 July 2014 10:00 2 6A Competitive: The Franklin Expedition 6B Competitive: Nothing to worry about 6C Competitive: Pathfinder Scenario Iron Man Event: GPT San Diego 2015 – Modern Conspiracy Draft Standard Pokemon Tournament Warhammer Fantasy A weekend of Anime! Warhammer 40K Legion Ink Artists Alley Warmachine/Hordes Ticket to Ride Competition Flames of War Tournament Dicemasters Tournament Painting demo’s Board Game Demo’s all day HeroClix Nationals Finals L5R draft 13:00 14:00 Lunch 7 Repeats of requested past modules Events continue Competitions continue Collect Painting Competition entries 18:00 Prize-giving 19:30 ICON Dinner Events continue card gaming ALL PUBLISHED TIMES ARE STARTING TIMES. REGISTRATION OPENS AT 9:00 EACH DAY! OUTER LIMITS IRON MAN CHAMPIONSHIP Here is how it works. Over the course of the weekend you will have the opportunity to participate in a full suite of competitive Magic Events that we are running and start building up Iron Man Points on our leader-board. At the end of each day we will post the standings of our top ten participants, so competitors can see who is leading the pack and to prepare themselves and their decks for an attack on the leaders. At the end of the weekend the toughest, smartest and most prepared player will come out the winner and be the 2015 Iron Man Champion! How you earn your points: 1st : 25 points 5th : 10 points 9th : 2 points 2nd : 18 points 6th : 8 points 10th : 1 point 3rd : 15 points 7th : 6 points 4th : 12 points 8th : 4 points The person with the most points at the end of the weekend wins. (Minimum: a box of his or her choice of Standard Boosters and a set of all three Euro land packs.) IRON Man Events ICON WEEKEND OF MAGIC For those not taking part in, or for those dropping out of, the Iron Man events. Friday 11:00Origins Sealed and/or Booster Draft (R400/R180 respectively) 12:00Commander Multi-player casual event. Bring your Commander Deck and play in as many games as you can. Try out that cool general you have been itching to play all year. 13:00 Pauper Standard (Commons only standard) 19:00Outer Limits FNM Release event (Standard, Booster Draft and Modern) Saturday 11:00 Legacy; Standard (R50) 13:00The Underground: Modern Madness Tarmogoyf League Event (Rules and costs as published by The Underground) 13:00 Commander Multi-player casual event 13:00 Modern Master 2015 Booster Draft (R350) Sunday 11:00Conspiracy Draft (3 Conspiracy Boosters R120) 11:00 Standard (R50) 11:00 Modern Master 2015 Booster Draft (R350) • The Magic: the Gathering Tournament Rules and Magic: the Gathering Infraction Procedure Guide are in effect for these events. Side Events • Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters. Events include: Booster draft and sealed deck, Standard, Modern, pauper of all types, EDH and anything else you are keen to play. Bring your cards, find another 7 players and we will sanction anything legal! And give you prizes! • Deck lists will be used. Friday 10:30 Outer Limits Standard (R80) 19:00Outer Limits Standard FNM Release event (R80) Saturday 10:30Outer Limits Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier #1 of 2016 (Sealed) (R400) We will be running side events throughout the weekend. ALL COSTS WILL BE BASED ON RETAIL PRICE OF MAGIC BOOSTERS AT THE TIME! BOOSTER PRIZES FOR ALL TOURNAMENTS, BASED ON ENTRY COSTS WHICH WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THE DAY. EVENTS BROUGHT TO YOU BY SOME OF YOUR FAVOURITE STALLHOLDERS! Sunday 10:30Outer Limits Modern Grand Prix Trial – San Diego 2015 (R80) All events will have at LEAST 2 boosters per player prize support with extra Shiny cards courtesy of Blowfish and Outer Limits. If we have over 45 players for any event the winner will receive a box. 4 Prize support over the weekend sponsored by Blowfish Entertainment. card gaming LEGENDS OF THE FIVE RINGS Look out for our Suicide Tournament this Icon. Cost of entry is the R60 booster pack you’ll use in this winner takes all format where you face off in quick paced games with the loser forfeiting their cards to the winner who goes on to risk their gains against another winner. But don’t worry, entry is always just another booster pack away. Throughout the weekend if you can rustle up at least three more friends we’ll run a draft for you all at the cost of R240 each. With you getting to keep all the cards you use and getting a reverse draft at the end for the rares, it’s a great way to get more of the cards you need or to jump in the world of Rokugan and the Legend of the Five Rings! POKEMON SUNDAY, 19 July Crystal Gym in association with A.I. Fest will be hosting an Elite 4 Warm Up event at ICON 2015! There will be a main event at AIX - Geek Mini Expo, and the points you get in this warm up will be carried over to the main event. PLEASE NOTE that there is extremely limited seating for this event, and preregistration will be required to enter. For more details https://www.facebook.com/events/447430878 759694/?ref=1&action_history=%5B%7B%22surface%22% 3A%22permalink%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22su rface%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%5B%5D%7D%5D For more details contact [email protected] Yu-gi-oh! VAMPIRE: THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE SATURDAY, 18 July Start: 10:30am Normal tournament format Time and date: 10am, Saturday 18 July Maximum space: 16-20. Standard constructed event - 3 rounds plus a Final. Entry fee: R65 Entry fee: R50 Entry and Prizes TBD Prizes: 2 x Premium Gold edition for the winner sponsored by Outer Limits, Pretoria + Booster prizes based on participation. WHIZKIDS EVENTS Dice Masters Heroclix FRIDAY Colossal Card Crisis 18:00 to 20:00 Saturday Nationals Sealed/Constructed Qualifier 10:00 to 16:00 Saturday Nationals 15:30 to 20:30 Battle Royale Events 16:00 to 18:00 SUNDAY Nationals Finals For more information – got to http://heroclixsa.wix. com/hcsa#!nationals2015/c1xhq 10:00 to 17:00 FRIDAY Battle Royale Events 12:00 to 17:00 5 miniature wargaming 40K TOURNAMENT Warhammer Fantasy • 2-day tournament A comprehensive rules pack can be downloaded from www.outerlimits.co.za. Or contact our faithful organiser: Adam Smith at [email protected] Also people can p-mail Azimyth on the Warhammer Generals. • 1 500 points • 7th edition rules • 5 games (3 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday), 2 hours per games. • Painted Tournament, i.e.: There is also a link at https://www.facebook.com/ groups/12781532669/ – Painted armies are MANDATORY (3 colours minimum) and preferably based as well. Forum (www.warhammergenerals.co.za/forum) – WYSIWYG will not be judged strictly. Entry fee will be R100. – ‘Counts-as’ is in place – i.e. you can proxy similar-style GW models for models you do not own. Prizes for Games Workshop Events and Painting competitions supplied through Extreme Wargaming [[email protected]] and The Underground [[email protected]] – Non-conformist missions – all the missions will be styled after standard rulebook missions, and designed to entertain with the inclusion of slight twist! • 1x Painting entry is included in the cost for each player, this model will be entered into the ICON painting competition on your behalf – entries will stand a chance to win prizes. The painting will be judged during the course of Sunday. • Some great sponsored prizes will be available, including a new Imperial Knight Warden, supplied by Outer Limits Pretoria. X-wing Miniatures Game • Space is limited, though we’ll make every effort to accommodate all comers – we WILL cater for all preregistrations as a bare-minimum, so please pre-register. The X-wing Miniatures Game will be running a one-day tournament on SUNDAY 19 July. • Registration begins when the convention doors open and the first game starts at 09:00. • Entry fee will be R100 Special rules: • Lists may not exceed 100 points. • No Forgeworld-only units will be permitted (i.e. if it’s ONLY available in an Imperial Armour book, you can’t use it). • 4 rounds will be played. • Any ‘New’ codex’s will be allowed, these will include any books up to, but EXCLUDING the new space marine codex. • No Unbound armies, otherwise no other restrictions. • Unassembled models WILL BE REMOVED from play (if a model is not easily identifiable as the model it’s intended to represent due to missing pieces, it’ll be declared to be unassembled). • The tournament WILL be ranked. Entry Fee: R100 per player for the weekend’s gaming. Pick an army, paint it up, print out an army list, and I’ll see you there. Anyone who is interested in participating, please contact: Peter van Dyk 082-555-9611, or peter@ modernmedia.co.za. Book your spot NOW! 6 • There will be GREAT prize support for the event, sponsored by Outer Limits. • Each round will run for 1 hour, with a time warning given at 15 minutes remaining. • Players must bring 2 legible copies of their Squadron list along with any cards or miniatures they plan to use. • Only official X-wing miniatures may be used. • Huge ships may NOT be used. • Players will be required to have AT LEAST ONE ORIGINAL COPY of any Upgrade cards that they use. • Registration will open at 09:30 on each day and the first game round will begin at 10:15 on each day. Space is limited, so please book your spot ahead of time to avoid disappointment! Call Peter on 082-555-9611 or email: [email protected] to book your spot.to avoid disappointment! Call Peter on 082-555-9611 or email: [email protected] to book your spot. WARMACHINE - HORDES 35 Points Cost: R100 entrance fee for players to play in the tournament – door fees are separate. The tournament will be run as a 1-day events on Saturday, 18 July. Number of Rounds: 3 Scenarios: Basic 2015 Steamroller scenarios will be played; rules can be found on the Privateer Press Website. Timing: Turns will not be timed (except for Deathclock and Hardcore rounds, if these missions are used) – dice-down announcements will be made to keep players on track. Flames of War This year ICON will be hosting its first ever Flames of War Tournament. The rule pack is available on the ICON Event page for download. There are limited spaces so please book early and submit your 1650 point Army Lists to [email protected] by 10 July. Entry Fee: R 100 for Saturday and Sunday. Players will be required to bring a printed Steamroller pack and their army lists along with them. Prizes: We’re offering some neat prizes. Registration: 09:15 First Games: 10:00 Venue Limits: as a bare minimum, we’ll cater to ALL prebookings – so pre-register to avoid disappointment. Contact: Charles Krynauw for pre-registration or if you have any questions, [email protected] or 083-415-3075 7 Role-playing FRIDAY SLOT 1A: STORM TOSSED By Leslie Longman That was not the worst storm you have ever experienced, but it was definitely the strangest. You have no idea where it has taken you, but it is nowhere near the Kingdom of the Franks, your intended trading destination. The strangest thing is, the sun is now to the north of you, which you are sure is impossible. At least the island you’ve washed up on has fresh water, even if the plants and animals are strange. A group of storm-tossed ninth-century Norse traders find themselves in a very strange place. Reading “At the Mountains of Madness” by H.P. Lovecraft before playing this module would be advantageous, but is not necessary. Note – this module links to A Most Peculiar Hoax. You may want to play both. System: Call of Cthulhu Number of Players: 6 SLOT 1B: SHARDS OF THE SUN By Ryan Young Long ago man walked amongst the gods, he was powerful beyond imagining and created wonders far beyond the greatest accomplishments of those who roam in their immortal footsteps. These lesser men passed artefacts of great power down through the ages, artefacts that allowed them to perform feats that defied explanation and gave their descendants to ability to wield the power of the gods. The greatest of these ancient artefacts were the Sun Shards, glowing crystals of forgotten energy that grant powers beyond imagining to those who wield them. These shards have a divine purpose, an ancient legend passed down through the ages by the holy orders of man. Once in a hundred years they must be destroyed, sacrificed to the earth itself to preserve the realm of man. This is the last shard, the last mission of man and the beginning of the final age of the earth itself. Or it could be the end. System: Fate Accelerated Number of Players: 6 SLOT 2A: A MOST PECULIAR HOAX By Leslie Longman You have been called in to investigate a very strange hoax. Someone has faked a ninth-century Viking shipwreck on a Polynesian island, and has gone to an extreme amount of trouble to make it seem authentic. The locals avoid the 8 island for some reason, so they cannot or will not tell you when the “shipwreck” appeared. Still, this shouldn’t take that long to unravel. Reading “At the Mountains of Madness” by H.P. Lovecraft before playing this module would be advantageous, but is not necessary. System: Call of Cthulhu Number of Players: 6 SLOT 2B: GRAVITY FALLS: TIME LAPSE By Ryan Young & Dana da Silva In the town of Gravity Falls, where the weird and supernatural come together, twins Mabel and Dipper spend their summer vacation with they’re Great Uncle Stan, A.K.A Grunkle Stan. Roped into working for his money-making tourist trap called the Mystery Shack, they spend their days selling fake supernatural items with fellow employees Wendy and Soos. Everything changed when Dipper stumbles upon a cryptic journal elaborately hidden in the woods and the mysterious world of Gravity Falls becomes clearer with every code he and Mabel decipher. But there is still so much unknown and who knows what shocking discoveries are coming. System: Fate Accelerated Number of Players: 6 SLOT 2C: Time War By Dylan Kruger The opportunity is here! We have been waiting for years to get our hands on time travel technology and now it is ours. You have been recruited to go back in time and witness the past as it happened. Your team and you have been chosen to visit the northern Norwegian tribes due to your looks and builds. Never have genetics been worth so much to so few. The time is now as the past awaits and who knows what has been lost to time System: D20 Modern Number of Players: 6 A Note for Role-players The role-playing has three scored slots: 4, 5 and 6. Players and GMs must participate in a minimum of two games in order to qualify for the competition, but if you play in all three you will recieve the advantage of the best two scores. Teams, for the team competition, must consist of six players and a GM. saturday SLOT 4A: SPACE STATION 13 - PROJECT ODIN By Gregg Barlow Life on Space Station 13 has been really good for troubleshooting assistance team BS951. They’re 15 minutes into the shift and not a single team member has died yet, which has to be some kind of a new record! Sure working for the Nanotrasen Mega-corporation can be difficult sometimes. The question is, with the team about to be assigned the “prestigious” duty of monitoring the science boffins new ultra classified project code-named “Project Odin”, will they be able to survive meteorite strikes, alien attacks, security brutality and worst of all the Nanotrasen approved station entertainment? Only you can guide team BS951 to safety! System: Savage Worlds (Paranoia) Number of Players: 6 SLOT 4B: THE RACE FOR GRIZBAD’S TREASURE By Chris Visser A long time ago, we wuz on a Waagh an da hulk crashed. Makin’ da Skid and chuckin scrap all over. Da Mek boyz begun to build us a way off dis rock, but as we orkses do, we had a bit of a punch up. Dey original fight wus abou’ wheda it wus gonna be called afta da god Gork, who is brutal but cunning or da god Mork, who is cunning but brutal. Da Big Meks havin da knowwots began building again an called da newship GorkaMorka. Dey also said dat da boyz who bring da most scrap would def have a place when we go Waagh. So now it’s Gorker against Morker as we scrap for da scrap. We da boyz of Boss Deffgoff Maddakka haz da map to Grizbad’s Treasure, da biggest pile of scrap, eva! and local allies have grown worried for the aging explorer’s safety. As the PCs travel south on Sharrowsmith’s trail, they must track the venture-captain to the ruins he sought while also dealing with the aftermath of his actions. System: Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5. SLOT 5A: THE SILVER MAN By Warwick Brown In early July 1947 the United States Government initiated a criminal and far-reaching campaign of deceit against the human race. The so-called Roswell Incident was meant to the new beginning for our race – but it was sabotaged in infancy and allowed to wither. Now on the 50th anniversary of this Stellar event, we, the faithful few Believers, Contactees and Crusaders for the Truth, are gathering at the hamlet of Rachel (near the notorious Nellis Air Force Base with its infamous Area 51) to celebrate what should have been our planet‘s defining moment in the Cosmos. We will herald in a new golden era of hope and honesty for humanity! Or at least that is what we planned… System: Call of Cthulhu Number of Players: 6 SLOT 5B: THE JARL’S VENGEANCE By Leslie Longman This should be simple, but things are never simple when the Nossi trolls are involved. They have raided your Jarl’s stead and kidnapped his infant son, Lars, and you have been dispatched to seek vengeance and rescue Lars if he still lives (not likely, but you never know). At least it isn’t winter. A 5th-edition D&D adventure for 6 players (who can hack and slay if they really want to, but that isn’t the intent.) System: 5th-edition D&D Number of Players: 6 First we needz sum fungus beer and da Yella Pony back from da shop and den we iz rich! SLOT 5C: SCIONS OF THE SKY KEY, PART 2: KAAVA QUARRY System: Gorkamorka (Rogue Trader) Number of Players: 6 A powerful guardian stands vigil over the ancient ruins where Venture-Captain Nieford Sharrowsmith disappeared recently, yet the beast has a weakness: a prophesied talisman now in the possession of an elusive grippli tribe deep in the Kaava Lands. The PCs must win the reclusive people’s trust and claim the prize—all before the Aspis Consortium does! SLOT 4C: SCIONS OF THE SKY KEY, PART 1: ON SHARROWSMITH’S TRAIL. Weeks have passed since Venture-Captain Nieford Sharrowsmith departed for the Bandu Hills, and having not heard from him since but learned of an Aspis Consortium expedition bound for the same destination, the Society System: Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5 9 Role-playing SUNDAY SLOT 6A: THE FRANKLIN EXPEDITION By Warwick Brown Canada, September 2014. The Canadian Parks department in junction with the Canadian military mount a combined expedition to finally solve the mystery of the Franklin Expedition. This was a two ship expedition from Great Britain in 1845 under Sir James Franklin to discover the legendary North-West passage around Canada. Both ships become ice-bound in 1846 and then they and their crews vanish from history. You are members of the elite scientific exploration team sent to sort out fact from fiction in the frozen northern regions. What awaits you amid tales of mutiny, cannibalism and conflict with the isolated Inuit of the area? System: Call of Cthulhu Number of Players: 6 SLOT 6B: NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT By Les Longman nearby worlds with virtual impunity. This raid should be more of the same. There have been rumours that the distant “Third Imperium” has been expanding towards you, but you have armoured space suits, laser rifles and 2000ton warships. How can anybody match those? You have nothing to worry about. System: Mongoose Traveller Number of Players: 6 SLOT 6C: SCIONS OF THE SKY KEY, PART 3: THE GOLDEN GUARDIAN Having bested the Aspis Consortium and recovered a powerful weapon, the PCs return to the Bandu Hills to delve into its ruins, confront the ancient guardian within, and find their missing venture-captain. Even greater secrets lie below, and the Pathfinders soon find that there is more to the so-called Golden Guardian than legends suggest. Are the PCs resourceful enough to survive the mounting danger and find Nieford Sharrowsmith? System: Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5 For centuries the Reaver’s of Viking have been raiding LARPS SLOT 3A: EMPIRE OF THE EMERALD STARS previously Mantis Clan pirate captain by the Lion, who seek to bring the criminal to justice. By Douw Pretorius and Marie Wessels One thing is certain; Winter Court is bound to be interesting! It is the year 3122 and Rokugan has expanded into the stars. Iweko CXII sits on the throne of the Empire of Emerald Stars. Some things however, never change. As the seasons on Rokugan turn colder and the snow begins the fly, the pre-eminent samurai of the clans gather on Imperial Space Station, Lady Sun’s Last Haven for Winter Court. A Legend of the Five Rings LARP set in the far future for 20 players. (Sushi and drinks provided.) The Crab have found a new enemy among the Stars. They race to find support for their war against creatures of Shadow called The Scarab. The Unicorn and the Phoenix have signed a peace treaty after a recent war. However, tensions run high and accusations of corporate espionage are flying between the two clans. Following in the wake of the Emerald Champion Nazo and the Dragon Clan’s, defeat at the hands of the Spider and Crane Clans tensions in the Imperial Court run high. The Scorpion Clan stand accused of harbouring a 10 SLOT 3B: PALA DE NATA - POETIC REVENGE The ancient Ven had a word: dachanau, which roughly translates to “the dance of words,” where two or more Ven engage in a battle of wits. Haroon Adrente, Blooded of the Wolf, invites you to join in as the nobles gather to scheme. Bring your poetry and your blade. The Wine and Blood will flow. This event is part of Pala de Nata, an ongoing Blood & Tears LARP by John Wick (L5R, 7th Sea), and players with existing characters can play their characters. New players are welcome to join in - we will provide characters and backgrounds http://paladenata.com/ OTHER EVENTS! ICON COMEDY FEST!! Led, as always, by the geek’s favourite Stand-up Comic, Vittorio Leonardi, the rest of this year’s line-up will be Warren Harrison and Paul Cowan. This all star cast will leave you rolling in the aisles. This year, as a warm up act, we offer something completely different - in their debut performance, the DeeTwenty Geek Choir! Book early as the room is small and our numbers have been growing every year! Admission of R75 gets you a seat. Standing room is negotiable. COSTUME COMPETITION All costumed folk are eligible – not just the Vikings! (That means YOU cosplayers!) Secret mystery sponsors will be donating prizes! (Volunteer sponsors accepted!) All entries into the costume competition will be eligible for a vote from your peers! (Themed or not) Present yourself and your costume at our ICON stall for registration and then make sure one, or several, of our wandering photographers captures you in your finest. Pictures taken on the Saturday will be on display at the ICON stall on Sunday Morning for all and sundry to vote on. Make sure your friends know! The final tally and decision will be made by the ICON committee and the results announced at the ICON prize-giving! Yes, this year’s ICON theme IS Vikings! Tales of Teana is a boffer LARP in Gauteng, which started in April 2012. Our vision is to provide a character focused Live Action Role Play world where each player has the opportunity to tell the story of their character. During the course of ICON 2015, we will be running an Adventures’ Camp where you can learn about the various facets of the game. Come find us on the grassy knoll out the back. Look for people with Boffer Weapons or Spell Packets to find out more! Visit our website at https://www.teana.co.za for more details. Legion ink .com LEGION INK ARTISTS ALLEY Swing by the GeekXP stand to enter this year’s lucky prize draw, where you could win “A Nightmare Before Christmas” artwork, hand drawn by a Disney artist! Pick up your “Geek Of All Trades” Great Geek Challenge (ICON 2015 Edition) while you’re here and check out the latest in geek travel options with Wandering Free! 12 Legion Ink will be with us once again. This year they will be featuring a ‘mini’ Artists Alley where new and established South African Comic Artists will be showcasing their work and selling their Comics, Prints and taking commissions! Come along and support them, you know ‘Local is Lekker’! This year’s artists include Kim Bussiahn Greg Nell; Gina-Rae Proxy; Manu Kongolo; Nico Lee Lazarus; Ray Whitcher; Ronald Leong and Warren Louw. THE GREAT GEEK CHALLENGE The folks at Geek of All Trades would like to point out that the GREAT GEEK CHALLENGE is back at it’s place of birth this year, ICON! Born from the desire to “cross pollinate” the various geeky pursuits at a convention, the challenge was envisioned as a test no con-goer could resist. This, coupled with the opportunity to spread the word about some of the amazing things you can find in some corners of conventions and festivals, resulted in the first ever challenge being issued in the year of 2014 at ICON, resulting in a major success. This year, with the help of many of ICON’s vendors, we once again have prepared a devilish list of achievements for you folks to pursue over the weekend! From completing your dice collection to cosplaying your favourite character, everyone will find an achievement related to their convention experience. Simply preprint your own challenge list and bring it to the event, or pick up a fresh copy from our friends over at GeekXP and complete as much as you can! Participating in the Great Geek Challenge is just that easy! As you complete each task, mark it appropriately in the “Done” column, then get a witness to sign off that you did it. Once you’ve completed all the challenges you wish to attempt, return the form to where you picked it up and your score will be uploaded. At the end of the day, prize winners will be drawn from those who returned forms. Your chance to win a prize increases based on the number of tasks you have completed i.e. every achievement completed is another entry into the overall draw for prizes. But please remember the following: 1. Thou shalt be honourable in your conduct during the pursuit of this challenge. other info, but if you don’t want that, let us know when you hand in your challenge sheet! I’m not going to be here by the end of the Con will I miss out on my prize? No, so long as the mail address and/or cell number you gave is legitimate, we will contact you and keep your prize till you can collect it. So I just need a witness to sign? – Yes, preferably in the case of a task involving interaction, get the person you interacted with to sign. Remember, this is an honour system (see Rule 1) Pfft, Honour system, what’s to stop me from just getting my friend to sign everything? Seriously? Why are you even asking this? Go ahead and try it buster… To keep things fair our elite team of Con-ninjas are going to be spot checking claimed achievements here and there for inconsistencies. But at the end of the day, this is a self-test, we expect you to be honest about your achievements What counts as “Interfering in a Convention event?” Did the event have to halt for longer than a minute? If so you’re probably disrupting it. Don’t ruin other people’s fun with your need to get achievements (see Rule 2) and likewise they won’t ruin yours! What sort of prizes are there? Loads of goodies are always up for grabs from several of the Conventions vendors and are many and varied. Prizes will be on a selection basis as winners are announced, should the winner be present during the draw, (so those at the prize giving who have their name called will get to pick first), otherwise prizes will be allocated randomly to each successive winner. I don’t like the selection of prizes remaining, what do I do? Good gods… stop whining… you’re getting free loot! Pick something random and give it to someone in the audience… Make a new friend out of the prize! 2. Thou shalt respect thy fellow geeks whilst pursuing the challenge. 3. The number of entries allowed per person is ONE. TWO is too many and ZERO is not enough. 4. Thou shalt not interfere in the ongoing of other sanctioned Con/Festival events in order to complete a task. FAQ: What does it cost to enter? Nothing! Just five minutes of your time to give us your contact details. We may send a promotional email at a later date to tell you the winners and 13 AL NN HA JO G UR JA ME S SYDENHAM E N XA ORANGE GROVE GE GEOR n r Da naa e i P rk Pa LOUIS R25 DLER ES B AD AM DURH G DUNOTTAR SAN Jabula Recreation Centre ANNE Yeshiva College GLENHAZEL GE OR E G SANDRINGHAM H RY EN C VI IA R TO DDE RO HIGHLANDS NORTH R2 5 L ATHO LON AT H L O NE D HFIEL NORT ET H 25 NR TEI RFO N Huddle Park Sandringham High School MO Northview High School IN Edenvale Hospital Saheti School LINKSFIELD SENDERWOOD HA T HO RN LOUIS BOTHA A GE AN OR IZ K W S LE WA EL L Balfour Park N T OUN M R I FA G TO OA EL SE RO T RE GA R MA B ER MM E SW UB R2 5 MO D D ER FO N TE IN 12 14 UB CL CL please note that this map is not to scale. It is intended to show important landmarks. EDENVALE CIVIN DR IA Email All payments to be made to Comic Corner Standard Bank, Ellis Park Branch Branch code 004605, Account no. 203093224 Payment Electronic transfer Bank deposits Registration Add payments per event together Total payment due per event (fill in) Multiplied by cost of event (Rands) Number of participants (total in each column) 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Pala de Nata Empire of the Emerald Stars 80 30 40K 100 100 100 100 100 Fantasy Total payment due (fill in) 3A 3B COMEDY Tickets required R 75 100 dinner Tickets required Please include a reference. For individual entries, use your surname and initial; for team entries, use the team name. Please fax a copy of the deposit slip or EFT printout with the completed registration form. Please fax all registration forms to 011 482 9999 or email [email protected]. Closing date for pre-registration is 15 July 2015. 30 1A 1B 2A 2B 2C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5C 6A 6B 6C Surname 19TH First name 18TH 17TH • PYou want to play in the event • GYou want to games master (GM) the event • XYou are willing to either play or GM Enter one of the following in the appropriate box for each event you want to participate in: Entrants Team Name Email Telephone miniature gaming Warmachine Contact person larps X-Wing Roleplaying Flames of War team details (Fill in only if a team) extra stuff 50 Bottomless Coffee Mug REGISTRATION FORM 100 T-Shirt – indicate size (S,M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL) The Boardgames.co.za Unplug Yourself Play Zone Annual CATAN Tournament Mini Tournaments Product Demonstrations