ROMANIA 2012 - Media Factbook
ROMANIA 2012 - Media Factbook
media fact book ROMANIA 2012 media fact book This document is a product of In putting together the Media Fact Book we have used audience data and information supplied by The Romanian Association for Audience Measurement (ARMA), The Romanian Audit Bureau of Circulation (BRAT), The Romanian Association for Radio Audience Measurement (ARA), AlfaCont, GfK Romania, Kantar Media, Mercury Research, IMAS, International Advertising Association (IAA), International Advertising Bureau (IAB), PriceWaterhouseCoopers, International Telecommunication Union, Business Monitor International, ANRCTI,, The National Centre of Cinematography (NCC), The National Institute of Statistics (INSSE), National Prognosis Committee (CNP), EuroStat, PSFK and The National Bank of Romania (BNR). Acknowledgements to the following members of the team who significantly contributed to this book: Octavian Popescu, Alexandra Olteanu, Ruxandra Stefan, Ana Sipciu, Ruxandra Stan, Marcela Tuila, Alexandru Miu, Cristina Chinde, Razvan Simionescu, Ersilia Baragan, Maruan Trascu Special contributor: Lucian Croitoru © INITIATIVE MEDIA S.A, Bucharest, 2012 All rights reserved This publication is protected by copyright. No parts of this book may be reproduced without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Readers should understand that the data contained in the Media Fact Book is as actual and accurate as the sources could provide. Your comments and suggestions are welcome as a valuable input for the future editions of this book. 4 Contents editor’s forEword About INITIATIVE ECONOMIC LANDSCAPE Media Market MEDIA RESEARCH Television Digital MEDIA RADio Press Outdoor & Indoor Cinema Creative Media Usage Integrated Communication Services 6 7 8 10 13 17 24 31 37 43 45 47 53 media fact book 5 editor’s forEword Alexandra Olteanu Managing Director In 2011 the decline of the advertising industry has slowed down, despite industry’s hope for stabilization. The 2% market decrease is a really good result when comparing to the evolutions of 2009 and 2010. The economic environment that triggered cuts in consumption over the past few years is now displaying signs of recovery. In the Chapter 5 of this edition our guest contributor Mr. Lucian Croitoru comments on this positive evolution. The media market has almost bottomed out. In its structure though, there is a fervent fight for market share between media channels. TV still retains the dominant share, nevertheless slightly eroded over the past two years. Digital continues its impressive growth. After overtaking Print, Radio and Outdoor a year ago Digital has become the second most important & largest media channel after TV in 2011. And its double-digit increase continues into 2012, although at a reduced rate. 2011 has seen an explosion in the use of Social Media. Facebook increased by 73% to a critical mass of 4.16 million users. Social Media will continue to grow fueled also by the rapid advancement of Mobile internet (+60% to 7.47 million active connections). This clearly indicates a huge amount of interest from consumers to stay connected while on the go. Brands increasingly tap into social media growing it visibly into a critical component of their digital strategy, aimed to build interactivity and long term customer relationships. 2012 is expected to bring more Creativity and Integration to brand communication. There is a competitive and cluttered market out there, where the consumer gradually takes control of the brand whether advertisers like it or hate it, embrace it or fight it. It’s a tough new game for everyone. Thus it becomes critical for brands to find clever and efficient ways to cut through and make an impact through an integrated, seamless communication platform that combines not only online & offline channels but connects with the consumer anywhere and anytime is relevant enough, in one go, whether is through “above the line or below the line” activities as traditionally defined in the early days of advertising. Another discerning trend is using more pull strategies as opposed to the usual push while brands aim to build communities, to become facilitators of consumer conversations and ultimately engage them. Investing in Performance gains ground over spending for just awareness. New in this 16th edition of Media Fact Book is a comprehensive Digital chapter focusing on social media, and an improved Creative Media Usage chapter in which we present the most creative examples of media usage around the globe. We invite you to enjoy this read! And as always, we welcome your thoughts and suggestions about Media Fact Book or queries about advertising in general at [email protected] 6 About In 2011 Romania registered a slight market decline of 2% in spite of the positive global trend of advertising spends (+3.6%). For the last seven consecutive years Initiative significantly over-performed the market, even during recession the company has succeeded to increase its market share. According to the latest RECMA report (2010) the combined buying volumes of Initiative and of sister agency Brand Connection are ranking in Top 2 largest buyers in Romania. Initiative leads the evolution of the communication market thus our strategy, besides maintaining excellence in the traditional range of media services, places a strong focus on Digital services and Integration of all communication disciplines under one roof. We established SEM & social media capabilities in house and developed a complete mobile marketing offering through our specialist agency MobileWorks. The digital services we offer today include: ❱❱ Online & mobile communication planning (strategy, planning, buying, optimization) ❱❱ SEM (Bid strategy, adwords, buying, management, control, optimization) ❱❱ Social Media activation ❱❱ Trafficking and ad serving ❱❱ Regular reporting of the campaign performances Moreover, our teams have the capability to work as an extension of our client’s marketing team. Besides strong media skills, they have the ability to think and design integrated, multi-disciplinary campaigns, hence able to offer clients with one, round communication strategy and unitary management of implementation leading to successful and highly efficient results. Initiative is committed to Performance that ultimately produces business results for its clients through meaningful insights, creativity in approach and negotiation power & smarts. We are proud to serve our clients and aim to lead the “marketing revolution” together with Austrian Airlines, Altex, Bergenbier SA, BMW, Burger King, Continental, Fujitsu, Johnson & Johnson, Kika, Lidl, Millennium Bank, Marionnaud, Orange, Pernod Ricard, Power Horse, Provident Financial. media fact book 7 Lucian Croitoru Adviser to the Governor of the National Bank of Romania Economic Landscape Romania’s economy looks set to fare well in 2012. Adjustments in output, wages, exchange rate, outlays and employment helped reduce the imbalances between savings and investment across both public and private sectors. The economy is now based on sounder fundamentals and is better positioned to absorb potential external shocks. The challenge for 2012 is to speed up economic growth, given that private capital inflows will remain relatively subdued. Romania boasts several strengths: low public debt; FOREX reserves covering 7-8 months of imports; the precautionary arrangement with the IMF and the EU guaranteeing EUR 5 billion; narrower current account deficit (4.4 percent of GDP); well-capitalised banking sector; significant reserves available with the Treasury. All these notwithstanding, the rebound in capital inflows will be slow-in-coming and will thereby delay the revival in lending to the private sector. While Romania’s net investment position (around -61 percent of GDP) may stir concerns, the explanation for this delay lies primarily with the euro area crisis. Across the banking sector, this was manifest in investors’ reluctance to provide medium- and long-term financing to banks. Insurance corporations, i.e. the main source of bank funding, were no exception either. The ECB stepped in and launched credit lines with a three-year maturity. But a large portion of these funds is then deposited with the ECB at lower interest rates, indicating that banks take loans just to make sure they stay liquid, rather than extend credit to the private sector. Moreover, the share of sovereign bond holdings in banks’ portfolio is on the rise, pointing to a crowding out of the private sector, thereby dampening economic growth. The new regulations on raising the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) to 9 percent are aimed at restoring confidence on bank funding markets. But they have a J-shaped effect on credit to the private sector, meaning that lending will diminish before going up. Euro area banks have already reduced the availability of credit to households and corporations and have tightened lending standards. The repatriation of capital invested in their daughter companies in Central and Eastern Europe is not a source of concern, since the CAR is calculated at group level and any such repatriation could alter this indicator. Asset sales are no solution either for increasing the CAR, on account of currently muted demand. However, euro area credit institutions will ask for the repatriation of funds lent to their daughter companies, so as to comply with the new capital requirement by July 2012. Repayments will be done gradually, depending on the structure of contracts, which means that the process is manageable. Nonetheless, slowdowns/squeezes in euro lending will occur, especially in the case of corporate investment and government bonds. In this context, EU-wide consumer and investor confidence is further declining, which leaves less and less available funds for Romania. At the same time, Romania is not expected to receive large capital inflows from the rest of the world in 2012. Following the strenuous efforts to improve its economic fundamentals, Romania seems to be indecisive about firmly making the next step, namely to offset private capital losses by European structural funds and substantial privatisation receipts. 8 The increased absorption of these funds is the solution to push economic growth higher than the rate that may derive from the competitiveness gains driven by the aforementioned adjustments. The absorption of structural funds has proved disappointing so far. Rendering fund absorption more successful is a real challenge depending not only on the newly established Ministry of European Affairs, but also on the reform of the incentive system. The latter is the key to solving this problem. Up to now, an appropriate step was made to this end, by cutting Romania’s co-financing from 15 percent to 5 percent starting with 2012. An even more decisive step would prevent any public investment eligible for structural funds from being financed from the government budget. Such a decision should be taken as soon as possible. Poland has shown that the same economic growth is at hand at a lower cost. However, the impact on the number of votes on either side of the political spectrum under the same economic growth conditions would be uncertain. For this reason, a decision is difficult to make. In case the government so decides, public wage increases could have a relatively low impact on consumption, as many individuals will make repayments on their bank loans. In contrast, such a measure will definitely contribute to a wider budget deficit, so that the government will have to identify additional measures in order to keep the deficit within the limits agreed with the IMF and the EU. Although the output is way below potential, the current account deficit remains relatively high, possibly ascribable to the joint effect of higher tax arrears and the reduction in X inefficiencies of companies. Monetary policy will remain prudent in order to effectively anchor inflation expectations that could be fuelled by the uncertainties surrounding political developments in an election year as well as by the relatively high fluctuations in investor risk appetite. The output gap is unlikely to be closed before 2016 and thus will exert disinflationary pressures. Nevertheless, due largely to base effects, inflation will follow an upward path starting with June 2012 and may reach 3.8 percent in September; afterwards, it will go down again, owing to base effects, to stand slightly higher than 3 percent in December 2012. It will take more than just good fundamentals mentioned earlier to ensure the smooth functioning of the Romanian economy. It is further essential that economic policies remain consistent. During an election year, this is difficult to achieve given the high populist temptations enhanced by political competition. Nevertheless, it is not altogether impossible. media fact book 9 Media Market Overview The media market contraction marginally continued in 2011, with a decrease of 2% compared to the previous year. All media were impacted, except for Online, which grew by 30% and is expected to follow the same ascending trend in 2012. 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 TOTAL (Mil €) TV Internet Radio Print OOH 2003 179 88 2 12 58 20 2004 216 113 2 14 62 25 2005 277 159 4 17 66 31 2006 369 229 6 23 71 40 2007 482 306 9 30 79 58 2008 540 337 16 35 82 70 2009 345 222 19 25 37 42 2010 316 209 26 21 26 33 2011 309 200 34 20 24 31 2012 est 303 190 41 19 23 30 Graph 1: Total net Ad-spend by medium (Mil €) - Estimation Print was the most affected medium, dropping 8% compared to 2010, followed by OOH (-7%), Radio (-5%) and TV (-4%). In 2011 the TV market was more stabile, with only few changes: TLC has been added to the audience monitoring systems while Vox News, Telesport and Sport Klub were out. Top media groups hold 70% of total net market. TV stations organized their sales policies to sell more inventories at a lower price. In 2011, the dynamic growth of Internet advertising continued and is expected to keep the same trend in 2012. Social networking sites continued to develop attracting more and more users. 10 media market Compared to 2010, Display advertising grew by 15%, SEM (AdWords) by 70% and Performance media (Facebook, Yahoo & Google) by 62%, bringing the overall increase of the Internet market to 30% in 2011 compared to 2010. As media habits are changing, especially for urban young adults, digital has become the second most important medium for many brands and their preference for online and social media channels is reflected in their media strategies. Being used mostly as a tactical support, Radio dropped marginaly in 2011, losing ad revenue in favor of online and social platforms, which are more engaging and offer a higher flexibility for creative communication. In 2011 ARA implemeted the CATI measurement system for radio audiences, the change did not affect the position of the leading radio stations, the smaller ones being more affected. Print market continued its decreasing trend in 2011 but less dramatically than in previous years. Despite the innovative projects created by publishers in the attempt to rejuvenate the print market, circulation and readership decreased for almost all publications, several titles moved entirely online, while others were closed or restructured: Prevention, Adevarul de Seara, Financiarul, Edipresse sales moved to Ringier. In 2011, pending legal regulations for OOH advertising generated uncertainty on the market. Vendors focused on keeping their market share as mainly big players continued to implement OOH campaigns. By the end of 2012, under BRAT Romania, the industry will put in place the OOH ad monitoring system. The Cinema market in Romania is defined especially by the number of multiplexes launched along with new malls built in Bucharest and other big cities. New technologies like digital, 3D, 6D generated an audience increase. Internet Internet 8.3% 11.0% OOH OOH 10.6% 10.0% TV Radio 66.2% 6.7% Print 8.2% Graph 2: Market share in 2010 (net ad-spend by medium) Source: Initiative database TV Radio 64.7% 6.5% Print 7.8% Graph 3: Market share in 2011 (net ad-spend by medium) Source: Initiative database Top Investors “Mobile telecommunications” remained the most advertised category in 2011, despite the investment decrease reflected by almost all players. “Cosmetics, Hygienics & Health Care” maintained the second position with an increase of media spending of 10% while “Medical & optical products & services” retained its 3rd position and achieved a significant increase (+20%) mostly due to Bayer, Zenith Pharmaceuticals and Catena activity. media fact book 11 media market “Cars & 4x4 vehicles” registered a fall from fifth to seven place in 2011 vs 2010 while the other categories maintained mostly the same positions. P&G, Orange, L’Oreal & Nestle, Cosmote, Vodafone, Unilever and Reckitt-Benckiser were the most important advertisers in 2011. Mobile telecommunications 42 mil.€ Milk Products 8 mil.€ 25 mil.€ Medical & optical products & services Household Cleaners 8 mil.€ 10 mil.€ 15 mil.€ Cars & 4x4 vehicles 15 mil.€ 15 mil.€ 15 mil.€ Banking & Insurance Retailers Beer Other sugar, confectionares, honey 40 mil.€ Cosmetics, Hygienics & Hair Care Graph 4: Top 10 categories 2011 – all media (TV, Press, Radio) – estimated net budget Source: Initiative database Perspectives for 2012 According to Initiative’s estimation, in 2012, the total net ad spend will continue to decrease by 2%. All media will decrease, except Online which is expected to have an overall growth of 20%, with Display spending increasing by 5% and Performance media (Facebook, Yahoo & Google) spending increasing by 45% in 2012. TV (-5%), OOH (-3%), Print (-6%) and Radio (-5%) will continue the decreasing trend in 2012, but at significantly lower rates than in 2011. TV is expected to drop its share of the total net market to 63%, Print will drop marginally from 8% to 7.5%, while OOH and Radio will keep their shares. Internet is expected to grow market share from 11% to 14%, but still not reaching the global average of 20%. 12 MEDIA RESEARCH Overview Following the trend started in 2010, 2011 proved to be yet another busy year in terms of changes related to media measurement and monitoring. The most important event of the year was by far the selection of a new provider for TV audience measurement. The result of this process saw Kantar Media becoming the new provider as of January 2012. Big changes happened in the media monitoring services as well. Under the BRAT umbrella, the Print advertising monitoring extended to Radio and Internet, resulting in a transition from industry standard monitoring services offered by a third-party commercial entity to the same services being offered by a non-profit professional organization under the control of both media owners and media agencies. TV Measurement Audience measurement for TV is available since August 2001 while access to detailed audience data is available through membership to ARMA (Romanian Association for Audience Measurement), an organization that also represents the beneficiaries interest in relationship with the data provider. GfK Romania’s role as provider of audience data ended in December 2011, with Kantar Media taking its place as TV Audience Measurement (TAM) Service provider since January 2012. As with any transition from one research panel and provider to another, fluctuations and temporary incongruities in the resulting audience data appeared. TAM system is a quantitative research, which measures the TV usage among Romanian population: the minute by minute viewing, 24/7, using telecontrol peoplemeters.The universe contains all private households in Romania with a working television and all individuals aged 4+ in those households. People who have spent last year more than 3 consecutive months outside the country are classified as ‘migrants’, and are not included in the research universe. The gross installed panel is 1320 households and reporting panel of households is 1200. Viewing by guests in a panel member’s home is measured as a surrogate for the viewing by panel members who take place in other homes. The exact age and gender of guest viewers are collected. Kantar Media Audiences Romania introduced consolidated viewing since January 1st, 2012. Consolidated viewing is defined as live viewing plus any time-shift viewing taking place within seven days of the original transmission. Currently there are 57 monitored and reported TV stations. Monitoring data is available from a relatively wide range of providers, although only the TAM service provides performance data for TV spots alongside with correction factors for spots with length different from 30”. The software tool for exploiting both audience and monitoring data is InfoSysTV, which was upgraded to a new version (InfoSysTV+) as of January 2012. media fact book 13 media Research Internet Measurement BRAT is presently the only provider of performance data concerning Internet traffic and audience structure. The study is called SATI and presently is the only generally recognized study by the media industry, although other services of traffic measurement exist. The method used for traffic measurement, audience and profiles of the websites is already used for many years in four other European countries and is widely accepted. It fulfills the IFABC guidelines regarding the traffic measurement. SATI presently measures a number of 311 websites and 28 mobisites together with streaming measurement for 5 websites. Traffic measurement is delivered through two main access points: the SATI website and the Scores on-line application. Traffic data started being delivered by SATI since October 2007. The SATI website offers general traffic data (page impressions, number of visits and unique visitors) and has general access. The data is given in daily, weekly and monthly figures for the last 12 months of data traffic measuring with downloadable traffic certificates being available. The Scores application offers data for the same websites as the SATI website, but the data analysis is more in depth, offering possibility for traffic splitting on various sections, comparison between websites, daily and hourly resolution for data analysis, top entry / exit pages, geographical location and technical data (browser type, screen resolution and operating system). The application allows for real time viewing of traffic data. Audience mesurement is available from June 2008 when BRAT delivered for the first database for audience measurement. The standard delivery for the internet audience data is spanned on a period of 3 months, with weekly averages being given. SATI measures the audience (number of visitors per week) of the websites, for the people, 14 – 74 years old, living in urban areas, who are internet users. The method for data collection is CAWI (computer assisted web interview). Basic demographics along with general Internet usage and some consumption variables are available. The software for the Internet audience data is SESAME, the same as in the case of SNA FOCUS, and besides the simple table listing, crosstab generation and media ranking facilities it also contains a basic media planning module based on weekly page impressions figures. Monitoring data for on-line campaigns has been delivered by BRAT as of August 2011 through the MIPO project. Currently the study tracks the campaigns of its members on a number of 2800 websites belonging to both BRAT members and non-members. Previous to this launch, the PriceWaterhouseCooper audit of the level of Internet advertising expenditures was the only industry recognized provider of such kind of data. Radio Measurement Audience measurement is available through the Radio Audience Survey (SAR) which is a syndicated research program in co-operation with the Radio Audience Association (ARA). Currently IMAS Marketing & Polls and GfK Romania are responsible with the data collection and reporting The service is available since June 2004. 14 media Research “Day after recall” method (the remembrance is aided by recalling the activities conducted during the day before the interview). The frequency of the study was of two waves per year during 2004 - 2007. Starting 2008, SAR delivers audience data in three waves per year. The universe covers urban and rural population, living in private households in urban and rural areas, aged 11+ years old, in accordance with official statistics. The software for data analysis has been upgraded to MasoR8 (Media Audience Software Radio). The audience segmentation considers all the variables in the questionnaire on the basis of which the user can build specific target groups. The software also has a planning module that can be used for gross planning of radio campaigns. The first delivery of radio audience data in 2011 contained data collected by means of CATI (computer assisted telephone interview), a change in the data collection method decided and implemented by ARA in 2010. Monitoring data is delivered by BRAT, through the MIPR project The project started delivering data in July 2011 and is currently monitoring 8 main radio stations. Press Measurement BRAT is presently the only provider of performance data concerning print-run audit and audience measurement for press. Print-run and circulation audit is being offered through third party auditing companies appointed through offer selection. Audit data is public and comprises total print-run, distributed print-run, circulation (through kiosk sales, paid subscription, free copies, block sales etc.) and returns. For the free press, the audit data comprises different categories of circulation: beside the print-run, the distributed copies are detailed by the way they are distributed: list of subscribers, public places, events, etc. BRAT also offers audit services for electronically distributed publications. Starting 2009, BRAT increased the level of security regarding the audit figures, verifying by its own personnel, in the field, the print-run. Starting 2009, the circulation statements are issued on a fix date, therefore each and every trimester, all the audited print titles release their circulation data at the same time. Presently BRAT audits an approximate number of 260 publications, both national and local. Audience measurement is offered through the SNA-FOCUS study, which offers, besides readership measurement (main dimension measured is AIR – average issue readership) a wide range of demographic variables and data regarding the consumption of goods and services. The study’s universe consists of individuals, urban residents age 14 to 74 years old and the database is delivered on quarterly basis, with the figures reported being the yearly averages. Presently, the study includes an approximate number of 108 publications, all of them being BRAT members. The software for exploiting the data is SESAME which offers possibilities of target definition, simple tables listing, crosstab generation, cluster analysis, duplication analysis, media ranking and media planning. The SNA-FOCUS has undergone a complete update during 2010 and the beginning of 2011. A new data collection tool (CAPI – computer assisted personal interview) will be used for the readership component of the study. Also, the FOCUS questionnaire was completely updated and the universe was extended to individuals aged 14 to 74 years old. As a result of these changes, deliveries for SNA-FOCUS databases have been stopped as of H1 2011, with the first data collected in the new configuration having been delivered at the beginning of 2012. Further changes in methodology are expected to be implemented (change in sample size, partial migration of data collection through CAWI etc.) Monitoring data is also delivered by BRAT, through the MIPPS project The project started delivering data in January 2011 and is currently monitoring more than 290 publications. media fact book 15 media Research OOH Measurement Under the BRAT umbrella, a new study meant to monitor OOH campaigns has been developing since the end of 2011 and continuing in 2012. The MIPOOH project is being implemented with the contribution of 10 media owners (with a cumulated number of 20000 faces) and 11 media agencies, which are members of the BRAT department that has been created in this purpose. The study is scheduled to deliver its first data at the end of H1 2012 and will be integrated in the same on-line platform used for the Print, Radio and Internet monitoring. Cinema Measurement Presently there is no syndicated study to measure traffic data or the demographic structure of cinema goers, although main cinema chains do conduct ad-hoc client research projects in order to measure those indicators. Reports from those studies are available, in variable amounts, to media agencies. Demographic profiles and data concerning the consumption of brands and services by cinema goers are indirectly available from the SNA-Focus, but they are not location specific. Perspectives for 2012 The financial pressure has a vicious-circle effect that is expected to continue in the next period. Some contributors to syndicated studied withdrew from financially supporting them, which increases the financial pressure on the remaining contributors, thus creating a snowball effect which impacts mostly on methodology and accuracy. The impact of this trend is uneven, as while some syndicated studies which are considered vital are somehow protected, the ones which are not considered a priority would be impacted most. The 2011 Romanian Population Census preliminary data showed a decrease in the Romanian population of 11% (with the decrease being higher – 16% – in urban areas). When the new universe reference values will be implemented within the audience studies, it will result both in a general corrective decrease in audiences as well as new changes in structure that will mirror the demographic trends of the Romanian population in the last 10 years. The weight of on-line methods of data collection for syndicated studies is continuously increasing and will continue on this trend in the next years as well, as it is one of the important ways to decrease costs with minimum methodological and accuracy damage. 16 Television Overview In 2011, TV market followed the general trend of the media market and lost 1% share compared with the previous year (from 66% to 65%) in favour of online. Although it remained the main media channel chosen by advertisers due to its capability of delivering the highest reach at a national level and the preffered media channel for viewers due to variety of monitored TV stations exceeding the highest expectations in terms of type of programs, TV market continued to decrease by 4% to 200 mil € versus 2010. A major change in TV audience measurement appeared on 17 January 2011 when the Paritary Committee (COMPAR) designated Kantar Media Audiences Romania as the sole provider of the National TV Audience Measurement Service for 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2015. The new TV measurement system started effectively in January 2012. On the opposite side to advertiser’s decreasing budgets, TV market developed continuosly from 52 monitored TV stations in 2009 to 55 in 2010 and 57 in April 2012. Acasa Gold, Boomerang, Disney Junior, GIGA TV, Hit Music, TV H2.0, Romania TV are the newest TV stations registered for monitoring. Reception type reflected a significant increase of digital cable with receiver due to continous replacing of analogue cable. Direct-to-home (DTH) kept the same level as previous year. RECEPTION TYPE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Analogue cable 69.7 66.6 67.4 66.7 59.9 Digital cable with receiver 4.3 3.9 3.85 4.1 9.8 Direct To Home (DTH) 15 22.15 23.45 26.2 26.1 13.5 8.95 7.45 5.8 6.2 Terrestrial Source: GfK Romania & Kantar Media Romania In 2011 CME kept its leading position followed by Intact Group, both in terms of rating delivery and also in terms of sold GRP30”. These were followed by ProSieben (Prima TV and Kiss TV), Kanal D and public stations (TVR1 and TVR2). The audience level of the total TV market had a very interesting fluctuation during 2011, reflecting a drop by 16% in H2 vs H1, finally reaching an overall yearly difference of -5 %, affecting both the main stations and the niche channels. 2011 was characterized by a lower level of deflation (-6% vs. -22% in 2010) reflecting a more stable market and showing signs of recovery for the first time since 2009. Another good sign is the level of total GRP’s sold, increasing by only 2% in 2011 vs. 2010, mainly due to a more stable clutter and a slight decrease of audience level. The deflation resulted in a CPT decrease to an average of 1.1 € for All urban and 2.8 € for 18-49, urban. CME (Pro TV, Acasa TV, Pro Cinema,, MTV) had the largest budget share, cca. 50% of the total net TV ad-spend. Intact Group (Antena 1, Antena 2, Antena 3, Euforia, GSPTV) follows with a share of 25% and top 3 is completed by ProSieben (Prima TV & Kiss TV) with 7% share. Other channels with less than 7% share are Kanal D, Realitatea TV and SRTV channels (TVR1, TVR 2). 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 GRP30” (000) sold 1500 1600 1700 1600 1463 1745 1780 Sh% of TV monitored (% all 18-49 urban) 82% 84% 84% 84% 86% 88% 91% Inventory sold % minutes 57% 66% 72% 68% 64% 71% 76% media fact book 17 Television The total GRP30” sold in 2011 by TV stations was 1.78 mil GRP30”, of which 37% by CME, 26% by Intact, 7% by ProSieben (Prima TV+Kiss TV), 7% by Realitatea TV, 6% by Kanal D and 5% by SRTV (TVR1+TVR2). GRP30” 200 164.5 180 167.9 169.5 161.2 140 161.9 148.9 163.6 139.2 147.6 137.2 147.9 120 177.2 157.3 165.7 160 131.7 183.8 177.3 168.8 131.5 130.3 100 95.5 108.7 107.0 100.5 80 60 40 20 c11 -1 1 De ov N ct -1 1 O p11 Se 1 g11 l-1 Au Ju n11 -1 1 Ju ay r11 M Ap ar -1 1 b11 M Fe n11 Ja c10 -1 0 De ov N ct -1 0 p10 O g10 Se 0 l-1 Au Ju n10 -1 0 Ju ay M Ap r10 ar -1 0 b10 M Ja Fe n10 0 Graph 1: 2010 – 2011 Sold GRP30” (“000) by month Source: GfK & Initiative Media Estimation The sold out rate increased at 76% versus 2010 with loading exceeding legal limits in Prime Time during October and November. AVG PT AVG all day 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% ay -1 0 Ju n10 Ju l-1 0 Au g10 Se p10 O ct -1 0 N ov -1 0 De c10 Ja n11 Fe b11 M ar -1 1 Ap r11 M ay -1 1 Ju n11 Ju l-1 1 Au g11 Se p11 O ct -1 1 N ov -1 1 De c11 M 10 r- 0 Ap -1 -1 0 ar M Fe b Ja n- 10 0% Graph 2: 2010 – 2011 Average Inventory sold % Min – all day and prime time vs. legal limit Source: GfK & Initiative Media Estimation In the first quarter of the year, TV stations were more flexible in terms of prices and tried to sell their GRP’s inventory with very attractive offers which generated an average decrease of prices of 10% versus Q1 2010. As the rating continued to lose points resulting in a decrease of inventory, in the last quarter of year TV stations started to increase the prices, reflected in seasonality indexes, premium programs and positioning taxes (as seen in Graph 1). In this context, Pro TV reported an inflation of 5% for the last quarter of 2011. CME + INTACT increased their sold GRP’s share from 61% in 2010 to 63% in 2011. 18 Television In conclusion, 2011 registered a flow of price deflation of 6% for all year but it started with a drop of 10% in the first quarter and finished with a marginal inflation in last quarter. The picture of spot-length usage in 2011 is similar to 2010. Advertisers used mostly 20” and 30” TVCs and at a smaller scale, the 10” & 15” ones. Channels Profile In 2011 ProTV kept the leading position (Rtg 3.3%, Shr 18.7% all 18-49 urban) as in 2010 followed by Antena 1 (Rtg 2.2%, Shr 12.2%) and Kanal D (Rtg 1.3%, Shr 5.6%). Strong battle for the 4th place in top between Prima TV and Acasa TV with equal ratings (0.9%) and close values of share (5.5% and 5.4%). Another two stations followed, also with equal ratings (0.7%) but different share: TVR1 and Realitatea TV (4.2% and 4%). The story repeats for Antena 3 and National TV, this time with equal ratings (0.6%) and share (3.2%) for both of them. Pro TV, Acasa TV, TVR1, National TV were some of the top TV stations with decreasing audience trends in 2011 versus previous year, while Kanal D and Antena 1 gained audience during 2011. 2011 was the year that made history for the TV market, as main stations invested in imported show formats so the Romanian viewers had the opportunity to see international broadcasts like “Romanians Got Talent” on Pro TV &“ X Factor” on Antena 1, both Fremantle Media formats and “The Voice of Romania ”on Pro TV, a Talpa format . One of the editions of “Romanians Got Talent ” reached an historical peak of audience of 23% and share of 54%( All, 18-49,urban). Those type of programs added value for TV stations, one of the example being “ X Factor” which changed the station’s profile, managing to attract more women, more young people ( between 19-34 y.o.) and more viewers with A social grade. Pro TV TVR 1 Antena 1 Realitatea TV Kanal D Acasa National TV Prima TV Antena 3 Disney 1 -1 De c 1 -1 N ov 1 -1 O ct 1 -1 Se p 1 -1 Au g -1 1 Ju l 1 -1 Ju n 11 M ay - 1 -1 Ap r 11 M ar - 1 -1 Fe b Ja n -1 1 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Graph 3: Monthly Dynamic – Program Analysis (Rtg%, All 18-49 urban – top channels, 07:00-25:00) Source: GfK Romania media fact book 19 Television In 2011 the top 10 TV stations accumulated 64% of the total audience share of the 18-49 urban population. In decreasing order of their rating on the urban, 18-49 y.o. target, the profile of the main TV stations is as follows: Pro TV (96% national coverage) kept the leading position in 2011. According to GfK Romania, the top program preferences were: “Romanians Got Talent”, most successful local production (21% Rtg all 18-49 urban) and football transmissions like “Euro 2012 – preliminary” (13.2% Rtg all 18-49 urban), “Romania Supercup” (11.5% Rtg all 18-49 urban) and “Europa League” (13.2% Rtg all 18-49 urban). Another important sport event presented by Pro TV was the box game “Champion for Romania, with Lucian Bute” (15% Rtg all 18-49 urban). Romanian viewers also preferred “The Voice of Romania” (9% Rtg all 18-49 urban), prime time movies, Pro TV News 19.00” (7.2% Rtg all 18-49 urban), “Dansez pt. tine” (7.1% Rtg all 18-49 urban) and “Divertis – Serviciul Roman de Comedie” (7.1% Rtg all 18-49 urban). Antena 1 (96% national coverage) delivered high audiences with special broadcasts during the Christmas and New Year period: “Revelion de poveste” (14% Rtg all 15-54 urban), “Craciun cu Nae si Vasile” (9% Rtg all 15-54 urban), “Revelion de Revelion” (6.3% Rtg all 15-54 urban). Antena 1 continued to broadcast the well known entertainment shows “Te pui cu blondele” (6.5% Rtg all 15-54 urban), “Plasa de stele” (6.6% Rtg all 15-54 urban) and launched “X-Factor” with good performances (7.3% Rtg all 15-54 urban). 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Men Men Women Women 4-11 4-11 12-17 12-17 18-24 18-24 25-34 25-34 35-44 35-44 45-54 45-54 55-64 55-64 65+ 65+ AB AB C 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 C DE DE 30 k 30 k 30k - 100k 30k - 100k 100k - 200k 100k - 200k 200k + 200k + Bucuresti Bucuresti Graph 4: ProTV – Audience profile TgAfin.% Graph 5: Antena 1 – Audience profile TgAfin.% Source: Kantar Media Romania (target: all urban area) Kanal D (93% national coverage) reached 3rd place in top audiences all 18-49 urban by broadcasting, among others, Turkish soap operas with higher audiences than previous year and local productions like “Ochii din umbra” (2.9% Rtg all 18-49 urban), “Nora pentru mama” (2.8% Rtg all 18-49 urban), “D-Paparazzi” (2.6% Rtg all 18-49 urban) and “Vrei sa fii milionar?” (2.4% Rtg all 18-49 urban). Acasa TV (93% national coverage) ranks 4th in terms of all 18-49 urban audience share. “Povestiri de noapte” was in top preferences of viewers, with Rtg 4.6% w, 15-49 urban. 20 Television “Triumful dragostei” (4.6% Rtg w, 15-49 urban), “Iubire si onoare” (4% Rtg w, 15-49 urban), “O mare de pasiune” (3.9% Rtg w, 15-49 urban) and “Fructul oprit” (3.7% Rtg w, 15-49 urban) were the most viewed soap operas. A new TV station Acasa Gold was launched in April 2012 broadcasting the most successful soap operas. Prima TV (94% national coverage) ranks 5th in terms of all 18-49 urban audience share with local productions and reality shows like “Cronica Carcotasilor” (4% Rtg all 18-49 urban), “Schimb de mame” (4% Rtg all 18-49 urban), “Trasnitii” (3.9% Rtg all 18-49 urban), “Miss fata de la tara” (3.5% Rtg all 18-49 urban), “Mi-s baiatul de la tara” (3.1% Rtg all 18-49 urban) and “Academia lui Horia” (2.7% Rtg all 18-49 urban). 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Men Men Women Women 4-11 4-11 12-17 12-17 18-24 18-24 25-34 25-34 35-44 35-44 45-54 45-54 55-64 55-64 65+ 65+ AB AB C C DE DE 30 k 30 k 30k - 100k 30k - 100k 100k - 200k 100k - 200k 200k + 200k + Bucuresti Bucuresti Graph 6: Acasa TV – Audience profile TgAff.% 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Graph 7: Prima TV – Audience profile TgAff.% source: Kantar Media Romania (target: all urban area) TVR 1 (100 % national coverage) is the main public channel and in 2011 ranks 6th in terms of all 18-49 urban audience share. Football transmissions dominated the most watched programs for TVR1: “Euro 2012 - preliminary” (17.4% Rtg all 18+ urban), “UEFA Champions League” (5.3% Rtg all 18+ urban) and “Europa League” (4.7% Rtg all 18+ urban). Local production “O data in viata” (5% Rtg all 18+ urban), delivered the highest audience in entertainment shows category. Viewers preferred also some special programs like: “Gala teatrului si filmului Romanesc (5% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Gala cantecului Romanesc” (5% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Intrecerea vedetelor” (4.9% Rtg all 18+ urban) and “Romania mea” (4.7% Rtg all 18+ urban). Realitatea TV (93% national coverage) is the main News channel and ranks 7th in the top TV stations by all 1849 urban audience. Top audience programs are “Ora de foc” (2.8% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Bursa pariurilor” (2.4% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Ultima ora” (2.3% Rtg all 18+ urban) and “Saptamana de vereme” (2.3% Rtg all 18+ urban). News programs best rated are “Realitatea de la ora 21:00” (2.1% Rtg all 18+ urban) and “Prime Time News” (2% Rtg all 18+ urban). National TV (92% national coverage) ranks 8th in top 10 TV stations, broadcasting Indian productions (soap operas and prime time movies) and local productions (reality shows). media fact book 21 Television 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Men Men Women Women 4-11 4-11 12-17 12-17 18-24 18-24 25-34 25-34 35-44 35-44 45-54 45-54 55-64 55-64 65+ 65+ AB AB C C DE DE 30 k 30 k 30k - 100k 30k - 100k 100k - 200k 100k - 200k 200k + 200k + Bucuresti Bucuresti Graph 8: Kanal D – Audience profile TgAfin.% 0 Graph 9: TVR 1 – Audience profile TgAfin.% 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Men Men Women Women 4-11 4-11 12-17 12-17 18-24 18-24 25-34 25-34 35-44 35-44 45-54 45-54 55-64 55-64 65+ 65+ AB AB C C DE DE 30 k 30 k 30k - 100k 30k - 100k 100k - 200k 100k - 200k 200k + 200k + Bucuresti Bucuresti Graph 10: Realitatea TV – Audience profile TgAfin.% Source: Kantar Media Romania (target: all urban area) 22 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Graph 11: Antena 3 – Audience profile TgAfin.% Television Antena 3 (92% national coverage) ranks 9th place in the top ten TV stations and 2nd in top speciality TV news channel after Realitatea TV, although in 2011 their average ratings were close (0.7% and 0.6% for all 18-49 urban). Most watched are special programs like “Concert Tudor Gheorghe” (4.1% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Regele Mihai, 90 de ani” (4% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Existam pentru ca rezistam” (3.5% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Nunta regala” (2% Rtg all 18+ urban). Political debates and talk-shows are also among favorites: “Sinteza zilei” (3.6% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Subiectiv” (2.9% Rtg all 18+ urban), “Stirea zilei” (2.5% Rtg all 18+ urban), “In gura presei” (2.4% Rtg all 18+ urban). Perspectives for 2012 Up until now, 2012 - as opposed to 2011 - shows 10%, increase in rating figures, lower level of loading and the trend of March- May shows a decrease of inventory sold by 4% - 5%. The ascending trend of audience is followed by main stations PRO TV, Antena 1 and Kanal D but also by niche channels like Diva Universal, Discovery Channel, AXN etc. Antena 3 registers a significant increase due to political and economic environment changes and natural disasters transmisions which kept the viewers’ attention. CME and INTACT increased their cumulated share in terms of sold GRPs from 65% in Q1 2011 to 67% in Q1 2012. Mobile Telecommunications, Medical and optical products, Cosmetics, Retailers remain the main players for the TV market in Q1 2012. TV stations continue their battle for market share, still investing in international formats like “Romanians Got Talent”, “Dansez pentru tine”, ”X Factor”, “The Voice of Romania” but also the new ones like “Masterchef” on Pro TV, “Te cunosc de undeva” and “Demascarea” on Antena 1. The 2012 edition of ”Romanians Got Talent” remains the leader of entertainment shows with an audience peak of 27,9 %Rtg and 56,5% Shr (18-49, urban). TV market is expected to decrease in 2012 by 5%, losing share in favor of online. We estimate an overall flat/marginal cost deflation of 2%- 3% for 2012. media fact book 23 Digital Media internet Facts The IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report for the full-year 2011 reveals that in the US revenues soared to a landmark high of $31 billion. That milestone represents a 22 percent increase over 2010’s full-year number, which itself had been a record-breaker at $26 billion. With a triple digit-growth in mobile and significant increases of search and digital video, „digital advertising’s stellar performance attests to the high value marketers put on the medium,” said Sherrill Mane, Senior VP IAB. For the Romanian advertising market, 2011 also meant growth in online. As media consumption habits are changing especially for the young, urban target, digital has become the second most important medium for many advertisers. However, although the shift of media budgets towards online is growing, advertisers are somewhat traditional in formats used – classical, embedded formats continue to have the greatest share in ads. Overview Akamai report for Q3 2011 ranks Romania still in the Top 10 highest connection speeds. Broadband adoption is 95%. According to Eurostat the Internet penetration in Romania is 47% of households. There’s a huge gap in usage habits – 37% use it daily, a sophisticated, highly demanding and impatient audience. On the other hand, 54% of Romanians never used the Internet, a percentage more than double the EU average (24%). Romania hits the European average in regard to social network participation (53% EU average, while in Romania almost half of Internet users have a Facebook account). User Statistics As seen in MFB 2011, the demographic that continues to grow is 30+, due to both the young users maturing organically and the increasing adoption by the older demographic segments. As an interesting fact, the latest delivery of SNA-Focus reveals that 10% of the urban residents aged 60-74 y.o. are using the Internet on daily basis. Internet usage is becoming more diversified, shifting strongly towards social and increasing in usage of online services (online banking, e-shopping) 24 Digital Media internet INDICATOR VARIABLES AGE GROUP Percent of audited audience MAR AUG 2008 MAR - AUG 2009 MAR - AUG 2010 MAR - AUG 2011 2009 /2008 2010 /2009 2011 /2010 14-29 y.o. 49.5 46.6 44.3 43.1 -6% -5% -3% 30-49 y.o. 39.7 42 43.3 44.4 5.79% 3% 3% 50+ y.o. 10.9 11.5 12.2 12.6 6% 6% 3% 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.5 -29% -20% 25% Primary school Level of education Vocational school Frequency of usage Internet Buy online products /services Online banking YOY evolution 7 8 9 9 14% 13% 0% University 31.3 32.4 34.2 35.2 4% 6% 3% Daily or almost daily 90.6 88 87.4 90.2 -3% -1% 3% Several times per week 7.8 9.3 10.4 7.7 19% 12% -26% Several times per month 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.1 38% 27% -21% Frequently 6.8 7 7.3 8.5 3% 4% 16% Sometimes 12.5 13.9 16.9 8.5 11% 22% -50% Seldom 17.7 18.8 22.7 20.7 6% 21% -9% Frequently 6.1 8 8.7 9.2 31% 9% 6% Sometimes 6.9 8.3 10 10.7 20% 20% 7% Seldom 10 10.4 12.5 12 4% 20% -4% Tabel 1: Users profile, SATI 2008 – 2011 Facebook has reached 800 million global users in January 2012. In December, Google+ had an estimated number of 60 million global accounts. At the same time, Google announced more than 90 million global users acquired in just a few months. 850,000 Users ['000] 840,000 830,000 820,000 810,000 800,000 790,000 780,000 770,000 01.12. 03.01. 06.02. 07.03. 10.04. 11.05. Graph 1: Global traffic for Romania follows the same trend, with 73% increase from Jan to Dec 2011 and ~50 % penetration in the online population (more than 4.6 million accounts in April 2012). Google+ is far from these numbers, with only about 43,000 Romanian users. media fact book 25 Digital Media 2,405,920 3,000,000 2,500,000 3,847,600 3,847,600 3,594,540 3,513,160 3,424,100 3,322,500 3,247,280 3,500,000 2,666,460 4,000,000 2,000,000 Ja n- 11 Fe b11 M ar -1 1 Ap r11 M ay -1 1 Ju n11 Ju l-1 1 Au g11 Se p11 O ct -1 1 N ov -1 1 De c11 Facebook users are still a bit younger compared to the online universe: 16% Facebook users are 13-17 y.o., compared to 9.9% overall Internet users (14-18 y.o.) and 65% Facebook users are 18-34 y.o., compared to ~48% overall internet users (19 – 34 y.o.). 18–34 y.o. is also the fastest growing segment on Facebook in absolute numbers. 3,130,680 4,500,000 3,728,280 5,000,000 4,161,340 internet Graph 2: Evolution of Romanian accounts, Jan `11 – Dec ‘11 Advertising Market The online advertising market is becoming more sophisticated and oriented towards results beyond clickthrough rate. Campaign objectives have shifted from visibility and click-through rate to performance, with campaign results being tracked both on-site and at banner level. Social media continues to grow: Facebook user base has grown to reach half the number of Romanian internet users; at the same time Facebook activity (shares & likes) has increased by 66%, suggesting an increase in time spent on Facebook. Social changes the media consumption, with users choosing to consume content that is selected & recommended by online connections instead of actively searching for it . After some shifts in 2010, the 2011 market shows more stability; the movements among publishers & media houses are insignificant, with a few exceptions of large tabloid / newspapers sites that changed the vendor. Display is increasingly cluttered, but ad networks further strive to develop innovative solutions, more engaging formats and sophisticated targeting options. The demand for complex tracking and reporting has grown, with 3rd party adservers becoming the norm. Among formats, the embedded (standard) ones remain the most common type, followed by interruptive formats and content sponsorships, according to the IAB PWC report (H2 2011). However, affiliates and paid listings have grown in share, showing an increased attention to efficient spending. Online Advertising Budgets The IAB-PWC latest official report (H2-2011) shows a 9% increase compared to the same period last year (H2 2010). Initiative estimates a growth of display advertising of 15% (2011 vs 2010). However, we estimate the overall online advertising growth at 30% strongly sustained by a significant increase of SEM (70% in 2011 vs 2010). From the display budgets, more than half (52%) went to embedded (standard) formats. The interruptive formats accounted for 15%, while content sponsorships covered 11%. Affiliates and paid listings make up the significant amount of 10%. 26 Digital Media internet In terms of budget splits, Initiative estimates for 2011 a 30% share of SEM out of total online advertising market, a strong increase value-wise from the year before. This is in line with global and European trends: according to IAB UK, the paid search share accounts for about 58% of online advertising revenues in UK, while display is only 23%. 45,000 41,000 40,000 Budget ['000] EUR 35,000 34,000 30,000 26,000 25,000 20,000 16,000 18,000 15,000 9,000 10,000 5,000 100 200 600 1,000 2,400 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 5,400 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Graph 3: Net Ad Spend Evolution* *estimations include search, social and Yahoo net estimations. Source: Initiative estimation Perspectives for 2012 Initiative estimates a 20% increase in online advertising budgets (display & performance) up to a level of 41 mil EUR. Following the trend of 2011, performance shows growth in both net value and share, while the share of display advertising is decreasing (although the net value increases). We expect a steeper shift of budgets towards performance campaigns, narrowing the volume gap between performance and display. Search targeting options may start to become more socially-enabled, with Google (search market leader across Europe) increasingly interested in social products. With mobile internet and smartphone penetration increasing, mobile search will grow, leading the advertisers to become more interested in localized mobile search campaigns. Tablet market is a growing niche, leading to more opportunities for advertising through mobile apps or even developing dedicated interactive content. Display will still be holding the larger share of budgets, but the need for visibility and performance will push advertisers to focus on more engaging, high impact formats and to constantly optimize placements for efficient buying. Social media will continue to grow at a steady rate both in number of users and in engagement. This is linked with the development of mobile internet, which means that reaching the mobile consumer will mean making less use of SMS push and targeting the always-online, on the go consumer. Online & mobile services (e-commerce, online banking) are expected to grow, partly as a result of the development of new products and constant education of the public by providers of such services. Following an increasing cross-media consumption trend, advertisers may start negotiating properties, not media space – strategically plan brand presence across all channels (classic & digital). Video advertising is expected to grow as online video replaces TV watching for an increasing share of consumers, especially the young ones. media fact book 27 Digital Media Mobile Overview In 2011 the Romanian Mobile Market continued its journey to maturity. Romanians seem increasingly interested in owning a phone that has all the functions that better suit their busy lives instead of fiddling with two or three devices. Voice calls and SMS are still growing but, in terms of usage, mobile internet was 2011’s king as consumers started to get used to reading news in the morning or searching for locations to spend leisure time on their mobile phones. Total mobile subscribers decreased by 3.2% in 2011, voice traffic increased by 7.8% and SMS traffic increased by 31.9% all according to ANRCTI Mobile Internet usage increased by 60% in 2011 (ANRCTI, 7.47 million active conections) figures, active mobile internet connections), with Nokia, Android and Apple being the main players ( SMS remains the main mobile communication channel in 2012. However, brands’ interest in mobile advertising, mobile websites and mobile applications is growing. Marketers from categories such as Telecom, Finance and Insurance, Publishing, Automotive, Retail and FMCG make use of mobile marketing solutions in their marketing mix. Mobile Phone Penetration & Usage Over 70% of the world population now owns a mobile phone. Telecom operators serve approximately 5.9 billion mobile subscribers worldwide and, in some countries like the US, 9 out of 10 people own a mobile phone. In Romania, ANRCTI reports for the first half of 2011 show a 3.2% decrease in total mobile subscribers, continuing the downward trend started in 2010. Even so, the reported mobile phone penetration rate in Romania is of 110.20% with 23.6 mil active SIM cards. 30 113.8% 25 118.2% 140 113.5% 110.20% 120 94.8% 100 20 74.1% 80 15 60 24.5 25.4 24.4 23.6 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Jun-15 0 28 % 20.4 40 16.0 Millions 10 5 Number of "active" SIM cards per 100 inhabitants 20 0 Mobile phones penetration rates Digital Media 25 6,30 6,03 22,79 28,60 Millions 30 Billions Mobile 25,47 5,70 4,60 20 15,94 7 6 5 4 15 3 10 5 2 2,52 4,01 3,93 5,20 1 0 0 2008 2009 2010 Voice 2011 SMS MMS Mobile Internet Usage & Key Players Mobile Internet usage had an explosive growth of 60%, reaching 7.47 million active connections at mid 2011 according to ANRCTI. In 2011 the key brands in terms of mobile devices used to access the internet are pretty much the same: due to its leadership in emerging markets like India, Nokia remains the world leader with a little under 40% market share. Second place is held by Apple (29%) due to its market share in developed markets like the US and UK. In Romania, Nokia is still upfront with a 32% share, followed by Android-operated brands with 29%. Apple is in 3rd place with 24% market share. Internet usage is growing mainly due to the increasing number of smartphones. Sales on this segment increased by 18% according to the main retailers in the market, which translates into some 600.000 smartphone units sold in 2011. media fact book 29 Digital Media Mobile Romanian Mobile Marketing Due to its high reach and instant ROI generation capability, SMS kept its leadership as the most popular mobile marketing tool, both in Romania and worldwide. Many brands have realized the power of building their own database and using it to stay in touch with customers via SMS, actively working to increase their databases’ size and value. At the same time, companies that rent databases for mobile marketing purposes such as the mobile operators report a 38% growth in mobile campaigns using SMS, MMS and mobile banners. Regarding mobile websites, SATI reports a 23% increase compared to the same period in 2010 and an impressive 234% growth in terms of mobile internet users. Although the number of websites optimized for mobile use continued to grow, mobile banners and paid search still haven’t caught a lot of attention from Romanian brands. The Mobile Applications Market also had a good year in 2011. We saw numerous new releases, and more complex applications. With smartphone reaching a penetration rate of 15% according to the mobile telecom providers, brands started to acknowledge the power of mobile applications and capitalized on the opportunity to engage consumers on an even more personal level. Perspectives for 2012 With 900.000 smartphone sales predicted for 2012 by retailers and mobile telecom providers, we estimate to reach a penetration rate of nearly 20% by year’s end. Due to increased smartphone penetration and brand’s understanding of mobile marketing benefits, 2012 will bring a substantial diversification in mobile marketing solutions. SMS Marketing campaigns will be complemented by mobile websites, mobile advertising, QR codes and mobile applications. More and more companies will build mobile optimized websites, inevitably leading to an increase in mobile advertising expenditures for the second part of 2012. Still, mobile banners and mobile search will account for only a small percentage of the total mobile marketing budgets We will see more integrated campaign where mobile marketing solutions are fully integrated in the brands’ communication mix. 30 RADio Overview Radio was affected by the economic crisis and providers are trying to survive by cost cuttings. This year was the one of radio networks consolidation, new local stations were launched, and new formats came out. The providers are trying to maintain the ad budgets trough attractive and efficient offers. Radio stations are trying to increase the audience by strong PR and marketing campaigns and continued to improve their online presence through dedicated websites and social networks sites. In 2011 – Q1 2012, the Romanian radio market is based on the following formats: ❱❱ Contemporary Hit Music Radio: Kiss FM, Radio ZU, Pro FM, Radio 21, ❱❱ Adult Contemporary Radio: Europa FM, Radio Romania Actualitati, Antena Satelor, Radio Romania Regional, Music FM, Click FM (the former City FM) ❱❱ Soft Adult Contemporary Radio: Magic FM, Romantic FM, Gold FM, Smart FM ❱❱ Dance Radio: Vibe FM, Dance FM ❱❱ Hot Adult Contemporary: Guerilla FM ❱❱ Classic Rock: Rock FM ❱❱ Sports: Sport Total FM In 2011 and at the beginning of 2012 the major changes in the radio market were: ❱❱ O n February 2011, RadioPro has launched a new station in Bucharest, Music FM. It broadcasts on the former frequency of Radio Campus Bucharest, 103,8 FM, and it labels itself as an Adult Contemporary Radio, 30-50 y.o. target. ❱❱ Starting with February 2011, RadioPro also rebranded Pro FM Dance into Dance FM Radio which covers Bucharest on the frequency 98,5 FM, with electronic – dance music for clubbers 15-25 y.o. It can also be listened online on ❱❱ Pro FM – launched local stations Oradea and Craiova and increased the number of network radios to 31 ❱❱ Magic FM – acquisition of 2 new stations: Piatra Neamt and Roman ❱❱ Radio ZU – new stations Iasi, Arad and Galati (they were former affiliated stations) ❱❱ In November 2011, Adevarul Holding launched Click FM (the former City FM), an Adult Contemporary Hit Radio, broadcasting in Bucharest, Sibiu and Roman. ❱❱ Radio 21 started 2012 with an new early-morning format: Matinalii 21 ❱❱ Goldbach Media România has improved the local radio network: 49 local and independent stations across 26 counties. As usual, the most active radios tried to maintain their audiences through intense marketing activity like: ❱❱ K iss FM - Summer Kiss and Winter Kiss, Christmas Kiss, KissFM Superstars, first application which integrates static content like user’s photo into video, using 3D technology. Their Facebook page has about 670,000 fans, ranking first place among stations in Romania and 9th place among the world’s radio stations. ❱❱ Magic FM - Magic Summer and “Santa’s Radio” in December, ❱❱ Rock FM - “RockFM da un chopper unui mare rocker” ❱❱ Radio ZU: “Capra contra Soacra”, contest prize “Primul apartament ZU”; “Autobuzdul Lui Morar” (Morning show was transmitted from the bus for three weeks), “Forza Zu – outdoor Karaoke concert ); “ZU Kids On The Block. For Radio Zu, 2012 began with 500.000 fans on Facebook and an new contest - HIT de Facebook which permit you to listen your favorite song even if is not on radio station’s playlist. media fact book 31 RADIO ❱❱ E uropa FM: „Turneul matinalilor in tara”, „Live in garaj”, „Europa FM and JTI Grants” „Secret Sound”. Their Facebook page reached 67.000 fans, 300% up compared to spring of 2011. ❱❱ Radio 21 – Liberty Parade 2011, traditional event for lovers of house music; Facebook page of Radio 21 increased 2.5 times compared with April 2011, reaching +176.000 fans. ❱❱ Vibe FM - remains the leading station on dance music niche, with a program and marketing activities focused on organising events in Bucharest clubs. Their Facebook page now accounts for 186,000 fans, keeping their 3rd position in the top of radio stations pages, even though it is a niche station. ❱❱ Pro FM – “CRBL e ProFM”, “1st of May seaside mission”, “Mountain of Beer”, “CRBL Back 2 S-kool”, “Mission at the seaside”, “Duck’s Competition on Dambovita, “CRBL pe MTV”. Looking at the advertising revenue gained by the sales houses, MGSI consolidated its position as the market leader, followed by CLIR Media and Regie Radio Music in close proximity to one another. Due to the change in supplier of ad spending figures from AlfaCont / Mediawatch to BRAT / MediaMONITOR, a comparison between 2011 and previous years is not possible. From the category point of view, first three positions, covering almost 50% of the spent RC budget, are “Retailers” (29%), “Mobile telecommunication services” (10%) and “Banking and financial products and services” (9%). Expresiv Consulting PRO TV SA (CME) 3% 8% Regie Radio Music MGSI 41% 22% CLIR Media 27% Graph 1 - Advertisment Revenues by Sales Houses Source: BRAT / MiP, Alfacont / Mediawatch 25 32.9% 20 23.9% 18.5% 2011 Ad Spends (million €) SOS 2011 (%) 10 6.3% Attracted Ad Spending by Radio Station RC Source: BRAT / MediaMONITOR 32 1.4% 0.1% 0.1% 21 R Ac om tu a al ni ita a ti G ue rri lla Ro ck FM G ol d FM o di FM Ra AG IC FM M Pr o FM pa ZU Eu ro di o Ra Ki ss FM 0 FM 3.6% 2.9% 2.6% e 7.7% 5 Vi b 15 EC Audience Analysis TD C UG O AY -A M JA N -M AY RADIO Beginning with 2011, the joint industry committee ARA (The Association for Radio Audience) decided to switch the interview method from face-to-face domiciliary interview to telephonic interview (CATI) and conducted a change in sample structure following the Establishment Survey required by the change in methodology. Looking at the Bucharest market share, the leader is “Radio Romania Actualitati” followed closely by Radio ZU. There is a clear gap between first 3 radio stations and the rest of the pack, the battle for 4th place fought between “Magic FM”, “Pro FM”, “Europa FM” and “Romantic FM”. Market Share - Urban area JAN - MAY 2011 MAY - AUG 2011 OCT - DEC 2011 Kiss FM 15.3% 16.7% 14.6% Actualitati 15.8% 12.1% 14% Europa FM 9.5% 9.9% 9.3% 10.0% 8.5% 8.6% ProFM 7.1% 7.5% 8.4% Magic FM 3.3% 4.8% 5.4% Radio 21 2.6% 3.2% 3.5% Ant. Satelor 4.5% 2.2% 2.6% National FM 1.6% 1.3% 2.3% Iasi 3.5% 1.6% 1.7% Rock FM 0.9% 1.3% 1% Craiova 2.7% 1.7% 1.2% Cultural 0.7% 1% 1.0% Timisoara 0.9% 1.0% 1% Cluj 1.0% 0.6% 0.7% Resita 0.6% 0.5% 0.7% Constanta 0.4% 0.4% 0.6% Tg. Mures 1.0% 0.5% 0.5% Bucuresti FM 0.9% 0.3% 0.3% 17.7% 25.2% 22.7% ZU Others Source: SAR / ARA, 2011, target 11+ media fact book 33 RADIO OCT - DEC 2011 Actualitati 14.7% 13.7% 14.7% ZU 11.5% 10.5% 12.7% Kiss FM 11.4% 10.5% 9.6% Magic FM 8.3% 8.9% 7.9% ProFM 4.3% 5.7% 5.9% Europa FM 7.0% 7.3% 5.8% Romantic FM 5.6% 6.0% 5.0% National FM 2.3% 1.7% 3.8% Radio 21 2.8% 3.6% 3.4% Ant. Satelor 1.9% 2.9% 2.8% Guerrilla 4.2% 2.4% 2.7% Rock FM 3.0% 2.9% 2.5% Vibe FM 3.1% 3.1% 2.1% Realitatea 1.7% 1.5% 2.0% Gold FM 1.8% 1.2% 1.7% Cultural 1.1% 0.5% 1.4% Music FM 0.5% 0.7% 0.7% Dance FM 0.0% 0.4% 0.7% Bucuresti FM 1.7% 0.5% 0.7% 13.1% 16.0% 13.8% TD EC MAY - AUG 2011 C UG JAN - MAY 2011 O AY -A M JA N -M AY Market Share - Bucharest area Others Source: SAR / ARA, 2011, target 11+ Starting with 2008 SAR provides urban audience data full year round and national data for the first quarter of the year. The Monday to Friday audience curve shows two time intervals of intense listenership: 08.00-10.00 AM and 17.00-19.00 PM. During a regular working day, the urban listeners prefer to listen to the radio mostly at home up until 10.00 AM, after which they listen mostly at work until 4.00 PM, and then the listenership switches back to their home. Radio listening in the car reaches an audience peak at around 07.45 AM, when many listeners are on their way to work. 34 TA L e 3.8% pl ac 6.8% In a car er 10.6% At home th TOTAL O od ra e di D o e ap di pa ca ra ted tu s M od e -I nt er ne ph t on M e o /m d e ed ia Mo pl bi ay le O er th er re ce p m tio od n Pl e ac e -A th om e Pl ac e -I n a ca r Pl ac e -A tw or k M TO 05:00-05:14 05:30-05:44 06:00-06:14 06:30-06:44 07:00-07:14 07:30-07:44 08:00-08:14 08:30-08:44 09:00-09:14 09:30-09:44 10:00-10:14 10:30-10:44 11:00-11:14 11:30-11:44 12:00-12:14 12:30-12:44 13:00-13:14 13:30-13:44 14:00-14:14 14:30-14:44 15:00-15:14 15:30-15:44 16:00-16:14 16:30-16:44 17:00-17:14 17:30-17:44 18:00-18:14 18:30-18:44 19:00-19:14 19:30-19:44 20:00-20:14 20:30-20:44 21:00-21:14 21:30-21:44 22:00-22:14 22:30-22:44 23:00-23:14 23:30-23:44 00:00-00:14 00:30-00:44 01:00-01:29 02:00-02:29 03:00-03:29 04:00-04:29 RADIO 30% At work Other place 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Place of listening - Monday to Friday Source: SAR / ARA, 2011, target 11+ 70.1% 59.5% 44.1% 22.1% 22.1% 21.1% Urban 11+ Daily Reach (%) - 2010 Radio Reception - Monday to Friday Source: SAR / ARA, 2006 to 2011, target 11+ media fact book 35 RADIO In 2011, Radio ZU is leading in the Bucharest area (with 250,000 listeners / day, in terms of daily reach) while Kiss FM is the leading radio station in urban areas (with 1,877,000 listeners per day). URBAN BUCHAREST 1,333 222 221 41 Bucuresti FM 61 17 Radio Cluj 89 Radio Constanta 50 Actualitati Ant. Satelor Radio Craiova 195 Cultural 131 23 1,146 125 Europa FM Gold FM 31 Guerrilla 68 186 Radio Iasi Kiss FM Magic FM 1,877 230 536 160 15 Music FM National FM 202 49 ProFM 925 116 Radio 21 473 96 41 Realitatea 73 Radio Resita 148 Rock FM 115 Romantic FM Radio Tg. Mures 85 Radio Timisoara 107 77 Vibe FM 64 ZU 1,192 250 Others 1,594 120 Daily reach% Source: SAR / ARA, 2011 Perspectives for 2012 The radio suppliers continue to be flexible regarding special cross-channel package offers meant to make ad spending more efficient and maximize the level of interactivity and connectivity. The decreasing budget of clients determines an optimized mix usually consisting of the first and second station. Radio stations on 3rd and 4th place and the niche stations will likely continue to be the most affected in terms of net budgets. The connection between radio websites and social network platforms will become stronger. Radio stations continue to extend and develop marketing campaigns in order to maintain the old audiences and attract new listeners. 36 Press Overview During the last 3 years, the Print industry has suffered the hardest brunt of all the media market segments. In 2011, the situation of printed media remained a test of durability, efficiency and feasibility. Big international clients had decreased their advertising budgets and determined the suppliers to cut costs and come with attractive offers based on budget share, be more creative and flexible, produce versions of titles for tablet or mobile, sell integrated projects mixing print with online in order to offer more added value for the client and extend the covering of target groups. Major changes to the print market in 2011 include the acquisition of Edipresse by Ringier, Mediafax acquiring the licenses for Playboy and InStyle magazines, Sanoma-Hearst took Men’s Health, closing of Adevarul de Seara free sheet (first turned into the weekly paid title ADS) and closing of financial publications Financiarul, Saptamana Financiara and held by Intact Group. Publishers continue to maintain circulation figures with cover-mounts (DVDs, books, cosmetics, etc.) which influence the reader’s choice of buying. The solution to the recession, namely to invest in online versions of the titles seems to work. We can notice significant increases in the traffic figures for the top 10 websites related to print publications in 2011, meaning that the online media can be seen as an efficient complementary media for the print editions. 2010 MONTHLY AVERAGES WEBSITE CORRESPONDING PUBLICATION GENRE Libertatea PAGE IMPRESIONS VISITS 2011 MONTHLY AVERAGES PAGE IMPRESIONS VISITS EVOLUTION PAGE IMP. VISITS Tabloid 46,521,638 9,042,189 44,661,516 10,192,066 -4% 13% Gazeta Sporturilor Sports 42,790,095 8,742,775 38,154,220 12,390,207 -11% 42% ProSport Sports 39,801,480 11,831,333 43,697,547 11,168,375 10% -6% CanCan Tabloid 33,728,977 8,849,300 40,898,422 10,420,640 21% 18% Click Tabloid 24,691,772 4,410,475 32,090,480 6,551,197 30% 49% Gandul Generalist 14,366,665 4,166,054 15,540,612 5,731,243 8% 38% Evenimentul zilei Generalist 13,104,737 3,863,678 14,757,774 4,786,088 13% 24% Adevarul Generalist 10,327,264 3,539,134 21,197,258 6,445,002 105% 82% Jurnalul National Generalist 9,213,733 2,353,502 7,289,751 2,548,401 -21% 8% Ziarul Financiar Business 6,126,673 2,151,297 6,929,634 2,341,561 13% 9% Source: BRAT/MIPPS Another important development for monitoring advertising spends for the print media market was the introduction of BRAT/MIPPS as an alternative to Alfacont/Mediawatch from January 2011. This represents another step towards a unified and cost-effective integration of data delivery for advertising spend, however the change implies that no comparison can be made between 2011 and previous years. media fact book 37 Press Adevarul Holding ❱❱ Re-launched Stiinta si Tehnica (April 2011) and monthly Forbes-Life (May 2011). ❱❱ Starting with June 2011, Adevarul de Seara (free national newspaper with the largest circulation) became ASD – a paid weekly with 39 local editions. ❱❱ Adevarul de Weekend, a magazine for entire family with weekly appearance on Saturday, was launched in July 2011. ❱❱ In August was launched Catavencii, a satire and humor magazine written by former Academia Catavencu team. ❱❱ In October ADS was closed and Adevarul de Weekend became the substitute for the Friday edition of Adevarul. Mediafax ❱❱ Gandul became exclusively digital (online, iPad, mobile), having its last printed edition in April, 2011. ❱❱ Playboy and InStyle licenses were taken from Attica in October 2011. ❱❱ Glamour and GQ were taken in May 2012 from Liberis. Ringier Romania ❱❱ In January 2011 took the licenses Joy and Autobild magazines from Edipresse and changed the format of the magazines Libertatea pentru femei. ❱❱ Weekly magazine Din toata inima, launched in September 2010, was closed at the end of March 2011. ❱❱ Re-launched Lumea Femeilor in March 2011 and closed it in February 2012. ❱❱ Re-launched Unica magazine in May 2011. ❱❱ Bought Edipresse publishing house in August 2011, a move which went effective in January 2012. ❱❱ Closed Popcorn magazine in December 2011 ❱❱ Look! Magazine closed in March 2012 Editura Evenimentul Zilei and Capital ❱❱ Evenimentul Zilei and Capital have internalized print sales, online sales are being represented by Ringier. ❱❱ Since February 2012, Capital published content from THE ECONOMIST exclusively for Romania in online and print media. Capital held for six years, the exclusive rights to one of the most popular supplements of THE ECONOMIST, The World In. Medien Holding ❱❱ In 2011 and the first quarter of 2012 launched a significant number of supplements and special projects: Femeia Eterna Poveste, Spa&Fitness, Vacante de ski, Centrul Istoric, Sanatate, Supliment de Paste, etc. ❱❱ Launched AIDA – HR magazine, at the end of April 2011. ❱❱ Bought Academia Catavencu from Catavencu in June 2011. Intact Group ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ Closed BBC Good Homes in February 2011. Launched BBC Focus in June 2011. Financiarul – last printed edition on August 26th 2011, kept only as online edition as of September 2011. Launched monthly business magazine then closed it in November 2011 Launched The Industry in September 2011. Closed Saptamana Financiara and Felicia in November 2011 Launched Income weekly business magazine in April 2012 Finantistii – weekly business magazine, written by former Saptamana Financiara team, was launched in December 2011 Sanoma Hearst ❱❱ Acquired the licence for Men’s Health from Attica Media in November 2011. ❱❱ Launched SuperPescar and National Geographic Kids magazines. 38 Press Burda ❱❱ Closed Ioana Visul Copiilor in April 2012. ❱❱ Launched the quarterly Ioana Visul Copiilor Vine Barza (formerly a yearly supplement of Ioana Visul Copiilor) in May 2012. ❱❱ Practic Sanatate (formerly a quarterly mass-market health magazine) switched to monthly frequency starting with April 2012 Zile si Nopti Media Shop ❱❱ Relaunched Cinematique (monthly movies magazine) in May 2011, in a new pocket-size format. ❱❱ Relaunched Sunete (free concerts and cultural events magazine) in pocket-size format in November 2011, with a new distribution network. AUTOFAN ❱❱ C losed the automotive review magazine CAR in August 2011 and launched another automotive magazine – AUTOpro – in September 2011. Goldbach Media ❱❱ T akeover of by Goldbach Group ended in 2011. Since February 2012, the new name of the company is Goldbach Media România (print-radio-TV division), respectively Goldbach Audience Romania SRL (online division). ❱❱ Launched in March 2012 the Media in Magyar Language project and will manage exclusively the advertising sales for 19 media channels with content in Hungarian (7 publications, 7 radio stations, 5 TV stations). ❱❱ At the end of the first quarter of 2012, held 34 TV stations, 49 radio stations and 48 print titles in it portfolio. Midas Media ❱❱ Held 30 local publications (most of them leading publications) and 24-FUN in its portfolio. he free city-guide/going-out magazine Sapte Seri was bought by East Media Hungary in November 2011 and T as of February 2012 internalized sales advertising. Other launches / closures in 2011 and Q1 2012 ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ ❱❱ Beerocracy – first beer magazine launched in April 2011 ViCE – monthly free magazine with presence in 30 countries, was launched in Romania in May 2011 LifeStyle - premium and luxury magazine, launched in June 2011 Collector’s – art and luxury bilingual premium magazine with monthly frequency was launched in September 2011 BeWhere!, urban culture magazine focused on Bucharest events, launched in October 2011 Pensionarul - monthly publication, launched in December 2011 Eurojobz - first weekly exclusively publishing job openings in Romania or abroad, launched in February 2012 Revista de povestiri – launched in March 2012, with a monthly frequency Etiquette Magazine – lifestyle and business bilingual magazine, launched in April 2012 Market Analysis The total rate-card volume of advertising revenue (barters excluded) for the Print industry reached 161 million EUR, out of which Newspapers owned a share of 53%. Barters reached 56 million EUR (RC), with Newspapers having a share of 49%. There is a high level of polarization within the Print publishers in terms of advertising revenue, with the top 5 player accounting together a share of 54% of the print advertising market (rate-card, barters excluded). media fact book 39 Press 15% 17% 14% 15% 10% 9% 9% 6% 3% 3% 14% 3% 2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 1% 1% 10% 6% 9% 1% 1% 1% 9% 1% 1% 17% Mediafax/Publimedia Adevarul Holding Intact Group Ringier Sanoma Hearst Romania Medien Holding Edipresse AS B2B Media Zile si Nopti Confort Media Burda Sapte Nopti Media Sud Management Attica Media Mediamov Inform Media Delta(Tulcea) Double P Media CMG Romania Others 2011 Share of rate card revenue by Media Group (excluding barters) Source: SATI *Ringier includes Evenimentul Zilei and Capital The top 10 market segments with the largest gross rate card expenditures in the print in 2011 account for 62% of the total print expenditures (media barters excluded). CATEGORY MG NP GRAND TOTAL Medical & optical products & services 6,891,902 7,436,519 14,328,421 Banking & insurance services 3,041,286 9,309,570 12,350,856 Stores, comercial centres, supermarkets 3,326,076 8,537,208 11,863,284 10,566,076 267,300 10,833,376 Mobile telecommunications services 3,068,018 7,402,178 10,470,196 Cars & 4x4 vehicles 3,699,858 5,385,671 9,085,529 Other business services 1,300,164 6,276,929 7,577,092 Clothing & accessories 5,226,098 837,974 6,064,072 43,479 5,013,975 5,057,454 4,138,308 8,188,131 12,326,438 Cosmetics Government / Municipalities / Foundations / Asociations Other categories Source: BRAT/MIPPS Regarding the media barters, 2011 levels account for 26% from the total ad generated volumes. The top 20 publications with the highest level of rate card advertising revenue in 2011 (media barters excluded) are mostly newspaper titles (quality, tabloids and local), financial publications, women magazines and free city guides. Together, they hold 47% of the entire gross print rate card advertising revenue. 40 Press 8,608,230 7,425,609 7,159,435 5,953,633 5,639,316 5,174,740 4,799,445 3,811,299 3,037,133 2,970,989 2,929,178 2,495,316 2,288,508 2,048,745 2,038,800 1,961,098 1,944,451 1,911,410 1,548,041 Ziarul Financiar Gazeta Sporturilor Adevarul Romania Libera Click Libertatea ProSport Jurnalul National Ring Cosmopolitan Evenimentul Zilei CanCan Adevarul de Seara 24-FUN The One Elle Business Magazin ProTv Magazin Zile si nopti Bucuresti Top publications by ratecard revenue 2011 (excluding barters) Source: MIB/BRAT Beginning with the May 2011-January 2012 Readership Survey delivery, BRAT conducted a change in the way interviews are conducted and processed. The new CAPI method (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) implies the interviews are no longer conducted with a printed questionnaire but with the help of the computer, thus further control of the answers and error rate was implemented. The Survey universe was also broaden from 14-64 to 14-74 years old. Because of these changes no comparison can be made with previous waves. PUBLICATION PUBLISHER READER SHIP NET COVERAGE URBAN 14-64 Top Press Publication (‘000) (%) Practic In Bucatarie Burda Romania CIRCULATION READERS / COPY (‘000) RATE CARD CPT (EUR) (EUR) 1066 11 232 4.6 4,000 3.8 Click Ghid Tv Adevarul Digital Media 824 8.5 360 2.3 4,900 5.9 Click Adevarul Digital Media 770 7.9 225 3.4 6,900 9.0 Click Pofta Buna Adevarul Digital Media 599 6.2 117 5.1 3,000 5.0 Libertatea Ringier Romania 592 6.1 171 3.5 7,000 11.8 Click Sanatate Adevarul Digital Media 584 6 64 9.1 3,000 5.1 Pro Tv Magazin Mediafax Group 557 5.7 62 8.9 4,500 8.1 Gazeta Sporturilor De Duminica Convergent Media 545 5.6 28 19.2 8,700 16.0 Click De Duminica Adevarul Digital Media 496 5.1 140 3.5 5,175 10.4 Libertatea Editia De Duminica Ringier Romania 488 5 98 5 4,000 8.2 Source: National Readership Survey (SNA), May 2011 – January 2012 media fact book 41 Press PUBLICATION PUBLISHER URBAN Men 14-64 Top Magazines READERSHIP NET CIRCU-LATION READERS COVERAGE / COPY RATE CARD CPT (‘000) (%) (‘000) (EUR) (EUR) Gazeta Sporturilor De Duminica Convergent Media 481 10.4 28.0 19.2 8,700 18.1 Click Ghid Tv Adevarul Digital Media 424 9.1 360.0 2.3 4,900 11.6 Promotor Mediafax Group 283 6.1 6.0 53.6 3,200 11.3 Libertatea - Editia De Duminica Ringier Romania 277 6 98.0 5 4,000 14.5 Pro Tv Magazin Mediafax Group 269 5.8 62.0 8.9 4,500 16.7 Click De Duminica Adevarul Digital Media 269 5.8 140.0 3.5 5,175 19.3 Libertatea Supliment Weekend Ringier Romania 230 4.9 258.0 1.6 4,900 21.3 229 4.9 14.3 18.1 3,900 17.0 Auto Motor Si Sport Sanoma Hearst Romania Practic In Bucatarie Burda Romania 212 4.6 232.0 4.6 4,000 18.9 National Geographic Sanoma Hearst Romania 196 4.2 19.1 18.9 5,900 30.1 URBAN Women 14-64 Top Magazines Practic In Bucatarie Burda Romania 854 16.9 232 4.6 4,000 4.7 Click Pofta Buna Adevarul Digital Media 449 8.9 117 5.1 3,000 6.7 Click Sanatate Adevarul Digital Media 422 8.3 64 9.1 3,000 7.1 Click Ghid Tv Adevarul Digital Media 400 7.9 360 2.3 4,900 12.2 Click Pentru Femei Adevarul Digital Media 386 7.6 124 3.7 3,500 9.1 Practic Carticica Practica Burda Romania 361 7.1 54 8 3,000 8.3 Libertatea Pentru Femei Ringier Romania 318 6.3 81 4.7 3,100 9.8 Bucataria De Azi Sanoma Hearst Romania 314 6.2 35 11.4 2,400 7.7 Femeia Sanoma Hearst Romania 315 6.2 19 19.4 5,200 16.5 Ce Se Intampla Doctore Mediafax Group 294 5.8 18.4 20.9 4,500 15.3 Source: National Readership Survey (SNA), May 2011 – January 2012 Perspectives for 2012 The market polarization will continue, with big publishers consolidating their portfolio and increasing their market shares. Suppliers will continue to be very flexible regarding special offers and discounts in 2011. The internet presence of publications will increase and become more attractive and interactive, adding more value to publications and preventing publishing brands from disappearing. In this respect, the process of cancelling print editions and migrating to digital platforms will continue. The publishers will have a flexible editorial policy oriented towards special projects and synergies: media packages (print-online, print-online-mobile), partnerships, augmented reality, 3D newspapers, QR codes, dedicated supplements, creative packages, publication branding etc. 42 Outdoor & Indoor Overview As we were forecasting last year, Romania remained one of the most dynamic OOH Markets in Central Europe and made it through the crisis recovering despite the inevitable environment of perpetual change, increasing media fragmentation and a relative lack of stability in budgets stemming from greater pressure to generate discounts from suppliers. The OOH market registered a 7% decline in 2011, with a total spent of 31 million euro. As the industry still does not yet provide audited figures regarding the volume or market shares, we are estimating the market size on information provided in part by the OOH media owners, financial statements and press releases. 2012 is also the BRAT affiliation year for the OOH industry. Launching on 7th of June the first ever OOH Investment Monitoring, the Project intent to guarantee suppliers and brands transparency for the OOH media. There are 10 Media Owners: Affichage Romania SRL, Clear Channel, Euromedia Group SA, Media Advertising SRL, New Age Advertising Agency SRL, News Outdoor Romania SRL, Spectacular OOH & Printing, Ultravision SRL, Universal Solution SRL, Way Media SRL, and the most important 11 Media Agencies. Outdoor There were no major auctions for street furniture but after an over four years break, transit contracts are free to be signed virtually by anyone. Unexpectedly, RATB didn`t choose to have an auction but to grant access to any operator who would be interested in selling transit. Considering the above changes, we estimate the following rank in market share for the top 5 operators: 33 % 26 % 16 % 12% EpaMedia (Euromedia Group and Betacons) Affichage Romania Clear Channel News Outdoor Romania Others 13 % The “Others” group maintained a steady track, consolidating the last year growing tendency. Here we include companies which are strengthening their national coverage as : Universal Solutions, New Age, Way Media. media fact book 43 Outdoor & Indoor Spectacular Group of Companies, besides winning a significant contract with Metrorex, undertook the selling management for the indoor advertising supplier Monopoly Media. Taking into consideration all market transformations, we estimate a total number of 25000 outdoor faces available in Romania. Although the Ministry of development and Tourism`s Outdoor regulations passed through the Government in December 2010 and through the Parliament in December 2012 still didn`t make it through The Constitutional Court. The CC banned it as being unconstitutional and sent it back to Parliament for further debates. MDTR replied that the 1st of January as starting date for applying the law was the only reason for banning and that once that issue covered there will be no further other disagreements. On the other hand the outdoor suppliers argue that besides the retroactive issue, the law violates private property and private enterprising laws. The entire Outdoor market is looking forward for closure. Indoor The main players are Brand Management and Sugar Media covering the indoor and in-store markets. There were no changes regarding the top advertisers for indoor advertising. The largest budgets were still sustained by the Banking and Financial sectors closely tracked by FCMG, Automotive, Entertainment, Airlines and Fashion industries. Being an electoral year, there were positive expectations for the Indoor market but despite the massive OOH political frequency there were no budget migrations. Indoor in office buildings seems to be the only segment that succeeded in increasing budgets mainly by using innovative special projects. Elevate is leading with 70% share of market followed by Business to Business and Invent Media. The largest budgets were sustained by the Banking and Financial sectors closely tracked by FCMG, Automotive, Airlines and Pharma. Digital OOH For Digital Outdoor there were virtually no changes. With nearly 100 locations and possibility of subcontracting from the entire Romanian OOH digital market Phoenix Media and Vision Media Plus remained the main players, preserving their top positions on the Romanian TV-screens market. Both players invested in sustaining the high quality of their networks with barely noticing new acquisitions. There were no mergers or any other significant newcomers into the industry. Phoenix Media remained the only supplier to sell the advertising space based on the four categories of time implemented last year : prime, basic, inter and night time. Digital Indoor refers to plasma screens distributed across networks in crowded venues. Spectacular View became the main player on this market by undertaking the selling management of the biggest operator – Monopoly Media with its over 1200 plasma screens placed in extremely crowded indoor areas like: subway stations, mall food-courts, hypermarkets, airports, pubs, medical centers, universities. Perspectives for 2012 As the new regulations didn`t make it through all the legislative forums, nothing changed and didn`t affect any of the outdoor operators. Although there was a rather usual slow start in the first two months, the market seems to kick in opening with March. Unlikely for the last two years, Indoor seems to have blocked its upward course and to lose ground to the outdoor segment. Being an election year it`s not likely we should expect any significant legislative changes in the market. However, we estimate a 15% increase in the level of occupancy for the entire OOH market due to the election process. The general estimations for 2012 are still in a decreasing trend but the rate of decrease is softening to -3% relying on the increase of the consumption and the heavily political campaign environment. 44 Cinema Overview In a year of crisis, in which the purchasing power dropped and the average cinema ticket price was of 17.24 RON, the audience in cinemas increased by 11.16% in comparison with 2010. The expansion of cinemas network has been determined by mall openings in big cities, and new technologies like digital, 3D, 6D conducted to audience rise. GENERAL DATA 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 VS. 2010 72 75 74 68 75 10.29% 43,057 46,782 49,871 50,733 56,728 11.82% Number of active cinemas Seats Admissions 2,928,050 3,797,586 5,279,932 6,508,747 7,235,382 11.16% 34,381,413 53,114,230 86,940,607 111,640,783 126,706,985 13.50% Average admissions per inhabitant 0.14 0.18 0.24 0.30 0.38 26.67% Average ticket price – national curency 11.74 13.99 16.47 17.15 17.24 0.52% Gross box office (RON) General Overview between 2007 - 2011 Source: National Centre of Cinematography Main players, accounting together a market share of over 76% of are Cinema City, Hollywood Multiplex Operations and Movieplex Cinema. Their total number of 16 cinemas (141 screens), have attracted over 5.5 million admissions. New Age Media – the exclusive sales media of Cinema City and Samsung Imax, represents 51.49% in terms of admissions. In 2011 New Age Media increased its portfolio of cinemas with 3 Cinema City multiplexes: Braila, Arad Galleria and Targu Mures. In May 2012 they will open Cinema City Constanta. Hollywood Multiplex - the exclusive sales media of Hollywood Multiplex, CinemaPRO and Hollywood Multiplex Lotus Oradea represents 14.52% in terms of admissions. MAJOR EXHIBITION COMPANIES Cinema City Romania NUMBER OF ACTIVE CINEMAS SCREENS ADMISSIONS GROSS BOX OFFICE (RON) 12 114 3,725,376 65,887,971 Hollywood Multiplex 3 16 1,050,763 20,282,424 OPERATIONS Movieplex Cinema 1 11 739,653 14,235,599 City Cinema Management 4 13 399,811 5,815,676 34 34 351,718 2,962,767 Odeon Cineplex 1 8 300,355 4,380,186 Light Cinema Bucuresti 1 7 249,682 4,142,822 Baneasa Developments 1 13 173,358 4,563,605 R.A.D.E.F. RomaniaFilm Other 18 25 244,666 2,435,935 TOTAL 75 241 7,235,382 124,706,985 Major exhibition companies year 2011 media fact book 45 Cinema The most popular films were American productions with 92.8% of admission. European and Romanian films are generally decreasing in terms of admissions. The main categories using cinema advertising in 2011 were FMCG, Electronics, Auto, Telecommunications, Cosmetics, Clothing and Footwear. Cinema offers quality advertising commercials: high definition video projected on big screens, digital and 3D movies, Dolby surround quality on screen advertising as well as offscreen. Clients have a lot of opportunities of making integrated 360º campaigns on and off screen, consumer promotions, sampling, special events, thematic corners, branded cinema rooms, etc. Audience Profile According to the latest SNA Focus delivery (May 2011 – January 2012) the profile of cinema viewers is composed of young people (63.2% aged 14-29 y.o.), mostly male (58.7% male), not married (60.9%) with 81.4% having medium and high education and 50.4% having A and B social status. 10% of the urban population aged 14-74 y.o. went to cinema at least once in the last month. Of them 76.37% usually go to multiplex even though the ticket is more expensive than for traditional cinemas. Perspectives for 2012 Cinema continues its upward trend over the past five years, increasing its number of admissions and new cinemas openings. The number of integrated campaigns using both on-screen and off-screen possibilities has steadily increased in the last year and will continue to increase in both number and level of complexity. 46 Creative Media Usage As two-way communication and the experiential approach are continuously imposing themselves as the new paradigms of brand-consumer interaction, the social media that was once “trapped” behind the screen is finding more and new ways of extending towards the physical reality. The consumer interaction with the brands in a social environment is not something new and neither is the brands presence in social media. What is new is that supported by the continuous development of technology, those two come together and integrate in a richer, more complex brand experience. In the last years, two phenomenons have become the epitome of media communication: the crowdsourced cocreation of content that gets an expression in the physical world and the increasing number of ways to connect the everyday life experiences of the consumer with social media, far beyond the classical text updates or photo and video sharing. Probably the best example of crowdsource co-creation extending in the physical world is the Cut On Your Bias ( project. Cut On Your Bias invites consumers to vote on clothing preproduction decisions, involving them in which designs are ultimately made. After logging into the site via Facebook, consumers browse the weekly designs up for vote, casting their preference in color, size, silhouette, material and more. Combinations with the most votes are made in limited editions for pre-order the following week. media fact book 47 CREATIVE MEDIA USAGE Further exploring the crowdsourcing concept, McDonald’s Germany introduced its first crowdsourced burger as part of the “Mein Burger” anniversary campaign. The campaign features an online burger configurator that gives fans the chance to customize and name their own burgers. More than that, a campaign configurator gives the fans the possibility to advertise their created burgers both on-line and in traditional media and gather votes, with the winning custom burger becoming part of the McDonald’s Germany menu. 48 CREATIVE MEDIA USAGE For the launch of LYNX Anarchy in Australia, LYNX created the world’s first invisible ad. The concept made use of an abandoned terrace house where the windows were replaced with special LED screens. For the usual passersby, the screens would appear like blank lit windows. However, for those who were wearing the special polarized sunglasses that were given out by LYNX, they were able to see the advertising video content. Targeting was also spotless, as the sunglasses were given to people who walked by, who were mainly its target market of young party-goers. media fact book 49 CREATIVE MEDIA USAGE QR codes usage has seen quite a consistent increase in the last years, and with it came new ways to use them in a more complex, experience oriented way. In order to increase traffic during its lunch hours, Korean retailer Emart placed 3D QR code sculptures throughout the city of Seoul. The sculpture produced the image of a QR code when the sunlight was in a very specific position that created shadows which, together with the sculptures, formed the respective QR codes. Consumers who succeeded were rewarded with discounts at the store during those quiet shopping hours. Purchases could then be made via smartphone for delivery direct to the consumer’s door. Another good example of the creative usage of a QR code comes from the beer brand Guinness. In order to get more people talking about the brand, they gave local bars some special pint glasses. As the glasses were filled with Guinness (or another dark beer, for that matter), a pre-printed QR code was being revealed to the consumer. When bar-goers scanned the QR code with their smartphones, the app shared the news to friends that they were enjoying a Guinness via twitter, foursquare, Facebook, and Instagram updates. Scanning the QR code even sent out the bar-goers’ locations, aiming at also bringing the bar-goers’ friends to the location. 50 CREATIVE MEDIA USAGE Outdoor equipment manufacturer EVOC wanted to create a memorable brand experience for a product that doesn’t offer immediate benefits – a backpack – and with a relatively small budget. They used an interactive billboard which appeared on the side of a bus station that invited passers-by to experience the backpack’s shockabsorbing effect by asking them to punch, kick or slam themselves into the ad. The billboard then displayed the amount of force asserted by the user before posting a photo and the result on its website. Users can also share the result on Facebook, helping to promote the ad even more. Another type of consumer experience is represented by the virtual shops opened in Japan using the e-commerce platform PanoPlaza. These online stores allow visitors to browse through the interactive web pages to give them a realistic in-store experience. Users can navigate around the virtual shop with keyboard or mouse commands, and even walk over to spots for a better look at the products. media fact book 51 CREATIVE MEDIA USAGE Treasure hunting or goodies hunting is also becoming one of the creative ways in which memorable interactions and participation between brands and consumers can be designed. Romanians proved to have a consistent appetite for such projects, which create a long-lasting impression on consumers as well as significant WOM.In this spirit, one of the most successful projects jointly implemented by Initiative and Hyperactive for their client, mobile communications provider Orange Romania, was Orange Goodies Hunt. In order to promote the Wi-Fi internet connection set up by Orange in Bucharest’s Old City Center, a Goodies Hunt application was created, challenging people to use their mobile devices to get clues and engage in a big treasure hunt game that eventually led them to the Goodies. Users received clues to where each of the QR codes was hidden. Finding each of these QR codes unlocked your next clue. Users had to scan it with their mobile devices. The winner was to be the first to find all of the QR codes in good time and the Old City Center became an Orange Zone. Besides being good examples of the level of creativity that can be achieved in media usage, the above cases are representative for a new need that emerged in the last year: the need to calculate ROI for projects that do not have clear or determinable KPIs, or at least not quantitative ones. Project evaluations centered on the number of participants or the number of Facebook posts are reducing the measurement to a rudimentary quantitative element that will most probably not be able to match or surpass the ROI of traditional media. However, with the communication paradigm changing, a new type of ROI will emerge in order for advertisers to be fully capable to asses and understand the effects of their investments on their business. Qualitative ROI that will measure changes in the quality and intensity of interaction between the consumer and the brand or the emotional or cognitive echoes of such campaigns for example will soon complement the traditional, quantitative dimensions of ROI such as increase in awareness or sales, finally forming a complete picture of the impact of media. 52 Integrated Communication Services LOWE Group is one of the leading marketing and communication powerhouses in Romania. Established în 1993, with the launch of LOWE & Partners, one of the first advertising agencies in Romania, LOWE means today 7 operating companies covering the entire spectrum of marketing services: LOWE & Partners (advertising), Initiative (media), Brand Connection (media), GolinHarris (PR), Hyperactive (digital advertising), MobileWorks (mobile marketing) and Medic One (healthcare communication). LOWE places a great importance on digital communication. With Hyperactive as the digital heart of the group and MobileWorks as its mobile marketing core LOWE is a hub of digital techies, having more than 60 digital experts dispersed throughout the companies. With more than 19 years of experience in advertising & BTL, LOWE & Partners, the first agency of the LOWE Group, has been constantly ranked, ever since its inception, amongst top 10 advertising agencies in Romania. LOWE Vibe is the activation arm of LOWE & Partners. Set up as independent division within LOWE in 2011, Vibe unites 17 years of BTL experience with the purpose to turn brilliant ideas into action. Founded in 1994, Initiative was the first multinational full-service media agency to enter the Romanian market. For the past 5 years, Initiative Romania has successfully outperformed the market. As of 2011 Initiative implemented its global proprietary tool – Performance Pathway – a working model which feeds innovation and efficiency in the unique purpose of maximizing client ROI. As part of the Performance Pathway there is also Matrix V6, a unique tool which optimizes the communication and media mix based on communication and target-brand interaction objectives, while also providing post-campaign performance analysis. Both tools are built for multi-country integration and powered by local data and know-how. Part of the Interpublic Group, Brand Connection is a new generation media agency, flexible, active since 2004, with buying power providing special care for each of our clients. The company offers the entire range of specific services, from media strategy and planning to research and media buying. Efficient investments are guaranteed through a unique approach rooted in the needs of the client and accomplished through creative thinking. PR competences are subsumed under one name: GolinHarris. The multi-awarded full-service PR agency, GolinHarris is the agency behind one of the most memorable and creative campaigns in Romania. It was named the PR Agency of the Year in Romania 2010 and, starting 2011 the company has been part of one of the biggest global PR networks. GolinHarris is the only Romanian PR agency with a g4 business model. g4 is built around four communities of experts: Strategists, Creators, Connectors and Catalysts and is based on skills and performance. Hyperactive is the full-service interactive agency in Romania, servicing both local and international brands. The company is specialized in creating enticing digital brand experiences which cascade over more traditional channels creating WOM. media fact book 53 Integrated Communication Services MobileWorks offers 360° mobile marketing communication solutions, building effective, high ROI campaigns that drive consumer engagement, such as: SMS and QR code technologies, mobile apps and augmented reality, mobile advertising and banners. MobileWorks connects brands with its consumers through one of the nowadays most used devices - mobile phone and smartphone - providing tailor made mobile communication solutions and measurable success to each and every one of its customers. Medic One is the specialized healthcare communication of LOWE Group. The agency is a unique combination of medical background and advertising expertise, ran by a doctor with over 12 years experience in advertising. With a team of professionals specialised exclusively in medical projects, Medic One offers an array of specific services from strategic insight and guidance, consulting services, creation, strategy and implementation of integrated communication campaigns in offline and online. Each agency from LOWE Group is an expert on its discipline and works independently, but in the same time has the capacity to activate at its client’s request, any specialisation of the group, becoming lead agency for the integrated campaigns. SAMPLES OF OUR WORK Proof to this statement stands our integrated, multi-disciplinary projects that we have developed and continue developing for our clients, out of which we have the pleasure of presenting two: Following its New Vision image campaign launched in April 2011, we wanted to position Orange Romania as the digital coach. The proposed solution was for Orange to become the main sponsor of X-Factor, the international format show brought in Romania by broadcaster Antena 1. As part of the project, we designed an integrated project consisting of both conventional & non-conventional media exposure, generating multiple touch-points with the audience. The conventional exposure consisted of TV, Print (PR & standard), Radio, Online, Social Media and OOH (digital & standard). The non-conventional exposure was integrated into the show’s concept, creating a strong connection between Orange and X-Factor. It consisted of verbal mentions during the show & TV feature stories (in news and other shows), location & backstage branding, the X-Pod – a contestants booth for comments on the judges and show, product placement & branding with the judges (tablets, Blackberry, branded chairs), house branding (small sports equipment, color branding) as well as Orange stage screens animation during the show. The official X-Factor blogger powered by Orange generated 120,000 pageviews from 104,794 unique visitors on the webpage. The 36 articles generated 486 comments, 3208 Likes & 337 comments on Facebook. On Twitter, 927 tweets were published, attracting a number of 435 followers. An application was also developed as an engagement tool, to encourage X-Factor fans to enter Orange contest and win their moment of personal glory – a dedicated song written by one of the jury members. The contest was communicated on TV and online during November and December 2011. This resulted in 12.1 million duplicated users who have seen the banners and generated 89,161 banner clicks. 54 Integrated Communication Services The challenge for Ferrero was to develop a bigger-than-life re-launch for the Kinder Surprise chocolate egg addressing kids and parents alike. With big in mind we claimed the autumn for ourselves, naming the re-launch the Surprise of the Fall. We started asking people about what they thought the surprise of the Fall would be, directing them for opinions to our own website. The teasing run for more than two weeks on TV, Print, Outdoor and Online. The teasing message was displayed overnight in a big public place and on different other media: Kids, what is the Surprise of the Fall? During the 2 weeks, over 7.000 opinions were expressed and 306.000 visits on the campaign site, www. After the teasing came the revealing. During the huge reveal event, which had become the talk of the town, the representatives from Guinness World RecordsTM certified a RECORD, the biggest treasure hunt for kids. Leaded by clues, everyone tried to answer the same question What’s this autumn’s surprise?. Finally, the KinderSurprise egg was discovered by one of the participants who, in consequence, was awarded the big prize. But the activation did not stop here. It continued with an ATL component built around the idea of creativity: TV spot, Press ads, a special project to sponsor Disney movies broadcasted by Prima TV and a series of special Indoor and Outdoor projects, in 2D and 3D versions. There were 7 000 opinions expressed and 306,000 visits in 2 weeks and the big surprise event was also a big online excitement – live web streaming broadcast to 10,594 visitors. Over 6000 children participated in the event, over 250 kids in the certified world record treasure hunt, more than 630 parents and grandparents, over 60 referees, over 2,500 people in the colourscape, over 17 journalists and over 60 press articles. media fact book 55 17 Ceasornicului Street, Bucharest, Romania T +4021 301 01 00 F +4021 301 01 99
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