The Magazine For Bozeat And Easton Maudit
The Magazine For Bozeat And Easton Maudit
Café Connecions OPEN HOUSE Every Tuesday including School Holidays 9 am – 11.15 am September 2014 The Vicarage, Hensmans Lane, Bozeat Tea, Coffee, Toast, Cereals & Snacks Toys & Games for Children All Welcome! More info: Linda 665831 The magazine for Printed by TypeStart Ltd, 1 Rothwell Grange, Kettering NN16 8FB - 01536 418181 56 Bozeat and Easton Maudit 1 HOME & GARDEN SERVICES Bozeat Private Hire CHRIS CURRY 665480 07952 242312 Victoria Johashen Bsc (Hons). DipPodM. MChs …local and distance ... Health Professions Council registered Chiropodist/Podiatrist Friendly and professional service from a driver proprietor. 24/7 service by prior arrangement. Private Chiropody / Podiatry treatment for all foot and nail problems. with in-vehicle debit/credit card acceptance No job too small Call for a free estimate Clinic at Brookside Medical Centre, Bozeat. Home visit appointments available. Work Guaranteed Telephone: 07981 931858 BOZEAT FIREWORKS 2014 Keep Fit Wednesday 5th November at the Playing Fields Dychurch Lane, Bozeat with Barbara Allebone Gates open at 6 pm Display will end no later than 8 pm A complete programme of exercise for fitness and health Admission charges: Adults £5 Children £2 Family £7.50 Bozeat Church Hall Tuesdays …call 666 365 D W Electrics Alex Stubbs Flooring Carpets, Vinyls, Laminates, Safety Flooring, Adaptations, Refits, Repairs DOMESTIC INSTALLER FOR ALL DOMESTIC WORK Supplied and Fitted AT REASONABLE PRICES Free estimates given for large or small projects 20 years experience Vendors will provide burgers, a beer bar and mulled wine. 9.30 am - 10.30 am Please bring a mat to lie on….. Entertainment for the children will include a roundabout, sparklers and ‘glows’. ALL CLASSES £6.00 PER CLASS Telephone Barbara Allebone A one-way system will be operating in the village on the night to ease traffic flow and available parking. 01933 663225 2 David Williams 16 School Hill, Irchester 07979 620690 07976 260572 01234 240954 01933 400877 Email: [email protected] 55 EDITORIAL During a glorious summer it was good to see the village fete back in Bozeat - thanks to the Parish Council and everyone who organised and supported the event. We’re pleased to include the results of Bozeat Annual Show - see page 14 - congratulations to all the winners. The production team: Lynne Ward - Editor 663951 Pat Driver – Advertising 663284 David Brown – Computer 665140 Ann Brown - Distribution 665140 Kate Moreton – Support 663300 We were sorry to hear of the sad loss of Miss Ena Wright in June, at the grand age of 100. She will be sadly missed by all her friends in the village and we extend our condolences to her family. At the Service of Thanksgiving for her life, Bozeat Matters was nominated to receive donations in her memory and we are very grateful for the £271 received. Miss Wright was a generous supporter of the magazine and this gesture is much appreciated. Chrissie Gleeson - Typing help ADVERTISER’S INDEX Absent Friends 20 Irchester Cattery 55 Barbara Allebone - Keep Fit 2 Jade, UPVC Windows 17 Belle Casa - domestic cleaning 18 Jays Aerials 11 Bozeat Aerials 40 Jenny’s Hair Care 40 Bozeat Paper Shop 33 Victoria Johashen - The Foot Lady 2 Bozeat Private Hire 55 K B Furnishing 26 Felicity Brown - Electrolysis 15 KDB Ceramics & Stone 18 Captain Carpet 45 Kitchen Craft - replacement doors 17 Chris Curry - Homes & gardens 2 LawnHopper 51 Compass Cars 35 The Mallows Co Ltd-Business Services 18 Computer Doctors 5 Matthew Nicholas - Estate Agents 46 Couture Beauty 45 Shane Maycock - Painter & Decor 11 Dajon Electrical - Solar 23 Olney Mobile Carpets 17 DB Breakdown Recovery 5 Patchwork Training 51 D W Electrics 55 Podington Garden Centre 51 Fenlan Furniture 8 The Red Lion 15 The Gun Cupboard 15 Spar Stores & Post Office 20 B Hollowell - Funeral Director 49 Stars - Hairdressers 20 Home Instead 45 Alex Stubbs Flooring 55 Housewives Choice 40 Templeton’s Garage 56 Infant Aquatics 8 Three Shires Glazing 26 Ian Ingram - Carpenter/builder 26 Wright Image - Hair Design 35 email : [email protected] 54 website : Congratulations to Christina and her team on being awarded Gold Status in the Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust Conservation Churchyard Award Scheme 2014. We say a fond farewell to Doctors Sudhir and Sulabha Marathe following over twenty-four years service to the village. We wish them well for the future and welcome Dr Ghosh and Dr Shamim to the surgery - see page 27. We also welcome Mr Sav and family of Lavendon, and staff to Bozeat Paper Shop. He will be offering all the usual services with slightly different opening hours and, once settled, may be looking to make some changes - watch this space and see page 49. Best wishes to Raj and Gill as they take on new ventures. Lynne Ward - Editor We publish images and correspondence that are either in the public domain or on the understanding that full permission has been given for use. We do not accept any responsibility for views expressed by contributors. The Northamptonshire Morris Minor Club gathered in Bozeat at the start of a summer evening drive around the country lanes of Bucks, Beds and Northants. The event was organised by Tom Partridge-Underwood and Terry Gibbins. Please submit all items for the December 2014 issue of Bozeat Matters by Friday 31st October 2014 to the Editor at 15 Fir Tree Grove. Thank you. Our email address is: [email protected] Website: 3 ST MARY’S CHURCHYARD CONSERVATION AREA Christina Downey 667552 EMMAUS VILLAGE CARLTON The Homeless Charity That Works GOLD! We were thrilled to be awarded Gold Status in the Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust Conservation Churchyard Award Scheme 2014. The Certificate is displayed on the churchyard notice board. Not only that ....we were joint overall winners with Newton Bromswold, so the magnificent Hedgehog trophy will be making another appearance in the village later in the year! The judges commented particularly on the range of habitats and wildflowers we now have in Bozeat churchyard. This depends very much on a careful grass-cutting regime – thank you Merv for your tolerance and ability to avoid interesting plants. Thank you to the Parish Council for your support and also the PCC for accommodating what at times appears to be rather a lot of long grass, nettles and straggly plants, not to mention new shrubs and strange stone structures! GRAND GRASS CUTTING AND CLEARANCE MORNING Saturday 6th September 10 -12 At the end of the season most of the long grass does need to be cut and raked up to give the wildflower seeds the best opportunity to germinate next year. We would like to invite you to our grand clearance morning on Saturday 6th September 10 -12. As well as grass cutting we also need to cut back the hedge, brambles and nettles. If you can spare a little time that would be great and if you can bring gloves, shears, secateurs, or a rake even better. We do have some machinery for the really heavy work! Why not visit our new furniture showroom, boutique, haberdashery shop, book store and general shop before enjoying a break in our coffee shop. Contributions always welcome. To keep up to date with our news please continue to visit us and help yourselves to one of our newsletters or visit our website: We are open Tuesday to Saturday 10 am until 4.30 pm, If you have any queries please call us on 01234 720826 ADVERTISERS WAITING LIST new local businesses to the list include: etyres - mobile tyre fitting & repairs. Visit us at or call 0800 028 9000(Landline) 0333 023 9000(Mobile) Jon Walsh Motors - (formerly known as Harrold Green Garage) Car repairs, servicing, MOT’s - free local collection and delivery 01234 720276 Wollaston Garden & Home, The Yard, High Street, Wollaston - New owner Anne Green of Bozeat (previously of Bozeat MAMA). Open 10 am - 3.45 daily. 01933 664280. Unique gifts and crafts with locally hand-made craft based products. Find her on Facebook - she’d love you to ‘like’ her. Will soon be offering arts and crafts courses. If the weather is really wet the event will be postponed until Saturday 13th September. Editor’s note: See the Report from the inspectors below: Bozeat Churchyard 2014 Visited by Bob Lines, Geraldine Hunt, Anne Doody 12th June 2014. When we entered this churchyard via the main gate on a beautiful day we were aware of the work that had been undertaken to achieve what people expect of such a place, and how a haven for wildlife had been created. Walking through the gates you are aware of the noticeboard which displays information about wildlife on the site. There is further information around the churchyard and in the porch. More detailed management plans were available for us to see. Further efforts have been made to involve the local school children in the project. Immediately to our let were the newly pollarded Lime trees. This management has opened up the area. Shrubs such as Pyracantha and Dog Rose have been planted and plants like Woodruff. Nearby are the Snowdrops. It has good potential as a wildlife patch. 4 Cycle CoNNect Cycle CoNNect is a 24 hour on-street bike hire service in Northampton, with bikes available to hire across the network at anytime, every day. The bicycles are fully adjustable for the comfort of all users and designed to be suitable to ride for casual and more experienced cyclists. They are all the same colour and designed to make them easily recognisable as Cycle CoNNect bicycles. For more information and to register visit the Cycle CoNNect website: www. or call 01604 372014 Northamptonshire Association for the Blind The NAB Mobile Sight Centre regularly visits Wellingborough, outside McDonalds. September dates are: Thursday 14th & 25th from 10 am - 1 pm. Why not get in touch with us today about our Free Will Service and help the next generation of visually impaired people. Thank you in anticipation of your support Helpline: 01604 719193, email [email protected] 53 WOLLASTON LIBRARY 21 Newton Road, Wollaston, NN29 7QN Tel: 0300 126 1000 Email: [email protected] Open: Monday to Fridays 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm, Saturday 10.00 am – 2.00 pm and Sunday 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm. We stock a wide range of books, audio books and DVDs. If it’s not on our shelves we can order it for you for a small fee. We also display local community information and upcoming events. Membership is free, pop in and see what we have to offer. Or look at our A- board and Digital Sign outside the library for the latest news and events. We are now on Facebook. Our Library Shop stocks a range of local publications, greetings cards, children’s toys and games at very reasonable prices. We hold regular activities for all the family during half term and on Saturdays and Sundays. The Summer Reading Challenge runs for the whole of the Summer Holiday. It is an excellent way for your children to keep reading all Summer. Come along and join. The Challenge closes on Friday 12 September. On the grass area that has been mown markers have been placed to protect interesting plants. The Field Clary is thriving. In the long grass areas flowers such as Oxeye Daisy, Red Valerian, Yarrow, Red Campion, Scabious and Lady's Bedstraw are thriving. We saw Red Admiral and Speckled Wood butterflies. Paths have been cut in the grass to allow people walk through. When the flowers have seeded the grass will be cut with a scythe, left to dry then removed to the hay pile. The nettle patch is well managed just awaiting the butterflies. One grave have been planted with herbs such as Thyme and Lavender. A second with Sedums. All good pollinating plants. A thoughtful touch. The Bug hotel is to be moved to a more sunny area. There are bird and bat boxes situated around the churchyard. A new seat has been provided. No chemicals are used on the site. Black polythene is used on problem areas. A point for consideration is the two young Oak Trees. If upright growth can be encouraged rather than horizontal growth this could avoid problems in the future. Altogether a very enjoyable visit was had in a beautiful wildlife haven. We recommend Bozeat Churchyard for a Gold Award. Keep checking the Digital Sign, A-board and Facebook for all the latest about the Challenge. Are you a budding author or do you have an interest in creative writing? D B RECOVERY SERVICE Wollaston Library would like to set up an informal group to meet once a month to have a cup of tea, chat and exchange ideas. Contact the Library to register your interest. Children’s Rhyme time now every Thursday 10.00 am – 10.30 am Broadband internet is available at £1.00 per 20 minutes, FREE on Fridays Free WiFi Hot drinks available at £1.00 each. Or spend a quiet five minutes reading the newspaper or our selection of magazines! We are looking for library Volunteers IT Buddy Family/Local History Buddy Children’s Craft Activity Helper Ask at the library for details or look online. LIBRARY VAN VISITS - now the 2nd Friday of each month. Telephone: 225365 Arrive Leave Church Community Hall, Allens Hill 5.40 pm 6.25 pm Fulwell Road 6.30 pm 7.10 pm 52 • • • • • • Laptop Screens Replaced Windows Not Starting Wireless Network Setup Virus and Malware Removal Replacement Laptop PSU While You Wait Repairs Breakdown Recovery Vehicles Transported Old Vehicles Collected for Recycling Unit 12 Blackthorn Workshops Blackthorn Road, Northampton NN3 8PT Environmental Agency Licensed Fixed Price Workshop Repairs & Onsite Service call … Call Dave, Ondree or Kevin 07963 726636 Tel 01604 411444 5 BOZEAT PRE-SCHOOL PLAYGROUP Lynne Collier 665536 Patchwork Training ...where learning is FUN! The End of an Era Unfortunately Bozeat Pre-school Playgroup had to make the decision to close at the end of the summer term. We were informed in June that our lease was not being renewed and the school was going to run its own pre-school from September. We would like to thank everyone in Bozeat who has supported the Charity for so many years, both through the community playgroup at the Methodist Church and Jack-in-a-Box. There have been many ups and downs but the village has always rallied round to keep this service running. It is mainly thanks to you all – as parents, grandparents, helpers, family, committee members and staff, that our pre-schoolers have had such good provision for so long. It was your fund raising efforts, donations, time, equipment and physical help, (for example when digging out the foundations for the current building) that has given the youngest children in the village this facility. I am sure you will be pleased to know that the Pre-school Learning Alliance has allowed us to distribute the assets to other charities in the local area who have similar aims and objectives. As a result, we have been able to transfer equipment and resources to the Bozeat Child and Toddler Group – you will see the new tables and chairs in the church hall for example. We have also supported the Daisy Chain Pre-schools in Blackthorn which had £20,000 stolen. They work amongst some of the most disadvantaged families in Northamptonshire and had been fundraising for special needs equipment, literacy and IT resources which we have been able to provide. Although sad for us, it is good to know that our resources are going to a good home and will be much appreciated. AGILITY - OBEDIENCE - CLICKER TRAINING - HOME CONSULTATIONS ONE-TO-ONE TRAINING COMPETITION PREPARATION PUPPY CLASSES TALKING DOGS RALLY Come and have FUN with your dog... ...all breeds, ages and abilities are welcome *** AGILITY CLUB APPROVED INSTRUCTOR *** *** KENNEL CLUB AGILITY JUDGE *** *** UKA AGILTY JUDGE *** *** RALLY JUDGE *** Our training field is totally enclosed by dog proof fencing, providing a safe and secure environment for you and your dog to train and have FUN! Contact Marianne Tembey, ACAI 01933 316446 or 07949 786 255 FREE PHONE 08700 629 297 MOBILE: 07711 231 913 [email protected] W: Lastly, I would like to thank the volunteers on the committee and especially the recent staff, for their dedication and commitment. Helen, Sharon, Karen, Pauline and Shell, along with Tonya, Karen, Julie and Chris have helped so many youngsters to develop socially, grow in confidence, learn new skills and prepare for ‘big school’. We wish them all the best for the future. The staff, in turn, would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the cards, kind words and gifts they received at the end of term. Everyone is very upset by the closure, but the staff were also deeply moved by the warmth of feeling, support and compassion conveyed to them by people within the village. 6 51 E: [email protected] Julie Andrews Birthday “To commemorate her 69th birthday, actress/vocalist Julie Andrews made a special appearance at Manhattan’s Radio City Music Hall. One of the musical numbers she performed was “My Favourite Things” from the legendary movie “Sound of Music”. However, the lyrics of the song were deliberately changed for the entertainment of her “blue hair” audience … “Ms Andrews received a standing ovation from the crowd that lasted over four minutes and repeated encores.” Botox and nose drops and needles for knitting, Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings, Bundles of magazines tied up in string, These are a few of my favourite things. BOZEAT LADIES DINNER Anthea Cooke, 666009 Just a reminder that the 15th Bozeat Ladies Dinner is being held on Friday 10th October, 7.30 for 8 pm. Please note the later date. Everyone who attended last year's dinner will automatically receive notification of this year's dinner by the 7th September. However, the dinner is open to all ladies of all ages in the village and an application form will be available from Anthea Cooke, 16, Hensmans Lane, from the 7th September. Posters advertising the event will be put around the village and places are on a strictly first come, first served (with money) basis. Café Connecions Cadillacs and cataracts, hearing aids and glasses, Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses, Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings, These are a few of my favourite things. OPEN HOUSE Every Tuesday including School Holidays When the pipes leak, When the bones creak, When the knees go bad, I simply remember my favourite things, And then I don’t feel so bad. Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions, No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions, Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring, These are a few of my favourite things. Back pain, confused brains and no need for sinnin’, Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin’, And we won’t mention our short shrunken frames, When we remember our favourite things. When the joints ache, When the hips break, When the eyes grow dim, Then I remember the great life I’ve had, And then I don’t feel so bad. I think some of us can relate to this! 9 am – 11.15 am The Vicarage, Hensmans Lane, Bozeat Tea, Coffee, Toast, Cereals & Snacks Toys & Games for Children All Welcome! More info: Linda 665831 MUMS & TOTS Anne Hickling, 741429 Except for Bank Holidays we meet every Monday at the Church Hall from 10 - 11.30 am where we welcome mums, carers, grandparents with (or without) little ones. We are a happy bunch so if you are new to the village please come along and meet us. We welcome anyone who feels like a cuppa - just pop in, we would be glad to see you. FRIENDS OF IRCHESTER BADMINTON GROUP Councillor Sue Homer Do you enjoy a game? Why not come and have a go We play every Tuesday evening at Wollaston School 6.30 - 8 pm We play non-competitive games Cost: £3.50 per week I am always willing to help with local issues. If you have any concerns please contact : Telephone: 01933 312643 Email : [email protected] For further information contact: Sharon 01933 314943 50 7 TOM PARTRIDGE-UNDERWOOD 11 Mill Road, Bozeat 665167 SOFA WISE and HANDY WISE The SOFA WISE and HANDY WISE projects are based at 51 Gordon Road, Wellingborough NN8 1EP. As Borough Councillor for Bozeat and Easton Maudit I am happy to be contacted at my home address or by telephone on any issue concerning the Borough Council. We collect suitable items of household furniture FREE OF CHARGE from the villages in the Borough of Wellingborough and East Northants see page 37. If I am not in please leave a message on our answer phone and I will return your call as soon as possible. We are currently setting up HANDY WISE and are recruiting volunteers to support people fitting our criteria in and around their homes with gardening, basic decorating, domestic cleaning and window cleaning. Is THE site to look at for news and Information about Bozeat Full details of our service can be found at WWW.SOFAWISE.ORG.UK. Why not take a look? The site is well worth a visit. Northamptonshire Police are currently stepping up our efforts to deal with Doorstep Crime. This mainly affects elderly residents who fall victim to rogue traders or distraction burglars. We have a Dedicated Doorstep Crime Hotline of 03452 307702 for the public to call. Please keep a note of this number and call it in the event that you are suspicious of any doorstep callers. Please also pass it on to any elderly relatives who you think may be potential targets of doorstep criminals. To be kept informed from the comfort of your own home, our free Community Messaging service keeps you up to date, by email, with timely and relevant crime information, as well as advice on emerging or seasonal crime issues and other community safety information. Go to to register. There are several ways to contact Northants Police: You can visit our website For routine Non–Emergency calls, dial 101. In the case of an Emergency, dial 999. Or email yo ur local Safer Co mmunity Team at [email protected] For Fraud Offences Call 0300 1232040 or go to You may also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 with information about any crime. Follow us on Twitter @WboroSCT Wellingborough Rural Safer Community Team 8 49 Northamptonshire Police We are holding the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on Thursday 25th September from 10 am till 12 noon at the Wesleyan Chapel. Please come and join us for Coffee/Tea and Cakes. There will be Bring and Buy stall, Cake stall and a Raffle. Hope to see you there. Our SCT officers, in conjunction with officers from the Safer Roads Team continue to carry out special traffic enforcement operation on the dates of selected events at Santa Pod Raceway. This is to deal with speeding and anti-social driving as vehicles travel through our villages en-route to the event. The operations have proved to be an overwhelming success with complaints from local residents now being a rarity. In these times of austerity we would encourage you to be very wary of unsolicited phone calls from unknown callers, who are attempting to obtain information from you that they could use in a scam or identity fraud. Each year over 50% of the UK population is targeted and over 3 million people, almost 5% of the population, become victims. Victims of fraud should report offences to the National Hotline on 0300 1232040 or go to Our forthcoming Police Surgeries will be held at either the Bozeat Independent Wesleyan Chapel, Wollaston Baptist Church or at the Reach Out Church in High Street, Irchester (next to the Co-op) during their coffee morning. All local residents are welcome to come and discuss any issues of concern that you may have. They have been arranged on a variety of dates and times, to hopefully enable as many people as possible to attend. Forthcoming surgery dates are as follows: • • • • • Tuesday 9 September 2.00-3.30 pm at Wollaston Baptist Church Wednesday 24 September 10-11.30 am at the Reach Out Church Irchester Wednesday 15 October 10-11.30 am at the Reach Out Church Irchester Monday 20 October 6.30-7 pm at the Bozeat Independent Wesleyan Chapel Wednesday 19 November 10-11.30 am Reach Out Church Irchester Please note that the surgeries held at Wollaston Baptist Church and the Reach Out Church are open to all our village communities and not just to those who reside in Wollaston and Irchester. Officers on your Safer Community Team are always keen to receive feedback from you regarding our policing of your village, so please come and visit us at any of these surgeries. Our current Locally Identified Priorities will be changed prior to the publication of this magazine, but details of the work that has been undertaken in respect of the old priorities and details of our new priorities can be viewed on our website under the local policing tab. Whilst we are on patrol, we regularly record residents’ comments and observations and these are taken into account when setting our policing priorities. If you have not yet had the opportunity to share your views with one of your local officers, we would really appreciate it if you would take a couple of minutes of your time completing an online feedback form at: Receiving information from you about problem issues or just being told that everything is okay assists us in targeting our resources at the key areas. Such feedback is important even if there are no issues that concern you, as this helps us to maintain a balanced perspective. 48 HANDBELL RINGERS Helen Manktelow, 665113 We are taking a break from practices during August but will be restarting our practices in the autumn in preparation for another busy Christmas period. If anyone would like to join us or would like some handbell ringing over the festive period then please get in touch. CHATTER-TOTS STAY & PLAY Nene Lakes Children’s Centre, 01604 810260 We now run Chatter-tots Stay & Play on a fortnightly basis. The group is held at St Mary’s Community Church Hall, Allen’s Hill from 9.30 - 11.00 am on Friday mornings every two weeks during term time - see the village diary. Chatter-tots Stay & Play is an opportunity for parents and their children to meet new friends, play with other children and enjoy a range of activities focusing on speech, language and communication. Suitable for children from birth to 5 years (up to 11 years during the holidays). A Health Visitor is available for help and advice. VOLUNTEERS WANTED: Contact Paula (as above) or for further information: or [email protected] BOWLS CLUB Pat Conroy, 663454 We have finally received our new electric rolling machine, which was paid for by Lottery Funds. We had some problems because the first time it was delivered it was faulty, The poor man had to take it all the way back to Taunton, but he delivered last Wednesday. It really makes life easier although we are all a bit nervous when it comes to using it. Practice makes perfect so I am sure in a few weeks we will really notice the benefit. We are having an Open Day on the 8th September so if anyone is interested in joining us the are very welcome . We do not charge people for the first month so they have time to decide whether or not bowls is for them. We are a cheery bunch and do not take things too seriously so we hope you will come along. Even if it is only so see our new machine. We will be there from 2-4 pm on the 8th September and look forward to seeing you If you need any details please contact me. 9 WINDMILL SINGERS Roy Gatehouse, 01604 890739, Anna Denny, 01933 663375 Under Anna's leadership and Sue P U's accompaniment we have had a very busy, enjoyable and successful September to September year behind us, with our Charity Concert on the 20th June, although not too well attended this year, raising £425 for N A B. We held a concert on 17th July for the village Come and Share event in the Church Hall, and one at the new Wollaston Baptist Chapel where we helped Chris Hole with his fundraising for Cransley Hospice, realising £743 on the night to add to his total now looking to exceed well over £5,000, mostly from a sponsored cycle ride he is doing in August. So good luck Chris. This was the first event of this kind to be held in the new chapel, we were honoured to be the choir to do that. We break for the summer term, with many new members joining us through the year and the expected arrival of two new and one returning member/s starting with us when we start rehearsals again on Tuesday the 9th of September at 7.30 pm. So, we are looking forward to the second half of our 22nd year and first half of our 23rd year being just as good if not better. No pressure there then Anna and Sue! Dates from our diary Tuesday 2nd Sept Walk and Fish & Chip Supper - B I W Chapel 8.00 pm (Supper) The walk to start at Summer Leys car park at 6.30 pm for 6.45 pm start (about 45 mins) Tuesday 9th Sept Choir starts back - B I W Chapel 7.30 pm Friday 26th Sept Sherington concert - Sherington village hall 7.45/8.00 pm Sunday 28th Sept Easton Maudit Church. Harvest Festival/Songs of Praise, 6.00 pm Saturday 4th Oct Autumn Barn Dance - Church Hall 7 pm - 10 pm with bar and raffle. Doors open 6.30 pm Tickets £8 including a Ploughmans Supper. Dancing to music by Cut a Caper with a caller - not to be missed. Saturday 13th Dec Christmas Concert - Bozeat Church Hall 7.30 pm Dates for possible Carols at Easton Maudit and the Red Lion to be confirmed later on. 2015 dates TBC July Come and share concert. Bozeat Church Hall Nov 21st Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal concert possibly at the Church Hall. So a very many thanks to all those who have helped and assisted us all once again throughout the year and to you all for your continued support at our concerts again this year, and for your kind comments and praise for our performances. We are still requiring new members to enhance our Bass/Baritone and Tenor sections, and of course new ladies for our Soprano and Alto sections would also be welcome. Please give Anna or myself a ring to find out more about us, or just turn up and give us try. We meet at the Bozeat Independent Wesleyan Church, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat, NN29 7JP, near the Spar shop on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm for a couple of hours rehearsal in term times (about 36 weeks per year). 10 Dear Bozeat Matters As a Bozeat resident close to the Independent Wesleyan Chapel on Dychurch Lane, I find it increasingly difficult to park my car at my own residence. We all know that parking around the Spar shop can be very busy. However, as a resident it becomes increasing infuriating to not be able to park outside your own home, especially after a busy day during the working week. I would ask that those who reside in Bozeat and attend choir practice on a Tuesday evening to spare a thought not just for local residents but also the environment. Surely as Bozeat residents you must all live within a reasonable walking distance. So I would pray that some degree of sense may be applied and respectfully request those to pause for thought before unnecessarily driving a short distance to park in a congested area. Kind regards. Local resident ANIMALS IN NEED RESCUE HOME If you have any old towels, blankets or food that would be suitable for Animals in Need, please telephone Maggie on 663313, who is happy to collect them from you and deliver them to the home in Little Irchester. New Adult Learning brochure out now! The Adult Learning Autumn 2014 - Spring 2015 brochure is out now with lots of new and interesting courses. Don’t forget that you can now book your Adult Learning course online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in just a few easy steps: Go to Alternatively you can call 0300 126 1000 (number charged at local rate) or go to your local library and they will help you enrol RUSHDEN & DISTRICT ART SOCIETY 12th September. Art demonstration by Stan Kaminski 'Sunset Over Venice' in watercolour. Starts 7 pm, (short refreshment break), until 9 pm. 3rd October. Art demonstration by Mike Salt 'Trees in Autumn' in Acrylic. PLEASE NOTE this starts 7.15 pm, (short refreshment break) until 9 pm. Both events at South End Junior School, Wymington Road, Rushden, NN10 9JU. £5 visitors, who are always welcome. Enquiries to RADAS at [email protected] 47 BOZEAT SATURDAY MORNING FOOTBALL Come and join us for a kick about at the Bozeat playing fields every Saturday morning at 8.00 am until 9.30 am. Any age from 16 to 60 welcome, all you need is some boots/trainers and enthusiasm. We look forward to welcoming you. See you there. If you wish to have more information please ring Nick on 07702 595076 BOZEAT TENNIS CLUB Pat Driver, 663284 The courts are open throughout the year. Please feel free to make full use of them. If you are interested in playing any time and not sure how to go about it, contact me, Pat Driver on the above telephone number. You will be most welcome. Booking the court: If you wish to book the tennis court please do so via the Paper Shop. The Paper Shop holds the keys. Charges per hour are: £1.00 per hour (under 18's) £2.00 per hour (adults) SHANE A. MAYCOCK Specialists in the sale, letting and management of all types of Village Property Painter & Decorator Free estimates given Matthew Nicholas Estate Agents ℡ 01933 663311 01933 665454 [email protected] www. 46 Please telephone 01933 357940 Mobile: 07930 685579 11 BOZEAT PLAYERS Rob Kennaird, Chairman 665571 email [email protected] Website address; Couture Beauty Autumn offers …... After much discussion we have decided that our Panto for January 2015 will be Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, and the chosen script will see a return to the more traditional style of production, after a few years of more modern offerings. Couture Beauty welcomes Cait to the salon! Book in with her throughout the autumn and receive 20% off your full priced treatment! We have the bare bones of a production team together but would welcome any offers of help with backstage, set building etc. The read-through will be on Friday September 5th at St Mary’s Church Hall, Allens Hill, Bozeat at 7.30 pm so come along if you are interested in taking part. Auditions will be held at the same venue on Friday September 12th at 7.30 pm (please note that we cannot audition children under 7 years of age). Also …. Luxury autumn massage, includes head, face and shoulder massage, back massage plus foot massage to finish - £35 Mini Manicure and pedicure with luxury mask - £25 Hollywood lashes, full set plus first two infill appointments - £62 A few of our members attended the Village Fete to hand out leaflets and tell people about what we do, and we ran a "Guess The Panto" competition. Nobody got every answer correct and the biggest stumbling block was "Trouble in Pantoland" which caused a lot of confusion. The answers were all available in the book of photos from previous productions and the winner was Zoe Cheesbrough. She wins a family ticket to our next production along with drinks and sweets for the children, so well done Zoe! 01933 665585 Unit 1, The Yard, High Street, Wollaston As a result, we have had some interest from people wishing to join us or to just help out so hopefully we will see a few new faces this year. We look forward to seeing you all in January, and please get in touch if you would like to be involved in any way. LOAN OF WHEELCHAIR If anyone in the village would like the loan of a wheelchair, due to a short term disability, please let me know; George Sharratt 01933-663029 BRITISH LEGION Len Holt, 663810 Bozeat certainly did Bozeat British Legion proud on Saturday June 21st for Glenda's 'Garden Party' held at the Church Hall - a wonderful turnout. So pleasing to see so many supporting us. A very big thank you to everyone who helped set up and clear away on the day and special thanks to all who donated so many excellent Raffle Prizes. £503.00 was raised for the Poppy Appeal. The Remembrance Service will be held on Sunday November 9th 2014 at 10.15 am at St. Mary’s Church, followed by a march of our uniformed Youth Organisation, to the village green and then to the Red Lion for tea/coffee etc. As many of you will know August 4th 100 years ago was the outbreak of the First World War - please visit our Garden of Remembrance at the War Memorial in our cemetery, the names on the crosses are Bozeat men - say a prayer - they did not come back. 12 45 PLANNING APPLICATION FOR 75 HOUSES OFF EASTON LANE Planning Application WP/14/00369/OUT The above planning application was submitted in June 2014 by Gladman Developments to build 75 houses off Easton Lane on the field between Easton House and York Cottage. We have formed a Residents Group, our aim being to prevent this development which is outside of the designated village building line and is not compliant with the village designation of a restricted infill village. Many of you will have received leaflets from us already or may have signed our petition. It is not too late to lodge your objections with Wellingborough Borough Council. Quote the above reference and write to The Head of Planning and Development, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough NN81BP. The application is likely to be heard before the planning committee in October and all comments have to be considered right up until this time. The more residents willing to share their views then the better we will be represented – let us make sure that the future of Bozeat is in the hands of those who live here. As soon as we have a definite date for the planning meeting we will endeavour to let as many people know as possible. The more people who are able to attend the planning meeting to let the strength of feeling know the better. Anyone who requires help to write a letter, or who would like to more information is welcome to contact us. We meet regularly and would be grateful for any help that is offered, be it your expertise and knowledge, financial help, delivering leaflets or just your support. BOZAID Ann Brown, 665140 Thanks to some reasonable weather, we have been able to do a few Car Boot Sales at Earls Barton, raising £287.40 so far. Recycling books and clothes that have been through the shop but haven't sold has raised over £220 and £118 respectively. A very wet trip to Billing Fayre managed to raise £53.20! Many thanks to everybody who continues to donate goods to the shop. Shop opening times: Tuesday pm 2.00 - 4.00 Thursday am 10.00 - 12.00 Saturday am 09.30 - 12.30 2nd Bozeat (St Mary’s) Cub Pack 2nd Bozeat (St Mary’s) Scout Group We meet Tuesdays 6.30 pm to 8 pm We meet Mondays 7 pm to 8.30 pm Are you 8 – 10 ½ years old 10 ½ to 14 years old Come along and see what we are about. Come along and have some fun!! You can just turn up at Bozeat School. Come and join us. If you would like to – phone 01933 384520 Mobile 07429 707296 Please contact Andrew or Fiona on 663249. Bozeat St Mary's Little Hillside Action Group By the time you read this the Public inquiry appeal date for the development at Hillside Close would have come and gone. Apparently we have to wait for the decision of the Inspectorate which we believe could be anything up to three months. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have been involved and supported us in any way. We will let you know of the decision as soon as we hear via Bozeat Matters Magazine and the website. Many Thanks Again St Mary's Little Hillside Action Group BOZEAT BABY & TODDLER GROUP Vicki Phillipson, 666061 A friendly group run by parents, held in the Church Hall on Fridays from 9.30 until 11 am every fortnight (alternating with Chatter Tots Stay and Play) – see the village diary for dates. An opportunity to meet people, have a chat over a cup of tea and for children to play with friends, enjoy a snack and a range of activities. BOZEAT MEN’S DINNER Robin Igglesden, 665537 The date for the next men's Dinner is Friday January 30th 2015. Further details are being finalised and will be announced in the next issue Please remember to enter the date in your diary. REPORT HIGHWAY PROBLEMS - on-line or use your mobile phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Problems such as potholes, overgrown verges and cracked pavements can be reported on-line in just 5 easy steps and you will receive regular updates. 44 VILLAGE NEWCOMERS We welcome all newcomers to the village. For a copy of our Village Information booklet and map, please contact: Lynne Ward - 01933 663951, [email protected] This is also available to view on-line at 13 MISS ENA WRIGHT Bozeat Annual Show 2014 The Committee would like to thank everyone who supported us by: entering produce, coming to view, or staying for tea, the auction, or for fish and chips in the evening. It was a very successful day. Particular thanks go to St Mary’s Church Hall for their welcome and encouragement, to the local businesses whose continued support we value and to all those residents and friends who help the show in so many ways. To the Parish Council for their support and for attending to award the prizes. Also to Tim Conrad from Wilfords who makes such an excellent job of the auction! Bozeat Show Cup Winners 2014 On behalf of Miss Wright’s family, we extend sincere thanks to friends of Miss Wright for joining us at her Remembrance Service. It was a perfect Service on a perfect day for a perfect Lady. The donations in her memory, to Bozeat Matters, came to £271~ thank you all. from Ian & Carol CLIK update Bozeat Parish Council Cup for the best exhibit in the show: Mabel Pettit (Any other Craft – Handicrafts) Charles Wells Cup for the individual exhibitor with the most points: Terry Greenham Show Committee Cup for the most points in the Young Peoples section: Charlie Turnbull-Phillips The Derek Spencer Cup for the family with most points: Bob and Trish Hedges Bozeat Show Best in Sections 2014 We have had another successful Barn Dance at Wilby in the summer and this raised £638 (so far) for the funds. We are concentrating on the feeding programme at present, with porridge every day for at least 400 children and lunches too when the school is closed, as the normal food does not happen in school holidays. The children still come to school just for the food in the holidays. We have had to postpone our planned visit to the Kibera this year (at the moment) due to the government's guidelines on travel to Kenya. Even if we went as far as Nairobi, we would not be sensible to go into the slums in this present climate as it is recommended not to travel there. The school too has been closed for a few days because of the political crisis. Our insurance would also be invalid we understand. Young People Timothy Morgan – photograph Fruit Judith Line – Plate of soft fruit Flowers Jean Bergen – Scented rose Vegetables Terry Greenham – 3 Leeks Cookery and Preserves Leslie Smart – six biscuits Handicrafts and Hobbies Mabel Petit – Any other craft However, the work must go on and this will not last forever we are sure, so the funding gets sent to CLIK Kenya and the children get fed, the Posho mill will have a person funded to be responsible for the selling of cheaper food to the school community, and we are hoping to have the little "shop" up and running soon for the food selling. Grace the tailoring expert still trains girls to tailor to give them the opportunity of vocational qualifications. This will enable them to start their own businesses (and keep them off the streets we hope). Photography Christipher Manktelow – Plant Life Nothing seems to happen fast in the Kibera, but we do try to make sure things get done. Hopefully the show will have been successful financially again this year and the Committee will be looking to distribute a proportion of the profits to local groups. Please do contact us with ideas or requests. Organising the show is a complex task. If you have any suggestions for improving next year's show, or wish to be involved in any way please contact a Committee member. We look forward to seeing you all again next year! David Brown David Stafferton - 665140 - 663647 Pat Lewis Christina Downey - 663660 - 667552 BOZEAT MATTERS - FRONT COVER Please contact us if you have a photograph or picture that might be suitable to feature on our front cover in future editions. Lynne Ward: 663951, [email protected] 14 I am trying at the moment to find a grant for training for a teacher and social worker to get national qualifications to help the work in the school. Our next big fundraiser is in Bozeat on October 4th at the Church Hall - A joint fundraising effort with the Church Hall Committee and help from the Windmill Singers committee. - A Barn Dance with a supper included and a licenced bar. Look out for details of how to get tickets... Lets have fun and give the children in the school in the Kibera a few breakfasts and lunches and the church hall a chance to keep it's invaluable service to the village. It should be a good night and will be helping two worthwhile causes. Thank you all so much for your continued support. Sue Wagstaff 43 Church Opening Times St Mary’s Church, Bozeat will again be open every Wednesday 2 – 5 pm until 29th October 2014 for visitors to use the peaceful space for their own thoughts and prayers. There will be people on hand to listen or to pray with visitors if required. If you would like to be included on the rota please let me know. Thank you. Linda Brett 665831 Our Lady and St. Lawrence Catholic Church. Olney Mass Times Saturday Night 6.30 pm Sunday Morning 10.30 am Saturday 5.45 - 6.15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) If you would like any more information please contact Sr Rita on 01234 711212 or Tricia Roche at 01933 665065 Shooting & Country Store Ladies and Gents quality clothing and footwear Rural Shopping Yard, Castle Ashby 01604 696983 Nene Court, The Embankment Wellingborough GEORGE WILLIAM HEAD We are delighted to announce the safe arrival of our baby boy George William Head on 28th June 2014 weighing 7lb 3oz. 01933 225677 We've just moved to the village and are settling in well so far! Julia and Andrew Head Autumn Events at The Red Lion BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS If you are expecting a baby or have recently had a baby we would be pleased to include details in the next edition of Bozeat Matters. Please contact the Editor. THANK YOU to anyone who has made a donation to the funds of Bozeat Matters recently, especially the generous donations of: £25 from Bozeat Women’s Institute £271 from the family and executors of Miss Ena Wright (in lieu of flowers at her thanksgiving service) We are very grateful for your support. Please contact us if you would like a personal announcement, such as a Birthday greeting, anniversary, engagement, marriage, birth, thank you, congratulations, condolence, for sale/wanted notice in Bozeat Matters. We are happy to include these free of charge 42 Saturday Sept 13th - 1950’s Night with live music & dancing to The Retrobaits authentic 50’s rock & roll band. Saturday Oct 4th - Charity Race Night. You won’t lose your shirt and you will have a great fun night out, all for a good cause. Basket meals and table reservations available. Friday Oct 31st - Hallowe’en Zombie fancy dress disco. Dress like a Zombie, dance like a Zombie and win a Zombie cocktail. th Wednesday Nov 5 - After the fireworks how about a warm cider or hot chocolate and marshmallows Every Wednesday: Bozeat Curry Club. Food by Okra, washing up by us! 2 courses and a drink for just £9.95 Every Thursday: Fresh home beer battered Cod and chips. Eat in or take away, with supplies limited; when it’s gone, it’s gone Call in or call us on 01933 663802 15 BOZEAT PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION Pam Tebby-McLoud, 663398 At this year’s AGM in June we had a change in management. We now have me, Tracy Abrams as Chair and Dorothy Vinten as Vice Chair. Pam TebbyMcCloud remains as Secretary and BPFA Treasurer. Sadly Graeme Sutherland stepped down to dedicate more time to the Hillside Residents and we wish him every success with his latest challenge. The aim of the BPFA is to provide somewhere for everyone in the village to enjoy. Whether it be the young ones that get enjoyment out of the play area or the would-be footballers enjoying a kick-about with their mates, or the use of the Pavilion for an exercise class or party. We the committee do our utmost to make sure that facilities are there for your enjoyment. This year it is our aim to raise money for the refurbishment of the Pavilion. If you are reading this and you think...'I want to be involved in this...' Then please join us every second Monday of the month at 7 pm at the Pavilion (Playing Field) you will be more than welcome - the more the merrier we say! I would like to gently remind the dog walkers of the village that when using the playing field to walk your dogs (and you are more than welcome to do so) please remember that it is a playing field where children play so you must pick up after your dog. Also the 'dog etiquette' is always 'if your dog is off the lead and another dog comes onto the field then please leash up' 2nd Bozeat (St Mary’s) Scout Group Have you ever thought about volunteering or working with young people? If so we have exciting opportunities at Bozeat Scout Group for Adults and Young People. For those that don’t know, Scouting offers fun, challenge and everyday adventure to 400,000 girls and boys across the UK. But it’s about fun and friendship for adults too, and with 30,000 young people still on our waiting lists there’s no better time to get involved. You can give as much or as little time as you like and you can fit volunteering around your work and family commitments. Scouts meet Mondays 7 pm to 8.30 pm Cubs meet Tuesdays 6.30 pm to 8 pm Carl Tate – Scout Leader 01933 384520 Mobile 07429 707296 [email protected] or to contact the District Commissioner – Gillian Dowling. [email protected] CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Audrey & Philip Bligh have moved to 49 Norwich Road, Cromer, Norfolk NR27 0EX 16 WATCH NEWS Area Co-ordinators: Ian & Carol Fearnley 663282 Doorstep Conmen prey on elderly and vulnerable people. These conmen commit distraction burglary by working in pairs. While one man distracts you at the front door, the other sneaks in at your front or back door to search your house. Doorstep conmen are clever, they look presentable and may well carry a clipboard and offer a fake identity card. Do not trust them. Remember to fit a door chain and use it. Do not remove your door chain and let them in until you are SURE who they are. Be SURE, before you open the door ~ if in doubt keep them out. Be suspicious of all callers you do not know, or you are not expecting. Contact a neighbour if you are concerned about the caller, or telephone the Police on 101. We would like to draw to your attention to the Nominated Neighbour Scheme. The scheme is to assist vulnerable residents who would prefer not to answer their front door to unexpected or unknown callers. The pack we provide includes a sign which can be shown to the caller from a front room window, and it requests them to speak with a nominated neighbour who will ‘vet’ the caller. Once the caller has been identified then the neighbour would return to the elderly person’s house with the caller and, if required, remain during the visit. This scheme is ideal for vulnerable people living alone who can have an arrangement with a close neighbour. Here are details about Smartwater which the Police have endorsed as a product providing a major deterrent to criminals. Each Smartwater phial contains a DNA-style forensic coded fluid which is simply dabbed onto the back of valuables. It can be applied to any solid item eg: jewellery, electrical items and antiques. Once dry it is virtually impossible to remove and any traces will glow under ultra-violet light. Every phial of fluid is unique and numbered, and comes with a registration form similarly numbered, thus enabling your possessions marked with the fluid to be returned to the registered address. A phial of Smartwater can mark 75-100 items, and sells from Smartwater for about £60 with an ongoing annual fee of £60 to maintain your details on their database. Via Neighbourhood Watch a Smartwater marking kit can be obtained for £25 with no extra annual fee to keep your details on the Smartwater database. Bozeat residents can purchase a phial of Smartwater by contacting us on 663282. TELEPHONE NUMBERS TO KNOW Northamptonshire Police 101 (costs 15p for however long your call is) Calls can be directed to your Safer Community Team or local Police Station. For our area ~ ask for the Wellingborough Rural Safer Community Team. Emergency calls only 999 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 (you can remain nameless with this call, as your name and address is not required) 41 Bozeat Aerials TELEPHONE, INTERNET & ELECTRICAL SERVICES • • • • • • • • TONY DOWNES OLNEY MOBILE CARPETS HAIR - CARE Satellites (Sky/free-sat) TV Points Plasma/LCD installations Telephone points Internet Points Data Cabling Ceiling Speakers/Spot-lights Home entertainment systems Carpets & Vinyls supplied and fitted 35 years fitting experience Choose in the comfort of your own home Fully qualified state registered stylist with 12 years salon experience All makes with a huge selection Friendly personal service. No shop overheads so better prices. Free fitting Covering all aspects of Hairstyling in the comfort of your own home or in my private salon … your local Bozeat based family run Company For an appointment or a free consultation DAYTIME: 07799552323 EVENING: 01933 663303 Direct line to engineer: 05603 482739 Ring TONY IN OLNEY Tel: 01234 713296 Mob: 07850 580347 Phone 01933 665250 * * * Housewives Choice * * * Tel 01933 355 097 DOMESTIC APPLIANCES SUPPLIES & REPAIRS Washing Machines & Tumble Driers Dishw ashers & Cookers Fridges & Freezers Vacuum Cleaner 107 – 109 High Street, Rushden Northants 40 17 Bozeat Age UK Lunch Club . . . meets every Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Independent Wesleyan Chapel, Dychurch Lane (near the Spar shop). HELP ON YOUR DOORSTEP Two course meal, good company, activities & crafts, entertainment, speakers and much more! at Arch Villa, 23 High St, Bozeat Want to return to work? Need a CV? Facing redundancy? Looking for a career change? * ALL FOR JUST £6 * Coming up later this year . . . • • • We can offer FREE face-to-face advice & guidance to help you get on in work & life. Learn New Skills; Get Qualified; Find a Job • • • Painting with Michael Peachey Bingo, Quizzes, Games Meal out at Pizzeria Venezia in Rushden (Italian menu and Roast Dinner) Missionary Work in Tanzania with Revd Linnet Smith Christmas Shopping Event in November And Much More! Lifts available! Call 01933 664437 for more information or to book an individual appointment. For more information or to book your lunch for next Wednesday, please contact: Linda Brett 665831 or Eileen Buckman 663443 KDB Ceramics & Stone reliable and friendly tiling service specialising in ceramics and natural stone Bespoke designs available • Insurance and repair work • All work guaranteed • FREE estimates • Full member of the UK Trades Confederation It seems strange to be writing in July about what a wonderful summer it has been but by the time you read this we will be counting the shopping days to Christmas and remembering how hot it has been for so many weeks! Apart from the sunny weather it has been a great summer for all sorts of reasons. The ‘Taste & See’ (taken from Psalm 34: 8) Holiday Club for Over 60’s was extremely successful once again. Each day began with a ‘Thought for the Day’ when Jo Folkes, Revd Michael Hogg and Peter Smethurst all shared what the Bible verse meant to them in their own lives. We were certainly grateful for the hot weather for our annual Fun Day at The Vicarage which attracted around 100 people. Thank you so much if you helped in any way with either event, planning, setting up or working on the day. We are grateful too to God for this year’s Prayer Initiative and to a faithful team of people who delivered information, walked the streets of Bozeat and prayed. Once again, it was a humbling experience as several people asked us to pray for some very troubling situations. As autumn approaches the annual Alpha course will soon begin. This year it will take place at the Parochial Rooms in College Street, Wollaston. If you have any questions about the Christian faith and would like to hear others’ points of view and to share what you think, then Alpha is for you! There is a free introduction supper on 23rd September at 7 pm and the course will run every Tuesday thereafter for 11 weeks with the option of a day away in the middle. There’s no pressure to do or say anything and no question is out of bounds, there’s no follow up if you decide part way through the course that it’s not for you and no charge! At Café Connections we are looking forward to a new season following a month of meeting at the Vicarage. We are back to normal (whatever that means!) in the Church Community Hall in Allens Hill on September 7th and will continue to meet there every first and third Sunday in the month from 9.30 – 11.30 am. Some of our team members are looking forward to training days ranging from learning about teaching our children and young people, setting up a prayer space to working with puppets as we encourage all who want to grow and stretch at Café Connections, to work out what their God given gifts are. … offering a professional • VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Cafe Connections is a ‘fresh expression of church’. Whatever your background or beliefs, whether you are a Christian or just enjoy a good breakfast and meeting with friends, why not pop in one first or third Sunday morning? For more information about Café Connections or other activities mentioned above, please contact Chris and Linda Brett at The Vicarage 01933 665831. …… check us on-line at …… or contact us 01933 664986 FOR INFORMATION on WOLLASTON BAPTIST CHURCH contact Revd Michael Hogg, 1 Hinwick Road, Wollaston NN29 7QX 663455 [email protected]. Church office: 664114 07876 235561 [email protected] 18 39 BOZEAT HEARTY WALKERS Pam Stourton, 667420 Diane & Gordon Phillips, 665116 Hello, come and join us, just a local group of very friendly people who meet at 10 am every Saturday outside BOZAID. We then car share to one of our many country parks within 5 miles, for an approximate 2.5 mile walk, followed by a drink at a local cafe or a flask, even a picnic on fine days. EARLS BARTON RALLY & COUNTRY FAYRE Penny Smith 07890 260634 By the time you all receive Bozeat Matters the Rally will have taken place, and therefore in anticipation I would like to thank you for all your support in advance and please contact me if you have any suggestions for next year! WOLLASTON CRICKET CLUB David Ward, 663951 Although, as reported in the June edition, all three teams started with a defeat and a flirtation with the basements of their respective divisions, the pendulum eventually swung in the Club's favour and at the time of writing all three are around mid table with power to add. In addition the First Eleven won through to Finals Day at the County Ground and although overwhelmed by Horton House in the semi final, at least had the experience of playing at County Headquarters and hopefully the occasion will be repeated with "third time lucky" and our hands on the trophy. In the event, Peterborough took the silverware home for the second year running. Our Youth and Junior teams are all having a fantastic year - perhaps as a group, our best ever! All their results can be found on our website. The Wollaston Under Nine's Tournament was blessed with perfect weather and the event turned out to be a huge success with teams competing from all around the County. The number of spectators was amazing and "well done" to the Squad. Wollaston Under 9’s also played in the Rushden tournament and with half the team making their tournament debut’s the boys were up for it big time and very excited. First up was the County girls team which we lost to by 8 runs in a close game, followed by an even closer loss to Wellingborough with their last batsmen hitting 2 sixes and a four off the last three balls to get them home. The boys kept going hard and were good enough to beat local rivals Podington by two runs in their final game. Hopefully results in the last third of the season will go our way and reflect the energy and enthusiasm shown by the whole Club this season. Please don't forget the Annual Dinner and Presentation Night on Saturday October 11th. For further information and tickets contact a Club member or email wollaston. [email protected] For results and fixtures check our website: 38 19 Established 1994 CHARITABLE GIFTS IN WILLS SPAR STORES & POST OFFICE Keith & Carol Tel 01933 663221 Monday to Saturday 8.30am to 9.00pm, Sunday 10am to 1pm Every day, people are doing legendary things for local good causes like Northamptonshire Association for the Blind (NAB) – sky diving, mountain climbing, marathon running to name a few. Gifts in Wills are lesser known, but equally legendary acts in the way they support Britain’s charities, creating almost £2 billion each year for them. Charitable legacies are the foundation for causes like NAB and are vital in continuing their work. That’s why they’re taking part in Remember A Charity in your Will Week, a national campaign involving over 140 charities taking place from 8th-14th September. with Keep it Local SPAR Make the most of your Local Services with Spar 20 Writing a Will is one of the most important things you will ever do and you too can become a living legend by including a charity you care about. It’s a common myth that you have to be wealthy to leave a gift in your Will to help a charity, but nothing could be further from the truth. After you’ve taken care of your loved ones, you’ll be amazed at what one final gift, no matter how big or small, can do. As the leading provider of support and services to visually impaired adults and children living in Northamptonshire NAB encourage you to consider supporting them in whatever way you can. The charity offers a Free Will Service in partnership with Tollers Solicitors giving you the opportunity to have a new Will written free of charge or an existing Will amended. Call NAB on 01604 719193 to take up this service or find out more by visiting To find out more about the campaign visit 37 ST MARY’S PARISH CHURCH (Social) Pat Summers, 663975 Church Bulletin: The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement Friday afternoon. Thank you to all who loaned their photographs and pictures for our Pimms, Puddings and Picture afternoon on 12th July, it was a walk down memory lane, and the weather was kind. Future dates for diary:Tuesday 9th September Coffee Morning at Gordon & Margaret James, Newlands Farm, Harrold Road, 10 - 12 am. Raffle and Bring and Buy cakes Monday 22nd September Harvest Supper and Sale in Church at 7 pm with Dingbats. Friday 10th October Ladies Dinner at St. Mary's Community Hall 7.30 for 8 pm. Saturday 29th November Winter Fayre and lunch in St. Mary's Community Hall. Lunch at 12.30 pm, Fayre at 2 pm. Various stalls and cream teas ALL ARE WELCOME ST MARY’S CHURCH COMMUNITY HALL George Sharratt, 663029 I have been asked, on a few occasions, why we don’t seem to have Barn Dances in the hall like we used to have. So we have teamed up with our friends from the Windmill Singers and CLIK (Changing lives in Kenya) and we are organising a Barn Dance for Saturday 4th October 7-10 pm. The ticket price is £8, which includes a Ploughman’s Supper, doors open at 6.30 pm and there will be a bar and raffle. The music and the caller will be provided by a local band; ‘Cut a Caper’. Tickets will be available from the Spar and Paper Shop and will go on sale early in September. We look forward to seeing you there. A lot of work has gone into improving and maintaining the Hall and we are grateful to all those who have supported the work. To maintain the Hall for the longer term community use we have been advised that we need to replace the exterior roofing panels with those of a more modern material which is both energy efficient and better able to cope with the extremes of weather. We have had estimates for this work, which is in the region of £3540k, we are now starting to apply for some grant funding to be able to carry out this work. If you wish to book the Hall or a meeting room for an event or would like further information or a booking form please contact Pat Taylor 01933 – 664838. 36 WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Julie Vine (President) 01234 945147 May is the month we discuss the AGM Resolutions and the form was completed in accordance with members wishes. Afterwards, Eleanor Paterson organised a ‘silent auction’ for our social time. The raffle was won by 1st Jean Bergen, 2nd Maggie Chaffe, 3rd Pat Taylor, 4th Julie Vine. Our members did themselves proud at our June meeting by organising a thoroughly enjoyable evening and thereby giving the committee some organizational respite! The theme of the evening was ‘show and tell’. A good number of members took the stage to relate their personal experiences of travel, amusing events and from one member, ‘a day in the life’ at the helm of Wellingborough Council. The evening was rounded off with a delicious buffet supper and a glass or two of wine. They were unanimously rebooked for a repeat performance next year! Julie Vine gave a report of hers and Jean Bergen’s visit earlier in the month to the National Annual Meeting in Leeds. The visit was deemed enjoyable and interesting and not to be missed when the opportunity arises again for Bozeat WI. The raffle was won by 1st Marjory Stanford, 2nd Eleanor Paterson, 3rd Renee Harrison, 4th Pat Summers. July is the month we meet up with our friends at Ampthill WI. This year we were delighted to also welcome members from Grendon and Wellingborough Central WI’s. Around 60 ladies gathered in the Church Hall to hear some ‘below stairs’ anecdotes from William French, a butler to royalty and VIP’s. The event provided an opportunity to look through our archive books, so competently kept by Agnes Jones. Our stall at the village fete on the 19th was a big success, helped in no small way by the morning rain clearing and sunshine taking over in the afternoon. In August we will be looking forward to a visit from Gordon Brannon who will be giving us information and inviting discussion on the Bozeat Archive. This will undoubtedly be of interest to both longstanding villagers and newcomers. In September Sue Edwards will be giving a talk on “The Story Behind The Painting” Some of our members attended her talk at a neighbouring WI meeting recently and found it fascinating. October is our AGM and we are planning the customary harvest supper and auction. Another event not to be missed is our coffee morning in the Chapel on Saturday, 18th October from 10.00 am to 12 noon. There will be handicrafts, cakes, conserves and produce stalls. Make a note in your diaries and/or look for the posters around the village. A warm welcome awaits all new visitors to our meetings on the second Wednesday of the month, at 7.30 pm in the Independent Wesleyan Chapel. BETTY CLAYSON Good Luck Betty as you make your journey to live in America with Susan and Tom. We will miss you loads. Safe journey and lots of love. Viv & John xx 21 ALL:STARZ Ellie Minney, 664100 FOOD PARCELS Come and join us on Thursdays from 6-7 p.m. at the Chapel near the Spar during term time, we welcome children in school years Reception to Year 6. Our new term starts on 11th September. We enjoy quizzes, games, crafts and Bible stories and the occasional treasure hunt! At the end of the evening we have a tuck shop. This half term we are going to be finding out about the “I am” statements of Jesus which are found in John’s gospel. We look forward to seeing you there! BOZEAT ENVIRONMENTAL CARE GROUP Contact Diane West 663342 We are currently working on the High Street clearing the gutters, sweeping pavements and lopping overhanging branches. It is a big job quite apart from the litter picking. Also work is in progress on Fish Alley and Court Lane (great cut throughs between roads but need regular maintenance). We are a small group, mainly retired but enthusiastic. We would love extra people to join us. We meet the first Thursday of the month on the Village Green at 2.30 pm mainly to do litter picking and try to fit all the other things in at other times. Next dates for your Diary are Sept 4; Oct 2; Nov 6; Dec 4. We are asked at intervals by residents if we can cut their overhanging branches but we find it difficult to help everyone. Could we appeal to residents to keep their greenery cut if it overhangs pavements and to sweep/tidy outside their own homes? Also if you have a gravel drive please try to contain it. It gets in the gutters, then into the drains and ultimately blocks them. We all benefit from a clean village so please help us to achieve this. If you need any extra information - please call me. SEWING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS Any kind of sewing / alterations undertaken Contact Sue Ward : 663073 We are putting a box in Chapel for donations to the food bank run by Daylight Centre in Wellingborough. I will deliver the items every two weeks unless it fills up beforehand. The Chapel is open for dropping things off on Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday lunch time and Thursday mornings. If you cannot make these times you may drop them off at my house: 4 Stoney Piece Close - if not in leave in porch. Thank you all in advance for your kindness. Pat Smith 664153 Coffee Morning WANTED NEXT JANUARY I plan to give up running the Thursday Coffee Morning at the end of the year and wondered if there is anyone out there who would like to take it over? I will have been doing it for ten years and decided that I need to retire and just relax. Please think about it and contact me if you are interested Pat Smith 664153 Can you help? Wednesday lunch time drivers required once per month for Bozeat Age UK Lunch Club For more details, please call: Linda Brett 01933 665831 or Barry Fletcher 01933 396866 WRIGHT IMAGE NEED A TAXI? Looking for a private hire car? …. Round the clock (pre-booked 24/7) that’s both polite and reliable, choose … Ladies & Gents Hairstyling 01933 663233 1 Newton Road, Wollaston, NN29 7QN LOOK US UP ON FACEBOOK FOR ALL OUR PROMOTIONS AND OFFERS! (incorporating Eastfield Taxis of Wollaston) Mobile 07884 292 727 Tel 01933 413 247 [email protected] email: [email protected] Age UK Northamptonshire Nordic Walking Led by a trained instructor every Tuesday afternoon 2.30/3.30. Meet at The Shopping Yard, Castle Ashby. £4.00 with poles provided, £3 if using own poles. Computer Classes: Weekly classes for beginner and intermediate learners at 31 Billing Road, Northamptonshire. Art, Bridge, Scrabble and Whist: Weekly classes at 31 Billing Road, Northampton. All classes suitable for beginners and improvers. Contact Age UK Northampton on 01604 629595 for full details on all activities 22 WOLLASTON BARBERS Local or Long Distance Journeys WALK-IN Airport and Station Transfers FREE BEER WITH EVERY GENTS HAIRCUT Opening hours Tuesday and Wednesday Thursday & Friday Saturday Business or Pleasure 9-6 9-8 9-4 Put the number in your phone Call Your Local Friendly “TAXI” Service PAUL MITCHELL APPOINTED SALON 35 1st WOLLASTON GIRL’S BRIGADE Bozeat Independent Wesleyan Chapel We have many groups who use our premises Mondays: Parish Council and Bell Ringers Tuesdays: The Tea Room and Bozeat Windmill Singers Wednesdays: Lunch Club and W.I. Thursdays: Coffee Morning, All Starz and Bible Study Sundays: Christian Worship All Starz Contact Ellie Minney 664100 We meet on Thursday evenings between 6 pm and 7 pm during term time It is for children of primary school age See separate report Services at the Wesleyan Chapel Sunday Services Every Sunday at 2.30 pm Coffee Morning Contact Pat Smith 664153 There is a coffee morning held every Thursday morning at the Wesleyan Chapel from 10 am to 11.30 am, Everyone is welcome to drop in for a coffee and chat. We look forward to meeting new people to the village. In June we had a great end to the term with lots of games, film nights, baking and our annual awards night which is a chance to celebrate all of the hard work that the girls put in during the year. Throughout the year we have been busy with badge work on a Monday night, supporting the Blythwood Shoe Box Appeal, learning about Jesus, trips out and hosting coffee mornings and a bring & buy sale. The summer is a chance for us all to rest and recharge the batteries. By the time you read this we will just be starting back (with our brand new uniform) for another action packed year. We are on the lookout for new leaders, so if you feel you have the skills and Christian commitment to join us please be in touch using the details below. If you are interested in joining us we meet at Wollaston Baptist Church on Monday evenings (term time only), age groups and times: Explorers: Reception – Year 2: 6:00 – 7:15 pm Juniors: Year 3 – Year 6: 6:00 – 7:15 pm Seniors: Year 7 – Year 9: 7:00 – 8:30 pm Brigaders: Year 10 – Year 13: 7:00 – 8:30 pm If you would like to know more please contact Linda Savage (Captain) on 01933 563969 or Linda Smethurst on 01933 664079. Pat’s report On the 1st June we had a wonderful service and party to celebrate those of us who had 0 birthday’s this year. Each person who had or will be having a birthday was presented with a flower arrangement. This years Songs of Praise was a nearly full house and we enjoyed a good sing, with the Windmill Singers and Ellie and Lyndis doing solo’s. Our Harvest Festival will be on the 5th of October, please come and join us and for tea afterwards. On 15th November we shall be having our annual Fish & Chip Supper and Quiz night and then our Anniversary Service on the Sunday with Tea afterwards. Please come and join us for these events as you are all very welcome. By the time you read this you will all have been on your holidays and I hope that you all had a relaxing and happy one. There will be a new lot of Bible studies starting in October please see list below and also our notice board at chapel. Everyone is welcome to come to these and they start at 8 pm but if you would like a tea/coffee before come at 7.30 pm, and of course they take place at the Wesleyan Chapel. Bible Study Thursdays: 2nd October, 16th October, 6th November, 20th November & 4th December We will be studying 1 John 34 23 BOZEAT COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL Emma O’Brien 01933 663840 [email protected] We have had such a busy year, with trips to Hunstanton and a boat trip, Woburn Safari park, Mead Open Farm the Isle of Wight, the Pantomime and even to the end of Harrold Road to see first ever Ladies cycling road race. We have had many visitors ranging from Arctic scientists to a team of husky dogs to a percussionist who has performed at the Royal Albert Hall and with Michael Jackson. Our whole school topics have been so successful in bringing us all together and this community team feeling that is strong in our school was definitely evident during the performance of “The Pirates of the Curry Bean”. I am very fortunate to work with such a supportive and talented group of people who can rustle up scenery and props in a blink of an eye and create a “mop” dance for a team of sailors. Minutes Please note that copies of our approved minutes are available on the Bozeat Website or at meetings of the Parish Council, you can also read copies of the minutes at Wollaston and Wellingborough libraries. Contact Us Please remember that the Clerk is only employed part time by the Parish Council so is not on duty all the time, however you can contact the Parish Council:* By letter – send to 65 Queen Street, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7LA – letters are put before the council members at their next routine meeting and formal replies are then sent out. * By telephone – leave a message on 01933 664760 and the Clerk will return your call at the earliest opportunity. * By email – [email protected]. Please note that the Clerk does not check emails daily, she will acknowledge your email and then present it to the members of the council at their next meeting. In September the whole school will be learning about “Britain during the First World War”, partly in recognition of the 100 year anniversary. We are all off out on a trip as usual this time to Duxford to learn all about life in the trenches. If anyone out there in Bozeat has any interesting artefacts or family connection to this period of history and would be willing to share these in any way please contact us. Meetings Meetings will be held on 15th September; 20th October and 17th November. Members of the public are very welcome to attend meetings to listen to the discussions and we do allow up to 15 minutes at the start of each meeting for residents to address the Councillors. All meetings are on Monday evenings starting at 7 pm and are held in the schoolroom of Bozeat Independent Wesleyan Church, Dychurch Lane. BOZEAT PAPER SHOP 74A London Road Bozeat NN29 7RJ Telephone: 01933 551932 Newspapers and Magazines Top-ups and Bills Lottery Off Licence The Pirates of the Curry Bean In July the whole school took part in our very successful performance of The Pirates of the Curry Bean the musical. The theme of this worked well with our topic based around the seaside. The children performed three times to a packed audience who were entertained by the fantastic talents of the children at Bozeat. The children showed themselves to be fantastic actors, dancers and singers. 24 Grocery Health Lottery Wines Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Dairy Greetings Cards etc etc Opening hours: Mon -Sat 7 am - 8 pm 33 Sun 8 am - 7 pm ment somewhere nearby. As with all other parish councils, we are notified by the Borough Council when a planning application relating to our village has been received and are asked for our views. We take our role in the planning process very seriously indeed and have a clear policy on how we will handle them. If an application is for something such as extensions or renovations, our Planning Representatives will look at the plans and send a response on behalf of the Parish Council. If the application is for the construction of a new house or more than one house, the full parish council will look at the plans, comments are then collated by our Planning Spokesperson, Brian Skittrall, who sends them to the Borough Council on our behalf. We do not have the power to approve or refuse any planning application, that role belongs to the Borough Council, however we are able to offer help and advice to anyone who is affected by a planning application and is unsure what to do about it. At the time of submitting this report Cllr Skittrall has spent many hours preparing the paperwork required to help the Hillside Close Residents Association with their presentation at the appeal relating to the site near to their homes and is preparing a detailed response to the application to build 75 homes off Easton Lane. We are very fortunate to have members of our council who have a wide experience of the planning processes and are able to produce clear and knowledgeable responses to applications as and when they are received, their expertise is invaluable. Parking We are increasingly concerned at how poorly some people park in the village. In some areas pedestrians can’t use the pavement at all and have to walk into the road to get around a car. Please can everyone just be a little more considerate when parking on the road – the Police have been asked to keep an eye on the parking in Bozeat and will issue Fixed Penalty notices where appropriate. Village Design Statement The Parish Council is seeking a few more volunteers to help before we start the production of a Village Design Statement for Bozeat. This document will be a vital tool to show the planners what types of development the residents of Bozeat would find acceptable or not acceptable – what could be more important? There is quite a lot of work to do to get this project up and running and we need all the help we can get, Dan Cooke is leading the project so if you are willing and able to help, please email Dan on [email protected] Village Fete Day Many thanks to all those who came and supported the Fete on July 19th, the weather was glorious and the Village Green full of families. Special thanks to Ruth Allen and the young people who kept us entertained all afternoon and Nick Gayton for his hard work all day! We managed to raise almost £300 which will be split towards the cost of the new skateboard ramp and this years’ Christmas tree. A number of raffle prizes are still waiting to be claimed, there is a list posted on the noticeboard next to the Boz-Aid Shop, check it out and see if a prize is waiting for you! 32 Fund Raising Our textile bin which is in the car park that you have kindly been filling with your unwanted items has raised just under £600. Thank you so much for your contributions, just a small reminder please ensure that you place all items in bags. Future Projects From September 2014 the school will be opening a nursery provision within the school. This is a very exciting venture for us and one that Northamptonshire County Council has actively promoted. Many schools have been encouraged and supported by the County Council to include nursery provision within the setting. This means that provision for rising 3’s within Bozeat can be provided at a high standard and maintained for years to come. Over the summer holidays the space allocated for the setting will have been completely refurbished providing therefore a modern and age appropriate environment staffed by highly qualified individuals. We already have many children enrolled to start in September. The sessions are 9.00 am to 11.30 am and 12.45 pm to 3.15 pm. On top of this we offer a lunchtime session from 11.30 am to 12.45 pm during which the children can have a hot school meal. Nursery stage children can also access our breakfast and after school club provision, therefore we can provide care from 7.30 am to 5.30 pm daily, term time only. If you are interested in the provision please contact the office or come along to our Open Morning on Saturday 30th August 9.30 am to 12.30 pm National Heroes day Friday 17th October To celebrate and recognise heroes that may be alive and working around us or those that may have worked in the past we are having a special day in school. The whole school will be dressing up to reflect a hero this can be anyone but must mean something to the individual; it could be Winston Churchill, The Queen, Mother Theresa, a nurse, a fireman, Spiderman etc. If you know of a “hero” living in Bozeat that would come and share their experiences with us on the 17th October we would love to hear from you. Help in School We are always on the look out for volunteer helpers in school. Would you be interested in helping maybe one afternoon a week or a fortnight? Could you listen to children read? Are you artistic and could help with art and craft activities? Are you green fingered and could help with the development of our kitchen garden? Any help however often would be greatly appreciated please contact us. Lyndis Payne would like to thank everyone who sent cards, pressies and good wishes on her 60th birthday. Special thanks to my wonderful family for all they do for me and all they mean to me. Thank you all, Lyndis. 25 REPORT FROM BOZEAT PARISH COUNCIL I.D. INGRAM Carpenter and Builder Property Maintenance and Improvements All types of work, including insurance repairs, undertaken at competitive prices Fascia and window repairs, Chimneys repointed, Doors hung, Kitchens fitted, Roof repairs, Guttering, Fencing, Slabbing, Extensions, etc. No job too small – for a free estimate: Telephone: Wellingborough 664829 17 Hope Street, Bozeat Traditional Glazier All Glazing Works Undertaken Replacement of Double Glazed Units with Condensation or Misted Up Glass → FREE ESTIMATES & ADVICE ← Annual Fireworks Display The village Fireworks Display has a very good reputation and each year more people come from outside the village to watch it. The Parish Council is helping to organise this year’s display and urgently needs to prepare a list of people willing to help on the day, especially as marshalls. If you would be prepared to give up a few hours it would help us to make sure everyone enjoys another fantastic display safely. Please do get in touch with either Lyndis Payne or Adrian Proctor if you can help. Potholes, overgrown hedges, weeds etc If you have bounced your car through the same pothole for a couple of weeks or had to negotiate someone’s badly overgrown bush as you walk along the footpath you can do something about it! Northamptonshire County Council has an online reporting system, called Street Doctor, which is very easy to use. Go to and choose Street Doctor from the A-Z menu. Once you have submitted your report you will get a reference number which you can use to check out what the council is doing about it. Tel (01234) 712242 Olney, Bucks Mobile 07768 171021 Three Shires Glazing & Maintenance Allotments We now have a few vacant plots, so if you would like to take on an allotment, please contact our Allotments Manager, Pat Driver or the Clerk. Email Pat using allotments. [email protected]. Crown and Country 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, and the stories of the men and women of Bozeat who fought for our freedom are included in Crown and Country, a book produced by the Parish Council a few years ago. The books are free so if you don’t already have a copy, please contact the Clerk. We are sorry, but the second book, Crown and Country, coming home ... has sold out. uPVC Window Renewal & Repair Specialists 3SG Skateboard Ramp We have reached agreement with the Playing Field Committee on the location for the new ramp and are now obtaining quotes for the work needed to prepare the ground for our new ramp, we are hoping to have it in place soon. The Fireworks Display is on Wednesday 5th November at the Playing Fields, Dychurch Lane, Bozeat and the gates will open at 6 pm. The Display will finish by 8 pm latest. The cost is £5 for adults, £2 for children, £7.50 for a family ticket. Refreshments will be available and there will be entertainment for the children. A one-way system will operate on the night to ease traffic flow and available parking. Three Shires Glazing Submitted by Lyndis Payne [Clerk to Bozeat Parish Council], 65 Queen Street, Bozeat Telephone 01933 664760. Email: [email protected] Website: 24hr Emergency Board up & glazing Planning There is nothing more certain to get people talking than proposals for a large develop- C.I.T.B. Registered 26 31 OCTOBER continued BOZEAT SURGERY Fri Fri Dr S Ghosh and Dr F Shamim will be taking over the Bozeat and Wollaston surgeries from 1st September 2014. 31 31 Chatter Tots Stay & Play 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Red Lion - Hallowe'en Zombie Fancy Dress Disco NOVEMBER Sun 2 Wed 5 Wed 5 Thur Thur Fri Sun 6 6 7 9 Wed 12 Fri Fri Sat Sun Sun Mon 14 14 15 16 16 17 Wed Thur Fri Thur Fri Sat 19 20 21 27 28 29 Café Connections 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Fireworks Display Playing Field, gates open at 6 pm, display will finish no later than 8 pm Red Lion - after the fireworks why not try a warm cider or hot chocolate and marshmallows Environmental Care Group 2.30 pm starting on the Village Green Bible Study 8 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel (tea/coffee from 7.30 pm) Bozeat Baby and Toddler Group 9.30 - 11 am Church Community Hall Remembrance Service 10.15 am St Mary's Church, followed by March to the village green Women's Institute 7.30 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel - Christmas table decorations with New Leaf of Olney Chatter Tots Stay & Play 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Library van - Church Hall 5.40 - 6.25 pm, Fulwell Road 6.30 - 7.10 pm Annual Fish & Chip Supper and Quiz, Independent Wesleyan Chapel Café Connections 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Independent Wesleyan Chapel Anniversary Service with Tea afterwards Parish Council Meeting 7 pm in the Schoolroom - Independent Wesleyan Chapel Police Surgery 10 - 11.30 am Reach Out Church, Irchester Bible Study 8 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel (tea/coffee from 7.30 pm) Bozeat Baby and Toddler Group 9.30 - 11 am Church Community Hall Charity Pub Quiz at The Red Lion Chatter Tots Stay & Play 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Winter Fayre and lunch St Mary's Community Hall, lunch at 12.30 pm, Fayre at 2 pm DECEMBER - Advance dates Thur Thur Fri Sun Wed Wed Sun 4 4 5 7 10 10 13 Environmental Care Group 2.30 pm starting on the Village Green Bible Study 8 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel (tea/coffee from 7.30 pm) Bozeat Baby and Toddler Group 9.30 - 11 am Church Community Hall Café Connections 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Police Surgery 10 - 11.30 am Reach Out Church, Irchester Women's Institute Christmas Dinner Windmill Singers Christmas Concert 7.30 pm Church Community Hall PLEASE NOTE: As space is limited we don’t include weekly events/clubs in the village diary, only fortnightly/monthly or one-off events. See the website for information from all clubs of their meetings. 30 Dr Ghosh has 25 years experience and trained as a heart specialist in this country and the US. He moved into Primary Care work in the last three years after spending nearly twenty years in Secondary Care. Dr Shamim has 11 years experience, training here and abroad. She has been working in England for more than five years and towards general practice for the last three and a half years. Her interests are children’s and women’s health. Their mission is to deliver a seamless, co-ordinated service for all patients in Bozeat. Their passion is to work with people with a smile, within an atmosphere of helping and caring. They will be considering opening up the practice to new patients and there will be changes instituted to upgrade the services provided. They will have to consider going over to an appointments system in time, but also leave slots for walk-ins. They will provide a contemporary, modern practice and are looking to build the practice to integrate doctors, nurses and allied healthcare to deliver an effective service. They will cater for emergency consultations and are looking to offer appointments within 72 hours with the support of the population. They will also endeavour to increase dispensing services at Bozeat and hope that within three months of opening that the dispensing part of the business will be open for the majority of the week. It is anticipated that a third doctor will join the team within the first six months and an Advanced Nurse Practitioner has already been employed. They will try to make it equitable with a division of male and female doctors over the week and continuity of care is very important. It is envisaged that core opening hours will be from 8.30 am until 6.30 pm with Doctors’ appointments from 9 – 11.30 am and 2.30 – 4.30 pm, with the exception of Monday and Friday am which will remain as open access. Early morning and late afternoon surgeries will be held at Wollaston on Monday am and Friday pm to enable access to appointments before and after work. There will be dedicated chronic disease complex patient clinics at Wollaston as well as the usual minor surgery and joint injection clinics and all other clinics will continue and increase. We welcome them to the village and wish them well in their new venture. Karen Minney and family would like to thank all our friends in Bozeat for all the continued love, prayers and support since Richard unfortunately lost his battle with a brain tumour in May. 27 VILLAGE DIARY AUGUST Thur 28 Thur 28 Fri 29 Sat 30 NAB Mobile Sight Centre 10 am - 1 pm outside McDonalds, Wellingborough Town Centre Charity Pub Quiz at The Red Lion Bozeat Baby and Toddler Group 9.30 - 11 am Church Community Hall Open Morning 9.30 am - 12.30 pm Nursery Provision at Bozeat School SEPTEMBER Tue 2 Thur Fri Fri 4 5 5 Fri 5 Sat 6 Sun Mon Tue 7 8 9 Tue Tue Wed 9 9 10 Thur 11 Thur Fri Fri Fri 11 12 12 12 Fri 12 Sat 13 Mon 15 Fri Sat Sun Sun Mon 19 20 21 21 22 Windmill Singers Walk and Fish & Chip Supper 6.30 Summer Leys (for 6.45) 8 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel Environmental Care Group 2.30 pm starting on the Village Green Chatter Tots Stay & Play 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Wollaston Cricket Club Monthly Barbeque at training sessions Wollaston Playing Fields Bozeat Players read-through of Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs 7.30 pm Church Community Hall Grand grass cutting and clearance morning 10 am - 12 noon Bozeat Churchyard (postponed to the 13th if wet) Café Connections 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Bowls Club Open Day 2 - 4 pm Church Community Hall Coffee Morning for St Mary's Church 10 am - 12 noon at Gordon & Margaret James, Newlands Farm, Harrold Road Police Surgery 2 - 3.30 pm Wollaston Baptist Church Windmill Singers start back 7.30 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel Women's Institute 7.30 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel with Sue Edward 'The Story behind the Painting' NAB Mobile Sight Centre 10 am - 1 pm outside McDonalds, Wellingborough Town Centre All:Starz re-starts 6 - 7 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel Bozeat Baby and Toddler Group 9.30 - 11 am Church Community Hall Library van - Church Hall 5.40 - 6.25 pm, Fulwell Road 6.30 - 7.10 pm Rushden & District Art Society Demonstration 7 pm South End Junior School, Wymington Road, Rushden Bozeat Players auditions for Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs 7.30 pm Church Community Hall Red Lion 1950's Night with live music and dancing to the Retrobaits, authentic 50's rock & roll band Parish Council Meeting 7 pm in the Schoolroom - Independent Wesleyan Chapel Chatter Tots Stay & Play 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Wollaston Courtyard Food Fair 10 am - 4 pm Harvest Festival 9.15 am St Mary's Parish Church Café Connections 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Harvest Supper and sale in Church 7 pm, with Dingbats 28 Tue 23 Wed Thur 24 25 Thur 25 Thur Fri Fri 25 26 26 Sun 28 Alpha Introduction Supper 7 pm Parochial Rooms, College Street, Wollaston Police Surgery 10 - 11.30 am Reach Out Church, Irchester The World's Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer 10 am - 12 noon Independent Wesleyan Chapel NAB Mobile Sight Centre 10 am - 1 pm outside McDonalds, Wellingborough Town Centre Charity Pub Quiz at The Red Lion Bozeat Baby and Toddler Group 9.30 - 11 am Church Community Hall Windmill Singers Sherington Concert at Sherington Village Hall 7.45/8.00 pm Harvest Festival/Songs of Praise with the Windmill Singers, 6 pm Easton Maudit Church OCTOBER Thur Thur Fri Fri 2 2 3 3 Sat 4 Sat Sun Sun Wed 4 5 5 8 Fri Fri Fri Sat Wed Thur Fri Fri Sat 10 10 10 11 15 16 17 17 18 Sun 19 Mon 20 Mon 20 Fri 24 Thur 30 Fri 31 Environmental Care Group 2.30 pm starting on the Village Green Bible Study 8 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel (tea/coffee from 7.30 pm) Chatter Tots Stay & Play 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Rushden & District Art Society Demonstration 7.15 pm South End Junior School, Wymington Road, Rushden Windmill Singers/CLIK Autumn Barn Dance 7 - 10 pm Church Community Hall (doors open at 6.30 pm) - dancing to music by Cut A Caper, with caller Red Lion Charity Race Night Café Connections 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Harvest Festival Independent Wesleyan Chapel Women's Institute 7.30 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel Harvest Supper and Auction Bozeat Baby and Toddler Group 9.30 - 11 am Church Community Hall Library van - Church Hall 5.40 - 6.25 pm, Fulwell Road 6.30 - 7.10 pm Bozeat Ladies Dinner 7.30 for 8 pm Church Community Hall Wollaston Cricket Club Annual Dinner & Presentation evening Police Surgery 10 - 11.30 am Reach Out Church, Irchester Bible Study 8 pm Independent Wesleyan Chapel (tea/coffee from 7.30 pm) National Heroes Day at Bozeat School Chatter Tots Stay & Play 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Women's Institute Coffee Morning 10 am - 12 noon Independent Wesleyan Chapel Café Connections 9.30 - 11.30 am Church Community Hall Police Surgery 6.30 - 7 pm Bozeat Independent Wesleyan Chapel Parish Council Meeting 7 pm in the Schoolroom - Independent Wesleyan Chapel Bozeat Baby and Toddler Group 9.30 - 11 am Church Community Hall Charity Pub Quiz at The Red Lion Deadline for entries to the December edition of Bozeat Matters 29