Development of a Testing Program for Maximizing Wresling
Development of a Testing Program for Maximizing Wresling
Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance December 12, 2011 DÉVELOPPEMENT D'UN PROGRAMME D'ESSAIS POUR LES PERFORMANCES DE LUTTE MAXIMUM The Enduring Importance of Rome! L'Importance durable de Rome ! FILA ADVANCED SCHOOL FOR COACHES IN GRECOROMAN WRESTLING 1-3 December 2011 Rome Dr. David Curby INWR USA DEVELOPMENT OF A TESTING PROGRAM FOR MAXIMUM WRESTLING PERFORMANCE FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Objectives for this Presentation Voir les Objectifs de cette Présentation. Identify the reasons for testing How do we select tests? Proper testing procedures Levels of Testing-from gymnasium to laboratory See examples of each of these levels Identifier les raisons pour les tests Comment sélectionner des tests ? Comprendre les procédures appropriées d'essaiLevels of Testing Niveaux de contrôle-du gymnase de laboratoire Consultez les exemples de chacun de ces niveaux. Why Test Your Wrestlers? Pourquoi votre lutteurs de test ? Identify important strengths and weaknesses Develop athlete profiles Can isolate specific needs Monitor development of the Athlete Compare to norms-elite wrestlers/champions/age group FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Criteria for Selection of Tests Critères de sélection des tests Why Test Your Wrestlers? Pourquoi votre lutteurs de test ? Check Status of Rehabilitation Readiness for Competition Identify Overtraining Selection of Athletes Provide Motivation Vérifiez l'efficacité des procédures d'entrainement Vérifiez les effets de la récupération Préparer l'athlète à la compétition Détecter le surentrainement Sélection des athlètes Entretenir la motivation FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers Identifier les points forts et les points faibles Définir les profils des athlètes Identifier les besoins spécifiques Surveillez le développement de l'athlète Comparez aux normes de l'élite des lutteurs /les champions/les catégories d'âge Relevance Specificity Practicality Validity Accuracy Pertinence Spécificité Caractère pratique Validité Exactitude FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 1 Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance Quality Control in Administering Tests Contrôle de qualité pendant la passation des tests Standardizing Test Conditions Precision Reliability Interpretable Results Ethical Considerations Safety Privacy Normalisation des conditions d'essai Précision Fiabilité Résultats interprétables Considérations morales Non dangereux pour la santé physique et mentale Confidentialité December 12, 2011 A successful testing program must: Un programme réussi de tests doit : Have acceptance by athletes: Provide usable information Provide understandable feedback to athlete and coach Be repeated at regular intervals FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 A successful testing program must: Un programme réussi de tests doit : Be integrated into training program so it is not disruptive to training Consider equipment-cost and ease of use Respect of Athlete’s rights Comparisons are only valid if each athlete can work under similar conditions Etre intégré dans le programme d'entrainement donc ne pas déranger l'entrainement Prendre en considération l'équipement-coût et la facilité d'utilisation Respecter les droits de l'athlète Les comparaisons sont valides si chaque athlète peut travailler dans des conditions comparables. FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Requirements for Wrestling Exigences relatives à la lutte efficace Sensations kinesthésiques Souplesse Vitesse et vélocité Composition appropriée du corps Capacité aérobie Kinesthetic Sense Flexibility Speed & Quickness Low Body Fat Aerobic Capacity FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Requirements for Wrestling Exigences relatives à la lutte efficace Strength Muscular Endurance Explosive Power Etre accepté par les athlètes : Fournir des informations utilisables/utiles Fournir des feedbacks utiles à l'athlète et à l'entraîneur Etre répété à intervalles réguliers Force Endurance de force Puissance explosive FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers Requirements for Wrestling Exigences relatives à la lutte efficace Balance Ability to Recover Quickly Power Endurance Equilibre Capacité de récupération rapide Endurance de puissance FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 2 Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance Problems Encountered in Testing Wrestling Problèmes rencontrés dans les tests pour la lutte Wrestling is an “open” skill sport as opposed to single closed skill sport-such as running or rowing (these are easier to test). Combative sports such as wrestling must consider the response by opponents, tactics, and strategy. December 12, 2011 Problems Encountered in Testing Wrestling Problèmes rencontrés dans les essais de lutte La lutte est un sport à habiletés "ouvertes" par opposition aux sports à habiletés "fermées", telle que la course ou l'aviron (plus faciles à tester). Les sports de combats tels que la lutte doivent prendre en compte la réaction des adversaires, leur(s) tactique(s) et leur(s) stratégie(s). FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Energy Systems Filières énergétiques Examples from the Sport of Judo Exemples en judo Calmet M. (2007) Developing ecological research in judo. Percept Mot Skills 105 (2):646-648. Keller, B., Coelho, R., Okazaki, F., & Santos, S. (2007). (Recherche écologique se développante dans le judo.) Blais, L., Trilles, F., & Lacouture, P. (2007). Validation of a specific machine to the strength training of judokas. J Strength Cond Res, 21, 409412. (Validation d'une machine spécifique à la formation de force des judokas) FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Changing Time Requirements Exigences en matière de temps ont changé Initially, matches did not have a time limit. The longest match took place in 1912 at the Olympic Games in Stockholm - it lasted for about 11 hours. Finally, Klein of Russia earned the victory point and defeated his rival Asikainen of Finland. Au départ, matches n'ont pas de limitation dans le temps. Le plus long match a eu lieu en 1912 lors des Jeux Olympiques à Stockholm - il a duré environ 11 heures. Enfin, Klein de la Russie a obtenu le point de la victoire et défait son rival Asikainen de la Finlande. First Identify its Importance! Year Time Before 1957 6+3+3+3 (15 minutes) 1957-61 6+2+2+2 (12 minutes) 1962-68 2 х 5 min (10 minutes) 1969-77 3 x 3 min (9 minutes) 1978-88 2 х 3 min (6 minutes) 1989-97 1 x 5 min. + 3 min.overtime (5-8 minutes) 1998-2004 2 х 3 min. + 3 min.overtime (6-9 minutes) 2005-present (Win 2 of 3) 2 min periods Testing by Single Physiological Parameter of Interest Essais par unique paramètre physiologique d'intérêt Tout d'abord identifier son importance ! The test should match the sport! Le test doit correspondre le sport ! (4-6 minutes) FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 3 Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance December 12, 2011 Laboratory vs. Field Tests Essais en laboratoire vs. Essais de terrains FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Body Composition Assessment Composition en corps Laboratory methods usually employ underwater or “hydrostatic” weighing that yields a total body density which is converted into a percent body fat. FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Hydrostatic Weighing Sous l'eau, procédure de pesage. Les méthodes de laboratoire utilisent habituellement l'eau du fond ou le pesage "hydrostatique" qui rapporte une densité globale du corps entier, densité qui est à son tour convertie en pourcentage de masses grasses. FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Skinfold/Caliper Techniques Caliper (rather inexpensive) techniques that measure selected skinfolds can be quite accurate if proper protocols are learned and applied. FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Skinfold Techniques Valeurs de plis cutanés Les techniques de calibrage (plutôt peu coûteux) qui mesurent les plis cutanés choisis peuvent être tout à fait précises si les protocoles appropriés sont instruits et appliqués. ©R FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 4 Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance Air Displacement Plethysmography (Bod Pod™) Pléthysmographie par déplacement d'air FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Flexibility and Special Mobility Souplesse et mobilité spécifique Bridge Spin - Tour en Pont FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Balance Equilibre FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers December 12, 2011 Flexibility and Special Mobility Souplesse et mobilité spécifique Bridge Flips - Turnovers en pont FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Ergo Jump Test of lower body anaerobic power Des tests de sauts sont également employés pour mesurer la puissance anaérobie de la partie inférieure du corps FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Strength Measures Le test de force FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 5 Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance December 12, 2011 Strength Measures Le test de force Strength Measures Le test de force FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 More Complex Testing Un test plus complexe Anaerobic Power Puissance anaérobie Arm cranking Bras tournant Aerobic Capacity La capacité aérobie FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Wingate-type Arm Cranking Wingate-test pour bras Name Jake Curby Age 24 Date 12/5/2008 Sprint 1(w) Sprint 2(w) Sprint 3(w) Sprint 4(w) Sprint 5(w) Sprint 6(w) Sprint 7(w) Sprint 8(w) 9.22 8.20 6.66 6.15 5.64 5.89 5.64 5.89 Arm Cranking Performance Chart Relative watts (W per kg bwt) 10.00 Sprints de 8 x 15 s avec charge de 6.5 g par kg de poids corporel 9.22 9.00 8.20 8.00 7.00 6.66 6.15 6.00 5.64 5.89 5.64 5.89 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sprint Your Power Decline is: Wmin 5.64 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers Load 4.9 kg 6.66ave watts for all sprints 8 x 15 sec sprints with 6.5 g per kg body weight loading FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Wt (kg) 75 38.8% Wmax Wmean 9.22 6.661 Your Pummel Test Index is: Wmax norm 10 93.94 mean Wnorm 5.000 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 6 Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance Cybernetic Devices Dispositifs cybernétiques Dr. Harold Tünnemann & Dr. Klaus Freyer - IAT-Leipzig, Germany December 12, 2011 Cybernetic Devices Dispositifs cybernétiques Electrohydraulic Bout Simulator - Accès simulateur FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Cybernetic Devices Dispositifs cybernétiques FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Greco-Roman wrestling specific measurement devices from Sweden établi quelques dispositifs spécifiques de lutte très gréco-romains de mesure Gut Wrench Machine Machine à tirage automatique FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Lactate Testing During Training La mesure de lactate pendant l'exercice TURKISH NATIONAL GRECO-ROMAN WRESTLING TEAM’S LACTATE LEVELS DURING INTERNATIONAL VEHBİ EMRE TOURNAMENT 2006. İZMİR /TÜRKİYE FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Portable Lactate Testing - With a Dummy Throw Test of Special Wrestling Endurance Test de Lactate portable - avec un mannequin lancer le Test d'Endurance de lutteurs spécial FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 7 Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance December 12, 2011 Calculations Special Endurance of Wrestlers (Adapted From Victor ShiyanRussian State University Of Physical Education, Sports And Tourism. Moscow) Endurance Spécial De Lutteurs Special Endurance Coefficient = 4600 t lactate . Background load 4 easy throws over chest for 40 seconds FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Normative values for special endurance (sec) test in trained wrestlers Research Performed at Competitions Recherche effectuée en compétitions Comparez aux normes de l'élite des lutteurs weight categories Light weights Middle weights Heavy weights Spurt time for 8 max throws Spanish Grande Prix 2007 Dr. Pedro Benito Special Endurance Coefficient Classifications very low low average high very high < 2.5 2.5 < 3.5 3.5 < 5.5 5.5 < 6.5 6.5 <2 2<3 3<5 5<6 6 < 1.5 1.5 < 2.5 2.5 < 4.5 4.5 < 5.5 5.5 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Heart Rate Monitoring Des données de fréquence cardiaque How do we search for creative genius and encourage the means for its development? Comment rechercher génie créateur et encourager les moyens de son développement? Coleman, USA • Base Station • The base station is th Polar Team² Transmitter Set Bayramov, AZE FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 8 Development of a Testing Program for Maximal Wrestling Performance Hear Rate Monitoring Des données de fréquence cardiaque FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 We must convene working meetings and collaborations under the banner of FILA at some of our best centers such as Democritus University at Komotini, CELA, Colorado Springs, etc. Nous devons organiser des réunions de travail et des collaborations sous la bannière de la FILA à certains de nos meilleurs centres tels que Democritus University à CELA, Colorado Springs, Komotini, etc.. FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 DG Curby International Network of Wrestling Researchers December 12, 2011 Hear Rate Monitoring Des données de fréquence cardiaque FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 Thank you and Good Luck! Merci et bonne chance ! Grazie e Buona Fortuna! FILA Advanced School for Coaches in Greco Roman Wrestling, Rome, December 2011 9