Dr. Fadlo Khuri IC - International College
Dr. Fadlo Khuri IC - International College
Issue 3 December 2015 Dr. Fadlo Khuri IC ’81 is AUB’s President President Khuri gave an inspirational talk, remembering his days as an IC student, the rich self-development experiences he gained at IC, and the lifelong friendships he made. He also shared the career path that led him to his current position. Dr. Khuri also shared his vision for AUB, explaining that he would like AUB students to be pioneers and leaders capable of changing the world. At the end of the presentation, the students engaged their guest in a Q&A. Dr. Khuri was generous with his time and a lively and candid dialogue took place. ■ The new president of AUB Dr. Fadlo Khuri, is an IC alumnus! He very generously offered to address the Class of 2016, most of whom will be applying to AUB. In her introduction of Dr. Khuri, SVP Mourani spoke of the close ties between IC and AUB, and of the long tradition of commitment to a world-class quality education in the region, as AUB celebrates its 150th anniversary and IC its 125th. Formation Initiale Complémentaire à l’IC En collaboration avec le centre de ressources pédagogiques, l’I.C. a eu le plaisir d’accueillir, le samedi 5 décembre, la session de formation initiale complémentaire (FIC) qui est destinée aux professeurs du 1er et du 2nd degré. Plus de 180 enseignants nouvellement recrutés dans les écoles homologuées et qui enseignent dans les sections françaises ont suivi cette formation qui est dirigée par l’AEFE. C’était une journée très fructueuse ! ■ 1 Issue 3 - December 2015 Il était une fois le Liban… Il est bon à l’aube de ce troisième millénaire de jeter un coup d’œil vers le passé…pour redécouvrir des instants colorés de ce petit pays si riche en évènements insolites afin que notre mémoire préserve dans sa fraîcheur un autre aspect de ce que nous vivons au quotidien. Pour faire le lien avec notre propre histoire et commémorer le 72 ème anniversaire de l’Indépendance, les élèves des classes de CM2/GrV ont visité le Musée de l’Héritage Libanais, à Ain Najem, afin de mieux comprendre l’évolution de l’histoire du Liban à travers les siècles et pour survoler les différentes civilisations qui ont marqué par leur passage notre culture. À la suite de cette visite, les élèves ont donné leurs impressions. En voilà quelques-unes: • L’Histoire du Liban est fantastique ! • Je suis émerveillé par l’époque Romaine et l’héritage qu’elle a laissé. • J’ai vraiment aimé l’ancienne dactylo. • Que de belles choses ont été faites à la main sans se servir de machine!!! ■ Pick and Run The Ain Aar upper school librarians organized a Pick and Run activity for students. A wide variety of books was displayed on tables in the hallway for students to to pick and run! Included were 111 fiction books for Upper Elementary, 89 fiction books for Middle school and 2 nonfiction books. At 3:00 p.m. only two books were left: A great way for the children to have something “for free” to read, and for the library, a chance for renewal…■ Le plaisir de lire Comme tous les ans, une exposition de livres français et anglais est organisée à l’école 2 élémentaire. Plusieurs librairies viennent présenter leurs livres. Les maîtresses, accompagnées de mamans, aident les enfants à trouver des livres qu’ils vont avoir envie de lire ou de regarder.■ Issue 3 - December 2015 L’école a un rôle éducatif à tous les niveaux Comme tous les ans, l’école a organisé une vente de gâteaux pour aider les plus défavorisés. Cette année, les enfants les ont fait eux-mêmes en classe. Préparer des gâteaux pour pouvoir les vendre et les partager avec des amis pour une bonne cause, donne plus de valeur à ce geste, devenu maintenant une habitude de générosité.■ Le mois de décembre sent bon Noël Les petits de la maternelle aiment décorer eux-mêmes leur sapin. Il serait tellement facile de prendre dans la boîte tous ces trésors de Noël, pour faire une décoration parfaite. Mais non toute l’école a eu envie de faire elle-même les décorations. A travers les jeux et tout au long de l’année, les enfants ont l’habitude de créer, de chercher et de fabriquer des objets, de montrer des idées, si bien qu’il était tout à fait naturel qu’ils pensent à fabriquer eux-mêmes leur sapin et les décorations, et avec quelle concentration !■ Growing green citizens Arbor Day at preschool (RB) was a great occasion to back up IC green day. During the week proceeding December 6 students were engaged in various artistic activities mixing fun and learning to aim to encourage our young preschoolers to preserve the environment and to keep our planet green. Nursery students designed their own trees using play dough, sticks, bottle caps… Some preferred drawing, while others enjoyed making a tree out of “collage”. Many chose to paint trees of various colors and sizes inspired by paintings viewed on the net. During class discussions, many questions were thrown at the students, triggering their thinking pushing them to come up with their own answers about benefits of trees. The funniest statement was “we need trees to decorate for XMAS! “ By the end of the week students realized that we also need trees to play and climb, we need trees to eat fruits, we need trees to help us breathe clean air, and birds need trees to make their home… To encourage our young learners to take care of trees, the school gifted every student a “baby tree” to take home, plant and care for.■ 3 Issue 3 - December 2015 IC aces BDL Accelerate Hackathon! When asked to participate in the mechatronics Hackathon competition organized by “Banque Du Liban” at the Forum de Beirut, Lebanese program, première B students: Jad Hajj, Rawad Fares and Mounzer Tabbarah didn’t hesitate and, against all odds, decided to enter the competition. Of course they were dreaming of winning, but most of all they wanted to be challenged and experience an unprecedented event conducted for the first time in Lebanon. During two days these young men worked hard, in different teams, to create a wearable mechatronic device… and they did it! After presenting their products to a specialized and exacting jury, the dream came true: Our students won BOTH the second AND third Prize!■ IC WINNERS @ BDL ACCELERATE Entrepreneurship event IC is developing 21st century skills with a focus on entrepreneurship. Over 100 IC students from the Secondary School attended the BDL Accelerate Conference at the Forum de Beyrouth, during which they attended workshops and presentations and participated actively: Stefano Fallaha had his own booth to promote his app, Fallound, and IC won two of the top three prizes in the Hackathon competition !■ E-portfolios to tell our learning story! Going green and using technology have always been major goals for grade 3 at Ain Aar. To move one further in that direction, the class decided to use a digital portfolio platform: “Seesaw.” This app and web platform has made the transition from traditional binders to electronic portfolios ever so easy. Almost daily and always coached and guided by their teacher Mr. Youssef Sayah, you can see the students busy on their iPads to record their learning story on this electronic journal. They write, draw, reflect, record, and upload their entries critically and enthusiastically. Moving into e-portfolios on iPads has been pioneered and made easy using this helpful tool. ■ 4 Issue 3 - December 2015 Une recette… pour la gentillesse!! Le 3 décembre était un jour spécial à Ain Aar. Dans la tradition et la joie, élèves et profs ont célébré la fête de la Sainte Barbe! Durant la même semaine, la gentillesse était le thème commun et battait son plein à travers l’école, les classes et les cours ! Chef Nivine, prof de sport, a essayé de créer avec ses élèves de CPA la recette de la gentillesse... Voyons, pour réaliser ce très bon plat, il vous faut: -Un « Bonjour » -Deux « ça va ? Je peux t’aider ? » -Deux bisous -Deux câlins Mélangez bien et ajoutez un sourire et quelques actions positives ! Produit final= UN AMI■ L’union fait la force !!! Les CP.B (AA) adorent travailler en groupes. La coopération est la capacité de collaborer à une action commune ainsi que les liens qui se tissent pour la réaliser. Afin de comprendre et d’approfondir le concept de la coopération, les élèves participent à une activité collective : chaque élève doit envoyer à son camarade la bobine de laine en lui disant un mot positif. Avant de lancer la bobine il entoure le fil sur son doigt. Le résultat est une grande toile d’araignée très réussie, symbole de l’entraide et de la collaboration entre les apprenants.■ Celebrations of tradition and pride At Ain Aar this month, Green Day, Independence Day, Kindness week and Barbara were celebrated with enthusiasm and pride. Positive actions colored the walls and spread across the classes and the playing areas. Everybody was trying to catch classmates, colleagues and friends doing “kind, positive acts”! The most inspirational moment was that of our Preschoolers drawing on our Lebanese flag what they can do to have a better Lebanon! ■ 5 Issue 3 - December 2015 IC at the Teacher Skills Forum in Jordan Directors Ghada Maalouf, Lina Mouchantaf and Mahmud Shihab presented at the Teacher Skills Forum 2015 held at the King Hussein bin Talal Convention center in Jordan, under the auspices of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, This year’s forum was entitled “from what to how: Bridging the gap between theory and practice”. “Recognizing the disparity between academic theories of delivering knowledge (What) and methods with which teachers are expected to convey that knowledge (How), TFS 2015 bridges the gap between 21st century expectations and practical applications, investigating the best teaching practices and strategies to apply theory into action.” Ghada Maalouf presented four workshop sessions in the Early Childhood Development strand. She presented three workshops in Arabic – “Learning Mathematics through Play”, “Playbased Learning”, and “Learning Reading and Writing through Play”. She also presented one workshop in English, “Critical Skills in the Early Years”. Lina Mouchantaf presented four workshop sessions. Three of Lina’s workshops were presented in English – “Case Study: One class’ Journey into Social Action”, Inquiry for Student-centered Classrooms” and “Math and Inquiry”. Her last workshop was presented in Arabic and entitled “Inquiry, Teaching and Learning”. Dr. Mahmud Shihab presented three workshops, with the emphasis on technology. He presented “Creating TechnologyIntegrated Lessons” in both Arabic and English. He also presented the workshop “Integrating Educational Technology in Your School” based on the integrated suite of ISTE standards. ■ A vos marques…! À la fin de leur premier thème transdisciplinaire « Qui nous sommes », ayant pour idée maîtresse, « Dans une communauté organisée chaque membre joue un rôle », les élèves de CE1 et grade 2 à Ain Aar ont invité leurs parents à participer à leurs séances d’EPS. Les parents ont ainsi pu s’exercer, jouer, courir, collaborer, et s’amuser avec leurs enfants à travers différents jeux de relais.■ IC at Hariri Foundation Conference Senior Vice President Mishka M Mourani participated in a panel on the transition to university at the annual Hariri Foundation Conference this year. Mrs. Mourani presented a paper on the challenges facing students and explained how IC orients and prepares students for their post-secondary studies. The papers will be published by the Hariri Foundation. ■ 6 Issue 3 - December 2015 IC Teachers attend NESA Fall Training Institute in Dubai Ten IC teachers and administrators attended the NESA Fall Training Institute held in Dubai. Samar Kandil, Imane Ramadan, Farid Karam, Marina Sleiman, Walid Matta, Mimosa Arawi, Fida Nashef, Hiba Kobeissi, Ghada Maalouf and Hanan Sabra attended a variety of workshop sessions that each lasted two full days. Ghada Maalouf and Hiba Kobeissi attended “Mathematics through Play in Early Childhood Programs”. Samar Kandil enjoyed participating in “Teacher as Data Coach”. Imane Ramadan, Mimosa Arawi, Walid Matta, Farid Karam, and Hanan Sabra explored “Digital Storytelling”. Fida Nashef looked at “Assessment – Redefining Fair” while Marina Sleiman explored Common Core: “Instructional Practice: Secondary Mathematics”. All the participants enjoyed their workshop sessions and returned to IC with new ideas to share with colleagues and use with their classes. In addition, Ghada Maalouf was invited to be a member of the NESA Early Childhood Advisory Group, who started working on a three-year implementation plan for the professional development of Early Years teachers in NESA schools across the region. The first meeting took place on Sunday November 7 when the members started by writing the mission of that group and then brainstorming possible key note speakers , trainers and outstanding professionals who could be invited to the NESA institutes and conferences. ■ Wellness program HR An Art History and Art Appreciation course starting from the Impressionist period till Modern times is offered by Mrs. Samia Nasr Boulad to interested faculty and staff. Last week discussion centered on the analysis of a Gauguin painting. This is what one of the participants, counselor MS Randa Barrage, commented on Vision after the Sermon, “Art is the relationship between reality and imagination. The artist paints himself as it were. He draws his fantasies and his representation of society.”■ The Guernica in Our Classes Under the umbrella of the Primary Years Program and the central idea of how social activities affect sustainable living, students of 5th and CM2 at ESRB looked at the impact of war on economy, the environment and humankind. In the art classes, under the guidance of their teacher, Layla Hamasni, students got acquainted with the artist Pablo Picasso and his famous painting Guernica. The students analyzed the artwork in terms of content but also in terms of value, scale, tints and shades. As an application of the tonalities concept, students learned how to draw their self-portrait in proportion, how to draw the features that characterize them and how to shade using lights and darks. Mrs. Samia Boulad, Head of Art, who was conducting a class observation gave the students feedback and admired their autoportraits. ■ 7 Issue 3 - December 2015 Citizen of the Month In the context of promoting citizenship and encouraging civic initiatives, the Ras Beirut Middle School social studies department is organizing a series of candid camera-style pranks where students who take initiative and show a sense of civic responsibility are recognized by an award. For the month of November, Yasmine Idriss from 3rd E earned the title of the citizen of the month. ■ Famous Jordanian Author Visits IC Jordanian writer Louma Azar visited RBE to read her latest story to grade 4 and 5. This book was written in support of the NGO “Sanad” that aims at providing home care for patients. Students enjoyed listening to the story and asked the writer, as well as the Sanad’s representative, many questions. Proceeds from the purchase of the book will go to support “Sanad”. ■ La BCD: Grands pas vers la technologie Les élèves de l’école élémentaire de Ras Beyrouth, ont manifesté dès la rentrée leur passion pour la lecture et leur enthousiasme envers les activités qui prennent lieu à la BCD. Toutes les classes des deux sections bénéficient d’une heure pendant laquelle les élèves passent à la BCD non seulement pour emprunter des livres mais aussi afin de les partager , écouter des histoires, mener des recherches et autres compétences reliées à la BCD. Parlant de recherche, une nouvelle Encyclopédie en ligne est disponible à la BCD et à la portée des élèves, http://junior.universalis-edu.com .Les enseignants, 8 ainsi que la documentaliste ont encouragé les apprenants à effectuer des recherches en utilisant cette nouvelle technologie, n’est- ce pas que la lecture est la clé du savoir !■ Issue 3 - December 2015 Lebanese Independence Day As part of promoting citizenship and civic awareness, Middle School Director Wadad Hoss gave students of grade 8 and 4ème a presentation about Independence, the significance of having a homeland, and the need to preserve and cherish it. The presentation took place on November 25th on the occasion of Independence Day as part of the guidance and advisory program. ■ MON drapeau d’après moi! Et si le Liban était à refaire ? Et si le drapeau du Liban était à refaire ?! Au centre, un cèdre ; mais si on le remplaçait ? Le rouge, pour le sang des martyrs ; et si on le changeait ?! Ainsi, à l’occasion de la fête de l’indépendance, les élèves du CPA ont refait le drapeau du Liban à leur manière en fonction de leurs propres représentations du pays dans lequel ils vivent, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles perspectives « des cœurs partout pour l’amour, des oiseaux pour la paix et du vert car les plantes nous donnent de l’oxygène… ». Le drapeau modifié, étape suivante : et si le Liban était à refaire ? (à suivre…) ■ Strike Up the Band! What would Independence Day be like without music? On the occasion of Lebanese Independence Day, the Army Band inspired the entire Ras Beirut Elementary School. Starting with the National Anthem, all the students and faculty felt proud to wave the red, white, and green. While waving their banners or flags, children clapped to the tempo or sang along with the traditional songs played by the men in uniform. There was even a little dabke! ■ 9 Issue 3 - December 2015 Célébrer la fête de l’Indépendance hors des sentiers battus Vendredi 20 novembre les élèves du Gr.IV/ Gr.V/CM1/CM2 et leurs enseignants se sont retrouvés à l’auditorium pour célébrer la fête de l’Indépendance du Liban. Suite à la performance de l’Hymne National, Mlle Diana Abou Lebdeh a évolué parmi les élèves dans un but bien particulier celui de leur rappeler leurs rôles de citoyens à un moment où notre patrie a réellement besoin de nos efforts pour trouver des moyens qui nous permettent de faire face à toutes les problématiques. À travers une animation interactive, Mlle Abou Lebdeh a amené les élèves à repenser leurs actions au quotidien en tant que citoyens numériques responsables et en tant qu’acteurs sociaux qui devront entrer en action pour essayer de réduire les déchets tout en venant en aide aux plus démunis. Finalement adopter l’attitude de citoyens responsables n’estce pas aussi une manière de célébrer notre Indépendance? ■ Les Moyennes Sections fêtent l’indépendance Mr. Anass Sharara from the Lebanese Scout “C’est la fête du Liban. Le Liban est sensé, il sait régler ses problèmes tout seul.” Par ces phrases mises les unes à la suite des autres, les élèves de la M.S, groupe vert, ont défini la fête de l’indépendance. À travers une panoplie d’ateliers, ils ont été sensibilisés au patrimoine de leur pays. Peintures à la manière de peintres libanais, sculptures, mosaïques, musique et beaucoup d’autres activités ont fait de cette journée un moment inoubliable pour nos petits. ■ La fête de l’indépendance à l’école élémentaire Aujourd’hui n’est pas un jour comme les autres car nous célébrons à l’IC l’indépendance du Liban. Pour cette occasion j’ai décidé d’écrire un poème qui donnera la joie en ce jour. Mon poème s’intitule «Oh Liban, je t’aime ». A travers toute saison De neige et de moisson Je t’aime Avec le pain quotidien Avec l’odeur du jasmin Je t’aime Claranour Bekhazi CM2 Alors que Nour Moussa de la même classe, se rappelle encore d’une chanson apprise en CP et a insisté à la partager avec les autres élèves afin de montrer son amour pour sa patrie. 10 Cette célébration à l’école a donné l’occasion aux enfants d’exprimer leur attachement à leur pays, chacun à sa façon : dessins, chansons, poème, le port d’un drapeau…■ Issue 3 - December 2015 Meditation with Dr. Haavi Morreim On December 2, 2015, Dr. Haavi Morreim again visited IC and presented a workshop on mediation for conflict resolution. The ERC hosted the two separate sessions presented by Dr. Morreim. The informative sessions were attended by 30 administrators, faculty, staff and counselors from across the school. Dr. Morreim and the participants looked at conflicts that can occur between various groups within the school and ways conflicts can be solved. She presented several techniques for conflict resolution and for building trust. Skills introduced included probing for information to discover how to solve the problem rather than why the problem arose. Other important skills included listening carefully to summarize or restate someone’s words, and staying calm and not reacting spontaneously to the problem. Strategies for mediating included start slow and take time before reacting; giving others the benefit of the doubt; distinguishing positions from interests; and observing and reading non-verbal communications. Most important of all, the mediator should focus on the problem, not the people involved in the conflict. Participants appreciated exploring the variety of skills and strategies through various scenarios and discussions. They looked for ways to apply them to problems such as bullying, fights and arguments between students and other situations. ■ Ambassadeurs de l’AEFE: A vos marques, prêts, partez Un jour, notre classe de CM2 de l’école élémentaire de Ras Beyrouth a eu, en devoir de maison, un texte à lire qui parlait du tourisme durable. Deux jours plus tard, notre institutrice, Mme Nancy, nous explique le concept de la compétition des Ambassadeurs en herbe, une activité patronnée par l’AEFE adressée à tous les élèves des écoles françaises du Liban. Elle nous demande d’écrire un texte sur le tourisme durable. Ce jour- là, je n’avais vraiment pas le moral à écrire et je n’avais aucune envie de participer. J’écris alors sans réfléchir et sans brouillon. J’ai été très surpris quand madame Nancy m’annonce que j’ai gagné cette étape, cinq de mes camardes et moi-même, étions dans le bureau de Miss Julia qui nous écoutait attentivement et nous posait des questions. Le lendemain je suis allé à l’école complémentaire où j’ai rencontré un camarade du site de Ain Aar. Maintenant que j’ai été nommé comme représentant de mon école, je vais me confronter avec d’autres élèves des autres écoles du Liban. J’espère rendre l’IC fière de moi, et je suis plein d’énergie cette fois. Christopher Mouawad CM2 B■ 11 Issue 3 - December 2015 Exposition du livre Du 30 novembre au 4 décembre, l’école élémentaire a accueilli différents libraires venus exposer leurs livres. Les élèves ont ainsi pu découvrir les nouveautés de l’année 2016 ainsi que les classiques indémodables de la littérature jeunesse. Les élèves de l’école élémentaire ont visité cette exposition et ont pu acquérir des livres, avant la période des fêtes, qu’ils liront pendant leur moment de loisir. Afin d’encourager le développement durable, les libraires respectant les directives de l’école, comme chaque année, n’ont pas fourni de sacs en plastique se ■ Caillou au Salon du Livre! aLes élèves de Grande Section à Ain Aar ont rendu visite au Salon Du Livre pour écouter une histoire de Caillou lue par son auteure Mme Christine L’Heureux ! Durant cette rencontre, et grâce aux questions pertinentes posées par nos apprenants, nous avons appris que Caillou a été créé en 1989: il apparaît d’abord sous les traits d’un bébé de neuf mois, sans un poil sur la tête. Petit à petit Caillou grandit pour devenir un garçon de 4 ans qui met toujours un chapeau. Caillou doit son nom à un rituel inventé par la psychanalyste Françoise Dolto. Elle désirait que les enfants lui donnent des cailloux à chaque consultation. Mme L’Heureux nous a informés aussi que les aventures de Caillou s’inspirent des situations tirées de la vie quotidienne des enfants et que l’illustrateur utilise seulement les trois couleurs primaires ainsi que le vert afin de créer des images simples qui attirent naturellement les enfants et captent rapidement leur attention. Impressionnée par l’attitude de nos jeunes apprenants, Mme Christine L’Heureux nous a promis de visiter notre établissement lors de sa prochaine visite au Liban.■ Reading Journey of Mr. Jundi I thought I was reading a story to my daughter’s second grade class but as it turns out I was reading much more. It took me longer than the children to figure that out. To me it was a story about a ball bouncing on the wall. And yes, there were other characters in there somewhere. But the ball was supposed to be the fun part. In an effort to impress the little ones, I even took a ball with me. As it turned out, it wasn’t about the ball at all. It was all about these other characters and how people of a community help each other. It is – I am told – part of the PYP “unit”. I am not familiar with ‘units’. In my 12 days, we just read the book and moved on. But today I learned that there are many units in the school year and this specific one is about “how we organize ourselves.” The ball, in my book, allows the imagination of the community to be carried away and gives the chance to neighbors to be helpful, responsible and caring. And so it was, that I left my daughter’s class - carrying my precious ball – and wondering how it is that my little daughter is more in tune with the world than I am. Talal Jundi ■ Issue 3 - December 2015 Productive Learning The Ras Beirut Middle School director Wadad Hoss gave a presentation and a work session to all new Middle School teachers on classroom management and motivation. There was discussion and exchange of ideas which ended in several recommendations that will have a positive impact on students and the learning environment■ IB World Schools in Lebanon On December 2, 2015, Mrs. Rasha Daouk, the Chair of the Association of IB World Schools in Lebanon, organized a job-alike session for 28 science and TOK teachers of the IB DP schools in Lebanon. The session was conducted at the LMC, where the teachers shared their experiences and practices.■ La journée verte inspire ! La « journée verte » célébrée annuellement à l’IC enflamme l’esprit des petits apprenants écolos. En effet, les apprenants de la moyenne section ont agi comme des citoyens responsables et ont décidé d’entreprendre une action intègre et altruiste envers l’environnement. Créatifs et chercheurs, les élèves ont décelé un moyen innovant pour utiliser les bouchons qu’ils avaient en classe : en effet, quoi de mieux que des arbres d’automne parés de magnifiques « feuilles » multicolores ? Munis de papiers réutilisés, de tubes de colle et de peinture, les citoyens consciencieux de la MSC à Ain Aar ont créé des œuvres d’art aussi magnifiques qu’environnementales. ■ Academic Honesty in IB During the advisory session of Tuesday, November 10, 2015, IB I students met with Mrs. Daouk and explored the different aspects of ‘Academic Honesty’ including plagiarism, collusion, duplication and cheating. Students were divided into groups and were asked to discuss their perception of these different terms. This was followed by an overall discussion and sharing of ideas. Mrs. Daouk used a power point presentation to stress the importance of Academic Honesty and the respect of intellectual property. She added that students need to give credit to others whenever they use someone else’s words or ideas, whenever they quote someone, whenever they use a graphic, and whenever they paraphrase. Mrs. Daouk stressed the fact that IB examiners and moderators are extremely vigilant about this issue to the extent that no diploma will be awarded to students who commit such dishonest acts.■ 13 Issue 3 - December 2015 Writing creatively The IC Creative Writing Club meets weekly with its advisors Silvana Bartlett and Randa Soubaih. Last week they invited SVP Mishka Mourani as a guest facilitator. Mrs. Mourani provided writing promts to”let the creative juices flow”, and each writing task was read out loud and discussed. Mrs. Mourani was impressed by the creativity and the maturity of the students as writers. ■ IC Visit to Kuwait Last month over fifty five alumni and friends attended a dinner hosted by IC Board of Trustees member Anwar Al Mulla ’63 at the Sheraton in Kuwait. The event was attended by IC President Dr. Don Bergman, Senior Vice President Mishka Mourani and VP for Alumni & Development Moufid Beydoun ‘64. The next day, the IC delegation were invited by Mr. Al Mulla to visit The Center for Child Evaluation & Teaching (CCET), a cutting edge institution and facility that serves as a research and teaching center for learning disabilities. The Center was established by Mr. Al Mulla and the IC team were privileged to meet the Chairman of the Board, former Minister Dr. Abdullah Al-Sharhan. The center is run by highly qualified staff who are devoted to the mission of CCET. “It was a privilege to visit the Center and meet the children whose needs are being so ably catered to by the educators of CCET. The enthusiasm and dedication of the Director, Mrs. Faten Al-Bader and the Assistant Director Dr. Abir Abdullah Al-Sharhan were inspiring, as were the smiles on the children’s faces!” said Senior Vice President Mishka Mourani ■ 14 Issue 3 - December 2015 JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT in Amman, Jordan Held @ Kings Academy December 3-5, 2015 Participating schools International College of Beirut, Lebanon Kings Academy, Jordan Ramallah Friends School Schutz American School, Alexandria Repton New English School, Jordan Al Nahda National School, UAE Lebanese Evangelical School The recently held Kings Academy, Jordan, JV Football Tournament took place 3-5 December 2015. The IC boys held off all other teams in the Round Robin play to reach the semi final match on Saturday morning. They faced the Repton New English School in what still proved to be an outstanding performance by our IC boys who ended winning the game in 3-1 final score. In the final game, they were bested by the Ramallah Friends School in the 7th penalty kick after ending the game in a tie of 1-1 final score. Still, when arriving back to Beirut smartly dressed in their suits and green ties, and then performing the always well-appreciated IC chant, it was clear that our boys came away with a sense of true accomplishment. And rightfully so, since after their many years of attending international tournaments the IC JV Boys’ Football Team have come home with a 2nd placing. This in itself shows the consistency of play and the quality of our players here at IC. As for our IC Girls’ Football Teams, in their 10th consecutive year of METS international competition facing other well experienced players. Our IC girls made the Round Robin with many close games. The games were a heartpounding display of courage, consistency, and determination. Going into the Final and Consolation games, IC won 1st and 3rd places over the Ramallah Friends School and hosting school from Kings Academy. IC girl’s teams and their coach Noel BouAbboud did a very good job. During their stay at Ocean Hotel, our students behaved in a positive manner in the sense that they were aware of all rules and regulations set by IC for traveling teams. This trip helped to get our teams closer, which will help in creating better and stronger bonds between players. A special thank you must go out to Coaches Noel BouAbboud, Nayef Sinddiane and Hussein Zaraket for their dedication and abilities to encourage our students to succeed and to Dr. Osman Osman for being on top of things in heading the delegation. Another special thank you must go to Mrs. Martha Jaafar for helping in supervising the girls and much more! GO COUGARS!■ 15 Issue 3 - December 2015 THE IC MUSIC DEPARTMENT WISHES YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Students from Preschool, Elementary, Middle schools of Ras Beirut and Ain Aar campuses as well as the secondary school presented varied and enchanting concerts to celebrate the season. The Ras Beirut students and Middle school Ain Aar presented their concerts at AUB Assembly Hall as part of the 10th annual Ayadina Benefit concert. ■ The Inside I.C. Team: Pia Andraos, Jocelyne Kobeissi, Hanan Loulou Ouri, Mishka M. Mourani, and contributors from the I.C. family. 16
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