Black Book: The Tragedy of Pontus, 1914-1922
Black Book: The Tragedy of Pontus, 1914-1922
',.', : !!" :!1. " :; :" '. " . "",. 'VA""" ~-:<, '.' ''''''., ~ "' ' , I' '" '11, ] ~; ,, i ~" 131diGJ(1300}\ :lfflE T~1!GJ:b¥ OF POt'4TUS ,- 1914~.1922 " :r1iJ}Na 192~ ,jjt t t ~~ 1 ~ II '(@J <II .. '" UJVRE fiOI~ ~ Ltll'T~lilCBDIS.DU PQfiT 191-4---1922 , ~, " 't, .- t'!P ... AT HENES 192'9 , 'I, ,f i 1 .' ""'" " ! 1 . ~ 1 I} (' I. t~ '" \. I" ~.~ ~ .. if It' ~ ~ .' II 1' ' , ~~ '" . 1. ,. , .. 1 ~; Il 13liHC~aQo~ \ 1 ,i " fiE "r.~gGEt)y ~ ,.", . "'" ATHENS " 1914~1922 1922 ., @3@3 "...1 ..' t. .. ~ ~ OF POfiTUS ~~ \ ,i, ,,'''' . . - llIVRE flOIR ../ uA T~AG:et)IE au POftT I : . 1914-1922 II j ~ .; .1\1 ATRENDS 1928 '- 1\) I ) \ .. . " ! I:fi :. ) . I. "/ \\ "\ ~ '~ TABLE DES" MATIERES CONTENTS I II lIT I '" "PReface n .1 I:, I L rr V Tl " '" Statistics . A few short notes of the Tur~ish cruelties perpetrated agains,t the greeks of the Pontus during the ni'onths of June, July and August. 1921 IV V The Tragedy of Baffra VI The Tragedy of Oinoe ~~ ~ Pl'eface Statistiques Bref l'ecit de quelques-unes des cruautes commise! par les Tures c~ntre l' Hellenisme du Poni pendant les mois du J uin, J uillet et Aout 1912 ,fj La tragedie de Baffra La tragedie d' Oinoe ~ ~ Liste des condamnes a mort et executes 'I, J, . The condamned to death alreadye~ecuted ,-ir , III ',' !Ii '"' ~ ~ ~ '[f< , (: " \) ~ :..c: ,,"" .. ,..-"'~ '" ...:;; -- ,/ q A '1 ! r, Hit: ~j i'j II ,i: PREFACE PREFACE The Central Council of Pontus fulfils a sad duty in publishing this Black Book. We are anxious to give to the civilised world a real picture of the ills which the Turks have inflicted upon a small and nobleJiation whose fate and mission ever since the anCient times, kas been to fight for its independence moral and political and suffer for freedom and civilisation. In this pamphlet we bave published of£icialstatistiCs drawn;.""'from the archives of the. Oeucumenical Patriarchate, and reports iescribing the crimes committed by the Turks against t!;te- r- Christians of the regicl11 of Pontus. . Since the .year 1914 the Ottoman Government, on the. lines of a plan organised and premeditated has caused more' than 1.500.000 Greeks and Armenians of Asia 1'\'Iil1,orto bemassacred by its local agents. The infortunate Greek populations of Pontus have been decimated by murder and privation,. ltave witnessed their churches profaned, their daughters violated, their wives dishol1oured, babies snatched from the arms .f their mothers and hurled against the walls, old 1?en and children burned within the churches and priests massacred under the portals. These unheard of, unnameable atrocities. have been commited by those very beings, whom the consdence of the civilised peoples and of their rulers, has placed, outside civilised Humanity," and declared them excluded fromthe family of nations, as unworthy and incapable to rule other peoples, particulary Christians. . The Central Council of Pontus, appeals to .all high.,minded and humanitarian men and women and hopes that the cons&ience of the civilised world will be rouse sufficiently to sti- Le Conseil Central du Pont accomplit un triste devoir en editant ce livre noir. Il a voulu donner au monde civilise un image reel des catastrophes que les Turcs ont cause sur une., petite et noble natiop, dont la mission, des l'antiquite, fut de combattre pour son independance morale et politique et de souffrir pour la liberte et la civilisation. Dans cette brochure nous avons pubUe des statistiques -omci'eles puisees du Patriarcat Oecumimique et des exposes ou sont decrits les crimes commis par les Turcs contreles Chretiens de la region du Pont. Des 1914 Ie gouvernement Ottoman sur un programme organise et premedite a fait massacrer, par ses autorites locales, dans l' Asie Mineure plus de 1.500.000 Grecs et Armeniens! Les malheureuses populations Grecs du Pont furent decimes par les meurtres et les privations, virent leurs temples souilles, leurs vierges violes, leurs femmes deshonorees, de petits enfants arraches aux bras de leurs meres pour etre lances centre les rours, des vieiUards et des enfants brules dans les eglises et des pretres m<}ssacres sous les portails. Ces atrocites inouies et sans nom ont ete commises par ceux-Ia memes que la conscience des peuples civilises et de leurs Gouvernants mit au ban de la civilisation et declara exc1us de la famille des nations comme indignes et incapables de gouverner d'autres peuples suttout de peuples chretiens. Le C6nseil Central du Pont fait appel aux atnes elevees et humanitaires et espere que la conscience du monde civilise sera soulevee pour stigmatiser les horreurs denonces dont la simple tolerance constitue un~ horrte pour l'humanite. ~ gmatise the horrors denounced, horrors, which men,]y to tolerate, would be a shame to Humanity, Central Council f/ 15~ Paparigopoulo POiztus Athens 14th january Conseit Rue Central du Pont Paparigopoulou 15 Athenes Ie 11 janvier 192Z ) Street ." \.,. 1922 I ,-. I 7 -fiUes et villages - .eitiesand villages III STATISTICS ej Cree/is cUies and villages oj .!!Pon!uswoose in lja6l!ants oav~,6een ea:iled, Sum!, /iilled and massacr(Jd durin, toe wavanti loe avmistice. STATISTIQUE des vi/les et vt'llages gvecs du .!!Pon!,don! les oa6ili:zn!s ont ele ea:t'!es,6rl'iles, lues et massacreS pendant ItZ guen-I! et duran! ['armistice. Ct"rcumscrip#on of the MdropoHs oj 4massi'a i O'rcouscrip#on de la Mttropole d' Amassz'a report ,- Elias Keuy 5arnitz punari Andrea mahlessi Kertme 50ngout Carapertchin "cham alan Tchanakdji Deroo jik Tchadal armout Ada Tchirakman u80 377 75 1508 278 370 1391 169 340 1022 Cavad jik Touzeren 129 278 19° . 250 407 670 280 Tchandir - citieli and villages villes et viUaeIi '" ,. Samsoun et Kadi Kioy {mutessarifat Ada-tepe Oulou-ghiol Papaz mahlesii Pelit-ogloll. MecheH-do1tz Haidar Ghiol-belea Yaili Kerlch eimenanto. Demirdji Ke1l>1 Sohudj6 Cara mahomottr Kizil oglac :'1aranton a reporter I I~ II II It the greek population population grecque - 15612 479 165 570 320 214 167 420 385 305 125 'ISO 175 200 153 19461 (,~ cities and vilIags - vilIeset villages report J>:e1Kaya Zyganton Cara-ghiol Panayot-ouchagi Court-alan Tonaragli Sernitz-daghi Dev-gherlch Courekdji Poylan Courken-punari CarasongouJf Taflan keuy Had ji Ismail YarmanIi yatak a reporter fhe greek populatioll' population grecque 19461 351* 17i 67,} 327 31<t' 5°0 45& 6°9 127 241 28$ 319 416 3IG 12~' 24697 the greek 'pcpulation pOpulation grecque 24697 480 625 j Xar lik Ea:yat deressi Jaellen To'igar :alma tchoukul' Tobal ouchaghi .mar gheulu Calkadjik rellid je a1'agheul Garadoklou floghanIi OXe :Erikli Akdoghan Indjebel ya Kuneghi Dioug Keuy Xel ouchaghi :Sogout punari a reportel' 793 140 366 166 2.36 118 70 203 ,60 $98 132 282 653 '75 171 335 40914 cities and village! . the greek II )lopulati01l - viIIes et village! >r! populatiott ",-- gr.cque - report Kidl ghieul Kestane Sayvani 4°914, 365 447 Tchinarli Tepoojik Avdan Atilghan Tchardak 78 435 23q. 5 34 410 Kerieh Duvedjik Sarti biyik Yilanli dere Foundoudjak Sarri Klisse \ ( 303 3.70 4O "'Aroudjak Moscofantoil ,1 123 213 938 491 1 Mazinogl<1U Kotekli Tchinghir Tancarlou Chamli ouchagi kydji oglou Tekne punaI' Sari matIun Deye han Kirk harmaJl Alan Keuy KichIedjik' Assar" Aghatz Yordan oglow: Djimenli YoIloudje Ayakli Alan Tebe Keuy Ghayogiou Dagdjilal' Xarip ouchagi a reporteJ' 407 '" 35a' 32,i 35J. 108 203 20$ 406 lH 11$. 125 254. 351 12;' 121 5°994. '), ~ ~ i cities - II II. I II " the greek an\l villages population - "i1!es et villages population grecque - - report 50994 Kou tekler :K.orouchlar 'Cara touzla 106 152 206 201 ;oagtoukel Ghadi Kerich Yarimdja Baidar '" Buyuk 75 125 127 204 Souloudja 150 Ouzo un Kerich Karadjam Domouz alan Kerchembe Kessaulu Dudj punar Achagi Karamouk Yokari Pel Karamouk 155 355 127 308 705 256 4°5 256 352 402 366 359 340 2°9 215 410 160 Sahardja Sarnitz Alan KiredjJi Alandjik Mehmed ardi Kirk harman IJidje Fountoukli Tcharchamba (Kaimakamlik) Hizirli Kotzalan Romauanton Teriakanton Kiretz tepe a reporter 125 1 > 1104 J - 366 155 9° 89 282 59931 8 - - I cities and villages - vilJes et viJJages - report the greek population population grecque - KerpichIi Sarri yourt Yenidje Ordou pachi Kamichlighiol Yagh bassan Symeonlar Kichla KetikJi FOl1roundjioglou KJimanton Tchal KizJi Keuy Kovdje Punar Kaman Yelkirighi Seizananton Oxyzanton Sapananton Ind je Kerich MandarIou Pachayataghi Kiavonr yourtou Trapezanton Y ocari Tchinik Achagi Tchinik Kokdje Konrkenli yatak a reporter - 75 105 95 234 177 383 1315 241 221 69495 w cities and villages the greek population - - vilIes et villages population grecque - vjJles"et vilJages -,- - . - 69495 report 236 58z 406 158 260 229 345 833 199 308, 119 836 154 325 121 240 3°1 228 I8r 276 123 93 67 3? 62 - 1 59931. Bohdja armout Cazandjuli tchardak< Teharchi Yeri Deniz Tchikouru Tikenli yatak Kamchi 9 II Alibey Baffra (KaimakamJik) peloukler Benliouchaghi Devrent Darboghaz Touhourlar Karadja Kichla Oltchekler Otmacha » alatcham KirezJi Pire yomdon Asmadjam Keussedik Yermen ouchaghi 'fikend jik 'fehenikJi yourdon BeidourJu Ormanos KavJaan Domouzaghi Deirmen Kuneghi Keller Caradjoglou Tchandir YelJi depe SourmeJi Evran ouchagi Doghan youvassi Gai:talaba LenkerJi 'fehiriklar Osman beiJou A reporter 270 1 > 3822 J 431 425 575 467 416 366( 288 291 493 637 471 745 558 32'1 526, 772 ,?69 975 254 690 372 313 180 121 88 512 212 298 765 142 177 420 87163 cities 'fhe,greek andvi,llags population populatioll grec\l).1e II 87163 280. report Monzmelek ,ech Kerler Bakir punar Balouklar 397 38:3. 297 582. 436 67&, 497 779 457 284 332.' 44'?, 441 24(i, 427 245: 648 167 8460 332 lOll 580, 82 (, Chryssi Keuy Sohou djukur Sihlik Caba djukur Yaila Cara punar Maislou Domouz alan Kourle1;1 "tami Zeinel Arab ouchagi Selamalk Keusse mahle Elmadjik Eurend jik bachi Eldavout Keukdje Sou Ak tekke Issak Ii ,Karatiken Enghiz tepe K.utch'er ouchaghi Boyaloudje Aehagi Assar Y oeari , Capu Raya Kiz alan Hidir Elias 'Ii Monamlou Con,sta;n,i ouchagi Yer' alti a, reporter '" 167 53i-. 341 632 75°, 834 466 13° '\; ';.1 245- 3°4331 1027$3 H t. r I - 10 - -- - cities and villages - ,-i!1es et villages - report I.- rI , I I I I ~ Ghazi Demirdji Keuy Ghazi beYlo11. Keusse Keu)'" Tchoulfa hodja CavakJidja Metaris Ketighi Mx)Ustedjeb bachi Agdja alan Ak K11.neghi bjal Ke11.Y be ghazi 'Carakeuy Keusseli christiani Kouz alan Koumru, ouchagi Kouchlighan Lotouros Ot Kayassi Saa 'K]ar Tachdji oussaghi Topour ouchagi 1 Alajam (mudirlik) f Kel1ik AYnderessi , ,,' Djivli Perkelli Cara houssein Koz Koyou 'Tach Kelik KellikJer Tchendirlik Kizli veren Meidanqjik a reporter I r the greek cities and villages grecque 102753 207 309 56 338 351 Id 23° 248 9°5 1005 152 158 165 209 405 202 101 1°9 205 127 165 155 1516 137 323 216 393 950 238 76 254 331 446 193 113781 population population villes et villages - report Amassia (mutessariflik) Ziara Tqpouz Abadji Zaana Findikli Merzifoun (Ka'imakamlik) YediKioz Bayat Ghelin s1nis5i Mahmoudli Osmanoglou Sira Ketche" Kemal Tourassan Hamam ayaghi Kavadjouk Doghanli Caracostalar 'ferzili Ala yourt Ousta sera'i Cara agatz punar Kichla Tataroglo11. Sahardja Tachlo11. yarimdja Hiriklar KitetzJik Had ji ali Kodja oglou Belen alad ja Djamli Keuy a reporter . report Kavza 113781 1300 38 420 223 394 551 1 ) J 47° 151 209 155' 197 259 47 538 209 287 391 153 133 350 328 182 1'78 175 263 616 321 238 396 180 320 225 161 124270 population - villes et villages grecque - \J the greek - the greek - population population - .. f 'Cities and villages 11 II (Ka'imakamlik) .Ali efendi tchifJiki Tekke aran Narlik Az tourassan Kana misse Keusrouf Yaz bassan Kotz oglo11. Kenek Eski yeuren Karadjoren Sih Keuy Habji Dede DjaYr oz011. Kovanitz A'idogdou Sere feli Tahna Tach olouk Elmaloudja Domouzalan Orfan Dered jik Poursuk alan Imird jik Kopedjik Kirel1lik Kavad jik Ahyourt bachi Izti tz Yaroji Mahmout Dikenli Kuuzm aran a reporter population grecque 124270 1 > J 293 92 257 177 335 193 906 3<t8 923 136 102 224 257 375 49° 143 307 166 385 54 328 347 447 236 159 359 115 156 387 72 350 157 175 109 132830 cities and viJIages the greek villes et villages popuJatiou - population - - grecque - report Dourna Kenl 132830 88 Tchepni Dere -Keuy Boghdja arm out Kapakli Bsme Vezir Kiop!'u (Kmakamlik) IndjirJou Ersandik 287 '10'] 102 398 1 > J 184 668 $arad jik Kaya arkassi Kaplan Soule man Keuy Patsas 492 70 3°4 415 249 40,5 353 18 Bodjouk tchifliki Kond ja Hadji yourt Yoloudje alan Allan Kirkharman Mermer alti l1idja Yel Karamoul Kiresslik Alandjik Kavaklidja Yek alan Katir alan Tepe Keuy Hadji Kerich Cara punar Kizlar alan Pinga Kaz daghi Bayat a reporter 325 l 269 581 778 425 154 384 444 220 113 549 905 461 436 225 245 128 217 - 212 144505 r I IJ! " Ui 1 --" 12 - I i - ,j the gr;eek Ikpopulation. popl,1.1ation, -" poprllation ''gresque ~t vill!,:ges f I 'Ozansighi Pitche<j.jik Kavak I I (Illudirlik) ,i 'Koloudje aghil Yilan ore Caramouh ~ Tekneajik Caratcham I t 1~ '. 148679 £ep(jrt Caradagh Zogltaulu Sernitz a l'~pO~ter Of the 1570}8 Christians of thetletropolis I:'emain ,alive a1?but .23°00 as fbllow's ; ) than 65 years.. " . . ... a) In Sinope alid the Inter~ land women and 'RoyS. " 3) EXiled fellows remaining yet alive.. . . . .. . . . .. 7600 4000 12000 4) Those 'who had the good luck to go abroad before the catastrophe.. . . . ., S)Those who escaped. the massacre t<!king r!=fuge on the mOUJ1tains bdtween Sam- la f~im et Ie..froid... ..:. '1'1" 8000 ,"-= '< " 2300G 59!) '" 493' ." femmeset,enfants. . . .. . . .. massacre'imm1nent la fuite (du Caza d'Ordpu)' .Ordou,," Vona 7eke Fernek Kaya-bachi Haldar Alandjak Oloukli Artouh {)va djicour Andouz AI-Antonius Kiok Orner Depe bagha Djitlik-Kiran Kizil touz Razand iiIou Elez K~uy Ye1l1-bazar Kizil-ot Ouzoun all Semen Ahourlou Bey-alan Sasson 'I. 4000' 'jl 2000 ,Wi,,;IJ\. ~ 2000:\: .w " ! Report! " 8750 "lilt ~ a reporter :~ oj,f}V'eoeesaree ' [a {/y{efi'opole,' tlf'lo.fesaree ., ~: ~ 6689 I 61 62 .1'50 J,.6093 3100 346 490 608 Depe,mili Tzaghirli yatak Kedji~issi (Caza Unia:h) Uniah 3,5 15814 583'" 2I220' 612" (Caza Terme) Tchangheris Djilar Liman dere Djokde (Caza Ineboli) Ineboli Bartin Adjidinon CaradjiL Askordassiol1. (Caza Djite) a reporter \~ :1"5814- f Ritejd depe Derebachi Kiyares Douz meche g out 'i' lfie . iMefropoHs " J asson Ie au::.:: ttlonta- of eiz-co71~prijifion de a l'etranger CC' avant iit dtastrophe 5) Ceux qui pour eviter pris eiz-cumscriptzhn ,0 ne restent 3) Ceuxdesexilesqlii s~ trou.vent encore en, vie. . . .. 4) <.::euxqui ont eu lachance "i Ainsi la destnlctioh £eroceet ,nefaste seJlemeht dans la circonscription de iaMetropole di' Amassia: coute sur 1570]8 persotmes .134078! ' there 1)a,Samsoun des fem'mes, d~s enfallts ages demoins de 12 ans .,.etdes vieillardsde plu~ de 65 ans, environ. 1000 2)a Sinope et a 1>~l1terieur, de se'trouver, 2000 ~69 218 645 506 44; 193 22L 486 203 366 157078 of.,Arnassia . So the ferocjous.. desn-1-lct~on,~o~ts only in the circurps~riptioR .-of the Metropolis' of' Amassia a ,Joss Of"134°,78 men on a total ,of 157078. 'II 't., 3768 5 "pe ces 157078 Ch;retiens de la M,etropoled'Am~ssia en vie qu'(;':nvirsm 23°00, coI;6.n1esuit, : 1) In Samsoun"'womep. and boys of less than 12 years of age and old.menof m,ore ",il), .1. /:3inc:rpe. (mutessarifl1k) l"ro'fite Elia.s 25~ vK:M:adja K~uy I YpJ>:ari !(euv 340 Djessis aere I87 ," Keqe 583 ' Domouz alan 397 Morza 358 Halassi 646 Yarna 39'6 l'aIdja 766 Ayanton Tosse total 148679 > J $000 23000 'I~' "1,144505 .,83 174 1 gnes .entre SamS01ltJ, et Ba.'ffra, mais ql,1.isontdejii 'cond.ainrtes~ a la'mort par . . . . . . .. p~.pU1ati~n g recq~e, .'- report :soun .a~d: B~ffr;J.1 already condamned to" die with" "," hunger and be starved with cold'. . i ~ the greek cities and villages villes et villages villes ti" II' ," ~ities and villages 13 --'- ,'I 540 560 534 23466 269 1418 652 367 170 \1 .v " 26342 ---' ~>634a "' 'I; " "I ., ,\ r I ! I ~ 14- I report I ! Djite 26342 284 report (Ca,za 26626f: a reporter 26626 590i! 27216 total :1 /,1 I i :, Exterminated by the confiscation of their fortunes, tions, cold hunger, assassination and massacre. exile, viola- eireumseription . "~ il " (du Caza de Tripoli) TripoIis KHsseporon (Caza Elevi) Elevi (Caza Rizeh) Rizeh I (Caza Platana) Platana Raloyena Fiz Cartzea (du Caza Ass;r CaIliera .~ I I . Strouk1 Mersini Agridi Fyssera Frangoulanton (Caza Sourmena) Kinonissa Carakantsi Mexezi DjikoIi a reporter 513 515 465 330 122 li688 2245 776 507 1096 16312 report Moulkanton Houmurkianton Assou Halaniki (Caza Ofi) Yiga Kofika Krisitza Lekka (Caza Trebizonde) Kiladi DQurha MQun~a Argall Karlouki Komera KouhIa Samarouxa MegaIi Samarouxa Ohtsa Sessera Fantak des diverses autres communautes total ! Exterminated by the confiscation of their fortunes, tions, cold hunger, assassination and massacre. " ,. Mandjero 52& 63:} 850 280 l86OZ, 306 135 430 34 19507 730 630 465 402 420 146, 570 345 660 270 310 170' 24619 13815 38434 exile, viola-- -" Ak-djal Gh.argaena Desmena Simikli I' reporte 18390 575 Amvril£J.on Fjtff~ Papavram Sarantar ]Iedjouk Bopsia Gholi Fetikes Mavrena 1631Z oj 3taldias de la fMetropofe 3taldias de Toroul) .coronyxa de fa fJrlefropofe de 'f:re6izo!t.r;;2300 135 2435 1250 3685 2000 5685 19°0 460 472 438 55Q 238 of ffie fMetropolis eirconscription "- eireonscripfion r J, . eircumscrlpfion oj ffje fMefropofis oj ~e6izonde I I " I, (1epouille~ de leurs biens confisques, morts en exil, par la faim et Ie fraid, violes, pillt~s, assassines, tues et massacres. ;1 rl i depouilles de leurs biens confisques, morts en exil, par la faim et Ie froid, violes, pilles, assassines, tues et massacres. F<ttza) Fatza <, 15- Sari papa S3;rpisKeuy A vliana Adyssa Arta bel' Mankadion Eeytarla Djimbrika Ryakion Paleohorion Haviana Djiti Demirdji Keuy Djolahana Palayia J>iourd xani it reporter 280 1380 356 287 850 289 570 340 1650 249 286 802 Kanak KeIentQn Derena } LQndjion Almis Kalitz Ayannis Simera Ramatananton I Massananton (Gaza Chei:ran) Yokari Tarsos 380 2508 820 220 798 .835 420 387 248 358 450 285 797 465 35° 405 380 370 1839° } 230G Achaghi Tarsos Belen Oulon cheiran Mavrolith TchaQul Zimon Gun- batour Papoussi Djapoutli Pindjanton Duman-oloughi Somki Parotzi (Caza Kelkit) Tangar Sion a J 20690 950 658 496 315 4°5 358 398 185 3°5 297 155 469 240 2°4 26125 270 258 reporter 26653 ~ ~ . JII! m1 16 .,-- 17- <:~,\ '1' w (Caza Tripoli) Cara- Kaya Erseil-maden Akdje Kliss~ Ouroudja-maden Devekli it. < Nial Court- beH ,-' . 2665~i ~ " " "I' Yamourdja Prassari DereJi Carali roma Ghebe-~lisse Djaghtak Yem-Keuy Mexen .\. ,:~ '~ }'~II II m ili'J ii' !J1 '" J h5po(!!, maden I~ II [\II '11,: .. Abda! bazJ'Xi i Halhad i' Aktach Patzatak Cara 'gheukeIi Yirlik maden :/JI'I \!I" " J 61653 350. 6j ! ""j ) 'II i } J Dat deressi 26653 i '579 IJ Caradjoren J- total 62003 645$2 exile, viola- depouilles de leurs biens confisqw3s, morts en exil, par la faim et Ie fraid, violes, pilles, assassines, tues et massacres. tJb:cumscription oj tfje Metropolis oj fRodopolis (3rtatzlia). report (du Caza de Toro1lI) Ishananton 1 Ypapanri :Pistofanton ?ersanton , Kostordos Hortokopi Mountantos S:l1lOya urnadjantoll. KopaIanton Pinatanton Kozlarantoa \ .". (Caza Matm) Yananton Damaha 4811 279 611 a repo.. J 5700 Sahnoyi-thersa Spilea-Havan Gumuchhane et alentours (caza Yemc:ura) Kospidi Sco pia total Exterminated by the cqnfiscation of their fortunes, tions, cold hURger, a!sassihation and massacre. } 5700 206 123 205 209 953 4°2 1 i J - 835. 1614$ 1137 194 17479 exile, viola- .C;pouilles de leurs biens confisques, morts en exil, par la faim et Ie froid, violt~s, pilles, assassines, tues et massacres. 2 I J_. a reporter t Bahdjedjik Sekekachi ! I I Djik~it#i Gul punar I ~ t!irconscripfion de fa .flftetropole de fRodopolis (c9Ytatzlia). '1 (Caia Baybourt) Halva maden (Caza Akd1!gh maden) Carabir Koullak . Evd ji Djakal Hopouz Dokouz 'j! Tep~~,Keu~ Ba~ar maden Ii 6206.31 Sahina-dere ,.fii.i I ~ ) Beledjik Bolakli Balan Omalohori Ormanohori Liamlatinon Livadia Keyichoglou Yedi. chechri 'Kadi-Kichla Dourgout Oloudja Teke Kuneghi AlmaIli Keysseri Kouch-Kaya a reporter report 62003 1 I Djorleyik '. Demirdjil{euy .:KaleKuneyi Koiizviran Soghouk-dama Rakan report Exterminated by the cOJ1fiscation of their fortunes, tio!1s, cold hunger, assassination and massacre. .' Kayahissar MeEcli Djlkmen Roum a reporter' v I~"I :ll)1JIi Ii" I?jal Divliz Keyirez KouchcKaya Saraydjik Yol-aghiz l{assiopi :Divan' Cara-E:I;}k Agalik maden Lahana maderi Sakhahra Yaglidere Hapsatchalr Monastir Kizil Kaya Ghozonik 266 5' ~.I! "'rl;port Asl~n4jik';" (Gaza Kenrssunde) Kir har'kart Armout alan Kotylia Ayanni Ada-beuyou:k: Ada-donzi Satl-maden Eselli maden Djim~haDton Elevi ,"'. 'it lIP ""'" 6200J, ". II ,~ - 18- GENERAL J f eir:cumscription t)ft6e c9Yleb:opolisoj eolonias eircons(:ription de la c9Yletropoleeolonias 1" (du Caza de Carahissar charki) Valdjana Troubdji Hahavia Alissor Jsbahan mal1lessi C a Ia d'JOuk "'1510 1058 456 889 726 155 Aladjahan Mond,olas. Me~temeh (Caza Ebech) In 0;10U Bazar Kiziki beleu 175 807 Tchamli Kale ' ' D ere. K euy " K euv- d epe ' A rmou t d jaYJr ' K aya l 1 K aya ' D Je t oura Gul-ali '" D Je,ep " C aya-aepe . M ouraSSJ Ovadjouk Courbaghi Essola F€yleri (Caza Messoudie) Anastos . . CamJchl1 5776 705 955 - Exterminated tions, depouilles Ie froid, by 8211 , 95° 4512 de leurs biens assassination confisques, piUes, assassines, en provinces ecctessiastiques ~'rti, - g I ~'4~ total of their fortunes, i of t6e victims of !!Pontus ,according to 'e.cclesiastical provinces and l}ree/i comlflunifics TABLEAU GENERAL des vzc#mes du !!Pont :Metrop.Qls: Communities: :M€trop,oles: Communautes: Amass!a 400 ~eocesar~e 95 TrebizOnde 70 Chaldee 145 Rodopolis 4;1 Colonia 64 $15 1 Y, 610 607 14890 the confiscatipn cold hunger, violes, ~ \ .. 656 450 750 450 . 225 Hindjiri (Caza Kerdjen€) .Caw Keuy Rifahie , Condyha Pistour a reporter 16684 - ' Alissix 1489& 79455& 450 report exile, L 21448 viola-' and ma.ssacre. morts en exiI, par 130faim et tues et massacres. . DESCRIPTION Churches: Eglises: 603 135 127 182 53 74 1134 - et commpnautes Schools: Ecole,s: 518 106 84 152 45 55 000- "\' grecgues Exterminated population: 'Population detruite 134078 27216 38434 64582 17479 21448 303238 , Of this descripti()n; it is seen thad 815 prospering communities have b~en totally ruined, all the Greek villages with their 11.134 churches and 960 schoolsplmldered and burnt, fortunes won py' 500 "years har,d la;bours, remounting to more than Ii! mUll/trds of ,francs have been, stolen and carried off ana a population of 303238, men has 'be~n exterminated by the fire aIld the" steel. Many of them havebeenhanget or dJ:edby the cold. The massacres near :Kavak, DjQomboosh hau, Selamelik aud Kiz Alan and the slaughter of Ada, Karapertchine, Tek~ keuy ,DlIerzifoun, the jnhabitansof the last city having bean exterminated in the handing of the French f:;Chool, and the nm;nerous, hangings of Amal!,sia ,serve ~s an underniable proof of' this extermination. . TJ;lEfSe monatruoUs, deeds: assassinations, violat,ions, 1'0bberi~s, sequestrations, arbitrary confiscations of fortunes, 3!ld eV,erY kind of unheard of atrocities committed by the Turks whether Unionists or Kemalists are much 'more hor:rible than the massacres Of Armenians in 1915. De cf.}, tableau il tessort que 815 communautes grecques floriss-antes ont ete totalemeht detruites, tons les villages greos avec leurs 1l:}4 eglises ot 960 ecoles sont pUles et mis en feu, d~8 proprietes acquises de puis 500 aI+s at s' Meva.nt A des milliards furent enlevees et volees at toute une population de 303238,personnes a. ete exterminee par Ie feu at ~e fer, Ie coup defusi1 otl8. pendaison, lafaim et Ie froid et a. cet extermination servent des temoignJ'Lges irreflltables lea mass/l>cres en ms"sse pres, de Cavak, Pjimbouch han, Sela.melik et Kiz alan et les hol09a~stes a. Ada, Ca.rapertchine, Tekke keuy at Merzifoun, danS 1'e"tablissem-ent meme de l' ecole Fran<;aise -at lespendaisons inno-mbrables' d' Amassia, etc. Davant ces actas ~onstrueu:x', assassi::J.ats"" viols, vols, sequestrations et c6nfisoatlOns arbitraires de biens at tOutes sortes d 'attOcites inoiues ~ommises pa.1' les Turcs, Unionistes 011.Ke~alistes, 8urp assen10 de beaucoup en horrenr les massacres Armeniens de 1915. !!' ,I ,I ' A FEW SHORT NOTES OF THE TURKISH CRUELTIES PERPETRATED AGAINST THE GREEKS OF THE ~ONTUS (Turkish coast of the Black Sea) DURING THE MONTHS OF JU:NE, .rUL Y, AND AUGUST 1921. District of Trapezont - Sourmain-Riza.. Durig the month of July 1911, nearly between 16 and 50 years, was expatriated. slaughtered. District of'Tripolis-Kerazond Boulan BREF . the who!e of the 'male population" On their way most ef them were The dietrict of Fatsas suffered the same' atrocities. District and Oinoe ..Au distrIct de Trebizonde-Sourmaine-RIza. Pendant les mois de Juillet 1921 toute la population male de r6 a 5° ans \ :fut ex.patriee. Au district tZ1\k-Ordou. Osman Agas, who is known and famous fer his fereclty an~ his blood-. -thirsty instincts, after having murdered the greatest part of the notables" and robbed them of their fortune!!, denorted, during the month of July, the male population to Harpout, Mamouret-oul-Azis, and Alpistan; while he shared. the beautiful women with his fellow-partisans. Many of these unfortunate people were conveyed' .by the Tsedd~s into the mountains. Women and children" who are left unprovided for and completely denuded, perish from hunger. From the 25°0 -Greeks of Tripolis, there are left only two hundred women and and children, and from 14,000 C;;ceek in abitants of Kerazond, only' 4000 women and.'children are still alive. equally invaded by Osman 1 l In this distict the extermination was carried through more eystematicall:r & with more cruelty. The male population was deported in five convoys, the' first of which c01j.nted 2000, the second 1901, the third once more 2000, and the fifth and sixth, 500 and 620 of these miserables. While these convoys-. went downward a hill, not far fror the litHe town of Kavak, situated at a distance of 8 hours from Samsoun, the Turkish escort suddenly fired at them" and thus they killed from the first convoy 330 and from the third 660 men. The losses of the other conyoys are still unknown. The surviyers, deprived of whatever they possessed, even of their clothes, were exiled to Malatia, Harpout, Mamouret-oul.Aziz, and Alpistan, more like phantoms than human oeings. The little village of Tzakaly, four hours hon Samlloun, Osman. Agas'ordered the women and children (the men having beeD previously de-. ported) to be locked up in some houses of the village; and there they wereo aunt alive. " En route Ia plupart d 'entre eux fUl,ent de Tripolis-Xerassunde-Boulantzag-Ordou. massacres. Osman Agas deja connu et renomme par sa ferocite et par ses instinctl :sanguinaires, ayant a:isassine la plus grande partie des notables et s'etant ap.-proprie leurs fortunes, deporta pendant le mois de Juillet la population mAle ..3.Charpout, Mamouret-oul-Aziz et Alpistan; tandis que les belles femmes et les viersses furent partagees entre lui et ses partisans. Beaueoup de ces mal.11eureuses furent en trainees par les Tseddes dans les montagnes. Les femmes et les enfants depourvues de tout et denudes complHement se meurent faim. De 25°° Grecs de Tripolis il ne reste plus que 200 femmes et enfants ..,et de 14°°0 habitants grees de Kerassonde ne survivent que 4000 femmes ,~t enfants. Le district de Fatsa at Oinoe, envahi par Osman A.gas, subit Ie sort de Kerassonde. .Dans Ie district dc Samsoun-Baffra., I 'extermination fut exeeutee plus systematiquement et avec plus d'atrocites. La population miHe fut deportee .en 5 convois, comprenant Ie premier 2000, le deuxieme 19°1, Ie troisieme .2000, Ie. quatrieme et Ie cinquieme 5°° et 620 de ees malheureux. Non loin la petite ville de Kavak, situee a 8 heures de Samsoun, pendant que les ~onvois deseendaient une pente, les organes du pouvoir ture qui les accom." Aga~* Samsoun-Ba.ffrll.. REeIT DE QUELQUES-UNES des CRUAUTES COMMISES par les TURCS contre L'HELLENIS ME du PONT-EUXIN pendant les MOIS de .rUIN, JUILLET ET 1921 AOUT . .,pagnaient, tirant incessament sur eux tuerent 33° du premier et 660 dtl troisieme convois. On ignore les pertes des autres convois. Les survivants .spolies de tout ce qu'ils portaient, meme de leurs habits, et ressemblant ain~ .ca des spectres errants, furent envoyes 3. Maladia, Charpout, Mamouret-ouIAziz et Alpistan. Dans Ie village de Tsakalli, a quatre heures de distance de Sam.soun, Osman Agas fit enfermer les femmes et les enfants, (les hommes ayant ..He d~portes d'avance) d~s. quelques maison du village etles y briila vivantes. Dans Ie village de Kavac il commit les memes horreurs. Seul UlI '''{'ieillard de 80 ans fut sauve~ I A Kavza i1 assembla les femmes et les enfants au bord de la riviere, les :massacra, et les jeta ensuite dans la riviere. Les villages grecs 'de ee district - 21In the villagewas of Kava.k of eighty saved. he commited the same crimes; a single old; t At Kavza droyewere together the and women and into children on the banks the river, wherehe they massacred thrown the river. of All the Greek villages of this district were laid in ashes. Eighteen bri-des and girls of the above villages were picked out by Osman Agas for their heauty, :in order to be distributed to his fellow-crimiDals, who after having during and burntseveral them days alive.satisfied their carnal appetites, shut them up in a house; At Merzifond Osman Agas and his companions, after having completely 1 1tereaved all the Christians, put fire to the Greek aud Armenian quarters. The scenes which took place in the course of the fire were heart appalling. All the exits are barricaded, and the miserables trying to escape, are eithermercilessly killed, or thrown back into the fire, without distinction of women, children and old men. In the lapse:of 5 hours 1800 houses together with theirinhabitants, were burnt down. It is impossible to describe the orgies commit -ted against the virgins and children. While they were performing these/cruelties, they Shollted ad their victims; «'Where ara now your English, YOUy Americans, and your Ghrist to help you?> At Baffra, having extorted from every map., from 50 to 2000 pounds", they deported the male population and near the town they killed in a week'-\, time 200 of them. Once the expatriation completed the soldiers togetherwith the Turkish inhabitauts plundered the houses and establishments of theGreeks. The pillage lasted for several days. The women and children who es.aped from the massacre, are lacking of everything, even of their daily bread. Illnesses and hunger complete the total annihilation. All the Greek viJIages.around Samsoun were laid in ashes; the fortunes of the Greeks robbed, therirgins and youug boys dishonoured, and driven to the mountains. Many of the latter ones, in order to avoid the disgrace in the hands of the Turks, committed and suicide. Fop the same reason, many parents killed their 01VUo daughters children. - These are somePontus, of theinstarements, told by ocular witnesses, to the Cen,tral Council of the Athens. A the n s, October 17th, 1921. 'j 1 - 21 - . furent incendies; dixhuit nouvelles-mariees et filles des ,.iJlages ci devant,choisies d'Osman Agas comme les plus belles, furent distribuees allX chefs de sa bande, lesquels apres avoir pendant plusiem:s jours assouvis sur elles toutes leurs convoitises bestiales, les enfermerent dans une maison de Kana et les y firent briiler vivantes. A Merzi~oun Osman Agas et ses sateIlites, apres avoir debouiUe les chretiens de tout ce qu'ils possedaient,firent mettre Ie feu aux quartiers grecs et armeniens. II y eut des scenes horribles pendant I' incendie; to utes les sorties sont barrees et les malheureux qui essayent de se sauver, so.nt ou tues, ou ~ien impitoyablement rejetes dans Ie feu, sans distinction de femmes, d'enfants et de vieillards. Mille huit cents maisons avec leurs habitauts furent prulees en 5 heures. II est impossible de decrire les orgies imprndentes contre les vierges et les enfants. Pendant qu'ils les commettaient, ils disaient a leurs victimes cyniquement. <qit sont maiutenant vos Anglais, vos Americains et votre Jesus Christ ?> A Baffra, apres avoir extorque de la population male de 50 a 2000 Jiyres de chacun, ils les firent depprter, ct non loin de la ville, ils en tuerent 2000 dans une semaine. Apres l'cxtermination les organes du pouvoir avec les habitants turcs pilIerent Jes malsons et les etablissements des Grecs. Ce pillage dura pendant des jours entiers. Les femmes et les enfants echappes au massac-re manquent de tout, meme du pain quotidien. Les maladies et la faim parachevent Ie eomp1et aneantissement. Tous les villages grecques des environs de Samsoun furent incendies; les habitans deb01:.i1Ies de leurs fortunes; les vierges et les garc;ons furent deshonores et enleves dans les montagnes. Plusieurs d'entre elles ne vouJant subir Ie deshonneur, se suidderent en se pendant. Beaucoup de parents en ne supportant pas a voir leurs fiiles et leurs enfants etre deshonores dans les mains des Turcs, les tuerent eux-memes. D'apres les depositions des temoins oculaires' Central du Pont-Euxin a Athenes. A the n e s Ie 15 Octobre 1921 recueillies par Ie Conseil - '\ \ SOME SUPPLEMENTARY sliI1 The continues. systematical annihilation - 22 NOTES of the Christian TO THE populations ABOVE: death from of the Pontus L' extermination systematique de la population ehretienne de la region .,fiu Pont-Euxin continue: A Alatzam, petite vilIe a 27 klm. de Samsoun, les 16oo'femmes et en,fants survivants fnrent deportes a l' interieur. Ils sont deja a Boivat, 127 klm. ~' AJatzam.' En route la plupart sont morts a la ~mite de maladies et de mauvais traitements. Les belles femmes et Ies ,.ierges subirent pnpliquement les plus grands deshonneurs par les gendarmes qui les escortaient.Leurs lieux de destination est Osmantzig, a 120 klm. d' Angora. La. mort par la faim. Sons peine d' emprisonnement il est interdit de vendre du pain ou 11' importe quelle autre nourriture aux chretiens. De .cette fac;on les malhenrenx sont condamnes a l' horrible mort par la faim. En vain ils supplient pour un morceau de pain, en offrant tout ce qu' ils leur reste sncore de precieux. lls se tralnent dans les rues, en implorant en vain la misericorde des Tures. Les Turcs voyent avec plaisir et volupte leurs rendre en chemin leur demier soupir. Dans l' orphelinat de Baffra 17 orpkelil1s sont morts de fain, et sont restes pendant plusieurs jous sans etre. hlhumes,leur enterrement etant interdit.::YIais a la fain a la snite de la decomposi-tion Podeur des cadavres Jevenant insupportable,les outorites turques permirent J' enterrement de tous ensemble daus une fosse creusee dans Ie cimetiere grec. Les corps de ces petits martyrs du Pont furent traines dans Ie rues avec des <.Cordes nouees aut our de leurs cous. starvation. Under pain of imprisonment it is prohibited to sell bread or any other food to the Christians. Thus tbese miserables are condemned to the terrible death from starvation. In vain they supplicate for a'liece of bread, offering whatever precious they still possess. In vain they implored in the streets the death their victims. The latter assisted with pleassure and satisfaction to the chariry of of the Turks. In the orphanage of Baffra 17 orphans who died from starvation remai- ned unburied for several days, as the burial was prohibited. Finally, as. through the discomposition of the corpses the bad smeIl grew intolerable, the Turkish authorities permitted the interment of all of them together in a. -ditch sf the Greek cemetery. The bodies of the poor little martyrs were previously dragged along th~ streets with stings round their necks. At h e 11s, September - -:N'OTES SUPPLEMENT AIRES DU CI. DEV ANT BREF RECIT' At Alatzam, a little town at 27 kIm, from Samsoun, the remainitlg 1600 women and children were deported to the inner parts of th~ country. They already arrived at Boivat, 127 klm. from Alatzam. On their way most {)f them died from illnesses and had treatments. The beautiful women and: virgins suffered in public the greatest dishononrs £ron the police which was Angora. escorting them. Their place of destination is Osmantzihg, at 120 klm. fro,IR The 22 Athenes 25nd 1921. Ie 22 Septembre 1921. I I . t. I - - 23 - 24- /' BY AN THE TRAGEDY OF BAF11'RA IN PONTUS ErE-WITNESS WEE ESCAPED THE I escape the Turkish Police. But those who were by chance arrested or caugh -While in a state of fainting, were shut immediately im the courtyard of the Church and then taken to tlle opposite side of the river, without being allowed to get cl othes or food. From there, these victims about 535 men, were tied back to back and taken to 80ulou Dere of the vi11age of ElezlL and imprisoned in the Church. Among the prisoners were priests ane the notablesMurat Dzelepog10u & Basid Karassavaoglou. The keys of the Church were delivered no the under-Governor of Baffra. In the meantime, the inha-. bitants of the surrounding villages, by order of their notables Nevrisin Mehmet& TiraEzate Mehmet, armed fo teeth encircled the Church. Firstly the prisoneI:s were stripped of their clothes and robbed of all they possessed. The seven priests were killed by an axe at the entrance of the Ghurch.. Perhaps nothing in History ever occured so tragic as the funeral service and the appropriate sermon by the priest Papayanni in anticipation of the fate which awaited them. After the massacre of the seven ptiests, the troops and MASSACRE: OF BAFFRA AND. WAS RESCUED WITH 100 OTHERS ON A SAILING SHIP TO MEDEA INTHRACE. TRANSLATED FROM THE TURKISH TEXT WRITTEN IN GREEK C1HARACTERS. On the 5th of July 1921, Turkish hoops consisting of 10,000 men and.. assisted by the Musulman peasants began to attack the Greek villages of Bdfra. What then took place in indecribable. ~ A succession of acts of incendiarism, shooting, slaying, hanging a.nd. outraging has lasted up to the 5th of June. During this period all the Greek:. . 'Villages of the district without exception were turned to heaps of ruins, and very few of the inhabitants escaped death so lavishly sown by the proverbiaL cruelty of the Turk. The inhabitants of the Greek vilIage Mooaml1, three hours from Baffra, were all, 250 in number,Shut in the house of Dzigalouglou and burnt al1Ye. The same fate aw aited the villages Sourmeli, Ak konney, kizi-giol &Ada in the district of Amisos:- Such was the horror of the armed peasants climbed the walls of the Church and fired from there" then the bayonet and the axe were utilised. One of the martyrs, named Nicolas Jordanoglol1 offered his last Ltg. 300 for the privilege of being shot instead of any other kind of death. Four wounded, the only ones who miraculously escaped and iled by night to Nepien (mount) the centre of the Greek refugies 1!.arrated the above verbation. Second convoY these savage scenes that many T:J.rkish soldiers fainted, bllt when reviVtid~ were forced again by their officers to continue their duty. Many Greek peasants, who by miracle escaped death were seen at Baffra hopelessly insane. The Government pretended to be indifferent because, as it was proved afterwards, the same fate awaited the town of Baffra. The Greeks of Baffra no longei hoping to save the viIIages triedif possible to save those in the town. With this object in view they promised big ransom to Zemil Bey, under-GovernIH: of Baffra, and to other officials. Z£mil Bey gave aSSurances on his word of honour that Baffra ran no danger. Unfortunately in this case as in numerous tible things. others before, it was proved that hononr and Turkish nature are incompaDriving On the out the inhabitants 5th118th of June I \ of Baffra 1:21, Saturday mornfng, the town of Baffrs. was surrounded by troops and armed Baffrian Turks, Companies consisting of Turks, Albanians Lazoes, and led by gendarmes were suddenly scattered in the Christian parishes whore they demanded the surrender of the men of each. family. Without delay they took their prisoner~ no the Police station and let. the Government-Agents despoil the houses. The courage and the self-abnegation of the Greek women ofBaffra, during these critical monents, is beyond description. Although the:r were submitted for whole days to unheard of' tortures, no one was inducEd to reveal the hiding place of her husband or neighbour. At the risk of their lives these heroic women bad many neighbours hidden in their own houses. This is how several men managed to> I This included 500 Bafman Greeks, two of them being the well known merchants George Kouzloo and Kyriako Solomonoglou. KouzIoo killed on the way and his head was taken to the under-Governor of Baffra. All the others were shut in the Church of the yilIage SeJame1fk & burned aIeve except a few who escaped and reported the fact. Meantime researche,s within. the town were carriEd on more assiduouf'ly. Buildings were demolished in search of refugies. But none were discovered except those who surrendered from panic. The unde:t:-Goyernor repeatedly invited with threats all the escaped male population to surrender immediately to the local authorities But witkout effect. Many men perceiving the danger of remaining longel:' in the town ran during the night through the military zone which closely. encicled the town and reached with deranged minds their companions at Nepien. The narrator of this tragical record is one of the first who escaped~ During the exit many men were ki!led, but about 500 women and children were saved by the help of forthcoming companions from Nepien. At this unexpected turn of things the Goyernor in order to. be more sure of its.. object conceited the plan of dividing the remainder of the male population into two cate~ories.the one comprising men subject to military sen-ice ami the other men to be exiled. It was then proclaimed that those who were.:, - 25 - ,subject to military service should present themselves;at once to the military - 26THE TRAGICAL EVENTS OF OINOE (OURIA) After the complete destruction of the prospering city of continue their work of ravage. On the month of September 1921 the bands of Mustafa sacred all the male population of Oinoe. The smalle quantity had been able, to escape this slaughter took. refuge on the . .authorities in order to be sent to their respective regiments. Failing immediate appearance they would be classed among those to be exiled. Upward .()f 500 young men between 15-35 of age, were taken in by the assurances of the proverbial turkish treachery and presended themselves no the recruit .offices of :j3affra. Simultaneously the poJice\ proceeded to arrest all those belonging to the oth~r category. This the third convoy was made up from 400 recruits and 280' exiles, in all 680. This included well knowlt men like ., Ii !\ \I " II,. Fourth convoy This consisted of 35 persons among whom the merchants Anastasios Azzoglou & Constantine Azzoglou. It is not known why the Turks, after 'naving, though their duplicity, exterminated savagely the greatest part of the greek popula!ion, thought it necessary to make sure that this small and -insignificant last convoy should be taken safely to the place of exile. T4is was a town near Marash callei :E;lvistan where the exiled arrived and tele- graphed to friends. ' After the extermination tJf the Greek population Turkish cruelty found vent in the relics of the Armenians, who survived the relentless pers.ecutions -organised during the European war by the bloodthirsty soul of the Turk. The orgies enacted after the elimination of the males, are indescribable. After a certain time, the Turks began to drive away also the women and . children; Needless to say they did so in the most bmtal manner. An adept ceofartistic ruin and desolation, the Turks find untbtJught of methods for ,stamping out peoples whose sole mistake is to be of another religion tha:ll his, and to be inbued by an unquenchable zeal for progr ess. This latter characteristic especiaIIy enragec always the lying Conqueror. Groups of 1000 to r 500 women and children wers arrested and shut iy. the cOllrtyard of the Chursh of Baffra, were kept there for days without food and without being permitted to sell their household things to procures some food, were stripped of all their clothes, outraged, and then sent like II.herd of animals ~t) Kastam()ni. Rainy days were always preferred for these expeditions, theTurkish cruelty finding this more to the point. Gonfiscation of properties, wbolesale mascacre, inhuma1l extenmination of women and, children by the method of exile, these are the elements of a. faint description of the situation of Baffra and round it. _J0hn Dilmitoglou notable of BaUra, escaped to Medea in Thrace. Athens 13 October 1921. Kemal have mas.' of the men who-, mountains where they will surely die on account of the persecution, the cold, and the lack of food. The Turk ge11darms set fire to the forests in order to oblige them to-. leave the dens where they are hidden. This massacre organised by the ofiicial outhorities having been carried out Mustafa Kemal ordered the d~portation of the remaining boys and wo:men. The women knowing well the fate whlch was waiting them: dishonour. ()utrage and violation accombanied by the death, preferred like the virgins ofKerassunde, those poor victims of the famouS ruffian Osman Agha, to suicide. the banker Demosthenes Dilmitoglou, Abrabam Manides, Pantelakis Azzoglou, Aristides Hadji Savas, etc. mostly merchants. The place of martyrdom was the Church of the vilIage Kodje-sou but as Kone escaped we know neither ..details not the manner of their deiltructio12. Ii OF PONTUS. Baffra the Turks. So pressing to their bosom theirs boys and their younger brothers on a rock near the seashore and threw therosclves in the abyss. Central Council of Pontus. l'aparigopoulo Street 15. At h. n s the 1St December LES EVENEMENTS ApreS la destruction 1921. TRAGIQUES complete climbed D' OINOE de 1& florissante DU PONT. viIle de Baffra les Tun:$'" continuent leur oeuvre de ravage. Ainsi au. mois de Septembre 1921 les bandes. de .ustafa Ki;m:ill ontmassacre toute la population male de la vilIe d' Oinoe. Le peu d' honnnes qui a pu echappe a ee carnage 5' est refugie sur les mon-taglles, ou les attend la :mort a cause de Ia persecution, du froid et de manque de nourriture. Les gendarmes turc5 incendient les f.rHs a fin de les forcer a quitter' les cavernes ou se flont refugies. Peu de temps apres ce massacre, organise par les autorites officielIes' Mustafa Kemal ordonna ]11deportation de ce qui restait femmes et enfants. Les femmes coi;:naissant bien Ie sort qui les atttndait c. a. d. deshonneur,outrage, viol et ensuite la mort prefererent, selon l' exemple des vierges de-,Kerassounde, "icti1l1es dll. fllmeux scelerat Osman Agha, de se suicider. pre-..nant ainsi dans les bras leurs enfants et lenrs petits freres roonterent sur UlL. ;ocher au bord de la mer et se precipitere1llt dana la mer apres avoir Ilupara-vant lance leurs enfants et ircres dan. l'-abime 1 Conseil Central dv. F01'1t Rue Paparigopoulo 15. A th e:n e 5, Ie 1 Decembre 1~21. ,. iil .t J 1 "- - 27 - - .Eis!eSamsaun~ capied fl'am tfje tfj.'1-ul'liisfj new papel'S «{Jcfia!i» In Sept. 25 Y:!Jecandemned as cl'eatars 0.1 tfje fRepu6lic aj tfie /!Ponfus. 'ifje candemned to. deatfj atl'ead? executed. .Eis!e capM du jaul'nal 1921 a 8am so.un. tzll'c «t5cfja!b !e 12] 25 Sepfem. .Ees candamnes camme cl'eateul's de!a fRepu6/ique ~es candamnes a mal't deja executes. Basi!ios Papadopoulos, journaliste Eleft. Tersimanoglou, commer'Yllnt K. Konstantinides, agent d~ Regie Laurentios Tasdjoglou, avoca t Alex. Charalamboglou, Gharalambosoglou Gergy (Baffra) Greg. Gregoriades, commer'Yant Alex. Ichtigaroglou, commer'Yant Tb.eologe Dimitriades,. pharmaciea Theagene Enfiedjoglou,commerc;:ant Christ. Christoforides, pharmacien Sabbas Antonoglou, cammer/rant lIias Panajotoglou Tbeodore ]ankoglou Karpaserirog Iou Panajotis Kandelanaptis Const. Bapazoglou, agent d'assur. Perikles Nikolaides, commer ant Platon Yelkendjoglou, » Sokrate SkenderogIou, " Themistocles Antonoglou, ,. Georges PyrlogJou, Nikolas Theologlon, ,. Eadjis Tsinekoglou COD.St. Hadjis Charalamboglou Const. Tsinekoglou, cultivateur Christos Georoglou, cafetier Stavres Kouzoumdjoglou Demetre Alexiades, commer'Yant Themist. Xythias Sophocles Antavaloglou, banquier Chara!. Panteloglou, commer/;ant Paris Chamladjis, medecin Pericles Koudjoukdjak, medecin Georges Isavouzoglou, commer'Yant Georges Savaoglou P. Papadopoulos, dir. Banque Otto Georges Yelkendjoglou, commer'Y. Charal. Gregoriades, medecin Paul Raphaeloglou, medecin NiJwl. Jordanoglou, agent de Regie lean Bourdeuroglou, commerc;:ant 13a:,i1K~rat.a~glis, n;ort. en prison j du /!Pant. Plato NikoIeoglou,pretre ~ Samsoun Lazare Arzoglou, commerc;:ant Michalakis Antonoglou Jean Mavrides, commer'Yant Alex. Ordeulog!ou, pharmacien Themist. Jordanides, professeur Panajotis Lambroglou Charalam. Karakasoglou l1damant. Preoumd ienides Abraham Chrvsafid~s, medecin Anestis MeIides, commerc;:ant Jean Antavaloglou, commerc;:ant Antoine Hadji-Anbmoglou, commer, Anastase ]etejoglou Demetre Papazoglou, medecin Antoine Jinoglou Pantelis Arzoglou, commer'Yant Jordan Katcmdjoglou, ephore d'egI. The condamned to death by contumace Les condamnes A mort contumace I , I par Theodore Arzoglol1, a.ncien depute Simeon Ichtikiar()glou, commerc;:a.nt Paraskeyas Yelkendjoglou, Demosthene Lazarides, commer". Athanace Bravos, medecin. suj. grec Georges Bekiaris, secret. Metropol. Paul Tsumdjoglou, professeur Achille Atactides, secretaire Alex. Patzalides Amas. 'Jermanos, Archeveque Theologos Michanides, commetl;ant Ektor Deirm~ndjoglou, » . Jean Za.charopoulos, \ ,. Paul Pavlidt:s, commer'Yatt1 ~o 15 years penal servitude A 15 ans de travaux forces Lazaroglou Jean Dimitroglou . Pericles Papailialoglou Charilaos Iliaoglou ,I Dead in prison Ehas Cnanh~~s, medeclU Morts --en- prison -Georges Hadjl Antonoglou Zilon Evtr-emios Eveque Lazare Sabbaou~oglou Andr. Kol1aros ' Stavros Arzoumamouloclou Pantelis, employe a Ia metropole The condemned in Amassia. to death slready executed the 8 Septemper 1921 Les CQndamnes a. mOl't a. Amassia deja. executes Ie 8 Sept. 1921 Charalampe 'Tacalof Basil KyriacogIou Couyoumdjoglou Savas Timoglou Theocharidis 1!:lie Yaroglou Youvanaki Georges Constantinoglou <?eorgi David Kyriacoglou Lambrianos Kyriaco Yaneoglou .Auastase Emauet Savaoglou Symeonaki Sava Constantinoglou -5ymeon Ananiadis Paul vassiloglou Paul Panaoglou Georges Ouzoun SavaogIoll Lazare Terzoglou Efthimios Aliacozoglou EU.;anet Horhoroglou Christos Aliacozoglou P. Ovitaoglou Georges' Carassavaoglol1 Sta-vros Higalas Josephe Constantinoglou Vassiloglou Ancsti Hadjoglou Prilippe Tl>eop1>iJidis Eustache ConstantinogIou Issaak. Tocatloglou Athanasse Palassioglou TbeopHiidis Anastasse Totoroglou Loidas Anesti Michalloglou Georges Papamarcou Panicaoglou Konstantin Minaoglou Yani Panagiotoglou Savas Polychnmoglou Ioakim Savvaoglou Minas Yal1ioglou Emmanuel Hadjoglou Stavros Toticoglou Paras Savaoglou . Nicolas ToticogJou Christos pavlosoglou Christos Yaneoglou Georges Stavrosoglou Hercule Telnaioglou Stavri Lefteroglon Jean Yorgi oglou Theodore Lefteroglou Anesti Kyriakoglou Georges-ogIou Constantin Nicolaoglou Istil Jourdain Left(Oroglou Christo Iliaoglou An. Konstantinoglou Panagiote Pavlogiou li:ustacpe Micnailoglou Kyriaco Totoroglou Cl>ristos Hadjoglou You van Yanioglou Protas La:uareogIon Beniamin Ca1oudioglou Hadji Dimitri Yaneoglou Lazare Cabriiloglou Georges Gabriel son fils Basi~e Anastass()glou Cyriaco Sym~onoglou Dimit Yaneoglou Theogon KJ::t1acoglou Philippe, son fils S:avr.os Io.rG~n()glou Hampo Constantinoglou Geonca DlI~J.1t:oglou Ky~aco Gregoire comptable de la Regie Simeon Pavlides, avocat 28 - . . ~hkltdld] Topad]oglou Nichan Kircoroglou Avedis Garapetoglou. .-- ~ \ " I . } ' . .t:isfe copied from ffje CZ:urliisfjnews-papers I} Mathieu Coffides, ex-depute de Trebizonde dans Ie parlement Ottoman. 2) Nicolas Capetanides, directeur du journal«Epohi» a. Trebizonde:. 3j Alex. Acritides, industrie1. 4) Georges Theodorou, negociant a Kerassounde. 5) Jourdain, fils de Capetan Yanne ,negociant a KerasSounde. 6) Jean Constantinou. 7) Georges Pavlou. 8} Spyros, fils de Capitan Yanni, secretaire de la MetrQple. 9) Abraam Tocatlidis, negociant a Ordou,. 10) Epaminondas, fil& de Hadji Gregoriou a Ordou. The condemned to death by contumace. Les condamnes a. inort par contumace I) L'Archeveque de Trebizonde Monseigneur Chryssanthos. 2) L'Archeveque de Neocesaree ¥onseigneur Polycatpos. 3) L' Archeveque de Haldias Monseigneur Lavrentios. 4) C. Constantinides, de Ke~assounde, banquier a Marseille.. 5) Aristode G. Neophytos, publiciste, de Kerassounde. 6) Michel Mavrides, negociant. de Kerassounde. 7) Pelopidas Couridis, negofiant» I » »)1 » 9) Aristide Delicaris, »» » 10) II) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) '17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) Constantin Atmadjidis, )}» Leonidas Yassonidis, avocat Nicolas Yassonidis, negociant Leonidas Atmadjidis, )} Savas Michailoglou, » Ceorges » » » \1BC:>' ,."13t ~1j U{!Jcfjalt:Jin:- 8amsoun ffje 4 Oct. 1921. ~ondemned to deatfj olready executed. ii .t:iste copiie du journal turc u{!Jcfjalt:JIe 4 Octo6re 1921. l!ondamnes a mod dejii executes. 8) Char. Hadji Eleftheriadis, . ~ m '" B IIf II '" ? r II ''f. ,.~ '" II -"",' )) II ..,: a Georges Galevopoulos, Jeap Eleftheriadis de I~erassounde. Theodore Amirzoglou, Dr. Charalampe d'Ordou Sekeriadis, directeur de la Banqne Ottoman Ordou Themistocle Pastiadis Paul Mavridis Papa Theodore, locum-tenens de' l' Archeveque a Ordou Constantin, fils de Papa Theodore Micl1el Galinos mectecin. Papa Joachim, d' AlvaH, Eveque d' Apoll(:)nia~s. ---, ~ "'" <1\ )) a ~ . 't I Edition oltneCent?'ttrCo-imcil olP ontusEdition au Conseil Central du Pont '" I .'1 " R ill '" If! ;" " l <!II 'i!' II'! !\'II Ih \> " ti ~\; ,1 111 W. . 'I\' 71 ':g . D l "' ,/, !lI 11 !Ii 11 'I.!' .. 110 9 " \'Ii ," III <fJ Wi ;;;! I!. w i " '" '" ~ "11aO 1;: \)() cf i 1 ill 1'1"96. f/31. 7:' 'ontu9 ; . J;>,<\ T~E;. I ISSUED TO m DATI': DUE 'Ii' " '. " ~ ,~, i. ~ '\, '1~ ,t '" '" " " <!I'~ m «, .. I ~ 111 ~ '" ,. !I, 111 '" w Athen,es. ", -Im'p1'ilJte~ti~ ',. " cf1(Je/fifx»:', ru.'i '(te7fttad'e,.$& t ~ ,. ,1> ~ 1., ~ 1, ;~ " II ~ IIIJ DATE ISSUED DATE DUE ,.