ventures-april2013 - Emerywood Baptist Church
ventures-april2013 - Emerywood Baptist Church
THE EM ERYWOOD B AP TIS T C HURC H T H E R E ’ S A P L AC E F OR Y OU I N G O D ’ S F AM I LY . A P RI L 2 0 1 3 THINKING ALOUD Just in case you haven’t noticed it, we have a lot of good ministries and activities going on in EBC. As an example, the weekend of March 22-23 was an incredible one around our campus. Everywhere I looked there were volunteers working: people were decorating the sanctuary for our Holy Week Musical and Palm Sunday and still others were working on the exterior lighting. Kelley and the Children’s Ministry team were preparing for the Easter Egg Hunt. Others were assisting the landscaping crew as they completed redoing the front yard. As this was going on here, out “there” members were visiting the hospitals and shut-ins and others from the Andrew Ministry were contacting prospects. All of this activity is not just activity for activity’s sake. All of it is designed to enhance our worship so as to allow us to grow in our faith and relationship with our Lord. A neat, well-groomed facility says to the world that we are proud of our Lord and His church. An active, serving congregation says that we love our Lord and wish to share that love with others. Both are vital to our ministry in the world. If I started listing everyone’s name, I would omit some and inadvertently offend them. I do wish to thank John Foster (he will fuss at me for this) for his wonderful donation of time, materials, and crew – they did far more than we paid them for, I can assure you. The monies for this project came from Memorials that had been given through the years and were released by the families to pay for this project. VOLUME XLII, ISSUE 04 Dr. Bob Ferguson When we finish with this and some sanctuary renovations (new windows) we will have a dedication Sunday and properly thank all of these for their donations to keep our facilities maintained as they ought to be. One “secret” we have discovered in all of this: when Christians are working, giving, and serving – their joy becomes contagious. When we take the focus off ourselves and put it onto our Lord and others, it is amazing how excited, joyful, and peaceful we become. Because of your joy and excitement, every week new people show up and say, “I’ve heard good things about your church and wanted to know more.” Thanks for being a congregation which shares such joy and enthusiasm with others! See you Sunday as we celebrate the Risen Christ. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. Romans 12:5 Edgar Cross Heather Cross PO Box 5952 High Point, NC 27262 PO Box 5952 High Point, NC 27262 Above left to right: Edgar Cross, Heather Cross We are one in the bond of love; We are one in the bond of love. We have joined our spirits with the Spirit of God; We are one in the bond of love. Let us sing now, ev'ry one; Let us feel His love begun. Let us join our hands, that the world will know; We are one in the bond of love. Above left to right: Jeanie Meisky, Mike Wise, Gay Wise, Lynn Simril Jeanie Meisky Mike Wise Gay Wise Lynn Simril 504 Florham Drive High Point, NC 27262 Jeanie is the sister of Pat Meisky. 6364 Sugar Cane Lane Thomasville, NC 27360 Mike is the father of Michelle Bednarek. 6364 Sugar Cane Lane Thomasville, NC 27360 Gay is the mother of Michelle Bednarek. 504 Florham Drive High Point, NC 27262 Dr. Bob Ferguson, Senior Minister Dr. Glen Adkins, Minister of Music Rev. Clista Adkins, Minister of Spiritual Formation Mrs. Kelley Kennedy, Minister to Children Mr. John Mark Brown, Minister of Youth Ms. Ashley Church, Associate Youth Minister Mrs. Marcia Dills, Church Organist Mrs. Doris Towers, Church Administrator Mrs. Lisa Bishop, Staff Secretary Mrs. Olivia Martinez, Housekeeper Mr. Rick Dowdy, Maintenance Beginning EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 31 through APRIL 28 EBC GOAL: $8,000 From Bali, Canada, Malaysia and dozens of places in between, you will find God working and changing lives through CBF ministries. The CBF Offering for Global Missions provides funding for the powerful ministries of more than 135 CBF field personnel. Spring is a heart full of hope and a shoe full of rain. -- Unknown C H I L D R E N ’ S C H AT T E R Well….I can honestly say that it was a first – hunting Easter Eggs while dodging sleet and snowflakes, that is! The cold, grey skies did nothing to diminish the enthusiasm however, and we had a terrific turnout for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. For some of the kids, it was their first EBC outdoor hunt, seeing as how we have been forced indoors for the last 3 years due to torrential rain and mud! Games were played, crafts were made, snack was consumed and not one of the over 2,000 eggs was left. For some, playing with the giant bubble wands proved even more enticing than the eggs, and there were cries of “more bubbles” as some of the young friends were taken to their cars! It was an amazing thing, to see all of the EBC babies – none of whom were walking for last years event – carrying their baskets, running from egg to egg, plopping down on the cold ground to open each egg…I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again – they grow SO fast! We all enjoy seeing how wonderfully our children are growing – in appearance, in abilities, emotionally, and spiritually. To that end, we have a couple of big events coming up that target the furthering of spiritual growth. Kelley Kennedy On May 17-19 we will embark on our 4th and 5th grade Faith Building Retreat. This year we will head to Camp Caraway for a weekend of study, fellowship and fun. Vacation Bible School will be June 23-26, and will be a terrific week for all – age 4 through 5th grade. As always, I am making lists and taking names – for volunteers! If you would like to be involved in this year’s Bible School, please let me know – there is a job for everybody, and in serving, you will bless as you are blessed. “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Be a child of the light, Kelley S E N I O R A D U LT S Senior Adult Team Monday, April 1 11:00 am, History Room Amazing Grays Monday, April 1 12 noon, Fellowship Hall Bring a sandwich for lunch around the tables. PROGRAM: Strib Boynton Save the Date! Celebrate! Spring Renewal: May 5—8 FA M I LY S U P P O RT Multi-Generational Homes Wednesday, April 3 6:15 pm History Room Join us for a meeting for those living in “caught in the middle” households. Would you like a chance to talk informally about the challenges of adults from several generations in one household. If you would like further info, contact John & Joyce Setchfield, 882-2188 or [email protected] Officers: Tuesday, April 9, 12:00 noon General: Sunday, April 14, 7:00 pm LEGACY Tuesday, April 16 10:15 am History Room Writing and recording the stories of our lives. M EN ’ S M I N I S T RY Book Review Wednesday, April 27 10:00 am, Media Center Jim Long will review: Thomas Jefferson Dementia Support Wednesday, April 10 6:15 pm Gathering Area This meeting is for families and friends living with Alzheimer's Disease and/or Dementia. MOBILE MEALS Friday, April 28 9:45 am Want to lend a hand with this ministry? Contact: Angela Morgan: [email protected] Jo Godfrey: [email protected] WHEN? WHERE? WHAT? Check the website for the info: Go to: Click CALENDAR. You can also link this GOOGLE calendar to your mobile devices & computer for reminders. SMALL GROUP NEWS SUMMER GATHERINGS Summer Supper and Conversation Groups will meet four (4) times over the summer. The groups can meet anywhere (homes, parks, restaurants) for any kind of supper or snack and discuss our summer study. We provide the discussion guide; YOU provide the plans and the place! You may sign up AS a group, or you may sign up to be connected with a random group—and meet other folks. IF you would be interested in organizing one of these groups OR in hosting the first round with a small group, please contact us at the church office! ATTENTION ALL CLASSES/SMALL GROUPS Sunday School Classes and Small Groups are each making themed baskets as contributions to the Youth Mission Trip Auction on May 4th. You may want to contact your class to get involved. Rev. Clista Adkins OPPORTUNTIES FOR BIBLE STUDY Small Groups—Sundays at 9:45 am Classes are offered for all ages, married and single, men, women, co-ed, youth and children. Pre-school childcare is available. Mid-Week—Wednesdays at noon Dr. Bob continues the in-depth study of Genesis. You may join at any point along the way. Life Group—Wednesdays at 6:15 pm Small group experience for young adults to connect. A Walk Through the Bible—Sundays at 6:00 pm This is an overview of the message of each book of the Bible led by Dr. Lamar King. A 01 01 02 03 04 05 05 07 07 09 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 26 28 30 30 Mary Ennis Danneal Whitton Sandy Meisky Kathryn Griffin Vicki Davis Kent Crawford Julie Richardson John Foster Hailee Yarborough Jean Kiger Cara Kiser Russell Davis Faye Hedrick Andrea Morris Nolan Patterson Jim Randle Lynn Crawford Al Purvis Turner Aycock Hugh Wallace, Sr. Rachael Morris Mickey Watkins Hunter Brammer Jackson Kiser Emmy Aycock Karen Tucker Tricia Bauman John Wells 02 06 10 10 12 17 19 L I R P 1 2 4 1 Bill & Edna Rose Guy Pat & Sandy Meisky Derek & Pat Church Joel & Ashley Edwards Carl & Nanci Motsinger Tom & Helen Warth Herman & Lucille Crawford Support our youth as they take leadership roles around the church during this week, including teaching Sunday School on April 21. Please let us know if we miss your special day so we can update our records. Youth Ministry Friday, April 19 8:00 pm WOMEN OF THE ‘WOOD Eighteen women joined together for a night of games and snacks on March 11, for the “Wii Bit O’Fun Game Night. Angie Woody decorated the tables with a St. Patty’s Day theme, and everyone brought food. Carolyn Brookshire, Louise Hendrix, and Bonnie Schultheiss taught Kristin Cain to play bridge. Another table full of women took Rummi-cube very seriously! One table just visited, and one table played games when they weren’t talking and laughing. We drew names from a hat, all night, for door prizes. Kristin won the shamrock night shirt! Morning Group CONE OF SAFETY We meet monthly for study, prayer and fellowship. Thursday, April 4, 10:00 am Chapter 6 — The Practice of Encountering Others A Geography of Faith — An Altar in the World By Barbara Brown Taylor PRAYER CIRCLE & BIBLE STUDY Monday, April 8, 7:00 pm Gathering Area This group meets the secondMonday, monthly. For information, contact Mary Carroll at 547-0799 or [email protected] EVENING FELLOWSHIP A casual come as you are gathering for study, prayer & fellowship for women in all walks of life…. Tuesday, April 9, 6:30 pm Location: Parlor (off sanctuary) Topic: Sharing to bless others… how to receive blessings Childcare available. PANCAKE SUPPER Wednesday, April 10 We will prepare the Wednesday Fellowship Meal as a fundraiser for the Women’s Ministry Fund. A few volunteers are needed….can you lend a hand? Contact the church office, Angie Woody ([email protected]) or Mary Figueroa ([email protected]) Day Trip to Boone & Blowing Rock Saturday. May 18 A fun and relaxing day with friends. Enjoy lunch and shopping. Sign-up now! WOMEN OF THE ‘WOOD We had a great group of women crowded who got together on Palm Sunday afternoon and learned how to make their own greeting cards. There were papers, and decorations, and glue sticks, and scissors, and stamps, and stamp pads, and a hair dryer, and chalk powder ...and lots of laughing women with inky fingers. Judy Patterson and Rachel Young planned a fascinating afternoon, with a beautiful floor-sized display and lots of sample cards. (I think they are professionals!) They provided materials for every person to make 10 cards in the two hours. (I failed to complete the task!) Allie Blosser brought a huge bin filled with dozens of stamps and embossing materials; then she taught us how to emboss and shared a beautiful testimony. Anne Marie Trammel and Whitney Aiken hauled their boxes of stamping supplies and ink pads through the rain to share more fun. We had lots of experts to help all of the rookies, so everyone had a great time and went home with a handful of beautiful handmade cards. Yes….anyone can do this...or at least have fun trying! OXFORD HOUSE MISSIONS Cleaning and laundry supplies You may bring items to any meeting or drop off at the church office during the month. Oxford House is a home for women in transition learning to live independently. MEALS MADE EASY! Meal planning is hard, especially when you are juggling multiple responsibilities--family, work, church and school activities. Often we are tempted to order pizza or go through a drive-thru. Freezer meals are a great option for busy days, saves you money and allows you to serve a nutritious meal to your family! We'd like to start several small groups for a freezer meal swap. If you are interested, you will be put in a group of 4 or 5 other participants. You will choose a recipe each month to make, such as a soup, casserole, crock pot meal, etc. and you will make 4 or 5 batches of that recipe, one for each member of your group. We will meet for fellowship one night a month, and be sure to bring your cooler, because you will go home with 4 or 5 meals for that month. Dietary restrictions and allergies will need to be considered. If interested, please contact Anne Marie Trammell ([email protected]) so we can gauge interest and set up a planning meeting. Let's get started! Sunday, May 5 is Focus on Senior Adults Day Morning Worship at 11:00 am May 5—8 Monday—Wednesday, May 6-8 12:00 noon All are invited for Renewal services in the Sanctuary with guest ministers and music. Light lunch follows. MISSIONS ‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ The Missions Team recently met to disburse your tithes and offerings to ministries all across the neighborhood and community. Emerywood members are making a huge contribution to serving the poorest and the most neglected in the name of Jesus. The Team also discussed plans for a churchwide mission project in the fall of 2013. This will be an exciting opportunity for every member of our family of faith, involving every kind of help from medical/dental to construction and everything in-between! Acts 1:8 YOUTH MISSIONS Food Drive for West End Ministries The Youth Ministry is sponsoring a canned/nonperishable food collection for the West End Food Pantry. This ministry is a source of food for many families. Please support the EBC youth in this endeavor to help others in our community. During April, you may drop off items at the office or in designated collection boxes. Toothbrushes for Costa Rica The youth are collecting toothbrushes to take on their Mission Trip to Costa Rica this summer. Bring them on April 17th, when you come to hear the youth present their plans and projects for Costa Rica Youth Backpack Project FAMILY PROMISE OF GREATER GREENSBORO Formerly Interfaith Hospitality The agency will be welcoming families back soon, providing opportunities for homeless families to reach independence. Katie Kennedy has developed a project to assist homeless teens in Guildford County as her Girl Scout Gold Award. The teens will be provided a backpack with basic essentials such as a towel, soap, and/or t-shirt/ shorts or sweat suit. Watch for further details. Auction—Saturday, May 4 BBQ Dinner and Silent and Live Auction. Tickets are available now!! Items are needed such as: vacation home stays, tickets to concerts and sporting events, furniture, specialty items. Contact Ashley Church or Angie Woody. Thursday, April 11 Wine Gala at Fresh Market, 3712 Lawndale Dr., Greensboro Tickets: Cathy Ingram at 336-706-8979 or [email protected] Family Promise at EBC A coordinator(s) is needed for this important ministry. EBC will host the families 4 times each year (once each quarter). This would be a team effort, with volunteers managing various areas such as overnight volunteers, drivers, evening meals and hosts and set-up/break down. Would you like more info on being part of effort to help families reach independence. Contact Cassandra Linthicum at [email protected] or the church office. Golf Tournament to benefit the “Half Full Foundation” High Point Country Club – Willow Creek Thursday, April 4, 1:00 pm INFO: Rusty Morris, 336-880-4902, [email protected] Supports the Children’s Tumor Foundation, the leading research program to find a cure for Neurofibromatosis and the Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA) Thank You! Grazie! Arigato! Dankeschön! March winds blew into Emerywood with shamrocks, pine needles, and Easter Eggs. The breezes carried pledge cards and Generosity Stories, devotional guides and prayer buddies. Finally they settled with “Joy Comes in the Morning” and “The Way of the Cross” prayer pilgrimage on Good Friday, all in a beautiful Sanctuary! None of these interesting and challenging opportunities happened on their own! So, on behalf of the entire membership, I thank you all for making March such a meaningful and marvelous month as we journey to “Gloria” on Easter Sunday. Throughout this newsletter, you will be reading about members who have made a huge difference in our family of faith. If I missed someone, PLEASE contact me as soon as you can. It is a complete oversight. Speaking of the Sanctuary, it was amazing... a unique and beautiful arrangement. Special thanks to all who worked to prepare the beautiful and worshipful setting for Lent, Holy Week and Easter with the crosses in the windows, the stunning transformation of the sanctuary into Jerusalem and the lily display: Tricia Bauman, Vicki Davis, Myra Brown, Martha Roberts, Susan Morris, Brenda Mizelle, Lynn Walser, Kathy Bull, Jane Cox, Edna Rose Guy and Carolyn Brookshire. Special thanks to our Deacons who so faithfully served in delivering stewardship boxes and then guided the “Way of the Cross” prayer opportunity on Good Friday; to every member who returned a pledge card, with or without a generosity story; to every member who shared a story of generosity; to Lisa Bishop for coordinating and producing Holy Week Devotional Guides; to Nancy Wallace for editing the guide; to Doris Stocks for leading Intercessory Prayer this month and to Lamar King for leading our Sunday Evening Walk through the Bible; to all those who served us supper on Wednesday nights, including the faithful Dee Parrish and Jerry Byrd; to those who taught our Special Needs class in Sunday School; to those who filled in a gap and took care of our Sunday Snacks for the month of March; to those who helped the youth with the pine straw delivery and those who are helping to plan the auction in May. We also thank Ricky Dowdy, who cheerfully helps Glen (or anyone) to move, set-up, take down, paint, haul and do any number of things around the building and beyond. The outcome is always good. Volunteers from the House of Prayer, unnamed church members who like to be anonymous, and countless others have made huge contributions to all of us at Emerywood. In the meantime, lots of our ministry teams are meeting and re-vitalizing ministries in every area. Surely every single member of Emerywood must be serving our church family in different ways. Maybe you are wondering . . . “Why do we need any paid folks with all of these volunteers?” Good question! Church doesn’t really “happen” by staff only. It’s not possible...because we are a FAMILY of faith. We BECOME church as everyone has a place and contributes their talents and gifts. The “whole” is a very beautiful miracle. THANK YOU for contributing yourself to the beautiful miracle that happened at Emerywood in March! Clista From the Amazing Grays: The first daffodils blooming Graduation day for my children & grandchildren Seeing my spouse’s smile The ultrasound of my granddaughter Playing a piano duet with my grandson Hearing my son say “mommy” Hearing my spouse’s breakfast prayer Having my newborn placed in my arms Health ATTENTION GOLFERS High Point Jail Ministry Golf Tournament Friday, May 10 Olde Homeplace Golf Club Entry Fee: $50 per person 4 person Captain’s Choice Includes: Green fees, cart fee, practice range w/ one basket of balls per golfer and dinner. Entries due May 1. All proceeds support the operation of the HP Jail Ministry. Randall Atcheson In Concert Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:00 am Graduate recognition: Sunday, June 2 Church renewal weekend: August 24-25 Adult Mission Trip: Hungary, October 31– November 9, 2013 To our House/Grounds Team The team has been working to coordinate several projects, large and small, around and throughout the building. We appreciate your efforts: Gianno’s Meal for Caring Services Thursday, May 16, 5:00—7:00 pm Dine in or take out Forest Hills Presbyterian Church 836 W. Lexington Ave. Menu: Chicken Marsalis, pasta, bread, beverage Homemade desserts available for additional charge. Tickets: $12 Norman Hedrick, 769-9211 or Becky Yates, 886-5594 Rick Bednarek Brandon Blair Barry Briggs Bill Cox John Kennedy Jim Parrish Martha Roberts Walt Sebastian Also, to Jack Reece as an “honorary” member for keeping the flowers and bushes growing, blooming and thriving. WORKERS IN THE ‘WOOD “ Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. ” Colossians 3:17 Sunday Refreshments Diaconate April Challenger Class 07 May Adult IV Men’s Class Awakening Nursery: 07 14 21 28 Michelle Bednarek Sarah Foster Mary Jane Walker Angela Morgan Adult Special Needs Class: April 07 14 21 28 May 05 12 Byron or Jo Godfrey Marion Winebarger Angela Morgan Castlen or Andrea Morris Ron or Rachel Young Louise Hendrix Youth Sunday Supper: 07 14 21 28 Morris family Bauman family Gilchrist family Gallemore family Awakening Worship Deacon: Joe Blosser Morning Worship Deacon: Ed Lefler 14 Awakening Worship Deacon: Danneal Whitton Morning Worship Deacon: Debbie Gallemore 21 Awakening Worship Deacon: Holly Hodge Morning Worship Deacon: Lamar King 28 Awakening Worship Deacon: Brian Hodge Morning Worship Deacon: Ed McCoy Andrew Ministry: Awakening Worship Suzi Blair, Linda Welch Morning Worship Lee Cain, Phyllis Hoover Intercessory Prayer: Wednesdays at 11:30 am All are welcome. Please join us. Volunteer Receptionists: West End Ministry Meal — April 4 First Thursday Missions Team and Ladies Adult IV Class (desserts) Fellowship Meal server: Wednesdays, 5—6 pm 2 volunteers needed each week. Children’s Table Host: Wednesdays, 5—6 pm 1 volunteer needed each week. Wednesdays, 9 am—12 pm and 1—4 pm 03 Linda Cox, Byron Godfrey 10 Martha Roberts, Janis Stephenson 17 Volunteers needed. 24 Volunteers needed. Hospital Visitation: Fridays 05 Tom & Emma Durham 12 Mary Carroll 19 Mary Carroll 26 Bonnie Williams May 03 Bonnie Williams Nursing Home Visitation: Lorraine Griffin, Faye Cecil AT A G L A N C E I N O U R P R AY E R S “In you, O Lord, I take refuge…” Psalm 71:1a Betty Averett Louise Brooks Terri Brooks Sandie Cain Gerre Dixon Dot Gobble Dana Hatcher Sandi Ilderton John Johnson Mike Joyce Betty Keaton Ann Latta Glad Lawson Jeanette Montgomery Addison Morris Jane Partin John Patseavouras Kathleen Thompson Carolyn Watson Bernice Webb Gary Wynne O U R S Y M PAT H Y We extend Christian sympathy to: Mike Joyce on the death of his father, Buford Joyce. Kenny Carter on the death of his father, Junior (Green) Carter. SCHEDULE APRIL 01 01 03 04 04 Senior Adult Team, 11:00 am Amazing Grays, 12:00 pm Multi-Generational Homes, 6:15 pm, History Room Women’s Morning Cone of Safety, 10:00 am The Rachael Golf Tournament, 1:00 pm, Willow Creek For info, Rusty Morris, 336-880-4902, [email protected] 04 West End Ministry meal, 5:00 pm 08 Women’s Prayer Circle, 7:00 pm, Gathering Area 09 Diaconate Officers, 12:00 pm 09 Women’s Evening Fellowship, 6:30 pm, Parlor 09 Stephen’s Ministry Team, 7:00 pm, History Room 10 Pancake Supper, 5:15 - 6:00 pm, Sponsored by Women’s Ministry 10 Dementia Support Group, 6:15 pm, Gathering Area 11 Family Promise of Greater Guilford County, Wine Gala, Fresh Mkt, Tickets: Cathy Ingram at 336-706-8979 14 Diaconate, 7:00 pm, Choir Room 14-21 Youth Ministry Recognition Week 16 Legacy, 10:15 am, History Room 19 Youth Lock-In, 8:00 pm 24 Men’s Book Review, 10:00 am, Media Center 26 Mobile Meals delivery, 9:45 am 27 Walk for Life, Pregnancy Care Center, 5K /Walk, info in office MAY 04 Youth Auction, BBQ dinner, live & silent auction 05-08 Celebrate! Senior Adults Week, renewal services Mon-Wed 10 HP Jail Ministry Golf Tournament 12 Children’s Ministry, Muffins with Mom 12 Randall Atcheson, In Concert, 11:00 am 16 Gianno’s Fundraiser Meal for Caring Services 17-19 Bible Retreat, 4th-5th Grades, Camp Caraway 18 Women’s Ministry Day Trip to Blowing Rock & Boone JUNE 22-29 Youth International Mission Trip, Costa Rica 23-26 Vacation Bible School 26-28 Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, National Assembly, Greensboro JULY 21-26 Youth to UniDiversity Camp AUGUST SUNDAY Awakening Worship Bible Study Morning Worship Youth Vespers/Supper A Walk Through the Bible 24-25 8:45 am 9:45 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm 6:00 pm WEDNESDAY Intercessory Prayer Sr. Adult Bible Study Food Pantry Wednesdays in the ‘Wood Fellowship Meal Prayer /Announcements Programming/Child Care Sanctuary Choir 11:30 am 12:00 pm 3 – 4:30 pm 5:15—6:15 pm 6:00 pm 6:15—7:00 pm 7:00—8:30 pm Watch for occasional schedule changes! Renewal Weekend C O N G R ATU LATI O N S Barry & Bonnie Schultheiss on the arrival of a granddaughter, Katherine Eloise Schultheiss. Parents are Brian & Lauren Schultheiss of Atlanta, Ga. Big brother is Owen. Elaine & Dean McBrayer on the arrival of a granddaughter, Elizabeth Holt Cary. Parents are Tommy & Laura McBrayer Cary. EMERYWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH PERIODICALS “ A Place for You in God’s Family. ” 1300 Country Club Drive High Point, NC 27262 Phone: 336-885-6016 A Stephen Ministry Congregation Website: PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT HIGH POINT, NC 27260 The Ventures (USPS 175-000) Published monthly. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: 1300 Country Club Drive, High Point, NC 27262 Menu 03 10 17 24 Baked chicken, limas, scalloped potatoes Pancakes Supper (Women’s Ministry) Country style steak, potatoes, broccoli Lasagna Fellowship Meal includes salad bar, dessert & beverage. Kids menu available. Menus subject to change. Reservations requested by noon Tuesday: 885-6016, x 21 or [email protected] Serving times: 5:15—6:15 pm Adults: $5; Children under 10: $3; Family max: $15 (parents/school age children living at home) April 03 Global Missions Banks 10 House of Prayer 17 Youth Missions 24 From the ’Wood to the World