ACBAR Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES (8th Edition) Volume II: Sector 2 Rehman Baba Univ. P.O. Box D i University Town Peshawar, NWFP Pakistan Tel: (0521)44392/4 Fax: (0521)£4047 i Aprii 1996 INTIt.OBLCTION 1995 is the eighth year of publication of the ACBAR Database; one of the main sources of project information on NGO activities both in Afghanistan and with the Afghan refugee communities in Pakistan. This year's edition is published in three volumes: I Location - Province/District II Sector III Agency and covers activities that were ongoing through 1994 and new programmes established during 1995. All volumes contain a separate section for programmes in Afghanistan and for Refugees in Pakistan. They provide a compilation of the activities as reported by some 243 Non -Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working for Afghanistan. Whilst most agencies are Peshawar- based, activities are also reported for agencies located in Islamabad, Quetta and inside Afghanistan. Again the time and effort to produce these volummes has been considerable. Whilst ACBAR is not able to confirm the information provided, I am confident that this publication provides a good picture of the work being carried out by the NGO community for Afghans, whether it be in Afghanistan or in Pakistan. I would like to thank the agencies for providing the data; Mohammad Zakir, the key person in ACBAR behind this publication and the other members of the Programme Department. They have worked very hard to put this report together. Wè hope that the users, the agencies themselves, the Afghan authorities as well as the Pakistani authorities and all others will find the details provided informative and useful. Charles A MacFadden Executive Director 5 April 1996 INDEX Part I : NGO Activities - by Sector for Afghanistan SECTOR SUB- SECTOR AGRICULTURE Crop Production Fruit Trees. Forestry Veterinary Livestock. Machinery Agricultural Research Plant Protection Agriculture Training Other Agricultural Programs. CONSTRUCTION Road Construction and Repair EDUCATION PAGE 1 18 29 32 45 50 53 56 58 61 63 Bridges. Shelter/Housing Public Buildings. Storage Buildings. Sanitation Energy Conservation Technology Other Construction Programs. 70 73 74 93 94 96 97 Primary Education Secondary Education Higher Education. Madrasa (Religious Education) Literacy /Adult Education. Management/Administration Training Language Training Teacher Training Other Education. 98 107 108 108 109 111 112 112 115 osZ Z iVZ Z£Z saaanosa2i mum latla0 (-ma sllaM/sdumd) .raism guguuQ IcaIuÓJ P0O1d amour's uogs8u.ri lgus° SZZ zaaux ZZZ oZZ oZZ 61Z LIZ LIZ LIZ 9IZ tIZ OIZ LOZ 90Z SOZ L6I 961 961 1IaoAa IeraoS iarli0 suo!Isa!ignd JarllO/au!zeSepl uollsd!ollasd ÁI!anururop uorleui!ud lE!a0S 2IHLdAA 1JAII?llIRIQ /RIOLLdrJI2i2II :2IH.LdAA 3I2I0Aci 'PdIDOS /1.Lll%If 1y1ILNOD 3alIa2I/u09eTnad22I 1011l0 saacun;a210; aouslslssd uotingulsiQ sag!pounuao poo3-uoN AIOLLdT2i.Ldd32I uo!IngrrlslQ POOd QN'd dHIZH2i liananS Plald-aulyl gu!unuaQ ssauaasMd aum HNüNI uo!Isaaua0 awooul 131110 8ulu!s{l, lsuorlsaoA dnoarJ algsiaulnA dlaH uauissauisng nexus dlaH uaurspio palnS dial{ NIOI.Ld2IHNHJ S61 ssl3gaarpusH HNIOORII 061 sursaSo.rd IntgoH log10 uog8l!l!gsga2i palggsTQ S61 68I £81 Z8I 081 8L1 8LI OPI 8ZI iZI 611 SIT LIT 3`JYd Idg/ua!Isa!aosA uilgaH Suiuis,cy lsa!payi a10 ullsaH PlND a91110NI P!b 481!d/0P.901AI iSOd ríilsaH o!ssg aruip oing arum an!suarlaadurcrJ l111ldsoH lauislQ lsi!dsoH lsiau!notd Iea!dsoLi 1130106 2l I-LL'IdBH dO.LOSS Sl2S ?IO,LOaS INDEX Part II : NGO Activities by Sector for Refugees in Pakistan SECTOR SUB - SECTOR AGRICULTURE Fruit Trees Forestry Veterinary PAGE Livestock. Agricultural Training CONSTRUCTION Road Construction and Repair Shelter/Housing Public Buildings Sanitation.. Energy Conservation Technology Construction Training Other *Construction Programs EDUCATION HEALTH Primary Education Secondary Education Higher Education Madrasa (Religious Education) Literacy/Adult Education Management/Administration Training Language Training Teacher Training Other Education Regional Hospital Provincial Hospital District Hospital Comprehensive Clinic. Basic Clinic. Basic Health Post. Mobile/First Aid Mother & Child Health Care Medical Training Health Education Vaccination/EPL.. Disabled Rehabilitation Other Health Programs . 251 251 251 251 ?1 252 252 252 252 252 252 253 253 254 255 256 256 256 257 257 258 260 260 260 261 262 263 263 263 263 264 265 265 266 SECTOR SUR-SECTOR INCOME GENERATION Handicrafts Help Skilled Craftsmen Help Small Businessmen Help Vulnerable Group Vocational Training Other Income Generation MINE Mine Awareness Deminer Training Food Distribution RELIEF AND REPATRIATION Non -Food Commodities Distribution Assistance to Returnees COMMUNITY & Social Animation SOCIAL WORK Newsletter/News-Bulletin Magazine/Other Publication Library Other Social Work. WATER: IRRIGATION/ DRINKING WATER Drinking Water (pumps/wells etc.) Other Water Resources PAGE 268 268 168 268 269 271. 271 271 272 272 272 272 273 273 274 274 275 275 Part I : NGO Activities - by Sector for Afghanistan -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- 111=1111110= AGRIC: ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY- -- Begin --End =1C11: =021.01. =SCES WINIZZIMINSIIINIE -<ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Crop Product Badakshan Baharak A -AID Completed UNDCP 7 94 6 95 Field crop trials Badaksban Baharak A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA 7 95 7 96 Improvement of agricultural production 1 increased crop yield. Badaksban Eshkashem A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA 7 95 7 96 liprovement of agricultural production 1 increased crop yield. Badakshan Faizabad A -AID Ongoing UNDCP 7 94 -- -- Badaksban Faizabad A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA 7 95 Badakshan Jun A -AID Ongoing UNDCP S 93 -- -- Redistribution via markets of improved seed. Badakshan Jun A -AID Ongoing UNDCP 7 94 -- -- Field crop trials Badaksban Jun A -AID Ongoing UK -ODA 7 95 Badakshan Keshem 2 villages SCA Completed SCA Badaksban Shegbnan Shegbnan A -AID Ongoing UNDCP 8 95 -- -- Badakshan Sheghnan A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA 1 95 7 96 Improvement of agricultural production 1 increased crop yield. Badaksban Vahan A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA 7 95 7 96 Improvement of agricultural production 1 increased crop yield. Baghlan Baghlan A -AID Discontin UK -ODA 4 94 3 95 Field crop trials Baghlan Daghlan SCA Completed SCA Baghlan Puli Kbumri A -AID Ongoing UK -ODA Baghlan Puli Khumri SCA Completed SCA -- 95 -- 95 0.434 NT long rice seed for multiplication. Balkh Dovlatabad NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 Distribution of seeds 1 fertilizer / Plo,isg of agricultural land. Farah Anar Data FRF Completed FAO II 94 7 95 Wheat seed, vegetables 1 fertilizer for distribution 1 multiplication. Farah Anar Dara FRF Completed FAO 11 94 7 95 Wheat seed, vegetables 1 fertilizer for distribution 1 multiplication. ACBAR Jùn - 26 villages S villages 7 96 7 96 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 3 96 4 95 Field crop triais Improvement of agricultural production i increased crop yield. Improvement of agricultural production 1 increased crop yield. 0.056 NT rice seed (SW2) for multiplication. Vegetable diversification / improvement. 2.005 IT long rice seed for multiplication. Production of improved vegetable seeds 1 seedling to supplement local varieties for seed multiplication. DATABASE OF NO ACTIVITIES Page: 1 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: - -- DISTRICT - - -- --- 416LAGE(S) - - -- Crop Product AGENCY -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY -- -BY - -- FUNDED DURATION Begin- -End 11 94 7 95 7 95 -- 95 -- -- 11 94 5 95 10 95 (ACTIVITY distribution. DESCRIPTION> "heat seed, vegetables t fertilizer for distribution t multiplication. Distribution of 18 MT, 18 NT DAP t 34 NT urea to 4000 farmers. Vbeat seed, vegetables t fertilizer for distribution t multiplication. Maize seed, mug bean t fertilizer for distribution. FAO FRF Completed Bahl FAO Farah Completed FRF FAO Bakwa Proposed Farah ART Bala Balouk 10 villagies Farah Bala Balouk FRF FRF FAO Bala Balouk -- FAO Distribution of spring seed t fertilizer. FRF Proposed FAO 8 95 Distribution of spring seed t fertilizer. -- 93 -- 96 Ongoing Proposed Completed Ongoing Surveyed Ongoing Ongoing FAO EU FAO FAO EU /NCA FAO EU FAO -- 93 -- 96 10 94 -- 94 -- 96 -- 93 -- 96 -- 93 -- 96 Proposed FAO 2 ."heat seed, vegetables t fertilizer for distribution t sultiplication. Multiplication of seed t fertilizer. Seed multiplication t fertilizer distribution. Multiplication of maize t lung seed. Seed multiplication t fertilizer distribution. Distribution of improved wheat seed t DAP for multiplication. Seed multiplication t fertilizer distribution. Distribution of improved seeds in different villages. !beat seed multiplication. Distribution of seed t fertilizer. "heat seed multiplication. Distribution of 18 NT, 181T DAP t 34 NT urea to 4000 farmers. ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF MOO ACTIYITIES -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 96 -- 9S -- -- 1 95 12 95 8 95 Proposed Distribution of 18 MT, 18 NT DAP t 34 MT urea to 4000 farmers. Completed EU /MCA 12 94 8 95 -- 95 -- -- Ongoing FM /FAO 12 94 7 95 Completed FM /FAO 11 94 CoAR Completed EU /NCA ART ACDO FRF NAC Ongoing Completed Completed Farah Farah ARO FRF Farah Farah Khak -e- Shafid ART Maize seed, lung bean t fertilizer for distribution. Farah Kbak Safid 10 villagies S 95 10 95 Farah Khak Safid -- FAO Farah Khak Safid Ab Band Completed Farah Ab Band Jay 6 /Sultan Bagh NAC Maize seed, Lung bean t fertilizer for Farah Andar Rank CoAR 5 95 10 95 Ghazni Deb Yak Gelan AFRANE FAO Ghazni Gelan Ghazni AFRANE Completed Ghazni Ghazni Center ARR "heat seed, vegetables t fertilizer for distribution t multiplication. Ghazni Ghazni 10 villages CoAR 7 95 Ghazni Ghazni Center MCI 11 94 Ghazni Ghazni Various ACDO FAO Ghazni Ghazni Jaghato AFRANE Completed Ghazni Jagbate Jaghatu Multiplication of 5 NT wheat seed. Ghazni Jaghatu 6 95 Ghazni Jaghori 10 villagies 12 94 Ghazni Jaghori FAO Ghazni ACBAR Page: 87H EDITION -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: DIST1JCf - - -- Crop ---- YILUAGE(S)- --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Product Ghazni Jaghori Sange Naha GRSP Completed FAO 1 94 7 95 Noltiplicatio' of improved cheat It vegetable seeds. Ghazni iaghori 10 villages GRSP Completed FAO 1 95 8 95 Distribntìoa of 6 MT teat sad t 14 IT fertilizer for mfltiplicatioa. Ghazni Jaghori 20 villages GRSP Completed FAO 3 95 9 95 Distributioi of 5 Kg of vegetable seeds 111250 seedlìag which ere groan iv the project area to 20 farmers. Ghazni Jaghori 4 villages PSD Completed FAO Il 94 9 95 Distriatiom of 2 NT seed, 11 IT DAP 110.S NT area. Ghazni [hvaja Oari 18 villages DAGAt Ongoing FAO/DACA -- 95 -- - Distribution of 4.4 NT *eat seed, 4.4 IR DAP t 10.6 NT Urea to 864 tamers. Ghazni Ihvaja Omri 18 villages DACAAL Ongoing INkCAAI -95 -- - Distriktioa of 20 Kg vegetable seeds l 122,000 seedlings to 281 farmers. Ghazni Ihvaja Oui Alìabad/Deb 8aji SAC Completed FN/FAO 12 94 Ghazni Nalestan Niradina GRSP Completed FAO 1 94 -- 95 Nalestat 7 villages GRSP Completed GRSP 3 95 Ghazni 8 95 9 95 Distribution of sprì g seed t fertilizer. Nottiplicatios of improved 'heat A vegetable seeds. 21 Kg ley Ney-IS / 14 Kg Atapa -85 / 981g Albers 121 Kg of Imq'lah vbeat seed which were gran in a research faro of tdSP for higher prodactivitp vere distriboted to farmers. Ghazni Valetta' 20 village: GRSP Completed FAO 3 9S 9 95 Distribution of 5 Ig of vegetable seed 114737 seedlìag which Pere groin is the project research farm distriboted to the fumets. Uhazai Nogor Major CoAt Omgoiag EU/IN:A -- 93 -- 96 Seed eltipliatìoa Ghazni Nava Nava CoAR Ongoing EU /NG -- 93 - 96 Seed multìplicatia 1 fertilizer distribution. Ghazal Ivor Navar ACDG Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- (heat seed nitipliatioa. Ghazni Navor Navar AFRANn Omgoing EU - 95 -% Seed nitipliatioa. Ghazni Zees ban Zena than Colt Ongoing EU/NCA -- 93 -- 96 Nultipliatioa of seed 1 fertilizer. Ghor Cbaghcharaa Omsk Gara ARO Completed FAO 12 94 6 95 Nfltipliatiom of S NT cleat seed. Ghor Chaghcharan d egh Chara A10 Completed FAO 12 94 6 35 Nultipliatioa of S Mt visit seed. Ghor Pasabaad Pasaband AM Completed FAO 12 94 6 9S Multiplicities of S it *eat seed. Ghor Pasabaad Pasa Egad ARO Completed FAO S 95 9 95 Nultipliatiom of 0.9 Ni rice seed. Ghor Shahrak Shahrat A10 Completed FAO 12 94 6 95 Ghor Tayvara Tivar Ato Completed FAO 12 94 6 95 Nrltipliatioa of 5 IT vbeat seed. Ohor Toalat Lifter Khali ARO Completed FAO 12 94 6 95 Naltipliatìoi of 5 NT fleet seed. ACBAt I ultipliatioa of S DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 3 Zatirl2 late: 03/03/% IT *eat seed. 1TE EDITION -PROYINCE-- AGRIC: ---DISTRICT---- ----VILLAGE(S)---- ACTIYITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS-- ---BY-- Begin--End (ACTIVITY DESgüPTION> Crop Product 8 95 5 95 Multiplication of 2.5 NT maize seed. Helmand Bast Lashkargah ARO Completed FAO Deland But 20 villages HIBA Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Distribution of SO NT wheat 8 50 MT DAP to 1000 farmers. Reiland Bast Lashkargah MKORA Completed FAO -- 95 -- 95 Maize, aaig bean 8 cotton seed multiplication. Helmand Helmand Various NCI Completed FAO 1 9S 12 95 Reiland Nad -Ali Nadi Ali ARO Completed FAO S 95 8 95 Maltìpliatìoa of 2.5 MT maize seed. rabid Hagrami 2 villages ADAg Completed FAO 11 94 7 95 Distribution of 5 IT ß.121T fertilizer to 200 farmers. Kabul Bagrami Bagraai SJAIO Completed FAO 11 94 7 95 Dìstributioa of wheat seed A fertilizer. Label Bagraai Bagraai SJAIO Completed FAO 11 94 1 95 (beat seed mnitiplìatioa. Kabul Charasyab 12 villages RDM Completed FAO II 94 7 95 Multipliatioa of improved wheat 8 clover seed 8 DAP. Kabul Kabul Center SAVE Approved TIFF Kabul Nir Bachakot Center ARPD Ongoing VFP 10 95 7 % Distribution of 0.33 IT wheat teed, 0.33 IT DAP A 0.331 T Urea for aultipliatioa. Kabul Qara Dagh Pagh Alam ARPD Oagoiag IFP 10 95 1 % Distributiom of 0.33 IT wheat seed, 0.33 NT DAP 1 0.33 NT Urea for aaltipliatioa. Kandahar Arghistu Various MRORA Completed VFP -- 95 - 95 maize 8 mug Ina seed amltiplication. Laidabar Arghistu Various NACRA Completed FAO -95 - 95 Ibeat seed aaltipliatia. Kandahar Dand Center AMC Completed FAO Kandahar Gborak 25 villages NERD Completed FAO Kandahar Choral IS villages IHÁU Completed FAO 3 95 Kamdabar Kaadabar Various MCI Completed FAO 195 12 95 Kandahar Laidahar Char lorjak MRO Completed FAO -- 95 - 95 Kandahar Lhatraiz 20 villages PERA Completed FAO 11 94 Kndahar Nand Various NINA Completed VAN/FAO -95 - 95 Maize seed ultipliatioi. Kudabar Naruf Various BOMA Completed IIIDP/FAO -- 95 -9$ Iheat seed aultipliatioa. Kumdahar Spii Eoldal -- RDA Completed FAO 10 94 ACBAK 3 96 - -- 3 95 6 95 11 94 695 9 9S 7 95 7 95 Distribution of improved seeds in different villages. Vegetable graiig program. Maltipliation of 3 IT maize seed A 9 NT DAB 8 Urea, 100 farmers. Nultipliatioa of 4 NT improved wheat seed 8 8 NT DAP 8 Urea, 25 farmers. Maltipliatioa of 5 IT sang beat 8 4.5 NT DAP A Urea, 15 farmers. Distribution of improved seeds is different villages. Distribution of improved wheat seed A fertilizer. Nultipliatios of 3 IT wheat seed, 3 NT DAP A 4.5 KT Urea. 5 If PS -85 for seed ultipliatios. DATABASE OF 160 ACTIVITIES - Page: 4 1akirt2 Date: 03/03/% 811 EDITION Panjsbare Panjsbart Tagnb lar Lunar Bar Linar Bar Knar Bar [asar Dar Kollar Chaghasarai Chaghasarai Chagbasani Chagbasarai Chaghasarai Chaghasarai Chaghasarai Chaghasarai Chaghasarai Chapa Dan Chapa Dan Chaps Dan Chawki lapin Kapisa lapin Lanar [orar lunar Lunar lunar Lazar lanar Kant Keaar lunar [Haar ruar [amar lunar Einar [arar [asar Later ACBAR --- -VILLAGE(S) ---- 9 villages Chaps Dan lama Eaadai Asadabad 11 villages Differeat villages Differeat villages 6 villages 6 villages 28 villages Asurar 12 villages 20 villages 12 villages 20 villages 5 villages Panjshir -- Crop Product EL1=i711111:1111=1113= =ffSCSICCG AGRIC: - -- DISTRICT - - -- -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY completed Ongoing RC 151% Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Completed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Ongoing Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Ongoing Discoatia -- STATUS -- NADERA NADEIA NADERA ISM IRA IRA ISRA DACAAI DACAAL DACAAL DACAAI NADEIA AINA AINA AINA AIM ADAg A -AID A -AID 111.112C AGENCY FUNDED FAO FAO EU EU/FAO EU/FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO m DURATION 3 % 3 95 1 95 1 95 - S 9S 12 9S -- 94 - - - 91 - - -91- - - 91 - - Il 94 1 9S S 9S 12 9S S 94 11 95 3 94 3 95 - 94 -- - 93 - -- - 94 -95 - 94 -95 - 91 195 10 95 9 94 9 94 1 95 10 95 11 % i 9S 4 95 4 94 Begin --Eid Page: 5 -(ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> t fertilizer. 2.5 NT DAP t 1.5 NT urea to 93 farmers. Dlstributioe of 0.S NT maize / 180 Lg musg beat / íg0 Lg rice (Baamati) / Distribution of 6 NT sheatÌ eed. Zatirl2 Date: 03/03/% 811 EDITION 90 Lg rice (3p-05) / 8 NT sugar ate / Nultipliation t selling at a subsidized price of improved cheat, con, rice, vegetable seeds t fertilizer. Naltipliatioe i selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, con, rice, vegetable seeds Naltipliation i selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, con, rice, vegetable seeds t fertilizer. Distribatia of 3.5 IT improved wheat seed, 3.5 NT DAP i 5.5 IT urea to 33 farmers. agar can / 80 Ig pea art / 4.1 NT DAP t 2.85 IT area to 92 farmers. bistribntion of I.1S NT main (EV II) / 0.4 Lg nag bear / 390 lg rice (lanati) /-I0 Ig rice (3p-05) / ? NT Distributia of 0.60 NT rice seed to SI falters it 60 juibs. Distributia of 16 IT agar can seed i 0S5 NT DAP to 22 faners it 16 juibs. Distribution of 140,000 vegetable seedling to 460 fusers. Distribution of 3.5 NT wheat seed / 450 [gs ria seed t 20 NT DAP to 570 falters. to 37 falters. Distribution of 28 1g vegetable seeds & 419,000 vegetable seedling to 1382 fusers I distribution of 37 pruners seed / 16 NT (agar can seed / 2.1 IT DAP i 1.5 Vilna to 558 farmers. Distributia of 1 IT what seed / 0.15 NT punt / 0.85 If rice seed / 0.36 IT nag beat seed / 1.035 IT maize Naltipliation t selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, con, rice, vegetable seeds A fertilizer. Cora i rice seed prodectios project. Distribatios of S NT wheat seed. Distribution of S NT wheat seed. Con i rice seed predictia project. Distributioa of S NT i 12 NT fertilizer to 200 farmers. Prodactioa of improved vegetable seeds i seedling to sappleient local varieties for seed multipliatioa. Field crop trials -- MTABASE OF MO ACTIVITIES FAO /DACA *Donors DACAAI FAO/DACA 15J/FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO UL-ODA UL-ODA -- -BY - -- haar lunar Dinar [wear lunar Lunar War lunar lunar hear lunar hoar Gul Nary Narang karaeg Naraeg Narang [has Lunar [has hear Caaki Chavki Csavki Chaiki 4 villages 4 villages Barikot 8 villages 8 villages 20 villages 20 villages 3 villages S villages Chawki [badi [het [hadi Ihet Chauki SCA HIP OP MADERA VIC VRC DACAAR DACAAR DIP BRP VIC VIC MADERA Oegoitg Completed Ougoitg Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Oegoiag Oagoieg Ongoing Ongoing Ongoìag Ongoing Oegoiag Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY RU /FAO EU/FAO FAO FAO FAO EU /FAO FAO FAO *Donors DACAAI FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO EU /FAO -- -BY - -- FUNDED -- 95 - - -- 91 - -- -- 93 -- -- -- 95 - 95 3 94 -- - 4 94 - -- -- 91 - - -- 95 - -- -- 9S -- -- -- 93 -- -- -- 93 - - 3 94 - -- 494 - -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- - -- 94 -- - - 91 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION Multiplication t selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, con, rice, vegetable seeds t fertilizer. Distribution of summer crops t fertilizer. Multiplication t selling at a subsidized price of improved vheat, con, rice, vegetable seeds t fertilizer. Multiplication t selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, cora, rice, vegetable seeds t fertilizer. 0.2 NT maize seed, 0.44IT DAP t 0.4 MT area for uultiplicatioa. Distribution of 16 NT agar cane seed t 0.55 NT DAP to 32 families. Distribution of maize, rice 1 mug bean seed. Mhltiplication t selling at a subsidized price of improved vheat, corn, rice, vegetable seeds t fertilizer. Distribution of sooner crops t fertilizer. Distributioa of sugar -came seed. Distribution of 16 IT segar cane t 0.55 NT DAP to 32 families. Distribution of sale, rice t uuag beat seed. Distrfbatioa of 5 NT wheat seed. Distribution of 2.51T rice t maize seed. Distributioa of 16 MT improved sugar cane seed. Multiplication t selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, corn, rice, vegetable seeds A fertilizer. 95 -- 95 2 95 farmers. Distribution of 0.58 IT rice seed / 0.28 uaize seed / SO Lg peanut / 40 1g mg ben / 18 Kg sastard seed / 1g clover seed / 6 NT wheat seed / 16 NT sugar cane / 35.375 NT to 2182 farmers, Field crop trials. 0.862 IT lag rice seed for multiplication. Field crop trials. Nultipliation of onion t lady-finger seed. ---------------------- - - - - -- 8T1 EDITION 25 Distributioa of veg. seed 32 Kg I veg. seedling 704000 I artisan tools 56 sets sad primer 37 to 2551 artisans t DESCRIPTION > - lunar hoar Gal 6 villages MADERA Oagoiag FAO -- 91 - -- -- 3 94 - 94 -- 95 Zakìrt2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES -- 6 (ACTIVITY lunar Dour Gal Jancbegal/Nisba MADERA Ongoing EU /FAO 11=== hear Pech Niigata' VIC Oegoiag EU AGENCY [asar Pech 8-villages MADERA Discoatin SCA - - -- VILLAGES) - -- lunar Pech Pashad A -AID Capleted --- DISTRICT - -- lunar Sirkanay -- SCA BU -PROVINCE-- Einar Aliabad 6 villages Discoatia FAO Crop Product ludo: Char Dan A -AID Completed AGRIC: [aadaz Lando: ACXI W Lueden Wages 3 94 295 Lagòmat A C B A R---______ Page: Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alingar Alishing Alishing Malting Alishing Alishing Alishing Mebterlan Mebterlar Laghaan Laghran Laghvan Laghran Laghsan Lagbman Laghman Laghman Laghman Laghman Lagbsan Laghman Laghran Whin Laghman Lagbraa Laghran Lagbran Laghran Laghran Won Lagisas ---------- Alingar ACBAR ----YILLAGE(S) - - -- 8 villages 8 villages -- Aishamg, Alishing Alingar Alingar 3 villages AFRO - AFRO AFRO RDM RDM RDA MADERA ACDO ACDO NAVA IBSAN DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR ANRAN AMAX ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO AGENCY Alingar Atiagar Clalratp Alingar Midano Nidano .Crop Product -- -DISTRICT- -- Laghiaa AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY Ongoing Completed Completed Completed Completed Osgoimg Proposed Proposed Completed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Completed Completed -- STATUS -- FUNDED FAO FAO FAO FAO PAO EU /FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR FAO FAO PAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO PAO DURATION 7 95 8 95 -- 95 -- -- - 95 -- 95 11 94 12 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 12 94 5 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 9S 7 95 7 95 7 95 7 DESCRIPTION> Urea for seed multiplication 1 training of the farmers. ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 / 3.5 NT DAP 15.5 MT area for grain advice to fasters. BIB EDITION production 1 training the farmers. cane seed / 350 Kg DAP / 350 1g Urea 1 technical Distribution of 3.25 MT 'beat seed Improved wheat seed multiplication. Improved maize, rice , sung bean, penult seed multiplication. 5 MT PS -85 for seed multiplication. Multiplication 1 selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, /heat seed multiplication. /beat seed multiplication. Distribution of 10 cg vegetable seed (okra 1 carrot). con, rice, vegetable seeds 1 fertilizer. 2.65 MT DAP 14.55 IT Urea to 106 tamers. Distribution of 3.5 MT wheat seed t9 It fertilizer. Distribution of 2.65 MT wheat seed, 'heat seed bave been planted in 3.6 hec. for seed uultipliation. Distribution of 5 MT potato 1 1 sprayer to 501 Inners. Distribution of wheat seed 1 fertilizer. Multiplication of Raise 1 rice seed. S IT 'beat seed / 5 NT DAP / 5 If Distribution of sugar cane seed. Multiplication of maize, rice 1 song bean seed. (beat seed multiplication 1 distribution. Distribution of maize, rice Aim beau. 'beat seed multiplication. DATABASE OF MOO ACTIVITIES 3 95 -- -- II 94 11 94 4 95 12 95 10 94 -- 91 -- -- (ACTIVITY Multiplication of maize, rice 1 sang bean seed. /heat seed multiplication 1 crop production. Distribution of 7 MT sugar -- 94 -- 95 Begin-Fad -- 95 -- -- Page: -- -BY - -- Laghsan Laghsan Laghsan Laghsan Laghsn Laghsan Laghsan Laghsan Laghsan Laghsan Laghsan Laghsan Qarghaie Qarghaie Qargbaie Qarghaie Qarghaie Mehterlas Mehterlas Mehterlas Nehterlas Mehterlas Mehterlas Nehterlas Nehterlas -- Mehterlas Mehterlas Mehterlan 13 villages APA AVIAN ARRAN ARRAN ACDO AAEA AAEA MADERA MCI NCI DACAAR DACAAR APVO AFRO AFRO M=-== AGENCY Completed Proposed Cospleted Completed Completed Proposed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Proposed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing 111111==== -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO EU /FAO IFP/IICI IFP/BCI DACAAR FAO/DACA FAO FAO FAO - --BY -- RAIDED -- 95 11 94 -- 95 -- -- 5 95 12 94 3 95 -- 95 7 95 8 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 93 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 1 91 -- -- -- 9S -- -- 6 95 -- -- Begin- -End' DURATION -- 10 94 -- -- -- 94 8 95 Multiplication of Baize k rice seed. Distribution of wheat seed k fertilizer. Diatribution of sugar cane k fertilizer. Distribution of seed k fertilizer. Distribution of Baize k rice seed and fertilizer. Multiplication k selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, corn, rice, vegetable seeds k fertilizer. Crops production fan is 80 jeribs land. Crops production fan in 80 jeribs land. Distribution of 130,000 vegetable seedling to 600 farmers. Distribution of 0.33 MT rice seed, 0.4 NT DAP k 6 MT Urea to 244 fusers. Distribution of 10 NT sugar cane, 0.5 MT DAP k 0.5 MT Urea to 40 faners. Fruit Trees 10 villages Rajaee , 6 95 7 95 5 95 -- -- - - 88 -- -- 6 94 -- -- 7 95 6 NT ibeat seed / 6 WT DAP / 6 MT Urea for seed sultiplication k training of the faners. Iheat seed multiplication. Distribution of wheat seed k fertilizer for seed multiplication. Distribution of 3.25 NT wheat seed, 3.5 MT DAP k 5.5 NT Urea to 107 farmers. Distribution of Baize / rice / sung bean seed / DAP k Urea to 40 faners. Distribution k ssltiplication of sugar cane. Distribution of 10 NT wheat seed k 10 MT fertilizer to 200 farmers. Distribution of 0.5 NT maize seed / 0.5 NT rice seed / 0.25 MT snag bean seed k 4 NT fertilizer. Multiplication k selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, corn, rice, vegetable seeds k fertilizer. Distribution of improved wheat, maize, rice k vegetable seeds at a subsidized rate. 0.5 NT PS -85 for seed multiplication. 8TO EDITION m Distribution of 500 1g rice seed / 500 Kg size seed / 2.5 NT DAP / 1.5 IT Urea & technical advice to fusers. DESCRIPTION> Laguna s Qarghaie 10 village: API° Ongoing FAO -- 95 -- -- Lagoa Qarghaie 10 94 ZakirU2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 8 (ACTIVITY Lagbsan Qargbaie 8 villages APIO Osgoimg FAO S 95 - -- Laghsan M=SM-0= Laghman Qarghaie 6 villages /IF Proposed FAO - -- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- Laghsan Qarghaie lass ASDO Ongoing EU /FAO --- DISTRICT - - -- Laghsan Qarghaie Qarghai IRSAI Ongoing EU -PROVINCE -- Laghns Qargbaie Qarghaie MADERA Omgoimg FAO ===l1M1=0-MQ Laghsan Qarghaie Qargbaie MADERA Cospleted Azra AGRIC: WW1 Qargbaie Qarghaie IDA Logar ACBAR Page: - --- VILLAGES) - - -- 'luau than Baraki Baraki Baraki Oath Khoshi Khoshi Logar Mohd Agha Nand Agha Pali Alan Achim. Achia Bati Kot Bati Kot Bati Kot Bebsud &brad Behsud Behsud Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Naagarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarhar ACBAR 4 villages Baraki Logar 31 villages Kareze Kabir 7 villages Different villages Batikot 11 villages Achin -- Abazak Logar 3 villages Cbarkh - 7 villages Barati Baraki Logar Baraki Baraki Crop Product 1,11111=1111510111211.11911.11B - -- DISTRICT - --- Logar AGRIC: _ -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY DACAAR Completed Completed Completed MUM BCURA Ongoing Completed Completed Proposed Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Ongoing Ongoing 311=1=7.1110111. -- STATUS -- ARDO ISRA ISRA ASDO ARADA ACDO IRC /RPA IRC /RPA ACDO AFRAÑE IRC /RPA ARC Cod RD' RD' RDA ISRA CoAR MANE - 1=11111.=11: AGENCY FUNDED DACAAR FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO NOVIB EUINCA FAO FAO FAO FAO EU /NCA EU DURATION 7' 95 8 95 3 95 9 95 1 95 9 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> ZakirL2 Date: 03/03/% 16 IT sugar cane seed / 0.25 NT DAP t 2.55 IT urea 8TH EDITION seedling I 1 sprayer t 6 pruner to 1474 faller:. for multiplication. Distribution of 136.5 Kg vegetable seeds 1 783,000 vegetable Maize seed multiplication. Distribution of 8 MT sugar case t 0.5 IT PAD. Distribution of 1 IT maize seed t 3 If DAP to 64 fanners to 62 farmers. Distribution of 0.5 NT maize (Shaheen) / 0.24 IT rice (385) / Distribution of 16 MT sugar cane 10.55 NT DAP to 22 faners in 16 jeribs. Distribution of 10 Ni wheat seed t 10 IT fertilizer to 200 farmers. Distribution of 0.99 NT maize seed t 3 IT DAP. 'heat seed multiplication. 'heat seed production, area 1.2 hectare. Distribution of wheat need t DAP to fanners for seed multiplication. 'heat seed multiplication. Multiplication of naize / sung bean t rice seed. Distribution of wheat need t DAP to farmers for seed nultiplication. Improved wheat seed multiplication t fertilizer application. Multiplication of seed t fertilizer. Distribution of 2.7 NT improved wheat seed / 3 IT DAP / 5 NT Urea. Distribution of 10.2 NT improved wheat seed / 10 NT DAP / 10 Urea. 0.3 NT PAS -90 for seed multiplication. Distribution of 1.8 NT improved wheat seed, 2.1 IT DAP t 4 NT urea to 29 fawners. Multiplication of seed t fertilizer. Seed multiplication / seed t fertilizer distribution. DATABASE OF MOO ACTIVITIES -- 94 -- 95 -- -- -- -- 5 94 -- -- S 95 12 95 3 94 -- 95 -- -- 7 94 -- -- -- 95 - -- -- 94 -- -- 10 92 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 93 -- 96 10 92 - -- -- 95 -- -- -- 93 -- 96 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10 94 11 94 12 93 12 96 -- 95 -- 96 7011111=1Z Begin--End Page: NIZIMIZOICOXIS -- -BY - -- -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Dangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Dangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Dangarhar Dangarhar Dangarhar Dsgarhar -- -DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) ---- ACTIVITY --STATUS-- FUNDED - --BI -- 1111==== DACAAR DACAAI Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing 1111111271211Iiii= DACAAI Ongoing AGFJMY MADERA Completed FAO/DACA Behsud SCA Completed FAO 32 villages Crop Product Behsud 6 villages SCA Completed FAO Bebsud Behsud 12 villages SCA Completed 22 villages FAO SCA EU FAO /DACA *Donors Bebsud 3 villages SCA 32 villages Behsnd 5 villages Behsud Bebsud DURATION Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Distribution of 32.5 Kg vegetable seeds t 234,500 veg.seedling to 831 fanners. Distribution of 0.6 IT rice seed / 0.56 IT size seed / 2.1 NT vheat seed / 0.15 VT barley seed / 10 Kg clover -- 93 -- -- -- 93 -- - Distribution of 0.28 NT rice seed / 0.62 MT maize seed 1 0.18 NT sung bean / 1.015 NT vheath seed / 3.5 MT DAP 1 seed / 6.5 MT Urea / 17.15 NT DAP to 763 farmers. -- 94 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 94 - -- 0.36 MT mum bean seed t 0.65 NT DAP for nultipiiatioa. 0.16 NT lung bean seed t 0.4 IT DAP for multiplication. 0.64 IT size seed, 1.15 MT DAP 1 1.15 IT urea for aultiplication. 0.64 MT mug bean seed t 1.6 MT DAP for nultipliation. Distribution of isproved vheat, size, rice t vegetable seeds at a subsidised rate. 13.79 NT Urea to 636 farmers. -- 95 -- 95 Improved vheat seed multiplication A fertilizer application. Proposed -- 95 -- -- ARC EU 11 villages Distribution of 0.64 1t size seed / 30 Kg Peanut 125 Kg cotton seed / Distribution of 7 Kg vegetable seeds 1228,500 vegetable seedling to 531 farmers. 8TB EDITION Distribution of 0.11 NT size seed 10.5 NT vheat seed / 0.03 MT peanut 0.5 NT DAP / 0.5 NT Ikea to 11 tarera. Distribution of size, rice I Bog bean seed. Distribution of S NT 112 IT fertilizer to 200 farmers. Isproveveit of sugar ame production. 11 94 5 NT size seed, S MT DAP t 10 IT urea for sltipliation. 7 95 -- 95 -- -- 3 94 -- -- 4 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 93 -- -- -- 93 -- -- Vegetable nursery established in an area of 105 Sqs. Ongoing DACAAR 4 villages MADERA AID /FAO Darse Door Dame Door 25 villages Parse Noor Completed 3 93 -- -- DACAAR Ongoing Multiplication t selling at a subsidized price of isproved vheat, corn, rice, vegetable seeds t fertilizer. DACAAR 12 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO/DACA 5 95 !heat seed noltipliation. TAIL Completed FAO 33400 vegetable seedlings distributed to 167 fusers. DACAAR Ongoing FAO/DACA -- 91 9 9S - AANA Completed FAO Deb Bala Goshta AMA Ongoing 3 93 -- -- 12 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO I2 94 Distribstioa of song beaa, size t rice seed and fertilizer. Goshta Goshta MVO FAO FAO Goshta Goshta Completed FAO Zatirl2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF 100 ACTIVITIES - ---- 10 12.45 MT DAP to 588 farmers. DACAAR Ongoing BU/FAO -- 95 - 95 Distribution of teat seed 1 fertilizer. 25 villages DIP Completed FAO -- 94 -- 95 Goshta ADAg Proposed 4 villages Mesarat ADP Deseret Chaparhar Chaparhar Chaparhar Chaparhar Chaparhar Chaparhar Bebsud ACBAR Page: -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar - -- DISTRICT - --- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Crop Product Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad 13 villages 18 villages 18 villages DACAAR Completed DACAAR -- 94 -- 95 . Distribution of 85 Kg vegetable seeds / 685,000 vegetable seedling / 8 sprayers t 10 pruner to 782 farmers. DACAAR Ongoing FAO /DACA -- 93 -- -- Distribution of 14.5 Kg vegetable seeds t 40,000 veg.seedling to 175 farmers. DACAAR Ongoing ;Donors -- 93 -- -- Distribution of 0.24 MT maize seed / 40 Kg cotton seed / 43 Kg clover seed / 1.4 MT wheat seed / 2.95 NT urea / 16.05 NT DAP to 483 farmers. Nangarhar Jalalabad 24 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- -- Distribution of 2 NT rice seed i 0.14 MT maize seed / 22.25 MT wheat seed / 0.12 NT muag bean / 0.1 MT peanut 0.22 NT cotton seed / 21.8 MT DAP t 34.2 MT Urea to 1211 farmers. Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Joy Baft HDCAY Completed CIDA 5 95 10 95 Kitchen garden project: distribution of vegetable seeds, 20 bags DAP & 15 bags urea to women from 200 families. KNF Completed FAO 3 95 Seed production (summer crops) 10 MT seed t 7 MT fertiliser. RNF Completed UNBCR 9 95 11 95 RDA Completed FAO 10 94 7 95 0.5 KT PAS -90 for seed multiplication. RDA Completed FAO 10 94 7 95 4 IT PS-85 for seed multiplication. RDA (ospleted FAO 10 94 7 95 0.5 MT INQ-91 for seed multiplication. RDA Completed FAO 10 94 7 95 0.25 AT KNY -90 for seed multiplication, Center SAVE Completed *Donors 2 95 12 95 Vegetable growing project. Nana Khel AAA Completed FAO 4 95 Distribution of 8 IT sugar Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Rasa Kama 9 95 9 95 Reconstruction of 10 classrooms Chaknawari school. ARADA Completed FAO 5 95 10 95 Multiplication of maize seed t DAP. Rama Darbang ARDO Completed FAO 4 95 8 95 Béan seed multiplication. Nangarhar Kara Darbang ARDO Completed FAO 4 95 8 95 Naiz seed multiplication. Nangarbar Rama Rhakhf ARDO Completed FAO 4 95 12 9S Nangarhar Rama Gandumak AIR Completed FAO MADERA Ongoing EU Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarhar IACBAR Rasa t 0.25 NT fertilizer. Deb Gui Nangarhar Nangarhar cane Rasa 10 94 7 95 4 94 -- -- Sugar case seed multiplication. Production of improved wheat seed. Distribution of improved wheat, cotton, rice t vegetable seeds at a subsidized rate, Kua Zabel SCA completed FAO -- 95 -- 95 0.11 MT rice seed t 0.21Cí DAP for multiplication. Lau Nasa Rhel SCA Completed FAO -- 95 -- 9S 0.021T sung bean seed t 0.05 NT DAP for multiplication. Completed SCA -- 95 -- 95 0.44 NT sung bean seed, 1.1 NT DAP t 0.75 NT area for multiplication. Kau 3 villages SCA DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION I Page: 11 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT ---- AGRIC: Crop ---- VILLAGE(S) -- -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION>.- Product Nangarhar Khogiani laziri AAA Completed. FAO 12 94 Nangarhar Khogiani latir ALDO Completed FAO -- 94 -- 95 Nangarbar Khogiani latir ACDO Completed FAO Nangarhar Khogiani hair ACDO Proposed FAO -- 95 -- - 'heat seed multiplication. Nangarbar Khogiani Behar ACDO Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- cheat seed multiplication. Nangarhar Khogiani AVRAN Completed FAO 12 94 Nangarbar Khogiani APA Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Distribution of wheat seed I fertilizer for seed multiplication. Nangarhar Khogiani Al'O Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Sugar cane seed multipliatioa. Nangarhar Kouz Konar Shen MADERA Completed EU -- 91 Multiplication 1 selling at a subsidized price of improved wheat, cora, rice, vegetable seeds 1 fertilizer. Ions toner Gorit MANIA Ongoing EU Nangarhar Kouz Komar 8 villages RAE Completed FAO 11 94 -- 95 'beat Ingather Kouz Kollar IS villages RAE Ongoing FAO -- 95 -- -- Multiplication of 0.5 rice seed. Nangarhar Kous Komar 12 villages RAH Ongoing FAO -- 95 -- -- . Multiplication of 0.3 maize seed. Nangarbar lout Komar 15 villages RAE Ongoing FAO -- 95 -- -- Multiplicatioa of B NT Lugar cane. Nangarbar Mohnnd Dare Notiman Dara AAEA Completed FAO -- 95 -- 95 Distribution of seize 1 rice seed sad fertilizer. Nangarhar Mohmand Dara AREA Completed FAO -- 94 -- 95 Distribution of wheat Nangarhar Mobmand Dara 6 villages TARA Completed FAO Meagarber Pachier/Agan 11 villages SCA Completed FAO -- 95 -- 95 0.496 IT maize seed, 0.85 IT DAP 10.85 AT area for multiplication. Nangarhar Rodat 5 villages ADAg Completed FAO 11 94 7 9S Distribution of S MT Nangarhar Rodat 4 villages ADAg Completed FAO 2 95 8 95 24 Mt Nangarbar Rodat BIC Proposed 1FP -- 95 -- - Namgarber Lodat 4 villages ISRA Completed FAO 11 94 Nangarhar Rodat 3 villages ISLA Completed FAO Nangarhar ' IACBAR 10 villages . 11 94 6 95 Distribation of 2.25 NT improved ',beat seed. Multiplication of onion 1 lady -finger seed. 'beat seed nitipliation t crop production. 7 95 Distribution of wheat seed 1 fertilizer. 1 9S 5 95 6 94 -- -- 2 94 195 8 95 2 95 12 95 Distribution of improved wheat, maize, rice 1 vegetable seeds at a subsidized rate. 16 Mt seed multiplication. agar sugar 12 1 fertilizer. came seed 10.55 NT DAP for multiplication. t 12 MT fertilizer to 200 farmers. case seed for meltiplicatiom. Seed distribution Distribution of 2.25 If wheat seed to 43 farmers. Distribution of 8 NT DATABASE OF 100 ACTIVITIES -- Page: seed Zatirl2 Date: 03/03/96 sugar came seed / 0.4 NT DAP 10.4 MT area to 22 farmers. 8111 EDITION I Rodat Sherzad Shimar Sbinwar Sbimar Surkh Rod Surkb Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Cbakhansnr Char Borjak Bang /Bnrki Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Pangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nimroz Niaroz Nimroz ACBAR ----VILLAGE(S)---- 4 villages 12 villages 15 villages 2 villages 4 villages Surkh Rod Surgh Rod 4 villages 4 villages 10 villages 10 villages Burras Ghani Bel 5 villages lazing Crop Product - -- DISTRICT - - -- Nangarhar AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- VARA VARA VARA YARA SCA SCA PRS PRS NORA NCRA NCRA GAF GAF DACAAR DACAAR LORAN ACDO ACDO RDA RDA ARADA ARDP NAVA AGENCY a ACTIVITY Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Proposed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Proposed Ongoing Completed Completed Completed completed Completed -- STATUS -- FAO FAO FAO FAO SCA FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO DURATION 8 95 7 95 7 95 8 95 -- 94 -- -- 3 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 10 94 795 10 94 5 95 10 95 11 94 11 94 Begin- -End 7 95 7 95 3 95 8 95 8 95 9 95 13 <ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> i 165,000 seedling to 350 farmers. . 3.725 NT DAP 14.25 IT urea for multiplication. 5 IT wheat seed, S NT DAP 18 MT Urea for multiplication. 10 NT wheat seed, 10 NT DAP 1 15 NT Urea for multiplication. 5 MT wheat seed, 5 IT DAP 18 MT Urea for multiplication. 'heat seed multiplication. 0.04 MT mang bean seed 10.1 IT DAP for multiplication. 0.1 MT maize seed, 0.2 CDR 10.2 MT area for multiplication. 8.16 NT various seed 16.6 IT fertilizer for suner crops. 2.25 NT various verities of Wheat 1 5.75 NT fertilizer. 2.2S NT abut seed, 2.25 NT DAP 13.5 NT urea for multiplication. Sugar case seed multiplication. 0.25 NT oil seed / 1 NT maize seed / Seed distribution. Seed distribution. Distribution of 1.95 NT wheat seed / 5.6 MT DAP 1 1.95 NT urea to 151 farmers. Distribution of 17.5 Bg vegetable seeds Distribution of sugar cane 1 fertilizer. heat seed multiplication. Distribution of sugar cane seed. 0.101 IT BEY -87 for seed multiplication. 0.10 MT PR -91 for seed multiplication. Multiplication of maize seed 1 sung bean. Distribution of 2 MT wheat seed 1 2 MT fertilizer. 4 NT wheat seed I 10 IT fertilizer for multiplication. Zaki rP2 Date: 03/03/% DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 11 94 895 11 94 11 94 12 94 -- 95 -- 95 -- 9S - 95 11 94 11 94 11 94 1 95 11 95 6 95 11 95 -- 95 -- -- 5 95 10 95 -- 93 -- -- Page: FAO /NDCP FAO ¡Donors FAO /DACA FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO m® -BY - -- FUNDED 811 EDITION -PROVINCE - - -- DISTRICT - - -- 111161170121111101111. 473.01116011= AGRIC: - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End MOM= 2.1=111==llt 111=1121= N=WOMINA (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS Crop Product Nieroz Khosb Rod 32 villages VARA Completed FAO it 94 8 95 20 NT wheat seed, 20 IT DAP t 30 NT Urea for multiplication. Nierot Zaranj 7 villages VARA Completed FAO 11 94 8 95 5 NT wheat seed, S NT DAP t 8 KT Urea for multiplication. Oruzgan Deh Raud Char China ARO Completed FAO 5 95 9 95 Multiplication of 0.9 NT rice seed. Oruzgan Kajran Kando BURC Completed FAO -- 95 -- 95 Oruzgan Oruzgan Various NCI Completed FAO 1 95 12 95 Pakteka Sarhawza Sar Bane ARO Completed FAO 12 94 6 95 Multiplication of 5 NT wheat seed. Patteta Sultan Khan 2 villages IROR Completed FAO 11 94 9 95 Multiplication of 10.5 NT wheat seed, 12 AT DAP t 16 NT Urea. Patteta Urgoun Organ PRS Completed FAO 11 94 7 95 6.35 IT various verities of wheat t IS NT fertilizer. Pattia Bak 10 villages APA Proposed FAO -- 95 - - Distribution of wheat seed t fertilizer for seed multiplication. Pattia Chamtani Chaotani ACDO Proposed FAO -- 95 -- - lbeat seed Multiplication. Pattia Gerbil 21 villages DACAAR Ongoing *Donors -- 93 - Distribution of 21.9 NT wheat seed 1 54.7 MT DAP to 1460 farmers. Pattia Gardait 21 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- Distribution of 200 pruner t 7 sprayer to 207 faners. Pattia Gardait 21 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO/DACA -- 93 -- - Distribution of 24 Kg vegetable seeds to 520 farmers. Pattia Gardait DACAAR Ongoing *Donors -- 94 -- - Distribution of 5.8 MT wheat seed, 73.5 IT DAP t 28.3 NT Urea to 2,223 fusers. Pattia Gardait DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- - Distribution of 0.02 KT vegetable seeds / 789,000 vegetable seedling / 4.99 NT vegetable products / 200 pruner t 27 villages Distribution of improved wheat seed t fertilizer. Distribution of iaproved seeds in different villages. 15 sprayers to 1,560 tamers. IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 10 92 -- Distribntios of wheat seed t DAP to tamers for seed multiplication. - 1RC /RPA Ongoing FAO -- 94 -- - Seed production, area 2 hectares. Gardeiz 14 villages ISBA Completed FAO 11 94 Pattia Gurbuz Gurbuz ACDO Proposed PAO -- 95 =- - lbeat seed nitiplicatioa. Pattia Gurbuz 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing *Donors -- 93 -- - Distribution of 0.215 MT rice seed / 1.071 IT Maize seed 1 10.375 MT wheat seed / 285.5 Kg Mang bean / 57 Kg Pattia Gardais Pattia Gardait Pattia Distribution of 5.8 IT ioproved wheat seed, 1 NT DAP t 10.5 NT urea to 130 Urgers. 8 95 punt l 30 Kg oat seed 150 Kg clover seed / 27.76 NT DAP to 1039 fusers. Pattia Gurbuz 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO/DACA Pattia Gurbuz Various YARA Completed FAO IA C B A R -- 93 -- - 7 94 2 95 Distribution of 128 Kg vegetable seeds t 1053,000 vegetable seedling to 5003 fusers. Distribution of 1 NT Maize seed / 0.25 NT lung bean / 1.25 MT DAP I 1 NT Urea. DATABASE OF iNiO AClIYITIES Page: 14 7ati1112 Date: 03/03/96 8T11 EDITION I -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Pattia Jaji Paktia Jaji Paktia Jaji Paktia [host Paktia Kbost Paktia Kbost Paktia Khost Paktia Khost Pattia Khost Paktia FUMDED DURATION -- -BY - -- Begin- -End IOUS= 21111110111111111 Crop Product Gurbuz Paktia ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- MOM! 11111111111211111111111111.11 AGRIC: AGENCY [host Various Various 6 villages S villages YARA ACRO ACRO ISRA <ACTIVITY Completed FAO 7 94 2 95 Distribution of 5.3 NT wheat seed, 505 MT DAP d 8.2 Urea. Completed FAO 10 94 1 95 Distribution of 4.25 MT wheat seed, 4.5 MT DAP A 7 NT urea. Completed FAO 1 95 11 95 Completed FAO 11 94 8 95 Distribution of 0.5 NT liaise seed / 0.25 NT sung bean ALDO Proposed FAO -- 9S -- - !beat seed multiplication. Alishir ARDP Completed FAO 11 94 Distribution of 60 NT wheat seed d 75 IT fertilizer. Khost ARO Completed FAO 12 93 -- 95 5 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR DACAAR Ongoing *Donors -- 93 - -- Ongoing FAO /DACA -- 93 - - 4S villages 45 villages DACAAR DACAAR Ongoing 8 95 2 93 -- - FAO /DACA -- 94 -- - seed / 1.25 MT DAP A 2,5 IT urea. Distribution of 6.16 NT improved wheat seed, 6.75 MT DAP A 8.85 NT urea to 112 fusers. Kbost 45 villages DESCRIPTION> Barley seed multiplication. Vegetable nursery established in an area of 72 Sqs. Distribution of 0.215 MT rice seed / 1.077 MT Baize seed / 10.375 NT wheat seed / 285.5 Kg sung bean / 57 Kg peanut / 30 Kg oat seed /50 Kg clover seed / 27.76 NT DAP to 1039 faners. Distribution of 128 Kg vegetable seeds >E 1053,000 vegetable Distribution of 17.1 NT wheat seed / 4.9 NT maize seed / seedling to 5003 fusers. 1.44 NT rice seed / 0.25 MT peanut / 1.1 NT lung bean / 39.36 NT DAP d 18.25 MT Urea to 2,706 farmers. Pattie, Kbost 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO /DACA -- 94 =- -- (beat seed 17 MT / maize 1 NT / sung bean 0.4 MT / vegetable seeds 0.2 NT produced in the fan (seed multiplication). Paktia Khost 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- -- Distribution of 304 Kg vegetable seeds / 1,009,000 vegetable seedling / 30 sprayers t 164 pruner to 4,988 faners. Pattie Pattia Pattia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia - Khost Most Kbost Khost Mandozi Mandozi Mandozi Kbost Kbost 4 villages 4 villages 12 villages 45 villages 45 villages SJAIO Completed FAO, SJAIO Completed FAO START Completed FAO -- 95 - 95 !:proved wheat seed multiplication. START Ongoing FAO - 95 - - lsproved sasser crops multiplication. DACAAR Ongoing FAO 10 92 - -- 2 IT wheat seed L 2 MT DAP distributed to 42 selected 11 94 7 95 Distribution of wheat seed Z fertilizer. S 94 1 95 Maize, sung bean d rice seed for multiplication. DACAAJ Ongoing FAO /DACA - 93 - -- DACAAR Ongoing *Donors - 93 -- farmers for seed multiplication. Distribution of 128 Kg vegetable seeds i 1053,000 vegetable seedling to 5003 faners. Distribution of 0.21517 rice seed 1 1.077 It maize seed / 10.375 NT wheat seed / 285.5 Kg sung bean / 57 Kg peanut / 30 Kg oat seed SO Kg clover seed 1 27.76 IT DAP to 1039 farmers. fAC,BAR DATABASE OF NO ACTIVITIES 8TB EDITION I Page: 15 Zatirnl Date: 03/03/96 AINA Ongoing Completed -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY FAO FAO FAO -- -BY- -- FUNDED 1 95 10 96 9 94 Begin- -End DURATION AGENCY 9 villages AINA Ongoing FAO ---- VILLAGE(S)---- Nader Shah 6 villages IRC /RPA Completed FAO - -- DISTRICT - --- Pattie Nader Shah Yaqubi 1SRA Completed -PROVINCE -- Pattie Sabari 9 villages ISRA Crop Product Pattie Sayed Karat 15 villages AGRIC: Paktia Shank FAO 5 95 5 95 12 95 8 95 Completed FAO 11 94 -- -- 9 95 Ongoing 11 94 -- 94 -- -- 1 95 Pattie Sperah SJA10 Pattie AESAO Distribution of 4 NT wheat seed. Con i rice seed production project. (ACTIVITY Seed production, 0.6 NT wheat, area 4.25 hectares. DESCRIPTION> Distribution of 6.5 NT improved wheat seed, 7 NT DAP A 10.5 NT urea to 84 fellers. Distribution of 15 NT seeds for seed production to 90 faners. Distribution of 3 IT seeds to 22 farmers in saner crop program. III EDITION I Production of improved vegetable seeds i seedling to supplement local varieties for seed multiplication. Distribution of 2 NT wheat seed, 2 IT DAP 12 NT Urea for usltiplication. Distribution of 8 NT (pat 81) wheat seed. Field crop trials Distribution of 1.75 NT wheat seed, 1.75 IT DAP t 1.75 NT Urea for multiplication. 0.42 NT rice seed (S12) for nitipliation. ZatirL2 Date: 03/03/96 of Distribution of 20 bag maize / 5 bag sung bean / 16 bag rice (Bastati) / 8 bay rice (4-0S) 18 IT sugar cane / 4.15 NT DAP 1 1.40 NT urea to 77 farmers. Maize, rice, 1 sung bean seed multiplication. Distribution of 4.5 NT wheat seed Ps -8S / 0.2 NT of wheat Ingilab -11 / 7 MT Urea / 4.5 IT DAP 1 distribution FAO 4 95 10 95 Distribution of 8 NT sugar cue to 16 farmers. 3 villages Completed FAO 2 96 Distribution of 4.251T improved wheat seed, 4.5 NT DAP 17 MT urea to 67 farmers. Tani AFS Completed FAO 2 95 7.95 Pattie 6 villages ARR Completed FAO 11 94 Distribution of 15.75 NT wheat seed 1 fertilizer for nitipliation. U.S NT seize seed / 0.225 NT sung bean / 1.25 MT dap 1 1 NT Urea for saner crop. Trayzai Tracy ARR Ongoing FAO 7 95 Multiplication 1 NT maize seed. Pattie Trayzai Zerai Ghondi ARR Completed 1194 3 95 10 95 Pattia Trayzai Zerai Ghondi 1SRA FAO Distribution of 5.85 IT improved wheat seed, 7 IT DAP 1 10.5 MT urea to 128 faners. ? 9S Pattie Trayzai 7 villages Completed 8 95 11 94 Pattie Trayzai RAFA 11 94 Pattie 10 villages FAO Trayzai Completed Pattie ISRA Distribution of spring seed 1 fertilizer. 17 villages 8 95 Zonat 12 94 Pattia FM/FAO MAC Completed Zutat Distribution of 4 NT wheat seed, 4 NT DAP 14 MT Urea for multiplication. Zonat 7 96 Pattie 10 95 ARPD 11FP 4 villlages Ongoing Bagel 3 96 I![-Mi Parwan 4 95 Ongoing 1FP A -AID Ongoing 8 95 -- - Charikar 7 96 ARPD U[-ODA Pavan 10 95 4 villlages Ongoing Charitar A -AID Pavan Chardeb, 3 4 94 -- -- Ghorband DI-ODA Parwan Ongoing Ghorband 16 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 7 96 A -AID Parwan ARPD 10 95 4 villlages !FP Shekh Ali Ongoing Puna SCA -- 95 -- 9S 10 villages SCA Takhar Capleted Takhar ACHAR Page: .®,.-® .. -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT- --- AGRIC: Tether Tachar Tathar Rardat lardat lardat lardat lardat lardat lardat lardat lardat Vardat lardai lardai lardai lardat - - -- YILLAGE(S )- - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY- -- Begin- -End 1111111111. fiZIONJECORIZar A -AID Discontin UK-ODA 4 94 A -AID Discoatia UK-ODA 4 95 -- 95 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Wiliffifel2MITS/81212 Crop Product Talogaa Tatman Talogan Chat Gardandeual Gardandeual Gardandewal Gardaradenl Gardandenl Jaghatu Jaghatu Jaghatu Jaghatu 2 villages SCA Chat Garnab Abdara Spina Kala 32 villages 43 villages Jaghatu Jalres Completed EU /NCA 12 93 -- 95 Seed nultiplication 1 fertiliser distribution. ACDO Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- !heat seed uuttipliatioa. MADERA Ongoing OIFAM /FG OJFAM /FG 5 92 -- -- ',proved vegetable seeds are produced 1 sold to fanners at a subsidized price. Ongoing OIFAM /FG 5 92 - Improved vegetable seeds are produced I sold -- Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- ACRD Ongoing FAO 11 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- 5 92 -- -- !beat seed nultiplication. Distribution of several varieties of wheat seed, 7 MT DAP l 10.5 MT Urea for altipliation. Ongoing FAO UFO Ongoing FAO/UIDP Completed FAO 10 94 7 95 0.2 NT I1Q-90 for seed naltipliation. Completed FAO 10 94 7 95 0.25 R I1Q-91 for seed nultiplication. Ongoing FAO -- -- -- -- Ongoing EU /F.Cov SOLID 3 93 -- -- ? 95 6 96 to Urgers at a subsidised price. Selling at a subsidised price of wheat seal fertilizer. ACRD . seed 1 fertiliser. Ongoing ACDO RDl -- Selling at a subsidized price of wheat OIFAM /FG RDA -- 5 92 -- -- Ongoing RDA Jaghatw Jaghatu 0.056 NT rice seed (S12) for nultiplication. MADERA Jaghato 1 seedling to supplement local varieties for seed multiplication. -- 95 -- 95 MADERA Abdara Production of improved vegetable seeds SC& MADERA Garnab Field crop trials Completed CoAR Behsod 3 9S Seed altipliation project. lnproved wheat, Baize, Bung beans 1 fertilizer - unitipliation. Distribution of 10.7 MT improved wheat seed / 11 NT DAP / 1017 Urea. Seed nultiplication: 75 RT improved wheat seed (Spring 1 Aston) / 41 IT DAP / 82 ITT Urea 1 distribution of 2,269 lit. pesticides to 2,478 farmer families in 89 villages. lardat lardat lardai Vardat lardat Martaz Bes. Mute Bes. Mertes Be :. Maydan Shar Maydaa Sher Ragol MADERA Abishiros MADERA Abishiro! KADERA 8 villages SOLID 8 villages SOLID Ongoing OIFAN/FG 5 92 -- -- Selling at a subsidized price of what seed L fertilizer. Ongoing OIFAM /FG S 92 -- -- Selling at a subsidized price of wheat seed 1 fertilizer. Ongoing OIFAM/FG 5 92 -- -- Improved vegetable seeds are produced 1 sold to fusers at a subsidized' price. emitted SCA 11 93 4 9S multiplication of 2 MT what seed. Completed FAO 4 94 4 9S Multiplication of S MT what seed 16 IT DAP. 4 Page: 17 tatirf2 Date: 93/03/% -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY FAO -- -BY - -- FUNDED AGENCY Completed EU /NCA ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACRO Ongoing FAO - -- DISTRICT - - -- 3 villages CoAR Ongoing FAO -PROVINCE -- Syed Abad Sayed Abad RDW Completed Product Wardak Syed Abad PETRA Crop Wardak Sped Abad All villages AGRIC: Wardak Dai Chopan DURATION (ACTIVITY Distribution of 50 In Butter seed. Begin --End -- 95 -- 95 Multiplication of small amount of seed t fertilizer. DESCRIPTION> Multiplication of 6 NT wheat seed, 6 MT DAP t 10 MT Urea. Distribution of 11.8 MT improved wheat seed / 12 MT DAP / 18 NT Urea. -- 93 -- 96 7 95 -- -- -- -- 11 94 1 95 12 95 Zabul FAO Baharak Ongoing FA0 /TFP Self UK-ODA 1 96 12 96 10 91 -- -- 10 95 11 96 Badakshan Faizabad training program for local faners. Nurseries of 300,000 fruit trees (apple / quince I valant / pear) - 15 jeribs. One hectare fruit 1 nonfruit nursery. Setting up of demonstration fruit nurseries, replacing the local species by improved ones t horticulture training program for local farmers. Fruit trees nursery Setting up of deronstration fruit nurseries, replacing the local species by improved ones t horticulture training program for local liners. Forest tree nursery. Badakshan 6 95 Badakshan Baharak ARA Ongoing 10 95 11 96 Distribution of improved seeds in different villages. Completed Fruit trees nursery MCI 7 94 Various UNDCP Tree trials Zabul Completed 8 95 -- -- Zabul A -AID UNDCP Badakshan Babarak Center RAFA UK-ODA 7 94 -- -- Fruit Trees Ongoing Badakshan Baharak Dashti Farhad Ongoing UNDCP 10 95 11 96 Fruit trees nursery 8 95 -- -- Tree nurseries 6 95 MAC 8 95 -- -- A -AID Ongoing UNDCP Jura Badakshan Jun Setting up of demonstration fruit nurseries, replacing the local species by improved ones t horticulture NAC Ongoing training program for local tamers. Mashad A -AID 10 95 11 96 Ongoing Badakshan Jun Sheghnan UK-ODA A -AID Badaksban Keshen Setting up of demonstration fruit nurseries, replacing the local species by improved ones t horticulture Badakshan Baharak A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA 7 94 Tree trials AGRIC: A -AID Ongoing Badakshan Eshkashem A -AID Ongoing UNDCP 8 95 -- -- Baharat A -AID Badaksban Faizabad A -AID Completed UNDCP 10 95 11 96 inn UK-ODA Badakshan Sheghnan Ongoing training program for local fusers. ZakirR2 Date: 03 /03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - 18 8T8 EDITION I Setting up of demonstration fruit nurseries, replacing the local species by improved ones t horticulture A -AID Ongoing Badakshan Sheghnan A -AID Badakshan A C B A R Page: -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: Badakshan - -- DISTRICT - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -fad A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA 10 95 11 96 Fruit Trees Oathaa Vl=-- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Setting up of demonstratioa fruit nurseries, replacing the local species by improved ones A horticulture traiuìag program for local fusers.' Baghlan Anderab Bagh[au Bagh[an Farah Farah Farah Khhosh Dara ARA Ongoing Self A-AID Discomtin UB-ODA 4 94 3 95 Fruit murser, Various CBA Ongoing EU 7 93 7 96 Distribution of fruit tree saplings. Farah Center CNA Ongoing NOYIB 12 94 - -- Nursery for fruit I forest tree saplings. Ghazni Setae Gelas CoAI Completed EU - 93 -- 95 Sapling distribution Ghazni Gelai Agbnjan CoAR Ongoing E1/NCA -- 93 -- 96 Nursery t sapling distribution Ghazni Ghazni Center AFRANE Ongoing EU -- 9S -- 96 Tractor A thresher for agriculture activities. Ghazni Center AFRANE Ongoing EU -- 95 -- 96 Establishment of orchard 1 distribution of sapling. Ghazni Center APA Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Distribution of improved budded fruit tree saplings to farmers. Ghazni Caster CoAR Conpleted EU/NCA -- 94 -- 9S Nurseries i distribution of fruit trees sapling. Ghazni Various NCI Completed FAO/IFP 1 95 12 95 Nursery projects, tree plantation i spraying of trees it different villages. IDA Completed FAO 1 9S Five extension orchards (IPM program) 1st phase. Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni 10 91 -- -- 6 95 Nurseries of 330,000 fruit trees (mulberry) - 14 jeribs. Ghazni Jaghats lights AFRANE Ongoing EU Ghazni Jaghori Singe Mask GISP Completed FAO 1 95 Jaghori Sauge Mask GRSP Ongoing FAO 1 94 - - Establishing of nursery (apple / apricot / almond f vegetable seedling). RDA Completed FAO 19S 6 95 Five extension orchards (IPN program) 1st phase. Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazal ACBAt Ihvaja Omri -- 95 -- 96 3 95 Nursery I fruit trees distribution. 20 grafted saplings of apples 7 pears are planted is 300 sq. meters. Nalestan 36 villages GRSP Completed NOVIB Nalestu Niradiu GISP Ongoing FAO 1 94 -- -- Establishing of nursery (apple / apricot / almond Nalestaa Nalentan Nalestu -- 92 -- 95 18,000 used fruit sapling platted in a nursery covered 1.5. jerib land. t t vegetable seedling). Qmle Adaa GRSP Ongoing FAO 1 95 -- 97 10 Ig of Apricot Ole Ada. GISP Oagoitg FAO 195 - 97 SOO (NN 106)saplitg ohich are resistant against cold are planted it nursery farm in 100 sq. meter :. IDA Ongoing !FP 1193 -- - Rusery is 3 jerib land (apple, almot, apricot) l 12,000 sapling for orchards. IIATABASI OF MO ACTIVITIES Page: 19 7 [g of better Aloud are platted in nursery farm covering 1545 sq. mtters. Zatirl2 Date: 03/03/96 871 EDITION Herat Herat Herat Berat Berat Helmand Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Bagnai Berat Herat Herat Enjeel Enjeel Helmand Zeta Khan Qarabagh Qarabagh savor Nana Nogor Nogor Bagraui Sahak Herat City Various Center Urdo Khan Pan i village Various lena Ilan Aheen Nawar Nara *Nor Nogor CAKE SAAVO CARE GAF OEA CHA APO NPO NCI CoAR RDA AFS MANE CoAR CoAR CoAR AGENCY Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Cnpleted Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Completed -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY EU /ODA EU /ODA EU /ODA FAO EU/ODA FAO EU NOVIB NCA/NRC IRC /RAP FAO/IFP EU/I A IFP FAO EU SV NCA /EU RAP /FAO -- -BY - -- FUNDED 11 93 - - 11 93 3 95 -- -- 3 95 3 95 -- -- 12 94 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 -- 93 - 95 1 95 12 95 -- 93 -- 96 11 93 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 96 -- 94 -- 95 -- 93 -- 96 -- 92 -- 95 Begin --End DURATION 10 plastic tunnels were used as bot bed. Nursery in 3 jerib lard (apple, abat, apricot) t 7,480 sapling for orchards. Nursery. in 3 jerib land (apple, alaont, apricot) t 26, %0 sapling for orchards. Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 800 Sgt. 10 plastic tunnels were aged as lot bed. 28,000 apricot / 22,400 almond / 16,000 walnut / 50,000 mulberry / t 3,500 ash trees planted in Urdu Khan 3 Jeribs fruit trees nursery (almond, apricot, nuts, seedling). Fruit trees distribution t 1 jerib nursery. Nursery in 3 jerib laid (apple, almont, apricot) t 15,000 sapling for orchards. Establishment of fruit a forest trees nursery. Distribution of fruit trees. Sapling distribution t 1 jerib,nursery. Nurseries & distribution of fruit trees sapling. nursery t saplings distribution. -- 95 -- -- 3 95 -- -- -- 94 -- 95 4 95 Nursery projects, tree plantation t spraying of trees in different villages. nursery fan. Nursery for fruit t forest tree saplings. Distribution of fruit tree saplings. Fruit nursery trees Establìshmeat of scioa gardens for budding in 800 Sqm. Formation of nursery. Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 900 Sqm. ZatirP2 Date: 03/03/% --- - -- DATABASE Of 1130 ACTIVITIES ---- - - ---- 1 95 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONi Kabul Bagrami Katariha CARE Ongoing IFP 4 95 20 plastic tunnels were used as bot bed. - --- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Kabul Charasyab Sherthaa CARE Completed IFP 3 95 4 95 -- -DISTRICT - --- Kabul Chardehi Bathtyar RDA Ongoing EU /ODA 3 95 -PROVINCE -- Kabul Chardehi RBA Completed EU /ODA Fruit Trees Kabul Chardehi -- CARE Completed AGRIC: Kabul chardehi Ih. chasht CARE 7 96 Kabul Deb Subs Pali Sangi 1 93 Kabul Deb Sabi ------ °---- -- 20 8TH EDITION Kabul A C B A I Page: ---- YILLIGE(S)- - -- Various Bazarat 12 villages Deb Sabz Paghaan Pagbaan Paghuan Paghman Sarobi Shaker Dara Shakar Dara Kandahar kruf Panjshare Panjsbare Paajshare Panjshire Bar haar Bar Kranar Chaghasarai Chaghasarai Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul tabus Kabul Kandahar Kandahar Kapisa Kapisa Lapina Kapisa Lunar Lunar lunar Lunar IACBAR Various Deb Sabz Kabul Asadabad kraut. Asear Dazarak Bazarak Karez -i -Mir Sklar Dara Sarobi Paghaan Shaikheir Chandalbayee Oria Khel Yakatoot Taupe Gharu S.Bassan Deh Sabz Kabul Sorkai Kalai Deb Sabz Fruit Trees - -- DISTRICT - - -- Kabul AGRIC: -PROVING -- ISRA DACAAL MADERA AIMA A -AID A -AID A -AID A -AID MRORA NCI CARE AFRANE IHSAN PRS CARE CARE AFS RATA KPRO CARE AGENCY ACTIVITY Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Discoatin Completed Completed Completed Completed Oagoiag Ongoing Proposed Proposed Ongoing Completed Proposed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- FUNDED FAO FAO FAO FAO UL-ODA IL-ODA II-0DA UK-ODA FAO FAO/VFP EU CODA EU 1PP Private EU CODA EU /ODA YFP PAO/VFP KPRO EU /ODA EU /ODA DURATION 6 95 1 96 3 96 3 95 21 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 2ùinLi Date: 03/03/% 8111 EDITION Nursery with 14,380 fruit saplings 114,380 forest trees t distribution of 3,952 forest amenity trees to 345 formers. Establishtent of fruit nursery it area of 3,000 Squ / 14,270 fruit saplings budded / 3,380 non budded are existing it the nursery t 361 fruit saplings distributed to 32 farmers. A nursery provides forest t fruit trees for selling. Fruit t forest trees nursery. Establishnutt of small sale private fruit trees nursery / fruit trees t orchard sanagement techniques. Fruit trees nursery Fruit trees nursery Fruit nursery (apple / peach / apricot etc). Distribution of fruit tree saplings. Nursery projects, tree plantation t spraying of trees in different villages. Establish eut of oat nursery. Establishment of nursery. Establishueat of fruit tree nursery. Establisóeemt of fruit trees nursery. Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 800 Squ. 30 plastic tunnels mere used as hot bed. Establishment of trait t forest trees nursery. One hectare frail 1 =fruit nursery. office cotpornd. 10,000 apple / almond / apricot / peach / walnut & nulberry trees on 2 jeribs proto -type at KPRO headquarter Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 150 Sqe. Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 700 Sqe. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 9 94 12 95 - 94 -- -- 4 91 -- -- 2 95 4 95 4 94 -- 93 -- 9S -- 92 -- 9S -- 95 -- 95 1 95 12 95 4 95 - -- -- 95 - - -- 95 -- - -- 95 -- -- 3 95 -- -- 4 95 -- 95 -- -- 1 96 12 96 6 92 11 95 3 95 -- -- 3 95 -- - Begin --End Page: -- -BY - -- Laghman Kunduz Kuduz Kunduz lunar lunar lunar Kuhr Inner [scar Lunar Kuser Alingar Alingar Iuduz Khanabad Aliabad Sirkanay Pech lour Gut Our Gul Narang Kamdesh Chapa Dare chaghasaraì Maidani Alingar Pashed Gulsalat 20 villages Kandesh 'ant Bagh Salar 'CAN AMP AP110 ACDG A -AID A -AID A -AID ISSA MADERA YARA BAP DACAAI KADERA MADERA MADERA AGENCY Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Discontin Ongoing Discontin Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY DACAAI FAO IFP FAO FAO FAO EU UK-ODA EU IFP FAO /F.Go FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO -- -BI - -- FUNDED 11 93 -- -- -- 95 - -- 1 95 -- - -- 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 94 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 3 94 4 95 3 94 196 2 95 3 96 2 95 1 97 12 91 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 12 93 -- - -- 93 -- -- 11 91 -- -- 12 90 -- -- 4 91 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION A nursery provides forest i fruit trees for selling. Distribution of fruit sapling to 121 farmers i 1,430 orange rootstock budded. Fruit nursery Establishment of shall scale private fruit trees nursery / fruit trees i orchard management techniques. Fruit nursery Nursery - 50,000 fruit trees i 20,000 forest trees. A nursery provides forest i fruit trees for selling. Fruit i forest trees nursery. Establishment of fruit trees nursery in 1 jerib land. Apricot, peaches, nurseries planted in the area of 2,000 Sqs. A nursery provides forest A fruit trees for selling. A nursery provides forest i fruit trees for selling. A nursery provides forest i fruit trees for selling. Chela Nazar Shith Saheb Fruit i unfruit nursery is 2 jeribs land. Establishment of fruit tree nursery. Establishment of fruit i forest trees nursery. Nursery - 16,000 fruit trees. A nursery provides forest i fruit trees for selling. --- ---- -- Nursery - 16,000 fruit trees. ZakirU2 Date: 03/03/96 ---------------------- - ----- Ill EDITION Establishment of nursery (5 Ig peach / 5 tg norange / 5 Kg apricot / 500 poplar / 1000 vine) in one jerib land. DES(StIPTION>-t Laghman Mingar ARAN Ongoing FAO /P.Go Dìstribstìon of peaches / almonds l appricot i forest trees. 6 96 (ACTIVITY Lagl u Mingar DACAAR Ongoing IFP 12 93 - Fruit I forest trees nursery in 2 jeribs. ---- VILLAGE(S)---- Laghmai Alishing 10 villages MADERA Ongoing FAO - 94 - - - -- DISTRICT - - -- Laghsu Mehterlam Mehterlan RSSA Ongoing FAO 3 92 -- - -PROVING -- Wean Mehterlas Baba( AREA Ongoing FAO/F.Go 1 96 Fruit Trees !Aghast Mehterlas Kanda AAEA Ongoing VFP II= Laghsan Qnrgbaie MADERA Ongoing AGRIC: Laghmu Qughaie Qarghaie RSSA Establishaent of nursery. laghman Qarghaie Kaj Aziz that 6 96 Lagbman Qarghaie 22 DATABASE OF 160 ACTIVITIES 1 96 Laghwn ACBAR Page: -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar -- -DISTRICT - --- 1W==:= ----VILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End Fruit Trees Azra Baraki Baraki Baraki Baraki Baraki Baraki Pad Kbwab Center Qalai Qati Baraki (ACTIVITY 10111=C RDA Completed FAO URINE Ongoing EU CARE Completed EU /ODA 3 95 4 95 10 plastic taints were used as hot bed. CARE Completed EU /ODA 3 95 4 95 1D plastic tunnels were used as hot bed. CoAR Ongoing NCA /NIC ISRA Completed FAO 1 95 6 95 -- 95 -- 96 -- 93 -- 96 1 95 12 93 DESCRIPTION> Five eztensioa orchards (IPM program) 1st phase. Establishment of orchard 4 distribution of sapling. Distributioa of fruit trees distribution L nursery. Establishment of nursery with 8,315 saplings (almond 15,600 / peach 1,390 / apricot 4,600 / cherry 15 / apple root stock 400 / cherry root stock 350). Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Lugar Logar Logar Logar Charkh Charkh Charkh Charkh Charkh Kboshi Khoshi Khoshi Nohd Agha Nohd Agha Mohd Agha Nohd Agha Nohd Agha Nohd Agha Nohd Agha Nohd Agha Charkh AFRANE Completed FAO -- 95 -- 95 Nursery (MM 106) for distribution. CoAR Cnpleted FAO -- 94 -- 95 nurseries (NM 106). CoAR Ongoing FAO -- 94 -- 96 One jerib nursery. CoAR Ongoing SV -- 94 -- -- Nursery establishment d sapling distribution. IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 4 92 -- -- Nursery with 1627 son planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings 5 villages ARC Ongoing *Donors 8 93 -- -- Nursery establishment. 3 villages ARC Proposed NOVIB 11C/IPA Ongoing FAO 4 92 -- -- Nursery with 1898 sum planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings AFS Ongoing FAO 1 95 Fruit i forest trees nursery. ARPO Proposed FAO CARE Completed EU IODA 3 95 4 95 10 plastic tames mere used as hot bed. CARE Completed EU /ODA 3 95 4 95 10 plastic tunnels were used as hot bed. CARE Completed EU /ODA 3 95 4 95 10 plastic heels were used as hot bed. CARE Ongoing EU /ODA 4 95 -- -- Establishment of one nursery. CARE Ongoing EU /ODA 4 95- -- Establishment of one nursery. CARE Ongoing EU /ODA 4 95 -- -- Establishment of one nursery. Charkh Charkh Charkh Mango Karen- Shahsanar Bani Sbir Afgan Ought' [het Deb Nan lìoor N. [stab Khel Deb Now Bali Qandari -- 95 -- -- -- -- 95 - - Establishment of 15 orchard nurseries, 5 in each of the 3 villages. ;artery of 100,000 fruit tree saplings in 5 jeribs. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 8TB EDITION Page: 23 lakir!2 Date: 03/03/96 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S )- - -- =IS= 711====111970115 fiGRIC: Fruit Trees AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End VIMII0717:11 <ACTIYITY =1.9= DESCRIPTION> r Logar Nohd Agha Nohd Agha IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 11 92 -- -- Nursery with 1648 sqm planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings Logar Puli Alas Nasera ARA Ongoing Self 10 91 -- -- Nurseries of 350,000 fruit trees (apple / apricot) - 15 jeribs. Logar Puli Alan Niasi CARE Completed EU /ODA 3 95 Logar Puli Alas Shush Qala CARE Ongoing EU /ODA 4 95 -- -- Establishment of one nursery. Logar Puli Alan Konjak CARE Ongoing EJIODA 4 95 -- -- Establishment of one nursery. Logar Puli Ala: Puli Alan IRC/RPA Ongoing SV Nangarhar Bati Kot KNF Ongoing VFP 1 95 -- -- Fan no. 3, fruit i forest nursery, benefit 76 workers. Nangarhar Bati Kot OF Ongoing 1FP 1 95 -- -- Fans no. 2,3,4, Gbasi Abad 800 labours A farmers are active. Nangarhar Behsud Deland Ghar IBSAN Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Nangarhar Behsud Chamyar BSA Completed 1FP 1 95 12 95 Nangarhar Darae Noor Dada Kot SERVE Ongoing *Donors 4 95 10 92 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 10 plastic tunnels were used as hot bed. Nursery with 1969 squ planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings Establishment of fruit tree nursery. Nursery - 12,000 fruit trees 1 10,100 forest trees. Establishment of one jerib land of fruit trees nursery i preparation of peach, apricot, aloud, walnut, persimmon seedlings for district farmers. Fruit trees i forestry nursery (10,166 fruit trees i 6,660 forestry). Nangarhar Deb Bala Yaghiband TARA Ongoing FAO 1 95 12 96 Nangarhar Goshta Goshta AAEA Ongoing FAO -- 95 -- -- Nangarhar Hesarak Naar ADAg Completed FAO 1 95 12 95 Nangarhar Hesarak 1 villages ADAg Ongoing FAO 12 93 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Serail! karat ABSAO Ongoing Private 3 95 -- -- 20 acres nursery, contains 30000 mulberry / 25000 poplar / 10000 eucalyptus A 5000 plan saplings. Nangarbar Jalalabad Center ABA Ongoing $Donors 1 93 -- -- Established nursery fans for different kinds of fruit i forestry tree saplings. Nangarhar Jalalabad 40 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- -- Nangarbar Jalalabad Center SAYE Ongoing VFP /Self Nangarhar Jalalabad IRC Approved FAO -- 96 -- - Establishment of fruit i forest nurseries (200,000 trees). Nangarhar Kama ANAR Proposed GTZ -- 95 -- -- Establishment of fruit trees nursery. Nangarbar Khogiani ACDG Ongoing FAO -- 93 -- 97 Fruit i forest trees nursery. IACBAR Kambo 2 95 -- -- Fruit and forest trees nursery in 1 jerib. Fruit i forest trees nursery. Distribution of saplings. Distribution of 3,686 orange sapling to 370 farmers. Nursery for production of 60,000 sapling. DATABASE OF MO ACTIVITIES Page: 24 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 8111 EDITION Khogiani Khogiani Khogiani Khogiani Khogiani Khogiani Khogiani Kouz Kolar Rouz Komar Raul Konar Kouz Komar Mohmand Dara kodat Rodat Sherzad Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Sikh Rod Surkh Rod Surkh Rod Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar ACBAR ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Surkh Rod Kbair Abad Sayed Del Savatte Savatte Center Mama Ebel Baru Nazina Basavol Lhas lunar Sheva China Nicola Banda raja Banda Laja Kaja Laja Banda Bernina Fruit Trees - -- DISTRICT - - -- Nangarhar AGRIÇ: PROVINCE -- PRS NORA GAF GAF ARR Alt ARF ARDP YARA KAUA AFS RSSA RAE MADERA GAF KNF ARDA ARDA ARDA ARDA AIDA ARSAO AGENCY ACTIVITY Ongoing Completed Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Completed Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ' FUNDED VFP FAO FAO/NOPS GAF FFP SV FAO FAO VFP PAO VFP VFP FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO VFP AAA FAO ARDA FAO DURATION 12 94 -- -- 1 93 -- -- 1 92 -- -- Begin- -End 1 97 8 96 25 (ACTIVITY 100,000 plants (loquat, peach, plum, apricot, grapes). Establishunt of fruit trees nursery. Fruit trees nursery Fruit trees nursery. Establishment of citrus fruit trees nursery in 2 jeribs land. 4 jerib nursery. To produce 55,000 improved budded fruit trees saplings (plu, peach, Fruit trees nursery. Fruit trees nursery. Fruit a forest trees production nursery. Fruit trees nursery. Establishment of fruit a forest trees nursery. Nursery - 50,000 fruit trees a 20,000 forest trees. Distribution of 5,000 trees. A nursery provides forest,! fruit trees for selling. Fruit nursery trees Nicola Shirzad fruit t forest nursery. LakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 871 EDITION apricot, louquat) through establishment of Nursery: 50,000 of different varieties of fruit a nonfruit trees have been groin & are ready to be distributed. Nursery with 60,000 of different varieties of fruit trees. Established nursery fan for different kinds of fruit trees (100 hectares). Established nursery farm for different kinds of fruit a forestry trees. Established nursery fans for different kinds of fruit i forestry tree saplings. 1500 pomegranate saplings. apricot / 500 peach 1 15000 mulberry / 20000 poplar & DESCRIPTION>---- 2 acres nursery, contains 7000 apple 1 4040 natant / 500 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 9 95 12 93 I2 95 -- 95 -- -- 11 94 -- -- 10 94 10 96 9 93 12 95 -- 95 -- -- 12 92 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- -- 196 2 93 -- -- 9 94 -- -- -- 95 -- -- I 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 - -- Page: -- -BY - -- -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: Nangarhar Pakteka - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- Balish Balish IRC /RPA CARE CARE Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed EU /ODA EU /ODA Pakteka Pakteka Paktia Urgoun DURATION Begin- -End -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- <ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> Nursery - 16,000 fruit trees (peach, apricot, almond) d 8,000 forest trees. Fruit trees nursery. Establishment of 4 nurseries. Establishment of 6 nurseries. Establishment of 14 nurseries. 18 plastic tunnels were used as hot bed. Fruit trees nursery. 3 95 Establishment of one nursery. 1 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- Nursery: planted with stone fruit / nut I apple seed and cuttings 4 95 3 91 -- -- 4 95 1 95 3 90 -- -- 7 plastic tunnels were used as hot bed. 7 plastic tunnels were used as hot bed. Nursery with 3250 sqm planted with stone fruit I nut / apple seed and cuttings Establishment of 1 nursery. 6 95 7 plastic tunnels were used as hot bed. -- 94 -- -- EU /ODA 4 95 6 95 EU/VFP EU /ODA 4 95 EU /ODA EU /ODA Ongoing SV 6 95 1 95 12 95 EUIWP EU/1FP WP FINNED Ongoing 1 95 - --BI-- Completed CARE Ongoing EU/VP Qala Norullab CARE Ongoing FAO Zaloot IRC/RPA Completed Pakteka FN/FAO ACTIVITY RSSA Completed --STATUS -- Bagrani NAC AGENCY Surth Rod bannit than Fruit Trees Dila CARE Ongoing Neka CARE Ongoing Neka Sarobi ARDP Pakteka Sarobi Yahya Khel Zelok Patan CARE Completed Sarhauza Sultan Khan Dand Patan Shekhan CARE Completed Sarhawza Pakteka Urgoun Pakteka Pakteka Gardaiz Kh.Hasan CARE Urgoun Paktia Gardaiz Karnanshi Pakteka Paktia Gardaiz EU Paktia CARE EU /ODA Establishment of one nursery. Shakar Dal Ongoing 4 95 -- -- Gardais CARE EU /OA Paktia Kbatabu Ongoing Establishment of one nursery. Gardaiz CARE 4 95 -- -- Pattia Terah FAO -- 94 -- -- 8 92 -- -- -- 95 - 95 planted in 4 villages as demonstration orchard. 8,200 fruit saplings were budded in the nursery. Nursery: planted with stone fruit I nut / apple seed and cuttings Spraying of fruit trees against diseases. 1,670 / root stocks 250 / cherry 47). 8TH EDITION Nursery with 13,963 fruit 8 forest trees (apple 1,209 / apricot 6,935 1 almond 2,035 / peach 1,415 / walnut ZakirU2 Date: 03/03/96 OF NGO ACTIVITIES --- ---- -_ 9 94 12 95 26 Apple, apricot, almond nursery 1 apple root stock IN 106 planted in the area of 4190 Squ t 480 fruit saplings Establishment of one nursery. Gardaiz Ongoing Pattia -- 93 - -- 4 95 -- Paktia DACAAR Ongoing FAO/DACA DACAAR Ongoing NCA¡NIC 21 villages IRC /RPA Completed FAO Gardaiz Sari Sang NPO Completed Pattia Gardaiz 4 villages ISRA *Donors Gardais Hassan Ihel Gardais Paktia Basan Khel Paktia Pattia (ACHAR Page: -PROVINCE - AGRIC: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- ACTIVITY RAIDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS-- ---BY --- Begin --End ACTIVITY DESCR1PTION> Fruit Trees Pattia Jaji Be taut ABSAO Ongoing Private 1 93 -- -- Pattia Jaji Ali Del ISBA Capleted FAO 9 94 12 95 i jerib nursery, contains 2000 apple / 1000 apricot / 600 walnut t 4500 Jalgoza. Nursery vith 10,661 fruit t forest trees (aloud 1,830 / peach 330 I apricot 2,320 / cherry 50 / apple 4,920 / valnut 1,100). Pattia Jani Khel Naidan ghola IRC /RPA Ongoing EU Paktia Kbost ghost ACDO Proposed FAO Pattia [host Nilsa loot CARE Ongoing EU /ODA 4 95 -- -- Establishwent of one nursery. Paktia ghost Project Fan CARE Ongoing EU /ODA 4 95 -- -- Establishment of one nursery. Paktia ghost 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO/DACA -- 93 -- -- Distribution of 10,000 fruit trees to 548 growers. Pattia ghost 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO /DACA -- 93 -- - Fruit nursery i.e. apricot / peaches / aloud planted in 1500 Sgt. Paktia Khost 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- - Establishment of fruit nrsery in 400 Sqo / 422 orange saplings distributed to 100 fatter: / 18,355 fruit 3 90 -- -- -- 95 -- -- Nursery with 3260 sqn planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings Establìsheent of fruit trees nrsery. saplings were budded is the nursery t 1,859 fruit saplings transplanted in the nursery. Pattia [host Natoon (Par talai IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 11 92 -- -- Nursery: planted vith stone trait / net / apple seed and cuttings Pattia ghost 4 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 Spraying of irait trees against diseases. Paktia ghost GRO NPO Completed NCA/NRC -- 95 -- 95 100,000 sapling were planted in plastic bags. Pattia ghost RDA Canpleted FAO 195 6 95 Paktia Khost Center SJAIO Proposed FP -- 95 -- -- Paktia Lajnangal Laja Imola 11C/RPA Ongoing SY 3 91 -- - Paktia Nandozi Dawa Del GAF Proposed $Donors Pattia Rasa Lhel loor lot/Gardi Lho IRC/RPA Oagoiag FAO Pattia Sabari Iaqubi ILC/IPA Completed AID/FAO Pattia Sayed Imam Salam Ihel ARDP Ongoing FAO 1 94 - -- Pattia Sayed gara Ihoahal Ithel Lamar IRC/RPA Ongoing FAO 10 91 - -- Nursery aid 2192 sqa platted vitti stone fruit / not / apple seed and cattiags Pattia Shaul Shoal (Norozai) 1RC/RPA Ongoing FAO 12 91 - -- Nursery with 4574 sqm plaited with sty fruit / rut / apple seed and cuttings Pattia Tali Toora laray ABSAO Ongoing Private ACBAR - 95 -- - 3 90 - 11 91 Rehabilitation of Mgt Para arsery. Nursery with 4040 sip planted with stoat trait I ant / apple seed and cuttings ?nit trees army Nursery with 4617 sqa plaited with stone fruit / at / apple seed and cuttings 3 95 1 93 -- - Five extension orchards (IPN program) 1st phase. Nursery with 3084 sqa platted with stone fruit / ant / apple seed and cuttings Fruit trees aysery. 1 jerib artery, contains 1000 apple / 600 taint / 3000 apricot / 3500 peach t 3000 poplar. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 27 ZatirL2 Date: 03/03/96 ITN EDITION lardai lardai Takbar Uttar Tatbar Paean Pavan Paean Parran Parma Farman Paean Paktia Pattie Jaghatu Jaghatu Chat Taloqan Taloqan Talogaa Jabal Saraj Jabal Saraj Ghorband Chorband Charitar Cbaritar Bagran Kornai Trayzai Jaghatu 10 villages Shikh Ali Chai City Nasrullah Ebel Gulbahar-lunara Charitar Center Chain Ali Guided Ihel /Stogen Godather SOLID CoAR APA ACRD CoAR ARA A -AID A -AID CARE ARA A -AID A -AID CARE ARPD RAFA IRC /IPA AFS AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Discontin Discontin Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY EU /ODA OZFAN /FG EU/F.Gov EU/MCA FAO iRC/RAP EU/NCA Self UK-ODA UI-ODA EU!ODA Self IN-ODA UK-0DA EU /ODA FAO FAO/!FP FAO FAO -- -BY - -- FUNDED 3 95 3 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 9S. -- -- -- 95 -- 96 10 91 -- -- -- - -- 95 4 95 -- -- IO 91 -- -- 4 95 4 94 4 95 -- 93 -- 96 4 94 4 95 5 92 -- -- T 9S 4 95 3 96 3 95 4 95 -- -- 11 91 -- -- 195 -- - Begin --End DURATION 10 plastic tinsels were used as hot bed. 10 plastic tunnels mere used as bot bed. 10 plastic tunnels mere used as hot bed. 10 plastic tunnels mere used as hot bed. Nurseries 6,000 Cub., i distribution of fruit trees sapling. Distribution of improved budded fruit tree sapling to farmers. Orchard nursery. Nurseries 6,000 Cab.' I distribution of fruit tree saplings. Nurseries of 500,000 fruit trees (peach / apricot / saint / apple ; plan / grape) Establisiutent of small scale private fruit trees nursery / fruit trees i orchard management techniques. Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 1,000 Sqs. Nurseries of 700,000 fruit trees (mulberry) - 10 jeribs. Establishment of small scale private fruit trees nursery / fruit trees i orchard management techniques. Fruit trees nursery -- 95 -- - 3 95 6 96 Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 1,000 Sqn. Fruit nursery Distribution of 118,400 fruit tree saplings to 2,478 faner families in 89 villages. 8TB EDITION I A nursery provides grafted fruit trees i improved vegetable seed for selling at a subsidized price. - 28 jeribs. Training of 100 disabled people in tailoring, carpet weaving i jewelry in each 3 months for 2 years. One hectare fruit i nonfruit nursery. Nursery with 3902 sqm planted rah stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings DESCRIPTION> lardai Jaghatu MADERA Completed EU /ODA 3 95 4 95 Zatirl2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES 28 <ACTIVITY lardai Jalrez Ragol CARE Completed EU /OBA 3 95 Establishment of one nursery. ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- lardai Nartaz Bes. Ibrahim Khel CARE Completed EU /OOA 4 95 - - - -- DISTRICT - - -- tardak Raydan Shar Dula Ebel CARE Completed EU /ODA -PROVINCE -- lardai Maydan bar Bala Ihel CARE Ongoing Fruit Trees lardai Maydaa Shar Anal Del CARE AGRIC: lardai Maydan Shar Instal Ihel Fruit i forest trees nursery. lardai Maydan Shar 1 96 12 96 tardai {ACBAR Page: Naydan Shar Nerkh Nerkh Sped Abad Sped had Zabul Dardak Dardak Dardak Dardak Dardai tabu( Baharak Faizabad Faizabad Jura Jura Kesha Pali Khumri laghori Bust Berat Badakshan Badaks'nan Badakshan Badakshan Badaksba Badakshan Baghlan Ghazni Behind Herat A C B A R Baharak Badakshan -- -- Various Sailed Abad Deb Muslim Deb Rapt Deb Afghanan Koti Ashro City City Sage Naba Bala Dasri Kombok - Forestry Naydan Shar AGRIC: ---- VILIAGE(S)- Fruit Trccs --- DISTRICT - --- Dardai AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- AREA -1 GAFO GRSP A -AID NAC A -AID A-AID A -AID A -AID A -AID A -AID NCI RDA CoAR CARE CARE CARE CARE AGENCY ACTIVITY Ongoing Proposed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Ongoing Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing --STATUS -- FUNDED Private NFP TAO UL-ODA NAC ODA/DCP UNDCP U NDcP ODA/DCP ODA/DCP DNDCP FAO/DFP FAO EU /RCA EU /ODA EU /ODA EU /ODA EU /ODA DURATION -- 6 95 6 95 3 95 1 91 29 (ACfIYITY DESCRIPTION> ZatirI2 ' Ante: 03/13/9í ACtIi71TíE5 Establishment of trees ursery. Plantation of trees in the city. 811 EDITION I 200 seed of lozaoarp / Siphon / (apenan i Dedìschìa are platted in 200 plastic libes for forestry. SPP / Alliezia Procenl. (Iasi Calder) / Ailanthu (laid Rossi) I Fruzinus Floridumda ( Shing) I Thoja Orientalis (Panja Binar) / Catalpa Establishment of different forsetry nurseries (Pius nigh (Najo) / Pepsins SPP (liar) / Rodinia Psudoacacia Raising i plutatiom of forest trees. SPP I Albezia !metal. (Anti 1ildar) / Alludes (laid Rossi) / Proximo Floridunda (Shing) / Thoja Orientalis (Panja Binar) / Catalpa Establishment of different forsetry 'arteries [Pious migra (Rajo) / Popalus SPP (Binar) / Rodinia Psudoacacia Forestry nursery Forestry winery (Iasi Galdar) / Ainastis (laid Rossi) / Frisians Floridnnda ( Shing) / Thoja Orientalis (Panja Chinar) I Catalpa SPP / Albezia Procera]. Establishment of different forsetry nurseries [Pious aigra (Rajo) / Poplins SPP (Chinar) / Rodinia Psudoacacia SPP I Albezia Protomi. (Ansi C;oldar) / Ailnntias (laid Rossi) / Fruiting Floridunda ( Shing) I Thoja Orientalis (Panja Chinar) I Catalpa Establishment of different forsetry nurseries [Pious pigra (Najo) / Papules SPP (Chinar) I Rodinia Psudoacacia Forestry nursery hrsery projects, tree plantation i spraying of trees in different villages. Fire extension orchards (IPN program) Ist phase. Nursery is 5,000 Cub.n i distribution of fruit trees sapling. Establishment of scion garden for budding in 1,000 Sqm. Establishment of scion gardas for budding in 1,000 Sqm. Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 1,000 Sqm. Establishment of scion gardens for budding in 1,000 Sqm. DATABASE OF INiO 7 93 - 95 - - 1 95 - 94 -- 96 -93 -- - -- 94 -- 95 7 94 7 94 -- - -- 94 - 95 -- 94 - 95 7 94 195 12 95 195 6 95 -- 93 - 96 4 95 -- - 4 95 4 95 -- - 3 95 - - Begin -End Page: -- -BY - -- -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: - -- DISTRICT - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTItMt> Forestry Kabul Kabul City ARFA -1 Proposed MA -- 95 -- -- Establishment of trees nursery. Kabul Kabul Center SAVE Approved WP 11 95 litershed masagement & greenery project. Kandahar Kandabar City HAFO Proposed !FP -- 95 -- -- Plantation of trees on 18 6m road from Airport to the city. Kapisa Panjshare A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA 4 94 -- -- lapisa Panjshare A -AID Ongoing. UK-ODA -- 94 -- 96 Cbangran Forestry nursery Establishment of different forsetry nurseries [Pins pigra (Najo) / Populas SPP (Chinar) / Rodinia Psudoacacia (Acari Guidar) / Ailanthus (laid Rossi) / Pruritus Floridunda (Shing) / Thoja Orientalis (Panja Chinar) / Catalpa SPP / Albezia Procera). Kapisa Panjshare hazard A -AID Ongoing UK-ODA -- 94 - 96 Establishment of forestry A fodder trees nurseries to cover the problem of construction and fire mod. lunar Bar lunar Asnar NADIA Ongoing EU -- 92 -- -- 3 forest agents are making aware of the risks of deforestation t train local people on improved techniques for rational forest exploitation lunar DACAAI Chaghasarai Ongoing FAO Establishment of forest nursery is area of 500 Sp / 12,825 forest trees are existing in the nursery t 5,585 -- 94 -- -- forest trees distributed to 98 farmers. Lunar Chaghasarai Bagh Salar MADERA Ongoing EU -- 92 -- 2 forest agents are naking aware of the risks of deforestation t train local people on improved techniques for rational forest exploitation lunar Chapa Dara Vaut MADERA Ongoing EU -- 92 -- -- 4 forest agents are raking aware of the risks of deforestation t train local people on improved techniques for rational forest exploitation Kant Kamdesh lamdash MADERA Ongoing 92 - - RU 9 forest agents are raking aware of the risks of deforestation t train local people on improved techniques for rational forest exploitation Lunar Khan lunar 13 villages PAPA Ongoing VFP 11 93 -- -- Afforestation of Bakinabad t Khan lunar canals. Protects the canals form erasion. Lunar Bering 20 villages DACAAI Ongoing FAO -- 94 - - Forest seed in 8330 plastic tube sad poplar cutting planted in 400 Su. lunar Peck Gilsalak MADERA Ongoing EU -- 92 -- -- 3 forest agents are raking aware of the risks of deforestation t train local people on improved techniques for rational forest exploitation Lunds Aliabad Laadux tubs Laguna m Mehterlam Logar Nasgarhar ACBAR - A -AID Discontin EU 3 94 2 95 Forestry nursery A -AID Discontin BO 3 94 2 95 Forestry nursery 3 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR Choshi larexo IRC/RPA Ongoing EU 4 92 -- - Behind Samar Lhil/Saracha SERVE Ongoing FAO -- 95 -- -- -- 95 - - Diistrìbution of 275 poplar to 13 farmers. Nursery: cedar and pile seedlings Onnt jerib land of forest tree nursery as established t seedlings are prepared for Hisar Shahi t Mew Hada Cups. DATABASE OF MO mIYITIES ---- ---- -- Page: 30 takirR2 Date: 03/031% ---- 8TH EDITION Chaparhar Jatalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Kama Kama Shinvar Surkh Rod band Patan Gardais Khost Khost Khost Khost Khost Lajmangal Rosa Khel Shanal Traysai Ghorband Ghorband Talogan Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Pattie Paktia Paktia Paktia Pattia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Parma Parma Takhar ACBAR --- -YILLAGE(S) - --- 12 villages Shaul (Norozai) Zoor Kot /Gardi Kho Laja Khola Khost Natoon (Pir Kalai 45 villages 4S villages 45 villages City Patan Srati Shinvar Gai 12 villages Jalalahad Reg Shah Nard Khan 12 villages 2 villages Forestry --- DISTRICT -- -- Nangarhar AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- A -AID A -AID A -AID AFS IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRCIRPA SAVE IRCIRPA DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR NPO IRC /RPA ARR ARADA SOS-PG RAFA 1RC SOS -PG DACAAR ARC AGENCY ACTIVITY Discontin Ongoing Completed Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Cospleted Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Proposed -- STATUS -- FUNDED UK-ODA UK-ODA 111-ODA 1FP FAO FAO SV WP /GTZ FAO DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR NCA/NRC SY WP FAO liMiISA WP FAO CNCD /SA DACAAR ED - --BY -- DURATION 3 95 3 95 Page: 31 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Protects the intake of Iama 1 canal bank of Mangual Iron Forestry nursery ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 818 EDITION Establishment of forestry 1 fodder trees nurseries to cover the problem of construction and fire wood. Forestry nursery Plantation of 26,600 forest tree saplings. Nursery with nixed seedlings Nursery with nixed seedlings Nursery with nixed seedlings Forestry 1 orchard promotion project. Nursery with 2,240 nixed seedlings Distribution of 13,080 forest saplings to 361 fanners 11,638 sapling are existing in.the nursery. Forest seed have been planted in 13,000 plastic tube. Distribution of 56150 forest trees to 3,380 growers. Planting of 2,900 ornamental trees in both sides of city. Nursery with nixed seedlings. Eucalyptus nursery to produce 95,000 eucalyptus saplings. Fruit 1 forest nursery in 26 canal area of Shinvar. Free distribution of 375,000 plants. erasion. Reforestation 1 afforestation of lingual 1 Rana canal. Establishment of forest tree nursery (85,000 sapling). Free distribution of 375,000 plants is Jalalabad 1 Behsood districts. Distribution of 1,977 forest trees to 21 farmers. Social forestry, *sing 10,000 conifer seedling. DATABASE OF IIGO ACTIVITIES 4 94 - 94 - 96 4 94 9 95 -- -- 12 91 -- -- 3 90 - -- 3 91 - -- -- 95 - -- 11 92 -- -- 94 -- -- - 94 - -- - 93 - -- -- 95 - 95 3 90 - -- - 95 - -- 1 93 12 96 6 94 -- -- 11 94 12 95 - 94 12 95 6 94 - - - 94 - -- -95 - -- Begin -Bad -PROVINCE -- Takhar -- -DISTRICT - - -- Talogan ACTIVITY -BY - -- FUNDED DURATION begin- -End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Center Center Center FRF FRF PRB PRB PRB PRB A -AID Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO UK-ODA 6 90 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 4 92 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 8 94 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 8 94 -- -- 6 95 I2 96 2 vet. assistant 1 paravet 1 paravet 1 paravet Provision of vaccination, devorming and treatment of animals A training of BVIs. Provision of vaccination, devorming and treatment of animals & training of BVBs. Veterinary clinic with 1 DVM providing veterinary services to the whole district. YFU with 1 YDM L 1 paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. YFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. YFU vith 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. Improvement of livestock health A production. Through establishing veterinary mobile clinics. -- STATUS -- Center DCA Ongoing FAO 1 95 -- -- 1 paravet AGENCY Qala Nan Borhan DCA Ongoing FAO 7 95 -- -- 1 veterinarian ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- (Acasi Goldar) / Ailanthus (Raid Rossi) / Fruzinus Floridanda (Shing) / Thoja Orientalis (Panja Chinar) / Catalpa Establishment of different forsetry nurseries (Pins nigra (Majo) / Popalus SPP ( Chinar) / Rodinia Psudoacacia Badghis Anderab Block Mir Dat DCA Ongoing FAO l 95 -- -- I paravet -- -- -- 95 Bagblan Anderab Qasan DCA Ongoing FAO 7 95 -- -- 1 paravet UL-ODA Bahian Anderab tenter DCA Ongoing FAO 1 95 -- -- i paravet Discontin Bagblan Bagblan Qochi DCA Ongoing FAO 1 95 -- -- 1 vet. A 1 vet. assistant. A -AID Bagblan Bagblan Center DCA Ongoing FAO 1 95 -- -- 1 paravet SPP / Albezia Procera]. Baghlan Burka Tawshakh DCA Ongoing FAO 1 95 -- -- 1 vet. assistant Vet Baghlan Barka Bazar DCA Ongoing FAO 195 -- - Badakshan Badakshaa Badaksban Badghis Bagblan Badakshan Bagblan Burka Center DCA Ongoing FAO 1 veterinarian AGRIC: Bagblan Burka Dahni Ghori 1ICA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- Badakshan Bagblan Dahna Ghori Doshi DCA FAO , Kushk Kohna Keshem Faiaabad Baharak Baharak Baghlan Doshi Center Ongoing Badakshan Bagblan Doshi DCA ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 Layan 32 Khenjan Baghlan Page: Gulistan Khat Salid Lash Javeen Purchanan Shindand Ab Band Farah Farah Farah Farah Farah Ghazni ACBAR Farah Farah Sbibar Banyan Bala Balout Kahmard Banyan Farah Banyan Banyan Bakva Nazar Sharif Balch Farah Dovlatabad Balkh Aar Dara Puli Khumri Baghlan Farah Puli Khumri Baghlan Yakonlang Puli Khumri Baghlan Banyan Hossain Kbel Nahrein Baghlan - Center Nahrein Baghlan Tonda Cheena Yakaalang Shibar Andob Banyan Center Nazari Sharif 21 villages Bazar Arakashia Donabiria Nahrain City Nahrein Baghlan Char Karia ---- YILLAGE(S )- - -- Kbost Fring Vet - -- DISTRICT - - -- Baghlan AGRIO: -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY Ongoing Ongoing DG Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- FRF FRF FRF FRF FRF FRF FRF FRF FRF GAF GAF GAF GAF GAF NPO DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA AGENCY FUNDED FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO GAF FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO -- -BY - -- DURATION Page: 33 <ACTIVITY DESt3tIPTION) Bills. 2 paravet Provision of vaccination, dewning and treatment of animals t training of BV1s. Provision of vaccination, detailing and treatment of animals i training of BY1s. Prevision of vaccination, devorming and treatment of animals i training of BY1s. Provision of vaccination, downing and treatment of animals i training of BY1s. Provision of vaccination, deaoning and treatment of animals t training of BY1s. Provision of vaccination, dewning and treatment of animals i training of BY1s. Provision of vaccination, devoring and treatment of animals i training of BYIs. Provision of vaccination, detailing and treatment of animals i training of BY1s. Provision of vaccination, demorming and treatment of animals i training of 3 paravets / 1 guard / curative i preventive service. 3 paravets / 1 guard / curative A preventive service. 3 paravets / 1 guard / curative i preventive service. I DVN / 2 paravets / I guard / curative i preventive service. Vet. laboratories for investigations livestock disease. 15 -20 animals are examined per day i given medicine. 1 veterinarian 1 paravet 2 vet. assistant 1 paravet 1 paravet I veterinariaa I paravet Zatirk2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF WOO ACTIVITIES 10 94 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 11 91 -- -- 4 90 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 10 89 -- -- 6 90 -- -- 10 89 -- -- 9.90 -- -- Begin --Fad 8T11 EDITION Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Jaghatu Jaghatu Jaghatu Jaghatu Giro Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni - Ghazni Gelan Deb Yak Deh Yak Andar Andar Andar Andar Andar Jagheri Malaya Kafshi Sarah Topat %addohoo Pana Various Ghazni Center Center Center Janda Gondel Rant Anan Chardival N.Sediq Navabad Nati Ghalzaee Mohd Khan ---- VILIAGE(S) ---- GAF GP -UK DCA DCA DCA DCA GAF NCI GAF GAF CoAR GAF DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS-- ACTIVITY FAO FAO FAO GO(UK) D.Govt FAO D.Govt D.Govt FAO FAO GAF FAO EU /11G FAO FAO FAO D.Govt FAO FAO D.Govt FAO -- -BY - -- FUNDED 4 91 -- -- 9 91 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 4 90 -- -- 8 94 -- -- 3 94 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 9 95 -- -- 3 94 -- -- 6 93 -- -- 1 95 12 95 -- 95 -- -- 4 90 -- - 4 93 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 6 93 -- -- II 92 -- -- 10 89 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 6 92 -- -- 4 89 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION 1 paravet 1 paravet 1 vaccinator 3 paravet 1 DYN / i paravet / 1 guard curative L preventive service. Animal vaccination 1 paravet 3 paravet 1 veterinarian i 1 vaccinator. 1 paravet 2 peravets / 1 guard / curative A preventive service. Veterinary services in different villages. 1 DVM / 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative A preventive sevices. 1 paravet 1 vaccinator t 1 vet. assistant i paravet 1 vet. assistant 1 paravet 1 paravet 1 paravet Yet. laboratories for investigations livestock disease. I PVM / 2 paralets / 1 guard / curative A preventive service. < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Ghazni Jaghori Qalai Nov DCA Ongoing FAO 7 95 -- -- -- -DISTRICT - - -- Ghazni Khiaja Omri *Nor Center DCA Ongoing FAO -PROVINCE -- Ghazni Mogor Ango DCA Ongoing Vet Ghazni Nava Malikdin DCA AGRIC: Ghazni Nava Khoja Khel Animals treatvent L vaccination. Ghazni Nava 34 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES -- 95 -- 96 Ghazni ACBAR Page: 8TH EDITION Qasab Qasabi Bala Quel Islas Center Zena Khan Helmand Reiland Enjeel Enjeel Ghoryn Gozarah Outran broth Karoth Karoth Kohsn Kohut Kusht Obey Pashtun tar. Ghazni Heiland Reiland Herat Berat Herat Herat Berat Herat Berat Berat Herat Herat Herat Herat Bent ACBAR Zendajan -- Qarabagh Ghazni Herat FIT -- Qarabagh Ghazni . DCA Inn Shesbnoor Qarabagh Ghazni ACTIVITY DCA FRF -- DCA FRF ' DG Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing DG DCA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Conpieted Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- DCA DCA FRF FRF DCA VARA liCI GAF DCA DCA DCA DCA Center Center Center Braun Various Various Bazaar Qarabagh Bazar Zersant Noma Roshan Qarabagh Ghazni DCA Ser Asiab Nuor Ghazni DCA AGENCY Subzi Ab ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- Namr Vet - -- DISTRICT - - -- Ghazni AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- FAO FAO D.Govt FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO D.Govt D.Govt FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO D.Govt -BY --- FUNDED DURATION -- Page: 35 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> treatnent of anisais t training of BYIs. Provision of vaccination, demising and treatnent of anises t training of BYIs. i veterinarian I paravet Provision of vaccination, demising and 1 parant I paravet I paravet 1 vaccinator I paravet Provision of vaccination, demising and treatnent of nines t training of BYh. Provision of vaccination, devorning and treatnent of animals d training of BYIs. Provision of vaccination, devorning and treatnent of nines t training of BYIs. I vaccinator 1 vaccinator 2 DVII / 14 PIT / I5 BEis for vaccination, devorning t treatnent. Veterinary services in different villages. I assistant / i paravet / 1 guard / curative t preventive service. I vet. assistant 1 paravet 1 paravet 1 paravet 1 paravet 1 paravet Zati rR2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES 1 95 -- - 9 94 -- 8 95 - - 195 - -- 9 94 -- -- 9 94 -- -- 9 94 - -- 9 94 -- -- 9 94 -- -- 195 - -- 195 -- -- 195 -- -- 9 94 -- -- 9 94 -- -- 195 12 95 1 95 12 95 4 93 S 95 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 12 90 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 12 93 -- -- 12 93 -- -- Begin- -End STE EDITION lapisa Kandahar Kaadabar- Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Cabal Kabul Kabul Kabul Kapisa lapina Shabvali tot Nand Kudabar Kandahar Dand Argbaadab Sbakar Dara Qara Bagb Paghnan Air Bacbakot Deb Sabz Chardehi Charasyab Cbarasyab Qalai Ata than renter Deb Bali Varions renter Karìze Air Bazaar Davra Saray Kbvaja Tara Kbel Qalai Aspaadyar Nusaie /Katasang Charsook ----VILLAGE(S) - --- GAF GAF FIB GAF FRF FRF NCI GAF FRF FRY GAF GAF GAF GAF GAF GAF GAF GAF AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY FAD FAO FAO FAO FAO FAD FAO FAO FAO GAF FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO -- -BY- -- FUNDED - 90 - - 11 90 - - 10 91 -- - 9 93 - -- 11 90 -- - 1 95 - -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 12 95 - 95 -- -- 1 95 -- - 1 95 -- -- 8 92 -- - 12 90 -- -- 11 93 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 8 90 -- -- 1 93 -- - 3 93 -- -- 8 92 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION Veterinary treatment, sclllag of medicines i vaccination. 1 DIN / 2 pamela / 1 guard / carative A preventive service. 10 88 -- - 111W 1 2 10 90 -- - Yeterisry treatmat, sellìag of medicines i vaccination (gab- center). I assist DIN / 2 prints I I guard I curative i preventive service. 1 assist DIN/1 print I 1 guard I curative Provision of vaccìution, devoning and treatment of animals i training of BYIs. Provision of vaccination, devoniag and treatment of animals 1 traìuìag of BYIs. Veterinary services in different villages. Provision of vaccination, doorsill and Provision of vaccination, devormiag and treatment of animals 1 training of BYIs. 1 DIN / 2 paravets I 1 guard I curative 1 assist DIN / 2 paravets / I guard / curative A preventive service. 1 DID / 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative i preventive service. 1 DIN / 2 paravets / I guard / curative A preventive service. l assist DIN / 2 paravets / I guard / curative i preventive service. 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative 1 preventive service. 3 paravets / 1 guard / curative A preventive service. 1 assist DIN / 2 paravets / l guard / curative k preventive service. Kandahar of aunts 1 training of BYIs. It preventive service. treatment. ----- ---- -- i 1 guard I curative i preventive service. ------ - - - --- 1 DIN / 1 paravet t bWs I neat vaccination parants I YFU with 2 paravet providing veterinary services to the vbole district. i assist DIN 12 paravets / 1 guard / costive i preventive service. Vet. laboratories for investigations livestock disease. treatment preventive service. DESCRIPTION> tapisa Lobbed Oshtergram GAF Omgoiag BU 10 93 - - tACTIYITY Lapisa tohistu Pariat GAF Outgoing BU 1 94 - -- -- -DISTRICT -- -- Kapisa Nejrab Aaaba NADERA ORgoiug PAO -PROVINCE -- taping Panjshare Lair DADBKA Ongoing Vet Kapisa Dar tsar Shigal AIDA AGRIC: Lanar Bar tsar Dam Kali ZakirL2 Date: 03/031% DATABASE OF INTO ACTIVITIES 36 i Isar Chaghasarai ' tsar IACBAlt Page: 81E EDITION I Center Chapa Dart Chapa Dara Chatkï Kadesb Lhas hoar Narang Naray Dour Gill Pech Pech Pech Sirkanay Sirkanay Aliabad Archi Char Data Buret Ian Lhaaabad India Qala Zal Kunar lunar lunar Kunar Lunar Lunar Kunar Kunar Lunar Kunar Kunar Lunar Kellar Lundnn light ianduz India Indus Lnndut Landuz ACBAR Center Chapa Dara Kunar Center Center Center Center Center Pashad Serkany Janchegal/Nisha last Nanglan Dara Nazar PRB Pll PO PU PRB FRB PRB MADERA ARDA MADERA MADERA MADERA ARDA NADERA ARDA Wang Barikot ARDA MADERA MADERA MADERA MADERA MADERA ARDA NPO AGENCY Ioligram Kamdesb Chauki Kanday lasa Gulsalat lata Poor Chapa bara Kunar 18 villages -- -- VILLAGES) - - -- Chaghasarai Vet --- DISTRICT - - -- Kunar AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed -- STATUS -- FUNDED FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO EU FAO EU EU EU FAO EU FAO FAO EU EU EU EU EU FAO . NCA/NRC DURATION 37 <ACTIYIIY DESCRIPTION> YFU with 1 DIN t 1 Zakirl2 Date: 03/03/96 parant to the whole city. providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with 1 DYM t i paravet providing veterinary services YPU With 1 DIN t 1 paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. YFU kith 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the thole district. YPU with 1 paravet providing veterinary services to thole city. YFU with 1 pant providing veterinary services to the thole city. YFU with I paravet providing veterinary services to the thole city. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. 1 DYM / I paravet / anial vaccination t treatment. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination (sub- center). Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. 1 DVN / I paravet t DYis / animal vaccination t treatment. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. 3 paravets t Hit / amoral vaccination t treatment. i DIN / I paravet t Ilia / animal vaccination t treatment. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination (sub- center). I DVN / 1 paravet t BVis / anise vaccination t treatment. Vaccination of 150 chicks. DATABASE OF NOD ACTIVITIES - 6 95 - -- 12 91 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 8 92 -- -- 192 -- -- 1 92 - -- -- 90 -- -- 7 94 -- -- -- 90 -- -- -- 88 -- -- -- 92 -- -- 7 94 -- -- -- 89 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 7 94 -- -- -- 90 -- -- -- 90 -- -- -- 91 -- -- -- 91 -- -- -- 88 -- -- 7 94 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 Begin --End Page: -- -BY- -- 8111 EDITION -PROVINCE -- AGRIO: -- -DISTRICT - - -- Vet ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY MADERA -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY -- -BY - -- FUNDED DURATION Begin- -End -- 91 -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Logar Laghaan Laghman Laghaan Laghman Laghnan Laghsan Laghman Baraki Baraki Azra Azra Qarghaie Qarghaie Nooristan Nehterlan Davlatsha Davlatsha Alishing Alishing Baraki/Bazaar Baraki Baraki Babor land Ihel Qarghaie Surkhaku Nooristan Nehterlan Dovlatshab Alingar Alisbang GAF GAF CoAR AFRAME DCA DCA MADERA ARDA AIDA MADERA MADERA RADERA MADERA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed FAO FAO FAO FAO NCA/EU EU FAO FAO EU FAO FAO EU EU EU EU FAO 9 91 -- -- 6 90 - - 4 93 1 81 -- - 11 88 - - 10 94 -- - 6 90 -- -- 1 vet. usistut 1 parant t vet. assistant 1 assist DIN / 2 paravets / I gaud / curative A preventive service. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines A vaccination.- Logar Baraki Bandoka GAF Ongoing FAO EU Logar Cbarkh lharnr/Bala Ebel DCA Ongoing FAO 6 90 -- - Ongoing Logar Garth Deb Bala DCA Ongoing FAO 6 90 - -- 3 parueta t Ills / anise vaccination t treatment. Nangaraj Logar Choshi Center GAF Ongoing FAO 1 94 -- - 1 DON / 1 parant A BIN: / animal vaccination t treatment. Alingar Logar lhonhi targbn Shat DCA Ongoing FAO 1 94 - -- Laghsan Logar Mohd Agha lohngar DG Ongoing FAO- Logar Logar -- 88 - -- - 90 - -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines A vaccination. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines t vaccination. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines i vaccination. I DYN / 2 paravets / anise vaccination t treatment. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines A vaccination. 1 % -- -- 1 parant takir12 Date: 03/03/96 ---- I vet. assistant t 1 parant 3 paravets / 1 guard I curative A preventive service. i DIN / 2 paravets./ I guard / curative A preventive service. 1 assist DVN / 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative A preventive service. Animals treatment t vaccination. Vaccination program for aaïmal treatment. 1 parant 1 paravet Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines A vaccination. 2 paravets t BVIs / animal vaccination A treatment. 38 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIYITIES 490 -- - -- - 94 -- 96 -- 95 - -- 88 -- - 1 94 -- -- 194 -- -- Veterinary services. Logo Pali Alas Alan lhel ARDA Ongoing -- 95 -- -- Logar Pali Alan lahi ARDA ACDO Logar Achín Bati lot - 88 -- -- Nangarhar Bati lot Laghman Nangarhar ACBAI Page: I 8TR EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY Vet Behsud --STATUS -- NATION FUNDED =ZS= -- -BY - -- 31==== =IC a Begin --Fad cACTIYITY Banda Qazi ARDA Ongoing FAO 7 94 - - Chaparhar Simians GAF Ongoing FAO IO 91 - - Darae Noor Dart Door ARDA Ongoing FAO 196 - - I !IN / 2 paravets / animal vaccination s treatment. Alla GAF Ongoing FAO 4 90 - - I assist DYN / 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative d preventive service. Ahmad Khel DCA Ongoing FAO 4 92 - - I paravet Shpola DCA Ongoing FAO 3 95 - - I vaccinator 4 1 paravet Tangi But DCA Ongoing FAO 11 92 - - 1 paravet Deh Bala DCA Ongoing FAO 11 91 - - I vaccinator Darae Noor Deli Bala Deh Bala Deh Bala Deh Bala I RN / 1paravet I BM / animal vaccination d treatment. 3 paravets / 1 guard / curative & preventive service. Nangarhar Goshta Gosbta ARDA Ongoing FAO Nangarhar Goshta Sarband GAF Ongoing FAO Hesarat Center DCA Ongoing FAO 7 91 - - 1 vet. assistant Hesarat Hesarat DCA Ongoing D.Govt 9 95 -- - I paravet Hesarat Naar DCA Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- - 2 paravet Jalalabad Ada Farm DCA Ongoing D.Govt 8 92 -- - I veterinarian Kama Kama ARDA Ongoing FAO 1 96 -- =- I OW / 2 paravets / animal vaccination A treatmeat. Sugar Saray GAF Ongoing FAO 11 91 - - Khogiani Dosarata /Pazir DCA Ongoing D.Govt 6 93 - - I paravet t 1 vaccinator Khogiaai Babar (Ualatbed) DCA Ongoing FAO 4 92 - - I paravet Ihogiani Nimla DCA Ongoing FAO 4 92 -- - i paravet Khogiaai Samochia DG Ongoing FAO 4 89 -- - 1 advance paravet I I paravet Rut Thar ARDA Ongoing FAO 1 % - - 1 DVN / 2 paravets / animal vaccination A treatment. Shea Center GAF Ongoing FAO II 91 -- - Lalpur AIDA Ongoing FAO 1 96 -- - Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar FACBAR DESCRIPTION> Lama Kouz Konar Kunz Konar Lalpur 1 96 - - 2 paravets A Ells / animal vaccination à treatment. 11 91 - 3 paravets / 1 guard / curative A preventive service. 3 paravets / 1 guard / curative i preventive service. 3 paravets / I guard / curative ! preventive service. 1 DYN / 1 paravet i BVIs / animal vaccination L treatment. DATABASE OF 1160 ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION Page: 39 Zatir12 Date: 03/03/96 Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarhar. Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Surth Rod Shinwar Sherzad Sherzad Sherzad Sherzad Rodat Rodat Pachier/Agan Naziyan Nónmand Dara Lalpur Various Sultan Poor Ghani Khil Kullalano Bazar Nirti Gandonat Qadir Khel Baro Besar Shahi Sabar Sarubi Basawol Lalpur ----VILLAGE(S)---- ADA VARA ARDA ARDA DCA DCA DCA DCA ARDA ARDA GAF ARDA GAF GAF AGENCY Completed Completed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY UNDP /FAO UNDP /FAO UNDP /FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO. FAO FAO -- -BY - -- FUNDED 8 93 12 95 8 93 12 95 8 93 12 95 8 93 12 95 1 7 94 -- -- 7 94 -- 7 91 -- -- 1 92 -- -- 3 94 -- -- 4 92 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 4 90 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 4 90 -- -- 11 91 -- - Begin- -End DURATION 1 paravet I DVN / 1 paravet t BVIs / animal vaccination t treatment. 3 paravets & BVIs / animal vaccination t treatment. 1 paravet 1 paravet i vet. assistant 1 paravet 2 paravets t BVIs / animal vaccination t treatment. 3 paravets t BVIs / animal vaccination t treatment. i DVN / 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative & preventive service. 2 paravets t BVIs / animal vaccination t treatment. 1 DVN / 2 paravets / I guard / curative & preventive service. veterinary workers. ZatirR2 Date: 03 /03/96 8TH EDITION Establishment of veterinary field units vaccinated 76,549 t treated 53,716 animals / training of 11 basic veterinary workers. Establishment of veterinary field units vaccinated 46,919 t treated 33,843 animals / training of 4 basic veterinary workers. Establishment of veterinary field units vaccinated 60,530 t treated 15,405 animals / training of 6 basic veterinary workers. Establishment of veterinary field units vaccinated 90,364 t treated 35,381 animals / training of 6 basic 3 DVN / 10 PVT / 12 BEIs for vaccination, devorning t treatment. DESCRIPTION> Nangarhar Nimroz All villages ADA Completed IIBIP /FAO 12 92 -- -- 1 paravet (ACTIVITY Nitro/ Chorah All villages ADA Completed D.Govt 7 93 -- -- 1 paravet - -- DISTRICT- - -- Oruzgan beh Raud All villages ADA Ongoing D.Govt 12 92 -- -- -PROVINCE -- Oruzgan Gezab All villages DCA Ongoing D.Govt AGRIC: Oruzgan Oruzgan Chaparasat DG Ongoing 2 paravets / curative t preventive service. Oruzgan Shahristan Alkan DCA Vet Oruzgan Shahristan Togablar Khel Oruzgan Shahristan 40 DATABASE OF IK;O ACTIVITIES 95 12 95 Oruzgan ACBAR Page: -PROVINCE -- 7=1==== AGRIC: Oruzgan - -- DISTRICT - - -- - --- YILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY- -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Vet firm All villages ADA Cospleted 8 93 12 95 UNDP /FAO Establishaent of veterinary field units vaccinated 103,521 & treated 99,534 annals / training of 13 basic veterinary workers. Pakteka Banal. Barisal Khel DCA Ongoing FAO 7 93 -- -- Pakteka Banal Margha DCA Ongoing FAO 10 90 -- -- Pakteka Gayan Gyan DCA Ongoing FAO 3 94 -- -- 1 paravet Pakteka Gayan Steragaya DCA Ongoing FAO 93 -- -- 1 paravet 1.1 1 paravet i paravet d I veterinarian Pakteka Gout Mingartoy DCA Ongoing FAO 2 94 -- -- 1 paravet Pakteka Gull Khair Minzi DCA Ongoing FAO 10 94 -- -- 1 paravet Pakteka Jani Khel Jani Khel DCA Ongoing FAO 10 94 -- -- 2 paravet Pakteka Jani Khel Belzai Jani Khel DCA Ongoing FAO 7 95 -- -- I paravet Malazi PRB Ongoing FAO 8 93 -- -- YFU with 2 pararvets providing veterinary services to the whole district. Center PRB Ongoing FAO ll 90 -- -- Pakteka Pakteka Katavaz . Mata Khel YFU with 1 vet. assistant 4 1 paravet providing veterinary services Pakteka Neka Marzak DCA Ongoing FAO 7 94 -- -- 1 vaccinator Pakteka Neka Tori Khel DCA Ongoing FAO 7 94 -- -- 1 vaccinator Pakteka Ouna Mansoor Qala DCA Ongoing FAO 11 93 -- -- 1 vaccinator Pakteka Om Spena DCA Ongoing FAO 11 93 -- -- 1 vaccinator Pakteka Sarhawza Center PRB Ongoing FAO 4 94 -- -- to the thole district. YFU with 2 paravet providing veterinary services to the thole district. Pakteka Sarobi Zarha Qala(Pasany) DCA Ongoing FAO 10 94 -- -- I paravet Pakteta Sarobi Soróbai(Zaua) DCA Ongoing FAO 4 92 -- -- 1 paravet Pakteka Sharan Center PRB Ongoing FAO 10 90 -- -- Sultan Than Center PRB Ongoing FAO 4 94 -- -- Urgoun Center PRB Ongoing FAO 10 90 -- -- YFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. Vazakhta Minzi DCA Ongoing FAO 10 89 -- -- I advance paravet Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka ACBAR YFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. YFU with 2 paravet providing veterinary services to the thole district. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 811I EDITION 1 Page: 41 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 Paktia Paktia Pattia Pattia Paktia Paktia Paktia Pakteka Pakteta Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka lai ladran Gurbuz Gardaiz Gardaiz Band Patan Chaakani Bak Zelot Yusuf Khel Nol -Malay Nol -Naiay Nol -Nanny Nol -Nancy tazathwa tazathwa Jani Khel Chavni Bazaar Sayed Khel taro Relay Center 2 villages Chapary Center Bak Bazaar Center Center Jegayan Brige toliani (II) Troup Gul Abad Zorghon Shar ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- GAF GAF GAF GAF GAF PRB NPO GAF GAF GAF PRB PRB DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Coapleted Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY GAF FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO NCA /NRC FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO -- -BY - -- FUNDED -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 11 91 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 5 90 -- -- 4 93 -- -- 4 93 -- -- 3 92 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 9 90 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 4 94 -- -- 4 94 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 6 93 -- -- 12 92 -- -- 8 95 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION VFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. Vaccination of 190 annals against diseases. Vet. laboratories for investigations livestock disease. 1 assist DVN / 1 paravet / 1 guard / curative i preventive service. 1 assist DWI / 2 paravets I 1 guard / curative & preventive service. 2 paravets / I guard / curative & preventive service. I assist DIN / 1 paravet / i guard / curative A preventive service. 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative & preventive service. 1 assist DVN /Il paravet / 1 guard / preventive services. VFU with 1 assist.DVN & 1 paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. 2 paravets / I guard / curative A preventive service. i DVN / 1 assist DVN / 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative A preventive service. VFU with 2 paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with 2 paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. 1 vaccinator I paravet 1 paravet 1 vaccinator i paravet 1 paravet Vaccination of 190 anioals against diseases. curative A preventive service. DESCRIPTION>, Paktia Jani Khel Center GAF Proposed NCA/NRC 8 93 -- -- VFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 (ACTIVITY Paktia Khost Shaaal /Lakan GAF Coapleted FAO 3 93 -- -- --- DISTRICT - - -- Paktia Kbost Khost Center NPO Ongoing FAO -PROVINCE -- Pattia Khost 2 villages PRB Ongoing Vet Paktia Khost Center PRB AGRIC: Paktia Khost Center 1 paravet / 1 guard / Pattia Khost 42 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES -- 95 -- 95 Paktia ACBAR Page: 8]9 EDITION 'andozi Nader Shah Sabari Sayed Kara!! Tani Trayzai Zoraat Bagraa Charikar Ghorband Jabul Saraj Jabul Saraj Jabal Saraj Jabul Saraj Kohe Safi Salang Shekh Ali Shekh Ali Shekh Ali Shinaari Shiswari Shinvari Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Parean Parran Parran Parran Parran Parran Parran Parran Parran Parran Parean Parvas Paean Pavan Pareas ACBAR Khost Vet - -- DISTRICT - -- Paktia AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- Bagh Afghan Dratusbtur Fundigistan Darns Shorkhana Center Bokiati Center Jabal Seraj Bulaghain 'atak Pushta Surkb Syahgerd Center Center Tapir Bazaar Dragy Center Bazaar Nadir Shah Kot Muta Khan Kelay Center - - -- VILLAGE(S) - --- DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA PRB PRB DCA DCA DCA DCA GAF PRB PRB GAF GAF GAF PRB GAF GAF GAF PRB AGENCY ACTIVITY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- FUNDED D.Govt D.Govt D.Govt D.Govt D.Govt D.Govt FAO FAO D.Govt D.Govt D.Govt D.Govt FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO DURATION 43 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 1 paravet 1 vaccinator 2 paravet i vaccinator "I paravet 1 vet. assistant WU pith 1 DVN t 1 paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with i DIN i 1 paravets providing veterinary services to the Thole district. 1 veterinarian. 1 vaccinator 1 paravet 6 1 vaccinator 1 vaccinator 1 DV' / 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative k preventive service. VFU pith 1 DYN L 1 paravet providing veterinary service to the whole district. VFU pith 1 DVN L 1 paravet providing veterinary services to the ',hole district. 1 DVN / 2 paravets / 1 guard / curative A preventive service. 1 assist DYN I 1 paravet / 1 guard / curative A, preventive service. 2 paravets I 1 guard / curative t preventive service. VFU pith 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. 1 DV' / 1 paravet / 1 guard / curative t prevedtkive service. 1 DVN / 1 paravet / 1 guard / curative 3 preventive service. 1 DVN / 1 paravet / 1 guard I curative & preventive service VPU pith 1 DVN 1 1 paravet providing veterinary services to the 'hole district, ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF NO ACTIVITIES IO 89 -- -- 11 92 -- -- 10 90 -- -- 11 93 - -- 3 94 -- -- 10 90 -- -- 9 93 -- -- 11 92 -- -- 8 95 -- -- 11 92 -- -- 10 90 -- -- 11 92 -- -- 7 87 -- -- 6 92 -- -- 5 92 -- -- 4 90 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 12 90 -- -- 8 93 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 12 92 -- -- Begin --End Page: - -BY - -- 8TE EDITION DURATION Takhar Takhar Takhar Takhar Takhar Takhar Takhar Paean Paran Parean Parean Khwajaghar Khwajaghar Kalaigan Farkhar Eshkaoesb Dargad Chah Ab Bangi Surkh Parsa Surkh Parsa Surkh Parsa Shineari Shari Nay Center Spinzer club Center Center Center Center Center Center Dowlat Khani Saraki Qabizan Oshtor Shar ----VILLAGE(S)---- PRB PRB PRB PRB PRB PRB PRB PRB PRB PRB DCA DCA DCA DCA AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO D.Govt D.Govt D.Govt D.Govt 4 89 8 92 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 9 91 -- -- 8 92 -- -- 7 92 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 7 92 -- -- 7 94 -- - 10 91 -- -- 7 92 -- -- 3 94 -- -- 3 94 -- -- 3 94 -- -- 71 92 -- -- I veterinarian R I paravet 1 paravet VFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. YFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. Veterinary clinic with I DIM k 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services t the whole district. VFU pith 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU pith I paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with & 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with 1 DIM A 1 paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. VFU with I DIM A I paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district, i paravet 1 paravet 1 paravet DESCRIPTION> Takhar Rustaq Center PRB Ongoing FAO 2 95 -- -- I paravet (ACTIVITY Takhar Talogan Center PRB Ongoing FAO 4 89 -- -- 1 paravet Begin- -End Takhar Barsaj Center DCA Ongoing FAO 5 95 -- -- 1 veterinarian -BY - -- FUNDED Takhar Yangi Qala Chake DCA Ongoing D.Govt 4 95 -- -- 1 paravet ACTIVITY Takhar Chak Shah Baz Khan DCA Ongoing FAO 4 95 -- -- 1 paravet -DISTRICT -- - áardak Chak Shalay DCA Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- -PROVINCE-- Nardak Chak Dorani DCA Ongoing FAO 1 vaccinator üardak Day Mirdad Ab Band DCA Ongoing Vet Nardak Day Mirdad Dorani DCA AGRIO: Nardak Day Mirdad Babak VFU with i DIM A 1 paravet providing veterinary services to the whole district. Vardak Day Mirdad 44 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES -- Nardak A C B A R Page: 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS-- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY Vet Nardak Gardanderal Shahri Nairo DCA Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- 1 paravet Nardak Jaghatu Kanal Khel DCA Ongoing FAO 5 95 -- - 1 paravet Nardak Jaghatu Sadat Khel DCA Ongoing FAO 4 95 -- -- 1 paravet & 1 vet. assistant Nardak Jaghatu Shabitak DCA Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- Nardak Jalrez Jalrez Bazar DCA Ongoing FAO 5 89 -- -- 1 paravet Nardak Jalrez Sia Petar DCA Ongoing FAO 9 90 -- -- 1 paravet & 1 vet. assistant Nardak Markaz Bes. Abi Nogra DCA Ongoing FAO 5 92 -- -- 1 paravet Vardak Narkaz Bes. Kaqul DCA Ongoing FAO 4 92 -- -- 1 paravet Nardak Maydan Shar Center DCA Ongoing FAO 2 94 -- -- i veterinarian Wardak Maydan Shar Zaman Khel DCA Ongoing FAO 9 90 -- -- 1 paravet Nardak Berth Kariadad DCA Ongoing FAO 3 95 -- -- 2 paravet Nardak Sped Abad Sayed Abad CoAR Ongoing EU /NCA Nardak Syed Abad Salar DCA Ongoing FAO 8 92 -- -- 1 veterinarian A 1 paravet Nardak Syed Abad Shash Gay DCA Ongoing FAO 4 89 -- -- 1 paravet Nardak Syed Abad Sheikbabad DCA Ongoing FAO 11 90 -- -- 1 paravet Zabul Zabul Various MCI Completed FAO A -AID Ongoing ODA /DCP 4 95 4 96 Eztension & propagation of apiculture. AGRIC: DESCRIPTION) . -- 94 -- 96 1 95 12 95 1 paravet Animals treatment 1 vaccination. Veterinary services in different villages. Livestock Badakshan Baharak Badakshan Faizabad Argn A -AID Ongoing ODA /DCP 4 95 4 96 Extension A propagation of apiculture. Badakshan Faizabad Faizabad A -AID Ongoing ODA /DCP 4 95 4 96 Extension d propagation of apiculture. Badakshan Jun Jun A -AID Ongoing ODA /DCP 4 95 4 96 Extension & propagation of apiculture. Badakshan Jun Kbustak SCA Completed SCA -- 95 -- 95 Opening of poultry training course / trained 51 women & 12 men / produced 375 chicks & distributed 375 chicks to the people. A C B A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 45 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 811 EDIT1'.', ' Center Center CHA ARDA ARDA AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY FAO /HCR FAO /HCR NOVIB " FAO /HCR FAO /HCR -- -BY - -- FUNDED -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 12 94 - -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 Begin- -End DURATION Provision of poultry training & incubators to voaen. Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to woven. Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Distribution of chicks to widows ( Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Farah Anar Dara Helmand Helmand Helaand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helaand Ghazni Nawae Barak. Nauzad Nauzad Nahr Saraj Nad -Ali Musa Qala Kajaki Ganser Bust Bagbran Ghazni Center Center 8 villages Center .Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center ARDA ARDA ARDA HAFO ARDA ARDA ARDA ARDA ARDA ARDA ARDA ARDA SCA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Coapleted FAO/HCR FAO /HCR FAO/HCR FAO /HCR FAO /HCR UNDCP FAO /HCR FAO /HCR FAO/HCR FAO /HCR FAO /HCR FAO /HCR FAO/HCR FAO/HCR SCA -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 10 93 -- -- -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 95 -- 95 Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to voles. Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to voses. Bee keeping & training Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to vosea. Provision of pòultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to comes. Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Provision of poultry training l incubators to women. Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Farah Helmand Reg Center ARDA Ongoing Farah DESCRIPTION) , 15 chicks per widow). (ACTIVITY Center ARDA Ongoing FAO/HCR -- 95 -- 96 -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Farah Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /HCR --- DISTRICT ---- Farah Gulistan Center ARDA Ongoing -PROVINCE -- Farah Khak Safid Center ARDA Livestock Farah Qala Kab Center AGRIC: Farab Shindand Helmand Sarban Qala Center ARDA -- Farah Helmand Iashare Center program. sold 300 chicks to the people. Helmand Enjeel ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 46 8TH EDITION Opening of poultry training course I trained 23 women & 4 men / produced 602 chicks, distributed 222 chicks & Herat ACBAR Page: ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -11111=117111¢911111112= AGRIC: 3=1= Livestock - -- DISTRICT ---- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- 114191101211 =X =Mt AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY Herat Enjeel Urdu Khan ARO Ongoing !RC Herat Gozarah Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry trailing d incubators to women. Herat Gulran Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training I incubators to women. Herat Herat Center ARDA Ongoing FAO/HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training i incubators to women. Berat Herat Center CHA Ongoing NOVIB 1194 -- -- Distribution of chicks to widows ( 15 chicks per widow). Herat Kohsan Center ARDA Ongoing FAO/HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Herat Kushk Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training A incubators to woven. Herat Pashtun Zar Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Herat Zendajan Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training & incubators to women. Kabul Kabul Karte Naw ALNO Proposed IRC -- 95 -- -- Poultry nanagesent project for female. Kabul Kabul Various NARUF Approved CIDA -- 95 -- -- Poultry training for vulnerable families. Kabul Qara Bagh Qarabagh ACDO Proposed NFP -- 95 -- -- Poultry training for woven. Kabul Qara Bagh Center ARPD Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Sericulture project. Kandahar Arghandab Center ARDA Ongoing FAO/HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training L incubators to women. Kandahar Dand Center ARDA Ongoing FAO/HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training A incubators to women. Kandahar Ghorak Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /HCR. -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training d incubators to women. Kandabar Kandahar City ARDA Ongoing UNBCR 1 96 -- 96 Provision of poultry training i incubators to woven. Kandahar Kandahar Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /HCI -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry trailing A incubators to woven. Kandahar Kbakraiz Center ARDA Ongoing FAO/HCR -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training i incubators to woven. Kandahar Panjwai Center ARDA Ongoing FAO/H( -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training 1 incubators to women. Kandahar Spin Boldak Center ARDA Ongoing FAO /BIB -- 95 -- 96 Provision of poultry training t incubators to women. Kapisa Panjshare A -AID Discontin UK-ODA 4 94 3 95 Apiculture demonstration Kapisa Panjshare A -AID Discontin UK-ODA 4 94 3 95 Poultry demonstration ACBAR DESCRIPTION) 31=11111111111= 7 95 7 96 Sericulture rehabilitation project. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 47 Zakirk2 Date: 03/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: --- DISTRICT - - -- --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End A -AID Ongoing UK -ODA NPO Completed NCA /NRC (ACTIVITY DESCRI;TION) Livestock 4 96 3 95 Honey production project. Kapisa Panjshare Kunar Chaghasarai Laghman Alingar LRO Completed FAO Laghnan Alingar LRO Proposed Aust.H.0 Laghaan Alishing LRO Ongoing FAO Laghman Alishing 1 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 94 -- 95 2 disabled: to rise livestock. Laghman Alishing 4 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 38 sheep & goats -19. Laghman Alishing 5 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 94 -- 95 Poultry farm for 56 disabled. Laghnan Alishing NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 Poultry training for 3 months. Laghsan Nehteriam Marina TAKER Ongoing Self Lagbman Qarghaie Charbagh AAA Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Poultry distribution & training. Logar Baraki Baraki SCA Completed SCA -- 95 -- 95 Establishment of poultry training course / trained 29 women A 3 men / produced 610 chicks, distributed 267 18 villages -- 95 -- 95 7 94 2 95 -- 95 -- -- 7 94 -- -- -- -- 1 94 Poultry production project; produce 3100 chicks. Bee keeping project for 50 windows k disabled families. Amen poultry project for 80 families. Bee keeping project for SO windows A disabled families. )(ilk production farm (20 cows) milk sold in bazaar for project expanses at subsidized price. chicks l sold 300 chicks to the people. Logar Puli Alan Kulangar AINO Completed !FP Nangarbar Bati Kot Chardihi SCA Completed SCA 3 95 5 95 -- 95 -- 95 Poultry rasing management for female. Establishment of poultry training course / trained 25 women 4 4 men / produced 660 chicks, distributed 260 chicks g sold 400 chicks to the people. Nangarhar Behsud Behsud RDP Proposed EU Nangarhar Behsud Belandghar SCA Completed SCA ' -- 95 -- -- Poultry distribution (20,000 chickens). -- 95 -- 95 Establishment of poultry training course / trained 38 women A 8 men / produced 641 chicks, distributed 400 chicks t sold 240 chicks to the people. hangar har Jalalabad Center ACDO Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Chicken distribution. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center BDA Completed AFP /NBCR -- 94 -- 95 Amen poultry training A distribution project. Nangarbar Jalalabad BDA Completed !FP/NBCR Nangarhar Jalalabad NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 Training of 53 people in poultry. Nangarhar Jalalabad NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 Poultry training for 3 months. ACBAR 2 95 S 95 Training of women in poultry t distribution of chicks / kit & chick's feed. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 48 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 8TH EDITION PROVINCE -- AGRIC: - -- DISTRICT - - -- - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Livestock Nangarbar Jalalabad Jalalabad RDP Proposed UNESCO -- 95 -- -- Establishing of bee farm (250 bee boxes), Nangarhar Jalalabad Hada SCA Completed SCA -- 95 -- 95 Establishment of poultry training project / trained 51 women if 10 sen / produced 620 chicks k distributed 620 chicks to the people. Nangarhar Jalalabad Rigshamard Khan TAMER Ongoing Self 3 94 -- -- Poultry farm (2D0 hens) eggs sold in bazaar at subsidized price n breeding traditionally by local people (people received half benefitted). Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad 11C Proposed UNDP -- 96 -- -- Establishment of poultry farm. Nangarhar Khogiani Wazir ACDO Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Distribution of chicken for women. Pakteka Urgoun 10 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC Paktia Khost Kost Center GAF Proposed GAF -- 95 -- -- Goat silk development farm. Paktia Sayed Karam 3 villages NPO Completed NORAD -- 95 -- 95 Poultry training for disabled (6 months). Paktia Sayed Karam 3 villages NPO Completed NORAD -- 95 -- 95 Disabled assisted with poultry related tools. Paktia Tani Nariza Tani ARR Proposed NFP -- 95 -- -- Raising of 200 honey bee families. Paktia Trayzai Godakher AFS Completed FAO Paktia Trayzai Oodakher AFS Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Training of 60 farmers in poultry production. Paktia Zornrat 3 villages NPO Completed NORAD -- 95 -- 95 Disabled assisted with poultry related tools. Paktia Zornrat 3 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC Paktia Zornrat 3 villages NPO Completed NORAD -- 95 -- 95 Poultry training for disabled (6 months). Parran Bagras Sofi Baba ARPD Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Poultry production A distribution for 2,600 families. Parran Charikar A-AfD Completed UK -ODA 195 12 95 Expanding of poultry project. Parran Ghorband A -AID Completed UK -ODA 4 94 Poultry demonstration Parran Ghorband A -AID Completed UK-ODA 195 12 95 Expanding of poultry project. Parran Ghorband A -AID Ongoing UK -ODA 4 94 -- -- Apiculture demonstration Parias Ghorband A -AID Ongoing UK -ODA 3 95 Honey production project. Parran Jabul Saraj A -AID Completed UK-ODA 1 95 12 95 A C BA R 6 95 -- 95 1 95 6 95 7 95 -- 95 3 95 4 96 Distribution of chicks to 20 widows. Backyar poultry raising project for women. Poultry training for 5 disabled. Expanding of poultry project. DATABASE OF 11GO ACTIVITIES Page: 49 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: Takhar - -- DISTRICT - --- - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- SCA Completed FUNDED -BY - -- DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Livestock Center Farkhar SCA -- 95 -- 95 Opening of poultry training course / trained 25 women / produced 350 chicks I distributed 350 chicks to the people. Takhar Ahundara Talogan SCA Completed SCA -- 95 -- 95 Opening of poultry training course / trained 26 women A 12 men / produced 151 chicks t distributed 151 chicks to the people. Wardak Jaghatu Wardak Syed Abad Wardak Syed Abad NAFO Ongoing MP -- 91 -- -- Poultry program. Sayed Abad CoAR Ongoing EU /NCA -- 94 -- 96 Demonstration farm A distribution of chicks to widows. Arab Khel SCA Completed SCA -- 95 -- 95 Establishment of poultry training course / trained 23 women A 4 men / produced 541 chicks, distributed 197 chicks A sold 303 chicks to the people, AGRIC: Machinery Balkh Dowlatabad 5 villager NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 Threshing of 4,046 Kg wheat of 3 farmers. Balkh Dowlatabad 8 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 Plowing of 11 jeribs land for 24 farmers. Ghazni Ab Band Ab Band CoAR Ongoing EU /USAID -- 93 -- 96 Tractor t threshers. Ghazni Deh Yak Deh Yak AFRANE Ongoing UNIICR -- 89 -- -- 3 tractors i 30 water pumps. Ghazni Gelan Gelan CoAR Completed USAID -- 91 -- 95 Purchase tractors i thrasher. Ghazni Gelan Gelan CoAR Ongoing EU /NCA -- 93 -- 96 Tractor 0 threshers. Ghazni Ghazni Center CoAR Ongoing EU /NCA -- 93 -- 96 Tractor t threshers. Ghazni Ghazni Spandi IANC Ongoing NOVIB -- - 4 water pumps 12 tractors / 14 staff the benefit of this project is for rural development program. Ghazni Giro Giro AFRANE Ongoing EU /FAO -- 91 -- 96 2 tractors t 2 threshers. Ghazni Jaghatu Kakrak AFRANE Ongoing RAP -- 90 -- -- 2 tractors k 2 threshers. Ghazni Nogor kogor CoAR Completed EU/NCA -- 54 -- 95 Tractors k threshers. Ghazni Nawa Nava CoAR Completed SV -- 93 -- 95 Tractor t threshers. Ghazni Zena Khan Zana Khan CoAR Ongoing EU /NCA -- 93 -- 96 Tractor k threshers. Kandahar Argbandab Various ARIA Ongoing Self 3 92 -- -- 3 tractors with other required equipment lending to farmers (I0 % subsidy). Kandahar land 13 villages SOLID Ongoing RAP 2 90 -- -- S tractors provide services for 2,000 persons. ACBAR ' -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 50 Zakirk2 Date: 03/03/96 8Th EDITION ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- -- Chagbasarai Chaghasarai Chagbasarai Chapa Dara Chafki Naray Pech Sirkanay Alisbing Mehterlaa Qarghaie Qarghaie Qarghaie Azra Barami Baraki baraki Ciarkh Cart~ Khosbì Kunar Kunar Kunar Kunar Kunar Kunar Kunar Kunar Laghuan Laghsan Laghaan Laghaan Laghsan Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar pCBAR Kharfar Chaghasarai Kunar baraki Baraki Barami Barak Kas Aziz Khan Qarghaie Kati Kas 7 villages Pashad Ningalaa Barikot Chafki Kandai 20 villages Asadabad Center Asnar Bar Kunar Kunar S villages Sbahmali Kot Machinery - -- DISTRICT - - -- Kandahar AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY IRCIRPA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Cod IRC /RPA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- CoAR AFRANE AFRANE !RC MADERA RADERA MADERA DACAAR NPO MADERA RADERA MADERA MADERA MADERA RRC MRC LEI ISRA MADERA HAFO AGENCY FUNDED All AID SV/NCA MCA /EU EU *Donors FAO EU EU EU DACAAR NCA /NRC EU EU EU EU EU FAO FAO LEI /FAO FAO EU FAO -- -EY- -- DURATION -- -- 2 95 Page: 51 DESCRIPTION> tractor is forting SO hours per month against money for local population. (ACTIVITY I trailer it 20 sprayers. tractor is forting SO hours per month against money for local population. tractor is forking SO hours per month against sonny for local population. tractor is sorting 50 hours per month against -oney for local population. tractor i I thresher. tractor is clearing or ploughing 165 jeribs per month each at a subsidized rate. to S tractors are clearing or ploughing 165 jeribs per month each at a subsidized rate. tractor 1 tractor 1 2 tractors Tractor i threshers. Tractor l thresher for agriculture activities. 3 tractors i S threshers. I tractor 1 S tractors are socking 50 hours per tont* against money for local population. 1 20.65 MT wheat harvest of 18 faraers have been threshed. 1 1 tractor is forking SO hours per month against money for local population. 1 1 1 1 tractor is forking 50 hours per month against coney for local population. 3 tractors. 2 tractors 2 tractors / 2 threshers / takirt2 Dater 03/03/96 8TH EDITION I tractor i i thresher for :heat seed, f Sheller for maize seed i 1 seed cleaner for all cereal. i 1 tractor i I thresher. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6 92 -- -- 6 92 -- -- -- 94 -- 96 -- 94 -- 96 -- 95 -- 9i 92 -- 96 -- 92 -- -- 2 94 -- -- -- 92 -- -- 10 94 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 -- 91 -- -- -- 92 -- -- -- 91 -- -- -- 91 -- -- -- 91 -- -- - 92 -- -- -- 93 -- -- -- 91 -- -- -- 91 -- -- -- 91 -- -- - Begin- -End -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: VILLAGES; - -- DISTRICT - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End AI RANG Ongoing Private -- 88 -- -- 1 tractor t 1 thresher. IRC /RPA Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- 1 tractor .Ongoing, EU 6 94 -- -- 1 to 6 tractors are clearing or ploughing 165 jeribs per month each at a subsidized rate. 1 tractor is working 50 hours per month against money for local population. (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION).- Machinery Mohd Agha Logar Mohd Agha Lugar Mohd, Agha Nangarhar nehsud behsud MADERA Nangarhar Darae Noor Darae Noor NADERA Completed EU Nangarhar Rout Konar Gorit MADERA Ongoing EU 4 94 -- -- 2 to 4 tractors are clearing or ploughing 165 jeribs per month each at a subsidized rate. Nangarhar Koua Konar Sheva MADERA Ongoing EU 6 95 -- -- 1 tractor is working 50 hours per month against coney for local population. Nangarhar Rodat Athun Khel 1SRA Completed FAO -- 91 1 tractor t 1 thresher for wheat seed. Nangarhar Shertad Tutu LBI Ongoing LBI -- 92 -- -- Nangarhar Surkh Rod PO Completed NCA/NRC -- 95 -- 95 Patteka Urgoun IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- -- Paktia Chamkani LBI Ongoing FAO /LBI -- 91 -- -- 3 tractors / 1 thresher / 2 trailers t 25 sprayers. Paktia Hasan Khel IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- -- I tractor Paktia Jajì IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- -- 1 Paktia Jani Khel IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- -- 1 tractor Paktia Khost -- IRC /RPA Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- 1 tractor Paktia Lajmangal -- IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- -- 1 tractor Paktia Musa Khel -- IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- -- 1 tractor Pattia Sabah IRC /RPA Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- 1 tractor Pattia Sayed Karat IRC /RPA Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- 1 tractor Pattia Zonat IRC /RPA Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- I tardak Gardandevai Abdara MADERA Ongoing OIFAM /F0 5 92 -- -- tardat Jaghatu Spina Kala ACRD Ongoing ACRD -- 90 -- -- 9 tractors / 8 threshers / 3 harvesters work at 25% discount frog the market rate for the farmers. tardat Jaghatu 1IAFO Ongoing FAO /NAC -- 93 -- -- 2 tractors / 1 thresher t 90 oxen are serving the farmers. A C B A R Shari Naw -- -- 91 5 95 12 95 2 tractors / 1 trailer t 10 sprayers. 1 tractor & 1 thresher. 1 tractor, 1 thresher tractor tractor 1 tractor is working 60 hours per month against mosey for local population. DATABASE OF 1ä.A ACTIVITIES Page: 52 ZakfrR2 Date: 03/03/96 8TH DITION -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: -- -DISTRICT - -- ----VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS -- - --BY - -- Begin- -End SOLID Ongoing SOLAF 5 94 -- -- 2 tractors for 2,000 people. SOLID Ongoing SOLID 12 94 -- -- 2 tractors for 2,000 people. (ACTIVITY Machinery tardak Jaghatu Mardak Jaghatu tardak karkaz Bes. Abishirua MADERA Ongoing OXFAM /FG tardak Syed Abad Sayed Abad CoAR Ongoing EU /NCA -- 93 -- 96 Wardak Syed Abad Sayed Abad ISRA Completed FAO -- 91 -- 95 A -AID Ongoing UNDCP 5 93 -- -- Wheat variety & fertilizer trials. AGRIC: DESCRIPTION> 13 villages 5 92 -- -- I tractor is working 60 hours per month against money for local population. Tractors & threshers. i tractor i 1 thresher for wheat seed. Research Badakshan Baharak Badakshan Faizabad A -AID Ongoing UK -ODA 7 95 7 96 Testing oI different varieties of irrigated & rainfed wheat seed & chickpea. Badakshan Jura A -AID Ongoing UK -ODA 7 95 7 96 Testing of different varieties of irrigated & rainfed wheat seed & chickpea. baghlan Baghlan Bala Dari A -AID Cospleted UK -ODA 4 94 9 95 To identify selected high yield varieties of wheat i barley. Ghazni Ab Band Ab Band AERANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Ghazni Andar Chardewal AFRANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Ghazni Andar iagha: AFRANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Ghazni Gelan Gelan AERANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Ghazni Ghazni Center Cod Ongoing EU INCA -- 93 -- 96 Wheat and fertilizer. Ghazni Giro Giro AERANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Ghazni Jaghatu Kakark AERANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Ghazni Jaghori Swage Muhl GRSP Completed FAO 194 -- 95 Ghazni Jaghori Stage kasha GRSP Ongoing GRSP -- 92 -- -- Baharak Observation lines I. demonstration plots. 46 wheat seed varieties in observation line & 15 varieties in seed trial were planted for adaptability L high productivity purposes. Ghazni Khwaja Oeri Ghazni Khwaja Oeri Ghazni kalestan A C E A R Ihweja Oeri kiradina Ongoing RAP Its 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper ase of fertilizer + demonstration DACAAR Ongoing FAO/DACA -- 95 -- -- E experiments triais have been conducted. GÎ$ Ongoing FAO AFRA1EE 194 -- -- plots. Observation lines & demonstration plots. i DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES I Fag£: 53 2''akir22 Date: 03 /03/96 STE EDITIOI; -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: --- DISTRICT-- - ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 4, Research Ghazni kogor koqor AFRANE Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety t proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Ghazni Nogor Nogor CoAR Ongoing NCA /EU -- 93 -- 96 Wheat and fertilizer. Ghazni Nasa Nava AFRANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety t agronomical trials to know good variety t proper use of fertilizer A demonstration plots. Ghazni Zena Khan Zena Khan AFRANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety t agronomical trials to know good variety k proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Ghazni Zena Khan Zana Than CoAR Completed FAO -- 93 -- 95 Observation of wheat t barley from CINAT. Kabul Kabul Center AFRANE Ongoing EU -- 95 -- 96 Experimental trial of 8 varieties of wheat I different ïevel of fertilizer. Kabul Shakar Dara Shakar Dana AFRANE Ongoing EU -- 95 -- 96 Experimental trial of 8 varieties of wheat t different level of fertilizer. Kapisa Panjshare Panjshir A -AID Completed UK -ODA Kunar Bar Kunar Asmar MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Conducting trials & demonstration for wheat, corn t rice. Kunar Chawki Cha'ki KADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Conducting trials i demonstration for wheat, corn t rice. Kunar Karang 20 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO/DACA -- 93 -- -- 2 wheat 24 var. / 2 rice 38 var. / maize 9 var. experiments / barley / oat observation 9 var. being conducted. Kunar )(aray Barikot MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Conducting trials t demonstration for 'beat, corn t rice. Kunar Sirkanay Pashad KADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Conducting trials i deionstration for wheat, corn i rice. Laghwan Alishing Alishang NADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Conducting trials t demonstration for 'beat, corn t rice. Lagbnac Mebterlan DACAAR Ongoing DACAAI -- 95 -- -- 2 wheat yield trials were conducted. Lagbsan Nehterlan Mebterlam MADERA Ongoing EU -- 93 -- -- Conducting trials t demonstration for 'heat, corn k rice. Qar baie Qarghaie MADERA Ongoing EU -- 88 -- -- Conducting trials k demonstration for 'heat, corn t rice. Logar Baraki Baraki Barak AFRANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 - Variety t agronomical trials to know good variety t proper use of fertilizer t demonstration plots. Logar Baraki Baraki AFRANE Ongoing EU -- 95 -- 96 Experimental trial of 8 varieties of wheat I different level of fertilizer. Logar Baraki Baraki CoAR Ongoing IMlJ -- 93 -- 96 beat t fertilizer Logar Charkh Cbarkh AFRANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety t agronomical trials to know good variety t proper use of fertilizer t denonstration plots. Logar Kobd Agha Nobd Agha AFRANE Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety t agroncaical trials to know good variety t proper use of fertilizer I denonstration plots. Logar Puli Alan Puli Alan AFRANE Ongoing RAP - Variety t agroncaical trials to know good variety k proper use of fertilizer I demonstration plots. Lagbnan . ACBAR ' 4 94 J 9 95 96 92 -- 96 To identify selected high yield varieties of wheat & barley. DATABASE OF lIGO ACTIVITIES - -- Page: 54 ZakirR2 Date: 03/03/96 8T11 EDITION -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: -- -DISTRICT -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY --STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End -- 93 -- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Research Nangarhar Behsud 32 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO /DACA Nangarhar Behsud Behsud ISBA Ongoing FAO 8 95 -- -- Observation trial of Bersen & Lucerne, planting in 3 jeribs land. Nangarhar Chaparhar 12 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 1 93 -- -- 1 that demonstration plot in 1 village. Nangarhar Darae Noor Darae Noor kADERA Completed EU -- 91 Nangarhar Jalalabad 18 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO /DACA -- 93 -- -- 5 95 2 rice yield trial 36 varieties conducted. Conducting triais t demonstration for cheat, corn t rice. Maize yield trial test plot 8 var. 2 wheat exp. 35 var. / barley exp. 24 var. / wheat test plots 3 var. / 2 rice ezp. 21 varieties being conducted ' wheat seed multiplication 2 varieties planted in 10 jeribs. Nangarhar Jalalabad Nangarhar Kouz Konar Gardaiz Patti& Patti& Gardaiz Patti& Gurbuz DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR Shelia MADERA Ongoing EU 21 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO /DACA 9 villages -- 94 -- -- 6 95 -- -- 23 experimental trials have been conducted. Conducting trials t detonstratìon for wheat, corn t rice. =- 93 -- -- Wheat /barley obs. 160 lines, check peas 2 var. & wheat 4 var. for demonstration have bean planted. DACAAR Ongoing *Donors -- 94 -- -- 6 experimental trials were conducted. DACAAR Ongoing FAO /Self 11 92 -- -- Experiments: test plots of 1 var. of 'heat, observation lines of 18 var. of cheat, 14 var. of oat t 10 var. of barley. Paltia Khost 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing FAO /DACA -- 93 -- -- Naize yield trial 8 var. / rice yield trial 13 var. / 2 wheat yield trial t obs. lines 116 var. / barley yield trial 10 var. / oat yield trial 9 varieties being conducted. Paktia Khost 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- -- 14 experimental trials have been conducted. Paktia Nusa Khel Zoor Kot /Gardi Rho IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO Paktia Sabari Center IRC /RPA Completed AID/FAO Parwan Gborband A -AID Completed Takhar Talogan Talogan A -AID Wardat Chat Chat Warda1 Jalrez Wardat Syed Abad Wardat Wardak 3 90 -- -- laproved wheat, barley and oat seed triais 11 91 4 95 Improved wheat, barley and oat seed trials UK-ODA 4 94 9 95 To identify selected high yield varieties of wheat t barley. Completed UK-ODA 4 94 9 95 To identify selected high yield varieties of wheat t barley. AFRANE Ongoing RAP SOLID Ongoing EU /F.Gov Tangi AERIE Ongoing Syed Abad Sayed Abad AFRANE Ongoing Syed Abad Shah Qala AFRANE Ongoing -- 92 -- 96 7 95 6 96 Variety t agronomical trials to know good variety t proper use of fertilizer t demonstration plots. Agriculture research & training of farmers. -- 92 -- 96 Variety t agronomical trials to know good variety t proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. RAP -- 92 -- 96 Variety & agronomical trials to knot good variety & proper use of fertilizer t demonstration plots. { IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 55 ZatirR2 Date: 03/03/96 8TE EDITION I ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -PROVINCE -- ---DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End Barda( Syed Abad Sayed Abad CoAR Ongoing EU -- 94 -- 96 EU AGRIC: (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Experimental trial of 8 varieties of wheat k different level of fertilizer. Plant Protec Farah Farah Various CHA Ongoing Ghazni Ab Band Ab Band CoAR Ongoing Ghazni Gelan Gelan CoAR Ongoing Ghazni Ghazni Center AFRANE Ghazni Ghazni Center Ghazni Jaghori 15 villages 7 93 7 96 Spraying of vegetable fields. -- 93 -- 96 Sprayers k chemicals EU -- 93 -- 96 Sprayers k chemicals. Ongoing EU -- 95 -- 96 Distribution of agrochemical. CoAR Ongoing EU /NCA -- 93 -- 96 Sprayers k chemicals. GRSP Completed FAO 6 95 3 95 Copretoz, Larsban k Bactospein chemicals along with 10 sets of codling moth trap k sprayer given to 15 orchard owner. 94 -- -- Ghazni Jaghori Sange kasha GRSP Ongoing FAO Ghazni Khwaja Omri 38 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR Ghazni Nalestan kiradina GRSP Completed FAO 194 -- 95 Ghazni Nalestan S villages GRSP Completed FAO 1 95 1 -- 95 -- -- 7 95 Adopting the LEISA approach by using locally available materials k fuel spray pumps. 414 Kg agrochemical was applied on 973 orchards. Adopting the LEISA approach by using locally available materials k fuel spray pumps. Copretoz, Larsban k Bactosppein chemicals along with 5 codling moth trap k sprayers were distributed to the orchard owners. Ghazni kalestan 5 villages GRSP Completed FAO 1 95 7 95 Copretol, Larsban k Bactosppein chemicals along with 5 codling moth trap & sprayers were distributed to the orchard owners. Ghazni Nogor Nogor CoAR Ongoing EU /NCA -- 93 -- 96 Sprayers and chemicals. Ghazni Nava Nava CoAR Ongoing EU -- 93 -- 96 Sprayers k chemicals. Ghazni Zena Khan Zana Khan CoAR Ongoing FAO -- 93 -- 96 Sprayers L chemicals. Herat Herat Various CBA Ongoing EU Kabul Charasyab Qalai Nalik ARPD Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Pests k disease control of orchard trees through chemicals. Kunar Bar Asmar NADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers k giving instructions on their use, Kunar Chaghasarai 25 villages DACAAR Completed DACAAR -- 94 -- 95 153 Kg agrochemical was applied on 802 farmers fields. Kunar Chaghasarai 6 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- -- Agrochiaical 40 Kgs was applied on 100 jeribs of farmers fields. A CB A R Kunar 7 93 7 96 Spraying of vegetable fields. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 56 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 8TE EDITION -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: - -- DISTRICT - - -- -- --VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Plant Pratec Kunar Chapa Dara Kandai MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Selling of agrocheaicals to farmers k giving instructions on their use. Kunar Chapa Dara Gulsalak MADERA Ongoing EU -- 93 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers t giving instructions on their use, Kunar Chanki Charki MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers k giving instructions on their use. Kunar Narang 20 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 196 Kg agrochemical applied on 594 jeribs of farmers fields. Kunar Naray Barikot MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers & giving instructions on their use. Kunar Pech Ningalam MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers & giving instructions on their use. Kunar Pech Janchegal /Nisha MADERA Ongoing EU -- 93 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers & giving instructions on their use. Kunar Sirkanay Pashad MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers & giving instructions on their use. Laghman Aiishing Alishang MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Selling of agrocheaicals to farmers & giving instructions on their use. Laghnan Mehterlan 19 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 95 -- -- 241 Kg agrochemical was applied on 627 farmers fields. Laghaan Mehteriam Nehterlam MADERA Ongoing EU -- 93 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers t giving instructions on their use. Laghman Mehterlam Asadabad MADERA Ongoing EU -- 91 -- -- Selling of agrocheaicals to farmers k giving instructions on their use. Laghaan Qarghaie Qarghaie MADERA Ongoing EU -- 88 -- -- Selling of agrochemicals to farmers k giving instructions on their use. Logar Baraki Baraki AFRANE Ongoing EU -- 95 -- 96 Distribution of agrochemical k sprayers. Logar Baraki Baraki CoAR Ongoing NCA /EU -- 93 -- 96 Sprayers k chemicals. Logar Baraki -- ISRA Completed FAO 3 95 9 95 Establishment of apple pest management. Logar Charkh ISRA Completed FAO 3 95 9 95 Establishment of apple pest management. Logar Khoshi 3 villages ARC Proposed NOVIB -- 95 -- -- Plant protection, using naturally available resources k agrochemical input. Nangarbar Behsud 32 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 142 Kg agrochemical applied on 338 jeribs of farmers fields. Nangarhar Behsud ISRA Completed FAO Nangarhar Chaparhar 25 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 536 Kg agrochemical tas applied on 200 jeribs of farmers' fields. Nangarhar Darae Noor Darae Noor MADERA Completed EU -- 91 Selling of agrochemicals to farmers k giving instructions on their use. Nangarhar Jalalabad ISRA Completed FAO ACBAR 4 95 12 95 5 95 4 95 12 95 Establishment of small vegetable pest management. Establishment of small vegetable pest management. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 4 Page: 57 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 ITE EDITION I Nangarhar Nangarbar Gardaiz Surkh Rod Kouz Konar 21 villages 10 villages Shen DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR MADERA AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS-- ACTIVITY EU/RCA DACAAR DACAAR *Donors DACAAR DACAAR EU -- -BY - -- FUNDED -- 93 -- 96 -- 95 -- 96 -- 94 -- -- -- 93 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 93 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION Sprayers k chemicals. Sprayers k chemicals. Sprayers k chemicals. 522 Kg agrochemical was applied on 793 farmers fields. 426 Kg agrochemical applied on 845 jeribs wheat fields & fruit orchards of the. farmers. 228 Kg agrochemical was applied on 448 farmers fields. 140 Kg agrochemical applied on 325 jeribs wheat fields k 200 orchards. 97,6 Kg agrochemical was used on 244 jeribs of farmers fields. Completed UK-ODA FAO -- 95 -- -- 4 95 3 95 3 96 9 95 910 farmers technically advised. To teach k demonstrate farmers techniques for community based seed multiplication. Establishment of apple pest management. Selling of agrocheaicals to farmers & giving instructions on their use. DESCRIPTIONj Paktia Gardait 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing EUINCA -- 93 -- 96 (ACTIVITY Paktia Khost 45 villages CoAR Ongoing EU/NCA -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Paktia Khost Chat CoAR Ongoing - -- DISTRICT - - -- Paktia Chat Jaghatu CoAR -PROVINCE-- Wardak Jaghatu Sayed Abad ISRA Ongoing DACAAR 6 95 -- -- Wardat Syed Abad A -AID Ongoing Plant Protec Wardat Syed Abad DACAAR 1RC AGRIC: Wardak Baghlan 30 villages Ongoing EU /IRC Kunar Chaghasarai Chaghasarai 1 villages 6 villages 25 villages Different villages MADERA ISRA DACAAR DACAAR Completed Completed Completed Ongoing EU EU EU ISRA 2 95 7 95 4 95 4 95 8 95 2 95 7 95 4 95 6 95 37 progressive farmers took part in a one week extension session about agriculture, livestock k forestry. 14 progressive farmers took part in a one week extension session about agriculture, livestock k forestry. 28 progressive farmers took part in a one week extension session about agriculture, livestock k forestry. 36 progressive farmers took part in a one week extension session about agriculture, livestock k forestry. Training of 585 progressive farmers in orchard management / budding / pruning / grafting k transplanting method. Training Baghlan Khwaja Oari AR0 AGRIC: Ghazni Urdo Khan Training of 25 aale in sericulture, Enjeel Proposed Establishment of agricultural training course. SAVE -- 95 -- -- 7 96 Herat Paghman 1,062 farmers practically advised. Kunar Chaghasarai Kandai MADERA Completed 8 95 50 session agriculture extension education. EU /ODA -- 94 -- 95 200 farmers technically trained. Kunar Chapa Dara Gulsalat MADERA EU 8 95 Completed DACAAR -- 93 -- -- Kunar Chapa Dara Randal Completed 5 95 CARE Completed DACAAR Kunar Chapa Dara MADERA Kabul 7 95 Kabul - Kunar Kaadesh 2akirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION Kaadesh 58 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Kunar ACBAR Page: -PROVINCE -- AGRIC: Kunar Nour Gul Kunar Sirkanay Laghman Alishing Laghman Mehterlas . Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Training Narang Kunar Laghman - -- DISTRICT - - -- Qarghaie Baraki Baraki 20 villages DACAAR Ongoing ALL villages YARA Proposed MADERA Completed Pashad Alishang Mehterlai All villages Baraki Baraki Baraki Charkh Charkh Charkh Khoshi -- -- Nohd Agha Puli Alam Puli Alas - Band Sehsud Bebsnd Chaparhar Chaparhar Chaparhar Darae Noor 10 villages 1313 farmers trained. UNDP -- 95 -- -- Women's poultry management training. EU 95 I 1 95 46 progressive farmers took part in a one week ertension EU 9 95 9 95 46 progressive farmers took part in a one week extension session about agriculture, livestock & forestry. NADERA Completed EU 6 95 6 95 48 progressive farmers took part in a one week extension session about agriculture, livestock & forestry. YARA Ongoing UNDP 1295 12 96 Women veterinary & basic health training for 500 trainees & 4 instructors. Completed EU -- 95 -- 95 Training workshop for agriculture & husbandry. Completed EU -- 95 -- 95 Training workshop of agriculture veterinary & PRA. Completed ISRA CoAR Completed SY IRC /RPA Ongoing AID AERANE CoAR ISRA IRC /RPA ; 8 95 8 95 -- 94 -- 95 1 92 -- -- Training of progressive farmers in apple pest management. Agriculture training 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, Completed ISRA 8 95 8 95 Training of progressive farmers in apple pest aanageaent. Ongoing EU 1 92 -- 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, Ongoing EU 1 92 -- -- CARE Completed EU /ODA 5 95 IRC /RPA Ongoing EU 192 -- -- 7 95 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, Ongoing DACAAR 11 92 -- -- 253 farmers technically advised. 32 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 881 farmers trained. 29 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- -- 969 farmers practically trained. DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 11 92 -- -- 241 farmers technically trained. DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 644 farmers trained. DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- -- Training of 256 farmers. kADERA Completed EU 25 villages 12 villages Darae Noor 3 95 3 95 poultry, food preservation etc, 626 farmers trained poultry, food preservation etc. poultry, food preservation etc. 17 session agriculture extension education. DACAAR 12 villages session about agriculture, livestock & forestry. Completed IRC /RPA Khoshi -- 93 -- -- MADERA ISRA Charkh . DACAAR poultry, food preservation etc. 40 progressive farmers took part in a one week extension session about agriCulture, livestock & forestry. A C B A R DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES 8T8 EDITION Page: 59 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - ACTryITY FUNDED DURATION Begin- -End (ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- 18 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 693 farmers technically trained. DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 94 -- -- 1,271 farmers trained. DESCRIPTION) Training AGRIC: Nangarhar Jalalabad Nangarbar Jalalabad Nangarbar Jalalabad 3 villages ISRA Completed ISRA Nangarbar Jalalabad Various SERVE Ongoing UNDCP 6 95 6 95 -- 94 -- -- Training of 44 progressive farmers in pest management vegetables crops. 390 farmers receive training With necessary materials / 11 district level model nursery t 1 central nursery was established. -- 95 -- -- Horticulture project, to train still gardners. ACDO Ongoing Self 10 villages . DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR Different villages CARE Completed EU /ODA IRC /RPA Ongoing EU 1 - IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- Different villages CARE Completed EU /ODA 4 95 2I villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 53O farmers practically trained, DACAAR Ongoing *Donors -- 94 -- -- Technical advice to 1440 farmers. Gardaiz Paktia Gardait IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO Paktia ardaiz NPO Completed NCA/NRC DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 60 farmers in 9 villages technically trained. urbuz 3 93 -- -- Paktia ani Khel IRC /RPA Ongoing EU 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc (549 farmers trained). Paktia Nangarbar Rhogiani Nangarbar Surth Rod Pakteka Urgoun Pakteka Urgoun Paktia Land Patan Pattia Gardaiz Paktia ardaiz Paktia Vazir 9 villages -- 93 -- -- 108 farmers technically trained. -e-4 95 6 95 92 -- -- 6 95 92 -- -- 1 -- 95 -- 95 6 95 17 session agriculture extension education. 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food 1-2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc. 11 session agriculture extension education. 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, Training of farmers in animals husbandry, 20 session agriculture extension education. Khost Different villages CARE Completed EU /ODA 4 95 Patti' Kbost 5 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 2 93 -- -- Paktia 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 2822 farmers practically trained. Khost -- 93 -- -- Paktia 45 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 4,061 farmers technically advised. Khost -- 94 -- -- Paktia Paktia Most IRC /RPA Ongoing SV Pattia Khost NPO Completed NCA /NRC ACBAR 1 92 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 76 farmers technically advised. 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc. Training of farmers in animals husbandry. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 60 preservation etc. ZakirK2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION Nusa Khél Sabari Sayed Karaa Shama' Zoraat Ghorband Parvan Talogan Syed Abad Vardak Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Parean Parvan Takhar Vardak Yardak Eshkashem Faizabad Jura Sheghnan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan 1ACBAR Baharak Badakshan Other Nandozi Paktia AGRIC: Lajmangal ACTIVITY FUNDED A -AID A -AID A -AID A-AID A -AID Eshkashim Faizabad Jun Sheghnan Page: 61 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> new agricultural techniques. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION farmers through setting up demonstration plots, the demonstration include seed bed preparation, seedling & using To increase yield t introduce new varieties of vegetables / enhancing the agricultural knowledge of the local new agricultural techniques. farmers through setting up demonstration plots, the demonstration include seed bed preparation, seedling t using To increase yield t introduce new varieties of vegetables / enhancing the agricultural knowledge of the local new agricultural techniques. farmers through setting up demonstration plots, the deaonstration include seed bed preparation, seedling t using To increase yield t introduce new varieties of vegetables / enhancing the agricultural knowledge of the local new agricultural techniques. farmers through setting up demonstration plots, the demonstration include seed bed preparation, seedling & using To increase yield t introduce new varieties of vegetables / enhancing the agricultural knowledge of the local new agricultural techniques. farmers through setting up demonstration plots, the demonstration include seed bed preparation, seedling & using To increase yield t introduce nei varieties of vegetables / enhancing the agricultural knowledge of the local 14 session agriculture extension education. Training of progressive farmers in apple pest management. To teach & demonstrate farmers techniques for community based seed multiplication. 17 session agriculture extension education. To teach t demonstrate farmers techniques for community based seed multiplication. 1-2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc. 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc. 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc (440 farmers trained) 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 179 farmers trained 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc. 485 farmers technically advised. 1 -2 day training in seed multiplication, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - -- 10 95 10 96 UK-ODA Ongoing 10 95 10 96 10 95 10 96 UK -ODA Ongoing 10 95 10 96 UK-ODA UK -ODA Ongoing 6 95 4 95 10 95.10 96 8 95 95 8 95 - 6 95 4 95 -- - 3 96 4 95 Ongoing UK -ODA EU /ODA Completed CARE Ongoing ISRA UK -ODA Ongoing Completed 92 -- -- FAO Ongoing ISRA 1 92 -- -- FAO Ongoing UK -ODA 92 -- -- 1 FAO Ongoing Discontin 1 92 -- -- FAO Ongoing 1 1 92 -- -- FAO Ongoing 93 -- -- 1 DACAAR Ongoing 92 -- -- 1 EU /ODA A -AID DURATION Begin- -End SV -- -BY - -- Ongoing --STATUS -- Completed CARE A -AID IRC /RPA 1RC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA DACAAR IRC /RPA AGENCY Baharak Different villages Different villages Yaqubi 12 villages Training - -- DISTRICT - - -- Paktia AGRTC: -PROVINCE -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGRIC: =1= Other Badakshan Vahan -PROVINCE-- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End A -AID Ongoing UK -ODA 10 95 10 96 (ACTIVITY Vahan DESCRIPTION> To increase yield k introduce new varieties of vegetables / enhancing the agricultural knowledge of the local farmers through setting up demonstration plots, the demonstration include seed bed preparation, seedling A using new agricultural techniques. Baghlan Puli Khuari 4 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC Barcyan Panjab Panjab OXFAM Ongoing OXFAM 8 91 -- -- Multi- activity agriculture development program. Barcyan Panjab Maras OXFAM Ongoing OXFAM 8 91 -- -- Multi -activity agriculture development program. Mayan Yakowlang Yakawlang OXFAM Ongoing OXFAM 92 -- -- Multi- activity agriculture development program. Mayan Yakovlang Kayak OXFAM Ongoing OXFAM /BU 5 94 -- -- Multi- activity agriculture development program. Ghazni Ghazni Various, MCI Completed FAO 1 Ghazni Kbwaja Omri Khnaja Omari ACRD Proposed EU -- 95 -- -- Fara power cooperative service. Ghazni Zena Khan Zena Khan ACRD Proposed EU -- 95 -- -- Fara power cooperative service. Ghor Lal Surjangal Lal OXFAM Ongoing OXFAM 8 91 -- -- Agriculture development prograa with many activities. Helmand Helmand Various MCI Completed FAO 1 95 12 95 Apricot drying projects in different villages, Helmand Kajaki IANC Ongoing HEKS Herat Enjeel Urdu Khan ARO Ongoing IRC Kandahar Kandahar Various MCI Completed FAO Logar Charkh Nango IRC /RPA Ongoing FAO 4 92 -- -- Model farm: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fari paver Logar Kboshi Karezo 1RC /RPA Ongoing EU 4 92 - Model fan: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power Logar Logar Various, ISRA Completed ISRA /FAO 5 95 Logar Mohd Agha Mohd Agha IRC /RPA Ongoing EU 11 92 -- -- Model fan: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fan paver Logar Puli Alai Puli Alain IRC /RPA Ongoing EU 10 92 -- -- Model fan: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fan paver Nangarbar Kou Abdul APIO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Abdul Ebel far'. Nangarhar Surkh Rod Surkh Rod PRS Surveyed -- 95 -- -- Reclamation of 500 jeribs land for cultivation. Nimroz Zaranj Zaranj City VARA Completed ACBAR Ionar bet FAO/VARA -- 95 -- 95 1 95 12 95 -- 1 95 1 1 96 95 12 95 Apricot drying projects in different villages. 1 farm (300 jeribs) is maintained with a tractor & 4 agri. staff. Rehabilitation of Urdu than farm. Apricot drying projects in different villages. -- 5 95 1 95 12 95 Distribution of agricultural material in subsidized price to 7 farmers. Charts published in proper ways to use spray machines by agro- chemical in field of pest management. Seed processing R cleaning project. DATABASE OF INA ACTIVITIES Page: 62 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 811 EDITION I Dand Paten Gardaiz Jani Khel Khost Khost Paktia Pattie Paktia Pattie Pattie Sayed Karen Sbasal Paktia Pattie Faizabad Badatshan 1ACBAR Faizabad Badatsban Road Zabul Zabul CONST: Iardat Jalrez lardat lardat Jalrez Jaghatu Zonat lardat lardat Paktia Trayzai Sabari Pattie Pattie Musa Khel Pattie Lajmangal Urgoun Pakteka Pattie Oruzgan Other - -- DISTRICT - - -- Oruzgan AGRIC: -PROVINCE -- Quchi Sancti Various Various 89 villages Spina Kala Guided Khel /Stogen Ali Sher Sbamal (Norozai) Ihoshal Khel hoar Center Zoor Kot/Gardi Kho Laja Kbola Matoon (Pir [alai 45 villages Maiden lbola Sari Sang Paten Qala Norullab Various ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- A -AID A -AID NCI ISBA SOLID SOLID ACRD IRC /RPA PRS IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA 1RC /RPA IRC/RPA IRC /RPA DACAAR IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA MCI AGENCY ACTIVITY Completed Approved Cowpleted Completed Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed -- STATUS -- FUNDED ODA/IFP ODA /IFP FAO ISRA/FAO EU /F.Gov EU /F.Gov ACRD FAO IFP FAO FAO FAO FAO SV FAO DACAAR EU FAO SV EU FAO DURATION 95 12 95 4 95 5 95 63 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> / 176 pruner 19 sprayers distributed to poultry, bees, fan poser poultry, bees, fan poser poultry, bees, fan per Construction of 132 s Quchi foot path. Repair of 258 m Sanati road. Apricot drying projects in different villages. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8Th EDITION Charts published in proper ways to use spray machines by agro- chemical in field of pest management. , research I training. Agricultural center which cover rural engineering programs ! agricultural activities such as seed multiplication, fruit trees agricultural research A training for the farmers. Agricultural center which covers seed multiplication, fruit trees, agricultural lortshop for ag.sachinery - 6 tech. (wiring/ denting / lathing / engine) - also repairs vehicles. 2 Model fans: seed sultiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fan poser Rehabilitation of 1,500 jeribs land for cultivation at Ali Sher Otman 1 Dargi. Model fan: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, Model fan: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, Model fan: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fan poser 2 Model fans: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, Model farm: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fan poser Model farm: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fart power 176 farmers & 112 artisans. 112 completed sets of artisan tools i.e. carpenter, mason rì blactsnith Model fars: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fars power Model farm: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fart poser yodel fart: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fars power Model fars: seed multiplication, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fart power Apricot drying projects in different villages. DATABASE OF IMO ACTIVITIES 10 95 12 95 -= 95 -- -- 1 95 12 95 5 95 -- 95 -- -- 11 93 -- -- -- 91 -- -- 11 91 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 12 91 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 11 91 3 90 -- -- 3 91 - -- - -- 93 -- -- 3 90 -- -- 8 92 -- -- 3 90 -- -- 3 91 -- -- 1 Begin- -End 11 92 -- -- Page: -- -BY --- -PROVINCE - - -- DISTRICT - --- -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY -- -BY - -- FUNDED Begin --End DURATION FaraL Banyan Baghlan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan Ghazni Farah taras Puli Khuuri Sheghnan Sheghnan Sheghnan Sbeghnan Sheghnan Faizabad Faizabad Faizabad Center City 10 villages 33 villages Sosdara Shera /Sheghnan Hamdarreh Faizabad /Keshes Faizabad /Ragh NCI DACAAR AREA VARA GRC NPO A -AID A -AID A -AID A -AID A -AID NAC NAC A -AID Completed Completed Ongoing Surveyed Proposed Surveyed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Proposed Ongoing Ongoing EU EU UNDCP Danida VFP NFP GRC DPU /NORA ODA/MFP ODA/YFP UK -ODA UNDCP UK -ODA UNDP /NAC NAC /FP EU/NFP -- 95 -- 95 11 94 9 94 4 95 8 95 -- -- 7 95 -- _ -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 8 95 10 95 6 95 12 95 8 92 -- 95 7 93 -- 95 -- 95 -- -- 9 95 -- -- 7 95 8 95 9 95 12 95 7 94 8 95 Construction of 9.culverts to activate 4 Ks road. Repair of 26.5 Km road / construction of 104 culverts / 4 rashes & 1 bridge. Repair i graveling of S Ka road. Repair of 21.5 Ks road / constrution of 20 culverts t a total of 2,586 s wash. Repair of 13.8 Ka road / construction of 32 culverts A 2 bridges. Construction of 14 Ks Dorai road. Repair of 18 Km Khavaja Omri road L construction of culverts. Survey for road rehabilitation. Construction of 7 Ks Sheva Sheghnan road. Construction of 600 a Soadara road, Construction of road for Shen - Sheghnan. DESCRIPTIOIF> Ghazni Khwaja Oui Dorai DACAAR Completed NCA/NRC 10 94 8 95 Construction of 24 structures to activate 6 Km road. <ACTIVITY Ghazni Bust Naladan DACAAR Completed EU 5 95 7 95 Construction of 7 structures to activate 3 Ka road. =1=== Helmand Enjeel Tanian NPO Completed EU /ODA S 9S 8 95 AGENCY Herat Enjeel 17 villages DACAAR Completed EU /ODA 5 95 ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- Berat Enjeel Dad Shan CARE Completed EU /ODA Road Berat Gozarah Qalai Hasan than CARE Completed !FP CONST: Berat Bagrasi Noh Burjah CARE Proposed VFP Construction of 2 Km Qara Kaiar road. Kabul Bagrasi Nab oodzaee RDA Completed 5 96 Kabul Bagrasi Botkhak ARCAR 3 95 8 95 -- 95 -- -- 64 Construction of 27 Km Faizabad - Keshem road. Construction of rural road between Seta - Sheghnan. Repair of Shera road. N Repair of 19 Ka road from Pulikhusri - D. Chori, construction of 6 culverts & 2 sashes. Survey of 30 Ka taras Road. Rehabilitation of 10 Km Farah - Baghpool road & 4 culverts. Construction of Darst Botkhak - Bagrami road. Repair of 8 Km road froc Charasyab to Qalai Luqman. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 2 95 Opening of 85 Ka Faizabad - Ragh road, Kabul Bagrami Cbarsoq 6 95 Kabul Charasyab 3 95 Kabul ACBAR Page: 8TH EDITION Charasyab 15 villages City Charasyab Chardehi Chardehi Chardehi Chardehi Deh Sabz Kabul Paghsan Paghman Paghmao Sarobi Sarobi Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Shahwali Kot Spin Boldak ,Panjshare Panjshare2 Bar Kuraar Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kapisa Kapisa Kunar ACBAR Bala Qala Charasyab Kabul 12 villages 2 villages Rabat All villages Nula Akhund City Sarobi Arghandi Sumuchak Khaldari Kabul 5 villages Lalandar Darul Aman Bahadur Khan Qalai Bakbtyar Balah Koohi Balal ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Charasyab Road - -- DISTRICT -- -- Kabul CONST: PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY - AINA CBE A -AID AURC ADA SRRC NERD Proposed Proposed Discoatin Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Completed Completed RCA NERD Proposed Completed MAX RDA Proposed Completed Completed Proposed Completed Proposed Proposed Completed Completed Proposed Completed Completed . --STATUS -- RDP CARE CARE HCI ADAg RDA RDA CARE CARE RDA CARE CARE AGENCY FUNDED DURATION 7 95 6 95 1 95 7 95 7 95 8 95 -- 7 95 95 4 95 3 95 2 96 5 96 3 95 65 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Construction of road. Construction of 50 Ks road. Repair of Parwan road. Construction of 4 Ka road k 16 culverts from Highway to Rabat. Repair of 45 Ks road between Shahwallikot - Terinkot, benefiting 254,764 people. Construction of 1 Ks road. Construction of 14.5 Ka road from Airport to Kandahar Bondary. Construction of 720 m road k 4 culverts in the city. Repair of 12.5 road from Kandahar City - Shakarpur Darwaza 4 construction of 7 culverts. Construction of Sorobi - Kabul road: Repair of 5 Km road i gabion work. Repair of 2.53 Km road. Rehabilitation of S Ks road. Construction of 10 culverts to activate 7 Ka road. Repair of 30 Ks road. ,Road repair (FF!). Construction of Lalandar road. Construction of Darul Asan - Charasyab road. Construction of 4 culverts to activate 2 Ka road. Construction of 13 culverts. Construction of Charasyab road. Construction of 9 culverts to activate 3 Ks road. Construction of 5 structures to activate 1 Ks road. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 4 94 9 95 12 95 5 94 -- 95 -- 95 8 95 10 95 12 95 10 94 -- 95 -- -- 1 -- 95 -- -- 5 95 5 95 -- 95 - 4 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 5 95 5 95 -- 95 -- -- S 95 S 95 Begin--End Page: ---- --- - -- !FP GAA ITI -ODA IMPS EU !FP/BCR !FP IFP/BCR !FP/HCR !FP !FP/HCR IRC /RAP EU /ODA EU /ODA !FP /NCI !FP !FP !FP EU /ODA EU /ODA !FP EU /ODA EU /ODA -- -BY --- 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE-- CONST: - -- DISTRICT -- -- Road ---- VILLAGE(S )- - -- AGENCY -- Kunar Kunar Pech Khas Kunar Kadesh Pich Vant/Yaigal 1 villages ARR ANE AAID ADAg RDA Kunar Pech Dara -e -Pech DACAAR Vasa Kunar Pech Dara-e -Peck' Chaghasarai Kunar Pech Kunar Kunar Pech Laghaan Laghsan Laghian Laghaan Laghsae Laghaan Laghsan Laghaan Laghaaû Barati Qarghaie Qarghaie Mehterla' Nehterla' Nehterlas Nehterlam lïehterlaq Mehterlas Davlatsha Alishing Alishing Sirkanay Mohd Agha Barati/Padthab Qarghaie Osar Zai Our Zai Osar Zai Center City Center Parsana 8 villages Sartani Ningalrm HCI IHSAN IBSAN PRS PDA PDA PDA NCRA AIIB RSSA RSSA NPO ANH MADERA Laghsan Laghaan Kunar Logar Nohd Agha Peli Alan 1RC Kunar ' Logar Pali Alas ACDO AFRO Logar !ACBAR Proposed Completed Proposed Completed Completed Proposed Proposed Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Proposed -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY IFP 1FP NCA /NCA MFP MADERA DANIDA 1FP 1FP WFP/DACA VFP IRC UP - --BY - -- FUNDED -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 1FP /FP IFP VFP VP IFP UNHCR IFP IFP 3 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 8 93 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 91 -- -- -- 95 -- -- Begin --End DURATION Proposed - Proposed IFP/HCI Surveyed Proposed 66 Construction of Vasa road. Construction of Nirdisb-Ka'dish road. Road repair. Contruction of 24 fa road. Road repair from Asadabad - Nanglan. (ACTIVITY Repair of 8 Kn road between Dara -e -Pesh & Amur. Maintenance of 31 Km road by local people. Construction of 1 K' road. Road repair fro' Sartani - Ganjgal. Repair of 2 K' Islamabad - Gargar road. DESCRIPTION) Graveling i leveling of 8.5 road fro' Parwana to Nooralaa Baba. protect 5 jerib land. Graveling t leveling of 15 road fro! Kotali to Qala village. Reconstruction t repair of roads. Repair of Mehtarlam city road. Repair of Dapa Road. Construction of syphon t 150 m retaining wall to village. Graveling of 5 It road from Omar Zai - Deva village. Graveling of 5 In road from Osar Zai - Isla'abad Construction of Laghsan road. Reconstruction of 3.9 K' road. Baraki Barat. Rehabilitation of 8 Km road fro' Baraki - Padthab. Rehabilitation of 8 Ks road from Mohd Agha Repair of 15 Ka road fra Puli Alain - Zags' Khel. ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 811 EDITION -PROYIIN2-- ---DISTRICf---- ---YILLAGE(s)---- ==== SI1141=1=11111= CONST: AGENCY' IMMISZLISCI Road ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -nos-- =S. ---BY--- begin=-Ead UCIIYITY DESCRIPTION> Logar Puli Alan Puli Alas IHSAN Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 9 k road fra Poli Alu - Barati Barat. Nangarhar Achim Achim ACRO Proposed 'FP -- 95 -- -- Construction of IS It road. Nangarhar Behssd Qasisabad ARDO Completed TFP Nangarhar Behsud Qala Juan than ARDO Proposed YFP -- 95 -- -- Nangarhar Gehsod iamalee BCIAA Completed IFP -- -- 1 95 Graveling of S Im road t construction of 13 adverts Nangarhar Behsmd Garait sabir IBSAN Completed IFP 2 95 6 95 Repair of 10 Is road t culvert:. Nangarhar Behand Sancha IHSAN Completed 9PP 2 95 6 95 Repair of 5 Lu road t 3 alverts. nangarhar Behold Behead MAX Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Constrnctioi of 10 Is road k 10 concrete culverts. Nugarhar Behead Behead IBSAN Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Repair of 3.9 Is Neran road. Nangarhar Behand Behead IHSAN Proposed IINHCR -- 95 -- -- Constroctiou of 2.5 Is Quai lamas Khan road. Nangarhar Behsmd Banda SRDA Proposed !FP - 95 -- -- Repair of 2 Im road form Qalai Imam, to Banda, graveling t canal cleaning. Raagarhar Darne Noor 10 villages ENAI Completed Nangarhar Hesarat 3 villages ADAg Proposed I1<P Nangarhar Jalalabad ialalabad/Turthu DACAAI Completed DACAAI 2 94 Nangarhar Jalalabad Bassmal DACAAI Ongoing DANIDA 1 94 -- - Ilamgarhar Jalalabad City IHSAN Completed IFP ll 94 'angular Jalalabad Qasaba IHSAN Proposed MCI -- 95 -- - Rehabilitatioi of 3.S Is road. Insular Jalalabad Bada Camp RDA Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Custructia of Hada cup out side road. Nangarhar Jalalabad Bada Camp IDA Proposed BFP -- 95 - - Cosstrmctia of Hada amp ioide road. kaugarbar sama 3 villages ADAg Completed IFP 4 95 195 load repair (FPT). Nangarhar Rama 4 villages ADAg Completed !FP 10 95 12 95 Road repair (f!!). Nangarhar Rnogiani lenabad AAA Proposed IFP - 95 Contraction of 5 ala road, I bridge t 3 adverts. kasgarhar Ihogiaui Behar ALDO Proposed !FP -- 95 - - ACBAR i' 1 95 ;2t 3 95 Repair of 2 Im road. Road repair 8 95 10 95 - 95 -- Graveling of 11 11 road t coastructiou of 20 culverts. Road repair. 5 95 Repair of Jalalabad-Torkbaa high way, asing materials= stole / sbimgle / caent. 3 95 Patching of 59 sm road. Co'strsctia of 5 sa road, 10 Im side draie t concrete pipes. -- Coastnctin of 201v road. DATABASE OF MO ACPIIIRIES Page: 67 Eatirt2 Date: 04 /03/96 8111 EDITION -PROVINCE -- CONST: .==== --- DISTtICT - --- Road ,®. ACTIVITY FUNDED ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- ®= kangarhar Magianì Kambo ACRO Proposed [FP kangarhar Ihogiani Kbogee ACRO Proposed kaagarhar Ibogiani tan RDA Nangarhar Ehogiaai befar Sofia kangarhar boat lonar karg -arpar , DURATION <ACTIYITY Hegira- -End -- 95 -- - Construction of 20 Im Koobo road. OP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 20 In Ipogee road. Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of Zan road. RDP Proposed EU -- 9S -- -- Repair of 3.754 Is road. Sbagee BUJ Completed [FP 195 2 95 Graveling A leveling of 5 is road. lout Korsar Shen RAN Completed Self 5 9S 8 95 Repair of Qalatak road. ktzggarhar loua lour Qalatat RDP Proposed WFP -- 95 -- -- Repair of 1.5 lm road. Nangarhar Pachier /Aga. Pachir/lubo ALDO Proposed 'FP -- 95 -- - Contraction of Pachir - lambo road. Nangarhar Pachier /Aga, Nanu /Altaa RSSA Completed !PP kangarhar kodat Rodat AAEA Surveyed V1P kangarhar kodat lot AERRA Completed OFP/I1C1 Nangarhar kodat Shahi lot ARADA Approved [FP/HCIt Nangarhar kodat kodat DACAAR Completed DANIDA Naagarhar Shinnr Ghani Ihel TARA Proposed Nangarhar Sorkh Rod Sarkhroad ACLU Sarveyed Govt.Nu Nangarhar SSrkh Rod Deh laiid APIO Proposed !FP laagarbar Sorkh Rod Sorkb Rod GAA Ongoing WFP/GAA 1 93 Nangarhar Sorb Rod Nirtayu SOW Completed !FP 9 95 11 95 Nangarhar Unspecified Varies ACLU Proposed !FP - 95 - - limns taranj Center NERU Completed VIT/ICI gisrot tara* Zarani City VARA Completed VP/NCI IO 94 Ormtgan bai Kandi 9 villages GIC Proposed 11111 -- 95 -- - Repair of 29 Is Naiad road. Pakteka Barmal 8 villages ADAg Proposed !FP -- 95 - -- Road repair. ACHAI 1 95 6 95 10 95 -- -- S 95 8 95 Survey for road rehabilitation. Construction of 1.5 h road & 7 colverts. 6 95 -- 95 - - 1 94 Graveling of 14 Is road from Nanu to Agas village. Repair of 30 Is road & culverts fron Jalalabad - 'forth' highway to center of Kot & - 95 - -- 6 94 24 Is road (culverts / R. nil / shingliag). Graveling of 9 Is road from center of district to Ghui lhel village. 8 95 Survey A design of Sabred road. - 95 -- - Reconstruction of Deh Valid road. 5 96 5 95 10 95 4 95 load coastroctioa joist project with Nangarhar Shorn 18 Is asphalted (FFV). Lecoutrectios of 1.1 la road fro Sorkhrod main to Nirsayan village i cosstractioa of 1 bridge A 4 colverts. Lecastnctia of Torthaw - Jalalabad highway. Contraction of 3 Ks road A colvert free Dotal to Ghats' Jan Post. Repair of 25 Km road fra Zarasj City to Chakhassur. DATABASE OF 1160 ACfIYITIES ----_---- Page: 68 DESCRIPTIONv~- Zakiri2 Date: 04/03/96 ---------------------- 818 EDITION I -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT ---- ACTIVITY FIIIDBD DURATIOD --- YIid.AGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- kgia--End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> ===== .ONO=E779MIMIIIMOS CONST: Road Pakteka Sarhavza Nand CARE Completed EU /ODA Pakteka Sharon Sharon ICI Proposed VFP/11C1 Pakteka Urgona Darah CARE Ongoing EU /ODA S 95 -- -- kehabilitatia of 2 k road. Pattia Gardaiz Center CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 tbastnctioi of I3 alverts to activate 11 Re road. Pattia Gardaiz Center ICI Proposed 1FP/ICl - 95 -- - Repair of old Gardiz road fra Doaarata - [apari. Pattia Garbai Gurbaz ICI Proposed VFP /ICI -- 95 - -- Repair of 6 Iv Gurbaz road. Pattia Gurbaz Barbai PRS Proposed 1FP -- 95 -- - kaostructia of 35 1m road. Pattia ladran Thoree Ebel CARE Completed EU /ODA Pattia Jaji [otti/[az Bilaoot AAA Proposed VFP -- 95 - - Coastrntìoa of 20 lo road t 8 alverts. Pattia Jaji Jaaara [amda AAA Proposed VF? - 95 - -- Coastaetio of 6 k road, 3 culverts A i bridge. Paktia Jaji Givi /laji AAA Surveyed -- -- 95 - - Repair of 56 to road fro§ Givi - Jajì. Pattia host Center ARR Completed VFP 7 94 10 95 Pattia. [host Gadatbar AIR Proposed VFP -- 95 - - Repair of 15 la road batmen (host & Gudathar. Pattia [host [host CARE Ongoing EU/IFP - 94 - - Castratier of 1 road. Paktia [host [host City CARE Ongoing EU/ODA 6 95 - -- Pattia [host Natoom ICI Proposed BFP/BCI -- 95 - - Repair of 15 [m road from Natoa bridge - [host Dosaraka (Shamgalìmg t leveling). Pattia (host Sbekh Mira ICI Proposed VFP/ICI -- 95 - - Repair of 46 k road. Pattia [boat half IDA Proposed äP -95 - -- tbmstrectia of 5 Iv Indi road. Pattia [host Datti RDA Proposed VFP -- 95 - -- Comstractia of Datti - Gotha 10 la road. Pattia [hott Center SJAOO Proposed 'FP - 95 - - khabilitatia-of Bash Farm roads. Pattia Naadozi Nandozai ICI Onsoiag 1FP/ICI - 94 -- - Repair of 24700 m liatims road. Paktìa Naadozi Namdozai ICI Oogoimg 1PP/NCI - 95 - - Repair of 24 Im Madozai road. Paktia Nacdozi Nandozai IICI Proposed IFP/ICI -- 95 - - Repair of 11 k Ismail [bel road fra Edar [bel - ?arms. ACBAR . 9 95 10 95 Ooastraction of 3 road structures. -- 95 - -- Repair of 37 la road from Shoran - 6 95 8 95 7 95 Castractioa of 3 road structures. Repair of I0 Iv road form host - Piraa. toastrmctia of % road alverts. DATABASE OF 100 ALtmTIES Page: 69 Tamir. Zakir[2 Date: 14/03/% 87I EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- SZEMMINININ.INSS CONST: ACTIVITY FIAIDED DURATION ----VILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY -STATUE- ---Di--- IIMMISIP211=11111111111.1=111. MOM! SMIESSesiemals =Mee Iegia-Ead (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOIi>« 3111.00=11EMM Road Paktia Sabari Various ASDO Proposed VFP -- 95 - - Repair of 12 la Alìsher - *obi road t 40 colverts. Paktia Taei Dragai/Narizi ASDO Proposed VFP -- 95 - - Repair of 15 Ls Dragai - Narìzi road t 40 culvert:. Paktia Traitai 6 villages APVO Approved VFP 8 95 - - Paktia Traitai 12 villages APIO Proposed VFP -- 95 -- - Rehabilitation of 21 it Sadique road (PFC. Paktia Traizai Abuthan/Dabrat All Proposed !FP - 95 -- -- Repair of 25 Lm road batmen Abuthu t labrak. Paktia Trayzai Taryzai PRS Proposed !FP - 95 -- Recoutrnction of 20 h road. Pumas Ghorbud A -AID Completed UE-ODA 4 94 3 95 Tatbar Talogaa !RF Proposed MICR lardak Jairez Jairez MAI Completed !FP 6 95 10 95 lardai Naidu Shar Naddan Spar AREA Proposed 1FP -- 95 -- -- load rebabilitation. lardai Nadan Shar Dachte Toop RDA Proposed VFP -- 95 -- - Contraction of faint Shar road frog Dashte Toop - lardak center. lardai Syed Abad 40 vi l lage: APPO Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Sayedabad secondary road. larda Sied Abad Sayed Abad GAF Proposed VFP - 95 -- - road rehabilitation progru it district level. Cabal Dai Chopo Varina PETIA Completed VFP/NCR 10 94 Rehabilìtatioa of 36 ta road fro' Kbarui- Gazai. Zabal Qalat City VARA Proposed !FP -- 95 -- - Rehabilitation of Qalat City road. Contractia of 30 COMM: - 95 -- - 1 95 Repair of linhat road. Repair of IA L. road. Repair of 15 Lm road fra Naida Shar to Jairez. Bridge Dadakshas labarat Wald Danda' POI Ongoing IBIDCP 10 94 -- -- Dadatahan Faizabad Dagh-e-Nobarst PLI Ongoi'g UNDCP 9 95 -- - Iadatsbu Lagh Shathdara A -AID Approved ODANFP Dadatsbat 2ebat lobat PLI Oagoing Dagblu Baghlav - A -AID Baghiu Daghlu Gal Data Iaghlu Iagblu ACIAR Rehabilitation of II Is Ayvbkhel road (FR). m foot -bridge, 'slag wood t plant. Coutractia of 25 m foot -bridge, oing cable t plant. - 95 - - Castrntia of 12 m vehicle bridge. UNOCP 9 95 - -- C ntr'ctia of 35 m Completed It --ODA 4 94 3 95 Contractia of 4 bridges. AACRP Completed VINCI 12 94 4 95 Constractin of 8 Npo Completed rCAIeC - 95 -- 95 foot-bridge, snag cable A plug. bridge Wag cement, stove A steel. Co'stnctia of etantia & covstr'ctìoa of win'alls. DATABASE OF INTO ACTIVITIES 8111 EDITION Page: 70 2atirt2 Date: 04 /03/96 I -PROVINCE- CONST: Baghlan Baghlan Balkh Banyan Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Helmand Helmand Helmand Herat Kabul Kabul Kabul Kandahar Kandahar tapira Kapisa lunar lunar Lunar Kapar 1ACBAR ACTIVITY FUNDED BURATION AGM -STATUS- --BY- Begin-End Pali lhuri NPo Completed NCA /NRC - 95 - 9S Construction of 4 -5 u bridge, wieg stone, said t meat. Pnli Khuri MPO Completed OPU/NORA - 95 - 95 Construction of 12 u bridge, using stone, sand, cet t concrete popes. 'Mari Sharif PSD Oegoiag INDP /OPS 10 95 3 % Rehabilitation of 12 5 villages GRC Surveyed GRC 4 95 4 95 Survey of Bancishoy bridge. Sharon PIS Proposed GP(UK) - 95 - - Construction of 34 n overflow das. Gelas Gelas CoAR Oegoieg NCA/NRC - 95 -% Contribution of bridge. Ghazni Center ACLU Ongoing DACAAI Yogor Bazar Cod Completed NCA /NRC - 92 - 95 Construction of 2 bridges of Sogor Bazaar. Bust ARC Completed Private - 95 -- 95 Constrdctioa of Bast bridge. Lasbtargah ARO Proposed MICR - 95 - - Construction of suspension bridge. Bazarjuft PARA Surveyed 1FP - 95 -- - Repair of Bazarjuft bridge. Bari Ind DhCAA1 Completed EU 6 94 8 95 Reconstruction of 800 year old masonry bridge. !agreei ()alai Chah CARE Completed EU /ODA 9 95 9 95 Construction of 1 bridge. Bagrui Deh Yaquob CARE Completed EU /ODA 7 95 9 95 Construction of I bridge. Deh Sabz Kh.Chasht CARE Completed EU /ODA 7 95 10 95 Construction of 1 bridge. Kandahar City GRC Proposed (*11Cß Spin Boldat Blodat /Rabath RRAA Ongoing UNDP Kohistan Kohistan EDS Surveyed -- Panjshare - A-AID Discontin UK-ODA Bar lunar 12 villages AINA Proposed CIDA - 95 - - Constriction of bridge over Lour river. Kandagal TIC Proposed FAO - 96 -- - Construction of cable bridge. Senzai NPO Completed NCA/NRC - 93 - 95 Repair of Senzai steel bridge, using gravel, stone t steel. !RC Proposed UNDP -- DISTR1Cr---- YILLMñ(S)--- <ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> Bridge Mazar Sharif Paejab Ab Bud Mogor Bust But Ganser Enjeel Chaghasarai Pech Pech Manogai 8 94 - -- -95 -- 9 95 1 % 95 - 4 94 3 9S 96 - - Ali (hopan bridge. Repair of Ghazni RCC bridge. Construction of bridge. Construction of 4 bridges ! I culvert, using cement t stone. Construction of bridge. Constriction of 2 bridges. Construction of bridge. DATABASE Of NGO ACTIVITIES 811 EDITION 1 Page: 11 tatirl2 Date: 04/03/96 = ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- - --BY -- Begin --EEd Pech Kandagal RC Proposed URN - 96 -- -- Constriction of bridge, Nehterlam bara Mian Sahib NCI Proposed OFP /MCI -- 95 -- -- Repair of bara Miss Sahib bridge. Laghman Mehterlan 30 villages START Ongoing GTZ/IFP - 95 -- -- construction of Jsgi Bridge. Laghman Mehterlaa Center MRC Proposed IRiDP - 96 -- -- Constructioa of bridge Lofton Mebterias Surkhataa bBC Proposed I)NDP -- 96 -- -- Construction of bridge. Laghsaa Qerghaie Qargbapi NPO Completed *Donors Lagosan Qargbaie MP0 Completed NCA /NRC Loger Baraki Q:iai Noorullah CARE Completed F,it /ODA 9 95 ,1O 95 Construction of 1 bridge. Logar Mond Agha Deb haw CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 10 95 Construction of 1 bridge. Logan Puli Alas Besar Lelap CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 1 bridge. Logar Puli Alas Juyak CARE Completed EU /ODA 9 95 10 95 Construction of I bridge. Loger Puli Alas Kboshi CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 1 bridge. Nangarhar Jaialabad Bosh Gumbad DACAAR Completed Dasida 195 4 95 1 culvert span : 2 i / 2 pipe culverts dia : 75 Cub m / 2 pipe culverts dia : 50 Cub a. Nangarhar Khogiani Mashie Ebel ACLU Ongoing Govt.Nan 12 93 -- -- Bashia Del RCC bridge G 97 s. Nangarbar Unspecified Gandumak No.1 ACLU Proposed Govt.Nan -- 95 -- -- Sir Span RCC bridge in Nangarbar L- 84.75 s. Nangarhar Unspecified Gandamak Io.2 ACLU Proposed Govt.Naa -- 95 -- -- Six Span RCC bridge in Nangarhar L= 67 a. Patter& Urgouc Babador Khel CARE Completed EU /OBA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 1 bridge. Pakteta Urgoun Damn CARE Completed EU /ODA 7 95 8 9S Construction of 1 bridge. Tabor Talogan A -AID Discoatia UK-ODA 4 94 3 95 Bridge construction i cleaaisg of 10 m karet. Takbar Talogan RP Proposed Vardak Jaghata 12 villages RDA Proposed WP lariat kaydan Shar Ebrahim Khel CARE Completed EU /ODA 9 95 12 95 Construction of 1 bridge. Vardak Maydan Shar Robson Ekel CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 JO 95 Construction of 1 bridge. -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- CONST: Bridge Kenar Laghman . IACBAR - MHCR 6 94 3 95 -- 94 -- 9S ACTIVITY Construction of 75 M bridge, using burnt bricks, cement, stone k iron. Repair of Qarghai bridge, asing gravel i stone. -- 95 -- -- Construction of bridge between Kundat I. Takhar. -- 95 - -- Construction of Jaghato bridge. - DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 12 DESCRIPTI011> ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION I ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End MEMOMMIMMWS. IMMOMMMUMG.CM.M Ell=1,11111=11111= , =====.MOMM = ==== Gelai CoAR Ongoing KCA/MRC -- 95 -- 96 Contribution of refugee bouse building. CoAR Ongoing MCA/EU - 9S -- 96 Contribution of refugee house building. CoAR Ongoing NCA/MRC -- 95 -- 96 Contribution of refugee house building. CoAR Ongoing NCA/NRC -- 95 -- 96 Contribution in refugee base building. lAN Completed URIC& Bagrasi IHSAN Proposed City AREA -i CONST: Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Herat Kabel Kabul Kabul Kapist Lagar Logar Naagarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Naagarhar Pakteka Palteta Paktia Pattiz Pattia Pattie ACBAR <ACPIYITY DESCRIPTION> Shelter &elan Nogor Nasa lena Khan Noqor Kau Zana Khan Adrestan Bagrami Kabul Kabel Panjsbare Barati Pali Alan Behead Jalalabad Jalalabad Kane Urgoan Urgoun host Khost Khost Khost 1 94 3 95 Implementor of MICR project. %FP -- 95 -- -- Production of pre -cast beams. Completed GTE 7 95 -- -- GAA Ongoing ECHO A -AID Completed ODA/9FP 9 95 12 95 CoAR Ongoing NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 96 Puli Alas ARFA1 Completed GTZ Bada AREA -1 Ongoing Gil DACHAR Ongoing Danida 194 -- -- Construction of 10,080 beams /year. ISBA Completed ISLA 5 94 5 95 Construction of 17 living room for orphans (middy). DACAAR Ongoing Danide 1 95 - NPO Completed MORAD -- 95 -- 95 Distribution of roofing materials to 67 families. NPO Completed NORAD -- 95 -- 95 I70 returned refugees assisted in rehabilitation of their houses. NPO Completed NORAD -- 95 -- 95 I70 returned refugees assisted in rehabilitation of their houses. NPO Completed BORAD -- 95 -- 95 SNI Ongoing SN1 /NCHS 1 94 -- -- Construction of 6,000 pre -cast beams ! roof slabs. SNI Ongoing SNI 3 95 -- -- Building of 50,000 beams. Center Panjshir barati Center ID villages Kasa PCC 2 villages 35 villages 35 villages 4 villages Khost Khost 12 95 9 94 6 96 7 95 11 94 -- -- Concrete elements production snit. Shelter project los -cost busing & workshop for building material. Construction of 40 houses tab 2 rooms A I corridor. Contribution of refugee house building. Concrete elements production sait. Production of concrete girders, slabs l lengthens ! their distribution (85% subsidy) to needy returnees for roofing their houses. Construction of 10.080 PCC beams /year. Distribution of roofing materials to 67 families. DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES - - -8T11 EDITION Page: 73 LatirP2 Date: 04 /01l4s BIDED -STATUS-- DACAAR - 92 -95 ACTIVITY AGENCY Completed SKI 8 94 12 95 Contribution of refugee house building. DURATION ---- YILLAGE(S )- - -- DACAAR Completed GTE -15 - 96 Contribution of refugee house building. àegia -End Raider Bhel ARF Completed NCA/NRC -95 - 96 Contribution in refugee house building. CONST: Shelter (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOp) Constriction of ready -lade beams / slab factory. Badakshan Badakshan hadakshan Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan badakshan badakshan Faizabad Faizabad Faizabad. Faizabad Faizabad Faizabad Eshkasben baharak Badatshan Chata Argo Shabri Mar Darayau Yaftal Cheta Atinjelou Gazgeer Sarghelan Various MAC SCA PRB PRB MAC MAC MAC NAC MAC MAC MAC Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing MRCP *Donors *Donors SCA UNDCP CIDA *Donors *Donors *Donors MAC/TFP *Donors *Donors MAC/1FP 7 95 12 95 6 94 9 95 6 95 - - 7 95 - - 7 95 12 95 6 94 5 95 8 95 7 95 6 95 - - 6 95 - - 6 95 - - 9 95 - - 6 95 - - 6 95 - - 8 95 - - Rehabilitation of UNESCO -Type school, using stone, sheet iron Construction of 7 -9 room clinic, using brick, sheet iron roofing t etc. Construction of 8 room prisary school, stone masonry. Repair of Kaib school / 12 rooms / tie covering / using concrete t stone. Repair of Baurat Sayed Clinic / 10 rooms / tin covering / using concrete t stone. Construction of school Construction of 6 room basic health clinic building, stone masonry. Construction of 12 room Makhfi girls high school, using brick t RCC. Gorbgh school / 12 rooms / tin roof / using concrete t local material. Shakarlab school / 12 rooms / tin roof / using stone, concrete, mud t brick. Cheta school / 12 rooms / tin roof / using stone, concrete, mad t brick. Repair of Atiujelou school / 5 rooms / tin covering / using concrete t stone. Bazgeer school / 12 rooms / tin roof / using stone, concrete, mud t brick. Repair of Sarghelan school / 7 rooms / tin covering / using concrete t stone. School improvement in various districts (8 schools ). Concrete elements production unit. Badakshan Faizabad karat Sayed MAC Completed SCA 7 45 11 95 8 91 12 95 IIMMIMIII111111110 Mandozi Tarakai AREA -1 Ongoing EU/NCA -95 - 96 Pre -cast concrete beam production. --BY -- Pattie T.ayzai City CoAR Ongoing EU/MCA - 95 - - badaksban Jan Kaib PRB Completed SCA 311111161111/.= Paktia Charikar Chak CoAR Ongoing UNCRS - -- DISTRICT- - -- Parvan Chat Jagbats CoAR Proposed Innp=111119111912.1.1= fardak Jaghatu Sayed Abad GAF -PROVINCE-- fardat Syed Abad Sayed Abad .1.1111=E= lardak Syed Abad Concrete beams 8,035 t lintels 5,619. fardal Badakshan Jars hash SCA Completed Pub.Building Badakshan Jars Bazrati Said SCA CONST: Badakshan Jun éaib iakirl2 Ixte: 04/03/96 etc. 8 class rooms t 4 offices, using brick, sheet iron t etc. badaksban Jura 74 DATABASE OF NM ACTIVITIES Badakshan IACBAR Page: 81E EDITION ACTIVITY FUG DURATIOA -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Degia --End ammaiessambs mmoutesesems= aseeersommeamees omeeneasets anima= masmanings 11111011111111 CONST: <ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> Pub.Buìldìng Badakshu Keshea Bazgir SCA Completed SCA 7 9S 11 95 Constrectìoa of school - 8 class moss t 4 offices, sing brick, sheet iron t etc. Badakshaa Ragh Ragh Center NAC Ongoing *Donors 6 95 - - Repair of Ragh Clinic / 10 roas / tia covering / asiag concrete i stoat. Dadaksban Ragli kagh SCA Completed SCA 7 95 12 95 Coastrectioa of 7 -9 room clinic, nsimg brick, :beet iron roofiag I etc. Badakabu Ragh Argo IRC Proposed IINWP Badakshu Sher Bourg Shahr-i-Hazarg NAC Ongoing *Donor: 6 9S - -- Repair of Sbnhr-i- Isaurg Clinic / 10 rooms / tia covering / using concrete 1 stone. Badakshu Star Bouurg Shari Bourg SCA Completed SCA 7 95 12 95 Comstrnctioa of 7-9 room clinic, using brick, sheet iron roofing i etc. Badakshu Iakhu Kàandad RAC Ongoing *Donors 6 95 - - Repair of Bladed school / 12 rooms / tin covering / acing concrete & stae. Dadakshan Iakhaa ghudood SCA Completed SCA 7 95 11 95 Rehabilitation of UNESCO-Type school, using stone, sheet iron ladgbi: %la Nan Center ADP Proposed IIlE Baghlu Amderab Deh Gala SCA Completed SCA 9 95 11 9S Coutraction of 7 -9 room clinic, asiag brick, wooden beams 1 etc. Baghlu Baghlu Shari toas SCA Completed CRICK 7 95 12 95 Coastrnctioa of school - 8 class rooms Baghlaa Barka Barka SCA Completed UNICI 7 9S 12 95 Coastnctiom of school - 8 class rooms i 4 offices, using brick, wooden beaus A etc. Baghlu Doshi Bazaar PSD Completed IFP/BCR 3 95 7 95 Lehabilitatioa of 33 room Lhitab Shaheed high school. Baghlu Doshi Bazaar PSD Completed IFP/ACI 3 95 5 95 Rebabilitatia of 12 room basic health caster. Baghlu Dosbi Bazau PSD Completed IFP/MCI 3 93 6 95 hhabilitatios of g nom girls primary school. Baghlu ghost Frimg [host Frig SCA Completed UNIC1 S 95 12 95 Baghlan Pali [bari [ohna Nasjed AAP Completed VFP 1 95 Doulatabad 27 villages APO completed RCA/NIC NPO Completed FAO - 95 - 95 Castructia of school, uiag stole, sud t steel. - 95 -- -- -- 95 - - 5 95 95 - 95 Coastroctios of hospital. etc. Coutnctioa of a souse for 500 prayers each time. t 4 offices, asiag brick, Wooden beams t etc. Comstrnctios of 7 -9 room clinic, asiag brick, node' beams 1 etc. coutnctios of 6 room primary school uìug wood, brick, caent L mad. Coutactle' of ose veterinary clinic, uimg stoat, said i steel. kith Dowlatabad Balkh Dowlatabad 3 villages RDA Oagoiag IFP - - - - Coutrmctia of mosque i school for 200 families. Balkh Nazar Sharif City GRC Completed IFP - - 2 95 Recastnctia of 9 rooms for boys primary school. Balkh Nazar Sharif Kabul Displ.Cup PSD Completed VFP 1 95 3 95 Castructioa of S classroom school. Nazar Sharif Husain had VIF completed INS 5 95 7 95 coutnctia of Nassaù Abad mosque. IACBA1 t DATABASE OF MO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION l Page: 75 Inkird2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- CONST: --- DISTRICT ---- T1LLASE(S )---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -Fad ------------------------------------ UCTIYITY DESCRIPTION >* Pub .Building 7 95 Nazar Sharif City 11F Completed UIICR Banyan Banyan Center CAVC Proposed NOYIB -- 95 -- -- Constriction of a secondary school (14 rows). Banyan Saighan Rhvaja Ganj CAVO Proposed NOYIB -- 95 -- - Construction of a primary school (10 roas). Banyan Mowing -- iRF Ongoing IFP/IcR Farah Farah City VA1A Proposed 1IFP - 95 -- - Farah Shiadaud Shidaid DACAA1 Oagoiag DIA 5 95 -- - Major repair of school building. Farah Shipload Sbiidand DACAAt Ongoing DIA 5 95 -- -- Coastractìoa of 6 classroom school bedding. Faryab Aedkhoy 6 villages GRC Completed MICR Ghazni Ab Band Ab Dard SCA Comspleted SCA 6 95 12 95 Coistrmctioa of 7 -9 room elicit, 'aim bricks, wooden beam t etc. Ghazni Andar 42 villages IDA Completed 1FPiNICI 6 95 9 95 Ooutrmctìa of 8 room NCI clinic, usieg stone, brick, cement i muter timber. Ghazni Andar Oshawa NAC Completed FM 5 95 8 95 Coutrectia of secondary school t its :nrrouding wall. Ghazni Andar Qalai Sudar SAC Completed MOLAD /OD 6 95 Il 95 Gbazai Andar Zakori NAC Completed PI 5 95 Ghani Andar Sardeb SAC Ongoing NORAD /OD 6 95 -- -- Constriction of 12 roa secondary school. Ghazni Andar Naie SCA Completed UNICA 6 95 12 9S Constnctia of 7 -9 room clinic, esiag bricks, nodes beat etc. Gbazai Aider Iasi SCA Completed SCA 5 95 10 95 Coutractia of school - 8 class rooms 14 offices, ssìag brick, wooden beams i etc. Ghazni Deb Yak Tani SCA Completed UNICt 4 95 I1 95 Ooistnctia of school - 8 class rooms 14 offices, wing brick, wooden bens t etc. Ghazni Gela Gela CoAt Completed SCA/IRC - 92 - 95 Repair of Gela secondary school t RUC. Ghana Gelai Getan COAL Osgoimg SCA/IC -- 9S - 96 Repair of Gelaa school. Maui Gelai Gelai CoAI Omgoiag NWE - 9S -% Oostribmtiem of sob office beildiag. Ghazni Ghazni Center CoAt Completed NCA/NIC - 95 -9S Repair of school t RDCa. Ghazni Ghani Pavia School DACAAR _Completed Duida 6 95 - - Coestrictia of 8 classroom school / staff hase t latrines. Ghazal Gbaui Arzoo SAC IN 7 95 11 95 Coutnctioa of clinic. ACBAR Completed 5 95 Constriction of Nit tali school boundary wall. Balkh 9 95 -- - 2 95 -- -- 8 95 Constriction of secondary school. Rehabilitation of 4 school baildiags. Reconstnctia of 9 rooms for Andtboy school. Ooutrvetia of 12 roa secondary school. Constriction of secondary school t it: sorroasdiag wall. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 76 Zaki rt2 Date: 04/03/% 8Th EDITION I ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- CONST: - -- DISTRICT ---- ----VILLAGE(S)---- FUNDED AGENCY -- STATUS -- - - -BY -- DURATION -tACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> Begin --End Pub .Bu i'ding Constriction of 1 -9 roa cliaie, rsieg bricks, wooden heal 1 etc. 6 9S 12 95 Ghazni Giro Giro SCA Completed SCA Ghazni Jaghats Sarab CAIC Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Repair of Shaheed Abdullah intermediate school (9 rooms). Ghazni Jaghats Jaghats OAR Completed NCk1NRC - 95 - 9S Constractioa of school i ADC. Ghazai Jaghata Qeyaq NAC Completed FN S 95 10 95 Coastractioa of secomdary school. Gbazai Jaghats Sarah NAC Completed MORAD S 95 10 95 Coastractioa of 12 room girls secondary school. Ghazni Jaghats Galbosri MAC Completed FM 5 95 10 95 Constriction of 12 room secondary school. Ghazni Jaghats Sarah SCA Completed SCA 6 9S 11 95 Castrnctioa of 7 -9 room clinic, stieg bricks, coacrete beam 1 etc. Ghazni Jaghori 8 villages SO Completed PFP/Hct 7 95 11 95 Constriction of 8 primary schools baildìmg (6 classroom each), Wag corrugate sheets / stogy / sanest / mad mortar / voodea beau. Ghazni Jaghori Sang -i -kasha SO Oegoieg IFPIER 11 95 1 96 Contraction of 32 classroom high school, stieg corrugate sheets I stone I cement / mad mortar / wooden beau. Ghazal Jaghori Sang -i -kasha SO Oegoiag IFP I0 95 1 96 Coastractioa of several additiaul rooms to the ezistieg Nilding of Shahada hospital, stieg carragate sheets / stove / cement I mad sorter I tooden beau. Ghazal Khvja Omri Tormai SCA Completed MICR 4 95 11 9$ Coastrectiom of school - 8 class rooms 14 offices, esing brick, voodea beat i etc. Ghazal Khuaja Osri Qalai Nov SCA Completed UNICA 6 95 11 9S Coutrsctìoa of 7 -9 room clisic, uieg bricks, wooden bees 1 etc. Ghazni Molests' 10 villages IDA Proposed IFP/ICA -- 9S - -- Ghazni Malestar Shins Deb SO Oegoitg 11 /IFP 10 93 Gèazai kogor Center CoAR Completed NCAINIC -- 92 - 95 Ghazni last lava SCA Completed INCA 4 95 11 95 Gáazai Qarabagh Ahees AFS Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Aim primary school. Ghazal %robagh 12 villages IDA Proposed 'FP - 9S -- - Construction of 10 room school baildiag for 240 students. Ghazni tear Khan tam Khan CoAR Completed Irate -- 92 - 95 Rehabilitation of Zemakba& primary school. Cbazai lean Khan Zas Khan CoAR Completed NGUNRC - 95 - 9S Contribatioa in sub office baildiag. Ohazni Zes Khan Zata Khan Completed SCA lelsud linead Ehavy Proposed IIIDCP BAFO Coutrsctioa of 10 root school building for 240 :tiniest:. Coutractìon of a high school building vith 32 classrooms, uiag corrugate sheets / mid mortar / model besas. 7 96 Repair of Mosgee 1 hospital. Constractioa of school - 8 class rooms 14 offices, asiag brick, voodea besas h etc. Constriction of 7 -9 room clinic, axing bricks, concrete bea i etc. 6 9S 12 9S -- 9S - - Page: 77 Constriction of primary school. Zakirh2 Date: 04/03/% . -PROVINCEVICSOI20101====1S - -- DISTRICT - - -- -- -- YILIAOE(S }---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION Begin- -End Rent Heut Heut Bent Herat Rent Herat Herat Heut Herat Herat Herat bent Herat Bettand Eajeel Eajeel Eajeel Enjeel Enjeel Enjeel Eajeel Enjeel Enjeel Enjeel Eujeel Enjeel Enjeel Enjeel Chesht Shar. Nasse Barat. Uzbek Urdu lion City Anbau City City Path Abolealid Shaman Jauiat Boni tarbss Asir Hussain City City City Isfaraz Center DACHA' DACAAI DACAAI DACAAI DACHAA DACAAI DACAAI DACAAI DACAAI DACAAt DACAAI DACAAI DACAAI DACAAt DACAAI DACAAR DACAAI BRA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Ongoing Proposed 11111Ct. Paaida DIA UMECI Duida EU Duida Iluida DIA EU Duida Duida EU *boors SCF-UE Daaida EU EU DIA CIDA 2 95 - - 6 95 - -- 9 94 -- -- 8 95 - -- S 95 - 1 95 10 94 1 94 6 94 6 94 10 94 5 94 12 94 9 94 6 94 4 94 10 94 S 95 4 95 2 95 2 95 195 5 94 5 95 2 95 3 95 5 95 2 95 1 95 4 95 5 95 2 95 5 95 S 95 -- -- - 95 -- -- Constriction of 12 classroom school "wilding. Construction of 6 classroom school "wilding. Construction of 4 classroom school building. Major repair of comity center. Constructiom of 6 classroom school building. Coutnctiom of 6 classroom school "wilding. Repair of fart "wilding. Major repair of 2 school buildings. Major repair of commit) center. Major repair of community center Construction of 6 classroom school building. Major repair of comity center Major repair of comnaity center. Construction of 6 clusroon school building. Construction of 8 classroom school building. Contraction of 6 classroom school building. Major repair of comity center. Construction of 2 storey school building (12 classrooms). Major repair of school building A constriction of 1 additional classrooms. (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Herat Enjeel Salih Abad DACAAI Ongoing DIA 1 95 - -- Comstructiom of 6 clamons school "wilding. ===ic Herat Enjeel City DACAAt Ongoing Duida 6 95 - -- ---BY- Herat Eajeel City DEAR Ongoing UNICR STA1ilS-- ®a Herat Eajeel Jagbara DACAAt Ongoing mma Herat Enjeel City DACAAN Pub.Building =11116=.11.111.2 Heut Enjeel Boni [arban CONST: Heut Enjeel Contraction of 6 clusraom school building. Construction of 4 additional classrooms. lati rt2 Date: 04/03/% DATADASE OF MOO ACTIVITIES 18 - Construction of 10 root hospital building with local materials. Herat IACBAR Page: 8TH EDITION --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- Ghoryan Esbar Danese Kabotar Khan Kurt Quchonat Gozara Enjeel Enjeel Enjeel Ghoryan Ghoryan Ghoryan Gozarah Gozarah Gozarah Gozarah Gozarah Gozarah Gozarah Gulran Outran Gulran Herat Herat Karoth Karoth Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat IA C B A R City Enjeel Herat 2 villages A Darvish/Yata Various City Guiran Gulran Zerati learnt Ja Azarqi Nishin Ghoryan City City Sarvistan Deb Shait Enjeel Herat City Enjeel Pub.Building - -- DISTRICT ---- Berat CONST: PROVINCE -- NPO NPO SCF -IIK AREA -1 DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR PRS DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR AGENCY ACTIVITY Capleted Completed Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Capleted Completed Completed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION NCA /NRC NCA/NRC SCF Nus.Helf DIA DIA DIA Danida DIA Danida EU EU EU EU 7 95 6 95 5 95 S 95 8 95 -- - -- - Page: ?9 Danish Ali 8 rooms t Yair Daratht 7 rooms. Construction of 2 primary schools - Khalifa Rahmat 7 roas t binary 7 roas. Construction of 2 primary schools Construction of schools. keconstruction of ITCH clinic. Construction of 6 classroom school building. Repair of agricultural extension service building. Construction of 6 classroon school building. Construction of 6 classroon school building. Repair of public building. Major repair of mosque t catnnity center. Construction of 12 classroa school building. Major repair of school building. Major repair of school building. Construction of 6 clusrooi school building. Construction of 6 classroon school building. Construction of 6 classroon school building. Construction of 6 classroom school building. Constriction of SO bed hospital. Construction of 6 classroom school building. Construction of Main Office for DACAAR Vest. Construction of 6 classroom school building. Construction of 6 classroom school building. Repair of historical monunent. ----- ------------------------ ---- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES -- -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 4 94 -- -- -- 95 5 95 -- -- S 95 S 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 8 95 -- -- 6 94 10 94 - 10 94 10 94 2 95 6 95 -- -- NCR 4 95 4 95 -- -- 5 94 -- 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 12 94 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 8 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- Begin -- End UNHCR EU Private UNHCR DACAAR Danida DIA Danida -- -BY - -- 8TH EDITION I -PROVINCE- CONST: DISiR1Cf---- ACTIVITY PUDlDED DURATION AGCY --STATUS- ---DY--- Regis--End -- 95 -- 95 tACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOib,- Pub.Building Berat Karokh Dual) PO Completed NCAINRC Herat Kohsu Kohsu DACAAR Completed EU 6 94 Herat Kohsan Kohsan DACAAR Ongoing Danida 2 95 - - Repair of historical moment. Berat Kohut' Islam Qala DACHAR Ongoing Danida 2 95 -- -- Construction of 6 classroa school building. Herat Kohut Qisil Islam DACAAR Ongoing DIA 5 95 -- -- Construction of 6 classroom school building. Herat Kusht Knsbk DACAAR Completed DIA 5 95 Herat Kuhl Chahar Darn DACAAR Ongoing DIA 5 9S -- -- Construction of 6 classroa school building. Herat Kasht Qash Asiab DACAAR Ongoing DIA 5 95 - Construction of 6 classroa school building. Herat Obey Obeh DACHA Completed EU Herat Obey Obeh DACAAR Ongoing DIA Herat Puhtun Zar. Books DACAAR Completed EU 12 94 7 95 Construction of 6 classroom school building. Herat Pashtos Zar. Pasha DACAAR Completed EU Il 94 7 95 Coutrmction of 6 classroom school building. Berat Pashto' Zar. DACAAR Completed EU IO 94 7 95 Construction of 12 clusroos school building. Herat Pashto& zar. Saliny DACAAR Ongoing URDU 4 95 -- -- Coutruction of 6 classrooe school building. berat Zendajan Shikiban DACHAR Ongoing DIA 8 95 -- -- Repair of public building. lavzjan Sang Chard 4 villages GRC Completed VFP - 1 95 Javzjan Sang Chant 3 villages GRC Completed 'FP - - 195 iarzjan Sang Chard 6 villages GRC Completed 1I1 Kabul Dagrui Sbeena ADAg Completed CIDA 1 95 11 95 Kabul Chardehi Chardehi ARO Proposed NFP -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of public buildings. label Chardehi Duhti Barchi RDA Proposed JFP -- 95 -- -- Castrmction_of 11 room boys school building for 240 students. Kabul Chardehi Dashti Barchi RDA Proposed VFP -95 - -- Construction of 11 room girls school building for 240 students. Kabul Kabul Center AFRANE Completed EU -- 95 -- 95 Constrictioa of health clinic. A C B A R - . 2 9S 8 95 Constriction of 6 classroom school bmildimg. Repair of agricultural extension service building. 5 95 Major repair of school building. 5 95 - - Najor repair of school bmildìug. 10 94 v -- Coutrmctioa of Doub priury school ( 9 roons). -- - 1 95 Reconstruction of Nasjide Sabz mosque. Reconstruction of boys secondary school. Constriction of 9 rooms for Shathabad girls school. Reconstruction of Sheens school. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 80 Zakirk2 Date: 04/03/96 8111 EDITION 1 --- -YIILAGE(S) -- -- ARM Kalakan Khushab City Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kalakan Mir Bachakot Paghman Paghoan Qara Bagli Sarobi Shakar Dara Arghistan Daman Duan Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabel Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar. Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar ( A C B A R ARDS Kabul City Kabul Share Nov Center City City RDA ARDS ARDS ARDS ALDA PET'RA Gunk Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Capleted Completed Completed Proposed Completed AMA RSSA Completed Proposed Proposed Proposed Completed Proposed Proposed Proposed SCA PRS PRS BDA SCA RADA BCI NCI Proposed Proposed UFO HAFO Surveyed Surveyed Proposed IFP UNICEF EU EU CIDA s. DURATION - 1 95 7 95 8 9S 7 95 11 95 9 95 10 95 4 95 5 95 - 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 6 95 I1 95 10 9S 12 9S - 95 -- -- 12 94 5 95 11 95 -95 -- - -- 95 - -- -- 95 - -- 6 95 11 95 -- 95 -- - -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95.-- -- -- 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- - 95 -- -- hegia -End Page: 81 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Rehabilitation of school for 1,500 students, ZakirR2 Date: 04 /03/96 8T8 EDITION Rehabilitation of 9 coons for UNICEF EPI progras in Mirvais baba Hospital aduisistration building. Reconstruction of 3rd floor of Nursing Building is Miruais Baba hospital, used as regional training center. The old Red Crescent Building of Kandahar city is fully remodeled t is used for NCH services. Recoutnction of Albirai Nigh School. Rehabilitation of Khushab primary school. Construction of basic Health Center (BHC). Construction of 9 soot school. Construction of 6 root Gil Data clinic, using backed bricks t timber roofing. Reconstruction of high school for 600 students. Reconstruction of UNESCO -Type school. Construction of primary school. Construction of 50 bed hospital. Rehabilitation of lisa high school. Construction of 7 -9 root clinic, using bricks, concrete & etc. Reconstruction of Shir Par kindergarten. Repair of 8 mosques. Repair of 34 schools. Rehabilitation of Bada Bagh eiperieental agricultural fars. Repair of Nabibia Nigh School. Repair of A.Nadi Doti Bigh School. Repair of Neune No.3 School. Repair of Ghafoor Nadia Nigh School. ----- DATABASE OF Nû4 ACTIYITIFS ----- IFP/HCR EU tI01CR CIDA IFP SCA Private Private CIDA SCA IFP /NCA IFP /HCI IFP/HCI IFP /FAO NRC /NCA WP WOMINOMm 11110711Miffilli FUSED -- -BY --- ACTIVITY -STATUS -- AIR Gal Dara Sarobi Khidrian Pagbuan Paghsa; Zima Kabul Kabul City City Kabul City AIR Kabul Kabul City Kabul ARK Kabul Kabul City AGENCY Kabul Pub .Bui'ding --- DISTRICT - - -- Kahl CONST: -PROVINCE -- -PROVINCE -- fillON=L CONST: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin-End Na=== NOMIRXMISCIL 111191/1= (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Pub.Building Kandahar Kandahar Kariz RDA Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Constriction of 13 room Karen secondary school for 330 students. Kandahar Kandahar City RDA Proposed VFP - 95 -- -- tbnstnctìn of 9 roos blood bank building. Kandahar Kandahar City RDA Proposed IFP - 95 -- - Constructiot of 11 room clinic building. Kandahar Kandahar Center lUA Proposed IFP - 95 - - Construction of Yakh Karez Kalai Mosque for SOO prayers. Kandahar Kandahar City RDA Proposed VFP -- 95 - - Contraction of 10 room Taleban Office. Kandahar Kandahar City SRCDA Completed CIDA 9 95 11,95 lepair of Albioni 22 root high school. Kandahar Kandahar City VARA Completed IFP/HCI 4 95 7 95 lepair of Sn lama historical mosgñe. Kandahar Kandahar City VARA Completed IFP /HCl 4 95 8 95 lepair of Kaki Sayed Ahmad 21 room secondary school building. Kandahar Khakrais AIDS Completed EU 6 95 11 95 Kandahar Naruf Dal MIRA Completed CIDA Kandahar Maysamd Ghorgk HAFO Proposed Kandahar Maynnd Center MRC Kandahar Panini Kujaei Kandahar Construction of Basic Health Center (BHC ). -- 95 - 95 lecastructin of school building. IMIDCP -- 95 -- - Contraction of primary school. Completed IFP/HCR -- 95 - 95 lehabilitatin of Minn Hospital. OHA Completed SAUDI -- 95 - 95 lehabilitatin of Kujani Mosque. Shahnli Kot AIDS Completed EU 8 95 12 95 coutnction of Basic Health Center (BBC). Kandahar Shahnli Kot ANDS Completed EU S 95 11 95 Coutrection of OPD 1 remodeling of comprehensive health center. Kapisa Panjshare Barart PRB Coepleted ARCON /Pv 5 92 tbutnetion of 36 room boys high school, using steel I concrete. Lapin Tagab Landa Khel PDA Approved CIDA/IPF Kunar Bar Kunar 6 villages AINA Completed UIBICK 9 95 12 95 Construction of primary boys school building. bear bar Kann 5 villages AINA Ongoing IBBBCR 8 95 -- Constriction of boys primary school building. Kunar Bar Kuraar ISBA Completed ISBA 5 94 Kranar Bar Kunst Shari Kundi RDA Proposed IFP Kunar Chaghasarai Center AINA Completed DECK 9 95 12 95 Construction of primary girls school building. Kunar Cnaghasarai AINA Ongoing MCI 8 95 -- - Construction of girls primary school building. rACBAR ' 5 95 -- 95 - - 8 95 - 95 -- - Constriction of 6 room Landa [het primary school. Ooutnctin of one living room for orphans (muddy). Constriction of Asmar Mosque for 500 prayers. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 82 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 - 87I EDITION ----YILLAGE(S{---- 7 villages Tisha A,B, Chaghasàrai Chaghasarai Cbagóasarai Chaghasarai hoar bur Center Radall Narang Alaramg Moristau Sirkanay Chauki Chub* luar Narang Kan8 Pech Pech Pech Pech Pech Pech Pech Pech Sirkauy bur lanar lunar lomear Lanar loar Lanar Lu&r lunar haar Misr Leur Laut Lunar [CbAR tharki Chapa Dan Lanar Skiai lam Aran leigal Nanglan Nauglam Lichalu Shinagal Landi Chap Dan Chap& Data Lanar Asadnbad Chaghaurai Lanar 7 vi l lages landau Tavheed lanar . Cbaghasarai lunar lìarabad Cbagbasarai Pub .Bui lding ---DISTRICT---- Lunar CONST: -PROYINCE-- . ACTIYITY ISBA 1RC MAC MAC MAC All A18 AIN[ AAID ISBA ESAR Completed Proposed Omgoiug Ongoing Completed Proposed Proposed Ongoing Omgoing Completed Completed Ongoing Proposed WC AREA -1 Completed Completed MUM ESAI Approved Proposed MC ARADA Completed Proposed Proposed Completed Completed Ongoing --STATUS- SCA RDA RDA ISBA ISBA AREA-I AMC! FUNDED DULIlTION 3 96 ISLA U®P MAC MC MAC 1FP !fP 1111/1C1 IfP/DACA ISBA UNCP SCA UNICP 3 9i Page: 83 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Narang high school A 320 m compoud all. Coutrectia of I souque. Construction of secondary school. Coutructia of 8 room primary school. Oistnctia of 8 room primary school. Constriction of leigal primary school. hcoutnctiot of Mangias Nigh School. Recontraction of Magian hospital 1 high school. Constriction of primary school baildin8. Comtructiom of i mosga it also be used as madrasa. Coutrectia of I mosque. Contrition of12 room Reeonstrnctia of Radall school. Coestnetìoo of high school. Construction of &oki high school (12 class rooms) 1 320 m compoaad all. Construction of school building - 6 classrooms. Contraction of Chapa Dura primary school. Construction of high school. Rehabilitation of UNESCO -Type school ase stone, concrete beans 1 etc. Comstractia of clinic for unending villages. Construction of 13 roam school building for 330 students. Coutrectiom of 1 Mosque. Construction of 1 Mosque. Reconstruction of Maabad health clinic. latirf2 Date: 04 /03/96 DATABASE of Mco ACTIVITIES 2 94 12 93 - 96 - - - 94 - - - 94 - - -7.94 -95 -- 95 - - - 9S - - 8 95 -- - S 95 -- -9311 95 5 95 12 95 12 95 -- 96 - - 5 9511 9S 8 95 1195 UM UND(P -- 9S - - - 96 - - 4 95 II 95 -- 95 -- - -- 95 - - - 93 12 95 4 94 12 95 I2 95 .NO11111iM legit-End U108 UMDCP SCA VFP 1FP ISBA ISBA SCA --BY-- 818 ®ITION I -PROVINCE -- CONST: ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- DISTRICT ---- ---- YILIAOE(S) - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -DI - -- MOIMMM1110M= 21MOMOMMOICIM=M= MMM= !==MMM === Degit- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONY 11====1.0 Pub.Building Lanar Sirkanay Pashad MADERA Completed MADERA 3 94 4 95 Restoration of tosgae, benefit 100 families. bur Sirkanay Valapar ISSA Ongoing IE cL 1 96 4 96 Contraction of 6 root latapar primary school, uitg baked bricks l tither roofing. Dear Sirkanay Srakaay 1IC Proposed UNBCP - 96 -- - Laedaz Archi Archi SCA Completed I118CL 7 95 12 95 Rehabilitation of district hospital. Ludes Banat Iun Basos SCA Completed ONICt 5 95 12 95 C utrtctiot of 7 -9 room clinic, asìtg brick, Wooden bean l etc. Ludes Murat liai lut Sahib SCA Completed MICR 6 95 12 95 Castractiot of school - 8 class rocs l 4 offices, asiag brick, wooden beats & etc. Landes Lhaubad City CIL Ongoing 110 Loadas Lhaubad Lhamabad SCA Completed Q®Ct tudu Ludas Gal Tapa C8R Osgoitg 110 -- 93 -- -- Ludaz Ludo City SCA Completed SC& 6 95 12 95 Laghtan Aliagar Aliagar APIA Proposed 1FP - 9S -- -- Wheal Alitgar Shib M.Huit ARARA Completed UIIß 8 95 12 95 Contraction of primary school, 'libretto prograa with (ARARA, EIAR, KURA). Laghsan Aliagar testa ARC Completed GTZ/WP 5 95 12 95 Constriction of 2 storey high school baildiag, isiag stone, cunt l steel bar. Laghw Aliagar Shkeh 1.11161 BCURA Completed MCI 8 9S 11 95 Contraction of school baildiag - 6 classrooms. Laghmat Alitgar Cuter ad Completed net 8 95 11 95 Custractioa of 7 classroom school. Laghmu Aliagar Anal ICE Proposed CIDA - 95 - -- Contraction of 6 room primary school, ased baked bricks l timber rooflagg. Lathan ¡Hagar Sugar MALUF Oagoimg GTZ/1FP - 95 - - Recoutractioa of Shaikh M.Hassait high School. Lagèut Aliagar Sugar SCA Completed SCA laghut Alitgar Boor Lam 1LC Proposed It®P Wheat Alishiag Alishiag ARE Ongoing 111/1C1 8 95 - - Loghut Aushing All Proposed Gummy - 9S - -- leeastractioi of Alishiag school. Laghmst Alfshft; Alishamg HCl Otgoiag 1FP/1CI - 95 -- Coutnction of 7 roa office. Wheal Alishitg Alishiag ICI Proposed 1FP/1CI - 95 - - Lepair of Alishiag high school. _ - 92 -- - 6 95 12 95 7 95 12 95 - 96 -- -- Page: 14 Contraction of high school. Contraction of comprehensive health center (11 roots). Contraction of school - 8 class roas l 4 offices, asìtg brick, wooden beats l etc. Contraction of Basic health center (4 roas). Constriction of school - 8 clue rows l 4 offices, asimg brick, woodea bean l etc. Recontractfoa of Nia High School. Contraction of 7 -9 room clinic, asiag bricks, colcrete l etc. Caatrrction of lokat school. C astractia of primary school baildiag. 1akirR2 Date: 04/03/96 ACTIVITY -PROVINCE-- ial=1,111==f CONST: MIII ---DISTRICT---- ----VILLAGE(S)---: FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- --DY -- IN=SICL WININOIrat 1111111==C NPO Completed NCA/NCR -- 95 -- 95 Coestroctioa of 9 roon school,osing stone, said 1 cement. Degia- -End -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Pub.Building Alishing Aliahing Deva RDA Approved UNBCR -- 95 -- - Constriction of doors, endues t floor concrete for school. Alishing Aiisbimg SCA Completed SCA ,4 95 Rehabilitatiom of UNESCO -Type school ose stone, concrete beans t etc. When Duletsha Dnlat Shah ARADA Completed UNRC1 8 95 12 95 constriction of primary school, e brella program with (ARADA, MAR, BCURA). Legion Dawlataha Daolatshah DCURA Completed INICI 8 95 11 95 Coestroctiom of school boildimg - 6 clusroo.s. Legbmaa Dulatahe Center MAR Completed IAA 8 95 11 95 Constriction of 7 classroom school. Laghman Rehterlam Teergari ARADA Completed AMBO[ 8 95 12 95 Constriction of priory school, mmbrefle progre with (ARADA, MAR, BCURA). Laghman Nehterlsm Raider ilhni ARDO Proposed IfFP/Bpl Lagbman Nehterlam Iola Ogle MAR Completed UNBCI Lai Nehterla. Nehtarlu NCI Completed IFP/NCI tagliai Nehterlaw Nehterlam RADERA Completed Prea.Gvt fagh.aa Nehterlao Bayder Ihaai ICU Proposed RPP/ICR -- 95 - - Constriction of Rayder Khali school with 16 classrooms 12 office. Legion Nehterlaa- O.erzai RDA Proposed VFP/NC1 - 95 -- - Constriction of 15 roa school beildimg for 360 stedeets. Laghou Nehterlam Center SAVE Ongoing DNIU1 9 95 -- -- Coutrectìn of girls primary school for 500 stedeets. Laglaan Nehterlaa 8 villages START Ongoing CIDA 3 94 -- -- Lepair of Rehtarla. school. Laghi Nooristan Codar DDA Ongoing UNICI 9 95 -- - Constriction of 6 room primary school imcloding 4 sets latrines. Lagkaa Qarghaie ANN Proposed Germagy -- 95 -- - Recomstnctio of Qarghaie middle school. new Qarghaìe Chatbagh AP10 Proposed !FP -- 95 -- -- Recoutrectiom of Charbagh Nigh School. Qarghaie Qargbaie ARFJI -t Completed SCA 6 95 12 95 Laghi Qarghaie Charbagh A11A -1 Ongoing BNNCI 12 95 Leglinu Qargheie Char Bagh ARIA -2 Proposed MICR -- 95 - -- FSAI Completed IFPIINßS NPO Completed SCAMP - Whim Qarghaie Lsgh.aa Qarghaie hit Ike las ACBAR . 9 95 -- 9S - -- 8 95 11 95 - 94 -- 95 3 54 4 95 2 95 3 96 8 95 -- 95 - 95 Constriction of DIU. Comstnctìon of i clansmen school. tecastnctiom of venerable grail, training center. Cca:tro tick of 1 forest Coutrectiom of Qarghaie elementary school. tecoutroctioe of tharbagh health clinic. Contraction of primary school, 6 classrooms 1 teacher room esimg baked bricks 8 tither roofing. Constriction of S room school, uimg cued, stone t said. DATABASE OF NOO ACTIVITIES 85 t Constriction of hit Ike fas high school (12 PAW. A Page: center with 3 rooms t 1 floor. EakìrI2 Date: 14183/96 8TB EDITI011 CHIT/ -PROYINCE-- CONST: ---DISTRICT---- ----YILLAGE(S}---- mmT --STAiUS-- IN= FUIIDn DURATION <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION > -` 1111111111MM= 11I= NPO Completed NCAIIFP 91.71111111111111111109S Pub.Building Laghat Qargbaie LagMan Qarghaie Kakis SCA Completed SCA Lagbut Qarghaie Aliad Zai SCA Completed Logar Azra 5 villages IDA Logar Azra 9 villages Logar Azra Logar - 95 - 95 Contraction of 4 room school,asing ceaeat, stone 1 sand. 4 95 11 95 Contraction of school - 8 class rooms 14 offices, using brick, concrete beans 1 etc. SCA S 95 11 95 Cotstractioa of school - 8 class tons 1 4 offices, using brick, concrete beams 1 etc. Completed 1FP 6 95 11 9S Cotstnctioi of Ann Nosgae for 500 prayers. RDA Proposed IFP - 95 - - Contractiot of No.2 clinics. 9 villages- RDA Proposed 1FP -- 95 - -- Contraction of No.l chain. Baraki Shaada IDA Proposed CIDA - 95 -- - lebabilitatiom of Shaade high school. Logar Barati Barati CoAL Completed NCA/VIC - 95 - 95 Ezteniom of IDC. Logar barati - IDA Completed IFP 1 95 10 95 Contractioi of road kneel Logar - lardai. Logar Denali Wound SCA Completed SCA S 95 Il 95 Contnctioa of school - 8 clue toms 14 offices, a sing brick, voodoo beaus 1 etc. Logar Charkbb Kharuar SCA Completed SCA S 95 10 95 Contraction of school - 8 clos rows 14 offices, sting brick, aoodee bean 1 etc. Logar Logar Logar NCI Completed ICI 8 94 - 9S lepair of orphauge. Leger Nohd Agha ARAI Proposed 11A - 95 - - Logar Nohd Agha Zarghooa Shat SCA Completed SCA 6 95 11 95 Coutrrctia of 7 -9 room clinic, asiag bricks, modes bean 1 etc. Nangarbar &ti lot Char Dehi 121A Ongoing IFP/WI 7 9S -= - Contractiom of 10 rom Chat khi girls'priaary school asiag baked brida A timber roofiag. langurbar Doti Kot &tikot MCAAI Onoiag Duida 1 9S - - &oastrutiom of 12 clusrooh High School, staff nose 1 latrine :. Ingather &ti Kot iS villages RAI Completed MCI 6 95 8 95 tecoutnctioa of larikab Boys Primary School. &agarbar Doti lot 15 villages RAB Ongoing VECI 6 95 - - Coutrtctia of larikab Girls Primary School. laagarhsr Behead Zargni ARDO Proposed IP/tEP Ramada knead Bash Gasbad DACAAI Completed DACAAL 6 94 Ingather Behead DACAAI Ongoing batide 2 95 - - Recoutractioi of 8 clusrooa school, :toff honst 1 [grins. laagarbar Behstd &bead I1SA1 Completed IFP 3 94 Coutractiom of klamd Gin mope. Ingather &hard Targai MAN Ongoing ZINC 8 95 - - ACBAI . _ Coutractia of mosque Mildiag. - 95 - - Contractio of school. 3 95 Primary school kildiag 2 9S Coo:trutia of 6 clauna primary school. DATABASE OF 1GO ACTIVITIES Page: 86 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT ---- 1111.1=MIWZIONIMOS 119.110i1s CONST: ----VII.LAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY --STATUS-- 1=111111.t Pub.Building s FUNDED DURATION -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) =011111===li Nangarhar Bebsud Beland Ghar IHSAN Proposed UNHCR -- 95 -- -- Construction of 12 classroom school. Nangarhar Behsud Deland Ghar IHSAN Proposed MICR -- 95 -- - Construction of Basic Health Unit. Nangarhar Behind Zangoy NERO Proposed UNHCR -- 95 -- -- Construction of 8 room secondary school, acing baked bricks 1 timber roofing. Nangarhar Bebsud Bland Ghar NERO Proposed UNHCR - 95 -- -- Coastraction of 7 room clinic, asiag baked bricks I timber roofing. Nangarhar Bebsnd Bebsood MPO Completed *Donors Nangarhar Behead NPO Completed NCA/1FP Nangarhar Behsnd -- SJA10 Completed IRC /Self Nangarhar Chaparhar Kandi Bagb ACRO Proposed l*HS -- 95 -- - Coastrectioe of Kandi Bagb 6 room primary school. Nangarhar Chaparhar Chaparhar ARDO Proposed 1FP /UNDP -- 95 -- -- Construction of school. Nangarhar Darae Moor Barkoot MADERA Completed UNDCP Nangarhar. Deb Bala Jadara ISRA Completed BRA Nangarhar Deh Bala - NAVA Ongoing CIDA Nangarhar Deb Bala Deb Bala SCA Completed SCA 7 95 12 95 Nangarhar Hesarak - ADP Proposed WP - 95 - -- Nangarhat Regard Recant AREA -I Completed SCA 6 9S 12 95 Nangarbar Hesarak Ghonda Saray AREA -2 Proposed UNHCR Nangarhar Hesarak Sind SCA Completed SCA Nangarhar Jalalabad Hada Fan ACLU Ongoing Govt.Naa 12 93 -- -- Constriction of Najndeen Athondxada Islamic University 3 wings RCC 1 brick. Nangarhar Jalalabad City AERRA Proposed GTZ - 95 -- -- Construction of 8 room primary school using baked bricks 1 timber roofing 1 set up Nangarhar Jalalabad City ARC Ongoing Al -basar Nangarhar Jalalabad City AREA -1 Completed GTZ Nangarhar Jalalabad City AREA -1 emitted Germ.Gov 3 95 12 9S Constriction of orthopaedic clinic. Nangarhar Jalalabad City AREA -1 Completed MA 2 95 12 95 Construction of MCI - hided by !Instill Helfen Germany. iA C B A R 6 94 3 95 -- 94 -- 95 S 9S 8 94 . 7 9S 3 95 Construction of 6 -room middle school, using burnt bricks, cement, stone 1 iron. Constractioa of 12 root school, sting steel, stone 1 meat. Oomstractiom of additional Toone in [hush Gaubad Dural bafu. Constructioi of I primary school with 8 rooms 1 1 floor to benefit 1,700 families. - 94 -- 95 Construction of I mosque. - 95 -- - Constriction of 14 roam high school. -- 95 - -- 4 95 II 95 Contraction of 7 -9 tool clinic, using bricks, concrete 1 etc. Constractioi of 2 schools for 650 students. Constriction of beoral eleneitary school. Construction of Hesarak primary school, 6 classrooms 1 1 teacher room axing baked bricks 1 timber roofing. Constriction of school - 8 class roots 14 offices, using brick, concrete beams 1 etc. 9 95 2 96 Constnctioa of 2 storey building for eye hospital, using stone, cement 1 steel bar. 11 94 7 95 Construction of Nato Ana girls school. DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES - Page: 87 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 of electrical facilities. 8T1 EDITION -PROVINCE -- CONST: - -- DISTRICT --- - -- -YILUIGE(S) - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AG}ICY -- STATUS -- =CS - --BI -- Begin- -End ==12 -<ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION>r Pub.Building Nangarhàr Jalalabad City AREA -2 Completed MVO 3 95 6 95 Repair of public health hospital 1 sanitation of the building Nangarhar Jalalabad Araban BCURA Completed WFP 8 94 9 95 Reconstruction of mosque. Nangarhar Jalalabad Araban BCURA Completed VFP 10 94 11 95 Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad BCURA Completed RFP -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad BCURA Ongoing SGAA 7 95 -- -- Nangarbar Jalalabad 10 villages BDA Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Farm Bada HCI Ongoing VFP/HCI 9 94 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad . HCI Ongoing VFP/HCI -- 95 -- -- Repair of 40 room public building for disabled training center. Nangarhar Jalalabad City IHSAN Proposed UNHCR -- 95 Construction of boundary malls for kangarhar High School. Nangarhar Jalalabad Buda Canp RDA Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Center SJAVO Completed IRC /SJAR 5 95 7 95 Repair of Nianar #1 primary school. Nangarhar Jalalabad City SRDA Completed SGAA 7 95 9 95 Repair of 4 rooms within Jalalabad Public health hospital ! construction of 2 extra rooms. Nangarhar Jalalabad Farm liada SRDA Completed CARITAS 8 95 9 95 Construction of a cottage in Bada to be used as clinic for cholera care. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center 'RC Proposed UNDP -- 96 -- -- Constriction of Nangarhar high school. Nangarhar Rama Murad Ali High S. DACAAR Ongoing Danida II 94 -- -- Reconstruction of 15 classroom old building high school A staff house. Nangarhar Kane Novabad ENAR Completed UNHCR 8 9510 95 Nangarbar Rana Kama OF Completed IBUICP 1 95 3 95 Reconstruction of Kan Middle school / 12 classrooms 1 512 students A 20 teachers. Nangarhar Kama Kama KADERA Completed EU 5 95 6 95 Repair of agriculture center with 6 room A I floor. Nangarbar Rama Banjano NERO Proposed UNHCR -- 95 -- -- Constriction of 7 room NCB clinic, using baked bricks A timber roofing. Nangarhar Khogiani Kuz Bohiar AAEA Proposed UNHCR -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of Kuz Bohiar primary school. Nangarbar Khogiani mazir ACDO Ongoing MCI -- 95 -- - Construction of nursery building in Alayee girls high school. Nangarhar Khogiani hobo ACRO Proposed YFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of mosque. Nangarhar Khogiani Kaabe- ACDO Proposed 1FP -- 95 -- -- Constriction of high school. 7 95 -- Construction of 12 room primary school. Reconstruction of school building - 8 classrooms / 4 'arises A 3 bathrooms Construction of school building - 2 classrooms / 1 office l 3 bathrooms. Construction of 5 classrooms d repair of 27 class rooms of Naswan No. 2 high school. School reconstruction A repair. Construction of office for UNOCHA in Bada Camp. Repair of Madrasa and construction of ablution place 1 bathrooms. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 88 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION moo DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY- -- Begin --End ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT ---- CONST: ---- YILUCI{S } ---- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Pub.Building Nangarhar Kbogiaai Laja ARDA Ongoing AAA -- 94 - - Construction of I -ray departient t waiting roots in Khogiani hospital, Nangarhar Khogiani Baja Bazaar ARDA Ongoing AAA -- 95 Nangarhar Khogiani Kama ARDA Proposed AAA -- 95 -- - Construction of primary school for boys i girls in Laja Bazar. Nangarhar Khogiani Nola IBSAN Proposed MCI -- 95 -- -- Constriction of 6 room girls primary school. Nangarhar Khogiani Nits Lbel IHSAN Proposed UNHCR -- 95 - -- Construction of 6 root boys primary school. Nangarhar Khogiani Nlla NARUF Ongoing *Donors 12 94 - - Restoration of NenIa historic garden's boundary wall i guest house. Nangarbar Khogiani fazir SCA Completed SCA 6 95 12 95 Construction of 7 -9 room clinic, using bricks, concrete t etc. Khogiani Khwaran SCA Completed SCA 4 95 11 95 Construction of school - 8 class rooms t 4 offices, using brick, concrete beans & etc. Khogiani Totoo SRDA Proposed UNHCR Nangarhar Kouz Komar - DACAAR Completed Danida 1 95 6 95 Repair of 8 classroom school t staff bonze. Nangarhar Koat Losar Lachtot OAR Completed UNHCR 8 95 9 95 Repair of 14 classroom boys school. Kangarhar lout Komar Lachtot OAR Completed UNHCR 8 95 10 9S Repair of 8 classroom girls primary school. Nangarbar lost Konar Shigy MADERA Ongoing Fren.Gvt 6 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 1 secondary school with 9 rooms t 1 floor to benefit 1,500 failies. Lalpur Gul Dog ADO Proposed YFP -- 95 - -- Constriction of 4 mom veterinary clinic, using stone t concrete. Nangarhar Nohmand Dara Ails! Khan NPO Completed NCA/NCA -- 95 -- 95 Resaining worts of Aimai Khan high school. Nangarhar Nohmand Dara SAVE Proposed UNHCR -- 95 -- -- Construction of Bebsid primary school. Nangarhar Nohmand Data Daga TARA Ongoing UNHCR 1 96 2 96 Reconstruction of 6 room Daga primary school, using baked bricks, slabs t beans for roofing. Nohoand Dart 26th Yipla YARA Ongoing UNHCR 1 96 2 96 Reconstruction of 6 room Daga primary school, using baked bricks, slabs t beans for roofing. Laghargoo AEREA Completed UNHCR 8 95 11 95 Baibat Khel AURA Proposed YFP /HCR -- 95 -- - 8 95 11 95 Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarhar Rodat Rodat 4 96 -- 95 -- - Construction of 8 root girls primary school. Construction of 6 room clinic, using stone t timber roofing. Construction of Laghargoo 5 root clinic using stone t timber roofing. Constriction of 10 room religions school using stone t tuber roofing. Nangarhar Rodat Zakhel ARADA Completed !FP/HCR Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi AREA -1 Completed GI/ 11 94 7 95 Construction of Besar Shahi elementary school. Rodat Hadid High School DACAAR Completed Danida It 94 8 95 Reconstruction of 6 root school building. Nangarhar A C B A R Construction of 8 room primary school. DATABASE OF IRLO ACTIVITIES an EDITION J Page: 89 ZakiIR2 Date: 04/03/96 Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarhar Shinvar Shinuar Shinnar Shinmar Shersad Shersad Shersad Rodat Rodat Rodat Rodat Marta Masiaa Hasta Nina Mama Rhel Karang Mamakhel Bisar Shahi Camp Rodat Rot Banda ANAR AAEA SCA RDA ARADA ANH SCA SCA ARFA -1 RDA Ulf ISRA ISBA Proposed Proposed Proposed Completed Proposed Ongoing Proposed Completed Completed Completed Proposed Completed completed Completed -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY UNDCP Germany IRSA UNHCI SCA VFP MICR Germany SCA SCA SCA VFP UNDCP ISBA ISBA -- -BY - -- RAIDED - 95 - - - 95 - - - 95 - -- - 95 - - - 95 - -- - 95 -- -- 4 95 It 95 - 95 -- - 10 95 -- - -- 95 - - 6 95 12 95 5 95 11 9S 6 95 12 95 -- 95 -- - 12 94 8 95 12 95 -- 94 --.95 Begin- -End DURATION Reconstruction of 10 classroom school, staff. house t latrines. Reconstruction of Fathrula- e- Shabeed High School. Construction of surroamding mall of school. Construction of school. Reconstruction of Fagrullah Lycee. Construction of mosque building. Reconstruction of primary school. Construction of mosque for 500 prayers. Constriction of 6 room primary school. Reconstruction of Hasta Mina high school t clinic. Construction of 1 -9 roda clinic, using bricks, concrete t etc. Construction of 1 -9 room clinic, using bricks, concrete t etc. Construction of Ma.athel basic health clinic. Construction of 1 mosque. Cosstruction of 1 mosque. -- - ----- Reconstruction of Iushkak mosque . Construction of 11 classroom school. Construction of school - 8 class rooms t 4 offices, using brick, concrete beams t etc. Construction of office fence mall t food distribution center. Reconstruction of Qala Athund school 140 tools 1 949 students A 28 teachers. DESCRIPTION> Nangarhar Surth Rod ANN Proposed VFP/NCI 8 95 Repair of 11 classroom of middle school. 5 95 - 95 - -- 3 95 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 90 (ACTIVITY Nangarhar Surkh Rod Sorkh Rod ARDO Proposed OIC 2 95 9 95 s Nangarbar Sorkh Rod Fatah Abad ARDO Proposed Buida 2 95 AGENCY Nangarhar Surkh Rod Sultan Pur ARK Completed WP e Nangarhar Surth Rod Sultanpur DACAAR Completed !A Rehabilitation of 12 room clinic, benefit 3,500 families. -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Nangarhar Surth Rod Amer Ebel IHSAN Proposed VFP -- 95 -- - Reconstruction of girls school building. -- -DISTRICT - - -- Nangarbar Surth Rod Iatrak IHSAN Completed IAIBCR -- 95 -- -- -PROVINCE -- Nangarhar Surkh Rod Fatih Abad Proposed UNHCR CONST: Nangarhar Surkh Rod MADERA Proposed Pub.Building Nangarhar Surkh Rod Sorkh Road MARUF 1 95 Nangarhar Surkh Rod Sultanpure - Nangarbar Surkh Rod KIP Nangarhar IICBAR Page: 8TH EDITION D15TRICf ---- ----VILLAGE(S)---- Serb Rood 3 villages Sarkh Rod Surkh Rod Stith Rod Sorb Rod Surkb Red Surkh Rod Surkb Rod Orngu Latan: Shahan Chamkui Gardais Gardait Gudais Jaji Jaji Jaji Jaji Jaji Maiden Jaji Naidu [host Nugarbar Naegarhu langarhar liangarbu Naugarhar Naegarhar Namgarbar Orosgae Pakteka Pakteka Pattia Patti& Patti' Patti& Paktia Paktia Patti& Patti& Paktia Ptktio Paktia Lbost City Jaji. Naida Jaji leidet Jaji Ali Lbel Ali Del Qala Sbarif/Lotkai Ibrahim Sbe1 . AREA -1 DACAAt ARLO SCA UFO *1W AlLO SC& DACAAL DACHAR - Babrak High School ACDO PPS PIS ADA VRC SGRO EGRO RDA PIS PIS PIS PIS PDA 11...s AGENCY Chagkui Shine Bair lot Shausaper Data Bagh Jauadar Serb Rod Serkh Rod Sukh bud Serkh Rod Strkh Rod Naagarhar Char Bagh Safa Sukh Rod Nagarbu 11111111011111111 ® , CONST: Pub.Building PtDYINCE- ACTIVITY Ongoing Coupleted Proposed Completed Completed Proposed Proposed Completed Completed Completed Proposed Proposed Proposed Oogoimg Proposed Omgoieg Completed Proposed Surveyed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed -- STATUS -- FUNDED GT1 luida IIELP/HCt U ICR CIDA IIELP1ghP 1110 URtCR Duid& Duida IFP Private Private EU FAO UOICA UNICt HFP Private Private Private 1llll t DURATION 4 96 - 5 95 91 12 95 12 94 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION)- eehabilitatia of Tecbaika ghost. teem:tratia of 1 classroom school 1 latrines. Castrutia of clinic. Coutroctia of 7-9 room ethic, Wog bricks, -voodoo beam l etc. Oustrmctiom of carpentry traimieg center. Coutnetie of high school. Constrmctioa of 22 rook middle 112 rooms primary schools. Cosstrnetia of school -1 clan roofs 14 office:, sing brick, voodoo beams & etc. Coestrnctia of labrnk High School 1 latrines. Constrectiae of 0 clusroom school 1 latrines. Coutrectia of Chakami meddle 1 high schools. Castrvctia of high school. Coustructia of health clinic cuter. Coutrnties of 3 schools for 600 students. Coutroctia of high school. Coutnctia of I rooms Sloaspur primary school, using baked bricks 1 tiober roofing. Lecomstrvetiou of 9 classroom Dula lagb school. Coustroctioe of moque for 300 prayers. Recastroctioe of some. Coutrectia of high stool. Coutractia of health ethic center. Coutructia of primary school. Repair of Char lagh Salt secondary boys 1 girls school (14 raoo. Zakirt2 Date: 04113196 5 96 6 95 - 9S - - 6 95 11 95 11 94 - 95 - - -- 95 - - S 95 11 9S 6 95 - - 6 9S - - - 95 - -- -95 -- 95 - - S 94 - 96 -- - 10 95 -- -- 10 95 12 9S - 95 - - - 95 - 95 -- - - 9S - -- - 95 -- - -- 95 - - kgìa -Fad Page: -- -BY - -- -PROYINCE -- --- DISTRICT - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY is= miumammoilimie CONST: ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS-- - --BY- =I= DeBin--Ed IIMONIZiallIAIM - ----tACTIYITY DESCRIPTIOII>*- .......... Pub .Bui Wing fait ia but Raton ESAR Ongoing IffP/Pvt. -- 94 - - Coutroctioa of Jaoi Nosgae 1 Nadrasa. Pattia [bost Natoci BCI Ongoing IPPICI -- 95 - -- lepair of 5 public buildias. Paktia [host Ali Sher ISM Completed ISBA -- 94 -- 95 Constrectiot of 1 mosque. Paltia [but Hassan Lot RDA Proposed IPP -- 93 - -- Construction of II room 6assat lot school bsildiag for 240 studette. Paktia [host Condai SCA Completed IAA Paktia Nandou Mandozai GAF Surveyed IFP/ICIS - 95 -- - School surveyed for rehabilitatiot. Paktia Nandozi Iaadoui ICI Proposed WP/ICI -- 95 - - Constriction of 8 room Iatdozai middle school for 1,500 :taut:. Paktia Nandou Sarabud IICI Proposed IFP/ICI - 9$ -- lepair of Srubud high school. Paktia Nader Shah - DACHAR Completed buida 12 94 Paktia Nader Shah Nader Sha lot SCA Completed UNOCI Paktia Sabari Sari Pan ARIA Proposed 1110 Paktia Tani Bragi DACAAI Completed DACAAt Paktia Zornrat letour School DACHAR Completed Oujda Puri Ragtag layan ARIA -1 Ongoing NA 12 95 4 % Recoutnctioa of layan elementary school. Patna Bagraa lagre AIEA -1 .Oagoiug IA 12 95 4 96 lecastrtctioa of Bugrau elementary school. Parat Chorbad Gharbatd Rc Proposed Paran Jabul Saraj Said [bel SCA Completed SCA 6 95 11 95 Ooutructia of 1 -9 room clinic, msiag bricks, concrete 1 etc. Tabor Chah Ab Tatharabad SCA Completed PIER 6 95 12 95 Coutractia of school -1 class rooms 14 offices, Wag brick, mode; beams 1 etc. Taihar Chah Ab Crater SCA Completed SCA 6 95 12 95 Ooutructia of school - S class roost 14 offices, oing brick, voodoo beau 1 etc. Tatar Dargad Dargad SCA completed SCA 4 95 12 95 ßoutrutia of 7-9 roam clinic, uisg bricks, noodea beam 1 etc. Tatbar lalafgat Zardatoo Dora SCA completed SCA 5 951195 Ooutructia of school -1 class rooms 14 offices, uiag brick, model beau 1 etc. Tatbar Iarsaj [huaga SCA completed Sei 4 9511 95 Ooottrictia of 7-9 room clinic, nil% stoat, cement A etc. Tailor waruj Taresht SCA Completed SCA 695 12 95 Coutructia of school -1 class rooms 14 offices, uiag brick, noodea beams 1 etc. ACBAI ' I 6 95 1195 9 95 6 95 12 95 95 - 9 95 12 94 6 95 -- - -% - -- Coutractia of school - 8 class roots 14 offices, uitg brick, noodet beau 1 etc. Recastmtiot of 8 classroom school / staff Noose 1 latrines. Constrnetioa of school - 8 class rooms 14 offices, using brick, noodet beams t etc. Coutrietiot of 12 roa primary school. Primary school building Coastnctioa of 8 classroom :chat / staff lase 1 latrites. Ooutnctioa of high school. DATABASE W Ilio ACTIVITIES Page: 92 Zakirt2 Date: 04/03/% 8T8 EDITION ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGEDCY -- STATUS -- 1=== --DY- -- Begin -End Chat CoAR Ongoing NCA/NRC - 95 -- 96 Extension is rant development center. Jaghatu Jaghatu CoAR Completed NCA/NRC - 95 - 95 Constrectioa of primary school. lardat Jaghata Araban IDA Approved VFP -95 - - Cnastrnctioa of 18 room school building for 1,000 students. lardat Jaghatu Gorbot SCA Completed SCA 5 95 11 95 Construction of school - 8 class rooms A 4 offices, using brick, wooden beans A etc. lardai Jaghatu Nesri Rhel SCA Completed SCA 5 9511 95 construction of 7 -9 roam clinic, msiag bricks, wooden beam A etc. lardak Jalres Jalriz SCA Completed SCA 5 95 11 95 Coastructiot of school - 8 class rooms A 4 offices, using brick, wooden beams A etc. lardai Jalrez meth SCA Completed SCA 6 9511 95 lehabilìtatioa of oie part of old hospital with 7 rooms, using stone, brick, meat A etc. Vardak Jairez - SOLID °°going EU /F.Gov 7 95 Rehabilitation of an agricultural center. krdat Syed Abad Daghak ACI Proposed UNCNS -95 - - Coustructia of Daghat 12 Vardat Syed Abad Mara ACTO Proposed 'FP -95 - - Constriction of Abdara 9 roa primary school. lardai Syed Abad Sayed Abad CoAR Completed NCA/11C -95 - 95 Repair of Tatlal school. lardai Syed Abad Naibro Coil Completed NCA NRC -95 - 95 Contribution of secondary school A flood protection. lardai Syed Abad Sayed Abad (oAR Completed NCA/flC -- 95 - 95 Contraction of lacee A extension RDC. ardas Syed Abad Sayed Abad CoAR Ongoing EU/NCA - 94 - 96 Contribution of rural development center A public building. Vardak Syed Abad Sayed Abad ESAI Completed ®S /ESAR Vardak Syed Abad Noori MAI Proposed ODANFP -95 - - Coutructia of Noori village girls primary school. Vardak Syed Abad Jay -i- careen CAI Proposed OBA/IF! -95 - -- Constriction of Joy- i- Sareen middle school. Vardak Syed Abad Zarin Del SCA completed SCA Zabel Qalat City RADA Proposed Printe -95 - - Zabel Shah Joy Shah Joy NERI Completed FAO 12 94 7 9S - -- DISTRICT -- -1=119111111111M --- -VILLA Vardak Chat lardai -PROVINCE -- =111111= CONST: CONST: (S) ---- Pub.Building _ 4 9S 6 96 8 9S 4 t 1195 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION > -- roa secondary school. Repair. of Sayed Abad Nigh School. Castrection of school - Z class rooms A 4 offices, uimg brick, woods beau A etc. Recostnctiom of Sheikh Nati high school. Cheat seed production project. Storage Maui Rena flu Zua Roan completed NCA/ -95 95 Contribution in store from local material. lardat Syed Abad Sayed Abad Completed NCA IIIC - 95 - 95 Contribution of store from local material. IACBAR - -- DATABASE W INTO ACTIVITIES Page: 93 ZakirP2 Date: 04 /03/96 STE EDITICNN I -P10YIN(3;-- ---DISTRICI---- --rump--- RIMMIIIMMNIMMO 11111111OMIIMilli , CONST: ACfIYITY RED DUluION --STATUS-- --BY-- Degia--Ead MEMEMME .OIMMUMUMM MIIIMMEMME ------------_____--_---------_--_-UCtIYITY aFS(9tIp'lIO1D Sanitation Walsh]: Badatsban Wins BAC Oagoiag *Donors Baghlaa Baghlu Marions villages OXFAM Osgoiag EU /OffAN - 94 -- 97 Sanitation project, rehabilitation of euergency vater amply 1 health education. Balkh Mazar Sharif City GIC Completed UeiCt - -- 3 9S Construction of 16 public latrines. Balkh Nazar Sharif City GEC Completed 1FP -- -- 3 9S Comstnctiom of bath rooms. Balkh Nazar Sharif Mazari Sharif O1FAM Ougoiag EU /01FAM -- 94 - 97 Balkh Mazu Sharif City 18F Proposed MCI - 95 - - Coestructioa of 10 latrines i 10 bathrooms for hostel of Nazar uiversity. Balkh lour Sharif City IIIF proposed UNMSI -- 95 -- -- limas Yakovlasg Bayai PSD Completed 11FP/let 9 95 il 95 Coatractia of 8 nits doable eatry public latrines'. Paryab Quamgal Eiaar Shabi Cup IDS Completed UNICEF 195 Comstrnctìa of 1777 latrines. Gbazai Ghazal City DACAAR Osgoiag al 5'95 - -- Batumi last City NAPO Proposed UIICEF lavzju Stag Chard 4 villages GRC Completed INICIt ]avtju Sbeberghna City NF Oaoìsg 1FPIBCI Label Center MANE Completed a Labnt Label City AICF Oagoiag IICA/NEC Label Rabat Cuter GAA Omgoiag GAA 12 95 Kaki Label Label omFAM. Omgoi1$ moors -- 94 --.96 Kabul Mal hair Ilia& SOLID Completed EU /SOLAF 2 94 Kaki Labil Label SOLO Completed BU/F.Gov 3 94 S 95 _luitatiat project stich cover cleuisg of hass vote fro alleytiys behind the private bosses, prodactiom of Labil . . 9 95 - - School latrines im varions districts (4 school). Suitation project, rehabilitation of emergency eater supply i health ednatioa. Coutrsetiou of library. 2 95 Coutrmctioa of 190 baths t 60 latrises. 95 - - Ooutrmctioa of latrines for 760 families. - - 2 95 C astracties of 8 latrines for Shabokaad school. 9 95 -- - Coutrectioa of Wring. - 95 -- 9S CollectiOn of garbage (240 t per veel;). 9 95 - - Bacteriological aid chemical aaalyses of vater is hospital :, MCDs i etisia. 3 96 193 Utilities pilot project. Sasitatios project, rebabilitatia+f emergacy titer supply i health eaatios. Clasisg of imana vaste fro alley behiad private horses. -25,*11i-hh fertiliser, Chlorivatia i rebabilitatìa of 40,000 dig veils. Label Label Cater SOLID Completed EU/F.Gov Label Label Caster SOLID Completed NAC/IUC 7 94 19S .7 95 11 95 Page: 94 Cleuiog of ism vista, proactia of 25,000 ab.a fertilizer. Cleasimg of bow veste fra alley behiad private boasts. Zakirt2 Date: 04/03/96 -MINCE-- CONST: ---DISTRICt---- ----mom---- ACTIYITY REED DIRATIOM A(D31(7 --STATUS-- ---BY--- legra-40 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Sanitation - Kabul Kabul Cater SOLID Coepleted EU 2 95 5 95 Rehabilitation 1 operation of saerage system; emptying of public septic tacts by tamers. Label Labil Cater SOLID Completed EU S 95 11 95 Rehabilitation 1 opentioa of overage system; aptyisg of public septic tents by tatters. Kabul Kabul Center SOLID Completed Private 7 95 12 95 Cleaning of bema vaste fra 32 schools. Kandahar Kandahar City PARA Completed JFP/HcL 9 95 -- 95 Constnctios of 30 public toilets it 5 different location of the city. Nangarhar Jalalabad City ANA Ongoing IFP 12 95 5 % Phase II city sanitation seder ERÜ umbrella J road repair J culvert contraction / cement pipe installation / canal cleaning i transportation of garbage oat of city. Nangarbar Jalalabad City AERRA Ongoing VFP 12 95 5 96 Nangarhar Jalalabad City ANAR Proposid ERU -- 95 -- -- Nangarbar Jalalabad Natal Camp ARC Completed IRC 6 95 7 95 Contraction of latrines for camp school. Nangarbar Jalalabad City AICC Omgoiag IFP 12 95 5 96 Phase II sanitation of Jalalabad city ceder ERU abrella, road repair / canal 1 ditch cleaning 1 transportation Phase II sanitation of Jalalabad city ceder ERU ombrella, road repair / canal 1 ditch cleaning i transportation of garbage 1 vaste oat of city. Sanitation of Jalalabad City. of garbage late oat of city. Nangarhar Jalalabad City ARDO Cogitated FP 11 94 Nangarbar Jalalabad Center ARDO Ongoing IFP 11 95 -- -- Clèaing of different part 1 repair of road. Nangarhar Jalalabad City AREA -2 Ongoing VFP 12 95 Phase II city sanitation alder ERU abrella / road repair / culvert construction / 1 95 5 96 Cleaiag of city 1 repair of road. cant pipe installation 1 transportation of-garbage to oat of the city. Nangarhar Jalalabad City MAO Ongoing VFP Nangarbar Jalalabad Jalalabad ERU Completed IFP 7 94 -- 9S Chlorination of 11,000 city teils. Nangarbar Jalalabad Jalalabad ERJ Completed VFP 9 94 3 93 Pilot progra for city sanitation. Nangarbar Jalalabad City ERU Ongoing IFP 11 95 S 96 Research on sastainability of city sanitation project. Nangarbar Jalalabad City ERU Ongoing IFP 1195 5 % Phase 2 - Jalalabad city sanitation project. Nangarbar Jalalabad Jalalabad IBSAN Completed IFP - 94 - 95 Nangarhar Jalalabad lea Bada Camp IRC/RPA Completed SY Nangarhar Jalalabad City 1ßA Ongoing IFP IACBAR 12 9S 1 95 12 95 5 96 Phase II sanitation of klalabad city ceder ERU libretti, road repair / canal 1 ditch cleaning 1 transportation of garbage 1 rate oat of city. Sanitation area 2 jalalabad. 8 95 -Construction of 952 fully latries 1319 latrines for school. 5 % Phase II sanitation of Jalalabad Cityader abretla of ERU. DATABASE OF MO ACTIVITIES Page: 95 Satirl2 Date: 04/03/96 8TU EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE - 3==== CONST: Nangarbar - -- DISTRICT - - -- -- --YILLAGE(S) - -- AGENCY FUNDED DURATION (ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- DESCRIPTIORi =111111111®1.21C N.010.191,1101119. Sanitation Jalalabad City NERO Ongoing IFP Phase II city sanitation ender BRU umbrella / road repair / culvert construction / cement pipe installation / 5 96 12 95 canal cleaning A transportation of garbage oat of city. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad OV Completed EU/10310 Nangarhar Jalalabad Center SAYE Approved IFP /Self Nangarhar Jalalabad City SGRO Completed IFP Construction of 2S7 cubic bath. 4 95 95 1 Cleaning A landscaping of jalalabad public hospital. 10 95 - -- Phase I sanitation of Jalalabad city, road repair / canal cleaning / transportation of garbage i. waste stuff to 4 95 2 95 out of the city / health education. Nangarhar Jalalabad City SRDA Completed GAA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 3 bathrooms for Disabled within building of Nangarhar Disabled Department. Nangarhar Jalalabad City SRDA Ongoing VFP 12 95 5 96 Phase II sanitation of Jalalabad city under ERU umbrella, road repair / canal A ditch cleaning t transportation of garbage t vaste to out of the city. Nangarbar Jalalabad City TRO Ongoing 1FP 12 9S Phase II sanitation of Jalalabad city ender ERU umbrella, road repair / canal d ditch cleaning i transportation 5 96 of garbage A waste out of city. Construction of 205 baths 1 27 latrines. Nangarbar Kann 6 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 5 95 - -- Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi Camp GAA Completed ECHO 1 95 8 95 Construction of 6911 latrines in Besar Shahi Carp. Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi Camp IRC /KPA Completed SY/NICEF 2 94 2 95 Construction of 3,525 family latrines 1 319 bathing facilities for 3,864 displaced families in Besar Shahi IIRO camps. Nangarhar Surth Rod 7 villages DACAAR Ongoing 'DACAAI 11 93 -- -- Bath t latrine projects. Tathar Talogan City IRF Proposed ici -- 95 -- -- Construction of 10 latrines. -- 95 -- -- Bio -gas, the climate in north is not suitable. CONST: Energy Cons. Baghlan Pali Khumri Gawharagan NPO Surveyed NCAJNLC Ghazni Jaghatu Alawodiai LAC Surveyed LORAD 8 95 Kabul 'staler De- Nazar- Nmtglan IAN Ongoing NCAIDACA 6 95 12 96 Kabul Kabul Karte Seh ¡Al Ongoing IAN Kabel Kabul -- SOLID Approved MCI 9 95 -- - Installation of solar -powered water pumps at Kabul University. Nangarhar Rodat Bisar Shahi Camp SERVE Completed UNBCt 3 95 Distribution of 5,700 low cost solar ovens to IDPs in Bisar Shahi Campin order to reduce the firewood Coal -mine survey. 8 95 Nicro- hydropower plant, 10 KI generator. Repair of solar inter heaters. -- 85 - -- 5 95 consumption. Pattia IACBAI Gardaiz GRO NPO Completed NCA/NLC -- 95 - 95 Bio -gas, to provide gas for cooking in GRO. - DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 96 2atirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION i ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -PROVINCE-- - -- DISTRICT - --- ---- VIIIJYN:(5} - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS- -- -BY - -- Begin --End Pattie Khost 20 villages APO Completed NCA/NRC -- 95 -- 95 Bio -gas, for 30 families a distribution of cylinders. Pallas Charikar Charihr IAN Ongoing IAA 10 93 -- -- Production of 2 50 -liter solar inter heaters / year. CONST: (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Other Badakshan Eshkashen - A -AID Proposed ODA /IFP -- 95 -- -- Constriction of 115 u foot path a retaining wall. Badakshan Faizabad Kizr- e-Balla A -AID Approved ODA/IFP -- 95 - -- Repair of 190 a footpath. Badakshan Faizabad Kizr -e -Sayan A -AID Approved ODA/IFP -- 95 -- -- Repair of 212 m footpath. Badakshan Faizabad Beludab A -AID Proposed ODA /IFP -- 95 -- -- Constriction of 123 n foot path by stone masonry. Baghlan Poli Khuri - A -AID Completed ODA/IFP 7 95 10 95 Ghazni Ghazni City ARO Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Ghazni City Bader ARO ntbrella. Ghazni Ghazni Spandi IABC Ongoing NOYIB -- - -- - 2 brick -kilns with capacity of producing 500,000 bricks a line. Ghazni Jaghori 7 villages SO Completed CIDA 12 94 Kabul Bagrami Bagrui IBSAN Proposed IFP- Kabul Pagina 8 villages US Proposed IFP Kandahar Rand Center EAFA Ongoing VP/Bel Lanar Chepa Data Pashad MADERA Completed MADERA Nangarhar Behsnd Tanirat FJIAL Completed Nangarbar Behsnd - RNF Nangarhar Jalalabad Bada Nangarhar Jalalabad Nangarhar Jalalabad Construction of 11 checkdoas by stone masonry ( L:165 n). 2 9S Construction of fumita a for schools. 95 -- - Production of hint bricks i soling on subsidized rate. -- 95 -- - Rehabilitation of 100 garden faces. 9 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 110 Kishesh Khaaa. 12 94 2 95 Building of 2 usury coleus to install a cable across lunar river a benefit S00 families. MCI 5 95 7 95 Contraction of play grand. Completed MICR 9 95 11 95 Contraction of 300 Cob M artificial lake for paddle boat in a recreation park. APV0 Ongoing Self 8 95 -- -- Reconstruction of hjndeea City NARUF Proposed IBIIKI -- 95 -- - Recastraction of Suaj- al- Emarat boadary all. Air Port SRDA Ongoing IFP 1295 ' 5 96 Athuzada Shrine. Constriction of 45 i ail i 6 modem toilets, rehabilitation of water structure a digging of 1 deep well in Jalalabad Air port. Tather IACBAR Farthar hfak- i -Qvchi A -AID Proposed ODA/FP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 35 m hfat- i-Q,chi foot path. DATABASE OF N00 ACTIVITIES Page: 97 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 STB EDITION I -PROYINCE-- ---DISTRICT--- ----YILfaGE(S)---- 1=== =MU ill=1=1111 ACfIY1TY FINED DURATION ---Bi--- Begia--Fid SIS0711=4= -STEMS10100111= AGENCY (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 11101111111111111111111111M EDUCAT: Primary Badakshan Ballard Baharak SCA Ongoing SCA - 93 - -- Badakshan Faitabad Darayn SCA Ongoing SCA. 92 -- - Badakshan Faitabad Fait Abad SCA Ongoing SCA 8 86 -- -- 15 schools / 106 teachers / 2923 stedeats Badakshan Jura Jun SCA Oagoiag SCA 3 91 -- - 5 schools / 44 teachers / 1268 stedeats Badakshan Keshea Keshea SCA Ongoing SCA 10 85 -- -- Badakshan Ragh 8agh SCA Ongoing SCA 9 87 -- -- 3 schools / 23 teachers / 754 students Badakshan Sheghnan Shighana SCA Ongoing SCA - 92 -- -- 7 schools / 45 teachers / 627 students Baghlan Anderab Anderab. SCA Ongoing SCA 4 86 -- -- 8 schools / 70 teachers / 2101 students Baghlan Baghlan Basilian SCA Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- 16 schools / 120 teachers 1 2920 students Baghlan Burka Burge SCA Ongoing SCA 3 87 -- -- 4 schools / 44 teachers / 1716 students Baghlan Khost Fring &host Fring SCA Ongoing SCA 3 87 -- -- 11 schools / 107 teachers / 3544 students Baghlan Bahrein Nabreen SCA Ongoing SCA 4 86 -- -- 15 schools / 122 teachers 1 4246 students Baghlan Pali Khuari Pulikhuari SCA Ongoing SCA 4 92 -- -- 3 schools / 22 teachers / 519 students Balkh Nahr Shahi Kanal KAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 1 prinary school. Banyan Banyan MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- 3 schools in Gharib Abad, Tajek A Fatnasti village. Banyan Banyan Banyan Center SCA Ongoing SCA 1 85 -- -- Banyan &ahaard Doab /Roy Sang MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 2 priaary schools. Banyan Kahaard Kahnard SCA Ongoing SCA -- 92 -- -- 6 schools / 34 teachers / 799 students Banyan Saighan Khvajaha /Jangalak KAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- 2 primary schools. Banyan Shibar Shashpul CCA Ongoing Private Banyan Shibar Ghaadak MAI Ongoing MAI Banyan Shibar Shnnbal SCA Ongoing SCA Banyan Valuing Iakavlaag SCA Ongoing SCA LACBAR -- -- 3 85 -- -- 5 schools / 35 teachers / 1172 students. 2 schools / 15 teachers / 429 strings 35 schools / 269 teachers 1 6682 stedeats 14 schools / 94 teachers / 2100 students 3 teachers / 150 students. 2 schools is Sarkhoshak A Shakhtaka. 8 90 -- -- 11 88 -- 1 schools / 7 teachers / 219 students 16 schools / 116 teachers / 3188 students DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES Page: 98 LakirI2 Date: 04/03/% Sib EDITION I ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- =111111111111111 ..111111111MMENR111101== ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- 21=1111=111 WS=XIIIS FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin -End DESCRIPTION> IIMMAIMM1111011 EDUCAT: Primary - - - -- 1 prinary school. EU -- 95 - 95 One primary school (running cost). Ongoing NAC - 87 - - 9 teachers / 115 students. NAC Ongoing 11AC - $7 - - 9 teachers / 244 students. Mangoor NAC Ongoing NAC - 87 - - 9 teachers / 149 students. Andar Zurmati NAC Ongoing NAC - 87 - - 9 teachers / 105 students. Ghazni Andar Hakim Khan NAC Ongoing NAC - 87 -- - 9 teachers / 196 students. Ghazni Andar Bata NAC Ongoing !!AC - 87 - - 9 teachers / 211 students. Ghazni Andar Shamshi Diri NAC Ongoing NAC - 87 - - 9 teachers / 159 students. Ghazni Andar Alan Khel NAC Ongoing NAC - 87 - 9 teachers / 187 students. Ghazni Andar Joi -6 NAC Ongoing NAC -- 81 - -. 8 teachers / 84 students. Ghazni Andar Niray NAC Ongoing NAC :- 87 -- - Ghazni Andar Andar SCA Ongoing SCA 5 86 - - Ghazni Deh Yak Rabat /Ramak /Bachak MAI Ongoing MAI - - -- - Ghazni Deh Yak Dehyak SCA Ongoing SCA Ghazni Ghazni Center CoAR Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 - 95 Ghazni Ghazni 16 villages IBC Ongoing EEKS -- Ghazni Ghazni Shilgar TIRO Surveyed IIRO - 95 -- - Orphans school (1 -3 grades) - 250 students l 9 teachers. Ghazni Ghazni Nabat MAI Ongoing MAI - - -- - 1 primary Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Center SCA Ongoing SCA 11 87 - - 4 schools / 31 teachers / 1127 students Ghazni Jaghatu Kashaf /carnal /Cha MAI Ongoing MAI - - - - 3 schools in Kashaf, Omarval laghaz i Charderal. Ghazni Jaghatu Mahan KAI Ongoing MAI - Ghazni Jaghatu Jeghatu SCA Ongoing SCA 9 89 - - Faryab Shirin Tagab Gorzirnn MAI Ongoing NAI Ghazni Ab Band Ab Band CoAR Coipleted Ghazni Andar Alah Mohallad NAC Ghazni Andar Qala-e -Kbani Ghazni Andar Ghazni IACBAR , 18 teachers i 542 students. b schools / 44 teachers 1 1042 students 3 prinary schools. 2 schools / 18 teachers / 592 students - - Two primary school (running cost). 15 schools 197 teachers 1 351 female t 1846 sale students. school. 1 primary school. 9 schools / 69 teachers / 2111 students DATABASE OF 1160 ACTIVITIES Page: 99 ZakirRl Dater 04/03/96 811 EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE-- ---DISTRICT---- -- STATUS -- -- --VILLAGE(S) - - -- - FUNDED DURATION -- -BY - -- Begin--End =MONISM (ACTIVITY .vom DES(ätIPTION> EDUCAT: Primary 1 girls primary school / 8 teachers t 201 students. 1 95 12 95 Ghazni Jaghori baud PSD Completed NOVIB Ghazni Jaghori Jaghori SCA Ongoing SCA -- 89 -- -- 3 schools / 22 teachers 1 586 students Ghazni Khvaja Omri Khnja Omari SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 2 schools / 17 teachers / 605 students Ghazni Malestar l vilalge SO Ongoing MCl/Pvt. -- 91 -- -- Primary school for girls pith 465 students t 7 teachers. Ghazni Mogor Nor SCA Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- Ghazni Nava Nava CoAR Completed EU -- 9S -- 95 Ghazni Nan Nun SCA Ongoing SCA 9 90 -- -- 5 Schools / 27 teachers / 630 students Ghazni Navor Nanr SCA Ongoing SCA "-- 94 -- -- 2 schools / 15 teachers / 463 students Ghazni Qarsbagb Garnord' PSD Completed NOVIB 1 95 12 95 I school / 10 teachers t 340 students. Ghazni Qarabagh Quabagh SCA Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- 24 schools / 166 teachers / 4249 students Ghazni Qarabagh 1 village SO Ongoing NCl/Pvt. -- 91 -- -- Primary school with 615 students t 9 teachers. Berat Berat Center 1110 Approved 1I10 =- 95 -- Orphans school (1 -3 grades) - 250 students t 9 teachers. Jauziai Sang Chink MAI Ongoing KAI -- - 9 schools in Arabai, Arabai Sufla, Ghar Bolag, Cana Ferishtaga8(2), Guzar Ferisbtagan, Pashnat, Ulu 8 schools 155 teachers / 1642 students One primary school (running cost). Fersbtagan t Langar. MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 4 schools in Qad Qachi, Bajar, Qadu Jan t Namidan villages. bgrami SIAM Proposed IIIDP -- 9S -- -- Opening of primary school for female. !stalef Sboraba/lstergbich MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- 2 primary schools. Cabal Pagban [star Kiel MAI Ongoing MAI -- Label Qua lagt MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- Kabul aril Bagh Qua Bagb SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 3 schools / 27 teachers / 751 students Kabul Sarobi Sarobi SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 3 schools / 29 teachers / 1331 students Kabel Shacar bara MAI Ongoing MAI Kandahar Kandahar ADA Ongoing NAC /NRC Janjan Sari Put Kabul lagravi Labil All villages -- - - - 1 primary chool. - 5 schools in Inez, Whir Ban, Yagharag Ulia t Aka Del villages. 3 schools in Morin, Tali Iheaja t Payan ala. 1 95 -- -- Establishment of 20 primary schools / 3,082 students enrolled / appointed 127 personnel ( teachers, headmaster t support staff), 3 schools based agriculture training farms. (ALBAR DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES Page: 100 iatir12 Date: 04/03/96 - ---- -- 171 EDITION I -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION - - -- VILLAGE (S) ---- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION>--- EDUCAT: Primary Kandahar Marnf N. Zai MRORA Coipleted UNESCO ; -- 95 -- 95 2 tented primary schools. Kandahar Shahvali Kot Narkas ADA Ongoing SAFE 12 94 12 96 Repair of school / provision of text boots i other equipment / teachers are being paid salaries. Kapisa Alasay Alassi SCA Ongoing SCA Kapisa Nejrab Kharej Dara KAI Ongoing NAI -- -- -- 1 primary school. Kapisa Panjshare Baba Ali MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 1 primary Kapisa Panjshare Panjshare SCA Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 7 schools / 77 teachers 1 2383 students Kapisa Tagab Tagab SCA Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- -- 9 schools / 94 teachers / 2253 students Kunar Bar Kunar Asnar SCA Ongoing SCA 7 89 - - 12 schools / 107 teachers 1 3094 students Kunar Bar Kunar Aanar SCA Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 13 schools / 107 teachers / 3094 students Kunar Chaghasarai KAI Ongoing MAI - Kunar Chaghasarai Various NF Ongoing MF -- 95 Kunar íhaghasarai Asad Abad SCA Ongoing SCA 94 -- -- Kunar Chaps Dart Chaps Dara SCA Ongoing SCA -- 90 -- -- 10 schools / 57 teachers / 1281 students Kunar Christi Chavti ISRA Ongoing ISRA -- 89 -- -- 750 students A 16 teachers.. Kunar Chavti MAI Ongoing MAI Kunar Chavti Chutai SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 - -- lunar lamdesh Bas Gal MAI Ongoing KAI - - -- -- 1 primary school lunar landed lamdish SCA Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- -- 6 schools / 31 teachers 1 627 students [anar [has lunar MAI Ongoing NAI - -- lunar [has lunar NAI Ongoing MAI -- - -- -- lunar Marcy SCA Ongoing SCA 94 - -- lunar lour aul KAI Ongoing MAI lunar Nour Gal SCA Ongoing IACBAR Naray Noorgal . - 7 87 -- -- 1 schools 177 teachers 1 2383 students -- - -- - school. 4 schools in Naonogai, Dan Kalai, Asadabad s Navabad. Primary school for 300 students. 1 school / 7 teachers / 203-students -- 6 schools in Devagal, Kulnani, Shlogi, Chavti, Kotti l Marrang. 5 schools / 12 teachers / 419 students S schools is Arank Ulia, [has Kumar, Satin Abad, Arali Sufla, Tanal Billages. 18 schools in different villages. 1 school / 3 teachers / 104 students 3 schools in Our Oaf, Nia Qala .1%1a Nasood villages. SCA -- 94 -- -- -- 1 school / 8 teachers / 189 students DATABASE OF- NM ACTIVITIES --- Page: 101 ZakirL2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITIOA AMC- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY MUD BURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- kgin--E d MAI Ongoing MAI (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> mwelmmumommpops 1ÑOUCA,T: Primary - 7 schools in Arnese, Mateen, Bar Kandy, listar, lrgran, Saida?, Sandali t Gul Salak. lunar Pech lunar Pech Radian MAI Ongoing MAI Mar Poch Boni Pick SCA Ongoing SCA 7 85 -- -- 21 schools / 146 teachers / 3085 students Pau Sirkauay Shirogai AMA Ongoing Self 3 89 -- -- 5 teachers - 100 students. hear Sirkauy Gnhigal ANA Ongoing Self 1 89 -- -- 10 teachers - SOO students - 5 grades (2 classes in each grade). Wu Sirknuy MAI Ongoing WAl Einar Sirk444y Sarkany SCA Ongoing SCA Londe: Aliabad Ali Abad SCA Ongoing SCA -- 93 -- -- 2 school / 19 teachers / 545 students Rude: üuabad Khan Abad SCA Ongoing SCA -- 93 -- -- 3 schools / 56 teachers / 2181 students [undo: ludo; Kuala: Center SCA Ongoing SCA -- 93 -- -- S schools / 200 teachers / 7582 students Lagiwu Alingar MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 7 schools in Potion, Badey Abad, finial Sofia, Kolak, Salsb Sufis, Qalatak t Sorrat. Cigars' Alingar SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 10 schools / 101 teachers / 3183 students Lagbia' Alishiag MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 9 schools in Islamabad, Chards', Karat, Patiq, Noia, Keel, keel, Zar Lamar A Ballot Shah. Lg01u Milking SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 9 schools / 31 teachers / 2254 students Lagbaa Mehterlu MAI Ongoing MAI - -- -- Ligiu Nooristan Who MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- Lithium Qarghaie Qalatak ISRA Ongoing ISBA LWin' Qarghaie Ural Poor KAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 1 primary school. Lulu Qarghaie kasha thel NPO Ongoing NCA/NtC -- 95 -- -- Kasha Khel priaary school for 400 students (1 -6 grades). Whim Qargbaie Qarghai SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 13 schools / 123 teachers / 3418 students Logo krill Boati ISRA Ongoing ISBA 11 92 -- -- 200 students t 4 teachers + head 'aster. Logan Baraki Baraki/Kulaagar SCA Ongoing SCA 5 87 -- -- ACBAi Alingar Abashing 1 prinary school. _ - -- -- 7 91 -- 7 93 -- -- 1 primary school. 7 schools / 38 teachers 1 1368 student; 4 schools in Baidar Khani, Maidani, Qadaba t Hokin Abad. i prisary school. 120 students t 3 teachers. 22 schools / 143 teachers] 3600 students DATABASE OF 11GO ACTIVITIES Page: 102 Zakir12 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION - -- DISTRICT - - -- Jalabad Rot Label Cbarkh Kboshi Mohd Agha Mohd Agha Puli Alan Achin Deh Bala Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Khogiani [bogiani Naziyan Pachier /Agam Pachier /Agam Rodat Rodat Rodat Rodat Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar ACBAR Jalalabad Cbarkh Logar Besar Shahi Camp Besar Shahi Carp Agam Agam Raja Bazaar Kaja City City Abdul [hei /Mauand ACTIVITY SAA NAI Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed ABS IIRO Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- MAI MAI MAI ARDA ARDA MF IIRO BCI AMPS KAI NAI MAI SCA MAI - Mohd. Agha SCA SCA SCA NAI AGENCY Khushi Kherrar Charkh Cbarkh --- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Logar EDUCAT: Primary -PROVINCE -- FUNDED SAA MAI IIRO /AME 'ITC MAI MAI MAI AAA AAA MF IIRO VFP /BCI Private MAI MAI MAI SCA MAI SCA SCA SCA MAI -- -BY - -- DURATION -- -- -- -- Page: 103 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) 10 schools in Center, Charth, Daht, Pingram, Balokhel Shamshir [hei, Shams Qala, Nat Shahr, Blandgul Qala Lay Paien 1 Gurgnrai villages. 300 students 16 teachers I 1 head master 12 peons. i primary school. 5 primary schools for displaced people - 1200 students t 35 teachers. Establishment of 100 classes for 5,000 children in 10 primary schools. 6 schools in Shabi, Lutai Nina, Margha, Pachir Ulia, Pachir Sulla 1 Sabar villages. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION 7 schools in [hogi [ambo, Pira Bel, Muir-Ahead Bel, Sangani, Mirta Bel, Qilfo 1 Mirala villages. 4 schools in Sarobi, Lal Nandi, Lalui 1 Spinati villages. Primary school for boys 1 girls, 450 students 1 16 teachers. Established primary school in Raja. Primary school for 100 studnets. Orphans school (1 -3 grades) - 250 students 1 9 teachers. Nasiba Bin Qab primary school for 60 orphan girls students. Primary education, 90 students 13 teachers. 4 schools in Martaz, [at Paine, 2 prisary schools. 15 schools in different villages. 8 schools / 59 teachers / 1597 students 5 schools in Deh Nay, Zarghun Shahr(3) l Fuel Bel. 1 school / 8 teachers / 191 students 4 schools 118 teachers / 310 students 2 schools / 20 teachers / 860 students Kajdara. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - 92 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- 95 -- -- - -- - -- -- -- 94 -- -- 1 93 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 6 94 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 7 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 81 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 87 -- -- -- -- -- -- Begin --End l -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- --BY - -- Begin- -End MAI Ongoing MAI ---(ACTIVITY DESCR1PTION1 EDUCAT: Primary - 12 schools in Mazir Tatang, Nakar Khel, Bashi' Del, Gandsiat, Shama', Kandai, Narai Jabha, Tutu (5) villages. Nangarhar Sherzad Nangarbar Surkh Rod Sultan Pur ARDO Ongoing UNHCR 8 95 -- -- Primary girls school. Oruzgan Oruzgan All villages ADA Ongoing NCA /NRC 1 95 -- -- Establishment of 14 primary schools / 352 students enrolled / appointed 123 personnel ( teachers, headmaster E support staff), 2 schools based agriculture training farms. Patteta Gout Gumal SCA Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 9 schools / 47 teachers / 981 students Fattela Katawaz Katasaz SCA Ongoing SCA 7 92 --, -- 8 schools / 67 teachers / 1599 students Patteta Nela Sarat- Bazat /Tarath MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- Patteta Sarobi Sarobai SCA Ongoing SCA Patteta Sharan Sharana SCA Ongoing SCA Patteta Urgoun MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- Patteta Urgoun Urgon SCA Ongoing SCA 7 87 -- -- 9 schools / 64 teachers / 1543 students Patteta Razathra Iasi Khwa SCA Ongoing SCA 7 87 -- -- 4 schools / 30 teachers / 900 students Patti& Bat Bak SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 1 school / 20 teachers 1 854 students Pattia Chamtani Hatimzai MAI Ongoing MAI Patti& Gardaiz Ibrahim Kesel SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 1 school / 3 teachers 160 students Patti& Basan Khel Oshti /Nangara Toi MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 2 primary Pattia Jadran MAI Ongoing MAI Pattia Jaji Kotkay ARLO Ongoing Private Pattia Jaji Naidan Jaja Malian SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- Pattia Jani Khel Kotmai MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- 1 primary school. Pattia Khost APUA Proposed UNESCO -- 95 -- -- Primary school with 8 classes, 40 students in each class. Pattia Khost APUA Proposed UNESCO -- 95 -- -- Primary school with 6 classes, 40 students in each class. Pattia Khost APUA Proposed UNESCO -- 95 -- A.CBAR 2 primary schools. u . 11!9 -- -- 7 86 - - -- -- -- 2 schools / 12 teachers / 271 students 7 schools / 52 teachers / 1277 students 6 schools in Zelook, Dahi, Seri Maldan Darkai Dual, Sarobi A Miami villages. 2 primary schools. schools. 3 schools in Miti, Stertai A Kant Khel. 3 93 -- -- - - Primary school for 200 students 19 teachers. 6 schools / 31 teachers l 650 students Primary school with 12 classes, 40 students in each class. DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES Page: 104 ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 an EDITION I -PROVINCE -- DISip1Cf ----VILLAGE(S)---- IIMMIIIIMMI1111111111 ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin- -End NNIIMI WM/SMINIMIN (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) Mill111B EDUCAT: Primary Paktia (host taut ISRA Ongoing ISRA 11 92 -- -- Orphan school / 200 students / 4 teachers L i head natter. Patti& host Donanda/Jani Del MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- 2 prinary schools. Pattia Khost thost SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 4 schools / 61 teachers / 2870 atndents Paktia Nader Shah fader:ha lot SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 1 school / 10 teachers / 383 students Paktia Patti& Darkai MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 3 schools in Darakei T&r&thel, Debi Lochian L hahla. Patti& Sperai MA1 Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 8 schools in Jarr Ebel, thatak, lotti, Balkh than (2), Markas L Mata villages, Paktia Tani MAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 4 schools in Shti, Manira kabala, Saltan £bola Patti& Tani Sot lot KAI Ongoing KAI -- -- -- -- 1 priaaryscbools. Paktia Trami Alishir SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- 1 school / 17 teachers / S00 atadents Parma Charikar thalami MAI Ongoing DUI -- -- -- -- 1 prinary school. Parren- Ghoróand Gbnrbud SCA Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- 4 schools / 33 teachers 1 795 students Parra Jabal:Saraj Jabal Sarai SCA Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 1 schools / 11 teachers / 371 stadeats Farman Belang Salug SCA Ongoing SCA -- 90 - -- Parma Surkh Parsa Sargh Parsa SCA Ongoing SCA 7 89 - -- Sumgait Data Soul Falad MAI Ongoing MAI Dmrai Soap SCA Ongoing SCA 7 91 -- -- Salangm .Dara. Soaf _ -- -- -- -- 2 schools / 14 teachers / 376 students 2 schools / 14 teachers / 376 students 1 priory school. 8 schools 169 teachers / 1996 staled: Saaugma Khali Qughaa KAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- Saaugan Dula balm SCA Ongoing SCA 7 91 -- -- Sulam Roy Doab MAI Ongoing KAI Sauangaa Sumgait 8arbagh SCA Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- - Takhar Chah Ab chah Ab SCA Ongoing SCA -- 90 -- -- 3 schools / 30 teachers / 941 students Takhar Dargad Dargad SCA Ongoing SCA -- 85 -- -= 1 school / 3 teachers 190 students Takhar Eshkuesh Eshkuish SCA Ongoing SCA -- 88 -- -- 4 schools / 40 teachers / 1379 stadents ACBAR L Khiali. 1 priarary school. 8 schools / 12 teachers / 2049 :talent: 3 schools is Arala Qal, Arafa Sofia L Ar&fa Surkh (Ala villages. 14 schools 1 116 teachers / 3286 DATABASE OF MGO. ACTIVITIES Page: 105 ZakirK2 Date: 04 /03/96 871I EDITION -- -BY - -- FUNDED Begin- -End DURATION Wardak Wardak Wardak Takhar Takhar Takhar Takhar Tabu Takhar Takhar Day Mirdad Day Mirdad Chat Cbak Yangi Qala larsaj 'Mogan Rustaq Khvajaghar Kalafgan Farkhar Bisai Anti Dai Mirdad Rashidia Chak Yangi Kaia Warsaj Talogan Rustaq Khvaja Ghar Kalafgan Farkhar MAI SCA SCA MAI SCA MAI SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- MAI MAI MAI SCA SCA WAI SCA MAI SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA 7 87 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- 7 88 -- -- 10 84 -- -- -- -- -- -- 10 84 -- - -- -- -- -- ---89 -- -- 10 88 -- -- 10 89 -- -- -- 89 -- -- -- 86 -- -- 10 88 -- -- 10 85 -- -- 3 prisary 12 schools in different villages. 2 schools / 14 teachers 1 598 students 2 schools / 20 teachers / 502 students 1 prisary 23 schools / 204 teachers / 5014 students 6 schools in Lval, Tangi Maidan, Maro, Zhol, Basbai A Abguzar villages. 3 schools / 23 teachers / 749 students 8 schools / 9 schools / 138 teachers / 4975 students 6 schools / 57 teachers / 1580 students 2 schools 121 teachers 1 866 students 3 school / 13 teachers / 218 students Il schools 178 teachers / 2136 students DESCRIPTION,' Wardak Gardandeval Qaljina MAI Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- 11 schools 1 124 teachers / 2576 students (ACTIVITY ltardat Jaghatu KAI Ongoing KAI 7 91 -- -- 5 schools / 31 teachers / 875 students ACTIVITY Wardak Jaghatu Kalandeb /Mulah /Dah SCA Ongoing SCA 7 88 -- -- 11= =COS Wardak Jaghatu Jegbatu KAI Ongoing SCA -- -- _- -- 3 schools / 24 teachers / 652 students EDUCAT: Primary -- --VILLAGE(S) - - -- Wardak Jaghatu Shah Roth SCA Ongoing KAI 7 91 -- -- 4 schools / 40 teachers / 1180 students m Wardak Jalret Jalriz SCA Ongoing SCA -- 94 -- -- - -DISTRICT -- -- Wardak Jalret Behsud MAI Ongoing SCA 6.W.,==.11=M6111= Wardak Markaz Bes. SCA Ongoing -PROVINCE -- Wardak. Maidan Shar Maidan Shahr SCA 2.schools in Tangi Shapla Ebel R Ibrahis Khel. 1 prisary school. 12 schools / 77 teachers / 1550 students schools. school. school. 74 teachers / 2089 students Wardak Kaydan Shar Narkh I prisary Wardak Nerkh ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF N00 ACTIVITIES -- -- Vardak ACBAR Page: 106 8TE EDITION Syed Abad Syed Abad Syed Abad Syed Abad Zabel fardat fardas fardas fardas Zabel All villages Sayed Abad - flayed Abad Sayed Abad All villages __YIÜJmE(s)--IMM11111111==== Ushuoon Andar Andar Andar Andar Andar Gelsi Jaghori Jaghori Jaghori Nalatsi lbgor Qarabnh Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Muni Muni Maui Mani Omni Maui Maui 1ACBAR Joi -4 Andar Muni Jayalai Nap lug lkradica 6 villages 11 villages Dob sO SO PSO CoAI NAC NAC RAC tudai RAC NAC MAC 1p0 IDA SCA MA1 ISBA CoAt ADA NAC Gele ACTIVITY Completed Omgoimg Completed Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ougoiug Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ocgoimg Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed -SIMS- FUNDED, NOVIB 8U 10811 NCR/Pvt. ICl/Pvt. NOVIB EU NAC NAC NAC NAC NAC MAC CO HCA/NIC MAC/N1C SCA NA! ISBA EU SAFE ---Bi--- === ===== ==== AGOICY Ali Zai Shahal Del Zstooni All villages Andar Ghazni Center Dalatabad Balch EDUCAT: Secondary Syed Abad Dardai EDUCAT: Primary -MEE- --DISiAICT____ DUBATIaI 1 school / 11 teachers t SOO students. 2 secondary school (mining cost). Page: 107 Zatirl2 late: 04/03/96 DATAIüSE-0F NDO AQAITIFS 1 95 12 9S -95 - 96 1 school / 13 teachers lÌ SSO students. 6 girls schools with 2,100 students I 45 teachers. - 91- - 1 girls :ecoeduy school / 8: teachers t 188 students. One secoidary school Inuits cost). 12 teachers 1407 students. 9 tuckers lì 130 students. 10 teachers 1 193 students. 10 teachers t 231 students. 11 teachers t 305 students. 10 teachers A173 students. iipportieg of 16 primary t secondary schools. labia Bufiii Girls High School for 540 students, 8 -12 grades. mpport staff), 8 schools based agriculture training faros. Establishment of 29 primary schools / 4,824 students enrolled / appointed 338 personae( ( 21 schools / 131 teachers / 3660 students t 8Th EDITION teachers, headuaster t 9 schools in Chau, F aro [bel, Dara Oaihi, Gala Qa:i, Idabel, Temor Ebel Payan t Doab Tangi. Orphan school / 200 students / 4 teachers t 1 head caster. Privary school (raining cost). support staff), 3 schools based agriculture training farm. 10 boys schools with 1 11O students t 150 teachers. 1 95 12 95 DESCBIPTION> btablislaeat of 3 primary schools / 362 students enrolled / appointed 18 personnel ( teachers, headmaster (ACTIVITY -- 91-- -- 1 95 12 95 - 94 - 96 - 87 - - - 87 -- - - 87 - - - 87 -- - -- 87 -- -- -- 87 -- - 1 9S -- - -- 95 - - 1 95 12 95 7 88 - - -- - - -- 3 93 - - -- 94 - 96 1 95 12 95 ken--End Lugar Laghaaa Kabel Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Behsud Barati Qarghaie Kabul Lena Khan Qarabagh Qarabagh Qarabagh Behaad Ghar Barati Kanal Pur Karte Nay Qoliagol Tarati Shari Nola 1RC/RPA IPO IESAN CoAR NPO ARLO CoAR PSD PSD PSD Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Completed Completed Completed -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY -- NF SV NCAA/NRC INBII;P EU ICA/NFP UNICEF EU /NCA NIYIB NOVIB NOYIB -- -BY - -- FUNDED 3 93 - - -- 95 - - -- 93 - - 1 95 - - -- 95 - 9S -- 95 - - Kcal Par piddle school for 450 students (1 -8 grades). -- 95 - -- -- 94 - 96 1 95 12 95 1 95 12 95 1 9S 12 9S Begin --End DURATION Secoadry school for 415 studnets. -- 95 =- - Besood high school for 500 students (1 -12 grades). 11 94 12 room high school for 600 students. laming cost of tarte Nan school. 1 secondary school (construction 1 running cost). 1 school / 11 teachers 1 335 students. 1 school / 12 teachers 1 600 students. 1 school / II teachers 1380 students. for approxiately 9,700 boys 1 girls. Secondary school for 600 students 1 14 teachers. Sayed Abad high School / 987 students enrolled / 35 teachers 1 headmasters appointed. 1 95 - - University Engineering Faculty 2 live loath courses for 40 students each. fasahat -al -Ionineen university for 220 students 117 teachers. 60 students 13 teachers. - - -- 811 EDITION 1 Support for 19 tented primary 1 secondary schools in including teacher training 7 provision of school supplies Nohardi Sahabzada high school, 18 rues 1810 students. UCTIYITY DESCRIPTION) Nangarhar Behead New Bada Camp IF Surveyed Private 3 85 -- - Nigh: school .7 teachers / 300 -400 students. AGENCY Nangarhar Jalalabad Naziaa AAA Ongoing IIEFAbvb 1 94 12 95 Tao Lycee (ruining cost). IRC 1== Nangarhar Naziyen Center/Bilaoot ARLO Ongoing ADA -- 94 - 96 SecomAary school (rmiag cost). -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Nangarbar Jaji Qala Sharif CCA Completed EU -- 94 - 96 - -- DISTRICT -- -- Pattia Jaji cero -e -Roti ADA Ongoing EU -PROVINCE -- Pattie Nartaz Bes. All villages CoAR Olgoing EDUCAT: Secondary fardat Syed Abad Sayed Abad CoAR Ongoing cost. fardar Syed Abad Sayed'Abad OA Layne ranting ;rdat Syed Abad Herat City 9 95 fardzt Herat EDUCAT: Higher Bent ISO& - 95 -- -Ongoing -- 89 NSOA ISKA Puna Seh Ongoing Kabul ISRA zatirg2 Bate: 04 /03/96 DATABASE OF IGO ACTIYITIES ----------------------- ------ Chnti Kabul Chavti EDUCAT: Madrasa Lunar IACBAR Page: 101 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- - --BY -- Begin -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> EDUCAT: Madrasa Lunar Pech Lachalu IRC Ongoing Private Laghwan Qarghaie Qalatak ISRA Ongoing ISBN 11 92 - -- 50 orphan students 11 voluteer teachers. Nangarhar Achin Abdul Lhel Sofia LBI Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- Oran .euorizatioa enter Nangarhar Achin Petit LBI Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- - Qoran memorization cater Nangarhar Achim Abdul Del UIya LBI Ongoing LBI - 89 -- -- Qoraa memorization cuter Nangarhar Bati Lot Bati Lot LBI Ongoing III -- 89 - -- Oran memorization cater Nangarhar Darae Boor Dance Noor ISLA Ongoing ISBN 4 93 - -- 100 students 13 teachers. Naagarhar Darae Noor Darae Boor ISLA Ougoiag ISBA 11 92 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad City AICC Ongoing Private Nangarhar Jalalabad Vario: IF Ouoing NF -- 93 -- - 12 Qaranic cater for 550 students. Nangarhar Jalalabad City IF Ongoing NF -- 94 - -- Qaruic lesson is 6 mouses. Nangarhar Lhogiui Laja AIDA Ongoing ARDA 1 93 -- -- Established Nadrasa in Laja. Nangarhar Shimr Ghani Lbel LBI Ongoing LBI - 89 -- -- Iardat Syed Abad Abdara LBI Oagoing LBI -- 89 -- - Qum memorization cater Iardak Syed Abad Sayed Abad LBI Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- - Q:ru memorization cater Iardat Syed Abad Taagi Iardak III Ongoing III -- 19 -- -- Quru meorizatioa cuter Iardak Syed Abad Onthi LBI Oagoiag III - 89 - -- Qaru'memorizatioa cater Vardak Syed Abad Shaikbabad III Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- - Qmn utarizatìoa cater 7 94 -- - 9 92 ----- Nadrasa for 40 orphans. Orphan school for 150 students 1 3 teachers with Quruic center with 2 teachers. Nadrasa and traidng center for Isluic caltaral purposes. Oran memorization cuter EDUCAT: Literacy Badakshu Faiubad Fait Abad SCA Ongoing SCA Balkh Nazar Sharif Ibuari Sharif SC -US Ongoing AutCare -1 % -- -- literacy curses for 4,000 shields. Banyan Ùkoslug Takulug SO Approved IFP 1193 1 % 5 mouths literacy traiùsg for 80 wanes. Ghatai Ghazal City Completed NORAD A C I A L 3 95 -- -- 8 95 1195 9 months / 100 wont 1 literacy curses 20 :tudests in each coarse. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 109 Lakir82 Date: 04/03/% SYB EDITION -PROYINCE-- ---DISfltICt---1111119111111111®e ----YILLAGE(S)--- ACtIYIT7 illI11=1=110B NEED --W-111111111111111111= Begin--Fad DURATION 111111111111111 ---------------------- 8 95 8 95 3 literacy curses 20 stadeats in each course. 1 literacy course 20 stadests. UCfIYITi 5 9S 3 literacy courses 20 students in each coarse. 9 months / 60 women NORAD 5 95 10 9S 1 literacy cane 20 :talents. 7 94 - 95 EDUCAT: Literacy NORAD 695 9 95 9 months / 190 rasa SCA (haul Completed NURAD 6 95 -- -- Completed Ghazni Jaghatu INC Completed SCA Ghazni Center Ghazal Jashata Galouri lAC Quoits ILC/1AP 5 95 Ghaui Jaghata Ehuja Cari SCA Completed NOIAD Ghaui Rhaja Omri llhnja Omari 1P0 Surveyed 11C/UP Completed Casai IWaja Omri 16 villages SC-US Completed 11C/1AP Sarah Ghazal Rent Various APO Completed UNESCO Completed Herat Herat 9 villages NPO Proposed Ratrat Herat Lasht 8 villages lSOA Surveyed Label lhagóusarai Leal Coster literacy suvey for 2,000 students. 4 -6 months literacy coarse for 8 disabled. -- 95 - - -- 95 - 95 6 mulls literacy tarse for 12 widows. Literacy program for 40 strieats. -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 - - literacy suvey for 500 students. literacy survey for S00 students. DP.SCnIPTIOR 1 9 smiths / 100 nut -- 93 - - 9 loath / 200 urea 9 muta / 201 women 9 months / ISO rames Traiuisg of 12 iutracton - 389 students at primary t reader levels. 4-95 - -' 395 - - 2 93 - -- 95 -- -- 2 93 - - Trailing of `29 instructors - 932 students at primary t reader levels. -- 95 -- -- SCA - Ougoisg SCI 95 - - amiss SCA -- Omgoits 6 months literacy coarse for 20 disabled. Herat lasht (hair Rhau $C-US brayed [asar Chashasarai SCA -- 95 -- 95 lent Label Various SC-US OasoiaH Luir krug Center SG -- bur Lusas @Elba SOl - Label Label HEFAh Chgoiss - SCA Oigoisg Ludo QuEbRie Lul agar Label Various I03'ARe lastimo Pali Alas Lagar -- 9 motta / 81 roma -- 6 94 -- 95 SCA ZCy Lot Completed latí 9 maths / 77 man fati Lot lugarhar 9 94 -- 95 7 95 -- - Trailing of 12 instructors - 200 participants is primary level. Ei GIZ 8 92 - -- latirt2 Date: 04/03/% Literacy curse to 20 studats. Mims Completed Osgoisg Ei AMU Prig lebsid ampulla City DUALe Behsrd lugarlar Jalalabad 9mgartiar Naagarbar Page: 110 - PROVINCE -- .INWMIN. ®s - -- DISTRICT - - -- - -- YILLAGB(S) -- -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AIñ71CY -STATUS -- - --BT -- begin- -Bad (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) EDUCAT: Literacy Nangarhar Jalalabad BEFARe Oaoiag GTZ 2 93 -- -- Training of 30 instructors Nangarhar Kau Kolar BF/Ale Ougoiag GTZ 2 92 -- -- Training of 25 instractors - 1064 students at privary t reader levels. Nangarhar Surkh Rod -- BEFARe Ongoing GTZ 2 93 -- - Training of 18 instructors - 739 students at primary t reader levels. Nangarhar Surkh Rod Surkhrod SCA Ongoing SCA 4 95 -- -- 9 months / 178 voles Pattia Chamkani Chamkani ACDO Proposed Self -- 95 -- -- Literacy development. Pattia Gardais Center ACDO Proposed Self -- 95 -- -- Literacy development. Pattia Jaji Jaji ASIAN Ongoing Private 1 95 -- - Literacy coarse. Pattia Khost -- BEFARe Ongoing CT/ 195 -- - Training of 45 instructors - 1,072 participants registered at primary t reader levels. Pattia Khost SJAAO Completed INDP 8 94 Provision of training in literacy t nueracy. Takhar Talogan Talogan SCA Completed SCA 2 94 -- 9S 9 months / 330 vanes Takhar Taloqan Talons SCA Ongoing SCA 3 95 -- -- 9 months / 200 vases Nardak Naydan Sher Maidan SCA Ongoing SCA 6 95 -- -- 9 months / 253 vanes I 95 1715 students at pri'ary t reader levels. EDUCAT: Management Ghazni Ghazni Muni Center SCA Ongoing SCA 10 92 -- -- 10 days / 120 headmasters Laghman Laghman Various AITM Approved IRC 10 95 -- -- Business management coarse for 5 trainees (4 necks). Logar Baraki AVC Completed UNIFAN Logar Lugar Various AITN Approved IRC Nangarhar Jalalabad Lalalabad MIN Completed Self Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ANC Completed UNIFAN Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad MADERA Completed EU 94 -- 95 10 95 -- -- 3 95 3 95 3 95 Business management course for 6 trainees (4 reeks). Nanagemeat course for 17 trainees (2 reeks). - 94 -- 95 3 95 Training of oaten is business administration. Training of vomen in business administration. Organising a 3 day training session 12 staff 'embers about the mer processor t forms for the reporting of the agricultural activities. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad MADERA Completed EU 4 95 4 95 Organizing a 3 day training session 12 staff members about the nu processor t foras for the reporting of civil engineering activities. 1ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 111 ZakirL2 Date: 04/03/96 8Th EDITION 1 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) ---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY __ -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End MIMA Completed EU (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> .- EDUCAT: Management Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad 3 95 3 95 Organizing a 3 day training session 14 staff members abort the am processor l foras for the reporting of the agricultural activities. 6 92 -- -- 12 days / 120 headmasters Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad SCA Ongoing SCA Pattie Gardais Center ACDO Proposed Self -- 95 -- -- Manageieat l.accoanting coarse. Pattie Patti& Various AIN Approved IRC 10 95 -- -- Business management coarse for S trainees (4 weeks). Tachar Talozan Talozan SCA Ongoing SCA 10 92 -- -- 10 days / 120 headmasters BDA Proposed UNESCO -- 95 -- -- lomen English language program. EDUCAT: Language BaghIan Pali Khuari 4 villages Balkh Nazar Sharif Nazar -i- Sharif START Ongoing UNDP 2 94 -- -- English language training. Herat Herat Center CIA Ongoing ONBK 195 -- - 4 English language courses for 420 students per coarse (3 months). Kabul Kabul Karte Seh IAN Discoutin IAN 7 94 3 95 English language coarse. Kabul Kabul lazir Akbar Khan IAN Ongoing IAN 9 93 -- -- English language coarse. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center ACRO Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Sign language training. Nangarhar Jalalabad City AICC Ongoing LEI -- 89 -- -- Arabic / English / mathematics / computer courses. Nangarhar Jalalabad Kabul Hada AREA-2 Ongoing Self limning of English language course vith 50 % reduced fees, 200 students A 5 teachers based at the office of the 7 95 -- - agency. Niuroz Zaranj Zaranj City VARA Completed VARA/Con 1 94 1 95 - -- One year English course for 200 trainees. 1 95 EDUCAT: Teacher T. Ghazni Deb Yak All villlage MC Ongoing OD Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Center 8CA Ongoing SCA 12 92 -- -- 2 months / 300 teachers Ghazni koqor Nogor CoAlt Completed EU -- 95 -- 95 One session teacher training course by SOS -PG. Ghazni Nogor SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt Helmand Bust Center AMIA Proposed CIDA Berat Herat Center AITN Completed SCF -UK Teacher training program. 195 -- - Through 15 day seminars. Training of 100 teachers. -- 95 -- -- 1 95 Page: 112 7 95 . Teacher training for 16 trainees (6 weeks). Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/% -PROVING -- - -- DISTRICT-- -- ---- TIU.MN:(S) ---- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUMED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --Bad =MC 2111===== MOZ1=== EDUCAT: Teacher T. =IC tACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> Berat Herat Center AITN Completed CIDA Berat Herat Center AITK Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Teacher training for 100 trainees (12 months). Berat Berat Center AIT( Proposed SCF -UL -- 95' -- -- Teacher training for 80 trainees (11 months). Herat Herat Center CH, Ongoing NECK 195 -- -- Teacher training workshops. Herat Herat Varions SCF -UK Ongoing SCF 4 94 -- -- Teacher training program. Kandahar Kandahar City ARARA Completed CIDA 10 94 Kandahar Kandahar City ARARA Proposed UNICEF -- 95 -- -- Training of 100 teachers. Kandahar Kandahar Center AIT( Approved ADA 11 95 -- -- Teacher training for 30 trainees (3 nets). Kandahar Kandahar Center SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. Kauar Bar Lunar Shigil SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. Lunar Chaghasarai Center SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. Lunar Chaghasarai SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through resource centers in schools / two i half 'oath courses / 15 day seminars i practical wort in classrooms. Kauar Chapa Dara Chapa Dan SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day sainare. lunar Charti Chaki SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. lunar Landesh Barikot SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seaìnars. Lunar Khas Khan Lunar SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. lunar Karang SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through resource centers in schools / two A half with courses / 15 day satinan 1 practical work in classrooms. Lanar loar Gal loor Gal SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. Lanar Pech Darai Pach SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through IS day sainara. Laghaan Nehterlan SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through resource centers in schools / trod half tenth courses / 15 day seminars i practical wort in classrooms. Laghnaa Qarghaie SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt 1 95 -- -- Logar Baraki Baraki IBC Completed SY Logar Baraki Barati SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt ACBAR Lanar 5 95 1 9 9S Teacher training for 16 trainees (6 reefs). 2 95 95 12 95 -- 84 -- -- Training of 100 professional teachers. Through 15 day :minus. Training of 25 secondary teachers in one-month seminar. Through 15 day sainara. DATABASE OF $60 ACTIVITIES Page: 113 ZakirP2 Date: 04/03/96 8T1 EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT -- ---- VILIAGE(S )- - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- - - BI- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> EDUCAT: Teacher T. Logar Pali Alan Pali Alu IRC Completed SV Nangarbar Bati Kot Baticoot SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt - 84 - - through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar Behsud Behsood SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 - - Through resource center of 8 day duration. Nangarhar Chaparbar SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt - 84 -- - Through resource centers in schools / two i half 'oath courses / 15 day seminars I practical cork in classrooms. Nangarhar Darne Noor SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt 1 95 - -- Through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar Deh Bala Deb Bala SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- - Through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar Goshta - SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt 1 95 -- - Through 15 day sesinars. Nangarhar Besarak - SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt 1 95 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar Jalalabad Lalalabad AITN Completed Self 4 95 4 45 Teacher training for 11 trainees (2 weeks). Nangarbar Jalalabad Lalalabad AITN Completed Self 3 95 3 95 Teacher training for 11 trainees (2 necks). Nangarbar Jalalabad City ARCS Completed EU 7 93 1 95 training teachers in bon to teach basic health education - funds channeled through IFRCS. Nangarhar Jalalabad BEFARe Ongoing GTZ 8 94 -- Training of-87 teachers t distribution of textbooks to 2,423 students. Nangarbar Jalalabad Center NPO Completed LOLA 2 95 12 95 II months, 6 member of education staff. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center NPO Completed LOLA 4 95 5 days, 6'ember of education staff. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad SCA Ongoing SCA 6 92 -- - Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through resouce center of 8 day duration, Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- _84 -- - Through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar Jalalabad - SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 - -- Through resource centers in schools / two t half month courses / 15 day seminars & practical work in classrooms. Nangarhar Rasa Lama SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar Lhogiaai Vaxiri SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar Khogiani Laja SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- - Through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar Roux Logar Shaws SOS -PG Ongoing EU/B.Gvt -- 84 -- - Through 15 day animus. Nangarbar Nohuand Dara SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt 1 95 -- -- Through IS day seminars. IACBAR 1 95 12 95 5 95 Training of 35 secondary teachers in one-month sainar. 2aonths / 300 teachers DATABASE OF IIGO ACTIVITIES Page: 114 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 811 EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ----VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> EDUCAT: Teacher T. Nangarhar Pachier /Agar Pachir SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. Nangarhar kodat Rodat SOS-PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars, Nangarhar Surkh Rod SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through resource centers in schools I do I half month courses I IS day seminars i practical rock in classrooms, Oruzgan Tirin Center SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Paktia Bak Bak IRC Completed SV 1 Paktia Chaskani Chaskani IRC Completed SV Paktia Chaskani Chaskani IRC Completed Paktia Chaskani Chaskani IRC Paktia Khost Paktia Khost Paktia Sabari Parvan Cbarikar Takhar Talogan bardal Jaghatu bardal Jaghatu bardal Syed Abad bardal Syed Abad 95 'Through 15 day seminars. 95 27 primary school teachers participated in pedagogical seminar. 4 95 5 95 29 primary school teachers participated in pedagogical seminar. SV 1 95 1 95 Seminar for 29 primary school teachers, administrators i headmasters. Completed SV 1 BEFARe Ongoing GTZ Khost IRC Completed SV Yaqubi IRC Completed SV SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt Talogan SCA Ongoing SCA 12 92 -- -- 2 months / 300 teachers Jaghatu Coll Completed EU -- 95 -- 95 One session of teacher training by SOS -PG. SOS -PG Ongoing EU /B.Gvt Sayed Abad CoAR Completed Sayed Abad SOS -PG 1 95 1 95 31 primary school teachers participated in Dari /Pashtu seminar. -- -- 1 95 12 95 3 95 1 Training of 11 teachers & distribution of textbooks to 362 students. Training of 49 secondary teachers in one -month seminar, 4 95 39 primary school teachers participated in Nath seminar. 95 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. 1 95 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. EU -- 94 -- 95 T10 session of teacher training by SOS -PG. Ongoing EU /B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through 15 day seminars. , EDUCAT: Other Balkh Nazar Sharif Nazar -i- Sharif START Ongoing UNDP 2 94 -- -- Computer training Ghazni Deh Yak Ramat RAC Ongoing OD 9 95 - Salary support to kaiak school. Berat Herat Center CHA Ongoing UNHCR 1 95 -- -- 4 computer courses for 100 students per course i 3 level typing courses for 160 students per course (2 months). Kabul Kabul bazir Akbar Khan TDB Approved TDH 3 95 -- - Education training for street children. Laghsaa Alishing Alishing HCI Ongoing CC /HCI 9 94 -- -- Running of an Islamic school for children. IACBAR -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 115 ZakirU2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT ---- -- --YILUAGEiS 1---- MI ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -STATUS -- - -BY - -- Begin- -End 111191191011111111 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION ill1=11 EDUCAT: Other NPO Completed LOLA -- 95 -- 95 722 displaced children assisted with learning 1 playing saterial. Various villages I1RO Ongoing IIRO -- 92 -- -- 1 Quran Circle for Quran students - 100 students. Baraki Danki Barak IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 32 schools & 9,253 students. Logar Charkh Charkh IRC Ongoing SY 1 93 -- - Distribution of school supplies to 8 schools 1 2,871 students. Logar Lboshi Lhoshi IRC Ongoing SY 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 4 schools 1961 students. Logar Logar Various villages I1RO Ongoing IIRO Logar Nohd Agha K. Agha IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 24 schools 16,895 students. Logar Puli Alas Puli Alas IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 41 schools & 10,353 students. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center NPO Completed LOLA Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad OV Completed OY /UK Nangarbar Rodat 11RO Carp NPO Completed LOLA -- 95 -- 95 1486 displaced children assisted with learning L playing saterial. Nangarhar Rodat Besar Skiabi Carp NPO Completed LOLA -- 95 -- 95 1015 displaced children assisted with learning & playing saterial. Nangarhar Unspecified Various villages 1180 Ongoing 1IRO --. 92 -- -- 5 Quran Circles for Quran students - 500 students. Pakteka Jani Khel Jani Khel IRC Ongoing SY 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 4 school 1567 students. Pakteka Katuaz Khayr bat IRC Ongoing SY 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 2 schools K 450 students. Pakteka Sarobi Matt Lban IRC Ongoing SY 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 2 schools 1389 students. Pakteka Sharan Shirai IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 2 schools 1262 students. Pakteka Sultan Khan Yabya Khel IRC Ongoing SY 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 1 schools 1 1,261 students. Pakteka Yusuf Khel Yusuf Ebel IKC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 2 school 1373 students. Patti& Bak Bak 11C Ongoing SY 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 4 schools 11,010 students. Paktia Chamkani Chaskani IRC Ongoing SY 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 10 schools 12,367 students. Patti& Dud Patin Patin IRC Ongoing SY 1 93 -- - Distribution of school supplies to 2 schools 1615 students. Paktia Gardait Center IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 13 schools 13,211 students. Laghsan Alishins Laghsan Laghman Logar ACBAR ' -- 93 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 8 95 9 95 2 Quran Circles for Quran students - 200 students. 5504 displaced children assisted with learning 1 playing saterial. Making of 543 stands blackboards for schools. DATABASE OF 11G0 ACTIVITIES Page: 116 ZakirK2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- -- DISTRICT ---- ACTIVITY FUNDED -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- IRC Ongoing SV 193 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 8 schools A 744 students. DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> EDUCAT: Otner Paktia Gurbuz Gurbuz Paktia ladran Vase IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 9 schools A 667 students. Paktia Jaji Maidan Jaji Miadaa IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 3 schools 4.408 students. Paktia Kbost Various villages IIRO Ongoing IIRO Paktia Khost Dragi IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 12 schools A 1,490 students. Paktia Most Issail Kbel IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to Il schools A 2,652 students. Paktia Khost Yaqubi IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 10 schools A 2,527 students. Paktia Kbost Center IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 20 schools A 6,122 students. Paktia Khost Lakan IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 1 school A 95 students. Paktia Lajmangal Lajnaangal IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 3 schools A 408 students. Paktia Musa Del Moss Ebel IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 4 schools A 398 students. Paktia Musa Khel Moss Khel IRC Ongoing SV 195 -- -- Distribution of supplies to 4 schools A 421 students. Paktia Musa Khel Nader Shah IRC Ongoing SY 1 95 -- -- Distribution of supplies to 7 schools A 1,059 students. Paktia Sabari Sabari IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 4 schools A 559 students. Paktia Sayed Karam Sayed Karam IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 3 schools A 559 students. Paktia Sperah Sperah IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 6 schools A 944 students. Paktia Trayzai Alishir IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 8 schools A 1,728 students. Paktia r....=.. Zuaat IRC Ongoing SV 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 13 schools A 1,841 students. SO Ongoing *Donors 8 93 -- -- 50 bed hospital - surgery / dental / vaccination l delivery room / laboratory / I -ray / physiotherapy / _....1001.... Lormat , -- 93 -- -- 5 Quran Circles for Quran students - 500 students. HEALTH :_Region.Hosp Ghazni Jaghori Center ultrasound / OPD 900 patients /month / IDP 200 patients /month. Berat Herat Center ICRC Ongoing ICRC 4 94 -- -- Berat Herat City MDM Completed EU 7 93 A C B A R 7 95 Support to Berat hospital for mar rounded. Medical supplies, staff training, equipsent rehabilitation. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 117 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE-- -- -DISTRICT - - -- -- --YILLAGE(S) - -- ======== HEALTH: Region.Hosp IMWEIMMin111 AGENCY -- STATUS FUNDED DURATION ---BY - -- Begin--End =6,==S ====M ==== (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS 6 Kabul Kabul Gala Fatbullah ARF Ongoing *Donors -- 92 -° -- Nazo Ana gynecological hospital. Kabul Kabul Shabre Naf IAN Ongoing IAN -- 86 -- -- Tertiary eye hospital(Noor), reconstructed - 93. Kabul Kabul Kabul INC Proposed ECHO -- 95 -- -- Support of 60 bed Ibne Sina Eaergency hospital. Providing nedicine / medical supplies d sedical equipsent. Kabul Kabul City NDN Cospleted ECHO Kabul Kabul City NAM Ongoing ECHO Kabul Kabul City NSF Ongoing ECHO /NSF 8 92 -- -- Academical / surgical I abdooinal - general / 200 beds in Jasuriat Hospital. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad City HAF Ongoing HAF 7 95 Incentive scheme for paediatric unit of the university hospital, OPD 200 /day, / lab d I -ray / 40 IPD beds / 8 95 2 96 10 94 -- -- 6 98 400 bed hospital: sedical supplies I equipment rehabilitation / pediatric tard / feeding center. Eaergency sedical relief to Ali Abad Hospital. pediatricians, doctors, nurses A paramedics Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 93 -- -- Support to hospital for tar founded. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad IIRO Ongoing IIRO --'94 -- -- 150 bed Children t female hose. ( Fatena El- Zahra) - / 20 MD / 30 nurses / orthopaedic / ob -gyn/ ophthalsology I int.sedicine / paediatric / emergency / plastic surgery / lab / X-ray (6900 patients sonthly). HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp Basyan Baayan City CCA Ongoing 5 89 -- -- Self 4 MD / 3 D ass./ 7 nurses / surgery / mobile first aid / TB / dental / 20 roots / 2 0T / 2 I-ray / 2 lab / 1 ambul. 160 -100 pats. /day. 5 95 Hospital renovation, medical supplies, staff training a equipsent rehabilitation. NDM Ongoing ECHO IAHC Ongoing NOV1B Center NSF Ongoing ECHO /NSF 7 95 -- -- Supporting of 60 bed Ghazni Hospital. Bust Canter MERLIN Ongoing ECHO /ODA 2 95 -- Medicine supply i health monitoring of the hospital. Building and technical rehabilitation have been completed. Herat Herat Center MDN Ongoing ECHO 8 95 -- - Kabul Kabul ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Kandahar Kandahar ANI Ongoing ANH /Gen Farah Farah Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Helland City Kokaran 3 96 -- -- -- -- - 3 91 -- -- 100 beds 16 MD / 20 nurses / I-ray / vaccination / MCH I dental / surgery / 200 -250 patients OPD/day. Medical 1 lojistic support for malnutritions' ! saternity tard of Herat Hospital. Support to State Security hospital for tar founded. 35 bed hospital for sale fatale i children - I -ray / lab / dental / vaccination I ENT / salaria control / T.B program I surgical i internal yards I OPD abort 3,000 patients /south t fron 280 -320 patients are admitted /month. Kandahar Kandahar City IABC Ongoing NOVIB -- -- -- - 150 bed hospital / 8 ND / 25 nurses / lab / I -ray / operation which need local anaesthesia / dental clinic I 150 -160 patients OPD /day. Kandahar A C H A R Kandahar Ninais Hospital MERLIN Ongoing 2 95 -- -- ECBO IODA . Medicine supply d health sonitoring of the hospital. Building and technical rehabilitation have been cospleted. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 118 ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Narang Nehterlas Mehterlan Baraki Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Kouz Konar Chamkani Jaji Khost Talogan Qalat Kunar Laghman Laghman Logar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Paktia Paktia Paktia Takhar Zabel Center Khost Proja Shari Nay Center Asir Shaheed Rd Asir Shaheed Rd Center Qala -e -Malik Mehtarlas Center Center Asadabau Nazar Sharif Nazar Sharif Maur Sharif Andar Andar Balkh Balkh Balkh Ghazni Ghazni ACBAR Maur Sharif Balkh Chardiyal Chardewal Security Hospital Civilian Hospital Dustos Hospital Mazar Sharif HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Chaghasarai Kunar HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp -PROVINCE-- ACTIVITY NAC NAC ICRC ICRC ICRC ICRC MERLIN A -AID IIRO LBI LBI AMA AOGN AOGB ANE ANI -A NSF ANH AMA ANH Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Discontin Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Discontin Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- IS= =GS= AGENCY FUNDED NORAD NAC ICRC ICRC ICRC ICRC ECHO /ODA UK-ODA IIRO LBI LBI Self *Donors *Donors ANH/Gera AMI /F.Go MSF ANN /Gera Self IECF /Ger -- -BY- -- 4 95 Page: 119 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) ! Hospital with lab / I -ray / surgery / OPD / etc. 12 bed hospital - I -ray / lab / surgical / dental / NCH services / 100 pts.OPD per day. Support to Security hospital for war wounded. Support to Civilian hospital for war wounded. Support to Dustom hospital for war wounded. Support to hospital for gar wounded. ZakirL2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION Medicine supply A health monitoring of the hospital. Building a d"tecbnical rehabilitation have been completed. Disabled Afghan program center. 15 bed hosp. General surgery 15 doctors / 12 nurses / I -ray I Lab /-pharmacy (4000 patients monthly). 20 bed hospital - fully equipped 60 bed hospital - fully equipped 1 ND / I vaccinator I I dispenser / OPD 50 /day, 27 bed delivery ampler I lab / x-ray / ultrasouâd / OPD 60 -70 women A children per day. 27 bed delivery complex - lab I x-ray / ultrasound - OPD: 60 -70 women I children / daily. about 2,500 patients /month d froa 220 - 240 patients are admitted /month. 40 bed hospital pith x-ray / Lab / vaccination / malaria control / T.B program / surgical / internal wards / OPD I ultrasound / physiotherapy / vaccination / ! pharmacy. 50 beds / general surgery / medical OPD I gynecology / obstetrincs pediatric / NCH / lab / dental clinic / I-ray Supporting of 50 bed Mehtarlam Hospital. about 4,500 patients /month & from 350 - 420 patients are adaitted /month 45 bed hospital - I -ray / lab / vaccination / salaria control / T.B program / surgical 1 internal wards / OPD 1 ND / 3 aid -level H1s / I vaccinator / 1 dispenser / OPD 80 /day. internal wards I about 2430 patients/month A from 300 - 340 patients are admitted/ionth. 35 bed female ! children hospital - I -ray / lab / dental / ENT / vaccination / malaria control / surgical DATABASE OP NGO ACTIVITIES 195 -- -- -- 89 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- 2 95 -- -- -- 94 -- 95 -- 93 -- -- -- 89 -- -- -- 89 -- -- 7 94 2 93 -- -- 2 93 -- -- 5 92 -- -- 8 90 -- -- 10 94 -- -- 6 94 -- -- 7 94 -- -- 10 89 -- -- =SW= DURATION Begin- -End -PROVINCE -- ---- VILlAGE(S) - - -- --DISTRICT- -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION *=07131t ===.111111=i HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Gbazui Ghazni Center ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to Ghazni hospital for var wounded. Ghazni Ghazni ARCS Hospital ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Dispensary Helsand Kajaki 30 villages IAHC Ongoing NOVIB -- -- -- -- 10 bed / 13 Ces / TB k salaria lab / wall surgery / OPD. Helsand Musa Quia 60 villages RAIC Ongoing NOVIB 30 bed /15 MLIfTs/I- ray /TB k salaria lab /surgery of war wounded k sine injured /I asbalance /50 -60 patients OPD /dal. Kabul Chararyab Karte 3 ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to Karte Sah 50 beds hospital for war wounded. Kabul Kabul Ali Abad ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to Ali Abad hospital for war wounded. Kabul Kabul Police Hospital ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to Kabul Kabul Indira Gandi ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to indita Gandi hospital for war wounded. Kabul Kabul SCA 2 ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Dressing k dispensary. Kabul Kabul Kbair Khana ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- - Support to Khair Khana hospital for war wounded. Kabul Kabul Narastoon Hospital ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to Marastoon hospital for war wounded. Kabul Kabul 5 bed Hospital ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to Kabul Kabul Naivand ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to Mairand hospital for war wounded. Kabul Kabul Goo Beds ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to hospital for war wounded. Kabul Kabul Boutrak ICRC Ongoing ICRÇ -- 94 -- -- Dressing k dispensary. Kabul Kabul SCA 1 ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Dressing k dispensary. Kabul Kabul ARCS Hospital ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to ARCS hospital for war wounded. Kabul Kabul Qala Haider Khan ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Dressing k dispensary. Kabul Kabul Karts Seb MSF Ongoing ECHO/MSF -- 92 -- -- Medical supply clinic, 50 bed / 100 consults I day. Kabul Paglai Uriakhel ICRC Ongoing ICRC - 94 - Dressing k dispensary. Kabul Qara Bagh Qara Bagh ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Support to Charitar hospital for war wounded. Kabul Qara Bagh Qara Bagh INC Ongoing EU /ANICE 10 92 -- -- 30 bed hospital- 8 MDs / 3 sid -level H1s / 3 nurses I in- patient services / surgery / aedical / EPI / dental I . . -- Police hospital for war wounded. 50 Beds hospital for var wounded. obgyn / pediatrics k training facilities. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 120 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION - -- DISTRICT - - -- --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- IABC IAHC Tirin Kot Nebrabad ARCS Hospital Charikar Tirin Tirin Sharan Charikar Charikar Day Nirdad 3aghatu Oruzgan Orozgan Pakteka Parma Parvan Vardak Vardak ACRD Kalandeh Hezbi Vandat Nazar Sharif Nazar Sharif Balkh Balkh Center Nazar Sharif Center Nahrein Nazar Sharif Completed INC Valian Doshi SCA ICRC IAN SCA Ongoing SCA Center Dahna Gbori Balkh Baghlan Bagblan Baghlan SCA Fabrika Baghlan Baghlan Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing SCA Yawan Ragh Badakshan SCA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Center When Badakshan HEALTH: Compr.Clinic LDI Tangi Sayedan ICRC ICRC LDI ARDA Kaja Bazaar Khogiani Nangarhar Sharan IIRO Center Kunduz Kunduz Ongoing IANC 35 villages Panjwai Kandahar Ongoing DURATION -- DESCRIPTION> SIDA ICRC Page: 121 1 95 -- -- -- 94 -- -- 7 93 -- -- 7 95 -- -- EU IAN S 88 Private lab tech. 8 OPD. Zatirl2 Date: 04/03/96 1 ND I i sid -level BB / 1 BIT / 1 lab technician. Support to Bezbi Bandat clinic for war wounded. Eye clinic. I ND / i advanced mid -level HT / 4 mid -level Hts / 2 BBB. 1 mid -level Os / 1 2 NDs (male I fetale) / 1 advanced mid -level HT / 1 female dental I 9 95 -- -- EU 4 95 1 ND / 4 BBIs / 1 dental tech. / 1 health educator. 1 lab technician. 1 95 -- -- EU 1 1 advanced mid -level IV / 2 mid -level B1s / 2 BHIs / 1 95 -- -- lab tech. 12 BHB I 1 health educator. lab tech. / 1 dental technician. EU 1 1 ND / I advanced mid -level HV / 3 mid -level Bls / vaccinations. 15 bed hosp: 25 BIs - I -ray / anaesthesia I dressing I surgery (4 oper. I south / dental I NCH / TB control Surgical hospital - 5 NOs / 9 mid -level ills / 8 other His - OT / 1 -rays. lab. Support to Charikar hospital for tar wounded. Dispensary 20 bed hospital - 3 NDs / 6 technicians / 1 nurse - OPD I emergency care I lab L I -ray. 6 NLBws / 10 beds / lab / stall surgery / 40 patients OPD / day. 6 NLEIn / 10 beds / lab I small surgery / 40 patients OPD / day. staff. 3 tale t female NDs / 2 ante t female nurses / 2 lab tech. / 2 x-ray tech. / 2 vaccinators / 10 supportive 20 bed hosp. for Afghan L Tajik refugees with different specialties (2500 patients monthly). 6 bed / 8 NfDls / sua11 surgery / salaria ! TB lab / 30 -40 patients OPD f day. 6 bed / 15 MLBis / stall surgery / TB lab / OPD, (ACTIVITY 3 88 -- -- -- 84 -- -- -- -- - -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- 93 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Begin- -End EU NDN LD1 ICRC ICRC LDI NOVIB NOVIB AAA IIRO NOVIB NOVIB FUNDED -- -BY - -- ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- IAHC Argbistan 50 villages AGENCY Kandahar HEALTH: Distrct Hosp -PROVINCE -- I -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - --- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Baryan Reheard Saighan Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 1 MD / 1 nurse / i aid -level HI/ 1 dental tech. / i lab tech. 1 MD / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level H1/ 1 dental tech. / 1 lab tech. / l vaccinator / 1 receptionist. Mayan tiaras Center AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / I Farah Anar Dara Center MERLIN Ongoing ECHO 12 95 -- -- 1 vaccinator / i receptionist. I MD / 2 H1 (sale A female),the facilities are - TBA training / physical rehabilitation / MCH / lab / medicine A equipment supply. Farah Baku Center MERLIN Ongoing ECHO 12 95 -- -- 1 MD 12 H1 (male A female),the facilities are - TBA training / physical rehabilitation / MCH / lab / medicine A equipment supply. Farah Bala Balout Center MERLIN Ongoing ECHO 12 95 -- -- 1 MD / 2 H1 (male a female),the facilities are - TBA training / physical rehabilitation I MCH / lab I medicine t equipment supply. Farah fiat Safid Eenter MERLIN Ongoing ECHO 12 95'- 1 MD / 2 H1 (male A feaale),the facilities are - TBA training / physical rehabilitation / MCH / lab / medicine t -- equipment supply. Farah Lash Jareen Center MERLIN Ongoing ECHO 12 95 -- -- 1 ND / 2 HN (sale A female),the facilities are - TBA training / physical rehabilitation I MCH I lab / medicine t equipment supply. Farah Qala Rah Center MERLIN Ongoing ECHO 12 95 -- -- 1 MD 1 2Ií1 (male d female),the facilities are - TBA training / physical rehabilitation / MCH / lab / medicine A equipment supply. Farah Shindand Center MERLIN Ongoing ECHO 12 95 -- -- i MD / 2 H1 (male ! female),the facilities are - TBA training / physical rehabilitation / MCH / lab / medicine A equipsent supply. SCA Ongoing AMI -A Proposed 52 villages IABC Ongoing Ghazni Was Daran LDI Ghazni Ghazni Rana Ghazni Jaghatu Ghazni Ghazni Andar Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Nani 7 86 -- -- 2 ND (male t female) / 1 mid -level H1 / I dental tech. / 1 Dai / 1 health educator. -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of health system, supplying material k medical support t training of medical personal: NOVIB -- -- -- -- lb mid -level His / 1 female MD / Ongoing LDI -- -- - -- 1 MD / 1 nurse I SCA Ongoing EU Khogiani NAC Ongoing RAC Jaghatu Khugiani NAC Ongoing FM 3 95 -- - Clinic with lab, OPD 1 pharmacy, Ghazni Jaghatu Baretat NAC Ongoing FM 3 95 -- -- Clinic with lab, OPD 1 pharmacy. Ghazni Khwaja Omri GAF Ongoing GAF 7 89_-- -- -- 91 -- - -- 92 -- -- 1 female nurse / lab / I -ray / 6 beds d 80 OPD patients I day. lab tech - OPD. 2 ND (sale d female) / 1 mid -level H1 / 1 Dai / I health educator. 1 ND - 5 beds / minor surgery / OPD, OPD / 1 doctor / 2 nurses A i guard. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 122 1 ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ghazni Nalestan Niradina SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 2ND (sale A female) / I advanced nid -level BI / 2 nid -level His / i Ghazni Mogor Center SCA Ongoing Ell 5 87 -- -- 1 advanced mid -level HI / i mid -level NI / Ghazni Qarabagh Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 94 -- -- 1 ND / 2 mid -level Nis / 1 lab tech. / 1 dental tech. / 1 health educator. Ghor Chagbcbaran ARCS Clinic ICRC Ongoing ICRC 9 94 -- -- Common drugs for dispensary. Helmand Kajati AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- lab tech. / 1 Dai / 1 health educator. 1 health educator. Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 1 ND / 1 nurse / 1 lid -level NI/ 1 dental tech. / i lei tech. 1 MD / 1 nurse / i midlevel NI/ 1 dental tech. / 1 lab tech. 1 1D / I nurse / 1 mid -level HI/ 1 dental tech. / 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. Helmand Musa Qala AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of mums diseases / 30 -SO patient /day i / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. Helmand Nad -Ali Center AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / / Helmand lashare Colenge AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 1 Kb / 1 nurse / I mid -level Ili/ 1 dental tech. / 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. lauzjan Sheberghan City IBF Ongoing 1TP Kabul Charasyab Charasyab NSF Ongoing ECHO /NSF Kabul Deb Sabz Puli Charthi ORA Ongoing ORA 9 92 -- -- Genera nedical services (10 staff). Kabul Deh Sabz Batht Yaran SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 advanced mid -level His / 6 mid -level Nis. Kabul Istalef Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 ND 1 I advanced mid -level II / 4 mid -level ills. Kabul Kabul Shahre Nu HT Ongoing EU /ODA Kabul Kabul Tainany NSF Ongoing ECIR) /NSF 9 92 -- -- 10 bed / 5 ND / I20 consults / day no EPI yet. Kabul Kabel Dashti Bauchi NSF Ongoing ECIOINSF 1 93 -- -- 5 MD 160 consults I day IPI (IIIIOEF). Kabul Mir Bachatot Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - - 2 female MD / 1 sale DM / 4 advanced mid -level fils / 1 mid -level HHt / 2 health educators. Kabul Paghman Behtut AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 94 - 1 female ND / 1 male ID / 3 advanced mid-level Its / 1 mid -level NI / 1 health educator. Kabul Pagbman Pagina ICRC Ongoing ICRC Kabul Paglian Paghman NSF Ongoing ECHO/MSF Kabul Pagbtan Chandalbahi NAC Ongoing NAC 1ACBAR 9 95 -- -- - 93 -- -- Medical supply clinic 80 consults. -- -- -- -- - 94 - -- 1 93 -- - -- 92 -- -- Clinic for displaced people. General OPD for local people - unexploded ordnance disposal. Dressing E dispensary of Pagan dental clinic.' Supply nedicines / medical material clinic 80 consults / day. Dental clinic. DATABASE OF I4G0 ACTIYITIES Page: 123 ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 81H EDI TION 1 SCA AGENCY Approved Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY EU EU --BY -- FUNDED -- 95 -- -- 1 94 -- -- begin- -End DURATION ---- VILLAGE(S)- - -- Pagan AYICEN - -- DISTRICT - - -- Kabul Arghandab -PROVINCE -- Kandahar Dad AYICEN (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION>` Kapisa Lapina Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Panjshare Nejrab Kohband Shahrali Kot Shabuali Kot Panjni Nayrand Naruf Naruf Kandahar Aznar Bazarat Roza Kbel Dado Kbel -- Tashmol -- Pirzai Piraai City iFA ANI -A SCA SCA SCA ARDS ADDS AVIX2El AVICEN AVIX'1I AYICf11 IABC Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Approved IIRO IIRO 111X' 111A/EU EU EU EU EU EU ED EB EU Ell 1OI1B EU -- 92 - -- - 91 - -- 91 -- -- -- 95 - - 5 94 -- -- 1 94 -- -- 1 94 -- -- 194 - -- 10 95 12 96 - 94 -- 96 7 95 - - -- 95 - -- 5 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 95 -- -- 1 ND / 14 health torten 100 -120 patient OFD/day Lab facility. i ND / 1 urne / lab / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (2100 patients monthly). 1 ND / i nurse / lab / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (1800 patients monthly). Dreg addicts treatment. Aznar clinic 1 ND / 1 NLBI I i lab Tech. / IO beds daily OPD / training program for voluntary health varier:. 1 ND / I advanced mid -level BI / 1 lab tech. / 1 dental tech. / 1 health educator. I ND / 3 advanced mid -level His / 1 ND / 1 advanced mid -level BI / I 5 male beds L S female beds / nurse / lab tech. / BB / vaccinator / dental / pharmacist / OPD / TEA training. Running of comprehensive health center. Treatment of canon diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / Treatment of coon diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 8 ND / 15 nurses / malaria / TB lab / small surgery / dental / 100 patients OPD / day. Treatment of canon diseases / 30 -50 patient/day / 11D / I nurse / I mid -level BI/ I dental tech. / I lab tech. Treatment of colon diseases / 30.50 patient /day / 1 ND / i nurse / t nid -level BI/ 1 dental tech. / 2 ND / 3 advanced nid -level Ws / 1 lid -level BI / 1 health educator. Kapisa Bar Lunar -- libo Ongoing JAMS 9 95 - -- / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. / 1 vaccinator / i receptionist. 1 ND / 1 nurse / I mid-level BI/ i dental tech. / 1 mid -level BI/ 1 dental tech. / I i lab tech. lab tech. lab tech. lab tech. 1 1 ND / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level BI/ I dental tech. / 1 Treatment of coaon diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / I ND / 1 nurse / i mid -level BI/ 1 dental tech. / I I vaccinator / I receptionist. Zatiri2 Date: 04/03/% to survey each village one by one, 2 ND / 2 lab tech. / 2 nurses 16 non medical staff. 2 mobile clinic deals with patients refering from dermatologic diseases as well as leprosy patients i they have I mid -level BI / 1 lab tech. / 1 health educator. lab tech. / 2 mid -level His. Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day I lab tech. Lunar Barg Natal Chili IIRO Ongoing JRBIS 1 Kumar Chauti Kbas War JAMS Ongoing 1 vaccinator / I receptionist. Kumar Ibis Komar Sinzoy JAMS / lunar Pech All villages -Behtut HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Kandahar Lunar Pech 1 ND / 1 nurse / bur Page: 124 -PROVINCE -- ---DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGES) - - -- AGENCY ACTIY1TY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Compr.C1inic Kunar Pech Aran: NAC Ongoing NAC -- 91 -- -- Dental clinic. Kunar Pech Kaìgal NAC Ongoing NAC -- 86 -- -- I-ray / lab / ND doctor. Sirkanay Ganjgal ANA Ongoing Self 1 87 -- -- Kunar 2 disp. / 1 vaccinator / 1 TBA / 2 CBIs / 1 salaria sup. -50 pts.OPD / day - general medicine / $ / vacc. / salaria control. Kunduz Kunduz Laghnan Laghman Laghman Laghman Laghman Laghman Lagnman Laghman Laghman Laghman Logar Bazrat liai Khanabad Alingar Center Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 ND 1 2 advanced nid -level His / 2 nid -level 11 / Ongoing EU Tengavar SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- -- 1 ND / 3 advanced aid -level Ils / 1 mid -level Ills. II10 Ongoing 1I10 -- 91 -- -- 1 ND I 1 nurse / lab / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (2000 patients monthly). SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- -- 2 NDs (tale A feule ) / 2 advanced mid -level 11 Islamabad 7 91 - -- 1 feule ND / 1 lab tech. / I dental tech. / 2 BBfs / 1 Dai. Farasbghan SCA Ongoing SIDA 2 95 -- -- 1 ND / 3 nid -level Bis / I pharmacist. Dulatsha Center SCA Ongoing SIDA 3 95 -- -- 1 ND / 6 aid -level BIs / 1 dental technician. 1110 Ongoing 1110 -- 91 - -- Nehterlam Nooristan fana JANS Ongoing JANS 1 94 -- -- Nooristan Nangarage SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- - I110 Ongoing I110 92 - -- Daralam SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- -- Qalae law SCA Ongoing SIDA 4 88 -- -- Qarghaie Charth lab tech. / 1 dental tech. 1 1 health educator. SCA Davlatsha Qarghaie 1 Center Alishing Rushing SCA 12 mid -level RVs I 1 lab tech. I 1 dental technician. 1 ND / 1 nurse / lab / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (1900 patients monthly). UND 114 health utters 50-80 patients /day lab. facility. 2 advanced mid -level Ills / 4 iid -level Ills. I ND 1 I nurse / lab / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (2000 patients monthly). 2 es / 2 advanced aid -level Ils / 4 nid -level Ds. 2 ND: (sale t female) / I advanced nid -level BI / 2 mid -level Bis / I health educator / 1 lab technician I I Dai. Logar Logar All Proposed ED -- 95 -- -- -- 92 -- - Nedial supply t supervision. Rebabilitation of health system, supplying material A aedical support i training of medical personal. Logar Mohd Agha Mohammad Agha NSF Ongoing I/NSF Logar Puli Alan Parat SCA Ongoìsg SIDA 5 86 -- -- 1 MD / 2 mid -level Hs / 1 health educator / I lab tech. / 1 dental technician. Pnli Alas Qalae Jelga SCA Ongoing SIDA 6 89 -- -- 1 ND / 1 advanced aid -level IV / 1 health educator / 1 lab tech. / Logar Nangarhar Nangarhar ACHAR Bati Kot Bati lot Center Center 1 dental technician. SCA Ongoing SIDA 8 94 -- -- I MD / 3 advanced aid -level lb / I aid -level 81 / 1 health educator / 1 lab technician. SCA Ongoing SIDA 4 95 -- -- i MD / 5 aid -level Ills / I lab technician. DATABASE OF NOD ACTIVITIES 8T1 EDITION Page: 125 Writ Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY--- begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> t HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Nangarhar Chaparhar Chaparhar I1R0 Ongoing 1110 -- 91 -- -- 1 ND / 1 nurse I lab 12 vaccinators / dispensary (2000 patients monthly). Nangarhar Chaparhar Center SCA Ongoing SIDA II 92 -- -- 2 MDs 13 advanced mid -level His / 2 mid -level His / i health educator I I lab technician. Nangarhar Darne Noor gala -e -Shahi JAILS Ongoing JAMS -- 91 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Center ANC Capleted AL -Basar -- 94 -- 95 Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ISRA Ongoing ISBA 9 92 -- -- 1 medical officer / 1 medical assistant d 1 lab tech. / female nurse I2 helper. Nangarhar Jalalabad City MMC Completed ICRC /1HO 4 90 3 MD46 paranedics +l vaccinator 1 tab tech.+l female nurse - surgical / OPD / Lab / EPI I MCI I Dental. Nangarhar Jalalabad RADA Ongoing *Donors -- 93 -- -- Mazillofacial A EMT / dental health center / dental training coarse for female trainees 150 -200 patients daily. Nangarhar Rama Center SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- - 1 MD / 1 advanced mid -level HI / 1 pharmacist / 4 TEA (Dai) Nangarhar Rana Center SCA Ongoing SIDA Nangarhar Rama Center SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- -- 2 advanced mid -level His / I mid -level HT / 1 lab tech. / I pharmacist. Nangarhar Rhogiani Raja 1110 Ongoing IIRO -- 91 -- -- 1 MD / 1 nurse / lab / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (1800 patients monthly). Nangarhar Rhogiani iazir SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- -- 3 advanced mid -level His / 3 health educator. Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi IIBO Ongoing 1110 -- 94 -- -- Clinic for displaced people - 2 MD (male d female) / 2 nurses / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (2800 patients 1 MD / I4 health vorters 120 -180 patients OPD / day - lab facility. It is planned to have 4 beds 4 i -ray. Eye clinic 4 9S 8 94 -- 1 MD / 2 advanced mid -level His / 2 mid -level His / I health educator / 1 lab tech. / 1 dental technician. monthly). Nangarhar Rodat Center SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- -- 1 MD / I advanced mid -level HI / 4 mid -level His / 1 Nangarhar Shinvar Ghani Rhel 1110 Ongoing 1110 - 91 -- -- 1 ND / I nurse / lab / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (2000 patients monthly). Nangarhar Surth Rod 1110 Ongoing 111 -- 93 -- -- 1 ID / 1 nurse / lab / 2 vaccinators / dispensary (1800 patients monthly). Oruzgan Deh Laud NSF Omgoits MSF 9 95 - -- Oruzgan Shahristan AMEN Approved t i Olaai lab tech. / 1 dental tech. / 1 health educator. 10 BHV / 1 CHU / 1011A / 20 MI. -- 95 - -- Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 1 ND / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level HI/ 1 dental tech. / i lab tech. I I vaccinator / 1 receptionist. Oruzgan Tiria Tarin Rovt NSF Ongoing NSF 9 95 -- -- 10 BHU / 1 CIO / 10 ilk / 20 BHT. Patteta Barnal Sorobi SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 - - 1 ND / 1 advanced mid -level BI / 2 mid -level Nis / 1 Palteta Urgoua Center SCA Ongoing 7 89 -- -- 1 MD / 1 advanced mid -level HI / 2 mid -level His / 1 health educator. Pattia Gardaiz Center SCA Ongoing 2 95 - -- I ND / 1 advanced nid -level HI / 2 mid -level Hfs / 1 health educator. ACBAR DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 126 ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 lab tech. / I health educator. 8111 EDITION - -- DISTRICT - - -- -- -- VILLAGES) - - -- Zormat Bagraa Bagram Jabal Saraj Surth Parsa Chah Ab Rustaq Chak Chak Cbak Chak Jaghatu Jaghatu Jaghatu Jaghatu Naydan Shar Sped Abad Syed Abad Syed Abad Paktia Pusan Parma Pasan Pawn Takhar Takhar lardak lardak lardak lardak lardak lardak lardai lardak lardak lardak lardak lardak ACBAR Zormat Paktia r Tani Pattie, Sheniz Sayed Abad Nushtu Qata Nesri Khel Jaghatu Kalandeh Araban Shah Qalander Goda Bahadur Center Center Center , Dahanaiparanda Center Darlat Shahi Zuriat Tameer Sperkai HEALTH: Compr.Clinic -PROVINCE-- INC CoAR AVICEN SCA SCA AVICEN ACRD ACRD SCA SCA LDI AVICEN SCA SCA SCA CBR SCA GAF MAC NAC SCA AGENCY ACTIVITY Completed Ongoing Approved Ongoing Ongoing Approved Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing --STATUS -- FUNDED Private EU EU SIDA SIDA EU NDN NDN SIDA SIDA LDI EU EU EU EU UIiO EU GAF FM NAC EU -- -BY - -- DURATION -- 4 95 Page: 121 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 1 lab technician. I 1 vaccinator I 1 receptionist. 1 1 Dai. 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. 2 red -level / ZakirR2 Date: 04//03/96 1 dentist / I lab tech. - OPD. 1 comprehensive health center A 1 BRU. / Treatment of coma diseases / 30 -50 patient /day I 1 ND / 1 nurse / 1 aid -level HI/ 1 1 1 lab tech. lab tech. lab tech. 8TE EDITION 1 health 1 dental tech. / 1 ID / 2 mid -level Its I 1 lab tech. / 1 dental tech. / 2 vaccinators I 1 health educator. educator, 1 ND / 1 advanced nid -level Il / 1 mid -level Il / 2 vaccinators / 1 dental tech. / / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. Treatment of coron diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 1 ND / 1 nurse / i mid -level I11/ 1 dental tech. / health program. lab technician f I Dai. lab technician / Comprehensive health services to cover all preventive, A curative aspects of lardak OPD with lab / dental I MCI services. 2ND (male& female) / 3 advanced mid -level BIPs / 1 aid -level IV / 1 1 MD (male A female) / 3 advanced mid -level Ills / I nid -level Il / i MD /1 nid -level Ils I 1 lab tech. - OPD / lab / dental service. I Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 1 ND / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level IV/ 1 dental tech. / lab tech. I 1 health educator. 1 MD / i advanced mid -level IV / 1 lab tech. / 4 BIM. 1 ND / 1 advanced mid -level lit / 2 ND / 1 dental technician Comprehensive health center. 1 ND I I advanced mid -level Ill I l mid level IV / OPD / 1 doctor / 2 nurses A I guard. Clinic lith lab, OPD I. pharmacy. Comprehensive health center with ND doctors. 1 ND / 1 advanced mid -level IV / 1 lid -level 1íN / I lab technician. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 5 81 -- 94 -- 96 -- 9S -- -- Z 90 -- -- 1 85 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 83 1 89 -- -- 4 85 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- Z 95 -- -- 1 94 -- -- 10 93 -- -- 1 94 -- -- -- 91 -- -- 3 95 -- -- S 93 -- -- 1 81 -- -- Begin --End Syed Abad Mosa Ihel Hasan Khel AN1 -A SCA SCA AGENCY Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS-- ACTIVITY EU EU SIDA SIDA -- -BY - -- FUNDED -- 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 5 86 -- -- 6 88 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION I MD / 4 advanced nid -level His 12 vaccinators I 2 MD (sale & female) / 4 advanced nid -level HIs / 2 nid -level B1s / lab tech. / dental technician. 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. Badakshan Badakshan Badakshan Faizabad - Faizabad Faizabad Badakshan Duab Chapa Dehbazar Hafez Mughol Various SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA MERLIN Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing_ Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Surveyed EU EU EU EU EU EU EU ECHO /ODA EU EU 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Marker (BHT) / 3 aid -level HIs. 2 Basic Bealth Marker (BHIs) / 2 aid -level HTs. I female aid -level HT / 3 BHTs / 2 aid -level His / 1 female advanced aid -level HT / 2 mid -Lott !Is I 1 BHT I 1 health educator. 3 aid -level HIs / 1 BHT. 2 mid -level Hls / 1 dental technician. 95 -- -- 1 lab technician. Rehabilitation of health system, supplying aaterial A aedical support & training of aedical personal. / Badakshan Jura Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- / I 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist. 1 ND / 1 nurse / 1 nid -level HT/ 1 dental tech. / Treatment of coma diseases 130 -50 patient /day I 1 MD / 1 nurse / 1 nid -level HI/ I dental tech. / Conduction of health survey in response to cholera, evaluation. health educator. i aid -level HT / 1 dental technician. 1 lab technician. I Basic Health Porker (BHT). 1 1 clinic for primary health care. 1 1 lab tech. lab tech. lab tech. 8TH EDITION I Treatment of Gown diseases 130 -SO patient /day / 1 ND I 1 nurse I 1 aid -level HI/ 1 dental tech. I 1 lab tech. Badakshan Jura Dash Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 aid -level HI / 3 BIM. I vaccinator / 1 receptionist. Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / Badakshan Jura Naaazgah SCA Ongoing IFRCS 2 95 -- -- 2 aid -level HTs / 1 BHT I 1 health educator. / Badakshan Rashes Bazari Teshkan SCA Ongoing W 1 95 -- -- Treatment of conaon diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 1 MD / I nurse / 1 mid -level HI/ 1 dental tech. / Badakshan Keshea Center IFRCS Ongoing EU ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF LIGO ACTIVITIES -- 94 -- -- DESCRIPTjON> Iardak Syed Abad -- AVICEN EU <ACTIVITY Iardak Iardak Nana Approved --- TILLAGE(S )- - -- Nardak Dai Chupan ATICEN Approved - -- DISTRICT - - -- tabu( Qalat AVICEN Approved -PROVINCE -- Kabul Shah Joy AVICEN Badakshan Shar Bozurg Center SCA Ongoing HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Kabul Sheaalzai Badakshan Qala Nan Khosh Dam SCA . Kabul Badghis Anderab Bano 9 95 Baghlan Anderab HEALTH: Basic Clinic Baghlan ACBAR Page: 128 - -- DISTRICT - - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- Shahri Kohna DAhana Larkhab lolyan Doabi Arakash Baghlan Doshi Khenjan Khost Fring ghost Fring Nahrein Puli Khunri Char Kant Dehdadi Nazar Sharif Nazar Sharif Nazar Sharif Sholgera Banyan Kahmard Panjab Shibar Yakovlang Kohistan Maymana Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Balkh Balkh Balkh Balkh Balkh Balkh Banyan Banyan Ruyan Banyan Banyan Faryab Faryab ACBAlt Tajikan Baghlan Baghlan Center Gigiboy Center !largest Center Markaz Char Asyab Nazar -i-Sharif Sakhi Nazar -i-Sharif Center Shor Blaq Pulikuabiri Charon Various Baghlan Baghlan Center Baghlan Baghlan HEALTH: Basic Clinic -PROVINCE -- IFRCS SCA AYICEN AYICEN AVICEN AYICEN AVICEN SCA NSF NSF IFRCS SCA NSF NSF SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA NSF IFRCS AGENCY ACTIVITY Ongoing Ongoing Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- FUNDED IFRCS SIDA EU EU EU EU EU SIDA EU EU IFRCS SIDA EU EU EU EU Eli EU EU EU EU EU IFRCS ---BY - -- DURATION Page: 129 < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> I nurse / 1 mid -level Ht / I vaccinator. 3 clinics for primary health care. 2 advanced mid -level His / 1 mid -level et / 2 Bills. Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day. I I nurse I 1 mid -level it / I vaccinator. Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day I 1 nurse / I aid -level Ht / 1 vaccinator. Treatment of common diseases 115 -20 patient /day I 1 nurse / I mid -level Ht I 1 vaccinator. Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse I 1 mid -level Ht / I vaccinator. 2 advanced mid -level Nis / 1 lid -level Bf / 1 BBi. 2 clinics for IDP people in camps. .Tajik refugees - medical supervision. 4 clinics for primary health care. 2 advanced mid -level His / 2 mid -level Nis. Basic clinic for public health. Supervise dispensary t NO for IDP A local people. 1 aid -level IV / 3 Bits. 3 mid -level Nis / 1 BHT. 2 BNis / 1 health educator. 4 aid -level Nis. 3 mid -level Nis / 1 BNi. 1 advanced mid -level Ni 13 mid -level His. I advanced mid -level Hi / 2 aid -level ifs / lab technician. Dispensary for returnees. 1 clinic for primary health care. lakirP2 Date: 04/03/98 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES -- 94 -- -- 9 90 -- -- -- 95 -- - -- 95 - -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 4 87 -- -- -- 93 -- - : -- 92 -- -- -- 94 -- -- 10 95 -- -- 12 95 -- -- 10 94 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 1 95 - -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 195 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 10 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- Begin- -End 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE-- HEALTH: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin - -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOlI> Basic Clinic Ghazni Ab Band Bazigala SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- I advanced mid -level Hk / 1 aid -level Hk / 1 health educator. Ghazni Andar Noghai SCA Ongoing 194 -- -- I advanced aid -level Hlt / 1 mid -level Hk / 1 health educator. Ghazni Deb Yak Rabat LDI Ongoing LDI Ghazni Dell Yak Rand. SCA Ongoing EU Ghazni Ghazni Center IFRCS Ongoing IFRCS Ghazni Ghazni laghaz SCA Ongoing EU 2 89 -- -- I advanced aid -level II Ghazni Giro Pana SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 advanced aid -level Hk / 1 mid -level Hk / 1 health educator. Ghazni Jaghatu Bazari Sedaqat. SCA Ongoing EU 11 87 -- -- 1 advanced aid -level Hk / 1 aid -level HT / 1 health educator. Ghazni Khraja Omri GAF Ongoing GAF -- 93 -- -- OPD I I male doctor / 2 male nurses / 1 guard. Ghazni Khaaja Omri Qalae Nav SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- f advanced mid -level Ilk / 2 aid -level Bes. Ghazni kalestan Khakrizak SCA Ongoing EU 194 -- -- 1 advanced aid -level HI I 1 mid -level Ilk / Ghazni Mogor Nogor CoAR Ongoing EU -- 94 -- 96 Ghazni Mogor landa SCA Ongoing EU 2 85 -- -- 1 advanced aid -level HT / 2 mid - level Hks / Ghazni Nava Center SCA Ongoing EU 187 -- -- I advanced mid -level UV / 1 mid -level Ilk / I health educator. Ghazni Qarabagh Zard Sang SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 advanced aid -level Hk / 1 mid -level Hk / 1 health educator. Ghazni Zena Khan Rabat Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I advanced mid -level HI / 1 aid -level Hk / 1 health educator. Ghor Chagbcharan Center IFRCS Ongoing IFRCS -- 94 -- -- 1 clinic for primary health care. Ghor Lal Surjangal Center AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse I 1 aid -level Hk / 1 vaccinator. Helmand Geraser AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / I nurse / 1 mid -level Hk / 1 vaccinator. Helmand Kajaki Center AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases 115 -20 patient /day I 1 Reiland Kajaki Center AVICEN Ongoing EU i 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse J 1 aid -level 11k I I vaccinator. Belaand Kajaki 30 villages IAHC Ongoing NOVIB Helmand Nauzad AVICEN Approved EU ACBAR - -- -- -- 2 95 -- -- -- 94. -- -- - -- 95 -- -- 3 mid -level Hks/ 2 F - alders - OPD. 1 advanced mid -level Hk / 1 aid -level eW / I health educator. I clinic for primary health care. lab tech. / 1 health educator. i lab tech. I I health educator. 1 BBU clinic 1 health educator. nurse / 1 mid -level Hk / 1 vaccinator. 5 Milks / TB A malaria lab / 25 patients OPD / day. Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day I DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 130 / 1 mid -level HN / ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 1 nurse I 1 aid -level 1T1 / 1 vaccinator. 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILiAGE(S) - - -- WIWAVIA=M ======== ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin--End ==== ===== ==== ====== AGENCY HEALTH: Basic Clinic Reloand <ACTIVITY DESqIIPTION> Name Barat. Khalaga AYICEO Ongoing EU 1 95 - -- Treatunt of cannon diseases 115 -10 patient/day / I nurse / i aid -level HI / 1 vaccinator. Behind brae Barat. [halage AYICOI Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- Treaheat of canon diseases 115 -20 patient/day / 1 nurse / 1 nid -level UT / 1 vaccinator. Rebuild Tulare -- AYICE I Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Trataeat of canon diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse / 1 aid -level HI / 1 vaccinator. Herat Beret Center IF1CS Ongoing IF1CS -- 94 -- -- 2 clinics and 1 tesporarily clinic in displaced cup. lernt City NM Ongoing HFP/H1 4 94 - -- Srpervisiom of health center for displaced people. lerat Gozargah Imm Ongoing KDK 6 94 -- -- Supervisian of health center for returnees. Sang Chard Frishgan SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 95 -- -- 2 advanced aid -lent DIs / I aid -level III. Javnjan Sang Chard Talcar SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 95 -- -- 2 aid -level DIs. Javzjaa Sang varal $tanast SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 95 -- -- 3 aid -level HI: / 1 Bit. Jarzjan Sari Pal Shahri mn SCA Ongoing SIDA 6 89 1 advanced aid -level III / 3 BHIs. Jarzjau leeberghan Center 'FRCS Ongoing 'FRCS Kabul llagrui Ghazgay SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 advanced nid -level IV / 4 aid -level His / 1 dental tech. / I health educator. ingraai Butthak SCA Ongoing EU 194 -- -- 1 female ND / 1 advanced aid -level II / 1 aid -level CV / 1 dental tech. / 1 health educator. cbarasyab musai SCA Ongoing EU 1 94 -- -- 2 advanced aid -level Dis / 3 aid -level His / 1 health educator. Kabul Chan:* Center SCA tngdiag EU 194 -- - 3 advanced aid -level Dis / 1 dental tech. I 1 health educator. label Chardehi Deh Dana SCA Ongoing Fat 4 95 - 1 advanced aid -level IR / 3 aid level Dv. Chardehi Qalai Laquai SCA Ongoing EU 1 94 -- -- 3 advanced aid -level Ifs / 1 dental tech. / 1 health educator. Deh Sabi Tangee Mara 1110 Ongoing *Donors 1 92 -- -- 2 I®s / i arse / health educator / 1 EPI / 1 lab teck. / l pharuacist / eye i PT / dental 1 240 patients Herat Herat Jarzjan Kabul label Cabal . Cabal - -- 94 -- -- 1 clinic for priory health care. OFD/day. Cabal Kabul laghta Itic Ongoing LOEC -- 94 -- Kabel Kabul pal- i- Cbarkhi It2IC Ongoing ICIC -- 94 -- -- Dispensary labil Cabal Center IPICS Ougoiag IFRCS -- 94 -- -- S clinics for primary health care. Kabul Cabal Pali taarthi INC Completed ICIC/D0 SCIAI --- --- 4 92 - Dìspeasary 6 95 2 MD / 4 paramedics / 3 rebalances - vortiag for rar -wounded all over the province. DATABASE OF INGO ACiTY1TIE5 Page: 131 Zakirl2 Date: 04 /03/96 -------- III EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End -- 92 -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION), HEALTH: Basic Clinic Kabul Kabul it Charthi- NSF Ongoing E(5IO/MSF Kabul Kalakan Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 advanced aid -level ED / 3 mid -level His. Kabul Mir Bachatot Guzar Mir SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I advanced mid -level Bi / 3 mid -level His. Kabul Paghman Lampani AYICEN Ongoing EU 1 94 -- - 1 female ND / 2 advanced mid -level Bis / 1 mid -level Ili / I health educator. Kabul Paghman !CRC Ongoing ICRC Kabul Pagbman Kampani SCA Ongoing EU 1 94 -- -- 1 female ND / 2 advanced mid -level His / 1 aid-level iIi / 1 health educator. Kabul Qara Bagh Moor Kashi AYICEII Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 advance mid -level Hi / 4 mid -level Os. Kabul out auk Daudzai AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 advance mid -level IV / 3 mid -level His. Kabul Qara Hugh Jarchi DICER Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- i advance mid -level IV / 4 mid -level His. Kabul Qara Bagb Jarchi SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - I advanced mid -level Ni / 4 mid -level His. Kabul Qua Bagb Dud Zaì SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - I advanced mid -level Hi / 3 mid -level His. ilabal Qara Bagb Noor Laski SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 - -- I advanced mid -level IV / 4 mid -level His. Kabul Sarobi Kotgai AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 94 3 advanced mid -level His / 2 aid -level Bis. Kabul Sarobi Sarobi ICRC Ongoing ICRC Kabul Enroll Kotgai SCA Ongoing EU 1 94 -- -- 3 advanced mid -level His / 2 mid -level Ills. Kabul Shakar Darn Karezi Mir AYll 11 Ongoing EU 1 95 - -- i advance mid -level Ni / 4 mid -level His. Kabul Shakar Darn Center AYICEN Ongoiag EU 1 94 - - I female ND / 4 label Sklar Dara Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 94 -- -- 1 female ND / 4 advanced mid -level His / 2 mid -level His. Kabul Shakar Dan Karezi Nit SCA going EU 1 95 - - 1 advanced mid -level Hi / 4 mid -level His. Kandahar Arghandab Qalacha AYICEN Ongoiag EU 6 95 - - Treatment of comma Kandahar Arghistau Center AYIl3Pl1 Omgoimg EU 5 95 - -- Kandahar Arghistu Cater AYICEIi *dig EU 7 95 - - Treatnat of common Kandahar Danaa ANDS Ongoing EU Medical supply 1 supervision. -- 94 -- -- Dispensary -- Support to ARR clinic for var minded. -- 94 - 96 advaace mid -level His / 2 mid -level His. diseases / 15 -20 patient /day I 1 nurse I 1 mid -level IV / 1 vaccinator. Treatmat of comma diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / l mmrse / 1 mid- level Ni / i vaccinator. diseases / 1520 patient /day / 1 nurse I 1 mid -level Hi / 1 vaccinator. Constriction 1 running of 1 basic health center. j ACBAB DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES ----- Page: 132 Zatir12 Date: 04/03/96 HI EDITION I -- -DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- AIDS ATICEN AYICEN AIDS ANDS Zang Abad IS villages 50 villages -- - Rahisang Shatot Deb Baba Ali Kandahar Kandahar Khatraiz Khakrait Naruf Maraud Panjeai Paajvai Panjni Shahnlì Kot Shabnli Kot Spin Boldat Alasay Masai Lapin Kohband Kohband Kohbaud Nejrab Nejrab Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar kapisa Lapina Kapisa Lapisa tapisa Kapisa lapisa Kapisa ACBAR ANDS Dand Kandahar Kaka Del Pachaghan (alai Now Non Abad Regrann Saragi -- Various Deh Ihuraja Dand Kandahar SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA AVICEN IAHC IAIC AYItil1 MERLIN AIDS AYICIii AYICEN Zaresba Dand ABDS AGENCY Kandahar HEALTH: Basic Clinic -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY Ongoing Ongoing Ougoìng Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- FUNDED EU EU EU EU EU BU EU EU EU EU EU NOYIB MID EU EU EU EU EU ECRO /O)A EU /APICE EU EU EU -- -BY - -- DATION Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient/day / I urse / 1 aid -level HI / 1 vaccinator. The clinic staffed With mid -level health porters / OFD / health education t EPI. (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Contraction of 1 basic health center t running. Physical rehabilitation / health training / medicine i equipment supply for 7 clinics in 7 different districts Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level HT / 1 vaccinator. Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 anise / 1 aid -level NI / 1 vaccinator. The clinic staffed with aid- level health workers / OFD / health education t EPI. Bumming of basic health center. 4 Ells / small surgery / lab / 20 -25 patients OPD / day. 1 advanced mid -level BI / 3 mid -level His. l advanced mid -level R / 4 mid -level Bin. 5 advanced aid -level B s / 2 health educators. 2 advanced nid -level Ills / 4 mid -level His. i advanced mid -level BI / 2 aid -level His. Page: 133 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03196 --------------------- - - - - -- g'í8 EDITION I fettle ND / 1 male ND / 1 advanced mid -level HI / 3 mid -level Ns. 1 advanced mid -level BI / 2 mid -level Ifs. 1 advanced mid -level BI / 4 mid -level Ms. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 1 95 - -- 195 - - 1 94 - - 1 95 - - 1 95 - -- 195 - - 1 95 -- - 194 - - - 95 - - Treatment of comma disuses 115 -20 Wield/day I I nurse / I aid -level II / I vaccinator. 12 95 12 % - 94 - % - - -- - - - 6 MLNIs / small surgery / lab / 40 -45 patientsOPD / day. i 95 - 7 95 - - Treaheat of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / I anise / 1 lid-level Hi / 1 vaccinator. -95 - - 12 9512 % The clinic staffed with lid -level health workers I OPD / health education A /Pl. - 94 -96 2 95 - -- - 94 -% Construction of a basic health center, i N(21 t conprebensive health center. 7 95 - - Treahet of common diseases 115 -20 patient /day / 1 none / 1 mid -level fil / 1 vaccinator. 6 95 - -- 12 9S 12 96 Begin- -End -PROVINCE -- =111111111012 - -- DISTRICT- - -- - -- VILLAGE(S) -- -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED -- -BI - -- DURATION Lunar hoar Lassa lunar haar Einar Lunar lunar lunar lunar Isar Isar Lapisa lapisa Sirkanay Pech Pech Hour Gal Narsg Raring Lamdesh Doaga Chilli Chapa Dara (haghasarai Bar lunar Bar Lear Tagab Panjshare Mir Shaikh Center Barkudi Shilar loorgnl Barring Char Qaia Orar Digit Center Chapa Dara Asadabad Center Center Tatara Khel Safid Sher SCA SCA SCA E All SCA ANI ARl-A AND SCA AND AND SCA ANI SCA SCA Oagoiag Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Oagoieg Oagoiag Completed Oagoiag Completed Ongoing Completed ongoing Completed Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing ® E1 EU EU SIDA SIDA MAC German SIDA Geras ANTA /EU German SIDA German_ German SIDA German EU EU 2 95 - - 195 - - 1 9S - =- 1 95 - - 11 92 -- -- 6 95 - - I1 92 -- - 10 89 1 95 -- -- 194 -- -- 2 advanced mid -level Hk / 1 health educator. 3 Ilk / I health educator. Begin- -End lanar Aliabad Center SCA Ogoing EU 1 95 - - -I lab tech. / 3 Ells. ===== Indu Aliabad Shahraa SCA Ongoing Elf -- STATUS -- Ruda: Archi Qarloq S Ongoing BCIU If= =2= Indas Archi Quab 5CL Ogoig EU HEALTH: Basic Clinic 1=1106==== Gads: Char Data lichees Gujeer NSF Ongoing IVs. Indo laud Ian Rhin Abad SCA 3 advanced mid -level landas Lhsaabad Boyen / 3 nid -level Ils. (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONè 60-10 pts. OlD /dal The project is handed over to the provincial authorities. IV 8 89 495 30 -50 pts. OPD/day. The project is handed over to the provincial authorities. 10 89 4 95 1 92 -- -- 10 89 4 95 11 93 -- - 10 19 Il 92 - -- 10 89 4 95 -- 90 -- -- 195 - - 295 -- -- 9 81- - 40-60 pts. OPD /day. The project is handed over to the provincial authorities. 3 advanced nid -level Ils I 1 mid -level II / 1 health educator. 60-90 pts. OPD /day. The project is handed over to the provincial authorities. Basic health center. I advanced nid -level IR / 2 nid -level Ils. 1 advanced cid -level II / I sid-level El / 1 lab tech. / 1 dental technicisa. 3 nid -level Us / 1 Ell. 2 mid -level Ills / 21Rá. 4 Basic Health corker (Ells). Dispensary / supervision / medical supplies. 2 mid -level Mk / 1 dental tech. / 1 health edncaior. 8111 EDITION Iamdesh clinic: S beds for emergeecy daily OPD I I ND I 1 Nldl / training program for volutary health -workers. 60-80 pts. OPD /day. The project is headed over to the provincial authorities. I advanced nid -level Il / 2 aid -level Ils. 4 95 1 advanced nid -level 50-90 pts. OPD/day. The project is handed over to the provincial authorities. i advance nid -level 111 / 3 nid -level Ils. hadas Ihaabad 4 95 hades Zaki rt2 Date: 04/03/% DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES ---- - ----- Page: 134 -PROYINCE-- -DISTRICT-- .11.1= ====. ----YILLAOE(Sti---- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION --STATUS-- ---BY--- Begia--End p.m ---------UCr111Tf DESCRIPTION> 9=1=1. SC =it HEALTH: Basic Clinic Kunduz Kunduz Kandla City ISBA Ongoing ISBA 9 92 -- -- 1 ND / 1 medial assistant/ i lab tech. l 1 dai / helper & guard. Kunduz Kunduz Center NSF Ongoing ECM 9 95 -- -- Supervision / sedìal supplies. Kandla Kunduz biota SG Ongoing EU 6 87 -- -- 3 lid -level Is I 1 NHL Kunduz Kandla Larkhlabi SG Omgoitg EU 1 95 -- -- i lab tech. / 3 181s. Kunduz Landuz Hazrat Sultan SG Ongoing EU 2 95 - -- 3 Basic Health corker (Ills). Kunduz Kunduz Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 3 mid -level His / 1 health educator. Kunduz Qala Zal Center Sek Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 advanced mid -level Hi / 1 mid -level 81 / 2111s. Lagbmau Nehterlam Nehtarlan ISRA Ongoing MA 9 92 -- -- 1 medical officer l 1 malial assistant / 1 lab tech. i helper. Logar Baraki Zugas Khel ISRA Ongoing ISRA 9 92 -- -- 1 medial officer / 1 medial assistant / 1 advanced aid -level 11 / 1 mid -level Hi / 1 health educator / 1 lab technician. 1 lab tech. t helper. Logar Baraki Shauazar SCA Ongoing SIDA 5 87 -- -- Logar Baraki Pad. Roghani SCA Ongoing SIDA 10 86 -- -- 1 advanced lid -level Bi / 1 mid -level 9i / 1 health educator. Logar Charkh Qalae Nav SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 86 -- -- I advanced Aid-lentil / I mid -level Hi / 1 health educator. Logar Khoshi Deb Bala ARC Ongoing NOY1B 1 92 -- -- i doctor / OPD / dental / lab facility / malaria control I EPI by IBC. Logar Nohd Agha Nobd Agha center IOC Ongoing 10C/US Logar Nohd Agha Center SCA Ongoing SIDA 9 89 -- -- 1 advanced mid -level Hi / 1 dental technician. Logar Mohd Agha Sarghot Slur SG Ou oitg SIDA 4 86 -- -- I advanced mid -level Hi / 1 health educator. Logar Puli Alas Kolangar BONIAD Ongoing Self -- 95 - -- Logar Pali Alan Padthab Shia SCA Ongoing SIDA Nangarhar Achin Achin NSF Ongoing NSF -- 95 -- -- 5 BHU / OPD I health education -! EPI I nutritional surveys. Nangarhar Achin Center SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 92 -- -- 1 advanced mid -level 81 / 1 mid -level Hi / 1 health educator. Nangarhar Bati Kot Kati lot NSF Ongoing NSF -- 95 -- -- S MU / OPD I health education / EPI / nutritional surveys. Nangarhar Behsud Sanar Khel 1 AO® Discottin *Donors 3 94 Nangarhar Behsud Samar Ebel 2 AOGI Diacontin *Donors 194 4 ACBAR -- 94 -- -- 3 95 -- 1 ND, 15 -20 orphans OPD/day. - 1 advanced mid -level 81 / i mid -level 81 / 1 health educator. 4 95 95 Basic health cotter / residents receive 40% reduction for fee A 15% for medicine. Each alit has 1 female doctor & I nurses. Each slit has 1 female doctor 11 nurses. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 135 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8Th EDITION Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Naziyan Nohnand Dara Noband Dara Nohnand Dara Lalpur Khogiani Kama Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Besarat Goshta Dorbaba Deb Bala Darae Noor Behsud Behsud Nirji Nazian Noland Dara Turthan 18 villages Lalpur Lothi Nana Kbel New Bada Garnison Nuntaz Cup Nada Camp Center Center Dor Baba Dehbala Darte Noor Samar Kbel 16 villages NSF ISRA NSF NSF ICRC ARC NSF SCA AAA NSF ICRC AOGB AOGB SCA SCA NSF ICRC ICRC ICRC ARC AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Discontin Discontin Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY SIDA SIDA NSF ISRA NSF NSF ICRC BFI NSF SIDA UNDCP $Donors ICRC *Donors *Donors SIDA SIDA NSF ICRC ICRC. ICRC BFI /CAII -- -BY - -- FUNDED -- 95 -- -- II 92.-- -- 11 92 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 9 91 -- -- -- 95 -- -= -- 95 -- -- - 94 -- - 1 94 -- -- -- 95 -- -- II 92 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- - -- 94 -- -- 3 94 j 94 4 95 4 95 11 92 -- -- 11 92 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- -- 94 -- -- 1$ 91 -- -- Begin --End DURATION 5 BBU / OPD / health education I EPI / nutritional surveys. 1 advanced nid -level BI / 3 nid -level Ils / 1 lab tech. / 1 dental technician. 3 advanced mid -level Bas / I nid -level BI / S BRU / OPD / health education / EPI. 5 BBU / OPD / health education / EPI / nutritional surveys. S BBU / OPD / health education / EPI / nutritional surveys. Support to clinic for var wounded. 5 BBU / OPD / health education / EPI / nutritional surveys. 4 advanced mid -level 1111s / 3 lid -level Bes. BBU for drug abuse i general services. 3 BBU / OPD / health education / EPI. Support to AABRAI clinic for var vounded. Each unit has 1 fatale doctor I 1 nurses. Each unit has 1 female doctor 1 I nurses. 3 advanced aid -level BIs / 2 advanced aid -level IRs / 1 1 health educator. 5 BBU / OPD / health education / EPI I nutritional surveys. Support to clinic for var vounded. Support to clinic for var wounded, Support to clinic for var wounded. OPD /lab /dental / NCH 1 salaria control. ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 1 ND / 1 nedical assistant I 1 1 lab tech. /.1 pharmacist. lab tech. / 1 dai 1 helper. OPD / lab / dental / NCB I salaria / TB control i health education. <ACTIYITY DPSCRIPTION> Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi SCA Ongoing NSF ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- Nangarhar Rodat Tuto SCA Ongoing - -- DISTRICT - - -- Nangarhar Sherzad Ashpan NSF -PROVINCE -- Nangarhar Sherzad Ghani Khel HEALTH: Basic Clinic Nangarhar Shinvar lab technician. Nangarhar ACBAR Page: 136 8TH EDITION - -- DISTRICT- - -- ----VILLAGE(S) - --- Alitai Bak Khel Center Spina Kajran Di la Gnat 1atavaz Mata Khel qua Zelok Dand Paton Gardait Basan Khel Jadran Jadran Jaji Jaji Jaji Maidon Jaji Maidon Joni Khet Khost Khost Musa Khel Oruzgan Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka Pakteka Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Paktia Pattie Paktia Pattie Patti& ACBAR Lboshaiand Dai Kundi Oruzgan Zol Kot Lakan Khost City Bazi Khel Center Jaji Maidon Ali Khel Center Said [het Shuvak Center Gardez Dand Nardak Center Center Center Zaranj Nimroz Various Niarot Niaroz HEALTH: Basic Clinic -PROVINCE -- SCA SCA ISRA SCA SCA ARIA ARLO AAA SCA SCA SCA ISRA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA AYICEN AVICEN IFRCS MERLIN AGENCY ACTIVITY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Proposed Proposed Proposed Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Approved Approved Ongoing Surveyed -- STATUS -- FUNDED EU EU ISRA EU EU ICEF/HDP fdO /ICEF UNHCR EU EU EU ISBA EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU IFRCS ECHO /ODA -- -BY - -- DURATION Page: 137 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 1 nurse / 1 uid -level Hf / 1 vaccinator. 1 nurse / 1 nid -level HI / 1 vaccinator. 1 health educator. 1 lab technician. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 - - ---- 1 advanced aid -level Iii / 1 aid -level Hf I 1 advanced aid -level HI / 1 aid -level Hi / 1 health educator. 1 health educator. i MD I 1 medical assistant J I lab tech. / I dai A helper. I advanced aid -level Hi / 2 aid -level His. I advanced aid -level if / 1 aid -level HI / Basic health eater. Basic health center. Rehabilitation of BIlU for more than 200,000 people in all district. 2 aid -level His / 1 lab tech. / 1 health educator. 3 aid -level Ifs. 1 advanced aid -level II / 1 aid -level HI / I ND / I medical assistait / 1 lab tech. I 1 dai A helper. 1 advanced aid -level HT J 2 aid -level His / 1 health educator. I advanced aid- level Hf / 2 aid -level Ills. 1 advanced uid -level Hi / 2 aid -level Hf. I advanced uid -level Hf / 1 aid- level IV / 1 BHT. 1 advanced uid -level II J 2 aid-level His. 1 advanced mid-level II / 1 aid -level Hf / lab technician. 1 advanced aid -level II / 2 aid -level Ifs. Treatuent of canon diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / Treatment of cana diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / I clinic for primary health care. Conduction of health nrvey in response to cholera, evaluation. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - --- 2 95 -- -- 2 95 -- - 12 91 -- -- S 89 -- -- 1 87 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- i 95 -- - 195 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 9 92 -- - 3 95 -- - 1 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 5 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- -- 95 -- - -- 95 -- - -- 94 -- -- 10 95 11 95 Begin --End 8771 EDITION -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY EU BY- FUNDED 3 95 -- -- 3 95 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION i advanced mid -level NV / 2 yid -level Its. I advanced nid -level RV / I aid -level Bi / 1 health educator. 1 advanced aid -level Bi / 2 nid -level Partan Parvan Parvan Parvan Parvan Parvan Partan Partan Pattia Pattia Ghorband Ghorband Charikar Charikar Charikar Charikar Bagram Bagran Bagran Trayzai Chardibe Cyagard Shinnara Tutwdara Pashyan Qalai Kaman Center Qalai Nasro Tughchi Center SCA SCA SCA AVICEN SCA SCA SCA IFRCS SCA SCA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing EU BOO El Ell EU EU EU EU EU IFRCS 1 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 195 195 -- -- -- -- T 95 -- -- i advanced mid -level NV / 4 mid -level Ills. Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 advanced lid -level Bt / S mid -level His. I advanced mid -level Ni / 4 aid -level Bis. 1 advanced mid -level Ni 14 mid -level Nis. Treatment of colon diseases / 15-20 patient /day / 1 nurse / I mid -level Bi / I vaccinator. I advanced aid -level Ni / 3 mid -level Nis / I dental tech. / 2 advanced mid -level His / 4 mid -level Bis. 1 advanced mid -level NV / 3 mid -level Nis. -- - 10 93 -- -- -- 10 93 Basic health center. Basic health center. 1 clinic for primary health care. 3 mid -level Bis / I Bili. I advanced mid -level Bi / 3 mid -level His. Treatment of common diseases / 15.20 patient /day / 1 nurse / 1 uid -level Hi / 1 vaccinator. 1 nurse / I aid -level Hi / 1 vaccinator. Ni I 1 health educator. Parean Ghorband Agtash CBR Ongoing EU -- 95 -- -- mid- level Parvan Jabal Saraj iolusrali AV1CNN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- -- - 1 Papas Salang Center SCA Approved EU 5 87 -- 94 -- -- 4 Basic Health totter (RBIs). Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 1 9S -- -- I advanced aid -level B1 I Parran Shekh Ali Ostershar AVICEN Ongoing SIDA --- Parvan Shinvari Turkman SCA Ongoing IFRCS -- Partan Surkh Parsa Darlat Khani SCA Ongoing EU (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> AGENCY Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- ---- YILLAGE(Sj - - -- SCA Ongoing El 1 95 I advanced mid -level Bi / 4 mid level Bls. - -- DISTRICT - - -- Nani Kot SCA Ongoing E1 -- -- l advanced mid -level Bi / 3 mid level His. -PROVINCE -- Nader Shah Center SCA Ongoing 1HO 195 -- -- 1 clinic for primary health care. Parvan Surkh Parsa Center IFRCS Ongoing HEALTH: Basic Clinic Patti& Sayed Karam Gorma SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- Pane Khuln Center SCA Bis. Paktia Sperah Boori CBR Ongoing EU 94 Sasangan Sanangan Center lab tech. Sanangan Chal 1 Tatbar ACHAR Page: 138 8T1 EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- --- -VILLAGE(S) -- -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin--End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) HEALTH: Basic ClinicTakhar Dargad Center SCA Ongoing BU 2 95 -- -- 1 advanced mid -level If I I aid -level Of I I BBf. Takhar Eshtamesh Center SCA Ongoing EU 195 - -- 1 advanced aid -level Ill 13 BBIIs. Tatbar Farkhar Ihesde SCA Ongoing Ell 1 95 - -- 1 advanced mid -level Ill / 1 BBl / 1 dental tech. I 1 health educator. Takhar Farkhar Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - -- I advanced mid -level If / I mid -level BY I 1 lab tech. I 1 health educator. Takhar Lalafgan Center SCA Ongoing ED 1 95 - - 3 aid -level IT / 1 health educator. Takhar Ihwajaghar Center SCA Ongoing Ell 1 95 -- - 1 advanced aid -level Takhar Talogan Talogan NSF Ongoing ECHO Takhar Talogan Shash Tipa SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- - 2 aid -level Ills / 1 BEN / 1 health educator. Takhar Talow Baji Pahlawan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - - 2 Bels / 1 lab technician. Takhar Talogan Ihetayan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 aid -level Of / 2 Takhar Talogan Nahri Chaman SCA Ongoing EU 8.81 - - 2 aid -level Hl / 1 lab tech. / 1 health educator. Takhar Talogan Ihunaja Changa SCA Ongoing EU 5 89 - - 2 aid -level Ills / 2 Takhar Yangi Qala Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I aid -level BI / 2 BUS / I health educator. lardak Chal Gardan Nasjid ACRD Ongoing ON - 85 - -- BBU with consultation A dressing facilities. lardak Chet AY1(U Approved EU - 95 -- - Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day I bardat Chat China LDI Ongoing LDI -- - - - I aid -level H -OPD. lardak Chat Sidak SCA Ongoing SIDA lardak Day Nirdad Center AYICEN Approved EU - 95 - - Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / lardak D a y Nirdad Aland Ihel S C A Ongoing SIDA 10 89 -- - I advanced aid -level If / 2 aid -level If. lardak Gardandewal Center AYICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- - Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level BI I I vaccinator. lardai Jaghatn AYICEN Approved EU -- 95 - - lardak Jaghatu Gangab 01 SCA Ongoing SIDA lardak Jalrez Jalrez LDI Ongoing LDI ACBAR ---- , 10 94 - - 5 88 - - 6 88 - - -- - - - Hl 12 aid -level Ifs / Dispensary for Tajik refugees. } 's / I health educator. Bah. 1 nurse / 1 aid -level Hl / 1 vaccinator. 3 aid -level Ills / 1 lab technician. 1 nurse / 1 aid -level If / 1 vaccinator. Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day I 1 nurse / 1 mid -level BI / i vaccinator. I advanced 1 mid -level mid -level Hl / i mid -level RI / 1 health educator. IV / I med. student - OPD. DATABASE OF HGO ACTIVITIES Page: 139 1 BHT. Zatirb2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - --- --- -YILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED -- STATUS- - -- -BY - -- DURATION begin--End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> s HEALTH: Basic Clinic Vardak lardak lardai Vardak Vardak lardai Vardak Vardak lardak Vardak lardak Vardak tabu! Zabul Zabul Zabel Zabul Jurez Jalrez Jalrez Nerth Nerth Zainalat SCA Ongoing SIDA 2 87 -- -- 2 advanced nid -level HIs / 3 vaccinators / 1 health educator. Seya Petab SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 87 -- -- 3 advanced lid -level ills / 1 nid -level HI. Qalae Bazratmir SCA Ongoing SIDA 8 88 -- -- I advanced mid-level HV / 2 nid -level HIs. Farooq Lhel SCA Ongoing SIDA 9 87 -- -- 1 advanced nid -level 8I / 2 nid -level HIs / 1 health educator. SCA Ongoing SIDA 2 89 -- -- 1 advanced nid -level BI / 2 sid -level UIs / 3 vaccinators. AVICEN Approved EU ISRA Ongoing ISBA Sheniz LDI Ongoing LDI -- -- -- - 1 mid -level Ill. Hassan Bhel LDI Ongoing LDI -- -- -- -- 2 mid -level Nis / I lab tech / 1 led. student - OPD / lab. Nangalai SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 87 -- -- 7 84 -- -- Omar Del Syed Abad Syed Abad Syed Abad Syed Abad Syed Abad Ttary -- 95 -- -- 9 92 -- -- Treatment of canon diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse / 1 nid -level HI / i vaccinator. I ND / 1 medical assistant / 1 lab tech. / 1 daì A helper. 1 advanced mid -level HI / 2 mid -level HIs / 1 tat technician. Syed Abad Qalae Ssrth SCA Ongoing SIDA lardai 7 villages RADA Completed ;Donors -- 84 AYICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- treatment of cocoa diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse ¡ 1 aid -level HI / 1 vaccinator. AYICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of commua diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse / 1 nid -level HI / I vaccinator. AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level HI / 1 vaccinator. AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient/day / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level HI / 1 vaccinator. AVICI01 Approved EU -- 95 -- - Dai Chopan Jaldat Nizan Qalat Watt Shintai 1 95 '2 advanced mid -level His / I nid -level Hl / 1 dental technician. Dental services 80 -95 patients daily. Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / 1 nurse / I nid -level HI / I vaccinator. HEALTH: Basic Post Badakshan Baharú Chap Ohiyardar Badakshan Iaharat Pesh tordage Baharak Dia Baharat Badakshan Badaksban Badakshan ACBAR Damas SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BHT). Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 basic Health sorter (BHT). SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Dara Nark Nagai SCA Ongoing HU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Jade SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION Page: 140 Zatirn2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Badakshan Darn! Dargak SCA Ongoing Badakshan Eshkashes Qazdeh SCA Ongoing Badakshan Eshkashes Tarib SCA Badakshan Eshkashes Skikand Badakshan Faizabad Badakshan 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health corker (BI). EU 195 -- - 1 Basic Health Darker (BHI). Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- l Basic Health Darter (1112). SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (B91). Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BHT). Faizabad Langer SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BHT). Badakshan Faizabad Langer SCA Ongoing Eli 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BEI). Badakshan Faizabad Dehebi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BUT). Badakshan Faizabad Yanchyan SCA Ongoing 1 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BUN). Badakshan Faizabad Bazar Sib Shakar SCA Ongoing 1.95 -- -- i Basic Health Darker (BUT). Badakshan Faizabad Ganda Chisbsa SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BHT). Badakshan Faizabad Bafez Nughol SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BEI). Badakshan Faizabad Langer SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (11HV). Badakshan Faizabad Bede Kahn SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BEI). Badakshan Faizabad Altin Jilan SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Badakshan Faizabad Gazanak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BEI). Badakshan inn Dashtak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darter (BUI). Badakshan Jan Ihostak SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BEI). Badakshan Jan Ihataha Dart Pis SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BHT). Badakshan Jan Ularib SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darter (BUT). Badakshan Jura Nazi Jura SCA Ongoing 1 95 - - 1 Basic Health loner (BET). Badakshan Kasha Nasazgah SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darter (BHT). Badakshan lashes Darai jees SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Darker (BEV). ACBAR EU DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES --- ---- -- Page: 141 ZakirRl Date: 04/03/96 CI EDITION I -PROVINCE -- - -DISTRICT - - -- --- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin--End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOi> ' i HEALTH: Basic Post Badakshan Leshes Nuazgah SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BM. Badakshan Leshes Takia SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHV). Badakshan Leshes Cbarnaghz Dara SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BHY). Badakshaa Leshea lari Shah Baba SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BUI). Badakshan Leshes Shorok SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Badakshan Lesheu charsghs Dara SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BBB). Badakshan Leshes Sarai SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BUY). Badakshan Lesben Ganda Qui SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BB). Badakshan Leshes Tutat SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHI). Badakshan Leslie' Farsan Quli SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BUY). Badakshan Leshes larasdi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (III). Badakshan Ragh Yuan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic health Porker (III). Badakshan Ragh Sada SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Yorker (III). Badakshan Ragh Petar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Yorker (BM). Badakshan Shar Bozurg tool SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHI). Badakshan Shar Bozurg Suargb SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BBY). Badakshan Shar Bozurg Changan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (III). Badakshan Shar Bozurg Loot SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BUY). Badakshan Shar Bozurg Bahr Lhas SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BUI). Badakshan Shar Bourg Qarlsq SCA Osgoisg EU 1 95 Badakshan Shar Bozurg Iandiu SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BUI). Badakshan Shar Bozurg Asp Ihn SCA Ongoing EU. 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BUI). Badakshan Shar Bozurg Shaikhan SCA Ongoing EU . 195 -- -- i Basic Health Yorker (BB). 1ACBAR -- - -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (BHI).- DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES - ---- -- Page: 142 Zakir112 Date: 04 /03/96 818 EDITION -PROVINCE -- -- -DISTRICT - --- ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Badakshan Rakhan Rhandud SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (Bill). Badakshan Rakhan Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Baghlan Anderab Rishmabad SCA Ongoing EU. 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Baghlan Anderab Deh Yab SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Vorker (Bill). Baghlan Anderab Bano SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Worker (Bill). Baghlan Anderab Arzingon SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Vorker (Bill). Baghlan Anderab Arzingon SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (Bill). Baghian Baghian Jare Rhushk SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Vorker (Bill). Baghlan Baghlan Ghazi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Vorker (Bill). Baghlan Baghlan Jari Khoshk SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health brier (Bill). Baghlan Baghlan Arabha SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Vorker (Bill). Baghlan Baghlan Ali Rhuraja SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (Bill). Baghian Baghlan Chapsai SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porker (Bill). Baghlan Baghlan Vali Bel SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (Bill). Baghlan Baghlan Guldaraie SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Baghlan Burka Shor Quduq SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Vorker (Bill). Baghlan Burka Flool SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health 'otter (Bill). Baghlan Burka Sai Bazars SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Baghlan Burka Deh Bashi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (Bill). Baghlan Burka Alif Big SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHT). Baghlan Burka Center SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 advanced mid -level IV / 2 Bills / I health educator. Baghian Burka Hazargaq SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Vorker (BHT). Baghlan Burka Sharshar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (INV). IACBAR DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 143 Lakirt2 Date: 04/03/% ant EDITION Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghian Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghian Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Bahrein Bahrein Bahrein Khost Fring [host Fring [host Fring [host Fring Most Fring Khost Fring Ghost Fring Khost Fring [host Fring Khost Fring Doshi Doshi Doshi Doshi Burka Salangi Jar Qeshlaq Shahri Kohna Biaz Afghan kola Char Qishaq Dashte Rubat Zaroo Tagab Dahna Gharu Mir Angan Daragi Our Echani Chel Pate Yakatoot Khuja Zaidu Khuja Zaidu Tangi Noch SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU -- -BY - -- FUNDED 10 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 1 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 9 95 -- -- 9 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 9 95 -- -- 9 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- Begin- -End DURATION 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). 1 Basic Health Porter (BHP). 1' Basic Health Porker (BHP). 1 Basic Health Porker (BEM). 1 fetale Basic Health Porker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Porter (BHP). 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Porker (BET). 1 Basic Health Porter (BBB). 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Yorker (BEY). 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). i Basic Health Yorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Yorker (BET). 1 Basic Health Porker (BET). 1 Basic Health Porker (BET). 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). I Basic Health Porter (BIT). ---- YILLAGE(S) - -- Baghlan Bahrein Hafiz Bacha SCA Ongoing -- -DISTRICT - - -- Baghlan Bahrein Doabi SCA Ongoing -PROVINCE -- Baghlan Bahrein Laghaki SCA HEALTH: Basic Post Baghlan Nahrein Khuja Khizr 95 -- - -. 1 Basic Health Yorker ZakirRl Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 1 1 Basic Health Porter (BET). Baghlan Bahrein 1 95 -- - -. Baghlan ACBAR Page: 144 <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> + 8TH EDITION - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA RADA Shahri Kohna Bash Qala Kohgadai Godri Joye Kalan Khuja Jeryan Dashte Qazi Buzdara Buzdara Yarn Siarag Arghandeh Iasi Sagabi Shahri Kohna Poli Babo Langar Khan 9 villages Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Nazar Sharif Nahr Shahi Sholgera Banyan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Balkh Balkh Balkh Banyan ACBAR Ongoing SCA Haji Sakhidad Nahrein Baghlan AVICEN SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA Ongoing SCA Dada' Dara Nahrein Baghlan FUNDED Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing DURATION 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). 4 95 -- - 4 95 - -- EU *Donors SIDA SIDA EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU Page: 145 (ACTIVITY Treat'ent of coon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. Dental services 90 -100 patients daily. 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). 1 fettle Basic Health lorker (BHT), 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES -- 95 -- - -- 84 - - 8 95 -- -- 8 95 -- - 4 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT), I Basic Health Porker (BHT). 4 95 -- - 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). 1 95 -- -- 195 -- -- 5 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). 7 95 - -- EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BUI). 1 95 -- - EU 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BB). 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). EU 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 1 Basic Health Porker (BM). 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). 1 95 - -- 1 95 -- -- i Basic Health Porker (BHT). 4 95 - -- Begin- -End EU EU Ongoing Ongoing EU EU EU EU EU -- -BY - -- Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing SCA Tarc Said Nahrein Baghlan Ongoing SCA Bala Qishlaq . ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- Nahrein AGENCY Baghlan HEALTH: Basic Post -PROVINCE -- DESCRIPTION> 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- AVICEN Approved FUNDED -BY - -- DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day I 1 BHW. 7 95 -- -- Treatment of cocoon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHW. EU 9 95 -- -- Treatment of conon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHW. Ongoing EU 9 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT, AVICEN Ongoing EU 9 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHW. AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Chasbmai Saragi SCA Ongoing SIDA 8 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHT), Ab Band Akhter Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW), Ghazni Ab Band Iangul SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW), Ghazni Ab Band Kakar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health tarter (BHW), Ghazni Ab Band Ratan SCA Ongoing EU Z 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHW). Ghazni Ab Band Dani SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health tarter (BHT). Ghazni Ab Band Churi SCA Ongoing EU 2.95 -- -- 1 Basic Health tarter (BHT), Ghazni Ab Band Bazgi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health totter (BHT). Ghazni Ab Band Osblan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health tarter (BHT). Ghazni Andar Moo SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Ghazni Andar Haryana SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Ghazni Andar Sardi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Ghazni Andar Telba SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health tarter (BHT). Ghazni Andar Ergatu SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Ghazni Andar Shinkai SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 9 Basic Health Porter (BBT), Ghazni Andar Chambariaman SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BBC), Banyan Kahmard Banyan Panjab Mobile AVICEN Ongoing Banyan Panjab Mobile AVICEN Ongoing Banyan Panjab Mobile AVICEN Banyan Waras Mobile Banyan Raras Mobile Banyan Yakovlang Faryab Kohistan Ghazni ALBAR Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 146 ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 1 BHT. 1 BHT, 8Th EDITION ACTIYITY -noun-- ---DISTRICT---- ----YILLAGE(S)---- AGF,NLi mom FUNDED --STAIUS-- - BY--- Begin--Ead (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Andar Gabare SCA Ongoing EU Z 9S -- -- 1 Basic Health Poker (BBI). Andar Iancif SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (III). Andar Nazar Khan SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BPI). Dehyak SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BPI). Deb Yak Tasan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health forcer (BNI). Deh Yak Keter SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porker (BPI). Lagharat SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BPI). Randar ICA Ongoing f3J 5 95 -- -- I female Basic Health Porker (BHP). Robat SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health forcer (BPI). Snlaimanzn SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Pnrdel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHP). Bakaaol SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I female Basic Health Porter (BHI). Qarabaghi SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I female Basic Health Porter (BHP). Data Charda SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Urzn SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- i Basic Health Porter (HIV). Rarta Eabdat SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I female Basic Health Porker on). Shaliz SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I female Basic health Porter (BHP). Kasha SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (UNI). Qarabaghi SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (UNI). Nelani SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BUI). Rhal SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 '-- -- i Basic Health Porter (BPI). Bator SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (UNI). Nani Chnad SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porker (BHI). Deb Yak Deb Yak Deb Yak Deb Yak Deb Yak Gelan Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Giro Giro Giro Giro ¡ A CHAR DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES BTH EDITION Page: 147 ZakìrR2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- HEALTH: Basic Post VILLAGE(S) - - -- Qeyagh Sarab AGENCY ACTIVITY -- -BY- -- FUNDED Muni Ghazni Jaghatu Jaghatu Jaghatu Khogyani Qeyagh Torgan DURATION Begin --End 1 Basic Health lorker (Bill). -- STATUS -- 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHI) Ongoing Jaghatu Jaghatu SCA 0116 3 95 -- -- EU 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Ongoing 7 95 -- -- SCA Ghazni Ghazni Jaghata Torgan Ghazni Jaghatu EU EU EU EU EU Ongoing Jaghatu Jaghatu Ghazni Jaghori Jaghatu Ghazni Jaghori Jaghori Ghazni Ratasaog Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni SCA 1 Basic Health lorker (B) Ongoing 1 95 -- -- SCA 1 Basic Health locker (111). Shaki 2 95 -- -- Ongoing 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). SCA -- Ilyas Rhel 3 95 - 1 female Basic Health lorker (Bill). Ongoing 3 95 -- -- SCA EU Ongoing 1 Basic Health lorker (Bill). SCA 3 95 -- Ongoing EU SCA Ongoing 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). SCA 3 95 - - Jermatn Ongoing 1 Basic health Honker (BHT). SCA 7 95 -- -- Rashidan Ongoing 1 female Basic Health Honker (BHT). SCA 1 94 -- -- Nandak Ongoing 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). SCA Ongoing 4 95 - - Chi lbaghtu SCA Ongoing 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Baud SCA 4 95 -- -- Sugi Nasha Ongoing 1 Basic Health Torker Jaghori SCA EU 4 95 -- -- Ghazni Said Ahrad Ongoing i Basic Health Torker (BHT). Jaghori SCA EU 4 95 -- -- Ghazni Huai Ongoing 1 Basic Health Vorker (BHT). Jaghori SCA Ongoing 4 95 -- - Ghazni Patu SCA Ongoing 1 Basic Health locker (BHT). Jaghori Abroshan SCA Ongoing E U 1 Basic Health lorker (BElj. 4 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health lorker (BHT). ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF HGO ACfIVITIES 3 95 -- -- 495 -- - 1 Basic Health corker (BHT). 4 95 -- -- Ghazni Jaghori SCA Ongoing 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Ghazni Jaghori Almattn SCA Ongoing 4 95 -- -- Ghazni Jaghori Dehdarat S A Ongoing 1 Basic Health lorker (BET). Ghazni Rhraja Omri Masi SCA 6 95 -- -- Ghazni Rhiaja Omri Qalae Sadat 1 Basic Health Torker (BHT). Ghazni Rhraja Orri 4 95 -- -- Ghazni iA C B A R Page: 148 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 8TH EDITION I -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS -- - - -BY - -- Begin --End EU < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Ghazni Khraja Opri Tonai SCA Ongoing Ghazni Khraja Onri Dehhanza SCA Ongoing Ghazni Khraja Onri Ali Abad SCA Ongoing Ghazni Nalestan Miradina SCA Ongoing Ghazni Nalestan Pashi SCA Ongoing Ghazni Kalestan Dura SCA Ongoing 131 3 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Hotter OW). Ghazni Nalestan Kondali SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Honker (Bill. Ghazni Malestaa Mahal !CA Ongoing FAl 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Hotter (BBl. Ghazni Nalestan Shinidi SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Honker (BBl. Ghazni Nalestan Pashi SCA Ongoing E11 7 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Hotter (WV). Ghazni Nalestan Dalabilaghu SCA 'Ongoing EU 3 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Hotter (Bill). Ghazni Malestaa Hinkle SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 - -- 1 Basic Health sorter (WV) Ghazni Nalestan Sepay SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Harter (Bill). Ghazni Mogor Larga SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 - 1 Basic Health Harker (Bel). Ghazni Mogor Khozai SCA Ongoing 13I 2 95 - - I Basic Health Harker (Hill). Ghazni Nogor Gada Del SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Harker (Hill). Ghazni Nogor Mina Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Hotter (Hill). Ghazni Honor Lovargi SG Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health brker (lab Ghazni Kogor Lalan SCA Ongoing HU 2 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Harter (Bill). Ghazni Mogor Narnzi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Honker (Hill). Ghazni Mara Pain Qala SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Harker (BHI). Ghazni Nana Ilandin SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 - - 1 Basic Health Harker (BHI). Ghazni Nara Matitdin SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health brier (EV). ACBAR 3 95 -- -- 1 fetale Basic Health !Drier (BHN). 7 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (Bill). EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (Bel). EU 3 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Sorter 3 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health brier (BPI. DATABASE OF HGO ACTIVITIES - ----- Page: 149 Zakirt2 Date: 04/03/96 878 EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE-- - -- DISTRICT - - -- --- -V1LLAGE(S) - -- AGENCY FUNDED -- STATUS -- DURATION -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIO ) HEALTH: Basic Post Ghazni Nara Askant SCA Ongoing IHi 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Liter (Hh1). Ghazni Nan Gajeyan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (11111). Ghazni Naror Nina Khan SCA Ongoing EU ? 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (B1V). Ghazni Naar Bahadur SCA Ongoing 3J 3 95 -- -- I Basic Health loner (BH1). Navor Jerghai SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porker (BID). Naror Yathshi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- i Basic Health Porter (BIM). Naror lochi SCA Ongoing EU 5 95 -- -- I Basic Health Yorker (1111). Alandini SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- I advanced aid -level H1 / 1 mid -level 111 / I health educator. Burjegai SCA Ongoing EU ? 95 -- -- I Basic Health Yorker (11111). Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Naror Naror Ghazni Naror Katuk SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BR). Ghazni flavor Jeska SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- I Basic health Porker (BH1). Ghazni Qarabagh Asghir SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BBC. Ghazni Qarabagh Qalae Baran SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - I Basic Health Vorker (1111). Qarabagh Sheer SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porker (BIII). Ghazni Qarabagh Dera Bagh SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (10). Ghazni Qarabagh Bahadurgai SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - I Basic Health Vorker (BB). Ghazni Qarabagh Shir Abad SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic health loner (BM). Ghazni Qarabagh Ganishat SCA Ongoing EU ? 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porker (1111). Qarabagh Zardalm SCA Ongoing 2 95 -- 1 Basic Health Porter (1181). Ghazni Qarabagh Noshaki SCA Ongoing ? 95 -- -- I Basic Health Vorker (BIC. Ghazni Qarabagh Rana Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic health Porter (11111). Qarabagh Tasaki SCA Ongoing EU 9 95 -- - I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Qarabagh Naigala SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Vorker (BH1). Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni IACBAI ---- DATABASE OF DSO ACTIVITIES Page: 150 ZakirII Date: 04 /03/96 8111 EDITION - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- Qarabagh Qarabagh Zena Khan Zena Khan Zena Khan Zena Khan Zena Khan Lal Surjangal Lal Surjangal Pasaband Baghran Baghran Baghran Deshu Ganser Kajaki Nusa Qala Nad -Ali Nad -At i Nail-Ali Nahr Saraj Nahr Saraj Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghor Ghor Ghor Neivand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand IACBAR Qarabagh Ghazni Deb Adam Khan Shoraki Narja Narja Loi Nonda -- Navamish Navamish Navamish -- Chegai Qalae Sabz total Nava Skikhan Kandalakh Larosay Askar Kot HEALTH: Basic Post -PROVINCE -- AVICEN AVICIO1 AVICEN AVICEN AYICEN AYICEN AVICEN AVICEII AVICEN AVICEN AVICEN AVICEN AVICEN AVICEN AVICEN SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA AGENCY ACTIVITY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Approved Approved Approved Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Approved Approved Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing --STATUS -- FUNDED EU EU EU EU EU BU EU EU EU EU EU El EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU EU DURATION Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Basic Health Yorker (BIN). (ACTIVITY Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BUI. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / I MI. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day I 1 BHT. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BUT. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day I 1 BUI. Treatment of cocoa diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 MI. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day I I BHI. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHI. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 MI. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day I 1 BUI. 1 Basic Health Yorker (BUT). 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Worker (ME). 1 Basic Health Worker (BUT). 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). 1 1 Zakirt2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 7 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- - -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 4 95 -- -- 4 9S -- -- 2 95 -- -- 6 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- Begin - -End Page: 151 -- -BY - -- DESCRIPTION> STH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) ---- AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED -BY - -- DURATION Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTItEt) HEALTH: Basic Post Helmand Nahr Saraj Deh Adan Khan AVICEN Ongoing 7 95 -- -- Treatment of cotton diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / I BEY. Helmand Nahr Saraj Kirland Ab AVICEN Ongoing 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHW. Helmand Nauzad AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BEY. Eelnand Nane Barak. Khalage AVICEN Discontin EU 7 95 10 95 Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 Reiland Nawae Barak. Mir Abdul Khan AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHW. Helmand Nawae Barak. E. Mir Abdullah AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 Helmand Reg AY10EN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases 1 5-10 patient /day I 1 BHW. Helmand Sarban Qala AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BEL. Helmand Washare AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 HEW. Jawzjan Sari Pul Nanwaie Khan SCA Ongoing SIDA 9 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BEW). Jawzjan Sari Pul Korak SCA Ongoing SIDA 9 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Jawzjan Sari Pal Qalai Sokhta SCA Ongoing SIDA 9 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Bagrami Butkhak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Bagraoi bolayati SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Kabul Bagrami Namuzi SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Bagranì Qalai Khander SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Bagrami Qalai Jul Khan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Bagrami Qer Band SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BEI). Kabul Bagrami Khak Jabar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHW). Kabul Bagrami Nanuzi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BEY). Kabul Bagrami Khurd Kabul SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Porker (BHW). Kabul Bagrami Shena SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Charasyab Qalai Nalakb SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic health worker (BHW). 1ACBAR BHW. female Basic Health Worker (BB!). DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 152 BHL. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- ---DISTRICT- --- --- -VILLAGE(S)---- FUNDED AGENCY -- STATUS -- - - -BY - -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin - -End DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Kabul Charasyab Qalai Mar SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic health worker (BHT). Kabul Charasyab Qalai Jalal SCA Ongoing Eli 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic health worker (BHT). Kabul Charasyab Resh Khir SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic health worker (BHT). Kabul Charasyab Qalai Musa SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic health worker (BHT). Kabul Charasyab Qalai Muslin SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic health worker (BHT). Kabul Charasyab Qalai Jankban SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic health worker (BHT). Kabul Charasyab Khir Abad SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Kabul Cbardehi Cbil Stool SC& Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health worker (BHT). Kabul Chardehi But Khak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health worker (BB). Kabul Chardehi Sarasyab SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- 1 female Basic Health worker (BB!). Kabul Chardehi Shavaki SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BET). Kabul Chardehi Dugh Abad SCA Ongoing EU 195 - -- 1 Basic Health worker (BHT). Kabul Chardehi Qalai Fatoo SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Bealth worker (BHT). Kabul Chardehi Deb Dana SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- i female Basic Health worker (BM). Kabul Chardehi Sarasyab SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Inge Basic Health worker (BHI). Kabul Chardehi Sarasyab SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health worker (BET). Kabul Chardehi Qalai Lugman SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health worker (BET). Kabul Cbardehi Qalai Lugean SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BHT). Kabul Chardehi Gill Bagh SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - -- 1 Basic Health worker (BHT). Kabul Chardehi Benihisar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BHT). Kabul Chardehi But Khak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health worker (BHTi Kabul Chardehi Kota Sangi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BHT). Kabul Chardehi Deh Dana SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- l Basic Health worker (BHT). ACBAR - -- DATABASE OF IM ACTIVITIES Page: 153 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03(96 ` 811 EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S)- --- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY--- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> r HEALTH: Basic Post Kabul Chardehi Qalai Chibullah SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BH11). Kabul Chardehi But Khak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BHA). Kabul Deh Sabz Qalai Gulbaz SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Worker (BMW) Kabul Deb Sabz Qarabagh SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BIM) Kabul Deh Sabz Qarabagh SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- l Basic Health Worker (BHA) 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT) . Kabul Deh Sabz Aqa Suria SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- Kabul Deh Sabz Qalai Gulabaz SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- Kabul Deh Sabz Puli Cbarkhi SCA Ongoing FU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (ERI) Kabul Deb Sabz Saration SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BM Kabul Deb Sabz Qalai Qazi SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker MO Kabul Deh Sabz Qalai Gulbaz SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHW) Kabul Deh Sabz Deb Sabz SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BBC Kabul Deh Sabz Arzan Qimat SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I female Basic Health lorker (BHT) Kabul Deh Sabz Aqa Soria SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHT) Kabul Deh Sabz Kakara SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT) Kabul Kabul Tahi Mnskan AYICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 fenale Basic Health Borker (BHT). Kabul Kabul Khair Khan AMEN Ongoing BU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Worker (BHA). Kabul Kabul Khair Khana SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (IBW). Kabul Kabul Tahi Musks" SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 finale Basic Health Wacker (BEW). Kabul Mir Bachakot Qalai Ali Khan AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BHV). Kabul Mir Bachakot Dehdana AYICF2I Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 femalë Basic Health worker 01111). Kabul Mir Bachakot Dehdana AVICEN Ongoing ET 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health worker (BHl). Kabul Mir Bachakot Bahzadi AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I. Basic Health worker (BHA), ACBAR 1 female Basic Health lbrker (BEW) DATABASE OF NCO ACTIYITIES 811 EDITIONN Page: 154 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT- - -- ----- VILLAGE(S) ---- ACTIVITY FUND DURATION AGENCY - -STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIt HEALTH: Basic Post Kabul Mir Bachakot Bah Zadi SCA Ongoing EU Kabul Mir Bachakot Qalai Ali Khan SCA Ongoing EU Kabul Mir Bachakot Debdana SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Mir Bachakut Dehdana SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I female Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Paghman Qalai Nuhabat AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Paghman Chandalbahe AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Pagbman Kariz Ary AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Paghman Arghande AVICEN - Ongoing EU 4 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Paghman Kobaki AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Paghman Arghande Olia AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - I Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Paghman Arghande AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Paghman Pashni AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Paghman Oria Khel AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Paghsan Paghman AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Paghsan Char Quba AYICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 1 Basic Health 'Oder (BHW). Kabul Paghman Berje AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Torker (BHT). Kabul Paghman Merghjaman AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHW). Kabul Paghman Tapa AYICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lonker (BHT). Kabul Paghman Behtut AYICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BET). Kabul Pagbman Pashaie AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BET). Kabul Paghman Khan Nuzaffer AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Torleer (BM). Kabul Paghman Qalai Shinn AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Tarter (BHT). Kabul Paghsan Kaka Khel AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Toréer (BHT). A CB A R 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). 1 -- DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 155 ZalirRZ Date: 04/03/96 STH EDITION -PROVINCE -- HEALTH: --- -VILLAGE(S) - -,- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION» Basic Post Kabul Paghman Arghandeh SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT), Kabul Paghian Hudak SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT), Kabul Paghaaa Khan Ituzaffer SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health lorker (BBl), Kabul Pagbnan Qalai Shina SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BI), Kabul Paghian Bebtut SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Kabul Pagbaan Pasbaie SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - 1 Basic Health brier (BHI), Kabul Pagan Qalai Mubabat SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Kabul Pagbaan Oria Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- t Basic Health Porker (BM). Kabul Paghman Char Quba SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health brier (BHT), Kabul Paghman Pasbni SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT), Kabul Paghman Kobaki SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Kabul Paghman Paghian SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT), Kabul Paghman Lariz Ary SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Kabul Paghman Kaka Kiel SCA Ongoing 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BEI). Kabul Pawn Mergbjaman SCA Ongoing 4 95 y- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BBI), Kabul Paghaan Cbandalbahe SCA Ongoing 4 95 - -- I Basic Health Porter (BUI), Kabul Paghman Tapa SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHI), Kabul Paghmu Arghandeh Ulia SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT), Kabul Pagbman Arghandeh SCA Ongoing 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BUT), Kabul Sarobi lakah AVICEN Ongoing 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BEI). Kabul Sarobi Lagbun Sur AVIC1I Ongoing 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BET), Kabul Sarobi Qalai Logan AVICEN Ongoing. EU 4 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health loner (BEV). Kabul Sarobi Serkani AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BEI), ACBAR . - EU female Basic Health Porker (BEI), DATABASE OF 1160 ACTIVITIES Page: 156 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> ======= HEALTH: Basic Post Kabul Sarobi Bud Khel AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BBI). Kabul Sarobi Bud Khel AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Sarobi Hud Khel AVICEN Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Sarobi Serkani SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Sarobi Bud Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Sarobi lakah SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Sarobi Bud Kbel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Sarobi Hud Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kabul Sarobi Qalai Lugman SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I female Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kabul Sarobi Laghman Sur SCA Ongo i ng EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kabul Shakar Dara Baji Peak AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Dara Allfattab AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHI). Kabul Shakar Dara Ghaza AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHII). Kabul Shakar Dara Qalai Daslit AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Dart Astuna AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kabul Shakar Dara Farza AVICER Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kabul Shakar Dara Baj Peak AVICEN Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BOW). Kabul Shakar Dara Nasery AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Shakar Dara Ghaza Kariz AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kabul Shakar Dara Noaumi AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kabul Shakar Dara Janshab AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Porker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Data Baji Peak AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (B111). Kabul Shakar Dara Lalo Khel AVICEN Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES --- Page: 157 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin - -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Kabul Shakar Dara Ghurband AVICEN Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Dara Lalo Khel SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Dara Nasery SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- i Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Dara Haj Peak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Data Astuna SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Kabul Shakar Dara Farza SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BMW). Kabul Shakar Dara Mosul SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BBW). Kabul Shakar Data Ghurband SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BBC. Kabul Shakar Dara Baji Peak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul' Shakar Dara Ghaza SCA Ongoing BU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Dara Allfattah - SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Shakar Dara Qalai Daslit SCA Ongoing EU I 95 -- -- Kabul Shakar Dara Ghaza Kariz SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kabul Shakar Dara Shaker Dara SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kabul Shakar. Dara Haji Peat SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- l female Basic Health Worker (BBW). Kabul Shakar_bara Jansbah SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 female Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kandahar Arghandab Tabine Sufla AVICEN Discontin EU 1 95 10 95 Treatment of common diseases 1 5-10 patient /day / Kandahar Arghandab Simi Qalacha AVICEN Ongoing EU i Treatment Kandahar Arghandab Sami Qalacha AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Kandahar Arghistan AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / S -10 patient /day / i BH(. Kandahar Daman ARDS Ongoing EU - -. 94 -- 96 Running of 5 basic health posts. Kandahar Daman ANDS Ongoing EU 6 95 ----- 5 BHPs staffed with 2 Bills offer health education l some medication for out patients. Kandahar Dand AVICEN Ongoing 1 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHW. Kabul , ACBAR Roh Abad 95 -- -- female Basic Health Worker (BHW). 1 female Basic Health Worker (BIM. of COMM diseases./ I 1 BHW. Treatment of moo diseases-/ 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHI. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 158 5 -10 patient/day 1 Bu. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End A!I'CEI Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / i BHA. (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) HEALTH: Basic Post Kandahar Dand Kandahar Ghorak AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -IO patient /day / 1 BHA. Kandahar Khakraiz ANDS Ongoing EU -- 94 -- 96 Running of 3 basic health posts. Kandahar Khakraiz ANDS Ongoing EU 6 95 -- -- 3 BHPs staffed with 2 BHAs offer health education A some medication for out patients. Kandahar Naruf Pan AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient/day / 1 BHA. Kandahar Maruf Nolisadra AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of conon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHA. Kandahar Maruf Molisadra AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / I BHA. Kandahar Maruf Skandarzai AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / lob AM4 I BHA. Kandahar Naruf Bari AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHA. Kandahar kaywand Diwar AVICEN Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases 15 -10 patient /day / 1 BHA. Kandahar Maywand Bayanzai AVICEN Ongoing EU T 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / i BHA. Kandahar. Maywand Nabruan AVICEN Ongoing EU T 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / I BHA. Kandahar kaywand Azia /Anna AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHA. Kandahar Nesh AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of =son diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / I BHA. Kandahar Panjwai Salawat AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHA. Kandahar Panjwai Nakhoonah AVICEN Ongoing EU 7'95 -- -- Treatment of coati diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHA. Kandahar Panjwai Sang Abad AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BOW. eaadabar keg AVICEN Approved EU -- 9S -- -- Treatment of coon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BBI.... Running of 11 basic health posts. Kandahar Shahwali lot Kandahar Shahwali Kot Kandahar Shega Kandahar Kandahar ACBAR ANDS Ongoing EU -- 94 -- 96 -- AHDS Ongoing EU 6 95 10 96 -- AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of conon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHA. Shorabak AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHA. Spin Boldak AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of conon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BBA. 22 Bills are trained i recruited in 11 BHPs offering basic health services to their respective community, DATABASE OF ACO ACTIVITIES Page: 159 . SaliIR2 Date: 04/03/% 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED -BY- -- DURATION (ACTIVITY DESCRIMON> Begin -End HEALTH: Basic Post Kapisa Alasay Go jus Khanda SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill), Kapisa Alasay Setrag SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BBT). Kapisa Alasay Shpi SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kapisa Alasay Dado Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- I Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kapisa Alasay Now Abad SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 BasicEealth Worker (BHT). Kapisa Alasay Skin SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Alasay lakarag SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Alasay Now Abad SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHI). Kapisa Kapisa Shabaz Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kapisa Kapisa Koestan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Kapisa Qazi Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - i Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Kapisa Qalaza SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 H -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kapisa Kapisa Now Abad SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - l Basic Health Worker (BHI). Kapisa Kapisa Now Abad SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Kapisa Sher Mal SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kapisa Kapisa Shenka Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - - 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kapisa Kapisa Iola! Agha SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - 1 lisic Health Porker (BHT). Kapisa Kapisa Kalath4. SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHW). Kapisa Kapisa Alas Sher Khel SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- l Basic Bealth Worker (BHW). Kapisa Kapisa Morad Khel SCA Ongoing 1 95 - _ I Basic Bealth Worker (BHW). Kapisa Kapisa Cheshsal Mazal SCA Ongoing 1 95 - - 1 Basic Bealth Worker (BHW). Kapisa Kapisa Ali Khel SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Bealth toner (BHI). Kapisa Kapisa Keshektan SCA Ongoing 1 95 - - 1 Basic Health Worker (BHI). . . EU Page: 160 -- Zakirll Date: 04/03/96 =CMS -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - --- HEALTH: ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY Basic Post Kapisa Kapisa Deh Baba Ali SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BIM). Kapisa Kapisa Baroki SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (B81). Kapisa Kapisa Qorotak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- Kapisa Kapisa Qalai Sayed Khan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHI). Kapisa Kohband Kauai SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHl). Kapisa Kohband Khur Zargak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHl). Kapisa Kohband Taba Zar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHl). Kapisa Kohband Nula Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kapisa Kohband Sherak Perak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kapisa Kohband Nula Kbel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (Bill). Kapisa Kohband Khun Zargak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BEI). Kapisa Kohband Qasaba SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kapisa Nejrab Ayar Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health worker (BEI). Kapisa Nejrab Qalai Khanjar SCA Ongoing EU 1.95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHl). Kapisa Nejrab Ali Kbel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 ferale Basic Health Worker (BHI). Kapisa Nejrab Qali Chan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Rapist Nejrab kir Khan Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kapisa Nejrab Raia Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - 1 Basic Health Worker (BHl). Lapisa Nejrab Naghdud Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BEV). Kapisa Nejrab Ghere Sufla SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BB). Kapisa Nejrab Dost Big Khel SCA Ongoing BU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW), lapisa Nejrab Hoosan Khel SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 ferale Basic Health Worker (BB!). Kapisa Nejrab Doquri SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BM). ACHAR DESCRIPTION> -- 1 ferale Basic Health Worker (BHT), DATABASE OF NO0 ACTIVITIES Page: 161 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- - -VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) --r HEALTH: Basic Post Kapisa Nejrab Naghdud KheI SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Kapisa Nejrab Yaain Zai SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BBT). Kapisa Panjshare Bazarak SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BET). Kapisa Panjshare Bazarak SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Panjshare Rahman Khel SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BEY). Kapisa Panjshare Dara Puta SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Panjsharel Kharo Khel SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Tagab Norraz Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 - 1 Basic Health Porker (BUY). Kapisa Tagab Norraz Rhel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kapisa Tagab Shalati SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kuhar Chaghasarai kararara SCA Ongoing SIDA i 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Worker (BEY). Kunar Charki Chorki ISRA Ongoing ISRA 2 90 -- -- Dispensary for school health (health post). Kunar Charki Bengal SCA Ongoing SIDA 7 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BEY). Kunar Pech Shailam NAC Ongoing NAC -- 92 -- -- Kunduz Aliabad Said Ahmad SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Yorker INC. Runduz Archi Nabri Shirkhan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Archi Tajikan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- i Basic Health Yorker (BEY). Kunduz Archi Qarloq SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BMW). Kunduz Archi Qarloq SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Char Dara Talgozar SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Char Dara Charm! Qishlaq SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Char Data Wangtepa SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Kunduz Char Dara Sujani SCA Ongoing EU i 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). ACBAR -- Basic health post. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 162 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: HEALTH: Basic Post Kunduz Char Dara Nahri Sufi SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Voter (BHT. Kunduz Char Dara Sujani SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHT). Kunduz Char Dara Ghara Qishlaq SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health brier (BHT). Kunduz Char Darn Ghat' Qishlaq SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHT). Kunduz Char Dara Qarathani SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health brier (BHT), Kunduz Char Dara Char Shahid SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier-WV). Kunduz Char Darn Sejani SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health brier (BHT). Kunduz karat las Nulah Afghan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Harter (BHT). Kunduz Hazrat Ivan Quturbulaq SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health brier (BHT). Kunduz Hazrat Iran Gonbad SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Hotter (BHP). Lundy! Hazrat Iran Ohara SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Honker (BHT). Kunduz Hazrat loan Aithen Chal SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- i Basic Health Harter (BHT). Kunduz Hazrat Ilan Ghara' SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Harter (BHT). Kunduz Khanabad Bande Barg SCA Ongoing EU 9 92 -- -- 1 Basic Health Harter (BHT). Kunduz Khanabad Engluai SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Harter (BHT). Khanabad Khaja Qurghlti SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - i Basic Health Harter (BHT). Kunduz Kunduz Khanabad Chartoot SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health brier (EU). Dadra Khanabad lard Ksar SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Harter (BHT). Kandla Khanabad Lalakai SCA Ongoing EU 195 - - I Basic Health Harter (BHT). Vaduz Khanabad Aqtash SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health tarter (BHP). Kadu Khanabad Bandari Shorab SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 - - i Basic Health Toner (Bai). Kadin Khanabad Ishatop SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- - I Basic Health Porker (BRV). Ionia Vhanabad Kiyazi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Beatth tarter (Bai). A C B A R DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 163 ZatìrU2 Date: 04/03196 8TH EDITION I -PROVINCE -- -- -DISTRICT - - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY 711=======C 2==Mg ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS-- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DES19tIPTIOk HEALTH: Basic Post Kunduz Kunduz Shena Tapa SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Kunduz Tor Nan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Honker (BHT). Kunduz Ennuie Kalan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Baghe Neri SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Kunduz Qnchi Ulan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Harker (BHT). Kunduz Kannte Ulan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Wker (BM). Kunduz Ishan Top SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BT). Kunduz Chuqur Qisblaq SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Jargazar Nasirj SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Sedarak SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Kunduz Nula Sardar SCA Ongoing EU 10 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker MBE., - 1 Basic Health Honker (BHT). Kunduz Kunduz Kunduz bridal Kunduz Kunduz Kunduz Kunduz Kunduz Kandla Laghtaa Lagbtan Laghan Laghtan Lagbtat Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar ACBAIt . Kunduz Jarguzar SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- Alingar Parana SCA Ongoing SIDA 7 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Alishing Qalai Najib SCA Ongoing SIDA 7 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Nehterlan Ouarzai SCA Ongoing SIDA 7 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Qarghaie Eats SCA Ongoing SIDA 7 95 -- -- I Basic Health Yorker (B111). Qarghaie Charbagh SG Ongoing SIDA 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Baraki Sajuand SCA Ongoing SIDA 11 93 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Nohd Agha Surkhab SCA Ongoing SIDA Nohd Agha Guiaran SCA Ougoitg Nohd Agha Abbazak SCA Nohd Agha Deb Nat Gaiaran Nohd Agha 6 88 -- - I Basic Health Yorker (BHT). SIDA 1 95 -- - 1 faille Basic Health Porker (BH1). Ongoing SIDA 9 89 -- - 1 Basic Health biker (BHT). SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 95 -- - I ferule Basic Health Yorker (BHT). SCA Ongoing SIDA 3 95 -- -- ' 1 Basic Health Yorker (HIV). DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITIONN I Page: 164 Zakirt2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- -- DISTRICT - - -- --- YILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin - -End -- 84 --------------- - - - - -- - (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Logar Pali Alu 5 villages RADA Completed *Donors Logar Puli Alan Qalae Jelga SCA Ongoing SIDA Nangarhar Bati lot Baritab IAU Ongoing Private -- -- -- -- Health post for providing first aid to injured people and evacuating then to hospitals. Nangarhar Behsud Samar Mel Camp RADA Ongoing Private -- 95 -- -- Dental mobile team (daily 35 -40 patients). Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad Carps RADA Ongoing *Donors -- 94 -- -- Dental services 25 -35 patients daily. Nangarhar Jalalabad Dada Carp RADA Ongoing Private -- 95 -- -- Dental mobile team (daily 15-20 patients). Nangarhar Jalalabad Mumtaz Carp RADA Ongoing Private -- 95 -- -- Dental mobile team (daily 25 -30 patients), Nangarhar Jalalabad Dada Carp RADA Ongoing Private -- 95 -- -- Dental mobile team (daily 20 -30 patients). Nangarhar Jalalabad Ganda Cheshma RADA Ongoing Private -- 95 -- -- Dental mobile ten (daily 20 -30 patients). Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad UAÀR Ongoing YAF -Gen 12 92 -- -- 4 basic health post in Jalalabad. Nangarhar Lalpur Center SCA Ongoing SIDA 8 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (111V). Nangarhar Rodat besar Shabi AOGB biscontin ¡Donors 3 94 Providing health services in ob /8ya 1 95 7 92 -- -- 4 95 Dental services 95-100 patients daily. 1 female Basic Health loiter (BHT). 2 female doctors a 2 nurses. I angarhar Rodat Besar Shahi RADA Ongoing *Donors -- 94 -- -- Dental services 30-40 patients daily. Nangarhar Rodat lisar Shahi RADA Ongoing Private -- 95 -- -- ENT section (daily 30-40 patients). Nangarhar Rodat Eva Shahi RADA Ongoing HAF -- 94 -- -- Dental mobile ten (daily 30-40 patients). Oruzgan Dai Judi -- ATICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- - Treatment of common diseases - ULCER Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / - ATICEN Approved EU -- 95 - -- Treatment of common diseases Oruzgan Oruzgan Lajran Shahristan Patteta Baru( Nurgha Qala SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loiter (BH/). Patteta Goal Zangiada SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- i Basic Health loiter (BbV). Patteta Gomal Numb Qala SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 - -- 1 Basic Health loner (881). Patteta Gaul Cbatbaraa SCA Ongoing_ EU 7 95 -- - 1 Basic Health loiter (NV). Patteta Jani [hel Chaibran SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 - -- I Basic Health loner (Bbl). ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - Page: 165 ZatirL2 Date: 04/03/96 1 5-10 patient /day / 1 BHT. 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT, 0 5-10 patient /day / 1 BHT. 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- HEALTH: - -- DISTRICT - - -- - - -- VILLAGE {S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY Basic Post SG Ongoing EU 5 95 -- 1 Basic Health brier (SHY). Shorkacha SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health torker (BHI). Mata Ihel Zarghon Qala SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- 1 Basic health biker (BM). Pakteka Neta Sadak SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health biker (881). Patteka Neka Janat Ihel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health totter (881). Pakteka Onna Lanka SCA Ongoing EU 5 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BM). Pakteka Offing Mansoor Qua SG Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (INV). Pakteka Con Charbaraa SG Ongoing EU 7 95 -- - 1 Basic Health biter (881). Patteka Urgonn Chanta SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health brier (HIV). Patteka Urgon Shithan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (111). Pakteka Urgon Serakht SCA Ongoing EU- 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health loner (111). Patteka Urgon Margha Qala S A Ongoing EU 4 95 - - 1 Basic Health baker (111). Pakteka Urgon Mastoy SCA Ongoing EU 8 95 -- - 1 Basic Health biter (881). Pakteka Urgen Geyan SG Ongoing EU 4 95 - - 1 Basic Health Porker (881). Patteka Urgon b:hna SCA Ongoing EU 8 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (81). Patteka Urges' Sir Rama SG Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - 1 Basic Health biter (B1). Patteka huh,' Hall Lhel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - ' 1 Basic Health biter (111). Pattet& Iasnf Del Insnf RhI SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - - i basic Health biker (881). Patteka Ynsif [het lima Ibel SCA Ongoing Pii 7 95 - - 1 Basic Health brier (881). Pakteka Iunf Ihel Mesa Ihel SG Ongoing EU 7 95 - - 1 basic Health biker (111). Pakteka Imnf Ihel Hua SCA Ongoing EU Pattet& Ynsnf Ihel !Markin SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 - - 1 Basic Health brier (HIV). Pakteka Zetok Madati SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 - - 1 basic Health brier (111). Patteka Katmai Bat Patteka Nata Khel Pakteka ACIíAR DESCRIPTION>, 211===== Ebel Ihel ' - 7 95 - 1 Basic Health brier (811). DATABASE OF ISO ACTIVITIES Page: 166 ZakirL2 Date: 04/03/96 óH EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY HANDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begia --End (ACTIVITY DtáCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Pakteka Zelot Whom SCA Ongoing Ell 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (Elf). Pakteka Zelot Derka SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Paktia Bak Sawn [hel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BT). Paktia Bak Total SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health biker (BHT). Paktia Bak Nar Y.hel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 - -- i Basic Halth biter (BHT). Paktia Chankani Banda [hel SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- I Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Paktia Chankani Nozi SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health biker (BHT). Paktia Chaikani Sarangrai SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health biker (BHT). Paktia Dand Pataa Sultak SCA Ongoing E) 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Totter (BHT). Paktia Gardaiz Jegan SCA Ongoing El 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Paktia Gardaiz Garda: SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Paktia Gardaiz [hoja Mel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- - 1 Basic Health biker (BHT). Paktia Gardaiz Tera SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Paktia Basin [hel Nataishakava SCA Ongoing El 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health biter (BHt). Paktia Hasan [hel Shavat SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Paktia Masan [hel Sato SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health biker (BHT). Pattia Jadran Shovak SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health totter (BHT). Paktia Jadran Darazariza SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health trotter (BHT). Paktia Jadran Shovak Tori Khel SCA Ongoing El 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHT). Pattia Jadran Plangi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Torker (BHT). Paktia Jadran [hakh Biel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - .1 Basic Health biter (BHT). Paktia Jadran Nirajan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BRT). Paktia Jadran Alauddin SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- t Basic Health brier (BHT). IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 167 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION I ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED AGENCY -- STATUS -- - - -BY -- DURATION Begin --End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Paktia Jaji Banana SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BR). Paktia Jaji Alisangi SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porker (BHT). Paktia Jaji Roqyan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health loner (BH1 }. Paktia Jaji Katasang SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHT). Paktia Jaji Maras SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BRIT). Pattie Jaji Maidan Asagada SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Paktia Jaji Maidan Zani Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BHT). Paktia Jaji Maidan Pirsila SCA Ongoing 51 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Vetter (B111). Paktia Jaji Maidan Main Khan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BET). Paktia Jani Khel Rebat SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BHT). Paktia Jani Khel larkol SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BH1). Paktia Jani Khel Pul Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health lorker (BHT). Paktia Jani Khel Bal Khel SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Paktia Jani Khel Kotkai SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Vorker (BHT). Paktia Khost Matun SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BHT). Paktia Khost Dadval SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health trier (BHT). Paktia Khost Afandi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- i Basic Health Porker (BHT). Pattie Khost Mari Khel SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Varier (BHT). Paktia Khost Valu Qala SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Pattie Khost Kundi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Pattia Khost Ab Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 - -- I Basic Health Porter (Bill). Paktia Khost Mari Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Pattia Khost Bahran Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 advanced mid -level ET / 1 mid -level HV / Page: 168 Zaki rl2 Date: 04/03/96 1 lab technician. -PROVINCE -- -- DISTRICT - --- --- -YILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Pattia ghost Shamnl SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (Bill). Pattia Khost Kandi Nahgas SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- i Basic Health Porter (BHT). Paktia !host Bahrain Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (Bill). Paktia Most Bahrain Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Paktia Khost Piran SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Paktia Lajaangal Khirani SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Ponter (BIM. Pattie Lajmangal Lejakhola SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- I Basic Health Dotter (BBC. Paktia Musa Ebel Namathola SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (Bill). Paktia Musa Khel Margha SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Darter (BHT). Paktia Musa Khel Gabrmangal SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health barter (BHT). Pattie Musa Khel Sandi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health loner (BHT). Paktia Musa Khel Sandi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Sorter (BBC. Paktia Nader Shah Gut Chula SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Paktia Nader Shah Shambadat SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Paktia Sabati Khulbusat SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (Bili). Pattie Sabari Shithmadi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health lorier (Bill). Pattia Sabati Sabari SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (BIT). Pattia Sabari Asu Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Sorter (BHT). Paktia Sayed Karam Songi Khel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Pattia Sayed Karam Machalgho SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- I Basic Health brier (BHT). Paktia Sayed Karam Nan Khel SCA Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Pattia Sayed Karam Niruata SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (Bill). Pattia Sayed Karam Shamshir Abad SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Porter (Bill). FACBAR DATABASE OF INE ACTIVITIES 8TE EDITION Page: 169 ZatiIR2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- HEALTH: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILIAGE(S)---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY Basic Post Paktia Sperah Firoz Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Sperah Spira SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BAH). Paktia Tani Kotkai SCA Ongoing EU 8 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Tani Banda Khel SCA Ongoing EU Z 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Tani Durgai SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paktia Tani Solkot SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paktia Tani Narizai SCA Ongoing EU Z 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paktia Tani Saróni SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Tani Garbizi SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Tani Pushtai SCA Ongoing EU 3 95 -- -- i Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Trayzai Turiauba SCA Ongoing EU 6 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Trayzai Babrak SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Trayzai Moaandi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paktia Trayzai Moaandi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Trayzai Tetrai SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paktia Zoraat Jeghtayan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paktia Zoraat Malaya SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paktia Zortat Ninnai SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paktia Zortat Niknaa SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 fetale Basic Health Worker (BEV). Paktia Zortat Kolalgo SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- - I female Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paktia Zoraat Sorkai SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- i Basic Health Worker (Bill). Paktia Zoraat Horya Khel SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Pattie Zoraat Salih Khel SCA Ongoing EU Z 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). ACBAR DESCRIPTION )-s DATABASE OF ROO ACTIVITIES Page: 170 ZakiIR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY 21======= 21== HEALTH: Basic Post ACTIVITY FUNDED DURA7101 -- STATUS -- -- -BY- -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY Panan Bagrao Qalandr Rhe1 SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - - 1 Basic wealth Worker (Bill). Panan Bagrao Howdah SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 --- I Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paean Bagraa Sofian SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - - 1 Basic Beaith Worker OHIO. Paean Bagrao Dulat Shahi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BB). Paean Bagraa Jafar Rhel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Pavan Bagrao Nahigar SCA Ongoing EU 1 93 -- - I Basic Health Worker (BHW). Pavan Bagran Darlat Shahi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic health Worker (Bel). Paean Bagraa Shaka SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- i Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paean Bagraa Pashaghan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic health Worker (BHW). Paran Bagraa Qalai Bayezid SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Pavan Bagraa Howdah SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - I Basic Bealtb Worker (Bel). Paean Bagrao Laghoani SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW). Paean Bagraa Qalai Ghulaa SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- - 1 Basic Health Worker (Bill). Bagrao Shahika SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - l Basic Health Worker (BHW). Punt Bagraa Jen Qudua SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic wealth Worker (BRIO. Parran Bagraa Shake SCA Ongoing EU 1 93 - - 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Pusan Bagrao Yarchi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -_ 1 Basic Health lorker (Bat). Paean Bagraa Toghberdi SCA Ongoing EU 195 - - 1 Basic health Vorker (BIM). Paean Bagraa Hawn Rhel SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Vorker (Bat). Pavan . . - Parean Bagrao Taghchi SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - I Basic Health Vorker (BHY). Pusan Charikar Pathan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 - - 1 Basic Health brier (BHt). Pusan Charikar Bahader Ihel SCA Ongoing 1 95 - 1 Basic Health Vorker (Bill). Pusan Charikar pollana SCA Ongoing 1 95 - -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (Bel. A CBA R DESCRIPTION) VNI/7=9//NXIRL 3=111171111=== DATABASE amp ACTIVITIES Page: 171 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 . 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- -DISTRICT - - -- Charikar ---- VILLAGE(S)---- Urchi HEALTH: Basic Post Parran ACTIVITY FUNDED EU EU ==== -- -BY - -- ==MMIlf= --STATUS -- ===M Ongoing AGENCY SCA SCA Ongoing Qalai Sarver DURATION Begin- -End ====== - 1 95 -- - 195 -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). 1 Basic Health Worker (BEI). . 1 Basic Health Worker (BEI). Charikar 1 95 - -- EU I fenale Basic Health Worker (BEV). Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (Bag). SCA EU 1 95 -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BEI). Telanchi' EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BEI). Parran Charikar Charikar Tatntdara Toghchi SCA SCA SCA Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Charikar EU 1 95 -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHW), Parran Qalacha Ongoing Charikar SCA Toghchi Ongoing Charikar SCA Ongoing Parran SCA Ongoing Laghrani SCA Ongoing Charikar Qatai Sail SCA Ongoing Partan Charikar Qalai Rabat SCA Laghani Parran Charikar Qalai Aslab Rabat Charikar Parran Charikar anoint Parran Parran Parran Parran EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BEI). Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (MV). SCA EU 1 95 -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BEI). Toghberdai EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BEI). Charikar EU t 95 -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHI). Parran EU 1 95 -- 1 Basic Health gorier (BEI). Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- l Basic Health Porter (BEI), SCA EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic health Porter (BEI). Qaiai Qasi Lt 1 95 1 Basic Health Porter (BEI), Charikar EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (MI), Parran 02going EU 1 95 -- -- Ongoing SCA Ongoing EU SCA Siadan SCA Ongoing Shabig Khel Charikar Tntaedara SCA Charikar Parran Charikar Janshad Khel Parean Parran Charikar Ongoing SCA EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health Porter 1 Basic Health gorier (MI). 1 Basic Health gorier (MI). I Basic Health gorier (MW) 1 95 -- ° -EU 1 95 -- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION)' Treating of colon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHW. ZakirU2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NC0 ACTIVITIES -- 95 -- -- 1 95 - EU -- -- -- -- Parran SCA Nan Shath Charikar Approved Ongoing Ongoing AYICEN SCA SCA Toghberdi Abdibay Charikar Charikar Chorband (MW). Sofian : Charikar Parran . Finan Parran Parran Parean Parran LA.C22 Page: 172 STE EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S)- --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Parwan Ghorband Cyagard SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- l Basic Health Worker (BHV). Parwan Ghorband Balaghil SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (UV). Parwan Chorband Cyagard SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Potter (BHW). Parwan Ghorband Zaga SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health litter (BHT). Parwan Chorband Kishki SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Parwan Ghorband Frange! SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BET). Parwan Ghorband Fundagistan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT), Parwan Ghorband Kischa SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). 'Parwan Ghorband Farza SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health lorker (BHT). Pusan Ghorband Kisyagh SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Paran Ghorband Deh Nat SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Paean Ghorband Ungar chardihe SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHW). Paean Ghorband Balaghil SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- i Basic Health Porker (BHT). Para! Jabul Saraj Patch Khan Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Torker (BHT). Larvae Jabul Saraj Lagaan Kbel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Yorker (BHT). Paean Jabal Saraj Enche $CA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT). Parwan Jabal Saraj Sayed Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Paean Jabal Saraj Hula Khel SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- I Basic Health Worker (BHT). Parise Kobe Safi Siasang SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker Parma Kobe Safi Dandar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- Parwan Kobe Safi Lalababa SCA Ongoing EU Paean Kobe Safi Quracha SCA Ongoing Parma Kobe Safi Bite Khel SCA Ongoing 1 A C B A R . BHT). 1 Basic Health loner (BHÌ). 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Wier (BHT). EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health taker (BHT). EU a 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health loner (BHT) - DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 173-. ZakirR2 Date: 04 /03/96 8TH EDITION I -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT- - -- -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS-- ---BY --- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION» HEALTH: Basic Post 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (BB). EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Sorter (BIT). Ongoing EU 9 95 -- -- Treataent of cosaon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day I AVICEN Approved EU -- 95' -- -- Treatoent of canon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. Siyab SCA Ongoing EU 10 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter IBHS), Bangi Dahanai Bangi SCA Ongoing EU 10 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHS). Takhar Bangi Bishtentak SCA Ongoing EU 10 95 -- -- 1 Basic Realth Sorter (BHS), Takhar Chah Ab Khalyan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BHT), Takhar Darqad Quo Guzar SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- i Basic Health lorker (BIB). Takhar Darqad Kaltoot SCA Ongoing EU 9 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Worker (BSI). Takhar Darqad Madapata SCA Ongoing EU 9 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (BTI), Tatbar Darqad Bazrate. Bostan SCA Ongoing EU 9 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (BSI). Takhar Eshkaaesh Maidani SCA Ongoing EU 4.95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BB). Takhar Eshkaoesh Chishoi Mahiyan SCA Ongoing EÙ 4 95 -- -- I. Basic Health Sorter (BHT). Takhar Eshkaoesh Islaoabad SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Takhar Eshkaoesh Tarsak chishoa SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHS). Tatbar Eshkaoesh Qandari SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (BHT. Takhar Farkhar Piani SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (BHT), Takhar Farkhar Abidara SCA Ongoing. EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Sorter (BHT). Takhar Farkhar Nahriab SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- I Basic Health Sorter OHS). Takhar Farhat Khuraab SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Takhar Farkhar Lejde SCA Ongoing 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Sorter (BBC), Takhar Kalafgan Zardalu Dara SCA Ongoing 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BB). Parran Kohe Safi Deh.Qazi SCA Ongoing Parran Kobe Safi Dander SCA Ongoing Parran Shekh Ali Center AVICEN Parran Surkh Parsa Takhar Bangi Takhar IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 174 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 1 BHS. 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- -- -DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED AGENCY --STATUS -- ---BY-- DURATION Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) HEALTH: Basic Post Takhar Kalafgan Chartoot SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Varier (BHA). Takhar Kalafgan Aqbulaq SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHT). Takhar Khwajaghar lard Kant SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Khwajaghar Danajot SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - 1 Basic Health brier (BHT). Takhar Khwajaghar Bazrat Bostan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Khwajaghar Chichka SCA Ongoing EU 95 -- -- 1 Basic Bealth lorker (BBA). Takhar Rustaq Seab SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Rustaq Kasangar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Rustaq Khanaqa SCA Ongoing EU 9 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BEV). Takhar Talogaa Baharak SCA Ongoing HU 1 9S -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA): Takhar Talogan Durahi SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHA). Takhar Talogan Nugbul Qeshlaq SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Aorkçr (BHA). Takhar Taloqan Bodala SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Talogan Badaa Data SCA Ongoing EU 1 -95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Talogan Abdal SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Talogan Shahri Kohna SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BEV). Takhar Talogan Jalang Ayaq SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health gorier (BEV). Takhar Taloqan Hazar- Sesech SCA Ongoing EU 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Talogan Nula Qurhan SCA Ongoing EU 10 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BEV). Takhar Talogan Durahi SCA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHT). Takhar Talogan Qazaq SCA Ongoing EU 1.95 -- -- 1 Basic Health brier (BHT). Takhar Taloqan Qulbarce SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). Takhar Talogan Naktabi Nanan SCA Ongoing EU 2 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health lorker (BHA). IACBAR 1 1 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 175 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION. -PROVINCE-- -- -DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS-- -- -BY- -- Begin - -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post 4 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). 95 -- -- i Basic Health Porter (BHT). Takhar Talogan Tanakab SCA Ongoing EU Takhar Talogan Shash tepa SCA Ongoing EU Takhar Talogan Aq Nasjid SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- 1 Basic Health Porker (BHT). Takhar Talogan Qara Molah SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Takhar Talogan Nahri Chaman SCA Ongoing EU l 95 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Takhar Narsaj Pio SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Torcer (BHT). Takhar Tarsaj Makho SCA Ongoing EU 1 Takhar Yangi Qaía Biaba SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -; i Basic Health Porker (BHT). Takhar Yangi Qala Koftar Ali SCA Ongoing, EU 195 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Takhar Yangi Qala Lala Guar SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Toner. (BHT). Takhar Yangi Qala Khu aja Bahaud SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Trker (BHT). Takhar Yangi Qala Nogholan SCA Ongoing EU 195 -- -- I Basic Health Porter (BHT). Takhar Yangi Qala Bazrat Bostan SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Takhar Yangi Qala Taloganiha SCA Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Trker (BHT). Tardak Chak AYICEN Approved EU 95 -- -- Tardak Chak Chak CoAR Ongoing EU -- 95 -- 96 One basic health unit (BHD). Tardak Chak Shith Iasin SCA Ongoing SIDA 6 88 -- -- I Basic Health Totter (BHT). Tardai that Abkazat SCA Ongoing SIDA 2 89 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Tardak Chak Lorar SCA Ongoing SIDA 6 88 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Tardak Chak Naiad (Nasjid) SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 88 -- -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Tardak Day Kirdad Pakhchi Qala SCA Ongoing SIDA 4 95 -- - 1 Basic Health Porter (BHT). Tardak Day Kirdad Banat Khel SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 95 -- 1 Basic Health Tarter (BHT). Tardai Gardandeval AVICEN Approved EU ACBAR . - 1 1 Basic Health Torcer (BHT). 95 -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / I BHT. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 176 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 811 EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE-- ---DISTRICT - -- - -- VILLAGES) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED -BY - -- DURATION ----------- ---- -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) HEALTH: Basic Post Iardak Gardende,al Seya Sang SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 90 -- krdat Gardandenal Dahu Abdara SCA Ongoing SIDA S 88' lardai Jaghata lrrdat Jagbata Iardat Jalret lrrdat Martas Bes. krdat Marta Bes. 1ardak - -- 1 Basic Health Porter (BSI). I Basic Health loiter (BEV) . diseases / AYICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Tratieat of coron Jaghata CoAR Completed EU -- 94 -- 95 BED clinic Kohn laity SCA Ongoing SIDA AVICEN Approved EU Ragsl SCA Ongoing SIDA 5 88 -2-- 1 Basic Heaitb locker (III). Markin Bes. Shah Borja SCA Ongoing SIDA 5 95 -- -- 1 Basic Health Corker (BET). krdat Syed Abad -- AVICEN Approved EU krdat Syed Abad Sbitb Abad SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 krdat Syed Abad Taagi SCA Ongoing SIDA 9 93 lrrdat Syed Abad Shills SCA Ongoing SIDA 1 krdat Syed Abad Peya Data SCA Ongoing SIDA Jabal Argbandab Gaza AVICEN Ongoing. Zabel Arghandab Narai AYICEN Zabel Argbudab ladalak Zabel Dai t1opan Label 3 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- - S -10 patient /day / 1 811. 1 Basic kalth toner (BHT). Treatunt of canon diseases / 5-10 patient/day / I BEV. 95 - Treating of commua diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. 86 -- -- 1 Basic Bulb loiter (BHI). -- -- 1 feule Basic Health loner (BHT). 88 -= -- 1 Basic Health brier (BET). 2 95 -- - 1 Basic Balth loiter (BSI). EU 7 95 -- - Treating of common diseases / 5-10 patieot/day / 1 BSI, Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treating of coron diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / I BET. AYICEN Ongoing EU 195 -- - Treating of common diseases 1 5 -10 patient /day / I BSI. Ihateafgban AYICEN Discontin EU 1 95 10 95 Trestnent of coron diseues / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BST. Dai thopaa lirsa Róel AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treahent diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BST. Zabel Dai t1opan Mina ¡bel AYIcVt Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatuot of common diseases / S -IO patient /day / 1 BSI. Zabel .Jaldat - AVICEN Approved V1 -- 95 -- -- Trament of coon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BST. Zabnl Nizan -- AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- ?reliant of Zabel Qalat -- AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- Trat/ent Zabel Shah Joy Tani AYICEN Ongoing EU ACBAR . 7 95 -- -- of common of canon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BSI. Tratnat of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BSI. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 177 canon diseases / 5 -10 patient /day. / 1 BEV. - --- --- ZatirI2 Date: 04/03/96 rill EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED -BY - -- DURATION Begin--End cACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Basic Post Zabul Shah Joy Loya Khaka AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases 15 -10 patient /day / i BHT. Zabul Shemalzai Sarda AYICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. Zabul Shemalzai Sarda AVICEN Ongoing EU 7 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day I Zabul Shinkai AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 5 -10 patient /day / 1 BHT. I BHT. HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Balkh Mazar Sharif Mazar -i- Sharif IFRCS Ongoing IFRCS 94 -- -- Ghazni Jaghatu Barakat NAC Ongoing NORAD 6 95 -- -- Kabul Deb Sabz 12 villages KPRO Ongoing ARC /ICEF II 94 -- -- Basic Kabul Kabul ARCS Ongoing ICRC -- 92 - -- -- 10 dispensaries in different parts of the city. Kabul Kabul Base in Shahre Na, IAN Ongoing IAN Kabul Kabul ARCS mobil clinic ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Medical supply of ARCS mobil clinic. Kabul Kabul Center IFRCS Ongoing IFRCS -- 94 -- -- 3 mobiles for primary health care. Kabul Kabul Puli Charghi NMC Ongoing ICRC /NSF Kunduz Kunduz Center IFRCS Ongoing IFRCS -- 94 -- -- 1 mobile for primary-health care. Laghman Mehterlas Center IFRCS Ongoing IFRCS -- 94 -- -- 1- Mobile for primary health care. Nangarhar Jalalabad Sharvali ATC Ongoing -MOCHA 5 92 -- -- I nurses t 1 ID. Nangarhar Jalalabad Net Bada Farm Camp BAF Ongoing RAF- 3 94 -- -- Mobile dental team / 1 dentist / 1 dental chair 115 patients /dap. Nangarhar Jalalabad BCI Ongoing BCI 10 91 -- -- Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi Camp BAI Ongoing BAF 3 94 -- -- Mobile dental teas, 1 dentist t 1 Nangarhar Unspecified Various KM? Ongoing UNDCP 1 95 -- -- Mobile clinic (Gynecology I Obstetrics), 3 dotors / 3 nurses / B. educator / 1 vaccinator / 6 91 -- -- 4 92 -- -- 1 mobile for primary health care. Female mobil clinic. care. immunization mobile unit, benefit 35,000 villagers & east of Kabul City displaced. Nobile eye care, 1-day clinics t 2 -seek camps. A mobile surgical team / 1 ND / 2 nurses. Mobile clinic, treatment for Kabul refugees / 18 schools t colleges students. dental chair. 20 patients /day. treatment of 3000 patients /month in 5 districts. HEALTH: MCH Balkh ACBAR Nazar Sharif Deh Khorasan IAN Ongoing IAN 1 95 -- -- Community health care. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 178 . ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 . 8TH EDITION -- -DISTRICT -- -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AVICEN AVICEN AMI -A IAN KDN PSF SO Center Center Center Center Kabul Karte 3 City Center Qalse Shahadah Mogor flavor Qarabagh Nahr Saraj Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul [abut Labul Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Helmand Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Various e 9 95 - Ongoing AVICEN Nobazia Kh,aja Omri Ghazni ACBAI 2 95 -- -- Ongoing AYICEN Dado, Jagbori Ghazni TDH AVICEN AVICEN AVICEN Jaghatu Ghazni Katart AVICEN Center Ghazni Ghazni IAN ECHO Ongoing Ongoing Approved Ongoing TDH CIS ECHO /PSF ECHO Ongoing Ongoing EU Ongoing 8 95 -- -- Ongoing Page: 119 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor. 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor. 1 receptionist / I Dai supervisor. 1 1 I 1 I I aid -level HV / nurse I 1 mid -level HT / nurse I I mid -level HV / nurse / 1 mid -level HI / nurse / 1 mid -level 111 / nurse / 1 Dai supervisor. 1 nurse / 1 mid -level HI / 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 vaccinator vaccinator vaccinator vaccinator vaccinator / lab tech. / lab tech. / lab tech. I 1 I vaccinator vaccinator vaccinator 1 vaccinator 5 MCI OPD I MCE facilities, 60 patients treated each day. Pharmaceutical support of Hair Khama MCI / Asamayie ZatirR2 Date: D4 /03/96 at MCI / Karte She MCI. MCI: supplies of medical a equipment / staff training / feeding center. 140 visitors / day, in cooperation with NOPH. all MCH clinics in Kabul city. 8TH EDITION NCH training program with collaboration of MPH in order to increase the level and capacity of MCH facilities in / 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor, I 1 I 1 I lab tech. / 1 vaccinator lab tech. / lab tech, / lab tech. / lab tech. / lab tech. I Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /daj / 2 ND I i nurse / I nid -level ff./ 1 lab tech. / / 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor, Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 MD / / 1 receptionist / Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 MD I 1 nurse / 1 mid -level HI / / 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor. Treatment of common diseases 130 -50 patient /day / 2 ND / i receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor. Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 MD / / 1 receptionist / i Dai supervisor. Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 MD / / Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 MD / / Treatment of coron diseases 130 -50 patient /day / 2 ND / Providing health facility. / Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 MD / i nurse / 1 mid -level HV / / I receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor, Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 ND / I nurse / i nid -level HV I DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES 3 95 -- -- 1 93 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 9 95 -- - -- 86 -- -- 8 95 -- -- 5 95 -- -- -- 10 95 -- -- Ongoing 2 95 -- -- 6 95 -- -- -- 94 -- 95 -- 95 -- -- EU EU 1FP /NHCR Approved Ongoing Ongoing Completed BDA 42 villages Andar 4 95 10 95 Ghazni EU Discontin AVICEN Nayak Yato,lang Banyan -- 95 -- -- Begin- -End Approved EU - - -BY - -- AVICEN -- STATUS-- Center AGENCY Panjab ---- VILLAGE(S )- - -- Barcyan HEALTH: MCH -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY -PROVINCE - - -- DISTRICT. - -- FUNDED DURATION - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin - -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: RICH Kabul Nit Bachatot Center AVICEN Approved Nevisa -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 15 -20 patient /day / I nurse I 1 nid -level Il / 1 vaccinator. Kandahar Kandahar City ABDS Ongoing EU /AVICE 10 95 12 96 NCB is staffed with 2 MD / Lab tech. / nurses / BHIs / vaccinator A OPD. Kandahar Kandahar Center AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2ND / 1 nurse / 1 nid -level BI I / i_ receptionist I 1 lab tech. I 1 vaccinator 1 Dai supervisor. Lapisa Panjsbare2 Safaid Chehr NDM Ongoing ECHO 9 95 -- -- NCB: supplies of medical t equipment, staff training. Laghsan Nehterlan Center NAC Ongoing NAC 8 95 -- -- NCH clinic (6 staff). Laghman Nehterlan City UNCA Ongoing NAC 8 95 -- -- I ND / 1 pharma. / 1 nurse / free medicines / 50 - 80 patients per day. BP5 biscuit for malnourished children I pregnant women. Nangarhar Behsud parabagh AVICEN Ongoing EU 8 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases 130 -50 patient /day / 2 MD I 1 nurse / 1 mid -level HI / i lab tech. I I vaccinator / 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor. Nangarhar Jalalabad City IF Ongoing IF Nangarhar Jalalabad City UNCA Ongoing NAC /IHO -- 94 -- -- 2 95 -- -- Mother A child Clinic. 1 ND / 1 pharma. / 1 lab tech. / 1000 children 1 women each month / distribution of medicines l BPS biscuit for malnourished children A pregnant women. Nangarhar Log Konar Ihira AVICEN Ongoing EU 9 95 - -- Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 ND / 1 arse / 1 mid -level HI / 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinator 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinator I 1 receptionist / I Dai supervisor. Naagarhar Pachier /Agas Center ARPD Approved Nangarhar Surkh Rod Bagrasi AVICEN Ongoing UNICEF -- 96 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 1 ND / 2 nurses / 1 tab technician. Treatment of common diseases 130 -50 patient/day / 2 ID / F arse / 1 mid -level HI / / 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor. Nangarhar Surkh Rod Shasshapa AYICEN Ongoing Pam Chorband Siagerd AVICEN Ongoing EU 8 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases 115 -20 patient /day I 1 nurse / :1- aid -tevet HI I 1 vaccinator. 4 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 MD / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level III / 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinator 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor. lardai Chat AVICEN -- 95 -- -- Approved Treatment of common diseases 130 -50 patient /day 12 KB I 1 nurse / 1 aid -level HI I I 1 receptionist I I Dai supervisor. ardat lardat Chat Chat CoAR Ongoing -- 95 -- 96 One MCI clinic Cardasdewal Center Olen Approved -- 95 -- -- Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2ND I 1 course / I mid -level ICI / l tab tech. / 1 vaccinator / 1 receptionist / i Dai supervisor. lardai Jaghatu AYICf71 Approved EU -- 95 -- - Treatment of common diseases / 30 -50 patient /day / 2 ND / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level III / 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinata / 1 receptionist / 1 Dai supervisor. ACBAR DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 180 latiri2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION 1= -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILUGE(S } - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY- -- Begin - -Fnd CoAR Ongoing EU -- 95 -- 96 One WOE AVICEN Approved EU -- 95 - -- Treatment of common diseases / 30 -SO patient /day / 2 ND / 1 nurse / 1 mid -level BV / (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: MCH 9ardak Jaghatu Vardak Syed Abad Jaghatu / bardak Syed Abad Sayed Abad Cod 1 lab tech. / 1 vaccinator 1 receptionist / I Dai supervisor. Ongoing EU - 94 -- 96 Mother A child health center. -- 95 -- 95 TEA training course for 40 women. HEALTH: Med.Training Baghian Baghlaa Center CCA Completed IINHCR Banyan Panjab Panjao OIFAN Ongoing OIFAN/BU Fnryab hyena Center OCA Completed UNICEF Ghazni Andar 4 villages NAC Completed NORAD 5 95 Ghazni Jaghori Sangi Nash SO Completed CTS 9 94 10 95 Training of 43 women as nurses (for one year), the graduates are deployed as health workers. Ghazni Khwaja Old Khnja Omari NAC Completed NORAD 5 95 Dai training (10 students in 1 village). Helmand Bust Center BURC Completed CIDA berat Herat Beret City IAN Ongoing IAN Beret Berat City NM Ongoing FRANCE Kabul Kabul City CHTG Completed INC 7 95 10 9S Kabul Kabul Tazir Akbar Khan IAN Ongoing IAN -- 83 -- -- Kabul Label Kabul Ike Completed ECHO 7 95 11 95 Training institute - Z Mk / 2 Master Trainer / 2 Engineers / i Sub Engineer. rehabilitation of rater t electricity system of the institute. City AIDS Ongoing EU /MICE 6 95 10 96 Provision of initial training courses to 16 male Mt I refresher courses to 17 male BUTs / seminars / workshops 5 94 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 9 95 6 95 -- 95 -- 95 5-94 2 96 94 -- -- Training t support of female village health workers. TBA training course, 10 women trained. Dai training in 4 different villages (10 students in each class). TBA training for 30 women. 2 -year course in physiotherapy / 8 students. Technical t teaching support to faculty of medicine. Training of 60 male t female health trainers for. 3 months. Physiotherapy school 3- years /16 students /year t planned recruitment. t etc. Lunar Chaghasaraf Lunar Pech Lunar Lunar ACBAI ARCAR Completed Ili 10 94 Acoond NAC Completed NAC 10 94 -- 95 Training of traditional birth attendant (Dai). Pech Aran NAC Ongoing NAC 9 94 - - Training of traditional birth attendant (Dai). Pech lbldesh/Gnd /Kaiga MAC Ongoing NAC -- 94 -- -- Training of traditional birth attendant (Dai). 2 95 Training of 25 doctors in field of detoxification. DATABASE OF 11GO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION J Page: 181 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 ACTIVITY -PROVINCE,- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S )- - -- AGENCY 2.11=0.1111111= 1=1=11111=19111111191011 111210111111111=NAMONIIIIIIMS 1111.1111iME -- STATUS -- FUNDED -BY - -111017111000=16 DURATION <ACTIYITY Begin- -End DESCRIN7ON> 111=== HEALTH: Med.Training Laghman Nebterlan Center NAC Ongoing NAC 8 95 -- -- Training of traditional birth attendant (Dai). Lagar Baraki Qala -e -Malik ANI -A Ongoing ANIA 8 90 -- -- Three months refresher course with standard curriculum for NO 1 dais training for local +mien. Nangarhar Jalalabad City AABRAR Ongoing *Donors 8 92 -- - One qualified nurse provides one month first aid training to 25 students. Nangarhar Jalalabad Asir Shaheed Rd AOGB Ongoing Australi 2 95 - TBAs training courses for 20 female in each 2 months Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ARCAR Completed UNDCP Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad City BAF Ongoing Nangarhar Jalalabad New Bada Camp IRC /RPA Completed -- ( 100 Dai have been trained till the end of 1995). 10 94 2 95 Training of 25 doctors in field of detoxification. HAF 7 95 6 98 Training of doctors, nurses t health educators. Si! t 95 8 95 Training of 22 community health supervisors (CBS) who in turn trained 176 community health workers (CHIN) to import health education lessons to New Bada Cup residents. Nangarhar Jalalabad City 1SRA Proposed *Donors Nangarbar Jalalabad City NNC Completed 1CRC /I1O -- 95 -- -- 5 92 6 95 Training workshop for mid -level health workers on drug abuse prevention. Family Training Program: home visiting 1 instructing on hygiene, nutrition, ante -natal i post -natal care, first -aid 1 ORS sating. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad NAC Ongoing NAC 1 93 -- -- UNCA dai training program. Nangarhar Jalalabad City SGAA Ongoing ODA(U[) 7 95 -- -- Physiotherapy course for 14 female trainees having the qualification of 12 grade. Nangarhar Jalalabad UNCA Ongoing NAC 2 95 -- -- TBA training has trained 30 women in 2 sessions, the 3th session has 15 trainees. NimroL Zaranj Center BURC Completed CIDA -- 95 -- 95 TBA training for 80 women. Orman Shahristan 10 villages GRC Completed UNHCR -- Training of 10 lady health visitors. Paktia Zormat Zurnat NAC Completed NORAD 6 95 Patti* Zonat Center NAC Ongoing NAC 8 94 -- -- Training of traditional birth attendant (Dai). IFRCS Ongoing EU 6 95 -- -- Health education for school teachers, students trained by their teachers. IFRCS Ongoing EU 8 95 -- -- Health education for school teachers, students trained by their teachers. 1 94 -- -- Health education for school teachers, students trained by their teachers. -- 1 95 8.95 Dai training in 2 villages. HEALTH: Education Badghis Qala Nau Baghlan Pali Khari Balkh Nazar Shari! Center IFICS Ongoing EU Banyan Yatowlang Yakawlang SO Approved :P 11 95 Banyan Yakowlang Yakawlang SO Ongoing UNICEF 10 95 -- -- I ACE AR -- 7 96 Training of more than 1,400 women in basic health education I. food aid. Health training for more than 1,400 women, it also includes distribution of soaps 1 fabric. DATABASE OF NOO ACTIVITIES Page: 182 ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- 3==.110=11 DURATION ACTIVITY FUNDED -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- IFRCS Ongoing EU S 95 -- -- Health education for school teachers, students trained by their teachers. AGENCY Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> SIZ=ff HEALTH: Education Faryab Maymana Herat Herat Center IFRCS Ongoing EU 5 94 -- -- Health education for school teachers, students trained by their teachers. Herat Herat Various SCF -UK Ongoing SCF 4 94 -- -- Health education for women. Jawzjan Sheberghan IFRCS Ongoing EU 8 95 -- -- Health education for school teachers, students trained by their teachers. Nangarhar Darae Noor Various SERVE Ongoing *Donors 4 94 -- -- Basic health teaching for village health workers reaching approximately 750 families every 3 months. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center IFRCS Ongoing EU 7 93 -- -- Health education for school teachers A students trained by their teachers. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center IRC Ongoing SV 3 95 -- -- Production of health education materials (Flip chart A posters) for use by UN agencies A NGOs. Nangarhar Jalalabad Various SERVE Ongoing CBM /GP 3 95 -- -- Documentation of Afghan sign language, kindergarten for deaf children ! deaf club activities. Nangarbar Jalalabad Various SERVE Ongoing *Donors 5 95 -- -- Basic health teaching in 6 schools reaching approximately 10,000 children in the 1995/96 school year. Nangarhar Jalalabad City UNCA Ongoing CEC 2 95 -- -- Training of 30 women in health educator for 6 months. Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi Camp ERU Completed *Donors 6 94 Provision of health education (ORS) for people living in camp / emergency distribution of BRS blankets. Paktia Dand Patan IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 4 90 -- -- Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, waste disposal, clean water etc Paktia Hasan Khel IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 4 90 -- -- Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, taste disposal, clean water etc Paktia Jaji IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 4 90 -- -- Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, taste disposal, clean rater etc Paktia Jani Khel IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 4 90 -- -- Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, taste disposal, clean water etc Paktia Lajmangal IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 4 90 -- -- Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, taste disposal, clean water etc Paktia Musa Khel IRC /RPA Ongoing SY 4 90 -- -- Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, waste disposal, clean water etc -- 9 95 HEALTH: Vaccination Baghlan Dahna Gbori 77 villages AVM! Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Baghlan Doshi 50 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/UIICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Kayla Banyan 35! villages AVICIDI Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- -8 vaccinators Banyan Kahmard 168 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Ruyan Panjab 371 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 6 vaccinators ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 183 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- IMMENNI= 30111101111111111111111C ---- VILLAGE(S) -- -- FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End SI= =PS HEALTH: Vaccination <ACTIVITY Banyan Saighan 153 villages AVICE1 Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 1 vaccinators Banyan Shibar 228 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Banyan Varas 339 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- 6 vaccinators Banyan Yakowlang 625 villages AYIC01 Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 1 vaccinators Farah Anar Dara 17 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 1 vaccinator Farah Anar Dara Various CHA Ongoing NOVIB Farah Bala Balonk Various CHA Ongoing Farah Farah Center CHA Farah Farsi Various Farah Khak Safid Farah DESCRIPTION> 95 -- -- Vaccination of children under 2 year & childbearing men. NOVIB 1 95 -- -- Vaccination of children under 2 year i childbearing uouea. Ongoing NOVIB 1 95 -- -- Vaccination of children under 2 year i childbearing woven. CHA Ongoing NOVIB 1 95 -- -- Vaccination of children under 2 year k childbearing noun. 34 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF Khak Safid Various CHA Ongoing NOVIB Farah Lash Jaween Various CHA Ongoing NOVIB Farah Qala Kah Various CHA Ongoing NOVIB Farah Shindand 43 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF Farah Shindand Various CHA Ongoing NOVIB 1 95 -- -- Vaccination of children vider 2 year i childbearing coven. Ghazni Ab Band All villages NAC Ongoing FIUNICEF 1 95 -- -- Vaccination of surrounding area. Ghazni Andar Provincial level NAC Ongoing UNICEF Ghazni Andar All villages RAC Ongoing FN/NICEF Ghazni Deh Yak 32 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Ghazni Gelai 176 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/UIICF -- -- -- -- 4 vaccinators Ghazni Ghazni 86 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU/UilCF -- -- -- -- 3 vaccinators Ghazni Ghazni Shahvir NAC Capleted WAD 9 95 Ghazni Ghazni lariat NAC Ongoing FN/NICEF 195 -- -- A CB A R 1 -- -- - 2 vaccinators -- 1 95 -- -- Vaccination of children under 2 year A childbearing raen. 95 -- -- Vaccination of children under 2 year k childbearing woven. 1 95 -- -- Vaccination of children under 2 year ! childbearing men. 1 2 vaccinators -- -- -- - 89 -- -- 195 - Freeze point with 200,000 doses / 10 vaccinators / 2 cold chain supervisors. -- 9 95 Vaccination of surrounding area. 2 health education courses in the city. Vaccination of surrounding area. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 184 Zaki rR2 Date: 04/03/96 - 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S )- -- 1111M 1111111MINNIIMIIIIIMIM 111111111111111111I AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION --STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin --End IIMININIEs 111111111111, (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Vaccination Ghazni Giro All villages NAC Ongoing FM /NICEF 1 95 -- -- Ghazni Jaghatu 285 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- Ghazni Jaghatu Khugiani/Baratat NAC Ongoing FM /NICEF 1 95 -- -- Ghazni Jaghori 384 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- Ghazni Jaghori 100 villages SO Ongoing UNICEF Ghazni 3 95 -- -- Vaccination of surrounding area. 7 vaccinators Vaccination of surrounding area. 6 vaccinators 3 vaccinators inunizing children under the age of Z t when in 100 villages. Khvaja Oari 51 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 3 vaccinators Malestan 363 villages AVICEN Ongoing EUNBICF -- -- -- -- 7 vaccinators Mogor 300 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 3 vaccinators Nava 125 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 3 vaccinators Navor 379 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 8 vaccinators Qarabagh 365 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 4 vaccinators Ghazni Lena Khan 52 villages AV1CFJ1 Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Ghor Gal Surjangal 381 villages AYi12N1 Ongoing EUIUNICF -- -- -- -- 3 vaccinators Pasaband 88 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU /UN1CF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Nad -Ali 7 villages BRA Ongoing SCA 1 91 -- -- Vaccination against disease / 2 vaccinators / 15 persons /day. 8 villages ERA Ongoing DCA 12 90 -- -- Vaccination against disease / 2 vaccinators / 15 persons /day. Center CEA Ongoing NOVIB Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghor Helmand Behind Herat Nad -Ali Berat 1 95 -- -- Vaccination of children under 2 year t childbearing vonen. Kabul Kabul 1 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/1811CF -- -- -- -- 1 vaccinators Kabul Mir Bachatot 14 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU/IBIICF -- -- -- -- 4 vaccinators Kabul Qara Bagh I4 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Sarobi 89 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Shatar Dart 70 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 5 vaccinators Arghandab 105 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 .vaccinators Kabul Kabul Kandahar ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION A Page: 185 LatirL2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S)- --- AGENCY SIL1====le 711==15111= ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Vaccination Kandahar Dad 83 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Kandahar Kandahar 5 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Kandahar Khakrais 275 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Kandahar Shabwali Kot 146 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/UNICF -- -- -- - 2 vaccinators Kapisa Kapisa 102 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU /UNICF -- -- -- -- 4 vaccinators Kapisa Kohistan 145 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/UNICF Kunar Bar Kunar hear ATA /AP Ongoing NCA /NRC 5 95 -- -- EPI progran 1 health education. Kunar Bar Kunar Sheegal ATA /AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 1 95 -- -- EPI progran: program carried out by UNICEF L ATA / equipment & vaccine - -- -- I vaccinator provided by UNICEF / the staff L funding arranged L managed by ATA. Kunar Barg Natal ATA /AP Ongoing NCA/NRC S 95 - -- -- EPI program: progran carried out by UNICEF L ATA / equipment 1 vaccine provided by UNICEF / the staff L funding arranged L managed by ATA. Kunar Chaghasarai Center ATA /AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 6 95 -- -- Cold Chain d vaccination center. Kunar chaghasarai Namara ATA/AP Ongoing NCA /NRC 1 95 -- -- EPI program: progran carried out by UNICEF 1 ATA / equipment d vaccine provided by UNICEF I the staff L funding arranged 1 managed by ATA. Kunar Charki ATA /AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 5 95 -- -- EPI progran: program carried out by UNICEF I ATA / equipment L vaccine provided by UNICEF I the staff L fading arranged L managed by ATA. Kunar Wagon -- ATA /AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 1 95 -- -- EPI progran: progran carried out by UNICEF L ATA / equipment 1 vaccine provided by UNICEF I the staff 1 fending arranged L managed by ATA. Lunar ATA/AP Narang Ongoing NCA /NRC 1 95 -- -- EPI program: progran carried out by UNICEF L ATA / equipment L vaccine provided by UNICEF / the staff L fading arranged d managed by ATA. Kunar Naray - ATA/AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 1 95 -- -- EPI progran: program carried out by UNICEF 1 ATA I equipment L vaccine provided by UNICEF / the staff 1 fusiing arranged L managed by ATA. Kunar Nour Gul ATA/AI' Ongoing NCA/NRC 1 95 -- -- EPI program: program carried out by UNICEF 1 ATA / equipment L vaccine provided by UNICEF I the staff 1 funding arranged L savaged by ATA. Kunar Pech -- ATA /AP Ongoing NCA /NRC 1 95 -- -- IPI program: program carried out by UNICEF L ATA I equipment L vaccine provided by UNICEF / the staff 1 funding arranged L managed by ATA. Kunar Pech Barkandai ATA/AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 1 95 -- -- EPI progran: program carried out by UNICEF L ATA I equipment L vaccine provided by UNICEF / the staff L funding arranged L managed by ATA. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 186 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8T1 EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S )- - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End ATA/AP Ongoing NCA/NRC < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Vaccination Lunar Siriana] -- 195 - EPI prograt: progru carried ont by UNICEF A ATA / equipsent t vaccine provided by UNICEF / the staff t funding -- arranged t gauged by ATA. Laghtae Alingar Lagbtan Alishing Lagisan GAF Ongoing ICEF /GAF -- 92 -- -- Nobile vaccination teat vitb 2 vaccinators t guard. - GAF Ongoing IcEF /GAP - 92 -- -- Mobile vacciution teat with 2 vaccinators t 1 guard. Davlatsha -- GAF Ongoing ICEF /GAF -- 93 - - Mobile vaccination teat with 2 acciutors & 1 guard. tagliai Davlatsha Farashgban GAF Ongoing GAF /I(EF -- 95 -- -- 2 vaccinators t 1 guard / prevcatìve services. Laghtan Mehterlan - GAF Ongoing ICEF /GAF -- 91 -- -- Mobile vaccination teat with 4 vaccinators I 1 supervisor / 1 guards / 2 cold chain techaacians. Lagbnan Nehterlat Center GAF Ongoing GAF /ICEF - 95 - - 2 cold chain techsiciat keeping vaccines. Lagoaan Mehterlat Center GAF Ongoing GAF /IOEF -- 95 -- - 2 vaccinators t I guard / preventive services. Lagbtas Nooristan -- GAF Ongoing ICEF /GAF - 93 Mobile vacciutios teat with 4 vaccinators t 2 guards. Lan Nooristan Nooristan GAF Ongoing GAF /Its _ 95 -- -- 2 vacciutors t 1 guard / privative services. Laghtas Qarghaie -- GAF Ongoing It F /GAF - 91 -- - Mobile vacciutiot teu with 2 vaccinators t 1 guard. Logar Baraki baraki AERANE Ongoing Ell -95 - - Yacciutioi nobile teat. Nangarhar Jalalabad Cuter ACDO Proposed IRC -- 95 -- -- Health education progru. Mangarbar Jalalabad PH lospital NAC Ongoing INIt2F - 90 - - A vaecite storage facility (300,000 recites capacity) - joist project with AYICEN - would cover eastern zone. Oruzgan Dai Ludi 22b villager AYICE11 Ongoing EU/INICF -- - -- -- 1 vacciutors Orazgaa Cajraa 155 villages AMEN Ongoing EU/INIcF - -- -- -- 4 nccitators Orazgas Shahristu 77 villages /NICER Ongoing EU/INItY - -- 3 vaccinators Pakteka Want 31 villages AMER Ongoing EU/IMICF - -- - 2 vaccitators Pakteh Urgon 191 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/INIcF -- - - -- 2 vaccinators Pakteka Mazaihn 232 villages AYIí5N1 Osgoisg EU/INIc! - - -- -- 2 vacciutors Pakteka Zelok 98 village, AYIl50I Oagoìtg EU/UNICF - -- -- -- 2 vaccinators Pattia Bak - IRC/LPA Ongoing ININ [ACM -- 5 91 - -- - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children t fettles aged 5 -45 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 187 ZakirU2 Date: 04 /03/96 8T11 EDITION I -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCIIPTION> O HEALTH: Vaccination -- IRC/RPA Ongoing UNICEF 189 -- -- band Petan IRC /RPA Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children i females aged 5 -45 Paktia Dara Darug IRC /RPA Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 nobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children i females aged 5 -45 Pattie Gardait IRC /RPA Ongoing UNICEF -- 93 -- - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Pattie Gorbat IRC/RPA Ongoing UNICEF 2 92 -- -- Paktia Basan IRC /RPA Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children t females aged 5 -45 Pattie Jadru IRC /RPA Ongoing UNICEF 4 92 -- - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targetiag 0 -2 years children i females aged 5 -45 Pattia Jajì IRC /IPA Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile ncciutors visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children i fetes aged 5 -45 Pattie Uzi Del 1,C /IPA Orgoieg UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children fetales aged 5-45 Pattie host IIC/IPA Ongoing UNICF 5 92 -- - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children & fames aged 5-45 Patti& Lajmangal IIC/IPA Ongoing IMICEF 1 89 -- - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children I females aged 5-45 Pattie Nudozi IIC/IPA Ongoing UNICEF 5 92 - -- 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children i faults aged 5 -45 Pattie Nast Iéel IIC/IPA Oagoimg UNICEF 10 89 -- - 3 mobile ncciaators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children i fades aged 5 -45 Paktia Nader Shah IRC/IPA Ongoing UNICEF 7 91 - -- 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at lest 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children i fault: aged 5-45 Pattia Qaludar IIC/IPA Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Patti& Sabari IRC/RPA Ongoing IIIICEF 4 92 - - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children i females aged 5-45 Pattie Sayed Lana IIC/RPA Ongoing UNICEF 1 89 -- - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at lust 3 z year, targetiag 0-2 years children I females aged S -45 Patti" Shoal 11C/IPA Ongoing UNICEF 4 92 -- - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children i females aged 5-45 Paktia Shank IRC/RPA Ongoing UNICEF 4 92 - - 3 nobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children i females aged 5-45 Pattia SPerab IIC/RPA Omgoist UNICEF 4 91 -- - 3 mobile vaccimators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children i females aged 5-45 Pattia Tui IRC/IPA Oagoimg UNICEF S 91 -- - 3 mobile uccimators visiting at least 3 z year Paktìa Traytai IIC/IPA Ongoing MICR 2 92 - - 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0-2 years children i faults aged 5 -45 Pattie Volga IIC/RPA Ongoing UNICEF Pattie Chantant Paktia IACBAI Ihel _ 10 90 -- 3 nobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targeting 0 -2 years children A fevales aged 5 -45 3 mobile vaccinators visiting at least 3 z year, targetiag 0 -2 years children i fetates aged 5 -45 3 mobile vacciators visiting at least 3 z year, targetiag 0-2 years children i females aged 5 -45 DATABASE OF NW ACTIVITIES Page: 188 targeting 0 -2 years childrea 1 females aged 5-45 ZakirI2 Date: 04 /03/96 871 EDITION -PROVINCE- --- ùISTRICr - - -- 11711=MMINNICIS IIMMECMCII=119.= ---- YIILGE(5I - - -- ACTIVITY FENDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin-bd IIC/RPA Ongoing UNICEF 8 90 - - cACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Vaccination Pattie Zornat Pana: Wan - GAF Ongoing UNICEF -- 90 -- - Mobile nccìnation teas with 3 vaccinators. Parma: Ciaritar 47 villages AVICEN Ongoing EU/UIIICF - - -- - 3 vaccinators Penal Charitar GAF Ongoing UNICEF -- % -- - Outreach IPI program from Bagram. Partan Gborband 508 villages HIM Ongoing EO/UNICF -- - -- - 8 vaccinators Partan Jabal Saraj 115 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU/URICF - -- 1 vaccinator Paean Sheik Ali 2S6 villages AYISFJI Ongoing EU/UNICF -- -- - - 3 vaccinators Parias birth Pana 316 villages AYICEN Ongoing EU/UNICF - - - - 3 vaccinators iardat Chat 436 villages AYICEN Ongoing EUMICF - - - - 6 vaccinators %ardat Day Mirdad 218 villages 0I0 Ongoing QI/IAIICF - - -- - S vaaiuton krdat Jaghat: 212 vi l lages AYICEM Ongoing EJ/NIICF -- -- - 3»cciutors lardat Jalres 95 villages ATICEN Ongoing EU/IMIICF -- - lardak Nadu bes. 488 vidages RICER Ongoing EU/URICF - - - - S vaccinator fardai Syed Abad 212 villages HIM Ongoing MCC? - - - - 4 vaccinator lariat Syed Abad Sayed Abad CoAR Ongoing EU - Zabel bai Chopas 217 villages OMEN Ongoing EU/UNICF - - Zak! Shinhi 126 'villages AYICEN . Ongoing EU/I*ICF - - - - 2 vaccinators - 90 -- -- Orthopaedic sortshnp ( fitted tat prosthesis ). - 3 while vaccinators visiting at least 3 i year, targeting 0-2 years children ! females aged 5 -45 I vaccinator 93 -% Yacciutioa mobile teas. - 3 vaccinators HEALTH: Disabled Reh kith Maur Sharif Nazar I1C Ongoing IC[C kith Maur Sharif Maw Sharif SERVE Ongoing IEP Otani Otani Spaodi MI Oagoing AID Chard Ghazni âpanpa di IARC Ongoing 1AP 6 93 - - Coordination of IMP disabled Afghan project in kith. 12 90 -- -- -- - 4 orthopaedic technician aufachre crutches l prostheses. 4 taimicius / 1 supervisor / 3 up sort staff 1 sating lL,bL protheses I crotches ¡aim physiotherapy / prediction of 4 protheses in a month. [ACM BATABASE OF IM10 ACTIVITIES --- Page: 189 Zatirtl Date: 04/03/% ------ 81E EDITION PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUSED AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Dara HI Capleted AID ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- DIl8ATImN <ACTIYITY Begin - -End DESCRIPTION> ' HEALTH: Disabled Reh 4 orthopaedic technicians manufacture crutches i prostheses. 12 90 -- 95 Helmand Baghrn Berat Enjeel Various CIA Ongoing UIDP 8 95 -- -- Treatment, rehabilitation, integration A training of disabled. Herat Gozarab Various CIA Ongoing UIDP 8 95 -- -- Treatment, rehabilitation, integration & training of disabled. Berat Herat Bern IAN Ongoing IA11/O01A 690 -- -- Support to NOPH ophthalmic center. Herat Herat Center It2tC Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- Herat Lendajan Various CHA Ongoing INIDP 8 95 -- -- Kabul Kabul Shabre Nev IAN Ongoing IAN -- -- -- -- Kabul Kabul Kabal SACS Proposed INS - 95 -- - * Orthopaedic workshop (produces of limbs). Treatment, rehabilitation, integration A training of disabled. Education A rehabilitation for visually handicapped. 10 bed rehabilitation center - physiotherapy + orthopaedic vorkshop - plans to add paraplegic center + Vocational training center. [abut Kabul Yarioas SKYE Ongoing *Donors - 93 - -- Iliad rehabilitation, integration of blind children in mainstream schools A sort with children who have low vision. [dal labil heir Atbar Khan SGAA Proposed VNO /EU -- 95 - -- Aehabìlitation of artificial limb workshop A professioaal and aanageaeat training. laadahar Dud Center ANT Proposed 1FP/ICK - 95 - - 14 orthopaedic tech. / 1 OAN / 1 physiotherapist / 1 PTA providing 840 AIL/It prosthesis / 900 crotches / 1500 sticks A 1500 PT. Landahar Panini Nathuaai HI Completed AID Iapisa [apisa Varions SUE Ongoing *Dogs 3 orthopaedic technician manufacture cratches i prostheses. 2 92 - 95 - 93 - -- Iliad rehabilitation, integration of blind children is mainstream schools l work vith child en vim have lot vision. bur Varions SKYE Ongoing *Donon 94 - - Iliad rehabilitation, integration of blind children in mainstream schools ! tort vith chifdren who have los vision. WWI WWI Vannes SLUE Ongoing *Down - 93 - - Iliad rehabilitation, integration of blind children in mainstream schools A wort with children who have low - vision. Nangarbar Jalalabad City AABKAA Ongoing *Donors 8 92 - - 2 physical physiotherapists provide physiotherapy to 2S patients (male / female / chìldra) every day. &angatbat Jalalabad City AABKAA Ongoing *Damon 8 92 - - 2 trailers give bicycle training to 20 people a mouth. One bicycle technic deals with the repairs of bicycles A job training to the interested mattes. Nanguóar Jalalabad City AABIAIt Ongoing EU/IKC Naagarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad IS 0ngoimg *Donors ACBAK 4 9S - - 88 - - Bicycle training coarse, 8 - 10 stadeats per and A IS orphan stsdents each 3 months. Handicapped rehabilitation program. DATABASE OF 160 ACTIVITIES ------ - ----- Page: 190 Zakì rl2 Date: 04/03/96 8T11 EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- ---DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY FINED -BY - -- -- STATUS -- DURATION Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> ==111111111M1=t HEALTH: Disabled Ren Nangarhar Ialalabad Jalalabad ICE Ongoing ICRC -- 94 -- -- Orthopaedic workshop (fitted with prosthesis). Nangarhar Jalalabad Various SERVE Ongoing *Donors -- 92 -- -- Blind rehabilitation, integration of blind children in sainstreas schools t work with children who have low vision. Nangarbar Jalalabad Various SERVE Ongoing CIIN /GP 3 95 -- -- Hearing testing, provision of hearing aids t ear -would, speech training. Nangarhar Jalalabad City SGAA Completed F3J /IIDP 193 Orthopaedic workshop and physiotherapy center t training of 5 orthopaedic technicians. Parnan Charìkar Various SERVE Ongoing *Donors 8 95 -- 93 -- -- Blind rehabilitation, integration of blind children in mainstream schools t work with children rho have Ion vision. Parwae Charikar Center SGAA Completed 110 1 93 8 95 Orthopaedic workshop handling prosthesis only with limited physiotherapy service. HEALTH: Other badakshan Eshkashet Eshkashes ORA Proposed EU badakshan Reshen Nashad NAC Completed ANC /MSFB 6 95 7 95 Malaria bed net distribution. Badakshan Sheghnaa Shegbnan ORA Discontin IAIDP 6 94 4 95 Drag detoxification Badaksban Sheghnan Shegbnan ORA Proposed EU baghlan Puli Rhunri Pul Rhunri OIFAH Completed OIFAH 5 94 4 95 Public health program for displaced people. Balkh Mazar Sharif Mazar OIFAX Completed OIFAM/BU 5 94 4 95 Public health program for displaced t refugees. Banyan Yakowlang Yakovlang PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF Farah Farah Various MERLIN Ongoing ECHO -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 196 -- -- Drug detoxification center. center (20 beds t 16 staff). Drug detoxification center. Pharmaceutical support of Yakonlang leprosy dispensary. Emergency preparedness for returning refugees expelled fron Iran. Facilities are - mobile clinic / medicine supply / logistics / first aid / vaccination / etc. Farah Farah Center PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Farah hospital t Red Cross Clinic. Farah Shindand Shindand PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Shindand Hospital. Ghazni Andar thardiwal NAC Completed FM/NSF Ghazni Ghazni IAUC Ongoing NOYIB Herat Herat City ARO Proposed UNICEF -- 95 -- -- Production of iodized salt. Herat Berat Center 14H Proposed IAN -- 95 -- -- Primary mental health care for surrounding area. A CB A R 4 95 1 95 - -- Distribution of salaria bed nets. I lab vith 4 technicians / trine analysis I stool eras / blood test / 30 patients OPD /day. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION f Page: 191 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 ACTIVITY PROVING£ - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S)-- -- AGENCY =At -STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED cACYIYITY Begin --End -BY - -- DESIIiIPTION>---- .913==== ==.1791=1. HEALTH: Other herat Herat City NDN Completed NDX 6 94 herat Herat Various NERLIE Ongoing ECHO 1 96 -- -- 7 95 Purchase of generators, fuel, BPS, medicine. Emergency preparedness for returning refugees expelled from Iran. Facilities are - mobile clinic / medicine supply / logistics / first aid / vacciaatioa / etc. Herat Herat City PSF Ongoing ECHO/PSF -- '95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Herat 200 bed Hospital. Kabul Kabul Khair Khan ISBA Proposed CHC -- 95 -- -- Establishment of welfare centcr for destitute 1 vulnerable children 1 Tomea. Kabul Kabul City NM Ongoing *Donors -- 88 -- -- Provision of medicine 1 medical instruments to different hospital 1 clinics tbrougi, ARCS. Kabul Kabul Kabul ORA Approved TF/UK -- 95 -- -- Drug detoxification center. Kabul Kabul City OV Oigoiag OV/UK -- 93 -- -- To give medicines assistance for Kabul hospital. Kabul Kabul Center PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF - 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Bev Aliabad Hospital / Nayvand Bopital / Noor Hospital / Jamuriat Hospital / Indira Ghandi Hospital / 52 bed Hospital (Kbair Khana) / 100 bed Hospital (Karte She) / 400 bed Hospital I Ataturk Children Hospital. Kabul Kabul Center PSF Ongoing -- 95 -- -- ECHO /PSF Pharmaceutical support of Sbahr Ara Clinic / Poli Sokhta Clinic / Rahman Nina Clinic / Shahid Balkhi Clinic / Nahamad Rasolala Clinic / Aboozar Clinic / Kabul Leishmania 1 Malaria Clinic / Dachte Barchi Clinic / Taimani Clinic. Kabul Qara Bagh Qara Bagh PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Qara Bagh Hospital 1 Clinic. Kabul Shakar Dara Shakar Data PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- - Pharmaceutical support of Shakar Dara Clinic. Kandahar Kandahar City Alm Proposed UNICEF - -. 95 -- -- Blood bank training. Kapisa Kohistan Gulbahar PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Gulbahar textile factory hospital. Kapisa Panjshare Panjshare PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Rocha Hospital / Safid Sher Clinic I Paryan Clinic I Shabaha Clinic. Kunar Chaghasarai ATA/AP Ongoing NCA /NRC -- 91 -- -- TB control progran 15 beds for male, tettle Kunar Chaghasarai Center ATA /AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 6 95 -- -- 15 bed TB hospital containing I -ray, Lab, etc. Kunar Chap& Dara Kandai ATA /AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 5 95 -- -- TB sub center, microscopy. Lunar Chavki Chawki ISRA Completed URDU 9 95 11 95 Trailing workshops for 50 Judges 1 legal workers on drug avareness I prevention. Lunar Laadesh ATA/AP Ongoing NAC/NRC -- 90 -- - Kunar Kaidesh ATA/AP Ongoing NCA/NRC 5 95 -- -- Onor ' Page: 192 . / health education 1 EPI. TB control program, 1 microscopist / health education program 1 EPI. TB sub center, microscopy. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S) -- FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- ATA/AP Ongoing NAC/NRC -- 90 -- -- 5 95 -- -- -BY--- Begin- -End ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> ism os HEALTH: Other lunar Khas Lunar Lunar Lúas !Cesar Chas lunar ATA/AP Ongoing NCA /NRC Lunar Lunar All parts MSF Ongoing EU Lunar Pech lunar Pech Center -- 93 -- - TB control program, i microscopist / health education program 1 EPI TB sub center, microscopy. Monitoring 1 technical evaluation of microscopists f salaria control including bednet AMA Ongoing Self ATA/AP Ongoing NCA/NRC -- 90 -- -- TB control program / I microscopist / health education 1 EPI. 7 94 -- -- distribution. 2 malaria supervisors. Lunduz Lunduz Lundoz NSF Ongoing ECHO 10 94 -- -- Medical supplies dispensary for Tajik refugees. Laghsan Laghman All parts MSF Ongoing EU -- 93 -- -- Monitoring 1 technical evaluation of microscopists / salaria control including bednet distribution. Laghman Mehterlan ATA/AP Proposed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- -- Tuberculosis control program. Laghman Nehterlan Mehtarlai ISLA Ongoing UNICEF Logar Baraki Barami Barak PSF Ongoing ECHO/PSF -- 9S -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Baraki Barak Hospital. Logar Logar All Parts NSF Ongoing EU -- 93 -- -- Monitoring 1 technical evaluation of microscopists / salaria control including bednet distribution. Behsud Sanar Bel Carp SGRO Ongoing SUCS Nangarhar 6 94 -- -- 1 95 -- -- langarhar Darne Moor Dará Moor ORA Ongoing ORA Nangarhar Jalalabad City ARO Proposed RHO 95 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad City RAF Ongoing HAP 10 94 -- -- 2 93 -- Emergency drop -in -center for vulnerable children with 2 outreach centers. Malaria health clinic for refugees in Sanar Bel Camp, 1 technician I 1 blood collector. Anti- Malaria / 2 staff. Production of iodized salt. Peri -natal unit (PNU), anti 1 post natal / 3 OPD /day, / 5 IPD beds / I incubator / 4 cots / 2 with phototherapy laps 12 doctors 13 nurses. Nangarhar Jalalabad Interplant Hospita HELP Ongoing EU Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad 1I10 Ongoing *Donors Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad 1I10 Ongoing *Donors -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 94 -- -- Co- sponsor for inter - Plant program. 14 bed T.B referral center - 14 Ds / 7 nurses / 2 microscopists / 1 I -ray tech. 1 Malaria control program - 15 diagnostic and treatsent centers 1 training of 1 dispensary. microscopists cross checking for slides. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ISLA Completed UNICEF Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ISLA Ongoing UNICEF 12 94 -- -- Establishment of emergency drop-in -center for 250 street girls in Jalalabad. -- 95 -- -- Establishment of information center for drug abuse prevention. Mangarhar Jalalabad City ISLA Proposed *Donors Nangarhar Jalalabad Bagh Zakhira Camp MMC Completed UNICEF A C B A R 3 93 1 94 6 95 6 95 Energency drop -in- center for vulnerable children, 1000 children admitted in 2 years. 1 MD fetale doctor 1 dispenser (vidos 1 orphan Camp-Bagh Zakhira displaced). DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION L s Page: 193 ZakirR2 Date: 04 /03/96 ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- - -- -VILLAGE(S) ---- AGENCY --STATUS -- FUNDED -BY - -- DURATION -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Begin --End HEALTH: Other Nangarhar Jalalabad City NNC Cnpleted UNICEF Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad NSF Ongoing EU 2 94 6 95 -- 92 -- -- Malnutrition A other colonial diseases (kindergarten displaced). Bednet program, coordinating the sale of insecticide impregnated betnets for salaria control in the Eastern Provinces L increasingly is the North of Afghanistan. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad NSF Ongoing EU -- 92 -- -- General laboratory program, multi disciplined monitoring of field microscopists / multi disciplined training of microscopists / rebbilitation of NOPE netrort, Nangarhar Jalalabad Center NSF Ongoing NSF 11 95 -- -- Emergency preparedness / nutritional surveys. Nangarhar Jalalabad City UAAR Proposed Gernan.G -- 95 -- -- Laboratory for salaria, tuberculosis ! etc. Nangarhar Jalalabad UNCA Ongoing INCA /NSF 4 95 -- -- Distribution of 1,000 bed -nits to children A pregnant noun. Nangarhar Rodat hesar Shahi SRDA Completed ICE 9 94 Distribution of medicines to displaced people in Besar Shahi Carp. Nangarhar Unspecified All parts NSF Ongoing EU Niaroa Ilium Various MERLIN Ongoing ECHO 3 95 -- 93 - -- 1 96 -- -- Monitoring d technical evaluation of microscopists / salaria control including bednet distribution. Emergency preparedness for returning refugees expelled iron Iran. Facilities are - mobile clinic / medicine supply / logistics / first aid / vaccination / etc. Oruxgan ARDS Dai kundi Surveyed EU /NSF 8 95 8 95 An assessment survey vas conducted jointly vith NSF cooperation for collecting data to be used for planning A implementation of Primary Health Care program in 1996. Oruzgan ABBE Deh Rand Surveyed EU/NSF 8 95 8 95 An assessment survey vas conducted jointly rith NSF cooperation for collecting data to be used for planning A implementation of Prisary Health Care program in 1996. Oraxgaa AEDS Oruxgan Surveyed EU /NSF 8 95 8 95 An assessment survey vas conducted jointly rich NS£ cooperation for collecting data to be used for planning A implementation of Prisary Health Care program in 1996. Orungan ANDS Tirin Surveyed EU /NSF 8 95 8 95 An assessment survey vas conducted jointly via NSF cooperation for collecting data to be used for planning s implementation of Prisary Health Care program in 1996. Pattia [host [host City 1SRA Ongoing UNIT 12 94 -. -- One drop -in- center for 500 vulnerable street vorting children A 2 conunity out reach centers for 500 children. Pattia Pattia All province NSF Ongoing EU -- 93 -- -- Monitoring t technical evaluation of microscopists / malaria control including bednet distribution. Pattia Zormat Lariat MAC Completed FN/MSF Partan Charitar Charitar PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Charitar Hospital Parran Jabal Saraj Jabal Saraj PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Jabal Saraj dispensary. lardat Chat Chat PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Pharmaceutical support of Chati Vardat Clinic. A C B A k 5 95 8 95 Distribution of malaria bed nets. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES L Page: 194 ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8711 EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- -- -DISTRICT - - -- lardak Jaghatu lardak lardak ---- YILLAGE(S )-- -- All province FUNDED DURATION --BY -- Begin- -End AGENCY -- STATUS -- PSF Ongoing ECHO /PSF -- 95 -- -- Phariacentical support of Jaghatu General Hospital. NSF Ongoing EU -- 93 -- -- Monitoring t technical evaluation of microscopists / malaria control including bednet distribution. CRFA Ongoing Self cACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> INCOME: Handicrafts Janjan Aqcha Jangal Ariq 8 92 -- -- Carpet production: 40 women are paid Rs.700 /sqm carpet - raw material is provided - carpet is marketed locally / overseas. Jawzjan Aqcha Qor Change CRFA Ongoing UNESCO -- 93 -- -- Silk weaving program. Janjan Aqcha Qorchango CRFA Ongoing UNESCO -- 93 -- -- Silk ekat weaving. Mangarbar Jalalabad Center ACDO Proposed UIHN2t -- 95 -- -- handicraft t bee keeping project. Bardak Gardandewal Roar Bid CANC Ongoing Private 11 95 -- - Carpet weaving / 6 instructors t 18 students (a part of it is for female). lardak Jaghatu ACRD Proposed ASAA -- 95 -- -- Promotion t development of rural handicrafts. INCOME: HelpCraftmen Herat Eajeel 5 villages PO Completed 110 /1AP -- 95 -- 95 21 disabled received tools is carpet weaving t tailoring. Herat Eajeel 6 villages NPO Completed IRC/RAP -- 95 -- 95 14 stilled disabled assist in embroidery t carpet weaving. Herat hjeel 2 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 12 widows received tools in carpet weaving. Herat Inject 6 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 94 -- 95 31 disabled received tools in carpet weaving 1 embroidery. Herat Eajeel 9 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 - 95 26 disabled received tools im radio repairsiag, tailoring t shoe making. Herat Gozarah 2 villages NPO Completed IRC/RAP - 95 -- 9S 12 widows received tools im carpet weaving. Bent Gozarah 2 villages. NPO Completed IRC/RAP -- 94 -- 95 12 widows received tools in carpet weaving. Herat Guinan 2 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 9 disabled received tools is carpet wearing t tailoring. Herat [Broth 3 villages NPO Completed IRC/1AP -- 95 - 95 17 skilled botcher t shopkeepers disabled assisted. Bent Isshk 6 villages BPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 70 widows received tools in carpet weaving. Herat Iushk S villages HPO Completed I1C/1AP - 95 - 95 21 disabled received tools im carpet weaving t tailoring. Laghmas Alishiug 1 villages BPO Completed NCA/NRC -- 94 -- 95 11 skilled disabled assist in carpentry t tailoring. IA C B A R----------------------- - DATABASE Of EGO ACTIVITIES --- Page: 195 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION-i -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT ---- -VILLAGE(S)---- 71=====i7OL 111111111====== ACTIVITY FUNDED D18lATICO AGENCY --STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End - - - - -- <ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> INCOME: Help Busmen Baghlan Baghlan 7 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 12 95 Distribution of Eabroidery, Katie t carpet weaving tools to 51 people. Balkh Dovlatabad 7 villages NPO Conpleted IRC /RAP -- 95 12 95 Embroidery t Italia, 29 people. Herat Herat City AREA -1 Conpleted EU 8 94 12 95 Introduction of improved AREA - kiln. Kabul Kabul City AREA -I Ongoing SV 8 95 Introduction of improved bakeries. 8 96 INCOME: Help Vulner. Balch Nazar Sharif Nazar Sharif IAI Ongoing 111 6 94 - -- Vocational rehabilitation of visually impaired. Faryab Andkhoy Varions SC-US Ongoing 18ECK 3 95 -- 9? 8elping 2,160 valterable voaen. Ghazni Ghazni Shilgar IIRO Surveyed IIBO Ghazni Ghazni 10 villages ISBA Ongoing ISBA 8 92 - -- Assistance to 40 orphans (monthly allowance, health, education t footwear). Ghazni Jaghata IS villages NPO Completed NCA/NRC 6 95 -- 95 30 vidon received tools for utilizing their skills. Herat Herat Center f IRO Approved I IRO -- 95 -- -- Orphanage for 250 orphans. Kabul Kabul Shahri Nas IAN Ongoing IAN 12 93 12 97 Vocational rehabilitation of 25 visually impaired. Kabul cabal Shat-e-law IOC Ongoing ASA/US -- 94 - - Provision of assistance to orphans. tabu Kabul 30 villages ISRA Ongoing ISRA Kapisa Paajsharel luya -Chaps LBI Ongoing LBI Guar Chaghasarai 30 villages ISRA Ongoing ISRA Gar anti Chub LOO Ongoing LQO - 92 - - Kamdu Gnus 50 villages ISRA Ongoing ISBA 9 92 - - Assistant to 200 Latina Neehterla 20 villages ISLA Ongoing ISRA 8 92. -. tssistaue to Logan Barali 35 villages I$0k Ongoing 1SlA 1 85 - - Assistance to 680 orphans (monthly allonuce, health, education t footwear). Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad I110 Ongoing IIRO -- 94 - - Orphanage Naagarhar Jalalabad Center IOC Ongoing IOC/US - 93 -- - Provision of ACBAR -- 95 -- Orphanage for 250 orphans. 9 92 -- - -- 89 Assistance to 493 orphans (monthly allowance, health, education k footvear). - - Orphanage looking after 200 orphans. 8 92 -- -- Assistance to 250 orphan (monthly allowance, health, education t footwear). Orphauge: providing monthly cash to 150 orphans. orphan (monthly allowance, health, education k footwear. 200 orphans ( monthly allowance, health, education t footwear). for 250 orphans. assistance DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 196 Iakir82 Date: 04/03/96 to orphans. MI EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT ---- ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - --BY--- Begin--End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> INCOME: Help Vulner. Nangarhar Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad 70 villages ISRA Ongoing ISRA 9 92 -- -- City LQO Ongoing LQO -- 92 - -- Orphanage: providing monthly cash to 750 orphans. Assistance to 1360 orphans (monthly allowance, health, education & footwear). Nangarbar Jalalabad Center ROAOV Ongoing BTCI -- 93 -- -- Orphanage A KG for orphans. Ninroz Zaranj Zaranj City VARA Completed FAO 10 94 5 95 Distribution of chicks to 54 widows & poor woven faillies (14 chicks per each family). Zaranj City VARA Completed FAO 10 94 6 95 Distribution of vegetable seeds A tools to 50 widows A poor woven families. -- 94 -- 95 Ninroz Zaranj Pattia Jadran Naze IOC Completed IOC/ü5 Paktia Kbost 40 villages ISRA Ongoing ISRA 1 85 -- - 7 villages NPO Completed NORAD -- 95 -- 95 25 disabled assisted with carpentry A masonry tools. 4 villages NPO Completed NCA/NIC 6 95 -- 95 Disabled assisted with tools in tailoring A poultry. 7 villages NPO Completed NORAD 10 villages NPO Completed NCA/NRC 6 95 -- 95 I0 widows received 4 villages APO Completed NCA/NRC 6 95 -- 95 Disabled assisted with toots in tailoring A poultry. 1 villages APO Completed NORAD -- 95 -- 95 20 villages ISRA Ongoing ISRA 9 92 -- -- Assistance to 356 orphans (monthly allowance, health, education A footwear). 20 villages ISLA Ongoing ISRA 1 85 -- -- Assistance to 198 orphans (monthly allowance, health, education A footwear). LBI Ongoing LEI -- 89 -- -- Orphanage NADA Ongoing ILO /Self -- 91 -- -- 130 disabled people have been trained in vocational, stills. NPO Completed 11C /RAP S 95 12 95 Embroidery / tailoring Italia weaving for 11 disabled (4 -6 months). AACIP Ongoing CIRA 4 95 -- -- Training of 40 male Paktia Sayed Baran Paktia Tani Pattia Zornrat Paktia Paktia Zornrat - Paktia Patna lariat lardat Zornrat Zornrat Charikar Eyed Abad Syed Abad Sayed Abad Provision of assistance to orphans. Assistance to 250'orphans (monthly allowance, health, education A footwear). -- 95 -- 95 Disabled assisted with carpentry A masonry tools. tools / seed / fertilizer/ small nursery. Disabled assisted with carpentry A masonry tools. INCOME: Skill Train. Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlu Baghlu Baghlu I A C I I A I Baghlu tenter Baghlan 1 Pali IIhnmrì villages City Pali Mori 4 villages IDA Proposed TACO Puli Khanri Zama Ihel BIC Ongoing CIDA City GP-UK Ongoing GP(UK) Pali Rhari -- 95 - -- - 93 -- - is carpentry for 6 months. Afghani women training center. 6,oaths 5 95 -- -- :Welts carpentry training course. Training disabled people in different skills. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES ---------------------- 818 EDITI011 i Page: 197 Zakirt2 Date: 04 /03/96 -PROVINCE -- ---DISTRICT - - -- --- -VILLAGE(S) ---- ACTIVITY FUNDED AGENCY --STATUS -- -- -BY --- DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin -Fad DESCRIPTION> . INCOME: Skill Train. Baghlan Puli Khumri 3 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP 7 95 12 95 Esbroidery / tailoring k carpet leaving for 25 vulnerable women (4 -6 sonths). Baghlan Puli Khuiri 3 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP 6 95 12 95 E broidery / tailoring / carpet weaving A leather Baking for 10 disabled (4 -6 months). Balkh Balkh 2 villages NPO Completed I1C/1AP 6 95 12 95 Inbroidery / tailoring / carpet weaving k leather taking for 9 disabled (4 -6 nonths). Balkh Balkh OV Completed 11-ODA 5 95 Balkh Balkh OY Proposed Et-ODA Balkh Char Kant OV Completed UK-0DA Balkh Chestal C1FA Ongoing CIDA Balch Chestal OY Completed UK-ODA 593 7 95 Soap taking training for ale k fatale. Balkh Dehdadi OV Completed UK -ODA 5 95 795 Soap taking training for male k ferale. Balkh Dowlatabad 4 villages NPO Completed IRC/RAP 795 12 95 Fsbroidery / tailoring k carpet weaving for 26 vulnerable women (4 -6 months). Balkh Dowlatabad 2 villages NPO Completed IKC/RAP 5 95 -- 95 Embroidery / tailoring k Kalil weaving for 11 disabled (4 -6 months). Balkh Dowlatabad 5 villages NPO Completed 11C /RAP 595 12 95 Fabroidery / tailoring k carpet weaving for 37 vulnerable woken (4 -6 smiths). Balkh Dowlatabad OY Completed UK-ODA 5 95 Soap sating training for tale k fettle. Balkh Nazar Sharif Center NADA Ongoing ILO /Self Balch Nazar Sharif -- OY Completed UK-ODA 5 95 Balkh Nazar Sharif Nazar OV Ongoing UK-ODA 495 - - Balkh Nazar Sharif -- 01 Wong UN1C1 -95 - - Training of 10 women it tailoring k carpet weaving. Balkh Mazar Sharif Na zar- i.- shnrif OV Proposed 01/TIP -95 - - Trailing of 20 disabled in tailoring. Banyan Begat City CCA Ongoing OIFAN 191 - - Training / aito repair / carpentry / masonry / 60 trainees / year. lima' Banyan Center NADA Ongoing Self 1 94 - - 50 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. Banyan Banyan lieu OIFA% Ongoing CAA/OIFt 5 94 - - 15 trainees it coutruction of ato repair, carpentry etc, loans to start Bp. Bamyat Yakoilang Dan Ali CCA Ongoing CIDA 7 93 - - Training of 59 rosea in carpet k Celii weaving / Knitting k named eking. Farah Farah Center NADA Ongoing Self ACBAK Nazar- i- sharif Chemtal 7 95 -95 5 95 7 95 Soap eking training for Bale k female. Training of 90 disabled and orphans in carpentry, blackssith t nasonry. Soap taking training for sale k fatale. -93 - - Training of carpet weaving. 7 95 -91- -1 95 -94 - - 300 disabled people have been trained in vocational stillt. Soap taking training for sale k female. Traitìng of 500 widow women k disabled men in soap akitg. 30 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. DATAB6SE OF 100 ACTIVITIES Page: 191 Midi Date: 04/03/96 -- ITN EDITION -PROVING-- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) ---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS -- ---BY--- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> INCOME: Skill Train. Ghazni Ghazni center ARO Completed CFA 3 93 -- 95 Farn machines repair. Ghazni Ghazni City ARO Completed CIDA 9 94 Tractor training for 9 months. Ghazni Ghazni Center ASDO Proposed VIFP -- 95 -- -- Training of 45 widows in sweater weaving A literacy. Ghazni Ghazni Various CCA Ongoing CIDA II 92 -- -- Training of 30 women in spinning. Ghazni Ghazni Center UFO Ongoing IRC /RPA Ghazni Ghazni Center NADA Ongoing Self -- 93 -- -- 20 disabled people bave been trained in vocational skills. Ghazni Ghazni City YARA Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Leather wort training for 30 disabled people. Ghazni Jaghori Sangi Nash SO Ongoing *Donors 6 95 5 94 -- -- 8 93 -- -- Vocational training in (carpentry, masonry, tiassithery welding). Training of 40 roan in modern knitting, tailoring d literacy every three months, the products include knitted goods such as sweaters, socks, gloves, etc which are marketing locally. Ghazni Zena Khan Zaaa Khan CoAR Completed UNS Behind Bust Lashkargah AURC Completed CIDA Maud. Bust City RPSA Ongoing GTZ /FKP -- 95 -- 96 Providing vocational stills to students as tell as production. Reiland Nahr Sarai Center RPSA Ongoing GTZ/NSP -- 95 -- 96 Providing vocational stills to students as sell as production. Herat Enjeel I village NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 6 disabled in tailoring (4 months). Herat Enjeel 2 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 --95 Training of 6 disabled in watch repair course (6 months). Herat Enjeel NPO Completed IRCIRAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 10 vulnerable women in eibroidery (4 months), Herat Enjeel 4 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 10 disabled in shoe making course (6 months). Beret Eajeel 3 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 10 disabled in radio repair course ( 6 months). Beret Enjeel NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of vulnerable women in carpet weaving (6 months). Berat Enjeel NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 10 widows is carpet leaving (6 months). Herat Eajeel 3 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 10 disabled in tailoring course (6 tenths). Herat Gozarah 3 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 12 widows in carpet weaving (6 months). Berat Gulran 2 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 9 disabled in tailoring t radio repair. ACBAR -- 95 -- 95 Carpentry training course. 6 95 12 95 iidows tailor training course for 40 trainees. DATABASE OF 11GO ACTIVITIES Page: 199 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) ---- FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- NAM Ongoing Self - 91 -- -- 600 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> INCOM: Skill Train. Center Berat Berat Herat Karokh NPO Completed IIC/RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of vulnerable women in carpet heaving (6 months). Herat Kushl NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 10 widows in carpet weaving (6 months). Herat Kusht 9 villages NPO Completed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- 95 Training of 44 disabled in tailoring 1 carpet weaving (4 -6 months). Javzjan Nengajek Center UFA Ongoing CIDA -- 94 -- -- Training of carpet weaving. Javzjan Sheberghan Center NADA Ongoing ILO /Self -- 91 -- -- 100 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. Javzjan Sbeberghan 0V Completed UBCR Kabul Bagrani Valayati AVID Proposed Aust. /Go -- 95 -- -- Training of 40 women in textile. Kabul Bagrani Bagraai SJAVO Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Provision of carpentry, literacy A numeracy training for 40 trainees. Kabul Kabul Center ACDO Proposed 1PP -- 95 -- -- Carpentry training. Kabul Kabul Center ADO Proposed TFP -- 95 -- -- Tailor training. Kabul Kabul City ARLO Proposed CIRA /NDP -- 95 -- -- Tailor training course for women. Kabul Kabul Kabul City ARA Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Training of 60 people in tailoring i embroidery tort. Kabul Kabul Karte Nat AVIO Proposed IRC -- 95 -- -- Soap taking project for female. Kabul Kabul City BONIAD Proposed ARC -- 95 -- -- Income generation skill training. Kabul Kabul Kabul City CRFA Ongoing CIDA 10 95 -- -- Training of widows in turban ( Lungi) weaving A literacy. Kabul Kabul Kabul City tFA Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Shawl (Paton) weaving training center for widows. Kabul Kabul City UFO Proposed NRC/NCA -- 95 -- -- Carpentry training t production center. Kabul Kabul Bibi Nabro HDCAI Proposed l lHCK -- 95 -- -- Training of 200 vulnerable women in soap making 1 jan production. Kabul Kabul Center RADA Ongoing ILO /Self 12 91 -- -- 7800 disabled people bave been trained in vocational skills. Kabul Kabul City PDA Completed VFP Kabul Kabul City PDA Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Training of 20 female trainees in tailoring. Kabul Kabul Khair Khana RSSA Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- - Tailoring training course for 45 male disabled (6 months). ACBAR 8 94 7 95 3 95 1 96 Training of 40 disabled men in tailoring. Training of 20 people in carpentry. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 200 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 81H EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT ---- ---- YILLAGE(S )- --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- - -BY - -- Begin- -End INCOME: Skill Train. =5=S cACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> Rabel Rabel Kbair Khan RSSA Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Tailoring training course for 45 women (6 months). Kabul Kabul Center SAVE Proposed CIDA/IFP -- 95 -- -- Tailoring training course for widows. Kabul Kabul Center SAVE Proposed CIDA/IFP -- 95 -- -- Tailoring training course for disabled. Shamali GP -UK Ongoing GP(UK) -- 93 -- - Training disabled people in 30 different skills (18 trainers). ADA Ongoing EU 1 93 4 96 Training of 32 trainees in masonry. 4 96 Training of 32 trainees in gabion weaving. Kabul Kandahar Daman Kandahar Daman 13 villages ADA Ongoing EU 1 93 Kandahar Kandahar Center NCI Completed IFP/BCR 1 95 12 95 Nasonry training project. Kandahar Kandahar City VARA Ongoing 7 95 2 96 Training of I26 people in tailoring ! tractor engine repair for 6 months. Kandahar Shabrali Kot 21 villages ADA Ongoing EU 1 93 4 96 Training of 32 Afghans in gabion weaving, masonry L kitchen gardening. Kandahar Shahrali Kot ADA Ongoing EU 1 93 4 96 Training of 32 trainees in masonry. lunar Barg Natal IFA Proposed UNDCP -- 95 -- -- Training of 65 women in leather craft. lunar Barg Natal IPA Proposed UNDCP =- 95 -- -- Training of S0 trainees in carpentry for 6 months. lunar Chaghasarai Center AG -TTP Completed FKP /GTZ 12 94 12 95 Providing vocational training for Afghans age 15 - 35 years (masonry, carpentry, tailoring, literacy). Lunar Chaghasarai Asadabad ASDO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Training of 45 vidons in patu weaving L literacy. lunar Chaghasarai Center NADA Ongoing Self -- 91 -- -- 60 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. lunar Chaghasarai City SOS -PG Ongoing EU -- Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops.. lunar Chawki Chawki SOS -PG Ongoing EU lunar Chauki floor Gai SOS -PG Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- lunar lbws lunar Khos lunar AG -TTP Completed EU 5 94 12 95 1lCR - -- -- Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Providing vocational training for Afghans age 15 35 years (masonry, carpentry, literacy). lunar Khas lanar Thos lunar AG-TTP Proposed GTZ -- 95 -- -- Providing vocational training for Afghans age 15 - 35 years (masonry, carpentry, tailoring, literacy). lunar Narang Narang SOS -PG Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Lunar flour Gul Ningalam SOS -PG Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Aranz MAC Ongoing NAC -- 95 -- -- Training of women in tailoring. lunar lAc Pech A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 201 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8111 EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - --- INCOME: Skill ---- vILLAGE(S) - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- ---BY--- Begin- -End -- -- -- -- =====ISINS Train. 7==C (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) Apprenticeship schene for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. lunar Sirkanay Nowabad SOS -PG Ongoing EU Kunduz Kunduz City [IA Completed CIDA 9 94 -- 95 Kunduz Kundui Center NADA Ongoing Self -- 91 -- -- 140 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. Laghsan Alingar Alingar ACDO Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Carpentry training center. Lagbaan Alishing 5 villages NPO Completed NCA/NRC 12 94 -- 95 Training of 13 woven in tailoring (6 oaths). Laghsan Nehterlaa Center AG-TTP Ongoing GTZ Laghsan Nehterlan Center NADA Ongoing Self Lagbaan Nehterlaa 12 villages NPO Completed NCA/Nie -- 94 -- 95 Training of 22 disabled in tailoring. Laghaan Nebterlan City SOS -PG Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- Apprenticeship schene for Afghans, placing trainees in local wort- shops. Laghaan Nooristan LRO Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Carpentry training to 80 people. Laghsan Qarghaie IBSAN Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Ionen tailoring training progran. Laghaan Qarghaie NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 94 -- 95 Training of 22 disabled in tailoring. Laghaan Qarghaie 2 villages SOS -PG Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Logar Pali Alas [ulargar ARO Completed GTZ Logar Puli Alan [olangar BONIAD Proposed ARC -- 95 -- -- Incorse generation skill training. Logar Puli Alas Center NADA Ongoing Self -- 93 -- -- 40 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. Nangarhar Behsud 2 villages SOS -PG Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- Apprenticeship schene for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Nangarhar Jalalabad City LABRAR Ongoing =Donors 8 92 -- -- Training of juice Baking / knife sharpening A cotton candy caking for 1 south. Nangarhar Jalalabad City AICC Ongoing Self 1 93 -- -- Training 40 roman it tailoring for each four months A Islamic studies for trainees. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center MAN Completed CIDA 4 95 10 95 Income generation course for amen. Nangarhar Jalalabad City ARCC Completed !FP 4 95 i 95 Training of 20 trainees in tailoring, both trainees i instructors received 7.4 wheat /day. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ARDCD Completed IRC /RAP 4 95 8 95 Tailoring course for Afghan widows. Qarghaie 9 95 11 96 91 -- -- 1 95 Page: 202 9 95 Training of 60 people in carpet weaving I carpentry. Providing vocational training for Afghans age 15 - 35 years (wary, carpentry, tailoring, literacy). 80 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. Tractor repair training. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- -- -DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY--- Begin- -End AREA -2 Completed VFP (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> INCOME: Skill Train. hangarhar Jalalabad New Hada Gaup 3 95 IO 95 Tailoring training course for refugee widows, 50 trainees t 10 instructors both received 3.5 1g wheat from VFP per day. Nangarhar Jalalabad Fan Haas AREA -2 Proposed TFP -- 95 -- -- Tailoriag training course for 80 trainees t 20 instructors both receive 7 Kg wheat frog *P per day. Nangarhar Jalalabad City ARR Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Training of 60 people in carpentry wort. Nangarhar Jalalabad City ASNO Proposed ESCO/IFP -- 95 -- -- Training of 45 widow in pata weaving. hangarhar Jalalabad Angoor Bagh HCI Completed WFP/HCI -- 94 -- 95 Girls & widows training center. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad NCI Completed TFP/HCI -- 94 11 95 handicapped vocational training center. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad MCI Ongoing YFP/HCI 8 94 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Center IOC Ongoing ABRAR -- 95 - - Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ISRA Ongoing ISRA 3 93 -- -- Carpentry / tailoring / welding / workshop / electricity training center (4 instructor assistants t 1 teacher). Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad ISLA Ongoing ISBA 6 94 -- -- Iones vocational training center: 40 students t 3 teachers. Nangarhar Jalalabad City NF Ongoing NF -- 94 -- -- Ibsen rehabilitation center tailoring training I cooking / health education, etc for 20 women. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center NADA Ongoing Self -- 91 - -- 400 disabled people have been trained invocational skills. Nangarhar Jalalabad City PDA Completed VFP 12 94 Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad RDP Proposed UNESCO -- 95 -- -- Carpet rehabilitation center for 10 trainees. Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad RDP Proposed UNESCO -- 95 -- -- Engraving training center. hangarhar Jalalabad Center R0A01 Completed CIDA -- 94 II 95 Soap sating training course for widows. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center ROAOT Completed N.Y.Sni. -- 94 I1 95 Training course for widows. Nangarhar Jalalabad City RPA Completed EU 6 95 12 95 Alto mechanic 1 electronic training for 90 people mostly those who run workshops (4 instructors). Nangarhar Jalalabad City RPA Ongoing Self 1 96 -- -- Auto mechanic, carpentry i masonry training for 30 people (4 instructors). Nangarbar Jalalabad SJAIO Completed EU 5 94 Carpentry, masonry t nettling training. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center SJAIO Completed BUMP 5 95 10 95 6 soaks carpentry / masonry t welding training for 135 trainees. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center SJAIO Completed EU S 94 One year carpentry / masonry t raiding training for 250 trainees. A C B A R Vocational trailing center for 20 widows. Cycle repair coarse for amputees. 4 95 4 95 4.95 Training of 45 people in gabion weaving. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIYITIES 8TH EDITICC I Page: 203 Zakirk2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE-- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S)- --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End <ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> INCOME: Skill Train. Nangarhar Jalalabad City SOS-PG Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Nangarhar [hogiani lair ACDO Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Carpentry training course. Nangarhar Boni lour 2 villages SOS -PG Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Nangarhar Nohmand Dara -- NPO Completed NCA/NRC -- 94 -- 95 Training of 22 disabled in tailoring. Nangarhar lodat Besar Shahi Camp AREA-2 Completed !FP 3 95 10 95 Tailoring traini : course for refugee widows, 70 trainees & 10 instructors both received 3.5 Rg wheat from !FP per day. Nangarhar Mumtaz Bagh lodat . AREA -2 Proposed !FP -- 95 -- -- Tailoring training course for refugee widows, 80 trainees & 20 instructors both receive 7 Rg wheat from NFP per day. Training of 500 nun in marmalade I pickle making. Nangarhar lodat Besar Shahi Camp ASDO Completed UNESCO Nangarhar Surkh Rod 5 villages ABSAO Ongoing CIDA Nangarbar Surkh Rod TFA Proposed UNDCP Orazgan Oruzgan ADA Ongoing EU 8 94. 4 96 Training of 84 trainees in masonry t gabion weaving. Oruzgan 'finis -- ADA Ongoing EU 8 94 4 96 Training of 84 trainees t gabion weaving. Oruzgan Tirin 18 villages ADA Ongoing EU 1 93 4 96 Training of 84 Afghans in gabion weaving, masonry t basic veterinary. Paktia Gardaiz Center NPO Completed NCA/NIC 1 95 6 95 Training of GkOs local staff in different skills (6 months). Pattia Jaji Jaji AG-TIP Ongoing GII 9 95 11 96 Pattia Jaji Jaji PIS Proposed !FP -- 95 - Pattia Jaji Ali Ihel PRS Proposed Private - 95 -- - Paktia [host ghost AG-TTP Completed EU Pattiz [host Most AG-TIP Proposed GTZ -- 95 -- - Providing vocational training for Afghans age 15 - 35 years (masonry, carpentry, tailoring, literacy). Pattia [host Ihost ASDO Proposed !FP -- 95 -- -- Training of 90 widows in turban having. Patti' Ihost SJAlO Completed IBIDP Pattia Sayed 1 villages NPO Completed NORAD Paktia Tani 5 villages NPO Completed NCA/NIC 4ru 12 94 7 95 3 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- - 5 94 12 95 8 94 1 95 -- 95 - 95 6 95 -- 95 Page:. 204 Training of 40 male t female in sector of growing silk worm for the period of sir months. Training of 25 women im tailoring for 6 months. Providing vocational training for Afghans age 15 - 35 years (masonry, carpentry, tailoring, literacy). Teztile'caving training project. Establishment of engraving training center. Providing vocational training for Afghans age 15 - 35 years (masonry, carpentry, literacy). Training in gabion weaving, carpentry t etc. Training of disabled in masonry, tinsmithry t carpentry for 4 months. Tailor training for 20 disabled. Eakirt2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- ACTIVITY FUNDED AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin--End DURATION (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> INCOME: Skill Train. Paktia Lonat 7 villages NPO Cospleted NORAD -- 95 -- 95 Training of disabled in masonry, tinsaithry t carpentry for 4 Bonths. Paran Charikar Charikar CBR Proposed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- -- Carpentry and masonry training. Paran Charikar Center BOA Proposed NSOA -- 95 -- -- Tailoring training center for 40 trainees. Paean Charikar Center NADA Ongoing Self -- 91 -- -- 300 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. Sasangaa Baldar [Alin RFA Ongoing CIDA -- 93 -- -- Training of carpet weaving. Satansaa Sasangan Center NADA Ongoing ILO /Self -- 91 -- -- 30 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. Takhar TaloQan Center RADA Ongoing Self -- 91 -- -- 120 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. fardai Narhz Bes. Tagab CCA Ongoing HOVIB 11 91 -- -- Training / auto repair I building / nachincry, 30 trainees I year. fardak Narkaz Bes. [ajab CCA Ongoing CIDA 11 91 -- - Training of 64 amen in carpet A Celia weaving Naiad diking t knitting also 40 women are trained in literac fardak kaydan Shar Center NADA Ongoing ILO /Self -- 91 -- -- 9C disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. fardak Syed Abad Sayed Abad CoAR Cospleted UIIIHS -- 95 -- 95 Carpentry training course. fardak fardak Various CCA Ongoing CIDA 11 92 -- -- Training of 30 women in spinning. Zabal Qalat Qalat ARO Proposed UNHCR -- 95 -- -- Tractor training. Zabul Qalat Center NADA Ongoing Self -- 94 -- -- 10 disabled people have been trained in vocational skills. 12 villages SO Ongoing FAO INCOME: Other Ghazni Jaghori 7 94 -- -- Self -sustaining income generation, ewes distributed among 50 widows. Each year 1 lamb t 5 [g wool obtained fros recipients t redistributed &Bong the widows. Herat Berat Berat ASDO Surveyed -- 95 -- -- Survey of establishment of a stall industry for glass production. Herat Herat Herat ASDO Surveyed -- 95 - Survey of etablishwent of a small tilery. Laghtan Alishiag gPO Completed RCA/NRC -- 94 -- 95 Establishment of floor till, functioning actively. Lan Qarghaie NPO Completed NCA/NRC -- 94 -- 95 Establishment of flour till, functioning actively. Nangarhar Jalalabad AREA -1 Completed Self hangarhar Jalalabad NPO Completed NCA/NRC ACBAR Jalalabad City 8 91 -- 8 95 - 93 -- 95 Establishment of 102 bakeries in Jalalabad. Establishment of flour till, handed over to the local community at end of 1995. DATABASE OF MO ACTIVITIES Page: 205 -- Zakirlt2 Date: 04/031% 8TH EDITION { DURATION ACTIVITY FUNDED -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- kangarhar Unspecified Several villages AREA -1 Ongoing Self 8 91 - -- Establishment of commercial bakeries in different districts (so for 45 bakeries established). MINES: Begin --End - - -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: Awareness Ghazni Ghazni City ONAR Completed BcR/NOYB 8 95 9 95 Safety lesson - 5,559 people participated. Ghazni Jaghatn faiz OMAR Completed HCR/NOVB 8 95 9 95 Safety lesson - 3,520 people participated. Helmand Bast lashkargah ONAR Completed BcR/NOYB 6 95 9 95 Safety lesson - 30,779 people participated. Helmand llaahr Saraj Grisbt OUR Completed BCl/NOYB 10 95 12 95 Safety lesson - 3,718 people participated. Berat Gozarah Galata ONAR Completed HCR/IIOVB 10 95 12 95 Safety lesson - 4,001 people participated. Berat Gozarah Gozara OMAR Completed ICl/NCNB Herat Herat Herat City ONAR Completed Bt/NDYB Berat Berat City OIGA Completed ICII/NOYB Kabul Kabul Kabul City OMAA Completed Bc1/NOYB Kabul Kabul Kabul City ONAI Completed BCRINOYB 4 95 9 95 Safety lessog - 62,106 people participated. Kandahar drghandab Arghandab ONAR Completed HC8/1O6 6 95 9 95 Safety lesson - 13,025 people participated. lumbar Dand Damn O(A1 Completed BCR/NOYB 5 95 6 95 Safety lesson - 3,981 people participated. Kandahar Kamdabar City ONAR Completed ICl/NOVI 1 95 4 95 Safety lesson - S4,994 people participated. Kandahar Kandahar City ONAA Completed BCRINOYB ID 95 12 95 Safety lesson - 3,760 people participated. Kandahar laymasd Mairand OMAI Completed HCR/NOYB 11 95 12 95 Safety lesson - 3,643 people participated. Nangarhar Cbaparbar lashtargah NNAR Completed IC1/IIOYB 1 95 3 95 Safety lesson - 23,516 people participated. Nangarhar Jalalabad lea Badda Camp 0MAl completed BCk/NOIB 5 95 6 95 Safety lesson - 2,890 people participated. Nangarbar Jalalabad New Hadda Camp OMAR Completed INVNOVB 1 95 4 95 Safety lesson - 14,764 people participated. Nangarhar Sarkh Lod Sorkh Lod OMAR Completed BCR/NOYB 4 95 4 95 Safety lesson - 9,518 people participated. Orazgan Deb bad Berland O(AR Completed BCK/NOVB 10 95 11 95 Safety lesson - 3,910 people participated. Ornzgan Tirin Tirin lot OMAR Completed Bek/NIB 9 95 Safety lesson - 2, %1 people participated. 11 95 II 95 Safety lesson - 1,748 people participated. 5 95 5 95 Safety lesson - 24,712 people participated. 10 95 12 95 Safety lesson - 13,251 people participated. 5 95 8 95 9 95 Safety lesson - 2,240 people participated. DATABASE OF IGO ACIIYITIES Page: 206 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 8TE EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE-- MINES: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- DURATION Begin- -End (ACTIVITY Awareness Parvan Charikar Charitar OMAR Completed HCR/NOYB Parean Charikar Center OMAR Completed HCR/NOVB Zabul Qalat Qalat OMAR Completed HCR/NOVB 5 95 6 95 Safety lesson - 2,228 people participated. Zabul Shah Joy Shah Jay OMAR Completed IICR /NOYB 6 95 8 95 Safety lesson - 4,591 people participated. MINES: DESCRIPTION: 5 95 5 95 10 95 12 95 Safety lesson - 125,880 people participated. Safety lesson - 7,804 people participated. Clearance Badakshan Faizabad 3 villages ATC Ongoing UNOCHA 7 93 -- -- Destroyed 6165 devices, cleared 51104 Sqm agri. land. Ghazni Andar 8 villages ATC Ongoing UNOQIA 6 91 -- -- Destroyed 1123 devices, cleared 568266 Sqn village. Ghazni Ghazni 8 villages ATC Ongoing tN1OA 6 91 -- -- Destroyed 1092 devices, cleared 310058 Sqa / grazing land / village t road. Ghazni Qarabagh Bazaar ATC Ongoing UNOCHA 10 90 -- -- Helmand Bust Various MDC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- - Cleaning of different mine fields. Helmand Kajaki Various MDC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different nine fields. Herat Enjeel Various MDC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different mine fields. Herat Enjeel 8 villages OMAR Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of 395,945 Sqm mine fields. Herat Gozarah 4 villages OMAR Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of 46,040 Sqm mine fields. Berat Herat Various MDC Ongoing UNOCHA 195 -- -- Cleaning of different mine fields. Herat Kohsan 4 villages OMAR Ongoing EU 1 95 -- - Cleaning of 1,397,134 Sqm mine fields. Herat Kushk i village OMAR Ongoing EU 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of 471,020 Sqn mine fields. Herat Pashtun Zar. 2 villages OMAR Ongoing EU 1 95 Cleaning of 24,227 Sqm mine fields. Herat Zendajan 2 villages OMAR Ongoing EU 1 95 - - Cleaning of 210,197 Sqm mine fields. Kabul Kabul Kabul City ATC Ongoing UNOCH /EU 4 92 -- -- Destroyed 10782 devices, cleared 2845063 Sqn Kabul Kabul City HT Ongoing EU Kabul Kabul Various MDC Ongoing UNOCHA f 95 -- -- Cleaning of different mine fields. Kabul Kabul Both Khil OMAR Completed NOVIB 6 95 Cleaning of 19,475 Sqn mine fields. ACHAR -- -- 95 -- -- 9 95 Destroyed 1 device, cleared 30000 Sqm village. Denning (including nine field survey and nine awareness). DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 207 village / grazing 1 agri. land. ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 811 EDITION Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarhar Logar Logar Logar Logar Kapisa Kapisa Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kabul Kabul Cbaparbar Bebsud Bebsud Achin Achin Puli Alan Nohd Agha Nohd Agha Bashi Kohistan Kapisa Kandahar Daaan Arghistan Arghandab Sarobi Sarobi Various: I village Various 9 villages Various 1 village Various Various 6 villages Various 4 villages 9 villages Various Various Various Various Various 5 villages ATC KDC ATC KDC ATC KDC ATC NDC NDC ATC NDC ATC ATC KDC NDC NDC NDC NDC ATC AGENCY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY MOCHA AAA MOCHA 11NOCHA UNO /EU UNOCHA EU UNOCHA UNOCBA U OCMA UNOCHA UNOCHA UNOCMA UNOCHA UNOCHA UNOCHA UNOCHA UNOCHA UNOCHA UNOCHA IAJOCH /EU -- -BY- -- FUNDED 1 95 -- -- 12 92 -- -- -- 93 -- -- 5 92 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 7 92 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 2 94 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 9 92 -- -- 195 -- -- 12 93 -- -- 8 93 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 195 -- -- 1 95 -- -- 11 93 -- -- Begin--End DURATION Destroyed 8 devices, cleared 84190 Sqm agri. A grazing land. Deaining of non priority areas. Destroyed 13 devices, cleared 13213 Sqm road & canal. Cleaning of different line fields. Destroyed 6 devices, cleared 9565 Sqm grazing land. Cleaning of different line fields. Cleaning of different aine fields. Destroyed I device, cleared 248500 Sqa. Cleaning of different aine fields. Cleaning of different mine fields. Destroyed 951 devices, cleared 158770 Sqa / grazeland / canal & road comp. Cleaning of different aine fields. Destroyed 43 devices, cleared 31235 Sqm. Destroyed 177 devices, cleared 168802 Sqa. Cleaning of different aine fields. Cleaning of different mine fields. Cleaning of different Rine fields. Cleaning of different nine fields. Cleaning of different mine fields. Destroyed 258 devices, cleared 2574I7 Sp village / agri. A grazing [and. Destroyed 471 devices, cleared 2035023 Sp agri., grazing land & battle area. Cleaning of different mine fields. Destroyed 57 devices cleared 336061 Sqm agri. A grazing land. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 11 92 -- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Nangarbar Neural 3 villages ARDA Ongoing UNOA --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- Nangarbar Lama 10 villages ATC Ongoing EU -- -DISTRICT -- Nangarbar Khogiani 2 villages KDC Ongoing -PROVINCE -- Nangarhar Khogiani Various ATC Clearance Nangarhar Khogiani 3 villages MINES: Nangarbar Kouz Konar 10 92 -- -- Nangarhar IACBAR Page: 208 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- MINES: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILLAGE(S )-- -- Clearance AGENCY ACfIYITY FUNDED -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- ====== DURATION Begin - -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> a- Nangarhar Naziyan Gora Rob ATC Ongoing UNOCRA 12 90 -- -- Nangarhar Naziyan Various NDC Ongoing UNOCBA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different aine fields. Nangarhar Rodat 2 villages ATC Ongoing EU 3 92 -- -- Destroyed 14 devices, cleared 34861 Sqn grazing land. Shinvar 9 villages ATC Ongoing MOCHA 2 91 -- -- Destroyed 190 device, cleared 249853107 sqa grazing land. Shinsar Anar Bagh ATC Ongoing UNOUI /EU 2 94 -- -- Destroyed 35 devices, cleared 45924 Sqs agri. land. Nangarhar Surth Rod 5 villages ARDA Ongoing AAA Nangarhar Surth Rod 7 villages ATC Ongoing UNOCB /Ell 6 92 -- -- Destroyed 142 devices 471720 Sqa / grazing land & canal. Nangarhar Nangarhar -- 93 -- -- Destroyed 1 device, cleared 390 110 n roads. Deaining of non priority areas. Nangarhar Surth Rod Various NDC Ongoing UNOCRA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different sine fields. Oruzgan Deb Rand Various NDC Ongoing UNOCBA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different sine fields. Oruzgan Tirin Various NDC Ongoing UNOCIIA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different sine fields. Bat 5 village ATC Ongoing MOCHA 12 93 -- -- Pattia Destroyed 101 devices, cleared 676429 Sqn grazing land. Pattia Bat Various NDC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different mine fields. Pattia Gardais 4 villages ATC Ongoing UNOUTA 6 92 -- -- Destroyed 336 devices, cleared 389394 Sq1 grazing land 1 village. 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different sine fields. Pattia Gardaiz Various NDC Ongoing UNOCBA Pattia Jaji 6 villages AIDA Ongoing AAA Pattia Jaji 6 villages ATC Ongoing INRA 7 91 -- -- 4 villages ATC Ongoing UNOCBA -- -- -- -- Pattia Jaji Naidan -- 93 -- -- Desining of non priority areas. Destroyed 466 devices, cleared 231098 Sqn grazing 1 agri. land. Destroyed 83 devices, cleared 475921 Sqn grazing land. Pattia Jaji Naidan Various NDC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different nine fields. Pattia Rhost 3 villages ATC Ongoing INROCBA 5 92 -- -- Destroyed 671 devices, cleared 347707 Sqn grazing land. Cleaning of different sine fields. Pattia !host Various NIiC Ongoing MOCHA 1 95 -- -- Pattia Nandozi Asar ATC Ongoing UNOCBA 11 91 -- -- Destroyed 158 devices, cleared 149497 Sqa grazing land. Pattia Nandozi Various NDC Ongoing UtRA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different sine fields. Pattia Sabari 2 village ATC Ongoing UNOCHA 4 93 -- -- Destroyed 26 devices, cleared 217225 Sqa agri. village 1 grazing land. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 209 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT -- MINES: -- -- VILLAGE(S) ---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Clearance Paktia Sabari Various NDC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different mine fields. Sayed Kara' 3 villages ATC Ongoing UNOCHA 9 92 -- -- Destroyed 321 devices, cleared 101794 Sqn road. Paktia Paktia Tani 3 villages ATC Ongoing UNOCHA 12 91 -- -- Paktia Trayzai Various KDC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different mine fields. Paktia Zornat Various NBC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different sine fields. Bagra' 11 villages ATC Ongoing EU 8 93 -- -- Destroyed 1648 devices, cleared 147567 Sq' road / village I canal / grazing A agri. land. Parran Charikar 8 village ATC Ongoing UNOCH/EU 7 93 -- -- Destroyed 340 devices, cleared 184935 Sqn village / canal / agri. & grazing land. Parran Parran Parran Entire province HT Ongoing EU /ODA -- 92 -- -- Parran Salang Salang ATC Ongoing UNOCHA 6 93 -- -- Sanangan Saaangan Entire Province HT Ongoing EU /ODA -- 89 -- -- Zabul Nizan Various NBC Ongoing UNOCHA 1 95 -- -- Cleaning of different aine fields. Zabul Qalat Various NDC Ongoing UNOCHA 195 -- -- Cleaning of different mine fields. Deb Yak 3 minefields NCPA Completed EU /MOCHA 4 95 5 95 168,603 Spa agri. land & irrigation. Behind Bust 30 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 11 92 7 95 1,926,149 Sqn irrigation / agri. land / residential A grazing. bust 23 minefields NCPA Coapleted EU/NOCHA 95 7 95 1,703,546 Spa gari. land / residential & grazing. Helmand Behind Nahr Saraj 49 minefields NCPA Completed ELI/MOCHA 2 93 6 95 1,078,592 Sqm agri. land / road / residential I irrigation A grazing. Behind Nabr Saraj 6 minefields NCPA Completed EU/NOCBA 2 95 6 95 187,058 Spa gari. land A residential. Herat Enjeel 73 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOUTA 6 92 7 95 2,87I,904 Sqm / road / residential / irrigation & grazing. Herat Enjeel 29 minefields NCPA Completed EU/NOCBA 1 95 7 95 801,814 Spa agri. land / residential I road A grazing. Herat Herat 28 minefield NCPA Completed EU /NOMA 10 92 7 95 309,761 Sq' residential / agri. land d grazing. Herat berat 15 minefields NCPA Completed EU /INCA 1 95 7 95 18,620 Spa agri. land A residential. Herat Kobsan 38 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 5 93 7 95 1,365,956 Sp residential / grazing / agri. land A irrigation. MINES: Ghazni ACBAR Destroyed 156 devices, cleared 105172 Sqn / grazing land k canal. Denining(including mine field survey and mine awareness) in all districts. Destroyed 333 devices, cleared 61849 Sqm. De'ining(including nine field survey and mine awareness) in all districts. Survey 1 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 210 Zakirk2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION - -- DISTRICT-- -- 66 minefields 39 minefields 8 minefields 44 sinefield Pashtun Zar. Pashtun Zar. Zendajan Zendajan Deb Sabz Kabul Bake Jabar Khate Jabar Sarobi Sarobi Daman Daman Dud Band Kandahar Kandahar Maysand Maysand Shags Kboshi Pull Alas Herat Herat Herat Herat Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul' Kabul Kabul Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Logar Logar ACBAR 6 minefields Kusbt Herat 42 minefields 2 rinefields 2 minefield 14 minefields 42 minefields 15 sinefields 21 ainefields 7 sinefields 20 sinefield 12 minefields 63 sinefields 9 minefields 1 sinefield 9 minefields 36 minefields 5 minefields 7 minefields 19 minefields Kohsan - --- VILLAGES ¡ - - -- Herat MINES: Survey -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY NCPA NCPA NCPA MCPA MCPA CPA NCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA Completed Coapleted Coapleted Coapleted Coapleted Completed Completed Completed Completed Coapleted Coapleted Completed EPA MCPA Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Cospleted Completed Completed Completed Cospleted --STATUS -- MCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA MCPA AGENCY FUNDED EU /NOCBA EU /NOCBA EU /NOCIIA EU /NOAA EU /NOCHA EU /NOCBA EU /NOMA EU /NOCBA EU /NOCBA EU /NOCBA EU /NOCHA EU /NOCHA EU /NOCHA EU /NOCBA EU /MOCHA EU /NOCBA EU /NOCHA EU /NOCHA EU /NOCBA EU /NOCHA EU /MOCHA EU /NOCHA EU /NOCIA -- -HY - -- DURATION 95 95 7 95 6 95 2 95 6 95 6 95 1 95 7 95 4 95 4 95 7 95 7 95 7 95 7 95 7 95 7 95 7 95 7 95 2 95 2 95 7 95 7 95 6 95 7 95 Page: 211 (ACT VI DESCRIPTION) 1,880,177 Sqa / road / residential / irrigation 1 grazing. 151,680 Spa road. 652,452 Sqa road. 473,427 Spa gari. land / irrigation / residential 1 road. 1,670,884 Sqa agri. land / irrigation / road / residential 1 grazing. 214,354 Spa gari. land / residential / road 1 grazing. 884,985 Sqa / road / residential / irrigation 1 grazing. 188,634 Spa gari. land / irrigation L grazing. 1,161,400 Sqa / road / residential / irrigation 1 grazing. 212,725 Spa gari. land I irrigation / residential 1 road. 542,028 Sqs / road / residential / irrigation 1 grazing. 3,589,865 Spa agri. land / road 1 grazing. 1,976,020 Sqa road /agri. lánds / residential 1 grazing lands. 557,956 Spa grazing. 1,456,093 Sqa agri. land / road 1 grazing land. 3,589,865 Spa agri. land / residential 1 grazing. 11,960 Sp, road. 138,937 Spa agri. land / irrigation presidential. 863,212 Sqa J road / residential i irrigation 1 grazing. 120,678 Spa agri. land / irrigation 1 grazing. 136,254 Sgm agri. land / irrigation & grazing. 258,800 Spa agri. land. 644,260 Spm agri. land J irrigation I residential & grazing. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NOO ACTIVITIES 6 93 6 95 4 92 1 95 8 90 1 95, 5 92 1 12 90 1 95 11 92 1 9S 10 92 5 95 6 94 4 95 7 95 1 7 92 6 95 5 94 5 95 4 95 Begin- -End 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- MINES: -- -DISTRICT - --- --- -VILLAGE(S) ---- 1=====.9=.2=1.11111113 =1713079V2.6===== AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED -BY --- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTFON> Survey Logar Pull Alas 18 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOCIA 4 95 7 95 1,210,759 Spie road / agri. land & grazing. Nangarhar Behsud 101 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOCIA 9 92 6 95 6,049,740 Sqm agri, land / road/ residential / irrigation & grazing. Nangarhar Gehsud 21 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOCBA 1 95 6 95 1,891,792 Spa agri. land & grazing. Nangarhar Chaparhar 23 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOCIA 7 92 7 95 503,102 Sqa agri. land I road I residential & grazing. Nangarhar Chaparhar 2 minefields MCPA Coapleted EU /N01BA 6 95 7 95 59,880 Spa grazing. Nangarhar Ion Konar 27 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOIJA 7 92 1 Nangarhar Kouz Konar 6 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCJA 1 95 1 95 262,746 Spm agri. land I grazing & residential. Nangarhar Naziyan 11 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOBA 2 91 3 95 332,685 Sqm agri. land / road / residential / irrigation t grazing. Naagarhar Naziyan 4 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOCIA 1 95 3 95 267,651 Spa agri. land & residential. Nangarbar Rodat 15 minefields NCPA Coapleted EU /NOCIA 5 92 4 95 18,257,588 Sqa agri. land / road / residential & grazing. Nangarhar Rodat 4 minefields NCPA Coapleted EU /NFU 3 95 4 95 133,834 Spa agri. land / road & grazing. Nangarbar Shinaar 10 minefield NCPA Completed EU /NOCIA 12 90 3 95 295,881 Sqm agri. land & road. Nangarhar Shinrar 3 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOQ1A 95 3 95 71,564 Spn agri. land & road. Nangarhar Surkh Rod 136 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCIA S 92 7 95 11,729,833 Sqa agri. land / irrigation / Toad / residential & grazing. Nangarhar Surth Rod 37 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOCBA 1 95 7 95 1,424,792 Spo agri. land & road & grazing. Nisroz Chathansur 5 minefields MCPA Completed EU /NOCIA 1 95 2 95 413,809 Spa road & residential. Nisroz Khosh Rod 2 sinefields MCPA Cospleted EU /NOiiA 2 95 2 95 42,540 Spa road. Nisroz Zaranj 2 minefields MCPA Cospleted EU /NOCBA 1 95 1 95 56,806 Spi agri. land & irrigation. Oruzgan Deh Rand 3 sinefields MCPA Completed EU /NO(21A 7 95 7 95 138,790 Spa agri. land & grazing. Orazgan Tirin 5 minefields NCPA Completed EU/NOCBA 6 95 7 95 315,565 Sp grazing. Paktia Bak 32 minefields ,NCPA Coapleted EU /NOCBA 4 93 3 95 1,561,452 Sqa / road / irrigation & grazing. Paktia Bat 13 minefields NCPA Coapleted EU /NOCIA 1 95 3 95 712,396 Spa grazing & road. Paktia Chamtani 14 minefields NCPA Completed EU/1OCIA 10 90 5 95 1,834,781 Sqm / road / irrigation / grazing & irrigation. ACBAR 1 95 1,069,867 Sqm / road J residential I irrigation & grazing. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 212 tatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- MINES: -- -DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION --- 41LLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY IìESCRIPTI"ri` Survey Paktia Chamkani 4 ainefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 3 95 5 95 133,551 Spa residential A grazing. Paktia Gardaiz 84 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 6 92 7 95 3,595,138 Sqm I road f residential I grazing A. irrigation. Paktia Gardait 16 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCIA 4 95 7 95 1,I93,252 Sp agri. land A grazing. Paktia Jaji 46 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA S 91 7 95 2,273,159 Sqm I road A grazing. Paktia Jaji 12 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 4 95 7 95 640,000 Sp; agri. land A grazing. Paktia Jaji Naidan 14 minefield NCPA Completed EU /NOCIIA 12 93 3 95 630,189 Spm residential / road A grazing. Paktia Jaji Naidan 9 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCBA 1 95 3 95 458,382 Spa grazing. Paktia Rhost 56 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCEA 1 92 4 95 1,655,169 Sp: agri.lands / residential I road I irrigation A grazing. Paktia Khost 18 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCIiA 1 95 4 95 615,807 Spa road I residential I irrigation & grazing. Paktia Nandozi 39 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 6 91 1 Paktia Nandozi 1 minefield NCPA Coapleted EU /NOCHA 1 95 1 95 Paktia Sabari 14 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA Paktia Sabari 5 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 1 95 3 95 279,690 Spn agri. land / road A grazing. Paktia Tani 31 minefields WCPA Completed EU /NOA 9 91 2 95 955,216 Sqa agri.lands / road / residential / grazing 1 irrigation. Paktia Tani 4 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOC11A 1 95 2 95 109,840 Spa agri. land / irrigation A grazing. Paktia Trayzai 6 minefields NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 3 92 3 95 264,904 Spa agri. land A road. Paktia Trayzai 1 minefield NCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 3 95 3 95 143,066 Spa agri. land. Parraa Bagraa 62 minefields NCPA Coapleted EU /NOCAA 8 93 7 95 588,929 Sqa / road / grazing It residential. Paean Bagram 17 minefields NCPA Coapleted EU /NOCHA 4 95 7 95 201,208 Spa agri. land / road R grazing. Parran Charikar 10 minefields WCPA Completed EU /NOCHA 7 93 7 95 1,231,537 Sqa / road / residential / grazing á irrigation. Pusan Charikar 24 minefields NCPA Completed 101 /NOCdA 4 95 7 95 558,301 Spa agri. land / residential A grazing. Zabul Qalat 64 ainefields NCPA Coapleted EU /NOCHA 5 92 7 95 1,015,114 Sqa / road I residential I irrigation A grazing. Zabul Qalat 15 ainefields NCPA Coapleted EU /NOCHA 4 95 7 95 492,688 Spa gari. land / irrigation l grazing. A C B A R . . 12 95 92. 3 95 1,862,405 Sqn agari. lands / irrigation / residential / grazing lands It road. 24,084 Spa agri. land. 539,539 Sqm agri. land / irrigation I road A grazing. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 213 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8T11 EDIT1Oli ( -PROVINCE -- MINES: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End WCPA Completed UNOCHA WCPA Completed UNOCHA (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOIñ DeminerTrain 3 95 3 95 Training of 5 Nine Clearance personnel in 1 course. 95 6 95 Training of 275 Wine Clearance personnel in 11 courses. S 95 6 95 Training of 195 Nine Clearance personnel in 6 courses. UNOCHA 7 95 7 95 Training of 30 Nine Clearance personnel in 1 course. Completed UNOCHA 1 95 7 95 Training of 252 Nine Clearance personnel in 9 courses. CPA Completed UNOCHA 1 95 5 95 Training of 18 Nine Clearance personnel in 2 courses. -- CPA Completed UNOCHA 1 95 7 95 Training of 551 Nine Clearance personnel in 21 courses, -- WCPA Completed UNOCHA 1 95 6 95 Training of 165 Nine Clearance personnel in 8 courses. WCPA Completed UNOCHA 1 95 8 95 Training of 431 Wine Clearance personnel in 13 courses, WCPA Completed UNOCHA 1 95 8 95 Training of 265 Nine Clearance personnel in 9 courses. Charikar WCPA Completed UNOCHA 5 95 6 95 Training of 88 Nine Clearance personnel in 3 courses. Qalat WCPA Completed UNOCBA 1 95 6 95 Training of 130 Nine Clearance personnel in S courses. 3 95 4 95 Bakery project for 4,000 displaced families for 4 months, Baghlan Baghlan Helmand Bust Herat Herat WCPA Completed UNOCHA Kabul Sarobi WCPA Completed Kandahar Daman CPA Kandahar Dud Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Nayrand Nangarhar ialalabad Paktia Khost Parran Zabul - - 1 ' RELIEF:Food Items Baghlan Puli Khumri City GRC Completed IFP Balkh Nazar Sharif Nazari Sharif CCA Completed IFP -- 95 -- 95 Ghazni Ghazni Center CoAR Completed NCA /NRC - Herat Berat 6 villages PO Completed NCA/HCR -- 95 -- 95 Jarzjaa Sbeberghan City IRF Completed 1FP Kabul Chardehi Dashti Barchi RDA Proposed VIP -- 95 -- -- Bread distribution for Dashti Barchi people. Kabul Kabul Center ACDO Proposed ACTED -- 95 -- -- Bread distribution for displaced people. Kabul Kabul Center AFRANE Completed EU -- 95 -- 95 Distribution of 17,000 bread /day. Kabul Kabul 6 villages AFS Proposed !FP -- 95 -- -- Distribution of subsidized bread. ACBAR 95 -- 95 6 95 8 95 Distribution of subsidized bread to poor families. Food distribution. Distribution of 50 Kg rice 1 12 Kg cooking oil per family to 750 Bread distribution in bakery project. DATABASE OF 100 ACTIVITIES Page: 214 Kabul displaced people. Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 STU EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- ARCAR Ongoing AFP ARCS Ongoing *Donors DURATION Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> RELIEF :Food Items Kabul Kabul Kabul Kabul Center 2 95 -- -- -- 92 -- -- Selling of subsidized bread for 9,000 vulnerable families through bakeries. Distribution of emergency food a other commodities to displaced families in public buildings in collaboration with 1CRC. Kabul Kabul Various villages ICRC Completed Kabul Kabul Kbair Khans NSOA Kabul Kabul City Kabul Kabul Kabul ICRC -- 94 -- 95 Food distribution (civilians beneficiaries). Ongoing ACTED -- 95 -- -- Food distribution, bakery project 6,000 loaves /day. PDA Ongoing AFP Kabul City RADA Proposed /FP /ACTE Kabul Center SJAVO Ongoing Kabul Kabul Kabul IRC Laghaan Qarghaie Charbagh Laghman Qarghaie Laghman 7 95 -- -- Support of 5 bakeries, each receiving 6 bag flour per day. Bread is sold by subsidized price. -- 95 -- -- Distribution of subsidized bread to poor families. AFP 6 95 -- -- Distribution of subsidized bread for poor families. Ongoing ACTED 7 94 -- -- Distribution of 15.000 bread /day in 3 bakeries. APIO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Food for training for teachers of Charbagh Girls High School, Qarghai APIO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Food for training for teachers of Qarghai Boys High School. Qarghaie Charbagh APIO Proposed 'FP -- 95 -- -- Food for training for teachers d students of Charbagh Boys High School. Logar Nohd Agha 10 villages APA Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Distribution of 50 NT wheat. Nangarhar Behsud Samar Khel ICRC Completed ICRC -- 93 -- 95 Distribution of rice, ghcc, salt, sugar, tea A etc (civilians beneficiaries). Nangarhar Behsud Samar Kbel Camp SGRO Completed AFP /ICRC 11 93 5 95 Distribution of food t non -food items to 7,000 families. Nangarbar Jalalabad Center GAA Completed GAA 12 94 5 95 Food distribution to university, schools k handicapped people in hospital. Nangarhar Jalalabad Center KNF Ongoing AFP 1 95 -- -- 35 bakeries is Jalalabad city (12 loaf of bread per family). Nangarhar Jalalabad Jalalabad NCI Completed APP 1 95 -- -- Food distribution through bakeries. Nangarhar Jalalabad Farm Bada/Nuataz B NF Completed NF -- 92 -- 95 Providing food to Kabul displaced families. Nangarhar Jalalabad City RDA Proposed AFP -- 95 -- -- Food distribution for hospital personnel. Nangarbar Jalalabad Various villages SERVE Completed T.Fund -- 93 -- 95 Distribution of food through food for wort. Nangarhar Jalalabad City SGRO Ongoing AFP Nangarhar Kout Konar Various villages SERVE Completed T.Fund ACHAR 2 94 -- -- -- 93 -- 95 Regular distribution of four, rice, bean, etc. to staff A patients of Jalalabad Public Health Hospital. Distribution of food through food for wort. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 215 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 BTE EDITION Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Rodat Rodat Rodat Roda; Besar Shahi Besar Shahi Besar Shahi Besar Shahi Besar Shahi RDA ARLO ARLO ARLO ARLO ARLO AGENCY Completed Proposed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY VFP VFP /HCR VFP IIRO IIRO IIkO IIRO IIRO -- -BY - -- FUNDED 12 95 -- 95 -- -- 9 95 2 95 7 95 6 95 11 94 9 95 2 95 7 95 6 95 2 95 Begin - -End DURATION Distribution of 50 NT wheat. Distribution of rice, flour & ghee to 80 families. Distribution of 1200 bag flour for displaced families. Distribution of ghee, rice A beans. Distribution of ghee & food for displaced families. Distribution of 1200 bags 'beat flour & ghee for displaced families. Distribution of 250 bags flour, 550 bags rice L 250 can cooking oil. 4 95 Distribution of 51.3 MT flour / rice / oil / labia & sugar for 620 kids of Zaranj kindergarten. CoAR Completed Completed IRC /RAP ICRC NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 94 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 Distribution of blankets, soaps, tents A cloths (civilians beneficiaries). Distribution of non food itea. Distribution of Quilt 2 unit per family to 750 Kabul displaced people. Distribution of clothes (civilians beneficiaries). Noon food items distribution. Distribution of rice, flour & ghee to 220 families. 4 94 Center ICRC Completed EU -- 94 -- 95 Establishment of bakery project. Ghazni Various villages NPO Completed ICRC 2 96 DESCRIPTPON> Nangarhar Rodat Bisar Shahi Camp VERA Proposed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- -- Ghazni Herat 16 villages AFRANE Completed 1 95 -- -- Kabul Kabul Kabul Kunduz Kabul Kabul Center Center BCI IIRO Ongoing NF 2 96 <ACTIVITY Nangarhar Rodat Zaranj City ARO Ongoing VFP 12 95 --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- Nangarhar Zaranj Natoon CAVC Proposed NCA /NRC -DISTRICT-- Nimroz Khost 2 villages APA Ongoing -PROVINCE -- Paktia Gardandewai 10 villages CAC Herat Berat Center ICRC EU /ECHO RELIEF:Food Items Vardak Jaghatu 9 villages Food distribution for displaced people. Vardak Maria: Bes. -- 95 -- -- Vardak Herat Kabul Various villages Ongoing 2 95 Distribution of 3500 tents / 35 WT food / 5000 Jackets / 20,000 blankets. Kunduz Farn eada /Mumtaz B Completed EU /ECHO RELIEF:Non -Food Item Kabul Kabul OV EU -- 94 -- 95 Distribution of 300 blankets. Jalalabad IF Completed 4 95 Distribution of 5000 jerry cans & 2720 quilts. Distribution of coal, stoves t blankets. Distribution of 10950 quilts 1 5000 kitchen sets. Kabul Completed 1IRO -- -- -- -- Nangarhar Farm !facia/Mumtaz B OV 5 95 SOLID Completed BCI Providing of tents / blankets k other commodities to Kabul displaced families. Jalalabad Jalalabad ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NG0 ACTIVITIES 1 95 -- 92 -- 95 Nangarhar Jalalabad . Nangarhar IACBAR Page: 216 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY --STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi ARLO Completed IIRO 1 95 1 95 Distribution of blankets for displaced families. Nangarhar Rodat Bisar Shah /llada MADERA Completed EU /NICEF 1 94 9 95 Providing of drinking water, 3,000 tents & other commodities to refugees. RELIEF:Help Returnee Herat Herat -- ION Ongoing ION -- 92 -- -- Transportation assistance for returning families going long distances inside Afghanistan. Herat Zendajan 62 villages NPO Completed NCA /HCR -- 95 -- 95 Distribution of food stuff & tool kits to returned refugees. Herat Zendajan 62 villages NPO Completed NCA /HCR -- 95 -- 95 Shelter program for 1,000 returned refugees from Iran. Kabul Bagrami Bagrami SJAWO Proposed 1FP -- 95 -- -- Emergency feeding for disabled returnees. Kabul Kabul AFRANE Completed EU -- 95 -- 95 Assistance to 50,000 returnee. Nardak Gardandewal CAYC Completed NCA /NRC - Center All villages 9 95 11 95 A survey conducted in all villages of the district to identify the actual figure of returnees L refugees / need identification. 4iardak Narkaz Bes. All villages CATC Completed NCA /NRC 9 95 11 95 A survey conducted in all villages of the district to identify the actual figure of returnees & refugees I need identification. RELIEF:Other Kabul Kabul City AICF Ongoing NCA /NRC 9 95 -- -- Anthropoletric and house bold survey. Kabul Kabul Center PRB Ongoing YFP 5 95 -- -- Monitoring of 45 bakeries. Kandahar Arghistan Gazak PETRA Proposed UNICEF -- 95 -- -- Home vegetable gardens for 400 families nutrition. Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi cup TIRO Ongoing IIRO -- 94 -- -- Provision of food I sanitation / health services / rater supply./ tents A. 8000 blankets for 1250 displaced families in IIRO camp. SOCIAL:Animation Training of field workers t supervisors in CBR t social animation. RBS Ongoing RBS 1 93 -- -- Balkh RBS Ongoing RBS - 93 -- -- Training of field workers i supervisors in CBR of the disabled & social animation. Balkh Dehdadi RBS Ongoing RBS -- 93 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in CBR of the disabled & social animation. Balkh Dowlatabad RBS Ongoing RBS -- 93 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in CBR of the disabled It social animation. Balkh kazar Sharif RBS Ongoing RBS -- 93 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in CBR of the disabled & social animation. Badakshan Keshem Balkh ACBAR -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 217 ZakkirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End RBS Ongoing RBS -- 93 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in CBR of the disabled & social animation, -- 93 - Training of field workers k supervisors in CBR of the disabled & social animation. DURATION (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION; SOCIAL:Animation -- Balkh Nahr Shahi Balkh Nahr Shahi RBS Ongoing RBS Ghazni Andar RES Ongoing RES -- 5 95 -- -- Training of field workers L supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled & social animation. Ghazni Deb Yak RBS Ongoing RES S 95 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled & social animation, Ghazni Ghazni RBS Ongoing RES -- 93 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled k social animation. Ghazni Jaghatu RBS Ongoing RBS 5 95 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled k social animation. Ghazni Khwaja Omri RES Ongoing RBS -- 94 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled k social animation. Ghazni Qarabagh RBS Ongoing RBS 5 95 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled k social animation, Ghazni Zuna Khan RBS Ongoing RBS -- 94 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled k social animation. Kandahar Kandahar Kunar Barg Natal Kunar Kunar Kunaz Kunar Kunduz Khanabad Logar Baraki City Various villages - NRORA Completed UNDCP -- 95 -- 95 Drug awareness k preventive workshops for religious leaders. YFA Proposed UNDCP -- 95 -- -- Drug awareness program. ANC Completed UNDCP -- 94 -- 95 Drug awareness program. YARA Proposed UNDCP -- 95 -- -- Drug awareness program. RBS Ongoing RBS 193 -- -- RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in CH k social animation, Training of field workers k supervisors in collunity based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled L social animation. Logar Charkh RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in comtianity based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled k social animation. Logar Nohd Agha RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled k social animation. ACBAR DATABASE OF EGO ACTIVITIES Page: 218 Zakir.2 Date: 04/03/96 8TE EDITION - -- DISTRICT---- -- -- VILLAGE(S) - --- RBS RBS Ali Khel Various villages Jaji Khost Eshkamesh Farkhar Rustaq Talogan Narsaj Chak Day Nirdad Jaghatu Naydan Shar Nerkh Syed Abad Paktia Paktia Takhar Takhar Takhar Takhar Takhar %ardak Nardak Nardak Nardak Nardak iardak Qarve Beth Gozarah Faizabad Herat Jawzjan A C B A R Zyaratjay Nazar Sharif Balkh Nazar Sharif Bagh -o -Ragh Balkh Balkh Qarve Beth Dahna Ghori SOCIAL:Commu.Particp Baghlan IAN IAN IAN IAN IAN RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS ANC ARLO ANC Unspecified Nangarhar Various villages Puli Alas RBS AGENCY Logar -- SOCIAL :Animat ion -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing -- STATUS -- IAN IAN IAN IAN IAN RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS RBS UNDCP Cumuli, UNDCP RBS BY--- FUNDED DURATION 93 -- -- 93 -- -- , Page: 219 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Training of field workers a supervisors in cow:uni y based rehabilitation (CH) of the disabled & social Community based development. Community based development. Logistical center of community based development. Community based development. Community based development. Training of field workers k supervisors in CBR A social animation. animation. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TE EDITION Training of field workers k supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled A social animation. Training of field workers A supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled â social Training of field workers I supervisors in CBR k social animation. Training of field workers L supervisors in CBR L social animation. Training of field workers >l supervisors in CBR t social animation, Training of field workers A supervisors in CBR A social animation. Training of field workers A supervisors in CBR A social animation, Training of field workers & supervisors in CBR A social animation. Training of field workers A supervisors in CBR A social animation, Training of field worker >f supervisors in CBR A social animation. Drug awareness program. Drug control program to stop cultivation of narcotics. Drug awareness progran. animation. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 8 94 -- -- 1 95 12 98 5 93 -- -- 7 95 -- -- 5 94 -- -- 9 91 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 9 91 -- -- 9 91 -- -- 9 91 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 6 91 -- -- 1 10 91 -- -- 1 -- 94 -- 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 94 -- 95 -- 95 -- -- Begin- -End J -PROVINCE - - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End Various CCA Ongoing NOVIB Baghlan NPO Completed NRC /NCA -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> SOCIAL:Magazine Kabul Kabul 194 -- -- Publishing a monthly Journal (Taawoon) in Dari language A a bi- monthly newsletter in English language. SOCIAL:Other 4 95 Survey to be started for schools A running cost SCA. Baghlan Baghlan Baghian Burka RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Training of field workers A supervisors in community volunteers A family trainers in CBR of the disabled. Baghlan Nahreia RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Training of field workers A supervisors in community volunteers A family trainers in CBR of the disabled. Balkh Char Bolak RBS Ongoing RBS 7 93 -- -- Introductory training in CBR to field workers. Balkh Nazar Sharif Nazari Sharif CCA Completed NOVIB 5 95 6 95 Training of 10 female teachers on Human Rights basis. Balkh Nazar Sharif Nazari Sharif CCA Completed NOVIB 4 95 5 95 The workshop of Human Rights was held for training of 10 members. Balkh Nazar Sharif Nazari Sharif CCA Completed NOVIB 5 95 6 95 Training of 10 male teachers on Human 'Rights basis. Banyan Panjab Lai MEAN Ongoing OIPAX /BU 5 94 -- -- Nulti- activity social development program. Banyan taras Varas MAX Ongoing OIFAN /BU 5 94 -- -- Multi= activity social development program. Ghazni Andar 13 villages ADS Completed EU 10 95 10 95 Advocacy / awareness I survey / feasibility / studies A community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Andar 23 villages ADS Completed EU 11 95 12 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility / studies A community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Andar 23 villages ADS Completed EU 7 95 8 95 Advocacy I awareness / survey / feasibility / studies A community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Deh Yak 26 villages ADS Completed EU 7 95 7 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey I feasibility /studies A community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Deb Yak 4 villages ADS Completed EU 4 95 4 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility I studies k community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Ghazni 15 villages ADS Completed EU 7 95 7 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey I feasibility / studies A community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Ghazni 28 villages ADS Completed EU 3 95 3 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility / studies A community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Ghazni Various NCI Completed UNDCP 95 6 95 Drug control projects in different villages. Ghazni Giro 7 villages ADS Completed EU 8 95 8 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility / studies A community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Giro 10 villages ADS Completed EU 10 95 1I 95 Advocacy / awareness I survey / feasibility / studies A community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Jagbori 200 villages GRSP Completed NRC 10 95 12 95 Needs assessment survey. ACBAR 1 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 220 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8T1I EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S)---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY--- Begin - -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) SOCIAL:Other Ghazni Malestan 150 villages GRSP Completed NRC Ghazni Qarabagh 91 villages ADS Completed EU 7 95 12 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility / studies & community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Qarabagh 6 villages ADS Completed EU 4 95 4 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility / studies & community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Zena Khan 21 villages ADS Completed EU 9 95 10 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility J studies & community mobilization of disabled people. Ghazni Zena Khan 13 villages ADS Completed EU 8 95 9 95 Advocacy/ awareness / survey J feasibility J studies & community mobilization of disabled people. Helmand Helmand Various NCI Completed UNDCP 1 95 6 95 Drug control projects in different villages. Jawz jan Aqcha RBS Ongoing RBS 3 95 -- -- Kabul Kabul Kabul CCA Completed OIFAN Kabul Kabul Various TDB Ongoing TDH Varous SAVE Proposed WWF /USA Kabul 10 95 12 95 -- 95 -- 95 2 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- Needs I assessment survey. Introductory training in CBR to field workers. Protection of victims of Human Rights in Westren Kabul. Social activities for street children. Environmental profile (research work) in all parts of Afghanistan. Kandahar Kandahar Various NCI Completed UNDCP Kandahar Kandahar City RAFA Ongoing UNICEF 12 95 -- -- Construction of play ground for children. Kandahar Kandahar City SAMSOR Completed WFP /HCR -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Kandahar City sports stadium. Kunar Barg Natal INA Ongoing Self Kunduz Aliabad RBS Ongoing RBS -- 92 -- -- Training of field workers I supervisors in community volunteers & family trainers in CBR of the disabled. Kunduz Char Dara RBS Ongoing RBS 92 -- -- Training of field workers t supervisors in community volunteers t family trainers in CBR of the disabled. Nangarhar Jalalabad City AREA-2 Proposed IFP /HCR Mangarhar Jalalabad Farm Bada /Mumtaz B BCI Ongoing HCI 1 93 -- -- Nangarhar Jalalabad Center IRC Ongoing IRC 10 94 -- -- Jalalabad branch of IRC printing press. Nangarhar Jalalabad Sarj- u- Emarat SAVE Approved WIT 11 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of one orchard. Paktia Chamkani 7 villages ADS Completed EU 4 95 4 95 Advocacy J awareness I survey / feasibility I studies & community mobilization of disabled people. Paktia Gardaiz 29 villages ADS Completed EU 1 95 2 95 Advocacy J awareness / survey / feasibility / studies & community mobilization of disabled people. Paktia Hasan Khel 6 villages ADS Completed EU 7 95 7 95 Advocacy I awareness J survey I feasibility / studies & community mobilization of 109 disabled people. A C B A R 1 95 6 95 2 92 -- -- -- 95 -- -- Drug control projects in different villages. Socio- economic profile. Rehabilitation of Sarajul karat Garden / trees / irrigation system t garden structure (not building). Bired 2 persons for the services of disabled people. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 221 Zakirk` Date: 04/03/96 STD EDITION -PROVINCE - --- DISTRICTT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED ---- VILLAGE(S) ---- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION:r SOCIAL:Other 6 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility / studies & community mobilization of 271 disabled people. Paktia Basan Khel 7 villages ADS Completed EU Paktia Paktia Various SAVE Proposed WFP Paktia Sayed Karam 20 villages ADS Completed EU 8 95 8 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility / studies & community mobilization of 355 disabled people. Paktia Sayed Karam 8 villages ADS Completed EU 7 95 7 95 Advocacy / awareness / survey / feasibility / studies & community mobilization of 218 disabled people, Paktia Sayed Karam -- YFA Completed Self 3 94 5 95 Socio- economic profile. Parwan Surkh Parsa All villages PSD Completed NCA /NRC 9 95 10 95 Samangan Bazrat Sultan RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Introductory training in CBR to field workers. Samangan Khulm RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Introductory training in CBR to field workers. Samangan Samangan RBS Ongoing RBS 3 95 -- -- Introductory training in CBR to field workers. Takhar Chab Ab -- RBS Ongoing RES -- 95 -- -- Takhar Kalafgan -- RBS Ongoing RBS 5 95 -- -- Takhar Khwajagbar RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in community volunteers & family trainers in CBR of the disabled, Takhar Khwajaghar RBS Ongoing RBS -- 95 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in community volunteers & family trainers in CBR of the disabled. Takhar Talogan RBS Ongoing RBS -- 93 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in community volunteers & family trainers in CBR of the disabled. Takhar Yangi Qala RBS Ongoing RBS 3 95 -- -- Training of field workers k supervisors in community volunteers & family trainers in CBR of the disabled. lardak Narkaz Bes. RBS Ongoing RBS 5 95 -- -- Training of field workers & supervisors in community based rehabilitation (CBR) of the disabled. Zabul Zabul Various NCI Completed UNDCP 1 95 6 95 Drug control projects in different villages. 7 93 7 96 Cleaning of several karezes. WATER: 6 95 -- 95 -- -- - Environmental awareness education ( Zaffai forest area). Needs assessment and survey of IDPs. Training of field workers & supervisors in community volunteers & family trainers in CBR of the disabled. Training of field workers & supervisors in community. volunteers t family trainers in CBR of the disabled. Karez Farah Farah Various CPA Ongoing EU Farah Farah City VARA Proposed TFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of karez & canal. Ghazni Ab Band Ab Band CoAR Ongoing EU -- 93 -- 96 Karez cleaning Ghazni Galan Gelan CoAR Ongoing EU -- 93 -- 96 Karez cleaning Ghazni Ghazni Angori BURC Completed UNDP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of 30 karezes. A C B A R DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 222 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 STE EDITION I -PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT- - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED ---- VILLAGES) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- --- BY - - -. DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Karez Ghazni Ghazni Shalez IAHC Ongoing NOVIB Ghazni Jaghori Various villages GRSP Ongoing UNDP Ghazni Mogor Ilogor CoAR Ongoing EU -- 93 -- 96 Karez cleaning Ghazni Nava Nava CoAR Ongoing EU -- 93 -- 96 Karez cleaning ADP Proposed VFP -- 95 - Karez cleaning ' Rehabilitation of karez, irrigate 300 jeribs land. 6 94 8 98 Cleaning of 30 karezes (4.5 Km) including of 2700 Cum structure work. Ghazni Qarabagh Helmand Nahr Saraj Based Khan ARAD Completed UNDP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Hued Khan karez. Helmand Nauzad 4 villages HVRA Proposed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 6 In karez, benefit 423 farmers. Helmand Sarban Qala Choral HAFO Proposed U11DCP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning & repair of 13 ¡arenas. Helmand Vashare 9 villages HURA Proposed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 19.5 Km karez, irrigate 600 jeribs A benefit 620 farmers. Herat Herat Various CHA Ongoing EU Kabul Deb Sabz Tangee Mary KPRO Ongoing Bak SRO Completed TFP /HCR Kandahar Arghandab . CARE 7 93 7 96 10 94 -- -- 1 95 3 95 Cleaning of several karezes. Cleaning of 2600 s karez, irrigate 1000 jeribs k benefit 100 farmers. Cleaning of 8 Km karez to irrigate 5,000 jeribs land A benefit 400 families. Kandahar Arghistan Arghistan EAFA Ongoing TFP /HCR 8 95 -- -- Kandahar Daman Khushab All Completed TFP/HCR -- 95 =- 95 Kandahar Daman Dagan /Sara Qala HRAA Completed VFP Kandahar Daman llanja LKRO Completed VFP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Manja 4 Baghcher karezes. Kandahar Daman Aziz Bari: SAXSOR Completed 1FP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Aziz karez. Kandahar Daman Braj Bariz SAMSOR Completed VFP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Barj karez. Kandahar Daman korghan Kacha SRO Completed VFP /ECR Kandahar Dand ]falajat ARM Completed VFP /HCR Kandahar Dand Adral AMC Completed VFP/HCR 6 95 Kandahar Dand Iola Jat EAFA Completed TFP 6 94 -- 95 ACBAR 7 95 6 95 9 95 8 95 -- 95 -- 95 8 95 Rehabilitation of 64 karezes. Rehabilitation of Khushab karez. Cleaning of Sara Qala ! Ali Abad karezes (food for work). Cleaning of Il Is tarez to irrigate 3,000 jeribs land d benefit 280 families. Rehabilitation of Sheen karat. Cleaning of 7 Km karez to irrigate 1,500 jeribs land A. benefit 30 farmers. Cleaning of S b karez, irrigate 198 hectares A benefit 125 families. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 223 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- WATER: Kandahar ---DISTRICT - - -- - -- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End FRF Completed RFP /RONC (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Karez Dand 2 94 5 95 One karez / i new wells / 88 a under ground canal / 246 m under ground canal changed to open canal A 455 open canal rehabilitated. NRCA Proposed UNRCR -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 8 Ks karez A construction of flume to irrigate 1200 jeribs land. 4 villages KIIA Completed UNDP /91FP -- 93 -- 95 Cleaning of 13 km karez - irrigate 1200 jeribs A benefit 160 families. band 10 villages KRA Copleted UNDP/FP 2 93 -- 95 Cleaning of 22 km karez - irrigate 4000 jeribs & benefit 400 families. Kandahar Dand Tenor VARA Completed 1FP /Coma 9 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of 1 karez to irrigate 1,200 jeribs 1 benefit 250 families, Kandahar Naruf Various NRORA Completed RONCO -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of 10 karezes. Kandahar Naruf 3 villages NRORA Completed UNDP /VFP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of 3 karezes. Kandahar Naruf 11 villages NRORA Completed %FP /NCR -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of 11 karezes. Kandahar Naruf N. Zai NRORA Completed UNDP /VFP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of N. Zai karez. Kandahar Naruf Various NRORA Completed VFP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of 17 karezes. Kandahar Panjwai Shara Khan AFRC Completed VFP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Ashraf karez. Kandahar Shahwali Kot 14 villages UFO Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning A repair of 12 karezes. Kandahar Shega Bazaar NRC Completed 1FP -- 93 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Akhund Zada Kare :. Kandahar Shorabak Kola Zai SRO Completed 1FP Kandahar Spin Boldak Landi / Kochai SVAARR Completed 1FP /RONC -- 95 -- 95 Cleaning of Landi A lochai karezes. Laghsan Alishing 3 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- 95 Cleaning of 2 Karezes to irrigate 500 jeribs of land. Logar Nohd Agha Abazak ACDO Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- lare: rahabilitation. Logar Puli Alan Various- RAB Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 10 karezes (Objosh Payees, Objosh Bala, Bangash A Nohd Chant karezes in Dab Basu, ham, lia Noor, Kandahar Dand Kandahar Dand Kandahar 2 95 4 95 Cleaning of 9.6 Ks karez to irrigate 4,800 jeribs land 1 benefit 180 families. Basheer, Mir Val, Enayatullah tares in Oni, Nangarhar Chaparhar 3 villages ARC Proposed EU -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 3 karezes to irrigate 1,100 jeribs A benefit 300 families. Nangarhar Khogiani Adoor ACDO Proposed 1FP -- 95 -- -- lares rehabilitation. Nangarhar Rodat Rodat RDP Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 3 karezes to irrigate 4300 jeribs & benefit 1500 families. Oruzgan Deh Raud 3 villages PARA Completed 1FP ACBAR 9 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of 3 karers to irrigate 3,700 jeribs A benefit 450 families. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 224 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- -DISTRICT - - -- ----VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- ---BY--- Begin --End Oruzgan Deb Rand Debrawood VARA Proposed NEP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 3 karezes. Paktia Gardaiz Yaugbi ACDO Proposed AFP -- 95 -- Construction of thodama stream intakes. Paktia Gardaiz 5 vilages NAC Ongoing NAC /NCR Paktia Most Lakan ARO Completed NFP Paktia Sayed Xaram Kamran Rhel IRC /RPA Completed SV 7 95 12 95 Cleaning of 100 m tarez to irrigate 1500 jeribs & benefit 160 families. Paktia Sayed Karam Qalai Sarwar IRC /RPA Completed SV 7 95 12 95 Cleaning of 500 n tarez to irrigate 2500 jeribs & benefit 175 families. Paktia Sayed Karam Sra Pala IRC /RPA Completed SV 7 95 12 95 Cleaning of 300 m tarez to irrigate 638 jeribs & benefit 1250 families. Paktia Sayed Karam Nigram IRC /RPA Completed SV 7 95 12 95 Cleaning of 1126 ; larez to irrigate 1290 jcribs & benefit 900 families. Paktia Trayzai Chin Bak IRC /RPA Completed SV 1 95 12 95 Cleaning of 908 Paktia Zormat Zurmat NAC Completed L";ICR 5 95 Paktia Zornrat All vellages NAC Ongoing NAC /BCR 1 94 -- -- Aardak Syed Abad Sayed Abad ACDO Proposed UNDP -- 95 - Zabul Shah Joy Center SRCDA Completed AFP 10 95 12 95 =I= =ID= Karez -PROVINCE-- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) WATER: WATER: -- 7 94 -- -- 12 94 4 95 Cleaning of 12 Km Babur tarez. 9 95, - Repair of tarez systems. m tarez to irrigate 1000 jeribs A benefit 120 families. Cleaning of 55 karezes. Repair of karez systems. Karez rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of 6 L tarez to irrigate 480 jeribs land & benefit 120 farmers., Canal Badakshan Rashes Chelgaza NAC Approved *Donors 9 95 -- -- Repair of Chelgaza canal, benefit 1500 families. Badakshan lashes Dasht-i- Shaheedan NAC Ongoing NAC /APP 9 95 -- -- Repair of Dasht -i- Shaheedan canal, benefit 3000 families. Balth Balkh Asir thuyd NPO Proposed NCA /NRC -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of Asir thnyd canal. Balkh Balkh Gawharagan NPO Surveyed NCA/NRC -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of Gawharagan canal t spillway. Balkh Nazar Sharif Various SERVE Ongoing AFP -- 94 -- -- Rehabilitation of 566 m canal, benefit 1,000 families. Farah Bala Balouk 8 villagies ART Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 7 Is canal, irrigate 1200 hectares A benefit 1000 families. Farah Farah Various CHA Ongoing EU Ghazni Ab Band Ab Band CoAR Ongoing EU Ghazni Andar Sardeb DACAAR Ongoing Danida ACBAR 7 93 7 96 -- 93 -- 96 4 95 -- -- Cleaning of several canals. Canal cleaning Cleaning of Sardeb drainage. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 225 Zakirt2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT- --- ACTIVITY FUNDED ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- AGENCY -- STATUS-- - - -BY - -- Begin- -End DURATION (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTI0,I> Cana1 Ghazni Deh Yak Deb Yak ACRD Proposed %1FP -- 95 - Ghazni Gelan Gelan CoAR Ongoing EU -- 93 -- 96 Canal cleaning Ghazni Nogor Nogor Con Ongoing EU -- 93 -- 96 Canal cleaning Ghazni Nava Nasa CoAR Ongoing EU -- 93 -- 96 Canal cleaning Helmand Bust Center ADARA Proposed SIABAC -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 Rn canal to irrigate 800 jeribs land & benefit 100 families. Helmand Bust Bolan HRAA Proposed UNDCP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 5.5 Km canal, irrigate 1500 jeribs & benefit 100 families. Helmand Bust Bust HRAA Proposed NFP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 6 In canal, irrigate 2000 jeribs & benefit 70 families. Helmand Garmser Bagat VARA Completed VFP /HCR 2 95 -- 95 Helmand Nad -Ali Sharqa BURC Completed NFP /HCR -- 95 -- 95 Réhabilitation of Sharqa drain. Helmand Nad -Ali Janjeen INA Completed TFP /HCR -- 95 -- 95 Cleaning of 8 Km canal. Helmand Nad -Ali Nad Ali RAFA Ongoing SNABAC 11 95 -- -- Cleaning of drain. Helmand Nahr Saraj 1 HAFO Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 10 km canal. Helmand Nahr Saraj Abdazan HAFO Proposed UNDP /HCR -- 95 -- -- Cleaning & repair of canal. Helmand Nahr Saraj Grishk HAFO Proposed *Donors -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of Jaji Usta Yonsuf drainage. Helmand Nasae Barat. Khalachi VARA Completed YFP /Comm Helmand Nasae Barak. 10 villages VARA Proposed NFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 canals (23 Ka) to irrigate 12,000 jeribs & benefit 700 families. Helmand Sarban Qala 5 villages NERU Completed UNDCP 10 94 -- 95 Cleaning of 15 II canal, irrigate 2500 jeribs & benefit 60 families. Herat Herat Various ca Ongoing EU 7 93 Jaszjan Sari Pul GRC Completed VFP 6 94 -- 95 Cleaning of 20 Is canal. Kabul Bagrami Dehyagoob HCI. Completed RPP/HCI 8 94 -- 95 Cleaning of 21500 a canal, irrigate 20,000 hectares & benefit 12,000 families. Kabul Bagrami Shevaki /Kaaari SJAVO Proposed YFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Sheiaki & Kamari canal. Kabul Bagraai Bagrami SJAYO Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Shim canal. Kabul Charasyab 3 villages HCÍ Ongoing VFP /HCI 1ACBAR area -- 7 95 10 95 Rehabilitation of 13.3 Km canal to irrigate 11,000 jeribs & benefit 250 families. Rehabilitation of 16.1 Ka canar to irrigate 4,200 jeribs & benefit 450 families. 7 96 8 94 -- -- Canal cleaning. Cleaning of several canals. Cleaning of 38,900 a canal, 34000 hectares & benefit 14340 families. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 226 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ( -PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED =TIM ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Webgin --Fad (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Canal Kabul Chardehi Chardehi CARE Ongoing EU/IFP -- 94 - - Reconstruction of 4 canals R 1 protection rll. Kabul Kabul -- SOLID Proposed F.Gov -95 -- - Cleaning of Iazirabad drainage canal. Kabul Paghaan Arghandi RDP Proposed IRC/RAP - 95 - - Rehabilitation of 4.53 Ka canal to irrigate 3000 jeribs. Kabul Sarobi Tezeen ARAN Completed IFP/NQiS Kandahar Arghandab ARIA Completed Kandahar Arghistan Landi AAA Kandahar Arghistan Arghstan Kandahar Damaa Kandahar 7 95 8 95 Cleaning of 10 canals. ARGON 11 92 3 95 Rehabilitation of caul. Completed REP 12 94 2 95 Rehabilitation of 10 Km canal. SRA Completed IFP 195 3 95 Canal cleaning project. Rabat ADO Completed IFP - 95 -- 93 Daman Nurghan Kacha EAFA Completed tIP 6 94 -- 95 Cleaning of 23 Km canal, irrigate 3500 jeribs. landahar Duan Byaban Dara HERZ Completed IFP 3 95 Rehabilitation of Byaban Dam canal. Kandahar Daman Deh Nan LIMO Completed UNDP - 95 - 95 Rehabilitation of loran A Chiaai canals. Kandahar Daman 5 villages LKRO Completed IFP /HCR -- 95 -95 Rehabilitation of Fatah Nchd, landa, Zhranda t Shoroa canals. Kandahar Damaa Deb Nu LKRO Completed -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Aynbe caul. Kandahar Dunn Nodozu PETRA Completed IFP HCR Kandahar Dand Kurd Kala AURC Proposed IFP /HCR Kandahar Dand Ghratili EAFA Completed Kandahar Dand Katar EAFA Kandahar Dand Ialatan Kandahar band Kandahar 5 95 Rehabilitation of 12 ha canal. 5 95 6 95 Cleaning of 7 Is canal to irrigate 3,000 jeribs A benefit 400 families. - 95 -- -- Cleaning of 12 Ka canal to irrigate 6,000 jeribs t bcncfit 500 farmers. IFP 6 94 - 95 Cleaning of 6.7 la canal, irrigate 430 hectares A benefit 260 families. Completed IFP 10 94 - 95 Cleaning of 5.5 Km canal, irrigate 240 hectares R benefit 275 families. SANSOR Complete3 IFP/BCI - 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Ialatan canal. Nalajat SIARO Completed IFP Kandahar City LKIO Completed IFP -- 95 -95 Rehabilitation of Khraja canal. Kandahar Kandahar Nain Pushta NCI Completed IFP/ICI 11 95 - - Canal cleaning project. Kandahar Kandahar Zangabad SAUIRR Completed IFP - 95 - 95 Rehabilitation of Zangabad canal. Kandahar Kandahar City SIARO Proposed IFP/11CI -95 - - Construction of 2 drains. IACBilt 6 95 Cleaning of Baboto canal. 9 95 - DATABASE OF DSO ACTIVITIES SR EDITION I Page: 227 Zatirl2 Date: 04/03/96 Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Kandahar Panjaai Panjaai Panjaai Panjaai Panjaai Panjrai Maymaad Naysand .Nayeand Maruf 9 villages Pasbmol 2 villages Panj/Belendy 4 villages Mullah Dost Salehan Ghazi N. Ayub Gris Lala Seieean Zai ORA MERU LIBO BROA BRAA AURC AURC ARN NRC NRC NERI INA Ongoing Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Cosplete3 Ongoing Completed -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY IFP TFP YFP 1FP(BCR VFP WP/BCR TFP,9ICI, TFP /UcR 1FP/BCR r'P/BCR NFP,9>CR TFP 1fP/11 Mt -- -BY - -- FUNDED 10 95 -- 95 -- 95 1D 94 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 12 94 1 95 12 94 6 95 2 95 3 95 2 95 8 95 -- 95 -- 95 ---95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 II 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Panay canal. Cleaning of 9 In canal, irrigate 7000 jeribs t benefit 2500 farmers. Rehabilitation of Nato canal. Rehabilitation of 7 Ka drainage. Cleaning of Belendy canal (food for work). Rehabilitation of 18 la canal to irrigate 4.000 jeribs land 1-benefit 150 families. Rehabilitation of 12 Na canal to irrigate 3.000 jeribs land I benefit 160 families. Rehabilitation of Salchan :anal. Rehabilitation of Jalal canal. Rehabilitation of Ghazi N. Ai+b canal. Rehabilitation of Gris Lata canal. Cleaning of 8 Is canal. .Begin--End 1 96 Rehabilitation of 14 Km canal to irrigate 4,000 jeribs land t benefit 300 farmers. -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Polyaa t Alas Khan Zai canals. Rehabilitation of Sheikh Zai canal. Cleaning of 12 In canal, irrigate 800 jeribs t benefit 740 families. 11 95 6 94 -- 95 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Kandahar Panjmaì Pasar SRCDA Completed IFP/BCR 'Kandahar DURATION Kandahar Panjaai Chilgnor EAFA Completed VFP/BCR WFP AGENCY Kandahar Panjaai Center NRO Completed - - -- VILLAGES)- - -- Kandahar. Shahiali Kot Shiekh Zai DARR - -- DISTRICT - --- Kandahar Shorabak Alan than Zai -PROVINCE -- Kandahar Spia Boldak Ongoing 7 95 Lunar Chapa Dara Chagbasarai Iohistan leygal Chaghasarai Agbanan 6 95 Rehabilitation of 25 In Salar canal t it's infrastructures. Cleaning of Razaq canal. Radiai lunar -- - 5 95 11 95 Repair of 3.8 V canal to irrigate 150 jeribs t benefit 200 families. Rehabilitation of Yakatoot canal. RAFA 1FP/Ret Cleaning of Nat land canal. -- -- Yakatoot Completed 10 95 SIAM Proposed UNDCP 10 94 Repair of 450 m canal to irrigate 2500 jeribs t benefit 800 families. 5 95 STANO 1FP Olt Completed EU 12 94 -- -- at load ESAR Completed EU Chavki Canal Kandahar .Spin Boldak WATER: Kandahar Spin Boldak Ongoing Cleaning of Malik Ran canal, benefit 1,000 families. Jogran Kandahar Spin Boldat -- 95 -- -- NFP Kandahar 1FP MADERA Ongoing Chauki lapisa KADERA Kunar Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 228 8.111 EDITION I MADERA Hatimabad Rando Sbaidan Kahkas Kas Aziz Khan Ali than 20 villages Banda Nehterlan Mehterlau Qarghaie Qarghaie Qarghaie Qarghaie Qarghaie Qarghaie Baraki Baraki Mohd Agha Mohd Agha Bati Lot Bati Lot Bati Lot Behsud Behsud Behsud Behsud Chaparhar Lagbman Lagbman Laghman Laghman Laghuan Laghman Laghman Laghuan Logar Logar Logar Logar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar IACBAR AFRO Qala Zal 3 villages Barabad Km Mashuani Lot Center Shushdel Maghal Khel Niauatullah 4 villages 6 villages -- ARC SJA1O MADERA ARDO AFRO RAH AIMA AIMA RAH RAH RAH RAH MADERA MADERA MADERA MADERA APIO AAEA A -AID MADERA Kunduz Haushose Pech MADERA AGENCY Lunar latapoor --- -YILLAGE(S) - - -- Pech Canal - -- DISTRICT - - -- Lunar WATER: -PROVINCE -- ACTIVITY Proposed Proposed Proposed Ongoing Completed Completed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Completed Completed Cospleted Completed Proposed Completed Proposed Surveyed Discontin Completed Completed -- STATUS -- FUNDED EU VFP GAA/F.Gv FAO FAO KIT TIPP VFP VFP VFP TFP IFP EU EU EU EU VFP 1FP MICR EU EU EU -- -BY --- DURATION 2 95 6 95 3 95 9 95 2 95 5 95 4 95 2 95 6 95 9 95 Page: 229 DESCRIPTION> canal to irrigate 550 jeribs R benefit 250 families. (ACTIVITY Cleaning of canal to irrigate 1,000 jeribs ! benefit 150 families. Rehabilitation of Qalai Rigi canal. Repair I improving of 3.7 Lm canal to irrigate 5,000 jeribs i benefit 700 families. Cleaning of 9 la canal. Cleaning of 7.2 Is Barabat canal. Cleaning of 2 Km drainage. Cleaning of Lot canal. Cleaning of Bati Lot canal Cleaning of Lhushdel canal. Cleaning of Maghal Khel canal Cleaning of Jai Niamatullab canal. Cleaning of hi Taber / Jul thsbaa / lui Chain i Dehshell canal. Repair of 65 m canal to irrigate 700 jeribs â benefit 250 families. Repair of 11.6 Ea canal to irrigate 5,000 jeribs t benefit 1,800 families. Repair of 1 canal to irrigate 2,000 jeribs 7 benefit 500 families. Repair of 15 m canal to irrigate 500 jeribs & benefit 300 faullies. Cleaúiag of Bclder Ebel canal. Cleaning of 8 L: canal, irrigate 700 jeribs. Repair of 1 canal damaged by flood, benefit 200 laxities. Reconstruction of Tandy Canal. Canal repair Repair of 3 Ls canal to irrigate 200 jeribs & benefit 100 fauilies. Repair of 450 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF MO ACTIVITIES -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 10 94 -- -- 4 95 6 94 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 11 94 1 94 11 94 11 94 -- 95 -- -- 7 94 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 3 94 6 94 11 94 Begin- -End an EDITION i -PROVIRCE- WATER: DISTRI^T ACTIVITY ME) E) DURATION ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --Fad tAr.rrarrY rertivrmN l/ 3 LlV1. 1r31131 Cana1 Nangarbar Darte Noor Gulbahar MADERA Completed UNDCP 8 94 2 95 Repair of 3 Kn canal to irrigate 800 jeribs t benefit 250 families. Nangarhar Darae Noor Budyali MADERA Completed VNDCP S 94 2 95 Repair t cleaning of 6.1 Kn underground canal t 295 wells to benefit 400 families. Nangarhar Deh Bala SJAVO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Lataray canal. Nangarhar Result ADP Proposed 1RNMP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of Alas Khel canal Nangarhar Khogiani Kenabad AAA Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of lenabad canal. Nangarhar Khogiani Adoor ACDO Proposed 1FP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of canal. Nangarhar Ions Bonar Abdul libel APRO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of Abdul Rhel canal. Nangarhar Lou Bonar Corit MADERA Completed EU Nangarhar Rouz Bonar Shigy MADERA Proposed GAA/F." -- 95 -- -- Repair t improving of 3.5 Km canal to irrigate 15,000 jeribs t benefit 1,500 families. Nangarhar Lalpur Lalpur- SIAIO Proposed 1TDP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Lalpar lnl canal. Nangarhar Nobeand Dara Bazar Nov RADERA Proposed GAA/F.Gv -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 1 drainage netnort to rehabilitate 12,500 jeribs t benefit 20,000 families. Nangarhar Rodat Mitran AINA Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of Mitran canal. Nangarhar Surtb Rod Sultan Poor AIMA Proposed !FP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of Sultan Poor canal. Nangarhar Surtb Rod ARRAN Conpleted FAO 1 95 3 95 Cleaning of 10 lain canals to rehabilitate 100 jeribs land for cultivation. Niaroz Char Borjat 9 villages FRF Completed IFP 5 94 I 95 Cleaning of 1 canal, length = 30 Niaroz Char Borjat 5 villages FRF Completed IFP S 94 1 95 Cleaning of 2 canals, length : 15 Ks. Niaroz Rang/Kurti 3 villages PARA Completed IFP/HcR 10 94 2 95 Rehabilitation of 15 Km canal irrigate 1,300 jeribs. Niaroz Zaranj Astgin DARA Completed IFP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of 2 canals. Oruzgan Deh Rand Dehrawood VARA Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 7 canals. Oruzgan Oruzgan 16 villages ADA Ongoing EU/NRC 7 94 4 96 Cleaning of 4 canals, irrigate 16,700 jeribs t benefit 1300 farmer families. Oruzgan Tirin 50 villages. ADA Completed EU 1 93 4 95 Cleaning of 10 canals, irrigate 136,700 jeribs t benefit 12,050 larger families. Oruzgan Tirin EAFA Completed If? 6 94 -- 95 Oruzgan Tirin SRCDA Ongoing ACBAR Center 2 94 1 95 10 95 3 96 Repair of 4 Em canal to irrigate 4,000 jeribs t benefit 1,000 fanilies. Cleaning of 7 canals (62 Ks), irrigate 2800 hectares & benefit 2300 families. Rehabilitation of 17 is canal to irrigate 6,000 jeribs land t benefit 400 farmers. DATABASE OF IGO ACfIYITIES Page: 230 lin. ZatirR2 Date: 04/03/96 811 EDITION -PROVINCE -- WATER: ---DISTRICT - -- ACTIVITY FUNDS DURATION -- -- YILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End ----- ( ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: Canal Paktia Bak 7 villages APIO Ongoing VFP 9 95.-- -- Cleaning of Intkel canal (.FR). Paktia Bat Shaul Ihel API° Ongoing IFP 9 95 -- - Cleating of Pas Sharal gel canal (FFY). Paktia Bat 4 villages APIO Ongoing VFP 9 95 -- -- Cleaning of Shaul Ihel canal (Fil). Paktia Gurbuz Gurbuz ACDO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Paktia Gurbuz Latand APIO Completed IFP Paktia Jaji Bilaoot AAA Proposed UNBCR -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 6 Is canal t intake & retaining wall. Paktia Jaji 3 villages CBR Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 3 canals, benefit 1300 families. Paktia Ihost Lakan ARO Completed VFP 12 94 Cleaning of 9.5 Im Biagul canal. Paktia Khost Khost ESAR Completed IFP 2 95 11 95 Paktia Khost Center SJAIO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Bagh Para canals. Paktia Khost Center SJAIO Proposed YFP -- 95 -- -- Cleating of 8 canals. Nandozi 4 villages BCI Completed IFP /BCI Paktia Nader Shah 9 villages AINA Proposed UNDCP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of nasal. Paktia Nader Shah Kekhi Payan BCI Coapleted IFP /BCI -- 94 -- 95 Cleaning of 1500 t canal. Paktia Nader Shah lethi Bala UCI Completed IFP/BCI -- 94 -- 95 Cleaning of 2500 a canal, irrigate 150 jeribs & benefit 150 families. Paktia Nader Shah Newakot BCI Completed IFP /BCI 8 92 -- 95 Cleaning of 5500 canal, benefit 2200 families. Paktia Sabari Sabri PRS Coapleted VFP 3 95 Cleaning of 50.4 Ii canals, benefit 1840 families. Paktia Sayed Karam Talab Ihel IRC /RPA Completed SV 7 95 12 95 Cleaning of 4:30 a canal to irrigate 1875 jeribs I benefit 1255 families. Paktia Sayed Karam Nansor Khel IRC /RPA Completed SV 7 95 12 95 Cleaning of 200 m canal to irrigate 1251 jeribs I benefit 120 families. Paktia Sayed Karam lord Khel IRC /RPA Completed SV 7 95 12 95 Cleaning of 4000 a Paktia Tani Tani ACDO Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning I repair of canal. Paktia Tani Tani PRS Completed IFP 12 94 2 95 Cleaning of 16 Is canals, benefit 15,000 people. Pattia Trayzai 7 villages APIO Completed IFP 3 95 4 95 Cleaning of Zonwamd canal (Fil). Paktia . A C B A R 3 95 Cleaning I repair of Tina canal. 4 95 Cleaning of Rapidan canal (Fil). 4 95 Cleaning I repair of 21 canals (67 Km). 8 94 -- 95 Cleaning of 2160D a canal, irrigate 2400 hectares I benefit 3100 families. 6 95 DATABASE OF IGO Page: 231 ACTiVITl:S - Zakirl2 Date: 04;03/96 canal to irrigate 3425 jeribs t benefit 1760 families. 8T11 DITION 1 -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- WATER: --- VILLAGE(S) - --- AGENCY ACTIVITY =ED DD3ATION -- STATUS -- -- -BI --- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 20111=1= Canal Paktia Trayzai Lander APIO Completed WP 3 95 4 95 Cleaning of Rattai canal (,°F1). Paktia Trayzai Sadique APIO Completed FP 3 95 9 95 Cleaning of Nirnezim canal (FFI). Paktia Trayzai Nuqtada APIO Coapleted IFP 8 95 8 95 Cleaning of Dabgai canal (FFI). Paktia Trayzai Lander APIO Completed 1TP 8 95 8 95 Cleaning of Crania canal (FFI) Parran Bagram 4 villages CBR Proposed 1TP -95 -- -- Canal cleaning benefit 1,500 families. Parma Charikar 2 villages CBR Proposed 1TP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 2 canal benefit 900 families. Parran Jabal Saraj 2 villages CBR Proposed 1TP -- 95 -- -- Canal cleaning benefit 800 families. Saaangan Suangan Various GAA Ongoing GAA - 95 - -- Rehabilitation of irrigation canals (FFI). Iardak that Chak RDP Proposed IRC¡RAP -- 95 - -- Rehabilitation of 9.65 Ka canal to irrigate 4173 hectares. Iardak Jaghatu Jaghato ACRD Proposed 1TP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of canal A building of Sarlukh diversion. Iardat Naydan Shar 4 villages CBR Proposed 1TP -- 95 -- - Cleaning of canal benefit 1,600 families. Zabul Nizan Rabaju RNA Completed IFPIBCR -- 95 - 95' Cleaning of 6 Ks canal. Zabul Qalat Speena AAA Completed IFF i 95 9 95 Rehabilitation of 11 Km canal. Zabul Qalat bharazu SRA Completed IFP 5 95 B 95 Canal cleaning project. Zabul Qalat Salmi STAARR Completed IFP - 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of Sala: -e -Sharq canal. WATER: Structure Badakshan Faizabad Norsbolash A -AID Completed ODA11IFP 1D 95 10 95 Construction of 287 ; Norsbolasb retaining rail. Badakshan Faizabad Qizel Dara A -AID Completed ODAIIFP 10 95 12 95 Construction of 118 Badakshan Faizabad Abdar A -AID Completed ODA/TFP 10 95 12 95 Construction of 67.5 a Abdara rash by stone masonry. Badakshan Faizabad Tooghak A -AID Completed ODA/IFP 10 95 11 95 Construction of Tooghak retaining mall by stone masonry. Badakshan Faizabad Bata Dara A -AID Completed ODA/IFP 10 95 12 95 Construction of 100 a Rata,Dara rash by stone masonry. Badakshan Faizabad Regee A -AID Completed ODAJIFP ID 95 Construction of Regee retaining mall. Badakshan Faizabad Dara -i -Qutan A -AID Completed ODA/IFP ID 95 12 95 ACBAR 11 95 Construction of 123 DATABASE OF ISO ACTIVITIES Page: 232 Zakirl2 Date: 04/03/96 a a Qizel Dara rash by stone masonry. Dara- e -Qutan rash by stone masonry. STE EDITION ---- VILLAGE(S)- --- GAA PSD NPO Various Qara Atimad I villages I villages Dehdadi City 3 villages Bagrami Baghlan Doshi Nahrein Nahrein Nahrein Puli ghumri Balkh Dehdadi Nazar Sharif Khan Charb. kaymana Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Baghlan Balkh Balkh Balkh Faryab Faryab Ghazni Giro Giro Jaghatu Jaghori Jaghori Qarabagh Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni Ghazni ACBAR Center Ghazni Ghazni Qolach NAC Surveyed Completed Proposed GRSP Sabs Choob PSD Surveyed NAC Alatodini Angorì Ongoing AFRANE Surveyed Surveyed EDS Center Ghazni Ghazni EDS Surveyed EDS Andar Ghazni Under Ongoing DACAAR Completed GRC Andar Completed CRC Ongoing Ongoing Completed Completed Surveyed Completed Completed Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing Completed RDA NPO A -AID NPO ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- EDS Bala Dory 1 villages A -AID Khostak Sheghnan Badakshan NAC Reshem A -AID Badakshan Rishqadara AGENCY Faizabad Structure - -- DISTRICT ---- Badakshan WATER: -PROVINCE -- NORAD IRC /RAP 'FP NORAD UNDP Danida FAO UNPOS UNHCR TFP NCA /NRC ODA /VFP pMA,hTDC IICA /NRC NCA /NRC NFP/HCR ECHO ODA /ItFP NAC ODA/VFP -BY --- FUSED DURATION 8 95 9 95 -- 7 95 2 95 8 95 9 95 Page: 233 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Survey of dam construction. Construction of 40 m flute ( equeduct) R 240 m retaining tall. Reconstruction of Sabs Choob syphon. Survey of dam construction. Rcpair of irrigation structures. Construction of retaining tall Construction of retaining wall. Construction of retaining wall. Cleaning of 4.9 Lm Sardeh drainage. Construction of protection wall. Construction of water storage. Reconstruction of culvert. Construction of 7 a culvert. Construction of 37 culverts use 249 concrete pipes. Coast --"on of 110 n intake by stALL moo ,,,,. n.0 St Inrtinú of aqueduct, raw materials should be transported. SpCrted. Construction of aqueduct, excavated 49 cub.m. Construction of aqueduct benefit 400 farmers. Construction of 11l m retaining wall. Rehabilitation of irrigation systems (FF9{). Construction of 30 m Khostak canal retaining wall by stone masonry. Reconstruction of intake A super passage. Construction of 52 a Rishqadara rash by stone masonry. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES 9 95 7 95 12 95 -- 95 -- -- 8 95 -- 92 -- 96 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- -- 5 93 -- -- 4 95 - -- -- - -- -- - -. -- 95 -- 95 10 95 12 95 95 -- 95 12 95 -- 95 -- 95 3 95 -- 9S -- -- 6 95 8 94 -- -- 10 95 I2 95 Begin --End 8TH EDITION DURATION Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Herat Helmand Helmand Helmand Helmand Gozarah Enjeel Enjeel Enjeel Enjeel Enjeel Enjeel Sarban Qala Name Barak. Nad -Ali Bust Asyab Der Deb Now 17 villages 17 villages Injel Bandi Rig Bond- e- Rek /Iuy -e -N City Sangin 5 villages Nadali Center CBR ARCAR DACAAR NPO NPO DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR HAFO VARA SNARO VARA AGENCY Ongoing Completed Ongoing Completed Completed Cospleted Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Cospleted Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed -- STATUS -- IF? UNOPS UNOPS UNDP EU NCA /N1C NCA/NRC UNHt Danida DACAAR Danida UNDCP IFP RFP IFP 5 95 -- 95 -- -- 11 94 -- -- -- 94 -- 95 1 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 3 95 -- -- 2 95 -- -- -- -- -- -- 7 94 -- 95 -- -- 95 -- -- -- 9S - 6 95 12 94 12 95 9 94 8 95 -- 95 -- -- Construction of 11 different water structures. Construction of 1 intake. Construction of 1 aqueducts. Construction of canal intake. Construction of diversion dam. Constuuciton of canal protection tall. Construction of aqueduct, using stone masonry k RCC. Construction of 30 culverts. Construction of 7 culverts. Repair of flood damaged culverts. Construciton of canal spillway. Construction of mater structure. Construction of 220 a siphon. Rehabilitation of 9 Km drainage to protect 2,800 jeribs land. Construction of drains. (unnnrY nacnRlorinu nw.. aiiv,. m. Herat Gulran Karukh DACAAR Proposed UNDP 8 95 9 95 Begin--End Herat Karokh Ramat ARO Completed EU /ODA 8 95 Construction of 7 structures of karez tunnel strengthening. -BY - -- FIVDED Herat Kushk Aziz Abad ARCAR Completed EU /ODA 8 95 10 95 Construction of 3 structures of karez tunnel strengthening, ACTIVITY Herat Pashtun Zar. CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 10 95 Construction of 10 structures of tarez tunnel strengthening. VILLAGE(S) - - -- Herat Sari Pul Qalai Basan Khan CARE Completed EU /ODA 9 95 Construction of 1 intake. --- DISTPICT - --- Jamzjan Bagrami Gul Dara CARE Completed EU /ODA S 95 8 95 -PROVINCE -- Kabul Charasyab Zardaloo Now CARE Completed EUIODA 8 95 4 95 95 Protecting Gomhershad Dome against further deterioration. Construction of syphon. Construction of canal intake. ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 1 Rehabilitation of Shasa[an intake, 400 m gabion wort. Kabul Charasyab Zardaloo Nov CARE Completed EU /ODA Structure Kabul Charasyab Zardaloo Now CARE Cospleted WATER: Kabul Charasyab Nosahee CARE -- Kabul Charasyab Gul Dara - Kabul Charasyab . Kabul A C B A R Page: 234 8TH EDITION I ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- --- -VILLAGE(S) -- -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED BY --- DURATION Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DES.11F:10N> Structure Kabul Chardehi Qalai Fatooh CARE Completed EU/ODA 7 95 8 95 Construction of da: NL intake. Kabul Chardehi Qalai Fatooh. CARE Completed EI /ODA 7 95 8 95 Construction of I intake. Kabul Chardehi Gul Bagh CARE Completed El /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of I intake. Kabul Chardehi Qalai Fatooh CARE Completed EU IODA 7 95 8 95 Construction of 14 different mater structures. Kabul Chardehi Gal Bagh CARE Ongoing EU /ODA 8 95 -- -- Kabul Deb Sabz Bakhtyaran CARE Completed EU IODA 6 95 6 95 Construction of 1 ash culvert. Kabul Deh Sabz Bakhtyaran CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 8 95 Construction of 1 aqueduct. Kabul Deh Sabz Qalai Naji Sahib CARE Completed EU /ODA 7 95 7 95 Construction of I agmeduct. Kabul Deb Sabz Turya Khel CARE Ongoing EUIODA 7 95 -- -- Construction of 1 aqueduct. Kabul Kabul Puli Charkhi NANA Completed CIDA Kabul Pagbmaa Pashaea CARE Completed EU /ODA 7 95 8 95 Construction of 1 du (6 a). Kabul Paghsan Burial CARE Completed EI IODA 7 95 8 95 Construction of 1 Toe nll. Kabul Paghman Khaja Nuufer CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 11 95 Construction of 16 strnetares of tarez tunnel strengthening. Kabul Paghman Nader Del CARE Completed EU /ODA 5 95 6 95 Construction of 1 agmcdacts. Kabul Paghaan tala Rann CARE Completed EUIObA 6 95 7 95 Construction of 9 differat eater structures. Kabul Pagbman Rasa Khel CARE Completed EU/ODA 5 95 7 95 Coastraction of 1 ash culvert. Kandahar Dand Iiant IBA Ongoing UNOPS Il 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Imant canal intake. Kandahar Dand Rambassi PARA Completed 111P/VARA 12 94 Rehabilitation of 8.2 Im drainage system to protect 3,000 jeribs land. Kandahar Kandahar City GRC Proposed UNRCR -- 95 - - Constriction of advert. Kandahar Panjeai Ashogha AIN Completed IFP/HQ -- 95 -- 95 Reconstruction of ishogba dram. Kandahar Panjai 17 villages ¡RCA Proposed MICR -- 95 - -- Construction of 55 m flue on Marron river to irrigate 1200 jeribs land. Kandahar Shaheali Lot 4 villages RAFO Proposed UNDP --95 - -- Constriction of 4 dikes t intake. Kandahar Spin Boldat Loy Karea BERI Ongoing UNDP 9 95 -- -- 1 A C B A R -- 95 -- 95 2 95 Construction of 1 protection Tall. Construction of dam ate gaboli. Reconstruction of Lay Karen bank protection mall. f . DATABASE OF RGO ACTI'ITIES ------ Page: 235 EakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION i Laghman Kunar Kunar Kunar Kunar Lunar Kunar Kunar Kunar Kunar Kapisa Kapisa Almgar Alingar Sirkanay Pech Pech Nour Gul Lunar Kunar Charta Chadi Chaghasarai Panjshare Kohistan Alingár Alingar Alingar Unclad Lechallav Nanagalas Nurgal Various Various Desagal Chart; ICE APIO APlO ANB MADERA TRC TRC RAFA RATA RAFA TRC RAFA RDA A -AID EDS AGENCY Ongoing Completed Proposed Proposed Completed Completed Proposed Proposed Completed Surveyed Surveyed Ongoing Sarvcyed Proposed Discontin Surveyed -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY NCAJNCA FAO FAO TYP TFP FAO MADERA FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO FAO VIA /AV TFP UK -ODA -- -BY --- FUNDED 9 95 10 94 -- 45 -- 96 -- -- -- 96 -- -- 11 94 195 -- 94 -- 95 195 -- -- -- 95 -- - 3 95 195 5 95 4 95 195 -- 92 -- -- 9 95 1V 95 -- 95 -- -- 3 95 -- 95 -- -- Begin--End DURATION Survey of different irrigation structures. Survey of different irrigation structures. Reconstruction of protection dikes. IkeS. Reccnstruction of protection wall. Construction of 1 masonry retaining wall to protect I canal A benefit 60 families. Construction of retaining wall. Construction of retaining rail. Repair of Nurgal canal intake. Su;.ey of different irrigation structures. Survey of different irrigatiúú structures. Construction of retaining :all. Repair of irrigation structure. Constriction of retaining wall. Kohistan Construction of Devagal :ash. Construction of Randa wash culvert. Construction of 220 a retaining calls. 3 95 Construction of Shath Taray sash culvert. -- 95 -- 95 Construction of Dambalaty rash culvert. Coustruction.of sash culvert on Ar.ul canal. 9 95 -- -- DESCRIPTION: Laghman AliAgar Shakh Taray 3CE Completed FAO 11 94 4 95 Construction of destroyed portion of 'fund; canal. ZakirR2 Date: 04103/96 DATABASE OF RCO ACTIVITI;S 2 95 (ACTIVITY Laghmaa Alingar Armut NPO Ongoing FAO 195 ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Laghaan Alingar 8 villages RAFA Surveyed FAO -- 94 -- 95 Construction of Nahre Shahi structure. - -- DISTRICT - - -- Laghman Alishing Davbalaty RAFA Surveyed TIP II 94 Reconstruction of 82 culverts on Charbagi road. -PROVINCE -- Laghaan Alishing Various RAFA Completed FAO -- 95 -- -- Structure Laghman Laghaan Various AFRO Completed 1PP WATER: Laghaan Laghaan Tundy villages ANB Proposed 4 94 Laghaan Mehterlav Mahre Shahi APTO Survey uf different irrigation Stri.iüreS. Laghaan Mehterlaa Center - Laghaan Mehterlaa 5 95 Laghaan A C B A R Page: 236 81E EDITION I PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End :ACTIVITY Structure Laghsan Nehterlan Center APTO Proposed UNUCR -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of Larawa drain. Laghaaii Nehterlan Center APTO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of protection wall. Laghsarl Nehterlas Center APIO Proposed L -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of Via retaining wall. Danida T ..i._ la¿çuraü Neúterla: DA ^CAAR Co:plated Lagu_nu Mehterlan DAN AR P c :plcted T. DESCRIPTION: 1.4..1.. I. CR 1 95 -- -- Tau:Ua 1 95 - llLillry1 8 95 Construction of Gabion wall, using gabion / stone A shingle. MWu St_UV,auu of rCtoauiu.p aór:g t113 711 gabion I stone / =cat a steel. . t tn t',. wall ! 1 t.... :.. t4,drainage d..:_.. ll et 't OCa t._:1:". Buildingof I protection .41L r 1 lrv for a lanlal 6 t cleaning ,UI BILUlag ,ilrk, benefit JJV 1ar111 1 Ncuwllor ñaLav iuu uRn MADERA Proposed Lagbcan Nehterlas 9 villages RAB Co:plcted FAO Laghaaa Nehterlas Samba TIC Proposed FAO -- 96 Laghaaa Qargbaie Co:pleted !FF 1 95 Lagbearl Qarghaie Qarghai APIO Proposed !FP -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of Lutas super passage. Lag hca: Qa r ghaie Qang h y YRC Proposed FAO -- 96 Construction of rctalnLr. rL1 . Logar Barati Deb Shaikh CARE Coapleted EU /ODA Logar Khoshi 3 villages ARC Proposed MOVIE -- 95 -- -- Construction of 10 a outlet to irrigate 550 jeribs of land. Logar Khoshi 3 villages ARC Proposed NOVIB -- 95 -- -- Construction of 10 a culverts. Logar Noted Agha ARCAR Coipleted IFP 10 94 3 95 Construction of 2 canal intake. Logar Nchd Agha laid Abad AYYO Gaping IRC /RAP 11 95 3 96 Construction of 2 aguedncts (100 a). Logar Puli Alaa Lolangar BONLAD Proposed IRC -- 95 -- -- Construction of water structure. Nangarhar Achìn Pekha Lhuar AAA Proposed IINHCR -- 95 -- -- Construction of reservoir. Nangarhar Bati Lot Khedry APYJ Proposed IFP -- 95 Reconstruction of Lhcdry bau, protection dikes : retaining wall. Nangarhar Bati Lot Haibat the! ASDO Proposed IPP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 560 a super rasage Nash). Nangarhar Betsud Taxirat ENAR Co:pjeted UNBCI Nangarhar Betsud Jasali IADERA Proposed Nangarhar Behsud Sanar Thel TIC Proposed uag a;1 ACBAR 1/C1 .1 uru 1 J OJ - C 95 i ' MU.t_..LLVU of Baba canal syphon. 3 95 -- 7 95 ConstractiG: of 80 : g:u iv: lade. Construction of 1 diversion da:. Construction retaining wail. -- 95 -- -- Repair of intake, benefit 1,000 fannies. -- 96 -- -- Construction of retaining wall DATABASE IF RGO ACTIVITIES Page: 237 1 wúst- -"n of retaining Tail 8 95 10 95 5 95 .Gv FAO 95 Zatirl2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION i -PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- YILIAGE(SO - - -- ACTIVITY FuII.DED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin-End Proposed tJNiCR' -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of Zaogal retaining wall. Proposed UNICP -- 95 -- -- Construction of intake t retaining wall. <ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION: Structure Nangarhar Darae Noor Zangal APIO Dangarbar brae Noor Qala Shahi /Amla RAB Nangarhar Goshta Taigal RC Proposed FAO -- 96 -- -- Construction of wash culvert. Nangarhar Besarak Besarak EDS Surveyed -- -- 95 -- -- Construction of retaining wall. Nangarhar Jalalabad Darunta ARC Proposed GT2 -- 95 -- -- Construction of retaining wall for Darunta outlet. Nangarhar Jalalabad -- DACAAR Completed Daaida Nangarhar Jalalabad Lalpur EDS Surveyed Nangarbar Jalalabad City IBSAN Completed TFP Nangarhar Jalalabad Center RAFA Completed FAO Nangarhar Jalalabad Samba TRC Proposed FAO -- 96 -- -- Construction of wash culvert. Naagarbar tan Shirzad ACDG Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Construction of 2 intake. Nangarhar tana Bara ACLU Surveyed TFP I2 94 Survey of lana intake canal river bed. Nangarhar Ikogiani [hob Ebel ACDG Proposed TFP -- 95 -- -- Cleaning of 3 intakes. Nangarhar Ihogiani 10 villages RDA Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of syphon. Nangarhar loan lour 2 villages APIO Proposed TFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 2 dikes t 1 retaining wall. langarhar biz lour Shen ARIA Completed PAO 2 95 3 95 Nangarhar Ion tonar Shigy MADERA Completed EU- 6 95 6 95 langarbar Ions lour Shagai RAE Proposed FAO -- 95 -- - Repair of bask protection, siphon. Nangarhar Lout Losar Shagai RAE Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of 200 a long culvert t flanes, control gates. Nangarhar Lonz Mar Various villages RAB Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Construction of intakes in Bar tashtot, Kachara, Islas Poor, Corik, Loty, Shen t Nagai. Nangarhar Lalpur $angari APTO Proposed VIP -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of Naagari canal intake. Nangarhar Nohsand Darn 8 villages ADAg Proposed TFP -- 95 -- -- Excavation of drainage to rehabilitate agricultural land. Nangarbar lotand Dara ANA! Proposed TFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of retaining wall. 'Ann - . 1 95 5 95 Construction of 100' retaining vall t 53 u diversion wall. -- 95 -- -- Construction of intake 2 95 6 95 Rche"''ation of 9 Km channel to restore 500 jeribs land. 95 9 95 construction of bank protection (gabion work). ' 5 95 . Construction of sluice gates on Shawn canal. Repair of 1 intake with 140 Cabs gabion wall. DATABASE OF RCO AC;IYITIES Page: 238 ZakiIR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TB EDITIOR i -PROVINCE -- WATER: --- DISTRICP - - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIITION> Structure Nangarhar Nohaand Dara Daka ASDO Proposed ®FP -- Nangarhar Nohaand Dara Ghazgai ASDO Proposed RFP -- 95 -- -- Nangarbar Rotund Dara Ghazgai DACAAR Ongoing Danida 4 95 -- Nangarhar Surkh Rod Ghonary ACA Completed FAO 3 95 Nangarhar Surkh Rod Akhond APED Proposed !FP -- 95 -- -- Reconstr -"on of Alhcnd Zada protection dikes. Nangarhar Surkh Rod Nazar Abad APYO Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 400 a retaining sail. Nangarhar Surkh Rod Zulaabad ARIA Completed FAO 8 95 10 95 Construction of protection sail A syphon to protect Nangarbar Canal (gabion work). Nangarhar Surkh Rod RAFA Surveyed FAO 9 95 10 95 Survey of different irrigation structures. Nangarhar Surkh Rod SAAVO Proposed IFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of gabion wall. Nangarhar Surkh Rod Balabagh RC Ongoing FAO -- 95 -- -- Construction of Balabagh intake. Nangarhar Unspecified Various RAFA Surveyed FAO Nangarbar Unspecified Various RAFA Surveyed FAO Niaroz Zama) Zaranj City VARA Completed UNECR Pakteka Sharon Sharan PRS Surveyed -- 95 -- -- Oc straaction of aqueduct for Dcghan canal. Pakteka Sharon Sharon PRS Surveyed -- 95 -- -- Construction of overflow vein. Pakteka Urgoun Darah CARE Completed EU IODA 3 95 7 95 Construction of 1 das (12 n). Pakteka Urgoun Quraa CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 7 95 Construction of 1 diversion das. Pakteka Urgoun Dahna CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 6 95 Construction of 3 wash culverts. Paktia Gardait Balah Deh CARE Completed EU/ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of l intake. Paktia Gardaiz Zaor CARE Completed EU IODA 8 95 10 95 Construction of 1 Paktia Gardait Besa Del CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 1 wash culvert. Paktia Gardaiz Shikhan CARE Completed EU IODA 695 7 95 Construction of 1 intake A 1 protection wall. Paktia Gardaiz Balah Deh CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 1 diversion dan. IACBAR 95 -- -- ,traction of 40 a diversion structure, benefit 1400 farrier fauilies. -- 5 95 Constr"."n of 1 over fluas Repair of 1 culvert it Zotel s 4 culverts, benefit 1,200 far= rallies. outlet. Construction of 10 a sash culvert using RCC & gabion and benefit 50 fasilies. 95 4 95 Survey of different irrigation structures. 11 94 1 95 Survey of different irrigation structures. 3 9S 4 95 Construction of 20 r. structure at the left bank of Boland river. 1 intake & 1 rash culvert. DATABASE OF RGO ACTIVITIM PU¡. 909 4J q.i:. L4n.. waling Y4rr 4irOi EDiTiwi ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End CARE Coopleted EU/CDA 5 95 7 95 Construction of 1 diversion da:. Completed EU /ODA 3 95 9 95 Construction of I mash culvert. (yTn1 -PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- < ACTIVITY Structure Paktia Gardaiz Darah Paktia Gardaiz Shahgue Khel Paktia Gardaiz Gardaiz DACAAR Completed Danida 5 95 6 95 Construction of Robad canal diversion da: ;r 28.80 :. Pattia Gardaiz Gardaiz DAn,.AAR Cospleted Danida 6 95 7 95 CoñStriir.tivn of diversion da: á flu:c. Paktia Gardaiz D nam axai ,,ana Canal DACAAR n Ongoing DACAAR Fatha Gardaiz n ardaiz DACAAR OngcIIlg Paktia Gardaiz Gardaiz DACAAR Paktia Jaji Lar Limani Paktia Jaji Paktia CARE -- -- -- -- 8 pipe culvert L- 5 a using ;stories: stone / shingle / cc:cnt. Twn:YB 9 95 Construction of 95 : pipe elvY.t Ongoing Danida 8 95 -- -- Construction of diversion da:. ACRO Proposed name WIwY -- 95 " " wñst-°"ivn of diversion du:. Jaji SJAIfO Proposed IRC/RAP -- 95 -- -- Construction of Taisar Jai t retaining mall. Rhost Bobakai ARR Completed 3FP 6 94 8 95. Construction of intake mall A. mash culvert. Paktia Khost Tarakie ARR Completed 9FP 6 94 5 95 Construction of intake mall l mash culvert. Paktia Khost Nani CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 1 diversion das. Paktia Khost Ghuronbi CARE Completed EU IODA 6 95 6 95 Construction of 1 karat tunnel strengthening structure. Paktia Khost Matoon CARE Completed EU /ODA 7 95 9 95 Construction of 1 diversion da:. Paktia Khost Matoon CARE Co:pleted EU/ODA 6 95 5 95 Construction of 4 different structures ¡pipe culverts). Paktia Khost Various RAFA Surveyed FAO 1 95 4 95 Survey of different irrigation structures. Paktia Khost Dadmall RDA Proposed IFURCR -- 95 Construction of 100 Paktia Mandozi wandozai HCI Proposed lFP;HCI -- 95 -- -- Construction of 120 n retaining mall. Pattia wandozi wandozai HCI Proposed TFPI/HCI -- 95 -- -- Repair of culvert. Paktia Musa Khel Dolanda RDP Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 200 Paktia Nader Shah Malmai Tunnel HCI Completed 1FP/HCI - Paktia Nader Shah 17 villages HCI Ongoing IFP/HCI -- 95 -- -- Construction of 37 mater reservoirs. Paktia Nader Shah ward Khel RDA Proposed YFP /NCR -- 95 -- -- Construction of 60 m retaining mall. A C B A R DESCRIPTFON: 94 -- 95 Excavation of 42 a retaining mall. protection mall, stone masonry. a Tunnel, irrigate 34 jeribs A benefit 50 families. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page:. LlY 111 a 9.L:.D9 Date: ntlni(,[ 4aPllRr naLL. YiIYJ//Y eTH LAViTivii PRCVINCE ---DISTRICT---- ----VILLAGE(S)---- ACTIVITY FI,"ÿEC DURATION AGENCY --STATUS-- ---Dl'--- Begin-End a111T*v .nt,a ula DESCRIPTION.) DLVbnllllVh/ Structure WATER: Paktia Paktia Madi Khel CARE Completed EJ /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 1 protection wall. Paktia Paktia Bazar Khel CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 1 protection wall. Paktia Tani Tani ACDO Proposed TFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of Bangi Bagh canal structures. Paktia Tani Bangi Bagh ACDO Proposed VET -- 95 -- -- Construction of Bani Bagh intake. Paktia Zorsat Hait Na® CARE Completed EU /ODA Paktia Zornat HAFO Proposed IRC /RPA Parran Bagraa Bagran A -AIA M1Wayleted ATn,MFP Parwan Charikar Kischaq A -AID wúpleted A-AID Completed mna-itar Parwan VIA/:FP n 9.95 10 95 -- 95 -- -- Construction of 2 aqueducts. Construction of intake A water dis-"cr. 9 9J 12 95 Construction fdJ Bagrai canal intake wall. 8 95 11 95 Constriction 105 Zahn! retaining wall. n /ßFP Id 95 12 95 Const ructi on ca Charikar canar intake wall. Parwan Charikar Bangi Afgh an A -AID Cony letee ODA/IFP 10 95 lr 95 Construction of Gaghi Afghan east part protection wû11 . Parwan Charikar Tutus Dara BDA Ongoing VFP /CIDA -- 94 -- -- Construction of diversion dan A retaining wall. Parwan Charikar Tutus Dara Balia BDA Ongoing CIDA/IFP 9 95 -- -- Construction of diversion dam t retaining 'all. Parwan Charikar Charikar /Q.Bagh CARE Completed EU /ODA 7 95 11 95 Construction of 8 different eater structures. Parwan Chorbaud Syagird A -AID Completed ODA /'FP 10 95 12 95 Construction of Syagird flood protection wall. Parwan Ghorband Ghurband NRC Proposed 'MCP -- 96 -- -- Construction of intake. Bangi Bangi A -AID Discontin UK -ODA -- -- -- 95 Construction of Bangi intake wall. A-AID Discontin UK -ODA -- -- -- 95 Construction of Londal Corse wash crossing & retaining wall. Takhar . Takhar Farkhar Takhar Talogan Kunjack A -AID Completed O -ODA Takhar Talogan Toqu Loque A -AID Proposed CEA,IFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 49 s Toga Loque wash by stone sasonrp. Vardak Jaghatu 20 villages RDA Proposed 'YFP -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Band Sultan. Zabul Zabul Various NCI Completed !FP /HCR ART Proposed CIDA WATER: Farah IACBAR 4 94 3 95 6 95 12 95 Construction of aqueduct. Construction of water structures. F1oodControl Bala Balouk Sheran -- 95 -- -- Construction of 15500 feet flood protection wall to protect 700 hectares k benefit 7000 fusers. DATABASE OF N O ACTIVITIES Page: 241 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FMB DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> F1oodContro1 Farah Bala Balouk Shetan ART Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- - Construction of 15500 feet flood protection tall to protect 700 hectares < benefit 7000 farmers. Farah Farah Dehzak SIAARR Completed UNDP -- 95 -- 95 Construction of flood protection mall. Helmand Nahr Saraj Abdazan HAM Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Constriction of 9 flood passages A 2 flood cobank:ents. Kandahar Shahtali Kot All villages ADA Completed t DCP Kunar Chapa Dara Balak MADERA Completed MADERA Kunar Pech Want MADERA Completed EU 1 95 Laghman Alishing 3 villages AIRAN Completed TFP/NCHS 9 95 11 95 Laghman Alishing Pai Khel HCI Proposed IFP/HCI -- 95 -- -- Construction of 100 a Pai Khel flood protection tall. Laghman Alishing Murcha Khel HCI Proposed IFP /HCI -- 95 -- -- Construction of 140 m Marcha Khel flood protection tall. Laghman Alishing Bader Khani HCI Proposed IFP/HCI -- 95 -- -- Construction of 250 a Hader Khani flood protection tall. Laghaan Alishing Oita Gai HCI Proposed IFP /HCI -- 95 -- -- Construction of 100: Qila Gai flood protection tall. Laghman Alishing Oita Gill Ahmed HCI Proposed IFP /HCI -- 95 -- -- Construction of 250: Qila Gul Ahmed flood protection :all. Laghman Alishing Dartaish Abad HCI Proposed IFP IICI -- 95 -- -- Constriction of 250 : Dar:aish Abad flood protection tall. Laghuan Alishing Ander HCI Proposed IFP/HCl -- 95 -- -- Construction of 100: Ander flood protection tall. Logar Khoshi 3 villages ARC Proposed NOVIB -- 95 -- -- Construction of 150 Nangarhar Bati Kot 12 villages ADAg Proposed MCP -- 95 -- -- Construction of flood protection in Endaii dry rash. Nangarhar Behsud Barabat ARR Proposed IFP /Ht -- 95 -- -- Construction of retaining tall & dike for flood control. Nangarhar Goshta Behsud MADERA Completed EU 11 94 4 95 Construction of a gabion tort to protect 1,000 jeribs A benefit 300 families. Nangarhar Kama Kama ACLU Completed IFP 4 95 7 95 Construction of Kama erosion protection tall. Nangarhar Kouz Konar Corek ARK Proposed IFP /HCR -- 95 -- - Nangarhar Kouz Konar Katchara MADERA Completed EU 2 94 1 95 ACBAR 1 94 2 95 Construction of retaining tall to protect 2,700 ;cribs of land from flood e,vu,va. -- 94 -- 95 Construction of 1 gabion mall to protect 350 jeribs á benefit 100 families. 5 95 Construction of 1 gabion tall to protect 400 jeribs á benefit 150 families. Construction of 3 flood protection tall. Construction of retaining tall t dike for flood control. Gabion tort to protect 4,500 jeribs land A benefit 600 families. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 242 gabion tall to protect 120 jcribs land fro: flooding. 2akir12 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT-- -- WATER: ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End -- 95 -- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> F1oodContro1 Nangarhar Mohmand Dara Bazar Now MADERA Proposed GAA /F.Gv Pakteka Urgoun Balish CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 8 95 Construction of 2 erosion barriers (20 a). Pakteka Urgoun Nargha /Balish CARE Completed EL' /ODA 7 95 1 95 Construction of 4 erosion barriers (36 m). Pakteka Urgoun Serekht CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 8 95 Construction of 3 erosion barriers (24 a). Pakteka Urgoun Faqiran CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 6 95 Construction of 3 erosion barriers (36 m). Pakteka Urgoun Sbaikhan CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 6 95 Construction of 3 erosion barriers (42 m). Pakteka Urgoun Darah CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 6 95 Construction of Construction of I gabion wall to protect 7,500 jeribs S benefit 1,000 families. I erosion barriers (15 m), Pakteka Urgoun Gulsbah Kbel CARE Completed EU /ODA 1 95 7 95 Construction of 2 erosion barriers (16 m). Pakteka Urgoun Changary CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 8 95 Construction of 2 erosion barriers (16 a). Paktia Gardai: Hasan Kay CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 3 erosion barriers (42 a). Paktia Gardait Koochi Khel CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 10 95 Construction of 4 erosion barriers (56 a). Malik Khel CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 10 95 Construction of 4 erosion barriers (56 a). . Paktia Gardaiz Paktia Gardaiz Zaow CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of 4 erosion barriers {32 a). Paktia Gardaiz Tala CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 6 95 Construction of 4 erosion barriers (43 a), Paktia Khost Danish CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 7 95 Construction of 3 erosion barriers (70 a). Paktia Khost Noraandai CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 8 95 Construction of 3 erosion barriers (32 a). Paktia Mandozi Dadwall APIO Proposed VFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 5 dikes (170 a) to save villages 6 agricultural land. Paktia Mandozi Mandozai APIO Proposed NFP -- 95 -- -- Construction of 6 dikes total length 110 a. Paktia Musa Khel Mana /Tarkba/Canbar AIMA Proposed IRC /RAP -- 95 -- -- Construction of flood diversion retaining wall. Paktia Nader Shah Tani /Gurbuz /Nad,Ko CARE Completed EU 10 93 7 95 Construction of 13 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil íç Gabion work. Paktia Paktia Nadi Khel CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 9 95 Construction of erosion barriers (60 a), Paktia Paktia Toti CARE Completed EU /ODA 6 95 6 95 Construction of 4 erosion barriers (40 a). Tani Tani AAEA Proposed UNOPS Paktia . A C B A R -- 95 -- -- Construction of diversion wall for flood control. DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES 4 Page: 243 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> w Parran WATER: Charikar Kbvaja Sayaran CARE Completed F1! /ODA 7 95 Construction of 1 erosion barriers (70 m). 8 95 Drinking Badakshan Kesbem Hohd Ada NAC Approved *Donors 9 95 -- -- Construction of reservoir, benefit 200 families. Badakshan Keshea Ganda Qol MAC Completed =Donors 7 94 9 95 later supply A sanitation project, benefit 600 families. Badakshan Keshem Ganda Qol MAC Completed NAC/CEF 8 94 9 95 Drinking water A sanitation. Baghlan Baghlan Center SCA Completed UNBCR 7 95 11 95 Baghlan Puli Khari 6 villages NPO Completed NCA/NRC -- 95 12 95 420 concrete rings, 150 families. Baghlan Puli Khari 17 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC -- 95 12 95 Rehabilitation of 1 spring benefit 150 families. Balkh Balkh 7 villages NPO Completed NCA /NRC 95 12 95 Balkh Sholgera NPO Cospleted NCA/NRC -- 95 -- 95 Farah Farah Various CHA Ongoing EU 7 93 Ghazni Andar Nani 3 SCA Completed UNBCR 5 95 10 95 Improved 67 shallow wells by sinking rings I installation of hand paps. Ghazni Andar Nani SCA Completed INBCR 5 95 Improved 54 shallow wells by sinking rings d installation of hand paps. Ghazni Ghazni Chazni City DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 6 94 -- -- Tube well boring 1 installation of hand pap. Ghazni Ghazni City DACAAR Ongoing EU 5 95 -- -- improvement of 80 shallow wells k installation of 66 band paps. Ghazni Jaghori 100 villages SO Proposed 111111 Ghazni Khvaja Omri 10 villages DACAAR Completed DACAAR 5 94 11 95 Improving of drinking rater 0 installation of band pap. Ghazni Qarabagh 14 villages DACAAR Ongoing EU S 95 -- -- Improvement of 48 shallot tells A installation of 39 hand paps. Ghazni Qarabagh 56 villages DACAAR Ongoing EU 5 95 -- -- Improvement of 85 shallow wells d installation of 50 hand paps. Ghor Toulak Toulak ARO Proposed CIDA -- 95 -- -- Construction of miter reservoir. Helmand Bust City HAPO Proposed UNICEF -- 95 -- -- Providing clean drinking rater for 760 families. Herat Enjeel Urdu Khan ARO Proposed UNICEF -- 95,-- -- Cleaning of tarez íór drinking rater. Berat Ghoryan Ghoryan DACAAR Completed EU A C B A R Improved 108 shallow wells by sinking rings d installation of hand paps. 420 concrete rings, 150 families. Construction of 1 reservoir benefit 600 families. 7 96 Cleaning wells A installation of pumps. 9 95 -- 95 -- -- 3 94 7 95 Establishment of water wells. Improvement of 100 shallow tells d installation of 100 band paps. DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 244 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION I -PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUN DED DURATION; -- --VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS-- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) Drinking Herat Herat Various CHA Ongoing EU ' 93 , Herat Karokh Karook DACAAR Completed EU 9 94 4 95 Improvement of 100 shallot wells A installation of 10" hand pimps, Herat Obey Obeh DACAAR Completed EU 10 94 , 95 Improvement of 100 shallow tells & installation of 100 hand pumps. Herat Pashtun Zar. Gozara DACAAR Ongoing UNHCR 5 95 -- -- Digging of 10 shallow wells A installation of 10 hand pumps. Jawzjan Faizabad IAN Completed UNDP 8 93 -- 95 implementor of UNDP project. Jawzjan Sang Charak 1 villages GRC Completed UNHCR -- -- 3awzjan Sbeberghan Various SERVE Ongoing Ui01CR - 94 -- -- Kabul Cbarasyab Nosabi SCA Completed SCA 6 95 10 95 Improved 90 shallow wells by sinking rings S installation of band pumps. Kabul Deb Sat)! Turya Khel CARE Completed EU /ODA 8 95 wells upgrading. Kabul Kabul Center AFRANE Completed EU -- 95 -- 95 Kabul Kabul Center SOLID Completed EU 5 95 11 95 Rehabilitation A operation of municipal water supply networks; digging of wells A installation of hand pumps, Kabul Kabul Center SOLID Completed EU;F.Gov 7 94 Digging of 400 wells 1i egni,n.cnt of deep wells ú rehabilitation of pumping water station ú water distribution . - 96- 2 95 8 95 1 95 Cleaning wells A. installation of pumps. Digging & cleaning of 2 tells. 25 concrete lined tells to provide clean drinking rater. - Provision of drinking water. system. Kabul Kabul Center SOLID Completed EU 2 9S S 95 Rehabilitation d operation of municipal water supply networks; digging of wells & installation of hand pulps. Kabul Nir Bachakot Dakoo ENAR Completed CIDA 3 95 6 95 20 wells for potable water. Kabul Sarobi All villages DACAAR Surveyed DACAAR fl 95 -- -- Shallow wells with hand pups. Kandahar Arghandab All villages DACAAR Approved DACAAR 11 95 -- -- Shallow wells with band pumps. Kandahar Daman 5 villages ADA Ongoing EU Kandahar Daman All villages DACAAR Approved DACAAR 11 95 -- -- Shallow wells with hand pumps. Kandahar Daman Newi Deh LBO Ongoing UNHCR -9 94 -- -- Provision of rater pulps to 900 families. Kandahar Dand 7 villages STARO Ongoing I110PS -- Digging of 7 wells. Kandahar Kandahar City DACAAR Approved DACAAR 11 95 -- -- Tube wells with hand pumps. Kandahar Kandahar City DACAAR Approved DACAAR 11 95 -- -- Shallow wells with hand pumps. ACBAR 5 94 4 96 95 -- -- Installation of S tube wells, irrigate 12,500 jeribs & benefit 125 farmer families. DATABASE OF PG0 ACTIVITIES Page: 245 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- ---DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE4(S) - --- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End -- 95 -- 95 (ACTIVITY ®= WATER: DESCRIPTION) Drinking Kandahar Maruf Center SARA Completed LDl Kandahar Sbahwali Kot All villages ADA Completed NCA /NRC 1 94 4 95 Installation of 55 shallow wells to 2,500 families. Kandahar Shahwali Kot 5 villages ADA Ongoing EU S 94 4 96 Innstallation of S tube wells, irrigate 12,500 ;cribs A benefit 125 farmer families. Kandahar Spin Boldak Kadani LKRO Completed U1DP -- 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation A construction of 20 wells. Kandahar Spin Boldak Spin Boldak RAFA Ongoing UNOPS 10 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of 22 wells. Kandahar Spin Boldak 16 villages SWARD Ongoing UNOPS -- 95 -- -- Digging of 16 veils. Kandahar Spin Boldak 25 villages SMARO Proposed UNICEF -- 95 -- -- Digging of 25 wells. Kapisa Kohistan Kohistan SCA Completed SCA 5 95 10 95 Improved 70 shallow wells by sinking rings A installation of band pumps. Kunar Bar Kunar Asaar DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 2 95 -- -- Spring scheme. Kunar Bar Kunar Bossay Naw MADERA Completed MADERA 12 94 2 95 Construction of water system scheme to provide water for 70 families. Kunar Bar Kunar Palaso Naw MADERA Cospleted MADERA 1 95 2 95 Construction of Rater system scheme to provide water for 50 families. Kunar Sirkanay Asaar MADERA Cospleted EU 8 94 2 95 Construction of Rater system scheme to provide water for 500 families with 7;700 a piping t 2 reservoirs. Kunduz Archi Archi SCA Cospleted UNBCR Kunduz Bazrat Iman isaa Sahib SCA Cospleted Kunduz Kunduz Center SCA Laghaan Alingar Tawda China Laghnaa Alingar Laghaan Alishing Laghaan Alishing Laghaan Rehabilitation of 35 water wells. 7 95 11 95 Improved 50 shallow wells by sinking rings i installation of band pumps. UMBCR 7 95 11 95 Improved 50 shallow wells by sinking rings A installation of band pumps. Cospleted UNNCR 7 95 11 95 Isproved 40 shallow wells by sinking rings 1 installation of band pumps. DACAAR Cospleted DACAAR 12 94 5 95 Spring scheme. 30 villages DACAAR Coapleted AGAR 12 94 S 95 Improvement of 81 shallow wells R installation of 73 hand pnsps. All villages DACAAR Approved DACAAR 2 villages NPO Cospleted NCA/NRC -- 95 -- 95 Digging of shallow well for 60 families. Mehterlaa 30 villages DACAAR Completed DACHAR 12 94 Improvement of 94 shallow wells A installation of 93 band pumps. Laghaan Nooristan Nishagran DACAAR Cospleted DACAAR 8 94 12 95 Spring scheme. Laghaan Qarghaie All villages DACAAR Approved DACAAR 5 95 -- -- Shallot wells with hand pumps. Laghsan Qarghaie Charbagh MADERA Cospleted EU 8 94 Repair of Rater system schese to provide water for 3,000 families with 6012 a piping. IA C B A R . . 5 95 -- -- Shallot wells with hand pups. 5 95 3 95 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 246 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TE EDITION 1 -PROVINCE -- -- -DISTRICT ---- WATER: ---- VILLAGE(S) -- -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION; Drinking Laghnan Qarghaie Qarghaie MADERA Completed EU 2 94 Logar Baraki 30 villages DACAAR Ongoing EU 5 95 -- -- Improvement of 51 shallow cells & installation of 38 hand pumps. DACAAR Ongoing EU S 95 -- -- Improvement of 63 shallow wells & installation of 55 hand pumps. IRC /RPA Completed SV 9 95 10 95 Construction of reservoirs (1870 n pipe), benefit 100 families. Charkh DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 8 95 -- -- Spring scheme. 24 villages DACAAR Ongoing EU 5 95 -- -- I prove:ant of 56 shallow wells & installation of 25 hand pumps. IRC /RPA Completed SV 7 9S 9 95 Construction of reservoirs (3050 n pipe), benefit 371 families. IRC /RPA Completed SV 8 95 9 95 Construction of 810 a resarvoirs, benefit 62 families. IRC /RPA Completed SV IRC /RPA Completed SV 9 95 SCA Completed SCA 6 95 11 95 DACAAR Completed DACAAR 12 94 DACAAR Completed DACAAR 12 93 DACAAR Completed DACAAR 2 94 9 95 Drinking water inprovnent & installation of hand pump. DACAAR Completed DACAAR 9 93 5 95 To shaft karat No 3 for drinking purpose by pipe scheme. DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 5 95 -- -- DACAAR Ongoing ECHO 12 94 -- -- New Hada Camp GAA Completed GAA 5 95 10 95 Construction of 34 wells for drinking water. 30 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 2 95 -- -- Improvement of 112 shallow wells & installation of 90 hand bumps. AAA Proposed UNDP DACAAR Approved DACAAR Several villages DACAAR Completed DACAAR Kashkot EMAR Completed UNHCR Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Logar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarbar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Nangarhar Baraki Barati Cbarkb Charkh Charkh Puli Alan Peli Alas Puli Alan Achin Bati Kot Bati Kot Behsud Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Jalalabad Kama Khogiani Khogiani Roue Konar Kouc Konar 27 villages Abjosh Ghoundy Kati Khojar Kbel Altemor Zenwal Achin 24 villages Mobile 12 villages Jalalabad City City Hada New Camp taniri All villages 6 95 10 95 11 9S 9 95 5 95 1 95 -- 95 -- -- S 95 -- -- 12 94 5 95 1 95 10 95 Repair of 1 rater system scheme to provide water for 150 fanìlies with 5,424 m piping & 1 reservoir. Construction of reservoirs (4090 a pipe), benefit 185 families. Construction of reservoirs (1450 a pipe), benefit 90 families. Improved 90 shallow wells by sinking rings & installation of hand pumps. Dug tell improvement L installation of hand pump. To install hand pump on the wells which are previously improved. Pipe scheme. Boring of 48 tube wells & installation of 59 hand pulps. Rehabilitation of springs, Shallow wells with hand pumps. 85 shallow wells & band pumps. Ezcavation of 15 well i fitting of 15 hand pumps. ACBAR DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES 811 EDITION Page: 247 ZakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 -PROVINCE -- ;WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S)- --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS-- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOP% Drinking Nangarhar Konz Konar Shigy MADERA Completed EU 8 94 Nangarhar Nobmand Dara All villages DACAAR Approved DACAAR 5 95 -- -- Shallow veils with hand pumps. Nangarhar Rodat Besar Shahi Camp DACAAR Completed OIFAM /DA 3 94 Pipe scheme 400 YIP latrine, 200 baths A 120 heath trainees. Nangarhar Rodat- Besar Shahi Camp NSF Ongoing NSF -- 94 -- -- Providing of drinking eater. Nangarhar Several Dist. RAH Proposed UNDP -- 95 -- -- Digging shallow vells. Nangarhar Surkh Rod Several villages DACAAR Ongoing EU 12 94 -- -- Shallow wells A hag-pups. Nangarhar Surkh Rod Sorkh Rod GAA Ongoing CAA Pakteka Sultan Khan karzak IRC /RPA Approved SV Pakteka Sultan Khan Liaki IRC /RPA Completed SV Pakteka Sultan Khan Sarhouza IRC /RPA Coapleted SV 10 95 1I 95 Construction of reservoir (90 a pipe), benefit 390 families. Pakteka Sultan Khan Sparki IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 11 95 -- -- Construction of reservoirs (1950 a pipe), benefit 100 families. Pakteka Sultan Khan Banda Kbel IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 11 95 -- -- Coastruction of reservoirs 3560 a pipe), benefit 378 families. Pakteka Sultan Khan Noai Kali IRC /RPA Ongoing SV 11 95 -- -- Construction of reservoirs (2640 a pipe), benefit 110 families. Pakteka Urgoan Different villages CARE Coapleted EU /ODA 5 95 9 95 130 shallow vells A hand pumps. Paktia Bak 15 villages DACAAR Completed DACAAR 12 94 5 95 Isprovevent of 111 shallow wells ! installation of 81 hand pumps. Paktia Dara Darang lariat SCA Completed UNBCR 6 95 11 95 Improved 92 shallot wells by sinking rings A installation of hand ¡naps. Paktia Gardaiz Ghnndi lafa CARE Completed EU /ODA 7 95 9 95 Rehabilitation of pipe systei of water supply. Paktia Gurbuz Nasradeen ASDO Proposed YFP -- 95 -- -- Digging of tells l installation of band pulps. Paktia Gurbuz Gurbuz CBR Proposed UNOPS -- 95 - -- 20 tells in various villages. Paktia Gurbuz All villages NARUF Ongoing UNDP 10 95 -- -- Strengthening k installation of hand pumps (20 tells). Paktia Jadran Shaheed lali IRC /RPA Completed SV 5 95 6 95 Construction of reservoirs (1620 m pipe), benefit 90 families. Paktia Jadran Alardea tali IRC /RPA Completed SY 5 95 6 95 Construction of reservoirs (1605 a pipe), benefit 80 families. Paktia Jaji Ada Mel AAA Completed IIyMCR 10 94 6 95 Potable vater supply for more than 1,500 families. A C B A R 1 95 3 95 9 95 2 96 -- 95 -- -- 8 95 9 95 Repair of IS schesc to provide rater for 1,100 families with 5006 s piping. Construction of wells I installation of hand pumps for drinking vater. Ccastrnction of reservoirs (3510 a pipe), benefit 390 families. Ccastructioa of reservoirs (1260 a pipe), benefit 60 families. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES t Page: 248 lakirR2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE-- WATER: -- -DISTRICT - - -- --- -YILLAGE(S)- --- ACTIVITY FUNDS DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin--End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Drinking Pattia Jaji Bar Arad Rhel AAA Proposed UNICR -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of rater supply for more than 1,200 Parities. Paktia Jaji Asir Ebel AAA Proposed UNHCR -- 95 -- -- Rehabilitation of Air [bet rater supply for more than 1,000 families. Paktia Jaji Surkhgil AAA Proposed UNICEF -- 95 -- -- Potable rater supply for lore than 1,500 Parities. Paktia Jaji Ali Del ARLO Proposed HELP -- 95 -- -- Drintiag rater project. Pattia Jajillaidan Sekendara IRC /RPA Completed SY 1 95 3 95 COastrnction of reservoirs (2854 a pipe), benefit 173 families.. Pattia Jaji Maidan Shamshi IRC /RPA Completed SV 4 95 4 95 Construction of reservoirs (580 a pipe), benefit 30 families. Jani Ebel Sowazi Bali IRC /RPA Coapleted SV .6 95 7 95 Constriction of reservoirs (1680 a pipe), benefit 50 families. Jani Rhel Tanga Cheenery IRC /RPA Completed SV 5 95 6 95 Constriction of reservoirs (1230 a pipe), benefit 80 families. Jani Rhel Galazen IRC /RPA Completed SV 1 95 2 95 Constriction of reservoirs (1400 a pipe), benefit 80 families. Rhost Mangos IRC /RPA Coapleted SV 4 95 4 95 Contraction of reservoir (301 pipe), benefit 35 families. Kbost Tatani IRC /RPA Completed SV 4 95 4 95 Construction of reservoir (30 a pipe), benefit 20 families. RDM Completed GTZ 8 95 10 95 Rehabilitation of [host eater supply. Rhost SCA Completed UNBOR 6 95 Improved 11 abattoir wells by sinking rings A installation of band puaps. Pattia Pattia Paktia Pattia Paktia Pattia Rhost Pattia [host . . 9 95 Pattia Mandozi Mantozai HCI Ongoing IFP/BCI -- 95 -- -- Digging of 2 wells for drinking water. Pattia Musa [bet Poch Kali IRC /RPA Oospleted SV 10 95 10 95 Constriction of reservoir (30 m pipe), bcacfit 50 families. Musa Mel Radii Root IRC/RPA Completed SY 6 95 7 95 C nstructiow of reservoirs (1100 a pipe), benefit SO families. lkasa Kiel Novi Lail IRC /RPA Completed SY 195 9 95 Construction of reservoirs (716 a pipe), benefit 62 families.. Pattia Musa Rhel Margha Kali IRC /RPA Completed SV 12 94 9 95 Contraction of reservoirs (3675 a pipe), benefit 407 families. Pattia Sabari Tagbari IRC /RPA Completed SV 12 94 1 95 Construction of reservoirs (1762 a pipe), benefit 68 families. Sayed Raras Ramat Kali IRC/RPA Approved SY -- 95 -- -- Construction of reservoirs (3300 a pipe), benefit 115 families. Raso Ibel IRC /RPA Approved SV -- 95 Constriction of reservoirs (5825 a pipe), benefit 270 families. Pattia Pattia Pattia Pattia Sayed Karam - Pattia Tani Tani CBI Proposed UNOPS -- 95 -- -- 30 wells in various villages. Paktia Tani Lega [bola IRC /RPA Completed SV 12 94 Construction of reservoirs (2727 a pipe), benefit 70 rarities. 1ACBAL 3 95 DATABASE OF ROO ACTIVITIES Page: 249 2ati rt2 Date: 04/03/96 871 EDITION -PROVINCE -- WATER: - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY- -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Drinking Paktia Tani All villages NARUF Ongoing UNDP 10 95 -- -- Strengthening A installation of hand pumps (30 wells). Paktia Tani Nariza PRS Ongoing WFP -- 95 -- -- Reconstruction of 200 a water supply pipe. Paktia Zornrat Sahak IRC /RPA Cospleted SV Parwan Bagras Bagraa SCA Cospleted SCA Parean Charikar Charikar CARE Cospleted EU /ODA 5 95 7 95 Rehabilitation of water supply system (phase-II). Parwan Charikar Charikar CARE Cospleted EU /ODA 5 95 7 95 Rehabilitation of water supply system (phase -III). Parwan Charikar Charikar CARE Cospleted EU /ODA 5 95 6 95 Rehabilitation of water supply system (phase -I). Parean Ghorband Churband WRC Proposed UNDCP Sasangan Saaangan Center NRF Coapleted REP 4 95 6 95 Water tank for 60 families. Saaangan Saaangan 3 villages WRF Cospleted WFP 5 95 7 95 2 water tanks in Larghan A DARR Takhar Chah Ab Chayab SCA Cospleted SCA 7 95 11 95 Improved 55 shallow wells by sinking rings A installation of hand pumps. Takhar Talogan Talugan SCA Cospleted SCA 7 95 II 95 Iiproved 80 shallow wells by sinking rings k installation of hand pumps. Wardak Jaghatu ACRD Ongoing ASAA Wardak Jaghatu 29 villages DACAAR Ongoing EU 5 95 -- -- Improvement of 73 shallow wells A installation of 47 hand pumps. Wardak Jaghatu Sabz Sang RDA Cospleted CIDA 6 95 Construction of water supply structures. Wardak Naydan Shar Naidan Shar SCA Cospleted SCA 7 95 11 95 Improved 52 shallow wells by sinking rings 1 installation of hand puaps. 4iardak Syed Abad IZ villages DACAAR Ongoing EU 5 95 - -- Improvement of 53 shallow wells A installation of 38 hand pumps. Wardak Syed Abad 11 villages DACAAR Ongoing DACAAR 5 95 -- -- Improvement of 47 shallow wells R. installation of 28 band puaps. Zabul Jaldak Nalizo VARA Completed WFP/HCR 10 95 -- 95 Rehabilitation of water reservoir of Nalizo village, benefit 80 families. Zabul Qalat Qalat RAFA Ongoing UNICEF 12 35 - -- Rehabilitation of 25 wells. WATER: 9 95 11 95 10 95 12 95 -- 96 -- -- -- 94 -- -- Construction of reservoirs (1100 m pipc), benefit 100 faailiies. Improved 12 shallow wells by sinking rings &'installation of hand puaps. Digging of well Improvement of drinking water resources. 9 95 Other Kabul Sarobi Sarobi ARRAN Proposed WFP /CBS -- 95 - -- Gabion weaving R use project, Nangarbar Kouz Konar Sheva /Shegai APA Proposed FAO -- 95 -- -- Survey of Shwa canal ! detail survey for structures in Shwa R Shegai canals. ACBAR DATABASE OF0 ACTIVITIES Page: 250 Zatirt2 Date: 04/03'96 8TH EDITION Part II : NGO Activities - by Sector for Refugees in Pakistan i -PROVINCE -11111111117111110611116 AGRIC: - -- DISTRICT -- -- ----VILLAGE(S) - - -- 11111=== AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATllS -- -- -BY--- Begin- -End MINIMM 111111111111111111 1111111111 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Fruit Trees (PAK) NIFP Madera Akera Kbatat ICI Ongoing BCI 1 90 -- -- (PAK) NIPP Peshawar Kartender ABSAO Ongoing Private 1 93 -- -- fruit 1 ciperisental fars (vegetable scud). 1 jerib nursery, contains 2500 fig / 1500 plus / 4000 sulberry / 1500 poplar / 3000 eucalyptus d 1500 orange saplings. (PAK) NIFP AGRIC: (PAR) NIFP AGRIC: Peshawar Peshawar SERVE Ongoing T.Fund -- 85 -- -- Various fruit tree seedlings a seed are distributed regularly. .Peshawar SERVE Completed T.Fund -- 85 -- 95 Seedlings a seed are distributed in the fors of starter packages for Afghanistan. Forestry Peshawar Vet (PAK) NIPP Peshawar Kababian Camp ARC Completed 11DA 1 95 12 95 (PAK) NIPP Peshawar Nasir Bagh DCA Ongoing Dutch.0 1 91 -- -- 3 veterinar trained 400 women in disease control, treat:eat I breeding of chickens. Veterinary center sued as teaching clinic for paravets, vaccinators a refresher course, treatseat t vaccination of daily cues of anises. AGRIC: Livestock (PAR) NIFP Dir Dir OV Ongoing MCI (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh AVID Proposed Aust. /Go -- 95 -- -- 3 with course in poultry a health education for 120 faillies. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh AVID Proposed NOVID -- 95 -- -- One year poultry course for 920 tone. (PA1) BlFP Penhang Nasir Bagh Camp C3AA (againg 121 1 93 -- -- 4 95 1291 Distribution of livestock -goats to needy widows. Trainimg of refmgces voice in poultry raining l their healthcare a distribution of poultry units to the trainees. AGRIC: Training MOM Peshawar Board Discontin Dutch.0 9 88 1 95 5 vest anisai vaccinator course 5 -10 students each period a 150 students completed to far. (PAK) NIPP Peshawar Board DCA Discontin Dutch.0 9 88 1 95 5 month parent coarse 20 - 25 students each period a 194 paravets completed so far. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar BADEU Completed EU 6 95 6 95 Organising u 8 day training session for 8 vets /paravets about animal breeding a feeding techniques. AC11A1 DATABASE Of BOO ACTIVITIES Page: 251 Zakir122 Date: 04/03196 ETD EDITION ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -PROVINCE - -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Various SERVE Ongoing TFP /T.Fu -- 95 -- -- Nasir Bagh SNI Completed UNCIIR 2 95 2 95 Nasir Bagh SNI Completed SNI /CARP 5 94 SRCS Discontiâ SRCS CONST: (PAK) NIFP CONST: < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION', 250 vulnerable families receive training trice a month with nursery materials. Road Peshawar Construction of 2 Km road in Naris Bagh camp. Shelter (PAR) NIFP Peshawar (PAK) NIFP Peshawar 6 95 -- 81 -- 95 Construction of 1800 mud houses for newly arrived refugees. Refugees arc provided with blankets, quilts, sleeping bags A roofing materials + doors A windows to construct their houses. CONST: Pub.Building Nawshera Akora Khatak BCI Ongoing Bel 1 90 -- -- Construction of 2 mosques & repair of 4 mosque, 3 schools A 3 clinics. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar OV Completed UNBCR 185 12 95 Cost.of schools / BBUs /warehouses in Peshawar / Chitral / Dir / Nalakand & Swat on behalf of NCR employing 1,500 (PAK) NIFP laborers, (PAR) NIFP Peshawar Rodai PARDC Ongoing SRCS (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh SNI Completed UNCBR/VS (PAK) NIFP Peshawar SRCS Ongoing SRCS (PAK) Puni Islamabad CBE Ongoing DACAAR CONST: (PAK) NIFP CONST: Islamabad Construction of 400 room university building (RCC). 3 95 3 95 BRU, comprising of 10 doses. Noyes are constructed in different refugee camps. ASC 195 -- -- Construction of 2 storey mosque, concrete roofing. Ongoing DACAAR 6 93 -- Performing water quality tests distribution of chlorine A monitoring. Completed Self 2 95 11 95 Conducting research on bio gas / wind or water operated electricity production. Sanitation Peshawar Nobile Energy Cons. Peshawar City ARIA (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar SERVE Ongoing T.Fund Bayatabad SNI Completed SNI (PAK) NIFP 9 96 -- 81 -- -- (PAK) NIPP CONST: 94 1 T -- 85 -- -- 900 - 1000 solar ovens produced d distributed yearly. Research into other salar applications. Training Peshawar 2 92 5 95 Training of 12 Afghans for up to 3 months in production of different type of slab / beams L in running pre -cast factory. ACBAR DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 252 'ZakirR22 Date: 04 /03/96 811 EDITION ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION - -- DISTRICT- --- ---- VILLAGE(S)- - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- - --BY- -- Begin - -End (PAK) NWFP Mansehra Mansehra OV Completed UNHCR -- 94 1 95 To do maintenance of BHO, school, W /houses in the area camps. (PAK) NWFP Mardan Mardan 0V Completed UNHCR -- 94 1 95 To do maintenance of BHU, school, W /houses in the area carps. -PROVINCE -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> EDUCAT: Primary (PAK) NWFP Bajaur Bajaur IIRO Ongoing TIRO -- 90 -- -- Orphans school (1 -4 grades) - 140 students t 9 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Bannu Bannu ¡IRO Ongoing IIRO -- 89 -- -- Orphans school (1 -5 grades) - 90 students 1 7 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Katakani IRC Ongoing BPRM 9 94 -- -- Primary school for 340 students 1 8 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Darsamand IRC Ongoing BPRX 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 1,011 students 1 20 teachers. (PAK) NYFP Kohat Thal II 1RC Ongoing BM 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 484 students 1 II teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Doaba IRC Ongoing BPRX 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 474 students 1 15 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Kotki IRC Ongoing BPRX 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 615 students It 14 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Khisara IRC Ongoing BPRX 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 440 students 1 13 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Lakhti Banda 1RC Ongoing BPRN 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 388 students 1 9 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Kacha Pakha IRC Ongoing BPRX 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 463 students 1 13 teachers. (PAK) NVFP Kohat Thal IRC Ongoing. BPRX 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 458 students 1 13 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Darsaaand II 1RC Ongoing BPRM 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 615 students 1 18 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Dallan IRC Ongoing BPRX 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 630 students k 15 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Kahl IRC Ongoing BPRM 9 94 -- -- Pripary school for 910 students 1 21 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Bangu /Thal IRC Ongoing BPRM /SV 1 93 -- -- Support for primary school 1 30 primary community classes. (PAK) NWFP Mansehra Mansehra IIRO Ongoing IIRO -- 90 -- -- Orphans school (1 -4 grades) - 130 students 1 8 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Nawshera Akora Khatak HCI Ongoing HCI tit 86 -- -- 1 school 1 450 students 116 teachers. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Bada Ber AHSAO Ongoing Private (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Behind Gulhaji Pla AMWS Ongoing Self 10 94 -- -- (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Hayatabad HDCAT Ongoing Self 8 95 -- -- A,CBAR I I 1 88 -- -- One primary school, 200 students 1 7 teachers. Primary education, 30 students 1 3 teachers. Mobmood Hotaky primary school for 400 boys 1 girls students 1 10 female teachers. DATABASE OF INGO ACTIVITIES Page: , 253 ZakirR22 Date: 04 /03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE-- - -- DISTRICT - --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- -- VILI.AGE(S) - - -- AGENCY --STATUS -- ---BY--- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> EDUCAT: Primary (PAT) NYFP Peshawar Rayatabad IAAAE Ongoing Self -- 93 -- -- Prisary school fro; 1st to 6th classes 110 teachers 1 300 students. (PAT) NIFP Peshawar Shassbato 1110 Ongoing 1IRO -- 87 -- -- Orphans school (1 -5 grades) - 200 students A 12 teachers. (PAT) NIFP Peshawar Charkany TIRO Ongoing TIRO -- 87 -- -- Orphans school (1 -8 grades) - 480 students 1 22 teachers. (PAK) NIFP Pesbaar KAI Ongoing NAI -- -- -- -- Prisary school for 16 students. (PAT) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar PAC Ongoing NAC -- 91 -- -- Astria Marken refugee school. (PAL) NIFP Peshaat Kababyan OV Ongoing Self 11 88 -- -- 120 pupils from the lost needy refugee faillies - S teachers - grades 1 -6 (PAL) MIFP Peshawar Bagh Ban SAA Ongoing SAA -- 92 -- -- School No.4 / 165 students / 21 teachers / 2 bead 'asters 14 peons. (PAK) NIFP Pesbanr Baystabad SAA Ongoing SAA 11 92 -- -- School No,7 1 391 students (only girls) 18 teachers / 1 bead caster 12 peons. (PAK) NIFP Peshanr Nasir Bagh SAA Ongoing SAA 3 93 -- -- (PAT) NIFP Pesbau Ihurasan Carp SAA Ongoing SAA 11 92 -- -- (PAK) NIFP Peshaar lack Grata SAA Ongoing SAA 9 88 -- -- Peshnu Sbasbatr SAA Ongoing SAA 90 -- -- (PAK) NIFP School No.8 1 307 students 16 teachers / 1 bead raster 12 peons. School No.4 / 826 students 121 teachers 12 had :asters 14 peons. School 11o.1 / 385 students / 9 teachers I t head vaster, 12 peons. School No.1 1 322 students / 8 teachers / 1 bead raster 12 peons. (PAK) NYPP Pedant Tajabad SAA Ongoing SAA 11 91 -- -- (PAX) HIT Peshawu Nasir Bagb SAA Ongoing SAA 3 93 -- -- School No.9 / 243 students (only girls) I S teachers I I bead Waster 12 peons. (PAX) IWFP Peshawar Board SAA Ongoing SAA 9 89 -- -- School No.5 / 294 students / 6 teachers I 1 head raster 12 peons. (PAX) NIFP Peshawar tuts Oari SAA Oyois SAA -- 95 -- -- ' School No.10 / 144 students / 6 teachers / 1 head raster 12 peons. (PAX) NIPP Peshawar Peshawar SNACA Ongoing Private -- 94 -- -- Prirary school for 250 students 19 teachers. (PAL) NIFP Peshawar City SRCS Osgeing S&tS -- 87 -- -- 3 schools is the city for orphans. -- 89 -- -- Oirls school with 400 atrdents 125 teachers. School No.6 1 594 students / 12 teachers / 1 but raster 13 peons, EDUCAT: Secondary (PAK) Bala Quetta Alodar Road SO Ongoing ICl/Pvt. (PAK) PIFF Lobst Sabi IBC Ongoing BIN (PAX) N1FP Lnrrar Sadda Carp ACDO Ongoing Self/ll -- 9S -- 97 Secondary school. (PAK) NIFP North Vazir 1RC Ongoing INC -- 88 -- -- 9 schools in Mulls Khan Stani/ Tabbi / Daraga Nadi for 1,484 students. ACBAR 9 94 -- -- Secondary school for 330 students 110 teachers. DATABASE OF NOO ACTIVITIES Page: 234 BakirR22 Date: 04 /03/96 8Tá EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT- --- - --- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) EDUCAT: Secondary (PAR) NIFP Peshawar Hayatabad IAAAE Ongoing Self Peshawar University Town IRC Completed NRC /BPRK (PAK) NIPP Peshawar Iamrod Road KAI Ongoing KAI - - - (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Hayatabad MARA Ongoing MAYA -- 95 -- -- Bathtar Girls High School for 485 student: 1 15 teachers. MSOA Ongoing KSOA -- 83 -- -- Uvsahat -al -Nonineen girls high school fco 200 students 1 15 staff. Bete Aisha refugee school. (PAK) NVFP (PAK) NIFP (PAK) NIFP (PAK) KIPP (PAK) NIFP (PAK) NIFP (PAK) NIFP (PAR) NYFP (PAK) KNIT (PAK) NIFP (PAK) NIFP (PAK) NIFP (PAK) NIFP (PAL) Punj EDUCAI: (PAR) NIPP (PAK) NYPP (PAK) NIPP (PAK) NIFP 1ACBAR Peshawar Hayatabad -- 93 -- -- 1 93 3 95 -- Peshawar Peshawar NE Ongoing NAC -- 91 -- -- Peshawar Hayatabad MAID Ongoing IRC 6 93 -- -- -- 83 -- -- Peshawar Peshawar ORA Ongoing ORA Peshawar Tajabad SAA Ongoing SAA Ongoing R.C.Hola Peshawar Peshawar Peshawar Peshawar Peshawar Peshawar Jangeer Abad Hayatabad Tajabad Gul Abad 2 93 -- -- -- 93 -- -- SAA Ongoing R.C.Hola SAA Ongoing SAA 9 94 -- -- -- 93 -- -- Experimental school: 7th through 12th grade with emphasis on science it math subjects. 248 students. 12 teachers / 155 students - up to 10th grades. Tic school has a science lab with a lab assistant. Bibi Sonia High School: 1100 students (girls 1 boys) 53 teachers. Support to Kazoo Anna girls school. Rahman Baba Lycee / 341 students / 17 teachers I I director 1 4 peons. Aishaidorani Lycee / 248 students Kalalai Lycee / 233 students / 10 teachers / 1 bead master / 1 director / 3 peons. / 10 teachers / 1 head master / director 12 peons. Kirwais Bootat Lycee / 294 students / 12 teachers I 1 director A 3 peons. SAA Ongoing SAA -- 95 -- -- Naser Bagb UMCA Ongoing IRC 1 93 -- -- 1300 students (grade 1st -9th) 135 teachers I 1 principal 1 2 heat masters. Nasir Bagh MICA Ongoing IRC 1 93 -- -- 1300 students (grade 1st -9th), 35 teachers I 1 principal 1 2 head masters. IRC Ongoing IRC -- 89 -- -- 4 schools in Nana, Alas Versa, Cultist 1 Baghor for about 6,000 students. AREC Ongoing C1DA/Aus -- 95 -- 96 Secondary school for girls 1 boys. Peshawar ARCON Ongoing Private Hayatabad TIRO Ongoing TIRO -- 89 -- -- Islamic university - 386 students 140 lecturers. Hayatabad KSOA Ongoing MAC -- 90 -- -- Ummahat- u1- Monineen University for 600 students. SAA Ongoing SAA -- 87 -- -- Science i English college for 250 students / 16 teachers / 1 director 13 peons. South Iazir Islasabad SAA . High school from 7th to 12th classes / II teachers / 230 stndcnts. Istasabad Abdad Lycee / 194 students / 11 teachers / 1 head vaster A 3 peons. Higher Peshawar Peshawar Peshawar Peshawar Board 1 95 -- -- Academic 1 financial support of Fluty of Engineering i Urbaaiss (students : 240). DATABASE OF NOO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION Page: 255 2atirR22 Date: 04/03/96 ---- YILLAGE(S)- - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- (PAK) NMFP Peshawar MAI Ongoing MAI (PAK) NMFP Peshawar KAI Ongoing KAI (ACTIVITY I Quranic center - students (mostly orphan girls) / - 25 Quranic centers (22 in Munda / -- -- 1 I DESCRIP' NON) teacher (widow). in K.Garhi / 2 in Mera Kachori)-757 students (mostly orphan girls) / 25 teachers (mostly widows). EDUCAT: Literacy (PAK) Balu Pishin New Saranan /Surkha SC -US Ongoing UNNCR 175 woven, A girls are attended basic literacy, nuscric A health education classes 7 93 -- -- in refugee camps held by 9 teachers. (PAK) NMFP Kurrai (PAK) NMFP Kurram (PAK) REP Malawi (PAK) NMFP kansehra literacy development -- 91 -- 97 ACDO Ongoing Self BEFARe Ongoing GTZ 1 92 -- -- Training of 131 instructors - 5,437 participants registered in primary A reader levels. Timergara BEFARe Ongoing GTZ 192 -- -- Trained 174 instructors - 10,602 participants at primary A reader level. kansehra SC -US Ongoing AustCare Sadda Camps 327 male d 119 female refugees are enrolled in classes of 3 levels of difficulty, entire literacy A numeracy 10 94 -- -- course runs over 13 months. (PAK) NMFP Mardan Martian SC -US Ongoing AustCare 10 94 -- -- 150 female refugees are enrolled in classes of 3 levels of difficulty, entire literacy A numeracy course runs over 13 months. 92 -- -- Training of 131 instructors - 1,419 participants primary L reader levels. (PAK) !MEP North Mazir Miranshah BEFARe Ongoing GTZ (PAK) NMFP Peshawar Newlali Camp ARC Completed RDA Peshawar University Town ARC Completed CIDA 6 95 11 95 Training of 120 women in literacy, Quranic studies A health education. (PAK) NMFP Peshawar Rahatabad BEFARe Ongoing GTZ 1 92 -- -- Trained 385 instructors - 15,602 students at primary level 1 115 (PAK) NMFP (PAK) Punj Can Mali kianwali SC -US Ongoing AustCare 1 12 92 2 95 10 94 -- -- 40 women / 2 semesters of 6 months. reader level. 548 sale E 179 femále refugees arc enrolled in classes of 3 levels of difficulty, entire literacy t numeracy course runs over 13 months EDUCAT: Management Completed SCF /Self 2 95 2 95 PE management course for 20 trainees (1 week). AIT( Completed SCF -UK 8 95 8 95 Extension skills course for 9 trainees (1 week). Peshawar AUK Completed IRC 9 95 9 95 Business management course for 16 trainees (4 weeks). Peshawar AITM Completed SCF -UK 4 95 4 95 Management course for 19 trainees (2 weeks). Peshawar À1TK (PAK) NMFP Peshawar Peshawar AIT( (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Peshawar (PAK) NTFP Peshawar (PAK) N1FP Peshawar A C B A R Supervisory coaxes for 16 trainees (2 weeks). i 96 - Peshawar 1 -- IRC (PAK) MMFP Approved DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 256 ZakirR22 Date: 04 /03/96 8TH EDITION ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION Training center for Afghan women, computer / typing / literacy i women's right, -- 95 -- -- CIDA Ongoing AVEC Istamabad Islamabad (PAK) Punj English language program for 40 students t 3 teachers. English language classes. English language classes. Arabic language institute - 100 students t 4 lecturers (3 years diploma). -- 95 - -- -- 94 -- 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 94 -- -- TIRO EU Private Aus.H.Co CIDA TIRO Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing TIRO MADERA SHACA AVEC AVEC IIRO Hayatabad Peshawar Peshawar Istamabad Islamabad Islamabad Peshawar Peshawar Islamabad Islamabad Islamabad (PAK) NVFP (PAK) NVFP (PAK) Puaj (PAK) Punj (PAK) Punj A CB A R Page: 257 ZatirR22 Date: 04/03/96 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 8TH EDITION Through resource centers in schools / two t half month courses / 15 day seminars t practical work in classrooms. -- 84 -- -EU/B.Gvt Ongoing SOS -PG Dir (PAK) NEFF Through resource centers in schools I two t half month courses / 15 day seminars t practical wort in classrooms, -- 84 -- -- EU/B.Gvt Ongoing SOS -PG Chitral (PAK) NVFP Through resource centers in schools I two t half month courses / 15 day seminars t practical work in classrooms. -- 84 -- -- EU /B.Gvt Ongoing SOS -PG Bajaur (PAK) NVFP Through resource centers in schools / two t half month courses / 15 day seminars t practical work in classrooms. -- 84 -- -- EU /B.Gvt Ongoing SOS -PG Abbottabad (PAK) NVFP curriculum t manual development t provision of school inputs. -- 90 -- -- -- BPRM /SV Abbottabad (PAK) NVFP Ongoing Teacher training t support for female primary schools through subject-matter, pedagogical technique seminars, Organizing an English language course for 7 staff members. Harms institute for Arabic Language - 110 students t 10 lecturers. Training of 120 students in English language, Arabic language - 2 months rotation IRC EDUCAT: Teacher T. 4 95 -- -- -- 89 -- -- 91 -- -- Peshawar (PAK) NVFP 1 Self Ongoing AVID Gora Qabristan Peshawar (PAK) NYFP 9 90 -- -- HCI Ongoing HCI Akora Khatak Nawshera (PAK) NVFP English course for personnel training of local employs. -- 91 -- -- Self Ongoing ACDO Sadda Camps Kurram (PAK) NVFP Training of English language. 91 -- 95 Completed ACDO Sadda Camps Kurran (PAK) NVFP Self 1 Training of 100 boys t girls students for 3 months. Self Ongoing SRCDA Quetta Quetta (PAK) Bale 93 -- -- EDUCAT: Language Training center for Afghan women, management / typing / computer / literacy / health t warren's right. -- 94 -- 95 CIDA Completed AVEC Istamabad Organizing a 7 day completing training for S staff members on Y.P. word processor t Q pro spreadsheet. Islamabad 7.95 (PAK) Punj 7 95 EU Completed MADERA Peshawar Peshawar (PAK) NYFP Training of women in business administration, DESCRIPTION> UNIFAM (ACTIVITY Completed -- 94 -- 95 3131121=1:112211= Begin --End AVC -- -BY - -- Peshawar -- STATUS -- Peshawar INZCZNGL AGENCY (PAK) NYFP *EDUCAT: Management -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- EDUCAT: Teacher T. ACTIVITY =1= ---BY - -- FUNDED 31=1111 DURATION Begin - -End -- STATUS -- (PAK) NVFP (PAR) NVPP (PAK) NEE, (PAK) NVFP (PAK) NVFP (PAK) NVFP (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Peshawar Peshawar Darden Darden Nansehra Korras Kohat University Town Peshawar Peshawar Peshawar BEFARe ARC AlTN AITN AITN SOS -PG IRC SOS -PG ACDO SOS -PG IRC Ongoing Ongoing Completed Proposed Completed Approved Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Completed Ongoing Ongoing BPRN /SV GTZ GTZ CIDA Self SCF -UK Self EU /B.Gvt BPRN /SV EU /B.Gvt Self EU /B.Gvt BPRN /SV 1 89 - 1 89 -- -- 6 95 11 95 ==.12211*. (PAK) NVPP Peshawar Rahatabad BEFARe Ongoing BPRN /SV AGENCY (PAK) NTPP Peshawar Rahatabad 1RC Ongoing LBI -- 90 -- -- (PAK) NITP Peshawar Peshawar IRC Ongoing Kobat (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Peshawar LBI (PAK) PPP (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Safed Dheri Quetta Bajaur City IRC IIRO VRA 2 95 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing RBS BPRN /SV TIRO Coming.. EU /B.Gvt 1 87 -- -- 1 93 -- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION)- Teacher training t support for female primary schools through subject -natter, pedagogical technique seminars, cortically t ¡anal development & provision of school inputs. Through resource centers in schools / two t half month courses / 15 day seainars t practical wort in classrooms. Potential teacher trailing. Through resource centers in schools / two t half loath courses / 15 day sesiaars t practical work in classrooms. curricula t manual development t provision of school inputs. Teacher training L support for fessle primary schools through subject -matter, pedagogical technique seainars, Through resource centers in schools / two t half south courses / 15 day seminars t practical work in classrooms. Teacher training for 18 trainees (3 weeks). Teacher training for 10 trainees (3 weeks). Different courses for 120 trainees (12 months). Training of 40 women in teacher training t knitting. Intensive training to about 202 teacher trainers / supervisors. Training 2,900 teachers per year os bon to improve teaching t distribution of textbooks to 197,600 students. Teacher training t support for female primary schools through subject -matter, pedagogical technique seminars, curricula¡ 1 manual development t provision of school inputs. English teaching 1 training of female English instructors. Religion teachers training institute for 2305 students. Date: 04 /03/96 811 EDITION Through resource centers is schools / two t half month courses / 15 day seminars t practical wrk is classrooms. Teaching school subjects to 230 students. Aura¡ Circles for Oral students - 100 students. Distribution of school supplies to 4 schools. Formal edaatios through child to child program. ZakirR22 DATABASE OF BOO ACTIVITIES -- 93 -- -- -- 95 -- -- Ongoing -- 84 -- -- -- 89 -- -- -- 85 -- -- -- 90 -- -- -- -- 95 -- -- 2 95 Il 95 -- -- -- 84 -- -- -- 90 -- -- -- 84 -- -- -- 91 -- 95 -- 84 -- -- (PAK) NVPP Peshawar Sadda Carps (PAK) NVFP Peshawar (PAK) Bala Bajaur Bannu SOS -PG (PAK) NVFP (PAK) NVFP Benno EDUCAT: Other (PAK) NVFP D.I. Khan RBS (PAL) NVFP ACBA Page: 258 -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin- -End -- 93 -- -- -(ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> EDUCAT: Other Quran Circles for Quran students - 100 students. (PAK) NWFP Hazara Baripur IIRO Ongoing IIRO (PAK) NWFP Kohat Kohat /Bangu /Thal 1RC Ongoing BPRM /SV 1 North Wazir N. Waziristan IRC Ongoing BPRM /SV 193 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to S schools. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Jahngeer Abad AICC Ongoing Private S 95 -- -- Computer center (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Peshawar ARO Completed ARO 3 93 -- 95 Computer training women. (PAR) NWFP Peshawar University Town AWRC Completed Private 1 (PAK) NWFP Peshawar University Town AWRC Completed Self /Pvt 1 95 12 95 Take care of SO under 6 year children of the staff 1 students. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Gut: Qabristan AWWD Ongoing Self 3 92 -- -- Training of 45 students in computer, 65 students have been graduated so far. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Rahatabad BEFARe Ongoing GTZ -- (PAK) NWFP Peshawar 17 Camps BEFARe Ongoing GTZ 4 89 -- -- (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Rahatabad BEFARe Ongoing GTZ -- -- -- -- Production of formal k non -formal materials (e.g, textbooks, teachers guide, charts, cards 1 etc). (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Pabi IIRO Ongoing IIRO -- 90 -- -- Quran Circles for Quran students - 200 students. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Kacha Gari TIRO Ongoing ¡IRO -- 90 -- -- Quran Circles for Quran students - 100 students. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Bada Bir TIRO Ongoing IIRO -- 92 -- -- Quran Circles for Quran students - 100 students. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Shanshato IIRO Ongoing TIRO -- 90 -- -- Quran Circles for Quran students - 100 students, (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh IIRO Ongoing IIRO -- 90 -- -- Quran Circles for Quran students - 100 students. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar IRC Ongoing BVL -- 89 -- -- 6 months course for women in Early Childhood Education Training Project (ECETP) 1 support of 2 on -site '(PAK) NWFP 93 -- -- 95 12 95 Distribution of school supplies. Quranic study course for 310 voice. Provision of educational support to 286 CAR schools. Child care courses: + NCB 69,105 voice participated in the courses 1 training of 522 group leaders. Kodakistan 122 outreach pre -schools. 1 93 -- -- Distribution of school supplies to 24 schools. IRC Ongoing BPRM /SV Peshawar KRCS Ongoing KRCS -- -- -- -- Distribution of Holy Quran, writing books 1 pens to refugees. Peshawar KRCS Ongoing KRCS -- -- -- -- Scholarship program: 34 scholarships have been arranged in different Pakistan Medical Schools to help Afghans to (PAP) NIFP Peshawar (PAK) NWFP (PAK) NIFP Peshawar continue their education. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Town KAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- English Medium KG / grade 1 for baby-girls - 150 students / 5 lady teachers. (PAK) NIPP Peshawar hoard SAA Ongoing SAA -- 95 -- -- Supplementary course for 246 students 1 11 teachers. ACBAR DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 259 ZakirR22 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- ---DISTRICT- - -- -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- 11==.=110=1 AGENCY M91111117111101 ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION)` ====1. 111712111211111MMIIMI EDUCAT: Other (PAX) NWFP Peshawar Board (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Peshawar (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Peshawar . SAA Ongoing SAA -- 95 -- -- Supplementary course for 144 students A 9 teachers. SHACA Ongoing Private -- 95 -- -- Computer trairning program for women, 40 students d 4 teachers. UNO /EPA Ongoing UNO 195 -- -- Review t revision of school text books / distribution of primary d secondary text books from 3 centers (Nangarhar, Khost, Herat) A curriculua development. (PAK) NIPP -- Various ADS Completed TAP 8 94 3 95 Scholarship to 300 disabled persons studying in Universities / schools / colleges á skill training (typing / computer / tailoring ! etc). HEALTH: Region.Hosp (PAK) Bain Quetta Quetta ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 84 -- -- 140 bed surgical hospital only for war wounded, it can be expanded to 280 beds, (PAL) Ball Quetta Shiekh Handa SRCS Ongoing SRCS -- 82 -- -- 163 bed surgical hospital - specially for war sounded Afghans - OTs / lab / I -ray. (PAK) NTFP Peshawar KRCS Ongoing KRCS 11 85 -- -- 150 bed hosp. - surgical / ICU / ophthalmology I casualty wards / OT's / I -ray I lab / OPD / dental / plastic sung. I artificial limbs center. (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Bayatabat PRCS Ongoing ICRC 1 84 -- -- 100 bed Paraplegic center - 3 EBBS / 50 nurses / lab facility / provided wheelchairs for patients - joint project with ICRC. HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Nuiver. Town DS Ongoing RBS /Pvt 2 88 -- -- 40 bed reconstructive surgery hospital / 6 EDs 1 100 pts. OPD + 70 operations I month - used as a teaching hospital for trainees. (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Nishterabad LAU Ongoing Private (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Peshawar IIRO Ongoing 1IRO 8 80 -- -- -- 92 -- -- 45 beds surgical hospital (30 sale i 15 female). 20 bed hosp. for female i children / 6 female doctors / 12 nurses / I -ray I Lab / plastic surgery / paediatrics / vaccination i dental services (3000 patients monthly). (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Peshawar MICA Ongoing OAF -- 94 -- -- 30 bed Pediatric hospital /Lab /I- ray /Emergency ward /Physiotherapy /80 OPD /day. (PAK) IMP Peshawar Peshawar, IRCA Ongoing CIE/Pvt. -- 86 -- -- 45 bed surgical teaching hosp /Dental clinic /Gynecologic /I- ray/lab /100 operations + 800 OPD per month. (PAL) NTFP Peshawar Bayatabad RCA Ongoing CEE /Pvt. 1085 -- -- 45 bed surgical teaching hosp.for women k children - dental clinic I I -ray I lab / 2 OT - 80 operations 1 800 OPD/month - 10 specialists, 15 HTs. (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Kacha Garhi SRCS Ongoing SRCS BURC Ongoing *Donors 186 -- -- 30 bed TB hospital - indoor section (aver. 500 pts / year) I OPD (ay.5,000 pts, / year) / lab / I -ray. HEALTH: Distrct Hosp (PAK) Bals ACHAR Quetta City -- 95 -- -- Providing health facilities for Afghan refugees through Bakhtar hospital. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 260 Zaki rRZ2 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - -- === ®119.10E --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY 11111111.111111111. ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- ---BY--- Begin- -End 11111111111011019.2. 2.11101021=2 11===e2.; =0976 -- 92 -- -- 45 bed HEALTH: Distrct Hosp (PAK) Balu Quetta Quetta IIRO Ongoing TIRO (ACTIVITY .9,01.01141.1 DESCRIPTION> =5..IST2====II female t children bosp. - 9 ND / 18 nurses / ob -gym / paediatrics / lab / I -ray / vaccination (4500 patients sonthly). (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Shaheen Tora ECAR Ongoing 188 -- -- Austeare 11 bed eye hosp(6 specialists I 1 professor / 3 ND / 3 nurses) / computerized ersainatien systes / 90 -I00 OPD I day t ENT 80 -100 OPD / per reek / provide medicine / glasses / artificial eyes, (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Hayatabad BAP Ongoing BAP 6 94 -- -- OPD 80 patients /day, / rehydration 5 beds / IPD 25 beds / paediatric / sedical / orthopaedic / surgical /dental / lab t I -ray. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Torn JANS Ongoing JAIS 10 86 -- -- 45 bed hospital Pain Clinic(Acvpuncture, Nerve block...), Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, E.C.G., Ultrasonography, Minor Surgery, Dental clinic, leprosy department, health education, Eduction program for doctors, 16 ND, I-ray, Lab, 63 health Yorkers, 150 -230 patients OPD /day. (PAK) NIPP Peshawar Peshawar MRCA Ongoing BAP -- 94 -- -- 20 bed Gynecologic hospital /Lab /I -ray /NCB rehabilitation and operation of the hospital. (PAK) NIPP Peshawar Shaheen Town RADA Cogitated *Donors -- 92 sell equipped 16 -bed Nazillofacial t ENT Surgical Hospital f 80-90 patients daily. -- -- -- -- 1 95 HEALTH: Compr.C1inic (PAK) Bale Quetta -- IAEC Ongoing OXFAM (PAK) NIFP Charsada Nunda UAAR Ongoing $Donors (PAK) NIFP Kohat Gholam Banda TIRO Ongoing TIRO (PAK) NIFP Marshers Akora Khatak BCI Ongoing HCI /CIDA 1 81 -- -- -- 90 -- -- 2 89 -- -- 1 doctor 14 nurses / 30 OPD patients I day for unregistered refugees. Cosprehensive clinic. 2ND 12 nurses I lab / dispensary / 2 vaccinators / physiotherapy center (3500 patients monthly). 3 centers - 1 ND / 4 LBVs / 1 Pharmacists / 4 nurses / 1 sedical supervisor / 2 vaccinators - OPD / 110E / vaccination. (PAR) NIFP Peshawar Shaheen Tom DgCAR Ongoing Germany -- -- -- -- OPD for children t irons - 3S to 45 pts./day - Lab (rutin) - 1 ND / 1 nurse /1 Pharmacist. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Shanshato IIRO Ongoing IIRO -- 88 -- -- 2ND (male t ferule) / lab / vaccination t dispensary (3500 patients monthly). (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar ISRA Ongoing ISRA 4 85 -- -- Mental health clinic: (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Board MPO Ongoing Private 8 93 -- -- Providing free health services: 3 Os / 2 nurses / 2 dental surgeons / II other technical staff, 200 patients 1 psychiatrist / 1 psychologist / 2 ND / sale t female medical assistant. OPD /day (Dental, obgys, ENT) / vaccination of 'omen t children. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Shaheen Ton RADA Ongoing *Donors t- 84 -- -- Dental Clinic with 5 yards / I -ray available / Health information t Dental courses / daily 270-300 patients. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Scups SRCS Cospleted SECS -- 81 -- 95 8 Ms in Kacha Garhi (1) / Nasir Bagh (2) / Dag Baud / Jalazai (3) / Zinday each with 9 BIs - BPI / MCH I TB / salaria control / CDD / health. (PAK) NIFP .Peshawar (PAK) NIFP Peshawar A C B A R Kacha Garhi BRCS Discontin SRCS Peshawar WIC Ongoing IRC -- 86 6 95 9 94 -- -- Dental clinic with qualified staff. loor eye clinic DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 261 ZatirR22 Date: 04 /03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - --- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- (PAK) NVFP South wazir Kírnshan HEALTH: ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- begin- -End IIRO Ongoing 1180 -- 90 -- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) 2 ND (male 1 female) / 4 nurses / lab / vaccination / dispensary (2800 patients monthly). Basic Clinic Medical units are working in refugee camps. (PAK) Balu Quetta 4 Camps MCI Ongoing INHCR 195 -- -- (PAK) Balu Quetta Mulslimabad SRCS Ongoing SRCS -- 92 -- -- (PAK) N1FP Hazara Haripur SC -US Ongoing BRP S 92 -- -- S BHUs offer curative 1 preventive services to 108,760 refugees. (PAK) NNFP Hamra Ghazi SC -US Ongoing BRP 5 92 -- -- 1 BBUs offer curative 1 preventive services to 16,480 refugees. (PAK) RIFF Kobat Doaba IRC Ongoing IRC -- 81 -- -- BHU includes MCH / Flies / EPI. Kohat K. Khoja 1RC Ongoing IRC -- 81 -- -- BRU includes NCH / FHVs / EPI / laboratory / dental clinic. (PAK) NIIFP (PAK) NTFP Kohat Thal -2 1RC Ongoing IRC -- 81 -- -- BHU includes MCH I Fills I EPI Kobat Lakbti Banda IRC Ongoing IRC -- 81 -- BHU includes NCH i Flits / EPI I malaria control / refreshers I health education. (PAK) Ni'FP (PAK) NVFP Kohat Kotki -2 1RC Ongoing IRC -- 82 -- -- BRU includes NCB I (PAK) NMFP Malakand Timergare JAMS Ongoing JAMS 8 90 -- -- 1 (PAK) NXFP Malakand Timergara JANS Ongoing JANS 8 90 -- -- 1 (PAK) N1tFP Malakand Zangal Pati / Palai KRCS Ongoing KRCS /HCtt 195 -- -- (PAK) NNFP kardan Gandul Camp ARC Ongoing ADC 12 80 -- -- (PAK) NWFP kardan Baghicha Camp ARC Ongoing ADC 3 81 -- -- (PAK) NWFP kardan Kagan Camp ARC Ongoing ADC 12 86 -- -- OPD / lab / dental / NCH I health educ. I immunization / TB malaria control I CDD 1 physiotherapy. (PAK) NMFP kardan -- KRCS Ongoing KRCS -- 84 -- -- 2 centers serving 35,000 refugees - OPD / lab / vaccination / kCH / Malaria Control, (PAK) NTFP Mawshera Jebad Kali CARP Ongoing *Donors -- 87 -- -- Provides basic health services for 7,000 population of the camp. (PAK) NWP Nashua Akora Khatak BRCS Ongoing KRCS -- - -- 4 centers serving 50,000 refugees - OPD / lab / vaccination / NCH. (PAK) N1'FP Peshawar Ana Khel Camp RAF Ongoing RAF -- 88 -- -- OPD 150 patients /day, / NCH k lab / doctors / nurses / paramedics. (PAK) REP Peshawar Nasir Bagh Camp RAF Ongoing RAF /HCR 6 94 -- -- OPD 200 patients /day, I NCB / dental / lab / physiotherapist I doctors / nurses I paramedics t CRTs. (PAK) NNFP Peshawar Peshawar ISRA Ongoing ISRA S 85 - Clinic for sponsored orphans' families: 1 medical officer I 1 medical assistant 1 1 helper. ACBAR BHU with 7 medical staff offering PHC. -- 262 i refreshers for CRIIS. FHMs I EPI. ND 16 health workers - 35 -50 patients OPD I day. MD / 6 health workers - 35 -50 patients I day. 2 BHU serving 20,000 refugees / OPD / Lab / vaccination / NCH. OPD / lab / dental / MCH I health educ / immunisation / malaria control I CDD I. physiotherapy. OPD / lab / dental / NCH / TB control / malaria control I immunization I health educ. 1 physiotherapy. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: I laboratory / ZakirR22 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY FUNDED -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGES) - - -- AGENCY (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Khair Abad KRCS Ongoing KRCS /HCR DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin --End 195 -- -- DESCRIPTION> 1 BRU serving 10,000 refugees / OPD I Lab / vaccination / NCH. HEALTH: Basic Post (PAK) NVFP Baiaur 4 villages RADA Completed *Donors -- 84 1 95 Dental services 40 -60 patients daily. (PAK) NVFP kardan 5 villages RADA Completed *Donors -- 84 195 Dental services 30 -40 patients daily. (PAK) NVFP kardan Baraki UAAR Ongoing *Donors 1 (PAK) NVFP Nawshera Akora Khatak NCI Ongoing HCI 1 (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh RADA Ongoing RAF (PAK) NVFP Peshawar UAAR Ongoing *Donors (PAK) NVFP Swat RADA Completed *Donors JANS Ongoing JAMS 4 villages 91 -- -- 3 basic health posts in different camps of Baraki. 87 -- -- Basic Health Post for students - 1 nurse - 4 beds. -- 94 -- -- 1 80 -- -- -- 84 1 95 Dental services 50 -60 patients daily. 9 basic health posts in Nunda, Kababyan,Utmanzai t Shaishatu camps Dental services 30 -50 patients daily. HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid (PAK) NVFP Nalakand Timergara (PAK) NNFP Peshawar 10 villages CARP Ongoing *Donors (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Shaheen Town ECAR Ongoing AustCare 8 90 -- -- -- 83 -- -- 1 88 -- -- A team from the clinic visit camps everyday, 1 MD. A mobile dental unit (a dental doctor + a helper) visits RTVs in Peshawar district. I ND / 2 nurses visit 6 camps (Aza Khel I Munda / Khrasan / Nasir Bagh / Cbarat / K.Garhi) weekly - provide consultation t medicines / more than 100 patients arc visited in each camp t severe patients arc refered to enteral clinic. (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh Camp RAF Ongoing HAP 3 94 -- -- (PAK) NVFP Peshawar University Town JAMS Ongoing JAMS 10 86 -- -- (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Peshawar OV Ongoing Self (PAK) NVFP Peshawar SRCS Completed SRCS Nobile dental team, 1 dentist t 1 dental chair, 20 patients /day. A team from the hospital visits camps everyday, 1 or 2 MD. 91 -- -- Visit those working in all Ockenden projects - checks / prescribes medicines t refers to hospitals if necessary. -- 83 10 95 1 ND / helpers visit 9 Nadrasas / orphanages around Peshawar weekly t provide medical services to the students. 1 HEALTH: MCH (PAK) Balu Quetta Quetta MCI Ongoing UNHCR (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Bayatabad ARF Ongoing KUPFA Completed SRCS 1 95 -- -- 10 86 -- -- 3 ND / 16 nurses / lab / x -ray. 3 teachers / 4 nurses / 1 vaccinator / I lab tech. - medicine / lab tests / vaccination for 150 pts. OPD / day. HEALTH: Med.Training (PAK) NVFP ACBAR Kohat Kohat City 6 95 6 95 Malaria training for 25 sale t female of mid level. DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES Page: 263 ZakirR22 Date: 04 /03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- HEALTH: --- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S)- - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin --End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOII> Med.Training (PAK) NMFP Mardan Mardan ARC Ongoing ADC (PAK) NVFP Harden Mardan City CBTG Completed SRCS 4 95 4 95 Malaria training for 15 sale t female of mid level. (PAK) IMP Peshawar Peshawar AMI -A Completed AMIA /EU 6 93 8 95 kid-level health workers refresher course for 6 weeks. (PAK) NMFP Peshawar Rayatabad BAF Ongoing HAF 6 94 -- -- (PAK) NMFP Peshawar Asa Khel Camp RAF Ongoing BAP -- 88 -- -- TBA training (40 dais /year), (PAK) INVFP Peshawar_ University Town ICD Ongoing 1CD 12 89 -- -- 3 week training for new students to read TB slides (trained 201 students no far.) (PAK) NMFP Peshawar University Town ICD Ongoing ICD 12 89 -- -- 1 week refresher course for TB microscopists -(trained 262 so far), (PAK) MEP Peshawar Peshawar IRC Completed CIDA (PAK) IMP Peshawar BRCS Ongoing ARCS 1 1 91 -- -- 95 12 95 -- -- - Training of health workers / lab technicians / malaria supervisors / vaccinators t dental workers. Training of doctors / nurses & physiotherapists (sale & female), Training of female heath educators t support of health ed; in schools t clinics. Refresher training for medical officers in fora of clinical tutorials, meetings, ground rounds in orthopaedic, general surgery. (PAR) MIFF Peshawar Peshawar RCA Ongoing CEE /Pvt. -- 86 -- -- Training /Refreshing 80 students surgery /Anest. /Dressing /Gynecologic /Pediatric and various duration of hospital level training. (PAR) NVFP Peshawar Rayatabad )(RCA Ongoing CEE /Pvt. 10 85 -- -- Training / refresher course to 60 students in surgery / dent. / aneasth. / dressing - diff.duration. 300 people have taken the course. (PAK) REP SRCS Peshawar Completed SRCS 1 89 5 95 EPI vaccinators training - an average of 14 students are trained for 3 months. 100 students have been trained so far. (PAK) NMFP Peshawar SRCS Completed SRCS 189 6 95 Field microscopists training - an average of 20 students are trained for 3 -5 months. 117 people have been trained so far. HEALTH: Education (PAR) !MP Peshawar Newkali Carp ATRC Completed II/DA 12 92 2 95 40 women /2 semesters of 6 months. (PAK) NMFP Peshawar University Town CBTG Completed Self 5 95 5 95 HIV/AIDS for 3 sale t 9 female trainees. (PAR) NtFP Peshawar Uneversity Town CHTG Completed PHDC 6 95 6 95 PHC orientation / Sanitation / Misuse of medicines / Motivation I ARI / Prevention of endemic diseases / Essential medicine PHC for 16 female included nurses t LHVS. (PAK) NMFP Peshawar University Town CRT Completed RBTU 8 95 8 95 Primary health care training for 30 sale t female trainees. (PAR) NVFP Peshawar D.I. Khan City CHTG Completed PHDC S 95 5 95 PHC orientation for 12 female trainees. (PAK) NMFP Peshawar University Town CHTG Completed BEFARe 4 95 4 95 Mother t child health for 10 fatale trainees. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 264 ZakirR22 Date: 04 /03/96 8T1 EDITION / -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT- --- --- -VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY 1=1=6 INS= 1122=01.111111111E=11111== ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End 11=0111101111110190it SIII=.1=0712 111=111=== (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Education Production of health education materials (flip charts / posters A etc) for use by UN agencies d NGJs. (PAR) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar IRC Ongoing IRC (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Town JIFF Ongoing JIFF /IRC (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Peshawar ORA Ongoing *Donors 9 95 -- -- HIV It AIDS awareness t training activities. (PAR) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar ORA Ongoing NCA /NRC 6 95 -- -- Publication of drug, 111V 1 AIDS related material (3 staff). (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar SERVE Ongoing *Donors -- 80 -- -- (PAK) Punj Min Vali Mia tali CHTG Completed MCP OIFAä 1 93 -- -- -- 94 -- -- 1 95 3 95 Health education to patients t'others while waiting for visit. 18 health publications in Pashto d 6 in Dari have been produced for primary education purposes. MC for 106 sale health worker t 154 female TBA's. HEALTH: Vaccination -- -- -- -- 4 vaccinators / 1 supervisor in 12 camps for children I women. IRC -- 81 -- -- EPI t outreach health education. Ongoing EU /(Ri1CF -- -- -- -- 9 aale i 3 female vaccinators. GAF Ongoing GAF -- 95 -- -- 2 female 1 2 sale vaccinators, preventive services. JIFF Ongoing JIFF /AVI -- 94 -- -- Vaccination of children t adult, 30 patients /day. BI Completed UNHCR (PAK) Bala Quetta 12 Camps IAHC Ongoing (PAK) NIFP Kohat Kotki -1 IRC Ongoing (PAR) NIFP Peshawar Camps AVICEN (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Shamshato (PAR) NIFP Peshawar University Town HEALTH: Disabled Reh (PAK) Bain Chaghai -- 1 87 9 95 Outreach workers identify handicapped people in 9 camps;refer them to consultations conducted by mobile teams d do follow -up work. (PAR) Bala Gulistan HI Completed UNHCR 1 87 9 95 Outreach workers identify handicapped people in J.Piraleaai / Saranac; refer them to consultation of mobile teats t do follow -up mod. (PAK) Baln Loralai HI Completed UNHCR 1 87 9 95 Outreach workers identify handicapped people in 6 caaps;refer them to consultations of mobile tease t do follow -up work. (PAK) Baln Pishin Surkhab Camp HI Completed UNHCR 1 IT 9 95 Outreach workers identify handicapped people, refer them to mobile team f do follow -up wort. (PAK) Bain Quetta Sariab HI Completed UNHCR 1 87 9 95 2 mobile teams (local physiotb.assistants) sake monthly trips to visit handicapped Afghans in 20 RTVs aromad Balochistan. (PAR) Bala Quetta Quetta HI Completed UNHCR 9 85 9 95 Orthopaedic workshop - between 1985 1 1992 over 16,000 new pts. mere registered t more than 9,000 gait aid I orthopaedic devices mere produced. (PAK) t1EP ACBAR Peshawar Nuive. Town DS Ongoing *Donors -- 88 -- -- Handicapped rehabilitation program. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES -- Page: 265 2aki rR22 Date: 04 /03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - - -- =====. ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- ---BY--- Begin--End RAF Ongoing RAF -- 89 -- -- (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIGN> HEALTH: Disabled Reh (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Peshawar U /Tarn Orthopaedic surgery for disabled Afghan refugee children( under 18 years), 20 patients /month / I orthopaedic surgeon. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Peshawar HCI Ongoing HCI 10 90 -- -- (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Peshawar HCI Ongoing HCI 7 92 -- -- (PAK) !MP Peshawar University Town JIFF Ongoing JIFF /J.G 94 -- -- 1 Provision of mobility aid to disabled (30). 60 wheel chairs to disabled people, Pediatric and dispensary departments / X -ray / 50 children as well as 130 physiotherapy patients treatment daily & receiving free medication. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar (PAK) NWFP Peshawar (PAX) N",BP Peshawar University Town Dabgari /Gardens 8 91 -- -- Post- operative physiotherapy for patients undergone surgical operations overseas. JIFF Ongoing JIFF /ION KRCS Ongoing KRCS II 86 -- -- Physiotherapy & orthopaedic workshop. MHC Ongoing *Donors -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of physical disabled, Orthotics workshopf Speech therapy I vocational center / publication & information. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Arbab Colony PRCS Ongoing PRCS SERVE Ongoing *Donors -- 8 83 -- -- Disability program - joint project with INCR. Blind rehabilitation - 669 blind completing, 497 rehabilitated into esployment I. 26 children integrated in schools. (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Hayatabad SGAA Completed EU -- 89 8 95 Training of orthopaedic technicians & running of one year course for 20 students & supervision of physiotherapy in BHUs of refugee camps in north NWFP. (PAT) NYFP Peshawar Shaheen Torn SGAA Ongoing SGAA 4 94 -- -- Orthopaedic component workshop previously funded by WHO but independent of any major door contribution. HEALTH: Other Transferring of war wounded to ICRC surgical hospital in Quetta. (PAK) Bals Pishin Chaman ICRC Ongoing ICRC -- 85 -- -- (PAT) Ball Quetta University Town NSF Ongoing EU 11 88 -- -- Monitoring of microscopists / refresher training I insecticide spray campaigns. (PAT) Bals Quetta Quetta NSF Ongoing EU -- 89 -- -- Malaria laboratory program serving all camps Baluchistan: monitoring work of field licroscopists / refresher training I offering routine diagnostic. (PAK) NTFP Kohat Darsaaand IRC Ongoing IRC -- 81 -- -- Malaria control/ MCi / FEWs / EPI / refreshers / health education. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Kata Kanra IRC Ongoing IRC -- 81 -- -- Malaria control/ EPI / refreshers / health education. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Kahi IRC Ongoing IRC -- 84 -- -- Outreach malaria control / FHWs / EPI / refreshers / health education. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Thal-1 IRC Ongoing IRC -- 81 -- -- Malaria control/ MCI / Hilts / EPI / refreshers / health education. (PAK) NWFP Kohat Naryab IRC Ongoing INC -- 89 -- -- Malaria control/ MCI I FNWs I EPI / laboratory / refreshers I health education, ACBAR DATABASE OF MGO ACTIVITIES Page: 266 ZakirR22 Date: 04/03/96 8TE EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- -- -- YILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin --End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Other (PAK) KIFP Kohat Dallan IRC Ongoing IRC -- 81 -- -- (PAK) PPP Peshawar Peshawar NCI Ongoing NCI 1 90 -- -- (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Bayatabad ITC HELP Ongoing HELP G. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Town ICD Ongoing- ICD -- -- -- -- 3 83 -- -- Malaria control/ BPI / refreshers / health education. Supply of medical equipcent A medicine to 5 hospitals. Co- sponsor for inter - Plast program. Provision of lab materials e.g. slides / reagents for 40 laboratories for TB control in Pits in NIFP. the laboratories were previously given microscope. performs caltare A sensitivity tests, study resistance of TB cases. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Town ICD Ongoing ICD 3 84 -- - Referral lab (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Tova ICD Ongoing ICD 3 84 - - Provision of III medicine to the organizations supporting Afghan refugees all over NVFP. (PAR) NIFP Peshawar [RCS Ongoing KRCS -- -- -- -- Contributions to Afghan Medial Institutions by donating medicine, equipment / abalances / I -ray filas on monthly basis. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Town KAI Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- Nedical lab: 22 technicians - 8,030 testa are performed per month for all refugee hospitals. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Tova NSF Ongoing EU -- 89 -- - Malaria laboratory progra serving all amps in NIFF A Panjab: monitoriag worn of field microscopists / refresher training / offering routine diagnostic cover where NOO /MOPH facilities have closed. (PAR) NIFP Peshawar University Town NSF Ongoing EU -- 89 -- -- Spray pregna for malaria control, coordinating all aspect of IABICR's annual spray. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar All parts NSF Ongoing EU -- -- -- -- Training of microscopists, health carters / insecticide spray campaigns / epidemiologyal A operational research. (PAK) NIPP Peshawar University Town NSF Ongoing EU -- 89 -- -- Natalia technical unit, monitoring epidemiology of vector borne disease / assessing npact of control seasles planning appropriate control strategies. -- 94 -- -- Uaahat- al- Moniaeen teaching polyclinic. (PA[) NIFP Peshawar Hayatabad NSOA Ongoing NAC (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar ORA Ongoing ORA/NRC 6 91 -- -- Drug rehabilitation cater (20 beds t 18 staff), attached coonnity wort. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Khorasa Camp ORA Ongoing EU 4 95 -- -- Commaaity based drag rehabilitation for women A children -(9 staff). (PAK) NIFP Peshawar SRCS Completed SRCS - 82 11 95 Sponsorship of serions / complicated cases e.g. cancer / heart patients. 360 cases have been sponsored to Pakistan hospitals or overseas. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar (PAK) NIFP Peshawar - SRCS Completed SRCS - 89 SRCS Ongoing SRCS - 82 - -- 6 95 2 field referral laboratories in Lacha Garhi, Nair Bagh A Dag Basad amps provide AFB NP examination. Regular supply of medicine to 19 hap. / 41 clinics A canal supply to 9 hosp. / 14 clinics of Muslim agencies working for afghan. iA C B A I DATABASE OF N00 ACTIVITIES --- Page: 267 2akirl22 Date: 04 /03/96 --------- 811 EDITIOIt -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- =11===== ---- VILLAGE(S) -- -- INCOME: Handicrafts AGENCY -- STATUS -- ACTIVITY -- -BY - -- FUNDED . DURATION Begin- -End - NCI 1 86 -- -- Ongoing MAVA 1 86 -- -- NCI Completed Self 193 -- -- Atora Khatat Ongoing UNBCR Nawsbera Ongoing NCA/BCR (PAR) NIFP IRC Completed Self ANAR Completed ANAR 268 6 95 1 95 (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 3 production centers - 40 people involved in leather work I carpet weaving / Pattu production - products are exported overseas. Veal using for sating carpets - 25 trainees. 1,300 mostly war widows t disabled sen from 13 cups are employed to produce 550 different items of handicrafts. Interest - free loans ranging froc Rs. 950 to Rs. 5,000. 40 disabled assisted with different craft tools. Production of 1,030 units of spinning machines distributed to disabled t women. 33 beneficiaries given tools in various crafts. 40 disabled assisted with different craft tools. Assistance to 30 tailor widows. I30 skilled women assisted with tools t equipments. A groat) of 10 skilled widows are stitching dresses, the products Are sold in the market. Handicraft, weaving of ordinary cloths. Assistance to 98 women, beans seller / coot / yogurt / Kiser & leacher work. Orphan support project - 800 orphans are paid 1s.1,000 each per month. Orphans are fro. different camps in Baluchistan. Orphanage for 140 orphans (aged 6 -13) providing suitable lodging / food / education / medical care t entertainment facilities / wither t summer cloths / shoes / blankets t 500 Its in cash monthly. Date: 04/03/96 ITS EDITION I Orphanage for 90 orphans (aged 6 -16) providing suitable lodging / food / eduation / medical care t entertainent facilities / wither t sr,mer cloths I shoes / blankets t 500 Its in cash monthly. Orphanage Sewing machine loase for vulnerable 'osen. 2akirl22 DATABASE OF 100 ACTIVITIES 1 93 -- -- -- 92 -- - -- 89 -- -- - 90 - -- -- -- -- -- -- 9S -- 95 3 95 -- 95 -- -- -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 95 -- 6 94 -- 95 -- 10 94 10 NPO Completed NCA/BCR NAVA Kohat Different Camps ARIA Completed NCA/ICI Bayatabad (PAK) NWP Karns City NPO Completed NCA/BCR Peshawar (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Various NPO Completed NCA/HCR (PAK) NIFP (PAK) MIFF Peshawar Different Gaps NPO completed IPO OV (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Various NPO Ongoing Peshawar (PAK) NIFP Peshawar 12 Camps ROA01 Peshawar (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar (PAK) NIFP (PAK) NIFP Peshawar INCOME: He1pCraftmen (PAK) NIFP Kababyan Camp 11 INCOME: Help Bus .men Peshawar NCA/BCR (PAX) NIFP Completed NPO UAE -RCS UAE -RCS Parions Sattelite ton Ongoing Ongoing IIRO 1110 LOO Ongoing Ongoing 1RC IIRO Ongoing Peshawar Quetta Bajaar Nanda 1110 (PAK) NIFP (PAK) Ball Bajaar INCOME: Help Vulner. (PAX) NIFP Cbarsada lohnt Banne (PAX) NIFP lohnt (PAK) NIFP (PAX) NIPP ACBA1 Page: -PROVINCE -- --- DISTRICT - -- ----VILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION --STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin- -End INCOME: Help Vulner. ==== =2= (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> (PAK) NIFP Kohat Kohat IRC Ongoing UNBCR (PAK) NIFP Kurrar Different Carps NPO Completed NCA/BCR -- 95 -- 95 Assistance to sandal t cigarette seller disabled. (PAK) NIFP Nansehra Nansehra TIRO Ongoing IIRO - 90 -- -- Orphanage for 130 orphans (aged 6 -13) providing suitable lodging / food / education / medical care t 1 93 -- -- Goat loans for vulnerable noten for intone -generation. entertainment facilities / wither t saner cloths / shoes / blankets t 500 Is in cash monthly. (PAK) NIFP Nayshera Atora Khatak NCI Ongoing NCI (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Shamshatoo IIRO Ongoing !IRO 1 86 -- -- -- 87 -- -- 450 orphan are trained in crafts t are paid on monthly basis. Orphanage for 200 orphans (aged 6 -13) providing suitable lodging / food / education / medical care t entertainment facilities / wither i sneer cloths / shoes / blankets t 500 Its in cash monthly. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Chastity IIRO Ongoing IIRO -- 87 -- -- Orphanage for 410 orphans (aged 6 -16) providing suitable lodging I food / education / medical care t eatertaieent facilities / Tither t saner cloths / shoes / blankets t 500 Is in cash monthly. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar (PAK) NIPP Peshawar (PAK) NIFP ION Ongoing ION 20 Cups ISBA Ongoing ISBA Peshawar Nasir Bagh LQO Ongoing 140 -- 92 -- -- Orphanage (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Abdara Road LQO Ongoing LQO -- 92 -- -- Orphanage (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Different Camps NPO Completed ICA/NCI -- 95 -- 95 Assistance to sandal t cigarette seller disabled. (PAK) NWT Peshawar Camps IRC Ongoing Private -- 89 -- -- Orphan support project - 4,000 are paid Rs. 500 each per month. Orphans are from different camps in Peshawar. Of Ongoing UiI -- 92 -- - Training of 445 women ladies in tailoring, embroidery t -- -- -- -- 1 85 -- -- Provision of transportation assistance to Afghan migration overseas. Assistance to 15 disabled ( monthly allowance, health, education t footwear). INCOME: Skill Train. (PAK) NIFP Bajaur Camps (PAK) NVFP Kohat Bange IRC Ongoing UICR 1 93 -- -- Training of orphans / disabled sea in various business. (PAK) NIFP Kohut Shiadand /Gamkhol IRC Ongoing UIlft 1 92 - -- Training of orphans I disabled in tailoring. (PAK) NIPP Knrrau Various NPO Completed NCA/BCR -- 95 -- 95 Knitting t carpet raving (3 -6 months). (PAK) NIPP Grram Different Camps NPO Completed NCA/BQ -- 9S -- 95 Embroidery, tailoring t radio repair training for disabled. (PAK) NIPP Nanshera than Khatak ICI Ongoing ICI - -- -- -- Training of 140 children in tailoring / carpentry / waving / carpet sating/lather products. (PAK) NIPP Peshawar Kâarasan Camp AG-TIP Ongoing GTZ 2 95 3 96 Providing voatianl training for Afghans age 15 - 35 years (masonry, carpentry, tailoring, literacy). (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Spin Lanf Camp AG-IT Ongoing GTZ 2 95 3 96 Providing vocational training for Afghans age IS - 3S years (masonry, carpentry, tailoring, literacy). CACEAR DATABASE Of IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 269 ZatirI22 -- ---- Date: 04 /03/96 soap sating in all Bajaar apps t Peshawar. 8TI EDITION I -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY -- STATUS -- -- -BY --- Begin- -End =OS 1=9Z (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> INCOME: Skill Train. (PAK) N1PP Peshanr tacit Gari Camp AG-TTP Ongoing GTZ 8 94 3 96 Providing vocational training for Afghans age 15 - 35 years (nasonry, carpentry, tailoring, literacy). (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Shaheen Town AG-1TP Ongoing GTZ 10 95 1 97 Training of Afghan Caen in tailoring & literacy. (PAL) N1FP Peshawar Peshawar ANTS Ongoing Private 2 94 -- -- Tailoring & literacy courses for women. (PAK) NYFP Peshawar Peshawar AXIS Ongoing Private 4 94 -- -- Tailoring 1 literacy courses for women. (PAL) NIFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh AREA -I Completed Gert.Gov 12 94 2 95 Soap making training for female. (PAL) NYFP Peshawar Newkali Carp AYRC Completed IVDA 12 92 2 95 40 women / 2 semesters of 6 youths / hand t nachine knitting / sewing. (PAR) NYFP Peshawar University Town ARC Completed CIDA 6 95 11 95 Training of 120 women in sewing t knitting for 6 months. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar University Torn AYRC Completed Self /Pvt 1 95 12 95 Training of 123 nomen in sewing 1 knitting course. (PAK) NIFP Peshawar !laser Bagh AVID Completed CIDA 6 94 Training of 200 women in candle inking / literacy t health education. (PAL) NVFP Peshawar Nasir Bagb AWO Ongoing CIDA 10 95 -- -- Vocational training for women, 20 in carpet weaving / 50 in candle taking & 100 in embroidery. (PAL) NYFP Peshawar Canal Road LBI Ongoing LBI -- 88 -- -- Technical institute t workshop - train Afghans in rotor repair, welding t carpentry. (PAL) NIFP Peshawar NAI ongoing NM -- Vocational training center for girls - 45 students arc trained for 6 months. (PAK) NYFP Peshawar Different Carps NPO Completed NCA /ACA -- 95 -- 95 (PAL) NYFP Peshawar Peshawar NPO Completed NCA/NRC (PAK) NYFP Peshawar Various NPO Completed NCA/HCR -- 95 -- 95 Knitting t carpet weaving (3 -6 months). (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Kababyan PRS Completed CIDA 10 94 Training of 30 people in textile weaving. (PAK) NYFP Peshawar PRS Ongoing CIDA (PAK) NYFP Peshawar Refugee Camp SAVE Proposed MICR -- 95 -- -- (PAK) NIFP Peshawar Peshawar SJAYO Ongoing MICR 6 95 -- -- (PAK) NYFP Peshawar S villages SOS -PG Ongoing EU (PAK) NYFP Peshawar Shamshato Camp START Completed START 6 94 (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Kacha Garhi Ongoing *Donors 1 81 - -- IACBAR ' UAAR 1 95 6 95 -- 6 95 9 95 3 94 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 95 Embroidery, tailoring t radio repair training for disabled. Training of GRO: local staff in different skills (6 months). Textile weaving training project. Knitting and sewing training course for women. Melding / tinsmith / leather / carpentry / literacy. t naeracy training for 100 trainees. Apprenticeship scheme for Afghans, placing trainees in local workshops. Training in tailoring. Vocational training center for refugees. DATABASE OP NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 210 Zaki rR22 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE-- - -- DISTRICT -- -- 91102elt0=7.11= MI=MMICZNIZI=1= -- --VILLAGE(S) -- -- AGFICY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -- -BY - -- Begin--End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> 111===la INCOME: Other (PAK) NRFP (PAK) NwFP (PAK) NWFP (PAK) NIFP (PAK) NNFP (PAK) NTFP (PAK) NNFP (PAK) NNFP (PAR) NtFP (PAK) NNFP (PAK) NEP (PAL)_ N'FP (PAL) SIR (PAX) NNFP (PAK) RF? (PAL) NNFP (PAK) NTFP MINES: Bajaur RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Self help income generation activities for females t other self help activities. Bannu RES Ongoing RES 1 87 -- -- Self help income generation activities for fesales I other self help activities. RES Ongoing RES 1 87 -- -- Self help Mate generation activities for fesales t other self help activities. RIS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Self help incuse generation activities for females t other self help activities. Hangu IRC Completed IRC 1 93 Hangs IRC Ongoing IRC 1 93 -- -- RBS Ongoing RES 1 87 -- -- Self help income generation activities for fesales i other self help activities. RBS Ongoing RBS 187 -- -- Self help income generation activities for fesales t other self help activities. RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Self help income generation activities for fesales t other self help activities. RBS Ongoing RBS 187 -- -- Self help income generation activities for females i other self help activities. RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Self help income generation activities for fesales t other self help activities. RBS Ongoing RES 187 -- -- Self help income generation activities for fesales t other self help activities. D.I. Khan Dir Kohat Kohat Kohat Kurrai Nansehra Nardan North tazir -- Orakzai skilled artisans. AREA -I Completed Self 5 94 7 95 Establishment of bakeries (so far 1 bakery established for refugees in Zakat- Quarters). Peshawar Nasir Bagh Camp AREA -1 Completed Self 2 94 7 95 Establishment of bakeries (so far 6 bakeries established for the tel refugees). RES Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Self help income generation activities for fesales t other self help activities. Peshawar Peshawar Hayatabad SNI Ongoing SNI 4 92 -- -- Construction of roof slabs / latrine slabs J yell rings / geodesic doses / steel door t windows for income generation. South tazir - RES Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Self help income generation activities for females t other self help activities. Completed HCR/NOVB 10 95 12 95 Safety lesson - 3,786 people participated. ONAR Completed HCR/NOVB 10 95 11 95 Safety lesson - 15 people participated. NCPA Cuspleted UNOCHA Awareness Refuge Camps (PAK) NTFP Peshawar NOOs in Peshawar 'ACHAR Multi purposes workshop - vood, plastic, ceaent - employing Bayatabad Quetta (PAK) Bala Auto shop: servicing 51 IRC vehicles a other private vehicles sent; employing i training 17 refugees. Peshawar (PAK) Bala MINES: 6 95 DeminerTrain Quetta Quetta 2 95 5 95 Training of 97 Mime Clearance personnel. in 5 courses. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 271 ZakirR22 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- (PAK) N1FP Peshawar ---- YILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY --STATUS -- NCPA Completed FUNDED -BI - -- UNOCHA DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin - -End 1 95 5 95 DESCRIPTIO1> Training of 185 Nine Clearance personnel in 5 courses. RELIEF:Food Items 1 91 -- -- Distribution of cooked seal in Aza Khel, Pabbi, Akora Khatak 1 Shanshatoo areas. SNI 9 95 -- -- Distribution of cooked food for 1300 new arrival refugee families each day (approiiaately 10,000 people). Ongoing HCI 2 93 -- -- Distribution of financial assistance to 700 needy refugees. KRCS Ongoing KRCS (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Peshawar NCI Ongoing (PAK) N1FP Peshawar Nasir Bagh SNI Ongoing NCI , - NCI RELIEF:Non -Food Item Peshawar (PAK) NVFP Peshawar (PAK) N1FP Peshawar (PAK) NVFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh SNI Completed UNHCR 6 95 6 95 Distribution of 1,250 tarpaulins for new arrival refugees. (PAK) NNFP Peshawar Nasir Bagh SNI Completed UN1CR 5 95 5 95 Distribution of 1,500 quilts for new arrival refugees. -- -- -- -- Distribution of teats, blankets, shoes, garments 1 sore food conodities to refugees. RELIEF:Help Returnee (PAK) balu Quetta -- ION Ongoing ION -- 92 -- -- Transportation assistance for returning families going long distances inside Afghanistan. (PAK) NVFP Chitral -- ION Ongoing 10N -- -- -- -- Transportation assistance for returning families going long distances inside Afghanistan. (PAR) N1FP Peshawar Peshawar NCI Ongoing NCI 6 92 -- -- (PAK) KVFP Peshawar ION Ongoing ION -- -- -- -- Transportation assistance for returning families going long distances inside Afghanistan. (PAK) NVFP -- Various areas SERVE Ongoing Tear /PMU -- 80 -- -- Relief assistance with food and other goods. -- RBS Ongoing RBS Assistance to 420 returnees. SOCIAL:Animation (PAK) NVFP Bajaur I 87 -- -- Training aniaators I coamunity volunteers for self help activities through coma. participation. (Islami Khidaatgars), female volunteers child support groups 1 self help schools. (PAK) NYFP Buns -- RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Training animators 1 conunity volunteers for self help activities through con.participation. (Islasi Khidaatgars). (PAK) N1FP D.I. Khan RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Training animators 1 conunity volunteers for self help activities through con.participation. (Islami Khidaatgars) . (PAK) N1FP Dir RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Training animators 1 community volunteers for self help activities through con.participation. (Islaii Khidaatgars). (PAK) N1FP ACBAR Kohat RBS Ongoing RBS 1 a7 -- -- Training animators 1 community volunteers for self help activities through con.participation (child to child). DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 272 ZakirR22 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED AGENCY -- STATUS -- ---BY --- RES Ongoing RBS DURATION Begin- -End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> SOCIAL:Anirmation (PAK) NWT Lunn 1 87 -- -- Training animators i coxunity volunteers for self help activities through cou.particìpation. (Islaai ghidmatgars). (PAR) NWFP Malatand - RBS Ongoing 1 87 -- -- Training animators / community volunteers for self help activities through cou. participation. (Islami Khidmatgars). (PAK) NMFP Mardan RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Training animators / comity volunteers for self help activities through cox. participation. (Islai Khidatgan) i youth club leaders, child to child progran. (PAK) NMFP North Wazir RES Ongoing RBS 1 8? -- -- Training animators / community volunteers for self help activities through con. participation. (Islami I hìdatgars). (PAK) NWFP Peshawar RES Ongoing RBS 187 -- -- Training of sale i female urban animators / community volunteers for self help activities comet: participation. (Isiami Khidatgars). (D1K) SUP South Wazir RBS Ongoing DS 1 87 -- - Training animators / coxunity volunteers for self help activities through cox. participation. (Islasi Khadmatgars). SOCIAL:News- Letter (PAK) NNFP Peshawar Various ANAL Ongoing (PAK) NM Peshawar University Tom ARC (PAK) NWT Peshawar Peshawar (PAK) NMFP Peshawar MAR 1 94 -- -- Publication of newspaper (Bayas). Completed IDA 6 95 12 95 Monthly newsletter (Basher -al- Moment), 1000 issue in Persian t Pashtu. MADERA Ongoing Ell Peshawar VFA Ongoing UNDP 7 94 -- -- Publishing of a lurid (the drug) in Dari, Pashtu t English languages every month. -- 91-- Editing i distribatimg of every three smiths a men letter in Pashto t Dari languages. SOCIAL:Magazine (PAK) Bain Quetta Quetta PSD Ongoing PSD 4 94 -- -- Scientific, caltant i social (Dari) 1,000 monthly. (PAK) DTP Peshawar University Torn AIC Ongoing Self 1 94 -- =- Publishing of bi- monthly Pashto t Farsi nagazine. (PAK) NMFP Peshawar Hayatabad AICC Completed Self -- 93 2 95 Pablishing of monthly magazine. (PAR) NMFP Peshawar Various ANA Conpl, .I UNDCP 12 94 1 95 Publication of 2 boots about drug awareness (Gradual Suicide t Wheat or Poppy). (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Hayatabad IAAAE Ongoing Self (PAK) NWFP Peshawar Peshawar IFA Ongoing WFA (PAK) NMFP Peshawar Peshawar MUFA Completed NED. 1 95 12 95 Publication of 8 hoots (16,000 copies). (PAK) NVFP Peshawar University Town WUFA Ongoing TAP 8 90 -- -- Publication of gmarterly English, bi- monthly Pashto journal of current thoughts. ACBAR 3 92 -- -- -- 93 -- Ivan -Monthly magazine in Farsi t Pashtu. Publishing of poetry boot. DATABASE OF 100 ACTIVITIES Page: 273 Zatir122 Bete: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- ACTIVITY FLWDED DURATION ----VILLAGE(S)---- AGENCY -- STATUS -- - -BY -- Begin --End -- 89 (ACTIVITY :DESCRIPTION: SOCIAL:Library 2 95 Library of over 4,500 books on different subjects. (PAT.) NTFP Peshavar Bayatabad AICC Completed Private (PAK) NMFP Peshawar University Taon ARC Completed Self /Pvt 1 95 12 95 Library A employment exchange section (serve the Touen). RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, aentally retarded, SOCIAL:Other (PAK) NMFP Abbottabad youth club leaders female committees animators k self help schools. (PAK) NMFP Bajaur RES Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- (PAK) NMFP Bannu RBS Ongoing RES 1 (PAK) NMFP D.I. Khan RBS Ongoing RBS (PAK) NMFP Dir RBS Ongoing (PAK) NMfP Kohat RBS (PAK) NYFP Kurraa RBS Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, mentally retarded. 87 -- -- Formation of child support for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, aentally retarded. 1 87 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, aentally retarded. RBS 1 87 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, aentally retarded. Ongoing RBA 1 87 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, aentally retarded. Ongoing RES 187 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, meatally, retarded, child to child. (PAK) NTFP RES Nansehra Ongoing RES 187 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, mentally retarded, youth club leaders. (PAK) NMFP RES 'ardan Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, aentally, retarded, youth club leaders. (PAK) NEP North Matir RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 - -. -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, mentally retarded. (PAK) NTFP Oraizai RBS Ongoing RBS 187 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, aentally retarded. (PAK) NTFP Peshawar Bayatabad AICC Ongoing Private -- 90 -- -- Video center - Jehad,films are :bora to the students of different institutions once a net. (PAR) NYFP Peshawar University Torn ARC Ongoing Self -- 87 -- -- Archive - 150,000 pictures, 3,000 films A many slides on different issues relating to Afghan jihad. (PAK) NMFP Peshawar University Torn ARC Ongoing Self -- 86 -- -- Producing documentary filas on any subjects with a subsidy for NGOs. (PAK) MI' Peshawar Peshawar CCA Completed NOVIB (PAK) NMFP Peshawar Bayatabad IAAAE Completed Self -- 94 -- 95 (PAK) NTFP Peshawar IOR Ongoing ION -- - ACHAR 4 95 5 95 -- The vorishop on Roman Rights was held for training of 10 members. Registration of 48 engineers. Return scheme for qualified Afghans. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 274 2aiirR22 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION ACTIVITY -PROVINCE -- - -- DISTRICT - - -- --- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY - -- DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> SOCIAL:Other (PAK) NVFP Peshawar (PAK) N1FP Peshawar IRC Ongoing IRC -- 87 -- -- Peshawar RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) c.g. disabled, mentally retarded. (PAK) NVFP South lazir RBS Ongoing RBS 1 87 -- -- Formation of child support groups for children with special needs (vulnerable) e.g. disabled, mentally retarded. (PAK) Punj Islamabad YSO Ongoing UK -ODA IRC Ongoing UNNCR WATER: (PAK) N1FP Printing press for textbooks, brochures, magazines, etc. -- 88 -- Sending volunteers to NGOs, 30 have been sent to different NGOs since 19 -88. 93 -- Maintenance of 485 IS1 in 13 camps in Hangu -Thal area A provision of water by tanker to Lakhti Banda b, Kotki Drinking Kohat Kohat 1 2. (PAK) NVFP Nawshera (PAK) NIPP Peshawar (PAK) NVFP Peshawar (PAK) NVFP Peshawar WATER: Akora Khatak NCI Ongoing BCI KRCS Ongoing KRCS Nasir Bagh SNI Completed SNI 3 Camps SRCS Ongoing SRCS ARIA Completed Self 6 94 Ongoing Self 6 94 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 94 10 95 -- 93 -- -- 1 tube well - benefit 300 families. Digging wells in refugee camps. 351 shallow wells dug so far i 3 tube wells also functioning. Supply of water for drinking purpose. Establishing tube -wells in refugee camps (Kagai / Jaluzai / Akora Khatak). Other (PAK) NVFP Peshawar City (PAK) NIFP Peshawar City ACBAR 190 -- -- ARIA 6 95 Production of water lifting structure in Peshawar sold to Afghans (The average rate per unit Rs. 25,000). Gabion weaving on order for people. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 275 ZakirR22 Date: 04/03/96 8TH EDITION 1 d
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