2015-2016 Calendar with Code of Conduct - Blackville
2015-2016 Calendar with Code of Conduct - Blackville
2015 Blackville-Hilda Public Schools Calendar & / 2016 Code of Conduct Barnwell School District #19 High Expectations lead to Academic Achievement in an atmosphere Where failure is not an option, Knowledge leads to excellence and Success prevails ACCREDITED | SACS Barnwell School District #19 Blackville-Hilda Public Schools Dr. Teresa L. Pope, District Superintendent 297 Pascallas Street * Blackville, South Carolina 29817 Telephone: 803-284-5605 * Fax: 803-284-4417 Website: http://www.barnwell19.k12.sc.us Board of Trustees Ms. Jameka Hagood, Chair Mrs. Carroll Priester,Vice Chair Mrs. Ethel T. Faust, Secretary Ms. Karen Jowers Ms. Sharon McClary Board of Education Meetings Second Monday of each month At 7:00 P.M. Blackville-Hilda District Office Board Room Abbreviations used in calendar BHJH-Blackville-Hilda Junior High BHHS-Blackville-Hilda High School FEA-Future Educators of America HSAP-High School Assessment Program MES-Macedonia Elementary School MAP-Measures of Academic Progress PASS-Palmetto Assessment of State Standards PD-Professional Development PLUS-Parents and Leaders United for Success PTSO-Parent Teacher Student Organization RBC-Results-Based Conferencing SAT-Scholastic Aptitude Test SIC-School Improvement Council Schools Macedonia Elementary Principal: Ms. Teresa Reid P.O. Box 246 556 Jones Bridge Road Blackville, SC 29817 (803) 284-5800 Voice (803) 284-0959 Fax [email protected] Blackville-Hilda Junior High Principal: Dr. Sterling Harris P.O. Box 186 446 Country Club Road Blackville, SC 29817 (803) 284-5900 Voice (803) 284-0961 Fax [email protected] District Office Dr. Teresa L. Pope, Superintendent Ms. Margie Garvin, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Special Services Ms. Yvonne Birt, Office Manager, Benefits Coordinator Mr. David Corder, Director of Federal Programs Ms. Leah Bias, Director of Special Services Ms. Daphne Wood, Technology Director Ms. Rebecca Grubbs, Finance Director Ms. Trudy Lott, Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk Mr. John Johnson, School Food Services Director Ms. Teresa Zorn, School Food Services Secretary Mr. LaTroy Gleaton, Bus Supervisor Mr. Marvin Allen, Maintenance Supervisor Blackville-Hilda High Principal: Dr. Sterling Harris P.O. Box 245 76 Atkins Circle Blackville, SC 29817 (803) 284-5700 Voice (803) 284-3766 Fax [email protected] 284-5605 284-5606 [email protected] [email protected] 284-5609 284-5608 284-5616 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 284-5677 284-5612 284-5611 284-5620 284-5620 300-0124 373-4585 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mission Statement Blackville-Hilda Public Schools is a district where… High Expectations lead to Academic Achievement in an atmosphere Where failure is not an option, Knowledge leads to excellence and Success prevails. Sun 5 July 2015 Mon 6 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 District will observe 4th of July Holiday 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 1st Day for 11 month employees (220 days) 26 27 1st Day for 10 month employees (210 days) Sun August 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 9 3 4 5 6 MES Registration MES Registration BHJR/BHHS Registration BHJR/BHHS Registration K-6 9:00 am-2:00 pm K-6 9:00 am-2:00 pm 8:00 am—4:00 pm 11:00 am—6:00 pm 10 11 12 Teacher Teacher Teacher In-Service (1) In-Service (2) 23 17 1-A 8 13 14 15 District-Wide Teacher In-Service (4) Teacher MES Meet and Greet, 4:00 pm—6:00 pm In-Service (3) In-Service (5) Regional Football Jamboree—Williston-Elko 6:00 pm Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) 16 7 18 2-B 19 3-A 20 4-B School Principals’ Meeting BHJR/BHHS Open House Begins 8:30 am 5:30 pm-6:30 pm 24 6-B 25 7-A 26 8-B 27 BHHS Senior Pictures MES Open House Denim Day 5:00 pm—6:00 pm 9-A 21 28 5-A 22 10-B 29 Varsity Football BHHS vs Barnwell A 7:30 pm Cafeteria 30 31 11-A Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. Sun September 2015 Mon Tue 1 Wed 12-B Volleyball BHHS vs Wagener-Salley A-5:30 pm 2 Thu 13-A 3 Fri 14-B Principals’ Meeting, 8:30 am Sat 4 15-A 5 Curriculum and Technology Meeting 8:30 am Varsity Football BHHS vs Denmark -Olar H 7:30 pm 6 7 8 16-B BHJR/BHHS Benchmark Testing MES MAP Testing 9 17-A BHHS Student Council 10 18-B MES Grandparent Day, grades K-3 Luncheon Volleyball BHHS vs North A-5:30 pm No School 13 14 20-B 15 Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) 19-A MES Grandparent Day, grades 4-6 12 ACT Test Varsity Football BHHS vs Ridge Spring-Monetta A 7:30 pm Little Miss/Little Master MES Homecoming Competition 21-A 16 22-B 17 23-A 18 Volleyball BHHS vs HKT H-5:30 pm PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm 11 24-B Principals’ Meeting, 8:30 am Interim Reports 1/2 Day for Students Varsity Football BHHS vs Allendale -Fairfax H 7:30 pm Teacher Professional Development Day 19 Homecoming Little Miss/Little Master MES Homecoming Competition cont’d 20 27 21 28 25-A 30-B 22 26-B 23 27-A 24 28-B BHJR/BHHS MES PTSO-SIC 4:30 pm PTSO-SIC 5:30 pm Cafeteria Volleyball BHHS vs Ridge SpringMonetta A-5:30 pm 6th Grade Parent Night, 6:00 pm 29 31-A 30 Denim Day 32-B 25 29-A 26 Varsity Football BHHS vs Bamberg -Ehrhardt A 7:30 pm Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. October 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. 1 Fri 33-A BHHS-Senior Make-Up Pictures 2 Sat 34-B Curriculum and Technology Meeting 8:30 am 3 SAT Test Varsity Football BHHS vs Calhoun County H 7:30 pm 4 5 35-A 6 36-B Volleyball BHHS vs Calhoun County H5:30 pm 7 37-A Principals’ Meeting, 8:30 am BHHS– Underclass Picture Day 11 12 40-B PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm 13 41-A Volleyball BHHS vs Williston-Elko H-5:30 pm Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) 18 19 45-A 1st Nine Weeks Ends 25 26 14 42-B BHHS Student Council 8 38-B MES JR BETA Club Induction, 9:00 am 15 43-A BHJR JR BETA Club Induction, 9:00 am Luncheon 20 46-B 2nd Nine Weeks Begins 27 50-B 21 47-A 22 48-B Principals’ Meeting, 8:30 am MES PTSO-SIC 5:30 pm Volleyball State Playoffs Begin TBA Character Night 28 29 51-A 52-B Teacher In-Service (6) Denim Day MES Ministers Breakfast BHHS—Awards Day Program 10:00 am MES Awards Day Program MES JR BETA Club Fundraiser 39-A 10 Varsity Football BHHS vs WagenerSalley A 7:30 pm 16 44-B 17 MES Fall Carnival Varsity Football BHHS vs Williston -Elko H 7:30 pm Parent/Teacher Conference Report Cards Issued, 12:00- 6:00 pm 9 23 49-A 24 Varsity Football BHHS vs HKT A 7:30 pm ACT Test 30 31 53-A Varsity Football BHHS vs North H 7:30 pm Grades 1-3, 8:30 am Grades 4-6, 9:30 am Halloween Sun 1 November 2015 Mon 2 Tue 54-B 3 Wed 55-A 15 9 59-A 56-B BETA Club Meeting Principals’ Meeting MES 9:00 am 8:30 am BHJr 9:30 am BHHS Student Council Luncheon BHHS 10:00 am 8 4 Thu 10 60-B 11 5 Fri 57-A 61-A 12 62-B MES PTSO-SIC 5:30 pm Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) Teacher Professional ELA/Social Studies Development Day BHHS Underclass Picture Make-Up Day 17 65-A BHJR/BHHS PTSO-SIC 4:30 pm 18 7 SAT Test MES Veteran’s Day Programs PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm 64-B 58-B Curriculum and Technology Meeting 8:30 am 1/2 Day for Students 16 6 Sat 66-B 19 67-A Principals’ Meeting Interim Reports 8:30 am BHHS Pageant 6:00 pm 13 63-A 14 20 68-A 21 Denim Day American Education Week 22 23 24 25 Thanksgiving Holidays Thanksgiving Holidays Thanksgiving Holidays 26 27 28 Thanksgiving Holidays Thanksgiving Day 29 30 69-B Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. December 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 70-A 2 Thu 71-B 3 Fri 72-A Basketball BHJR vs Bamberg-Ehrhard H 5:00 pm MES MAP Testing Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am 4 73-B Curriculum and Technology Meeting 8:30 am Sat 5 SAT Test Basketball BHHS vs Barnwell A 5:30 pm MES-Santa House 6 7 74-A 8 75-B 9 76-A Basketball BHJR vs Denmark-Olar A 5:00 pm 10 77-B Basketball BHJR vs Allendale-Fairefax H 5:00 pm 11 78-A MES 12 ACT TEST DARE Graduation 9:00 am Basketball BHHS vs Barnwell H 6:00 pm MES-Santa House 13 14 79-B 15 16 81-B 17 Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm BHHS-Student Council Luncheon, Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) 82-A 18 19 1/2 Day for Students Winter Holidays Begins Basketball BHHS vs Ridge Spring-Monetta H 6:30 pm 21 22 23 24 Winter Holidays Winter Holidays Winter Holidays Winter Holidays 25 Day 28 29 30 31 Winter Holidays Winter Holidays Winter Holidays Winter Holidays HAWK Invitational Tournament 26 HAWK Christmas 27 83-B MES Christmas Program Denim Day Basketball BHJR vs Estill A 5:00 pm Basketball BHJR vs Williston-Elko A 5:00 pm 20 80-A Invitational Tournament Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. January 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Winter Holidays 3 4 5 84-A Students Return to School 11 88-A 12 89-B Basketball BHHS vs Wagener-Salley A 6:30 pm PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) 7 86-A Basketball BHJR vs Edisto H 5:00 pm 18 19 Martin Basketball BHHS vs HKT A 6:30 pm 92-A 8 87-B 9 Curriculum and Technology Meeting 8:30 am Basketball BHHS vs North H 6:30 pm 13 90-A 2nd Nine Weeks Ends BHHS Student Council Luncheon Basketball BHJR vs Barnwell A 5:00 pm 17 85-B Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am Basketball BHHS vs Williston-Elko A 6:30 pm Teacher In-Service 10 6 20 93-B Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am 14 91-B 16 Teacher In-Service (7) Report Cards Parents may pick up report cards between 3:30-6:30 pm Parents may pick up report cards between 8:00 am—12:00 pm Basketball BHJR vs Bamberg-Ehrhardt A 5:00 pm Basketball BHHS vs Calhoun County H 6:30 pm 21 22 94-A MES Awards Day Program Grades 1-3 8:30 am Luther King Holiday 15 3rd Nine Weeks Begins 95-B 23 BHJR/BHHS Awards Day Program 10:00 am SAT Test 29 30 Grades 4-6 9:30 am Basketball BHJR vs Denmark-Olar H 5:00 pm 24 25 96-A Basketball BHJR vs Allendale-Fairfax A 5:00 pm 26 97-B Basketball BHHS vs Ridge Spring-Monetta A 6:30 pm 27 Denim Day 98-A 28 99-B MES PTSO-SIC 5:30 pm Family Fun/Fitness Night Basketball BHJR vs Williston-Elko H 5:00 pm 31 100-A MES 100th Day of School Celebration Basketball BHHS vs Williston-Elko H 6:30 pm Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. February 2016 Sun Mon 1 Tue 101-B Basketball BHJR vs Estill H 5:00 pm 2 Wed 102-A Basketball BHHS vs North A 6:30 pm 3 Thu 103-B Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am 4 Fri 104-A Basketball BHJR vs Edisto A 5:00 pm 5 105-B Curriculum and Technology Meeting 8:30 am Sat 6 ACT Test MES—Circus 5:30 pm Basketball BHHS vs Wagener-Salley H 6:30 pm Groundhog Day 7 8 106-A PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm 9 107-B Basketball BHHS vs Calhoun County A 6:30 pm Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) 10 108-A 11 109-B 12 13 BHHS Student Council Luncheon MES Valentine Ball Basketball BHHS vs HKT H 6:30 pm Teacher In-Service (8) 17 18 112-A 19 113-B 20 117-B 26 118-A 27 Basketball BHJR vs Barnwell H 5:00 pm 14 15 16 Basketball State Playoffs Begins for GirlsTBA Basketball State Playoffs Begins for BoysTBA Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am Interim Report 23 24 25 110-A 111-B No School President's Day 21 22 114-A BHHS Job Shadowing 28 29 119-B 115-B 116-A 1/2 Day for Students BHHS Job Shadowing Teacher Professional Development Day MES Living Literature Museum 9:00 am Denim Day MES PTSO-SIC BHJR/BHHS Black History Program 9:00 am MES Black History Program 8:30 am Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. March 2016 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 120-A 2 Thu 121-B 3 Fri 122-A Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am 6 7 124-A 8 125-B 9 126-A 4 123-B Sat 5 Curriculum and Technology Meeting 8:30 am SAT Test 10 127-B 11 128-A 12 17 132-A 18 133-B 19 BHJR/BHHS PTSO-SIC 4:30 pm National BETA Club Week 13 14 129-B 15 130-A PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm 16 131-B Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) BHHS Student Council Luncheon Step Show MES PTSO-SIC Math/Science 5:30 pm BHHS Gym 6th Grade Parent Night 6:15 pm BHJR/BHHS Career/College Night 20 21 134-A 22 135-B 3rd Nine Weeks Ends 23 136-A 4th Nine Weeks Begins 24 Report Cards Denim Day 137-B 25 26 Spring Break Begins Good Friday 27 28 29 30 31 Easter Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. April 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. 3 Sat 1 2 Spring Break 4 138-A 11 5 139-B MES MAP Testing Return to School 10 Fri 143-B 12 144-A 6 140-A 7 141-B Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am MES Awards Day BHHS– Senior Picture Day Cap & Gown 8:30 am grades 1st-3rd 13 14 145-B 8 142-A 9 BHJR/BHHS Awards Day 10:00 am ACT Test 15 16 9:30 am grades 4th-6th 146-A 147-B BHHS Prom PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm 1/2 Day for Students Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) Teacher Professional Development Day BHHS Seniors/Juniors Prom Pictures 17 18 148-A 19 149-B 20 150-A 21 151-B 22 152-A 23 28 156-A 29 157-B 30 Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am BHHS Student Council Luncheon 24 25 153-B 26 154-A 27 Denim Day 155-B Interim Reports Sun 1 May 2016 Mon 2 Tue 158-A 3 Wed 159-B 4 160-B Principals’ Meeting 8:30 am 8 15 9 163-B 10 164-A 11 PLUS Meeting 6:00 pm BHHS Student Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) Council Luncheon 16 168-A 17 169-B MES Arts and Music Festival 5:30 pm 18 165-B Thu 5 Fri 161-B 6 162-A MES Mother’s Day MES Mother’s Day Lunch Lunch Grades 4-6 Grades K-3 Curriculum and Technology Meeting 8:30 am 12 166-A 13 Sat 7 SAT Test 167-B 14 MES 4K Graduation 170-A 19 171-B Principals’ Meeting 20 172-A 21 MES 5K Graduation 8:30 am MES Field Day 22 23 173-B 24 174-A Athletic Awards Baccalaureate Denim Day Ceremony 6:00 pm 4:00 pm 25 175-B 26 176-A MES 6th Grade Graduation 6:00 pm 27 177-B 28 BHJR 8th Grade Graduation MES Awards Day: 8:30— Grades 1st—3rd 9:30—Grades 4th-6th 29 30 31 No BHHS Awards Day School 9:00 am Memorial Day 178-A Faculty/Staff Meetings will be held after school on Wednesdays. June 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 5 6 7 179-B Thu 2 180-A Fri 3 BHJR Field Day 1/2 Day for Students 1/2 Day for Students Last Day of School BHHS Graduation 8 9 10 Sat 4 Teacher In-Service (10) 11 ACT Test 12 13 14 15 16 Board Meeting 7:00 pm (DO) 17 18 Last day for 10 month employees (210 days) Flag Day 19 20 21 22 23 24 Last day for 11 month employees (220 days) First day of summer 26 27 28 29 30 25 Blackville-Hilda Public Schools Blackville-Hilda Public Schools Mission Statement 2011-2012 Mission Statement 2015-2016 Blackville-Hilda Public Schools is a district where . . . High Expectations lead to Academic Achievement in an atmosphere Where failure is not an option, Knowledge leads to excellence and Success prevails. members through active groups such as School Improvement council, Proposed Goals Goals for 2015-2016 Parents Teacher Student Organizations, Parents and Leaders United for 2012-2013 Theme—“Embracing Change, Empowering Lives andand Exceeding Success committee, Student council. Expectations” Theme—”Excellence by Choice...Not by Chance” Goal #1 – Academic Achievement Goal #1—Student Achievement (Academic Excellence) • To improve academic performance in all subject areas by effectiveimprove instruction by providing assistance, guidance and for ly To utilizing data from teacher-made and standardized testssupport such as teachers in covering the standards at each levelPalmetto with the rigor needed to of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), Assessment ensureStandards student achievement. State (PASS), End of Course Exams (EOC), and Benchmark Assessments. To increase the use of technology to support instruction. • To incorporate the use of technology and other innovative strategies asTo a way of engaging students in theAssessment learning process. improve performance on Palmetto of State Standards (PASS), Highenrichment, School Assessment Program (HSAP), and End Course • To provide remediation and monitoring ofofclassroom Exams (EOC) closelystudent monitoring instruction, enrichment instruction to by ensure success withproviding imbedded professional afterschool assistance data available from previous test development providedand byusing TAP Mentor and Master Teachers. administrations. Goal #2 – Teacher and Administrator Quality Goal #2—Teacher and Administrator Quality • To maintain and recruit highly qualified staff through programs such asTo the New that Teacher Orientation Program, Teacher Proensure all personnel meet requirements for stateInduction certification. gram, Teacher Forum Activities, Teacher Advancement Program and To provide for professional growth for teachers. staff and District Wideopportunities Staff Development Activities. administrators through mentoring programs, conferences, staff development • Provide professional development for principals, teachers and staff activities, workshops, seminars, etc. through workshops, district and school level staff meetings, conferences, informational journals, articles and books. Maintain efforts to recruit and retain highly qualified, effective, teachers • Implement a staff development/professional development plan at and school leaders. each school to include items suggested by teachers and staff as Goalof#3—School Morale/Parental Involvement areas interest or Climate/Staff need. • To offer assistance to teachers through a District Technology Coach To foster meaningful collaboration among parents, teachers and and a Reading Coach at Macedonia Elementary. community GoalBehavior #3 – Parental Involvement To implement Positive Supports and Interventions Program to improve school climate and promote(website, productiveparent schoolportal, environments • To increase communication marquee, emails, AlertNow messaging system, etc.) as a means of seeking more in- Tovolvement provide a safe, visually appealing and supportive environment fromhealthy, parents and stakeholders. where staff members enjoy working and as a result students find learning • Increase opportunities for involvement through activities coordinatenjoyable. ed by the Parent-Teacher Student Organization/School Improvement at each ToCouncil promote(PTSO/SIC) positive attitudes (staffschool. morale) through incentives, effective communication (Teacher forum) and collaboration. • Share information and seek input through monthly meeting with the PLUS (Parents and Leaders United for Success) Committee and Stu- Goal #4—Discipline dent Councils. •ToUpdate for each family throughout year. continuecontact our workinformation with Southeastern Equity Center in order the to gain Unitary Status as we take steps to consistently follow the Code of Conduct. Goal #4 – School Climate implement Positive Behavior and Supports and Interventions Program and •ToProvide more opportunities to build positive working relationships to improve school climate and promote productive school environments. collegiality such as Open House, Homecoming, Longest Drive Con- test, Relay for Life, Parent Nights, and other school/community events. Goal #5—Accreditation • To provide a safe, healthy, visually appealing and supportive environstaff of members enjoy working and students find learning Toment beginwhere the process seeking full District Accreditation from AdvancEd enjoyable. (SACS/CASI) • To establish beautification projects at each school aligned to the Five To continue to ensure full accreditation from both the State Department of Year Facility Plan. Education and SACS/CASI (Southern Associations of Colleges and • To provide resources to ensure that staff members have adequate Schools). materials and supplies for instruction and relevant, attractive displays for classrooms. • Celebrate successes, special events and show appreciation to staff and stakeholders throughout the year. Barnwell School District #19 Blackville-Hilda Public Schools Dr. Teresa L. Pope, District Superintendent 297 Pascallas Street • Blackville, South Carolina 29817 Telephone: 803-284-5605 * Fax: 803-284-4417 http://www.barnwell19.k12.sc.us 2015-2016 Blackville-Hilda Public Schools Code of Conduct Introduction It is the shared belief of the Blackville-Hilda Public Schools (Barnwell #19) Board of Trustees along with administrative and school staff that discipline and order must be maintained in order for students to learn. As stated in our mission, an atmosphere where failure is not an option is a key element in providing the best educational opportunities for our students. A positive learning environment is safe, drug free, and without disruption. It is with this in mind that we have developed this Code of Conduct. Parents, school administrators, and teachers can resolve most disciplinary matters among themselves with effective and consistent communication. Every effort should be made at the beginning of the school year to develop a close working relationship. However, serious violations will require additional measures with involvement from others as outlined in this Code. Parents and students should read this document carefully and provide the required signatures on a form to be sent home. Please tear out the signature page and return it to the school. Please note that certain violations such as weapons, alcohol/ drug usage, violence, arson, major disruptions, and sexual misconduct may lead to expulsion from school for the first offense. General Information The Code of Conduct applies to all school sponsored activities and is applicable when students are off campus at school sponsored events, school bus stops, and on school buses or other district vehicles. Copies of the Code ofStudent Conduct are distributed to all students at the beginning ofthe school year and to those entering after the beginning of the school year. Signed acknowledgements are required. School Searches are sometimes necessary to help provide for the safety of the school population and to prevent weapons, illegal substances, and other contraband items from being brought on school premises. South Carolina statutes provide that any person entering any school premises in this state is deemed to have consented to a reasonable search of his persons or effects. Any lockers, storage or parking areas, or similar spaces on school premises assigned to, or regularly used by, individual students remain the property of the School District in all respects. Such use by, or availability to, students is a privilege and the schools reserve a right of control and access to such spaces. School commons areas, including but not limited to hallways, cafeterias, and outside grounds and parking areas are subject to video or photographic surveillance for security purposes. Book Bags should remain in classroom or lockers during the day. While it may be necessary to use them to carry items from class to class this will be a decision made by the building level administrator. Book bags should not be brought into the cafeteria during lunch time. Dress Codes Students may wear designs, logos, and/or comments on their clothing which reflect such things as heritage, culture and religious or political beliefs, so long as such designs, logos and/or comments are not vulgar, obscene, offensive or otherwise disruptive. Clothing which is distracting or revealing may not be worn. Proper shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes with cleats are not deemed appropriate or safe at school. However, shoes with cleats may be worn in designated areas when authorized by a school official in connection with an athletic practice or event. Bedroom shoes are not allowed unless there is a legitimate medical reason. No advertisements for alcoholic beverages, drugs, or tobacco products will be permitted on clothing. Neither hats nor sunglasses may be worn by male or female students inside the school building. Administrators may authorize exceptions. The length of shorts and skirts may not be shorter than the tips of the fingers when standing upright with hands down by the sides. Shorts and skirts, dresses 1 and outfits with slits above three (3) inches from the knee will be considered inappropriate attire. Pants may not be worn below the waist. Sagging is not permitted. Pants should be worn at the natural waist and undergarments are not to be visible. If they do not fit properly a belt must be worn. In addition specific dress codes will be developed at each school and included in the handbooks/agendas for students and staff. Cell Phones are not to be used while in school buildings or on school grounds between the hours of 7:00a.m.-3:15p.m. The use of cell phones will be treated as an offense as outlined in more detail in this Code of Conduct. Cell phones, pagers, or other communication devices must be kept in a student’s vehicle, locker, or other designated space during the school day. Such devices are not to be in the possession of any student during the instructional day except for storage as set forth above. Devices described in this policy shall not be in the personal possession of students and shall not be activated, used or displayed by students while in school buildings or on school grounds during “school day hours” and while attending school-day activities, whether on or off school property. Such devices will not be activated during school bus rides to and from school unless specifically authorized by the driver for special circumstances. Cell phones confiscated by administration will be returned only to the parent/guardian. On the second infraction the phone will be confiscated for the remainder of the school year. Electronic devices that are not provided by the school as instructional devices must not be visible and will be confiscated at sight: parental contact will be made; and a discipline referral placed on file. Under no circumstances will Blackville-Hilda Public Schools be responsible for items brought on campus or for confiscated items. Electronic devices issued at school are subject to use as defined in Technology Acceptable Use Policy Telephones are available on campus for student use in cases of emergency. Weapons or other illegal devices found on a student, or on property owned by or under the control of a student while on school grounds or at a school sponsored event will be taken immediately by an administrator, staff member or adult in authority. Such items will be held in the discretion of school administration or turned over to law enforcement if required by law. Appeal Process On matters for which punishment is a one-day suspension, the decision of the building level principal is final. Suspensions of two days or more and expulsions will be appealed directly to and heard by the Board by contacting the superintendent who has the responsibility of scheduling a hearing with the Board. When the decision of the Board is made, the student and guardian will be notified of the decision by the superintendent and/or the principal. A letter will outline the steps recommended. If counseling is included as part of the recommendation to the student, he or she must complete the program specified and provide documentation to the principal. If a parent wishes to appeal, the student and his/her parent or guardian will attend the appeal hearing before the board. Administrators will conduct an investigation before disciplining a student. Parents will be notified by phone and in writing of disciplinary steps taken. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ATTENDANCE: RIGHTS Students have the right to 180 days of meaningful learning experience. RESPONSIBILITIES Students enrolled in Blackville-Hilda Public Schools have the responsibility to attend school regularly in accordance with the district attendance policy. RESPECT FOR PERSONS AND PROPERTY: RIGHTS Students have the right to use school property in a manner approved by the district. Students have the right to use their personal property in a manner approved by the district. RESPONSIBILITIES Students have the responsibility to pursue an education to the best of their ability. KNOWLEDGE AND OBSERVATION OF RULES AND CONDUCT: RIGHTS Students have the right to know the rules and regulations regarding their conduct. Students have the responsibility to be present on time, prepared, attentive in class and ready to learn. Students have the opportunity for input in the development of these rules and regulations through school and district student council meetings, and other ad-hoc forums for student input such as meetings held with the superintendent. Students have the right to be assured of a safe and healthy school environment. RESPONSIBILITIES Students have the responsibility to follow the rules and regulations of the district as approved by the School Board. Students have the responsibility to follow the rules and regulations of the school and district. Students have the right to privacy consistent with applicable laws. Students have the right to be respected and accepted as individuals. RESPONSIBILITIES Students have the responsibility to respect the rights of others and not to interfere with their learning. Students have the responsibility to respect and adhere to the rules and regulations of the school district. Students have the responsibility to report evidence of an illegal act or violation of the code of conduct to school or district personnel. Students have the responsibility to dress appropriately and in accordance with approved policy. Students have the responsibility to contribute to a positive school climate conducive to learning. RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH AND PUBLICATION: RIGHTS Students are entitled to freedom of expression of their views unless there are legal reasons to regulate their speech or publications as stipulated by statute and relevant case law. RESPONSIBILITIES Students have the responsibility to have a specific and clear understanding of the meaning of freedom of speech within a school context. Students have the responsibility to assemble according to the prescribed rules and regulations approved by the School Board. PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: RIGHTS Students have the right to participate in school programs and activities in accordance with eligibility requirements. RESPONSIBILITIES Students have the responsibilities to contribute to these activities in a constructive manner. RIGHTTODUEPROCESS:RIGHTS Students have the rights to due process as prescribed in federal and state laws and School Board Policy including: (1) an impartial investigation of the incident; (2) to be represented by counsel as may be appropriate; and, (3) to have parents / guardians notified and present at all proceedings as may be appropriate according to law and district policy. RESPONSIBILITIES RIGHT TO LEARN: RIGHTS Students have the right to learn and pursue an education. Students have the right to a school climate and culture that is conducive and appropriate to learning. Students have the right to equal access to an education. 2 Students have the responsibility to cooperate in all due process proceedings by providing truthful and accurate information. EXPECTATIONS FOR ESSENTIAL STAKEHOLDERS: The cooperation of parent / guardians, family members, school personnel, and students is necessary to achieve a school climate essential to learning. STUDENTS: Students are expected to meet their responsibilities as defined in the “Rights and Responsibilities” section of this document. PARENTS / GUARDIANS: Parents / guardians are expected to: • Maintain a positive attitude toward schools and education. • Ensure that their children arrive at school on time. • Teach their children respect for the authority of school personnel. • Cooperate with school personnel in solving behavior problems. • Show interest in their child’s progress. • Ensure that their children are neat, clean, and appropriately dressed. SCHOOLS: Each school should develop a positive behavior support system, which rewards and encourages good behavior and has fair and consistent consequences for inappropriate behavior. TEACHERS: Classroom behavior management begins in the relationship between teacher and student. Teachers are therefore expected to maintain a responsive classroom environment and to manage behavior proactively, in the classroom. The teacher may take the following actions: • Progressive in class disciplinary actions appropriate to the situation reflecting the consensus of the faculty or gradelevel • Contact the student’s parent / guardian • Request a meeting with student, teacher, and administrator • Schedule a conference with the parent / guardian and other appropriate staff members • Refer the student to the School Leadership Team(PBIS Team) Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Team. However, there are behaviors that, due to their repetition or severity, warrant the intervention of the school administration. ADMINISTRATORS: In any situation where a violation of this Code is alleged to have occurred, the principal or designee will hear the student’s explanation and investigate the matter fully before determining if a violation has occurred. If a violation has occurred, the principal or designee will determine the level of that violation. If a certain misconduct is not immediately correctable, the staff should refer the problem to the appropriate administrator for action specified under this policy. CLASSIFICATIONS OF VIOLATIONS: Violations of the Code of Conduct are grouped into three (3) levels: Level 1-Disorderly Conduct, Level 2-Disruptive Conduct and Level 3-Criminal Conduct. The recommended responses should be used. However, the principal’s primary responsibility is to maintain order and protect the safety and security of all students and faculty. Therefore, the principal’s judgment in any given situation is considered to be paramount. The administrator should meet with the reporting staff member, and, if necessary, the student and the parent, and should effect the appropriate disciplinary action. The following behavior code classifications include behavior at school, and while participating in any school sponsored events. OFFENSES Level 1 – Disorderly Conduct Disorderly conduct includes any activity in which a student engages that tends to impede orderly classroom procedures or instructional activities, orderly operation of the school, or the frequency or seriousness which disturbs the classroom or school. Acts of disorderly conduct may include, but are not limited to, the following: classroom tardiness cheating on examinations or classroom assignments lyin g acting in a manner so as to interfere with the instructional process • abusive language between or among students • use of forged notes or excuses • cutting class • school tardiness • truancy • possession of a paging device in conflict with district policy • dress code violations The staff will follow these basic enforcement procedures in instances of disorderly conduct. • • • • When the staff member observes (or is notified about and verifies) an offense, the staff member will take immediate action to correct the misconduct. The staff member will use an appropriate sanction, and maintain a record of the misconduct and the sanction. 3 The administrator will maintain a complete record of the procedures. The staff may apply sanctions in cases of disorderly conduct which may include, but are not limited to, the following: • verbal reprimand • withdrawal of privileges • detention • in-school suspension • parent contact Level 2 Disruptive Conduct Disruptive conduct includes those activities in which students engage that are directed against persons or property and the consequences of which tend to endanger the health or safety of themselves or others in the school. Some instances of disruptive conduct may overlap certain criminal offenses, justifying both administrative sanctions and court proceedings. The administration may reclassify disorderly conduct (Level 2) as disruptive conduct (Level 3) if the student engages in the activity three or more times. Acts of disruptive conduct may include, but are not limited to, the following. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Use of an intoxicant Fighting Harassment, intimidation or bullying Vandalism (minor) Stealing Threats against others Tresp assin g Abusive language to staff Refusal to obey school personnel or agents (such as volunteer aides or chaperones) whose responsibilities include supervision of students Possession or use of unauthorized substances, as defined by law or local school board Occupying or blocking school property in any way with the intent to deprive others of its use Unlawful assembly Disrupting lawful assembly Inappropriate touching Consequences • Optional Interventions (first offense and/or minor infractions) • Parent Contact (phone call/note) • Parent Conferences Administrative Conferences • Referral for Counseling Behavior Contracts Detention • furnishing, selling or possession or use of controlled substances (drugs, narcotics or poisons) • distribution, sale, purchase, manufacture, or unlawful possession of a controlled substance while in or within a radius of one-half mile of school grounds • threatening to take the life of or inflict bodily harm upon a teacher, principal or members of their immediate family or any other student • In School Suspension Teachers should develop a Classroom Discipline Plan and submit it to the principal for approval. The plan must be followed before referring a child to administration for disciplinary action unless the offense warrants automatic referral (Suspension level offenses) The staff will follow these basic enforcement procedures in instances of disruptive conduct. When the administrator observes (or is notified and verifies) an offense, he/she will investigate the circumstances of the misconduct and confer with staff on the extent of the consequences. The administrator will notify the parent of the student’s misconduct and related proceedings. The administrator will meet with the student and, if necessary, the parent, confer with them about the student’s misconduct, and effect the appropriate disciplinary action. The administrator will keep a complete record of the procedures. Level 3 – Criminal Conduct Criminal conduct includes those activities in which students engage that result in violence to themselves or to another person or property or which pose a direct and serious threat to the safety of themselves or others in the school. These activities usually require administrative actions which result in the immediate removal of the students from the school, the intervention of law enforcement authorities, and/or action by the board. Acts of criminal conduct may include, but are not limited to, the following: • • • • • • • • assault and battery extortion bo mb threat possession, use of transfer of dangerous weapons sexual offenses vandalism (major) theft, possession or sale of stolen property arson The staff will follow these basic enforcement procedures in instances of criminal conduct When an administrator observes (or is notified of and verifies) an offense, the administrator will confer with the staff involved, effect the appropriate disciplinary action, and meet with the student and parent. If warranted, the administrator should immediately remove the student from the school environment. The administrator will notify a parent as soon as possible. • • If appropriate, school officials should contact law enforcement authorities. Staff will follow established due process procedures • when applicable. The administrator will keep a complete record of the • procedures. The administration may apply sanctions in cases of • criminal conduct which may include, but are not limited to, the following: • • • • Out-of-school suspension Recommendation to alternative school Recommendation for expulsion Restitution of property and damages, where appropriate, should be sought by local school authorities Extenuating, mitigating or aggravating circumstances The board may give the appropriate administrator the authority to consider extenuating, mitigating or aggravating circumstances which may exist in a particular case of misconduct. The administrator should consider such circumstances in determining the most appropriate sanction. • • • • • in-school suspension out-of-school suspension transfer referral to outside agency recommendation for expulsion DECISION MAKING GUIDE FOR STUDENT CONSEQUENCES Does the behavior severely disrupt the educational environment, put the safety and security of students and staff at risk, and / or lead to consequences defined by state law OR is the behavior an offense which has become chronic (three or more occurrences)? Yes.... See responses for Level Criminal Conduct. No.... Does the behavior severely disrupt the educational environment and / or may it have put the safety and security of students and staff at risk OR is the behavior a Level 3 offense which has become chronic (three or more occurrences)? Yes.... See responses for Level 3. No.... Does the behavior disrupt the educational environment and have the potential to put at risk the safety and security of students and staff OR does the behavior compromise the integrity of students or the school OR is the behavior a Level 1 offense which has become chronic (three or more occurrences)? Yes... .See responses for Level 2 Offense. No... .Does the behavior disrupt the educational environment but not include safety risk, damage to property, or physical harm to self or others? Yes... .See responses for Level 1 No... .Refer back to teacher for classroom response. Provide support as necessary. Administrative Referrals-Consequences The administration may apply sanctions in cases of disruptive conduct which may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Temporary removal from class • alternative educational program recommendation 4 First Offense Warning letter, conference, detention, ISS, or up to three days out of school suspension Second Offense Up to five days out of school suspension, parent conference before returning to school Third Offense Up to ten days out of school suspension, parent conference upon return and referral for counseling services Fourth Offense Up to ten days out of school suspension, parent conference and recommendation for Expulsion ALTERNATIVES TO SUSPENSIONS The following alternatives are approved by the Superintendent and may used when suspension is contemplated (Levels 13) • Peer mediation • Cool down spot • Time out • Ways to decompress • Administrative Interventions • After school supports • After school reflection • Lunch choice restrictions • Loss of privileges • H o me vi sit s • Alternative School Program • Community / School / Volunteer Service (Manual Labor): Cafeteria, Library, Clean-up, Assistantship. (Must be approved by parent.) • Self containment of consistently disruptive students • Restorative justice • Restitution • Parent Meetings • Decide with parent (after relationship with parent has been established) • Refer to counseling • Behavior consultant • Consult with community agencies • PBIS Leadership Team referral • Anger management (Axis 1 referral) • Reflective Writing /Written Apology The following preventative measures are approved by the Superintendent to attempt to reduce the incidence of suspension in the schools: • Raise positive climate in building • Constantly reinforce positive behaviors to parents and students • Student generated clubs and activities • • • • • • • • Recognition awards – daily, weekly, monthly Point system Problem solving skills Contracts Parent in classroom Advisor / advisee program Teach and practice appropriate behaviors Older students buddies – mentors NOTE: Use of these alternatives may be dependent on the availability of resources in schools. Not all of these options may be available. SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students with disabilities may be subjected to short-term or long-term removals depending on the disciplinary infraction of the Blackville-Hilda Public Schools Code of Student Conduct. The general guide for a school to follow is that a student with a disability may be removed from a school up to ten (10) school days within a school year without providing services identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) or the Section 504 plan, or a manifestation determination hearing. Regardless of the misconduct, Blackville-Hilda Public Schools shall not cease educational services to a student with a disability after the student has been removed from school for more than ten (10) days in a school year. The following procedures shall be followed for the expulsion of students with disabilities: The principal shall adhere to Blackville-Hilda Public Schools and state and federal regulations when recommending expulsion of students with disabilities. The IEP team shall review the student's IEP or the Section 504 plan, and shall determine whether the student's behavior bears a relationship to his/her exceptionality by conducting a manifestation determination hearing. If the hearing determines the student's behavior is a manifestation of his/her exceptionality, the IEP or Section 504 plan, may be modified in accordance with the student's current needs. Furthermore, the student may not be expelled. If the behavior is not a manifestation of the student's disability, then the student is to be referred to the Hearing Board. Student with disabilities may be recommended for expulsion with the continued provision of services in accordance with the student's IEP or Section 504 plan. A student identified as disabled under Section 504 shall be 5 afforded disciplinary action to the same extent that such disciplinary action is taken against handicapped students. Students will follow the Administrative ReferralsConsequences as outlined below, but not to exceed ten days of school suspension without a continuation of FAPE ( a Free and Appropriate Public Education). Administrative Referrals-Consequences First Offense Warning letter, conference, detention, ISS, or up to three days out of school suspension Second Offense Up to five days out of school suspension, parent conference before returning to school Third Offense Up to ten days out of school suspension, parent conference upon return and referral for counseling services Fourth Offense Up to ten days out of school suspension, parent conference and recommendation for expulsion Blackville-Hilda Public School will adhere to all state and federal regulations governing the discipline of students with a disability. SCHOOL BUS DISCIPLINE POLICY The principal or assistant principal of a school has the authority to deny bus privileges to any student. The following actions will be taken for misbehavior on the bus. A Minor Offense shall be any offense of misbehavior committed by a student or students on a school bus, which endangers only the safety, and well being of that particular student or students with the exception of certain offenses. A Major Offense shall be any offense of misbehavior committed by any student or students on a school bus that endangers the safety of other students who are passengers on a school bus. This offense can be by direct physical action or actions, which interferes with the safe operations of the school bus driver. AT NO TIME WILL A STUDENT BE ALLOWED TO RIDE A DIFFERENT BUS OR CHANGE TRANSPORTATION WITHOUT A WRITTEN NOTE FROM THE PARENT/GUARDIAN. The principal may make exceptions. For Minor Offenses 1st Offense – Parent Conference (the school notifies the parent by phone or mail) 2nd Offense – Up to 3 –day suspension from riding all school buses 3rd Offense – Up to 5 – day suspension from riding all school buses 4th Offense – Suspension from riding all school buses for remainder of year. For Major Offenses 1st Offense – 5 day suspension from riding all school buses 2nd Offense – 10-day suspension from riding all school buses 3rd Offense – Suspension from riding all school buses for remainder of the year LIST OF POSSIBLE SCHOOL BUS MISBEHAVIOR OFFENSES: Minor Offenses • Out of seat while bus is in motion • Eating and/or drinking on the bus • Horse playing on the bus (may also be a major offense) • Making excessive noise • Failure to sit properly in the bus seat • Using profanity on the school bus (may also be a major offense) • Refusal to sit in an assigned seat • Verbally abusing another student • Yelling out the bus windows • Riding the incorrect bus without permission • Placing any part of the body out the bus window • Possession of ipods, cell phones, and electronic devices on the bus (any such items found on a bus will be confiscated). • Making obscene gestures to other on or outside the bus. • Getting off bus at improper stop, at school or bus top. Major Offenses expulsion for the remainder of the school year or even to permanent expulsion. • Direct disobedience to the instruction of the bus driver. • Fighting. • Physical or verbal abuse of the bus driver while he/she is operating the school bus. • Physically abusing another student on the bus. • Throwing objects on the school bus or out the bus window. • Physically picking at any other student on the bus. • Possession of fireworks or other dangerous materials on the bus. • Playing with matches, lighters, etc, on the bus. • Refusal to let another student sit down. • Spitting on others on or outside the bus. • Serious argument on bus between students (standing face to face arguing or shoving but no licks passed). • Making a direct threat against the bus driver while he or she is operating the bus. • Opening the bus emergency door. • Physically interfering with the school bus driver while he or she is operating the bus. • Indecent exposure. • Smoking. • Acts of vandalism to the school bus. • Failure to move away from a bus after getting off at school or at a regular stop. • Riding another bus while suspended from regular bus. APPENDIX (A) Legal Authority for Discipline in South Carolina The Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, Section 59-63-90, outlines the general powers and duties of school trustees and states that the Board of Trustees shall also Promulgate rules prescribing scholastic standards of achievement and standards of conduct and behavior that must be met by all pupils as a condition to the right of such pupils to attend the public schools of such district. See, also, Opinions of the Attorney General, Number 2051, page 134, 1965-66 as to authority of school superintendents to regulate discipline. Title 59, Chapter 63, Article 3, Discipline (Section 59-63210, et seq., Code of Laws for South Carolina, 1976). Note: Under authority of state law, certain violations set forth in the Code of Student Conduct may lead to 6 Section 59-5-65 of the South Carolina Code of Laws, 1976 (as amended) includes power and responsibility of the State Board of Education to prescribe minimum standards of conduct and behavior and to promulgate a uniform system of minimum enforcement of rules of conduct. State board of Education Regulations establishing minimum standards of student conduct and disciplinary enforcement procedures (R 43-279). ********************************************** Student Records Notice: Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act parents or eligible students have the right to 1) inspect and review a student’s educational records; 2) request an amendment to incorrect or misleading records otherwise in violation of a student’s privacy rights; 3) consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information (except as allowed without consent by law); and 4) file with the U.S. Dept. of Education a complaint for any alleged failure by this School District to comply with the Act. A more detailed explanation of rights and procedures may be found in the Policy Manual located at any school, area office, or the District office. Policies may also be found online at the Blackville-Hilda High Schools website (www.Barnwell19.k12.sc.us). A copy of this policy will be mailed to any parent upon request. Parents or eligible students who have limited or no visual acuity, who have a primary home language other than English, or who may be disabled in some way which effectively impairs their ability to see, comprehend, or become aware of this notice will be accommodated upon discovery of such limitations by the District. Patrons who may be aware of others with such limitations are requested to notify the District of these circumstances. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY Barnwell County School District #19 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin or disability in admission to or access to education, other programs, services, and activities; in employment practices; or in any aspect of its operations. Questions, complaints, or requests for information may be directed to the district office 803-284-5605. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGS Notification in Emergencies: In the event of abnormal weather or other conditions prompting the close and /or early dismissal of school, parents should tune their radios or televisions to local stations for information regarding changes in school operations. The following media are routinely contacted (although announcements, and the frequency thereof, are entirely at the discretion of such media): RADIO STATION WWDW WKXC WDOG WORG WWBD WGFG LOCATION 101.3 FM 99.5 FM 93.5 FM 100.3 FM 95.7 FM 105.1 FM Columbia, SC N. Augusta, SC Allendale, SC Orangeburg, SC Orangeburg, SC Orangeburg, SC TELEVISION STATION WRDW-TV WJBF-TV WAGT-TV WFXG-TV WIS-TV Channel 12 Channel 6 Channel 26 Channel 54 Channel 10 LOCATION N. Augusta, SC Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Augusta, GA Columbia, SC NEWSPAPERS NAME The People Sentinel Aiken Standard The State The Times and Democrat LOCATION Barnwell, SC Aiken, SC Columbia, SC Orangeburg, SC Blackville-Hilda Public Schools Barnwell School District #19 297 Pascallas Street Blackville, SC 29817 Phone: 803-284-5605 Fax: 803-284-4417 Please visit our District’s Web site for up-to-date information. Website: http:www.barnwell19.k12.sc.us Blackville-Hilda High School Grades 9-12 76 Atkins Circle P. O. Box 245 Blackville, SC 29817 Phone 803-284-5700 Fax 803-284-3766 Principal: Dr . Sterling Harris Email: [email protected] Blackville-Hilda Jr. High School Grades 7-8 446 Country Club Road P. O. Box 186 Blackville, SC 29817 Phone 803-284-5900 Fax 803-284-0961 Principal: Dr . Sterling Harris Email: [email protected] Macedonia Elementary School Grades Prek-6 556 Jones Bridge Road P. O. Box 246 Blackville, SC 29817 Phone 803-284-5800 Fax 803-284-0959 Principal: Ms. Teresa Reid Email: [email protected]