thermodinamika teknik kimia lanjut tka 61401
thermodinamika teknik kimia lanjut tka 61401
THERMODINAMIKA TEKNIK KIMIA LANJUT TKA 61401 INSTRUCTOR: Ir. Mahmud Sudibandriyo, MSc., PhD Department of Chemical Engineering Room: Lt. 2 – 2A2 Phone: 7863516 ; HP: 081316071330 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Utilize the laws of thermodynamic with thorough understanding of their bases and methodology as they apply to a wide variety of applications 2. Evaluate current methods for the prediction of thermodynamic properties of pure fluids and mixtures 3. Assess the needs for experimental thermodynamic data, and to be able to locate and evaluate the consistency of such data COURSE CONDUCT: A103 Thursday, 08.00 - 10.30 TEXTBOOK: There is no required textbook, selected readings from various books will be suggested, supplemented by class notes, literature articles and handout materials. COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: Homework will be assigned regularly and pop quizzes may be administered if deemed necessary. Computer project might be assigned. EXAMINATIONS: Two examinations of equal value will be given during the semester. SEMESTER GRADE: Homework, quizzes, and computer projects Mid test Final Exam 40% 30% 30% OFFICE HOURS: The instructor will be available to give you individual assistance; office hours will be by appointment.