Titel corps 28 News Gothic
Titel corps 28 News Gothic
Meteorology and Climate: Module 2 (5 Jan 2016) 1 Lecture by Bert Holtslag (Thanks to Gert-Jan Steeneveld) Thermodynamics, part I Hydrostatics and adiabatic processes Water vapour in air and saturation processes Thermodynamic diagrams Climate Radiation 2 Heat Precipitation Clouds Boundary Layer Models & Prediction Atmospheric Dynamics & Rotations Moisture & Stability Precipitation and 2 m temperatures this morning in NL (www.knmi.nl) 3 Weather Alarm Code Red for North – East: Freezing rain and slippery road conditions Surface Weather at Wageningen (www.maq.wur.nl) 4 Surface Weather at Wageningen www.maq.wur.nl 5 Surface Weather at Wageningen www.maq.wur.nl 6 Weather symbols (see also Fig 8.1) 7 Wind speeds traditionally given in knots (~ 0.5 m/s) Wind direction traditionally given with respect to the North, and named after the direction it is coming from. Surface Weather at Wageningen www.maq.wur.nl 8 Surface Weather at Wageningen www.maq.wur.nl 9 Weather Map this morning 6 UTC (www.knmi.nl) 10 Classic low pressure system 11 Formation of an occlusion (tilted warm air) 0C 12 Today’s Weather Forecast (www.knmi.nl) 14 Tomorow’s Weather Forecast (www.knmi.nl) 15 Understanding the vertical structure: Last night’s sounding (Norderney): Skew T What is the meaning of all these lines? (weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html) 16 Basics: How is pressure decreasing with height? 17 Downward force: p+dp Fdown ( p dp) A p Upward force Fdown ( p dp) A dz Fup pA Weight Volume of gas: mg Vg Agdz F: Force (N) A: Area (m2) p : pressure = F/A (N/m2) Balance: dp gdz 0 dp g dz Hydrostatic equilibrium Note constant density is assumed Typically 1 hPa for every 8 m (near the surface): Useful to correct pressure observations towards sea level Figure 3.1 18 dp g dz p( z ) g dz z Pressure at height z is equivalent to weight of column of air above z per unit area How are height and pressure related? 19 Start with hydrostatic equilibrium P z g with P z g Rd T P Rd T Integration provides: Hypsometric equation P 1 z g P Rd T Gas law P1 Rd z2 z1 T ln g P2 Hypsometric equation 20 P1 Rd z2 z1 T ln g P2 Scaling height for pressure: P1 For given P2 H 8 km this means for the ‘thickness’ of a layer: z2 z1 T Vertical cross sections (Fig 3.3) 21 solid lines are constant pressure surfaces (larger distance in warm and smaller distance in cold regions) 22 Geopotential: work (force x distance) needed to raise 1 kg of air from surface to actual level against gravity per unit area dp dp g gdz d dz z ( z ) g dz 0 ( z ) Z g0 P1 Rd Z 2 Z1 Tv ln g0 P2 Globally averaged acceleration due to gravity at the earth’s surface g 0 9.81 m / s 2 Geopotential height Geopotential Height Z Z compensates for decrease of g with z R0 Earth Radius z Actual height Z geopotential height z Z 1 z R0 Z z 16 [m] for z=10 km! Thus very small effect in Troposhere! 23 Example Thickness Map For given P1 P2 24 the thickness of a layer: z2 z1 T Source: www.ecmwf.int How does the temperature of an air parcel change with height? 26 First law of thermodynamics for air parcel of mass m Energy change = Temp. Change + Work Q P C p T m gz (insert hydrostatic equation) g Q gives : T z Cp mC p Q Due to condensation, radiation etc… Q 0 for adiabatic process T g then : d 1K / 100m z C p Dry adiabatic lapse rate How to compare air parcels in an honest way? Potential temperature Temperature that a parcel 28 2900 m will have if it is moved (dry) adiabatically to a reference level (P0=1000 hPa or z=0) P0 T P Rd / C p Poisson’s equation For dry adiabatic process the potential temperature is constant! Actual temperature decrease (increase) for rising (sinking) parcel due to air expansion (compression) How to compare air parcels in an honest way? Potential temperature Which parcel is really the warmest? I 500 hPa T= -23 ºC II 1030 hPa T= 23 ºC P0 T P Rd / C p Poisson’s equation 29 How to compare air parcels in an honest way? Potential temperature Who is really the warmest parcel? I 500 hPa T= -23 ºC P0 T P Rd / C p Poisson’s equation 1000 I (23 273) 500 II 1030 hPa T= 23 ºC 30 1000 II (23 273) 1030 I II Stable 0.286 305 K 0.286 293.6 K 32 Potential Temperature structure of lower part standard atmosphere with turbulent boundary layer below (see Chapter 9 book) With strong mixing the potential temperature becomes constant with height (in daytime boundary layer with convection) 33 Break Relation between Pressure, Temperature and Potential temperature (Fig 3.6) P0 T P Rd / C p Blue area normally used in Meteorology 34 Snapshot of relation between Pressure, Temperature and Potential temperature on a skew T - ln p diagram (Fig 3.7) Skew T diagram is introduced to enhance difference between isotherms and adiabats 35 Snapshot of relation between Pressure, Temperature and Potential temperature on a skew T - ln p diagram (Fig 3.7) How to incorporate the effects of water vapour saturation in this diagram? 36 Water on Planet Earth 37 Oceans 97.2% Glaciers 2.0% Ground water 0.6% Lakes and Rivers Atmosphere 0.02% 0.001% Boxes with air (un-) saturated of water vapour (Fig 3.8) (dots represent water molecules) Evaporation > Condensation at plane water surface Evaporation = Condensation at plane water surface 38 Saturation water vapor pressure es over a flat surface of pure water 39 Relation (1) 40 Temp. – max. Vapor Pressure In GENERAL, Clausius Clapeyron equation: es eo exp( ( )) L Rv 1 To To = 273.13 K eo = es(To) = 0.611 kPa Rv = R*/Mv = 8300/18 = 461 J/kg/K 1 T See book page 99 for derivation Relation (2) Temp. – max. Vapor Pressure Vapor over Liquid Water: L = Lv = 2.50 106 J/kg (Latent heat of vaporization) L/Rv = 2.50 106/(8300/18) = 5423 K Vapor over Ice: L = Ld = (2.50+0.33) 106=2.83 106 J/kg (Latent heat of vaporization and ice melting) L/Rv = 6139 K 41 Water Vapor versus Ice Vapor 42 Fig 3.9 43 Max at -12 Important for cloud formation Practical Relation Temp. – max. Vapor Pressure Tetens Formula (fitting relation) b(T T1 ) es eo exp( ) T T2 T1 = 273.16 K Accounts for Lv(T), See also study guide T2 = 35.86 K eo = es(To) = 0.611 kPa; b = 17.2694 44 Clausius Clapeyron vs. Tetens for liquid water 45 Paths to Saturation 46 Dew-point Wet-bulb temperature Humidity in air: Various Measures 1. Absolute Humidity 2. Specific Humidity 47 soundings 1. (T, Td ) 3. Mixing Ratio 2. (T, Tw ) 4. Relative Humidity 3. (T, RH) instruments Absolute Humidity (concentration of water vapor in air) Given air with water vapor pressure e, temperature T, and pressure p (apply gas law) R is gas constant, and M is molecular mass Both are different for vapor (index v) and dry air (d)! e v RvT pe d Rd T [ mkg3 ] kg [ m3 ] v Rd e e d Rv ( p e) pe Rd M v 18 0.622 Rv M d 28.9 48 Mixing Ratio r (and also w in book) mv v e r md d pe Solution for e r e p r r than : e r p 49 Specific Humidity 50 mv r e kg q r [ kg ] md mv 1 r p also qsat esat kg rsat [ kg ] p Numerical values of r and q very similar! Relative Humidity 51 RH e q v r 100% es qs s rs RH g r rs 1000..........[ kg ] 100 es (T ) g r 10 RH ......[ kg ] p Relative Humidity (2) 52 Dew Point Temperature 53 Temperature which occurs after cooling of air (at constant pressure) Dew Point : e es (Td ) e eo exp( RLv ( T1o T1d )) 1 Rv e 1 Td [ ln( )] To L eo Lifting Condensation Level (LCL) 54 In rising parcel q is constant (not Td) , and temperature decreases with 1 K/100m until saturation occurs at dew point z LCL 125(T Td )....[m] LCL is also measure for humidity! Useful to estimate cloud base height for Cumulus type clouds Lifting Condensation Level (LCL) 55 In rising parcel q is constant (not Td) , and temperature decreases with 1 K/100m until saturation occurs at dew point z LCL 125(T Td )....[m] What is typical value for cloud base on summer day at noon? ZLCL= 125*(35-16.8)= 2275 m Noon: T= 35.0 °C; Td =16.8°C What is the height of the tower of Babylon? Or is het likely that the clouds were formed at indicated height? "Little" Tower of Babel painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, circa 1563 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, NL 56 Wet Bulb temperature 59 Temperature which occurs after cooling of air due to evaporation of liquid water in air (without adding energy) Psychrometric equation e ew (T Tw ) Cp p Pa 65[ ] L K Fig 3.11 60 Yellow line represents the Dry Adiabat Green line represents a “Saturated Adiabat” for which a parcel remains saturated when it is moved vertically Thermodynamic diagram 61 Moist adiabat Isohume Dry adiabat Pressure Temperature Last night’s sounding (Norderney, DE): Skew T (weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html) 62 Last night’s sounding (Essen, DE): Skew T (weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html) 63 Practical tomorrow: 64 Application of hypsometric equation Construct air parcels paths on thermodynamic diagram yourself Analysis of radiosoundings with ROAB program (as in real-world weather rooms) Collection of thermodynamic diagrams 65 Collection of thermodynamic diagrams 66 Summary 67 Many moisture and humidity variables (use depends on observation type and application) Thermodynamic diagrams are useful practical tools to judge cloud formation and stability (Exercises in Practical) More on this tomorrow!