TheGanaraska News - Ganaraska Hiking Trail


TheGanaraska News - Ganaraska Hiking Trail
The Link To All Clubs Of The Ganaraska
TheGanaraska News
Fall (August– December 2015)
President’s Report
By Bob Bowles
crossing over highway 11 on the Memorial Avenue traffic
bridge to Forest Home then north through Scout Valley
Nature Park to Old Barrie Road. It then travels west along
the edge of Old Barrie Road, a heavy traffic area, to Line 12
of Oro-Medonte where it swings north for a short distance
then runs off road to the west through the beautiful hills of
Oro-Medonte. The Scout Valley link was a recent change
since the trail once ran right through the City of Orillia
crossing over the busy highway 12 overpass and up the side
of the narrow Harvie Settlement Road which has heavy
traffic being used by many motorists to by-pass Orillia. It
was my dream about ten years ago to change the route of
the trail to run through the Scout Valley nature area which
provides a safer and more pleasant walk to connect to the
old rail trail that runs east to the Narrows.
The Ganaraska Hiking Trail was officially opened on April
21, 1968. It begins in Port Hope along the Ganaraska River,
eventually connecting to the Bruce Trail near Glen Huron.
The Ganaraska Hiking Trail has been expanded to Midland
and to Wasaga Beach and with side trails is now about 500
kilometres long. A quick glance at the map will show how
important the route through Orillia is to the route of the trail.
There are two long lakes that lay in the path of the
Ganaraska Hiking Trail that extends from Bradford/Holland
Landing in the south, north to Washago on the Precambrian
Shield in the north. The larger lake, Lake Simcoe extends
north to Orillia and the smaller lake, Lake Couchiching
extends on north to Washago. The trail would either have to
swing south through the developed area with heavy traffic
south of the lakes or north a great distance around the
shield country north of the lakes. There is only one feasible
option where it could cross the narrow channel between the
two lakes known as the Atherley Narrows on the east side of
the City of Orillia.
I now have another dream. The Ganaraska Hiking Trail
needs to be moved off of the busy Old Barrie Road from the
Scout Valley exit to Line 12 of Oro-Medonte. The City of
Orillia now has a new Westridge Sports Complex with a
walking trail around a settlement pond just north of the Scout
Valley exit of Barrie Road. This then connects on the north
side to the new Lakehead University campus on the old
Horne Farm with an old road bed leading west to Line 15. If
we could get permission from the City of Orillia and
Lakehead University to use these trails then that would bring
the Ganaraska Hiking Trail off road to Line 15. The only
connecting link needed at this point would be an off road
route across private land between Line 15 and Line 12.
The Atherley Narrows is not only a key location for the
completion of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail but is an important
historical site where First Nations people have established
fishing weirs to harvest fish that date back to 5,000 years
ago. It has long been an important landing site for canoes
travelling from Lake Ontario across a land route to Georgian
Bay. The first traffic bridge was built across the Atherley
Narrows in 1847. There have been a total of three railway
bridges that have crossed The Narrows. The Northern
Railway (C.N.R.) which came to Orillia in 1872, the Midland
Railway (C.N.R.) which came to Orillia in 1873 and the
Georgian Bay and Seaboard Railway (C.P.R.) which
crossed the Narrows in 1910. Today, only the traffic bridge
crosses the Narrows which provides a path along the side of
the bridge for the Ganaraska Hiking Trail to cross the
Narrows. I am Vice Chair of the Atherley Narrows Bridge
Committee which has been working for more than ten years
to build a pedestrian and snowmobile bridge over the
Narrows at the location of the last railway bridge that
remains open and not operational since 1996. The last train
to Orillia was in 1996 and the tracks have been removed.
Recreational trails were constructed and developed on the
old rail bed during the time when I was a member and chair
of the City of Orillia Trails For Life Committee from 2000 to
This is where a new learning experience and community
engagement comes into the story. A friend of mine is a
professor in the Department of Political Science at Lakehead
University. He started a new program four years ago where
he engages his students in Community Service Learning. I
have worked with him during the last four years with
students in Scout Valley, the Atherley Narrows, the Lightfoot
Trail and several environmental projects, usually about three
during each term. I had mentioned to him last year that I
would like to see our Ganaraska Hiking Trail have a safer
route that connected more with the community running
through the Orillia Sports Complex trails and the Lakehead
University campus. Last FALL he assigned a team of four of
his students who volunteered for this project to work with us
to find a route from Line 15 to Line 12 and develop a
Memorandum of Understanding between the GHTA and
both the City of Orillia and Lakehead University. This student
team did great work developing the MOU and are now
working this summer with landowners to establish a trail
route from Line 15 to Line 12. This community learning
experience really is a testimonial to what can be
accomplished when community partners all work together
toward a common goal.
This article is not about this important crossing but the route
of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail through the City of Orillia. The
trail follows the old railway bed west from the Narrows into
the centre of the City then south on the old rail bed to Barrie
The Ganaraska News
Ganaraska Trail Directors - 2015
President-Robert L. Bowles
(705) 325-3149
374 Grenville Avenue
Orillia, ON L3V 4P7
[email protected]
The Ganaraska News
Past President-Mike Pidwerbecki
(289) 675-0060
26 Sawmill Court
Bowmanville, ON L1C 5C2
[email protected]
Is published three times a year for the members of the
Ganaraska Trail Association and the generous landowners who permit the trail on their land.
Please send your news, stories, poems and pictures to
the Newsletter Editor, Rita Zeran, 110 Trefusis
Street, Port Hope, ON L1A 4J3 via mail, email
([email protected]), diskettes or photos via regular
Preferably text files should be stored in
“text/doc” format, and electronic images have a
minimum of 300 ppi resolution.
Vice President-Vacant
Treasurer-Chris Rowe
Secretary Recording-Bill Zeran
(705) 325-5285
(905) 885-2874
222 Westmount Dr. S.
110 Trefusis St.,
Orillia, ON L3V 6E4
Port Hope, ON L1A 4J3
[email protected]
Membership-Lois Kowal (705) 429-7692
38 Clover Cres., Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 0G4
[email protected]
Web Addresses:
GHTA Archivist-Ron Wallace (705) 324-4996
7 Denfield Road, Lindsay, ON K9V 0B4
[email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
GHTA Hike Ontario Rep.-Frieda Baldwin (705) 245-1005
200 Bayfield Ave., Midland, ON L4R 5J5
[email protected]
Landowners Relations-Vacant
Deadlines for Issues:
Winter issue:
Spring issue:
Fall issue:
GHTA Nature Canada Rep.-Joan M. Kell (705) 422-1115
50 Mill Street North, Suite 204, Port Hope, ON L1A 2T2
GHTA Trail Director-Vacant
QE II Wildland Prov. Park Rep.-David Royston (705) 645-2573
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor-Rita Zeran (905) 885-2874
110 Trefusis St., Port Hope, ON L1A 4J3
[email protected]
Website-Rob Smith (705) 812-7906
5 Fair Street, Collingwood, ON L9Y 2H6
[email protected]
The GHTA welcomes all donations.
Tax receipts for donations will be issued on request.
Charitable registration #13450 4075 RR0001
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc.
Box 693, Orillia, ON L3V 6K7
Public Relations Director-Bob Bowles (705) 325-3149
374 Grenville Avenue, Orillia, ON L3V 7P7
[email protected]
Club Presidents:
Bob Murrell (705) 456-3163
[email protected]
Barb Rimmer (705) 304-6264
[email protected]
Mad River
Major Jeremy Bonnar (705) 739-7519
[email protected]
Marc Vallee (705) 527-1967
[email protected]
Marion Brophy (705) 327-5366
[email protected]
Barb Brady (705) 326-4491
[email protected]
Isabelle Lloyd (705) 326-8082
[email protected]
November 15 (for hikes starting January 1)
February 15 (for hikes starting April 1)
June 15 (for hikes starting August 1)
In This Edition
Club News ........................................................ pages 3 to 6
Celebrity News ......................................................... page 7
Fall 2015 Events ............................................. pages 8 to 18
Fall AGM Meeting .................................................... page 18
Wayne Lillico (705) 835-7018
[email protected]
Pine Ridge
Rita Zeran (905) 885-2874
[email protected]
Wasaga Beach
Shirl McArthur (705) 429-7747
[email protected]
Irene Bell (705) 352-1060
[email protected]
Wilderness Club
David Royston (705) 645-2573
[email protected]
Your link to all member clubs throughout the
Ganaraska Trail. Listings of fall events held
by member clubs are listed from
pages 8 to18
The Ganaraska News
Kawartha (cont’d)
The Spring Hiking Season started with persistent
winter weather in early April but we still managed
a few good hikes and summer is fast
Rob Irving was recognized for the tremendous
amount of trail maintenance he does and all the
End-to-End hikes he leads. Rob has also
organized and led 14 wine cycle tours in Prince
Edward County. Thank you Rob!
Thanks to Jeff Haglund for organizing another
good season of Thursday Hikes and to Brian Vink
for two well attended cycle rides in Midland and
Oro-Medonte. The photo is from our lunch break
on the May 6 cycle ride between Midland and
Waubaushene, a beautiful day!
Tony Tasch was recognized for repainting the
markers on the southern portion of our trail from
Crosswinds Road to near Fenelon Falls. He also
does an awesome job of organizing and leading
weekend hikes. Thank you Tony!
Please note that the position of Vice President,
Director-at-Large and Publicity Director are
vacant. Next year we expect to have 2 more
vacancies. Please consider volunteering to fill
one of these positions so the club can continue to
run smoothly.
Any additions, changes or cancellations to the
hiking schedule must be approved by the hike coordinators – alternately by the president if they
are not available.
Note the change in the format of the hike
schedule in the newsletter. Great idea Tony and
Get ready for the Fall Schedule and don't forget
the Pot Luck Supper at Midhurst following the
hike on October 18 (see schedule).
END-TO-END: A core group of about eight (with
periodic numbers up to 20) hikers are
experiencing the Kawartha section of the
Ganaraska Trail. Several of these hikers
completed the Port Hope Section and might be
developing the Ganaraska end to end infection,
which is great to see. As of this writing, they have
completed to km 61.9 of Kawartha and will finish
the section June 14th at km 76.8. We have had
great weather and the bugs have kept their
distance. We are graduating from rail trails into
semi wilderness. Tony Tasch is an informed
leader, who somehow finds someone he knows
on each trail section! We have been joined by a
young man from Ottawa whose quest is to walk
every major trail in Ontario and is currently
working on the Bruce, Ganaraska and Oak Ridge
trails. It's a great group to walk with. Stay tuned
for the finishing photo.
Bob Murrell
We held our AGM/pizza night on June 3rd. Barb
Rimmer was elected as our new President and
Nick Pratt was elected as our new Membership
Director. Thank you to our outgoing directors:
Sharleen Pratt served 3 years as Archivist; John
Poch served two years as Membership Director
and one year as Trail Director; Vince Bitonte
served 1 year as Publicity Director. Their
contributions to the club are greatly appreciated.
Please take the time to thank them personally
when you see them on a hike.
The Ganaraska News
Kawartha (cont’d)
Midland (cont’d)
EARTH DAY/WEEK: On April 22 on Earth Day
thirteen folks volunteered to do a clean up along
the Trans Canada Trail near Assumption. It had
been a dreary week with lots of rain and cool
temperatures and it seemed we were in for much
of the same.
The longer out of town hikes are very interesting,
but get fewer participants. We arrange shorter
impromptu local Sunday afternoon hikes as an
alternate for those people who do not participate
in the longer hikes out of town. But overall we do
have good participation.
May 17th, Kolapore Trillium Hike was enjoyed by
21 “hot” hikers. It is always the most popular
hiking outing, regardless of the long drive, and
always so beautiful.
Fortunately we were able to pick up several bags
of paper, cans, bottles and assorted rubbish.
We had no sooner gotten in our cars than we
were assaulted by rain, snow and hail - a
successful end to our clean up. Marjorie
Midland Hikers also explored the Blue Mountain
section of the Bruce Trail by hiking so called “End
to End” this past spring. We saw some really
interesting scenery, climbed through crevices and
over boulders, walked along creeks and rivers,
through forests (at the height of the trillium
blooming season) and also along fields. Some
views of Georgian Bay were breathtaking.
Congratulations to Dennis Blow for earning a
Blue Mountain BTC End to End badge, as well as
to Michelle Pilon and Carole Bowen, who almost
achieved their badge.
We also had our annual trail day in April that was
attended by 9 people. Lots of old faces and it
was nice to see first timers Roxanne and Ken
Heard. We worked on the portion from the
Victoria Rail Trail just south of the Pinery Road to
the multipurpose trail North of Monck Road.
Afterwards, we had a quick bbq in the parking lot
and everyone was home by 3pm. Rob P.
The Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association has a
new and improved website: It is an interactive site and uses
WordPress. Look for more on that later.
This newsletter submission will be my last official
duty as your Kawartha president. It has been my
pleasure to be part of the original Kawartha
executive when it was formed in 2012 and to
work with each executive after that. It was a
learning experience for us all and we helped
each other over the bumps along the way. Thank
you Kawartha members for all your
encouragement and support. Please keep it
going for Barb. See you In September.
This past spring, we also had 2 Trail
Maintenance days, and Frieda will do another
one to finish the Hogg Valley to Reeves Road
Eveline Stout
It appears that the 6pm Wednesday hikes are not
well attended. The Canoe and Biking outings are
more popular during the summer months and
those activities are very well attended.
Midland Hikers and Snowshoeing enthusiasts
always enjoy our outings in our area. The early
spring had very unsettled weather, which ranged
from very cold, to rainy, muddy, and buggy days.
But we never cancelled a hike. The shorter local
hikes seem to be more popular (16 – 20) people
show up.
The Ganaraska News
Midland (cont’d)
ORO-MEDONTE (cont’d)
We are looking forward to a biking trip to Toronto
and 2 camping trips (Six Mile Prov. Park and
camping at Doug/Jean’s place in Powassan).
Some people will again enjoy the cabin camping
at Safe Haven Cottage Resort. We also will ferry
over to Christian Island and Beausoleil Island for
hiking and swimming. We always enjoy a busy
interesting summer schedule and great
Hiking in Algonguin Park
Our Fall Hiking Schedule is full of interesting
activities in and out of our area. A big thank you
and appreciation go out to all our dedicated hike
leaders and participants.
Wayne Lillico
Life is good when you are part of the Midland
Hiking group!
Edda Zeitel
Warm weather sees the start of maintenance
activities along the 63 km Pine Ridge Section of
the Trail. Currently fourteen teams of twenty-eight
volunteers from our club (including three allwomen teams) maintain the blazes along our
section. This involves updating the painted
blazes by scraping and re painting where
necessary and cutting back any growth that may
obscure the markings. These teams also check
and report on the state of the Trail as part of the
GHTA Risk Management Program.
Orillia club has temporally stopped Tuesday night
hikes, switching to afternoons; see hike details
for contacts. Summer has brought camping trips,
many bike rides, and Saturday hikes. Fall will
bring more fun hikes. Plans are underway with
taking part of Orillia section off Old Barrie Road
onto trail from Scott Valley crossing to Rotary
Place, going behind Lakehead University using
service road to go from Line 15 to Line 12.
Waiting for permission from landowners; will keep
everyone posted. This would be a great bonus;
no one likes to walk on a busy road. As fall brings
cooler weather beautiful colours let’s get out and
hike with friends.
Marion Brophy
The weather in recent years causes vigorous
summer growth along some parts of the trail so it
has become necessary for some volunteers to
use a grass or brush trimmer two or three times
in the summer months in places.
Some volunteers also help out with major
maintenance projects when necessary. In recent
years members have rebuilt boardwalks and
bridges and dug ditches to control water flow on
the trail. This year at least two such major
projects are anticipated.
Generally meets on alternate Sundays at 1:30pm
and Mondays at 9am from September to June.
Sunday hikes are generally about 2 hours in
length and Mondays hikes tend to be farther
away and longer. Most hikes are considered to
be moderate. Starting September 2015 the club
will offer Thursday morning hikes starting at
9:30am which will be about 1 hour long and easy
to moderate. For more information contact
Wayne Lillico 705-835-7018.
In every case "many hands make light work" and
any member who is interested in helping out with
either routine blaze maintenance, trimming
growth, or a major project should contact our
Trail Director, David Beevis at (905) 885-7151 or
e-mail [email protected].
David Beevis
The Ganaraska News
Group picture on Monument Hill Hike
The Ganaraska Club has also "adopted" 2 roads
for community cleanup.
June 6th is National Trails day and our 20th
birthday as a club. We have invited the public to
celebrate with us at Schoonertown Park. There
will be VIP's, treats, guided hikes/cycles. Ivan
and MaryAnne Fraser will be awarded "Volunteer
of the Year" by the town.
Our "guests" are back at beach 1. The
endangered Piping Plovers are sitting on their
eggs and the fences are up .We need lots of
volunteers. Many of our hikers have risen to the
task. If any hikers from other clubs would like to
do some 3 hr. shifts, dealing with the public, and
have a free (parking) day at the beach, please
call Trish at 705-351-0109.
Over the winter, many of our hikes have been
local snowshoeing. We have 2 Wednesday hikes,
a regular hike and a "Leisurely Lois" hike.
Gloria Thompson
The weather was good for the outdoor hike and
picnic on Jan 24th. Bertram and Ida provided a
wonderful outdoor setting for the BBQ. We did
not know that the 40 day freeze up was around
the corner.
We Made It!
Nine members from the Grand Valley Trails have
taken the big challenge of hiking the Ganaraska
Trail from End-to-End. Arthur Last said “We
really enjoyed hiking on the Ganaraska. I
thought it would be easy but it’s not. Thank you
to the section volunteers who made the trail great
and kept us from getting lost”.
Arthur Last
We hiked Allenwood Forest, Powerline Rd. East
and West, Bluewater beach area and the Dunes
this winter. The spring cycle days are back on
track, on Mon and Tues.....Tues is casual. Harry
and Bertram offered detailed bike inspections (no
cleaning!). The Monday cycles include
Collingwood trails, Woodland Beach area and
usually average 30 km. Spring hikes include
Kolapore and Copeland Forest. Remember that
wild leeks are "endangered" and pick the largest
bulbs only.
Our community care continues. The
Schoonertown parkette was spruced up by
Janet’s team. The town garden on Main St. is
being groomed and planted by teams under the
leadership of Roz. There may even be a LGBT
section (lettuce, greens, beets, tomatoes).
In June, The NVCA awarded our Bill Crawford
with the "Environmental Watershed Stewardship
Award" for his work with the Arbour Day tree
sales. And, yet again the sales were fairly
GVTA Hikers:
Top Row: Arthur Last, Glenda Collings, Cathie
Kitchen, Paula Carson, Janny Wallbank, Cathie
Bottom Row: Marty Vert, Brenda West, Georgia
The Ganaraska News
other volunteers, about field marks, wing
venation and post-ocular spots.
Chasing dragonflies and butterflies with
Bob Bowles
Frequently, he placed a hand lens in my hand
and held up the butt-end of a dragonfly for me to
examine its most private appendages, making
me describe if I saw a ski slope shape or an
inverse curve. Six years later, you can find me
soaring across streams and leaping through
meadows, butterfly net in hand, exclaiming things
like “I need to know if it’s an Atlantis or Aphrodite
Bob Bowles in the Carden Alvar, ON. Look closely and
you'll see a dragonfly on his shoulder – they really do
flock to him! (Photo by NCC).
What can I say: Bob’s enthusiasm is simply
Written by Kristyn Ferguson, the Nature
Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) Program
Director for Georgian Bay-Huronia in Ontario.
This post originally appeared on Land Lines, the
NCC blog.
I met Bob Bowles fairly early in my career at the
Nature Conservancy of Canada when I was
tasked to run the Carden Alvar butterfly and
dragonfly counts in the Georgian Bay–Huronia
subregion in 2009. We’d been planning the
counts on the phone for weeks and I was looking
forward to meeting Bob, whose passion about
butterflies, dragonflies and the Carden Alvar was
More Celebrity News …
On a cool summer Saturday, we spent the day
together chasing butterflies across gorgeous
alvar habitats and up and down wild backcountry
roads. Bob was easily twice my age, but with a
net in his hand he was transformed into a nimble
sprite, dashing over rivers and across fields and
deftly catching any butterfly we spotted but
couldn’t identify from afar with our binoculars.
I’ve worked with Bob on insect counts and field
surveys every year since, and in a number of
different locations including the Minesing
Wetlands and Pelee Island. His natural history
knowledge has been a huge advantage for me to
have at my disposal: if there’s ever a species of
anything (bird, plant, butterfly) I can’t identify, Bob
knows the answer.
Bob Short, Paul Archambault of Pine
Ridge Hiking Club and Pierre Plante (friend) met
up with Clara Hughes on the Appalachian Trail
just north of Killington Vermont. Clara (multi
medal winner for Canada in both the summer and
winter Olympics) was north bound on the
Appalachian Trail. She was in the process of
completing the entire trail.
I told Bob in those early days that I would never
be able to learn the different species of butterflies
and dragonflies, and maybe I’d be better off just
marking them on the tally sheet and keeping an
eye on the volunteers. To this, Bob always raised
an eyebrow and continued teaching me, and
The Ganaraska News
FALL (August – December) 2015 Events Schedule
All GHTA members are encouraged to take part in any of the
hikes, regardless of which club they belong to. The club which is
organizing the hike is listed under the date of that hike. Call the
leader if the weather is at all questionable in case the outing has
been cancelled. Wear suitable footwear and clothing, and bring
snacks/drink/lunch. In most cases, the hiking level is indicated as
Easy, Moderate, Difficult and, on occasion, Challenging.
Hiker's Code
 Respect private property
 Stay on the trail
 Cross fences using stiles
Important Notice: Unpaid volunteers conduct events. Anyone
participating in these events, or making use of the trail in any
way, does so at their own risk. The Wilderness section should
only be hiked with an approved Ganaraska Trail leader.
 Carry out all garbage
Event organizers and hike leaders are encouraged to have
their hikers/participants sign a Waiver sheet for each event
where you or your participants may be exposed to risks or
accidental injury. Each area club can arrange how they want
to file these, as they should be kept for a couple of years.
 Never strip bark from trees
 Walk around the edge of fields
 Protect wildlife, trees and shrubs
 When hiking on the trail on your own, keep dogs
on a leash near farms and where required by law
 Dogs are NOT permitted on group hikes unless
otherwise specified.
Participants’ Responsibilities
Participants in events must choose activities suitable to their physical capabilities and skill levels. They must
inform the hike leader before the start of an event about any health problems or allergies and the location of any
special medications. They must follow leader’s directions. Parents and guardians must supervise their children
in their care. Dogs are not permitted on group hikes unless otherwise specified.
Club Information: (subject to change)
Barrie Club: Thursday hikes are decided during or just after the Sunday hikes. To find out destination and duration for
these outings please contact either Brian Williamson at 705-728-6311 or Jeff Haglund at 705-726-7189.
Kawartha Club: We hike every Wednesday morning and every weekend except July and August. Wednesday hikes are
about 1 ½ hours long. Weekend hikes are generally longer and more challenging. For details on the hikes call the hike
leader or John Poch 705-743-9447.
Midland Club: Midland Hikers always meet at 6pm at the Zellers Parking Lot, Hwy. 93 in front of the Mountainview Mall.
Wednesday hikes are not listed in this schedule, they are decided at random. Contact Edda 427-3460 or Marc 527-1967 for
detail. Weekend outings vary depending on destination. Please always contact hike leader for detail or changes before the
hike. Our weekly E-Mail service will also notify you of our activities. For Pot Lucks do not forget your plates, etc.
Orillia Club: Hikes for about 1.5 hrs every Tuesday evening at 6pm from the greenhouse in Couchiching Park during the
winter months. For more information, contact Shirley at 327-9034 or Joyce at 325-3351.
Oro-Medonte Club: Generally meets on alternate Sundays and Mondays usually starting at 1:30pm and lasting for about 2
hours. Most hikes are considered to be moderate. Contact Wayne Lillico 705-874-6028 for more information.
Pine Ridge Club: Hikes every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings from September to June. There is a short hike
and a long hike each weekend.
Wasaga Beach Club: Meets every Wednesday at Blueberry Trails, Nordic Centre Parking Lot at 9:45am. While we do not
advertise specific hikes in the newsletter we invite all association members to join us. For information on what is taking
place on a given day, please contact Harry Regu, our Hiking Trail Coordinator at 705-361-2989.
Wilderness Club: Anticipates organizing activities (maintenance trips, hikes, canoe trips) that have not yet been scheduled.
For information on what is taking place during the spring and summer season we invite all interested to check the
Wilderness Club website from time to time. (Wilderness website is linked to Ganaraska Trail website).
The Ganaraska News
NOTE: Most hikes on the Bruce Trail require a
minimum driving time of one hour each way. Bruce
Trail hikes are also in general more demanding
making stout footwear important. Also no matter which
hike or bike you go on please bring sufficient water,
snacks/lunch - it can be a long day.
Sunday, October 4, <MODERATE>
Hike on the Bruce Trail in the area of Singhampton
Caves for approx 4 1/2 hours. Leaving rear parking lot
of Canadian Tire on Bayfield Street at 8:30am and
Stayner Beer Store at 9:05am. Contact Carol Haglund
705-726-7189 or Cheryl Hannah 705-730-6879
Sunday, September 6, <EASY>
Hike in the Barrie area at Ardagh Bluffs - easy pace
for 2 ½ -3 hours & a few short steep hills. Leaving rear
parking lot of Canadian Tire, Bayfield Street at 10am
or Holly Community Centre at 10:30am.
Contact: Bob Murrell 705-456-3163
Sunday, October 4, <EASY/MODERATE>
Shorter hike from Schooner Park in Wasaga Beach
near Nottawasaga River for approx. 2 - 3 hours.
Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on Bayfield
Street at 9:30am. Contact Brian Vink 705-728-5718
Wednesday, September 9, <EASY/MODERATE>
Cycle ride from Hawkstone Monument near rail trail to
Orillia and back. Leaving at 10am. Lunch will be at
Pizza Hut. Contact Brian Vink 705-728-5718
Sunday, October 11, <MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike in the Boyne Valley area for approx. 4 - 5 hours.
Attractive area on the Bruce Trail (Dufferin Hi-Land
Club Map 20) including three steep ravines. Leaving
from rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on Bayfield
Street at 8:30am. Contact: Bob Murrell 705-456-3163
Sunday, September 13, <EASY/MODERATE>
Hike in the Midhurst area towards Gill Road. Leaving
Midhurst Community Centre at 10am. Good paths in
pleasant wooded countryside for approx. 4 hours.
Contact: Brian Williamson 705-728-6311
Sunday, October 11, <EASY>
Short comfortable hike local to Simcoe Municipal
Buildings on Highway 26 for approx. 3 hours. Leaving
car pool lot on right hand side of Hwy 26 immediately
after turning left off Bayfield Street at 10:30am.
Contact: Min Pinkney 705-797-1989
or Norah Stebner 705-726-3163
Sunday, September 20, <MODERATE>
Hike in Limehouse Conservation area for approx. 3
1/2 - 4 1/2 hours. Lovely area of the Bruce Trail (see
Toronto Club Map 12) including “hole in the wall”.
Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on Bayfield
Street at 8:30am. Contact: Bob Murrell 705-456-3161
Sunday, October 18, <EASY>
Hiking in the Midhurst area for approx. 3 hours
followed by a potluck supper and slide show. Leaving
Midhurst Community Centre parking lot at 11:30am.
The Centre will be open from about 2:30pm for food
preparation, etc. Don’t forget to bring your own plates,
cutlery and food contribution. If in doubt contact
Shirley Ummels 705-722-0120
Sunday, September 20, <EASY/MODERATE>
Shorter hike in the Copeland Forest for approx. 2 1/2 3 hours. Some short hills in attractive wooded area on
established trails. Leaving first parking lot on Ingram
Road at 10:30am. Contact: Brian Vink 705-728-5718
Sunday, September 27, <MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike on the Bruce Trail at Swiss Meadows for approx
4 1/2 hours. Great hike with some steep hills and nice
views of Georgian Bay. Leaving the rear parking of
Canadian Tire on Bayfield Street at 8:30am and
Stayner Beer Store parking lot at 9:05am.
Contact Gertrude Besner 705-735-0635
Sunday, October 25, <MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike in the Mono Centre area of the Bruce Trail for
approx. 4 hours. Varied terrain with some hills.
Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on Bayfield
at 8:30am. Contact: Dale Hannah 705-730-6879
Never underestimate the power of the new
seniors: reinventing the years beyond mid-life
Wednesday, September 30, <MODERATE>
Cycle ride from Old 2nd North to Elmvale area and
back, approx. 3 hours. Fairly quiet county roads with
several hills. Leaving Old 2nd North at 10am. Contact
Brian Vink 705-728-5718
When I was president of the Kawartha Chapter
(then called the Peterborough Chapter) I got a lot
of calls with questions about the club. One
question was “What is the age range of the
I replied: “35 to 80”. I was then asked “What do
you do about the 80 year olds? ”I responded “We
try to keep up to them”.
Linda Chopping
The Ganaraska News
Sunday, November 1, <DIFFICULT>
Hike in the Osler Bluffs area for approx. 4 1/2 - 5
hours. Attractive area of the Bruce Trail. Long fairly
steep climb for about the first hour to the highest point
of the Bruce Trail then comfortable walking. Leaving
from rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on Bayfield
Street at 8:30am and Stayner Beer Store at 9:05am.
Contact: John Sloane 705-719-0684
Wednesday, September 16, <MODERATE>
Bethany Hills. Meet at Crawford Dr. Carpool lot at
9:30am or at Maureen's at 10am (For directions phone
or email - [email protected]).
Contact: Maureen 705-277-3945
September 17 to 20, Haliburton Hiking Festival
This is the largest hiking event in Canada, over 70
themed and guided hikes, 4 concerts, movies and
more. When the schedule is posted we will select two
hikes as club hikes for the weekend. One will be to
Miserable Lake, an oxymoron. It’s a beautiful spot!
Information to follow as available. Hiker must register
in advance and there are limits on the size of the
group for all hikes. Contact: Tony 705-755-0815
Sunday, November 1, <EASY>
Short hike from Simcoe Museum on Hwy 26 for about
3 hours. Comfortable hiking on established trails.
Leaving museum parking lot at 10:30am and Old
Second South at 10am.
Contact Min Pinkney 705-797-1989
or Norah Stebner 705-726-3163
Wednesday, September 23, <EASY>
Fleetwood Conservation Area. Directions, Hwy 7A
West through village of Bethany to Porter Rd.#32, left
on Porter Rd to Ballyduff Rd., right on Ballyduff to start
of Conservation Area, park on side of road. Note, start
time 10:15am. Up to 8 km of trails, one with an
excellent viewing platform.
Contact: Don F. 705-741-4493
Sunday, November 8, <MODERATE>
Hike in the Simcoe County Forest on the 8th Line of
Oro-Medonte and Bass Lake Sideroad for approx.
approx. 4 hours. Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian
Tire on Bayfield Street at 9:30am or the parking lot just
off the 8th Line north on Old Barrie Road at 10am.
Contact Jeff Haglund 705-726-7189
Saturday, September 26, <MODERATE> 12 to 16 km
Peterborough Game Preserve. Hike high treeless
ridges overlooking Kasshabog Lake to the east and
the forests of Petroglyphs and Kawartha Highlands
PPs to the west. Great view for little effort! Hike will
also follow Jack Creek and may visit Little Jack Lake.
Meet at Riverview Park and Zoo at 9am to carpool or
on County Rd #6 just north of West Kosh Rd. Bring
lunch. Contact: Tony 705-755-0815
Carpool meeting points: Peterborough, ON
Portage Place Mall-across the entrance drive from
Rexall Drugs (not in front of the store).
Crawford Drive Carpool Lot-west of new Visitor’s
Riverview Park & Zoo-north end of Water St.
Keene Road Carpool Lot-across from Burnham
Gardens (formerly Burnham Mansion).
Additional Information
Wednesday hikes are generally 1 1/2 to 2 hours in
length. If necessary call the contact for hike details at
least 1 day prior. The back-up contacts:
Wednesday hikes: Marjorie 705-761-8895
Weekend hikes: Tony 705-755-0815
Wednesday, September 30, <EASY>
Jackson Park Trail. Meet at parking lot inside
Monaghan Road gates at 9:45 am.
Contact: Ann K. 705-743-8704
Saturday, October 3, <MODERATE> 12.5 km
Dragonfly, Elderberry & Universal trails in the
Northumberland Forest. Joint Pine Ridge Club and
Kawartha Club. Meet at the Crawford Dr. carpool lot at
9:15am or at the Northumberland Forest parking lot off
Beagle Club Road at 10am. Bring a lunch and a
drink. Contact: Tony 705-755-0815
Wednesday, September 9, <EASY>
Lakefield. Meet at parking lot behind arena at 10am.
Walk for 1 1/2 to 2 hours around Lakefield.
Contact: Roxanne H. 705-927-2711
Saturday, September 12, <MODERATE +> 12.5km
New hilly hike in the Mt. Pleasant area!
Approximately 3.5 hrs. Meet at Crawford carpool lot at
9:45am or meet at starting point of the hike at the
intersection of Bland Line and Shields Rd. at 10:10am.
Possible side trip to the headwaters of Jackson Creek.
Eat lunch with the lions. Bring lunch, water and sturdy
Contact: Don 705-741-4493
Wednesday, October 7, <EASY> 5km
Young's Point Conservation Area. Meet at
Riverview Park and Zoo parking lot at 9:30am to
carpool or at Young's Point on 3rd Line just past 462
South Beach Rd. at 10am. Explore YPCA trails.
Some poison ivy on one section of trail. Optional
lunch/coffee in Young's Point.
Contact: Richard: 705-7501040
The Ganaraska News
Check the Christmas at Presqu’ile website for
information concerning the show. For hike info
Contact: Rob I. 705-639-2206
Saturday & Sunday October 10 & 11
Thanksgiving Weekend. No hikes scheduled.
Wednesday, October 14, <EASY>
North of Trent. Meet at the small parking lot at the
extreme north end of River view Park and Zoo, across
from University Hts. Blvd. at 10am Hike through area
north of Trent. Contact: Sharlene 705742-5994
Wednesday, November 11, <EASY>
Robert Johnson Conservation Area. A memorial
hike for Orm Kemp. Meet at Parkhill Rd. and Auburn
St. at 9:30am to drive to RJCA.
Contact: John and Pat 705-7439447
Saturday, October 17, <EASY / MODERATE> 12 km
Lang Village Area. Joint hike with Pine Ridge. Meet
at 9:30am at Burnham Carpool or at 10am on
Baseline Rd. just west of Heritage Line. Loop hike on
the Trans Canada Trail and quiet county roads with
some hills to provide good views. Bring lunch to eat
on the bank of the Indian River at the Hope Mill.
Contact: Rose 705-639-2431
Saturday, November 14, <MODERATE> 12.5 km
New Hike! Mt Pleasant Area #2. Meet at Crawford
parking at 9:30am to carpool or at the starting point at
9:55am. The second hike starting from Shields Dr.
and Bland Line. This time walking east to Mount
Pleasant then south on County Rd.10 to Wilson Line
then back west on Wilson Line to Shields Rd. and the
starting point. Part of Wilson Line is an unopened
bush road with rocky hills and the possibility of ruts
and mud. Bring lunch, water and good footwear.
Contact: Don 705-741-4493
Wednesday, October 21, <EASY>
Jackson Park. Meet at Jackson Park parking lot
inside the Monaghan Road Gates at 10am.
Contact: Maureen A. 705 740-2424
Wednesday, November 18, <MODERATE>
Harold Town Conservation Area. Hike the trails for
one and a half hours, some hills, 10am
Contact: Carole B. at [email protected]
Saturday, October 24, <EASY> 11 km
Warsaw Caves Conservation Area. Meet at 9:30am
at Riverview Park and Zoo to carpool or at 10am at
the park entrance. Bring lunch and water. Shorter
versions of the hike will be available.
Contact: Nick 705-742-5994
Saturday, November 21, <MODERATE>
Peter's Woods Provincial Park (Burnley Block).
Meet at Crawford Drive Carpool Lot at 9am to carpool
or meet at 10am at Burnley Block on Pratt Road.
Explore about 8-10 km of mostly forested trails.
Poison ivy is abundant on some sections of trail.
Bring a lunch and water.
Contact: Richard 705-750-1040
Wednesday, October 28, <EASY>
Millbrook Mystery Hike. Meet at Crawford Drive
carpool lot at 9:30am.
Contact: Linda P. 705748-2274
Sunday, November 1, <EASY> 6km
Eel’s Creek. Hike along the bank of Eel’s Creek from
Haultain, past High Falls to parking lot on Northey’s
Bay Road. Meet at Riverview Park and Zoo at 9:15am
to carpool or in a provincial parking area where Eel’s
Creek crosses Northey’s Bay Road at 10am to shuttle
to start of hike. Bring a lunch.
Contact: Ross 705-745-6586
Wednesday, November 25, <EASY>
Activity Haven. Meet at 10am at Activity Haven at
180 Barnardo Ave. Park on the perimeter of parking
lot. Flat walk for about two hours on trails and road
with one hill. Optional lunch at Activity Haven after
walk. $5.00 for lunch, dessert and tea/coffee. Please
confirm. Contact: Eveline 705-874-6028
Wednesday, November 4, <EASY>
New Hike! Ballyduff Trails. Meet at Crawford Dr.
Carpool lot at 9:30am or 851 Ballyduff Rd., Pontypool
at 10am. Explore 5 to 6 km of trails on private land.
Contact: Richard 705-750-1040
Saturday, November 28, <MODERATE +>10-14km
Hike in the Kawartha Highlands, northeast of
Buckhorn. Meet at Riverview Park & Zoo at 9am to
carpool. NOTE: There is limited parking at trailhead.
Bring lunch. Contact: Barry 705-743-8163
Sunday, November 8, <EASY>
Presqu’ile PP and Christmas at Presqu’ile. Hike
trails, beach and shoreline of Presqu’ile and visit the
three venues of the 24th annual Arts and Craft Show.
Meet at Keene Road carpool lot at 8:45am or at the
Park entrance area at 10am.
Wednesday, December 2, <EASY> 7 km
Selwyn Conservation Area. Meet at Riverview Park
and Zoo at 9:30am to carpool to Selwyn. Hike for 1 ½
hours. Contact: John B. at [email protected]
The Ganaraska News
Sunday, December 6, <EASY> 10km
Hike in Havelock Woods north of the Village. Meet at
Keane Rd carpool lot at 9:30am or at the Havelock
Community Centre, 39 George St., 1 block north of
Hwy #7. Contact: Linda C. 705-778-7842
Sunday, August 2, <EASY>
Hike, Bike, Paddle, Swim, Pot Luck at Cedar Point
Million $$ view! 1pm
Contact: Franziska: 705-533-2699
Saturday, August 8, <EASY>
Awenda Park/Beach Hike, swim
Bring Shore Lunch. 10am
Contact: Deb. 705-549-1717
Wednesday, December 9, <EASY>
Little Lake Circuit. Meet at Roger’s Cove at 10am.
Hike approximately 6 to 7 km around the lake.
Contact: Marjorie 705-761-8895
Sunday, August 16,
Mystery Hike, 9:30am
Contact: Kim 705-327-2033
Saturday, December 12, <EASY> 5km
Historic Walk#2-along west side of Otanabee River
north of Hunter St. Meet at 10am at Auburn and
Parkhill for a 1 ½ to 2 hour guided walk to look briefly
at the history and architecture of several homes in the
Contact: Ken 705-745-9043 or Tony 705-755-0815
Sunday, August 23, <MODERATE>
Hike/Swim Christian Island
Ferry and Parking Fees apply. Car pooling / Bring
Lunch. 8:30am Contact: Marc 705-527-1967
Wednesday, December 16, <EASY>
East City. Park at No Frills on George Street. Meet
at 10am. Walk East City.
Contact: Barb 705-304-6264
Saturday, August 29, <EASY>
Beach Hike and swim and Corn Roast at Tiny
Beaches Waterfront.
Bring your own Weenies/ Refreshments/ etc., 1pm
Contact: Gerolf: 705-533-3547
Late December Pre and Post Christmas hikes to
first build an appetite for and then to “shake down”
your holiday meal. Details will be made available in
early December. Contact: Barb 705-304-6264
Sunday, September 6, <MODERATE>
9am (at Zellers) or meet at 9:30am at Hwy 92/ County
Rd. 29. FALL Hike at Kolapore area.
Bring lunch, all day outing.
Contact: Emilio: 705- 735-2583
Midland Hikers always meet at the old Zellers Parking
Lot on County Road 93, Midland.
Wednesday hikes start at 6pm, until end of September
and at 1pm from October to December.
We do not list destinations, as they are decided at
random. These hikes are moderate and usually 2
hours long.
Weekend, September 11-12-13-14
Cabin Camping / or optional Tent Camping at
Turkey Point – Port Dover area.
Hike/Bike/ Historical Re-enactment
Book your own cabin / campsite (see website)
Contact: Kim 705-327-2033
Sunday, September 13
Optional local hike for non cabin/campers
1pm. Contact: Dennis 705-322-2612
Weekend meeting times vary, depending on
destination. It is always recommended and very
important to contact the hike leader for details or
changes before the hike. Our weekly E Mail will also
notify you of our activities. For Pot Luck get-togethers,
please don’t forget your plate, cutlery, beverage glass
or cup, etc.
Saturday, September 19
Hike along the historic Nine Mile Portage from
Barrie’s Kempenfelt Bay to Fort Willow.
Re-enactments along the way and at Fort Willow.
14 km through valleys, forests, quiet residential and
country roads. Details to follow.
Contact: Frieda 705-245-1005
Recreational Biking Outings. Monday and
Thursdays. Departure at 10am. Weather permitting.
Location announced via E-Mail.
Contact: Gord 705-533-9949
“You need special shoes for hiking – and
a bit of a special soul as well.”
Recreational Canoe/Kayak outings. Weather
permitting, meet at 9:30am Wednesdays at the Esso
Station in Waubaushene on Hwy. 12 (The Moose).
Contact: Terry 705-835-2823
Emme Woodhull-Bäche
The Ganaraska News
Saturday, September 26
Hike Beausoleil Island, Georgian Trail/Huron Trail.
Georgian Bay National Park. Meet at 9am for
carpooling. Ferry Dock departure Honey Harbour at
10:30am. Cost approx. $14.00 p.p. Must commit by
August 26. Maximum 12 people. Bring Lunch.
Contact: Beth 705-361-2644
Sunday, November15, <EASY>
Hike Sturgeon River Loop. 1pm
Contact: Sigi 705-528-1593
Weekend, September 25-26-27
El Camino Hike along the Maitland River
(challenging due to distance)
49 km from Auburn to Goderich in 2 days (or shorter
distance). See
Cost $25 early bird registration fee till September 1.
Contact: Frieda Baldwin 705-245-1005 to arrange
accommodations & carpooling.
Sunday, November 29, <MODERATE>
Hike/Snowshoe Elmvale area. 1pm
Contact: Dennis: 705-322-2612
Sunday, November 22, <MODEATE>
Hike/Snowshoe Copeland Forest. 10am
Contact: Marc: 705-527-1967
Sunday, December 6, <EASY>
Hike/Snowshoe Subway Rd/ Wye Marsh. 1pm
Contact: Janet 705-527-1967
Wednesday, December 16
Hikers Christmas Light Hike / Sing along
6pm, social to follow.
Contact: Cecilie 705-245-1233
Sunday, October 4, <MODERATE>
Hike Bracebridge Management Resource Centre
Forest hike with scenic vistas of the Mukoka River.
9am. Contact: Frieda: 705-245-1005 or
Sherry Kelly 705-718-8784
Saturday, December 19
Hikers Christmas Party at Tiffin Pier Party Room
Santa re-gifting, Food Bank donation, 5pm.
Pot Luck. Contact: Edda 705-245-1122
Saturday, October 10
Balm Beach Swinging Senior Club Octoberfest
hosted by Midland Hiking Group. 5pm
Hiking on the Dance Floor!!
Contact: Edda 705-245-1122
Sunday, December 20
Walk off the stress - Pre-Christmas Hike. 1pm
Contact: Frieda 705-245-1005
Monday, October 12
Thanksgiving Walk off the Turkey hike. 10am.
Contact: Deb. 705-549-1717
Sunday, December 27
Walk off the Turkey - After Christmas
Hike/Snowshoe, 1pm
Contact: Susan 705-549-4927
Sunday, October 18
Meet at Zellers Midland for carpooling at 10:15am
Inter-Club Hike – Pot Luck at the Midhurst
Community Centre. (See Barrie Club detail)
Contact: Marc 705-527-1967
Friday, January 1, 2016
New Year’s Hike and Soup Party
Hosted by Margaret McCauley, 353 Aberdeen Blvd,
Midland 705-528-7449
Sunday, October 25, <EASY>
Hike Wildman Forest, 1pm
Contact: Kim 705-327-2033
Our usual meeting place is Willow Court Plaza,
located at West St and Highway 12 South. We meet,
car pool and leave cars at the far end, beyond “The
Learning Centre”.
Saturday, October 31
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association
Annual General Meeting (Orillia), 9am
Contact: Marc 705-527-1967
Starting in the FALL, a small group will be doing 1½–2
hr daytime hikes every Tuesday. Any members
interested in joining the group may contact
Paul at 705-325-6001 for details.
Sunday, November 1
Hike Terra Cotta and Badlands–Cheltenham, 9am
Contact: Marc: 705-527-1967
Sunday, November 8
Meet at 9am at Zellers or meet at 9:45am (Canadian
Tire/Barrie) Hike Caledon
Contact: Emilio 705-735-2583
The Ganaraska News
Saturday, September 5, <MODERATE> 8 km
Hike on the Trans Canada Trail between Riley Rd
and Cooper's Falls Rd. This is a rugged but relatively
short hike. Boots are recommended. Meet at Willow
Court at 9am. Contact: Heather at 705-329-2403
Saturday, October 24, <MODERATE>
Hike in the Bracebridge and Wilson’s Falls area.
We will do 2 or 3 short hikes. There is one set of steep
stairs. Meet at Willow Court at 9am.
Contact: Barb 705-326-4491.
Saturday, September 12, <EASY>
SHORT HIKE in the La Fontaine area. We will visit
Bonnie Bee Honey, tour a bee yard, talk with a bee
keeper, Joe Devillers, and walk to Baie Sable for
lunch. Meet at Willow Court at 9am.
Contact: Marion 705-327-5366
Saturday, October 31, <DIFFICULT>
Hike #1 of the Dufferin Section of the Bruce Trail.
Hike from Lavender to 39.8 km on Map 21 (20 Side
Rd). The terrain is varied; boots are recommended.
This hike involves a car shuttle and will take most of
the day; bring a lunch. Meet at Willow Court at 8:00am
or the Stayner Beer Store at 9am.
Contact: Wendy 705-238-7217
Hike #4 of the Blue Mountain Section of the Bruce
Trail. We will hike from 45.4 km on Map 23 of the 27
edition of the trail guide to 60.1 km on Map 24. This
may be a little longer (or we'll leave a car a little
closer) depending on whether the reroute has been
completed. This is a linear hike (about 15 km.)
requiring a car shuttle. Meet at Willow Court at 8am or
at the Stayner Beer Store at 9am. Bring a lunch.
Contac: Isabelle 705-326-8082
Saturday, November 7, <MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike in Algonquin: Track and Tower Trail, 3½–4 hr.
We will car pool and share park entrance fees. This is
a great hike at any time of year. Bring water and
lunch, etc. Meet at Willow Court at 8am.
Contact: Heather at 705-329-2403
We will continue to hike on Saturdays in November.
Hikes will be closer to home and moderate. Any
volunteers to lead would be appreciated.
Contact: Isobel 705-325-6578.
Saturday, September 19, <MODERATE> 8 km
Hike at Hardy Lake. Meet at Willow Court at 9am.
Contact: Carol 705-325-1065
Saturday, December 5
Christmas Pot Luck and short hike. Donations for
“The Sharing Place” and ideas concerning hikes for
spring would be great! 2pm.
Contact: Isobel 705-325-6578.
Saturday, September 26, <DIFFICULT> 12 km
Hike the Ganaraska Wilderness: Montgomery
Creek. This is a difficult loop hike. Boots are
recommended. Meet at Willow Court at 9am.
Contact: Isobel 705-325-6578
Beginning September 10, every Thursday morning the
club will be offering a one hour relatively easy hike
starting at 9:30am. For more information please call
June at 705-721-0621. Please bring water on all
hikes. Good hiking shoes are recommended.
Saturday, October 3, <MODERATE>
Hike Torrance Barrens, a 3–4 hr hike. Meet at Willow
Court at 9am. Contact: Rosa 705-300-4132
Saturday, October 10, <MODERATE>
Hike on the Ganaraska Trail starting from Rugby
Estates and going to the 8 Con. Return on the same
trail. Meet at Willow Court at 9am or Con 11 at 9:15am
Contact: Dave 705-331-9441
Monday, September 14, <EASY/MODERATE> 8 km
Hike in Hardy Lake Provincial Park in
Gravenhurst/Torrance area, on mostly flat terrain.
Bring water and lunch. Meet at 9am at the Crown Hill
Highway car park, junction of Hwy 11 & 93
Contact: Bob 705-728-8985 or June 705-721-0621
Saturday, October 17, <DIFFICULT>
Hike #5 of the Blue Mountain Section of the Bruce
Trail. Hike from 60.1 (Map 24) to the end of the Blue
Mountain Section, on varied terrain. We will add some
of the Beaver Valley Section to make the hike about
15 km. Meet at Willow Court at 8am or the Stayner
Beer Store at 9am.
Contact: Isabelle 705-326-8082
Sunday, September 20, <MODERATE>
Circle hike in Pine Ridge area of Copeland Forest,
hilly terrain, followed by corn and wiener roast at 4pm
at 5 Bunker Place in Horseshoe Valley, just off Alpine
Way. Bring a lawn chair and $5. For the hike meet at
the east end of Pine Ridge Trail at 1:30pm.
Contact: Wayne or Holly 705-835-7018.
The Ganaraska News
Monday, September 28, <MODERATE>
Hike trails at the north end of Georgian Bay Islands
National Park (Beausoleil Island). The fee for park
entrance and water taxi from Honey Harbour is
approximately $15. Bring lunch and water. Meet at
Dalston Church at 8:30am to carpool. Must register
with Bob or Lois 705-728-8985 with a $15 deposit no
later than September 20
Monday, November 30, <MODERATE>
Hike or snowshoe in the Tottenham Conservation
Area, lunch in Tottenham followed by a short hike or
snowshoe in Earl Rowe Provincial Park. Meet at
9am at the Crown Hill Highway Car Park (junction Hwy
11 and 93) to carpool.
Contact: Wayne 705-835-7018 or Sue 705-722-0395
Sunday, December 6
Mystery Hike, meet at 1:30pm. Snowshoe or ski.
Contact: Wayne 705-835-7018 or
Marjorie 705-722-8732
Sunday, October 4, <MODERATE>
Hike on the Ganaraska Trail from Oro-Medonte Line
11 (Rugby Estates) to Line 8 (approx. 6 km). Meet at
1:30pm at Rugby Estates just north of the Old Barrie
Rd. at Oro-Medonte Line 11; a car shuttle will be
arranged. Contact: Noel 705-527-0620
or Christine 705-733-3825
Monday, December 14, <EASY>
Ski, snowshoe or hike plus potluck supper. Meet
at the Marshall’s, 2407 Oro-Medonte Line 3 N. Ski,
snowshoe or hike at 4pm; potluck at 5:30pm followed
by music and fun.
Contact: Bob or Lois 705-728-8985
Monday, October 19, <MODERATE>
Hike the Nottawasaga Bluffs Loop Trail (3.5 km)
plus the Key Hole Trail (0.5 km). Bring a lunch. Meet
at 9am at Dalston United Church to carpool.
Contact: Bob 705-728-8985 or Sue 705-722-0395
NOTE: We use the following ratings for Level of
Difficulty (terrain) of our hikes:
Sunday, October 25, <MODERATE>
Hike on the Ganaraska Trail in Copeland Forest
from Oro-Medonte Line 5 to Ingram Road. Meet at
1:30pm at #3600 on Oro-Medonte Line 5, about ½ km
north of Horseshoe Valley Rd. A car shuttle will be
provided. Contact: Wayne 705-835-7018
or Mary 705-725-6252
EASY – Well-defined trails and/or roads, gentle
inclines. Hiking boots not required, but trails may be
MODERATE – Generally on trails and/or roads; may
be hilly with some rough spots or obstacles. Boots are
Monday, November 2, <MODERATE> 9 km
Hike in the Forks of the Credit Provincial Park. Meet
at 8:30am at the Crown Hill Highway Car Park
(junction Hwy 11 and 93) to carpool. Bring lunch
Contact: Wayne 705-835-7018 or
Christine 705-733-3825
MODERATE + – Generally on trails; rough terrain
and/or steep sections and/or long climbs and
descents. Boots are highly recommended.
CHALLENGING – Rough terrain; one or more of
extensive bushwhacking, steep sections, long climbs
and descents, beaver dams or other obstacles, or rock
scrambling. Boots essential; long pants and sleeves
Sunday, November 8, <MODERATE>
Hike on trails in Springwater Park. Meet at 1:30pm at
the entrance to the park just off Hwy 26
Contact: Christine 705-733-3825
or Holly 705-835-7018
Monday, November 16, <MODERATE>
Hike the Swiss Meadows area of the Bruce Trail,
near Collingwood, great views. Meet at 9am at
Dalston United Church to carpool. Bring lunch.
Contact: Bob 705-728-8985 or Mary 705-725-6252
1. “Bring a snack” indicates that there will be a break
of only 5 to 7 minutes for refreshments. “Bring a lunch”
indicates a longer stop for refreshments.
2. Anyone choosing to leave a hike before the end
must be accompanied by another hiker.
3. No dogs are allowed on group hikes.
Sunday, November 22, <MODERATE>
Hike in the Ardagh Bluffs in Barrie. Meet at 1:30pm
at the Holly Recreation Centre at 171 Mapleton Ave.
Contact: Christine 705-733-3825 or
Wayne 705-835-7018
Wednesday, August 5, <EASY> 6 km
Short town hike around Port Hope. Meet at Port
Hope Town Hall at 6:30pm
Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
The Ganaraska News
Wednesday, August, 19, <EASY> 6 km
Circular evening walk mainly through woodland
and parkland in Cobourg finishing at the Oasis
restaurant for refreshments in their beer garden.
Meet at the Cobourg Water Garden, corner of
Division and Ewart (free parking opposite) at 7pm.
Contact: Tim Hay 905-885-2203
Saturday, October 3, <MODERATE> 12.5 km
Dragonfly, Elderberry & Universal trails in the
Northumberland Forest. (Joint Pine Ridge Club
and Kawartha Club) Meet at Home Hardware
parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope (approx. ½ km
south of Hwy. 401 interchange 461) at 9:30am to
carpool or at the Northumberland Forest parking lot off
Beagle Club Road, approximately 10 km north of
Cobourg on Cty. Rd. 45, at 10am. Bring a lunch and a
drink. Contact: Stan Muldoon 905-885-9310
Saturday, September 19, <MODERATE> 13 km
Northumberland County Forest Purple Finch, Black
Oak & Sweet Fern Loops. Meet at Home Hardware in
Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool or at the parking lot on
the east side of Highway 45, opposite Woodland
Road, at 10am. Bring a lunch and drink.
Contact: Bruce Williamson 905-753-2602
Sunday, October 4, <EASY> 5 km
Racetrack Road area, southeastern Hamilton
Township. Rural road route that is almost flat with
very slight inclines. Meet at Home Hardware parking
lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 10am to carpool or on
Racetrack Rd. at the intersection with Dale Rd. at
10:15am. Bring a snack and a drink.
Contact: Mary Brinklow 905-372-6298
Sunday, September 20, <EASY> 6 km
Rural roads west of Canton. Meet at Home
Hardware parking lot, Toronto Road, Port Hope at
10am to carpool. Bring a snack and drink.
Contact: John LeBlanc 905-885-5214
Wednesday, October 7, <MODERATE +> 12.5 km
Perrytown Circuit. Meet at Home Hardware parking
lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool.
Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: David Beevis 905-885-7151
Wednesday, September 23, <EASY> 12 km
Lakeshore Rd. / Port Britain area, in western Port
Hope. Meet at Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto
Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a lunch
and a drink. Contact: John Kurowski 905-885-8776
Saturday, October 10, <MODERATE> 6 km
Ganaraska Trail and unmaintained roads between
the 6 and 7 Lines of Hope Township. Meet at
Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at
9:30am to carpool. Bring a drink; soup & bread at
Bruce’s end. Contact: Bruce Williamson 905-753-2602
Saturday, September 26, <EASY> 6km
Back roads of Grafton. Meet at Home Hardware
parking lot, Toronto Road, Port Hope at 9:30am or
at the Highway #45/401 carpool parking lot at 9:45am
to carpool. Bring a snack and a drink.
Contact: George Atto 905-377-8363
Sunday, October 11, <MODERATE> 6 km
Port Hope Conservation Area. Meet at the fish
ladder parking lot off of Cavan St. just below the 401,
at 9:30am. Bring a snack and a drink.
Contact: Tim Hay 905-885-2203
Sunday, September 27, <MODERATE> 10 km
Northumberland Forest Ski Trails. Meet at Home
Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at
9:30am to carpool or at the parking lot off Beagle Club
Road, approximately 10 km north of Cobourg, at
10am. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Graeme Coxon 905-342-3270
Wednesday, October 14, <MODERATE> 10.5 km
Baltimore Community Centre Rd. Country roads
east of Baltimore. Meet at Home Hardware parking lot,
Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am or at the Hwy
45/401 commuter parking lot at 9:45am, to carpool.
Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Elke Williams 905-377-0573
Wednesday September 30, <EASY> 10 km
Courtice Town Trails. Flat trails, some created as a
Millenium project, and some bush. Meet at Home
Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at
9:30am to carpool or at the Courtice Community
Complex, west side of Courtice Rd., 200 metres north
of Hwy. 2 at 10am. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Jim Osborne 905-436-2499
Saturday, October 17, <MODERATE> 12 km
Lang Village Area. (Joint Pine Ridge Club and
Kawartha Club.) EARLY START. Meet at Home
Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at
9:15am or at the start of the hike at 10am on Base
Line Rd. just west of Heritage Line (Cty. Rd. 34). Loop
hike on the TCT and quiet country roads with some
hills to provide good views. Bring a lunch and a drink
to eat on the bank of the Indian River at the Hope Mill.
Contact: Rose Millett 705-639-2431
“There is no such thing as bad weather, only
inappropriate clothing.”
Sir Rannulph Fiennes
The Ganaraska News
at 8:45am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Parking Fee $4
ORTA Contact: Garry Niece 905-655-8040,
Cell (day of hike only) 905-809-5138
Pine Ridge Contact: Bob Short 905-885-1420
Sunday, October 18, <EASY> 8 Km
The Rolling Hills of the Leckie Property. Meet at
Home Hardware in Port Hope at 9:30am to
carpool or at the Hwy 45/401 commuter parking lot at
9:45am Bring a lunch and drink.
Contact: Maria Siemiaszko 905-396-4540
Saturday, November 7, <MODERATE> 12 km
Goodrich Loomis Conservation Area. EARLY
START TIME. Meet at Home Hardware parking lot,
Toronto Road, at 9:15am. or at Hwy 45/401 commuter
parking lot at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a
drink.Contact: Colin Banfield 905-372-7120
Wednesday, October 21, <MODERATE> 13 km
Haldimand Township (Creighton’s Hill). Meet at
Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at
9:30am to carpool, or at the intersection of County
Rd.2 and Shelter Valley Rd. at 9:50am. Bring a lunch
and a drink. Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Sunday, November 8, <EASY> 12 km
Camborne Area. Meet at Home Hardware parking
lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool.
Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: John Kurowski 905-885-8776
Saturday, October 24, <MODERATE> 12 km
North East Campbellcroft, roads and trails. (Joint
Pine Ridge Club and Oak Ridges Trail Assoc.)
Meet at Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Road,
Port Hope (approx. ½ km south of Hwy. 401
interchange 461) at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a lunch
and a drink.Contact: David Beevis 905-885-7151
Wednesday, November 11, <MODERATE> 15 km
Bethany North loop. EARLY START. Meet at Home
Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9am
to carpool or in Bethany at the intersection of Hwy 7A
and Cty. Rd 38 at 9:45am. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Bob Short 905-885-1420
Sunday, October 25, <EASY> 6 km
5 & 6 Lines of Hamilton Twp. Meet at corner of
5 Line and Irving Goheen Rd. at 9:30am. Bring a
snack and a drink.
Contact: Andy Maxton 905-373-7029
Saturday, November 14, <EASY> 12 km
View the two lakes. Meet at Home Hardware parking
lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool.
Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Wednesday, October 28, <EASY> 10 km
Osaca area hike. Meet at Home Hardware parking
lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool.
Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Bob Short 905-885-1420
Sunday, November 15, <EASY> 8 km
“Over-the-Hill” Farm, Newtonville. Fields, farm
lanes, bush, pastures and some road walking. Meet at
Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at
9:30am to carpool or at the Hwy. 401/Newtonville Rd.
Commuter parking lot on the east side of Newtonville
Rd., 100 metres north of Hwy. 401 at 9:45am. Bring a
snack and a drink.
Contact: Jim Osborne 905-436-2499
Saturday, October 31, <EASY> 12 km
Bewdley Area East. Meet at Home Hardware parking
lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool or at
the Bewdley overflow parking lot on the west side of
Rice Lake Drive at Cavan Rd. (approx 0.6 km east of
Rhino’s or 0.8 km north of Cty. Rd. 9) at 9:50am. Bring
a lunch and a drink. Adjourn to Rhino’s afterwards.
Contact: Phil Mabey 905-377-0485
Wednesday, November 18, <EASY> 8.5 km
Cornish Hollow loop. Meet at Home Hardware
parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to
carpool or on Cornish Hollow Rd. at Dale Rd. at
9:40am. Bring a snack and a drink.
Contact: Judy Harris 905-342-388
Sunday, November 1, <EASY> 5.5 km
Oliver’s Lane-Forest Hill area north of 401
Cobourg. Mix of rural and light residential with a
couple of hills. Meet at Hwy 45/401 commuter
parking lot (start point of hike) at 10am. Bring a
snack and drink.
Contact: Paul Archambault 905-885-7139
Saturday, November 21, <EASY> 7 km
Bewdley area. Meet at Home Hardware parking lot,
Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool or at the
Bewdley overflow parking lot on the west side of Rice
Lake Drive at Cavan Rd. at 9:50am. Bring a snack and
a drink. Contact: Paul Archambault 905-885-7139
Wednesday, November 4, <MODERATE +> 17 km
Trails of the Long Sault Conservation Area. Varied
hilly terrain. (Joint Pine Ridge Club and Oak Ridges
Trail Assoc.) EARLY START. Meet at Home
Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope
The Ganaraska News
Sunday, November 22, <MODERATE +> 12 km
Upland Vistas near Cold Springs. Meet at Home
Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at
9:30am to carpool or at the bottom of Taylor’s Rd. in
Camborne (approx. 0.5 km west along Kennedy Rd.
from County Rd. 18) at 9:50am. Bring a lunch and a
drink. Contact: Colin Banfield 905-372-7120
Wilderness Fall Backpacking Trip
September 12th and 13th. Hike Leader Larry
Columbo. Route to be determined. Participation
limited to those who have been approved by the hike
leader in advance. Contact: Larry at
[email protected] for further details.
Wilderness Fall Day Hike
Saturday October 3rd. Moore Falls to Devil’s Lake
(approx. 19k). Hike Leader David Royston. Meet at
Devil’s Lake parking lot at 9am. Contact: David at
[email protected] to let him know you will be
Wednesday, November 25, <MODERATE> 15 km
Russ’s Creek area, eastern Alnwick/Haldimand
Township. Meet at Home Hardware parking lot,
Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am or at the Hwy.
45/401 commuter parking lot at 9:45am to carpool.
Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Bob Short 905-885-142039
Saturday, November 28, <MODERATE> 14 km
with drop-out after 7 km
Eddystone Loop with Frying Pan Extension. Meet
at Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd.,
Port Hope at 9:30am or at the Highway 45/401
commuter parking lot at 9:45am. Bring a lunch and a
Contact: Jim Edwards 905-885-7839
Sunday, November 29, <MODERATE> 6 km
Jamieson Road area Hilly Rural Rectangle. Meet at
Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at
9:30am to carpool. Bring a snack and a drink.
Contact: Stan Muldoon 905-885-9310
Wednesday, December 2, <MODERATE> 16 km
Back Roads of Cramahe Twp. Visit Red Cloud
Cemetery. Meet at Home Hardware parking lot,
Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to carpool or at the
Hwy. 45/401 commuter parking lot at 9:45am. Bring a
lunch and a drink.
Contact: Elke Williams 905-377-0573
Annual General Meeting
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Saturday, December 5, <EASY> 5 km
PRHC AGM and Pot Luck Lunch at Ruth Clarke
Centre preceded by a short hike starting at 9:30am.
Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
9:30 am sharp
Regent United Church
175 Oxford Street, Orillia
Please arrive at 9:00 am and socialize with the
members over coffee and donuts.
Saturday, December 26, <EASY> 5 km
Boxing Day mystery walk around Port Hope,
finishing at a local pub. 1½ hrs. Meet at Port Hope
Town Hall at 1:30pm
Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Directions: From Hwy. 11, turn onto Hwy. 12
East, Gill Street, then right on oxford. Those
coming via Hwy. 12, take Hwy. 12 West to Forest
Avenue, turn right on Forest, then left on Oxford.
For more information
on Pine Ridge Hiking Club please visit our
website at
The Ganaraska News
Comfortable Hiking Holidays
Toll free 1 (866) 449-1908
[email protected]
= FREE TOW + up to $500 tax receipt
Simcoe County Trails
recycles vehicles for trail funds!
You’re invited!
 Recycle your old car, truck, motorcycle,
snowmobile, RV or farm equipment
 Usable parts are recycled or scrapped in an
environmentally friendly manner
The Help Trails Grow project receives up to
$500 cash from the recycler. Funds are shared with
a trail initiative of your choice in Simcoe County, or
with the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association.
See photos, hear commentary, learn about new and exciting
adventures, and maybe even win a door prize!
Sunday, August 30 at 3:30 pm
Crescent School Auditorium
2365 Bayview Ave, Toronto
(1 light north of Lawrence Ave. E on the east side of Bayview)
Call 705-728-4110 to arrange the free tow
Please advise the recycler which trail or group should
benefit from your donation.
Corfu ● Patagonia ● Amalfi Coast ● Ireland ● Iceland
Machu Picchu ● Israel ● Turkey ● New Zealand
Japan ● Camino de Santiago
For more information, check our website at
March 5 to 17, 2016
Explore both Chilean and Argentinian Patagonia – each with
its own culture, climate and allure. In Chile, visit penguins on
Isla Magdalena, then journey far south into the heart of
Torres Del Paine NP for magnificent views of the central
lakes and the Paine’s Horns, a stunning hike on the shores
of Grey Lake to witness the icebergs floating in the water,
and the famed hike up to “The Towers”. In Argentina, travel
to El Chalten and El Calafate for hikes in Los Glaciares
National Park, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage
Hike over to view Mt. Fitz Roy and even visit the sheer wall
of ice that is the renowned Perito Moreno Glacier. This
adventure concludes in the cosmopolitan city of Buenos
Membership Renewal
Form for 2015!!
The membership year runs from January 1, 2015 to
December 31, 2015. To renew your membership,
simply photocopy this form, or clip it from your
newsletter. Print clearly your complete address, sign
the form and mail it to the address below, along with a
cheque in the amount of $25.00. Payment to be made
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc.
Box 693, Orillia, ON L3V 6K7
Name: ________________________________
April 18 to 30, 2016
October 10 to 22, 2016
Address: ______________________________
Italy never fails to captures the hearts (and stomachs) of its
visitors, and the Amalfi Coast lives up to that reputation towns perched impossibly on mountainsides, one of the
most famous stretches of coastline in the world, sapphireblue water in every direction, an infamous volcano and some
of the finest Limoncello anywhere. Come hike in Sorrento,
Positano, Amalfi and on the posh island of Capri.
Phone #: ______________________________
Club: __________________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________
 Check this box if this is a change of address or club.
May 9 to 21, 2016
This Greek island is the perfect combination of European
flare and tranquil sea-side living. Hike to the heavens to visit
holy monasteries and trek in shade of ancient olive groves.
We promise - you will never tire of the deep, deep blue of
the sea that surrounds you. Opa!
I, the undersigned, agree that participating in events,
or making use of the trail in any way, do so at my own
Signature: ___________________________
TICO # 50018498
The Ganaraska News
Merchandise Order Form
Know the Ganaraska Hiking Trail – make
sure you have a
Proudly display your support of the Ganaraska Trail
Association by purchasing any of the merchandise listed
below. Just fill out the order form and mail it with your
payment, name and address to:
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc.
Box 693, Orillia, ON, L3V 6K7
The Guidebook!
Has full colour
topographic maps,
plus a written
description of each
section along the trail. The guidebook is in a
small binder so that it is easy to take out a map
or two to bring with you on the trail.
Guide Book Inserts Only (members) ..................................$16.00 + $12.00
Guide Book with Binder (members).....................................$19.00 + $12.00
Guide Book with Binder (non-members) ...........................$25.00 + $12.00
Trail Crest .................................................................................$ 4.00 + $ 1.50
Check out the Ganaraska Hiking Trail website
for trail changes and re-routes, to keep your
guidebook up-to-date.
Section Badge End-to-End badge ........................................$ 3.00 + $ 1.50
Special Wilderness End-to-End badge .................................$ 7.00 + $ 1.50
Your name badge ...................................................................$ 5.00 + $ 3.00
Sweatshirts (Green or Blue) (S, M, L, XL, XXL) ............................$20.00 + $12.00
Please use the order form on the back of this
newsletter. Follow payment instructions as
Sweatshirts with End-to-End logo (S, M, L, XL, XXL) ...............$32.00 + $12.00
Vest (Red, Forest Green, Navy Blue) (S, M, L, XL) ..................$40.00 + $12.00
Cream T-shirt (M, L, XL, XXL) .....................................................$15.00 + $10.00
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc.
Box 693, Orillia, ON, L3V 6K7
e-mail: [email protected]
1. Make cheque (including shipping cost) payable to:
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc.
2. Be sure to specify size and colour of shirts.
3. Section badges are for members who have hiked a complete
section of trail.
4. Name badges will be your first name plus club affiliation.
Qty. Items
Price Plus Shipping
Also available for purchase at the following outlets:
Mountain Co-op, Sojourn and
Bird House Nature Company
Postmaster: Please return undeliverable mail to:
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc.
Box 693, Orillia, ON, L3V 6K7