Also in this week`s HCP Insider... - New York State Association of
Also in this week`s HCP Insider... - New York State Association of
November 1, 2013 13-42 HCP Advocacy Underway to Fund Next Level of Wage Parity and Home Care Costs 2 Flu Vaccination Report Opens on HCS with November 15 Submission Deadline; Training Webinar Available 4 DOH Offers MLTC Implementation Update, Revises MLTC Policies and CMAS Contract Documents 5 Also in this week’s HCP Insider... HCP Congratulates Newly Elected Officers........ 3 CHC Call for Candidates.................................. 3 Upcoming HCP Chapter Meetings..................... 4 DOL Hosts Webinar on Changes to FLSA, Companionship Exemption.............................. 5 MLN Matters.................................................. 6 Olmstead Cabinet Releases Report on Findings.... 7 HCP Unveils Managed Care Resource Guide at HCP Conference............................................. 8 Don’t Miss the Nov. 5 New York Post ‘Health at Home’ Special Section................................ 8 HCP’s Annual Conference, Adjusting the Sails, Draws Providers from Across New York State... 9 Public Policy Sessions Offer Managed Care and Health Benefit Exchange Update.................... 12 Adjusting the Sails Photo Gallery.................... 13 Governor Signs Legislation Requiring DOH Oversight of Individuals Transitioning to MLTC... 15 DOH Issues DAL Clarifying Comprehensive Assessment Requirements for CHHAs/LTHHCPs...15 October Medicaid Update Offers Additional Details on ICD-10 Transition.......................... 16 Medicaid Spending Remains Under Global Cap as of August......................................... 18 NYS Identifies $496M in Home Health Medicaid Error Payments; OMIG Recovers $211M from Feds.................................................... 19 Heroes in the Home™ Honored at HCP Annual Conference.................................................. 20 Recognize Your Workers During National Home Care & Hospice Month.................................. 20 OSHA’s Updated Hazard Communication Rule Training Deadline is December 1.................... 21 HCP Participates in National Home Care & Hospice Lobby Day, Advocates on Proposed Changes to the 2014 HH PPS and F2F Mandate...................................................... 21 Contributors Christy Johnston, President, ext. 813 Megan Tangjerd, Senior Associate for Public Policy, ext. 818 Claudia Hammar, Senior Vice President, ext. 809 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HCP, 20 Corporate Woods Blvd, 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12211 (P) 518.463.1118 (F) 518.463.1606 The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance HCP Advocacy Underway to Fund Next Level of Wage Parity and Home Care Costs In anticipation of the announcement of the third home care wage parity increase for New York City and the second for Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties, which will go into effect March 1, 2014, HCP has been meeting and speaking with the Administration, New York State Department of Health, legislators and their staff and other stakeholders since this summer and throughout the fall. The manner in which the third year increase for New York City is calculated creates even greater financial pressure and implications for providers, payers and the State of New York than prior years. HCP has been stressing the urgency of ensuring that these increases are adequately funded. HCP is also joining other groups to increase the voice and pressure to ensure that home care providers throughout New York State have the cash flow and predictable, adequate payments in the new managed care environment and ongoing fee-for-service reimbursement to meet the financial pressure associated with unfunded wage and benefit mandates including wage parity, living wage, minimum wage and overtime increases and insurance mandates related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). DOH Issues Home Care Worker Wage Parity Letters for NYC, Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester The New York State Department of Health (DOH) posted on November 1, 2013, official notice of Home Care Worker Wage Parity Minimum Rates of Total Compensation for both New York City and Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties, for the period March 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015. The letters, dated October 31, 2013, are available on the Department’s website at care/medicaid/redesign/mrt_61.htm. The letters, which are addressed from New York State Medicaid Director Jason Helgerson, indicate the following wage parity requirements: • New York City: For the period of March 1, 2014 and beyond, the minimum rate home care aide total compensation will be $14.09, consisting of a base wage of at least $10.00 per hour, additional wages of up to $1.69 per hour, and supplemental (benefit) wages of up to $2.40 per hour. Overtime is not included in the above rates, and must be paid as required pursuant to State and Federal Law. • Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester: For the period of March 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015, the minimum rate home care aide total compensation will be $10.93, consisting of a base wage of at least $9.50 per hour and supplemental (benefit) wages of up to $1.43 per hour, plus overtime. The HCP Insider is published weekly for the sole benefit of HCP members. Copyright © 2013 New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The HCP Insider • New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. • 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Floor • Albany, NY 12211 • 518.463.1118 • [email protected] The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance Both notices include a document outlining what is included in the rates for the upcoming wage parity compliance period, including an overview of overtime rates for both Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) exempt employees and all others (based on base rate assumptions and the increase in minimum wage for the coming year). HCP Congratulates Newly Elected Officers The document further specifies how providers can satisfy the “Total Compensation” rate, and applicable limitations. For Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester, this can be achieved through wages, or through a combination of wages and supplemental wages. For New York City, “Total Compensation” can be satisfied through wages, or through a combination of wages, additional wages and supplemental wages. Base wage is defined as “the minimum amount of the Total Compensation that must be paid directly to workers as regular hourly wages for all hours worked.” Supplemental wages are defined as “the maximum amount of Total Compensation that employers may satisfy indirectly, for example, by providing health insurance required by Federal law.” Additional wages (for New York City) are defined as the “amount of the Total Compensation that employers may satisfy through additional payments directly to workers for hours not worked and for differentials and premiums other than overtime. Examples include paid leave (vacation, holiday, sick and personal days) and differentials or premiums for certain shifts (nights, weekends and holidays) or assignments (sleepin or live-in work, care for multiple clients during the same shift). Additional wages do not include overtime compensation required under FLSA or State minimum wage orders or extra compensation creditable toward required overtime compensation for hours worked in excess of normal, regular or maximum daily or weekly hours.” The change in the New York City wage parity rate represents a substantial increase for home care providers that are already struggling to meet the current wage parity rate of $10.93 ($9.50 per hour, plus $1.43 supplemental benefit rate). Rates now stand to increase by $3.16 per hour in the region, an amount which will put providers in even more financial distress and further risk their ability to continue providing quality services and cover weekly payroll obligations. • Mary Winters, RegionCare, Inc., Executive Vice Chairperson • Annette Horvath, All Metro Health Care, Vice Chairperson, LHCSA • Richard Schaefer, Better Home Health Care, Secretary All positions are 2 year terms 11/1/2013 – 10/31/2015 CHC Call for Candidates! The Board of Directors of Community Health Care Services Foundation (CHC) is seeking interested candidates for Board positions that will be available effective January 1, 2014. An affiliate of HCP, CHC solicits grants and projects that benefit the home care industry and manages all educational programming for HCP. Throughout the year CHC provides a wide variety of timely programs in the areas of management/clinical, legal, regulatory, paraprofessional training and more. A position on the CHC Board is a great opportunity to get involved and play an important role in CHC’s activities. If you are interested, please contact Jill Counihan for more information at 518.463.1118 ext 806, or [email protected]. Moving ahead, and in preparation for the 2014 Legislative Session, HCP will continue to explore various avenues to help providers manage as this unfunded mandate expands and increases, and will continue to communicate the danger an unfunded rate increase of this magnitude will have on an industry that is already in the midst of massive transition. Particularly at a time when many providers are struggling every day to secure timely and adequate reimbursement from the managed care plans they are contracted with, as well as comply with other burdensome and costly unfunded mandates and regulations. HCP will continue to press for financial support for providers to help alleviate the fiscal pressure they are facing. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance HCP members should watch for Action Alerts in the coming weeks to ensure that State Legislators are aware of these changes and prepared to fight to support home care in the coming year. Questions should be directed to HCWorkerParity@ Members may also contact HCP Public Policy staff with questions. Flu Vaccination Report Opens on HCS with November 15 Submission Deadline; Training Webinar Available Beginning today, November 1, providers may access the Health Care Personnel Influenza Vaccination Report through the Health Electronic Response Data System (HERDS) on the Health Commerce System (HCS) at Upcoming HCP Chapter Meetings Long Island Chapter Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 8:30 am Hofstra University Club, Uniondale, NY Sponsored by: Brinster & Bergman $25 pp breakfast charge Contact: Rick Schaefer, Better Home Health Care Agency, Inc., [email protected] Western New York Chapter Thursday, November 21, 2013, 9:00 am The Red Cross Training Building, Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY Contact: Alice Riggs, HEALTH FORCE, 716.855.2273 In accordance with the State’s new flu mask regulation that became effective July 31, 2013, health care providers/facilities that are licensed or certified under Article 28, 36 and 40 of the Public Health Law are required to document the number of personnel they employ that are vaccinated/ unvaccinated against influenza. Personnel that are unvaccinated will be required to wear a surgical or protective mask when in direct contact with patients during times the Commissioner of Health deems influenza to be “prevalent.” Providers have until November 15 to complete the report on the HCS. A second report is expected to be released before the end of the 2013-14 influenza season. In order to complete the report, an individual must have an HCS account, and one of the following HCS roles: HERDS Data Reporter/Data Reporter/Nursing Home Data Reporter; Administrator; Director, Nursing; HPN Coordinator; Infection Control Practitioner; Medical Director. If you do not yet have an HCS account, then you will need to register for an account at html. Follow the steps in the “Quick Reference Guide” for more information. To assist providers in completing the report, the Department of Health (DOH) has released a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and an instructions guide on its website, diseases/communicable/influenza/seasonal/providers/prevention_of_influenza_transmission/, which were recently updated (HCP Insider, 10/18/13). DOH Posts Flu Vaccination Report Training Webinar The Department has also made available a training webinar to assist providers in preparing for and completing the first Health Care Personnel Influenza Vaccination Report. It offers an overview of the new regulation, associated reporting requirements, how to complete the report, and also reviews a number of FAQs. The hour-long, pre-recorded webinar may be accessed at php?AT=pb&SP=TC&rID=65254202&act=pb&rKey=1717a277e87d173f. The PowerPoint slides are available at The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance HCP members are strongly encouraged to view the training webinar for further details and information. Questions on the report should be directed to DOH’s Bureau of Immunization at 518.473.4437 or [email protected]. Questions about the HCS should be directed to 518.473.1809 or [email protected]. Questions about the flu mask regulation should be directed to [email protected]. Members may also contact a member of HCP’s Public Policy staff. DOH Offers MLTC Implementation Update, Revises MLTC Policies and CMAS Contract Documents The New York State Department of Health (DOH) last week provided a series of updates on the mandatory managed long term care (MLTC) transition during an implementation conference call hosted by Director of Long Term Care, Mark Kissinger. The Department also released three MLTC policy revisions pertaining to the definition of CommunityBased Long Term Care (CBLTC) services, guidance on Care Management Administrative Services (CMAS) agreements, and the provision of Durable Medical Equipment (DME) supplies through pharmacies, and posted updated CMAS contract documents. MLTC Implementation Conference Call DOL Hosts Webinar on Changes to FLSA, Companionship Exemption The United States Department of Labor (DOL), Wage and Hour Division, this week hosted a webinar for home care agencies on the Final Rule, issued Tuesday, September 17, 2013, which makes changes to the longstanding companionship services exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), effective January 1, 2015. The hour-and-a-half long webinar provided an overview of the changes made to FLSA, the Federal law that requires employers to pay employees minimum wage and overtime. Specifically, the webinar reviewed the updates made to the FLSA exemptions applicable to companionship services and live-in domestic service employees. For more information on these changes and their applicability to home care providers in New York State, see the September 20 edition of the HCP Insider. To view the detailed PowerPoint presentation from the webinar, please click here. The DOL has indicated that the presentation, along with the transcript and audio from the webinar, will be posted on its website at http://www.dol. gov/whd/homecare after the last FLSA webinar takes place on November 14. The website also includes many helpful resources for employers, workers and individuals and families. Key updates provided on last week’s conference call include the following: • Effective September 23 in Rockland and Orange counties, the Department “shut the door” to dual eligibles in need of home and community-based services for 120 days or more. These individuals are now required to enroll in a MLTC plan in order to receive these services. • The start of the mandatory transition in Albany, Erie, Monroe and Onondaga counties remains on track for December 1, 2013; however, the State has yet to receive final approval from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Kissinger noted that DOH has been involved in conversations with MLTCs in operation in these areas to help ensure they are appropriately prepared for the transition to commence. • The Department has posted revised CMAS contract documents to its website, including updated guidance and Question and Answer (Q&A) documents (see further details below). • Kissinger reminded MLTC plans that October 24 was the deadline for plans to review their contracts with social day care programs and determine the appropriateness of their contracts with these entities. Plans are required to send an updated list of social day care program contractors to the Department. • MLTC plans with more than 10,000 enrollees were informed that they will be receiving a notice from the Department directing them to submit a fraud and abuse plan. • The Department will soon be issuing directions to MLTC plans on their quarterly reporting requirements. • Three new MLTC plans have been approved by the State, including Hamaspik Choice, Montefiore HMO, LLC and North Shore Long Island Jewish Health Plan. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance The date of the next MLTC implementation conference call has not been confirmed. HCP will keep members updated on any MLTC-related developments in the meantime. DOH MLTC Policy Revisions MLTC Policy 13.03-CBLTC Definition The update to policy 13.03 further clarifies the definition of CBLTC services. Specifically, policy 13.03(a) specifies that DOH-issued MLTC policies are directed, as applicable, to all three types of MLTC plans operating under the authority of Article 4403-f. It further indicates that these plans must abide by the current CBLTC definition: Consumers must demonstrate need for CBLTC Services for more than 120 days, and these services are defined as: Nursing Services in the Home, Home Health Care (which is further defined as traditional Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA) services such as therapies or home health aide service in the home), Personal Care Services in the home (excluding Level 1), Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services, Adult Day Health Care (ADHC), and Private Duty Nursing. MLN Matters New: MM8444 – Home Health - Clarification to Benefit Policy Manual Language on “Confined to the Home” Definition MM8444.pdf SE1336 – 2013-2014 Influenza (Flu) Resources for Health Care Professionals SE1336.pdf Revised: MM8039 – Enrollment Denials When Overpayment Exists MM8039.pdf The policy further emphasizes that the need for 120 days or more of CBLTC services is a baseline requirement for enrollment in a Partially-Capitated MLTC plan; Nursing Home Level of Care is an additional condition of enrollment required for enrollment in both PACE and MAP plans. The revised MLTC policy can be found at mltc_policy_13-03a.pdf. MLTC Policy 13.17-CMAS Agreement Guidance Revisions to MLTC policy 13.17 reiterate the protocols that must be met by each MLTC plan, and the key standards that must be addressed in each CMAS agreement submitted to DOH. The original 13.17, which is available at docs/policy_13_17_cmas_agree_guide.pdf, lists 20 standards which must be included in each CMAS agreement. The revised policy reiterates and clarifies nine of the 20 standards, including: • • • • • • Timelines and documentation requirements for care management visits and phone contact; Identified methods of enrollee education; Minimum required response time for enrollees/member contacts; Ratio of care managers to enrollees; Minimum employment qualifications for care managers; and Ensuring the level and degree of care management and the Plan of Care address the needs of the enrollee. The revised policy states that all MLTC plans, regardless of whether the plan provides care management services directly or contracts with another entity to do so, must either submit an attestation to compliance or a redlined copy of the agreement addressing any changes to the protocols within 60 days of October 18. DOH also released additional guidance on the submitting of CMAS agreements. Effective immediately, these agreements must provide sufficient detail to accurately reflect each unique administrator-to-MLTC plan relationship (templates are no longer allowed). Contracts and/or material amendments to contracts The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance that were submitted prior to issuance of the above stated guidelines and those previously detailed in 13.17, must be amended to comply with these guidelines no later than December 31, 2013. The updated CMAS contracts should specifically address: (i.) which entity is responsible for completing assessments and reassessments; (ii.) which entity is providing 24/7 access to care management staff; (iii.) the requirements and process for Administrator to prepare and submit reports to the MCO; and (iv.) standards for adherence to MCO’s Care Management Protocols, and MCO evaluation of Administrator performance. If a compliant CMAS agreement has already been submitted, regardless of whether or not it is a template, and meets the revised requirements, no amendment is required; however, the plan must submit an attestation of compliance to the Department, subject to sanction. For a more detailed overview of the CMAS agreement protocols required for MLTC plans, the full policy is available at policy_13_17.pdf. Additionally, DOH has published a Q&A fact sheet regarding this update, which can be found at medicaid/redesign/docs/mltc_policy_13_17a.pdf. MLTC Policy 13.20-Provision of DME Supplies through Pharmacy Olmstead Cabinet Releases Report on Findings In November 2012, Governor Cuomo created the Olmstead Development and Implementation Cabinet (Olmstead Cabinet) to develop a plan for compliance with the decision of Olmstead v. L.C.. The cabinet met with over 160 stakeholder organizations and received over 100 position papers over the course of nearly a year. The results of the Olmstead Cabinet’s work are contained in a recently issued report. The report identifies specific actions State agencies are responsible for taking when providing services to people with disabilities and what it will take to serve people with disabilities in the most integrated setting, including: • Assisting in transitioning people with disabilities out of segregated settings and into community settings; • Changing the way New York assesses and measures Olmstead performance; • Enhance the integration of people in their communities; and • Assuring accountability for serving people in the most integrated setting. The report in its entirety can be found at http:// olmstead-cabinet-report101013.pdf. Policy 13.20 previously directed MLTC plans to contract with pharmacies to provide DME to MLTC plan enrollees. These contracts were necessary to avoid inappropriate fee-for-service billing that was occurring outside of the capitated rate structure. However, recent feedback from MLTC plans has indicated problems with establishing the contracts with pharmacies by the DOH-instituted November 1 deadline. As such, the revised policy removes this deadline, but directs plans to continue to work on establishing the needed contracts without a deadline. The policy may be accessed at revised.pdf. DOH Updates CMAS Agreement Documents In November 2012, DOH released a set of three documents to help MLTC plans establish CMAS Agreements with provider entities. To reflect the changes in updated MLTC policy 13.17 (see above), these three documents have been updated accordingly. Specifically, the updated documents require more information on the requirements of a care manager, what protocols must be met by MLTC plans, and the requirements that must be met for agreement submittal. The three documents may be accessed by clicking on the respective title below. • CMAS Contract Statement and Certification • Standard Clauses for CMAS Contracts • CMAS Contract Guidelines for MLTC Plans Please direct any questions to HCP Public Policy staff. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance HCP Unveils Managed Care Resource Guide at HCP’s 2013 Annual Management Conference & Exhibition During last week’s 2013 HCP Annual Management Conference & Exhibition, Adjusting the Sails, HCP Public Policy staff announced the development of a new resource guide to assist HCP members as they work to adjust to the new managed care paradigm. The HCP Managed Care Resource Guide constitutes one element of HCP’s strategy to support members undergoing the transition to managed care by streamlining the massive amounts of information available and packaging it in user-friendly ways that make it easier for providers to identify what they need to know in a timely manner. In the summer of 2011, prior to the commencement of the managed care transition, HCP Public Policy staff developed a Managed Care Primer, which included overviews of Medicaid managed care (MMC), managed long term care (MLTC), the contracting process, wage parity, and more. Much has changed since then, and while there are still many things that remain a mystery with regard to the transition, there is much more that is known now than Don’t Miss the November 5 New York Post ‘Health at Home’ Special Section! The upcoming New York Post ‘Health at Home’ Special Section is out November 5, just in time for National Home Care, Hospice Awareness and National Family Caregivers Month (see related article on page 20). HCP is proud to have once again partnered with the New York Post to publish the ninth installment of this popular section. Offering a broad range of perspectives, each edition helps raise the visibility and awareness of home care by highlighting the value of home and community-based care services, and sharing the stories of consumers, their families, and home care workers. Don’t forget to pick up your own copy of the New York Post on Tuesday, November 5! Additional information and past ‘Health at Home’ sections are available at content.aspx?id=4554. two years ago. Similar to the Managed Care Primer, the new Resource Guide offers general background and introductory information on the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) initiatives established prior to the 2011-12 State Budget, most notably the transitions to MMC and MLTC. New components include overviews of the key issues and challenges providers have faced since the transition began—as well as HCP’s strategies and endeavors to help its members successfully adapt to the State’s new health care delivery environment. Alongside the general overviews provided on different components of the managed care transition, HCP has included direct links to key resources that may be difficult for providers to identify quickly on the Department of Health’s (DOH) website. For instance, Department-issued MMC guidelines documents, as well as the various MLTC plan model contracts are easily accessible through links in the Resource Guide. What is particularly helpful in the Resource Guide is that, in addition to linking members directly to DOHdeveloped documents, HCP has developed a series of more in-depth supplementary pieces to help members identify need-to-know information on key issues. For example, members can link to an HCP document that offers an in-depth overview of the many DOH MLTC policies that have been issued since January 2013. Within the document, providers will find a brief summary of each DOH policy, which they can then directly link to for more detail. Throughout the Resource Guide, members will also find links to HCPdeveloped documents outlining managed care provider complaint processes; wage parity, local living wage and minimum wage requirements; the FIDA demonstration program; and the OPWDD People First Waiver. As the transition progresses and information continues to be made available, HCP staff will update the Resource Guide accordingly to ensure it remains reflective of the key resources and guidance your agency needs to successfully operate in the new managed care environment. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance Please note, the HCP Managed Care Resource Guide is a HCP member benefit and will be distributed directly to HCP members in good standing in the coming week. If you have not yet renewed your HCP membership, please do so today. If you have questions about your membership, please contact Claudia Hammar. To renew your HCP Provider membership, click here. To renew your HCP Associate membership, click here. HCP’s Successful 2013 Annual Conference, Adjusting the Sails, Draws Providers from Across New York HCP’s highly anticipated Annual Management Conference & Exhibition, “Adjusting the Sails,” proved to be a highly successful event that drew attendees from across New York State. The Conference, which was held October 22-24 in Albany, New York, received outstanding reviews from attendees and exhibitors. “I look forward to HCP’s Conference every year,” said a provider from New York City. “This year HCP had many great sessions, but the ones on wage and hour laws, the regulation on executive compensation and administrative expenses, and the Affordable Care Act were exceptional! I really learned a lot!” “HCP always makes exhibitors feel they are important to the Conference,” said a long-time exhibitor. “We spoke with many attendees who were very interested in our new product. And the Nautical Flags contest was fun and helped me speak with lots of attendees!” This year’s Conference featured lively, engaging sessions from renowned national speaker Jim Mathis from The Mathis Group, who inspired attendees with his thought-provoking sessions on reinventing yourself in a challenging market. Larry Kryske from Your Finest Hour Leadership Programs shared his perspective on trust and creativity – all while creating a painting on stage which was later offered as one of HCP’s raffle prizes. Tuesday’s Public Policy sessions featured Mark Kissinger, Director of the Division of Long Term Care at the New York State Department of Health, who offered his thoughts on the status of the transition to managed long term care and answered many questions from the audience. Donna Frescatore, Executive Director at New York State of Health, The Official Health Marketplace for the New York State Department of Health, gave attendees an update on New York State’s Health Benefit Exchange, and discussed the how the essential benefit package effects home health coverage. Wednesday and Thursday offered a wide range of insightful legal, marketing and business topics. Speakers and industry experts provided practical, useful information and resources to help attendees manage their organizations more effectively and understand more fully new regulations and how to implement new laws. The Exhibit Hall gave The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 TWO ALL NEW WEBINARS! Lawsuit-Free Discipline and Termination of Employees Thursday, Nov. 14, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Download the flyer with complete details and registration form. Click here to register now. Understanding the Impact of the Elimination of the Companionship Exemption Under FLSA for Home Care Providers Tuesday, Dec. 17, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm This webinar is offered exclusively for HCP members at a special discounted rate. Be sure to renew your membership so that you can attend this important program! Download the flyer with complete details and the registration form. © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance attendees the opportunity to relax and interact with exhibitors that came to network, build relationships and provide information and demonstrations about their products and services. HCP Business Meeting HCP President Christy Johnston provided HCP members with an update and overview of the Association, and members voted and re-elected officers for the HCP Board: • Mary Winters, RegionCare, Inc. re-elected Executive Vice Chairperson • Annette Horvath, All Metro Health Care, re-elected Vice Chairperson, LHCSA • Richard Schaefer, Better Home Health Care, reelected Secretary HCP Annual Awards Luncheon Several prestigious awards were presented at the Annual Awards Luncheon. 20 Corporate Woods Blvd, 2nd Fl. Albany, NY 22 58.463.8 Fax 58.463.606 Managed Care Resource Guide October 2013 The 2011-12 State Budget initiated a dramatic increase in the use of managed care models for the delivery of Medicaid services. This aggressive agenda has resulted in significant changes for home and community-based care providers, thus making preparation and an understanding of evolving managed care policies and their related challenges and opportunities critical to adapting to new care delivery and payment models. ! The second major shift that occurred was mandatory enrollment in a managed long term care (MLTC) plan for dual-eligible individuals, ages 21 years and up, and in need of home and communitybased care services for more than 120 days. The phase-in of mandatory MLTC was originally scheduled to begin in New York City on April 1, 2012; however was delayed until July 1, 2012. As of September 2013, MLTC is currently mandatory in New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Orange and Rockland counties, and the transition continues to expand into upstate counties, with the remaining major metropolitan county areas to start transitioning before the end of 2013 (Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo). ls a ! i fo ter ! n a nly I M ew ry s O N l ta er Al en b m em e pl P M p C Su H Medicaid managed care (MMC) has been an approach used by the State since the late 1980s to deliver necessary care in a more cost-effective manner. What began as a voluntary program is now mandatory Statewide for many beneficiary categories and programs. Managed long term care (MLTC) has also been a model used by the State for many years, albeit on a much smaller scale. A mandatory MLTC model is currently being phasedin throughout New York State. These changes have directly impacted long term care services. The Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT), which was established prior to the 2011-12 State Budget to propose Medicaid savings initiatives, made greater use of the managed care model as a center-piece of the State’s cost-reduction and care delivery strategies with “care-management for all” as the theme. Among the providers and beneficiaries impacted by this strategy are home care agencies and programs and those receiving home and community-based care. Up until these policy changes, most home and community-based care and home care populations and services were “carvedout” of the Managed Care system. The first significant change for home care occurred on August 1, 2011, with the addition of personal care (PC) services to the Medicaid managed care benefit. The benefit change impacted current MMC enrollees and the providers that traditionally delivered PC services for a Local Department of Social Service (LDSS). The August 1 date did not include any major changes to populations with mandatory MMC enrollment; however, a variety of both populations and services traditionally carved-out of the MMC benefit package have since been added. October 2013 Provider Challenges Mounting as Transition Progresses The 2011-12 State Budget tasked the Department of Health (DOH) with developing and implementing several significant changes to the State’s Medicaid program. DOH and the MRT have provided the framework for many of the changes, including Table of Contents Provider Challenges Mounting .......................................... 1 HCP Leading Advocate for Home Care............................ 2 HCP Efforts Initiate HCBC Workgroup............................ 2 Carve-in of Populations/Benefits to MMC....................... 3 Services Provided by MMC ................................................ 3 MMC Guidelines .................................................................. 4 Mandatory Enrollment: MLTC........................................... 4 Beneficiares Eligible to Enroll in MLTC ............................ 4 Services Provided by Partial-Cap MLTC, PACE/MAP.. 5 MLTC Model Contracts/CMAS Contracts....................... 6 MLTC Plan Data on Service Reductions ........................... 6 Provider Complaint Process ............................................... 7 DOH MLTC Policies............................................................. 7 Home Care Worker Wage Parity........................................ 7 What’s to Come: FIDA, OPWDD People First Waiver ... 8 Next Steps .............................................................................. 9 ® Home care. Health care. Your care . . for life. • Susan Allen from Spencerport, NY received the Edna A. Lauterbach Scholarship Award; • The HCP Long Island Chapter awarded its annual Norma Recco Advocate of the Year Award to Roz Wilkins from Aides at Home, Inc.; • Hodgson Russ, LLP was awarded the HCP Associate Member of the Year Award; • HCP’s Excellence in Public Relations Award was awarded to Rebecca Leahy of North Country Home Services, Inc.; • Fran Schafer of Wellness Home Care received the HCP Founders’ Spirit Award; and • Andrea Brown from Progressive Home Health Services, Inc. received the Edna A. Lauterbach Member of the Year Award. During the Luncheon, HCP also recognized and honored the Class of 2013 Heroes in the Home™, outstanding caregivers that have been singled out for special recognition by HCP member agencies and HCP Chapters during the past year (see related article on page 20). Special Events HCP/CHC thanks everyone that attended and participated in the Conference Special Events. The HCP PAC Fundraiser Happy Hour, “Oktoberfest,” was held at The City Beer Hall, and attendees sampled flights of various micro beers and an array of Oktoberfest-inspired appetizers. Several brave attendees took a spin on the mechanical bull during the festivities, which proved to be a big hit for everyone. The CHC Fundraiser Murder Mystery, “A Cruise to Die For,” held by HCP affiliate, Community Health Care Services Foundation, Inc. (CHC) was a huge success. Attendees joined in the fun, participating in a wild talent show that rocked the State Room, with attendee acts in costume performing songs that included Diana Ross and The Supremes’ “Stop in the Name of Love,” Men at Work’s “YMCA,” the Beach Boys’ “Surfing USA,” Elton John’s “Crocodile Rock,” and more. There was also a murder during the talent show that attendees needed to solve. This rollicking event was voted “the best ever” by many attendees. Proceeds from the event support CHC’s educational programs. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 10 The CHC Super Raffle CHC sold a total of 94 tickets to the CHC Super 50/50 Raffle, and the winners were drawn during the Dessert Reception and Exhibitor Raffle. The Grand Prize winner was Susan Hechtman of Aides at Home who won $3,150; the 2nd Prize winner was Tami Seidler of WILLCARE who won $1,250; and the 3rd Prize winner was Gary Carpenter of Grassi & Co., who won $310. The remaining proceeds of the Super Raffle, $4,690 went to CHC to support its educational program. CHC thanks all those that participated in the CHC Super Raffle and supported CHC this year. Another CHC Super Raffle will be held next year with hopes to sell all 150 tickets so that the Grand Prize will be $5,000. HCP’s 2014 Annual Conference will be held October 28 and 29 at the Long Island Marriott in Uniondale, New York. Thank you to all HCP 2013 Conference Exhibitors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Advanced Data Source (ADS) Brinster & Bergman Crescent Computer Health Services Emerson Reid & Co. Friedlander Group Grassi & Co. HHA eXchange Hagedorn and Company Health Care Answering Services (HCAS) MetLife Mobile Health Management Services National Allotment Insurance S C Health Care Consulting Sandata Technologies The Signature Group of Companies Sterling National Bank T C Services USA Total Program Management Union Community Health Center Thank you to all HCP 2013 Conference Sponsors Conference Bags – S C Health Care Consulting Custom Conference Hotel Room Keys - The Signature Group of Companies Concurrent Sessions- The Signature Group of Companies Name Badge Neck Wallets– Hagedorn & Company Aluminum Sports Bottles– Sandata Technologies Wednesday Morning Breakfast – HCP Long Island and Northeastern New York Chapters Wednesday Morning and Afternoon Coffee Breaks – Sandata Technologies Wednesday Networking Lunch – The Signature Group of Companies Wednesday Exhibit Hall Grand Opening & Exhibitor Reception – Weingarten, Reid & McNally Thursday Morning Coffee with Exhibitors – The New York Post Thursday Coffee & Treats with Exhibitors – HCP Hudson Valley Chapter Thursday Dessert Reception and Exhibitor Raffle – Healthcare Finance Group and the HCP Northeastern New York Chapter • Thursday Closing Session – The Signature Group of Companies • • • • • • • • • • • • The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 11 Public Policy Sessions Offer Managed Care and Health Benefit Exchange Updates HCP’s 2013 Annual Conference & Exhibition kicked off with informative public policy sessions presented by New York State Department of Health (DOH) officials. On Tuesday, October 22, DOH Director of Long Term Care, Mark Kissinger, offered an update on the State’s mandatory transition to managed long term care (MLTC). Following Kissinger’s presentation, Donna Frescatore, Executive Director of New York State of Health, The Official Health Plan Marketplace, provided the latest details on New York’s new Health Benefit Exchange. Kissinger Talks MLTC, CoPs, Wage Parity, and More During the MLTC session, Kissinger presented an overview of the mandatory MLTC transition to date, including the various types of MLTC plans, enrollment phases, transitioning programs, the most recent enrollment figures, a look at recent accomplishments and what’s to come. Conference attendees also heard from Kissinger on other long term care initiatives underway, including the Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) demonstration program, Balancing Incentive Program (BIP), Money Follows the Person (MFP) and Uniform Assessment System for New York (UAS-NY). Additionally, Kissinger provided details on the work of the Home and Community-Based Care Workgroup established in the 2013-14 State Budget, and the upcoming Home Care Worker Wage Parity increase. During a robust question and answer (Q&A) period, conference attendees emphasized the need for adequate reimbursement to be provided to MLTC plans and the need for DOH to ensure those funds are promptly passed through to providers so they are able to cover costs and maintain a sufficient cash flow. Questions also focused on the Federal Conditions of Participation (CoPs); specifically, the ability of managed care plans to contract for professional and skilled services with entities that meet the CoPs. Kissinger remarked on the complexity of the issue and reported that the State is currently involved in an active debate with its Federal counterparts, assuring attendees that clarification and further guidance would be forthcoming. Additionally, attendees questioned the potential for DOH to extend the personal care contracting transition rates past March 1, 2014, and whether the transition rates will be regionally extended as the mandatory MLTC transition progresses to upstate counties. Kissinger stated that no final decisions have been made in either case; however, a decision on the extension of rates past March 1 would likely be announced in February, and that the transitional rates would likely be applied upstate, but no telling for how long. Session participants stressed the need for decisions on these fiscal matters to be made sooner rather than later, noting that the information is critical as agencies make plans for the upcoming year. Frescatore Overviews NY State of Health and Its Coverage of Home Care Tuesday’s program wrapped up with Donna Frescatore, Executive Director of New York’s Health Benefit Exchange, New York State of Health, who provided an overview of the Exchange and the home health care benefits covered under the essential benefits package. Frescatore discussed enrollment forecasts, assistance available to consumers in the shopping process, financial assistance available to consumers, State health plan options, and the home health services covered under the essential benefits package. Conference attendees were also given links to video demonstrations that provide a detailed step-by-step enrollment guide for both individuals and small businesses. The session ended with questions focused on the Exchange and how best to cover employees. Several members asked Frescatore about sending employees to the website to individually shop for insurance versus purchasing one or multiple plans to cover the entire office. Specifically, members were curious about how their employees could obtain the best coverage at the lowest price—through Medicaid, individually shopping, or through a company policy. Concerns were raised that providing coverage for employees might jeopardize their Medicaid eligibility or an employee’s ability to receive financial assistance. Frescatore acknowledged the complexity of the situation, but addressed several work arounds to help ensure coverage and financial assistance eligibility for employees. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 12 ADJUSTING THE SAILS HCP 2013 Annual Management Conference & Exhibition October 22 - 24 w Albany Hilton w Albany, NY Educational Sessions Exhibitors The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 13 ADJUSTING THE SAILS HCP 2013 Annual Management Conference & Exhibition October 22 - 24 w Albany Hilton w Albany, NY Awards Luncheon HCP PAC Fundraiser “Oktoberfest” CHC Fundraiser Murder Mystery “A Cruise to Die For” The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 14 Governor Signs Legislation Requiring DOH Oversight of Individuals Transitioning to MLTC IF YOU HAVE NOT RENEWED YOUR MEMBERSHIP, THIS IS YOUR LAST HCP INSIDER! On October 21, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law S.3912-A (Hannon-R-Garden City)/A.7636 (Gottfried-D-Manhattan), which requires the New York State Department of Health (DOH) to provide oversight of the transition of individuals to managed long term care (MLTC). In accordance with the legislation, the Department is directed to oversee the MLTC transition by ensuring: If you have a November 1st renewal and have not yet renewed your HCP membership, your membership EXPIRES TODAY! If you do not renew your membership now: • You will no longer receive the HCP Insider; • You will lose access to HCP staff for your questions; • You will not receive the all new Managed Care Resource Guide next week; • You will not be able to attend the upcoming members-only webinar on the elimination of the Companionship Exemption; • All HCP member benefits will be suspended. • Access to quality care by requiring network transparency and choice among MLTC plans, allowing patients to choose the plan that best fits their Click here to download the 2013-14 HCP Provider needs; membership renewal and send it in now with • Transparency and accountability from your payment so that you continue to remain an providers, including a mechanism HCP member! Associate members click here to by which staff, residents and family download the Associate member renewal. members can safely and anonymously report concerns relating to quality and If you have any questions, please contact Claudia waste; Hammar. • Low staff turnover in nursing homes by promoting and encouraging fair pay; and • Plans and providers are assessed periodically for efficiency, with incentives provided for a variety of indicators, including but not limited to smooth patient transitions, high staff retention and positive health care outcomes achieved at a low cost. The legislation was originally introduced in the Senate during the 2012 Session, where it passed the full Senate and was delivered to the Assembly. It remained in the Assembly Health Committee as the 2012 Session ended. During the 2013 Legislative Session, the bill was again introduced in the Senate, with a same-as bill introduced in the Assembly. After being amended in early May, the legislation was passed by both the Senate and Assembly in late May and June, respectively. As the shift to managed care progresses and expands throughout the State, the legislation will play a key role in helping ensure that individuals making the transition, both voluntarily and mandatorily, are provided with additional protections. The legislation takes effect immediately, and HCP will provide members with more information on the mechanisms the Department will be putting in place to fulfill the new requirements as it becomes available. DOH Issues DAL Clarifying Comprehensive Assessment Requirements for CHHAs/LTHHCPs The New York State Department of Health (DOH) last week issued a Dear Administrator Letter (DAL), HCBS 13-17, to clarify the requirements related to comprehensive assessments for certified home health The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 15 agencies (CHHAs) and long term home health care programs (LTHHCPs), particularly in relation to their applicability within the transition to managed long term care (MLTC). The DAL, which is dated October 22, 2013, has been posted on the Health Commerce System (HCS) at, and is also available at http://www.nyshcp. org/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID= 9778. The DAL reviews the Federal Conditions of Participation (CoP) 484.85, which specifies that an agency must provide each patient, regardless of payment source, with a patient specific comprehensive assessment that identifies the need for home care and medical, nursing, rehabilitative, social and discharge planning needs. It further reviews the requirements related to the integration of OASIS data items into the comprehensive assessment for all patients receiving skilled services (nursing and therapies). Affordable, Convenient, Easy! Advertise Your Open Positions in the HCP Insider! Running a classified ad in the HCP Insider is an easy, cost effective way to reach hundreds of key decision-makers at HCP member agencies across New York State for your open positions. Advertise for nurses, administrators, chief executive and financial officers, accounting and marketing staff, and more! Find out more! Contact Claudia Hammar at 518.463.1118, ext. 809, or [email protected]. Specific to the MLTC transition, the DAL indicates that CHHAs/LTHHCPs should be aware of the following requirements and information: • For the agency’s adult patients transitioning into MLTC, the Federal comprehensive assessment and OASIS requirements still apply during the 90 day transition period. • For agencies continuing to provide skilled services through a contract with the MLTC plan, the Federal comprehensive assessment and OASIS requirements still apply. • A new start of care (SOC) comprehensive assessment is typically NOT required when a patient is transitioning into a MLTC plan unless required by the plan. • The schedule for updating the comprehensive assessment continues based on the original SOC date and the already established 60 day recertification assessment cycle. The agency is simply required to indicate that the payment source has changed to “Medicaid (HMO/managed care)” on OASIS Item M0150 on the next scheduled recertification assessment. • The payment source identifies all payers to which any services provided during the home care episode and included on the plan of care will be billed. • OASIS data collection and submission requirements continue until the patient is discharged from the agency. The DAL goes on to state to MLTC plans are responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the State’s new Universal Assessment System for New York (UAS-NY). Questions on the DAL may be directed to DOH’s Division of Home and Community-Based Services at [email protected]. Questions related to the UAS-NY may be directed to [email protected]. October Medicaid Update Offers Additional Details on ICD-10 Transition The State Department of Health (DOH) has released the October 2013 edition of the New York State Medicaid Update. It is available at oct13_mu.pdf. Of particular interest to the home and community-based care industry are the following articles: The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 16 Medicaid Moving Toward ICD-10 Code Sets Implementation (pg 3) – The article offers general background information on the upcoming transition, which is set to occur on October 1, 2014, and will encompass the replacement of ICD-9 diagnosis and procedures code sets with ICD-10 code sets. The State Medicaid Program and its fiscal contractor, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), are working diligently to ensure that transition activities are completed in a timely manner and in advance of the October 1, 2014 transition date, and offer the following tips and information for transitioning providers: DID YOU KNOW? HCP members can access MEMBERSONLY information about Federal and NYS State regulations and legislation on the HCP website! • Visit • Log in using your HCP user name and password • Click on the Public Policy tab • Make a selection from the dropdown menu • Providers that utilize the services of a QUESTIONS? vendor or clearinghouse are strongly Contact C l a u d i a H a m m a r encouraged to start communicating with these entities early in the transition process to ensure the availability of products, services and resources necessary to ensure the transition to ICD-10 does not have an adverse impact on their reimbursement and does not interrupt their productivity or work flow. • Providers are urged to visit for a complete list of all Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) resources, including: applicable statues and regulations, ICD-10 implementation guides and timelines, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and a myriad of other valuable information, and to sign up for CMS ICD-10 industry email updates. • Claims with dates of service prior to October 1, 2014 must be sent with ICD-9 codes; claims with dates of service on or after October 1, 2014 must be sent with ICD-10 codes. Retroactive claims will be processed based on the date of service. • Claims (electronic and paper) that contain a combination of ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding will fail Edit 02230-A Mix of ICD-9 and ICD-10 Submitted on the Same Claim and will appear as denied on provider’s remittance advice. • The Provider Testing Environment (PTE) will be available for ICD-10 testing on August 25, 2014 for electronic transactions only. Testing will not be mandated, but trading partners are urged to test early and as soon as PTE is available. Providers who currently receive PDF remittances will be sent a paper remittance tin test. ICD-10 test files cannot contain more than 50 claims per file and there is a file limit of two files per user/per day. Providers who use ePACES to submit claims should not submit a test file as ePACES is not available in the PTE. For more information, view the full ICD-10 article in the October 2013 New York State Medicaid Update. Additional information is available via the FAQs recently-issued by eMedNY (HPC Insider, 10/18/13) at, and will also be published in subsequent Medicaid Update editions, through the eMedNY website and the eMedNY ListServ. Stay on top of the latest developments by signing up for the eMedNY ListServ at Ordering/Referring Editing Implementation in Fee-for-Service Medicaid (pg 6) – A reminder that the October 1, 2013 implementation of new claims editing requiring Medicaid enrollment for ordering/ prescribing/referring/attending (OPRA) physicians and healthcare professionals has been delayed until January 1, 2014. The delay is intended to allow more time for OPRA providers to request and obtain enrollment in the New York Sate Medicaid program. • To determine if a physician or healthcare professional is enrolled in Medicaid, use the search feature at • Provider Enrollment forms and instructions are available at ProviderEnrollment/index.aspx. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 17 • For provider enrollment assistance and status checks, please call the eMedNY Call Center at 800.343.9000 • To view OPRA FAQs, visit Core_OPRA_FAQs.pdf. • For updates on OPRA implementation, sign up for eMedNY General Updates via the eMedMY LISTSERV at HCP is continuing discussions with CSC staff to clarify the changes and how they will affect home care providers. Specifically, HCP is looking further into how claims submitted by personal care providers, and others, will be impacted; particularly those that currently submit claims which do not document an OPRA practitioner’s NPI. HCP will update members as more information becomes available. Mandatory Compliance Program Certification Requirement Under 18 NYCRR §521.3(b) (pg 13) – A reminder from the State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) for all required providers subject to the State Social Services Law §363-d Mandatory Compliance Program Requirement: The NYS Social Service Law Compliance Program Certification Form for 2013 will be made available on the OMIG website on Sunday, December 1, 2013. Regulation requires that persons subject to Articles 28 or 36 of the State Public Health Law, to Articles 16 or 31 of the State Mental Hygiene Law, and other persons, providers or affiliates who provide care, services or supplies under the Medicaid program, or who submit claims for care, services or supplies for or on behalf of another person or provider, must certify in December of each year that they have adopted, implemented and maintain an effective compliance program. Required providers must certify on OMIG’s website ( that their compliance program meets the requirements of the applicable law and regulations. OMIG will host a webinar on November 21 to provide more information on the new 2013 Certification Form. Providers should check OMIG’s LISTSERV (sign-up via the OMIG website), Facebook page and Twitter feed (follow @NYSOMIG) for webinar registration information. Questions may be directed to OMIG’s Bureau of Compliance at 518.408.0401, compliance@omig. Medicaid Spending Remains Under Global Cap as of August The New York State Department of Health (DOH) recently released the August Medicaid Global Cap report, which reports Medicaid expenditures totaled $7.180 billion. This is 0.4% under the projected $7.209 billion. Nearly 50% of the savings can be attributed to the $40 million lower than projected fee-for-service spending, of which long term care made up $24 million dollars. Inpatient and Outpatient/ Emergency Department spending also accounted for a combined $29 million fee-for-service spending decrease. Through August, mainstream managed care and MLTC spending was $39 million, about 1% above projections. The quicker transition of fee-for-service populations into managed care can account for $20 million of this variation. The remaining $19 million is attributed to higher per member per month payments to MLTC plans than expected. As of August, all transitions from fee-for-service to managed care are reported by the Department to be on time. State’s Accounts Receivable Balance for R/R Owed Continues to Drop The accounts receivable balance for retroactive rates owed to the State through the end of August was $292 million. This reflects a reduction of $108 million since April 2013. HCP worked with the Department to help ease the hit on home care providers as they were attempting to address years of stacked recoupments on rates that were not processed in a timely manner. In general, if providers are The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 18 subject to retroactive adjustments, Medicaid checks are reduced by 15% until the amount is paid in full and interest begins to accrue if the amount is not paid in full within 10 weekly payment cycles. Some providers were able to participate in the “amnesty” program the Department was offering earlier in the year (see HCP Insider, 6/21/13). Medicaid Enrollment Up 2.2% Since March 2013 As seen in the table below, enrollment in Medicaid managed care increased by 2.7% between March and August 2013, while enrollment in Medicaid fee-for-service rose only 0.8%. Interestingly, August is the only month since March that has had a positive % change in fee-for-service enrollment. Managed Care New York City Rest of State Fee-For-Service New York City Rest of State TOTAL New York City Rest of State New York State Medicaid Enrollment Summary FY 2014 March 2013 August 2013 Increase/ (Decrease) 3,963,431 4,041,320 104,889 2,613,330 38,555 2,574,775 1,361,656 1,427,990 66,334 1,314,647 1,324,952 10,305 21,640 626,980 648,620 (11,335) 687,667 676,332 5,251,078 5,366,272 115,194 3,201,755 3,261,950 60,195 2,049,323 2,104,322 54,999 % Change 2.7% 1.5% 4.9% 0.8% 3.5% -1.6% 2.2% 1.9% 2.7% The entire August Medicaid Global Cap report can be viewed at medicaid/regulations/global_cap/monthly/docs/august_2013_report.pdf. NYS Identifies $496M in Home Health Medicaid Error Payments; OMIG Recovers $211M from Feds The New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) this week announced that New York State has identified $496 million in Medicaid erroneous payments and recovered $211 million from the Federal government for errors relating to home care recipients who are dually-eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid funds. Medicaid is the “payer of last resort” for Medicare/Medicaid eligible recipients, and the overpayments reflect bills for home health care patients that were inadvertently sent to Medicaid before first being sent to Medicare. The $211 million recovery is the largest that OMIG has ever secured, and is the result of work done through the Third-Party Liability Home Health Care Demonstration Project, a Federal project looking at home health care involving dual-eligible recipients, conducted in conjunction with the University of Massachusetts Medical School. New York’s portion of the money reflects project efforts during the years 2007-10 and totals more than $496 million, with $211 million in State share funds. The project was first initiated in 2000, and includes participation by New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut. The recovery was not unexpected; the press release states that the $211 million has been a planned part of the Medicaid Global Cap and will further help the State contain Medicaid program costs. View the full press release at HCP will provide additional information as it becomes available. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 19 Heroes in the Home™ Honored at HCP Annual Conference At the Annual Awards Luncheon on October 24 at the HCP 2013 Annual Management Conference & Exhibition in Albany, HCP honored over 80 caregivers that were recognized by their agencies as outstanding caregivers, or by HCP Chapters at their caregiver award ceremonies for providing excellent home care services. During the month of November as we celebrate National Home Care & Hospice Month, HCP will recognize these individuals by region in the HCP Insider. The following individuals were honored from the Hudson Valley Region: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Nana Ackah, HHA, Recco Home Care Service, Inc. Edward Adjei, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Barbara Bukanowska, HHA, Osborn Home Care Jonathan Bustle, HHA, Unlimited Care, Inc. Yvonne Campbell, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Christine Circelli, PCA, Wellness Home Care, Ltd. Judeen Clarke, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Priscilla J. Cocks, HHA, New York Health Care Rebecca C. Doku, HHA, Concept: CARE Bonnie Donnelly, PCA, Wellness Home Care, Ltd. Donna Dyer, HHA, Westchester Caring Services Norma Facey, HHA, Personal Touch Home Care, Inc. Susan Faranda, RN, BSN, Osborn Home Care Mabel Frances, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Cherry Francis, HHA, Bestcare, Inc. Corine D. Gayle, HHA, Westchester Jewish Community Services Shauna Gibbon, HHA, Access Nursing Services Sandra Looknarain, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Charity McCottrell, PCA, New York Health Care Hazel McDavid, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Elenaor Nsiah, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Agnes Nyarko, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Bernarda Ponce, HHA, Family Service Society of Yonkers Omella Randall, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Carol Reynolds, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Peace Tackie, HHA, Osborn Home Care Colette Welch-Mason, HHA, Concept: CARE, Inc. Mabeline White, HHA, Personal Touch Home Care, Inc. Recognize Your Workers During National Home Care & Hospice Month Every day as a provider, you see people that have made a difference in the lives of others. Your nurses, home care aides, and personal care aides work tirelessly, sometimes without recognition, to mitigate the impact of being bed ridden, frail, and sick, or assist clients on the road to recovery. Many of your workers are an inspiration for the people they care for and their families. And when your agency receives accolades, it is often because of the care and commitment of your workers. November is National Home Care & Hospice Month, a time set aside to highlight the essential work done every day by dedicated home care providers like you and the thousands of workers that provide outstanding care. We encourage you to take time during the month of November to show appreciation to those in your agency that go “above and beyond” every day caring for your clients. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 20 Some simple ideas to recognize the contribution of your workers can make a world of difference for your caregivers. Create special gift items honoring outstanding caregivers, coordinators, schedulers, administrative, professional and paraprofessional staff. Make it fun by distributing buttons, ribbons or other wearable specialty items. If your agency does not currently have a home care worker recognition program, develop one that highlights the contributions of your outstanding workers. Send out a press release to your local community newspapers about the work your agency is doing and highlight your outstanding workers. Click here to download a sample press release honoring your outstanding caregivers that can be customized for your agency. November is an ideal time to recognize the many contributions of the home care industry and its workers. The comfort of home and all that it embodies is an integral part of our holiday traditions. In the coming weeks we will gather with family and friends to celebrate and give thanks for all of our blessings. As providers, let us be sure to bring that message home to all those in our agencies that help make being in the comfort of their homes a reality. OSHA’s Updated Hazard Communication Rule Training Deadline is December 1 After a multi-year process of working with other countries, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) aligned its Hazard Communication Standards (HCS) with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling Chemicals. The final rule, released in March of 2012, requires MSDS (material safety data sheets) labeling standards to be replaced by SDS (safety data sheet) standards and employers to train workers on this new labeling format. The first compliance date of the revised HCS is December 1, 2013. By that time employers must have trained their workers on the new label elements and the SDS format. Two topics that must be covered in training are label elements and label format. The former of these trainings must detail the types of information an employee will see on the new label, including product identification, signal words, pictograms, hazard statements, precautionary statements and contact information; and how employees might use the labels in the workplace. The latter of the trainings must detail the standardized 16-section SDS format and how the different parts of the label need to be jointly interpreted. A quick fact sheet on the requirements for the training can be found at Publications/OSHA3642.pdf. OSHA also has a page on its site that has links to the rule itself, a quick reference wallet card for employees, and other materials related to Hazard Communication Standards. This can be found at https:// For questions on OSHA Hazard Communication Standards and its affect on home care, please contact Frank McStay. HCP Participates in National Home Care and Hospice Lobby Day, Advocates on Proposed Changes to the 2014 HH PPS and F2F Mandate A national Home Care and Hospice Community Lobby Day took place this past Thursday, October 31, in conjunction with the National Association of Home Care & Hospice’s (NAHC’s) 2013 Annual Meeting. Industry stakeholders from across the country convened on Washington—both in person and virtually—to communicate the importance of home and community-based care and advocate on a variety of key issues that could have a major impact on consumer access to care, home care worker jobs, and the overall stability of the industry. The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 21 In collaboration with NAHC, its State counterparts and other industry stakeholders, HCP has been involved in ongoing industry advocacy efforts over the past months to voice opposition to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) proposed changes to the 2014 Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS), as well as support of modifications to the Face-to-Face (F2F) Physician Encounter Documentation mandate. This week, as Congress is currently engaging in budget negotiations, HCP asked all members to take action and contact their Congressional representatives and urge them to help ensure appropriate and adequate reimbursement for Medicare home health services, and support the elimination of burdensome, costly, duplicative and confusing documentation requirements that create a disincentive for physicians to recommend home health care services. If adopted, CMS’s proposed changes to the CY 2014 HH PPS will result in an overall payment reduction of 1.5% for home care agencies in 2014, or $290 million. Even more alarming, a proposed reduction to the national, standardized 60-day episode rate of 3.5% in each year CY 2014 through CY 2017, will account for a total reduction of 14% over four years. Such changes will have a devastating impact on the home care industry, and HCP and others have worked diligently to voice concern and opposition to the proposed changes, including submission of formal comments and recommendations, directly contacting Congress Members and CMS officials through written correspondence, and asking members to participate in grassroots advocacy efforts. Further, HCP has worked to gain support of New York’s Congressional delegation for modifications to the F2F mandate, which is being implemented under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As currently structured, the mandate imposes duplicative and burdensome requirements on health professionals seeking to authorize and deliver cost-effective home and community-based care services. It requires that a physician document, sign and date an additional form verifying that the physician has had an in-person encounter with the patient before a home care agency can bill Medicare for services. HCP supports changes that would permit the use of the existing 485 form, which is already utilized by physicians and home care agencies to document a patient’s complete plan of care and provides detailed information to support physician certification of a patient’s homebound status as well as their medical needs, and must also be obtained prior to billing Medicare for home health services. This modification would in no way jeopardize the intent of the requirement and would provide crucial regulatory and fiscal relief for home care agencies, thereby ensuring that Medicare beneficiaries can continue to access vital home care services. For those who haven’t yet taken action, it’s not too late! Visit HCP’s Legislative Action Center (LAC) today to access a sample e-letter you can edit and send directly to your Congressional representatives. Just a few moments of your time can make a MAJOR difference for the home and community-based care industry in New York State and throughout the nation. Remember, any cuts to home care reimbursement and services impact the entire home care delivery system, whether directly or indirectly by reducing access to care and compromising the stability of the service delivery infrastructure. Click here to visit HCP’s LAC and Take Action Today! The HCP Insider November 1, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 22 CHC Webinar Lawsuit-Free Discipline and Termination of Employees Thursday, November 14, 2013 • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET Who Should Attend The process of disciplining and terminating employees is laced with legal risks. From the outset of an investigation into employee misconduct through the end of the disciplinary process, home care providers must be aware of employment laws that protect employees from unlawful adverse actions by their employers. This webinar will examine employees’ rights in unionized and non-unionized workplaces during investigations, Federal and State laws that protect employees against discriminatory or retaliatory adverse employment actions, such as discipline or termination, and the legal – and illegal – reasons for disciplining and terminating employees. Employee misconduct in the digital age, and how employers should handle work-related misconduct occurring on the internet and social media will also be discussed. Register now to attend this very important webinar! Presenter: Emina Poricanin, Esq., Associate, Hodgson Russ Emina Poricanin counsels public and private sector employers in all aspects of labor and employment law. She represents employers in arbitration proceedings and before the State Division of Human Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Federal and State courts. She also counsels employers regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Federal and state wage and hour laws, worker misclassification issues, discrimination laws, workplace policies and handbooks, discipline and discharge, union avoidance, and unemployment insurance. Owners, Executives, Administrators, Supervisors, CEOs, COOs, Financial Personnel, Supervisors & Managers All NEW Webinar Pricing! CHC has reduced Webinar pricing to make these programs more affordable for providers! HCP Chapter Members: $179 $139 HCP Members: $189 $149 Non-Members: $289 $249 Price includes one connection. Additional fees will be charged for multiple log-in connections. Cancellations received no later than five days prior to the event will receive a refund, less a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be issued after that date; no refunds for no-shows. Printed handout materials ONLY will be provided for no-shows upon request. Click here to register now. Or, complete the attached registration form and return with your payment. Visit and click on Educational Seminars for a complete listing of upcoming CHC programs and to download flyers and registration forms. nd 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2 Floor • Albany, NY 12211 (P) 518.463.1167 • (F) 518.463.1606 • CHC is a non-profit 501 (3)(c) affiliate organization of the New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. (HCP). CHC Webinar Registration Lawsuit-Free Discipline and Termination of Employees Thursday, November 14, 2013 • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern Time Complete and return the form below with your payment, or register online at Fee includes program tuition and downloadable materials. Log-in instructions will be emailed. ALL NEW LOWER CHC PROGRAM PRICING! HCP Chapter Members: $179 $139 HCP Members: $189 $149 Non-Members: $289 $249 Price includes one connection. Additional fees will be charged if there are multiple connections. Cancellations received no later than five days prior to the event will receive a refund, less a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be issued after that date; no refunds for no-shows. Printed handout materials ONLY will be provided for no-shows upon request. Please PRINT CLEARLY OR TYPE. Use a separate form for each registrant. Name: _______________________________________________ Title:______________________________________ Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ___________________ Phone: _____________________ Fax: ____________________ Email: _____________________________________ Payment Information Amount Enclosed: $_________ Make checks payable to “CHC.” Please complete for credit card payments: MasterCard Visa Discover Card #: ___________________________________________ Exp. Date:_________ 3 or 4-digit security code: ________ (located on front or back of card) Cardholder Name (Print): ____________________________________________________________________ Cardholder Signature: _________________________________ Mail registration with payment to: CHC 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Floor Albany, NY 12211 Presented by: Or FAX with credit card payment to 518.463.1606 1114133058 Audio Conference The Aide’s Role in Understanding Body Mechanics Thursday, November 14, 2013 3:00 – 4:00 pm ET Who Should Attend Paraprofessionals Nursing Supervisors Directors of Education This program is presented by the Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina in partnership with Community Health Care Services Foundation, Inc. (CHC). New York State providers will benefit from this presentation, while understanding that New York State laws and regulations may differ from the information included in this presentation. CHC customers outside of New York State and North Carolina are advised to adhere to all pertinent state and local laws. The Aide’s Role in Understanding Body Mechanics Presenter Audio Conference Dave Tushar, PT, MBA Every day, challenges exist in patient care that can cause injury to the back, arms and legs. Dave Tushar has a BS in Physical Therapy from Ohio State University and MBA from Wake Forest University. He has 23 years experience as a physical therapist with 21 years in the home care environment. Paraprofessionals attending this program will learn how to help patients while reducing the risk of injury to themselves. In addition to using these skills in the workplace, attendees will also learn how to incorporate these techniques into their everyday lives. Dave is currently the Rehab Manager for University of North Carolina Home Health and Rex Home Services. The Aide’s Role in Understanding Body Mechanics Audio Conference Presented by: Dave Tushar, PT, MBA Thursday, November 14, 2013 ****3:00 pm to 4:00 pm ET**** THREE SIMPLE WAYS TO REGISTER BE SURE TO INCLUDE ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW: 1. Register Securely On-line at: 2. Fax this completed form below to 518.463.1606 3. Mail completed form and payment to CHC, 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12211 Payment must be received in full in advance. Please register by November 8 to ensure that you receive e-mailed confirmation details. Please type or print legibly all information below. Agency: Contact Person: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Phone: Fax: ( ( ) ) E-mail (mandatory field): Number of Participants Expected to Attend from your Agency: Registration Fees This fee includes one dial-in connection. Additional fees will be charged if there are multiple dial-ins. Cancellations received five days prior to the event will receive a refund, less a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be made after that date. There are no refunds for no-shows. [__] HCP Chapter Member – $129 per line [__] HCP Member – $139 per line NEW LOWER PRICING! [__] Non-Member – $239 per line PAYMENT METHOD [__] Check (payable to CHC) [__] VISA [__] MasterCard [__] Discover Cardholder’s name (print) ____________________________________________________________________________ Card Number_____________________________________3-4 Digit Security Code _______ Exp. Date ______________ Cardholder Signature__________________________________________________________________ nd CHC, 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2 Floor, Albany, NY 12211 CHC is a non-profit affiliate organization of the New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. (HCP) 1114133054 Audio Conference The Aide’s Role in Customer Service and Patient-Centered Care Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:00 – 4:00 pm EST Who Should Attend Paraprofessionals Nursing Supervisors Directors of Education This program is presented by the Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina in partnership with Community Health Care Services Foundation, Inc. (CHC). New York State providers will benefit from this presentation, while understanding that New York State laws and regulations may differ from the information included in this presentation. CHC customers outside of New York State and North Carolina are advised to adhere to all pertinent state and local laws. The Aide’s Role in Customer Service and Patient-Centered Care Presenter Audio Conference Kathie Smith, RN Health care providers recognize that greater client satisfaction leads to both better agency financial and clinical outcomes. Patient-centered care actively involves the client in planning and implementing care, and takes into account what the client needs as well as what they want. Customer service and patientcentered care are linked in focusing on the client as the center of care, and paraprofessionals are an essential part of the process. Kathie Smith has held several management level positions in home care and has experience as a Home Health Nurse Aide Supervisor. She was the Manager of Home Care Initiatives for the NC Division of Medical Assistance, where she assisted in overseeing home care policy. Kathie has extensive experience in Medicare and Medicaid home health compliance and regulatory requirements, is certified in integrated chronic disease management, is a master training in Coaching Supervision, and serves on the North Carolina management team for the Personal and Home Care Aide State Training (PHCAST) grant which has developed Home Care Specialty training for NC aides. This audio program will assist paraprofessionals in understanding the importance of good customer service, review what it means to provide patientcentered care and how that can lead to greater client satisfaction and better agency outcomes. The Aide’s Role in Customer Service and Patient-Centered Care Audio Conference Presented by: Kathie Smith, RN Thursday, December 12, 2013 ****3:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST**** THREE SIMPLE WAYS TO REGISTER BE SURE TO INCLUDE ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW: 1. Register Securely On-line at: 2. Fax this completed form below to 518.463.1606 3. Mail completed form and payment to CHC, 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12211 Payment must be received in full in advance. Please register by December 6 to ensure that you receive e-mailed confirmation details. Please type or print legibly all information below. Agency: Contact Person: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Phone: Fax: ( ( ) ) E-mail (mandatory field): Number of Participants Expected to Attend from your Agency: Registration Fees This fee includes one dial-in connection. Additional fees will be charged if there are multiple dial-ins. Cancellations received five days prior to the event will receive a refund, less a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be made after that date. There are no refunds for no-shows. [__] HCP Chapter Member – $129 per line [__] HCP Member – $139 per line NEW LOWER PRICING! [__] Non-Member – $239 per line PAYMENT METHOD [__] Check (payable to CHC) [__] VISA [__] MasterCard [__] Discover Cardholder’s name (print) ____________________________________________________________________________ Card Number________/________/_________/_________3-4 Digit Security Code _______ Exp. Date ______________ Cardholder Signature__________________________________________________________________ nd CHC, 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2 Floor, Albany, NY 12211 CHC is a non-profit affiliate organization of the New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. (HCP) 1212133052 Offered ONLY to HCP members as a member benefit! CHC Webinar Understanding the Impact of the Elimination of the Companionship Exemption Law Under FLSA for Home Care Providers Tuesday, December 17, 2013 • 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Eastern Time The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has released its final rule eliminating the companionship exemption for caregivers employed by third party agencies. As a result, beginning January 1, 2015, home care agencies across the country will be required to pay minimum wage and overtime payments to these workers. Attend this informative webinar to learn more about how this change will impact New York agencies and your clients. The webinar will cover: How the changes impact New York minimum wage and overtime requirements What the changes are for live-ins How the change impacts CDPAP A review of the new travel time payment requirements New developments in the home care Wage Parity Law and their effect on wage and benefit obligations What agencies should do to prepare for compliance Presenters: David Prager, Esq., and John Ho, Esq., Bond Schoeneck & King David Prager has extensive experience in all facets of labor and employment law and litigation, particularly in the home care and health care fields, including defending discrimination claims, litigating employment contract, non-competition and restrictive covenant cases and other employmentrelated claims, before both Federal and state courts and agencies. He also has published extensively on employment discrimination and labor and employment law topics. John Ho exclusively represents management in all aspects of Labor and Employment Law, with specific experience in wage and hour matters including the FLSA and the New York State Labor Law; the Occupational Safety and Health Act; FMLA; discrimination claims; federal and state Department of Labor audits; collective bargaining, arbitrations and workplace investigations. Both Mr. Prager and Mr. Ho were selected by their peers for inclusion in this year’s publication of New York Metro-area “Super Lawyers” in the Labor and Employment field. THIS PROGRAM IS EXCLUSIVELY BEING OFFERED ONLY TO HCP MEMBERS AS AN HCP MEMBER BENEFIT. Who Should Attend Owners, Administrators, Supervisors, CEOs, and Managers Webinar Pricing Special Member Pricing: $99 Additional fees will be charged for multiple log-in connections. Cancellations received no later five days prior to the event will receive a refund, less a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be issued after that date; no refunds for no-shows. Register now! You must be an HCP member in good standing to attend this program. To register, please complete the attached registration form and fax with your credit card payment or mail with your check/credit card payment. 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12211 (P) 518.463.1167 • (F) 518.463.1606 • CHC is a non-profit 501 (3)(c) affiliate organization of the New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. (HCP). Offered ONLY to HCP members as a member benefit! CHC Webinar Registration Understanding the Impact of the Elimination of the Companionship Exemption Law Under FLSA for Home Care Providers Tuesday, December 17, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Eastern Time SPECIAL HCP MEMBER PRICING: $99 Pricing includes one log-in connection to the Webinar. Additional fees will be charged for multiple login connections. Cancellations received no later than five days prior to the event will receive a refund less a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be issued after that date; no refunds for no-shows. Complete and return the form below with your payment. Fee includes program tuition and downloadable materials. Log-in instructions will be emailed. You must be an HCP member in good standing to attend this program. Please PRINT CLEARLY OR TYPE. Use separate form for each registrant. Name: _______________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________ Organization: _____________________________________________ ________________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________________ ________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ ________________ State: Zip: __ Phone: _____________________ Fax: ____________________ Email: _____________________________________ Payment Information Amount Enclosed: $_________ Make checks payable to “CHC.” Please complete for credit card payments: MasterCard Visa Discover ___ Card #: _____ ___________________ Exp. Date:_________ 3 or 4-digit security code: ________ (located on front or back of card) Cardholder Name (Print): ___________________________________________ _________________________________ Cardholder Signature: _____________________________________________ _________________________________ Mail registration with payment to: CHC 20 Corporate Woods Blvd, 2nd Fl Albany, NY 12211 Presented by: Or FAX with credit card payment to 518.463.1606 1217133060 Northeast Home Health Leadership Summit January 21 – 23, 2014 Colonnade Hotel, Boston, MA Resilient Leadership AGENDA-AT-A-GLANCE The Northeast Home Health Leadership Summit, now in its twelfth year, is designed for home health and hospice agency leaders. It is hosted by the seven state home care associations throughout New England and New York. This year’s theme, Resilient Leadership, aims to support these executives to embrace leadership behaviors, strategies, and management practices that will spell success in a new era of health care. Join your peers at to learn, network and advance home care at this exciting event - registration is now open! The Colonnade Hotel The Northeast Home Health Leadership Summit will be held at The Colonnade Hotel, 120 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02116. Room rates at the Colonnade are $169 per room, per night. The deadline for this special rate is January 2, or until rooms in our block are sold out. Call (800) 962-3030 and ask for the NE Leadership Summit rate. For more information on the hotel visit The Summit Website Visit often for the latest information on this valuable and affordable program including exhibit and sponsorship information. PRE-CONFERENCE SESSION Resilient Leadership Tuesday, January 21 11:00am Conference Registration Opens 1:00pm Taking Home Care to the Next Level Health care is changing and with it come opportunities for home care, especially for those agencies who can get ahead of the reform curve. Come join an inspiring trio of home health leaders in exploring programmatic models that are showcasing home care’s competencies to meet the cost and outcome demands of referral partners, and that are placing home care at the center of a redefined healthcare system. (There is an additional fee to attend this program as noted on the registration form). The Reinvention of Community Based Care: A 21st Century Imperative Tracey Moorhead, President and CEO, Visiting Nurse Association of America The Evidence is In: Advance Illness Management at Sutter Care At Home Marcia Ressig, RN, MS Chief Executive Officer, Sutter Care At Home Palliative Care: Leading the Way in Your Agency and Community Jeanne Ryan, MA, OTR, CHCE, COS-C Executive Director, VNA & Hospice of Cooley Dickinson/ Cross-Continuum Services 5:00pm Wine and Cheese Reception AGENDA-AT-A-GLANCE Resilient Leadership Wednesday, January 22 8:00am Registration Opens Pick up your conference program book and spend a little time with our generous sponsors. 9:30am to 10:00am Welcome to the 12th annual Northeast Home Health Leadership Summit 10:00am to 11:30am Resilience Bestselling author, Andrew Zolli, will share his observations on what makes people, communities and systems resilient when they experience unforeseen shocks and surprises. 11:30am to 12:30pm Enhancing Your Business Model Select one of three workshops to learn tips, tools and strategies that will help you sustain your business. • Launching a Successful Behavioral Health Program – Rose Madden-Baer, Visiting Nurse Service of New York • Positioning for Managed Long Term Care – Margaret Wallingford, M.A. Wallingford & Associates • Enriching Patient Care – Speaker to be confirmed 12:30pm to 1:30pm Lunch – Time to network with new friends and old 1:30pm to 3:45pm Enhancing Your Business Model – Part 2 Select one of three workshops to learn tips, tools and strategies that will help you sustain your business. • Behavioral Health – Rose Madden-Baer, Visiting Nurse Service of New York • Positioning for Managed Long Term Care – Margaret Wallingford, M.A. Wallingford & Associates • Enriching Patient Care – Speaker to be confirmed AGENDA-AT-A-GLANCE Resilient Leadership Wednesday, January 22 – continued 3:45pm to 4:45pm Times of Our Lives Legendary singer and songwriter, Judy Collins, will share experiences that have tested her resilience as a performer and a mother. 4:45pm to 6:30pm - Reception 6:30pm - Group Dinner Join your peers at the Red Lantern, a sophisticated Asian inspired restaurant, for an exclusive dinner for Summit attendees. The cost is $85 per person and seating is limited. Thursday, January 23 7:00am - Networking Breakfast 8:30am Staying Current - The Future of Health Care Policy Susan Dentzer, Senior Policy Adviser at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and an Analyst on Health for the PBS NewsHour, cuts through the rhetoric and examines the latest health care policy changes and explains what they mean for the future. 10:00am Hanging Tough – Gaining a Seat at the Health Care Table Better understand where home care fits in as this new era of healthcare unfolds for Americans and discover potential opportunities for continuing to be a vital player as presented by Barbara McCann, Chief Industry Officer, Interim Healthcare 11:15am Bouncing Back – A Personal Story with a Universal Message Julia Fox Garrison, a patient advocate and stroke survivor will share her personal triumph against overwhelming odds and the importance of patient advocacy. Ms. Fox Garrison will also make her book, Don’t Leave Me This Way, available to conference participants following her presentation. 12:30 Closing Lunch Northeast Home Health Leadership Summit Resilient Leadership January 21 - 23, 2014 – The Colonnade Hotel - Boston, Massachusetts Registration Form Two-Day Registration Fee Includes: Please indicate your state association membership affiliation: ______ I am not a member of any Association ______ Connecticut Association for Home Care & Hospice ______ Home Care & Hospice Alliance of Maine ______ Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts ______ Home Care Association of New Hampshire ______ Home Care Association of New York State* Please Note: Members of the same agency may not share the two day registration fee. Each individual must be pre-registered to attend. Members Provider Member of a Sponsoring State Association Non‐Members _________________________________________________________________ Name _________________________________________________________________ Title _________________________________________________________________ Agency _________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ City State Zip _________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax Education programs, handouts and food and beverage events where noted. The Pre-Conference session on January 21st is additional. Early Bird Two-Day Fee (until 12/20/13) $499 ________ Two-Day Fee $549 ________ (after 12/20/13) Vendor Member of a Sponsoring State Association $569 ________ Non-Member Providers Early Bird Two-Day Fee (until 12/20/13) $699 ________ Two-Day Fee (after 12/20/13) $749 ________ $769 ________ Non-Member Vendors Pre-Conference Session Pre-Conference Session $129 ________ (In addition to above Registration) ______ New York State Association of Health Care Providers* Pre-Conference Session ONLY Member: $239 ________ ______ Rhode Island Partnership for Home Care Pre-Conference Session ONLY Non-Member: $339 ________ ______ Vermont Assembly of Home Health Agencies ______ Member of both HCA and HCP-NY* Registration Deadline and Cancellation Policy Cancellations up to January 3 will receive a full refund less 25% administrative fee by emailing [email protected]. No refunds will be given after January 3. Changes or substitutes within the same agency are acceptable by notifying HCA Education and Research by January 10th. Questions? Contact HCA at (518) 426-8764 or [email protected]. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act or special meal needs, please let us know how we can accommodate you: Networking Dinner – Limited Seating! _____ Yes, I will attend dinner on January 22 Total Registration Fee $ 85 ________ $________ Method of Payment ____ American Express ____ MasterCard ____ VISA (3 digit security code) _____________ Exp. Date _____/_____/_____ Card Number _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Billing Address ____________________________________________ Three Ways to Register Online: _________________________________________________________ By Fax: Fax your registration form with credit card payment to (518) 426-8788 City __________________________ State_______ Zip __________ By mail: Send your payment and registration form to HCA Education and Research 388 Broadway, 4th Floor Albany, NY 12207 Signature _________________________________________________ ____ Check (must be received by Jan 13) made payable to: HCA Education and Research 388 Broadway, 4th Floor Albany, NY 12207 November is National Home Care and Hospice Month—Show Your Support! THERE’S STILL TIME TO JOIN THE CLUB! November is Home Care and Hospice Month, a time to commemorate the power of caring, both at home and in our local communities. And, with a new year and a new Legislative Session right around the corner, there’s no better time to invest in the future of home care in New York State! HCP’s Political Action Committee—New York’s Strongest Home Care PAC! Your support of the Health Care Providers Political Action Committee (HCP PAC) is about more than earning recognition from your colleagues—contributing to the HCP PAC is a smart investment in home care’s future. As the first PAC in New York State dedicated solely to the interests of the home care industry, the HCP PAC has been a strong and powerful voice in New York’s Capitol for nearly 30 years! Member Contributions up to $500 Chairperson’s Club Contributions of $501 to $1,000 Premier Club Contributions of $1,001 to $2,500 Champion’s Club Contributions of $2,501 or more Don’t delay! Contributions MUST be received by December 31 to count toward 2013 fundraising! Here’s my HCP PAC contribution! Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________________________ State_________ Zip _________________ Phone ____________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________ Home Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ A check, made payable to “HCP PAC,” is enclosed. ___ Please bill my personal or corporate credit card (please circle one). Card Card Card Card Type ___ Visa ___ Master Card ___ Discover Security Code _______________________________ Number _______________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________________________________ Holder Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Holder Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________ Not for profit organizations can not make political contributions, however, individuals may. Political contributions are not tax deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. Corporations are limited to $5,000 in political contributions in any one year and individuals may contribute no more than $150,000 per year. HCP PAC Send contributions to: HCP PAC • 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Fl • Albany, NY 12211 518.463.1118, Ext. 818 Fax 518.463.1606
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The HCP Insider is published weekly for the sole benefit of HCP members. Copyright © 2013 New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc.
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Also in this week`s HCP Insider... - New York State Association of
The HCP Insider is published weekly for the sole benefit of HCP members. Copyright © 2013 New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this document may...