Also in this week`s HCP Insider... - New York State Association of
Also in this week`s HCP Insider... - New York State Association of
June 21, 2013 13-25 2013 Legislative Session Closing Down; the Fate of Remaining Bills in Flux 2 DOH to Issue DAL on Revised Medicaid Recoupment Collection Policy—Interest Amnesty in Some Options 2 Guidance on Executive Order 38 Regulations Still Not Available 5 Also in this week’s HCP Insider... Reminder: DOH to Review Home Care and Hospice HCS Compliance June 28th.................................... Home Health, Hospice & CME Open Door Forum Scheduled for June 26........................................... eMedNY Issues Enteral Nutritional Formula Benefit Updated for DME Providers..................................... UAS-NY Informational Webinar Held for Region IV Providers on June 14............................................. Assembly Adopts Resolution to Proclaim November 2013 as Home Care Month..................... LTHHCP 2013 Hotline Rates Posted........................ NGS Alert Update: Home Health Payment Totals Summary Amounts Not Matching the Home Health Totals Detail.......................................................... DOH Issues Guidance to MLTCs on Care Management Agreements....................................... 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 MLN Matters........................................................ 7 Legislation on the Move......................................... 8 NYC Announces Updated Hurricane Evacuation Zones.................................................................. 9 DOH Home Care Work Group Announced...............10 DOH Soliciting Comments on Revised Quality Strategy for MMC Program....................................11 HHS Proposes Rule Setting Program Integrity Guidelines for Health Insurance Marketplaces and Consumer Protection Provisions.............................11 ICS-100 Course Provides Introduction to Incident Command System................................................13 HCP PAC Update.................................................13 CMS Releases New FAQs on ICD-10 Billing.............14 7 Contributors Christy Johnston, President, ext. 813 Megan Tangjerd, Senior Associate for Public Policy, ext. 818 Claudia Hammar, Senior Vice President, ext. 809 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HCP, 20 Corporate Woods Blvd, 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12211 518.463.1118 fax 518.463.1606 The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 2013 Legislative Session Closing Down; the Fate of Remaining Bills in Flux As of the writing of the HCP Insider, the New York State Legislature continued its work to complete the 2013 Legislative Session. Political watchers quipped that the longest day of the year with the start of summer coincides with the longest day of the legislative year as session is in wrap-up mode. While there are always last minute agreements and actions through the very end of session, the remaining activity is focused on the political agreements and the politics of the process. This week saw agreements on some of the Governor’s big agenda items including casino gambling and the Tax Free NY, which has been renamed Start UP NY. The Assembly passed the Women’s Equality Agenda, including the politically controversial abortion provision, and the positioning in the Senate on whether to take up the individual provisions from that bill continued on Friday. Relative to home care bills, there was passage of a Senator Hannon/Assemblyman Gottfried bill to increase the transparency in the transition to mandatory managed care and movement on new requirements for oversight of Social Adult Day Health Care Programs (see Legislation on the Move on page 8). HCP was also pleased that the Labor Committee Chairs in both houses, Senator Savino and Assemblyman Heastie, introduced new legislation to eliminate the annual reporting requirement under the Wage Theft Prevention Act. HCP and Weingarten, Reid & McNally (WRM) had meetings with both of the Chairs throughout the year and urged that such a change be made. The bill also contains less desirable provisions that increase penalties for non-compliance and seek to eliminate loopholes to circumvent the overall Act’s requirements, but the ultimate fate of the bill is unknown at this point. HCP staff and WRM remain at the Capitol and in contact with Legislators and key staff as the session winds down. HCP will provide a more complete overview in next week’s HCP Insider and a more comprehensive review of this year’s Session in HCP’s 2013 Legislative Retrospective coming in mid-July. DOH to Issue DAL on Revised Medicaid Recoupment Collection Policy—Interest Amnesty in Some Options HCP was informed that the State Department of Health (DOH) will be issuing a Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) this week detailing its revised collection policy regarding outstanding retroactive Medicaid rate adjustment liabilities and Health Facility Cash Assessment Program (HFCAP) liabilities owed to the State. The HCP Insider is published weekly for the sole benefit of HCP members. Copyright © 2013 New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The HCP Insider • New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. • 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Floor • Albany, NY 12211 • 518.463.1118 • [email protected] The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance HCP has for many years emphasized the significant cash flow challenges the Department’s recoupment policy has on providers, and has more recently been involved in ongoing discussions with DOH representatives and other provider stakeholders on how to balance the State’s need to collect Medicaid accounts receivables from various provider groups with the financial difficulties providers currently face in terms of changes in the State’s health care delivery system, the continuation of across-theboard cuts in Medicaid rates, trend factor cuts, and additional unfunded mandates. From a legislative perspective, HCP has actively worked with members in both Houses over the past two years to draft, introduce and pass legislation that would eliminate interest penalties imposed on providers unable to immediately pay off their liabilities. The original bill, introduced by Senator Hannon (R-Garden City) and Assembly Member Brindisi (D-Utica), passed both Houses in the 2012 Legislative Session, but was subsequently vetoed by the Governor. The bill was introduced again this year (S.3902/ A.5705), where it was most recently committed to the Finance Committee on the Senate side, and remains in the Assembly Health Committee. The proposal was also included in this year’s Senate budget resolution, and was part of budget negotiations, however did not make it into the final 2013-14 State budget package. Reminder: DOH to Review Home Care and Hospice HCS Compliance June 28th As a reminder, the New York State Department of Health (DOH), Division of Home and Community Based Services (DHCBS) will be conducting a review of the HCS Communications Directory for home care and hospice agencies on Friday, June 28 (HCP Insider, 6/7/13). In its review, DHCBS will be checking the following roles: Administrator; Director of Patient Services; Emergency Management Coordinator; HCS Coordinator; and HCS Security Coordinator. Please note that this is not a complete list of all roles which an agency may be required to maintain. Agencies that are determined to have incomplete or outdated information will be cited for noncompliance under NYCRR 400.10. Providers with questions or problems with the HCS or Communications Directory should contact Rick Kubis at 518.408.1638, or hcbssrvsprt@health. For more information, view the Dear Administrator Letter (DAL), DHCBS 13-06, at http://www.nyshcp. org/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID= 9272. Home Health, Hospice & CME Open Door Forum Scheduled for June 26 Revised Policy Offers Options for R/R Repayment The forthcoming DAL, which is addressed from John Ulberg, Medicaid Chief Financial Officer, Division of Finance and Rate Setting, Office of Health Insurance Programs, is available at http:// entifier=id&ItemID=9352, and states that the Department is working to collect all outstanding liabilities through its Accounts Receivable Recovery Program by March 31, 2015. To help accomplish this, DOH is making available the following options for repayment of Retroactive Rate Adjustment (R/R) Liabilities: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will host the next Home Health, Hospice & Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Open Door Forum on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 from 2:00 - 3:00pm, ET. To participate, dial 1.800.837.1935 and use Conference ID 97842778. An agenda will be posted on the CMS website at Outreach/OpenDoorForums/ODF_HHHDME.html prior to the call. • Immediate repayment – For providers that submit full payment of their R/R balance between the date of the DAL and September 1, 2013, all accumulated interest charges will be waived. • Repayment by March 1, 2014 – For providers that submit full payment of their R/R balance by March 1, 2013, one half of all accumulated interest charged will be waived. • Repayment within 2 years – For providers that are unlikely to submit full payment by March 31, 2015, at the current rate of recoupment, the recoupment percentage will be adjusted to ensure The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance that full payment, including interest, is received by March 31, 2015. Affected providers will receive a Notification of Recoupment Change advising them of the adjustment. It is noted that interest abatement on R/R liabilities for retroactive rate adjustments do not apply to HFCAP liabilities, Medicaid audit recoveries owed to the Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG), the Attorney General’s Office, or to payments made in response to a final audit finding issued by DOH. Providers that would like to qualify for Option 1 or 2 or discuss repayment options of R/R liabilities should contact Tim Casey no later than August 1, 2013 at 518.473.4421. The DAL cites that DOH will be implementing an aggressive collection strategy for all outstanding HFCAP balances that are not paid in full by September 1, 2013. Providers that appear unlikely to submit full payment at the current rate of recoupment by March 31, 2015, will have their recoupment rate adjusted to ensure full payment by that date. Affected providers will receive a Notification of Recoupment Change advising them of the adjustment. eMedNY Issues Enteral Nutritional Formula Benefit Update for DME Providers EmedNY has informed Durable Medicaid Equipment (DME) providers that, effective with regulatory changes on June 7, 2013, the Medicaid benefit limit for enteral nutritional formula has been changed to include coverage of orally administered formula for the following adults: • Adults with a diagnosis of HIV infection, AIDS, or HIV-related illness, or other disease or condition, who are oral-fed, and who: • Require supplemental nutrition, demonstrate documented compliance with an appropriate medical and nutritional plan of care, and have a body mass index (BMI) under 18.5 as defined by the Centers for Disease Control, up to 1,000 calories per day; or • Require supplemental nutrition, demonstrate documented compliance with an appropriate medical and nutritional plan of care, have a body mass index (BMI) under 22 as defined by the Centers for Disease Control, and a documented, unintentional weight loss of 5 percent or more within the previous 6 month period, up to 1,000 calories per day; or • Require total oral nutritional support, have a permanent structural limitation that prevents the chewing of food, and placement of a feeding tube is medically contraindicated. Providers are encouraged to contact Phyllis Stanton to discuss HFCAP liabilities repayment options by August 1, 2013 at 518.474.1673. This benefit change applies to Medicaid fee for service, managed care and managed long term care programs. For a complete statement of your organization’s liabilities, including applicable interest, email [email protected]. with the name of your organization, address and Provider Identification Number. To submit payment of outstanding R/R and HFCAP liabilities, a check made payable to the “New York State Department of Health”, along with a copy of the statement, should be mailed to: The Medicaid fee for service automated telephone prior authorization system is expected to be updated to accommodate the benefit change by July 1, 2013. In the interim, practitioners treating an adult patient with an urgent medical need who now qualifies under the new benefit may request coverage through prior approval. Requests must be submitted by a qualified enrolled Medicaid pharmacy or DME provider and include the valid order and supporting medical documentation from the enrolled practitioner. For information on how to submit a prior approval refer to the Prior Approval Guidelines at https://www.emedny. org/ProviderManuals/DME/index.aspx. New York State Department of Health Medicaid Financial Management 2739 Corning Tower Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12237-0016 HCP members may also contact Public Policy staff with questions. The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 Fee for Service Prior Authorization Questions may be directed to the Division of OHIP Operations, Medical Prior Approval, at ohipmedpa@ or 1.800.342.3005, option 1. © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance Guidance on Executive Order 38 Regulations Still Not Available HCP has received many questions on the status of forms, additional information and other aspects of the finalized regulation—Limits on Executive Compensation and Administrative Expenses in Agency Procurements—that implements Executive Order #38 (see HCP Insider, 5/31/13). HCP was told by Administration staff that there would be guidance released following the final rule and that such guidance would be shared by June 1, 2013. That date has passed and as of this writing, guidance to assist with questions related to the implementation of the Limits on Executive Compensation and Administrative Expenses in Agency Procurements rule has not been provided. HCP is taking questions from members and compiling them to ensure that they are addressed, but until implementation guidance, including the referenced reporting form, is shared by the Department of Health or Administration, it is difficult to provide specific answers to some of the questions being raised. HCP will share additional information with members as soon as it is available. In the meantime, HCP members should contact HCP Public Policy staff with additional questions. Lawsuit Filed Challenging the Rule Assembly Adopts Resolution to Proclaim November 2013 as Home Care Month Sponsored by Assembly Member Aileen Gunther (D-Orange), the Assembly this week passed Resolution No. 698, memorializing Governor Cuomo to proclaim November 2013 as Home Care Month in the State of New York. The Resolution recognizes home care as the preferred method of care by elderly, disabled, and chronically ill individuals, who want to maintain their independence in the comfort of their own homes as long as possible. It acknowledges home care as a growing alternative to hospitalization or other institution-based forms of health care for acute and chronic illnesses, and that home care workers play a vital role in delivering professional health and palliative care and support to millions of Americans. November 2013 has already been HCP was informed that last week a lawsuit was filed in declared as National Home Care Month Suffolk County Supreme Court against Governor Cuomo by the National Association for Home and the New York State Department of Health challenging Care & Hospice (NAHC), along with the Limits on Executive Compensation and Administrative thousands of home care agencies across Expenses in Agency Procurements rule. A motion for a the United States. preliminary injunction will also be filed. The argument that has been presented to the Court by the Concerned Home To view the full Assembly Resolution, Care Providers coalition is that the rules and regulations visit implementing Executive Order #38 are based upon and ?default_fld=&bn=K00698&term=201 seek to implement an unconstitutional order in violation of 3&Text=Y. the separation of powers doctrine. Therefore, it has been argued, that DOH must be prohibited from implementing or enforcing these regulations and Executive Order 38. If the regulations are implemented, members of the group will suffer irreparable harm, based on the constitutional violation of the separation of powers doctrine alone. The Coalition continues to seek the support of additional providers, and any HCP members interested in more information should contact HCP. UAS-NY Informational Webinar Held for Region IV Providers on June 14 The UAS-NY project team held a webinar on Friday, June 14 for Region IV providers, which encompass the next group to transition to the new assessment system. Region IV includes providers located in Albany, Clinton, Columbia, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Hamilton, Montgomery, Otsego, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, and Washington counties. Organizations located in these counties are scheduled to begin UAS-NY transition activities on July 1, 2013, and to achieve full implementation of the UAS-NY no later than December 1, 2013. The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance Key UAS-NY transition dates for providers located in Region IV include the following: • By June 19, 2013: Submit name and contact information of UAS-NY and HCS Coordinators (please contact Megan Tangjerd for a copy of the contact information form. Completed forms should be submitted via email to [email protected]). Note: The UAS-NY Coordinator will serve as the project manager and single point of contact with the UAS-NY staff. Agencies must also identify their HCS Coordinator (also known as a HPN or HIN Coordinator), who will be responsible for setting up Health Commerce System (HCS) accounts for staff, establishing Trust Level 3 assurance, and assigning UAS-NY roles. The UAS-NY and HCS Coordinator roles may be taken on by the same individual, and agencies may have more than one HCS Coordinator. • June 21, 2013: UAS-NY Transition Guide will be sent to UAS-NY Coordinators • July 1, 2013: UAS-NY Kick-off Webinar for UAS-NY Coordinators • July 15, 2013: Preparing Staff Access to UAS-NY Webinar • August 5, 2013: UAS-NY Training Environment Orientation Webinar • No later than December 1, 2013: Achieve full implementation of the UAS-NY NGS Alert Update: Home Health Payment Totals Summary Amounts Not Matching the Home Health Totals Detail National Government Services, Inc. (NGS) identified an issue with the Home Health Payment Totals Summary amounts within the Home Health Payment Totals Inquiry Menu (01/67) not matching the Home Health Totals detail, which may have caused incorrect outlier payments or outlier amounts to not be paid. NGS issued the following update on June 17, 2013: The Home Health Payment Totals Inquiry (01/67) was corrected as of 5/30/13. If your claim was processed from 04/30/13 to 05/30/13 and your total payment screen (01/67) shows you are under the 10% cap, you may submit an adjustment and the claim should process with an outlier payment. View the full UAS-NY Implementation Overview for Region IV Providers PowerPoint presentation at For questions on the UAS-NY, please contact the UAS-NY Support Desk at 518.408.1021, or via email at [email protected]. Members may also contact Megan Tangjerd with any questions. LTHHCP 2013 Hotline Rates Posted The Department of Health (DOH), Bureau of Long Term Care Reimbursement has posted the 2013 hotline rate calculation sheets for Long Term Home Health Care Program (LTHHCP) providers to the Health Commerce System (HCS) and has transmitted these rates to eMedNY for payment. The corresponding Dear Administrator Letter, dated June 13, 2013, has been posted on the HCS and is also available at The rate calculation sheets for each provider can be accessed by selecting the 2013-LTHHC-Hotline-Rates January 2013 entry in the “Rate Publication Selection List.” These rates will be effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. Hotline—A revision to the rates to reflect acceptable “Hotline” item(s) properly submitted during the appropriate time frame. A new rate has been set for Home and Community Support Services (HCSS), and the rate shown on your rate sheet will be equal to the Personal Care Aide rate calculated for your program. The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance Trend Factor—The rates effective January 1, 2013, reflect 0% trend factor adjustment. Both the 2012 and 2013 trend factor components have been reduced to 0% in accordance with the New York State budget adopted for fiscal year 2012-13. Recruitment, Training and Retention Adjustment (RT&R)—2013 LTHHCP rates have been determined to reimburse the appropriate agency specific allocation of the total RT&R, based on the LTHHCP proportion of services to the total proportion of services for all of the eligible home care provider programs. Adjustments are based on uniform allocation percentage add-ons of 4.70% for the period of January 1 – December 1, 2013. Worker Recruitment and Retention—2013 LTHHCP rates include a 3% rate increase for purposes of improving recruitment and retention of non-supervisory home care services workers or any worker with direct patient care responsibility. Appeals—An appeal by a provider whose rates have been changed by the hotline process must be filed with the Department and be postmarked no later than 30 days from receipt of the DAL and applies only to programs whose rates have been newly affected by hotline changes. Specific provider questions relating to the methodology utilized in the calculation of the 2013 LTHHCP Medicaid rates please contact Gary Crucetti at 518.474.1057. MLN Matters New: MM8928 – Quarterly Update to the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) Edits, Version 19.2, Effective July 1, 2013 MLNMattersArticles/Downloads/MM8298.pdf MM8321 – Multi-Carrier (MCS) Modifications to Liability Assignment Regarding Therapy Cap Claim Denials MLNMattersArticles/downloads/MM8321.pdf Revised: MM8317 – July 2013 Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Specifications Version 14.2 MLNMattersArticles/Downloads/MM8317.pdf MM8232 – Quarterly Update for the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) - July 2013 MLNMattersArticles/Downloads/MM8232.pdf DOH Issues Guidance to MLTCs on Care Management Agreements On June 14, the New York State Department of Health (DOH) issued managed long term care (MLTC) policy 13.17, which provides guidance to plans on the key areas that must be addressed in all Care Management Administrative Services (CMAS) contracts submitted to the Department for review. The policy is available at agree_guide.pdf. The policy lists 20 elements that must be included in all CMAS agreements, including: • Who is responsible for completing assessments and reassessments; • A supervisory structure in place for care management staff, including an organization chart; • A list of required reports to be submitted by the administrator to the MCO and the frequency of report submission; • How patient rosters will be shared with the administrator and the process for notifying the administrator when new members enroll; • How medical records will be shared between the MCO and the administrator; and • Reasonable payment terms. ...continued on page 9 The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance S.4719 (Lanza-R-Staten Island)/ A.6530 (Cusick-D-Staten Island) – Designates Home Care Among Essential Emergency Response Personnel: HCP strongly supports this legislation, which was also recently introduced in the Senate, which designates personnel deployed by home care agencies or Hospices, and their vehicles, as essential emergency responders, thereby ensuring the ability of these individuals to access and provide care and treatment to individuals in their homes or shelters during a declared emergency. Status: Passed the Senate on June 17. Delivered to the Assembly and referred to the Governmental Operations Committee. HCP Memo in Support: ItemID=9174. S.5885 (Savino-D-IDC-Staten Island) /A.8106 (Heastie-D-Bronx) – Amends the Wage Theft Prevention Act of 2010: This legislation would strike the annual notice requirement from the Wage Theft Prevention Act of 2010 in situations in which the same information is provided in another manner. It would also increase penalties for employers’ failure to comply with certain sections of the Act, and subject new employers or owners liable for violations of the previous employer. Status: Introduced in the Senate on June 18 and referred to the Rules Committee. Introduced in the Assembly on June 19 and referred to the Labor Committee. S.3912-A (Hannon-R-Garden City)/A.7636 (Gottfried-D-Manhattan) – Oversight of Transition of Individuals to MLTC: The legislation directs the Department of Health (DOH) to provide oversight of the transitioning of individuals to managed long term care (MLTC) operated by health maintenance organizations. Requires DOH to provide oversight in the transition of individuals to MLTC by ensuring: access to quality care; adequate notice and enrollment assistance; accountability from providers; periodic assessments of plans and providers; mechanisms to prevent waste and abuse; and incentives for such indicators as appropriate enrollment and quality. Status: Passed the Senate and Assembly on May 22 and June 20, respectively. A.7845 (Gottfried-D-Manhattan) – Operation of CHHAs/LTHHCPs Under LHCSA Regulations: HCP opposes this legislation, which would require the Commissioner of Health to adopt emergency regulations permitting certified home health agencies (CHHAs) and long term home health programs (LTHHCPs) to function under the same regulations as do licensed home health care service agencies (LHCSAs) when providing personal care services under contract with MLTCs. HCP has encouraged the concept to be addressed in the Home Care Workgroup that was established as part of the budget to review regulatory changes that are necessary under the managed care system for home care. Status: Introduced on June 6 and referred to the Assembly Health Committee. HCP delivered a memo in opposition to Assembly members on June 17. HCP Memo in Opposition: S.5397-A (Savino-D-IDC-Staten Island)/ A.7736 (Millman-D-Kings) - Oversight of Social Adult Day Care Programs: This bill would require that all social adult day care programs in the State be subject to oversight by the State Office for the Aging (SOFA). The legislation would remove the requirement that a social adult day care program be the recipient of a grant from SOFA in order to be subject to SOFA regulations and oversight. Status: Passed the Assembly and delivered to the Senate on June 18. Committed to the Senate’s Third Reading Calendar on June 20. A.7838 (Silver-D-Manhattan) – Medicare Billing Restrictions: This legislation extends Medicare balance billing restrictions from physicians to all health care providers, including home care. It prohibits Medicare charges by health care providers in excess of statutory limitations, stating that a non-participating health care provider cannot charge Medicare beneficiaries more than 105% of the Medicare approved amount for most services. Status: Passed the Assembly on June 19. Delivered to the Senate and referred to the Rules Committee. The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance A.8083 (Gottfried-D-Manhattan) – Waiving Rules and Regulations for MLTC-Covered Services: This bill would waive rules and regulations governing home care and personal care services with respect to their provision under managed long term care, as well as requirements that CHHAs/LTHHCPs meet the home health agency provisions under titles XVIII or XIX of the Federal Social Security Law. Status: Introduced in the Assembly on June 18 and referred to the Health Committee. A.4062-A (Gottfried-D-Manhattan)/S.5896 – Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Review Panel (MMCARP): Updates the charge and composition of the MMCARP by adding Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus, Managed Long Term Care and other public managed-health care plans to the charge of the MMCARP and adds two public members with expertise in disabilities and pediatrics. The bill also calls for the MMCARP review issues of the appropriateness and timeliness of services, the integration of federal health care reform, trends in service denials and demographic data, review of the federal waiver, as well as public information for choosing among managed long term care plans. Status: Introduced in the Senate and referred to the Rules Committee on June 19. Reported and advanced by the Assembly Ways & Means Committee on May 22 and May 23, respectively. S.5671-A (Valesky-D-IDC-Oneida)/A.7922-A (Hevesi-D-Queens) – Provision of LTHHCP Services: This bill relates to the provision of services by Long Term Home Health Care Agencies (LTHHCPs). It makes conforming amendments to the LTHHCP statute to further align the LTHHCP to State Medicaid redesign policies, in order to facilitate LTHHCP functionality, operation and continuity under the State’s new policies. Status: Amended in both Houses on June 17 to update “Long Term Health Care Program” to “Long Term Home Health Care Program”. Recommitted to the Assembly and Senate Health Committees. A.2180-B (Gunther-D-Forestburgh)/ S.1123-B (Maziarz-R-Newfane) – Safe Patient Handling Act: Amends the public health law and the education law, in relation to a safe patient handling policy for health care facilities. Requires the Commissioner of Health, in consultation with an eleven member New York State Safe Patient Handling work group within the Department of Health, to promulgate rules and regulations for a statewide safe patient handling policy to be made available to all health care entities by January 1, 2015. Status: Passed the Assembly on June 17. Delivered to the Senate and referred to the Rules Committee. A.7758 (Lifton-D-Cortland)/ S.5534-A (Hannon-R-Garden City) – Hospice Residences: Authorizes hospice residences to care for up to 16 patients. Status: Passed the Senate and Assembly on June 13 and June 17, respectively. DOH Issues Guidance to MLTCs on Care Management Agreements - continued from page 7 The policy also notes that this is not an all-inclusive list and MLTC plans are required to adhere to the CMAS Contract Guidelines, available at docs/2012-12-27_cmas_guidelines.pdf. The policy states that once an MLTC plan submits a contract for review, the plan will receive a written response, via email, indicating any issues or concerns. Written approval will be issued once an agreement is acceptable. MLTC plans with CMAS Agreements that were submitted more than 45 days ago and have already been implemented are directed to submit a material amendment, if needed, to the original CMAS Agreement to address any changes needed to comply with the additional guidance. NYC Announces Updated Hurricane Evacuation Zones New York City’s Deputy Mayor, Cas Holloway, and Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Commissioner, Joseph Bruno, this week announced final updates to the City’s hurricane evacuation zones. The new hurricane evacuation zone system incorporates a recently updated model from the The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance National Weather Service, which accounts for larger and slower moving storms and boasts higher resolution and improved elevation data. The new Zones 1 through 6 will replace Zones A, B and C, and will provide New York City with more flexibility in targeting areas to evacuate in advance of a predicted storm. The Zones are now inclusive of 37% of New York City residences, 600,000 additional New Yorkers, an additional 26 New York City Housing Authority Developments (for a total of 175), four additional hospitals (for a total of 25), and nine additional nursing homes (for a total of 69). OEM will be focusing on outreach efforts in the six new Zones, including providing preparedness presentations for community groups and organizations. The Office’s Ready New York Hurricane Guide, which delineates the 2013 evacuation zones and provides critical information, is available online at and will be available in print in 11 languages. All households and businesses in the evacuation zones are scheduled to receive a copy of the guide in the mail in late June. The City’s Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder, which indicates whether an evacuation is in effect and which zones are being ordered to evacuate, has also been updated to include additional features and is now compatible with mobile browsers and supports mobile GPS. Access the Finder at hurricane/. ADJUSTING S THE AILS HCP 2013 Annual Management Conference & Exhibition October 22 - 24 w Albany Hilton w Albany, NY The HCP 2013 Conference Attendee Brochure is Now Available! Register now and SAVE with Early Bird rates! • Network with colleagues about the transition to Managed Care and other pressing issues facing the home care industry! • Hear from experts about the Affordable Care Act and the new regulation on limits on executive compensation and administrative expenses, and more! • Receive the latest updates from DOH officials and get answers to your questions! • Attend fun-filled special events—The HCP PAC Happy Hour, “Oktoberfest” and the CHC Fundraiser, “Murder Mystery: A Cruise to Die For.” Click here to download the Attendee Brochure for complete details! Or click here to register now! THANK YOU 2013 HCP Conference Exhibitors & Sponsors! as of June 21, 2013 Exhibitors: HHA eXchange; Hagedorn and Company; Health Care Answering Services, Inc. (HCAS), The Signature Group of Companies Sponsors: Hagedorn and Company; The Signature Group of Companies For more details, see the full press release at DOH Home Care Work Group Announced On Friday, June 21, the Home Care Work Group that was established as part of the 2013-2014 State budget, met in Albany. The 11 member Work Group was established in response to changes in the delivery of home care through the implementation of New York State’s Medicaid Redesign initiatives. The purpose of the Work Group is to examine and make recommendations on key topics including State and Federal regulatory requirements and related policy guidelines, efficient delivery of home care and hospice services, and alignment of functions between managed care entities and home and community based providers. HCP, along with other stakeholder associations, participated in the first meeting and more information will be shared in next week’s HCP Insider. The members of the Work Group and their respective affiliations are: The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 10 • Ann M. Frisch—Executive Director, HHC Health and Home Care, New York • Joseph Twardy—VNS of Schenectady and Saratoga County, Schenectady • Robert E. Page—Health Center Director, Chemung County Health Center, Elmira • Bader Peters Reynolds—Vice President/COO, CareGivers, Utica • Rick Schaefer—Chief Operating Officer, Better Home Health Care, Inc., Rockville Centre • Toni LeVato—Director, Providence Rest ADHC, Bronx • Emma DeVito—President & CEO, Village Care Max, New York • Elaine Morgan—Assistant Vice President, MLTC, Fidelis Care New York, Suffern • Wanda Figueroa-Kilroy—Executive Vice President, Guildnet, New York • Virgina Murray—Vice President, Quality and Program Development, CenterLight Healthcare, Bronx • David T. McNally—New York Manager of Government Affairs and Advocacy, AARP, Albany Do You Know Someone Who Has Shown Extraordinary Leadership and Commitment to HCP and the home care industry? Nominate them for one of HCP’s 2013 Annual Awards! Click here to download the flyer and nomination form . The deadline for nominations is July 26. DOH Soliciting Comments on Revised Quality Strategy for MMC Program The New York State Department of Health (DOH) this week issued a revised State Quality Strategy for its Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) program as required under the Special Terms and Conditions (STCs) for New York’s Federal-State Health Reform Partnership (FSHRP) and Partnership Plan section 1115 Wavier Demonstrations. The document details the State’s MMC program objectives, describes assessment strategies including quality and appropriateness of care and services, approaches to compliance and managed care organization (MCO) monitoring, addresses quality improvement and offers a review of its quality strategy, and provides an overview of MMC program achievements and opportunities. The State is accepting public comments on the revised Quality Strategy, available at, until July 18, 2013. Comments may be submitted to [email protected]. HCP will be conducting an in-depth review of the revised strategy and will also be providing comments by the deadline. HCP members that would like to share their thoughts or comments on the revised MMC Quality Strategy are encouraged to contact Megan Tangjerd. HHS Proposes Rule Setting Program Integrity Guidelines for Health Insurance Marketplaces and Consumer Protection Provisions The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) last week issued a proposed rule outlining program integrity guidelines for State and Federally-Facilitated Health Insurance Marketplaces being created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The goal of the proposed rule, which also sets guidelines for The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 11 premium stabilization programs and establishes standards for handling consumer complaints, is to institute safeguards to protect Federal funds and consumers. Key policies within the proposed rule include: Please submit your nomination for any of these HCP Board of Directors positions by July 26: • Oversight of State-Operated Premium Stabilization Programs—Proposes standards for Executive Vice Chairperson the oversight of states that operate either risk Secretary adjustment or reinsurance programs; Vice Chairperson, LHCSA • Program Integrity for Advance Payments of Vice Chairperson, CHHA the Premium Tax Credit and Cost-Sharing Vice Chairperson, Hospice Reductions—Proposes timeframes for refunds to eligible enrollees and providers, as applicable, For more information and to download the when an issuer incorrectly applies the advance payment or incorrectly assigns an individual to a nomination form, click here. Questions may be plan variation. Also proposes general standards addressed to Jill Counihan. for oversight of these payments; • Program Integrity of State Marketplaces— Proposes standards for the oversight of State Affordable, Convenient, Easy! Marketplaces through monitoring, reporting, and oversight of financial activities and Marketplace activities; • Oversight of QHP Issuers in FederallyFacilitated Marketplaces—Proposes standards establishing a progressive approach for the Running a classified ad in the HCP Insider is an oversight of health insurance issuers; easy, cost effective way to reach hundreds of key • Flexibility for States—Permits a state to decision-makers at HCP member agencies across operate a state-based Small Business Health New York State for your open positions. Options Program (SHOP) while HHS would operate an individual market FederallyAdvertise for nurses, administrators, chief executive Facilitated Marketplace in the state; and financial officers, accounting and marketing staff, • Consumer Protections for Enrollment and more! Assistance—Builds on existing standards for agents and brokers by clarifying pathways Find out more! Contact Claudia Hammar at through which agents and brokers will help 518.463.1118, ext. 809, or [email protected]. consumers and small businesses in FederallyFacilitated Marketplaces; and • Establishment of Standards for HHS-approved Enrollee Satisfaction Survey Vendors—Proposes a process for approving and overseeing survey vendors to administer the enrollee satisfaction survey on behalf of QHP issuers in the Marketplace. Advertise Your Open Positions in the HCP Insider! Comments on the proposed rule will be accepted until 5 pm on July 19, 2013. To view the full proposed rule, visit A fact sheet on the proposed rule is available at GAO Reports that Establishment of Federally-Run Marketplaces and SHOPs are Behind Schedule In terms of the 34 Federally-Run Health Insurance Marketplaces that the Federal government must establish by the start of enrollment on October 1, 2013 , the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported this week that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have key activities that still must be completed related to eligibility and enrollment in the Marketplaces. The report states that “much progress has been made, but much remains to be accomplished within a relatively short amount of time,” including key consumer assistance activities, navigator training, development and implementation The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 12 of a “data hub” connecting the Marketplaces with other Federal and state agencies for eligibility determinations, and review and certification of the health insurance plans. View the full report at http:// A separate GAO report also released this week cited progress on behalf of CMS and states in the establishment of SHOPs, but noted that some activities are also behind schedule. The report is available at Responding to both reports, HHS emphasized the progress that has been made and its confidence that the Marketplaces will be up and running in every state by the October 1 deadline. ICS-100 Course Provides Introduction to Incident Command System The ICS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS) course provides an introduction to the ICS and builds a foundation for higher level ICS training. The course provides training and resources for personnel who require a basic understanding of the ICS, and is designed for individuals involved with emergency planning and response or recovery efforts. ICS-100 describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the system, and also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Course topics include: • • • • • • • • ICS overview; Basic features of ICS; Incident commander and command staff; Functions; General staff functions; ICS facilities; Common responsibilities; and Relation to NIMS. HCP PAC UPDATE What’s New? • After a lively and fast-paced last few weeks, the 2013 Legislative Session is expected to adjourn this week. • Special thanks to all HCP members that participated in this week’s HCP Action Alert! Your active involvement is critical to communicating the needs of the home care industry to legislators. • See the “Legislation on the Move” box on page 8 of today’s HCP Insider for updates on legislation of particular interest to the home and community-based care industry. The HCP PAC Needs You! The 2013 Legislation Session may be ending, but the HCP PAC still needs your support! Help protect and promote home care in New York State—Make a contribution to the HCP PAC today! The Health Care Providers Political Action Committee (HCP PAC) is committed to protecting and furthering the goals of the State’s home care industry. As the first PAC in New York State dedicated solely to the interests of home care providers, the HCP PAC has over 25 years of experience as a powerful voice in our State Capitol. The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 13 While the minimum course length for an actual instructor-led classroom training course is approximately eight hours, individuals also have the option of completing an interactive, web-based, independent study course. The web-based training course is available at courseOverview.aspx?code=is-100.b. Home care providers would benefit from understanding and utilizing ICS in their own agency operations, as the system helps organizations to establish standardized terminology and command functions to eliminate confusion during an event, assists in the set up of emergency planning/organizational structures, guides organizations in the creation of integrated communications plans and information and intelligence management, promotes professionalism and accountability, and much more. See the June 7 and June 14 HCP Insiders for more information. To learn more about the ICS, visit CMS Releases New FAQs on ICD-10 Billing CMS has released three new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on submitting ICD-10 claims around the October 1, 2014 deadline. The following FAQs update previous information about submitting claims and explain how to split claims for services that span the October 1, 2014 transition date: Question #8246: How do I report ICD-10 codes on claims when the dates of service span from prior to 10/1/2014 to on or after 10/1/2014? Answer: Many payers are requiring claims with dates of service that span the October 1, 2014 implementation date to be split so that the services prior to 10/1/2014 are billed separately and utilize ICD-9 codes; services on and after 10/1/2014 are billed separately and utilize ICD-10 codes. Check specific payer guidelines for processing claims for services that span the 10/1/2014 ICD10 transition date. WIN BIG GREEN IN THE ALL NEW CHC SUPER 50/50 RAFFLE! •Only 150 tickets are available at $100 each, increasing your chances of winning! •Buy tickets now through October 24, 2013, or until all 150 tickets are sold! •Purchase tickets with cash, checks (payable to CHC) or credit/debit cards. •Drawing will take place on October 24 during the Dessert Reception & Raffle at the 2013 HCP Annual Management Conference & Exhibition in Albany, NY. Winners need not be present to win. GRAND PRIZE*: 2ND PRIZE*: 3RD PRIZE*: $5,000 $2,000 $ 500 * If 150 tickets are sold, there will be a total prize of $15,000. If fewer tickets are sold, prize monies awarded will be based on the total money collected and will be distributed as follows: 50% to CHC to support educational programs and 50% distributed to 3 winners (Grand Prize 66.6% ; 2nd Prize 26.6%; 3rd Prize 6.6%) All CHC Super Raffle proceeds support educational programs developed and presented by Community Health Care Services Foundation, Inc. (CHC). To purchase tickets, contact Claudia Hammar at 518.463.1118, ext. 809, or [email protected]. The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 14 Question #8248: If I submit or process a transaction with an ICD-9 code for a date of service after October 1, 2014, am I HIPAA compliant? Answer: The date of service determines the compliant code format to be used in a claim regardless of the date the claim is filed or submitted. Providers will submit claims after October 1, 2014 with ICD-9 codes when the services were performed prior to October 1, 2014. Payers will process claims if received after October 1, 2014 with ICD-9 codes when the services were performed prior to October 1, 2014. This situation is HIPAA compliant. Question #8252: How long after the October 1, 2014 ICD-10 compliance date must I continue to report and/or process ICD-9 codes? Answer: Each payer determines their late filing requirements for standard transactions and ICD-10 does not require a change to these requirements. These deadline requirements vary among plans. Contact your payer for the current information regarding late filing for claims. HCP Conference Exhibiting, Sponsorships & Advertising! HCP Associate Members: Take advantage of the HCP Conference to exhibit and showcase your products and services! Show your support for HCP and HCP members with a high visibility sponsorship or advertising in the Conference Program Guide! HCP Provider Members: Promote your agency, your agency’s anniversary or other milestone at the HCP Conference with an ad in the Conference Program Guide or with a high visibilty sponsorship! Click here to download the 2013 HCP Conference Exhibitor Prospectus for details, or contact Claudia Hammar! ADJUSTING THE SAILS HCP 2013 Annual Management Conference & Exhibition October 22 - 24 w Albany Hilton w Albany, NY These questions and many other FAQs about ICD10 are available at For the latest news and resources to help you prepare for the October 1, 2014 deadline, visit the CMS ICD10 website at The HCP Insider June 21, 2013 © All Rights Reserved back to at-a-glance 15 ADJUSTING THE SAILS HCP 2013 Annual Management Conference & Exhibition Register NOW and SAVE with Early Bird Rates! October 22 - 24, 2013 Albany Hilton, Albany, NY SAVE with Early Bird rates when you register now to attend Adjusting the Sails. Home care providers are facing stiff headwinds, and the HCP Conference is the ideal place to connect with colleagues from across New York and the Northeast to exchange ideas, discuss strategies and set your sails for the future. Over two-and-a-half days, high caliber speakers and industry leaders will share insights, information and strategies that will help you navigate successfully through the rough seas of the home care industry! 2013 Conference Highlights: Informative Public Policy Sessions - get the latest updates from government officials, health, policy and industry leaders! Register Now & SAVE with Early Bird Rates! Chapter Members: $515 HCP Members: $525 Non Members: $625 Click here to download the Attendee Brochure. Click here to register now! THANK YOU 2013 HCP Conference Exhibitors & Sponsors! as of June 14, 2013 Exhibitors: HHA eXchange; Hagedorn and Company; Health Care Answering Services, Inc. (HCAS); Mobile Health Management Services, Inc., The Signature Group of Companies Sponsors: Hagedorn and Company; The Signature Group of Companies Private Pay Track - marketing and business strategy sessions will help you tap into lucrative opportunities in the Private Pay market. Legal and Financial Sessions - the Affordable Care Act, wage and hour laws, limits on executive compensation and administrative expenses regulations, managed long term care and more! Exhibitors - HCP Exhibitors showcase products and services that are specifically designed for the home care industry! Networking - with the transition to managed long Term care, unfunded mandates, new regulations, and other significant issues, Adjusting the Sails is the perfect place to strategize with your colleagues about current and upcoming challenges. Save! Make your hotel reservations in the HCP room block now! Call 518.462.6611 or toll free 800.HILTONS OR register online at Use Group Code 1GDU to get discounted rates. Cut off date is September 29! The “Orange Sail” is used with permission of the artist, Hannah M. G. Shapero, whose work is featured at her website, 2013 Conference Registration EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION (by Sept. 17) SPECIAL EVENT REGISTRATION FEES Tuesday HCP PAC Fundraiser “Oktoberfest” - $99 per person. To register for the HCP PAC Fundraiser. complete registration on page 17 & submit with separate payment. Wednesday “Murder Mystery: A Cruise to Die For” CHC Fundraiser $99 per person, $115 per person (walk-ins). Chapter HCP Non Member Member Member FULL CONF Primary Reg FULL CONF Additional Reg ONE DAY (Tuesday only) ONE DAY (Wed. or Thurs. only) 515 $525 $625 425 $435 $535 $ 285 $295 $395 $ 375 $385 $485 $ $ Cancellations made after September 12, 2013 are liable for the entire fee without exception. Please see page 15 of the Attendee Brochure for complete information on HCP Policies & Procedures. Attendee Registration To register for the HCP PAC Event, complete separate registration on page 17. Organization Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________City: _________________________State: ______Zip:________ Phone:_____________________________Fax:________________________Web site: ___________________________ Primary Reg Name: _______________________________________Title: _________________________ Email (required): ___________________________________________________ Primary Reg Amount: $____________________ Dietary Kosher Full Conference Tues. Only Wed. Only Thurs. Only CHC Fundraiser* needs*: Vegetarian Other_____________ Please indicate any accessibility considerations:_________________________________ Additional Reg Name: ______________________________________Title: _________________ Email (required): ______________________________________ Additional Reg Amount: $______________ * PLEASE NOTE: For the HCP PAC Event, specialty dietary meals, Kosher meals and special diet requests will not be available. Dietary Kosher Full Conference Tues. Only Wed. Only Thurs. Only CHC Fundraiser* needs*: Vegetarian Please indicate any accessibility considerations:_________________________________ Other_____________ q I agree to all HCP Policies & Procedures, including cancellation policy. (See page 15 of the Conference Attendee Brochure) Conference Payment Payment Method Check Payment in full at the time of registration is required. Conference Registration Total: $_________ (payable to “CHC”) CHC “Murder” Event ($99pp) Total: $_________ TOTAL AMOUNT: $_________ Card#: ______________________________________________________ Credit Card: Visa MasterCard Discover Fax or mail registration to: CHC 3-4 digit code (on back of card) Cardholder Name (print): _______________________________________ 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Floor Albany, NY 12211 Cardholder Signature: __________________________________________ Fax: 518.463.1606 Phone: 518.463.1167 Exp. Date:______________________________Security Code:__________ HCP PAC Fundraiser Happy Hour, Oktoberfest The City Beer Hall w Tuesday, October 22 w 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm On Tuesday night, sail on over to celebrate “Oktoberfest” at The City Beer Hall in Albany, NY, this year’s Health Care Providers Political Action Committee (HCP PAC) Fundraiser! Join your colleagues at this historic Albany building just one block from the Albany Hilton for this fun Happy Hour and support the invaluable work of the HCP PAC, the first political action committee dedicated solely to home care. You’ll enjoy catching up with friends while sampling light hors d’oeuvres with an Oktoberfest flair and several different types of beer and other beverages! Those that dare can also take a spin on the mechanical bull during the festivities! At this critical time for home care, come and have fun while showing that you support home care and the HCP PAC! Oktoberfest Please copy this form for each additional PAC event attendee. _____ Tickets @ $99 each. Total amount due: $ ______________ _____ Check, made payable to “HCP PAC” is enclosed _____ Please charge my personal credit card.* *Corporate credit cards are not accepted by the HCP PAC. Personal credit card charges require a minimum contribution of $100. Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State __________ Zip Code _________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ For Credit Card Payments: Home Address (required)____________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Type: _____ Visa _____ Mastercard _____ Discover Card Number ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date (MM/DD) ___________________________Security Code**__________________________________ Card Holder Name (print) __________________________________________________________________________________ Card Holder Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________ **3 or 4 digit code on the back of your card. Not-for-profit organizations cannot make political contributions, however, individuals may. Political contributions are not tax deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Corporations are limited to $5,000 in political contributions in any one year and individuals may contribute no more than $150,000 per year. Heroes in the Home™ Class of 2013 Nominations Now Being Accepted HCP is pleased to announce the Thirteenth Annual Heroes in the HomeTM Statewide Caregiver Recognition Program that recognizes and honors caregivers that provide outstanding home care and raises public awareness about the importance and value of home care and its workers. The HCP Heroes in the Home™ Statewide Caregiver Awards Program integrates HCP’s Statewide recognition program with caregiver recognition awards presented by individual HCP member agencies and HCP Chapters that are awarded to outstanding home care workers. HCP is now accepting nominations for outstanding caregivers for the Class of 2013 Heroes in the Home Awards. How to Submit Caregivers for the Class of 2013 Heroes in the Home Awards • Any HCP member agency or HCP Chapter that holds a caregiver recognition/award program is eligible to submit its award winners to be recognized as a Class of 2013 Hero in the Home Award recipient. • For the 2013 Awards, caregivers must have been recognized from November 1, 2012 through December 2013 at an official agency or Chapter caregiver recognition/awards program; the program does not accept lists of employees from standard employee recognition programs such as “employee of the month” programs that are not related to outstanding caregivers. Those with caregiver awards programs scheduled for October, November or December 2013 can submit the names of their upcoming award winners to be included in the Class of 2013 Heroes in the Home Award. The Class of 2013 Heroes in the Home will receive a certificate of recognition, have their names published in the HCP Insider in November in conjunction with National Home Care & Hospice Month, and they will be featured in a special Class of 2013 Heroes in the Home Program that will be distributed at the Annual Awards Luncheon at the HCP Annual Management Conference & Exhibition in October. The deadline for nominations is September 13! To submit your list of caregivers for the Class of 2013 Heroes in the Home Awards, provide the following to HCP no later than September 13, 2013: • The name and date of the Caregiver Awards/Recognition Program • The names and credentials (if applicable) of each caregiver • The name of the agency and the city where the caregivers works For questions about the program or for more information, please contact Claudia Hammar at 518.463.1118, ext. 809 or [email protected]. Support the HCP PAC in 2013! Support Home Care & the HCP PAC! The 2013 Legislative Session may be ending, but opportunities to be a champion for home care remain, and your support of the HCP PAC has never been more important! JOIN THE CLUB! Every time the HCP PAC is visible—home care is visible. Make a difference for home care in New York State. Make a contribution to the HCP PAC today to protect and promote home care. There is so much at stake, we must stand together! Contributions up to $500 The Health Care Providers Political Action Committee (HCP PAC) is committed to protecting and furthering the goals of the State’s home care industry. As the first PAC in New York State dedicated solely to the interests of home care providers, the HCP PAC has over 25 years of experience as a powerful voice in our State Capitol. Member Chairperson’s Club Contributions of $501 to $1,000 Premier Club Contributions of $1,001 to $2,500 Champion’s Club Contributions of $2,501 or more Here’s my HCP PAC contribution! Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________________________ State_________ Zip _________________ Phone ____________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________ Home Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ A check, made payable to “HCP PAC,” is enclosed. ___ Please bill my personal or corporate credit card (please circle one). Card Card Card Card Type ___ Visa ___ Master Card ___ Discover Security Code _______________________________ Number _______________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________________________________ Holder Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Holder Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________ Not for profit organizations cannot make political contributions, however, individuals may. Political contributions are not tax deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. Corporations are limited to $5,000 in political contributions in any one year and individuals may contribute no more than $150,000 per year. HCP PAC Send contributions to: HCP PAC, 20 Corporate Woods Blvd., 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12211 518.463.1118, Ext. 818 • Fax 518.463.1606 •
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