2010 May 30 - Knanaya Region
2010 May 30 - Knanaya Region
Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission TAMPA , FLORIDA Greetings to the Knanaya Community of Brandon! Jesus once said: I have come in search of the lost sheep of Israel. He also sent first His disciples to go in search of the lost sheep of Israel. So both Jesus and His disciples first were directing their work among the Jewish community of Israel. It is after the resurrection of Jesus that He sent His disciples with the wider mission of preaching the Gospel to all the nations of the world. Jesus had started this mission by uniting the Jews and the gentiles. He died and is risen for all human kind. It is this universal mission that the church is continuing in today’s world. Jesus had a vision behind his mission. It was the vision of the Kingdom of God, of love, truth, justice, and peace. We as Christians who have accepted the Gospel of Christ have to live out these values in our lives. It is by practicing these values in our lives that we continue the mission of Christ with His own vision. We have to practice these values in our personal lives, in our families, in the church, and in human society as a whole. To start with, we have to proceed as Jesus and His disciples did. Let us go first in search of the lost ones of our own individual church, in particular of our own community. We have to take special care of our own children giving them the heritage of our faith and the tradition of our life in the church. Devoid of an experience of faith in the family and in the church there is every possibility of our people, especially our children becoming dispersed, attracted by the ways of the world which are often against the values of the Gospel. The church has already suffered this damage to a great extent. Let us repair the damage already caused as far as possible and be on the vanguard to care for the members of our church and to assemble our community as best as we can. This is the timely duty of the SyroMalabar Church in the United States and the Knanaya Community as well. I was very happy to be in Brandon for a few days especially to celebrate the Holy Qurbana with you on Friday May 14, 2010. You are a welcoming community and a community that struggles to practice its faith in Jesus Christ and in the Church with great difficulty, in the changing vicissitudes of life here in the U.S. Let the power of the Gospel and the guidance of the Holy Spirit be always the strength of your daily lives. Seek them in your daily prayers both private and in the family, in your church assemblies and in your witness of love especially among the poor and the needy. I thank you very much for the welcome you have given me through your beloved Pastor Father Abey Vadakkekara. Let us be united in prayers. Kindly pray also for the success of our mission in the Diocese of Thuckalay. With love in Jesus Christ, Bishop George Alencherry Page : 2 Sacred Heart Knanaya Mission Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida Director: Fr.Abey Vadakkekkara, 5049 Bell Shoals Road, Valrico, FL-33596 Ph– 813-446-9868 Holy Mass Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Church 3920 S Kings Ave We are bringing out a souvenir to commemorate the consecration of our church. It is going to be a one time document depicting the history of knanaites in Tampa area and the major events in the past one year after the establishment of our mission. Your articles and advertisements are most welcome. Brandon, FL-33511 1. There will be a senior citizens meeting on 6th June immediately after the Sunday Mass Sunday10Am Malayalam Qurbana 11.30 Children’s Holy Mass (English) Monday & Saturday—8.15 AM Tuesday to friday—6PM Friday : 5.PM Saturday—Before and after the Holy Mass Saturdays - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Fridays - St. Jude 2. Until the reopening of CCD class in September there will be only one mass on Sundays at 10.00AM 3. Annual feast of sacred heart will be celebrated on 26th and 27th of June. Please block your dates on those days so that everyone can participate and make this a great event. 4. Faith formation camps will be organized for elementary, middle school and high school kids this summer more details will be given once the program is finalized. 5. From 18th June there will be a meeting of CCD children on Fridays at 4.00PM organized by Sacred Heart Academy the purpose of the meeting is spiritual and character formation Faith formation camp will be organized for elementary school children from June 21st to June 26th at our church Church Collection Week of may 9th $780 Week of may 16th $ 940 Please Remember in a special way the Mission in San Antonio who are in the process of Buying a Church of their own. Let us remember St. Joseph Syromalabar community in Tampa in our prayers as they are initiating their efforts in having a church and social hall. Page : 3 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida Dear and Loving Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, Mission Directors Column Faith formation is the basic duty of the Christian families. We the Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission is coming to the close of the Formal Religious Education program of this academic year. As you all know faith formation is an ongoing activity that every individual, family, and community has to do. When we look back we cannot but thank God for the graces that He had bestowed on us through the religious education program this year. We had gone through various difficulties and problems. We had no facility for the religious program and so we could not start it on time. Though we were little late to start, by the grace of God we could rent the facility and build up our religious classes. We had comparatively good number of children. Some of the parents were sending their children for religious education both here and in Latin Churches. It shows their commitment towards the religious formation of their children. We have 120 children and classes KG to Plus 2 which is a very good number for a church of our size. Many were of the idea that we can begin with the elementary section this year, but I was really convinced that we need to have religious formation for all of our children. The thought behind was that next year our graduating children will be most probably away from our homes and community so their participation would build an affinity to the church and our community which I hope to nurture in the coming years. In the beginning there were only 8 students in class 11 and 12 but in month the number became 16, it shows that they were interested and effective. As part of their classes they were assigned as teaching assistants. It has in a way paved the way to find teachers and teaching assistants for the next year. Dear parents, it is your primary God given duty that you should give real religious formation for your children. When I came to US the main lament of many parents were that the children are not responsible and not ready to get into marriage and family life. You should ask the question why?. We try to give all the other facilities of life for them but at times we fail to give them spiritual formation which is very essential in getting through the struggles of life. Lack of that lead them to a life of irresponsibility in community and family life. When we forget the most important thing in life and run for the many other things we will later realize that all our efforts were meaningless but by the time we realize that it may be too late. So dear parents it is you who are accountable before God for the faith formation of your Children. We priests and religious education teachers can help you in this Endeavour. Dear loving Children, I really appreciate your presence and efforts in cooperating with our religious formation. Some of you told me that you really enjoy the class and Holly Qurbana together with your friends. To me the time spent in your midst has been really unforgettable. Most of you have been very responsible in attending the classes regularly and actively participating in the Holy Qurbana. I am sure there has been some change that happened in you knowingly or unknowingly. You are the pioneers in our faith formation and I am sure the seeds that has been sown now will bear much result in your life. A word to your friends who missed this year’s faith formation, you really missed a lot, I don’t blame you, but hope you and your parents will compensate for this next year. Dear loving teachers, you are the real gift of God to our community. The time and talents you shared with our children is really unthinkable. I am sure that God will take care of you and your family will be rewarded for that by God. This would not have been achieved without your active participation. You are the greatest treasures for our community. The change that is seen in our children is really your efforts. How lovingly our children speak about you. May God bless you and your efforts. I hope we will be able to rectify the short comings of the past year and continue with a new vigor and energy next year . Abeyachen Page : 4 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida at\m`mh§fnse amäw tZhmeb¯nsâ e£yw tZhmebhpw A\p_Ô{]Øm\§fpw BZy´nIambn e£yam¡pI hyànIfpsS at\m`mh¯nse amähpw A§s\ ss{IkvXh aqey§fn ASnbpd¨ Hcp kaql krjvSnbpamWv CXn\p klmbIcamb GXm\pw Imcy§Ä AhXcn¸n¡m\pff ]cn{iaamWv Cu teJ\w. \½psS tZhmebw Øm]nXamIp¶Xphsc e¯o³ ]ffnIfnse ]¦mfn¯w H«pan¡hÀ¡pw hnip²IpÀ_m\ AÀ¸W¯n ]¦ptNcepw Ip«nIfpsS CCD bpw am{Xambncp¶p. F¶m C¶v tZhmeb Øm]\t¯msS Cu ØnXnbn amäambn.km¼¯oIambpw k¶²tkh\¯neqsSbpw IqSpX ]¦mfn¯apmIpt¼mgmWv \½psS tZhmeb¯n\v IqSpX hfÀ¨bpmIp¶Xv. k¼¯pw kabhpw ]¦pshbv¡phm\pff at\m`mhw DmhpI hfsc AXy´mt]£nXamWv. AXnt\ähpw Bhiyw \½psS a\Ênsâ hmXmb\§Ä Xpd¶nSpIbmWv. Atacn¡bn Pohn¡p¶ \½Ä¡v \m«nte¡mÄ CXck`mhn`mK§fnÂs]« aebmfnIfpambn klIcn¨p {]hÀ¯n¡m\pff Ahkcapv ]e AIt¯men¡m k`Ifnepw ]ptcmlnXÀ hnhmlnXcmWv. AXpsImpXs¶ AhcpsS {]hÀ¯\§Ä B²ymÂaoIhpw aX]chpamb taJeIfn ]cnanXs¸Sp¯mdpv. ]ffnIfpsS an¡ Imcy§fpw kwLS\Ifpw I½änIfpamWv \S¯p¶Xv. ]t£ It¯men¡m ]ptcmlnXcpsS {]hÀ¯\§Ä Hcp \nÝnX taJebn HXp¡n \nÀ¯phm³ km[n¡pIbnÃ. AIt¯men¡m kaql§fn \n¶pff kzm[o\w sImmImw Ipd¨pt]Às¡¦nepw hnImcnbpsSbpw AÂambcpsSbpw tdmfns\¡pdn¨v I¬^yqj³ Dtm F¶p kwibnt¡nbncn ¡p¶p. \½sfms¡ \m«n hfÀ¶hcmWv AhnsS H¶pw BÀ¡pw CShIhnImcnbpsS tdmÄ F´msW¶v hniZoIcn¨p sImSpt¡ ImcyanÃ. ]s£ Atacn¡bn ]ffn Dmbt¸mÄ ]ptcmlnXcpsS {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v ]cnanXnIÄ \njvIÀjn¡p¶Xv hntcm[m`mkaÃ? ChnsSbpffXv at\m`mh¯nepff amäamWv . hnImcnsb {Inkv X phnsâ {]Xn]pcpj\mbn ImWphm\pw AwKoIcn¡phm\papff at\m`mhw. Atacn¡bnse C´y³ kaql¯nsâ Hcp heob t]mcmbvabmWv {Kq¸nkw.sNdpXpw hepXpamb {Kq¸pIfmWv an¡t¸mgpw Imcy§Ä \nb{´n¡p¶Xv. cmjv{Sob¯nepw kmaqlnI kmwkvImcnI kwLS\Ifnepapff Cu {]hWX H«pw BtcmKyIcaÃ. CXv H«pan¡t¸mgpw Øm]nX Xmev]cy§Ä¡pw. hntZzj¯n\pw hgnh¨psImSp¡mdpv. C§s\ Hcp kmlNcy¯n tZhmebs¯bpw {Kq¸nk¯nsâ I®mSnbneqsS t\m¡n ImWm\pff {]hWXbpmImw.A§s\bpff {]hWXIÄ \ncp kmls¸Sp¯m\pff NpaXe \aps¡Ãmapv. tZhmebw {Kq¸pIÄ¡pw Øm]nX XmÂ]cy§Ä¡pw AXoXamWv .ChnsSbpw Bhiyw \½psS at\m`mh¯nepff amäamWv. Rm³ ]dbp¶Xpt]mse Imcyw \S¯nbm klIcn¡mw. Asæn F\n¡njvSapff Imcy§Ä¡pam{Xw Rm³ klIcn¡mw. F¶n§s\bpff at\m`mhw XnI¨pw emt`Ñbn tI{µoIrXhpw `uXoIhpamWv, C§s\bpff Nn´mKXn. XymK¯nsâbpwkl\¯nsâbpw aqÀ¯ocq]amb tbip \mYsâ Nn´mKXn¡pw kwkvImc¯n\pw ISIhncp²amWv. ip{iqjbpsSbpw XymK¯nsâbpw at\m`mh¯nepff amäamWv ]ffnbpsSbpw B²yÂaoI {]Øm\§fpsSbpw e£yw. A§s\ kaÀ¸W¯nsâbpw kmtlmZcy¯nsâbpw kwkvImcw sI«n¸Sp¡m\pff Hcp heob shÃphnfnbmWv tZhmebw \ap¡p \evIp¶Xv. A§s\ Hcp kwkvImc¯nemWv heob Imcy§Ä Hcp kaqlsa¶ \nebn \ap¡p t\SnsbSp¡m\mIpI. IpªptamÄ ]pXptÈcn Page : 5 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida I see the sparkling eyes on your bright face, every moment, every day I hear your laughter and feel the comfort of your hugs And your soft hands holding me, guiding me. My Lantern: My Mom There for me always. She was the bow and I the arrow, sending me, with perfect aim To learn of life, to learn of decency, kindness and responsibility The imprinting of life. She was a giver, a giver of time, knowledge and wisdom She always taught me with the foundation upon which She was raised: Faith. My Lantern: My Mom There for me always. In your bright young age, when you were between life and death, I took care of you and you gave me the best nurse award. When I felt everything was falling apart in front of me You came back to life as a miracle, because God knew that I still have a lot more to learn from you. My Lantern: My Mom There for me always. You are a mother of noble character Who is clothed with strength and dignity You taught me how to speak with wisdom And I follow the faithful instructions heard from your tongue. My Lantern: My Mom There for me always. Another Mother’s Day went by, bringing new joys and pleasures! A mother is a special creation from the Almighty God, whom He has gifted with the unique power of giving life to a living being. No one can repay a mother’s debt, but can certainly honor our mothers and bring smiles on their faces. Mothers are God’s sweetest gifts to us. A mother cleans the shores of our soul and is a beautiful and dynamic entity who never tires. She is like a river, bending and twisting, rising up to meet the rapids and sowing calmness into the smooth stream, only to flow out into the ocean. Oh Mother! You are the best and I wish you the best. Let us never forget our Mother and pledge to jointly salute them for their great sacrifice. By Sonia Pazhukayil Marriage Banns Hearty condolences Maria Abraham D/O Abraham and Pennamma Puthuparambil of Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission, Tampa with Robins S/O Mathai and Ancy Kalapurackal residing at Rolla, Missouri state . orginally from Infant Jesus parish Neezhoor on June 24th 2010. To Abeyachen who lost his grandmother Annamma Vadakkekara To Jose and Stephen Kariakanalil who lost their Brother Simon Karikanalil Bijoy pullapally S/O Thomas and Mercy Pullapally of Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission, Tampa with Sumi Maria D/ O Philip and Anney Karukaprambil of St. Johns Church Kumarakom on june 24th 2010. To Joby and Bejoy pullapally and Shoby Mullore who lost their grandfather Page : 6 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida Photo Feature from the Visit of Mar.Angadiyath to our church Page : 7 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida Photo Feature from the CCD sports fest Page : 8 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida ]ptcm-ln-X-hÀj Nn´-IÄ Year of the priest Remember the time when some of his parishioners in the village of Ars went to their cure with a problem? They reported to St. John Vianney that, sad as it was to tell him, there was a petition to the bishop being circulated in Ars claiming that he their pastor, was incompetent , lazy, ineffective, driving people away and unpopular- and thus should be removed. “show me the petition “ John vianney asked them. When they brought it to him , he read it and took a pen and signed his name to it. “they are right” he commented, as he grabbed his cloak and left the rectory for his daily rounds of visiting his sick parishioners , so much for the petition to remove as pastor the man who would become the patron saint of parish priests. Recent studies demonstrate that priests in the United States have never been happier, with 92 % of priests saying they’d do it all over again, a rate higher than any other profession. What are priests to do? Well, we priests realize with gratitude that the overwhelming majority of our people love their priests. Are they aware of our flaw ? They sure are, but they love their priests all the same , priests admit that the complaints when civilly and constructively expressed have merit . An effective antidote can be working hard with the splendid lay leadership we are blessed to have in each of our parishes. God’s people overwhelmingly encourages us . Arch Bishop Timothy Dolan New York Arch Bisop From his column in the arch diocesan news paper Nn´m-i-Iew sk_Zo ]p{X·mcmb bmt¡m_ns\bpw tbml¶ms\bpw hn{KÙw BZyw {]Xn]mZn¡p¶Xv. AhÀ h©nbnencp¶v he \¶m¡p¶hcmbmWv. hebn kpjncapmIpt¼mÄ hebpsS e£yw t\SmsX t]mIp¶p.^vtfmdoUbn \½fn ]eÀ¡pw he kp]cnNnXamWv. he GsX¦nepw hkvXphn DS¡nt]mbmepw Fs´¦nepw N¸pNhdpIÄ Ipcp§nbmepw he¡v sNdpXpwhepXpamb tISp]mSpIÄ kw`hn¡mdpv. Hcp]cn[nhsc he \½psS PohnX¯nsâbpw kaql¯nsâbpw {]Xn_nw_amWv. Adntªm AdnbmsXsbm _Ô¯nsâ I®nIÄ AI¶pt]mIp¶ AhØIÄ \½psS IpSpw_¯nepwkaql¯nepapv. AXv hnf¡ntNÀ¡pt¼mÄ am{XamWv \½psS e£y¯n \½sf¯ntNcp¶Xv. he \¶m¡ns¡mp \n¶ sk_Zn]p{X·mscbmWv ssZhw IqSpX D¯chmZnXz§Ä Gev]n¡p¶Xv. \½psS IpSpw_¯nepw kaql¯nepw ]nghpIÄ a\Ênem¡n AXns\ ]cnlcn¨p apt¶dm³ {ian¡pt¼mgmWv Hcp kaqlsa¶ \nebn \mapw A\p{Kln¡s¸Sp¶Xv. \nÊmcImcy§fn DS¡n InS¡Xà \½psS heIÄ ImcWw \ap¡v D¶Xamb Hcp e£yapv. At¸mgmWv IqSpX DuÀÖkzeXtbmsS e£y{]m]vXn¡mbn \ap¡v ]cn{ian¡m\mIp¶Xv. CHURCH DEVELOPMENT CORNER Cu¡gnª cmgvN cp ]nXm¡·mcpsS km¶n²ywsImv \½Ä A\p{KloXcmbn. X¡oe cq]Xm²y£³ A`nhµy Bet©cn ]nXmhnsâbpw A`nhµy A§mSnb¯v ]nXmhnsâbpw km¶n²yw Gäw A\p{KlZmbIambncp¶p. \½psS tZhmebhpw \½psS P\§fpsS kPoh ]¦mfn¯hpsams¡ ]nXm¡³amsc hfsc BIÀjn¨p. Cu Ignª Hcp hÀj¡mew \½psS Ipªp§Ä¡v hnizmk]cnine\w \ÂInb A²ym]Isc {]tXyIw A\pkvacn¡p¶p. hfsc XymK at\`mht¯msS AhcpsS hnetbdnb kabw \½psS kaql¯nse Ipªp§fpsS \·bv¡mbn AhÀ hn\ntbmKn¨p. Ft¸mgpw \½fhtcmSv ISs¸«ncn¡Ww CCD hmÀjnImtLmj§tfmsS Xocp¶XÃ. \½psS Sacred Heart Academey bpsS B`napJy¯n hnizmk]cnioe\ Iym¼pIfpw aoänwKpIfpsams¡ Cu Ah[nIme¯v \S¯p¶XmWv. \½psS ]cn]mSnIÄ Gähpw `wKnbmbn \S¯p¶Xn\v \ap¡v IqSpX thmfntbgvkns\ Bhiyapv. Page : 9 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida EVENING PRAYER for Families Parent Child Parent Child Parent Child Together : : : : : : : may god bless you and keep you. may he guide you in life. may he bless you this evening. and keep us in his sight. may god be with you, [name]. and also with you. In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Atheena Manalel NEW BORN MAY FOR MARY May is a particular way dedicated to Mary, the mother of God and our mother. In Mary we see a strong woman willing to embrace motherhood as a vocation. She stayed with Jesus at every moment of his life (Conception-Crucifixion). In our society where it seems unfashionable to pray to mother of God, it is profoundly important to pray, in complete trust, to honor Mary our mother. D.O.B April 19th MARY, mother of us all….Pray for us! Trivia –Trivia : Did you know… 1) The first Catholic College in the US was Georgetown University- (Established year 1789, 1818, 1729, 1872) 2)What percent of students attends Catholic Colleges and Universities are non-Catholic (50%, 18%, 35%, 25%) 3)The last Catholic Hospital to shut down due to lack of funding in 2010 (Terence Cardinal Cook Hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital, St. Vinc ent’s Hospital, Good Shepherd Medical center) 4)The first Catholic College to provide academic degree to a woman in 1899 (Boston College, College of Notre Dame , Fordham Univer sity, Loyola University-Chicago) 5)Aramaic was the language spoken by Jesus, it is still used by some tribes in the villages of which nation (Pakistan , Iran, Syria, Morocco) Please Pray & Participate Ans: 1.1789 2. 35% 3. St. Vincent’s 4. College of Notre Dame 5. Syria Aby Kuriakose Trivia-Trivia will continue……. Page : 10 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida Page : 11 Sacred Heart Knanaya Catholic Mission Tampa, Florida This bulletin and all the previous issues along with News bulletins from Chicago Sacred Heart Parish are published in www.knanayaregion.us. Direct link to the bulletins is provided in www.knanayavoice.com