`Old Florida` in Ruskin
`Old Florida` in Ruskin
"-,6,Ê 7-ÊUÊ,6,67Ê 1,, /ÊUÊ- Ê"-,6,s JUNE 14, 2012 3 ‘Old Florida’ in Ruskin ! ÌÕi`ÊvÀÊ«>}iÊ£ Gus’ Adventures” a few years ago. In between harvesting the prized seafood from his 300 or so traps and selling the catch in bulk, Muench would take a half dozen guests at a time out on one of his crab boats to share his river, his environmental philosophy, his understanding of the sea life and avian life so long a part of his world, while pulling a few traps. In time, he created a website. Strangers with a taste for the different sometimes booked crabby tours and even high profile folks like Gov. Bob Martinez, another Tampa native, would drop by to appreciate the neat and peaceful Muench home site on the Little Manatee’s south shore. That’s how Esther Winter, a Swiss journalist, along with her German videographer, George Dender, and sound technician, Marcel Kohn, found their way from Tampa, down U.S. 41 along Tampa Bay’s eastern side, through Ruskin, to the river. “We wanted ‘Old Florida’,” she said in her accented English Sunday afternoon (June 3), trying her first crispyon-the-outside, soft- on-the-inside hush puppy as a soft southern voice drawled an answer to the inevitable question. Comfortable in cut-offs and sneakers, the blonde Winter sat in dappled sunlight at a Muench-made picnic table beside his cook shack and explained the crew was filming for a new travel documentary titled “The HolidayChecker” designed for Swiss and German travelers. The film also may be shown on Edelweiss Air flights, she added, one of which recently became a regular at Tampa International Airport. Zeroing in on destinations anywhere in the world, the travel program’s presenters “check out” the best activities, the best accommodations, the hottest attractions, paving the way for travelers in the audience eager to arrange a memorable holiday, Winter said. She had stumbled across Crabby Gus while researching aspects of the Tampa Bay area, she added. What she read promised to demonstrate “Old Florida” as they imagined it. And they were not disappointed. The crew spent several hours on the river — after all a designated “Outstanding Florida Waterway” — filming close up the crabbing process and from a distance the crab boat plying smooth waters between small islands. They ate with enthusiasm what had been harvested and cooked without preservatives or freezing or delay. Satiated, they settled on the wide Muench dock to record an unhurried interview with a river man now in his mid-70s who began cast netting and crabbing as a child, with his dad as guide. They left late in the day, headed to Tampa to complete a week’s worth of filming, capturing other types of attractions in the area, including Busch Gardens. They were still getting used to air conditioning, in their hotel rooms and in restaurants, they said; something that is not particularly popular in their native habitats. And the distances that Americans take in stride amazed them, they noted, because in their Europe, walking and bicycling trumps the automobile. But, they agreed, they gladly will come back at the first opportunity. MELODY JAMESON PHOTOS With the aplomb of a Florida Cracker who knows his business, Gus Muench (right) was interviewed at length on camera by journalist Esther Winter (seated center) for a new Swiss television travelogue. George Dender (left) recorded the video. The Swiss film crew was in the Tampa area to obtain footage on several subjects including “Old Florida” for a European audience interested in unusual experiences highlighting their travel holidays. Meanwhile, the Spirit Magazine piece featuring Crabby Gus and the river and Ruskin and the Tampa Bay area is due out in August, just in time for conventioneers aboard incoming Southwest flights to get a taste of what’s cool as they encounter sub-tropical August humidity. And Muench is pondering how to host not a half dozen, but perhaps visitors by the dozens, all after a new experience, something that can be described to brother Kiwanian in Minneapolis or fellow councilmen in Cleveland or PTA mothers in Kansas City. The website that normally gets 40 to 50 hits a day, Muench said this week, has been racking up five times that number. Then, just to keep things interesting, producers in Hollywood — California, that is — currently have underway not one, but two feature length films on the life and relationships of John Ruskin, according to internet reports. The English social critic, outspoken writer, dabbling artist and namesake of the local community he never saw managed, it seems, to generate a sensual tale with a totally and wholly non-sensual marriage. Producers are promising that the rebellious woman in question – Effie Gray — and Ruskin will become household names. The film releases are slated for later this year. So, when traffic on U.S. 41 begins to pick up... Copyright 2012 Melody Jameson Swiss television film makers mixed duty with pleasure recently when they spent a day experiencing and recording events of “Crabby Gus! Adventures,” a sideline created by Gus Muench. Marcel Kohn (standing) handled the sound boom as George Dender (seated) captured hours of video. =8:KFIP9LPFLK J8C< Jg\Z`Xc=`eXeZ`e^8mX`cXYc\ -&*+#&)($$&++"&'$'!0 EfnXmX`cXYc\n`k_ )'/$,*#'&*))&+0 !#&*+$$ ''-)!*+#&*1 ,+*+&#&!,)#$#+0& $'&!.)() ')%& '#$)*#*+& '$')$#!"+ *+&** J\\jkfi\]fi[\kX`cj% ',$$$'-+"*&.)(+* I\j`jkXek% JXm`e^j% JkfgYpXe[j\\k_\e\n\jk`eHunterDouglas n`e[fn]Xj_`fej%:\c\YiXk`fef]C`^_kefn`e]lcc jn`e^I\YXk\jlgkf(''g\in`e[fn ! #!20%4\(!2$7//$\6).9,\4),%\,!-).!4%\",).$3\3(544%23\7%2%0!)2",).$3 DOVE INTERIORS CARPET ONE #OLLEGE!VE%s2USKIN&, (1 mile west of I-75 Exit 240-B) 813-645-8660 www.doveinteriorscarpetone.com We are the oldest family-owned window treatment/flooring store in SouthShore ® STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. • Closed Sunday • Evenings by appointment 8kgXik`Z`gXk`e^jkfi\jfecp#efkXccgif[lZkjXkXcccfZXk`fej%G_fkfj]fi`ccljkiXk`m\gligfj\jfecp%Efki\jgfej`Yc\]fikpgf^iXg_`ZXc\iifij%F]]\ijZXeefkY\ZfdY`e\[n`k_fk_\i[`jZflekjfigifdfk`feXcf]]\ijXe[Xi\efkmXc`[fegi\m`fljgliZ_Xj\j% J\\XZklXcnXiiXekpXkjkfi\]fi[\kX`cj%:Xig\kFe\=cffi?fd\%!JlYa\ZkkfZi\[`kXggifmXc%J\\jkfi\]fi[\kX`cj%