discovery of columbite-tantalite in sonora, mexico
discovery of columbite-tantalite in sonora, mexico
Bol. Depto.Geol. Uni-son. 1991,V.8. N'.1. p.7-11 DISCOVERY OF COLUMBITE-TANTALITE IN SONORA, MEXICO Luigi RADELLI, Ismael SOTo-V., Jess URRUTIA-B. aoo Griselda MACIAS-V. Departamento de Geologra. Uni-Son, Herrrosilio. Sonora, Mexico. ABSTRACT The first discovery of a Sonoran Columbite- Tantalite mineralization is reported. It occurs in two mica pegmatites associated to a peraluminous. two mica- garnet bearing eocene granite - the Huepac granite - of the Aconchi Massif. RESUMEN 5e reporta el primer descubrimiento en Sonora de una mineralizaci6n de Columbita- Tantalita. Esta mineralizaci6n se encuentra en pegmatitas de dos micas asociadas a un granito eoceno peraluminos, de dos micas y granate - el granitode Huepac- del Macizo de Aronchi. INTRODUCTION The upper, allochthonous unit consists of an old Precambrian basement, a 1100 Ma old granite To our knowledge Nb- Ta minerals have never been reported in Sonora. Thus, it seems interesting to give notice of a recent discovery of a Columbite- Tantalite mineralization, and its geological setting, in an area west of the town of Huepac, in a massif generally known, in the geological literature, as Sierra de Aconchi. And this is the object of this paper. (Anderson et al.. 1978; Anderson and Sliver. 1981) - the Aibo granite - and of a cover of un metamorphosed quartzites and minor dolomites; this last sequence has been usually considered as Upper Precambrian, but in fact it could be much younger (see Radelli, 1990 for discussion). This upper, allochthonous unit has recahedits present structural positk>nthere during the Nevadian Orogeny (Figueroa and Grijalva, 1989; Radelli, 1989, 1990). Intrusive into the hereabove mentioned metarnorphics northwards: into the Laramide granitoids south- and westwards: and divided eastward from the detrital Miocene Baucarit Formation by an east-dipping listric fault (Radelli, 1989), there occursalso a the two mlca-garnetbearing, about 40 Ma old (Mead et al. 1988) peraluminous granite, a typical occurrence of an Inner CordilleranBeh (Miller and Bradfish,1980; Damon, 1989), the Huepac Granite (Roldan-a. et al., 1989: Figueroaand Grijalva, 1989; Radelli, 1989). The emplacement of the Huepac Granite - THE ACONCHI MASSIF (Fig. 1) Most of the Aconchi Massif is a huge mass of Laramide,57 Ma old granitoids(Andersonet al. 1980), that Intruded and contact-metamorphosed Paleozoic limestone (e.g., EI Jaralito), older metamorphicrocks (e.g., RanchoOquimonis)and a Mesozoic (Jurassic?Cretaceous?)sedimentary sequence that still shows some poorly preserved fossils (Cerrode Ios Locos). In the northernmost part of the Aconchi Massifthere are two tectonicallysuperposedunits (Figueroaand Grijalva,1989; Radelli,1989, 1990). The lower unit consists of metamorphic Precan'd>rlan rocks with a Jurassicvolcanic cover. the genesis of which is currently under study - has been followed by that of two sets of pegmatitic bodies: (i) a set of :t NE-trending two mica 8 L RADEL et al. ~ . . .' . . ,. .. ~2 ~3 ~8 E, ~10 . .. .'. . .. . '. . 4 ~11 [SS]5 E:B. _1 0 5Km Fig. 1 - Simplified geological map of the Aconchl . Huepac . Opodepe area. 1 - Neogeneclastic and volcanic rocks; 2 - Paleogeneand/or Late Cretaceousvolcanics;3 - 50 Ma old San Felipe porphyry and remnants of its Cretaceousroof; 4 - Huepac granite; 5 - Pegmatites; 6 - Aconchi Laramidegranitoids; 7- Cretaceous; 8 - Jurassicvolcanics; 9 - Skarn; 10 - "Aibo" Basementand its cover; 11 "Lobera" basement; 12 - Fault; 13 - Overthrust (Nevadian nappe). - pegmatites, that occurs at the northwestern comerof that granite;and (ii) a set of generally 9 L. RADELL! et al. larger, f: NNW-trending, zoned, two micagarnet-bearing pegmatltes, that cross the whole of the Huepac Granite and the pegmatites of the first set as well. THE COLUMBITE-TANTALITE The Columbite- Tantalite object of this paper is found in the two mica-pegmatitesof the first set above, in the marginal part of the Huepac Granite there, where it is in contact with the old Table 1 - X-ray diffractometer Huepac, Sonora. metamorphics (highly deformed gneisses in particular), and in such gneisses themselves, which contain also, there, some millimeter sized crystals of Beryl/um . The Co/umbite- Tanta/ite itself occurs as well developped, millimeter to centimeter sized black crystals. Its has been determined by X-ray analysis (fig. 2). It copares (Table 1) fairly well with the Columbite- Tantalite of Tinton, South Dakota [(Fe, Mn) (Nb, Ta)206 - Iron, Manganese, Niobium, Tantalium Oxide). pattern of the Columblte-Tantallte TINTON dA 7.13 5.30 3.66 3.56 2.96 2.86 2.53 2.49 2.38 2.279 2.236 2.207 2.084 2.043 1.898 1.831 1.786 1.772 1.735 1.721 1.672 1.608 1.534 1.516 1.484 1.465 1.454 1.432 1.393 1.380 HUEPAC dA 5.2937 3.6530 3.5597 2.9624 2.8599 2.5347 2.4902 2.3747 2.2362 2.2068 2.0837 1.8989 1 .8273 1.7695 1.7343 1.7197 1.6077 1.5347 1 .4839 of Tlnton, S. Dakota and L. RADELLI et al During our field and microscopic researches Li-minerals have not been recognized in either set of pegmatites of the Aconchi Massif. This fact seem to suggest that the Nb-Ta-bearing pegmatites belong either in the group of pegmatitescharacterizedby the associationBe, Y, REE,Nb>Ta, U and Th, or in that characterizedby the associationBe, Nb>Ta or Nb<Ta,(5n) (:tB, P) (Cemy and Ercit, 1985). However,as indicatedby field evidences at the Alisos Mine (Rancho Las Albondigas,West of La EstanciaVillage),where it has been mined in the past, the Beryllumseems to be related to the set of garnet-bearing pegmatites only. Thus, more work is needed, and is in programme, to define the geochemicalpetrographic environment of this ColumbiteTantalite of Sonora and to assess its geologic significance. REFERENCESCITED ANDERSON, T.H., EELS, J.H., and SILVER, L.T., 1978, Rocas precAmbricas y paleozoicas de Ia regi6n de Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. -In ROLDAN-C., J. y SALAS, G.A. Ed., Libreto Guia, Primer Simposio sobre la geologra y potencial minero en en Estado de Sonora, Inst. Geol. UNAM, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. ANDERSON, T.H., SILVER, L.T. and SALAS, G.A., 1980, Distribution and U-Pb isotope ages of some lineated plutons, northwestern Mexico. In Geological Society of America, Memoir 153, pp. 269-283. ANDERSON, T.H. and SILVER, L.T., 1981, An overview of the Precambrian rocks in Sonora. UNAM, Inst. Geol. Revista, 5, nR 2, pp. 131139. CERNY, P. and ERCIT, T.S., 1985, Some recent advances in the mineralogy and geochemistry of Nb and Ta in rare-element granitic .pegmatites. Bull. Mineral., 108, pp. 499-532. DAMON, P. E., 1989, Evidence for origin of the Rhyolite-Andesite-Doreite Series by crustal melting during the Mid-Tertiary Orogeny in Southeastern Arizona In JENNEY, J.P. and REYNOLDS,S.J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona: Tucson, Arizona Geological Society Digest 17, pp. 575-583. FIGUEROA-V.,M.C. Y GRIJALVA-H.,A.S. , 1989, Geologia de la Hoja Opodepe H12D12, Municipio de Opodepe, Sonora, Mexico. Tesis, Depto Geol. Uni-Son, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico,51 p. MEAD, R.D., KESLER, S.E., FOLAND, K.A. and JONES, L.M., 1988, Relationshipof Sonoran Tungsten Mineralization to the Metallogenic Evolutionof Mexico.Econ. Geology,v. 83, pp. 1943-1965. MILLER, C.F. and BRADFISH, L.J., 1980, An inner Cordilleran belt of muscovite-bearing plutons. Geology,v. 8, pp. 412- 416. RADELLI, L., 1989, The Baucarit problem. Bol. Depto Geol. Uni-Son,v. 6, n.D1 y 2, pp. 5557 HerrmosiDo, Sonora,Mexico . RADELLI, L., 1990, La chaine nevadlenne (gilienne) et ses deformations cretacees au NW du Mexique (nappes d'origine gondwanienne de Caborca et du Sonora central). Geologie Alpine, t. 66, pp. 57-100. Grenoble,France. ROLDAN-C., J., LOZANO-S.C., R. Y ARRAZOLOR., S., 1989, Pegmatitas de la Sierra EI Jaralito al Suroeste de Baviacora, Sonora. UNAM, Inst. Geol., Revista, v. 8, n. 1, pp. 15-22. Acknowledgments This work has been supportedby the grant CONACYTD 112- 904429. We are grateful to the Laboratoire de Petrologie de I'Universite d'AixMarseille III and particularly to Dr. J.J. Cocheme for the X-ray determination of our Columbite Tantalite.We thank Ing. R. Amaya M. of the Depto de Geologfa , Uni-Son for continuous logistical support and encou-ragement. Manuscritorecibidoel4 de Marzode 1991