2013 annual progress reports - OARDC
2013 annual progress reports - OARDC
NC-213 (The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium) 2013 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORTS Published: February 2014 MARKETING AND DELIVERY OF QUALITY GRAINS AND BIOPROCESS COPRODUCTS 2013 Officers Chair .............................................................................................................. Klein Ileleji, Indiana – Purdue University Vice Chair............................................................................................... Senay Simsek, North Dakota State University Secretary ........................................................................................ Rose P. Kingsly Ambrose, Kansas State University Past Chair......................................................................................................... Carol Jones, Oklahoma State University Industry Advisory Committee Chair............................................................................... Chuck Hill, AgriGold Hybrids CSREES/USDA Representative .....................................................................Hongda Chen, National Program Leader, Bioprocessing Engineering/Nanotechnology, USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture Administrative Advisor/Coordinator ....................................... F. William Ravlin, The Ohio State University/OARDC Administrative Associate and Report Production ............................... Bill Koshar, The Ohio State University/OARDC Participating Stations Representatives University of Idaho ....................................................................................................................................... Dojin Ryu* University of Illinois ................................................................................................................................... Vijay Singh* Grace Danao, Peter Goldsmith, Marvin Paulsen, Kent Rausch, Mike Tumbleson Purdue University ............................................................................................................................. Richard Stroshine* Klein Ileleji, Linda Mason Iowa State University .................................................................................................................... Gretchen A Mosher* Chard E. Hart, Charles Hurburgh, Jr., Angela Shaw Kansas State University ..................................................................................................................... Kingsly Ambrose* Subramanyam Bhadriraju, Dirk Maier, Tom Phillips, Praveen V. Vadlani University of Kentucky .................................................................................................................... Michael Montross* Sam McNeill Michigan State University ..................................................................................................................... Perry K.W. Ng* Mississippi State University .........................................................................................................................Haibo Yao* University of Missouri ..................................................................................................................................Joe Parcell* Montana State University .................................................................................................................. David K. Weaver* University of Nebraska ............................................................................................................................... Devin Rose* Pg. i - NC-213 – The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium North Dakota State University................................................................................................................ Senay Semsek* Clifford Hall, Kenneth Hellevang, Frank Manthey The Ohio State University ................................................................................................................ F. William Ravlin* Oklahoma State University ................................................................................................................... Brian D. Adam* Patricia Rayas-Duarte, Carol Jones Texas AgriLife Research ......................................................................................................................Tim J. Herrman* Joseph Awika, Kyung M. Lee, Wei Li University of Wisconsin .......................................................................................................... Sundaram Gunasekaran* USDA, ARS, CGAHR, Manhattan, Kansas ............................................................................................. Mark Casada* Paul Armstrong, Frank Arthur, Scott Bean, Thomas J. Herald *Official Voting Representative. (Material on Participating Stations obtained from NIMSS Appendix E as of December 31, 2013.) The Industry Advisory Committee The NC-213 Industry Advisory Committee consists of at least five NC-213 stakeholder members recruited by and voted on by the NC-213 Executive Committee to serve a two-year term each. This committee serves in an advisory role to NC-213, its Executive Committee and its membership. In addition, the committee serves as a reviewer pool for The Andersons Grant Review Committee, acts as a liaison between NC-213 researchers and the industry, actively encourages existing industry stakeholders and recruits new industry stakeholders to participate in NC-213, and provides active feedback regarding research agenda and results. AgriGold Hybrids ............................................................................ Chuck Hill (Chair 2012 – Present) – 2010-Present The Andersons, Inc. .......................................................................................................... Joe Needham – 2006-Present Cargill ........................................................................................................................... Nick Friant – July 2007-Present Foss Analytical AB...................................................................................................... Jan-Ake Persson – 2006-Present Pioneer ............................................................................................................................. Morrie Bryant – 2012-Present ROMER Labs, Inc. ......................................................................................................... Steve Nenonen – 2012-Present Former committee members: Consolidated Grain and Barge ................................................................................. James Stitzlein, Chair – 1997-2012 Illinois Crop Improvement .................................................................................................................... John McKinney The Quaker Oats Company/PepsiCo .................................................................................................. A. Bruce Roskens Pg. ii - NC-213 – The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium Contents1 NC-213 Objective 1 To characterize quality attributes and develop systems to measure quality of cereals, oilseeds, and bioprocess coproducts. Diffusion and Production of Carbon Dioxide in Bulk Corn at Various Temperatures and Moisture Contents. Danao, M.C., University of Illinois at Urbana ............................................................................................................... 1 Measurement, Documentation and Postharvest Processing for the Prevention of Postharvest Losses of Soybeans and Corn. Paulsen, M., University of Illinois at Urbana ................................................................................................................ 3 To Characterize Quality and Safety Attributes of Cereals, Oilseeds, and Processed Products, and to Develop Related Measurement Systems. Hurburgh, C.R., Iowa State University .......................................................................................................................... 6 Analysis of Masked Mycotoxins in Hard Red Spring Wheat. Simsek, S., North Dakota State University .................................................................................................................... 8 Estimation of Physical Properties and Quality of Canola Seed using Non-Destructive Techniques. Jones, C., Oklahoma State University ......................................................................................................................... 20 Elastic-plastic Deformation of Wheat Kernels: The Influence of Composition and Relationship with End Properties. Rayas-Duarte, P., Oklahoma State University ............................................................................................................. 21 Reduction of Mycotoxin Levels in Distillers Grains Ileleji, K.E., Purdue University ................................................................................................................................... 22 Research Activity Funded by The Andersons, Inc. (Andersons Research Grant Program) Improving Functionality of Wheat and Sorghum for Food Applications: Enhancing Process Efficiency and Health Properties Targeting Tortillas and Flatbreads. Awika, J., Texas A&M AgriLife Research ................................................................................................................. 30 Development of Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) and Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) methods for Rapid Detection of Mycotoxins in Food and Feed Matrices. Lee, K.M., Texas A&M AgriLife Research ................................................................................................................ 33 Research Activity Funded by The Andersons, Inc. (Andersons Research Grant Program) Characterization of Sorghum Biomolecules and their Functionality and Relationships to Sorghum Utilization and End-Use Qquality. Bean, S.R., CGAHR, USDA-ARS, Manhattan, KS .................................................................................................... 38 Research Activity Funded by The Andersons, Inc. (Andersons Research Grant Program) Pg. iii - NC-213 – The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium NC-213 Objective 2 To develop methods to maintain quality, capture value, and preserve food safety at key points in the harvest to end product value chain. Risk Assessment for the Food Safety Concerns of Mycotoxins in the Pacific Northwest under Climate Variability. Ryu, D., University of Idaho ....................................................................................................................................... 40 To Develop Efficient Operating and Management Systems that Maintain Quality, Capture Value, and Preserve Food Safety in the Farm-to-User Supply Chain. Mosher, G.A., Iowa State University........................................................................................................................... 41 Intrinsic Characteristics of Modified DDGS and Development of Effective Handling Strategies. Ambrose, K., Kansas State University, Department of Grain Science and Industry ................................................... 43 Research Activity Funded by The Andersons, Inc. (Andersons Research Grant Program) Laboratory and Field Data for Pack-Factor Determination. Montross, M., The University of Kentucky ................................................................................................................. 48 Hyperspectral Imaging Methodology to Measure Fungal Growth and Aflatoxin in Corn. Yao, H., Geosystems Research Institute/ Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Mississippi State University ........................................................................................................................................ 52 Nanostructured Products for Management of Insects in Stored Grain. Weaver, D., Montana State University ........................................................................................................................ 55 Identify Grain Attributes that Relate to Whole-wheat Pasta Quality. Manthey, F.A., North Dakota State University ........................................................................................................... 57 Effectiveness and Profitability of Alternative Insect Control Strategies, and Evaluation of Alternative Supply Chain Management and Traceability Technologies. Adam, B., Oklahoma State University ........................................................................................................................ 58 Fungal Susceptibility Measurement using the Solvita Grain CO2 Respiration Test. Stroshine, R.L., Purdue University .............................................................................................................................. 66 Developing New Stored Grain Pack Factors. Casada, M., USDA-ARS-CGAHR, Manhattan, Kansas.............................................................................................. 67 Mechanistic Modeling of Grain Handling. Casada, M., USDA-ARS-CGAHR, Manhattan, Kansas.............................................................................................. 69 Pg. iv - NC-213 – The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium NC-213 Objective 3 To quantify and disseminate the impact of market-chain technologies on providing high value, food-safe, and bio-secure grains for global markets and bioprocess industries. To be a Multi-Institutional Framework for the Creation of Measurable Impacts Generated by Improvements in the Supply Chain that Maintain Quality, Increase Value, and Protect Food Safety/Security. Shepherd, H.E., Iowa State University ........................................................................................................................ 71 Creating Awareness on Grain Dust Explosion in Grain Handling and Processing Facilities through Worker Training. Ambrose, K., Kansas State University ........................................................................................................................ 75 GEAPS-KSU Grain Operations Distance Education and Professional Credentialing Program. Maier, D.E., Professor & Head, Grain Science & Industry, Kansas State University ................................................. 77 1 Please note that some reports have more than one contributing institution and author. In the Contents, only the principal investigator, along with their institution, is listed. Please refer to the individual report for a complete list. Pg. v - NC-213 – The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium NC-213 (The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium) Objective 1 To characterize quality attributes and develop systems to measure quality of cereals, oilseeds, and bioprocess coproducts. Objective 1 Title Diffusion and Production of Carbon Dioxide in Bulk Corn at Various Temperatures and Moisture Contents. By Danao, M.C., University of Illinois at Urbana Rausch, K.D. Singh, V. Outputs The effective diffusion coefficient of carbon dioxide (CO2) through bulk corn was determined at various temperatures (10, 20, and 30°C) and moisture contents (14.0, 18.8, and 22.2% w.b.). The diffusion coefficient measurements were conducted using a diffusion cell surrounded by a water jacket, which was used to control the bulk corn temperature in the diffusion cell. A source term (CO2 respiration rate) was introduced in the diffusion equation to account for CO2 production by corn during the diffusion process. Corn respiration rate increased when temperature and grain moisture content increased. As respiration rate increased, it had a larger effect on the diffusion pattern when measuring the effective CO2 diffusion coefficient. The effective CO2 diffusion coefficients through bulk corn ranged between 3.10 x 10-6 and 3.93 x 10-6 m2/s, depending on temperature and moisture conditions. As temperature increased from 10 to 30°C, the effective CO2 diffusion coefficient through bulk corn increased from 3.21 x 10-6 to 3.76 x 10-6 m2/s. As corn moisture content increased from 14.0 to 18.8% (w.b.), the effective CO2 diffusion coefficient through bulk corn decreased from 3.59 x 10-6 to 3.39 x 10-6 m2/s, respectively. There was no difference observed in the effective CO2 diffusion coefficient when corn moisture content increased from 18.8 to 22.2%. Outcomes/Impacts Early detection of grain spoilage will reduce grain quantity and quality losses, decrease mycotoxin production in the food chain, and avoid financial loss by applying timely storage management, such as aeration. It has been reported that monitoring CO2 concentration in the headspace of the storage bin with a CO2 sensor can lead to earlier detections of grain spoilage compared to temperature monitoring. CO2 monitoring in bulk grain in silo bags is even more important since it is in indicator of whether hermetic conditions are being maintained. In order to further develop effective and commercially feasible techniques for utilizing CO2 sensors for grain quality monitoring in storage bins and silo bags, knowledge of movement of CO2 in bulk grain is necessary. This study provides values of CO2 diffusivity through bulk corn at different temperatures and grain moisture contents, including estimates of CO2 production by corn respiration. Pg. 1 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Publications Huang, H., M.C. Danao, K.D. Rausch, and V. Singh. 2013. Diffusion and production of carbon dioxide in bulk corn at various temperatures and moisture contents. J. Stored Prod. Res. 55:21-26. Huang, H., M.C. Danao, K.D. Rausch, and V. Singh. 2013. Diffusion and production of carbon dioxide in bulk corn at various temperatures and moisture contents. Lecture. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Kansas City, MO. Paper No. 131619395. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss. Contacts Mary-Grace C. Danao; 376B Agricultural Engineering Sciences Bldg., 1304 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana, IL 61801; 217-244-3925; e-mail: [email protected] Pg. 2 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title Measurement, Documentation and Postharvest Processing for the Prevention of Postharvest Losses of Soybeans and Corn. By Paulsen, M., University of Illinois at Urbana Danao, M.C. Rausch, K.D. Singh, V. Outputs The ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss has the goal of reducing postharvest losses of grains and oilseeds in many parts of the world with focus on India and Brazil. Harvest losses from eight combines in soybeans and eleven combines in corn were measured in Goias and Mato Grosso states of Brazil in February and June 2012, respectively. Work was done in cooperation with Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Universidade Federal de Goias, and Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Loss measurements followed the Embrapa method of using 2.0 m2 for loose kernels and 30 m2 for ears over the full width of the combine header. Yield estimates, and measurements for total and header losses were replicated three times for each combine. Soybean harvest moistures ranged from 11.0 to 19.5%. Estimated soybean yields at 13% moisture ranged from 2663 to 4861 kg ha-1. Pre-harvest losses ranged from 1.0 to 13.6 kg ha-1., Table 1. Total soybean combine losses ranged from 47.4 to 260.5 kg ha-1 (1.2 to 5.5% of yield). All of the combines tested were operating at loss levels higher than the Embrapa acceptable loss for soybeans of 0.75 bags (45 kg) ha-1. The headers were the largest contributors to losses with 31 to 247 kg ha-1. Of the four contributors to header losses, loose stalk and lodged stalk losses were negligible. Shatter losses were the primary contributor with 9 to 216 kg ha-1 and shatter losses had a lower coefficient of variation in measurement than stubble losses. Shatter losses increased markedly as harvest moistures decreased below 13%. Stubble losses ranged from 1.4 to 37 kg ha-1. A reduction in ground speed would have enabled soybean cutter bars to run closer to the ground and further reduce stubble losses. An achievable reduction in combine harvest losses of 2 bags (120 kg) ha-1 has an operator hourly value of U.S. $238 to 277 h-1. Corn harvest moistures ranged from 16.0 to 30.6%. Corn yield at 14% moisture ranged from 6937 to 11,044 kg ha-1. Pre-harvest ear losses ranged from 0 to 42 kg ha-1. Total corn combine losses ranged from 36.2 to 320.6 kg ha-1 (0.3 to 3.6% of yield), Table 2. Of this loss, header ear loss accounted for the largest portion with 0 to 237 kg ha-1. Header/ separator kernel losses ranged from 34.4 to 120.0 kg ha-1. The highest header/ separator kernel losses could have likely been reduced by driving slower. Rotor/ cylinder kernel losses ranged from 0 to 11.4 kg ha-1 and were low, less than 0.1% of estimated yield. Header loose kernel losses ranged from 5.3 to 59.7 kg ha-1. The combine operating in lodged corn had the highest header loose kernel losses, likely from lodged ears that were partially shelled by the header. The second highest header loose kernel loss was from the combine with the highest ground speed. Of the four combines with header loose kernel losses below 8.1 kg ha-1 all operated at speeds of 5.7 km h-1 or less. Reduction in ground speed would benefit separation losses in corn. Not surprisingly, lodged corn increases header ear losses by more than any other source of loss. Pg. 3 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 1. Soybean combine harvest speed, rotor speed, splits, and combine losses adjusted to 13.0% moisture, average of three replications (from Paulsen et al., 2013) PreCombine Combine Rotor, Splits, Total Combine Combine Combine harvest speed, rpm % loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, km/ h kg/ ha kg/ ha bags/ ha % of yield kg/ ha S1 5.5 525 0.57 135.1 121.6 2.0 3.4 13.6 S2 4 550 1.10 151.0 1.8 149.1 2.5 3.5 S3 4.5 560 0.73 154.6 1.0 153.5 2.6 3.2 S4 4.5 610 2.25 217.1 5.6 211.6 3.5 4.4 S5 6.5 720 12.07 265.9 5.4 260.5 4.3 5.5 S6 5.5 720 0.58 50.1 2.7 47.4 0.8 1.2 S7 4.2 640 1.10 73.1 2.4 70.7 1.2 2.1 61.0 1.0 2.3 S8* 6 700 1.30 61.0 N/A *Combine S8 could not be replicated three times due to sudden rainfall. Table 2. Corn combine harvest speed and losses adjusted to 14.0% moisture, average of three replications. Total combine loss = header ear loss + header/ separator kernel loss + rotor/ cylinder loss (from Paulsen et al., 2013). Combine ComTotal Header Header/ Rotor/ Header Total bine ear loss, ear loss, separator cylinder loose kernel combine loss, speed, kernel loss, kernel loss, loss, km/hr kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha C1 6.2 116.3 114.0 57.5 1.0 26.2 172.5 C2 5.0 28.9 28.9 36.8 3.2 22.1 68.9 C3 5.5 125.0 125.0 45.3 0.3 18.6 170.6 C4 5.5 0.0 0.0 34.4 6.8 6.7 41.3 C5 5.5 16.9 16.9 46.5 11.4 5.3 74.8 C6 4.5 0.0 0.0 35.7 0.4 8.1 36.2 C7 8.5 55.3 33.2 41.2 0.0 24.9 74.4 C8 C9 (lodged) C10 8.9 38.4 N/A 120.0 0.0 27.2 116.2 6.0 6.5 254.6 68.3 237.1 68.3 83.4 33.5 0.0 0.0 59.7 14.6 320.6 101.8 C11 5.7 25.0 25.0 35.8 0.0 6.3 60.7 Pg. 4 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Outcomes/Impacts Postharvest losses of grains, oilseeds, and pulses worldwide are higher than desired, with reports of up to 10 to 20% in some countries. Such losses involve the entire food chain from harvest, gathering, drying, storage, transport, and end use processing. Measurement and assessment of post-harvest losses is a necessary first step to affect a reduction in post-harvest losses. Increasing world food supply by reducing post-harvest losses, rather than by increasing production, makes a greater savings because all of the input costs used to produce saved grains are also captured. Publications Paulsen, M.R., Pinto A.C.F., D.G. de Sena Jr., R. Zandonadi, S. Ruffato, A.G. Costa, V.A. Ragagnin, and M-G.C. Danao. Measurement of combine losses for corn and soybeans in Brazil. ASABE Paper No. 1570965, presented at 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Kansas City, MO Jul, 2013. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss. Contacts Marvin R. Paulsen; 338 Agricultural Engineering Sciences Bldg., 1304 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana, IL 61801; 217-333-7926; e-mail: [email protected] Pg. 5 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title To Characterize Quality and Safety Attributes of Cereals, Oilseeds, and Processed Products, and to Develop Related Measurement Systems. By Hurburgh, C.R., Iowa State University Rippke, G. Hardy, C.N. (Graduate student.) Bowers, E. Outputs Evaluation of NIRS instrumentation continued. Nine models of transmission analyzers and 9 models of reflectance analyzers are now in our program. Corn, soybeans, soybean meal, distillers grains, and bakery meal are now included in our databases. In 2013, Zeiss Corona X, JDSU MicroNIR, Perten Inframatic 9500, Bruins AgriCheck X, and Thermo Antaris were calibrated for proximate analysis of corn, soybeans, wheat, DDGS, soybean meal and bakery meal. The sample set optimization procedure was applied to the creation of smaller calibration sets for more rapid development of useable calibrations. The Grain Quality Lab set up a mycotoxin analysis service, using aflatoxin from the 2012 as the source of development samples. As expected, our results from the 304 2012-crop samples collected by the Iowa Department of Agriculture (IDALS) were close to the average of the original IDALS results. Also as expected, there was a 50% coefficient of variation across the labs. Outcomes/Impacts Industry users of NIRS that used our assistance increased their operating efficiency, and quickly recouped the cost of the NIRS units/calibrations in discounts or improvements in ingredient quality for suppliers. Public availability of samples and calibration support has increased the pace of NIRS instrument development, to the benefit of users and vendors alike. Programs to manage mycotoxins in high volume situations, such as the US Corn Belt, must be designed to progressively mitigate the inevitable variability of testing at any one sampling point. Publications C.L. Hardy. Developing a near infrared based quality control program for inbound ingredients at feed mills. Presentation given at the NC-213 Annual Meeting, February, 2013. N. Cao. Accuracy at reduced cost for near infrared measurements of grain quality. Presentation given at the NC-213 Annual Meeting, February, 2013 N. Cao. Calibration optimization and efficiency in near infrared spectroscopy. Doctoral dissertation. Iowa State University, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. May, 2013. Pg. 6 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Esteve Agelet, Lidia, Paul R. Armstrong, Jasper G. Tallada, Charles R. Hurburgh. 2013. Discrimination of Conventional and Roundup Ready Soybean Seeds. Differences between conventional and glyphosate tolerant soybeans and moisture effect in their discrimination by near infrared spectroscopy. Food Chemistry 141 (2013) 1895–190. Cao, N., Rippke, G., Hurburgh, C. R. 2013. Effect of calibration subsets on standardization in NIR spectroscopy. Oral Presentation for the 16th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, La Grande-Motte (France), Jun. 2-7, 2013. Hurburgh, C. R. Economic considerations of NIR Spectroscopy. Oral Presentation for the 16th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, La Grande-Motte (France), Jun. 2-7, 2013. Lidia Esteve Agelet and Charles R. Hurburgh. 2013. Limitations and Current Applications of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Single Seed Analysis. Talanta. (acc). Awarded Grant(s) and Contract(s) Iowa Extension 21 Program. Various Industry contracts and service fees. The United Soybean Board. United States Department of Agriculture – Agriculture Research Service (2 programs). Pg. 7 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title Analysis of Masked Mycotoxins in Hard Red Spring Wheat. By Simsek, S., North Dakota State University Mohammed, M.M. Anderson, J. Outputs Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a major fungal disease affecting several gramineous hosts, including wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Hard Red Spring (HRS) wheats of the Northern Great Plains of the United States and Western Provinces of Canada are susceptible to scab, especially in years that have wetter than average growing seasons. FHB infection often results in the production of several trichothecene mycotoxins including deoxynivalenol (DON) and nivalenol (NIV), as well as, zearalenone (ZEA) and moniliformin (MON), all of which have a range of toxicity to animals. DON is the most common mycotoxin produced by Fusarium. Plants are able to “detoxify” mycotoxins such as DON by chemically modifying and/or including them in the plant matrix. These modified versions of the toxins are called “bound mycotoxins”, also known as masked deoxynivalenol. One of the most common forms of bound DON is DON- 3- glucoside. In this form, a glucose molecule has been attached to the DON molecule at carbon 3. Recent studies have shown that masked DON in wheat is a cause for concern, and escapes detection by routine analytical methods. The evidence that suggests masked DON may be released into the free form under some food processing conditions, through enzymolysis in dough processing or in digestion, raises concerns that the potential toxicity of samples is being under estimated. This research is aimed at: 1) determining the prevalence of bound DON in commercial samples of wheat and 2) determining bound DON and native DON in Fusarium graminearum infected wheat samples. Materials and Methods: For objective 1, the hard red spring (HRS) wheat from 2011 and 2012 HRS wheat crop survey samples were used as raw material. A total of 441 and 436 samples were selected as wheat grader samples from the 2011 and 2012 HRS wheat crop surveys, respectively, and used in this study. The samples were collected based on production data obtained from the National Agricultural Statistics Service for the 16 regions in the 4 state HRS wheat growing regions (Figure 1.1). The Montana (MT), North Dakota (ND), South Dakota (SD) and Minnesota (MN) state office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service obtained wheat samples during harvest directly from growers either in the fields or farm bins and local elevators. Samples from the 2011 Crop Survey represented a high FHB infection and incidence of DON, while 2012 Crop Survey samples represented wheat with low FHB infection. For objective 2, Different wheat lines ranging from moderately susceptible to susceptible to Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) were analyzed. All lines were grown under two field screening during 2008, 2009 and 2010 in two locations of Minnesota, USA. At the St. Paul location (StP), F. graminearun macronidia was applied by backpack sprayer at the rate of 60 mL of a 100,000 conidia/mL per 2.4 m row at anthesis and 3-4 days later. At the Crookston location (Crk), grain spawn inoculum was spread at the rate of 56 kg/ha at the jointing stage and a second application one week later. Both nurseries were misted periodically overnight to maintain high humidity environments. The samples were ground and conserved under refrigeration until their analysis. The kernel quality based on non-grading factors consisted of the determination of the protein content (expressed in 12% moisture basis, Method 39.10.01), falling number expressed in seconds (Method 56.81.03), both approved Pg. 8 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 methods of the AACC [19] and thousand kernel weight determined on a 10 g sample of cleaned wheat (free of foreign material and broken kernels) counted by electronic seed counter. The wheat grade and class of the samples was determined by a licensed grain inspector for the Official United States Standards for Grain. North Dakota Grain Inspection Service, Fargo, ND, provided grades for composite wheat samples. The final grade of the samples was based on dockage (elimination of all material other than wheat), shrunken and broken kernels and percent damaged kernels, test weight measured as pounds per bushel (lb/bu) (Method 55-10, AACC) and percent vitreous kernels (percentage of kernels having vitreous endosperm), as well as the summation of these defects referred to as total defects using an official procedure of USDA (United Stated Department of Agriculture). Free DON was determined using the procedure of Tacke and Casper (1996) with some modifications (Simsek et al 2012) to extract and derivatize the DON for analysis by GC-ECD, which is available in Dr. Simsek’s laboratories. Free DON and bound DON will be determined using a liquid chromatrography – quadrapol-time-of-flight (LCQTOF) system, which is available in Dr. Simsek’s laboratories. The extraction of DON and bound DON for LCQTOF analysis will also be done according to the method of Tacke and Casper (1996). However, after extraction the samples will be directly analyzed with the LC-QTOF, without further sample preparation. Samples for objective 1 were obtained from a regional wheat quality survey, while those for objective 2 were obtained from the North American Wheat Scab Evaluation Nursery (collaboration with Dr. Jim Anderson and Mohamed Mergoum). For objective 1, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed for individual years using the ‘MIXED’ procedure in SAS (V 9.2, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The model for ANOVA was a nested fixed model in which region was nested in state and city was nested in region. Least square mean values were estimated using the ‘LSMEAN’ option. Correlation and regression was performed using ‘CORR’ and ‘GLM’ procedures in SAS, respectively. For objective 2, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed individually for three year data. The ‘GLM’ procedure in SAS (V 9.2, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) was used for ANOVA in which wheat line and location were considered as fixed effects. The main effects of wheat line and location and their interaction were tested for significance using the residual error terms. Correlation and regression was performed using ‘CORR’ and ‘GLM’ procedures in SAS, respectively. Additional to these activities, PI oversees special projects for the ND Wheat Commission and US Wheat Associates. These projects are the Annual Crop Quality Survey, Overseas Varietal Analysis Project and Export Cargo Sampling, which are designed to help market the spring wheat crop and continue to improve the quality of spring wheat that is produced. The data produced are used by USDA-Agricultural Statistics Service and many researchers from the Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department, extension appointment researchers and many other staff who deal with spring wheat. PI also provides the primary quality oversight for the NDSU spring wheat breeding program lead by Dr. Mergoum. Thousands of lines are crossed on an annual basis to obtain high quality and yielding, and competitive varieties for the producers. PI has been invited to speak and/or present demonstrations to visiting trade teams or groups that are sponsored by the ND Wheat Commission and/or the Northern Crops Institute. Outcomes/Impacts Objective 1 In this study, DON and D3G were measured using gas chromatographic (GC) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) in wheat samples collected during 2011 and 2012 in USA. Results indicate that the growing Pg. 9 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 region had a significant effect on the DON and D3G (P<0.0001). There was a positive correlation between both methods (GC and LC-MS) used for determination of DON content. DON showed a significant and positive correlation with D3G during 2011. Overall, DON production had an effect on D3G content and kernel damage, and was dependent on environmental conditions during Fusarium infection. The HRS wheat kernel quality of the 2011 and 2012 crop surveys is presented in Table 1.1. The values of percent damage and percent total defects in 2011 crop survey were higher that 2012 crop survey. According to the HRS wheat 2012 Regional Quality Report, there were differences in the environmental factors during planting, growing and harvest of crops of both years. Least square means values of DON analyzed with GC and LC-MS, D3G determined with LC-MS, and percent damage kernels are given in Table 1.2. These variables showed significant differences between state and region mean values, indicating that HRS wheat samples collected from different state or regions might have different levels of DON and D3G. Samples collected from ND presented higher values of DON (both GC and LC-MS methods), D3G, and percent damaged kernels than other states in both years. Samples from MT presented the opposite trend. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicates that state and region had significant effects on variation in DON and D3G content and percent damaged kernels in 2011 survey samples (Table 1.3). The ANOVA for 2012 survey samples showed slightly different results (Table 1.3). During 2012 the percent damaged kernels was not affected by the state, region or their interaction. The ANOVA on DON and D3G for both years indicates that the wheat growing environment affects greatly the variations in DON and D3G content. The correlation between GC and LC-MS methods used to analyze DON during 2011 and 2012 is shown in Figure 1.2a, b. The high coefficient of determination (R2) indicates strong, positive and significant correlation between both methods in both years (Figure 1.2). When the GC and LC-MS methods for both survey 2011 and 2012 were compared (Figure 1.2c), an R2 of 0.947 and mean square error (MSE) of 0.90 were found. To identify relationships between mycotoxin contents and percent damaged kernels, linear and rank correlation coefficients were estimated and given in Table 1.4. The DON values determined GC and LC methods also showed very high and positive correlation for 2011 and 2012 data, individually (Table 1.4). These results mean that the LC method is as precise as or better in evaluating DON concentration of HRS wheat lines when compared to the GC method. The correlation between DON and D3G (Figure 1.3) in survey samples from 2011 and 2012 was significant with a moderate R2=0.521. This means that the D3G production is related positively to the DON content and increasing DON levels also increase the D3G level in wheat. The correlation among DON and D3G with damage kernel during 2011 and 2012 is given in Table 1.4 and Figure1. 4. The percent damaged kernels had very highly significant correlation with GC-DON and LC-DON (P<0.001) in 2011; damage also had a very highly significant correlation at P<0.01 with DON (GC and LC) in 2012. The positive correlations indicate that samples which were rated to have higher percent damaged kernels had higher levels of DON in the sample. This was also shown in Figure 1.4a-b, where the scatter plot between GC-DON and damage was depicted. D3G also had a significant (P<0.05) correlation with percent damaged kernels in 2011 and 2012. This indicates that the D3G contributes to the damage in wheat although this “masked” mycotoxin is a product of the plant defense mechanisms during the infection with Fusarium. The results indicated that DON levels varied with the survey crop year and they have a relationship with the kernel quality and D3G detected in wheat. Also, it was found that the growing state cause a larger effect on DON and D3G but not on percent damaged kernels. The D3G levels were significantly correlated with the percent damaged kernels, but at lower levels than the DON content. DON infection in wheat caused more effect on the kernel quality between years analyzed. Otherwise, the ANOVA and correlation coefficient indicate that both GC and LC-MS can be used to determine DON in HRS. However, due to the ease of the method (sample can be extracted and analyzed without derivitization) and simultaneous determination of the D3G, LC-MS is more advantageous. Pg. 10 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Objective 2 The aim of this work was to analyze DON and D3G content in different inoculated near-isogenic wheat lines grown at two locations in Minnesota, USA during three different years. Regression analysis showed positive correlation between DON content measured with LC and GC among wheat lines, locality and year. The data obtained showed correlation between GC-DON, LC-DON and D3G. The analysis showed that there was a significant correlation (R2=0.956, P<0.001) between both methods used to determine DON content in wheat (Figure 2.1). The same trend was observed in Hard Red Spring wheat of 2011 and 2012 Crop survey samples from Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota, USA. So, this result indicates that it could be possible to use both LC and GC, and get accurate results between them. However, the use of LC-MS is more convenient because of the lack of derivitization step in sample preparation. Another advantage of the LC-MS is that it was possible to determine the D3G content in wheat simultaneously with the DON determination. The correlation between these parameters is shown in Figure 2. The coefficient of determination was moderate and significant (R2= 0.872). The equation model obtained with this R2 value was a second-order curve. The D3G content rose as the DON content increased in samples with DON content between 0-30 ppm. Table 2.1 shows the means of DON (GC and LC) and D3G content of wheat lines grown in Minnesota collected during 2008, 2009 and 2010. The values for 2008 ranged from 0.7-33.1, 0.1-33.9 ppm and 0.1-1.9 ppm for GCDON, LC-DON and D3G, respectively. Overall, the mycotoxin contents for 2009 were lower and ranged from 0.526.5 ppm, 0.0-23.6 ppm and 0.0-3.0 ppm, for GC-DON, LC-DON and D3G, respectively. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for DON and D3G in the samples for individual years is showed in Table 2.2. During 2008, DON (GC and LC) and D3G contents were not statistically related to the main effects (Line and Location (Loc)) or their interaction (Line x Loc). In 2009, it was observed that Loc and the interaction between Line x Loc on GC-DON showed significant differences; while the Line and Loc on LC-DON were statistically significant. This means that between both methods of DON determination, growing location has the main effect on DON content among samples. Concerning the D3G, during 2009 only the Loc had a significant effect. On the other hand, during 2010, the main effects were significantly related to the DON (both GC and LC) and D3G content in the samples, whereas the interaction between factors was not significant. These results indicated that genetic and environmental conditions play an important role in the DON and D3G production in 2010. The Pearson and Spearman’s correlations were used to determine the correlation between DON and D3G in wheat grown at two localities of Minnesota, and are shown in Table 2.3. During 2008 the ANOVA did not show any significant effect of the Loc between these two parameters. However, the Spearman’s correlation showed positive correlation coefficients with significant levels (P< 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001) among DON (GC and LC) and D3G from Crookston and St. Paul (Table 2.3). In 2008 for samples grown at Crookston and St. Paul, the GC-DON showed a very highly significant (P<0.001) correlation with LC-DON and D3G. In 2009, a significant correlation among GCDON and LC-DON between localities was seen (Table 2.3). With respect to D3G, the Pearson correlation indicated that there were no significant correlation with GC-DON and LC-DON from Saint Paul. However, the Spearman correlation found a coefficient correlation of 0.57 (P<0.001) and 0.44 (P<0.01) for GC-DON and LC-DON, respectively. This may be related to the trend (second order curve) observed among the DON and D3G content among localities and years of study obtained in Figure 2.2. The low significance level could be due to the different kind of inoculum used to infect the wheat lines, differences in the growth stage development of the plant when the inoculum was applied and the differences in the weather conditions between Crookston and St. Paul during the three years of study. In conclusion, there was a positive and high correlation between GC and LC methods for DON determination among year, locality and wheat line. The relationship between DON and D3G fit a second order curve, indicating that the tolerance of the wheat lines to the Fusarium infection has a relationship to the ability of the wheat line to convert the DON to D3G during the detoxification process. Also, the most important factor affecting the DON and Pg. 11 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 D3G formation is the locality, which may be due to differences in gene expression of the wheat line in different environmental conditions and its response to different inoculum and development stage of the wheat during the inoculation process. According to the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology the annual cost to the United States because of the DON corruption of food crops is $637 million in 2003. In another research, direct losses to wheat producers in United States owing to Fusarium Head Blight is approximated as about $260 million in a year and total economic losses for all small grains in period of 1998-2000 is $ 2.7 billion. Fig 1.1. Distribution of hard red spring (HRS) wheat samples from the 2011 and 2012 Crop Surveys from Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota. A, B, C, D, E and F: regions in which the samples were collected from each state. The numbers inside the parenthesis represent the number of samples taken, from left to right: 2011 Crop Survey and 2012 Crop Survey Table 1.1. Mean, standard deviation (SD), minimum (MIN) and maximum (MAX) values for wheat kernel quality characteristics for 2011 and 2012 crop survey samples. Factors Dockage (%)a Shrunken & brokena Damage (%)a DHV (%)a a Test weight (lbs/bu) a Total defects (%) Protein (12% mb)b b Falling # (sec) b 1000 KWT (g) 2011 2012 Mean SD MIN MAX Mean SD MIN MAX 1.1 1.6 0.5 75.8 60.0 2.1 14.8 386.3 26.7 1.4 1.4 0.8 21.9 2.4 1.7 1.3 44.1 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 52.5 0.1 10.2 226.0 16.8 13.4 10.0 10.6 99.0 65.7 13.1 18.6 621.0 40.0 1.1 1.2 0.1 74.5 60.9 1.3 14.6 429.3 29.1 1.2 1.1 0.2 28.4 1.9 1.1 1.4 48.8 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 53.9 0.0 10.3 238.0 16.6 13.3 10.1 2.8 99.0 65.1 10.1 20.1 654.0 44.1 a) Grading factors used to evaluate the kernel quality to ensure general standards of acceptance in flour or semolina production. b) Non-grade factors used to evaluate the kernel quality. mb= moisture basis. Pg. 12 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 1.2. Least square mean values for DON, D3G and damage kernel in 2011 and 2012 survey. 2011 2012 State GC‐DON LC‐DON D3G MN MT ND SD Region MN‐A MN‐B MT‐B ND‐A ND‐B ND‐C ND‐D ND‐E ND‐F SD‐B 1.35 ** 0.03 2.80*** 1.35** 1.07 1.63* 0.00 3.89*** 3.77*** 2.91*** 1.08 2.19** 3.00** 2.41*** 1.74** 0.03 3.15*** 1.72* 1.21 2.27** 0.00 4.26*** 4.32*** 3.36*** 1.10 2.54** 3.34*** 3.20*** 0.04 0.00 0.24*** 0.12 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.31*** 0.30*** 0.30*** 0.02 0.09 0.39*** 0.29** Damage (%) 0.35** 0.03 0.63*** 0.36* 0.23 0.47* 0.05 0.75*** 0.69*** 0.61*** 0.61*** 0.66*** 0.49** 0.57** GC‐DON LC‐DON D3G Damage (%) 0.89 0.18 1.93*** 0.37 0.82 0.96 0.04 6.91*** 2.48*** 0.66 0.34 0.71 0.47 0.22 0.78 0.18 1.71*** 0.33 0.72 0.84 0.05 5.97*** 2.22*** 0.60 0.35 0.72 0.38 0.23 0.128** 0.090 0.142*** 0.085 0.124* 0.133 0.176** 0.295*** 0.174*** 0.060 0.094 0.096 0.133 0.097 0.05 0.00 0.06*** 0.03 0.08* 0.02 0.00 0.15*** 0.12*** 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 *, **, and *** means significant differences (H0: least square mean=0) at P˂0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively. Regions with no significant correlation are not shown. Values of DON and D3G are in ppm (parts per million). Table 1.3. Mean square values of state (ST), region (Rga) and county (CTY) on DON, D3G and damaged kernel in 2011 and 2012 survey. Source Year 2011 ST Rga (ST) CTY (Rga*ST) Residual Year 2012 ST Rga (ST) CTY (Rga*ST) Residual Degrees of Freedom 3 12 100 320 3 12 100 320 Mean Square GC‐DON 221.3*** 28.0** 8.9 9.7 151.2*** 104.3*** 14.5 12.0 LC‐DON 282.8*** 40.4*** 13.2 14.0 111.2*** 72.8*** 11.3 10.9 D3G 2.15*** 0.43* 0.19 0.24 0.15*** 0.12 0.07 0.07 *, **, and *** means F values are significant at P˂0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively. Pg. 13 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Damage 10.19*** 0.45 0.44 0.70 0.22** 0.12*** 0.04 0.04 Objective 1 Fig 1.2. Correlation GC-DON and LC-MS DON content values. a) 2011 survey samples; b) 2012 survey samples and c) 2011 and 2012 survey samples combined. *** Significantly different from 1 at P<0.001. Table 1-4. Pearson linear and Spearman rank correlation coefficients between DON, D3G and damage kernel for regions Variables 2011 2012 GC‐DON LC‐DON D3G Damage GC‐DON LC‐DON D3G Damage 2011 GC‐ LC‐DON D3G DON Linear correlation ‐ 0.99*** 0.91*** 0.99*** ‐ 0.91*** 0.94*** 0.92*** ‐ 0.89*** 0.89*** 0.87*** 0.71** 0.73** 0.53* 0.72** 0.74** 0.53* 0.42NS 0.39NS 0.42NS 0.61* 0.62* 0.58* Rank correlation Damage 2012 GC‐ DON LC‐DON D3G Damage 0.91*** 0.91*** 0.74** ‐ 0.62* 0.66** 0.34NS 0.57* 0.63** 0.59* 0.47NS 0.52* ‐ 0.99*** 0.41NS 0.72** 0.64** 0.59* 0.47NS 0.53* 1.00*** ‐ 0.37NS 0.69** 0.53* 0.50NS 0.41NS 0.40NS 0.83*** 0.83*** ‐ 0.28NS 0.68** 0.65** 0.47NS 0.54* 0.79*** 0.79*** 0.60* ‐ *, **, and *** means correlation coefficient is significant at P˂0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively. NS: Not significant (P≥0.05). Pg. 14 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Fig 1.3. Correlation between DON and D3G levels in survey samples from 2011 and 2012; where ***, and * indicate that regression coefficients are significant at P<0.001 and P<0.05, respectively Fig 1.4. Correlation between GC-DON and damage levels in survey samples from a) 2011 and b) 2012. Figure 2.1. Correlation between GC-DON and LC-DON (combined 2008.2009 and 2010). *** Significantly different from 1 at P<0.001. Pg. 15 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 2.1. Means of GC-DON, LC-DON and D3G of wheat samples collected during 2008-2010 in Crookston, St. Paul and Minnesota (MN). Year 2008 Location Crookston St. Paul MN 2009 Crookston St. Paul MN 2010 Crookston St. Paul MN a Min (n=22) Max (n=22) Average (n=22) Min (n=22) Max (n=22) Average (n=22) Min (n=44) Max (n=44) Average (n=44) Min (n=35) Max (n=35) Average (n=35) Min (n=35) Max (n=35) Average (n=35) Min (n=70) Max (n=70) Average (n=70) Min (n=88) Max (n=88) Average (n=88) Min (n=90) Max (n=90) Average (n=90) Min (n=178) Max (n=178) Average (n=178) GC‐DONa 0.7 21.4 7.2 0.7 33.1 9.8 0.7 33.1 8.5 5.0 25.4 13.7 0.5 26.5 5.4 0.5 26.5 9.5 1.9 19.5 7.4 0.1 12.6 4.3 0.1 19.5 5.9 LC‐DONa 0.1 24.2 5.7 0.7 39.5 11.1 0.1 39.5 8.4 0.0 25.7 11.9 0.2 21.0 4.8 0.0 25.7 8.3 1.7 20.2 7.9 0.2 11.5 4.2 0.2 20.2 6.1 D3Ga 0.3 1.8 1.1 0.1 1.9 0.9 0.1 1.9 1.0 0.0 3.8 2.1 0.0 1.5 0.5 0.0 3.8 1.3 0.4 2.6 1.3 0.0 1.5 0.5 0.0 2.6 0.9 in ppm (parts per million); n= number of lines in each set. Pg. 16 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 2.2. ANOVA table for DON and D3G of wheat samples for 2008-2010 Year Traits Source DF 2008 2009 2010 GC‐DON LC‐DON D3G GC‐DON LC‐DON D3G GC‐DON LC‐DON D3G Line Loc Line*Loc Error Line Loc Line*Loc Error Line Loc Line*Loc Error Line Loc Line*Loc Error Line Loc Line*Loc Error Line Loc Line*Loc Error Line Loc Line*Loc Error Line Loc Line*Loc Error Line Loc Line*Loc Error 21 1 21 12 21 1 21 12 21 1 21 12 34 1 34 72 34 1 34 72 34 1 34 72 89 1 87 88 89 1 87 88 89 1 87 88 Sum of Squares 2787.7 96.6 994.0 235.6 3369.6 418.7 1169.0 191.7 12.7 0.9 3.3 0.4 5749.3 1374.3 1612.9 1068.5 5314.4 1013.4 1004.5 1639.7 27.9 49.3 11.2 9.0 3472.5 441.7 338.4 294.6 3479.0 650.1 426.8 419.0 48.1 33.1 11.6 11.8 Mean square 132.7 96.6 47.3 19.6 160.5 418.7 55.7 16.0 0.60 0.88 0.16 0.03 169.1 1374.3 1612.9 1068.5 156.3 1013.4 29.5 22.8 0.82 49.28 0.33 0.13 39.0 441.7 3.9 3.3 39.1 650.1 4.9 4.8 0.54 33.09 0.13 0.13 F value Pr > F 2.8 2.0 2.4 2.9 7.5 3.5 3.8 5.6 4.7 3.6 29.0 3.2 5.3 34.3 1.3 2.5 149.0 2.6 10.0 113.6 1.2 8.0 132.5 1.0 4.0 247.4 1.0 0.0111 0.1678 0.059 0.0095 0.0122 0.015 0.0016 0.0275 0.004 0.0002 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.177 0.0048 < 0.0001 0.000 < 0.0001 < 0.001 0.242 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.497 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.497 Pg. 17 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 2.3. Pearson and Spearman’s correlation coefficients between DON and D3G of two localities of Minnesota for 2008-2010. Year 2008 Crk GC‐DON Stp GC‐DON Crk LC‐DON Stp LC‐DON Crk D3G Stp D3G Year 2009 Crk GC‐DON Stp GC‐DON Crk LC‐DON Stp LC‐DON Crk D3G Stp D3G Year 2010 Crk GC‐DON Stp GC‐DON Crk LC‐DON Stp LC‐DON Crk D3G Stp D3G Crk GC‐DON Stp GC‐DON Pearson correlation ‐ 0.61 ** 0.58 ** ‐ 0.93 *** 0.60 ** 0.49 * 0.91 *** 0.71 *** 0.48 * 0.55 ** 0.92 *** Spearman correlation Crk GC‐DON Stp GC‐DON Pearson correlation ‐ 0.63 *** 0.74 *** ‐ 0.71 *** 0.50 ** 0.65 *** 0.90 *** 0.52 ** 0.57 *** 0.57 *** 0.77 *** Spearman correlation Crk GC‐DON Stp GC‐DON Pearson correlation ‐ 0.73 *** 0.67 *** ‐ 0.77 *** 0.54 *** 0.63 *** 0.87 *** 0.65 *** 0.46 *** 0.42 *** 0.69 *** Spearman correlation Crk LC‐DON Stp LC‐DON Crk D3G Stp D3G 0.90 *** 0.65 ** ‐ 0.51 * 0.68 *** 0.58 ** 0.56 ** 0.96 *** 0.59 ** ‐ 0.46 * 0.87 *** 0.73 *** 0.45 * 0.56 ** 0.47 * ‐ 0.51 * 0.58 ** 0.88 *** 0.56 ** 0.90 *** 0.59 ** ‐ Crk LC‐DON Stp LC‐DON Crk D3G Stp D3G 0.71 *** 0.53 ** ‐ 0.45 ** 0.56 *** 0.49 ** 0.62 *** 0.96 *** 0.52 ** ‐ 0.44 ** 0.69 *** 0.47 ** 0.30 NS 0.66 *** 0.24 NS ‐ 0.56 *** 0.57 *** 0.76 *** 0.50 ** 0.75 *** 0.41 * ‐ Crk LC‐DON Stp LC‐DON Crk D3G Stp D3G 0.85 *** 0.62 *** ‐ 0.57 *** 0.55 *** 0.34 ** 0.67 *** 0.89 *** 0.63 *** ‐ 0.45 *** 0.61 *** 0.71 *** 0.56 *** 0.69 *** 0.51 *** ‐ 0.44 *** 0.45 *** 0.72 *** 0.41 *** 0.67 *** 0.48 *** ‐ Crk: Crookston, Stp: Saint Paul, DON: deoxynivalenol, D3G: deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside Pg. 18 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 NS: No significant. *, **, and *** means correlation coefficient is significant at P˂0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively Figure 2.2. Correlation between LC-DON and D3G values (combined 2008, 2009 and 2010). *** Significantly different from 1 at P<0.001. Publications Ovando-Martínez, M., Ozsisli, B., Anderson, J.A., Whitney, K.L., Ohm, J.B., Simsek*, S. 2013. Analysis of deoxynivalenol and deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside in Hard Red Spring Wheat inoculated with Fusarium graminearum. Toxins. 5: 2522-2532. Simsek*, S., Ovando-Martínez, M., Ozsisli, B., Whitney, K.L., Ohm, J.B. 2013. Occurrence of deoxynivalenol and deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside in hard red spring wheat grown in the USA. Toxins. 5: 2656-2670. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) North Dakota Wheat Commission. Awarded Grant(s) and Contract(s) Title: Specialty Wheat Research, Agency: North Dakota Wheat Commission, Amount: $30,000 Pg. 19 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title Estimation of Physical Properties and Quality of Canola Seed using Non-Destructive Techniques. By Jones, C.L., Oklahoma State University Outputs We tested methods using reflectance based sensing to determine quality of canola seed. Rancidity, FFA, extraneous material, green seeds and erucic acid content were the qualities that were tested. Outcomes/Impacts Change in knowledge --A flat-bed scanner can be used to detect foreign material in canola. --NIR techniques can be used to estimate rancidity in canola using correlations with FFA and peroxide content. --Erucic acid content can be estimated using NIR techniques. --With the growth of the canola industry in the south, new techniques for grading are sought to speed up the process of determining rancidity and grade of seed for market. Publications Jones, C. and G. Dilawari. 2013. Non-destructive estimation of free fatty acid content and peroxide value using NIR spectroscopy in canola seed. Journal of Infrared Spectroscopy Status: accepted for publication. Dilawari, G. and C. Jones. 2013. Quantification of dockage in canola using flatbed scanner. Transactions of the ASABE 56(5):1-7. Jones, C. L., 2013. Canola Aeration in Flat Storage Design for Zero Change Emissions, Producers Cooperative Oil Mill, Oklahoma City, OK. Storing Canola in Oklahoma Summer Conditions, Ag Expo, Oklahoma City, OK, December 4, 2013 Pg. 20 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title Elastic-plastic Deformation of Wheat Kernels: The Influence of Composition and Relationship with End Properties. By Rayas-Duarte, P., Oklahoma State University Outputs We performed physical tests of stress relaxation and creep recovery on wheat kernels and dough. We also studied the influence of specific key proteins (high and low molecular weight glutenin subunits) composition on the rheological properties as well as quality indicators of wheat and dough. Our work is based on the hypothesis is that protein material contributes largely to the viscoelastic properties of wheat kernels as well as dough. Outcomes/Impacts Change in knowledge Refined protocols for testing the evaluation of deformation properties on wheat kernels and dough that have potential for wheat breeding laboratories. Made critical comparisons that allowed to understand the influence of protein composition on the deformation properties of wheat kernels and dough. Found that there is value on the test performed on wheat kernels if more data is collected to confirm our findings. Proposed to document similar properties on a more diverse genetic pool of wheat samples for comparison. It is of interest to the research community and wheat breeders to acquire as much knowledge of the physical properties and deformation of the structure of wheat kernels as possible as well as their relationship with protein composition and end product characteristics. Stress-relaxation tests can be applied to a variety of agricultural products and in particular to kernels. Such tests reveal how fast the material dissipates stress. This is important in understanding their properties and behavior. Publications Figueroa, J. D. C., Hernández, Z. J. E., Rayas-Duarte, P., and Peña, R. J. 2013. Stress relaxation and creep recovery tests performed on wheat kernels versus doughs: Influence of glutenins on rheological and quality properties. Cereal Foods World 58(3):139-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/CFW-58-3-0139. Pg. 21 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title Reduction of Mycotoxin Levels in Distillers Grains. By Ileleji, K.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Stroshine, R.L. Shi, H. (Graduate Student) Simsek, S., North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND Siegel, V., Office of Indiana State Chemist (Collaborator) Outputs The specific objectives of this NC-213 Team Project are to: (1) determine the effect of pre-cleaning shelled corn on mycotoxin reduction prior to processing into ethanol and distillers grains, (2) determine the effect of solvent extraction on mycotoxin reduction in co-product streams (WDG and CDS) and the final DDGS product and (3) determine the effect of ozone, aqueous sodium bisulfite, and microwave treatments, and their combinations on mycotoxin reduction in co-product streams (WDG and CDS) and final DDGS product. One approach to reducing mycotoxin levels in co-products is removal of some of the infected kernels by means of pre-cleaning (Objective 1). This can be accomplished using differences in the properties of good kernels versus kernels infected with mycotoxin producing fungi. Properties currently being investigated are kernel dimensions and shape (sphericity), kernel density, and color sorting. Preliminary tests were conducted on kernels from the 2009 harvest season that were infected with Gibberella zea (which produces deoxynevalenol). Properties measurements were made on samples infected with Aspergillus flavus (which produces aflatoxin) collected during the 2012 harvest season. The major, intermediate, and minor diameters were measured with a caliper and kernel densities were measured with a micropycnometer similar in construction to a device used for a study of wheat kernels conducted at the Grain Marketing and Postharvest Research Center in Kansas (Martin et al., 1997). Kernel Properties Measurements The micropycnometer measures the kernel volume by liquid displacement. During initial tests, alcohol was used as the liquid displaced. However, it dissolved the plastic ring that sealed the chamber enclosing the small moving piston and it also dissolved other plastic components in the device. Consequently, red gauge oil, which was used in GMPRC device, was selected. It has low volatility and low specific gravity (0.826), and very little of the oil is absorbed by the corn kernel. Tests with glass spheres about the same size as soybean seeds and of known (measured) diameter indicated that the pycnometer could measure seed volumes within 4% of the calculated volume. It appeared as though much of the variance in these volume determinations could be attributed to imperfections in the shape of the glass spheres. Therefore, a more precise check of the accuracy of the device used four precision ball bearings (Table 1). According to the manufacturer, the diameter of the four Precision ball bearings was 0.3125 inches ± 0.00003 inches (0.1%). We measured the volume of each precision ball bearing three times with the micropycnometer. Test results show that the maximum difference between measured volume using our device and the volume calculated from the diameter was less than or equal to 1%. The coefficient of variation for repeated measurement was less than 0.1% (Table 1). Pg. 22 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table1. Volume calibration for micropynometer using precision ball bearings. N PBB* Diameter (mm) 1 7.942 PBB nominal volume (mm3) 262.294 Measured Volume (mean ± std) (mm3) 262.563±0.175 Percent difference (%) 0.1% 0.07% 2 7.942 262.294 263.279±0.050 0.4% 0.02% 3 7.935 261.601 263.695±0.251 0.8% 0.10% 4 7.935 261.601 264.178±0.200 1.0% 0.08% CV (%) Note: PBB means precision ball bearing, CV means coefficient of variance During the fall of 2012 and winter of 2013, tests were conducted on a 29 bushel corn lot purchased from Brenneman Farms near Clayton, Indiana. The corn contained relatively high levels of aflatoxin (ca. 40 ppb) and the sample that was obtained from one of the farm’s bins had a very high level of fines. The corn was transported from the farm to Purdue using a seed box. Tests were conducted on a representative sample taken from the 29 bushels using a deep bin grain probe (thief probe) for the purpose of determining the physical properties of the corn kernels. The primary purpose of these measurements was to determine whether it would be possible to separate moldy kernels from the good kernels on the basis of differences in these properties. Properties determined included dimensions of individual seeds (major, intermediate, and minor diameter) and kernel densities of some of these same kernels.. The diameters were measured using a calipers and the sphericity of each kernel was calculated using these dimensions. The samples were subdivided into smaller samples using a Boerner Divider. Dimensions of a total of 115 moldy and 131good corn kernels were determined and they micropycnometer was used to determine the density of 47 moldy and 57 good kernels. Test results are summarized in Table 2. Moldy kernels Good kernels Table2. Physical properties for moldy and good corn kernels. Size Sphericity Intermediate Minor Diameter Major Diameter Diameter (mm) (mm) (mm) 10.551±1.261 7.963±0.928 5.969±0.966 0.757±0.093 12.016±1.226 7.842±0.854 5.337±0.891 0.644±0.079 Density (g/cm3) 1.147±0.101 1.215±0.092 The results shown in Table 2, indicate that the moldy kernels tend to have shorter major diameter, slightly longer intermediate diameter, and slightly shorter minor diameter, moldy kernels also tended to be rounder and lower in density. A two- tail t-test (assuming equal variance between the moldy and good kernels) at alpha level 0.05 revealed there were statistically significant differences in the major diameter, minor diameter, sphericity, and density between the moldy and good kernels, with P values of <0.0001, <0.0001, <0.0001, and 0.0005, respectively. However the P value for intermediate diameter was 0.28, indicating difference between the moldy and good kernels was not statistically significant. These test results indicate that it should be possible to separate moldy kernels from good kernels on the basis of differences in size, shape, and density. Pg. 23 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Tests at a Commercial Seed Corn Processing Facility Discussions with people working in commercial grain processing facilities indicate that significant reduction in mycotoxin levels can be achieved using a combination of screen cleaning, density sorting, and color sorting. The effectiveness of screen cleaning and gravity table (density) sorting in reducing aflatoxin levels was evaluated in the Becks Hybrids inbred seed corn processing facility in Sharpesville, Indiana. The gravity table was an LMC - Lewis M. Carter Manufacturing Company http://www.lmcarter.com/gravity-separators/. This facility has the capability of sorting relatively small volumes of shelled corn using a screen. The first process to be evaluated was a screen cleaner. As noted above, the sample contained a very high proportion of fine material. In many samples with high levels of mycotoxins, the fine material contained high level of the toxins. One possible explanation is that the kernels infected by fungi are more fragile and tend to break into small pieces during combine harvesting. The corn was passed through the cleaner several times using different screen sizes. During the first pass through the cleaner, a 13/64 inch round hole sieve (the smallest sieve available) was used to remove fine material from the sample. The screen was very close in size to the 12/64 inch round hole sieve used to determine the percent fine material during grading of a sample by a licensed grain inspector. The fine material collected was passed through a Boerner divider multiple times until a relatively small but representative sample of the fine material was available for mycotoxin testing. A representative sample of the “good” corn was collected by periodically passing a can beneath the outlet stream from the cleaner as it dropped into a seed box from a flexible tube coming from the cleaner. After the test with the 13/64 inch round hole sieve was completed, the smaller kernels and remaining pieces of kernels were separated from the bulk grain mass using a 17/64 inch round hole sieve. After all of the corn lot had passed through the screen cleaner and the representative samples had been obtained from the two streams coming from the cleaner, the fine material was added back to the good corn and the corn lot was passed through the cleaner a second time. After each test, the corn from each of the grain streams was weighed and the weights were recorded. About 10% of the original sample weight was removed using the13/64 inch sieve. The weight fractions removed by the two passes through the cleaner with the17/64 sieve installed were 3.64% and 3.16%, respectively. After separating the samples based on size, the samples were recombined, and passed through a Gravity Table to remove the lower density kernels from the higher density kernels. The plant manager adjusted the side tilt, shaking speed and airflow rate of gravity table in order to attain the best possible separation according to his experience. The gravity table test was also replicated so that an indication of the consistency of the separation method could be obtained. The lighter kernels were collected in a bag at the outlet of the separation stream and the size of the sample was reduced by multiple passes through a Boerner divider. At the end of each test, the weight fractions of the two streams were determined and recorded. Smaller sized representative samples were obtained by passing the original sample through a Boerner divider multiple times. The density for the original sample and the densities of the lighter and heavier kernels were determined using the micropycnometer described above where it was used for laboratory tests. The results of the micropycnometer tests for density are summarized in Table 3. Weight fractions of light kernels for the two tests were 5.67% and 6.32%, respectively. Pg. 24 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 3. Average density of samples separated from the screening and gravity table tests. Sample Density(g/cm3) Original 1.212±0.065 13/64 Sieve overs 1.213±0.058 17/64 Sieve overs 1.221±0.063 17/64 Sieve passes 1.206±0.101 Gravity table light kernels 1.118±0.162 Gravity table heavy kernels 1.218±0.070 Data in Table 3 indicate that the average density of the overs from the 17/64 sieve cleaner was only slightly higher than the density of the material that passed through the 17/64 sieve (0.015g/cm3). These observations mean that the density difference between large and small kernels is not statistically significant. However there was a substantial difference in density between samples separated by gravity table (0.1g/cm3). This suggests that the gravity table was effective in separating the light kernels from the heavy kernels. To further characterize the effectiveness of the gravity table, the density distributions were obtained for the original sample, the higher density kernels, and the lower density kernels (Figs 1, 2 and 3). Cumulative percentages of density for the original sample and from the samples of lower density and higher density kernels are plotted in figure 4. Fig 1. Original sample Fig 2. Distribution of Higher density kernels Pg. 25 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Fig 3. Lower density kernels Fig 4. Cumulative percent of kernels with given densities. The data in the figures indicate that the density of the original sample and higher density kernels approximately follow a normal distribution, whereas the density distribution of light kernels samples is skewed toward the left. The density distribution of the original sample falls in between that of the higher density and lower density kernels (Figure 4) and is closely related to that of the higher density kernels. This was not expected since light kernels removed only comprised around 6% of the total weight. Although there was considerable overlap between density distributions of higher and lower density corn kernels, there were still significant differences among the cumulative percentages of the higher and lower density kernels. The percentage of higher density kernels increased dramatically around a kernel density of 1.15g/cm3, making it potentially a good point to separate the kernels according to density. To evaluate the effect of the three separation processes on aflatoxin levels in the streams coming from the equipment, representative samples were tested for aflatoxin using an EnviroLogix test kit and Quickscan reader (EnviroLogix Inc., Portland, Maine). Preliminary tests results for several of the samples are presented in Table 4. Table 4. Aflatoxin levels in separated samples. Separation Methods Sample Screen cleaner 13/64 sieve overs(kernels) 13/64 inch round sieve 13/64 sieve fines Screen cleaner, 17/64 sieve overs 17/64 inch round sieve (run1) 17/64 sieve passes Gravity table (run 2) GT #2 heavy kernels GT #2 light kernels *Below the level of detection of the instrument. AF level(ppb) 6.2 7.2 1818 1313 5.5 6.2 389.5 393.6 <LO 2.9 Q* 779 820 Pg. 26 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 As is obvious from the results shown in Table 4, the fine material in this corn lot contained extremely high levels of aflatoxin, indicating that removing the fines from the sample could greatly reduce the overall levels of aflatoxin in the corn.. In addition, the portion of the sample that passed through the17/64 sieve had much higher aflatoxin levels than the overs. The lower density kernels from gravity table also had higher aflatoxin levels than the higher density kernels. Thus, for this corn lot, both the screen cleaner and the gravity table were effective in reducing levels of mycotoxins. Aflatoxin levels of the remaining samples will be determined later. Evaluation of Optical sorting: The potential for using optical sorting for reducing the mycotoxin loads was investigated using a laboratory optical sorter available in Dr. Simsek’s laboratory at North Dakota State University. The samples tested were collected during the 2009 harvest season when there were high levels of Deoxynevalenol as a result of the growth of Gibberela zea (an ear rot) on the corn prior to harvest. A one kg subsample was taken from each of two larger corn samples each containing kernels infected with Gibberella zea and having approximately 10 to 15 ppm Deoxynevalenol. Approximately 100 normal and 100 discolored kernels were visually selected from the 1 kg samples and used to calibrate the sorter. Then the two 1 kg samples were passed through the sorter multiple times until visual observation indicated few if any discolored kernels remained in the “normal” sample. Attributes of samples prior to sorting and the “normal” and “discolored” samples were determined. Test weight was measured using a Dickey-John GAC 2100b. Approximately 200 g of each sample was ground in a hammermill for laboratory analyses of moisture, ash, protein, and lipid contents. The color (CIE LAB scale) of the corn meal was also measured using a Minolta CR420 colorimeter. Mycotoxin levels (Deoxynevalenol, 15 Acetyl-deoxynevalenol, and Zearalenone) were determined using gas chromatography (mass spectrometry detector). Results of the tests are summarized in Table 5. After color sorting, the mycotoxin levels were 3.5 to 17 times higher in the “discolored” samples compared to the “normal” samples. Color sorting had little if any effect on moisture, test weight, protein and ash levels. The lipid levels in the two “normal” samples were lower than the levels in the discolored samples. For CIE color measurements the “L” values indicate lightness (closer to 100) or darkness (closer to 0), the “a” values indicate redness (+) or greenness (-) and the “b” values indicate yellow color (+) or blue color (-). The results in Table 1 indicate that the discolored kernels were slightly darker (lower “L”), slightly more red (a closer to 0) and not as yellow (lower b value). Although significant reductions in mycotoxin levels were achieved, a relatively high proportion of “discolored” kernels were removed from the samples and multiple passes were needed to achieve thorough sorting. It seems unlikely that industry would find removal of such high proportions of the kernels cost effective. Therefore, additional color sorting tests are planned in which only one or two passes through the sorter will be used and in which fewer kernels with “red streak” are included in the sample used to “train” the sorter to recognize “discolored” kernels. Pg. 27 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 5. Results of color sorting for removal of mold damaged corn kernels (DWB = dry weight basis). Units Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Protein % DWB Ash % DWB Lipid % DWB L Color a* b* DON ppm 15 ADON ppm Zearalenone ppm Sample 1 Sample 2 Unsorted Normal Discolored Unsorted Normal Discolored 9.60 54.40 9.70 54.40 9.30 54.90 9.50 55.10 9.70 55.60 9.50 55.80 8.91 8.92 8.92 8.68 8.68 8.70 1.23 1.24 1.22 1.23 1.21 1.23 1.40 0.73 1.25 1.57 1.11 1.21 84.39 -0.79 24.89 9.10 3.10 0.40 84.47 -1.15 25.51 2.10 1.70 0.00 82.90 -0.11 23.71 33.60 6.20 1.00 84.21 -0.82 24.00 14.20 5.00 2.00 85.34 -1.31 25.07 2.40 2.40 0.00 83.06 -0.34 23.17 41.50 9.70 2.80 Treatment of DDGS for reduction of mycotoxins Work on the third objective has focused primarily on the effect of ozone, aqueous sodium bisulfite, and microwave treatments, and their combinations on mycotoxin reduction in co-product streams (WDG and CDS) and the final DDGS product. We are currently developing a protocol for ozone treatment of wet distiller’s grains using the PK-2 system developed by Klockow and Keener (2009) and can ionize a sealed package of air with an electrode gap of 10 cm. It is based on a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) with plate electrodes comprised of insulated conductors connected to a power unit with specifications of 130 kV at 20 mA and 60Hz. Ionization can generate significant amounts of reactive molecules, including ozone concentrations above 1% in a few minutes. A 12” by 12” cryovac bag filled with about 50 g of distillers wet grains with solubles (DWGS) was placed between the electrode of the PK-2 device for treatment at voltage conditions of 70kV with 3.2 cm electrode gap (PK-2). In order to optimize treatment times for maximum ozone generation, three test times were investigated: 120 s, 240 s and 360 s. Measurements of ozone concentration in the package prior to and after ozonation was determined by measuring methylene blue (MB) discoloration. In future tests, concentrations of other enclosed gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen peroxide will be determined in the package prior to and after ozonation using a portable Drager Measurement System as well as peroxide strips. Fungal counts were determined on samples of ozonated distillers wet grains (DWG) samples by plating samples on Plate Count Agar (PCA). The control sample was plated at 10-4 dilution. After the incubation, colony forming units (CFUs) were counted and data was reported as CFUs per gram. This specific preliminary test was not focusing on mycotoxin reduction after ozonation, but rather the effect of reduction of fungal levels by ozonation. Table 6 shows that there was a single log reduction achieved compared to the control. It is expected that a 2 to 3 log reduction is required to achieve a “good reduction”. Therefore, adjustments may need to be made in order to increase the reduction. After establishing the protocol for ozonation, we will conduct tests focusing on treating DWGS with known mycotoxin levels to determine the efficacy of ozonation as a means of reducing mycotoxin levels in DWGS and DDGS. Pg. 28 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 6. Analysis of APC results compared with the change in color from no load MB test in Air for samples in the field. Sample Control Treatment 1 (120 sec) Treatment 2 (240 sec) Treatment 3 (360 sec) Microbial Count (Log(CFU/g)) 5.75 4.78 4.75 4.98 Log Reduction 0 0.97 1.00 0.77 % discouloration of MB (%) 3.95 87.25 97.13 98.12 Outcomes/Impacts Reducing the levels of mycotoxins in distiller’s grains will provide ethanol plants another means of managing the impact of outbreaks of mycotoxins to DDGS, and thus increase the marketability of DDGS co-products. The importance and relevance of this study were demonstrated by the 2009 and 2012 growing seasons in which a significant amount of the corn grown in Indiana (and other Midwestern states) contained mycotoxins (Deoxynevalenol in 2009 and Aflatoxin in 2012). When corn is processed into ethanol, the levels of mycotoxins in the DDGS co-product are generally three times the levels in the incoming corn. Therefore, reduction of mycotoxin levels by removal of some of the infected kernels could significantly reduce levels of mycotoxins in the DDGS to below the threshold for livestock feed. A general indication of the effectiveness of screen cleaning, density sorting, and color sorting will allow processors to estimate the cost associated with achieving various levels of reduction. Alternative approaches involving the use of solvent extraction to reduce mycotoxins in the co-product stream (objective 2) or treatments that destroy the mycotoxins present (objective 3) are also being investigated. When information on the effectiveness of these methods has been obtained and the appropriate treatment protocols have been developed it will permit processors to select the best method of reducing mycotoxin levels of corn processed in their facilities. References Klockow, P.A. and K. M. Keener. 2009. "Safety and quality assessment of packaged spinach treated with a novel ozone-generation system," LWT - Food Science and Technology 42(2009): 1047-1053 Martin, C., T.J. Herrman, T. Loughin, and S. Oentong. 1997. Micropycnometer Measurement of Single-Kernel Density of Healthy, Sprouted, and Scab-Damaged Wheats. Cereal Chemistry 75(2):177-180. Contacts Klein E. Ileleji (Tel (765) 494-1198) and Richard Stroshine (Tel 765-494-1192) Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University, 225 South University Street West Lafayette, IN 47906 Fax: (765) 496-1115 Emails: [email protected] and [email protected] Pg. 29 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title Improving Functionality of Wheat and Sorghum for Food Applications: Enhancing Process Efficiency and Health Properties Targeting Tortillas and Flatbreads. By Awika, J., Texas A&M AgriLife Research Herrman, T. Rooney, L.W. Outputs The high demand for wheat flour tortillas (sales exceeded $ 6 billion in the US in 2012) and other flatbreads has resulted in the need for rapid, accurate and cost-effective means to predict tortilla making performance for large number of early generation wheat lines. Currently, the most reliable approach is to process tortilla which is laborious, time consuming, expensive and requires large sample size (2 kg wheat). At the same time, the popularity of tortillas as a dietary staple has created a growing need for healthier product offerings that meet consumer sensory expectations, while contributing to chronic disease prevention. Unfortunately most tortillas in the market have poor nutritional profile; high in rapidly digesting starch and fat, and low in dietary fiber and bioactive phytochemicals. Thus there is a strong need to develop wheat with the right protein functionality for tortillas and to improve tortilla quality to meet both sensory and nutritional expectations of consumers. This study used a multivariate discriminant analysis to predict tortilla quality using kernel, flour and dough properties. A discriminant rule was used to classify wheat lines for suitability in making good quality tortillas. Wheat varieties from Texas (n = 186) were evaluated for kernel (hardness, diameter, and weight), flour (protein content, fractions and composition), dough (compression force, extensibility and stress relaxation from TA-XT2i) and tortilla properties (diameter, rheology and flexibility). First three principal components explained 62% of variance. Canonical correlation analysis revealed significant correlation between kernel and tortilla properties (r= 0.83), kernel hardness contributed the highest to this correlation. Flour and tortilla properties were highly correlated (r = 0.88), Glutenin to Gliadin ratio (Glu:Gli) contributed highest to this correlation and can predict tortilla flexibility and deformation modulus. Dough and tortilla properties were significantly correlated (r = 0.91). Logistic regression and stepwise variable selection identified an optimum model comprised of kernel hardness, Glu:Gli, dough extensibility and compression force as the most important variables. Cross-validation indicated an 83% prediction rate for the model. This emphasizes the feasibility and practicality of the model as a wheat quality screening tool using variables that are easily and quickly measured. Phenolic compounds from sorghum bran are known to have beneficial health properties and may be useful for improving health attributes of tortillas. Impact of sorghum brans with different phenolic profiles on dough rheology, starch digestibility, and phenolic profile of wheat flour tortillas fortified with 25% (baker’s) bran from wheat and white, brown, and black sorghum were investigated. Dough compression and stress relaxation were measured using a TA.XT2i texture analyzer. Total (TS), rapidly digestible (RDS), slowly digestible (SDS), and resistant starch (RS) fractions were evaluated in tortillas using in vitro digestion. Phenolic profile was determined by UV-Vis Spectroscopy and HPLC. Dough force to compress increased from 105 N (control) to 170-263 N with the addition of bran. Dough with black sorghum bran required the largest force to compress (263 N) and lowest relaxation time (1.3 s) compared to other bran treatments (1.5-1.6 s), suggesting increased water absorption. As expected, addition of bran significantly decreased TS and RDS compared to control (P<0.05). Bran decreased the RDS from 61% (control) to 49-51% (db). There was no significant difference in RDS among the brans. Brown sorghum bran Pg. 30 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 tortillas had significantly higher SDS (11.3%) than the other brans (6.38-8.15%); this may be due to high levels of proanthocyanidins in brown sorghum bran. RS was not significantly affected. Addition of brown and black bran significantly increased (P<0.05) the total phenolic content of tortillas to 43.3 and 52.4 (mg GAE/g), respectively, compared to 9.46 (wheat bran) and 12.09 (white sorghum bran). Brown and black sorghum bran utilization in wheat flour tortillas may beneficially affect the starch digestibility while increasing polyphenol content. Outcomes/Impacts The predictive model represents an important step in wheat quality improvement for flatbread market. The predictive tests require use of small sample size (≤ 10% compared to traditional methods) and are much less time (1/5th) and labor (1/4th) intensive compared to traditional tortilla flour testing, thus represent major cost saving. Wheat flour tortilla is a $ 6 billion market in the USA, and growing rapidly. Specialty wheat development targeting this market will significantly improve market opportunities for farmers as well as processing efficiency for manufacturers. Wheat with optimized functionality for tortillas will enable easier development of healthy tortilla products with acceptable sensory appeal. Identifying impact of sorghum polyphenol composition and processing on flatbread nutritional and sensory quality will result in innovative sorghum utilization to improve health attributes (e.g., reduced impact on blood sugar and calorie intake) of baked goods. This research topic resulted in 2 national research awards by Dr. Awika’s graduate students in the past year, emphasizing its relevance to the scientific community and the public. Publications William L. Rooney, Lloyd W. Rooney, Joseph Awika, and Linda Dykes. 2013. Registration of Tx3362 sorghum germplasm. Journal of plant Registration, 7, 104-107. Ojwang, L.O., L. Yang, L. Dykes, J. M. Awika. 2013. Proanthocyanidin profile of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) reveals catechin-O-glucoside as the dominant compound. Food Chemistry. 139, 35-43. Nderitu, A. M., L. Dykes, J. M. Awika, Minnaar, A., Duodu, K. G. 2013. Phenolic composition and inhibitory effect against oxidative DNA damage of cooked cowpeas as affected by simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chemistry. 141, 1763-1771. Pg. 31 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Frederico Barros, L. Dykes, J.M. Awika, L. W. Rooney. 2013. Accelerated solvent extraction of phenolic compounds from sorghum brans. Journal of Cereal Science 58, 305-315. Hachibamba, T., L. Dykes, J. M. Awika, Minnaar, A., Duodu, K. G. 2013. Effect of simulated gastrointestinal digestion on phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of cooked cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) varieties. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48, 2638-2649 Frederico Barros, Joseph M. Awika, Lloyd W. Rooney. 2013. Effect of molecular weight profile of sorghum proanthocyanidins on resistant starch formation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. (in press) DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.6400 Awarded Grant(s) and Contracts(s) Funding for the project obtained from: Bayer Crop Science, Texas Wheat Producers Board, Howard Buffett Foundation, Texas A&M AgriLife Research. Pg. 32 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title Development of Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) and Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) methods for Rapid Detection of Mycotoxins in Food and Feed Matrices. By Lee, K.M., Texas A&M AgriLife Research Herrman, T.J. Li, W. Outputs Rapid and sensitive surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for aflatoxin detection was employed for development of the spectroscopic method to classify and quantify aflatoxin levels in maize. The proposed SERS method would serve as a valuable screening tool with a great accuracy and convenience for a high-throughput aflatoxin analysis in plant breeding programs, hybrid performance trials, or during harvest in the field requiring rapid routine analysis. In preprocessed Raman spectra, qualitative spectral differences in the normalized and derivative preprocessed spectra were observed in the Raman shift ranges of 400−530 cm-1, 800−980 cm-1, 1100−1250 cm-1, and 1500−1800 cm-1. The major bands in these Raman shift regions may be associated with fugal cellular metabolites and modified cell membrane and inhibited protein and starch synthesis due to the effects of fungal and aflatoxin infection of kernels. Shifts of some aflatoxin bands, in particular, in the aflatoxin-related Raman spectral regions, were easily observed compared to corresponding bands of conventional Raman spectroscopy. The shifts of Raman bands can be attributed to the effect of charge transfer between adsorbed aflatoxin molecules and silver (Ag) metal in combination with the resonance excitation of surface plasmon. In representative scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the Ag nano-spheres and their mixture with the extract, dispersed Ag nano-crystals with various diameters can be observed and they form blocks into Ag nano-crystals with the diameters of 70−80 nm at an inter-particle spacing of 1-2 nm. The Ag nano-spheres with the packed Ag nano-crystals contain periodic hot spots or junctions which provide surface areas to adsorb aflatoxin or bioactive molecules. The classification models for aflatoxin contaminated and non-contaminated maize sample groups were developed by applying the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm for the four preprocessed SERS spectra in the Raman shift region of 400–1800 cm-1. The correct classification rate of all calibration models was 100% for training data regardless of the spectra preprocessing method while rather lower classification accuracies (71.491.4%) were achieved when the calibration models were applied to validation data. The KNN models offering higher classification accuracy in classifying aflatoxin contaminated samples were obtained using normalized and deconvolution preprocessed spectra data. In these two models, almost no samples with greater than 20 μg/kg were misclassified as aflatoxin negative. The chemometric methods including multiple linear regression (MLR), principal components regression (PCR), and partial least squares regression (PLSR) algorithms, were employed for development of aflatoxin quantification models. The performance of all models assessed by statistical measures showed a great dependence of the models on the chemometric and preprocessing method. The MLR models showed better regression quality, higher predictive accuracy, and lower error rate than other chemometric methods while the PCR models yielded far less satisfactory results compared to the MLR and PLSR models. All MLR models developed with the preprocessed spectra could account for more than 90% of variation in both training and validation data set. Coefficients of determination (r2) and predictive error rate of the former three calibrations models applied to the validation data set were in the range of 0.9130.934 and 86.292.4 µg/kg, respectively. This observation indicates a good quality of the regressions and high predictive capability of selected MLR models suitable for screening of aflatoxin contaminated samples. The Pg. 33 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 PLSR calibration models yielded comparable results to the MLR calibration models for the training data set, resulting in high r2 values (0.9320.974), lower error rate (47.977.0 g/kg), and a linear regression slope in the range of close to 1. However, the predictive accuracy of the PLSR calibration models predicting the validation samples was not as good. Paired sample t-test for the validation data set showed no statistically significant difference (p < 0.01) between the reference high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) values and the predicted values of SERS in all aflatoxin quantification models, except for the MLR model for 2nd derivative spectra. According to the criterion of RPD (ratio of the standard deviation of the reference data to the standard error of cross-validation) values, the MLR models may be effective for screening of aflatoxin contaminated samples. Despite the chemometric models developed by the conventional Raman spectroscopy showed a slightly higher predictive accuracy than those of the SERS, the effectiveness and efficiency of the SERS would be better if more considerations are given to the sensitivity, analysis speed, the reproducibility of spectra, and potential improvement of SERS substrate. A rapid determination of deoxynivalenol (DON), 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (3-DON), 15-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (15DON), ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearalenone (ZON) in animal feed matrices was also developed. A generic extraction procedure was used to construct the analyte solution for instrument analysis. Ultra-pressure LC (UPLC) was combined with high sensitivity tandem MS system. Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) was used for its high selectivity and sensitivity (Figure 1). Isotope labeled internal standards (U-[13C15]-deoxynivalenol, U-[13C20]ochratoxin A and U-[13C18]-Zearalenone,) were used to minimize the matrix effect. Pg. 34 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Figure 1. MRM transitions of DONs, OTA, ZON and their isotope labeled internal standards. To validate the method, blank samples (corn or cotton seed) were fortified at different levels for recovery study. All recoveries range from 89% to 106% with RSD less than 12% (Table 1). Based on the validation data, the developed method could be satisfactorily applied as a routine procedure to identify and quantify the multiple mycotoxins in corn or cotton seed samples. Pg. 35 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Table 1. Recoveries and precision of spiking cornmeal samples by LC/MS/MS method. RSD: Relative Standard Deviation Accuracy was present as relative error. All correlation coefficients for the standard curves were bigger than 0.99. RSDs (%) were calculated based on the data collected on three different days. Analyte DON 3-DON 15-DON OTA ZON Nominal concentration (ng g-1) 125 1250 2500 125 1250 2500 125 1250 2500 12.5 125 250 10 20 40 Recovery (%) 100 96 98 104 93 97 100 95 99 82 106 102 95 89 97 Inter-day RSD (%) (n=3) 5 6 6 8 6 5 7 6 4 12 9 7 9 8 4 Intra-day RSD (%) (n=9) 4 5 4 7 6 4 6 6 3 10 7 6 11 9 4 The developed method has been applied for a surveillance program by testing 728 regulatory corn samples through 20112013. Twenty of these 728 samples have OTA higher than 5 ppb. None of them have DONs or ZON higher than EC regulation (1250 ppb for DONs, 5 ppb for OTA and 200 ppb for ZON in completed feed). Outcomes/Impacts The proposed SERS method will offer a rapid and highly sensitive analytical tool with a higher accuracy and lower constraints in aflatoxin analysis in maize and can provide more comprehensive and detailed information on the structural and morphological properties of aflatoxin molecules. Successful implementation of the developed SERS method equipped with automated spectra processing and statistical analysis algorithms would be expected to greatly facilitate a real-time monitoring and online quality control at critical locations in the maize supply chains, which should help reduce risks of aflatoxin contamination to animals and humans and increase the safety of maize products with short- or long-term economic benefits. With the application of the isotope labeled internal standard in our study, the matrix effect in LC-MS/MS analysis was effectively eliminated and the performance of our quantification method met the requirement of USFDA and EU regulation criteria. The LC-MS/MS method developed here represents the fastest and simplest procedure with the higher throughput analysis than both the conventional HPLC methods and other LC /MS methods involved with solid phase extraction (SPE) cleanup. The developed method could be satisfactorily applied as a routine procedure to Pg. 36 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 identify and quantify the above mycotoxins in laboratories of feed quality and safety control when a large sample load is required. Publications K.M. Lee, T.J. Herrman, C. Nansen, and U. Yun. 2013. Application of Raman spectroscopy for qualitative and quantitative detection of fumonisins in ground maize samples. Int. J. Regul. Sci. 1:114. K.M. Lee, T.J. Herrman, and U. Yun. 2013. Application of Raman spectroscopy for qualitative and quantitative analysis of aflatoxins in ground maize samples. J. Cereal Sci. (in press) K.M. Lee, T.J. Herrman, C. Nansen, and U. Yun. 2013. Application of Raman spectroscopy for qualitative and quantitative detection of fumonisins in ground maize samples. American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. Wei Li, Susie Y Dai, Timothy J. Herrman. Applications of LC-MS in Clinical Pathology and Food Safety. College of Chemistry and Molecular Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. Awarded Grant(s) and Contacts(s) Andersons Research Grant Program Regular Competition. AMCOE (Aflatoxin Mitigation Center of Excellence) Research Program of National Corn Growers Association (NCGA). Pg. 37 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Title Characterization of Sorghum Biomolecules and their Functionality and Relationships to Sorghum Utilization and End-Use Qquality. By Bean, S.R., CGAHR, USDA-ARS, Manhattan, KS Outputs Thirty six samples varying in in-vitro protein digestibility were used for in-depth biochemical characterization. A new multi-step extraction procedure was developed that was designed to extract as much protein as possible while leaving covalently bound protein structures intact. The extraction procedure extracted ~90% of total protein. Significant negative correlations to the amount of the most difficult to extract were found suggesting that the proteins in these protein complexes are important factors in governing protein digestibility in sorghum. Work is in progress to characterize the proteins in these fractions and how they are linked together. Work was also completed on a set of sorghum samples with known variability for kafirin alleles. Raw and cooked protein digestibility was measured on this set and protein composition characterized using size exclusion chromatography, reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and electrophoresis. The role of proteins on ethanol fermentation efficiency was also studied with this sample set. Kafirin allelic variants were found to influence ethanol fermentation efficiency and an RP-HPLC peak was found that was highly negatively correlated to protein digestibility suggesting it could be used as a marker to predict protein digestibility. Outcomes/Impacts Protein digestibility in sorghum remains an important factor regarding the end-use quality of sorghum for food, feed, and fuel. Screening of a diverse set of sorghum lines for digestibility used in this research has resulted in the discovery of germplasm with high levels of inherent digestibility while providing sample sets for detailed research to identify factors that govern protein digestibility in sorghum other than what is known about protein body structure. Information gained from this sample set can be used by the sorghum breeding community as well as researchers investigating digestibility in sorghum. Publications Kaufman, R. C., Herald, T. J., Bean, S. R., Wilson, J. D., and Tuinstra, M. R. 2013. Variability in tannin content, chemistry, and activity in a diverse group of tannin containing sorghum cultivars. J. Sci. Food Ag. 93:12331241 Mkandawire, N.L., Kaufman, R. C., Bean, S. R., Weller, C.L., Jackson, D.S., and Rose, D.J. 2013. Effect of condensed tannins from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) on in vitro starch digestibility and amylase activity. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61: 4448-4454. Kaufman, R. C., Wilson, J. D., Bean, S., Presley, D.R., Blanco-Canqui, H., and Maysoon, M. 2013. The effect of nitrogen fertilization and cover cropping systems on sorghum grain characteristics. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61:5715-5719. Pg. 38 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 1 Kapanigowda, M.H., Perumal, R., Aiken, R., Herald, T., Bean, S., and Little, C.R. 2013. Evaluation of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] lines and hybrids for cold tolerance under field and controlled environments. Canadian J. Plant Sci. 93:773-784. Smith, B.M., Bean, S. R., Selling, G., Sessa, D., and Aramouni, F. 2013. Role of non-covalent interactions in the production of visco-elastic resins from zein. Food Chem. 147:230-238. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) Andersons Research Grant Program, $24,825. Pg. 39 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” NC-213 (The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium) Objective 2 To develop methods to maintain quality, capture value, and preserve food safety at key points in the harvest to end product value chain. Objective 2 Title Risk Assessment for the Food Safety Concerns of Mycotoxins in the Pacific Northwest under Climate Variability. By Ryu, D, University of Idaho Outputs The objectives 1 and 2, optimization and verification of methods for detecting and quantifying fungal population in soil and development of analytical method to detect mycotoxins are in progress. Different methods using HPLC and LC-MS are being tested for the detection of mycotoxins while techniques to isolate and identify fungal strains are being examined. Test plots for winter wheat varieties are located and sampling plan is being constructed to match the growing season in the area in collaboration with Washington State University Extension (Variety Testing Program). The test plots were selected based on the amount of rainfall and agricultural conditions. Grain samples will be analyzed for fungal population and mycotoxin concentration upon harvest. Soil samples from each testing plots will be collected and analyzed for the fungal population. Outcomes/Impacts As the researcher recently moved and equipped his laboratory, measurable outcomes/impact is not yet available. Pg. 40 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title To Develop Efficient Operating and Management Systems that Maintain Quality, Capture Value, and Preserve Food Safety in the Farm-to-User Supply Chain. By Mosher, G.A., Iowa State University Hart, C.E. Hurburgh, C.R. Shaw, A.M. Shepherd, H.E. (Staff) Snyder, H. Outputs An educational module focusing on risk management in grains and oilseeds has been developed for regulatory personnel who are inspecting grain handling facilities as required by the Food Safety Modernization Act. The module is part of a larger distance education course offered to regulatory personnel and will be the basis for the development of a job aid to assist regulatory officials during inspections of grain handling facilities. Educational modules on corn processing were created to complement wheat and oilseed processing modules created by Kansas State University. The modules will be included in the distance education course offered to regulatory personnel. A review article on soybean composition as related to grain yield was accepted. As part of the American Association of Cereal Chemistry Food Safety Task Force outputs, a guidance document for the application of ISO22000, Food Safety Management Systems to bulk processing and handling operations was drafted. Previous quality systems research was published. Several presentations were created and delivered in 2013 on topics that included: pre-harvest grain quality outlook, mycotoxin management, and grain storage economics. Outcomes/Impacts As federal agencies manage increasing public expectations with lower budgets, it is clear that resources must be focused on the areas of the supply chain which have the highest likelihood of introducing food safety issues. The risk management module provides guidance to federal regulators on which microbiological, chemical, and physical hazards represent the greatest food safety risk. The knowledge allows them to apply focused and targeted intervention to areas of the farm-to-user supply chain that represent the greatest food safety risk. The education programs in pre-harvest grain quality look, mycotoxin management, and grain storage economics allow grain handlers and producers to make more informed monetary decisions on grain storage and testing procedures. The consistency of soybean quality patterns and root causes over many years was documented. Markets will be better advised to adapt to the patterns than to attempt large-scale change at the cost of overall productivity. It is expected that a comprehensive and science based direction for bulk-materials industry food safety management will be completed in 2014. Pg. 41 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 The creation and delivery of distance education modules allows federal agencies to train their inspectors without the coordination and logistical costs of offering a face-to-face course. Publications C.E. Hart. 2013/14 Crop Market Outlook. Voice over Power Point presentation. Iowa State Grain Quality Initiative, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. September, 2013. https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/p8bvrdk0y66/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal. C.R. Hurburgh. Pre-harvest Outlook for Grain Quality: 2013 Crop. Voice over Power Point presentation. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. September, 2013. https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/p3jly245js7/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal. C.E. Hart. Marketing Update for 2013 and Beyond. Proceedings of the Integrated Crop Management Conference, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Ames, IA. December 4-5, 2013. G.A. Mosher, N. Keren, C.R. Hurburgh. 2013. Employee trust and its influence on quality climate at two administration levels. Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (JTMAE), Volume 29, Number 1 (January through March 2013). G.A. Mosher, N. Keren, & C. R. Hurburgh. 2013. Development of a quality decision-making scenario to measure how employees handle out-of-condition grain. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 29(5), 807-814. G.A. Mosher. Considerations and limitations of risk analysis in a bulk grain supply chain. Presentation given at the NC-213 Annual Meeting, February, 2013. Jelena Medic, Christine Atkinson, and Charles R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2013. Current knowledge in soybean composition. JAOCS (acc.) Mosher, G.A., N. Keren, S.A. Freeman, and C.R. Hurburgh. 2013. Two-level measurement of trust and safety climate in the commercial grain elevator. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 19(2), 125-134. Awarded Grants(s) and Contract(s) Iowa Extension 21 Program, NIH/FDA. Pg. 42 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Intrinsic Characteristics of Modified DDGS and Development of Effective Handling Strategies. By Ambrose, K., Kansas State University, Department of Grain Science and Industry Casada, M., USDA-ARS-CGAHR, Manhattan, KS Simsek, S., North Dakota State University, Department of Plant Sciences Outputs From the increased profits and also the possibility of product streams with different quality concentrations, corn ethanol processing industries are increasingly inclined towards the production of Modified DDGS (M-DDGS). Though the industries are fast converting to this modified DDGS production, there is lack of information on handling characteristics of modified DDGS. This research work will determine the intrinsic particle characters of MDDGS that influence their bulk handling behavior. This study involves lab scale testing of flow characteristics, development of mathematical models for optimizing cooling, and also concentrates on development of mechanical aids that improve the flow properties. The modified and regular DDGS samples were procured from dry-grind processing facility in the mid-west U.S. The DDGS samples with different oil contents were characterized for the physical and chemical characteristics. Particle size and particle size distribution were determined using ASABE Standard S 319.4. The flow properties of bulk granular solids are governed by the factors of product moisture content, particle size distribution, chemical composition, storage/handling conditions (temperature and relative humidity), and time consolidation and compaction pressure. Since a combination of these factors influence the flow behavior of DDGS, in this project work, different combinations of these effects were testing using the FT-4 powder rheometer (Freeman Technologies, UK). The particle size distribution plot (fig. 1) clearly indicates that there is most variability and spread for regular DDGS (R-DDGS) than modified DDGS (M-DDGS). Furthermore, the geometric mean diameter (GMD) of R-DDGS (1.078mm) is higher than M-DDGS (0.36mm). The fat content of M-DDGS was around 5.36% and R-DDGS is 9.47% (w.b.). As expected, due to smaller particle size and higher packing, the porosity of M-DDGS (62.15%) was found to be lower than R-DDGS (66.91%). R-DDGS was lighter than M-DDGS as indicated by their bulk density values (table 1). Air flow resistance as presented in the log-log plot of air velocity vs. pressure drop (fig. 2) across the bed of M-DDGS revealed that at both 10% and 12% moisture contents, for a given air velocity of 7.29 mm/s the pressure drop is lower in R-DDGS than M-DDGS. Higher the pressure drop higher the resistance to airflow and hence more cohesiveness. Least significant difference (LSD) test with alpha = 0.05 (95% confidence levels) revealed that there were more instances of no significant difference among levels of independent variables for MDDGS (table 3) than R-DDGS (table 2). This indicates that variation in flow properties for M-DDGS is less than RDDGS for given set and range of independent variables. This is possibly due to minimal variation in particle size for M-DDGS compare to R-DDGS. Thus, M-DDGS could be more stable over varying storage and handling conditions and show little changes in flow properties than R-DDGS. The wall friction angle range for R-DDGS (29.98° to 31.13°) was higher than M-DDGS (27.77° to 28.46°). Higher the wall friction angle slightly better the flow will be. Smaller the particle more is the packing with consolidation pressure and time, and thus less free flowing characteristics observed. In summary, moisture, RH, consolidation pressure and time showed predominant interaction effects for both R-DDGS and M-DDGS. Pg. 43 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Outcomes/Impacts M-DDGS showed slightly higher tendency towards potential flow problems than R-DDGS due to small particle size. However, M-DDGS samples had less variation in flow properties when stored in different RH, temperature, moisture content, and consolidation conditions. Higher resistance to air flow and permeability was observed in MDDGS than R-DDGS, indicating cohesiveness between particles. Overall, this research will help identify the characteristics that influence the flow property of M-DDGS and help develop an effective handling strategy. Publications Bhadra, R., Ambrose, R.P.K. and Casada, M. 2014. Comparison of flow and physical properties of Modified DDGS with Regular DDGS under varying storage conditions. ASABE Annual International Meeting (Submitted). Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) Andersons Research Grant Program Team Competition. Pg. 44 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Figures and Tables Figure 1. Particle size distribution of regular DDGS (R-DDGS) and modified DDGS (M-DDGS) 10% moisture content (w.b.) 12% moisture content (w.b.) Figure 2. Air flow resistance plots for modified and regular DDGS conditioned as 20° C and 40% RH for 10% and 12% (d.b.) moisture contents Pg. 45 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Table 1: Physical and chemical property analyses for regular and modified DDGS samples as received from plant. Regular DDGS Modified DDGS Moisture content (%, w.b.) 8.63 Bulk Density (kg/m3) 442.41 Porosity (%) Crude Protein (%, db) Fat (%, db) 66.91 29.29 9.47 11.56 488.30 62.15 34.47 5.36 Table 2. Main effects due to moisture (%, db), RH (%), temperature (°C), consolidation pressure (kPa), and consolidation time (days) on flow properties of regular DDGS.* Parameter Condition SI BFE FRI SE (mJ) CBD Cohesion ffc Wall Evaluated (mJ) (g/ml) friction angle (°) Moisture 8 1.29c 571.58c 1.62c 1.53c 0.48a 0.24c 7.54a 30.66b b b b b a b b content (% 10 1.34 576.34 1.71 1.60 0.48 0.52 6.93 30.58b a a a a b c c w.b.) 12 1.36 580.16 2.09 1.74 0.46 0.64 6.18 31.08a 0.03 1.49 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.44 1.622ab Relative 40 1.33a 0.47ab 1.81a 6.91a 30.77a 575.96a 0.46a Humidity 1.52b 60 1.36a 0.45a 1.81a 6.88a 30.61a 575.89a 0.46a b a b a a a a (%) 1.63 80 1.32 0.47 1.81 6.91 30.92a 576.22 0.46 0.00 1.49 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.44 1.62ab Temperature 20 1.34a 0.47ab 1.80a 6.91a 30.77a 575.96a 0.46a (°C) 1.62b 40 1.33a 0.48a 1.80a 6.88a 30.61a 575.89a 0.46a b a a a a a a 1.63 60 1.32 0.47 1.81 6.91 30.92a 576.22 0.46 0.00 1.49 0.11 0.09 0.09 0.00 0.73 1.44 575.75b Conditioning 0 1.79b 1.61b 0.47b 0.46b 7.09a 30.98a 1.33a Pressure 575.87b 10 1.77b 1.61b 0.48a 0.46b 6.86b 30.94a 1.33a a a a a a b a (kPa) 576.45 20 1.85 1.64 0.47 0.47 6.75 30.38b 1.33 0.00 1.49 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.44 Conditioning 2 1.33b 575.45c 1.77b 1.61b 0.47b 0.46b 7.11a 31.05a Time (days) 4 1.33b 576.03b 1.80b 1.61b 0.47c 0.46b 6.99a 30.92a a b b b a b a 6 1.34 575.97 1.77 1.62 0.47 0.46 6.92 31.13a a a a a b a b 8 1.33 576.65 1.88 1.65 0.47 0.49 6.56 29.98b 0.00 1.49 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 1.44 *values in colored cells are +/- 1 standard deviation. Bold font indicates that there is no significant difference among levels of the given independent variables for LSD test at α = 0.05. SI – stability index; BFE – basic flowability energy; FRI – flow rate index; SE – specific energy; CBD – Conditioned bulk density; ffc – flow function. Pg. 46 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Table 3. Main effects due to moisture (%, db), RH (%), temperature (°C), consolidation pressure (kPa), and consolidation time (days) on flow properties of modified DDGS.* Parameter Evaluated Condition SI BFE (mJ) FRI SE (mJ) CBD (g/ml) Cohesion ffc Wall friction angle (°) c a a 0.37 Moisture 8 1.28c 709.54c 2.01c 5.27b 5.80 27.77c 0.48 b b b b b b a content (% 0.62 10 1.30 715.47 3.01 5.38 5.16 28.48a 0.48 a a a a a c a w.b.) 0.86 12 1.35 721.09 4.02 5.76 3.64 28.12b 0.48 0.01 1.18 0.09 0.22 0.22 0.03 0.44 1.13 c a b a a a a 2.25 0.48 Relative 40 0.61 715.25 28.45a 1.31 5.43 4.87 b a b a a a a Humidity 3.21 0.48 60 0.61 715.39 28.03a 1.31 5.48 4.87 a b a a a a a (%) 4.00 0.47 80 0.62 715.47 28.09a 1.31 5.44 4.86 0.01 1.18 0.09 0.22 0.00 0.03 0.44 1.13 c a a a a a 0.51 Temperature 20 1.31a 2.51 5.43 0.48 28.45a 715.25 4.87 a b a a a a a (°C) 0.65 40 1.31 3.28 5.43 0.48 28.03a 715.39 4.87 b a a a a a a 0.70 60 1.31 4.16 5.47 0.47 28.09a 715.47 4.86 0.00 1.18 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.03 0.44 1.13 b b a b a b a ab 2.01 28.06 Conditioning 0 5.38 0.48 714.95 4.78 1.30 0.60 a b ab a b a a Pressure 2.01 28.46a 10 5.38 0.48 715.20 4.92 1.30 0.61 b a b a ab a a (kPa) 3.36 27.84b 20 5.59 0.47 715.96 4.90 1.31 0.63 0.00 1.18 0.09 0.22 0.00 0.03 0.44 0.22 c ab b a a b 5.32 Conditioning 2 1.31a 714.94b 0.48 0.60 4.95 28.37 2.01 b b cb a b a ab b Time (days) 4 5.37 1.31 714.91 0.48 0.60 4.91 28.16 2.01 b c b a b 5.4 6 1.31b 715.01b 0.47 0.60 4.89 27.99b 3.57 a a a a bc a b 8 1.32 716.61 4.21 5.7 0.47 0.64 4.72 27.96b 0.00 1.18 0.09 0.22 0.00 0.03 0.44 1.13 *values in colored cells are +/- 1 standard deviation. Bold font indicates that there is no significant difference among levels of the given independent variables for LSD test at α = 0.05. SI – stability index; BFE – basic flowability energy; FRI – flow rate index; SE – specific energy; CBD – Conditioned bulk density; ffc – flow function. Pg. 47 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Laboratory and Field Data for Pack Factor Determination. By Montross, M.D., The University of Kentucky McNeill, S.G. Thompson, S.A., The University of Georgia Casada, M.E., USDA-ARS, Manhattan, Kansas Boac, J.M., Kansas State University Bhadra, R. Maghirang, R.G. Outputs Stored-grain packing is defined as the increase in grain bulk density caused by the cumulative weight of overbearing material on the compressible grain products. As material is added, the vertical pressure increases in an exponential manner with grain height. Bin geometry, material properties, and numerous other variables influence packing, therefore, these factors were considered when developing the new packing model and conducting subsequent model validation exercises. One goal of this scientific approach was to reduce the total amount of data required to achieve accurate packing estimates over the range of bin sizes and various storage conditions encountered in the grain industry. In this study Hard Red Winter (HRW) wheat was intensively studied to evaluate the effects of blending, growing season, and dockage using 27 untreated HRW wheat samples from Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Colorado, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Washington, and Oregon. These were primarily from the 2007 through the 2010 crop years with a test weight (TW) that ranged between 52.9 and 64.3 lb/bu. The samples were tested at two moisture content (MC) levels, nominally 10% and 13%, that would represent the range in expected moisture contents for HRW wheat. Moisture content and test weight accounted for the majority of the variation in the compacted bulk density (r2 > 0.96) over the 27 samples and two moisture content levels. Although the packing behavior of the wheat samples was accurately described by test weight and moisture content there were significant differences in the compressibility of individual samples. For example, one sample with a test weight 54.4 lb/bu and a moisture content of 9.3% increased to 59.9 lb/bu when subjected to an overburden pressure of 10 psi. This is an increase of 10.1% in bulk density. Compared to a sample with a high test weight (63.3 lb/bu at a moisture content of 10.2%), the bulk density increased to 67.8 lb/bu at an overburden pressure of 10 psi, an increase of 7.1% in bulk density. The composites were combined to represent possible blending conditions that might be applicable to the grain industry according to location, growing season, and variety. There were a total of ten composite samples made from the 27 single variety samples. The packing of the composite samples could be predicted based on the regressions derived for the 27 individual varieties (r2 of 0.95) using moisture content and test weight as the only variables (Figure 1). Pg. 48 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 72 70 Predicted Density (lb/bu) 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Measured Density (lb/bu) Figure 1. Bulk density of composite samples predicted from only TW and MC (R2 = 0.95) The effect of dockage on the compressibility of the HRWW composites was determined at levels of 0%, 1%, and 5% and two moisture content levels. Dockage reduced the test weight. For one representative sample, the test weight was 61.7, 58.7, and 52.9 lb/bu when the dockage was 0%, 1%, and 5%, respectively. Packing increased when the dockage level increased. At an overburden pressure of 10 psi, the packing was 6.5%, 8.6%, and 13.2% for dockage levels of 0%, 1%, and 5%, respectively. Knowledge of the test weight, moisture content, and dockage are required to accurately determine packing. Obtaining representative samples from grain in storage can be problematic due to bin entry and worker safety. Representative samples can more readily be obtained while loading a grain bin by following recommended sampling procedures for trucks or, if possible, by using a diverter-type sampler on the stream of grain being loaded. The computer model was validated by comparing the predicted pack factor and mass of the stored grain to actual values as determined through field measurements of grain inventory in bins and piles. Comparing the model output to field measurements allowed other physical parameters used in the model to be further assessed, such as wall friction, grain-on-grain friction, and the lateral to vertical pressure ratio. Over 200 bins were measured in the field. The actual mass of grain in each elevator and farm bin was determined from scale tickets provided by cooperators, additionally, the cooperators provided data on grain material properties, such as TW and MC. The details of the bin geometry and grain surface profile were measured by the investigators using a LEICO DISTO D8 laser distance and angle meter (Leica Geosystems AG, St. Gallen, Switzerland), occasionally assisted by standard tape measures. On regularly-shaped conic surfaces seven or more profile points were taken to determine the grain surface profile. A more irregularly-shaped grain surfaces was measured using more points to determine the surface profile. The irregular-shaped grain surfaces occur in larger diameter bins that are emptied using a side draw. In the Eastern US, the LEICO DISTO D8 laser was used to map the grain surface to account for any irregularities. The surface maps consisted of hundreds of points taken along the grain to get an average angle of repose, as well as, determine the exact height the grain. To find the total amount of grain stored in a bin, the integral of the mapped surface was taken, to find the volume, and that volume was multiplied by the TW of the grain. The total amount of grain stored within the bin was determined by multiplying the average TW by the total volume of grain. A “calculated packing factor” Pg. 49 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 was determined as the ratio of total mass from scale measurements to mass calculated from the grain volume and TW. Outcomes/Impacts Alternative methods to determine the volume of grain in a bin have been established. This allows for accurate quantification of the surface profile in a bin. Currently the limitation is the surface has to be seen from the manhole. For bins measured in the Eastern U.S. containing SRW wheat, the scale ticket data was often only available on a whole facility basis, or based on a differential between multiple measurements, because many cooperators did not track scale tickets by individual bins or they blended multiple bins when selling the grain. Figure 2 shows the WPACKING model-predicted mass plotted against the actual mass based on scale ticket data. The model tended to under-predict packing for SRW wheat with an average error between the observed and predicted masses of –3.25% (standard deviation = 0.06). SRW Wheat Figure 2. Predicted versus actual inventory for SRW wheat for combined bins. For corn, packing factors were measured in steel bins with diameters ranging from 12 to 105 ft (3.6 to 32 m) and eave heights ranging from 14.5 to 91 ft (4.4 to 28 m) for those bins. For corn bins, the maximum difference between the WPACKING program predicted mass and the actual reported mass was –2.75% with a median of –0.35%. For about 70% of the corn bins the WPACKING program under predicted the mass of grain in comparison with actual mass reported. However, the maximum percent differences between RMA predicted and reported mass of grain for corn were -8.60% (median of 2.02%) and 25.92% (median of 8.69%), respectively. Thus, indicating that the current WPACKING program provided better predicted mass values than the existing RMA procedure. Commercial bins (both from farm sites and elevators) were measured in Central, Midwest, and Southern regions of the U.S. to improve the overall robustness of the compaction factor prediction results. Figure 3 shows the WPACKING modelpredicted mass plotted against the actual mass based on scale ticket data. The model tended to under-predict packing for corn in the Eastern U.S. with an average error between the observed and predicted masses of –1.03% (standard deviation = 0.07). Pg. 50 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Figure 3. Predicted versus actual inventory for corn for combined bins. Pg. 51 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Hyperspectral Imaging Methodology to Measure Fungal Growth and Aflatoxin in Corn. By Yao, H., Geosystems Research Institute/ Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Mississippi State University Outcomes/Impacts Summary: The focus is on the development of rapid, non-destructive technologies for fungal infection and aflatoxin detection in grains. Situation: Aflatoxin is a naturally occurring toxin, found in grain crops and products. It is regarded as one of the most important food safety problems in the world. Since aflatoxin is an important food safety concern when present in food and feed products, many countries have developed regulations to manage aflatoxin in food production. For example, in the U.S., aflatoxin levels in food and feed are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The general guidelines are 20 ppb (parts per billion) for human consumption and 100 ppb for feed. Aflatoxin contamination in corn is of particular concern for the food industry as corn is one of the main components in food and feed worldwide. In the U.S., the aflatoxin level in corn is monitored throughout the production chain including in-field sampling, grain storage, elevators, grain inspection stations, as well as export ports. Badly contaminated corn is rejected resulting in immediate loss to the producers. The current approved methods for aflatoxin screening are costly chemical-based analytical methods such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Response: Corn kernels infected with aflatoxin producing and non-producing Aspergillus flavus were collected from field and lab experiments. The infected kernels were imaged with a tabletop hyperspectral scanning imaging system. In the meantime, the actual aflatoxin content was determined using a destructive approach for reference purpose. Image processing algorithms are developed to do rapid fungal infection and aflatoxin contamination detection. Impact: Corn contaminated with toxigenic strains of A. flavus can result in great losses to the agricultural industry and pose threats to public health. The research effort will provide a rapid, non-destructive method for screening corn at elevators or grain collection points, identifying and diverting contaminated grain into alternative uses, thereby protecting the food supply and increasing producer profitability. Results from the current study enhanced the potential of fluorescence hyperspectral imaging for the detection of fungal infected and aflatoxin contaminated corn. Publications Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Yao, H., Z. Hruska, R. Kincaid, R. L. Brown, D. Bhatnagar, and T. E. Cleveland. 2013. Hyperspectral image classification and development of fluorescence index for single corn kernels infected with Aspergillus flavus. Transactions of ASABE, 2013, 56(5): 1977-1988. Yao, H., Z. Hruska, R. Kincaid, R. L. Brown, D. Bhatnagar, and T. E. Cleveland. 2013. Detecting corn inoculated with toxigenic and atoxigenic fungal strains with fluorescence hyperspectral imagery. Biosystems Engineering, 115:125-135 Pg. 52 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Robert L. Brown, Abebe Menkir, Zhi-Yuan Chen, Deepak Bhatnagar, Jiujiang Yu, Haibo Yao, Thomas E. Cleveland. 2013. Breeding Aflatoxin Resistant Maize Lines Using Recent Advances in Technologies. Journal of Food Additives and Contaminants. 30(8): 1382-1391. Hruska, Z., H. Yao, R. Kincaid, Dawn D., R. L. Brown, T. E. Cleveland, and D. Bhatnagar. 2013. Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy (FIS) for Comparing Spectra from Corn Ears Naturally and Artificially Infected with Aflatoxin Producing Fungus. Journal of Food Science. 78: T1313–T1320. Book Chapters Yao H. and Y. Huang, Remote Sensing Applications for Precision Farming, Chapter 18 in “Remote Sensing of Natural Resources”, edited by Dr. Wang and Dr. Wen, published by CRC Press, 2013. ISBN-10: 1466556927 Patents Yao, H., Z. Hruska, R. Kincaid, R. L. Brown, T. E. Cleveland. Method and Detection System for Detection of Aflatoxin in Corn with Fluorescence Spectra. 10/22/2013. U.S. Patent No. 8,563,934 Peer Reviewed Proceedings Samiappan, S., Bruce, L.M., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R.L., Bhatnagar, D., and Cleveland, T.E. Support Vector Machines Classification of Fluorescence Hyperspectral Image for Detection of Aflatoxin in Corn Kernels. Proceedings of IEEE 5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing Conference. June 25-28, 2013, Gainesville FL Lee, M. A., Huang, Y., Yao, H., Bruce, L. M. Determining Optimal Storage of Field Sampled Cotton Leaves for Hyperspectral Analysis, Proceedings of IEEE 5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing Conference. June 25-28, 2013, Gainesville FL Conference Articles Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Hruska, Z., Brown, R.L., Bhatnagar, D., and Cleveland, T.E. 3-D Surface Scan of Biological Samples with a Push-broom Imaging Spectrometer. International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging: Imaging Spectrometer Technologies and Applications, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8910, 891027. June 25-27, 2013, Beijing, China Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Hruska, Z., Brown, R.L., Bhatnagar, D., and Cleveland, T.E. 2013. Hyperspectral Imaging System for Whole Corn Ear Surface Inspection. Proceedings of 2013 SPIE Conference, “Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety V”, 8721-17, April 30- May 1, 2013, Baltimore, MD Conference Abstracts Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Hruska, Z., Brown, R.L., Bhatnagar, D., and Cleveland, T.E. Huang, Y. 2013. Using Hyperspectral Imaging for Assessment of Fungal Infection and Aflatoxin Contamination on Whole Corn Ears. ASABE Annual Conference, 07/22-25/2013, Kansas City, MO. Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R.L., Bhatnagar, D., and Cleveland, T.E. Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Aflatoxin in Maize, International Aflatoxin-in-Maize Working Group “Global Solutions for a Worldwide Problem”, May 14-16, 2013, New Orleans, LA Pg. 53 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. Toward Rapid Aflatoxin Detection in Single Maize Ear with Imaging Spectroscopy. Grand Challenge Exploration: Agricultural Development and Nutrition, GCE Phase I Grantee Meeting, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA, March 13-15, 2013. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) PI: Loren Wes Burger. Source: USDA Specific Cooperative Agreement Title: Development of rapid, non-destructive hyperspectral imaging methodology to measure fungal growth and aflatoxin in corn. Amount: $325,298 PI: Haibo Yao. Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Explorations Round 8: Title: Development of Portable Technology for Rapid Aflatoxin Detection. Amount: $100,000 Awarded Grant(s) and Contract(s) PI: Haibo Yao. Source: Peanut and Mycotoxin Innovation Lab/USAID Title: AflaGoggles for Screening Aflatoxin Contamination in Maize. Amount: $204,393 Pg. 54 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Nanostructured Products for Management of Insects in Stored Grain. By Weaver, D.K., Montana State University Buteler, M. Outputs Nanostructured alumina is a novel type of insect control using very fine particles to have greater efficacy than a conventional, commercially available inert dust for use against stored products insect pests. A time series of nanostructured particle adherence an exposed adult of the sawtoothed grain beetle is shown in Figure 1. Four different methods of synthesis that yield nanostructured alumina were compared for efficiency. Particle size and other physical attributes were measured. The different products were also used in bioassays in stored grain with Rhyzopertha dominica and Sitophilus oryzae. Mortality data was collected at three day intervals and the results were analyzed. Figure 1.SEM of nanostructured alumina particles adhering to the head of a sawtoothed grain beetle adult over a 30 minute interval. Photo courtesy of Teodoro Stadler, collaborator and MSU Affiliate Professor. Also: A training session was held for certified crop advisors and on-farm storage managers at the Crop Pest Management School in Bozeman, Montana on January 2, 2013. A popular press article entitled “Preserving Quality of Stored Grain” was delivered via the.Montana Farm Bureau Ag NewsWire on August 29. A stored product pest management module was presented to AGSC 401 – IPM students on the Montana State University Campus on October 31, 2013. Pg. 55 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 An invited presentation, “Nanostructured materials and their potential as pest control tools” was given in the Member Symposium: Stored Product Entomology: Impacts on a Connected World at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, November 10-13, Austin, TX. Outcomes/Impacts Preliminary results indicate that several methods of synthesis yielded particles that increased mortality in adults of both species at high relative humidity, relative to the commercially available product. This result was probably due to the size, shape and consistency of the particles produced. Having an inert dust that had inherently higher capability to kill storage insects under conditions of high humidity would be an advantage to those responsible for the safe storage of grain. Inert dusts are an alternative to conventional grain protectants and may be more active than other inert dusts. And remain so for an extended period of time. Publications Throne, J. E. and D. K Weaver. 2013. Life history parameters of adult Angoumois grain moths (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on stored corn. Journal of Stored Products Research. 55: 128-133 Pg. 56 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Identify Grain Attributes that Relate to Whole-wheat Pasta Quality. By Manthey, F.A., North Dakota State University Deng, L. Elias, E.M. Outputs Grain from 40 durum wheat cultivars grown at four locations in North Dakota was used to identify grain attributes that relate to whole-wheat pasta quality. Grain attributes include test weight, kernel vitreousness, kernel weight, and kernel size. Kernel protein content and quality and ash content were also determined. Whole-wheat quality was assessed by determining physical quality (pasta color and mechanical strength) and cooking quality (cook time, cooked weight, cooking loss, and cooked firmness). A poster was presented at the annual AACC International meeting, Albuquerque, NM, September 29-October 2, 2013. Outcomes/Impacts Preliminary results indicate that the physical and cooking qualities of whole-wheat pasta varied with genotype and that the grain quality requirements for whole-wheat pasta may not be the same as those for pasta made from semolina. These results need to be confirmed by additional testing. Different grain quality requirements between pasta made with semolina and pasta made with whole-wheat would create a demand for wider range of durum wheat quality. This would help maintain the price that durum producers receive at the elevator. Discounts for imperfections in the crop would be lessened as there would be a demand for a greater range in crop quality. Publications Deng, L., and Manthey, F.A. 2013. Effect of durum cultivar and mill configuration on the textural and cooking quality of whole-wheat pasta. http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/Documents/2013Abstracts/2013Pab173.htm Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) North Dakota Wheat Commission, $20,000. Awarded Grant(s) and Contract(s) North Dakota Wheat Commission. Pg. 57 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Effectiveness and Profitability of Alternative Insect Control Strategies, and Evaluation of Alternative Supply Chain Management and Traceability Technologies. By Adam, B., Oklahoma State University Outputs We continued to develop a whole-chain traceability system with the unique feature that those who add information into the system can choose which parties in the supply chain are able to see that information, and what specific pieces of the information those parties can see. This provides confidentiality for those providing information, removing a major obstacle to voluntary participation in such systems. While the system is being developed initially for use in the beef supply chain, it can easily be adapted for use in other product supply chains. (Thus, although some of the publications and presentations identified below refer to beef – the focus of a major part of the initial funding – the technology is applicable to many food products, including those that are especially targeted in NC213.) One of our collaborators is a company (Top 10 Produce) that has developed technology to facilitate communication in a short supply chain between producer and consumer. Its currently-operating commercial system provides producer/production information directly to consumers with a computer or smartphone, and permits consumers to ask questions or provide feedback directly to producers. By collaborating, we can build a whole-chain traceability for long supply chains that allows participants to selectively share information all the way from producer to consumer. Publications Adam, Brian D., Mike Buser, Blayne Mayfield, Johnson Thomas, Philip Crandall, Steve Ricke, Ashwin Kumar, and Krishna Palepu. "Demonstration of a Whole-Chain Traceability System that Protects Confidential Information." Invited Keynote Presentation at the Arkansas Association for Food Protection (AAFP) Conference, Fayetteville, AR, September 10-11, 2013. Adam, Brian D., and Mike Buser. 2013. “Whole-Chain Traceability – Information Sharing from Farm to Fork and Back Again.” Invited Presentation at the Mid Continental Association of Food and Drug Officials, Rogers, Arkansas, February 26-27. M.D. Buser, B.D. Adam, T.J. Bowser, B.E. Mayfield, J.P. Thomas, P.G. Crandall, and S.C. Ricke. 2013. “Concept of a Stakeholder-Driven Whole-Chain Traceability System for Beef Cattle.” Presented at the Oklahoma section of American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Stillwater, OK, February 22. Outcomes/Impacts Change in knowledge The prototype traceability system that has been developed allows supply chain participants to select information that they wish to share with other participants. This is a key feature for development of a complete traceability system that provides benefits to participants that are greater than the costs. Pg. 58 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Publications Crandall, Philip G., Corliss A. O’Bryan, Dinesh Babu, Nathan Jarvis, Mike L. Davis, Michael Buser, Brian Adam, John Marcy, and Steven C. Ricke. 2013. “Whole-chain traceability, is it possible to trace your hamburger to a particular steer, a U. S. perspective?” Meat Science. 95(2):137-44. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) Funded Grants Ongoing during 2013: 1. “Establishing a national institute for whole chain traceability and food safety,” Oklahoma State University Planning Grant for Establishing an Interdisciplinary Program, 8/31/2012-8/31/2013, $38,650, Co-PDs M. Buser and Adam, with PIs: Cartmell, Naile, Sitton (Agricultural Education Communications and Leadership), Chung, Holcomb, Peel (Agricultural Economics), Jaroni, Muriana (Animal Science), Fletcher, Ma (Entomology and Plant Pathology), Bowser, Frazier, Jones, Mao, Weckler, Wang (Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering), Brandenberger (Horticulture and Landscape Architecture), Mayfield, Thomas (Computer Science), Hoff (Molecular Biology & Molecular Genetics), Caniglia, Long (Sociology), Ingalls, Liu, Kamath, Bukkapatnam (Industrial Engineering), Snider (Center for Veterinary Health Sciences). 2. “Encouraging Small Farms to Adopt Produce Traceability Technology Through Creation of Brand Value, with Top 10 Produce,” USDA-NIFA-SBIR, 6/1/2012-12/31/2012, with no-cost extension until 12/31/2013, $100,000. PIs Bailey, Adam, and Chung. 3. “Advancement of a whole-chain, stakeholder driven traceability system for agricultural commodities: beef cattle pilot demonstration.” USDA/NIFSI, 9/1/2011-8/31/2014, $543,000 with Noble Foundation, U. of Arkansas, and Pardalis, Inc. PIs Buser, Adam, Mayfield, Thomas, Bowser, Ricke, and Crandall. 4. “Implementing and Evaluating Traceability Technology in Wheat Storage and Handling.” Anderson’s Research Grant Proposal Competition, Administered by NC-213 Regional Research Project. 2/1/2010-1/31/2012 (1-yr no-cost extension to 1/31/2013). $50,000. PIs Brian D. Adam (Agricultural Economics), Carol Jones (Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering), and David Biros (Management Science and Information Systems). Grant was matched by Dept. of Management Science and Information Systems of Oklahoma State University, totaling $100,000. Leverage: An Andersons grant (#4 above) was used as partial leverage for funded grants #1, 2, and 3 above. Evaluation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Controlling Stored Product Insects Outputs: Research by B.D. Adam and Suling Duan (graduate student), along with Frank Arthur and James Campbell (USDA/ARS) on the topic “Optimal insect control for grain storage in warm climates: Can chemicals ever be avoided?” Abstract: Elevator managers in the Southern and Central Plains have been reluctant to switch from routine fumigation to sampling-based IPM to control insects in stored wheat. Research has suggested that their reluctance is justified: under typical conditions the insects grow enough in the warm climate that fumigation is almost always Pg. 59 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 necessary: sampling adds unnecessary expense. This study, though, better models actual weather variability faced by managers by simulating over a much longer data series. This makes sampling-based IPM relatively more economical since greater variability increases the likelihood fumigation will not be necessary in any particular year. This result holds, though, only if insect immigration rates into the bins are low, a condition that may or may not be under the control of managers. Research by B.D. Adam and Li Niu (graduate student), along with Frank Arthur, James Campbell, and Paul Flinn (USDA/ARS) on the topic “A GIS Approach to Measuring Economic Costs of Integrated Pest Management Tools in Rice Processing Facilities.” Abstract: Methyl bromide is a commonly used fumigant for controlling insects in food processing facilities. However, it has been designated as an ozone depleter and is becoming less available and more costly. Integrated pest management (IPM) is an alternative, and may additionally reduce insecticide resistance, improve worker safety, and reduce environmental concerns and consumer concerns about pesticide residuals. However, little is known about the costs and efficacy of IPM in food processing facilities. Here, we consider several IPM approaches and measure both the treatment costs as well as the costs of failing to control insects for each approach. Research by John Mann, B.D. Adam, and Frank Arthur (USDA/ARS) on the topic: “The Economics of Resistance to Phosphine by Stored Product Insects.” Abstract: The primary motivation for this study is that recently resistance by Rhyzopertha dominica – Lesser Grain Borer (LGB) – to phosphine in stored grain has been detected in parts of the US. Significant economic damage from LGB resistance to phosphine has already occurred in countries such as Australia and Brazil. Currently there are no economical alternatives to phosphine as a fumigant against stored grain pests. The overall objective of this study was to determine how the costs of alternative strategies to control LGB in stored grain are affected by LGB resistance. Three possibilities for LGB population dynamics based on genetic research, and three grain management strategies (calendar-based fumigation, sampling-based IPM, and aeration-based IPM) were considered. When costs associated with LGB resistance were incorporated, simulation results suggested that in Oklahoma, where the weather is considered favorable to LGB growth, sampling-based IPM would only be costeffective if the development of LGB can be slowed to considerably less than what occurs under calendar-based fumigation, perhaps through effective aeration. In Kansas, where the weather is cooler, sampling-based IPM would be more likely to be cost-effective. Additionally, aeration-based IPM would be the most cost-effective strategy since LGB growth could be suppressed sufficiently that fumigation would seldom be necessary. Although these results only reflect the case of “low” immigration, they justify further research into the application of different IPM technologies and the impact of such technologies on LGB resistance and the corresponding costs from changes in resistance. For grain managers, one symptom of increased insect resistance is the need for increased frequency of fumigation. Ironically, one of the implications of the model is that if fumigations are done well so that effectiveness is high, symptoms of increasing insect resistance may be initially over looked. In warmer climates where sampling-based IPM is relatively more expensive, grain managers may be unaware of current levels of resistance. If the development of LGB resistance is on the threshold, continuing to use current strategies may lead to significant economic loss. Once past this threshold, the options for grain managers to make alternative strategy decisions are further reduced. The main challenge is to extend the useful life of phosphine by developing and adopting strategies that can reduce insect exposure to the fumigant. Pg. 60 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Publications Niu, Li, Brian D. Adam, James F. Campbell, and Frank H. Arthur. “A GIS Approach to Measuring Economic Costs of Integrated Pest Management Tools in Rice Processing Facilities.” Selected Paper at the AAEA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, August 4-6, 2013. Available at http://purl.umn.edu/150456. John T. Mann, II, Brian D. Adam, and Frank H. Arthur. “Stored Grain Insect Control Costs in Varying Climates and Levels of Insect’s Phosphine Resistance.” Selected Paper at the AAEA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, August 4-6, 2013. Available at http://purl.umn.edu/150631. Outcomes/Impacts Change in knowledge Optimal Insect Control Preliminary results of the research on optimal insect control in warm climates indicates that under normal rates of insect immigration into storage bins, one treatment is always necessary in OKC, representing the Southern Plains. The cost of the optimal strategy is the cost of one fumigation. One fumigation controls insect growth sufficiently that no insect-damaged kernels (idk) discounts or live insect discounts result. This result holds over the 29-year period as long as the one fumigation occurs within a 130-day window ranging from August to January. The robustness of the results across application dates for calendar-based fumigation may partly explain why many elevator managers have followed this approach. A second preliminary result is that in Wichita, representing the Central Plains, if insect immigration rate can be reduced to a low level, fumigation is almost never necessary. These two results are obtained using only one year of weather data. A third result, different from previous results because of the more complete consideration of weather variability, is that in OKC, representing the Southern Plains, under low immigration rates, there are many years in which fumigation is not necessary, even when grain is stored for the full 10 months and even though temperatures and humidity are higher. Insect Resistance The research on insect resistance to insecticides builds on previous research by incorporating the most recent genetic research into an economic model. Costs of resistance have not been previously measured explicitly. Considering these costs leads to a set of recommendations for reduced frequency of fumigation and increased use of tools and methods that do not use phosphine fumigation. Change in actions Optimal Insect Control Results suggest that a sampling-based IPM approach, such as that recommended by entomologists at USDA-ARS in which current weather information is combined with insect sampling and an expert system for predicting insect growth, can be an economically attractive alternative to calendar-based fumigation if an elevator manager can reduce insect immigration rates, perhaps by careful sanitation and sealing of storage structures. Insect Resistance If subsequent research results are consistent with the findings reported here, grain storage managers have increased incentive to conduct more intensive sampling programs to identify insect problems earlier. Concurrently, they should intensify efforts to implement non-phosphine methods of insect control that they can use to reduce the use of phosphine in order to extend its useful life in their storage facilities. Pg. 61 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 IPM in Rice Processing Facilities The results will provide managers economic information to choose a better insect control method in their goal of producing wholesome, pest-free and profitable products. Publications Gautam, S. G., G. P. Opit, K. L. Giles, and B. Adam. 2013. “Weight losses and germination failure caused by psocids in different wheat varieties.” J. Economic Entomology 106(1):491-498. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) Funded Grants Ongoing: 1.“Evaluation of Methyl Bromide Alternatives for Their Efficacy at Controlling Pests of Dry Cured Ham and Aged Cheese Products.” USDA-NIFA, 10/1/2011-9/30/2013, $500,000 ($60,228 to OSU) with Mississippi State University and Kansas State University. PIs Schilling, Phillips, and Adam. 2. “Integrated Pest Management Programs to Reduce Reliance on Methyl Bromide Fumigation in Rice Mills.” USDA/NIFA Integrated Programs, 9/1/2011-8/31/2014, $490,000 ($73,140 to OSU) with Arkansas State University, USDA-ARS Manhattan, KS, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, and Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. PIs McKay, Arthur, Campbell, Adam, Wilson, Yang, and Reagan. 3. “Evaluation, Integration, and Implementation of Non-fumigation Based Pest Management Approaches for Food Processing Facilities.” USDA/NIFA Integrated Programs, 9/15/2010-9/14/2013, $782,019, $100,000 to OSU. PIs Zhu, Arthur, Subramanyam, Campbell, Flinn, Adam, and Jenson. 4. “Evaluation, Integration, and Implementation of Non-fumigation Based Pest Management Approaches for Food Processing Facilities.” USDA/NIFA Integrated Programs, 9/15/2010-9/14/2013, $782,019, $100,000 to OSU. PIs Zhu, Arthur, Subramanyam, Campbell, Flinn, Adam, and Jenson. 5. “Sitlington Enriched Graduate Scholarships,” to be used for recruiting graduate students. A competitive grant funded by the Sitlington Endowment (Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, OSU) in the amount of $4,000/yr., plus $1,000 in research support, for three years 20012-2015; total $15,000. Project Leader Brian Adam. Funded Grants New: “Evaluation of New Strategies and Tactics to Manage Insect Pests in Mills,” USDA-NIFA-ICGP-004257, 10/1/2013-9/30/2016, $500,000 ($50,000 to OSU). PIs Kun Yan Zhu, Bhadriraju Subramanyam (Kansas State U), Frank Arthur, James Campbell (ARS-USDA), Brian Adam (Oklahoma State U), and Ducatte (Kansas State U). Pg. 62 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Fungal Susceptibility Measurement using the Solvita® Grain CO2 Respiration Test. By Stroshine, R.L., Purdue University, ABE Department, West Lafayette, IN Ileleji, K. L. Pertiwi, C. (Grad Student) Outputs The objective of this study is to investigate the use of the Woods End Laboratories Solvita® Grain CO2 Respiration Test Kit for determining the susceptibility of shelled corn to growth of fungi as a tool for reducing the risk of a loss in corn quality. Three series of tests were conducted. In the first series, samples of shelled corn collected for grading during the loading of rail cars by elevators were tested. These samples were collected from 29 shipments loaded between October of 2011 and May of 2012. For each shipment, one sample was taken from each hopper car. The total number of samples available from a single shipment varied between 4 and 60 cars. Between 2 and 4 samples (each ~300 g) were selected from each shipment and tested by the ABE Department. First, the moisture content of the shelled corn was determined using the whole kernel oven drying procedure (ASABE S352). De-ionized water was added to the samples to increase their moisture content to 21%. After 24 hours of equilibration, 100 g subsamples were placed in air-tight jars. After an additional 47 hours, which was 71 hours after re-wetting, the lids were removed for one hour to allow the air in the jars to equilibrate to the composition of the ambient air. Beginning at hour 72 and continuing through hour 78, the Solvita® test kit was used to determine the CO2 content of the air in the jars. A small plastic “paddle” containing a strip of indicator gel that changes color in response to the concentration of CO2 in the surrounding air was inserted into each jar. The indicator gel color was quantified by a number between 0 and 5.5 with higher color numbers indicating a higher percentage of CO2 in the air inside the jar. Color numbers were determined by removing the paddle from the jar with minimal disturbance of the air in the jar and inserting it into a Digital Color Reader. The paddle was then returned to the jar. Figure 1 shows the average color numbers at hours 72 to 78 for the samples from several shipments. The samples and shipments were selected to demonstrate the range in fungal susceptibility encountered from low, where the increase in color number versus time was relatively slow, to high, where the increase was relatively rapid. Figure 2 is a plot of the average color number of the samples from each shipment for each hour after re-wetting. Shipments are plotted in shipment number order. In general, corn lots with higher shipment numbers would have been in storage for longer periods of time. The peaks and dips formed by connecting the individual color number averages indicate variability in susceptibility to mold growth. Trend lines were fit to each hour’s readings and the slopes of the trend lines are shown along with the line. The slopes for hours 74 through 78 are positive indicating that, for hours 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78, as the sample number increased (an indication that the corn had probably been stored longer) the color number at that hour tended to increase. Pg. 63 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Sample 15 Sample 9 Sample 21 Sample 11 Sample 13 Sample 6 Figure 1. Plots of Color Number versus time for rewetted samples of shelled corn taken from rail cars and incubated for 72 hours prior to testing. 0.0177 (Hr 78) 0.0218 (Hr 77) 0.0299 (Hr 76) 0.0324 (Hr 75) 0.0178 (Hr 74) -0.0048 (Hr 73) -0.0053 (Hr 72) Figure 2 Color Number readings for samples from each of the 29 shipments for hours 72 through 78. Linear trend lines were fit to the data and are also shown along with the slopes of the trend lines. The authors believe that the positive slopes are an indication that fungal susceptibility increases with time in storage. They also believe that, if the corn in the shipments were exposed to conducive conditions, there would be more mold growth in corn that is more susceptible. Pg. 64 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 In a second series of CO2 kit tests conducted in 2013, samples from 8 of the 29 shipments were re-tested. This was approximately one year after the original tests were conducted. The entire sample was needed for the first test. That meant that a sample from another rail car that was part of the same shipment had to be used for the re-test. Although there could be differences in fungal susceptibility among samples from different cars in a unit train, in most tests conducted, results for samples from different cars within the same shipment were a) b) c) Figure 3. Color number versus time for different samples from the same corn shipment tested at the time of collection (2012) and six months to one year after collection (2013). relatively consistent. Readings at a given hour typically agreed within ±0.3. Furthermore, the grading factors for the samples from the different cars in a given shipment were also reasonably consistent. The blending and mixing that occurred during the loading of the rail cars apparently produced relatively consistent quality among most cars. In the one year that elapsed between the two sets of tests, the samples were in plastic sandwich bags that had been placed in boxes and kept in a laboratory at approximately 24°C (75°F). Moistures of the samples at the time they were first tested at Purdue were between 14.4 and 15.4%. Even though the samples were in plastic bags, their moisture contents dropped to between 11.3 and 13.32% during the year-long storage period. It is possible there was some mold growth before the samples dried to a moisture at which mold could not grow. There may also have been some decline in the integrity of cell and tissue membranes that serve as barriers to fungal invasion. Therefore, it was anticipated that the fungal susceptibility of the 2013 samples would be greater than that of the 2012 samples. This would be manifest as a more rapid increase in the color number versus time curves obtained using the Test Kits. Pg. 65 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Plots from the 2012 and 2013 tests on shipments 3, 11, and 23 are shown in Figure 3. For samples 11 and 23 the expected increase is evident but there was an apparent decrease for shipment 3. Closer examination of the results revealed that one of the three replicates was much lower than the other two and that this caused a significant decrease in the average. If the readings for this replicate were removed, the 2012 and 2013 curves were nearly identical, as shown in Figure 3. There was one other shipment in which the 2013 curve was very similar to the 2012 curve. For the remaining 6 shipments (two of which are shown in Figure 3) the 2013 curves were well above the 2012 curves. In a third experiment, samples were collected from Purdue farms during the fall of 2012. Two of the samples15% and 18%) were harvested by combine while the third was hand harvested on the ear. The ears were placed on a laboratory bench for several days to dry and were then shelled in a laboratory sheller having rubber rollers (Agriculex SCS-2 Corn Sheller manufactured in Canada). The moisture content of the shelled corn was 26%. All of the samples were placed in a walk in freezer at -20°C for approximately 8 months. After they were removed from the freezer, they were placed in 5 gallon buckets at the moistures at which they came out of the freezer (15%, 18%, and 26%). Results of this third set of tests are not yet available. Those results, along with more details of the studies summarized in this report, will be included in a Master’s thesis currently being written by Ms. Cininta Pertiwi. Outcomes/Impacts We anticipate that grain stored on farms and in elevators could be tested using the 3-day CO2 kit tests as a means of determining the risk of spoilage if the corn remains in storage. Corn that has a greater fungal susceptibility could be utilized sooner before its quality deteriorates to an unacceptable level. Test results could also be used to identify lots of shelled corn with relatively low fungal susceptibility whose quality would deteriorate more slowly if they were shipped to tropical climates or subjected to conditions conducive to mold growth. We believe that use of the Test Kit could reduce losses and improve the overall quality of shelled corn marketed in the United States or sold overseas. Contacts Richard Stroshine Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University, 225 South University Street West Lafayette, IN 47907 Phone: (765) 494-1192 Fax: (765) 496-1115 Emails: [email protected] Pg. 66 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Developing New Stored Grain Pack Factors. By Casada M.E., USDA-ARS-CGAHR, Manhattan, KS Thompson, S.A., University of Georgia, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Maghirang, R.G., Kansas State University, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Bhadra, R. Boac, J.M. Montross, M.D., University of Kentucky, Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering McNeill, S.G. Outputs Storing grain in bulk storage units results in grain packing from overbearing pressure, which increases grain bulk density and storage-unit capacity. Packing factors for grains at varying depths in all bin sizes and types are required to determine the mass of grain in storage from bin volumetric measurements and test weights. Due to the increase in storage capacity of a bin from packing, accurate packing factors are crucial for everyone in the industry who is concerned with grain storage capacity and inventory control. This study has compared compaction factors of hard red winter (HRW) wheat and shelled corn in vertical storage bins using three existing methods: a packing model (WPACKING), the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) method, and the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) warehouse group method. Concrete and steel bins containing HRW wheat were measured in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Steel bins containing corn were measured in Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Texas, and North Dakota. For HRW wheat, packing has been measured in 35 bins of corrugated steel and reinforced concrete with diameters ranging from 4.6 to 31.9 m and grain heights ranging from 2.1 to 42 m. The predicted mass values of compacted stored wheat from the three methods were compared to the reported mass from scale tickets. The maximum and median differences between the WPACKING model-predicted mass and reported mass were -4.7% and -1.3%, respectively, for corrugated steel bins; and +9.7% and +2.2%, respectively, for reinforced concrete bins. In most cases, the model under-predicted the mass in the corrugated steel bins and over-predicted mass in concrete bins. For the existing RMA method, the range of difference was from -3.7% to +11% for steel bins and from -7.2% to +7.8% for concrete bins. The RMA method median difference was +1.9% for steel bins and +1.0% for concrete bins. Most of the data for steel bins (10 out of 19) and for concrete bins (26 out of 37) were over-predicted with the RMA method. For the FSA method the range of difference was from -1.4% to +7.6% with a median of +3.9% for steel bins and from -4.7% to +10.4% with a median of +3.5% for concrete bins. The average magnitude of the difference was 1.6% for WPACKING, 4.4% for the RMA method, and 3.4% for the FSA method for steal bins and 3.7% for WPACKING, 3.2% for the RMA method, and 4.3% for the FSA method for concrete bins containing HRW wheat. Packing factors have been measured in approximately 50 steel bins for corn with diameters ranging from 3.6 to 32 m and eave heights ranging from 4.4 to 27.7 m. For corn bins, the difference between WPACKING model-predicted mass and reported mass ranged from -4.5% to +4.5% with a median of -0.32%. With about 70% of the corn bins, the model under predicted the mass of grain in comparison with reported mass. For the existing RMA method, the difference between predicted and reported mass of corn ranged from -2.7% to +5.0%, with a median of +0.90%. For the FSA method the difference between predicted and reported mass ranged from -3.3% to +7.1% and the median Pg. 67 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 difference was +1.4%. The average magnitude of the difference was 1.8% for the FSA method, 1.6% for the RMA method, and 0.8% for WPACKING for the corn bins. Overall, the current WPACKING program provided better predicted mass values than the existing RMA and FSA procedures with these bins. The current data will be used to calibrate the WPACKING model and further improve the predictions. The third beta version of the new software was completed this year. Laboratory tests of grain compressibility are being conducted at the University of Kentucky and are reported separately. Outcomes/Impacts These results will be incorporated into the final software package that can be used by farmers, elevator managers, and government officials. The software will allow the user to enter: bin wall type, type of grain, height when full (top of cone) or complete height data for randomly loaded flat storages, and hopper bottom angle if not flat, and other variables for grain properties. The tool will calculate the average packing factor for the bin and will provide accurate estimates of the confidence intervals for those pack factors. This accuracy and confidence-interval information will be a significant improvement over old methods for which the errors are not known. In addition, the new model should have better accuracy than the old method because it accounts for many important variables in grain and bin properties that affect the final packing but were not taken into account by the old method. With these expected improvements over the old methods, the new stored grain packing factor predictions from this work will likely be adopted by government agencies and grain industry customers to enhance their operations. Publications Bhadra, R., J. M. Boac , M. Casada, S. Thompson, R. Maghirang, M. Montross, and S. McNeill. 2013. Field measurements for food grain packing factors in the U.S. ASABE Paper No. 13-1621335. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. McNeill, S. G., M. Casada, M. Montross, S. Thompson, R. G. Maghirang, and R. Bhadra. 2013. New models for describing grain packing. ASABE Paper No.13-1620757. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Montross, M., J.M. Boac, R. Bhadra, R.G. Maghirang, S. McNeill, M. Casada, and S.A. Thompson. 2013. Equilibrium moisture content of hard red wheat varieties and composite samples. ASABE Paper No. 131619035. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE Turner, A., C. Rodrigues, D. Schiavone, J. Jackson, M. Montross, S. McNeill, J.M. Boac, R. Bhadra, S. Thompson, and M.E. Casada. 2013. Field Measurement of Packing in Stored Grain. ASABE Paper No. 13-1620198. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) USDA-RMA Pg. 68 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Title Mechanistic Modeling of Grain Handling. By Casada M.E., USDA-ARS-CGAHR, Manhattan, Kansas Maghirang, R.G., Kansas State University, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Boac, J.M. Outputs Computer simulations using the discrete element method (DEM) are capable of reducing the large effort and cost of evaluating grain handling issues experimentally. However, adequate particle models have not been developed and validated for most types of grain. Previously, we simulated bulk grain property tests for soybeans and corn kernels, as well as simulated soybean commingling in a pilot-scale boot using discrete element method (DEM) models. In the current study wheat was modeled using particles comprised of one to four overlapping spheres. Using these models, bulk grain properties (angle of repose, bulk density, and hopper discharge flow) were simulated using DEM with published data on material and interaction properties as inputs. The material properties were particle shape, size distribution, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, and density. The interaction properties were particle coefficients of restitution, static friction, and rolling friction. Predicted results were compared with published experimental data to determine the most appropriate particle models for simulating bulk behavior of wheat kernels using DEM. The tests showed that a single-sphere wheat particle model with shear modulus, G, that was within the range of published values (G = 20 MPa), gave the most accurate values of angle of repose (AOR) and bulk density, while maintaining correct hopper flow and relatively high computational speed in the DEM models. This wheat particle model has coefficients of restitution of 0.80, static friction of 0.70 (for particle-particle contact) and 0.35 (for particle-surface contact), and rolling friction of 0.50. The particle size distribution was normally distributed. Modeling problems where grain is not free flowing and is subjected to severe compression may require the use of particle models with fully realistic values of G. An alternative 1-sphere, high-G particle wheat model with G equal to the mean of published values (G = 210.8 MPa) was developed for these special cases, but the computational times were approximately 77% longer than for the first, low-G, model. Other modeling scenarios, where shape strongly affects the modeling results, may require particles that characterize the wheat kernel shape more exactly. A third model composed of three overlapping spheres was also developed for special cases requiring more a precise kernel shape. This particle model also produced computational times much longer than for the first model. All three particle models were effective in the tests considered (AOR, bulk density, and hopper flow) but the 1-sphere, low-G model was preferable except for the special cases mentioned because of its faster computational times. Pg. 69 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 2 Outcomes/Impacts These particle models are being used in DEM models of bucket elevator legs to determine best management practices for reducing unwanted grain commingling. Results of this study will be used to accurately predict commingling levels and improve grain handling, which can help farmers and grain handlers reduce costs and maintain grain purity during transport and export of grain. Publications Boac, J. M., M. E. Casada, R. G. Maghirang, and J. P. Harner III. 2013. Particle models for discrete element modeling of bulk grain properties of wheat kernels. ASABE Paper No. 13-1619002. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) USDA-ARS Pg. 70 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” NC-213 (The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium) Objective 3 To quantify and disseminate the impact of market-chain technologies on providing high value, food-safe, and biosecure grains for global markets and bioprocess industries. Objective 3 Title To be a Multi-Institutional Framework for the Creation of Measurable Impacts Generated by Improvements in the Supply Chain that Maintain Quality, Increase Value, and Protect Food Safety/Security. By Shepherd, H.E., Iowa State University Hardy, C.L. Hurburgh, C.R. Shaw, A.M. Rippke, G. Development on the International Center for Grain Operations and Processing, a non-profit entity, continues, with additional partners and supporters added in 2013. The Center aims to serve as the primary education and applied research partner to the global grain handling and commodity utilization industry. Globalization and rapid change in the grain handling industry has provided the need for the Center. University and private sector agribusinesses continued to utilize our NIRS-based grain component testing service, with 10,529 samples of corn and soybeans submitted from the 2013 crop year. Especially the 2012 crop season had extremes of early moisture, heat, drought and low humidity, which continued to create quality patterns outside of previous experience. Soybean protein and oil were both somewhat above average so that soybean meal protein remained high, and oil yields per bushel were high as well. Two examples are given in the test plot data from four Iowa counties over the past five years. Each year had a different pattern of quality. Table 1. Corn Quality 2009-2013 (Adair, Bremer, Black Hawk, and Palo Alto counties in Iowa) Four plots per year, same locations each year, 20-50 hybrids per plot. Pg. 71 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 3 Table 2. Soybean Quality 2009-2013 (Adair, Bremer, Black Hawk, and Palo Alto counties in Iowa) Four plots per year, same locations each year, 10-40 varieties per plot. Seminars and training programs were done, covering the impact of 2013 weather on crop quality. The second update of the grain and processing industry food safety preventive control template is posted on the Iowa Grain Quality Initiative website. The second training course for FDA inspectors was held in Raleigh, NC, on April 23-25, 2013 focusing on feed mill inspections. There were 75 participants from the US and territories. Precourse distance education modules were also added as shown in Table 3. Table 3. Pre-course Distance Education Units for Feed Mill Inspectors The training for inspections other than feed mills will be all on-line as shown in Table 4. Pg. 72 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 3 Table 4. Online Training for Non-Feed Mill Inspections The Iowa Grain Quality Initiative Storage Team created its first web modules (3) and spreadsheets (1) for producer training. Dryeration – Shawn Shouse – ISU Extension – 2013 Grain Aeration- Greg Brenneman - ISU Extension - 2013 Fan Performance- Greg Brenneman - ISU Extension - 2013 Comparison of Drying Systems Calculator – Edwards – ISU Extension – 2013 Outcomes/Impacts The International Center for Grain Operations and Processing serves as an industry- supported non-profit, coordinating body. The Center provides a centralized point for training to meet the demographic changes of the U.S. workforce in the face agricultural sector growth. Pg. 73 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 3 Producers and the grain industry received advance forecasts of crop quality and storability conditions for 2013. Processors received advance estimates of product yields from both corn and soybeans. As was the case in 2012, FDA inspectors were relatively unfamiliar with agriculture. The additional distance education modules were very useful in providing background in advance of the on-site course. Grain related industries were updated to the rulemaking process for the Food Safety Modernization Act. Practical methods and actions for achieving compliance were created. Publications Many were given as part of workshop, conference, or other public events. These are the most recent or have the most relevance. Hurburgh, C. R. 2013. FSMA, and Food Safety in Bulk Agricultural Product Markets. Cornbelt Chapter, Grain Elevator and Processing Society , Bloomington, IL. 1/7/2013. (100) Hurburgh, C. R. 2013. New Forces Shaping the Future: Climate, Food Safety, Technology, Supply Chains…and more. Annual Meeting of American Association of Grain Inspection & Weighing Agencies. Las Vegas, NV. 5/5/2013. (75) Iowa Grain Quality Initiative. 2013. Storage Team web modules (3) and spreadsheets (1) for producers. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Grain/Topics/GrainStorage.htm Hurburgh, C. R.. 2013. Flexibility in Food Safety Inspection. Comments to FDA Open Meeting on Feed Preventive Control Rules. November 25, 2013. Chicago, IL. (88) http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FSMA/default.htm Shaw, Angela, C.R. Hurburgh, Heather Snyder, Howard Shepherd and Connie Hardy. 2013. Food Safety Preventive Control Plan Checklist v2.1. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Iowa Grain Quality Initiative, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Grain/Topics/fdarecordcompliance.htm C.R. Hurburgh, Jr. Aflatoxin and quality issues in 2012. Presentation given at the NC-213 Annual Meeting, February, 2013. A.M. Shaw. Food Safety Modernization Act and Production Impact on Bulk Industry Suppliers. Rousselot Inc. & Sonac USA, Denver, Colorado, April 2013. Awarded Grant(s) and Contract(s) Iowa Extension 21 Program. Various Industry contracts and service fees. National Institutes of Health / Food and Drug Administration. Pg. 74 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 3 Title Creating Awareness on Grain Dust Explosion in Grain Handling and Processing Facilities through Worker Training. By Ambrose, K., Kansas State University Maier, D.E. Miller, B. Campabadal, C. Outputs In the U.S., number of grain dust explosions greatly reduced by the implementation of OSHA’s Grain Handling Facilities Standard in the year 1987.Extensive awareness programs on potential hazards during grain handling and processing increased the knowledge of workers and supervisors. That standard focused on controlling grain fires, grain dust explosions, and hazards associated with entry into bins, silos, and tanks. Among these, grain dust explosions are considered the most severe hazard potentially causing loss of life and extensive property damage. Larger corporate companies usually have an in-house safety training program. But, small industries do not have a structured safety program to educate their workers on grain dust hazards. A lack of knowledge or awareness about safety threats, viewing regulations as against their independence, outdated handling/processing methods are some of the perceived obstacles to establishing a safety program in the work environment. Kansas State University has a history and tradition of documenting dust explosions in the U.S. and in the past has led the education of the grain processing industry on the perils of dust generation and explosion prevention. K-State has also published a DVD on grain dust explosion which continues to be in great demand in the industry. Through this awareness creation program, we are focusing educating the workers on practical risk information on dust hazards and develop relevant educational materials to mitigate fatalities and loss in grain handling and processing facilities. Furthermore, we cover the sources of dust generation, handling/conveying equipment maintenance and their relation to dust generation, preventive maintenance in grain and feed handling and processing facilities, OSHA regulations, and NFPA standards. We will also educate supervisors/managers on training their workers and using best training practices to curtail the risk of dust explosion. Outcomes/Impacts Through a Susan Harwood Targeted Topic Training Grant (2012-2013), K-State has been creating awareness on grain dust explosion across Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Nebraska, and Minnesota. K-State, through a Susan Harwood Targeted Topic Grant, has been creating awareness on grain dust explosion to workers and supervisors. This awareness programs are being received very well with good comments from the industry. In 2013, multiple training programs were offered in conjunction with Grain Elevator And Processing Society (GEAPS) Exchange, local GEAPS Chapter Meetings, safety meetings conducted by Kansas Grain and Feed Association (KGFA) and National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA). So far we have trained 350 workers and supervisors from the U.S. grain and feed handling and processing facilities. Pg. 75 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 3 Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) Training on advanced methods of grain dust control within the grain handling and processing industry. Ambrose, K., Maier, D.E., Cook, H., Miller, B.M. & Campabadal, C. Susan Harwood Training Grant, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Department of Labor. ($104,901). Contacts Kingsly Ambrose, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University; Phone: 785-532-4091; Fax:785-532-7010; e-mail: [email protected] Pg. 76 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium” Objective 3 Title GEAPS-KSU Grain Operations Distance Education and Professional Credentialing Program. By Maier, D.E., Professor & Head, Grain Science & Industry, Kansas State University Miller, B., Distance Education Program Coordinator Ambrose, K., Professor Campabadal, C., IGP Program Specialist and Instructor in Feed Manufacturing and Grain Storage, International Grains Program Hurburgh, C.R., Professor, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University Outputs Kansas State University has continued to develop and support the GEAPS-K-State Grain Operations Distance Education Program. The program has also launched a credentialing component, allowing industry professionals to work through a series of six specific courses, providing them with an overview of the grain industry. Outcomes/Impacts The partnership continues to be a success, since inception, the program has had over 1900 participants from 27 countries (including Latin American countries) enroll in twenty courses offered seventy-one times with a completion rate of 85%. In 2013, eighteen courses were offered between January and November including two new courses covering grain dust explosion prevention and an introduction to grain operations. A course on facility planning and design was also updated. In addition, three new courses are currently under development for offering in 2014 as well as two updates to previously developed courses. Courses are also being translated in Spanish, with two offerings scheduled in 2014 as well. Courses are continuing to be developed in collaboration with NC-213 experts from Purdue University, Kansas State University, North Dakota State University, Oklahoma State University, Iowa State University, USDA GIPSA, and USDA ARS. Funding Source(s) and Amount(s) Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS), Kansas State University. Contacts Dirk Maier, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University; Phone: 785-532-6161; Fax: 785532-7010; e-mail: [email protected] - URL: http://www.grains.k-state.edu Brandi Miller, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University; Phone 785-532-4053; email: [email protected] Pg. 77 - NC-213 – “The U.S. Quality Grains Research Consortium”