Final Report - My FIT - Florida Institute of Technology


Final Report - My FIT - Florida Institute of Technology
The Powered AUV-Glider
2007 Senior Design Project
Submitted to:
Dr. Stephen Wood, PE
Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
Florida Institute of Technology
Submitted by:
Sam Arden
Jason Borman
Christian Flemming
Jean Valcin
July 25, 2007
July 25, 2007
Dr. Stephen Wood, PE
Florida Institute of Technology
Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
150 W. University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901
Dr. Wood:
Subject: Final report for the AUV-Glider team, MantAUV
The MantAUV, powered AUV glider team would like to submit to you this report, detailing the
progress that we made this summer towards the Powered AUV Glider project here at Florida
Tech. We have included all information and data collected throughout the term, and submit it for
your review.
Sam Arden, Jason Borman, Christian Flemming, Jean Valcin
MantAUV Team
This project would not be possible without the support and assistance provided by the following
people, companies, and donors. Thank You.
Dr. Stephen Wood – Academic Project Advisor
Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
The Florida Tech Machine Shop
The Following Sponsors:
Arcom, A Member Of Eurotech Group
General Plastics Manufacturing Co.
Syntech Technology, Inc
Vectorworks Marine, Inc
Table of Contents
1. Front Matter
1.1 List of Figures…………………………………………………….. IV
1.2 List of Tables……………………………………………………....IV
1.3 List of Abbreviations…………………………………………….....V
1.4 Executive Summary……………………………………………….VI
2. Introduction ...……………………………………………………………...1
2.1 Scope Statement……….….…………………………………………1
3. Background………………….…………….………………………………2
3.1 Introduction ………………….……………………………………. 2
3.2 Powered AUV……….……………….……………………………...2
3.3 AUV Gliders ………..………………………………………………3
3.4 2006 AUV Glider, Florida Tech…….……………………………...5
4. Product Design……………………………………………………………..6
4.1 Technical Specifications………….…………………………………..6
4.2 Part Decomposition…………………………………………………...7
4.2.1 Main Structures Construction………..…………………………7 Main Foil…………………………………………………...7 Foil Extension………………………………………………9 Glass Spheres……………………………………………...11 Aluminum Frame………………………………………….13
4.2.2 Rear control Surfaces……………………………………………14 Rear Foil…………………………………………………..14 Main thrusters……………………………………………..18 Kort Nozzles………………………………………………20 Control Servos…………………………………………….23
4.2.3 Recovery System………………………………………………..26
4.2.4 Bow Thrusters…………………………………………………...28
4.2.5 Electronics……………………………………………………….30 Remote Control System…………………………………...30
5. Testing and Analysis……………………………………………………...32
5.1 Fluid Mechanics Testing…………………………………………….32
5.2 Materials Testing…………………………………………………….39
6. Safety Risks and Hazards………………………………………………...40
7. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………41
8. References…………………………………………………………………42
9. Appendix A………………………………………………………………..43
10. Appendix B………………………………………………………………...44
11. Appendix C………………………………………………………………..45
12. Appendix D………………………………………………………………..47
1.1 List of Figures
MIT’s Cetus ……………...……………………………….……………..2
MIT’s Xanthos …………………...……………………………………...3
Webb’s Pelagia ………………………………………………………….3
Scripps’ Spray …………………………………………………………...3
Revision Points……………………………………….….……...………..5
Present Control Surface Servos………………………………..................6
Finished Vehicle Concept Design………………………………………..7
Bottom of Shell Mounted to Frame……………………………………...8
Main Shell with Extension Connected…………………………………...9
Foil Extension Trimmed and Painted…………………………………...10
Half of Glass Sphere with Cable Attached……………………………..12
Aluminum Beam………………………………………………………..13
Polishing Rear Beam……………………………………………………14
Rear Foil Mounted……………………………………………………...15
Rear Aileron…………………………………………………………….16
Main Thruster…………………………………………………………...19
Kort Nozzle Design……………………………………………………..21
Nozzle Attached to Motor………………………………………………22
Mounted Rear Servos…………………………………………………...23
Assembled Servo/Aileron………………………………………………24
Milled Front/Rear Recovery Handles…………………………………..26
Front Handles Holding Foil Extensions…………………………….......27
Bow Thruster/Bracket Assembly……………………………………….29
Bow Thruster Mounted to Vehicle……………………………………...29
Radio Control System for Testing………………………………………31
“C” Grid Mesh………………………………………………………….33
Standard Mesh Grid for Airfoils……………………………………......34
Residuals for Turbulent Flow…………………………………………...36
Pressure Distribution around Rear Foil………..………………………..37
Vector Map of Fluid Velocity near Rear Foil….……………………….37
1.2 List of Tables
Dimensional Specifications………………………………………………6
Main Foil Specifications…………………………………………………6
Propulsion Specifications………………………………………………...6
Net Force on Foils………………………………………………………38
1.3 List of Abbreviations
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Current, Temperature, Depth (Sensor)
Department of Marine and Environmental Systems (Florida Tech)
Global Positioning System
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Sound Navigation and Ranging
Radio Controlled
Computerized Numerical Control
Computational Fluid Dynamics
1.4 Executive Summary
Providing oceanographic researchers with a cheap yet reliable submersible data collection
platform is vital to the understanding of the world’s oceans. The 2007 AUV (autonomous
underwater vehicle) glider team, MantAUV, is dedicated to the production of a versatile
autonomous underwater glider that will provide this platform for oceanographic research
programs. The AUV, when complete, will be capable of autonomously traversing large
distances on minimal power, allowing researchers to collect an array of oceanographic data from
all over the ocean. With a target maximum depth of 4000 meters and an estimated range of 200
km on one charge, the glider will be able to economically cover large distances, both
horizontally and vertically. With such a great potential for long range data collection, the AUV
will be able to perform a variety of data acquisition operations. Along with being a general
platform for small instruments of the researcher’s choice, the glider will include devices for the
collection and photographing of physical specimens as well as sensors to record environmental
data such as water density, water salinity, and bathymetry.
2. Introduction
Team Goal: To provide a strong and functional glider platform to allow for future teams to focus
on other important areas of development.
As the 2007 AUV Glider team, we knew coming into this project that we were the second
team to work on the project and certainly not the last. The previous team had done a tremendous
job in both design and construction, but with such an extensive project (originally estimated to
take at least five years to complete), they had naturally run out of time. We began where they
left off, continuing some of their designs and modifying others, making the project uniquely ours
while at the same time working towards the same common objective of building an autonomous
underwater glider.
When we inherited the project, a lot of progress had been made on the construction of the
glider itself. The following main components had been acquired and/or constructed:
Two main aluminum beams
Main foil fiber-glassed, painted and mounted
Six syntactic foam blocks acquired and machined (both through generous donations)
Two main thrusters modified and mounted
Two glass instrumentation spheres acquired
Two kort nozzles constructed
Main rear control surfaces constructed and mounted
This list does not include the extensive list of designs that the 2006 team had conceived for
future development. Needless to say, we weren’t starting with a “blank slate.”
With the ultimate goal of this entire project being a completely autonomous, long range
underwater glider, we made our goals realistic in that we knew we were not going to have a
finished product when our time was up. To completely finish the AUV project, extensive work
needs to be done on the structural components, running equipment, control systems, navigation
equipment, and various data acquisition instruments. Each of these areas could be a project in
itself. Knowing this, we decided to focus our attention on mostly the structural design and
construction of the glider, with the intention of providing a solid, functional foundation on which
future teams could add to.
The following report explains what we have accomplished in the past two semesters. We
have created our own computer models, added to and modified the existing construction of the
craft, and gained important flow characteristics of the glider through computer analysis.
3. Background
3.1 Introduction
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) are computer controlled machines that can be
programmed to perform various underwater missions. Currently, they are being used for
oceanographic, military, and commercial purposes. They range in size from a few feet to several
yards. Their missions vary from recording the bathymetry of water basins, to searching for
mines in the path of naval submarines.
3.2 Powered AUV
Powered AUV rely solely on thrusters to move about. They are short range vehicles, but
very maneuverable and can get from point to point quickly. They are usually required to
complete rigorous tasks over a short time span. The CETUS (Composite Endoskeleton Testbed
Untethered Underwater Vehicle System) for example, is a prototype created by MIT to detect
underwater mines [1]. It only has a range for 20 to 40 km, but is capable of moving at 5 knots
when needed.
The titanium model of the CETUS is capable
of diving 4000 m. It uses brushless DC thrusters
powered by lead acid batteries. The hull is made
from a rotary molded, high impact plastic. The
CETUS has a curb weight of 100 kg, and weighs
150 kg when the various sensors are added.
Fig. 3.1 – MIT’s CETUS
Another example of a powered AUV is
Xanthos [2]. This was also designed by MIT.
Its shape is more torpedo-like which results in
less drag. It has a range of 44 km and is capable
of 3 knots. It can reach 3000 m, and weighs 200
kg. It utilizes a drop weight system for recovery.
Fig. 3.2 – MIT’s Xanthos
3.3 AUV Gliders
AUV Gliders do not need thrusters to move about. They are long range, but move very
slowly. All though the method employed may differ, they all move by changing their buoyancy.
In this way they are able to seesaw forward. Pelagia is a Slocum-glass glider developed by
Webb Research Corporation [3]. Unlike powered AUV, Pelagia can go for hours without
Pelagia is able to travel between 4 and 24 hours
before resurfacing to communicate via antenna [4].
It has a 1000 km range, and can dive to 200 m. It is
meant to go on month long missions, but at a very
slow pace (about 0.4 m/s). Pelagia weighs a mere 54
kg, but it is not meant to carry many instruments.
The true downside of any AUV glider is the
limitation of payload size.
Fig. 3.3 – Webb’s Pelagia
Spray is a very long range glider
designed by Scripps Institute of
Oceanography [5]. It has a 6,000 km
range. It moves at .5 mph and can reach a
depth of 1000m. It weighs 112 lb and yet
can only carry a payload of no more than
4-5 pounds. Like the Pelagia, this
contributes to its limited abilities as a
research tool.
Fig. 3.4 – Scripps’ Spray
3.4 2006 AUV Glider, Florida Tech
The powered AUV glider project began here at Florida Tech as a 2006 design team
project headed by a student, Todd Allen, under the supervision of his academic advisor Dr.
Stephen Wood. The 2006 team made great strides in the project, providing our team with a great
base upon which to build off of. The vehicle would consist of a main foil, attached between a
frame made of aluminum beams, and be powered by two main thrusters. Although most of the
parts and design concept have been maintained, our team decided that it would be in the best
interest of the project to make a few revisions to the vehicle and its control surfaces in order to
enhance the maneuverability and structural integrity when launched, navigated, and recovered
from the ocean or any other service location. [6]
Fig. 3.5: Revision Points
Fig. 3.6: Previous Control Surfaces and Servos
4. Product Design
4.1 Technical Specifications
HEIGHT (in.)
LOA (in.)
WIDTH (in.)
650 – 750*
*Varying Payloads
Table 4.1: Dimensional Specifications
LENGTH (in.)
WIDTH (in.)
Table 4.2: Main Foil Specifications
MARIN’S Nozzle No. 37
Table 4.3: Propulsion Specifications
4.2 Part Decomposition
4.2.1 Main Structures Construction
Fig 4.1 Finished Vehicle Concept Design Main Foil
The main foil was constructed by the previous team. It is made out of fiberglass and
houses the glass spheres and syntactic foam. The glass spheres are rated to a depth of 6700
meters, and the syntactic foam is rated to a depth of 4000 meters. The main foil also has an Lbeam glassed into the bottom foil for lateral support between the beams.
Fig 4. 2 Bottom of Shell Mounted to Frame
The syntactic foam inside of the main foil is a high density foam made out of small glass
particles suspended in a high density resin. The foam is capable of going to depths of up to 4000
meters, and has a density of 38 lb/ft³. The foam in the main foil is composed of 6 main pieces,
three on top and three on bottom. There is a funnel down the middle for future sample analysis
and photography, and there are fittings in the four outside blocks to fit the glass spheres. There
are also foam blocks inside of the aluminum beams, for further buoyancy.
The only modification that we had to make to the main foil was trimming the foam
blocks. There were two main problems with the foam blocks when we started the project. The
first was an incorrect alignment of the cutouts for the glass spheres. When the blocks were
originally cut, the top housings were about two inches out of alignment with the bottom
housings. This problem was remedied by shifting the housings to meet in the middle. This was
done on the CNC machine, and had an ultimate beneficial side effect in that it gave clearance for
the input/output plugs on the glass spheres. The second main problem was that the foam blocks
did not fit properly inside of the fiberglass shells. This problem was remedied by significant
sanding of the blocks, along with an aluminum strip that fills the approximately 1 inch gap
between the top and bottom shells.
Fig 4. 3 Main Shell with Extensions Connected Foil Extension
When we inherited this project, we noticed two zones of very high drag at the front of the
glider. The two main aluminum spars that the main foil was mounted to were also mounting
points for two relatively obtrusive specimen collection devices. They were also completely flat
at their leading edge, a design that went against the whole streamline flow idea of a highly
efficient glider. To fix this minor design flaw, we created detachable foil extensions. The
extensions have the same profile as the main foil, and extend over the specimen collection
devices. They are not sealed so as not to be an issue with pressure, but they eliminate the
previous points of high drag at the outside leading edges of the glider. They also have
indentations for the streamline accommodation of the recovery system handles, another
component of the glider that will be discussed further later in the report.
Fig 4. 4 Foil Extension Trimmed and Painted
The extensions were constructed out of fiberglass, using the same molds that were used
for the main foil. They were constructed in four pieces, a top and bottom for each side of the
glider. Because the extensions only needed to be as wide as the 4 inch aluminum spars, they
were made to be 5 inches wide from the sides of the molds to ensure uniform glassing of the
inside edges of the extensions. To accommodate the integration of the handles in the streamline
construction, “plants” were installed onto the bare mold. The “plants” were constructed to be the
same size/shape as the part of the handle that would be attached and then secured to the mold
before finishing layers of aluminum foil
A layer of aluminum foil was then applied to the mold and a petroleum based mold
release (like car wax, but better) as the last layer. The mold release was applied 5 times over, as
to ensure a smooth release of the finished glass. Strips of 6 oz. fiberglass cloth were then cut and
the extensions were glassed using epoxy resin. Ultimately, 6 layers of cloth were used, with two
layers at a 45 degree angle to the other two layers. After the extensions had cured, they were
“popped” from the mold carefully and trimmed to the appropriate width and each top was grafted
to its respective bottom.
To join the two pieces together, more 6oz. cloth was used in conjunction with an e-glass
matting. The e-glass matting was a 12 oz. cross weave cloth, consisting of multiple layers of
glass with a matting of meshed glass strands on the back. The layers consisted of a 2-inch strip
of 6oz. cloth, then a layer of matting, 3 strips of 2-inch glass at 45 degrees, and finally an 8 inch
layer of the 6oz. cloth. This combination/formation ensured a very secure binding of the top and
bottom pieces, resulting in one solid extension piece.
Although not completed, the theoretical connection of the extension to the craft is
through the forward handles of the recovery system. That is why proper placement of the
“plants” on the mold becomes a critical part of construction. It is suggested that if further
manufacturing were to take place, then a single mold should be created to form one solid
extension rather than two pieces that must be grafted together. This would ensure uniformity and
a solid structure.
***Note on Fiberglass Manufacturing: It is of greater ease to apply the resin to the cloth prior to
placing it in the mold. Extra resin can be placed into the cloth after application, but when
glassing around intricate structures such as “plants”, this method works best. Glass Spheres
The glass spheres are the pressure resistant housings for the onboard instrumentation of
the glider. Currently, for preliminary testing purposes, they will be housing the receiver, receiver
battery, and speed controllers for the remote control system. Ultimately, they will house the
onboard computer systems and control boards.
Fig 4. 5 Half of Glass Sphere with Cable Attached
The glass spheres are manufactured by different companies but each have an outside
diameter of 17 inches. They each have pressure release valves for opening them after they have
been pressurized, as well as multiple I/O ports. The first sphere is made by Benthos Inc. and is
model number 2040-17H. It weighs 39 lbs. and has been tested at depths up to 6700 meters, and
has two I/O ports. The second sphere is made by Victrovex and is the 17”/14 (standard) model.
It weighs 38.14 lbs and has also been tested at depths up to 6700 meters. The Victrovex sphere
has 3 I/O ports.
12 Aluminum Frame
The aluminum frame on the glider is made up of two very strong aluminum beams. The
beams are ¼” thick and 4” square on the outside. Their main purpose is to serve as a strong
mounting point for almost all of the major components on the glider. Each beam is split into two
sections to make mounting the components easier and to make transporting the craft easier. The
front sections, on which the main foil is mounted, measure 43 inches in length. The rear
sections, on which the thrusters, kort nozzles, and rear foils are mounted, measure 32 inches in
length. Each beam is also filled with blocks of syntactic foam to add to the overall buoyancy of
the glider.
Fig 4. 6 Aluminum Beam
Fig 4. 7 Polishing Rear Beam
4.2.2 Rear Control Surfaces Rear Foil
The rear foil that we created serves two main purposes. First, it provides directional
control through the use of dual action flaps, and second, it provides a much needed lateral
support in the rear of the glider through an L-beam that runs the width of the foil. The foil, as it
is constructed now, is meant to be temporary in the sense that it cannot withstand the same
pressure as the rest of the craft. This is due to the use of a different foam than in the main foil,
which has the syntactic foam that is rated to a depth of 4000 meters. It will be able to go at least
30 meters in depth and will allow actual underwater performance testing of the glider. It will
also serve as a prototype design that can be easily swapped out for a foil of the same design but
of different materials that will be able to reach the targeted depths.
Fig. 4.8 Rear Foil Mounted
The foil consists of a fiberglass shell surrounding a skeleton of 1/8 inch thick aluminum
ribs mounted to a 1 inch by 1/8 inch thick aluminum L-beam. The L-beam is welded to two
outside plates, also of 1/8 inch thick aluminum, which will serve as the mounting points of the
foil onto the main spars of the glider. The servos are secured onto the two inner aluminum ribs,
and they control the two flaps. The shafts that the flaps are mounted to are made of layered PVC
pipe and aluminum pipe, and are filled with the same foam that fills the rest of the foil.
The foam is a two part pourable urethane resin that expands to almost 4 times its original,
liquid volume. The foam adds buoyancy to the foil, provides extra rigidity, and allows the foil to
withstand higher compressive pressure forces. The foam was chosen for this particular
application because it will conform to the shape of the foil, has moderate pressure resistance, and
is relatively inexpensive.
Fig.4.9 Rear Aileron
The construction of the foil started with the machining of a mold using modeling foam.
The mold would allow us to form the fiberglass into the foil profile that we wanted. The foil was
done in two halves, an upper and a lower, each from the same mold. The foil is just a generic
profile that was created on Pro Engineer and transferred to the CNC machine. After the mold
was completed, we covered it with aluminum tape to seal it and give it a smooth surface. We
then put down a layer of regular aluminum foil so that the fiberglass shell would not stick to the
mold. We used a petroleum based mold release wax on the aluminum foil so it could be easily
pealed from the final shell.
Once the mold was prepped, we cut pieces of fiberglass cloth for the shell halves. We
used a 7.5 oz cloth for the bottom half and a 6 oz cloth for the upper half. Each shell half was
made using 6 layers of cloth: 4 straight and 2 at a 45 degree angle. After glassing each foil half
with epoxy resin, the edges were trimmed so that the halves fit flush against each other.
The next step was to weld the outside mounting plates to the L-beam. Once that was
completed, it was mounted to the bottom shell at the point of maximum thickness on the foil
profile, approximately 1/3 of the length back from the leading edge. The mounting was done by
first creating a bed of resin and cloth strips for the L-beam to rest on, and glassing strips of
fiberglass over the top of the beam. The beam and foil were then clamped together and left to
After the L-beam was mounted to the bottom shell, the 4 aluminum ribs were mounted in
place. The ribs served as a mounting point for the flaps. They were glued in using Gorilla Glue
and clamped tightly into place.
Once the inside framework was assembled, the two halves were fiberglassed together
using three layers each at the leading and trailing edge of the foil. Once cured, the flaps were cut
out as well as a hatch on the top of the foil to access the servos.
There are two flaps on the rear foil that serve the purpose of ailerons and elevators at the
same time through a simple mixing function on the controller. They are each 21 inches by 5
inches. Their construction consisted of cutting them out of the foil and mounting them onto the
shafts that were connected to the servos. They were mounted using roofing nails and Gorilla
Glue. Roofing nails were used because they have a very flat top, which allowed a very flush and
aerodynamic fit against the flap. Once the fiberglass flaps were mounted to the shafts, some
trimming of the flaps and their housings on the main foil was necessary to allow for adequate
control throw. The flaps were then filled with the pour foam and mounted.
After the basic construction of the rear foil was completed and the flaps were tested to
ensure proper functioning, the foil was painted to match the computer generated model. It was
mounted to the rear aluminum beam sections using two 6” by ½” bolts and two 5.5” by 3/8”
bolts. The ½” bolts screw into the rear foil at the point of maximum thickness on the foil profile,
and the 3/8” bolts screw into the rear foil four inches behind that. Each bolt goes through both
vertical walls of its adjacent aluminum beam, with a cap nut on each bolt on the outside of the
As previously stated, the flaps function as elevators and ailerons through a simple mixing
function on the controller. Each flap has just under 45 degrees of throw in each direction (up and
down) about its respective neutral setting. The servos are currently running off of a 6V 1100
mAh receiver battery, which is a larger capacity pack than the standard 4.8V 600 mAh pack.
The larger battery pack was chosen because of the high torque servos and long servo extensions
that run from the receiver (housed in the glass sphere) to the servos in the rear foil. The higher
voltage is necessary because the unusually long servo extensions used (~4’) inherently have
higher resistances than just the shorter stock servo leads, which causes a larger drop in voltage
between the receiver and the servos than if the servo leads were just plugged straight into the
receiver. The higher current rating of the new pack is necessary because the high torque servos
require more power than a standard servo, and because the voltage is constant in this case the
current must be raised to meet the higher power requirements (Power = Current*Voltage).
Everything on the rear foil is watertight and ready for underwater tests to ensure proper function
while submerged. Main Thrusters
The main thrusters on the glider are two Minn Kota 55 lb thrust trolling motors. They
provide slow speed maneuverability as well as short range propulsion.
The trolling motors were made to fit the glider by cutting the graphite mounting shaft
about 10 inches away from the lower unit and cutting the wires that ran down the shaft.
Originally, there were three wires; one for power, one for ground, and one for throttle control.
The stock throttle control wire was disconnected so that just the power and ground (red and
black) wires remained, and the shaft was sealed off with epoxy resin.
Fig. 4.10 Main Thruster
The thrusters are mounted to the aluminum beams via an aluminum shaft that has been
welded to the beams about 30 inches forward from the rear. The shafts (one on either side) are
welded to the inside wall of the beam and extend through the width of the beams to the outside
wall. They protrude 4 inches from the inside of the beam. They have an inner diameter that fits
flush with the graphite shafts of the trolling motors, so that the graphite shafts fit snugly inside of
the firmly mounted aluminum shafts. The two are then held together via a bolt in each mounting
Other than trimming the mounting shafts of the thrusters, two significant changes had to
be made to their design and operation. The first modification was to make the thrusters more
pressure resistant. Stock, the lower units of the thrusters (the parts that we were using) were
sealed but filled with air, which is a very compressible fluid. Under normal design, any
compressive forces experienced by the thrusters would act directly on their hard plastic casings.
To increase their resistance to pressure, the air (compressible) was replaced with mineral oil,
which is non-reactive and virtually incompressible when compared with air. A flexible vinyl
tube was also mounted to each thruster. Now, instead of the compressive pressure force acting
on the rigid casings, it works to compress the liquid, and any compression that does take place is
absorbed by the flexible tube.
Although the oil filled method is effective in increasing a sealed housing’s pressure
resistance, it still has its limits. It is therefore important to realize that the current construction of
the main thrusters, like the rear foil, is strictly temporary and for testing purposes only.
The second significant change that had to be made to the main thrusters was
modifying their throttle control mechanisms. Stock, the thrusters have a mechanical speed
controller. This however is very inefficient, gets very hot, and is too bulky. To control the
throttle, we opted for two DuraTrax Intellispeed 8T electronic speed controllers. The controllers
operate on 7.2-8.4 volts at a continuous 420 amps, and are rated to a maximum peak current of
1410 amps. They are also small enough to be easily mounted onboard. Kort Nozzles
The Kort nozzles are another component that was designed but never manufactured.
They were designed based on the MARIN No.37 nozzle profile. This profile allows the
encompassed propeller to work approximately 50% more efficient in both forward and
reverse[7], perfect for our vehicle and the maneuverability that we want to build into it. They
would also serve as protection to the user from being subjected to exposed propeller blades when
handling the vehicle. A mesh or grating can be applied to the front and rear of the nozzle to
ensure no injury to fingers or limbs caught by the moving propeller.
Fig.4.11 Kort Nozzle Design
The Nozzle itself will be made of syntactic foam, much like the rest of the vehicle. This
way they can not only provide buoyancy characteristics, but be quite strong as well. A layer of
fiberglass could be applied as a shell, or a simple epoxy marine grade paint could be used
Fig.4.12 Nozzle Attached to Motor
The Nozzles would be attached to the Motor Housing via four lateral supports that are
clamped or welded to the housing itself. A clamped system would be preferred due to its
accessibility and a non-permanent structure that would have to be replaced if the motor housing
were damaged, or vis-a-versa. The supports would be made of aluminum, and would be ¼”
thick, and ¾” wide. They would each have an aluminum base that would match the diameter of
the motor housing, serving as a mounting point that can either be screwed to, or clamped around
the motor.
22 Control Servos
The servos that control the flaps on the rear stabilizing foil needed to be modified for
underwater usage. In their original form, the servos are water resistant, but not properly sealed
for underwater operation. To seal the servos and make them more pressure resistant, they
needed to be completely filled with a nonconductive liquid (mineral oil) and sealed with some
type of adhesive or sealant at each seam. By replacing the air (compressible) with a liquid
(almost incompressible), the compressive load is taken off of the plastic casing for the servo and
applied to the liquid. To account for the slight compressibility of a liquid, a vinyl hose is
attached to the outside of the servo casing, allowing for slight compressibility without cracking
the rigid servo casings.
Fig.4.13 Mounted Rear Servos
Assembled Servo/Aileron
Before anything could be sealed or filled with mineral oil, the vinyl hose had to be
attached to the outside of the servo casing and the main shaft had to be greased with a sealing
lubricant. The first was done using pieces of vinyl hose 3 inches in length and ¾ inch in
diameter. To attach the hoses to the servo cases, we first drilled a ¼ inch hole in the bottom of
each servo and mounted the hoses with Marine Tex. We then plugged the end of the hose with a
standard brass plug. To seal the main servo shaft, “White Lightning” lithium grease was used.
To make sure that the grease would stand up to the mineral oil and not dissolve, it was left to
soak in a cup of the oil for several days. Once convinced that it would seal the shaft properly, it
was applied to the shaft itself, the outlet on the top casing, and the rubber O-ring that would be
mounted between the servo horn and the upper casing to further seal the servo. The servos were
then ready to be filled with mineral oil.
Two methods were used for the servo modifications. After trying the first method on one
servo and encountering several tedious obstacles, a second method was used for the second
servo. The first method consisted of disassembling the servo into its four main parts (bottom
casing, main body, top casing and servo horn) and reassembling the parts while they were fully
submerged in a tub of mineral oil. Theoretically, assembling in the oil would get rid of all the air
bubbles, which in turn would make the oil as efficient as possible in absorbing all of the
compressive forces. The idea was to assemble in the oil, take out the finished servo, wipe the
casing with acetone, and seal the joints with some type of adhesive. However, once assembled
and removed from the mineral oil, the “water resistant” seals proved to be just that, slowly
leaking oil and making it nearly impossible to remove enough oil from the surface to get the
sealant (super glue) to adhere to the servo casing. After finally sealing the servo, about half of
the oil content was lost.
Knowing that the ideal was not possible, we devised a method that would at least seal the
servo and still give us a little more compressibility than a regular servo. First, the plugs were
removed from the ends of the vinyl hoses. We then assembled the second servo (the first was
already assembled) and proceeded to seal each servo with a generous amount of Marine Tex,
making sure that every joint was as watertight as possible. With each servo sealed, we then used
a turkey baster to fill the servos with oil through the open end of the hoses. The turkey baster,
along with the flexible hoses, allowed us to get rid of most of the air bubbles, as we were able to
make a temporary seal of the hose around the baster and actually mildly pressurize the servo as
we were filling it. After the servos were filled, we used brass caps and more marine tex to seal
them completely.
After several days, we noticed that there was a slow leak of mineral oil out of the servos
where the three wires exited the case. We cleaned the problem spots as best we could and
applied a generous portion of epoxy resin, which worked its way in between the wires better than
the Marine Tex could and gave us our final seal.
The final product turned out to be less than ideal, but it is still watertight and will allow
us to at least perform some shallow water testing. The process also pointed out some methods to
be avoided, such as assembling servos in a tub of mineral oil. In the future, for more permanent
applications, it would be much better to manufacture a servo box with two ports, one for the
shaft and one for the three wires. The box itself could be made much stronger than the actual
servo casing, absorbing the brunt of the extreme compressive forces experienced while
4.2.3 Recovery System
The recovery system is very important in that it makes deployment possible. It provides
strong lifting points at each of the four corners of the glider for easy and safe lifting of the craft.
Having a four point connection system allows for secure lifting while on a boat/ship that may be
rocking and pitching in rough seas. In most cases, the glider will probably be launched by means
of a crane or lifting arm over the side or stern of a large vessel. The current design was chosen
because of ease of attachment and stability. The large area that the handles afford will create a
larger target area for any hook device that will have to be attached via crane operator/deckhand.
Fig.4.15 Milled Front/Rear Recovery Handles
Fig.4.16 Front Handles Holding Foil Extensions
The recovery system is very important in that it makes deployment possible. It provides
strong lifting points at each of the four corners of the glider for easy and safe lifting of the craft.
Having a four point connection system allows for secure lifting while on a boat/ship that may be
rocking and pitching in rough seas. In most cases, the glider will probably be launched by means
of a crane or lifting arm over the side or stern of a large vessel. The current design was chosen
because of ease of attachment and stability. The large area that the handles afford will create a
greater target area for any hook device that will have to be attached via crane operator/deckhand.
The recovery system consists of four large aluminum handles, one placed at each corner
of the glider. The front two handles were CNC machined out of 5/8” thick 6061 T6 aluminum
plating, while the rear two handles were machined out of 3/8” thick 6061 T6 aluminum plating.
6061-T6 aluminum has tensile strength and corrosion-resistance properties that allowed for
construction of pieces that are light-weight but strong, and capable of standing up to the harsh
environment of the ocean[8]. The handles are mounted to the frame rails by 3/8” countersunk
cap screws and secured with 5/8” square nuts that are slotted into the interior foam block on the
inside of the beam. The forward handles also create a location at which the foil extensions can be
attached to the craft.
4.2.4 Bow Thrusters
We have made plans to install bow thrusters at the front of each main aluminum beam.
This was an initial design concept brought forth by last year’s design team, but now a practical
solution has been found. The thrusters would be mounted inside of the foil extensions to keep
the both the motors from being damaged along with keeping the vehicle as efficiently
hydrodynamic, with cutouts for their operational flow. Bow thrusters would allow for greater
slow speed maneuverability as well as give the glider landing capabilities. If the glider were to
land, it would be very hard if not impossible for the rear thrusters to push the vehicle out of the
sand or other substance encountered. With these forward thrusters, the bow would lift and allow
a proper pitch at which the main thrusters propel the vehicle off of the ground.
Fig.4.17 Bow Thruster/Bracket Assembly
Fig.4.18 Bow Thruster Mounted to Vehicle
Ideally, the thruster motors will be of the DC-Brushless variety to operate in such aquatic
environments. They will be mounted to an aluminum bracket that is then welded or fastened to
the aluminum frame on each side of the vehicle. The location of the thruster on the bracket will
play an important part in how efficient it is. If it is too far a stern, there will be too much of a
moment for the thruster to lift, so being as far forward as possible is ideal. A propeller that
creates as much force as possible will also be an important part of the design. It must be small
but powerful as to be contained within the restricted area inside of the extension.
4.2.5 Electronics
Due to the underwater environment in which the AUV will be operating, certain
accommodations had to be made to some electronic components, mainly the servos. Because the
remote control system that we are using for our preliminary testing is merely temporary, its
components do not need to be able to withstand the extremely high hydrostatic pressure forces
that the AUV will ultimately be experiencing. For our preliminary tests, we are not planning on
traveling deeper than about 3 meters, so the main goals for the temporary control system
components, particularly the servos, are to make them watertight and marginally pressure
resistant. The rest of the control system components will be mounted inside of the glass spheres. Remote Control System
Using a temporary remote control system allowed us to focus our time and budget on
more important aspects of the glider. The system that we chose consists of a Tower Hobbies 6
channel transmitter, 6 channel receiver, two Hitec high torque servos, and two DuraTrax
Intellispeed 8T electronic speed controllers. Although we are currently only running a 3 channel
system (elevator, aileron, main thrusters), the 6 channel system was chosen for possible future
testing of bow thrusters, specimen collection devices, and individually controlled main thrusters.
Fig.4.19 Radio Control System for Testing
Other than the servos, all of the onboard components will be mounted inside the glass
spheres to protect them from the water and pressure. The vehicle will be powered via a tether to
the surface, eliminating the need for batteries that are capable of being submerged for this short
amount of time. The antenna will be a wire connected to a float, much like a fishing bobbin, that
is on the surface of the water. This will allow for transmission of functions given through the
radio controller that will be in the hands of the user on the surface.
3. Testing and Analysis
5.1 Fluid Mechanics Testing
One of the most important parts in designing a submersible is fluid mechanics testing.
The idea is to get some idea of the forces the submersible will be exposed to while operating in
the environment it was designed for. This way the submersible can be made to withstand these
There are two ways to test the fluid mechanics forces on an object immersed in a fluid.
One way is to perform similitude tests, and the other is to run computer generated simulations.
For our AUV glider, similitude tests meant creating a scaled model and seeing how it acts in a
wind tunnel. The wind tunnel must have a free stream Reynolds number equal to that which the
glider would be exposed to in the water. In our case, this meant having a wind tunnel which
could run at 150 mph to 300 mph. Unfortunately, we did not have a wind tunnel this powerful at
our disposal. So, we were left with computer simulations.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the process through which computer
simulations are preformed for fluid mechanics testing. CFD uses the initial properties of a fluid
in motion and the geometry that the fluid moves through to solve for the fluid mechanic and even
thermodynamic properties of that fluid at various points within that geometry. It does this by
using by dividing the geometry into discrete cells – a process called meshing – and finds an
approximate solution to the governing fluid mechanic equations at each cell. Figure 5.1.1 is an
example of a meshed grid. In our case, we are mainly interested in the lift and drag of the fluid
on the foils of the AUV. With this information is required for calculating things such as the
thrust required by the motors, the range of the glider, the glide ratio, and maneuverability of the
Fig.5.1 “C” Grid Mesh
Three programs were used for the CFD calculations on our glider: ProEngineer,
GAMBIT, and Fluent. ProEngineer is the 3D modeling program used to create many of the
pictures illustrated in this report. After making a model of what needs to be examined an IGS
file is created and imported to GAMBIT which creates the geometry and mesh which will be
analyzed with the CFD program.
Figure 5.1.1 is an example of a mesh ready to undergo CFD calculations. The outside
edge of the mesh represents an area where the fluid flow is not affected by the foil. At this point
the fluid would still be in free stream conditions. The inside curve represents the object under
examination, in this case the main foil of the AUV. Geometry is a large factor in how accurate
the CFD program will be able to calculate the properties of the fluid. In a good mesh the
individual cells can be different sizes and shape, but there should be a sense of continuity
between adjacent cells. Also, along the foil the cells would ideally be nearly normal to its
There are a few things that influence how precise the CFD solutions will be. One of them
is the number of cells in the mesh. However, the more cells one puts in the mesh the longer it
will take for the solutions to be processed. So, a good mesh will have larger cells near the
outside boundary where the foil will not have a large affect on the fluid flow, but much smaller
and compact cells near the foil. Figure 5.1.2 is a mesh of a different geometry. Like the
previous mesh, the cells are large near the outside boundary and gradually become much smaller
as they approach the foil.
Fig.5.2 Standard Mesh Grid for Airfoils
Finally, conditions are defined at the boundaries of the mesh. In figure 5.1.2, the curved,
top, and bottom boundaries are defined as a velocity inlet. So, the CFD program will ask for the
speed and direction of the flow at this boundary. The right boundary is defined as a pressure
outlet. Finally, the foil in the middle is defined as a wall, which makes the CFD program apply
the no slip condition. Boundaries in GAMBIT can be defined in several other ways, and can
even be time dependent. It can also do three dimensional geometries and meshes. However, for
our 2D steady flow calculations these three boundary types are suffice.
After this is done the mesh is complete it is exported to Fluent which does all the CFD
calculations. Since these calculations can take a long time to process, fluent allows you to
choose from a number of different solvers. The solvers are different forms of the governing
equations, some more powerful but more complex than others. If for instance the flow is known
to be laminar, it can be defined as such which will cut down on the time it takes for the program
to reach an accurate solution. In our case, we have a turbulent flow regime. Many more factors
can be included into Fluent such as heat exchange, radiation, mixed fluid, and multiple phases of
a fluid.
After all the significant properties of the fluid are defined the program can begin to
process the information. CFD programs us iteration to solve for values to the various flow
properties at different points within the defined boundary. This means it tests different values to
enter into the governing equations and attempts to get the answers to converge to some point. In
a two dimensional analysis at the very least Fluent will check to make sure that continuity, the x
velocity, and y velocity are converging. Fluent can be set up to plot the residuals of these values
which a measure of the difference in answers with each iteration. Figure 5.1.3 shows an
illustration of these plots. More variables will appear on the plots depending on what solvers
were chosen for the calculations.
Fig.5.3 Residuals for Turbulent Flow
After the residuals reach a level of convergence defined by the user fluent can map the
values of many different properties within the boundaries of the calculations. For example,
figure 5.1.4 is a contour map of the pressure distribution around the rear foil of our AUV. It can
also be used to make graphs of the value of a property along the defined walls, and vector maps
such as figure 5.1.5. Finally, fluent can calculate the net forces acting along a wall (in our case
the airfoil) in different directions.
Fig.5.4 Pressure Distribution Around Rear Foil
Fig.5.5 Vector Map of Fluid Velocity Near Rear Foil
The meshes are complete for our AUV, and we have started getting data on the main and
rear foil. We still have to perform test with the free stream velocity set at different magnitudes
and angles. After this we have to perform some calculations to see what the data means in terms
of range, power requirement, maneuverability, stability, and glide ratio of our AUV. These
calculations are not just important for our glider, but for future versions of the AUV glider.
Below is a summary of the preliminary results we have for our main and rear foil. This is the net
force is the horizontal and vertical direction when there is a 2 m/s flow of water at a 0° angle of
attack. This is the force per unit length (meter) of the specified cross section. (NOTE: the net
vertical force for the rear foil at 0° appears greater than zero due to the mesh made for the gap
between the frame and the flaps. However, this is a relatively small force given the size of the
flap and the speed of the water moving across it.)
Main Foil
Rear Foil
Rear Foil
Net Horizontal
Net Vertical
Table.5.1: Net Force on Foils
5.2 Material Testing
Our AUV is being designed with the intent to reach depths of 4000 m. At such depths
there will be a tremendous amount of pressure on the glider. Even though our prototype is not
expected to reach this limit, we must determine how the material we are using will respond to
these compressive forces. Specifically, we want to know how our fiberglass composite will
handle these pressures; it is known that the glass ball housing and structural foam can handle
such depths.
We can use a universal tester to determine ultimate strength of our composite. The
universal tester on our campus can reach loads of 60,000 lb. However, the load cells available
will only function up to 30,000 lb; normally a 10,000 lb load cell is used. A load cell is a device
that converts strain into electrical signals, which is how a computer reads the force universal
tester is exerting.
For our test we would take small samples of the fiberglass composites we made, and put
them in the universal tester under compression until they fail. Failure would probably be in the
form of a crack in the fiberglass. If this happens in the environment that the AUV is designed to
operate it might meant parts of the shell for the main and rear foil breaking off. The glider would
probably still be able to function, but it would create more drag, and one crack may cause more
cracks to form. This test will have to be done by the next team that will work on completing the
Safety Risks and Hazards
During the manufacturing process of this project, we had to take certain safety
precautions on several occasions. We dealt with heavy machinery and hazardous materials on
several occasions.
Several components of the AUV were machined on the CNC machine and the bandsaw.
For these two machines, eye protection was worn at all times. The CNC was used for the cutting
of the blue modeling foam blocks for the mold of the rear foil, the re-cutting of the syntactic
foam blocks, and the cutting of the recovery system handles. For each of these pieces there was
a possibility of loose debris getting thrown around, so eye protection was worn at all times.
We also had to do a considerable amount of sanding of the 6 syntactic foam blocks to
make them fit into the main foil shell. When sanded, the blocks gave off a very fine, abrasive
dust (glass particles) that would have been hazardous to our health if inhaled. For the sanding of
the syntactic foam blocks, we respirators with organic filters for extra protection.
When working with the blue modeling foam, it was also necessary to wear the organic
filters because of possible gases the foam could have given off. We wore the filters when the
foam was being cut by the CNC.
We also used the organic filters when we fiber-glassed the rear foil and the foil
extensions. Because the epoxy we were using gave off considerable fumes, we used the masks
and made sure the work areas were properly ventilated. We also wore latex gloves so as not to
get any resin on our skin.
The last material that we had to be cautious about was the urethane pour foam that we
used for the rear foil. The foam was mixed as a two part resin which when combined, began to
expand and give off toxic gases. For this process, we used latex gloves and the organic filters
and worked in a well ventilated area.
5. Conclusion
Our main goal of providing a strong foundation for future teams to build on was
accomplished in many ways, but there is still much that can be done. The parts of the project
that were effectively completed were:
creating functional foil extensions
creating a strong and practical recovery system
creating a structurally strong and functional rear foil
designing an optimally efficient main kort nozzle
obtaining useful flow characteristics of the foils used (main and rear)
There is still much work to be done, including improvements on the parts we created.
For instance, the surfaces of the foil extensions and the rear foil are unfinished and need to be
smoothed to increase flow efficiency, and the kort nozzles still need to be constructed. But, as
stated in the introduction, we knew that the project was not going to be completed upon our
teams ending.
We would like to have tested the glider in a pool or shallow water environment to test the
functionality of the rear foil and the effectiveness of the recovery system handles, along with the
general response of all of the individual parts of the glider to water submersion, but we ran out of
time. One main obstacle that we faced was the lack of a crane or similar structure for
deployment. As the glider sits, it is almost ready for its initial submersion. Assuming a capable
deployment method is devised, all that would need to be completed for an initial submersion test
Proper fitting of the glass spheres
Wiring of the main thrusters and servos to the receiver and power source located in the
glass spheres
Supplying of a power source, be it onboard batteries or external power tether, to power
the main thrusters
Proper securing of the syntactic foam blocks and upper main foil shell to the glider
body (lower main foil shell/aluminum beams)
6. References
[1] MIT Sea Grant College Program, “AUV Laboratory at MIT Sea Grant: CETUS,” 2007.
[2] MIT Sea Grant College Program, “AUV Laboratory at MIT Sea Grant: CETUS,” 2007.
[3] University of North Carolina Wilmington, “NURC’s Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,”
[4] University of North Carolina Wilmington, “NURC/SEGM CAPABILITIES: Webb Slocum
Glider AUV,” 2007.
[5] SCRIPPS Institute of Oceanography, “Underwater Robot Makes History Crossing Gulf
Stream,” 2006.
[6] “Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: Powered Glider,” Senior Design Project, Internal Florida
Tech Document, 2006.
[7] E. V. Lewis, Ed., Principles of Naval Architecture. Jersey City: Society of Naval Architects
And Marine Engineers, c1988-c1989, 3v., pp 217-220
[8] M. S. Mamlouk and J. P. Zaniewski, Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers.
Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education Inc., 2006, pp. 142-145
Appendix A
Vectorworks Marine, Inc – Titusville, Florida (321) 269-8444
General Plastics Manufacturing Co. – Tacoma, Washington (253) 473-5000
Syntech Technology Inc. - Pavilion, New York (485) 768-2513
Arcom – A Member of Eurotech Group – Overland Park, Kansas (888) 947-2224
Appendix B
Budget for Spring ‘07
Part #
Metal Express
5/8 6061-t651 Aluminum Plate
L = 14" W = 8"
3/8 6061-t651 Aluminum Plate
L = 8" W = 8"
Charge Leads Hitec/AirZ
Hobbico Multi-Charger
McMaster Carr
3/8"-16 SS Flat Sockethead
L = 1-1/2"
Tower Hobbies
Tower Hobbies
6 - Channel Radio
Hobbico HD Switch
Hitec 12" HD Ext.
Hitec 24" HD Ext.
Hitec 36" HD Ext.
Hitec 6" Y Harness
Sanyo 6V 1100mAH
Promotional Discount
Joann Fabric
Lint Roller Twin Pac
Black Alpine Solids
204-VPT: Ti Vacuum Port
PC/104/IDE Peripheral Module
Miscellaneous Fasteners
Appendix C
Budget for Summer ‘07
Part #
Home Depot
Hi-Performance Masonry Blade
Qt. Vinyl Ester Resin
2oz. MEKP Catalyst
14oz. TR-102 Regular Paste Wax
1/2" x 3" Aluminum Economy
Angle Aluminum Beam
Contact Cement
2" Foam Brush
1/2" 2x4 Plywood
DuraTrax IntelliSpeed 8T Rcing
Promotional Discount
7.5oz. Cloth (yds)
Home Depot
Home Depot
Gorilla Glue
Plastic Depots
Urethane Pour Foam 10lns
Ace Hardware
Tower Hobbies
White Lithium Grease 1.25oz
Plastic Dip 14.5oz Red
Fasteners (O-Rings)
Vinyl Tube
Flared Cap 3/8" Brass
Glue Super All Purpose 2GM
Ace Hardware
CUT YDG(11+) 60Z-30" FABRIC
Machine Screw Square Nut
Zinc-Plated Stl, 3/8"-16,
Aluminum 6061 T6 Bare Tube
1.375" x 0.125" x 1.125" x 36"
PVC Pipe 1.25" x 10'
Aluminum Tube
PVC Pipe 1.00" x 10'
Ace Hardware
Lock Nut
Spray paint
Appendix D
Gantt Chart