“IN TOUCH” - The Catholic Community of North Harbour


“IN TOUCH” - The Catholic Community of North Harbour
The Catholic Community of North Harbour
In the care of the Augustinians
M ARCH 2 0 1 5 V OLUME 1 3 I SSUE 1
St Kieran's Manly Vale
Welcome to our new Parish Priest
We are privileged to welcome among us, Fr Paul Maloney OSA as our new parish priest.
While new in some respects, Fr Paul is very well known in our community from the time of his years of
teaching at St Augustine’s College, Brookvale, and more recently his
work at the Augustinian Spirituality Centre, Greystanes, where he has
conducted many group retreats and also been chaplain to the
Friends of Saint Augustine. In fact for over 30 years Fr Paul has
worked in the area of spiritual direction and the ministry of
hospitality through Augustinian Houses of Prayer in different
locations and different states.
Fr Paul is currently a member of the Augustinian Provincial Council
and we are also honoured to welcome to the Manly Vale Priory
Fr David Austin OSA, the Provincial, who will be resident in the
Fr Minh-Tan Hoang
Fr Paul Maloney
We will also see a little more of Fr ‘Tan’ (Minh-Tan Hoang OSA—who
while residing at Brookvale in the Augustinian Formation House will
be actively engaged in the parish as well.
Fr Tan has also assumed the role of chaplain for the Augustinian
Formation Association.
We welcome them all and, of course, are delighted that
Fr Senan Ward remains among us in the parish as well as being
committed to his role as Chaplain to St Augustine’s College.
Fr David Austin
Fr Senan Ward
Please admire our 5 new stained glass windows which
were installed at St Kieran’s recently, (next to the
music area) and generously donated by parishioners.
The three central panels represent St Kieran, the
hermit bishop, by his apple tree flanked by a fox and
The outer panels refer to the ocean, beaches, and
musical notation.
The artist, Paddi Robinson, previously created the
panels on the other side of the church
“ I N T OUCH ”
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
For the past three months I have been introducing myself to everyone I meet (sometimes two or three times) so that
they will know who I am - but more particularly so I can match a name to their face or function in the parish. It
now seems quite an extension of that task that I should be sending my greetings to so many more of you who
receive this "In Touch" magazine on a quarterly basis. I am encouraged by the example of the late Gough Whitlam
who, we are told, "displayed an unfeigned respect, curiosity and interest for all those he met" - so here is my
chance to do the same for you.
If, like me, you have been away from Parish life for an extended period of time you may be surprised at how
comforting it is to return to the familiar details of a weekly routine. Once the school year began I have been
plunged into activities with the children and their parents which have filled me with delight. The excitement of
every day is evident in their voices as they arrive in the morning or leave in the afternoons, and the little
processions into church for 'ceremonies of light' or opening Masses gives them a chance to show how reverent they
can be when entering God's house.
The other task that has touched my heart has been the calls to the hospital, nursing homes or private dwellings to
bring the sacraments to the sick and elderly. Each has been a special privilege as the action of God's love is
communicated through the anointing prayers and the sharing of communion so that the isolation of sickness is
broken and the love of the community surrounds them in an embrace that comes from Christ himself.
As the days of Holy Week and Easter approach I pray that we may all entrust our lives into the hands of the one
who has promised "And I, when I am lifted up will draw all people to myself". Whichever of the ceremonies you
might choose to attend may it be for you a "return to your own heart" where you will find the
abiding love of God waiting to greet you.
2 King Street, Manly Vale
Phone: 9949 4455 fax:9949 3413
Email: parishoffice@
Fr Paul Maloney OSA
Parish Priest
Fr Senan Ward OSA Assistant priest
Fr Dave Austin OSA Provincial in residence
Fr Minh-Tan Hoang OSA
School Principals
Mrs Terri Paterson, St, Kieran’s, 9949 3523
Mrs Frances Taylor , St Cecilia’s, 9948 3069
Tim Cleary, St Augustine’s, 9938 8200
Pastoral Team
Ricki Hayes, Sacraments of Initiation & Catechist Co-ord, 9949 4455
Rosemary McKinnon, Counselor, 0400 495 076
Ben Marshall, Youth Music Ministry, 0411 809 072
Adriana Bowyer Family Ministry &
Catechist Co-ordinator 0402 099 746
Chris Burrows, (Parish Manager)
Anne Ross & Jane Filacuridi (Parish Secretaries)
Tony Cipri WWS & WHS Officer
Monday-Friday 9am - 4 pm
St. Kieran’s
St Cecilia’s
6.00 pm
7.30 am
9.00 am
9.30 am
6.00 pm
8.30 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,
8.30am Liturgy of the Hours, St Kierans
Holy Week Ceremonies and Easter 2015
Holy Thursday, 2 April
Church of St Kieran
8.30am Liturgy of the Hours (morning prayers)
6.30pm Passover Meal (
7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper parish centre
9.30pm Liturgy of the Hours (night prayers)
Good Friday, 3 April
Church of St Kieran
8.30am Liturgy of the Hours (morning prayers)
10.00am Stations of the Cross
11.00am Sacrament of Penance, 1st Rite
3.00pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
4.15-5pm Sacrament of Penance, 1st Rite
Church of St Cecilia
10.30am Stations of the Cross
11-11.30am Sacrament of Penance, 1st Rite
3.00pm Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday, 4 April
Church of St Kieran
8.30am Liturgy of the Hours (morning prayers)
9.00am RCIA Retreat
10.00am Vigil Rehearsal
5.00-6.pm Sacrament of Penance, 1st Rite
7.00pm Easter Vigil Mass
Parish celebration for RCIA and RCIC
Easter Sunday Masses, 5 April
Church of St Kieran
7.30am and 9.30am
NO evening Mass
Church of St Cecilia
3 "
"I N
Beginning in March all monthly donations will be processed on the 15 th of each month. Quarterly donations
will be the 15th of March, June, September and December, half yearly on the 15 th of June and December and
yearly on the 15th of June. It may be necessary to contact some givers during the testing of the new system
this month but hopefully this will be a smooth change over for most people.
If you have any concerns or questions please contact me and of course as always if you wish to join the planned giving program and contribute to the running of the Parish we would love to hear from you.
Below is a brief overview of the parish income and expenses for the first half of the current financial year.
As you can see the second collection (Planned Giving) for the year has remained close to last year’s figures. This is
due to the Planned Giving campaign run during Lent last year which saw the number of contributors rise from 448 to
475. Unfortunately that number has subsequently fallen back to 446 which will make it difficult to maintain our income at a level equal to that of 2013/14. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the accounts.
Chris Burrows—Parish Manager
Since our last issue of “In Touch” the Catholic Community of North Harbour welcomed the following
children to God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism in the Churches of St Kieran and St Cecilia
North Harbour Parish congratulates these children and their families.
Lily Keeling
Ottilie Brown
Kalea Lancaster
Xavier Liddell
Chau Jern Yeo (adult)
Brianna Bae
Bryson Bae
Laura Leite
Ryker Parker
Heath Tristram
Layla Teitke
Nicholas Bartlam
Harbey Amores
Ivy Wall
Roman Bleyer
Ezra Bleyer
Lucian Bleyer
Alfred Taylor
James Holden
Amelia Wholohan
Olivia Short
Valerie Pickup
Archie Pickup
Ella Kruhak
Holly Lorefice
Summer Lorefice
Our next Baptism Preparation
Sessions are on the following
Sundays at 11.am-12.30pm:
May 3, June 7, August 2, ,
September 27, November 8.
Bookings essential Ph. 9949 4455.
Since our last issue of “In Touch” the Catholic Community of North Harbour has farewelled in liturgy the following
people in the Churches of St Kieran and St Cecilia:
Dallas Pickett
Rita Prince
Juliet Parle
Suzanne Westgarth
Edward Robinson
Antoinette Santarosa
Shirley McCormack
Anthony McIntyre
Carmel Carlton
John Raymond
The Catholic Community of North Harbour extends our sympathy to the bereaved families and friends.
“ I N T OUCH ”
Families with children in Year 2 should contact Adriana Bowyer/Ricki Hayes now by email to
register interest for the next Sacramental process—Confirmation 2015:
beginning with the Parent Enquiry session, May 12 or 13.
Contact: [email protected]
For families in Year 3 — 1st Communion bookings are open on the
Trybooking site :
or http://www.trybooking.com/80317
Sunday 1st February saw 5 of our Augustinian students making their First and Solemn Professions.
Congratulations to Tuan Anh Peter Le, Quang Tuyen Peter Pham and Hu Yao John Shang for their
First Professions and Dongwoo Augustine Kim and Kim Phu Vincent Tran for their Solemn Professions.
We wish them every blessing for the future.
A Morning tea followed our Anointing Mass on Wednesday 11th February .
Our next Anointing Mass will be on Wednesday May 13th at 10am at St Kieran’s Church
Playgroup/Kidstime is a fantastic way for mothers, fathers, grandparents, carers and children
(aged 0-5 years) to interact and get to know others in your community and for your child to
meet other children who will eventually attend the local primary schools.
‘Kidstime’ meets weekly during school term on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the Parish
Centre, 2 King Street, Manly Vale from 9.30am to 11.30am.
Everyone is most welcome to come along.
"I N T OUC H "
Principal 2015 update
at St Cecilia’s
Holy Week Liturgies
at St Kieran’s School
This year our Holy Week Liturgies will reflect
“A Journey with Jesus”.
The School community will accompany Jesus
on his journey through Holy Week each
afternoon at a 2.30 pm assembly in the
playground or in the church (wet weather).
Each grade is preparing a small liturgy
focussing on the aspect of the Holy Week that
pertains to the area of their Religious
Education. Students in each class will lead the
school community in prayer. Parents and
parishioners are invited to participate in our
“Journey with Jesus”.
Monday 30th March :
Palm Sunday
Tuesday 31st March:
Last Supper
Washing of the Feet
Wednesday 1st April:
Garden of Gethsemane
Year One
Year Four
Year Two
Thursday 2nd April:
Year Five
will re-enact and reflect upon some of the
Journey of the Cross – the Stations of the
Cross. Class groups, parents and parishioners
are invited to join the pilgrimage around the
Stations of the Cross commencing at 11. 30.
The Stations of the Cross will be scattered in
various locations around the playground and
will commence on the blue soft fall area in
front of the canteen. Pilgrimages will
commence at 11.30 am then every fifteen
minutes. The pilgrimage should take half an
hour to complete and will be moved to the
church in case of wet weather.
It was pleasing to announce the
appointment of Frances Taylor as
Principal of St Cecilia’s Catholic School,
Mrs Taylor is a very committed Catholic
Educator who has seven years’ experience
as Assistant Principal at Corpus Christi Catholic School, St
Ives. Mrs Taylor is a strong educational leader, who has
recently worked as Education Officer – Numeracy within the
Educational Services Team at the Catholic Schools Office
implementing high yield strategies to promote school
improvement in Mathematics. Other leadership positions she
has held are as Assistant Principal at St John the Baptist
Catholic School, Freshwater (2002 — 2006), and Religious
Education Coordinator at St John the Baptist Catholic School,
Freshwater (2001 – 2002).
Social Justice in North Harbour Parish in 2015
The parish Social Justice group has been undergoing some changes
to the way it operates in the last 6 months in an effort to build
links and improve communications between our parish group and
our two parish schools.
The group met for the first time in late February to meet with Fr
Paul and to discuss our agenda for this year.
Our first “event” will be to participate in the Parish Ministry
expo’ (stay tuned for the details from the Parish Council). Then,
following on from our very successful drive for the Asylum
Seeker’s Centre in Newtown last year, we will again be asking for
donations during May. Later on in the year we are aiming to
organise another visit to the Gallipoli Mosque (followed by
lunch) and, after the rugby/soccer season has ended, a drive
for clean, used boots to donate to indigenous children in remote
areas. Details of all these events will be included in the parish
bulletin in the weeks leading up to each event.
Meetings this year will be on a “need to”
basis, with communication via email in the
interim. If you would like to join us please
come along to our next meeting on
Tuesday the 31st of March at 7.30pm in the
parish centre.
GIFT - Get involved in 2015
GIFT is a local outreach ministry that support families in stress in our
immediate neighbourhood. GIFT activities support the efforts of
Dalwood Spilstead Services,
Seaforth and the Link Community Food Care Program, Cromer.
Rally your friends, neighbours and colleagues and join a cook-off.
Cook-off slots are available for teams of 4-6 people.
Contact details for GIFT:
Jude Hamer—email: [email protected] or mobile 0412 798 032
Evelyn Paterson email: [email protected] or mobile 0417 849 978
What’s been happening?
“ I N T OUCH ”
Congratulations to
Bob & Rosemary McEwan,
who were affiliated into the
Order of St Augustine
On February 1st’s Religious
Professions ceremony
On Sunday December 28th, we said Farewell to Frs Brian and Dipi, who
concelebrated 9.30am mass, followed by a morning tea.
The gathering was very well attended, gifts were presented, and speeches made by the
Parish Council Co-Chair Mark Hansen, and Fr Senan.
Frs Brian and Dipi would like to pass on their sincere thanks for the gifts they
received—a sheepskin jacket and money towards new technology for Fr Brian, and an
Ipad mini and money for Fr Dipi. We wish them well for the future.
They have both settled in to their new roles, and would like to pass on their greetings
to all.
The parish is currently preparing to welcome six new Adult
members into the Catholic Community of North Harbour as
part of the Easter Vigil. It takes place at St Kieran’s on
Easter Saturday evening. The group comprises :
Catechumen (to receive the Sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist) Lucas Bradford, Bronwyn
Harrison, Petrea and Steven Riches and Vincent Yeo.
Candidates (those already baptised as Christian’s in another
Denominational Church but seeking to enter in to full
communion with the Catholic Church through the
sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist: Skye Wacher
Parishioners are invited to keep our candidates in their
prayers as they complete this next stage of their faith
journey towards Easter.
On Friday 6th March, morning tea followed by a
Combined Churches Service including church
communities from St.Mary’s, St.Matthew’s,
All Saints, St.Paul and St.Andrew’s was hosted by
North Harbour parish at St Kieran’s.
Many thanks to all the parishioners whose efforts
made the morning a great success.
Our yummy Spaghetti nights return
this year on Sunday March 29th, after
the 6pm Mass. They will be held
throughout the year on the fourth
Sunday of the month.
All are Welcome !!
If you are able to volunteer to help
throughout 2015 please contact the
Parish office or Myra Smith.
The parish conducts liturgies for children at the following times
(outside school holiday time)
St Kieran's: every week during the 9.30am Sunday mass
St Cecilia's: every 3rd Sunday during the
9.00am Sunday mass
“ I N T OUCH ”
2 King Street, Manly Vale 2093
All occasions catered
Professional wait staff
“pre-order’ FAMILY MEALS
See menu—parish office
Call Robyn any time
9907 1537
0414 917 685
[email protected]
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“ I N T OUCH ”
Youth at North Harbour
Going into 2015, Ben and I are passionate about creating an outlet for the youth
to share their faith with other young adults.
We believe for a young person’s relationship with ‘Jesus and ‘church’ to be long
lasting, Christian values need to be practically applied to the world around them.
We already have a bright, enthusiastic and talented group of youth that is steadily
continuing to grow. I’m excited to be a part of this experience and I’m looking
forward to the amazing future the youth will bring to an already fantastic parish.
Youth Group runs every 3rd Sunday of the month after 6pm Mass at St Kieran’s
parish centre – Yr 7 upwards. Newcomers always welcome!
Vicky Loughland (Youth Ministry)– 0422 532 373
Ben Marshall (Music Ministry)– 0411 809 072
Music at Mass
It was in Lent last year that a parishioner wrote a letter to Fr Brian Buckley after
attending Sunday evening mass. He stated that the music was self-indulgent, and not at
all what mass was meant to be about. Perhaps it was our version of 'Cast No Shadow' by
Oasis after the Gospel that day that made this person question what our motives were...
"Here's a thought for every man who tries to understand what is in his hands..."
Mmm... I guess it just rang true to me, as I see Lent as such a 'human' time for Jesus. Struggling with the weight
of being 'the son of God'. I mean, it's common for a son to feel like he's living in his father's shadow... but Jesus!
Achieving the balance of music that is entertaining for those that need to be entertained, prayerful for those
that want to be prayerful and congregational for those that wish to actively participate can be difficult. The role
of 'The Mass' in people's lives changes so much from person to person and from week to week.
The church calendar is set every year, but it's safe to say the lives and emotions of individuals don't ebb and
flow with the highs and lows of the various church 'seasons'. Losing a loved one at Christmas time, getting a
promotion/wanting to celebrate during lent, or just feeling down in the dumps during the 'Joyous Easter
At North Harbour our job as music ministers is to find that balance. Appealing to the individual as well the
congregation. Echoing words, phrases and themes of the scriptures, pushing them deeper into the psyche, so it
can be understood on a different level. No matter what a person is going through in their life to take something
away from mass, to feel spiritually (and physically) nourished and nurtured.
We are lucky to have such an amazing team of music ministers who generously give their time, effort and talent
to this community to enhance our liturgies. The variety of age/experience and instrumentation is astounding!
If you are interested in joining our music ministry team. Please contact me (Ben Marshall) via email:
[email protected] (underscore before the @...sometimes tricks people).