Spring 2016 - Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity


Spring 2016 - Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity
Greater Albuquerque
Help build it!
Spring 2016
Build Site, ReStore, Office…
Thank you, Volunteers!
President’s Message...........................2
Joani’s Corner.....................................3
Operational Corner.............................4
The Ripple Effect of Volunteers...........5
Thank You, Volunteers........................6
Family Services...................................7
A Glimpse of Mesa del Rio..................8
Delving into Development..................9
Building Walls that are Bridges...........9
Donor Honor Roll.............................10
Meet Bruce Haynes..........................11
Raising the Roof Annual Breakfast....12
Help build it!
29 Years Of Opening Doors To Brighter Futures
President’s Message
Greater Albuquerque
Board of Directors
Mark Lujan, President
Lori Valdez, Vice President
Eric Burris, Secretary
Robert (Bob) Arguelles, Interim Treasurer
Sue Alschuler
Judy Lawrence
Mark Edwards
Jeff Payne
Keith Hardy
Johanna Pickel
Stephen Houret
Administrative Staff
Joani Costello, Executive Director
Doug Champlin, Operations Manager
Catherine Heyne, Executive Assistant/Grant Writer
Bruce Haynes, Finance Director
Bernadine Sandoval, Accounting Assistant
Bill Reilly, Construction Manager
D’Angela Zamora, Construction Asst/Cashier
Beth Goldman, Director of Resource Development
KoriAnn Sanchez, Family Services Manager
Regina Macias, Volunteer Manager
Jerry Bontrager, Front Office
Mireya Dominguez, Administrative Assistant
Hayden Dixon, Janitorial
ReStore Staff
James Blanton, Assistant Manager
Nancy Southworth, Dispatch
Richard Stygar, Dispatch
Annette Limbrick, Co-Assistant Manager
Kay Pils, Procurement
Christopher Ashley
Sergio Ituarte
Thomas Hahn
John Watts
Graylin Armstrong, Truck Driver
Ezra Borgstahl, Truck Driver
Danny Gabaldon, Truck Rider
Christopher Knutson, Truck Rider
Eli Lederach, Mennonite Intern
Newsletter Team
Kris Ericson
The Printed Image
Affiliate Information
Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity
4900 Menaul NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: 505-265-0057 • Fax: 505-255-0937
www.habitatabq.org • [email protected]
Mark Lujan, President, Board of Directors
Here we are again! The start of the New Year and
we’re already building away! For those who haven’t
been to our new Mesa Del Rio site, please do so. Bill
has his team of volunteers hard at work building new
two-story homes for our families. I’ve had some time to
settle in as president and I love every minute of it. The
organization is running like a well-oiled machine. Kori
Ann and her team have partner families lined up, Joani
and Beth have sponsorships in the process, Restore is
growing, and all the other staff/volunteers are making it
happen. I’ve mentioned our staff, but for this quarter’s
message I want to emphasize our great volunteers as
well. A lot of people know Habitat through the houses
we build or the items sold at Restore, but what makes
it all possible is the never-ending support from our
volunteers. Our volunteers range from the SWAT (Special
Work Assignment Team) to the people in the main office,
Restore, volunteers on site, board members, and in
many other places. The fact that we have such a strong
volunteer base just gives me a lot of faith in humanity.
It shows that when people have problems there are
always people there to help solve those problems. And
the great thing is it’s free of charge. That’s why I want to
give a special thank you for every volunteer with Habitat,
including my fellow board members. Last, but not least,
I wanted to give thanks to the donors that make this
mission possible. I’m sure everyone is excited for that
first house to be done on Mesa Del Rio so we can all see
the new houses and the new family. I am looking forward
to a great new year and to continuing with you all to take
Habitat to greater levels! Thank you!
The Pitts Family and Mark Lujan at Sandia House Dedication,
October 31, 2015.
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please send an email to [email protected] with
“e-newsletter” in the subject line.
Joani’s Corner
Joani Costello, Executive Director
It’s a day in the office at Greater
Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity
and I hear music. There is a lively
hum of human activity going on:
phone conversations, phones
ringing, the door chiming as
people go to and from the office
to ReStore and back, maintenance
workers throughout the halls, people bustling back
and forth in the hallways, and much more. For me, it is
a symphony. It is the sounds of numerous individuals
doing something wonderful; they are providing the
breath of life that fuels what it takes to keep GAHH
alive and humming. They aid us in managing the
myriad of programs that make up our complicated and
vital operation. While it’s true that we have paid staff
to oversee each section of our “orchestra,” it is the
volunteers who make the music happen. Dispatching
trucks for donation pick-up, answering calls from
prospective families, making thank you calls to ReStore
donors, entering donor information into the database
(highly critical for grants) and sending timely letters
to donors, qualifying families for a home, marketing
and advertising, group presentations, outreach events,
donor cultivation, contract negotiations, multi-layered
accounting for all the pieces – the list goes on and on.
Without volunteers to assist us, we could not survive.
Let’s not forget our board of directors and committee
members. Each and every month, and at every event,
they are there to guide and direct our efforts to achieve
success. The board oversees governance and policy for
the affiliate – the rules we must live by and that help us
to remain strong and viable.
In 2015, 157 unique individuals
volunteered over 4,000 hours of their time
and talents in the office and ReStore. Many of them
come two or three days per week and some even have a
regular schedule. Their wealth of knowledge overwhelms
us with gratitude. Each and every department head at
GAHH is a one-man band. Without volunteers, their
jobs would be impossible to accomplish. There is a song
whose lyrics are “united we stand, divided we fall.”
Those words epitomize the impact of volunteers in our
lives here at GAHH and those of the families we strive so
diligently to help.
Without volunteers, our mission to help low-income
families achieve homeownership would remain just a
dream. Habitat, along with volunteers, is not just building
homes, but building dreams. For the jobsite, it takes an
average of 400 volunteers and 2,500 hours per home to
complete the process. In 2015, nearly 1,000 volunteers
gave just under 11,000 hours of their time! This shows
the loyalty and dedication for what we do throughout
our great community.
Volunteering is hard. People have jobs, children,
hectic schedules, and just plain “life” getting in the way
of things. It is proven that those who find the time and
make the time to give of themselves for the benefit of
others are happier and their lives richer. There are no
words to sufficiently convey our heartfelt gratitude to
the dedicated volunteers who keep our symphony going,
so I will leave you with this quote from the late Albert
Schweitzer. “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but
one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be
really happy are those who will have sought and found
how to serve.”
Help build it!
Building Community One Home At A Time
Looking for happiness? Volunteer…Thrive!
Office and ReStore Volunteers (l to r) Rudy Sanchez, Carlos Gutierrez,
George Fresquez, and Brandon Wright.
Raising the Roof 2016
April 30, 2016
Reserve by April 16th at www.habitatabq.org
Help build it!
29 Years Of Opening Doors To Brighter Futures
Operational Corner – Volunteer Update
Doug Champlin, Operations Manager and Regina Macias, Volunteer Manager
As GAHH’s Operations Manager, the
Volunteer Department falls under my
oversight. In developing our department’s strategic goals
and objectives for this year, revamping our Volunteer
Program was at the top of my list. I wanted to see a
fresh new look and feel for the program. This was going
to be a huge task, as our volunteers and the volunteer
program reaches into all of the departments in GAHH,
not just those under the operations umbrella. Regina
Macias, our Volunteer Manager, has stepped up to the
plate and made some significant strides in revamping
our program. I’m very excited and encouraged about
the progress and direction that I’ve seen so far in the
first quarter of 2016. Some of the changes include a
re-branding of our volunteer logo, volunteer feedback
surveys, and several volunteer recognition events during
the year. These are just a few of the changes that have
seen excellent traction, with many more being developed
and implemented. For a more in-depth overview of our
new Volunteer Program, read Regina’s highlights in the
next paragraphs. I’m sure we’ll see more exciting results
this year from our new Volunteer Program. If you have
any questions, please contact me at doug@habitatabq.
org or 265-0057, x112.
Since taking on the role as the new Volunteer
Manager, one of my key goals was to focus on the
volunteers and recognize the importance each individual
brings. Every day volunteers make huge impacts in all
areas of Habitat for Humanity and help bridge together
our community and our organization one hour at a
Volunteer Appreciation Event, October 2015
time. We cannot thank our volunteers enough for their
hard work and services, so we wanted to find new ways
to recognize their efforts and create more meaningful
experiences. When I was selected to be the Volunteer
Manager and challenged to rebrand the program, I was
thrilled at the prospect of reaching volunteers, hearing
suggestions, and maximizing your utility in making this
organization a great place to volunteer.
2016 is off to a great start heading toward new
changes and developments, including our own new
group name and logo. Add up your volunteer hours from
Bronze, Silver, and Gold to receive items and discounts!
Become an ambassador for Habitat and help with
training, creating, and designing
in different areas. Join us for
food, games, and giveaways
as we show our gratitude at
volunteer appreciation events.
Be a member of our first ever
Volunteer Committee. I am very
excited for this year and the kick
off of these new additions. Most
of all, I am excited to continue
working alongside all of our
present and future volunteers.
I know that this year will be
better than ever and we could
not have been successful without
the help and knowledge of the
volunteer crew. I encourage you
to stop in and meet some of our
volunteers. Ask questions, find
out how to get involved, spread
the word, and we will continue
to grow as a better, stronger
community! I look forward to
meeting you this year.
Legacy Church’s UCAN at the Volunteer Appreciation Event, October 2015
Habitat Volunteers and the Ripple Effect
Bill Reilly, Construction Manager
Habitat for Humanity was
established in 1976, and in those 40
years 6.8 million people have found
stability through safe and affordable
housing. Habitat is currently working
diligently in nearly 80 countries
worldwide to assist those in need of
Eight Homes on Townsend Ave. were
completed, October 31, 2015.
Greater Albuquerque Habitat for
Humanity is very fortunate to have
SWAT (Special Work Assignment
Team), a group of very talented and
experienced volunteer men and
women dedicated to ending poverty
housing in Albuquerque. They seem
to possess an inexhaustible energy
when orchestrating and working
with our general volunteers on
the jobsite. We also have a great
volunteer base from churches,
businesses, organizations and
individual participation. We would
not be able to accomplish our
mission without the help of our
and affordability. We
have also revised the
original floor plan to make this home
more handicap accessible to meet
Habitat visit-ability and longevity
The Mesa Del Rio Project is
challenging, but with the help of
the SWAT and our many volunteers
I have no doubt we will accomplish
our goal of building and completing
eight Habitat homes for deserving
partner families. A big THANK YOU
to our SWAT and general volunteers
for their incredible contribution
to GAHH, and to the two million
people that will volunteer for
Habitat globally this year. We greatly
appreciate your efforts to eliminate
poverty housing and creating a
“ripple effect.”
Help build it!
Building Community One Home At A Time
Townsend Avenue homeowners gathered (and cooked) to dedicate and celebrate
seven homes on Townsend Avenue, October 31, 2015.
adequate shelter. Every year Habitat
organizes two million volunteers
to build homes, hope, pride, and
futures for those less fortunate.
The numbers are impressive.
However, the “ripple effect” of lives
impacted through Habitat volunteer
efforts may never truly be measured.
We all know that building homes,
neighborhoods, and communities
has immediate and long-term
benefits for everyone involved,
but the incomputable value of our
homeowners’ improved health and
safety, their children’s well-being
and development, their increased
educational and job prospects
(just to name a few), serve as a
clear example of how the “ripple
effect” from Habitat volunteers help
build wealth without currency or
statistical data.
volunteers. Volunteers are truly
Habitat’s greatest asset!
Construction on our latest project,
Mesa Del Rio, is well underway.
We are building eight residences –
four pairs of single family attached
homes, two-story, with 1,300 sq. ft.
of heated space, three bedrooms,
1.5 baths, and a two-car garage.
Although this project presents many
challenges to build, our SWAT and
general volunteers have not balked
once at the test. In typical fashion,
we are incorporating sustainable
building strategies which increase
durability, energy and water
efficiency, and improved air quality
for our homeowners, while reducing
the home’s monthly and life cycle
costs. Environmentally friendly
building products and resources
emphasize durability, efficiency,
Jeannie and Gerry Werth presented
Jeannie’s handmade quilts to the
Gallegos children,Bankers’ Build Home
Dedication, 904 Townsend Ave, October
24, 2015.
Bob Rieden (SWAT) presents homeowner
Bobby Pitts with a broom and dustpan,
Sandia House Dedication, 900 Townsend
Ave, October 31, 2015.
Help build it!
29 Years Of Opening Doors To Brighter Futures
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. – Unknown
Thank you, to all our volunteers!
These are just a few…
(l) Laverta Nez and Adree Thomas, (r) Leslye Sneider and Tiffany Fizer.
From planning and promoting free classes sponsored by State Farm
and Bank of the West to data entry and grant research, these women
give Habitat their all. Go to www.habitatabq.org for free class listings.
Timothy Olguin, thank you caller
and receptionist with a smile,
spreads smiles through the office
Long-time weekly volunteer
Clarence Mumme working on
desktops for the new volunteer
work stations.
The ARCA team comes every week to greet ReStore customers, hand
out flyers, and give Regina a hand. (l to r) Terri Shepard, Jonathan
Martin, Pam Grimes, Carolyn Benally, Jeanne, Francis Nieto, Karen, and
Juan Anzures.
Julia Ruiz, Master Sorter, finds her
way to the ReStore like clockwork
every week.
Tyler Fetty hones his skills in
data entry with diligence and
Tiffany Fiser (left) helps bring in funding with her expertise in research
and grant writing. Sandy Davis (right) volunteers to stay out of trouble
and keeps ReStore donations up to date in the database.
Wendy Daugherty has it all
figured out. Quick, give her
another job!
John Petraglia works through the
database puzzles on a regular
JT (left) has only missed 10 days of his weekly ReStore volunteer shift in
8 years! Jim Gaugerty (right) is just getting started, but loving ReStore
Leo Hosenfeld, SWAT and office
volunteer, thanks ReStore donors
with a friendly phone call.
James Morton staffs the
Customer Service desk twice
a week and enjoys answering
questions and helping customers.
Help build it!
Building Community One Home At A Time
Family Services – Volunteers, Applicants,
and New Homeowners O-MY!
Kori Ann Sanchez, Family Services Manager
GAHH has recently rebranded our volunteer
department. Did you know the estimated average value
of a volunteer’s time is $15.39 per hour? At GAHH,
new leadership and organization efforts have been
implemented to provide more emphasis on volunteer
appreciation and more focus on volunteer needs, and
our volunteer retention lists are soaring. So, if you are
thinking about volunteering, please don’t hesitate
to give our new Volunteer Manager Regina Macias
a call! Additionally, if you are aware of a business or
organization that would like to have more information
about how families qualify for our program, call me
at 505-359-2427. It is not uncommon for these two
departments to schedule a dual appointment with
organizations, businesses, and schools to
offer a quick presentation regarding program parameters
and volunteer opportunities for individuals, staff, and
family. Try it! Shifting your daily routine to help a lowincome family realize homeownership, quite simply, feels
good. The experience is amazing, one we can share with
our children. And the combined efforts of everyone will
do so much to strengthen our community.
No free time to volunteer? That’s okay, too! We are
currently searching for four new partner families to
qualify for a newly-constructed home, right down the
road from West Mesa High School on Mesa Del Rio St.
NW. Perhaps you or someone you know will qualify.
Please see the criteria below and spread the word.
Searching for Four Qualified Families
•First time homebuyer
•Low income per 2015/16 HUD income guidelines (if
qualified for assistance; families are usually applicable
for our program)
•Resident of Bernalillo County for at least 12 months
•All collection, derogatory, and judgment debt paid off
and three-year discharge on bankruptcy
•At least one year in the same line of work (full time),
disability/SSI/child support are sources of income,
student financial aid or food stamps not accepted
•Positive rental rating
•Pass a background and sex offender check; and
•Complete 500 hours of sweat equity on the
construction jobsite.
Many thanks to the volunteer groups that helped at
the job site and in the ReStore, August 2015 – February
2016. You make a difference in our community!
ACE Leadership Charter
Cross of Hope Lutheran
Faith Lutheran Church
Kirtland Rising 6, Kirtland
Sandia National Labs
St. Timothy’s Lutheran
Wells Fargo
377 Maintenance
Squadron, Kirtland AFB
Albuquerque Public
School Students
Engineers Without
Borders, NMT Chapter
La Montanita Co-op
Special Events
Hewlett Packard
Families selected for the Mesa Del Rio Project will
receive a $105,000, 1,300 sq. ft. newly-constructed
home with three bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, and a two-car
Homeowners will be responsible for an
approximately $450 per month mortgage payment, 0%
interest, 25-year loan. Homeowners may also qualify for
a $7,000 down payment grant.
Imagine the impact this program will have on the
lives of the families selected. Please give me a call.
Thank you!
– KoriAnn Sanchez, Family Service Manager, Greater
Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity (505-359-2427)
Leaving a legacy
so that no one in the Greater Albuquerque area
will live in substandard housing.
The Irving J. & Lois Hall Legacy Society
Working with Habitat has made it possible for us,
hopefully, to make a difference in the lives of others. We
know that it has certainly made a difference in ours.
—Irving J. Hall, PhD, Home Sponsor and Volunteer
Forms of Planned Giving
Bequest in a Will
Gift of Real Estate
Life Insurance
Life Income Gifts
• Retirement Plans
• Beneficiary of an IRA
• Permanent Endowment
For more information contact Beth Goldman,
Director of Resource Development
505-265-0057  [email protected]
Help build it!
29 Years Of Opening Doors To Brighter Futures
A Glimpse of Mesa del Rio
812 Mesa del Rio, “The Pope Francis House”
(l to r) Barb Rieden (SWAT), Renee Cordova
(Homeowner), and Betty Lane (SWAT).
So much progress after just two weeks of construction!
816 Mesa del Rio, Lodge #60 House
Thank you Wells
Fargo Housing
Foundation for
the $100,000
award for Mesa
del Rio!
Mason Lodge #60 offered a moving Cornerstone
Ceremony, December 5, 2015.
Soon-to-be homeowner, veteran Victor Hoak
speaking at the Cornerstone Ceremony.
820 Mesa del Rio, “Celebration of Life House”
The Herreras were just
selected as homeowners
of the “Celebration of Life
House,” in memory of
Patrice Anne Radke.
Coming soon! 836 Mesa del
Rio, Sandia House, and 840
Mesa del Rio, Banker’s Build
824 Mesa del Rio, “The House That SWAT Built”
Opening Ceremony, thank you to the Patrice Ann Radke
Charitable Fund. (l to r) Danny & Valerie Montano;
Elyssa, Mathew, and Kristina Herrera (homeowner);
Colleen Ann Sullivan; Shell Goar; Hildy & Jeff Radke.
SWAT was honored at the Raising the Roof Breakfast, November 14, 2015.
“The House that
SWAT Built” is
dedicated to the
“Special Work
Team,” our
Delving into Development
Beth Goldman, Director of Resource Development
People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you
made them feel. – Maya Angelou
Three years ago, when I stepped into the position of
Director of Resource Development at GAHH, I knew that
volunteers were essential for building Habitat homes.
After all, that’s one of the most well-known and highly
respected features of Habitat for Humanity…volunteers
build homes for low-income families in their communities
while meeting new people, gaining confidence, and
learning new skills. Everybody wins!
On the other hand, I had no idea that dozens of
volunteers also help out in the ReStore and GAHH
office on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. Today, I am
grateful and amazed to say that close to 300 people have
stepped forward and given their time enthusiastically to
the Development Department since I came on board.
Volunteers are everywhere!
So, what about the opening words from Maya
Angelou? “They will never forget how you made them
feel.” Not so long ago a volunteer, after one day on the
job, emailed me and said that she would not be coming
back. Disappointed and concerned I gave her a call and
here’s what I discovered. When she went home that first
day she felt that volunteering was going to add too much
stress to her life and that was not at all what she wanted.
I suggested that maybe we hadn’t yet found the right
niche for her skills and interests. I was encouraged when
she agreed to give volunteering one more shot. She
did come back and it took a little while to find the right
spot, but now she is a key volunteer in the Development
Department and works three hours/day, three times a
week. Is volunteering supposed to nurture the volunteer?
Certainly, people volunteer with the idea of giving
back to their community, but studies also show that
volunteer activities can strengthen the social ties that
protect individuals from isolation during difficult times.
Volunteering and the experience of helping others
lead to a sense of greater self-worth and trust. Even
when controlling for other factors such as age, health,
and gender, research has found that when individuals
volunteer, they are more likely to live longer. Research
demonstrates that volunteering leads to better health
Volunteer Recognition at Raising the Roof Breakfast, November
2015. (Back row, l to r) Jim Costello, Cyn Palmer, Kris Ericson,
Sheila Chapman, Clarence Mumme, John Petraglia, and Julia
Ruiz. (Front row, l to r) Leslye Sneider, Mathew Gutierrez, and
Regina Macias, Volunteer Manager.
and that older volunteers are the most likely to receive
physical and mental health benefits from their volunteer
activities. Habitat strives to provide opportunities
for volunteers to reap the benefits while helping us
accomplish our mission.
If you’d like to learn more about the health benefits
of volunteering, check out the Corporation for National
and Community Service report The Health Benefits of
Volunteering: A Review of Recent Research or call Regina
at 265-0057, x111 and volunteer!
Building Walls that are Bridges
Susan Shipley
Help build it!
Building Community One Home At A Time
Help Build Mesa del Rio
Unity House Project continues to welcome a diversity of faiths to
work side-by-side in harmony to build a duplex at 828 and 832 Mesa
del Rio NW. As of this printing, Albuquerque Mennonite Church, Blake
Road Baptist Church, B’nai Israel Synagogue, Covenant Presbyterian
Church, Eubank Ward of the Church of Latter Day Saints, First Christian Church, First Presbyterian Church, First
Unitarian Church, Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Monte Vista Christian Church, Netherwood Park Church of Christ,
Pagan Societies, San Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church, Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew
Presbyterian Church, St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Westside have
made formal commitments. Many other faiths who are excited to join this build are still determining their level of
commitment. At a time when acts of divisiveness are headline news, Unity House Project celebrates the common
vision of love, service, and social justice, bridging across our differences as we build walls that will embrace families in
need in our community.
Help build it!
29 Years Of Opening Doors To Brighter Futures
Donor Honor Roll
Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity thanks the many individuals, foundations, companies, churches, and
organizations that have donated from August 2015 – January 2016. Your generosity supports the construction of
affordable, safe, and decent low-income homes in Albuquerque. Thank you. You Help Build It!
$5,000 and Over
John Crawford & Carolyn
Ronald & Faye Detry
David & Ruth Ericson, Jr.
J Ric Tafoya & Penny
$500 - $4,999.99
Charles Adolph &
Christine Adolph
Dorothy Allen
Allotta Family Foundation
Linda & Carl Alongi
Leslie & D’Ann Anderson
Kirsten Anderson
Michael & Sue Ann
Richard & Linda Avery
Roy & Lynnae Benson
Eric Burris
Walter & Martha Clift
David & Mary Colton
James & Joan Costello
Diana Manning, CPA
Henry Dodd & Kathie
Tom & Jeanne Elmhorst
James Ezell
Virginia & Richard
Joyce Frashier
Barbara Ann Free & Jay
Mr James Garsow
Caroline & Irvin Gaston
Sandy Gold
Beth Goldman
Dale Guillot
Irving & Lois Hall
Brian & Teresa Harner
Greg & Barbara Haschke
Duane Hughes
Thomas Hunter
Richard & Judy Jacobs
John Wade & Ailene
Helen Kerschner
Dale & Darlene Leonard
Sheri Livingston & Kaitlin
Hope Livingston
Alexander & Kate
Peter & Dawn Lorenz
Mark & Raquel Lujan
John & Mary Mims
Janie Morris
Michael & Donna
George & Mary Novotny
Kraig & Johanna Pickel
Marvin & Nadyne Plugge
Glen Post
Thomas Raymond
Stephen Rhoades
Lynn Schibeci
John & Kristine Stichman
Kelly Williams
Gregory & Colleen Wyss
Up to $499.99
Rochelle Abeyta
Josh Allison
Theresa Anaya
Danny & Patricia Appel
Stanley & Pamela Aragon
Betty Ann Arner
Evan & Ellen Ashcraft
Cheryl Atkins
William & Margaret
Beth Baca
Robert Baca
Ben & Maureen Baca
Sally Bachofer
Carl & Ellen Bailey
Hugh Barlow
Elizabeth Barrett
Toni Belleranti
Eric Best
David Betsill
Buck & Phyllis Bettis
Joe & Lea Blaha
Charles Blanton
Jerry Bontrager
Mateo & Joy Bosquez
Douglas Branon
Eric Brock & Mae Yee
Susanne Brown
Lee & Monica Brown
Beth Brownell
Mary Buchanan
Tien Bui
Jeffrie & Kay Burdette
Robert Busch
Doug & Darcy Bushnell
Mary Candelaria
Jerome Cap & Marilyn
Judy Cardoza
Luana Carey
Stephen Carpenter
James & Susan Carson
Steven Castillo
Judy Cato
James & Mary Chapek, Jr
Sheila Chapman
Sarah Chavez
Fidel Chavez
Lance & Kathy Chilton
Carol Chismar
Mary Ann Cinowalt &
John Ramos
Dr Jean Civikly-Powell
Sallie Clay
Mark & Susan Cohen
Cole Revocable Trust
William Cox
Susan Cranston
Anna Creamer
Michael Crites
Craig Cropsey & Cindie
Clinton Cropsey
John & Katherine
John & Barbara Currier
Ann Davidson Adams
Luci Dawson
Edward & Sharon
Frankie Delaney & Robert
Mark & Ellen Diamond
Thomas & Betty
Charles & Kathleen
Susan Dollenger
Angel & Mireya
Jay & Jean Dugas
Brandie Duncan
Justin Durfee & Andrea
Joseph Durham & Kermit
Martin Dykers
Roger Easley
Willard Eastman &
Barbara Gastian
Mark & Brenda Edwards
Steve Edwards
Kathy Ellis
Kris Ericson
Kate Ernzen
Nancy Escue
Estate of Sandra Kay
William Eyler
Thomas & Denise Farr
Vincent Faust
Frank & Marilyn Feldman
Kurt Fetters
Cheryl Finch
Peter, Alex & Matt Finlay
Sally Fish
Martin & Linda Fisher
Pamela Fraser-Walters
William Fredrickson
Caitlin Friedman
Mike & Barbara Fuge
Allan & Beth Ann Fuld
Betty Jane & Brian J
Maya Gallegos
Mary Gallegos
Patrick & Michelle
Andrew & Kirsten Galvan
P&T Garcia
Irene Garcia
Pauline Garcia
David & Janet Garcia
Ruby Garcia
Guy Gardner
James Garton
Donovan Robert Gerty
Lawrence & Rosalind
Pat Gibson
Ronald Glaser
Tom Goevelinger
Mark Goldstein
Deborah Good & Andy
William Gornall
David Goy
Sean Green
Lawrence & Marian
Ester Griego
Justin Griffin
Sylvia Grijalva
Janet Grosso
Joe Gutierrez
Melissa Gutierrez
Carlos Mateo Gutierrez
Suzanne Gutterson
Richard & Cheryl Haaker
John Haaland
Charlotte Halber
Elizabeth Halvorson
Dane & Thomasina
Vera Hansen Rediger
Keith & Codie Hardy
Anthony Harkness
Jeanette Harrington
Joan Harris & John Aidun
Anne Harrison
Lea Harrison
Michael Harrison
Rick & Chris Harter
Garrett & Krystel
Bruce Haynes & Lupe
Carol Heise & Charles
Mellisa Heller
John Hemphill, Jr.
Sarah Henderson
William & Michelle
Leslie Herman
Tony Hernandez
Sue Hildebrandt
Dennis & Marianne Hill
Fred Hindel
Guy & Eugenie Hobbs, Jr.
Jade Hogan-Lachut &
Timothy Lachut
Peter & Marie Holloway
Bobby Holt, Jr
Leo & Barbara Hosenfeld
Billy & Ginger Howard
Jack & Susan Hudson
Gregory & Alberta Hunt
Charlotte Hunt
Ralph & Gay Nell
Dr. Bonnie Lee & Brian
Joseph Jaskolski
Dal & Pat Jensen
Richard & Irene Jiron
Johanna Pickel
Curtis Johnson
Darwin & Marjorie
John & Karen Johnson
Robert Johnson
John & Jane Johnson
Carol Johnson
Merrill & Frances Jones
Richard & Nola Jones
S Todd Jones
Leon Joseph
Robert Jurgensen
Carol Kain
Betty Kaniho
Kate the Photographer
Kawal Revocable Trust
Margaret Keller
Steven Kesselman
Jim & Ellen King
Stephen King & Margaret
Robert & Janet Kingsbury
William Koch
Bernadette Koh
Chowdary & Radhika
Jennifer Kruger
Richard Kuehn
Kenneth& Wilma
John & Linda Lanoue
Gael Lathrop
Donald Lauer
Judy Lawrence
Darlene Lee
Paul & Betty Jean Lemke
Lynn Levin
Richard Levy & Dana
Dr. Michael & Maura
Annette Limbrick
Rocky & Jennifer Lioce
Donna Lombardi
Maryjane Long
Mildred Lopez
Valerie Lotz
Fannie Lujan
Dan & Sue Lutz
Bill Mader
Frank Manning
Korina Manning
John Marcum
Joseph Marino
Jack & Evelyn Markham
F Phil & Susan Marquez
Phaedra & Marilyn Marsh
F Martin
Sharon J Martinez
Joseph & Esther Martinez
Michael & Barbara
Elizabeth Mayo & Kelly
McBurney Trust
Michael S McCall
Shaun Mchugh
John & Mercedes
Susan McLendon
Norma Mearns
Kenneth & Patricia
David Mehlman
Odilia Mendez
Paul & Laura Merritt
Gwyn Metz
John & Stella Michalski
Gary & Eleanore Miller
Margaret Milligan
Dennis & Geraldine
Robert Moore
Robert Moraga
Kristen Moran
Ronald & Mary Moya
Clarence & Lena Mumme
Susan Muñoz
Amy Neel & Jeffrey
Jennie Negin & Harold
Richard Neuman
Charles & Bernice
James & Pauline Ney
John & Sherrie Niedbala
Thomas & Cecelia
Linda & Tom Novak
Michael & Nancy O’Dell
William O’Rourke
Roberto Ortega & Loretta
Cordova de Ortega, MD
Mike Osborn
Sandra Palecek
Joseph & Deborah
Pappe, Jr.
Kelly & Laurie Parkhill
Stephen Part
Linda Pasternacki
Susan Patrick & Donald
Jeffrey Payne
Mark Peceny
Theresa Pesola
Beverly Peterson
Jonathon & Jill Petraglia
Man Phan
Cynthia Phillips &
Thomas Martin
Beth Pinkerton
Carol Pond
Philip Prevender
Gretchen Price
Lola Prieto
Raymond & Janis
Oreste Puccini, Sr
Therese Quinn
Brandon & Alexandra
Julianne Randlemon
Jacquelyn Reeve
Frances Reid
William Reilly
Erin Reilly Stroka
Dylan Reuter
Judith Reynolds
Thomas & Cathryne
Richards, V
Mark & Karla Rickert
Robert & Barbara Rieden
Donald & Barbara Rigali
Robert Preston Rivera
Roger & Sandra Roberts
Julie Rohr
Daniel & Lucy Romero
Julia Ruiz
Harvey & Laurie Ruskin
Ann Rustebakke
Gabriel & Doris Sahd
Gerhard & Evelyn
Bernadine Sandoval
Glen & Joan Schlueter
David Schmidt
Ron & Nancy Schranz
Gretchen Schroeder
Joel & Beth Scott
Odelia Sedillo
Susan Selbin
Cleveland Sharp &
Janice Bandrofchak
Lisa & Mike Shea
Dennis Sheahan & Marie
Scott & Karen Sibbett
Stella Silva Baca
George & Vivian Skadron
Sarah Smith
Charles Smith
Lee Smith
Leslye Sneider
Isaac & Patricia Snipes
John Snyder
Mark Soppet
John & Gail Stephens
Mary Stewart
Jayne & Ralph Stock
Jim Strozier
John Sturtevant
Deborah Sulsky &
Stephen Bespalko
William & Rebecca
Angie Targa
Kathleen Taylor
James & Connie Teller
The Henderson Family
Reuben Thompson
Betty Timmerman
Dorothy Tiramani
John Tischhauser, Jr.
Steven & Riva Tomasi
Dean & Bonita Tooley
Gail Torino & Patrick
Theresa Torres
Marcos Torres-Ortiz
Tim Tran
Ronald & Patricia Trellue
Marlene Tricoli
Irene Trujillo
Lori & Mario Valdez
Elizabeth Van Mil
Alan & Michelle Varela
Julian & Karen
M Beverly Warburton
Kim Waterman
Jenifer Weeks
Carl & Janet Weis
Norman Weiss
Jennifer Riordan
Margaret Wente
William Wente
Gerald & Jean Werth
M Kay West
Christopher & Lorraine
Kathryn Westerfield
John & Sheri Wharton
Christine White
Wayne & Joan White
Joan Wierzba
Hence Williams, Jr
Linda Wilson
Sherri Wipperman
Kaye Wolfarth
Richard & Gail Womack
John Wong
John Wright
Paul & Gudrun Wright
Kathy Wright
Erika Yocom
Adam Zedan
Alex & Pam Zimmerman
Xavier & Mary Zubiate
Michael Zumstein &
Debora Scott
Fred & Victoria Ann
$5,000 & Over
Bank of (Albuquerque)
Bank of America
Bank of the West
Margaret Schwind
Cranston Trust
Masonic Lodge No 60 AF
& AM – Albuquerque
Shepherd of the Valley
Presbyterian Church
State Farm Good
The Patrice Ann Radke
Charitable Fund
Wells Fargo Housing
Wilcke H Smith
Revocable Trust
Youth Development Inc
$500 - $4,999.99
Albuquerque Mennonite
BBVA Compass
Bradbury Stamm
CenturyLink Clarke M
Williams Foundation
Cherry Picker Foundation
Combined Federal
Campaign (CFC) Desert Southwest
Congregation B’nai Israel
Men’s Club
Covenant Presbyterian
Distinctive Art Source
First Presbyterian
Granfors Realty LLC
Kabana Inc
Monte Vista Christian
Nativity of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
Positive Energy Solar
Prime Therapeutics
Quality Buick GMC
Quality Mazda
Robert and Julia Jessup
Charitable Fund
St Andrew Presbyterian
St Jude Thaddeus Church
- Paradise Hills
The Hershey Company Rio Grande District
The Larry & Pearlene
Garcia Family Fund
US Eagle Federal Credit
Wal-Mart #6084
Wal-Mart Super Center
Store #1397 - Coors
Bypass NW
Washington Federal
Up to $499.99
Albertsons LLC Community Partners
Alpha Tau Omega University of New
Commercial Appraisal
Draker Cody
Employees Charity
Organization of
Northrop Grumman
First Unitarian Church of
First United Methodist
Habitat for Humanity
Heydon & Sybil Hensley
Kirtland Federal Credit
Kroger Community
Legacy Church Inc
Metro Residential Realty
Murphy’s Earthworks
Rio Grande Credit Union
Sandia Quilters of
The Franklin E Wilson
Charitable Foundation
Thrivent Financial for
Wallingford Trust
In- Kind
American Home
Susanne Baca
Betty’s Bath & Day Spa
Blind Faith Studio
Brian Gerbert
Bueno Foods/El Encanto
Casa Rondena
Christine’s Creations
Valorie A Fowler
Gaddis Family Adoption
Gifts for any Occasion
Gingers Goods
Madeline Groved
Thomas Hogan
Howlin’ Coyote
Infamous Art/Style Guru
Kelly Jo Designs Inc
Charles Kolberg &
Crecentia Stonacek
Marriott Pyramid North
New Mexico
Southwest Airlines Co.
Roll Off Container
Slate Street Café
Karla Veretto
Paul & Gudrun Wright
If we inadvertently left your name off this list or if a correction is needed, we
apologize. Please contact [email protected]. Thank you.
Meet Bruce Haynes,
Finance Director
In starting a new position as finance
director for Greater Albuquerque Habitat
for Humanity (GAHH), one of the things I am amazed by
is the number of volunteers working
here on a daily basis. I have worked at
other not-for-profit organizations in
Albuquerque over the past 20 years,
but none of them have the volunteer
presence that work in every area of the
The administration area has
different people who assist in
answering phones, data entry of
Bruce Haynes,
Finance Director donor information, special projects,
and filing. The finance department is
blessed with Elaine Clements, who completes our filing,
data entry of receipts, and other miscellaneous duties on
a weekly basis with a smile and great attitude. She really
improves the operation of our finance department.
If you don’t have the time to volunteer, another way
to help GAHH is by
making donations that
allow us to achieve our
mission of helping low
income families achieve
the goal of owning their
own home. While you
probably are aware
of our ReStore that
accepts most building
materials, furniture, and Elaine Clements has assisted with
bookkeeping every week since
household appliances,
2010. That’s over 1,200 hours!
there is also a Cars for
Homes program where
used vehicles can be donated. Proceeds from the sale
of vehicles go back into the mission. More information
about this program can be found at www.habitatabq.org.
Of course, you can also make financial contributions to
GAHH that help to build homes.
As an organization with a lean staff, GAHH is extremely
thankful for the dedication of volunteers that come and
help on a regular basis. Our
are essential in
every area from building construction to the ReStore and
administration. Their hard work allows staff to complete
the tasks necessary to efficiently run the organization.
Help build it!
Building Community One Home At A Time
When you recycle a vehicle, you help
Habitat for Humanity build more homes.
Nice car.
When you recycle a vehicle, you help
Habitat for Humanity build more homes.
U.S. Postage
Albuquerque, NM
Permit No. 1805
4900 Menaul NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: 505-265-0057
Building Community One Home At A Time
“ReSto 55
Furniture, Office Equipment, Electronics, Appliances, Washers & Dryers,
Toilets, Light/Plumbing Fixtures, Recyclable Metal, Refrigerators and
Household Goods. We will send our Donation Truck to pick up your items
at no cost to you and give you a donation slip for tax purposes.
Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Mon-Fri 9:00am-3:00pm Sat9:00am-2:00pm
4900 Menual Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110
505-265-0057 • www.habitatabq.org