CAR Training Guide - Cardmembers
CAR Training Guide - Cardmembers
Humble ISD Corporate Account Reconciliation (CAR) End User Training For Cardmembers Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Corporate Account Reconciliation (CAR) Overview Self Registration and Initial Log In Process Accounts and Cycles Transaction Data Reviewing/Approving Print/Export Feature Search Feature CAR Help What else do I need to know? CAR and Card Program Contact Information Questions and Answers Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Corporate Account Reconciliation (CAR) Product Overview • Internet based Corporate Card reconciliation tool • CAR allows cardmembers to review/approve Corporate Card transactions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • Posted transactions, grouped by billing cycle, contain: • • • • Transaction Amount Transaction Date Merchant Name Order Data (May be Summary or Line Item depending on merchant capabilities) • System Generated Accounting Allocation • A cardmember may: Review Print a Transaction Summary Report Export data Search Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Self Registration and Initial Log In Process 1. Go to 2. *Use your Company Key to go through the Self Registration Process 3. Receive temporary password 4. Log into system using temporary password - create permanent password to access CAR *Note: The Company Key is unique for each company and will be provided to all CAR users by your Program Administrator. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Self Registration Process To begin the process, copy and paste your Company Key into this field then click Register Now. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Company Key Example of a Company Key. A tip is not to copy any additional spaces before or after the Key. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda New User Registration 1. Enter your first, middle initial and last name. 2. Enter the desired User ID. It must be unique across CAR. A tip is to put a number at the end of your User ID if it is already in use. 3. Select a challenge question and enter a response. The response is case sensitive. 5. If you have a card, leave the CAR box checked. If you 4. Enter email address. don’t have a card but need access to view transactions, check Important to enter the correct Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is consideredthe to beNon-cardholder of a proprietary and confidential nature non-cardholder and shall not be copied, role is box. The printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. 6. Once complete, address as this is where the typically used for managers. Non-Cardholders should contact click Next. temporary password will be sent. their PA after registering and ask them to add cards to their profile. Agenda Adding your Card Number Enter your 15 digit card number with no spaces or dashes. If you have more than one card, click Add Another Card to enter your additional card numbers. Once complete, click Next. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda New User Registration Review Review your information prior to submission. If the information is correct, click Submit. If the information is not correct, click Cancel which will take you back to the log on screen. Repeat the Self Registration process. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Registration Confirmation Message Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Example of Registration Email Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Initial Log In Process Return to the CAR log in screen. Enter your User ID, copy and paste the temporary password and click Log In. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Enter your Company Key and Challenge Response Copy and paste your Company Key. Enter your Challenge Response (is case sensitive). Once complete, click Submit. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Changing your Password You will be prompted to change your Password. Re-enter your new Password for verification purposes. Once complete, click Change. Important Note: Once you click Change, the system will begin to log you in to the CAR application. If the application does not open, it is possible that your computer does not have the proper version of Sun Java installed. Please contact your internal Help Desk for assistance. You may also receive a pop up error message indicating there are no transactions associated to the card or cards Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, tied to your CAR user profile. Once the first transaction comes through the tool, you will no longer receive this printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. error message. Agenda Self Registration and Initial Log In Process Review Information Needed for the Self Registration and Initial Log In Process: Company Key Name Email User ID Challenge Question/Response Card Number(s) Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Forgot Your Password If you ever forget your password or mistakenly delete the temporary password, click on the Forgot Your Password link. You will need your Company Key, User ID, Challenge Question and Response. A new temporary password will be emailed to you. Repeat the Initial Log In process to set up a new password. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda CAR User Roles This is the homepage once you have logged into CAR 4 Roles within the CAR Tool Cardmember: user has access to only their card(s) Cardmember Manager = Bookkeeper: user has access to their own card along with any cards that require their review/approval Basic Control Account (BCA) Manager: this upper level role gives access to all cards in a Basic Control Account. This has been reserved for Program Administration at our District. Accounting Manager = Principal/Department manager: this upper level role gives a user access to all charges that have certain specified accounting codes Most CAR users will be set up as Cardmembers or Cardmember Managers Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Accounts and Cycles This is the homepage once you have logged into CAR. Any cards that you have access to will be listed here. To see a summary of a cycle, highlight the cycle above and look below for the summary information. Pending indicates that a transaction has not been actioned by the user. Reviewed indicates a user has reviewed the charge and verified the accounting information is correct. Reallocated indicates a user has changed the accounting information on a transaction. The last 8 closed cycles with the most current cycle in an open status will be displayed above. Lock icons indicate the status of a particular cycle. Move your curser over the E column to get tip text on what each color represents. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Card Data Select the Card Data tab to view your transactions for selected card and cycle. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Card Data continued… Status column will show if the transaction has been reviewed or reallocated. A green check mark indicates that it has been reviewed, a blue check mark indicated that is has been reallocated. Numbers in the next 4 columns correspond to which role has review or reallocated a transaction. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed otherwise reproduced without the(C) express permissionor of American Express.the transaction. If you see aor 1, the Cardmember haswritten reviewed reallocated If you see a 2, the Cardmember Manager (CM) has approved the transaction. Agenda Card Data continued… Cmt column shows if there is a comment on a transaction Entered by the Cardmember or Cardmember Manager. Exclamation point (!) indicates the transaction has an exception and should be looked at. LID indicates Line Item Detail or invoice level detail has been passed by the Merchant. Basic information for the transaction including Date, Merchant Name, Merchant Location, State and Billed Amount. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Card Data Tab - Accounting Users also have the ability to see the accounting elements tied to a transaction as seen above. If accounting elements are not visible, they can be added through the card data list options shown on Slide 40. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Column Sorting Columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Transaction and Merchant Details The Transaction Detail tab provides information from the merchant for a particular transaction. Default Accounting Codes are presented above based upon mapping rules (client defined) Accounting fields represented with ‘XXX’, must be replaced with actual budget codes. Basic information for the merchant is provided in the Merchant Information tab. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Additional Transaction Detail The Additional Transaction Detail tab can be used to capture information for a transaction by the cardmember. A brief comment regarding the transaction should be entered here. After entering information, click on the Save button to save the information that has been entered for the transaction. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Reviewing or Approving Transactions After you have reviewed the transaction along with the accounting information, you can mark it in a reviewed or approved status by clicking on the Reviewed or Approved button in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Any transaction represented as a negative is a credit back to your account. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Reviewing or Approving Transactions continued… A green check mark will appear in the Status column. A 1 will also appear in the Cardmember (C) column indicating a Cardmember has reviewed or approved the transaction. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Multiple Transaction Review or Approval You can also mark multiple transactions (that are in order) in a reviewed or approved status by holding down the shift key and Highlighting the charges as shown above. If you want to pick and choose transactions to mark as reviewed or approved, you can do so by using the control key and highlighting The charges as shown below. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Printing the Card Data Go to the toolbar and select the Print icon. Users can select Print Preview or select OK to print the card data. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Print Preview Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Export the Card Data Select the Export icon on the toolbar. This will produce a CSV file that you can save on your computer. This is not a requirement for the Humble ISD program. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Changing List Options Go to View on the toolbar and select List Options. From there you can change the information displayed on the Card Data tab. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Search Feature If you need to search for specific transactions, click on the Search icon on the toolbar. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Using the Search Feature By using the Search feature, you can setup a search on many different fields as seen below. You can then save the search by renaming it. Examples are displayed below. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda Using the Search Feature continued… If you search for all transactions with a value greater than $200 (for example), you can then go back to view all transactions by selecting the View All icon on the toolbar. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda CAR Help Comprehensive Help guides and lessons are available for assistance on the tool’s functionality. You can access these Help guides and lessons by clicking on the Help icon on the toolbar. Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda What else do I need to know? DISPUTES • Contact the Merchant directly to resolve the dispute • Users can note the disputed charge in CAR (Transaction Detail Tab, comments field) • If a solution cannot be agreed upon with the Merchant, contact American Express Customer Service (phone number on the back of the card) ACCOUNT CHANGES • For account maintenance including default Accounting Code changes, limit increases, etc., contact your Company Card Program Administrator RENEWALS • Cards will automatically be renewed in four years LOST/STOLEN CARDS • For lost or stolen cards, contact American Express Customer Service immediately (1-800-4410519) for cancellation and card replacement • Also contact your Company Card Program Administrator so updates can be applied to CAR Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda What else do I need to know? DECLINES • If your card is declined, you may have: Exceeded your transaction/monthly limit Attempted a charge with an unapproved merchant where an MCC (Merchant Category Code) block or Standard Industry Code restriction is in place The strip on the back of the card may be damaged Merchant’s equipment may be down • Please contact American Express Customer Service (phone number on the back of the card) or your Company Card Program Administrator Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express. Agenda CAR and Card Program Contact Information CAR Administration and Help Contact your Company Card Program Administrator American Express Customer Service 1-800-528-2122 American Express Card Activation 1-800-362-6033 Corporate Account Reconciliation (CAR) Manage Your Card Account Due to the competitive nature of this document, the information contained within is considered to be of a proprietary and confidential nature and shall not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced without the express written permission of American Express.
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