Big City Plan Part 2
Big City Plan Part 2
34 the quarters / city core The Quarters 35 ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER City Core EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH Birmingham’s City Core is the single biggest economic driver of the regional economy. It is the centre of the region’s retailing, banking and financial services and the civic and cultural heart of the city. SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE About the quarter •The £600 million New Street station (Gateway Project), will deliver a bright, modern 21st century transport hub for the city. • 40 million people visit the Bullring and retail heart with over £2 billion spent every year. • The Colmore Business District supports over 24,000 jobs. • The Town Hall, Art Gallery and Museum and Council House provide the civic heart of the city. • It is served by three main line train stations with over 14 million people using New Street station every year. • House of Fraser is the largest department store outside London. • It is home to over 100 independent shops. The City Core is mainly defined by the route of the former Inner Ring Road which in the most part continues to create a distinct change in character from the surrounding city centre quarters. The Core is densely built up with its historic street layout largely intact. There are several landmark buildings, the most notable being Selfridges and the Bullring development, the Rotunda, St Martins Church, the Council House with the adjoining Museum and Art Gallery and the Town Hall - one of ten Grade I Listed Buildings in the City Core. GEORGE sits underneath theSTPallasades Shopping AND ST CHAD Centre and the block currently forms a physical JEWELLERY barrier to pedestrian access QUARTER beyond. EASTSIDE CITY the west CORE At the centre of the Core is St Philips’s Cathedral, around which the churchyard provides a popular green space to form one of the city’s most attractive squares. The square and surrounding streets were originally laid out as a Georgian planned extension of the original medieval town based around St. Martin’s Church and the Bullring. Victoria Square, to of the Cathedral, is the centrepiece of the civic WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH heart and is overlooked by the impressive Council House and Town Hall. The pedestrianised square, SOUTHSIDE together with the AND adjoining Chamberlain HIGHGATE Square, forms one end of the primary walking route along New Street to the Bullring and hosts markets and events throughout the year. To the north-west of the square lies the Colmore Business District, the heart of the city’s business and financial sector, within a historic and high quality setting, much of which is protected by a conservation area designation. Alongside more recent office developments, some fine historic buildings have been sensitively modernised to provide a variety of spaces for the city’s main office offer. Much of the north-east area of the City ST GEORGE Core is dominatedAND by ST some CHADfine historic buildings forming a hub of legal activity JEWELLERY around theQUARTER Victoria Law Courts and the Children’s Hospital complex.EASTSIDE To the south-west, the older buildings closest to St Philip’s Churchyard give way to more modern, large scale retail developments. The heart of the city’s retail core is focused upon Corporation Street, New Street, High Street and the Bullring. New Street station CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH Vision for our City Core is to strengthen its role as a 24 hour city. SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH Open spaces 36 The vision The overall vision for the City Core is to strengthen its role as a 24 hour city - a thriving shopping, leisure, and business destination which supports the civic and cultural role of Birmingham within a high quality, distinctive and vibrant environment. Expanding the City Core into the surrounding quarters will provide long-term strength and stability for the city centre. Big ideas The City Core accommodates a wealth of activities; however it is relatively small for the size of the city and its wider catchment area. For many years, the ‘concrete collar’ of the former Inner Ring Road constrained growth and concentrated activity. As a result the central area of the city centre is compact and walkable, yet often confusing to navigate and bursting at the seams. While areas outside the core have become more mixed-use with offices, retail and residential development alongside strong, KEY focused evening economies, much of the Rail stations City Core has not achieved the same 24 MspacesMetro stops hour life and vitality. We want to see the Open Open Open spaces spaces Access to rail stations heart of the city centre come alive at all KEY St.Philip’s Churchyard 1 St.Philip’s KEYKEY Churchyard Churchyard 1 1St.Philip’s Existing block structure times with a greater mix and choice of Church Street public realm improvement 2 Rail stations Church Street Street public public realm realm improvement improvement 2 2Church Rail stations Rail stations activities and uses within distinctive streets Proposed high speed rail St. Paul’s Square 3 St. Paul’s Square Square 3 3St. Paul’s Metro stops MMetroMetro stops stops and spaces. MM Square 4 VictoriaBlocks within various major 4 5 The station 6 (Gateway Project) will high generate and 7 Proposed speed Proposed highhigh speed rail railrail support Proposed investment andspeed greater visitor 8 Blocks within various major Blocks Blocks within within various various major major and commuter numbers. This will be transformation area 9 transformation transformation areaarea capitalised upon toforming boost the Blocks ofCity’s other profile 10 Blocks Blocks forming forming part part of part other of other major developments major major developments developments and grow the economy. 11 Rail viaducts Rail viaducts Rail viaducts 12 The 1990’s pedestrianisation schemes and 13 Existing open spaces Existing Existing openopen spaces spaces public realm improvements transformed 14 New open spaces New open open spaces spaces the feel New of Birmingham’s key streets and 15 Primary walking routes squares Primary - giving them back to people 16 Primary walking walking routes routes Local walking routes ratherKEY than cars and buses. There is now 17 LocalLocal walking walking routes routes Access to rail stations Access Access to rail tostations rail stations Existing block structure transformation of New Street Existing Existing block block structure structure A38 Corridor Rail stations a need to revisit those streets, and other A38 A38 Corridor Corridor Major road interventions Major Major roadroad interventions interventions andand routes, to consider how the and primary improved pedestrian crossing Metro stops improved improved pedestrian pedestrian crossing crossing M walking routes Access and public squares to rail stations could be lifted still further as world-class Existing block structure retail and business address streets and destinations. Proposed high speed rail Blocks within various major transformation area Blocks forming part of other major developments URBAN STRUCTURE Rail viaducts at present Existing open spaces URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE atURBAN present present at present at at present New open spaces URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE Primary walking routes URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE in URBAN 20 years years Local walking routes in 20 in in years 2020 years A38 Corridor CITY CORE Major road interventions and improved pedestrian crossing Victoria Square Square 4Victoria transformation Chamberlains Squarearea 5 Chamberlains Square Square 5Chamberlains Blocks forming part of other Mailbox underpass 6 Mailbox underpass underpass 6Mailbox major developments - New Street Station Square 7 NEW - NEW New - New Street Station Station Square Square 7NEW RailStreet viaducts Rotunda Square 8 Rotunda Square Square 8Rotunda open spaces - Existing St. Martin’s and Moat Square 9 NEW - NEW St. -Martin’s St. Martin’s and and Moat Moat Square Square 9NEW NEWStation Square 10 NEWNEWStation Station Square Square 10 New open spaces Old Square 11Old Old Square Square 11 Primary walking routes Colmore Plaza 12Colmore Colmore PlazaPlaza 12 Local walking routes Snow Hill Plaza 13 Snow Snow Hill Plaza Hill A38 Plaza 13 Corridor Chad’s public realm St.14 Chad’s St. St. Chad’s public public realm realm 14 Major road interventions and pedestrian crossing - improved Lancaster Circus open space interventions 15NEW NEW - NEW Lancaster - Lancaster Circus Circus open open space space interventions interventions 15 NEW Corporation Street open space 16 Open spaces NEWNEW - Corporation - Corporation Street Street openopen space space 16 NEW -key other opportunities 17 Churchyard 1 NEW NEW - St.Philip’s other - other opportunities keykey opportunities for forfor 17 open spaces open spaces spaces Church Street public realm improvement 2 open 3 St. Paul’s Square 4 Victoria Square 5 Chamberlains Square 6 Mailbox underpass 7 NEW - New Street Station Square 8 Rotunda Square 9 NEW - St. Martin’s and Moat Square 10 NEW- Station Square Old Square 11 URBAN STRUCTURE in 20 yearsPlaza Colmore 12 13 Snow Hill Plaza 14 St. Chad’s public realm 15 NEW - Lancaster Circus open space interventions 16 NEW - Corporation Street open space 17 NEW - other key opportunities for open spaces CITY CORE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 St.Philip’s Ch Church Stree St. Paul’s Squ Victoria Squa Chamberlain Mailbox und NEW - New S Rotunda Squ NEW - St. Ma NEW- Station Old Square Colmore Plaz Snow Hill Pla St. Chad’s pu NEW - Lanca NEW - Corpo NEW - other open spaces Quart Busine Increa CITY CORE CITYCITY CORE CORE CITY CORE CITYCITY CORE CORE Pedes Quarter boundary Quarter Quarter boundary boundary Metro Business District and New Street Station Business Business District District and and New New Street Street Station Station Major Increased permeability and access Increased Increased permeability permeability and and access access Centr Pedestrian connections Pedestrian Pedestrian connections connections Metro line Metro Metro line line Major highways barriers Major Major highways highways barriers barriers URBAN STRUCTURE at present the quarters / city core URBAN STRUCTURE in 20 years Central nodes Central Central nodes nodes 37 S 14 3 Q-WAY DS HA C T 15 16 17 17 M 13 12 11 ET Q -W AY M W 1 CO RP O 17 MO RA TI OR ON ST ST . G R. CH AR RE O LM CO RO RE LE S ST . 2 5 4 10 M SU LK O FF M NEW STRE ET 8 ST AY -W Q 7 6 9 N City Core masterplan 38 In order to achieve our ambitions for the City Core we will need to address a number of key issues including: • The creation of more attractive, distinctive streets and places within a city centre that is easy to navigate. • The provision of a unique and diverse retail offer that can compete with other major centres. • The provision of a prestige office location with a variety of high quality development opportunities to meet a wide range of business requirements. • The opportunities created in the areas of transformation - the redevelopment of New Street station and around Snow Hill. Connected city Attractive and convenient connections within the Core are fundamental to the quality of the visitor experience and to its strength in attracting investment. We want to transform the look and feel of the City in light - Retail Birmingham lighting proposal the quarters / city core city centre’s retail core shopping streets and make Birmingham the top retail and cultural destination in the UK outside of London. Focusing and expanding on our two key shopping streets, New Street and Corporation Street, our retail strategy proposes improvements to transform the streetscape and activities in order to create high-quality, well connected and unique environments. Distinctive character areas have been identified within the retail core where the focus will be to promote their individual characteristics and opportunities as part of a diverse retail offer. New Street will become one of the world’s great streets. It is already the key primary walking route linking the civic heart of the city at Victoria Square to the Bullring shopping centre and comes to life with regular markets and events throughout the year. The streetscape does however need rejuvenating, particularly in order to maximise the benefits of the proposed transformation of the public realm around New Street station. Corporation Street will be re-discovered as the grand street created by the Victorians. It forms the second of the Core’s primary walking routes between New Street Station and Aston University. Within the retail core, buses will be removed to transform the pedestrian and shopping environment allowing introduction of the metro extension. Beyond Old Square, towards Lancaster Circus, the streetscape will be improved to make the most of the area’s historic buildings including the Law Courts and the landmark Methodist Central Hall. Navigation Street will extend the pedestrian route from New Street Station to the Mailbox through planned improvements to the railway bridges as part of the Gateway Project creating opportunities for artwork and lighting that could animate and provide a draw to the route. Along the primary walking routes, rationalised market stalls and dedicated space for street performers will be important to create attractive and thriving places between shopping destinations. An improved, exciting pedestrian environment along the streets within the ‘Cathedral Walks’ character area between New Street and St Philip’s Cathedral will be introduced. This area will become the home of small-scale specialist boutique and independent shopping, with Temple Street also providing a key route between the new Stephenson Street entrance to New Street station and the Colmore Business District. There are a number of independent and specialist retailers, particularly along Smallbrook Queensway. The new southern entrance to New Street Station and John Lewis department store will help to bring greater numbers of people to the area. John Bright Street will become a location in which to develop niche and independent retailing. Church Street will become part of the primary walking route between the Colmore Business District and the Jewellery Quarter. With Big City Plan Initiatives and Colmore Business District funding in place, a new high quality public square will visually link the focal points of St Philip’s Cathedral in the Core with St Paul’s Church in the Jewellery Quarter. The remodelling of Great Charles Street will be instrumental in completing the physical link between the two churches. complementary uses while respecting the historic character and heritage of the Jewellery Quarter. The Gateway Project will transform the current 1960’s station into a modern facility providing visitors with the arrival experience they would be expecting of any world-class city. New entrances opening out to high quality public space to the south, east and north will reconnect this part of the city centre. The proposal for High Speed 2 into Eastside will need strong links from within the City Core to capitalise on the benefits presented by the regeneration of Eastside. Walking links from New Street station will be improved. Bus travel will be transformed by Centro’s proposed re-working of bus routes into and around the City Core and the provision of the City Centre Interchange for buses on Moor Street Queensway. Authentic city The city’s civic heart is focused around the Council House, Town Hall and the Art Galleries and Museum. Here, some of the finest showpiece buildings help to define the image of Birmingham. The redevelopment of the existing buildings within Paradise Circus will reconnect Broad Street and Centenary Square into the City Core and also provide a fitting setting for these world-class buildings and squares. Much of the City Core is covered by conservation areas and significant Listed Buildings, such as the Victoria Law Courts, that require improved settings and management of the public realm in order to really show off and make the most of their fine heritage and authentic character. Liveable city The City Core should provide a place in which people choose to shop, work, live Creating safe, convenient and attractive pedestrian/cycle routes across Great Charles Street connecting the City core with the Jewellery Quarter will be a key priority. This will help enhance access to the unique cultural and heritage offer of the Jewellery Quarter and allow the Colmore Business District to expand supporting the renewal of those blocks fronting directly onto Great Charles Street. Within this corridor the scale of development will be supported where it enables the delivery of the expansion of the Central Business District and Cathedral walks improvement proposals (before and after) 39 Main roads Street level crossing enhancement Main roads Secondary roads Street level crossing enhancement Metro line with Secondary roads extension Primary routes Metro line walking with extension Primary walking routes Local walking routes AR EA T ST AY W CH NS EE LH O US E EE LH O US E ST AR CH GR EE LE S QU EA T LL AY W HI NS ST RE ET EE OW QU SN LL LE S HI ST RE ET OW E N LA Y ER LIV ET RE ST W RE RO O Y ER LIV LM ET RE ST CH UR CH RO LM CO ET RE ST N W RE O Snowhill District transformation area masterplan Areas of transformation Snow Hill District The Snow Hill District is the natural extension to the existing Business District, and significant new office buildings are planned, complete or under development. The recognition of the Children’s Hospital as an important national and regional facility and its potential future need for modern facilities could open up further opportunities for new development. This area of the City Core overlaps into the Jewellery Quarter and its transformation will bring the two quarters closer together in terms of the transition from the City Core and the physical connections. Development opportunities will need to be supported by the creation of a series of new primary walking routes and open spaces. • Growth The potential of a high speed rail link terminating nearby significantly raises the likelihood of major HQ relocations and expansion of existing business needs. The demand for the highest quality of architecture incorporating cutting edge sustainable design and construction principles, a broad range of scale and adaptable floorspace, environmental quality and supporting infrastructure must be met. AY TT Q-W J. WA AY TT Q-W J. WA SN E N LA CO ET RE ST the quarters / city core TER CIRCUS AS New spaces Newopen open spaces CH UR CH The City Core has a relatively low number of residential units compared to some of the surrounding quarters, leaving the core area quieter at times when it should still be buzzing with life and activity. As part of mixed-use developments or building conversions, more residential apartments will be encouraged in the City Core on upper floors to create a larger resident population that will support shops and services, and enliven the heart of the city. TER CIRCUS AS ENSWAY NS S QUE S QUEE WAY AD AD CH CH ST. ST. Keycity city landmarks Key landmarks The Square shopping centre between Bull Street and Priory Queensway currently provides a range of value and niche retailers including the Oasis Indoor Market. The centre adds diversity to the city’s retail offer in terms of choice and price and these aspects will continue to be needed and also promoted within the wider city centre. Long-standing proposals to replace The Square and surrounding blocks as part of the Martineau Galleries retail development are likely to adapt, recognising the important link between the Colmore Business District and the Masshouse and Eastside developments - these locations will become particularly attractive for offices should the High Speed 2 terminus come. The retail component of the scheme will still need to be significant in order to retain a critical mass of shoppers to ensure the revitalisation and vitality of High Street. LAN C Building blocks Building blocks Building blocks within Snowhill District Building blocks within Snowhill District Transformation Transformation AreaArea LAN C Local walking routes Expanding range and choice to create a diverse retail offer will be a key priority. Opportunities to further expand the quantity and range of retailers at every level will be supported. To make Birmingham stand apart, the diversity and choice of specialist and independent trading will be promoted. GR 40 and spend their leisure time. Different needs should be catered for, and opportunities to broaden the appeal of the city should be grasped. The district houses one of the country’s most comprehensive, and respected Children’s Hospitals. The masterplan seeks to provide an opportunity for the hospital to expand, and upgrade its facility to modern efficient standards, while retaining use and occupation of historic locally listed Victorian buildings. The growth of supporting leisure, retail and commercial activities will be accommodated and grouped at key nodes. • Public Realm Snow Hill Square with its granite surfaces, dynamic water feature, and high quality planting and street furniture sets a standard for public realm in this area which should be matched in new public spaces and revitalised streets throughout the district. Snow Hill Queensway could be radically traffic calmed and boulevarded to give greater priority to pedestrians. A new link will lead to Lancaster Circus where proposed redevelopment includes filling in the subways and raising its levels to create an attractive and usable public space, accessed by street level crossings. Post and Mail Square proposal • Connectivity Snow Hill station acts as a physical barrier to the expansion of the Business District. The redevelopment of the existing car park, giving access over the railway via ramps and escalator links through a new station concourse to Snow Hill Square, the new Metro extension, and the wider area beyond will vastly improve connections. The improvements to pedestrian routes will establish vital, legible and necessary links to the Jewellery Quarter, St George and St Chad and the Learning Quarter of Eastside. The proposal for the High Speed 2 terminus at Moor Street Queensway focuses the need to provide clear and legible routes to the Snow Hill District, with strong pedestrian routes through the Martineau Galleries site and Masshouse. A new pedestrian priority route through the hospital site will open up access to new non-hospital development and generate further permeability across the area. High quality streets with pedestrian priority, well signed, and active throughout the day and evening will be important. The area links into major educational centres and student accommodation. Good clear cycle routes will encourage sustainable travel, as well as serving office workers. • Massing General storey heights in the area will range from 6 to 12 storeys, with a stepping up from Lancaster Circus along the Queensway to St Chads to a cluster of tall buildings grouped around Snow Hill Queensway up to 30 storeys. There is potential for a taller building up to 16 storeys at the point within the Children’s Hospital site where Corporation Street meets Lancaster Circus, ensuring that views through to the historic towers of the main hospital building would be retained. If it is possible to develop over Snow Hill station, mass will step up from Livery Street with an overall height not exceeding 8 storeys, and retaining views through from Cornwall and Edmund Streets. Building heights and proximity will need to take account of allowing good daylight to activity areas and public spaces. Indicative option for transformation areas - Snow Hill District 41 active and lively, sitting above new retail shops on Hill Street and Station Street. Mainroads Mainroads Secondaryroads Streetlevelcrossingenhancement Secondaryroads Metrolinewithextension Metrolinewithextension Primarywalkingroutes Primarywalkingroutes ET ST NEWS TREET ET RE ST N CO RP OR AT IO Newopenspaces NS T EE TR IO AT IG AV NEWS TREET LL ET RE ST ET ET E TR SW AY HI DU DL EY ST RE EN S N IO AT IG AV Q UE AY SW EN UE Q T EE TR S LK O FF SU N K ON RO HO LL HI LL S T REE LST ISTO BR D EA YH WA LO OL H T EE TR Q UE N LB US RC WAYCI O AL AY SW EN UE Q T EE TR S LK O FF SU SM • Public Realm The southern station plaza will provide a substantial public space as well as an active arrival and departure space. The station entrance ‘electronic eye’ will provide information and visual interest. A grand staircase, lift and ramp gives access to Station Street and Hill Street, and new granite paving, wall treatments, street furniture and lighting to the surrounding DU DL streets are part of the station renewal EY ST RE ET programme. John Bright Street is a pleasant pedestrianised street with some fine buildings. It is intended that this street encourages niche retail occupants and extends its cafe/bar offer. N Keycitylandmarks RE SW AY Keycitylandmarks BuildingblockswithinNewStreet StationTransformationArea Newopenspaces CO RP OR AT IO BuildingblockswithinNewStreet Buildingblocks StationTransformationArea A small number of local sites and buildings will be subject to new mixed development or redevelopment. W RO E OR LM CO W O R RE O LM CO Localwalkingroutes Localwalkingroutes Buildingblocks EN 42 Streetlevelcrossingenhancement • OConnectivity O R LB New Street station will have six access SM points, and a pedestrian route around the entire perimeter. The route through the station concourse from north to south will be open 24 hours giving easy connection from the retail and civic core to the entertainment district, Chinese Quarter and Gay Village. K New Street Station transformation area masterplan AL the quarters / city core HO LL Immediately to the south of New Street station, large-scale office and hotel redevelopment took place between the 1950s and 1970s on sites cleared to build the former Inner Ring Road. However 50 Y WA LO OL H T REE LST ISTO BR New Street Station Sequential views will be carefully managed to enhance the character of the district and provide landmark reference points to journeys through the area. years on and the blockage to pedestrian routes created by New Street station has resulted in several vacant and underused WAYCI O sites, with major recent investment limited to the landmark Radisson Hotel at Holloway Circus and residential apartments D around John HBright Street. EA US RC • Heritage The area is covered in part by two Conservation Areas and has a number of Listed and Locally Listed Buildings. These are integral to the character of the district, and architectural design which responds in terms of quality of materials, appropriate scale and detailing is vital to promoting an historic district which can incorporate the best in contemporary design. • Growth The redevelopment of New Street station will have a profound impact on the whole of the City Core, but the new street level link, from the north at Stephenson Street, through a new concourse and public space, to a grand entrance to Station Street and Hill Street will, along with the new John Lewis department store, galvanise the regeneration of the station’s southern neighbourhood. This area will be the hub of taxi drop-off and pick-up. The public space will be Pedestrian links across the Smallbrook and Suffolk Street Queensways are poor, particularly at Holloway Circus, and need improvement. This will achieve strong links between Southside, the residential communities of Bath Row, and the Mailbox, CUBE and canalside. The Hill Street link to Southside will see significant environmental improvement and the introduction of new activity and better public transport. The area will benefit from the introduction of the metro extension and Rapid Transit. • Massing There is potential for tall buildings between 16 and 20 storeys on other redevelopment sites in the area. Care must be taken to avoid overshadowing the public realm and residential uses. 43 • Heritage Station Street has a fine traditional frontage with some listed buildings, which needs to be retained and enhanced by a sensitive design and active frontage to the station side. John Bright Street has good buildings some of which are locally listed. The character should be retained and enhanced by appropriate active uses at ground floor, with residential above. Planned John Lewis Department Store above New Street Station Indicative option for transformation area - New Street Station 44 the quarters / eastside Eastside 45 ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER Eastside is a central focus for regeneration activity in the city centre that has EASTSIDE brought about the removal of the ‘concrete collar’ at Masshouse and the CITY emergence of the area as a locationCORE for knowledge, skills and innovation. It has WESTSIDE AND both great potential for accommodating the DIGBETH expansion of City Core uses through LADYWOOD major mixed-use development alongside the established science, technology and learning activities. The proposalsSOUTHSIDE for high speed rail will bring both major AND opportunities and challenges for the future of the quarter. HIGHGATE JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE About the quarter • Home to a number of educationalST GEORGE Eastside consists of three distinct character AND ST CHAD areas. The area north of Jennens Road, institutions including Birmingham known as The Aston Triangle, consists Metropolitan College, Ormiston JEWELLERY QUARTER of the Aston University campus with Academy, the 40 acre Aston University EASTSIDE Birmingham Science Park Aston. The area campus with its 9,500 students and the CITY is dominated by large individual buildings proposed Birmingham City University CORE dating from the 1960s - 1980s set within campus bringing anWESTSIDE additional 5,000 AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH open spaces. students. The spread of City Core uses has ST GEORGE ST CHAD seen developmentAND activity around the MasshouseJEWELLERY area that is more reflective in QUARTER scale and character to buildings within the EASTSIDE City Core. • An estimated one million people a SOUTHSIDE This pattern of development is year visit Millennium Point - England’s AND complemented by the more recently HIGHGATE largest millennium project outside of completed structures around Jennens London. Road including the distinctive Millennium • Alongside modern developments sit a Point building. From here down to the number of historical buildings including Victorian viaducts and east of Millennium the fine Grade I Listed Curzon Street Point much of the land is cleared, but ST GEORGE Station - the original terminus forAND theST CHAD interspersed with historical buildings Birmingham to London rail line. including Curzon Street Station. Some of JEWELLERY QUARTER the historic Victorian street pattern remains • Occupying a 22 acre campus, and with the Digbeth Branch Canal, which EASTSIDE Birmingham Science Park Aston is aCITY runs along the eastern side of the quarter, focus for innovation-led knowledgeCORE the area retains links to its industrial based businesses. WESTSIDE AND heritage. LADYWOOD DIGBETH The overall vision for Eastside is to SOUTHSIDE maximise its unique and extensive AND development potential HIGHGATE to create a quarter supporting the best in learning, technology and science with opportunities for expanding the City Core with new commercial, residential, leisure and entertainment uses.STResponding to the GEORGE ST CHAD proposals for highAND speed rail will transform Eastside into a key arrival destination, JEWELLERY QUARTER unlocking development opportunities and linking the area into the City EASTSIDE Core. SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE The vision WESTSIDE AND CITY CORE LADYWOOD DIGBETH CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE On the doorstep of the City Core, Eastside offers major redevelopment opportunities and an established learning and technology focus. ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH 46 Big ideas Connected city On the doorstep of the City Core, Eastside offers major redevelopment opportunities and an established learning and technology focus. The area has all the attributes to drive forward our ambitions for Birmingham as a place of fantastic connections and a driver of the knowledge economy. The role of the Birmingham Science Park Aston and the educational establishments will be central in creating a hub for research, learning and technological advances. The heart for the city’s digital revolution will be Eastside. We will address a number of key issues so we can realise the full potential for Eastside. • The huge opportunities that the proposals for high speed rail will bring. • Quality of the connections with the City Core and Digbeth. • The strength and position of the education establishments in delivering learning and research. • How the area can become a leading driver in technology, science and digital connectivity. URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE at present atatpresent present at present KEY Moor Street and Eastside rail stations Improved pedestrian connections, both Open spaces KEY Open Open spaces spaces Access to rail stations KEY KEY into the quarter and in forming the links 1 NEW - Station Square Moor Street and Eastside rail stations NEW NEW Station Station Square Square between activities and open spaces, will 1 1 CurzonCity Street ParkStation Moor Moor Street Street andand Eastside Eastside rail stations rail stations 2 NEW - Eastside Access tovisitors, rail stations be vital in attracting customers, NEW - Eastside - Eastside CityCity ParkPark 2 2NEW Square 3 NEW - Curzon Access Access to rail to stations rail stations Birmingham residents and Curzon further investment. NEW - Curzon - Curzon Square Square Science Park Aston 3 3NEW Street Station 4 NEW - Masshouse public realm NEW - Masshouse - Masshouse public public realm realm 4 4NEW Existing block structure Point public realm 5 Millennium The Millennium Point Point public public realm realm 5 5Millennium 6 NEW - Pound BlocksSquare within Eastside major Jennens RoadExisting will create new local block structure NEW - Pound - Pound Square Square 6 6NEW transformation area Existing Existing block block structure structure 7 Lakeside walking routesBlocks and within spaces bringing direct 7 7Lakeside Eastside major Lakeside openrail space 8 Aston University High speed viaduct Blocks Blocks within within Eastside Eastside major major transformation area and convenient links between Eastside, Aston University University open open space space 8 8Aston transformation transformation areaarea NEW Corporation Street open space 9 the City Core High and speed Digbeth. The detail rail viaduct Blocks forming part of other NEW - Corporation - Corporation Street Street open open space space 9 9NEW High High speed speed rail viaduct rail viaduct major developments NEW Lancaster Circus open space 10 of these links is set out in the Area of Blocks forming part of other NEW NEW - Lancaster - Lancaster Circus Circus open open space space 10 10 Curzon Curzon Street Street Station Station Birmingham Science Park Aston areaBirmingham ofBirmingham transformation south of Science Science Park Park Aston Aston Blocks Blocks forming forming partpart of other of other Transformation section (page 49). It will major developments major major developments developments be vital that the Railnetwork viaducts of local walking Rail viaducts viaducts routes is Rail extended north beyond Jennens Existing open spaces Road to Existing connect the whole Existing open open spaces spaces quarter. We will support improvements to the pedestrian New open spaces NewNew open open spaces spaces environment along these routes and seek Primary walking routes Primary Primary walking walking routes routes to prioritise their Localrole. walking routes Local Local walking walking routes routes Major roads Major Major roads roads Enhancements to the canal corridor as Major road interventions and Major Major road road interventions interventions andcrossing and improved pedestrian a walking/cycling route will be central to improved improved pedestrian pedestrian crossing crossing Canal encouraging movement within the quarter Canal Canal and between the different parts of the KEY city centre. Improving connections to and beyond theMoor RingStreet Road will be important. and Eastside rail stations Access to rail stations Curzon Street Station URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE Birmingham Science Park Aston in 20 years in20 20 years inat inpresent 20 years years Existing block structure High speed rail viaduct Blocks forming part of other major developments LEARNING New open QUARTER spaces Primary walking routes Local walking routes Major roads Major road interventions and improved pedestrian crossing Canal the quarters / eastside New open spaces Primary walking routes Local walking routes Major roads Major road interventions and improved pedestrian crossing Canal Open spaces 1 NEW - Station Square 2 NEW - Eastside City Park 3 NEW - Curzon Square 4 NEW - Masshouse public realm URBAN STRUCTURE Point public realm 5 Millennium in 20 years 6 NEW - Pound Square 7 Lakeside 8 Aston University open space 9 NEW - Corporation Street open space 10 NEW - Lancaster Circus open space CE Existing open spaces Existing open spaces N IE LEARNING QUARTER LEARNING LEARNING QUARTER QUARTER Rail viaducts SC AM GH N IN STO RM A BI RK PA E NC IE E CE SC NC N AM IE IE GH N SC SC IN STO M M CE A A EN RM A I BI RK NGH GOHNSO CN ST M PA RMI MAIN ST HAA N BI BIRRK GK NR TO PAPIA S RM A BI RK PA E NC IE SC CE AM EN I GH N SC IN TO M CE S A RM A EN BI RK NGH ONSCI PA RMI AST M A BI RK GH N PA IN STO RM A BI RK PA Blocks within Eastside major transformation area Rail viaducts LEARNING QUARTER LEARNING LEARNING QUARTER QUARTER Open spa Quarter boundaries LEARNING Quarter Quarter boundaries boundaries QUARTER Key characteristic areas with KeyKey characteristic characteristic areas areas withwith significant boundaries significant significant boundaries boundaries Pedestrian connections Pedestrian Pedestrian connections connections Rail line RailRail lineline Proposed HS2 line Proposed Proposed HS2HS2 lineline Major highways barriers Major Major highways highways barriers barriers Central nodes Central Central nodes nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NEW NEW NEW NEW Mille NEW Lake Asto NEW NEW 47 MI ST R TH EE T OU M RT DA COR POR Y WA LE ATIO N DD 8 10 YM LE W LA 7 4 6 2 3 2 1 MO OR ST RE ET Q UE EN SW AY 5 AY EW DL ID 9 N Eastside masterplan 48 Knowledge city In today’s increasingly knowledge based society, economic success will be derived from the exploitation of the knowledge, skills and innovation potential of the city. Birmingham Science Park Aston will be a key component in driving the city’s knowledge economy. The Science Park will act as a hub promoting enterprise and innovation by bringing together people with ideas and technologies, people with expertise and experience and people with funds to invest. Located close to the City Core the Science Park is easily accessible and aspirations for remodelled accommodation will be supported. A new Innovation Village will enhance this facility with additional work space and high tech infrastructure. Eastside aerial view the quarters / eastside As part of the development proposals within this area the new Engineering Academy will create a new focus on engineering and manufacturing emphasising business enterprise and developing the skills necessary for Birmingham to capitalise on opportunities in engineering. It will enable a new generation of innovative and talented engineers. Eastside’s role in the knowledge economy is boosted by the concentration of educational establishments in the area. Based around the activity at Aston University, Birmingham Metropolitan College, the new campus for Birmingham City University, Millennium Point and Ormiston Academy is where the creation of a learning/knowledge quarter will be achieved. Undergoing a period of transformation Aston University will provide a new and improved campus, becoming a centre for excellence in learning, research and community engagement. Future development will focus on delivering improved facilities, enhanced spaces and improved links. Birmingham Metropolitan College and Ormiston Academy provide further focus for learning and research. The planned Birmingham City University Campus will provide 35,000 to 45,000 square meters of accommodation acting as the new home for media, arts and engineering learning. Smart city Area of transformation Digital technology will be central to the future knowledge economy allowing links to be created which are not defined by geography. Such technology will connect people around the world instantly. Birmingham Science Park Aston has the potential to create a ‘digital port’ for Birmingham at the heart of the Digital District. The city’s digital capabilities will ensure connectivity without boundaries, reducing the need to travel and contributing to reducing carbon emissions. Eastside 49 Eastside has long been seen as an area in which to expand the City Core, delivering major change through mixed-use developments in the area south of Jennens Road. Mainroads Streetlevelcrossingenhancement Secondaryroads TR EE T N S AT IO OR RP RO S EN AD RO N JE N JE N N S EN AD CO TR EE T N S AT IO OR RP MAS SHO USE L A NE T REE NST RZO CU MAS SHO USE L A NE STR EET RD ES LE YS TR EE T BO RD ES LE Y S TR EE T Eastside transformation area masterplan N NEW CAN ALS TRE ET BO NEW CAN AL EET ST R A N CO D IG CAR Locationfornewopenspaces Y WA Locationfornewopenspaces Y WA NS Keycitylandmarks NS U EE Buildingblocks BuildingblockswithinEastside Keycitylandmarks TransformationArea U EE JAMESWATTQ Metrolinewithextension Buildingblocks Primarywalkingroutes Localwalkingroutes BuildingblockswithinEastside Canal TransformationArea AY EW DL ID YM LE W LA Mainroads Localwalkingroutes Streetlevelcrossingenhancement Secondaryroads Canal Primarywalkingroutes JAMESWATTQ Metrolinewithextension EET STR ON Z R CU 50 With the proposals for high speed rail the focus on Eastside as an area of transformation has been further strengthened and its position as a major arrival destination is now at the fore. The area bounded by Jennens Road, Moor Street Queensway, Lawley Middleway and the viaduct has great opportunity to deliver both a new terminus station for High Speed 2 route with opportunities for landmark developments and attractive spaces. • Connectivity Integrating this area into the wider city centre will be an important aspect for its future transformation. Strong attractive walkable routes will be created within the area allowing easy circulation for people accessing the station and beyond. The viaduct arches will create a distinctive environment, enhanced with lighting, and space for temporary uses to provide attractive connections into Digbeth. The new Station Square will provide a focal point for those arriving from the station, dispersing people onto walkable routes. Our approach to the future of this area sets out a clear framework to guide change, which will ensure that the city centre capitalises upon the opportunities that this major investment in infrastructure will bring. This approach will be flexible, reflecting uncertainties over eventual delivery of High Speed 2 line. Transformation of this part of Eastside will be planned for the short, medium and long term and come forward in a number of elements linked together. From the station concourse a series of new access routes through and out into Eastside, Digbeth and out to Moor Street Queensway for the City Core. Street furniture and distinctive lighting of places and buildings will provide visual interest, enhance safety and create a sense of place. • Public Realm New public spaces will be created to provide focal points and key nodes to generate meeting places and guide people through the quarter to their destination. • Growth Core uses including office, leisure and residential are likely to expand as a result of the High Speed 2 terminus and improved connections to New Street Station. Indicative option for transformation area - Eastside the quarters / eastside Eastside City Park will create a key focal point for the area providing a catalyst for regeneration. The park will create a pleasant and walkable route connecting the different elements of Eastside to the City Core and eastwards to beyond the Middleway. The delivery of the Eastside City Park will be a priority. Mixed-use blocks will create a vibrant 24/7 feel to the area with visitor attractions, employment opportunities, leisure and city living accommodation. Enhancing the new spaces and walking routes with active ground floor uses will be encouraged. Activity should spill out onto the streets to create a lively and interactive atmosphere. • Massing Expanding City Core uses into the area will see opportunities for a range of building heights from 6 to 10 storeys rising to 16 storeys to mark key views. Around the new squares blocks and buildings should be of a human scale, well articulated and visually diverse to reflect the mix of use and intimate character. A range of new buildings fronting the Eastside City Park will form an integral part of the new terminus building and be of a scale and height in keeping with the station. • Heritage The area still retains some distinct character and a number of attractive buildings and features. New developments will take a sensitive and responsive approach to incorporating such assets through reuse and retention in the context of delivering wider benefits for the area. Curzon Street Station will become the focal point, acting as one of the key accesses for the High Speed 2 terminus but as a feature in its own right reflecting its historical importance and architectural quality. It will be set within a new hard-landscaped square. The rail arches and other distinct industrial features, including the canal environment, will play an important role in guiding an authentic environment complementing the modern structures. 51 The proposed High Speed 2 set to deliver journey times of 49 minutes between Birmingham and London could be worth £1.5 billion a year to the West Midlands economy. The new City Park (Eastside) 52 the quarters / digbeth AND HIGHGATE Digbeth 53 ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD From the earliest beginnings as part of the city’s industrial development, the Digbeth area has evolved to meet changes, constantly reinventing itself and adapting the built environment to meet the needs of new uses. Today although the majority of the factories have gone and the canal is no longer carrying cargoes it still has a certain creative buzz about it. JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE About the quarter •The Custard Factory is home to a dynamic community of 500 artists and small creative enterprises based within the 5 acre complex of riverside factories built 100 years ago by Sir Alfred Bird. • The Grand Union Canal, Digbeth Branch Canal and River Rea flow through the area. • Home to the Irish Quarter, a focus for related cultural and entertainment activities centred around Bradford Street and Digbeth High Street Deritend. • The area has been at the heart of Birmingham’s history from the earliest known settlement to the industrial revolution and planned developments of the 21st century. The important heritage is protected in two conservation areas: Warwick Bar and Digbeth, Deritend, Bordesley High Streets. Sandwiched between, and running in the blocks along, the railway viaducts are the historical core of Digbeth, characterised by a range of warehouse complexes and purpose-built works dating from the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. Within this core area the streetscape is wholly derived from the area’s industrial past as a warehouse and industrial quarter. Street blocks are compact and composed of building plots which vary in shape and size. The Gun Barrel Proof House (built 1813), set slightly apart on Banbury Street, is STan GEORGE the sole example of early 19th century AND ST CHAD works and remains in its original use. There JEWELLERY are very few surviving domestic properties QUARTER in the area. EASTSIDE CITY CORE public house on Deritend The Old Crown WESTSIDE AND in the late 15th century, High Street, built LADYWOOD DIGBETH provides one of the earliest remaining buildings in the city. SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE environment Much of the historic is protected by conservation area designations which aim to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the heritage assets. ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD Running through and across the area, JEWELLERY the canal and railway structures provide QUARTER examples of late 18th and 19th century EASTSIDE transport engineering.CITY These structures CORE add to the hard industrial appearance WESTSIDE AND createdLADYWOOD by the traditional building types DIGBETH with the viaducts dominating the area. SOUTHSIDE AND Beyond this core area more modern HIGHGATE industrial premises exist along the Middleway and parts of Digbeth High Street. The High Street also acts as the key spine running through the quarter from the Middleway into the City Core. View towards Eastside Station from Fazeley Street 54 The masterplan vision The ambition for the area is to use its historic roots as a foundation for growing its established creative businesses and developing a vibrant urban community with entertainment, living and cultural opportunities. By embracing the existing building fabric and delivering a high quality, exciting, and safe public realm Digbeth will become a flourishing creative and cultural hub for the city. • Responding to the opportunities and KEY challenges that the proposal for High Open spacesMoor Street and Eastside rail stations KEY Speed 2 in Moor neighbouring Eastside willOpen spaces Access to rail stations Street and Eastside rail stations Open KEY KEY NEW - St Martin’s and Moat Square 1 spaces bring. Access to rail Birmingham Coach Station Moor Street Moor and Street Eastside andstations Eastside rail stations rail stations - Station Square StNEW Martin’s - St Martin’s and Moat andSquare Moat Square 1 NEW 1 2- NEW Coach Station AccessAccess toBirmingham rail stations to rail stations NEW Beorma public realm 3 Station - Station Square Square Existing block structure 2 NEW 2 - NEW Connected city Birmingham Birmingham Coach Coach Station Station NEW - public Connaught Beorma - Beorma realm publicSquare realm Existing block structure 3 NEW 3 4- NEW Proposed high speed rail viaduct Custard Factory public realm 5 NEW NEW Connaught Connaught Square Square 4 4 Existing Existing block structure block structure Improved pedestrian connections both Proposed high speed rail viaduct Blocks within Southern Gateway major NEW Digbeth viaduct park 6 Custard Custard Factory Factory public realm public realm 5 transformation area into the quarter and between activities 5 Blocks within Southern Proposed Proposed high speed high speed rail viaduct railGateway viaduct major Blocks forming part NEW Typhoo Factory Basin and open spaces will be vital Digbeth - Digbeth viaductviaduct park park of other transformation area in attracting 6 NEW 6 7- NEW major developments Blocks Blocks within Southern within Southern Gateway Gateway major major Blocks forming part of other NEW -Factory Warwick Bar public visitors, transformation customers, residents Typhoo - Typhoo Factory Basin Basin realm 7 8- NEW transformation area area and further 7 NEW major developments Rail viaducts investment. NEW other key opportunities Blocks Blocks formingforming part of part other of other NEW NEW Warwick Warwick Bar public Bar realm public realm for 8 8 9 open spaces Rail viaducts major developments major developments Big ideas In Digbeth the fundamentals are all there to create a thriving, active and authentic part of the city centre. With some enhancements to the physical infrastructure of the area, the potential can be truly fulfilled. To facilitate the renaissance we will address a number of key issue, including: • Providing safe and convenient connections into and through the quarter. • Supporting its gritty and authentic character. • Balancing the needs of local businesses, residents, cultural and creative activities. URBAN STRUCTURE atSTRUCTURE present URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE URBAN present at present atatpresent 9 RailStreet viaducts Rail viaducts The High (including Digeth Existing open spaces 10 High Street Deritend and High Street ExistingExisting open spaces openspaces spaces New open Bordesley) currently acts as a major block New open New spaces openand spaces to movement in and through quarter. Canals River Reathe space interventions We will support the remodelling of this Canals Canals and River and Rea River space Rea interventions space interventions Primary walking routes road to reduce car dominance, introducing Local walking routes PrimaryPrimary walkingwalking routesenvironment routes an improved pedestrian and Canal Local walking Local walking routes routes create space for activity along its length. River Rea KEYCanal Canal River Rea River Rea Moor Street and Eastside rail stations Action to rationalise the gyratory at the rail stations top end of theAccess HightoStreet, at the Bullring, Coach Station will be central Birmingham to drawing people across from the City Core into the area. The Existing block structure transformation of the Wholesale Markets highredesign. speed rail viaduct will play a key Proposed role in the Links will be significantly between Blocks enhanced within Southern Gateway major transformation area Digbeth, the City Core and Southside. Blocks forming part of other major developments URBAN STRUCTURE Rail viaducts at present URBAN STRUCTURE Existing open spaces in STRUCTURE 20 STRUCTURE years URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN in in 20 20 in years 20 years New open spaces years Existing open spaces NEW - NEW other -key other opportunities key opportunities for for 910spaces NEW - Curzon Square open open spaces New open spaces NEW Curzon - Curzon Square Square 10 - NEW Open spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NEW - St M NEW - Stati NEW - Beor NEW - Con Custard Fac NEW - Digb NEW - Typh NEW - Warw NEW - othe open space NEW - Curz Canals and River Rea space interventions Primary walking routes Local walking routes Canal River Rea Open spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NEW - St Martin’s and Moat Square NEW - Station Square NEW - Beorma public realm NEW - Connaught Square Custard Factory public realm NEW - Digbeth viaduct park NEW - Typhoo Factory Basin NEW - Warwick Bar public realm - other key opportunities for 9 NEW URBAN open STRUCTURE spaces in years - Curzon Square 1020NEW Canals and River Rea space interventions Primary walking routes Local walking routes Canal River Rea Qua Quarter boundaries Key characteristic QuarterQuarter boundaries boundariesareas with significant boundaries Key characteristic Key characteristic areas with areas with Pedestrian connections significant significant boundaries boundaries Pedestrian Pedestrian connections connections Major highway barriers Major highway Major highway barriersbarriers River Rea River Rea River Rea Canals Canals Canals Central nodes CentralCentral nodes nodes the quarters / digbeth URBAN STRUCTURE at present URBAN STRUCTURE in 20 years Key c signi Pede Majo River Cana Cent MO OR ST RE ET QU EE NS W AY 55 10 8 2 FA Z 9 EL EY 7 ST 9 9 9 9 3 9 E AT DI G BET H DG O O FL HIG 4 9 ST 9 9 H ST. 9 5 DERITEN D 9 6 9 CH EA PS 9 ID E BR AD MIDDLEWAY ESLEY BORD 1 FO RD ST RE ET N Digbeth masterplan 56 The High Street will become a primary walking route from which a network of local walking routes, will run north-south and east-west. Along these routes a series of pocket parks and larger open spaces will be created. Street furniture and distinctive lighting of places and buildings will provide visual interest, enhance safety and create a sense of place. The network of local walking routes includes Bradford Street and Fazeley Street linking east-west, New Canal Street running north into Eastside, Meriden Street linking south toward Southside; and Floodgate Street running south. Bradford Street performs a central role in linking the City Core and Irish Quarter. Public realm improvements along its length are set to enhance the attractiveness of this street. Fazeley Street performs an important role as an east-west route connecting westwards to Eastside and eastwards to Liverpool Street and Adderley Street and onto the Ring Road. It has a strategic role which will be reinforced through improvements to lighting, materials and spaces. The link from Digbeth into Eastside is also supported by New Canal Street - Meriden Street forming a useful north-south link. In particular this route will play a key role in connecting the redevelopment at Eastside and the High Speed 2 terminus to Southside and the Southern Gateway. The design principles for this street follow those for the other local walking routes with a focus on shifting the balance from vehicular movement to pedestrians, while still acknowledging the importance in the wider road network. Floodgate Street is a particularly distinctive route due to its straightness, meaning there are long views along the entire length of the road. Passing under the railway viaduct provides a significant landmark on this route, reinforcing the industrial character of this area. Our approach will be to support improvements so that the distinct character along this road is enhanced. The canal corridor will also form part of this network of routes acting as an ideal means to aid pedestrian movement. The River Rea and the canals will be opened up further as part of the reuse, development and/or conversion of buildings and plots along their length. The focus will be on enhancing lighting and access to the canal frontage creating a lively and safe atmosphere that is attractive for pedestrians and cyclists. At Typhoo Basin an attractive mixed-use development opportunity around a central water feature will become a key focal point and see the conversion of the existing complex of buildings. Extending out onto the canal network further opportunities will be supported along the canal corridor for mixed-use developments incorporating live/work units at Warwick Bar. The opportunity presented by the proposal for High Speed 2 and the new station on the northern edge of the quarter offers great potential to connect Digbeth to the City Core and bring a renewed focus to the north of the quarter for a mix of uses. The shared concourse with the southern station entrance, accompanied by a public square, will be a key arrival destination into Digbeth. The traditional building types and strong street grid patterns are vital to local distinctiveness and sense of place. Such assets will be used to create strong character for new developments. Keeping the mix of small properties and larger industrial buildings will be important allowing experimentation in space and place. We will support the utilisation of these assets to form an inspirational and truly authentic place that offers an alternative to other areas in the city centre. We aspire to create an elevated linear park along the disused viaduct, running broadly from Upper Trinity Street to Montague Street. This will provide an exciting ‘viapark’ consisting of high quality public space combining planting, paving and events areas. The Cattle Station is Typhoo Basin public realm proposal the quarters / digbeth 57 Public realm at Digbeth viaduct the point at which some significant and underused plots of land can be found, and a spot where the canal is quite close by. In combination with the buildings, streets and spaces, the range of entertainment, creative and cultural activities within the quarter will continue to play a vital role. The Irish Quarter has existed for some 50 years, mainly around St Anne’s Church and community club. While much of the community has now dispersed, the area contains a wealth of Irish-based businesses, independent Irish bars, The Irish Club and related organisations. The contribution these activities make to the and thriving nature of the area will continue to be supported. As the area becomes more successful the pressure will grow for new higher value uses to come into the area. We will need to manage this pressure to ensure that the fundamental character and experience of the area is not lost. The retention, re-use and conversion of buildings is key. Creative city The Custard Factory will be the focal point for this creative quarter with Fazeley Studios and other areas around the canal acting as locations for creative activities. Space for new studios and supporting facilities and services will be part of creating a thriving quarter. The re-use of buildings will be vital to the growing creative activity in the area and improved pedestrian connections will have a central role in making the quarter more attractive to visit. Throughout the area mixed-use developments will be supported where they support the aspiration for the area as a creative cultural entertainment hub. Developments along the canal corridor will be supported where they achieve the interaction and accessibility to the canal and retain the character and distinctiveness of the area. We want more people to live in the Digbeth area but they will have to embrace urban living and all that this means. We know there is potential conflict between different activities but in order to attract more activity and create a thriving and diverse area, the workshops, bars, clubs, venues, businesses and residents will need to come together in inventive ways to support a dynamic community. Future residential provision will need to reflect the character of the area, adapting to the existing building stock and environment. Live/work units and student accommodation will be an important element in future housing development. The creation of an ‘urban village’ will bring greater life and activity to the area and it will be important that this is supported by vibrant facilities. Smart city Digital technology will become a central part of the focus on creative industries. Such technology will help to connect people instantly and without boundaries. The close links with Eastside are pivotal in the expansion of this technology, with Digbeth forming part of the Digital District. The city’s digital capabilities will ensure connectivity without need to travel, so supporting the reduction of carbon emissions. 58 the quarters / southside and highgate AND HIGHGATE AND HIGHGATE Southside and Highgate ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER Southside, including the Highgate residential area, has a rich mix of existing EASTSIDE activities giving the area a unique spirit CITY and vibrancy. Coupled with this character CORE are significant redevelopment opportunities that will complement the area to WESTSIDE AND create one of the most diverse city centre quarters that will be a major cultural and LADYWOOD DIGBETH visitor destination. SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE 59 ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE About the quarter “back-to-back” housing, shops and pubs • The Wholesale Markets site presents spread rapidly southwards towards and 8ha of development potential on the ST GEORGE over the River Rea. doorstep of the City Core. AND ST CHAD • The historic manor houseJEWELLERY and moat QUARTER lie underneath the Wholesale Markets site and represent part of the medieval CITY heart of Birmingham. CORE The development of the Wholesale Markets in the 1970s dramatically altered EASTSIDE the original street pattern and the fortress-like building turns its back on the surrounding area, leaving Southside with DIGBETH fractured links and dead frontages, thereby isolating the areas and buildings beyond. • Historic retail markets are part of WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD Birmingham’s rich heritage and history; and are home to the largest inland fish SOUTHSIDE market in the UK. AND HIGHGATE The removal of subways at Smallbrook • The Hippodrome Theatre with the Queensway in the early 1990s improved Birmingham Royal Ballet, is the UK’s the pedestrian connections to the area most visited theatre with over half-aalong the primary walking route of million patrons every year. Hurst Street. Investment followed with ST GEORGE • Home to the city’s Chinese Quarter AND ST CHAD the Arcadian Centre, the extended and bringing in thousands of international refurbished Hippodrome Theatre and the JEWELLERY visitors every year and hosts the restored historic “back-to-back” houses. QUARTER Chinese New Year celebrations. These provide significant cultural assets for EASTSIDE CITY Southside alongside successful bars and • 75,000 visitors to the UK’s biggest free CORE restaurants. During the last decade, highannual Pride FestivalWESTSIDE around AND the Gay density residential apartment development LADYWOOD owned Village’s thriving, independently DIGBETH has provided new urban living which has café bars, pubs and clubs. greatly increased pedestrian activity and SOUTHSIDE AND has begun to help support a greater mix of Southside grew from the original heart HIGHGATE commercial uses around Hurst Street. of Birmingham around St Martin’s parish church, the manor house and moat, with Edgbaston Street and the approximate line of Smallbrook Queensway once marking the southern edge of the medieval town. From the 1790s and throughout the Victorian period, a dense pattern of streets, factories, courtyard In the streets south of Bromsgrove Street, some of the former industrial buildings have been taken over by vibrant café bars, pubs, clubs alongside established engineering companies and warehouses. Large areas of vacant land and derelict buildings remain towards Bristol Street. A significant portion of Southside, between Sherlock and Barford Streets, ST GEORGE down to the River Rea and beyond to AND ST CHAD Highgate, is covered by low intensity JEWELLERY Many units provide industrial premises. QUARTER space for small engineering companies EASTSIDE and a variety of other CITY commercial operations. However CORE some parts of the WESTSIDE AND area are underutilised and remain empty. LADYWOOD DIGBETH The unattractive environment isolates and severs the Highgate area from otherwise SOUTHSIDE walkable routes to the City Core and AND HIGHGATE Digbeth. The Highgate area rises up from the River Rea towards a ridge at Highgate Middleway. Most of Highgate was comprehensively redeveloped during the 1960s, introducing a mixture of council housing, including tower blocks, maisonettes and modern two-storey terraces. A pocket of industrial land occupying four street blocks divides the residential area. There are a number of key landmarks within the Highgate area including the Central Mosque, St Alban’s Church and Lenches Trust Almshouses, the Paragon Hotel and Highgate Park. 60 The masterplan vision • Supporting development of the distinctive cultural and entertainment assets. KEY Birmingham Coach Station Our vision for the area is to bring about significant change of the Wholesale • Supporting and creating strong, vibrant Existing block structure Markets site, capitalising on this KEY KEYKEY communities by dealing with vacant Open spaces Open Open spaces spaces opportunity as a catalyst for bringing Blocks within Southern Gateway Birmingham Coach Station Birmingham Coach Coach Station Station andBirmingham underused land and buildings. - St and Martin’s and Moat Square area 1NEW NEW - StNEW Martin’s - St Martin’s Moat andtransformation Moat Square Square 1 1 investment and activity to the wider major Existing block structure area. Improving the transport links Edgbaston Street public realm Existing Existing block block structure structure 2Edgbaston Blocks forming part of other • Keeping the best of Southside’s Edgbaston Street Street public public realm realm 2 2 majorrealm developments and strengthening the areas character character and heritage and considering Arcadian public 3 Blocks within Southern Gateway Arcadian Arcadian public public realm realm 3 3 Blocks Blocks within within Southern Southern Gateway Gateway major transformation major major transformation transformation area areaarea will create a vibrant, liveable and wellthe future of industrial land and activity.4 4 4 NEW - Theatre Existing open spaces Square NEWNEW - Theatre - Theatre Square Square Blocks forming part of other Blocks Blocks forming forming part part of other of other connected part of the city centre, creating major developments major major developments developments NEW Village Square 5NEW NEW - Village - Village Square Square 5 5 a major cultural destination. In the longer New open spaces Connected city Existing open spaces Existing Existing open open spaces spaces NEW Connaught Square 6 NEW NEW Connaught Connaught Square Square 6 6 term there is the potential to transform Highgate and surrounding areas to provide Highgate Park Rea space interventions 7Highgate Highgate Park ParkRiver New open spaces Newquality New open open spaces spaces Improved and number of streets 7 7 a much improved family neighbourhood. NEW other key opportunities NEW NEW other other key opportunities key opportunities and open spaces for pedestrians will be 8 8 8 for new/improved open spaces for new/improved for new/improved openopen spaces spaces space interventions Primary walking routes RiverRiver ReaRiver space Rea Rea space interventions interventions essential to the future attractiveness of Big ideas Local walking routes Primary walking routes Primary Primary walking walking routes routes the area. Currently, poor connections and Local walking routes LocalLocal walking walking routes often rundown or routes uninspiring streets fail to River Rea Southside and Highgate has the potential River provideRiver theRiver all-year-round buzz and activity Rea Rea Rea to become one of the most exciting and A38 Corridor A38 Corridor that befits aA38 cosmopolitan part of the city A38 Corridor Corridor liveable areas of the city centre. While the Major road interventions and Major road interventions road road interventions interventions and and and centre. MajorMajor improved pedestrian crossing quarter has many good qualities a number of key issues will need to be addressed in order for the wider area to fulfil its potential. These include: • Opportunities presented by the relocation of the Wholesale Markets. • The creation of good, active streets, open spaces and better connections with the City Core and neighbouring areas. URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE at present at present at present at present KEY improved pedestrian crossing improved improved pedestrian pedestrian crossing crossing As part of the Birmingham Gateway Coach Station Project,Birmingham the creation of a new southern entrance to New Street Station and the Existing block structure redevelopment of the Wholesale Markets will vastly improve connections Blocks withinpedestrian Southern Gateway major area from the Citytransformation Core to the quarter. Blocks forming part of other major developments Existing open spaces URBAN STRUCTURE New open spaces URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE in 20 years in 20 years in 20 in years 20 years River Rea space interventions URBAN STRUCTURE at presentPrimary walking routes Open spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NEW - St Martin’s and Moat Square Edgbaston Street public realm Arcadian public realm NEW - Theatre Square NEW - Village Square NEW - Connaught Square Highgate Park - other key opportunities 8 NEW for new/improved open spaces URBAN STRUCTURE in 20 years MARKETS MARKETS MARKETS Local walking routes MARKETS MARKETS MARKETS CHINESE CHINESE CHINESE QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER GAY GAY GAY VILLAGE VILLAGE VILLAGE INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL AREA AREAAREA CHINESE CHINESE CHINESE QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER River Rea A38 Corridor GAY GAY GAY VILLAGE VILLAGE VILLAGE Major road interventions and MARKETS CHINESE improved pedestrian crossing QUARTER BRISTOL BRISTOL BRISTOL STREET STREET STREET SOUTH SOUTHSOUTH BRISTOL BRISTOL BRISTOL STREET STREET STREET SOUTH SOUTHSOUTH HIGHGATE HIGHGATE HIGHGATE Quarter boundaries Quarter Quarter boundaries boundaries MARKETS characteristic areas Key characteristic Key Key characteristic areasareas with withwith CHINESE significant boundaries significant significant boundaries boundaries QUARTER Increased permeability access Increased Increased permeability permeability and access and and access Pedestrian connections Pedestrian Pedestrian connections GAYconnections GAY VILLAGE VILLAGE Major highways barriers Major Major highways highways barriers barriers INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHGATE HIGHGATE HIGHGATE BRISTOL STREET SOUTH River RiverRiver Rea Rea Rea BRISTOL STREET Central nodes Central Central nodes nodes SOUTH Residential areas Residential Residential areasareas HIGHGATE the quarters / southside and highgate HIGHGATE Ope 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 61 2 1 4 DIG BET H 6 3 HI GH S T. DERIT E 8 . ST R 5 M RO B CH 8 EA PS ID E CK 8 LO T TOL SH ER ST RE E AL ST. CE STE 8 T. SG 8 RS E OV ND B RIS 7 HS OC GO T. 8 EW AY 8 ID DL 8 MI DD 8 LE WA Y GH GA TE RA VE M LG HI BE N Southside and Highgate masterplan 62 Hurst Street - festival street, a primary walking route, links many of Southside’s assets and will become the focus for lively street theatre, markets and events. Further opportunities to make this route more pedestrian-friendly will be explored, including extending the footway and lighting improvements already implemented. Bromsgrove, Sherlock and Kent Street will be important pedestrian routes, forming part of the local walking route network. Ground floor uses and activities, higher quality public realm and street trees will help to transform these routes. A new network of open spaces linked by the local walking routes, will create an improved range of places that enrich Southside’s character. This will include Moat Square within the Wholesale Markets site and Theatre Place - the potential for a higher quality and memorable setting for the Hippodrome Theatre and “back-to-back” houses. A new Village Square at the Gay Village end of Hurst Street is proposed where active uses will surround a much needed green oasis for the area’s residents and visitors. As part of the Bristol Street South development site, existing public open space off Sherlock Street will be reconfigured as a new park for Southside. Highgate Park will be maintained as an important public open space and its overall quality and function will be promoted. In the longer term the park has great potential as a focus for higher quality development around its edges. Across the wider area, improved open spaces will be sought as part of individual redevelopment schemes. Bristol Street will remain a key vehicular route into the city centre from the south and forms part of the A38. Opportunities will be sought to transform the currently harsh pedestrian environment and to improve the number and quality of crossing points in order to better connect Attwood Green with Southside. Creative city Southside’s status as a major creative and cultural district will be promoted and capitalised upon in order to grow the area’s potential visitor base. The cluster of theatre, entertainment and leisure activities within and around Southside, including the O2 Academy, Hippodrome, Old Rep and Alexandra Theatres, Electric Cinema and lively cabaret bars, provides the opportunity to create a lively cultural focus for the city centre. The development of this cultural centre will be supported where proposals provide the city with facilities of national and international importance, and also the small-scale and diverse. Together they will develop further the rich creative and cultural performing arts offer of the city. Birmingham’s Gay Village has become well-established within Southside over the last 20 years. Vibrant café bars, pubs, clubs, shops and community services cater for the lesbian and gay community from Birmingham and the wider West Midlands region. The focus of the village is around the lower part of Hurst Street, Kent Street and Lower Essex Street. Recent investment in the public realm has given this part of Southside a stronger character and presence. There are opportunities for specialist retail, hotels and other business uses to locate within the heart of the village, bringing greater levels of visitor activity throughout the day and night. The retail markets will continue to play a vital role in the city centre’s retail offer which will be promoted and improved as part of the Wholesale Markets’ redevelopment. Liveable city The richness and variety of activity on offer in Southside is highly diverse in comparison to other quarters. The wide mix of uses and communities still has room to develop further. The identity of the Chinese Quarter will be strengthened, particularly around Ladywell Walk and the Arcadian Centre. This will be achieved through working with the Southside BID and Chinese community groups and local businesses to provide decorative features, public artwork and a Chinese arch that will provide a tourist attraction and cement the area’s character. Southside city living the quarters / southside and highgate Southside has growing residential communities with a dynamic urban village character emerging in the Chinese Quarter and along the Bradford Street corridor. Residential uses as part of the mixed-use redevelopment of derelict sites within the Chinese Quarter and Gay Village will continue to form an important part of Southside’s regeneration. Such uses should be encouraged where they do not compromise the entertainment and leisure uses that provide the unique essence of Southside’s character. The diversity of the area relies on the coming together of entertainment venues, businesses and residents to support a dynamic community. Highgate is a significant area of residential provision in the city centre. Sitting on the fringe of the city centre, it has good links to areas beyond the Ring Road. The area suffers from elements of poor design and layout, under-utilised open spaces and insecure pedestrian routes. Selective redevelopment will address these issues with our longer term ambition to see Highgate and the surrounding area become home to improved family living. This will be supported with well-balanced infrastructure including private and communal open spaces, improved network of local walking routes and community facilities. Future planning and regeneration activity will be undertaken in partnership with existing communities. The long-term future of the pocket of industry and the fringes of the adjacent industrial area will be considered as part of the masterplan’s aims to expand the quantity and quality of family housing in Highgate. This would also result in improved connections and a higher quality environment. The Bristol Street South site has a prominent frontage to Bristol Street and Belgrave Middleway and presents an opportunity for a significant mixed-use landmark development based around a significantly improved area of public open space. The development will provide strong links to Sherlock Street and Kent Street as local walking routes connecting into the City Core. The site will support a mix of uses that help to provide a magnet to draw economic and pedestrian activity into this part of the city centre. Authentic city Southside’s authenticity and character are most intact and well-reflected along Bradford Street and the eastern side of Bristol Street where there are significant attractive 19th century historic building frontages. These features will be retained as part of the regeneration of empty or underused buildings and sites behind. In addition, investment will be encouraged throughout the area in the refurbishment of existing character and listed buildings such as the landmark SBQ Building on Smallbrook Queensway. Such an approach will help to protect the future of the some of the city’s most interesting 20th century architectural features. The industrial area beyond the Wholesale Markets site will continue to provide space for small scale engineering and The residential St. Luke’s Estate includes under-utilised open space that has the potential, working alongside the local community, to be remodelled to accommodate both further family housing and more functional and better quality spaces. The existing parade of shops at Horton Square provides for some day-today needs for the local community, however the range and choice is limited. Opportunities will be sought to expand the retail area to meet this gap and to support new residential growth. Moat Square proposal 63 The centrepiece of this area will be Moat Square, a new public space based around the archaeological remains of the original Birmingham Manor House, the historic heart of the city. Expansion of the Southern Gateway area offers potential to extend Birmingham’s retail offer at its northern end, graduating through niche retail, improved markets, food and leisure space around Moat Square to new residential neighbourhoods which offer the potential to stimulate the regeneration of Highgate. commercial activities that provide jobs and necessary services within the local economy. The fringes of the area, where economic activity has waned, will provide opportunities for more mixed-use development particularly related to the redevelopment of the Wholesale Markets site and to facilitate the growth and improvement of Highgate residential area. 64 Area of major transformation Southern Gateway • Growth The area will form a thriving part of the city centre with opportunities for residential, retail, leisure, entertainment, offices and high tech manufacturing industries. ST RE ET The city’s retail market functions will be integrated within and to the western edge of the new Moat Square and adjoining buildings, and its profile will be raised by encouraging new niche and themed traders to complement and extend the existing range of its offer. Our approach to the future of this area sets out a clear framework to guide change, which will ensure that the city centre capitalises on the opportunity presented by the relocation of the Wholesale DI GB ET H Markets. We will encourage a diverse variety of uses and activities within the blocks and buildings and on the streets, and embrace the Irish Quarter and reflect its heritage and culture. Linked to the Moat Square will be the opportunity for a new Modern Art Museum showcasing exhibitions from a range of local and international artists. The new gallery will provide a place for the celebration and consideration of cultural diversity in the City. It will provide a new attraction enhancing the City as a visitor destination. • Public Realm A new major public square based around the historic site of the original Birmingham Manor House and moat, will create a focus for local culture, leisure and performance, incorporate a market function, and interpret the history and archaeology of this important site. K Q UE EN DU DL EY SW AY The relocation of the Wholesale Markets, leaving an 8ha site on the doorstep of the Bullring, will act as a catalyst for the southern expansion of the City Core. The redevelopment of the Wholesale Markets will facilitate opportunities for a much wider area to undergo transformation. Cafes, bars and restaurants will be encouraged around new squares and spaces with the opportunity to spill out. O H IG OR SH PER AD EE TR ST RE SW AY ES BR DU DL EY ET H ST REET DER ITEN D FO RD DI T EN RO UE LB ST GB ET RE H ET Q AL K SM SM L O H IG OR SH PER BR AD T EE TR ES REET L ST STO BRI ET RE ST VE RO G S OM BR AL O BR VE RO SG OM BR H ST REET DER ITEN D FO RD ST RE ET ET RE ST Main roads Street level crossing enhancement Main roads Secondary roads Street level crossing enhancement Secondary roads Metro line with extension Metro line with extension Primary walking routes Primary walking routes Local walking routes River Rea Local walking routes River Rea Building blocks N Building blocks within Southern Gateway Transformation Area Building blocks Existing focal points/landmark features Building blocks within Southern Gateway Transformation Area New open spaces Existing focal points/landmark features Southern Gateway transformation area masterplan the quarters / southside and highgate New open spaces Example of Modern Art Museum - MOMA in New York The change of level will be exploited to form terraces, activity and performance space, and the introduction of a water feature to recall the presence of the historic moat. There will be a network of high quality pedestrian priority streets. The High Street, Bradford Street, Moseley Street and Cheapside will be pleasant local walking routes connecting to new family housing, Highgate and its park, revived industry and commerce, public transport corridors, and the City Core. Street furniture and distinctive lighting of places and buildings will provide visual interest, encourage use, enhance safety and create a sense of place. Around the public square blocks and buildings should be of human scale, wellarticulated and visually diverse to reflect the mix of uses and intimate character. Storey heights will step up square with setbacks to the south and west to ensure there is good daylight access throughout the year. Any residential development should seek to provide a broad range of typology including family housing 3 to 4 stories high beyond the River Rea and into Highgate, complementing the existing largely apartment-based resident community which will be expanded closer to the core. • Heritage The area has a distinct character which includes buildings, street patterns and archaeological remains. Redevelopment must be sensitive and responsive to this character and retain, reuse and enhance these features. The history and archaeology of the area, and particularly the area around the original moated manor, will be acknowledged, respected, interpreted and incorporated in development proposals. Key views such as St Martin’s, Rotunda, Digbeth Police Station, the Paragon Hotel, and the Digbeth HMV Institute, which reinforce the identity and character of the area, will be identified and protected. • Connectivity The historic street pattern will be restored and enhanced, with a clear hierarchy of street use and character. Streets will be pedestrianised close to the core with shared surface off Moat Square and public transport focused on the High Street, Sherlock Street and Bradford Street. The Coach station will be a key arrival point, serving the area and wider city. Strong, attractive walkable routes with wide pavements and street trees will link Highgate and Camp Hill to the City Core. Clear pedestrian connections will be made across the area, connecting Southside to Digbeth. The River Rea will be utilised as a key feature. New development along its length will need to contribute toward creating pedestrian access to form a prominent, attractive, riverside walkway across the area. • Massing General heights across the area will range from 3 to 12 storeys with opportunities to rise to 15 to mark key views and focal points. At the corner of Edgbaston Street and the new public square a building of up to 18 storeys could be considered. Indicative options for transformation area - Southern Gateway 65 66 the quarters / westside and ladywood HIGHGATE Westside and Ladywood Westside, including the Ladywood residential area, is a diverse and vibrant part of the city centre. The area hosts many of Birmingham’s international-class visitor attractions, and forms a hub for shopping, nightlife and entertainment activities. Formerly a neglected and underused area, Westside has been completely transformed in recent decades and is now the primary destination for both business and leisure visitors to Birmingham. 67 ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE About the quarter •Westside is home to many of the city centre’s premiere business and leisure attractions, including the National Indoor Arena, the International Convention Centre and Symphony Hall, the Mailbox, the Repertory Theatre and the National Sea Life Centre. Symphony Hall alone attracts 370,000 visitors per year. • At the heart of Westside the Broad Street and Brindleyplace area is home to over 300 businesses, providing 12,000 jobs. • Westside hosts Birmingham’s biggest concentration of hotels, providing in excess of 1,800 rooms. • The area has a large residential population, with Ladywood home to 3,000 residents and the recently redeveloped and award-winning Park Central area incorporating 1,600 homes. • Many of Birmingham’s tallest buildings are located in Westside, reflecting the strong demand for offices, hotels and apartments. Further tall buildings are proposed. Historically the area comprised a predominantly industrial area focused on the hub of the city’s canal network with a dense residential area of back-to-back housing to the south. The former industrial area was transformed by the Brindleyplace regeneration project which created a thriving mixed-use area adjacent to Broad Street, overlooking the canals and including high quality new public squares. This pattern of waterside regeneration has extended along the canal to the south where The Mailbox anchors a concentration of premium retail and entertainment uses. ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD The southern part of the area remains residential in character: the former Lee Bank estate having been transformed into the Park Central area, an exemplar urban neighbourhood and the Ladywood area, a housing estate of variable quality. DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE At the heart of the area, Broad Street acts as a focus for entertainment activities and hosts several of the city’s major hotels. In addition Broad Street serves as an arterial route into the city centre, linking to Five Ways, where there is a concentration of shopping, office and entertainment uses. At the top end of Broad Street, Centenary Square provides a direct and convenient pedestrian route to the City Core. The square is the site of the International Convention Centre, the REP theatre, Baskerville House, and the new Library of Birmingham. In addition to providing access to these important locations, Centenary Square is a significant visitor attraction in its own right, and hosts many of the city’s most prominent outdoor events. Ladywood canals Open spaces 68 The vision • The reconfiguration of Broad Street corridor in order to achieve its full potential and to link in with the transformation of Paradise Circus. KEY Access to rail stations New Street and Five Ways rail stations Our vision is to enhance connections into and through the area, bringing in new life Existing block structure and activity by extending the network of • In order to support sustainable Blocks within Westside major linked public spaces within the quarter. transformation area growth of the residential population Improvements to the Broad Street corridor Blocks forming part of other improvements are needed to the public major developments and the eastern boundary of the quarter realm and local amenities. Existing open spaces will be key to achieving this. In addition, the masterplan will build on the success of Open spaces New open spaces Open Open spaces spaces Connected city Westside’s existing residential areas. In the NEW - Centenary Square improvement 1 NEW NEW Centenary Centenary Square Square improvement improvement 1 1 KEY KEY KEY longer term the aspiration is to transform Canal space interventions 2 City City Centre Gardens 2 2 City Centre Centre Gardens Gardens Access to rail stations Circus The bridging Paradise Access Access to of to rail rail stations stations 3 NEW NEW - Baskerville Wharf Basin Ladywood into a much improved family 3 3 NEW - Baskerville - Baskerville Wharf Wharf Basin Basin New and Five Ways rail stations Primary walking Queensway inStreet the 1990s created a high4 4 NEW New New Street Street and and Five Five Ways Ways railrail stations stations 4 NEW NEW - Paradise Circus public realm routes Paradise Paradise Circus Circus public public realm realm neighbourhood. Chamberlain Square 5 Chamberlain Chamberlain Square Square 5 5 Primary walking routes: link through quality Existing pedestrian link between Centenary Existing block structure Existing block block structure structure Victoria Square 6 Victoria the building Square Square 6 6 Victoria SquareBlocks and the City Core. Despite this, Mailbox underpass Blocks within Westside major 7 Mailbox underpass underpass Blocks within within Westside Westside major major 7 7 Mailbox Local walking routes Big ideas transformation area transformation transformation area area NEW - Arena Central public realm 8 NEW the former Inner Ring Road still presents - Arena - Arena Central Central public public realm realm 8 8 NEW Blocks forming part of other Blocks Blocks forming forming part part of of other other Canals Mailbox and Cube public realm 9 Mailbox and and Cube Cube public public realm realm 9 9 Mailbox a significant barrier between Westside major developments major major developments developments Peace Gardens Peace Peace Gardens Gardens 101010 Rail line The recent history of Westside is a success and theExisting adjacent quarters, NEW - Holloway Head playing fields Existing open spaces limiting the111111 NEW NEW - Holloway - Holloway Head Head playing playing fields fields Existing open open spaces spaces story; the Brindleyplace, Mailbox and A38 Corridor Park Central Park Park Central Central potential for expansion of City Core 121212 New open spaces Gas Street Basin Major road interventions and New New open open spaces spaces Attwood Green regeneration projects Gas Gas Street Street Basin Basin 131313 activities into the quarter and movement of improved pedestrian crossing Oozells Square 141414 Oozells Oozells Square Square have created diverse and vibrant areas. Canal space interventions pedestrians between the areas. Canal Canal space space interventions interventions Brindleyplace Square Brindleyplace Brindleyplace Square Square 151515 Open spaces The quarter plays a major part in the Brindleyplace canal area Brindleyplace Brindleyplace canal canal area area 161616 Primary walking routes Primary Primary walking walking routes routes Sherborne Wharf - Centenary Square improvement NEW economy of the wider city centre. However, 17 1Wharf Sherborne Sherborne Wharf 1717 KEYPrimary In order to support Westside’s existing Primary walking routes: link through Primary walking walking routes: routes: linklink through through Five Ways Five Five Ways Ways 2 City Centre Gardens 181818 the building the existing strength could be further thethe building building Access to rail stations functions and to encourage further growth Morville Street open space 19 Morville Morville Street open open space 19 19 3Street NEW - space Baskerville Wharf Basin Local walking routes Local Local walking walking routes routes developed, and in order to ensure that this NEW - other key opportunities for NEW NEW other other key key opportunities opportunities forfor Newimprovements Street and Five Ways and investment, willrailbestations 20 4 2020open NEW Paradise Circus public realm open spaces Canals open spaces spaces Canals Canals takes place we will address a number of 5 Chamberlain Square made to connectivity with the City Core, Rail line Existing block structure Rail Rail line line key issues: 6 Victoria Square Southside and the Jewellery Quarter. A38 Corridor URBAN STRUCTURE A38 A38 Corridor Corridor Mailbox STRUCTURE underpass Blocks within Westside major 7URBAN will be delivered as part Major road interventions and of key • Connectivity into the area to bridge transformation area Major Major road road interventions interventions and and atThese present in 20 years NEW - Arena Central public realm 8 improved pedestrian crossing improved improved pedestrian pedestrian crossing crossing developments at Paradise Circus, the New Blocks forming part of other the barrier to movement formed by the 9 Mailbox and Cube public realm major developments Street Station (Gateway Project), and the 10 Peace Gardens existing major road network. 11 NEW - Holloway Head playing fields spaces Bristol StreetExisting site in open Southside. • The need for enhancement of the 12 Park Central New open spaces internal network of streets and places. 13 Gas Street Basin CITY CORE URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE at present at present atat present present Canal space interventions URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE in 20 years in 20 years inin 2020 years years Primary walking routes LADYWOOD Primary walking routes: link through WESTSIDE the building Local walking routes CITY CORE CITYCITY CORE CORE LADYWOOD LADYWOOD LADYWOOD LADYWOOD LADYWOOD LADYWOOD SOUTHSIDE Canals Rail line ATTWOOD A38 Corridor GREEN Major road interventions and improved pedestrian crossing URBAN STRUCTURE at present the quarters / westside and ladywood Quarter boundaries Quarter Quarter boundaries boundaries Key characteristic areas with Key Key characteristic characteristic areas areas with with significant boundaries significant significant boundaries boundaries Increased permeability and access Increased Increased permeability permeability and and access access SOUTHSIDE SOUTHSIDE SOUTHSIDE SOUTHSIDE SOUTHSIDE SOUTHSIDE ATTWOOD ATTWOOD ATTWOOD GREEN GREEN GREEN Oozells Square LADYWOOD Brindleyplace Square Brindleyplace canal area Sherborne Wharf Five Ways WESTSIDE Morville Street open space NEW - other key opportunities for open spaces Pedestrian connections Pedestrian Pedestrian connections connections Major highway barriers Major Major highway highway barriers barriers ATTWOOD ATTWOOD ATTWOOD GREEN GREEN GREEN URBAN STRUCTURE in 20 years Central nodes Central Central nodes nodes Residential areas Residential Residential areas areas NEW - C City Cen NEW - B NEW - P Chambe Victoria S Mailbox NEW - A Mailbox Peace G NEW - H Park Cen Gas Stre Oozells S Brindleyp Brindleyp Sherborn Five Way Morville NEW - o open spa CITY CORE SOUTHSIDE CITY CORE CITYCITY CORE CORE WESTSIDE WESTSIDE WESTSIDE WESTSIDE WESTSIDE WESTSIDE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ATTWOOD GREEN M ID DL EW AY DE CH AR 20 PI TS PAR A LE S N D ST RE ET SA LA DY W OO D 69 A T E GR 20 3 ST 20 N T IN CE 16 6 LED 1 M SU SA FF 8 ST 15 . ST 13 14 17 7 GR E ST ID M OT PC OO D D EW AY AN VI LL E 9 RE ET 20 RE 18 BR O AD D EA H AY W O ET L ST AY SW EN UE Q EE D SH LA 19 O L K 8 YW 5 ST .V 20 20 4 2 ST LL HO 10 W BATH RO M ID DL EW AY 12 L STR BA NK BRIS TO LE E EET 11 N Westside masterplan 70 The Broad Street corridor will be the focus for investment and improvements to the public realm. The city council will work in partnership with the Broad Street Business Improvement District (BID) to bring forward improvements which will support the role of Broad Street as a key artery into the City Core and a centre of entertainment and leisure uses. At present the level of traffic along Broad Street means that it acts as a barrier to safe and convenient movement. In order to reduce this conflict, vehicular access to the northern section of Broad Street in the vicinity of Centenary Square will be restricted to buses and taxis only. In addition proposals will be brought forward for a Rapid Transit route connecting Five Ways with the City Core. The enhanced Centenary Square will be the city centre’s most important outdoor space for events and public activity in Birmingham and will be the setting of the new Library of Birmingham, a landmark building that will act as a catalyst for the continued regeneration of the city, attracting visitors both locally and worldwide. The square itself will become a New Library of Birmingham the quarters / westside and ladywood key focal point for cultural activities and its expansion across Broad Street will deliver an improved pedestrian environment. Within the quarter improvements will be focused to create a network of local walking routes connecting existing and future public squares. Street trees will be planted to improve the appearance of these routes and to provide a visual link between the quarter’s green spaces. This will result in a network of routes and spaces which will support the introduction of new activity into the isolated area to the south of the Mailbox and improve links between the Broad Street corridor and Park Central. This internal network will link in with the improved interfaces with neighbouring quarters and the wider primary walking network. The canal network has allowed waterside development in the heart of the city, leading to the development of one of the most attractive and distinctive places in Birmingham. The canal also constitutes a key route from the Mailbox area, via Brindleyplace and onward both into the City Core and out of the city centre. Improvements will be made to lighting and the general public realm along the canals in order to encourage greater use of this key route, to support future development and connect to the wider walking network. As part of future development activity there will be a need to ensure that safe and convenient connections are created across the Ring Road and along the canal to opportunities in the Greater Icknield area. This will allow an expanded residential offer for the city centre including family living and access to associated infrastructure. Liveable city The area is home to a number of residential areas offering a good range of accommodation and good access to amenities. In the vicinity of the canals and Broad Street are a number of successful high density residential developments. Park Central is a successful regeneration of an urban neighbourhood, with a school and modern community facilities. The Ladywood area sits on the western fringe of the city centre. While recent good quality housing has been introduced the wider area suffers from poor design and layout, under-utilised open spaces and insecure pedestrian routes. Selective The new Library of Birmingham will be the largest public library in Europe. 71 N EW HA LL S AT C HA R Westside The Paradise Circus development presents a valuable opportunity to address connections within this part of the city centre, restoring key views and connections between the civic heart and Westside and delivering major development opportunities including the expansion of the Central Business District. This project will link in with the improvements to Centenary Square, and the Arena Central and Baskerville Wharf projects to transform the interface between Westside and the City Core. LE S S TR EE T • Growth Westside is a truly vibrant area of mixed use development. It combines business, leisure, culture, commerce and city living. It has major hotels, visitor destinations, galleries, a thriving restaurant and nightlife economy, and of course the International Convention Centre, the National Indoor Arena and the new Library of Birmingham. G RE We seek to build on this early success by improving access and connections, linking with the core and adjacent quarters, extending development opportunites, and improving the public realm. The creation of a better range of local facilities and amenities accompanied by new public spaces and recreational areas will be central to creating a wellconnected desirable place to live. Future planning and regeneration activity will be undertaken in partnership with existing communities. Area of transformation redevelopment will address these issues with our longer term ambition to see Ladywood become home to new family living with well balanced infrastructure, including private and communal open spaces, improved network of local walking routes and community facilities. T EE TR S R ST S GE AR CH G RE AT N EW HA LL S TR EE T LE C RI D T EE TR B AM T EE EE T R ST AD BRO Westside is at the forefront of sustainable development in Birmingham, hosting one of the city’s first Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes, which runs along Broad Street and serves the NIA, ICC, the Hyatt Regency hotel, Repertory Theatre and the Town Hall and Council House. The new Library of Birmingham will be linked to the CHP and there will be the opportunity to extend the scheme to support future developments. Forthcoming development in Westside will continue to reflect the highest standards of sustainable design and will incorporate infrastructure to support next generation broadband, ensuring that Westside is at the forefront of the development of the digital economy. CH UR CH S Smart city TR EE T ES CA ID G R MB BR FO LK F SU T EE Mainroads TR E S EE T IDG R ST AD BRO ET RE ST Y A ID LL HO BR IDG Newopenspaces T EE Westside transformation area masterplan WAY O HO LL Keycitylandmark TR S Newopenspaces Primarywalkingroutes BuildingblockswithinWestside TransformationArea ST LL HI LK N Metrolinewithextension Buildingblocks FO BuildingblockswithinWestside Mainroads TransformationArea Streetlevelcrossingenhancement Localwalkingroutes Canal F SU Buildingblocks Secondaryroads Keycitylandmark T Localwalkingroutes Canal EE Primarywalkingroutes ET RE ST AY ID L L HO TR Metrolinewithextension E S Secondaryroads Streetlevelcrossingenhancement 72 • Public Realm The redevelopment of Paradise Circus will allow the introduction of new public spaces, and critically restore key views which will enhance legibility and draw visitors along the main pedestrian routes. The Town Hall will be the focus for significantly improved public realm, with traffic removed and Chamberlain Square extended. Centenary Square will become a key focal point alongside the new Library of Birmingham, and the development of Arena Central fronting this key public space. A sunken performance amphitheatre will be introduced as part of the library development. In the longer term Broad Street traffic will be radically reduced as Indicative option for transformation area - Westside the quarters / westside and ladywood Centenary Square is extended to give a sense of the public space from the library to developments at Arena Central. The square will be designed to retain its status as a major performance space. The development of Baskerville Wharf will provide a high quality public realm and canal frontage extending safe and attractive access to the waterway, and making a legible and improved direct link to the Jewellery Quarter across Summer Hill. City Centre Gardens will also become more prominent attracting greater activity. Arena Central will take advantage of the extended Centenary Square by encouraging active street level uses, and provide a new public square within the development with a direct route to the Mailbox and Cube canalside development. • Connectivity While there is an established pedestrian route linking Westside to the civic heart and City Core, the Central Library and Paradise Forum act as physical and psychological barriers to this connection, particularly for visitors. The redevelopment of Paradise Circus will create a legible network of clear routes and attractive active spaces, restoring key views and providing links to both the City Core and the Jewellery Quarter. Radical transformation of the road network in this area will see the current gyratory at Paradise Circus restored to a more pedestrian-friendly, two-way route on the western arm, with additional surface level crossings. Re-routing of traffic and bus routes will allow for a significant reduction in through traffic where Broad Street passes through Centenary Square. This will support establishing the square as a largely pedestrian space with controlled public transport along one edge only. Pedestrian routes through Arena Central, Baskerville Wharf and Paradise Forum will provide attractive connections to the Mailbox, Cube and canalside, the civic heart and Jewellery Quarter. • Massing Westside is recognised as the preferred location for tall building clusters, the 56-storey Regal Tower is already approved at the western end of Broad Street, and there is potential to realise a cluster of the tallest buildings, close to Five Ways. Arena Central already has approval including the 50-storey V Building. Paradise Circus will see the development of a new mixed-use scheme where heights and massing will need to respond to context, key views, and securing pleasant public space free from overshadowing. This will mean a general range of six to eight storeys, but can rise to a tall building at the Summer Row end providing a termination to Great Charles Street and a gateway to the City Core. Baskerville Wharf must respect the scale and character of the canalside but step up in height towards Baskerville House and the City Core. There is an opportunity for a tall building at the corner with Summer Row complementing the highest point of the Paradise Circus development, and acting as a gateway feature. • Heritage Key to the heritage of the transformational area of Westside are its connections to the civic heart and its many fine and listed buildings, including Baskerville House, the Hall of Memory and the former Banking Hall at Arena Central. Views to the civic heart, and enhancement in the use and settings of historic buildings, will be secured through surrounding developments. The archaeology, particularly in relation to this once thriving area of canalside wharves, will be exposed, examined, recorded, and interpreted. The canalside environment and key industrial buildings will be respected by new development, and incorporated to retain the unique character of the area. Paradise Forum redevelopment proposal 73 74 the quarters / jewellery quarter AND HIGHGATE AND HIGHGATE Jewellery Quarter ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD 75 ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER The Jewellery Quarter is a special part of Birmingham’s heritage: an asset that EASTSIDE supports the authentic character of the CITY city centre and differentiates it from other CORE large UK cities. It also is unique internationally as a centre of excellence in the WESTSIDE AND manufacture and trade of jewellery. LADYWOOD DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE About the quarter Paul’s churchyard, to the industrial middle’s •An area of industrial heritage of gritty streets and industrial workshops international importance, the Jewellery ST GEORGE ANDas ST CHAD dating from the 18th to the 20th century. Quarter has been in continuous use The Golden Triangle retains many of a centre for the JewelleryJEWELLERY trade since QUARTER its historic 2-3 storey redbrick and tile the 18th Century. roofed buildings housing the biggest EASTSIDE • It has the world’s busiest Assay CITY concentration of much of the area’s CORE Office and Europe’s largest School of jewellery-related businesses. Jewellery. WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH • It boasts the award-winning Museum The north-west portion of the quarter of the Jewellery Quarter and the Pen SOUTHSIDE contains the historic Key Hill and Warstone ANDLane Cemeteries which, along with St Museum, together with art galleries HIGHGATE including the Royal Birmingham Society Paul’s churchyard, provide the quarter with of Artists. pleasant outdoor spaces. • Alongside the traditional industrial heart and modern creative industries, a growing residential population and high quality bars and restaurants are making the quarter a working and living part of the city centre. • An estimated 400 jewellery related businesses with over 100 independent specialist retailers are located in the quarter. • There are over 200 listed buildings within the conservation area. Sitting within the quarter’s pattern of well-connected streets, a rich range of buildings make up this unique, dense, urban environment. Different character areas give the quarter authenticity, variety and excitement; moving quickly from the green formal setting of the Georgian St The character of the quarter changes dramatically in the 2 or 3 street blocks closest to the City Core between the canal and Great Charles Street – part of the former Inner Ring Road. Here, under the landmark BT Telecommunications Tower, larger-scale office buildings, some converted to residential, date mainly from the early to mid-20th century. The building of the Inner Ring Road in the 1960s effectively halted the natural spread of the City Core into the Jewellery Quarter. Large vacant sites still front much of Great Charles Street, accentuating the severance caused by the road, making the quarter as a whole difficult to find and access on foot from the City Core unpleasant. Key to the Jewellery Quarter’s future success will be re-establishing historical linkages to the City Core across Great Charles Street and improving pedestrian routes to the heart of the quarter. 76 The masterplan vision Our vision is to bring new growth and investment to create a Jewellery Quarter which is driven by its historic jewellery trade and emerging creative industries, and revitalised by a sustainably growing residential population. Key to its future success will be re-establishing historical links to the City Core across Great Charles Street and improving pedestrian routes to the heart of the quarter. Big ideas The Jewellery Quarter, alongside Digbeth, remains a key component of Birmingham’s unique heritage as the ‘City of 1000 Trades’. These sorts of areas make a city worth visiting. Grainy but special to our city, it is vital that its authentic character is both protected and cared for, for both visitors and the local community to enjoy. The quarter has all the ingredients to make it a place where people will want to visit and live. Its proximity to the City Core and the competitive rents make it an ideal place to locate creative businesses. URBAN STRUCTURE The masterplan envisages the Jewellery KEY Quarter as a living industrial quarter, with KEY KEY KEY the preservation of its unique historic character as a key element of its future success in attracting more tourism and recreational visits. While the quarter has all the qualities to make it one of the city centre’s most authentic and desirable areas in which to work and live we will address a number of key issues in order for it to fulfil its potential: • Lack of public spaces beyond St Paul’s Square and the Cemeteries. • Poor connections with the City Core. • The long-standing vacant and underused sites along key main corridors. • Supporting small jewellery design, manufacturing and creative businesses and adding further economic activity. • How development pressures can be effectively managed to maintain and enhance the qualities of the historic environment. URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE at present URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE atpresent present at at atpresent present URBAN STRUCTURE URBAN STRUCTURE in 20 years URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE in20 20years years inin in20 20years years JEWELLERY QUARTER JEWELLERY JEWELLERY JEWELLERY QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER Clock - heart of Jewellery Quarter Clock - heart of Jewellery Quarter Clock Clock-Jewellery -heart heartof ofJewellery Jewellery Quarter Quarter Quarter and Snow Hill Stations Jewellery Quarter and Snow Hill Stations Jewellery Jewellery Quarter Quarter and and Snow SnowHill HillStations Stations Access to rail stations Access to rail stations Access Access to torail railstops stations stations Metro Metro stops Metro Metrostops stops Existing block structure Existing block structure Blocks within Snow Hill District and Existing Existing block block structure structure major BlocksWestside within Snow Hilltransformation District and area Blocks Blocks within within Snow Snow Hill Hill District District and and Westside major transformation area Blocks forming part of other Westside Westside major major transformation transformationarea area major developments Blocks forming part of other Blocks Blocks forming forming part part of of other other majorRail developments viaducts major majordevelopments developments Rail viaducts Rail Railviaducts viaducts Existing open spaces Existing open spaces Existing Existing open open spaces spaces New open spaces New open spaces New Newopen open spaces Canalspaces space interventions Canal space interventions Canal Canalspace space interventions Primaryinterventions walking routes Primary walking routes Local walking routes Primary Primary walking walking routes routes Local Canal walking routes Local Localwalking walkingroutes routes CanalRail line Canal Canal Rail line A38 Corridor Rail Railline line A38 Corridor Major road interventions and A38 A38Corridor Corridor pedestrian crossing Majorimproved road interventions and Major Majorroad roadpedestrian interventions interventions and and improved crossing Open improved spaces improvedpedestrian pedestriancrossing crossing Open spaces 1 St.Paul’s Square Open Openspaces spaces Square 1 St.Paul’s Philip’s churchyard 2 St.Square St.Paul’s Square 11 St.Paul’s St.3Philip’s churchyard 2 St. NEW - Ludgate Hill public realm St. Philip’s Philip’s churchyard churchyard 22 NEW Ludgate Hill public realm 3 NEW Chad’sHill public realm 4 -St. -Ludgate Ludgate Hillpublic public realm realm 33 NEW realm 4 St.5Chad’s NEWpublic - Livery Street canal area under the viaduct St.Chad’s Chad’spublic publicrealm realm 44 St. - Livery Street canal area under the viaduct 5 NEW Square 6 -Newhall NEW -Livery LiveryStreet Street canal canalarea areaunder underthe theviaduct viaduct 55 NEW Newhall Square 6 Newhall NEW Golden Square 7 Square 66 NewhallSquare - Golden Square 7 NEW Lane and Key Hill cemetaries 8 -Warstone NEW -Golden GoldenSquare Square 77 NEW Warstone Lane and Key Hill cemetaries 8 Warstone NEW Albion Square 9 Laneand andKey KeyHill Hillcemetaries cemetaries 88 WarstoneLane NEW - Albion Square 9 NEW NEW Kettleworks open space 10 AlbionSquare Square 99 NEW- -Albion NEW - Kettleworks open space 10 NEW Kettleworksopen openspace space 10 10 NEW- -Kettleworks M M M M JEWELLERY QUARTER JEWELLERY JEWELLERY JEWELLERY QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER CITY CORE CITY CORE CITY CITYCORE CORE the quarters / jewellery quarter CITY CORE CITY CORE CITY CITYCORE CORE Quarter boundaries Quarter boundaries Quarter Quarter boundaries boundaries Pedestrian connections Pedestrian connections Pedestrian Pedestrian connections connections Metro line with stops Metro line with stops highways Metro MetroMajor line linewith with stops stops barriers Major highways barriers Major Majorhighways highwaysbarriers barriers Central nodes Central nodes Central Centralnodes nodes 77 AM H AT RE G O PT LEWA Y 8 7 M ICK DER 8 FRE LADY WO O DMID D T EE TR S N M 10 EE T T 9 REE ST 4 5 1 S S LE AR M CH EO 6 E GR E AT G SA N D PI TS PA RA D RG E ST . 3 TR N EW HA LL S TR EE T 2 N Jewellery Quarter masterplan 78 Liveable city Improving the attractiveness of the quarter as a place to live will require a mix of housing types that appeal to a broad range of people. We will encourage more housing where this reflects and fits with the historic grain of the area. Specific emphasis will be placed on providing family housing and delivering town houses. Open spaces to relax, meet people, and hold markets and events will be an important part of the Jewellery Quarter’s attraction. From St Paul’s Square, with its peaceful heart and surrounding vibrant bars and restaurants, a series of other squares and open spaces will be created and improved to form a new network of attractive places through the quarter. Golden Square will become a new high quality public space drawing visitors into the heart of the quarter. It will become a key place for public events and markets. Together with the landmark clock at the junction of Frederick Street and Warstone Lane, Golden Square will provide a much-needed focus and a distinctive open space from which to explore the surrounding jewellery shops, designers and manufacturers that make the area special. Golden Square proposal the quarters / jewellery quarter The historic Key Hill and Warstone Lane cemeteries will be enhanced to make more of their rich heritage features and to promote their role as the quarter’s main green open spaces to offer an attractive environment to residents and visitors. Investment in Albion Square as a new focal point, and the provision of new public spaces within the Kettleworks and Newhall Square developments will further enhance the network of open spaces. Connected city Currently, a major impediment to the vitality and attractiveness of the quarter are the poor connections with the City Core. Improved pedestrian connections, both into the quarter and in forming the links between activities and open spaces, will be vital. This will be supported by the creation of a new Cycle route between the City Core and the heart of the Jewellery Quarter, coupled with improved cycle parking facilities. A Golden Square to St Philip’s link will be the main focus for improvements to the public realm as a key pedestrian spine linking back to the Jewellery Quarter Metro stop and station. From the hub of the Golden Square, the route will follow Caroline Street through to St Paul’s Square and on to Ludgate Hill. Remodelling Great Charles Street will be a key focus to enable the pedestrian link to continue from Ludgate Hill into the City Core by creating an attractive, safe and convenient pedestrian crossing to replace the existing bridge. In the short term the bridge link will be improved. This transformation will finally break down the physical and psychological barrier, dramatically re-connecting links and allowing City Core activities to grow into the edge of the Jewellery Quarter. The remodelling will also create significant development opportunities between Lionel Street and the City Core’s Colmore Business District. On the doorstep of the new entrance to Snow Hill Station, the area will be brought forward for a mixeduse prestige development, expanding the City Core activities and providing an effective transition between the character of the City Core and that of the Jewellery Quarter. The remodelling of Paradise Circus will significantly strengthen the connections between Westside and the southern part of the quarter, linking also to the canal network, the planned Newhall Square and the key route of Newhall Street. Improved access will bring greater development potential to long-standing vacant sites, such as those at Legge Lane. The further opening up of the canal network will provide further connections around and out of the quarter, particularly between Westside and Snow Hill. The authentic features - the locks and impressive railway arches - along this stretch of the canal will be celebrated by encouraging greater visitor numbers through new and improved access points, public artworks, better lighting and security. The quality of public realm will be enhanced with materials that strengthen the authentic character and strong urban street grid of the quarter. Improved street lighting will be vital to create a safer and more welcoming place for residents and visitors at night. Existing pavement trails and public art routes will be added with improved way-finding and interpretation. The extension of the Midland Metro from Snow Hill to New Street Station will create a fast, direct and convenient connection between the busy shopping streets of the City Core and the heart of the Jewellery Quarter. Promoting the existing metro station and the new entrance from Snow Hill Station into the quarter will be key to ensuring that the area becomes a more integral part of the city centre’s ‘destination experience’. Creative city The design and manufacture of jewellery forms the foundation of the quarter’s economy and will continue to be the quarter’s key trademark activity, alongside the expansion of other creative industries. Other uses and activities, such as the 100-plus jewellery retailers, high quality independent bars and restaurants, art galleries and tourist facilities, also bring vibrancy, diversity, customers and employment into the quarter. and restaurants. Enriching and growing the small-scale and independent feel of businesses within the quarter will boost its visitor potential and maintain its authenticity and character. Residential uses will continue to form part of the rich mix of uses. Growing the quarter’s residential population will enliven the open spaces and streets, and will also help attract new shops, bars and resturants, as well as supporting existing ones. Improving the publicity and visitor experience of the quarter to promote it as a tourist destination will further enrich its vibrancy. Authentic city The existing building stock is a vital part of the quarter’s authentic character. However, economic cycles and changing business needs have left some areas of under-use and dereliction. This threatens the fabric of the historic buildings and the quarter’s attractiveness and viability. The conversion and re-use of buildings will continue to be taken to maximise the unique character of the area. The Golden Triangle and the industrial middle contains the greatest concentration of jewellery manufacture, trade and retailers, forming a fundamental part of the authentic and historic character of the city centre. While a mixed-use, often residential-led regeneration has been successful in the wider quarter, in order to protect the jewellery trade alternative uses will have to be carefully considered. To enable the quarter to sustain a vibrant mix of uses and to bring good quality buildings back into use, attracting new activity and life to the area, the better utilisation of buildings will be supported within the Golden Triangle and industrial middle. In particular the sensitive conversion and re-use of buildings at first floor level and above for residential purposes could in the future play a part in attracting new users and activity. The Great Hampton Street and Constitution Hill corridor contains a number of historic and character buildings that add to the authenticity of the city centre; however some are vacant or under-used. The bleak street environment requires improvements to make it more pedestrian friendly and attractive. New investment and regeneration will be encouraged in order to make the most of the potentially attractive townscape. With over 400 related businesses, there will be support and promotion for small jewellery design, manufacturing and creative businesses, promoting its role as one of Birmingham’s centres for creative industries. Increased diversity of economic uses and activities will be encouraged around the quarter, particularly on key pedestrian routes and around public squares and spaces where ground floor frontages can be utilised for small-scale retailing, start-up and small office spaces, cafe bars Proposed public realm improvements to create a useable space under Livery Street viaduct 79 80 the quarters / st george and st chad AND HIGHGATE St George and St Chad The area has a rich heritage reflected in its predominantly industrial character alongside an established residential community. While much of the historic gun making activity focused around the centre of the Quarter has ceased the area is still a significant source of employment generating activity but which has seen the re-introduction of residential uses, growth in commercial activity and the expansion of student accommodation in recent years. 81 ST GEORGE AND ST CHAD JEWELLERY QUARTER EASTSIDE CITY CORE WESTSIDE AND LADYWOOD DIGBETH SOUTHSIDE AND HIGHGATE About the quarter • Historic links to the manufacture and trade of guns is now confined to the Price Street area. This activity is referenced through the historic designation of the ‘Gun Quarter’ covering the area bounded by Steelhouse Lane, Shadwell Street and Loveday Street. • The area is a focus for small scale engineering, warehousing and commercial activity supporting around 370 businesses employing some 3,500 people. • It has experienced growth in retail led businesses, predominatly focused in the area of Great Hampton Street, Constitution Hill and along New Town Row. • The Birmingham and Fazeley Canal passes through the quarter, linking east to west. At present the quarter is essentially industrial in character. The building stock within the industrial core is of variable quality with more modern and better buildings located along Newtown Middleway. South of the canal and west of Lancaster Circus the area has retained much of its traditional street pattern, although the Ring Road has cut across its grain, leaving a jagged edge. The buildings in this area are a mixture of 19th - 20th century with a few earlier ones. Throughout the core of the area there is a robust Georgian and later industrial building stock formed within a strong street grid pattern. The southern area contains St Chad’s R.C. Cathedral acting as an important landmark building. Major development activity around the area of Old Snow Hill and Snow Hill Queensway has brought about the remodelling of the Queensway, at St Chad’s Circus, introducing surface level pedestrian crossings into the quarter. The area has a rich heritage reflected in its An established residential estate sits in the north-west with a school and open spaces. predominantly The masterplan vision industrial The overall vision for the St George and St Chad Quarter is to retain the area’s focus for employment and industrial activity and improve the connections with the surrounding areas to enable growth of a more diverse mix of uses, including residential, to create a thriving community. Big ideas The St George and St Chad Quarter is an area of opportunity. Its central focus is as a location for employment generating activities, but it has potential to accommodate a greater mix of uses, utilising its key assets of the canal corridor, strong street grid pattern and remaining historic character. character alongside an established residential community. 82 it still remains isolated from the rest of the city centre. This is compounded by the physical road infrastructure which forms its boundaries and as such inhibits safe and convenient movement for pedestrians and cyclists. While the quarter has opportunities for new development and activity a number of key issues will need to be addressed in order for its current assets to be utilised and opportunities realised. These will include: • The isolated and detached position of the area from the City Centre and a lack of public spaces and attractive walking routes. • Growing pressures for an expanding student population. • How vacant and under-used sites can be utilised for new activities. • Supporting employment-generating activities across the quarter. Connected city KEY Snow Hill Station - 2nd entrance Access to rail stations M Metro stop Existing block structure The canal corridor is an ideal means Rail viaducts KEY KEY KEY to aid pedestrian movement east and west Existing open spaces Snow Snow Snow HillHill Station HillStation Station - 2nd - 2nd - 2nd entrance entrance entrance between areas of the city centre. We are Access Access to to rail torail stations railstations stationsNew open spaces committed to delivering improvementsAccess to The Birmingham and Fazeley Canal Canal space interventions Metro Metro stop stop stop MMM Metro along its length, supported through Local walking routes Existing Existing Existing block block block structure structure structure Section 106 money and gains from future Canal development activity. The focus will be RailRail Rail viaducts viaducts viaducts A38 Corridor on enhancing lighting and access to Existing Existing Existing open open open spaces spaces spaces Major road interventions and the canal frontage, creating a lively and improved pedestrian crossing New New open open open spaces spaces spaces safe atmosphere that is attractive for New Open spaces pedestrians and cyclists. St Paul’s Square Canal Canal Canal space space space interventions interventions 1interventions NEW - Livery Street canal area under viaduct 2 routes Local Local Local walking walking walking routes routes In the longer term the creation of a new Canal Canal Canal 3 St Chad’s public realm urban park at Lancaster Circus will 4 NEW - Lancaster Circus open space A38 A38 A38 Corridor Corridor Corridor improve pedestrian linkages with the City Major Major Major road road road interventions interventions and and canal space opportunities NEW -and various 5interventions Core and to the Aston University campus. improved improved improved pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian crossing crossing crossing Connectivity will be a key theme for the quarter and like other areas of the city centre it suffers from constraints imposed by the major road infrastructure. Open Open Open spaces spaces spaces Although the quarter has experienced periods of redevelopment activity at St URBAN STRUCTURE Chad’s Circus and within the canal corridor, 6 NEW - open spaces in need of improvement Improved pedestrian and cycle access Paul’s StPaul’s Paul’s Square Square Square 1 11St St across the Ring Road linking the quarter NEW NEW - Livery - Livery - Livery Street Street Street canal canal canal area area area under under under viaduct viaduct viaduct 2 22NEW with Newtown. Chad’s StChad’s Chad’s public public public realm realm realm 3 33St St URBAN STRUCTURE in 20 years NEW NEW - Lancaster - Lancaster - Lancaster Circus Circus Circus open open open space space space 4 44NEW at present NEW NEW - various - various - various canal canal canal space space space opportunities opportunities opportunities 5 55NEW NEW NEW - open - open - open spaces spaces spaces in in need inneed need of of improvement ofimprovement improvement 6 66NEW Quarter boundaries URBAN URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE atat present atpresent present Key characteristic areas with significant boundaries URBAN URBAN URBAN STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE inin 20 in20 20 years years years Increased permeability and access Pedestrian connections HISTORIC GUN QUARTER HISTORIC GUN QUARTER Major highways barriers Quarter Quarter Quarter boundaries boundaries boundaries Canal Key Key Key characteristic characteristic characteristic areas areas areas with with with significant significant significant boundaries boundaries boundaries Increased Increased Increased permeability permeability permeability and and and access access access Pedestrian Pedestrian Pedestrian connections connections connections HISTORIC HISTORIC HISTORIC GUN GUN QUARTER GUN QUARTER QUARTER HISTORIC HISTORIC HISTORIC GUN GUN QUARTER GUN QUARTER QUARTER Major Major Major highways highways highways barriers barriers barriers Canal Canal Canal the quarters / st george and st chad 83 NEW JOHN STRE ET W EST NE W T O OW B POR ATIO N 6 VE LO COR 5 AY D M ST 1 ET ET RE ST SUMMER LANE N O PT M T TS O AG 5 STR E HA 6 WN R T EA GR 6 2 S AD 3 EEN QU SWAY 4 H TC S 6 N St George and St Chad masterplan 84 Liveable city Responding to the objectives for the wider city centre and the strengths and challenges of the quarter our approach to future development opportunities of the area will be as much about supporting it as a location for employment activities as creating opportunities to enhance its appeal as a place to live and relax, utilising those assets which can make it an authentic part of the city centre. With its industrial focus the quarter has retained a strong street grid pattern throughout its core with a mixture of 19th and 20th century buildings. However, having undergone periods of piecemeal redevelopment since the mid 20th century, the quarter has lost its clear refrences to the gun industry and urban quality throughout. The housing estate in the north-west and new office, commercial and, most recently, student accommodation along the southern and eastern edge have introduced a mix of uses to the quarter, but with a different urban fabric. The proximity of the quarter to Eastside and a growing student population will continue to see demand for new accommodation. We will continue to support student accommodation within the area of Moland Street and Staniforth Street and along the canal corridor where it enhances the quality of the built environment, provides part of a mixed and vibrant range of activities and contributes to improvements in connections to destinations for students and visitors alike. The canal corridor’s importance as an asset for movement is well recognised but is also a key feature for future development activity. Along the canal corridor developments will need to utilise this asset and provide high quality liveable environments. Such developments will need to maximise the asset as an environment for residential, leisure and employment activity. The City Council will work with the local community to plan improvements to the connections and open space in the established residential area. Authentic city Canal viaduct in the quarter the quarters / st george and st chad The proximity to the historical environment of the Jewellery Quarter formed by the conservation area with its building quality and street pattern will be important to guiding future activity along Constitution Hill and Great Hampton Street, creating a key gateway into the city centre. Light industrial and manufacturing-based activity will continue to be an important asset but opportunities for gradual regeneration of outlying areas through mixed-uses will help to make more efficient use of land and buildings and introduce greater activity to one of the more isolated parts of the city centre. The area has the remnants of a distinct character which includes buildings, street patterns and archaeological remains. Redevelopment must be sensitive and responsive to this character and retain, reuse and enhance these features. The presence of the existing residential area, bounded by Hospital Street, Smith Street, Newtown Middleway and St George’s Street, with its school and open spaces, provides the basis for further residential development within the corridor of Hospital Street to Great Hampton Street/Constitution Hill. Development will need to respond to the strong street pattern and other historic assets to ensure the authentic character is retained, making it an interesting and distinctive place to live and work. 85 86 Delivery This masterplan sets out a clear vision for the future growth of the city centre over the next 20 years. The delivery strategy for this masterplan is set out across four areas: • Working in partnership. • Embedding the masterplan in the statutory planning process. • Utilising the masterplan to secure funding. • Setting and delivering priorities. Working in partnership The masterplan will not just be the city council’s vision for the city centre, but one owned by a range of public and private sector organisations. This is important as the implementation of the masterplan requires the public and private sectors to work together. We will achieve this by: • Increased cooperation and joint working with the city centre Business Improvement Districts to deliver fine grain regeneration in the City Centre. • Taking forward the Vision for Movement through partnership working between the private sector, the city council and Centro. • Joint working with Marketing Birmingham on marketing the masterplan as a whole and the opportunities within it to the investment markets. • Raising standards of architecture by strengthening the role of the City’s Design Review Panel and reviewing existing design guidance to ensure it continues to raise standards. • Coordination of public sector investment by the development of the Place Based Initiative to maximise the objectives of public sector resources. • Working with the emerging Local Enterprise Partnership and its partners to link the masterplan to the objectives and implementation framework of the LEP. • Strengthening links with the private sector. These already exist through bodies such as the Westside Initiative and Eastside Developers Forum. We would envisage similar arrangements in each of the areas of transformation. Construction works at the Library of Birmingham due to be finished by 2013 big city plan / delivery • Working with local communities to plan future detailed interventions or regeneration. Key to the masterplan’s success will be to ensure that new development and investment opportunities help to strengthen Birmingham’s economy and improve its environment to the benefit of all who live in the City. The development of the city centre sets the scene for our ambition to connect Birmingham’s people with the creation of new job opportunities that lead to a high quality employment offer and an increase in our overall employment rate. Each investment in the city will be challenged to help us deliver a wider range of economic regeneration outcomes, including opening up brand new opportunities for industry-led training linked to emerging jobs. The city council’s Employment Access Team has a vital role to play bringing together 87 the collective resources of all involved in creating accessible job opportunities for all Birmingham people. Statutory planning This masterplan will be embedded into the statutory planning process utilising the Core Strategy and supplementary planning documents. A programme of supplementary planning documents, both for areas/sites and thematic requirements will come forward to support the Core Strategy and delivery of the masterplan with early priorities for 2011/2012 including: • Southern Gateway/Wholesale Markets. • Building Heights. • Public Realm, Streetscape and ‘WayFinding’. • Review of Places for Living guidance on the design standards for housing development. The masterplan and funding This masterplan has been produced at a time of great challenge for the future of public sector funding. However, to date, since the launch of the masterplan process, over £1 billion of public expenditure has been committed to the city centre. Future opportunities which the city council will explore to support the masterplan are: • In July 2011 The Chancellor announced an Enterprise Zone for Birmingham City Centre. Using the Areas of Transformation as the basis for an Enterprise Zone within the city centre to stimulate new business investment and job creation. The proposal has been agreed in principle with the LEP. • Tax Incremental Financing borrowing against future business rate income stream to fund enabling works and infrastructure provision. • Community Infrastructure Levy - setting tariffs for funding public infrastructure required by developments. • Utilising emerging European funding regimes such as JESSICA to support projects. • Further Business Improvement Districts. • Asset based vehicles, initiatives to draw in private finance, supported by the city council’s property portfolio. • Working with the emerging Local Enterprise Partnership to identify priorities for funding. These are the mechanisms identified to draw in additional funding. However, the masterplan will only be successful if it creates the confidence of developers, investors and occupiers in the future success and prosperity of the city centre. Truly outstanding regeneration can only be achieved through a shared vision for a place, which is driven across the public and private sectors. Setting and delivering priorities The masterplan, supported by the Vision for Movement, identifies a strong spatial focus to the growth of the city centre through the five areas of transformation and the fine grain regeneration. These are the areas that the city council will set as priorities for investment in terms of both its financial resources and its skills. Westside The future development of this area has been kick-started by the £189 million city council investment in the Library of Birmingham. This investment will be vital to unlocking key development opportunities including the redevelopment of Paradise Circus. In the short to medium term the focus for the city council will be on: • The delivery of the Library of Birmingham and refurbishment of the REP Theatre set for completion in 2013. • Working ever closer with the Broad Street Business Improvement District to deliver their objectives of a brighter, safer and cleaner Westside. • Actively supporting Millers to bring forward early phases for the redevelopment of Arena Central. • Developing our partnership with Argent through the Joint Venture to deliver the Paradise Circus redevelopment, with the first phase starting before 2015. 88 • Exploring the redevelopment of Paradise Circus as one of the priority projects for piloting Tax Incremental Financing. In the longer term the focus for the city council will be on: • Establishing further development agreements, utilising city council landholdings, in partnership with the private sector, to deliver significant mixed-use development in the area at Baskerville Wharf. • Developing proposals for the regeneration and extension of Centenary Square as the premier event space in the city, and a focal point for Westside. Snow Hill District By setting a single vision and direction, allowing landowners and developers to formulate their plans is central to delivering the future ambitions for this area. • Supporting the regeneration/ refurbishment of the Kennedy Tower, “the strip” and associated land. • Continuing to work with the Colmore Row Bid to improve wayfinding and placemaking, including implementing a new wayfinding system to link Snow Hill Station to New Street Station. • Enabling the construction of the Ormiston Academy for 900 students in the Performing Arts. In the longer term the focus for the city council will be on: • Delivering Eastside City Park and Science Garden. • Supporting Ballymore in bringing forward a viable scheme to deliver the 3rd and final phase of the Snow Hill scheme. • Supporting the role of Birmingham Science Park Aston through its Centrum Project. • Supporting the refurbishment/ redevelopment of Lloyd House. • Working with Ballymore to support the completion of the 2nd office phase of the Snow Hill scheme. In the short to medium term the focus for the city council will be on: • Supporting the redevelopment of the Ludgate Hill surface car parks. • Consulting on options for the creation of a pedestrian friendly link across Church Street - Ludgate Hill. In the short to medium term the focus for the city council will be on: Eastside The regeneration of this area remains a key priority for the city council with the commitment to the delivery of Easitside City Park and multi-storey car park supporting our future plans. • Working with the Children’s Hospital to maximise regeneration opportunities in the area. • Supporting the first phase of City Park Gate - Hotel La Tour. • Working with Birmingham City University to deliver the first phase of their new campus, and in the medium term bringing forward the remaining phases of their scheme, which will support 5,000 students. • Supporting the delivery of new mixeduse development at Eastside Locks, Curzon Park, City Park Gate and Masshouse. Construction of Paradise Circus Development competition for Wholesale Markets/start on site 2015 Construction of Golden Square in Jewellery Quarter Construction of Eastside City Park and Science Garden City centre wayfinding Phase 1 and 2 Big City Plan Construction of Ormiston Academy Church Street public realm improvements Bradford Street public realm improvements Construction of Library of Birmingham Construction of New Street Station 2010 big city plan / delivery 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 In the longer term the focus for the city council will be on: • Supporting the delivery of the new John Lewis department store. • Supporting the integration of High Speed 2 in the city centre and the development of the new terminus building. • Delivering the First Phase of wayfinding improvements in 2012. • Facilitating the delivery of development opportunities connected with the new terminus building. Southern Gateway The relocation of the Wholesale Markets is a priority for the city council and will help kick-start the regeneration of the wider area. In the short to medium term the focus for the city council will be on: • Securing the relocation of the Wholesale Markets with the aspiration to achieve this by 2013. • Bringing forward a draft supplementary planning document for the wholesale market site and wider area, for consultation in 2012. • Working with the proposed Southside Business Improvement District to improve the street environment and develop place branding. • Deliver public realm improvements to Bradford Street. New Street Station The transformation of New Street Station, driven by the city council and Network Rail, will support wider regeneration and release development opportunities to the south of the station. In the short to medium term the focus for the city council will be on: Delivery outside the Areas of Transformation. The Big City Plan is not all about big projects. Equally important are smaller projects which can transform an individual building or a street corner. Below are some examples of these smaller projects which reflect the Big Ideas of the masterplan. Working with local communities, we want to develop further smaller scale projects as part of the Big City Plan. • New public squares in the Jewellery Quarter at Albion Square and Golden Square, which will be completed by 2012. The delivery of our ambitions for the city centre can only be achieved through the involvement of the wider Birmingham community; our public sector partners, landowners and developers, businesses and the citizens of Birmingham. As we make progress toward achieving our goals the masterplan will evolve acting as an ‘organic document’, in response to changing circumstances. Waheed Nazir Director of Planning and Regeneration • Public realm improvements to the junction of Church Street and Cornwall Street in 2011 to create a new public space in the heart of Colmore Row Business Improvement District. • Relocation of the JFK memorial to Digbeth High Street, in the Irish Quarter in Digbeth, during 2011. • The phased development of a wayfinding system for the city centre to include the City Core, Eastside, Digbeth and the Jewellery Quarter as its first priority, to be completed by 2014. • Continuing support to the development of Digbeth as a Creative and Cultural Quarter. • Supporting the local communities in bringing forward plans for their area. • Supporting the redevelopment of New Street Station, seeing the new station concourse (phase 1) opened in 2012, with the station completed and fully open (phase 2) by 2015. 89 90 Acknowledgements In producing the city centre masterplan a number of individuals and organisations have provided valuable input throughout the process. Special acknowledgement is made to: Professor Michael Parkinson CBE Glenn Howells Architects Marketing Birmingham Argent Birmingham Chamber of Commerce City ID Make Architects Peter Brett Associates Urban Initiatives Mecanoo Foreign Office Architects AEDAS Birmingham Atkins The contents of this masterplan have been informed by a range of studies and background work including: • Interconnect Birmingham vision for a walkable city (2010) - a study to support the creation of a more welcoming, easier to understand and navigate city centre. • Revised Eastside Masterplan (2010) - providing concepts for Eastside responding to the proposals for High Speed 2. • Vision for Movement (2010) - setting the strategy for public transport, pedestrian movement and future use of the highway network across the city centre. • The Retail Birmingham Design Strategy (2010) - generating ideas and concepts to support improving the identity and connectivity of the city centre’s retail district. • Digbeth Corridor Study (2010) - outlining proposals for improved connections between the City Core, Digbeth and Southside. • The Big City Plan Work in Progress Report (2008) - set out the issues and options for the future transformation of the city centre. • The Birmingham City Centre Masterplan: The Visioning Study (2007) - identifying the challenges and opportunities for Birmingham and setting out the parametres for a masterplan for the city centre. big city plan / acknowledgements • image credits Image credits 91 AEDAS Birmingham Post and Mail Square proposal on page 41 Moat Square proposal on page 63 British Cycling Promotion of cycling in the city on page 18 Foreign Office Architects New Street Station eastern square on page 24 John Lewis Department Store above New Street Station on page 43 Glenn Howells Architects Eastside aerial view on page 48 View towards Eastside Station from Fazeley Street on page 53 Paradise Forum redevelopment proposal on page 73 Christopher Haynes ( Southside and Highgate front page image on page 58 Lovejoy Capita Golden Square proposal on page 78 MAKE Architects City in light Retail Birmingham lighting proposal on page 38 Cathedral walks improvement proposals (before and after) on page 39 Mecanoo Centenary Square with new library of Birmingham on page 24 New library of Birmingham on page 70