The Canadian Gunner 2013 - The Royal Regiment of Canadian
The Canadian Gunner 2013 - The Royal Regiment of Canadian
THE CANADIAN GUNNER L’ARTILLEUR CANADIEN 2013 THE CANADIAN GUNNER L’ARTILLEUR CANADIEN Volume 48 March 2014 Mars 2014 Captain-General, The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Capitaine-général. le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II Senior Serving Gunner Lieutenant-General S.A. Beare, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD Artilleur principal en service Lieutenant-Général S.A. Beare, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD Colonel Commandant, The Royal Regiment Of Canadian Artillery Lieutenant-General (Ret’d) M.K. Jeffery, CMM, CD Colonel commandant, le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Lieutenant-Général (Ret) M.K.Jeffery, CMM, CD Director of Artillery Colonel L.C. Dalton, CD Directeur de l’Artillerie Colonel L.C. Dalton, CD Regimental Colonel Colonel J.M.D. Bouchard, CD Colonel Régimentaire Colonel J.M.D. Bouchard, CD Commander Home Station Lieutenant-Colonel S.D. Joudrey, CD Commandant de la garnison Régimentaire Lieutenant-Colonel S.D. Joudrey, CD RSM RCA &KLHI:DUUDQW2I¿FHU&35XVN000060&' SMR ARC $GMXGDQWFKHI&35XVN000060&' Editor-in-Chief Major M.J. Draho, CD Rédacteur en chef Major M.J. Draho,CD Managing Editor Captain C.J. Barth, MMM, CD Directeur de la rédaction Captain C.J. Barth, MMM, CD Production The Shilo Stag Production The Shilo Stag Printers /HHFK3ULQWLQJ/WG Imprimeurs /HHFK3ULQWLQJ/WG 7KH&DQDGLDQ*XQQHULVSXEOLVKHGDQQXDOO\DQGLV¿QDQFHGE\WKH RCA Regimental Fund and subscriptions. The views expressed by the authors are their own and do not necesVDULO\UHÀHFWRI¿FLDOSROLF\ All copy and photos submitted become the property of The Canadian Gunner unless accompanied by a statement that they are on loan and are required to be returned. Scholars may feel free to quote from articles in The Canadian Gunner LQ ZKROH RU LQ SDUW SURYLGHG WKDW QRUPDO VRXUFH DFNQRZOHGJHPHQW LV PDGH7KHHGLWRUVLQWKLVUHVSHFWZRXOGDSSUHFLDWHDFRS\RIDOOZRUNV using The Canadian Gunner as source material. /¶$UWLOOHXUFDQDGLHQHVWXQHSXEOLFDWLRQDQQXHOOH¿DQFpHSDUOH)RQGV régimentaire de l’ARC et a bonn ement. Les auteurs expriment leur propre opinion et il ne s’agit pas nécessairement de la politque offcielle. Tous les textes et les photos soumis deviennent propriétés de l’Artilleur canadien, à moins qu’ils ne soient accompagnés d’un avis indiquant qu’ils ne sont que prêtés et qu’ils doivent être retournés. Les étudiants peuvent citer en tout ou en partie des articles de l’Artilleur canadien, à condition d’en citer la source. Dans ce même domaine, les rédacteurs aimeraient recevoir un exemplaire de tout travail citant l’Artilleur canadien comme ouvrage de référence. Canadian Gunner 1 Table of Contents Mot du capitaine-général/ Message from the Captain General.................................................................................................................................5 Mot de l’Artillerie principal en service/ Message from the Senior Serving Gunner......................................................................................................................6 Mot du Colonel Commandant/ Message from the Colonel Commandant .......................................................................................................................9 Mot du Directeur de L’Artillerie/ Message from the Director of Artillery .......................................................................................................................... 11 Mot du Colonel régimentaire/ Message from the Regimental Colonel..........................................................................................................................13 Mot du sergent-major régimentaire, ARC/ Message from the Regimental Sergeant Major, RCA...................................................................................................15 Nominations supéieurs/ Senior Appointments.....................................................................................................................................................17 Sénate/ Senate...........................................................................................................................................................................19 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery ...............................................................................................................21 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery ...............................................................................................................25 5é Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada ....................................................................................................................29 4th Air Defence Regiment, RCA ....................................................................................................................................35 The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School L’École du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne....................................................................................................38 3UL[HWUHFRQQDLVVDQFH Recognition and Awards...............................................................................................................................................44 1st (Halifax-Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA and 84th Independent Field Battery, RCA ............................................................................................................................46 2nd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA..................................................................................................................................50 3rd Field Artillery Regiment (The Loyal Company), RCA...............................................................................................51 5th (British Columbia) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.....................................................................................................54 6é Régiment d’Artillerie de Campagne, ARC ................................................................................................................57 7th Toronto Regiment, RCA ...........................................................................................................................................60 10th Field Artillery Regiment, 26th Field Artillery Regiment, 116th Independent Field Battery, RCA ...............................63 2 L’Artilleur Canadien 11th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.................................................................................................................................67 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................................................................................69 20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................................................................................72 30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................................................................................74 42nd)LHOG$UWLOOHU\5HJLPHQW/DQDUN5HQIUHZ6FRWWLVK5&$ 49th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................................................................................82 56th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................................................................................83 62é Régiment d’Artillerie de Campagne, ARC ..............................................................................................................85 20th Independent Field Battery, RCA ............................................................................................................................87 The Royal Canadian Artillery Band...............................................................................................................................88 L’Association de l’Artillerie royale canadienne/ The Royal Canadian Artillery Association......................................................................................................................91 Réunions/ Reunions.......................................................................................................................................................................93 RHQ RCA/ QGR ARC .....................................................................................................................................................................95 The RCA Museum/ Musée de l’ARC............................................................................................................................................................97 Famille Régimentaire/ Regimental Family..........................................................................................................................................................99 &DPSDJQHGX3DWULPRLQHGHO¶$5& The RCA Heritage Campaign......................................................................................................................................103 Etat de Compte du Fond Régimentaire ARC/ RCA Regimental Fund Financial Statement................................................................................................................106 La liste par grade du personnel employ l’extérieur du Regiment royal de l’Atillerie canadienne/ 7KH5R\DO5HJLPHQWRI&DQDGLDQ$UWLOOHU\(5(/LVWLQJE\5DQN Canadian Gunner 3 4 L’Artilleur Canadien Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II Captain-General The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Capitaine-général Le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Canadian Gunner 5 Lieutenant-General S.A. Beare, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD Message from the Senior Serving Gunner Mot du Artilleur principal en service No matter where you have been serving within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and especially within the Royal Regiment, it has been another busy year. Although there were no major deployments, the collective experience that our Regiment provided to and gained from regional missions around the world and at home has remained tremendous. This past year saw gunners on HMCS Toronto in the Arabian Sea, operating small unmanned aerial vehicles. Gunners continue to be an integral part of ship’s company’s and are leading the development of joint surveillance capabilities with our Navy FRXQWHUSDUWV 2XU VROGLHUV GHSOR\HG WR WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV RQ 2S RENAISSANCE, delivering vital humanitarian assistance and disaster relief following the devastating typhoon there. Gunners FRQWLQXHGWRSURYLGHDYDODQFKHFRQWUROLQWKH5RJHUV3DVVKHUH DW KRPH DQG ¿QDOO\ ZH KDG VHYHUDO GHSOR\ WR$IJKDQLVWDQ DV part of Op ATTENTION, sustaining Canada’s contribution to the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan (NTM-A). Gunners and our operational partners, in these missions and others – at home DQGDEURDGUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHLUULVNVRUVL]HGHOLYHUHGWUHPHQGRXVRSHUDWLRQDODQGVWUDWHJLFHIIHFWV7KH\KLJKOLJKWHGWKHÀH[ibility that is inherent to gunners. It remains true that no matter ZKHUHWKH&$)LV\RXZLOO¿QGDJXQQHU±8ELTXH 7KLVSDVW0DUFKPDUNHGWKH&$)PLVVLRQFORVXUHLQ$IJKDQLVWDQ7KRXVDQGVRIJXQQHUVKDYHVHUYHGLQWKDWFRQÀLFW7KH mission close-out can only be described as both bitter and sweet. Throughout our operations there, our troops and leadHUVDWDOOOHYHOVYDOLGDWHGDQGUHDI¿UPHGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIRXU chosen profession. I’m proud to say that we were unfailing in our VXSSRUWWRRXUEURWKHUVDQGVLVWHUVLQDUPV±GHOLYHULQJWKH¿UHpower guarantee in battle; as well as leading and serving within Cette année a encore été très mouvementée où que vous ayez servi dans les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC), particulièrement dans le Régiment royal. Sans qu’il y ait eu de déploiePHQWV PDMHXUV QRXV DYRQV FRQWLQXp GH PHWWUH j SUR¿W QRWUH UHPDUTXDEOHH[SpULHQFHFROOHFWLYHHWGHO¶HQULFKLUDX¿OGHVPLVsions régionales auxquelles nous avons participé tant outre-mer qu’au Canada. Au cours de la dernière année, des artilleurs se sont déployés à bord du NCSM Toronto en mer d’Arabie pour exploiter de petits véhicules aériens sans pilote. Les artilleurs continuent de faire partie intégrante des équipages des navires et sont responsables du développement de capacités de surveillance interarmées en collaboration avec leurs homologues de la Marine. Nos VROGDWVHQYR\pVHQGpSORLHPHQWDX[3KLOLSSLQHVGDQVOHFDGUH de l’opération RENAISSANCE ont fourni des services vitaux d’assistance humanitaire et de secours aux sinistrés à la suite du typhon qui a dévasté la région. Ici au Canada, les artilleurs continuent d’assurer le contrôle des avalanches dans le RogHUV3DVV(Q¿QSOXVLHXUVGHQRVPHPEUHVVRQWSDUWLVHQGpSORLement en Afghanistan dans le cadre de l’opération ATTENTION, à l’appui de la contribution canadienne à la Mission de formation de l’OTAN en Afghanistan (MFO-A). Les artilleurs et nos partenaires opérationnels, dans ces missions et d’autres - autant au pays qu’à l’étranger – sans égard à l’envergure de la mission ou au niveau de risque, ont produit des effets opérationnels et stratégiques considérables. Ils ont mis en évidence la souplesse propre aux artilleurs. C’est encore vrai : peu importe où sont les )$&YRXVWURXYHUH]WRXMRXUVXQDUWLOOHXU±8ELTXH (QPDUVGHUQLHUODPLVVLRQGHV)$&HQ$IJKDQLVWDQDSULV¿Q 'HVPLOOLHUVG¶DUWLOOHXUVRQWVHUYLGDQVOHFDGUHGHFHFRQÀLW/D 6 L’Artilleur Canadien WKHYLWDO$IJKDQ$UP\DQG3ROLFHFDSDFLW\EXLOGLQJHIIRUWXQGHU 170$ $JDLQ DV D IDPLO\ DQG EDFNHG XS E\ RXU IDPLOLHV DW home, the Royal Regiment answered the call. Regrettably, this experience came at a cost – in lives and injuries sustained in service to Canada. Our Fallen will forever be remembered for the people they were and the positive impact that they have had, not only on the people of Afghanistan, but also on us. In all cases gunners served stoically, loyally, and professionally. Today, all gunners remain prepared to commit to whatever new demands will come our way – our perpetuation of the commitment of those that have gone before us – lest we forget. 2QDSHUVRQDOQRWHPDUNVP\WK\HDULQXQLIRUP,W DOVRPDUNVP\ODVW$VVXFK,¶GOLNHWRVKDUHZLWK\RXP\H[SHULHQFHDVDPHPEHURIRXU5HJLPHQWDOIDPLO\DQGWKDQNWKH WKUHHJHQHUDWLRQVRIWKHIDPLO\WKDW,KDYHFRPHWRNQRZVRZHOO My father, LCol Archie Beare, served the guns alongside some incredible teammates who laid the foundation that my generation inherited. Those gunners were part of my own family and literally helped raise me. I remember a younger Colonel &RPPDQGDQWZKHQKHZDVD/WLQ*HUPDQ\PDNLQJSHDQXW butter sandwiches with then 10 year old Murray and 8 year old 6WXDUWERWKRIZKRPODWHUVHUYHGDVDUWLOOHU\RI¿FHUVP\EURWKHU DQG,:HORRNHGXSWRWKHVHPHQDQGWKHLUFRXQWHUSDUWVZKR WRRNFDUHRIWKHLURZQDQGLQÀXHQFHGDQGVKDSHGWKH5HJLPHQW WKDW,NQHZDQGJUHZXSLQDVDMXQLRUDUWLOOHU\RI¿FHU7KDQN\RX to all those who set the conditions for my generation’s success. 6LQFH WKHQ , KDYH VHHQ WKH HYROXWLRQ RI RXU 5HJLPHQW ¿UVWhand, learning with and serving alongside a new cadre of gunQHUV6U1&2VRI¿FHUVDQGRXUIDPLOLHV7KURXJKWKH&ROG:DU into the post Cold War, and in the current environment of unprecedented instability and unpredictability, we provided the gunner guarantee: as mud gunners, bird gunners, locators, FOOs and FACs, in FSCCs and ASCCs, through the provision of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities – as well as by being leaders within the institutions of the Army and the CAF DWODUJH:HWRRNRXUWXUQDV¿UHSRZHULQWHJUDWRUVDQGOHDGHUV in that domain. We developed and strengthened partnerships with an all arms team and other services, and we have played RXUSDUWVDVOHDGHUV±6QU1&2:2DQG2I¿FHU±LQWKHLQVWLWXtions of the Army and CAF at large. My generation built upon that of its successors and shaped the Regiment to be the world-class ÀH[LEOHMRLQWZDU¿JKWHUVWKDWZHKDYHEHFRPH7KDQN\RXWRDOO those with whom I have had the privilege to serve. 7RGD\WKH5HJLPHQWOLNHWKHUHVWRIWKH&$)LVXQGHUJRLQJD SHULRGRIWUDQVIRUPDWLRQDQGHYROXWLRQZLWKLQWKH¿VFDODQGVHcurity conditions of the day. It is time again for us to recalibrate our sights and focus on the future. The generation that follows mine – you who are serving now – are experienced and impressive in your understanding and the application of our business. You will see changes, both within and beyond your sphere of FRQWURO7KDWVDLG\RXKDYHWKHFKDUDFWHUVNLOOH[SHUWLVHDQG determination to deliver the regimental mission regardless of the restraints and constraints that exist now or will come to exist. $VVRPHRI\RXPD\ZHOONQRZLQFOXGHGLQWRGD\¶VJHQHUDWLRQ LVD\RXQJRI¿FHU,NQRZTXLWHZHOOZKRLVVXVWDLQLQJD%HDUH IDPLO\WUDGLWLRQRIVHUYLQJLQWKH5HJLPHQW6KHZRUNVZLWKDQ LPSUHVVLYHFUHZRIPRGHUQJXQQHUV1&2VDQGRI¿FHUVZKRDUH NHHSLQJWKH5HJLPHQWFDSDEOHFUHGLEOHUHOHYDQWDQGVXFFHVVIXO7KHVHDUHWKHPRGHUQJXQQHUVWKDWUHQHZHGDQGDI¿UPHG the Regiment in Afghanistan as a trusted and valued combined arms partner – a partner that will forever be recognized across the CAF as the professional and dependable force that always DQVZHUVWKHFDOO/RRNLQJDW\RX±WKHFXUUHQWJHQHUDWLRQDQG the one to follow – I am certain that the credibility, relevance, and health of the serving component of our regimental family will Canadian Gunner FO{WXUHGHODPLVVLRQQHSHXWrWUHTXDOL¿pHTXHG¶DLJUHGRXFH Tout au long de nos opérations là-bas, nos soldats et nos chefs à WRXVOHVQLYHDX[RQWYDOLGpHWUpDI¿UPpO¶LPSRUWDQFHGHODSURIHVVLRQTXHQRXVDYRQVFKRLVLH-HVXLV¿HUGHGLUHTXHQRXVDYRQV DSSX\pVDQVÀDQFKHUQRVIUqUHVHWV°XUVG¶DUPHVIRXUQLVVDQW la puissance de feu garantie lors des combats tout en dirigeant activement l’effort vital de renforcement des capacités de l’armée et de la police afghanes dans le cadre de la MFO-A. Là encore, telle une famille épaulée par nos propres familles à domicile, le Régiment royal a répondu à l’appel. Malheureusement, l’expérience s’est avérée coûteuse en soldats morts et blessés au service du Canada. Nos disparus resteront à jamais dans nos mémoires pour ce qu’ils étaient, mais également pour O¶LQÀXHQFH SRVLWLYH TX¶LOV RQW HXH QRQ VHXOHPHQW VXU OH SHXSOH afghan, mais sur nous. Dans tous les cas, les artilleurs ont servi stoïquement, faisant montre de loyauté et de professionnalisme. Aujourd’hui, tous les artilleurs restent prêts à répondre aux demandes qui leur seront faites, quelles qu’elles soient. Ainsi, nous perpétuerons l’engagement de ceux qui nous ont précédés – Nous nous souviendrons d’eux. Sur le plan personnel, l’année 2014 sera ma 36e et dernière année en uniforme. C’est pourquoi j’aimerais partager avec vous mon expérience comme membre de notre famille régimentaire et remercier trois de ses générations que j’ai si bien appris à connaître. Mon père, le Lcol Archie Beare, était artilleur aux côtés de camarades extraordinaires qui ont jeté les bases dont ma génération a hérité. Ces artilleurs faisaient partie de ma propre famille; ils ont littéralement contribué à mon éducation. J’ai le souvenir d’un jeune colonel commandant, alors sous-lieutenant en Allemagne, en train de confectionner des sandwichs au beurre d’arachide pour Murray, 10 ans, et Stuart, 8 ans. Tous deux (mon IUqUHHWPRLVRQWHQVXLWHGHYHQXVRI¿FLHUVG¶DUWLOOHULH1RXVDGmirions ces hommes et leurs homologues qui prenaient soin des OHXUV,OVRQWLQÀXHQFpHWIDoRQQpOHUpJLPHQWTXHMHFRQQDLVVDLV HWGDQVOHTXHOM¶DLJUDQGLFRPPHRI¿FLHUG¶DUWLOOHULHVXEDOWHUQH Merci à tous ceux qui ont établi les conditions nécessaires au succès de ma génération. Depuis lors, j’ai été témoin de l’évolution de notre régiment. J’ai appris et servi au sein d’un nouveau cadre d’artilleurs, de VRXVRI¿FLHUVG¶RI¿FLHUVHWGHIDPLOOHV3HQGDQWODJXHUUHIURLGH et la période qui a suivi, ainsi que dans l’environnement actuel d’instabilité et d’imprévisibilité sans précédent, nous offrons la garantie de l’artilleur : artilleur de campagne, mitrailleur de bord, repéreur, OOA et CAA, dans les CCFA et les CCAG, en fournissant des capacités de renseignement, de surveillance et de reconnaissance, de même qu’en étant des leaders dans les établissements de l’Armée de terre et des FAC dans leur ensemble. Nous avons joué à notre tour le rôle d’intégrateur de ODSXLVVDQFHGHIHXHWGHFKHIGH¿OHGDQVFHGRPDLQH1RXV avons noué et renforcé des partenariats avec une équipe toutes armes et d’autres services et nous nous sommes acquittés de QRVIRQFWLRQVGHOHDGHUV±VRXVRI¿FLHUVVXSpULHXUVDGMXGDQWV HWRI¿FLHUV±GDQVOHVpWDEOLVVHPHQWVGHO¶$UPpHGHWHUUHHWGHV FAC dans leur ensemble. Ma génération a poursuivi le travail VXUOHVEDVHVMHWpHVSDUVHVSUpGpFHVVHXUVHWIDoRQQpOHVVROdats du régiment pour en faire les guerriers interarmées souples et de premier ordre que nous sommes devenus. Merci à tous ceux avec qui j’ai eu le privilège de servir. Aujourd’hui, le régiment, comme le reste des FAC, se transforme et évolue en fonction du contexte budgétaire et de conditions de sécurité actuels. C’est de nouveau le moment de recalibrer nos viseurs et de repointer sur l’avenir. La génération qui suivra la mienne, c’est-à-dire vous qui servez maintenant, a de l’expérience et une compréhension impressionnante 7 de l’application de nos compétences. Vous serez témoins de changements, autant dans votre sphère de contrôle qu’à l’extérieur d’elle. Cela dit, vous avez le tempérament, les compétences, le savoir-faire et la détermination requis pour mener à bien la mission du régiment quelles que soient les limites et les contraintes actuelles ou à venir. Comme certains d’entre vous le savent, la génération G¶DXMRXUG¶KXL FRPSUHQG XQ MHXQH RI¿FLHU TXH MH FRQQDLV WUqV bien et qui poursuit la tradition familiale des Beare en servant au sein du régiment. Elle travaille avec une équipe impressionQDQWHG¶DUWLOOHXUVGHVRXVRI¿FLHUVHWG¶RI¿FLHUVPRGHUQHVTXL JDUGHQWOHUpJLPHQWDSWHFUpGLEOHSHUWLQHQWHWHI¿FDFH&HVRQW les artilleurs modernes qui ont renouvelé et attesté la réputation du régiment en Afghanistan en tant que partenaire interDUPHV¿DEOHHWDSSUpFLpSDUWHQDLUHTXLVHUDWRXMRXUVUHFRQQX dans l’ensemble des FAC comme une force professionnelle et GLJQHGHFRQ¿DQFHUpSRQGDQWWRXMRXUVjO¶DSSHO/RUVTXHMHYRLV autant la génération actuelle que celle qui suivra, je suis persuadé que la composante active de notre famille régimentaire continuera de s’enrichir et de progresser en crédibilité, en pertinente et en viabilité. Quoiqu’il y ait du changement dans l’air, j’ai FRQ¿DQFHTXHYRWUHJpQpUDWLRQVDXUDWURXYHUXQpTXLOLEUHHQWUH les besoins de notre régiment et ceux des FAC et que vous réussirez à faire du régiment un élément vital et précieux de l’Armée du Canada et de nos FAC dans les décennies à venir. Merci à la génération d’aujourd’hui; vous représentez notre avenir et nous VRPPHV¿HUVGHYRXV 3XLVTXHF¶HVWOHGHUQLHUPHVVDJHTXHM¶DGUHVVHjQRWUHIDPLOOH régimentaire dans son ensemble, j’aimerais terminer sur le WKqPHGHODYLHpTXLOLEUpH1RXVDYRQVWRXVQRWUHSURSUHIDoRQ de parvenir à un équilibre. Le mien repose sur cinq éléments : famille, amitié, foi, condition physique et plaisir. Le principal a toujours été et sera toujours la famille, la mienne, notre famille élargie et notre régiment. Ma famille, dont chacun de vous fait partie, a toujours été là pour moi et pour les miens et j’en suis réellement reconnaissant. J’espère que chacun d’entre vous SDUYLHQGUD G¶XQH IDoRQ RX G¶XQH DXWUH j WURXYHU VRQ SURSUH équilibre. À la famille élargie, donc, membres actifs et retraités, communautés qui nous ont appuyés et continuent de le faire, membres associés à notre régiment et êtres chers qui nous ont épaulés tout au long de l’aventure, merci, Dieu vous garde et meilleurs Y°X[ -H VXLV WRXMRXUV ¿HU G¶rWUH DUWLOOHXU FH IXW XQ KRQQHXU G¶rWUHYRWUHDUWLOOHXUPDMRU-HVHUDLWRXMRXUVXQ¿HUPHPEUHGH notre famille régimentaire. WKULYHDQGGULYHRQ$OWKRXJKFKDQJHLVLQWKHDLU,DPFRQ¿GHQW that your generation will balance the needs of our Regiment and that of the CAF, sustaining the Regiment as a vital and valued SDUWRI&DQDGD¶V$UP\DQGRXU&$)ZHOOLQWRWKHIXWXUH7KDQN you to today’s generation – you are our future and we are proud of you. As this is my last message to our Regimental family at large, I ZRXOGOLNHWRFORVHRQWKHWRSLFRIEDODQFHLQOLIH:HDOOKDYHRXU own measure of balance. Mine has always been characterized E\WKH)¶V)DPLO\)ULHQGV)DLWK)LWQHVVDQG)XQ7KH¿UVW) has always been, and remains, family – my own, our extended, and our regiment. My family, which includes all of you, has always been there for me and mine. For that I am truly grateful DQGKRSHWKDWHDFKRI\RXLV¿QGLQJ\RXURZQPHDVXUHRIEDOance, whatever that may be. To the family at large then – serving, retired, the communities that supported and continue to support us, those associated with our regiment, and our loved ones who have supported us WKURXJKRXW±WKDQN\RX*RGVSHHGDQGEHVWZLVKHV,WUHPDLQV an honour to be a gunner and it has been an honour to be your senior serving gunner. I will always be a proud member of our Regimental family. G99 End of mission Beare out G99 Fin de mission Beare terminé 8 L’Artilleur Canadien Lieutenant-General (Ret’d) M.K. Jeffery, CMM, CD Message from the Colonel Commandant Mot du Colonel Commandant It has been another good year for The Royal Regiment. While we have not seen any major operational deployments, the units have continued to build, or in some cases rebuild, their capabilities. Despite shortages of equipment and increasingly limited ¿QDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVWUDLQLQJKDVFRQWLQXHGWRGHYHORSLQGLYLGXDO DQGFROOHFWLYHVNLOOVZKLFKVHUYHVDVDWULEXWHWRWKHOHDGHUVKLS¶V DELOLW\WRPDNHWKLQJVZRUN*LYHQWKHFXUUHQWSROLWLFDODQGHFRQRPLFFOLPDWHQHLWKHURIWKHVHVKRUWDJHVDUHOLNHO\WREHUHVROYHG for a while, which will continue to demand the same ingenuity to ¿QGZD\VWRWUDLQDQGSUHSDUHIRUWKHIXWXUH Some may be frustrated by this situation and the demands placed on units. That is understandable. But the situation is a natural part of the historic cycle of defence. The high’s driven by the need to face security challenges on the international stage; WKHORZ¶VE\GRPHVWLFHFRQRPLFGHPDQGV2XUWDVNLVWRPDQage that cycle and ensure that, despite the lows, we do everything possible to be ready to face the new challenges when they DULVHVHFXUHLQWKHNQRZOHGJHWKDWZKHQWKHQHHGDULVHVWKH money and the people of Canada will be there to support us. The Regimental family has continued to grow and much is happening in advancing the interest of The Royal Regiment. The Artillery Senate focuses on the health of the Regimental family DQGWKHSUR¿OHRI7KH5R\DO5HJLPHQWDVDQDWLRQDOLQVWLWXWLRQ,W is committed to providing high quality Governance of the Regiment, engaging the Gunner community and re-invigorating the Regimental family. The RCAA is dedicated to promoting the effectiveness and welfare of the Royal Regiment and of all matters pertaining to the defence of Canada. The Heritage Campaign VHHNVWRFHOHEUDWHRXUKHULWDJHHQDEOHWKRVHZKRVHUYHWRGD\ and secure the future for those to come. ,W WDNHV D JUHDW GHDO RI HIIRUW DQG WKH FRPPLWPHQW RI PDQ\ Gunners to meet the needs of the Regimental family. The Director of Artillery and the Regimental Colonel and their staffs do Le Régiment royal a connu une autre bonne année. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas eu de déploiements opérationnels d’importance, les unités ont continué de bâtir leurs capacités et dans certains cas, elles les ont rebâties. Malgré les pénuries d’équipement et les UHVVRXUFHV ¿QDQFLqUHV GH SOXV HQ SOXV OLPLWpHV O¶LQVWUXFWLRQ D continué de développer des compétences individuelles et collectives, qui servent à rendre hommage à la capacité du leadership de veiller à ce que les choses fonctionnent bien. Compte tenu du climat politique et économique actuel, ces manques risquent de persister pendant un certain moment; il faudra donc continuer GHIDLUHSUHXYHG¶LQJpQLRVLWpD¿QGHWURXYHUGHVIDoRQVG¶RIIULU l’instruction et de se préparer pour l’avenir. Certains seront peutêtre contrariés par cette situation et par les demandes imposées aux unités, ce qui est tout à fait compréhensible. Or, la situation que nous vivons actuellement fait naturellement partie du cycle historique de la défense. Les hauts VRQWPRWLYpVSDUOHEHVRLQGHVXUPRQWHUOHVGp¿VHQPDWLqUHGH sécurité à l’échelle internationale et les bas par les demandes économiques nationales. Notre tâche consiste à gérer ce cycle et à veiller à ce que, malgré les bas, nous fassions tout en notre SRXYRLUSRXUrWUHSUrWVjDIIURQWHUOHVQRXYHDX[Gp¿VORUVTX¶LOV se présenteront, convaincus que lorsque nous en aurons besoin, nous pourrons compter sur les fonds et les gens du Canada. La famille régimentaire a continué de s’agrandir et il y a beaucoup de choses qui se passent dans l’intérêt du Régiment royal. Le Sénat de l’Artillerie mise sur la santé de la famille régimenWDLUH HW OH SUR¿O GX 5pJLPHQW UR\DO HQ WDQW TX¶LQVWLWXWLRQ QDWLRnale. Il s’engage à assurer une gouvernance de haute qualité du Régiment, en mobilisant la communauté des artilleurs et en redynamisant la famille régimentaire. L’AARC se consacre à SURPRXYRLUO¶HI¿FDFLWpHWOHPLHX[rWUHGX5pJLPHQWUR\DOHWGH tous les dossiers ayant trait à la défense du Canada. La Campagne du patrimoine vise à célébrer notre patrimoine, à aider Canadian Gunner 9 VWHUOLQJ ZRUN GHVSLWH KDYLQJ YHU\ IXOO GD\ MREV DQG RI FRXUVH WKH5HJLPHQWDO0DMRUDQGKLVVWDIIDW5+4DUHFULWLFDOWRNHHSLQJ the Regiment running smoothly. However, the vast majority of those engaged in support of the family are volunteers. The Senate, the Heritage Campaign at both national and regional levels, the RCAA, and other Gunner Associations across the country all GHSHQGRQSHRSOHOLNH\RXDQGPHWRJHWWKLQJVGRQH,QGHHG without these dedicated Gunners, many of the important projects and initiatives would not happen. A good example of the importance of volunteers is the McCrae 6WDWXH3URMHFW:LWKWKLVSURMHFW7KH5R\DO5HJLPHQWLQWHQGVWR honour John McCrae the famous Gunner, physician and poet, who wrote that most memorable of war poems “In Flanders Fields, by placing a statue of him at the National Artillery Memorial on Green Island in Ottawa. The statue will be unveiled in May 2015, the 100th Anniversary of the writing of the poem. This SURMHFWZKLFKZLOOUDLVHWKHQDWLRQDOSUR¿OHRI7KH5R\DO5HJLment, was started under the auspices of the RCAA and is being organized and developed by more than a dozen volunteers, focused on everything from fund raising to communications. In the ¿QDODQDO\VLVIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQVRI*XQQHUVZLOOEHDEOHWRVWDQG SURXGO\LQIURQWRIWKLVQDWLRQDOPRQXPHQWGXHWRWKHKDUGZRUN and efforts of a few dedicated people. $V,WUDYHOWKHFRXQWU\,DPRIWHQDVNHGZKDWGRHVWKH5HJLmental family or the RCAA do for me. There are of course bursaries for dependants, grants to unit museums and projects such DVWKH0F&UDH6WDWXH3URMHFWZKLFKKRQRXU*XQQHUVSDVWDQG SUHVHQWDQGIURPZKLFKDOORIXVEHQH¿W$VZHXSGDWHWKH)DPily Strategy, it is anticipated we can focus our efforts to better support all Gunners serving and retired thus meeting the individual and collective needs of all. But such initiatives are limited by the money we can raise and the volunteers willing to step forward to help. If we are to continue to advance the interests of The Royal Regiment and ensure greater unity within the Regimental family then we need to improve our participation rate both in terms of volunteering and donating to the cause. In short, we need to GHYHORSDFXOWXUHRIFRPPLWPHQW,ZRXOGDVN\RXDOOWRUHÀHFW on your role within the Regimental family and see where you can help. I want to wish all members of the Regimental family – serving, retired, families and friends – a very healthy and prosperous ,NQRZZHDUHDOOFRPPLWWHGWRHQVXULQJWKH\HDULQFOXGHV a healthy and prosperous Royal Regiment. 8ELTXH ceux qui servent aujourd’hui et à garantir l’avenir des prochaines générations. Il faut déployer beaucoup d’efforts et de nombreux artilleurs doivent s’engager à répondre aux besoins de la famille régimentaire. Le directeur de l’Artillerie de même que le colonel régimentaire et son personnel accomplissent un travail remarquable, et ce, malgré leur emploi quotidien très chargé. Bien évidemment, le major régimentaire et son personnel au QRG jouent un rôle HVVHQWLHOD¿QGHIDLUHHQVRUWHTXHOHVDFWLYLWpVGX5pJLPHQWVH déroulent sans heurt. Or, la grande majorité des personnes qui se consacrent au soutien des familles sont des bénévoles. Le Sénat, la Campagne du patrimoine au niveau national et régional, l’AARC et les autres associations d’artillerie un peu partout au pays comptent tous sur des gens comme vous et moi pour faire avancer les choses. Sans ces dévoués artilleurs en effet, bon nombre des projets et initiatives d’importance n’auraient pas vu le jour. Le projet de la statue McCrae constitue un bon exemple de O¶LPSRUWDQFH GHV EpQpYROHV 3DU FH SURMHW OH 5pJLPHQW UR\DO souhaite rendre hommage à John McCrae, le célèbre artilleur, physicien et poète, qui a écrit l’un des poèmes de guerre les plus PpPRUDEOHVMDPDLVpFULWV$XFKDPSG¶KRQQHXU8QHVWDWXHGH lui sera érigée au Monument national aux artilleurs sur l’île Verte à Ottawa. La statue sera dévoilée en mai 2015, année qui marquera le 100e anniversaire de l’écriture du poème. Ce projet, qui fera mieux connaître le Régiment royal à l’échelle nationale, DpWpHQWDPpVRXVO¶pJLGHGHO¶$$5&3OXVG¶XQHGRX]DLQHGH bénévoles ont participé à l’organisation et au développement du projet, notamment en ce qui touche la collecte de fonds et les FRPPXQLFDWLRQV8QHIRLVOHSURMHWWHUPLQpOHVIXWXUHVJpQpUDWLRQV G¶DUWLOOHXUV SRXUURQW VH WHQLU GHERXW ¿qUHPHQW GHYDQW FH monument national en raison du travail acharné et des efforts d’un petit groupe de personnes dévouées. Lorsque je parcours le pays, on me demande souvent ce que la famille régimentaire ou l’AARC fait pour moi. Il y a bien sûr les bourses pour les personnes à charge, les subventions pour les musées et les projets des unités, notamment la statue McCrae, qui rend hommage aux artilleurs d’hier et d’aujourd’hui et dont QRXVEpQp¿FLRQVWRXV$ORUVTXHQRXVPHWWRQVjMRXUOD6WUDWpgie de la famille, nous prévoyons que nous serons en mesure de FRQFHQWUHUQRVHIIRUWVD¿QGHPLHX[VRXWHQLUWRXVOHVDUWLOOHXUV en service actif et à la retraite, permettant ainsi de répondre aux besoins individuels et collectifs de chacun. Or, la réussite de telles initiatives dépend des fonds que nous pouvons amasser et du nombre de bénévoles qui sont prêts à s’impliquer. Si nous souhaitons continuer à faire progresser les intérêts du Régiment royal et à accroître l’unité au sein de la famille régimentaire, nous devons améliorer notre taux de participation en ce qui a trait au bénévolat et aux dons. En fait, nous devons acquérir une culture de l’engagement. Je vous demande tous de UpÀpFKLUjYRWUHU{OHDXVHLQGHODIDPLOOHUpJLPHQWDLUHHWGHYRLU à quel niveau vous pourriez aider. Je souhaite à tous les membres de la famille régimentaire – aux membres actifs et à la retraite, à leur famille et amis – une WUqVERQQHDQQpH6DQWpHWSURVSpULWp-HVDLVTXHQRXV sommes tous résolus à ce que l’année qui s’annonce pour le Régiment royal soit empreinte de santé et de prospérité. 8ELTXH 10 L’Artilleur Canadien Colonel L.C. Dalton, CD Message from the Director of Artillery Mot du Directeur de L’Artillerie To all members and friends of The Royal Regiment, I would OLNHWRZLVK\RXDQG\RXUIDPLOLHVDYHU\VDIHKDSS\DQGSURVperous 2014 and congratulate you for your outstanding efforts RYHUWKHFRXUVHRI,ZRXOGOLNHWRWDNHWKLVRSSRUWXQLW\WR highlight just a few of the Regiment’s many successes over the SDVW\HDUDQGWREULHÀ\ORRNDWZKDWOLHVDKHDGLQ Throughout a very busy 2013, members of The Royal RegiPHQW FRQWLQXHG WR SOD\ D NH\ RSHUDWLRQDO UROH ERWK ZLWKLQ WKH Army here at home and in the joint/international environment. The majority of 1 RCHA, and 128 Battery from 4 AD, spent much RIRQWKH³URDGWRKLJKUHDGLQHVV´DVNH\FRPSRQHQWVRI the TF 1-13 team. In the process, they very capably demonstrated the broad range of critical capabilities that Gunners bring WRWKHEULJDGHOHYHODOODUPV¿JKW±¿UHVHIIHFWVFRRUGLQDWLRQDLU space coordination, surveillance and target acquisition, and support to the ISTAR and targeting processes. Operationally, members of the Royal Regiment deployed on Operation JADE in the 0LGGOH(DVW,VUDHO/HEDQRQDQG6\ULD233527(86LQ,VUDHO 236235$12LQWKH6XGDQDQG23612:*226(LQ&\SUXV As the Regiment’s largest operational contribution, 48 members RI5&+$GHSOR\HGRQ23$77(17,21±&DQDGD¶V¿QDOURWDtion to Afghanistan. In the joint environment, 4 AD continued to SURYLGHDQRSHUDWLRQDO68$9FDSDELOLW\WRWKH1DY\XQGHU2SHUDWLRQ$57(0,6 ZLWK PHPEHUV GHSOR\HG WR WKH 3HUVLDQ *XOI aboard HMCS TORONTO where they were intimately involved in several joint operations to disrupt the smuggling of illicit drugs in the region. Finally, 54 members of 2 RCHA deployed with the '$57WRWKH3KLOLSSLQHVLQVXSSRUWRI235(1$,66$1&(ZKHUH WKH\PDQQHGWKH'6SODWRRQDQGWKH'$57&RPSDQ\+HDGquarters as part of Canada’s response to Typhoon HAIYAN. In each and every case, Gunners, through their professionalism, Canadian Gunner 11 J’aimerais souhaiter à tous les membres et amis du Régiment UR\DO XQH DQQpH HQ WRXWH VpFXULWp %RQKHXU HW SURVSpULWp j WRXV-HYRXVIpOLFLWHSRXUOHVHIIRUWVH[FHSWLRQQHOVTXHYRXVDYH] GpSOR\pVHQ-HSUR¿WHGHO¶RFFDVLRQSRXUPHWWUHHQOXPLqUH certaines des nombreuses réussites du Régiment au cours de la GHUQLqUH DQQpH HW YRXV GRQQHU XQ DSHUoX GH FH TXL QRXV DWWHQG pour 2014. Tout au long d’une année 2013 qui fut très occupée, les membres du Régiment royal ont continué de jouer un rôle opérationnel tant au sein de l’Armée, ici même au pays, que dans l’environnement interarmées/international. La plupart des membres du 1 RCHA et de la 128e Batterie du 4 RAAA ont passé la majeure partie de 2013 à effectuer des exercices menant au niveau de préparation élevé, éléments clés de l’équipe de la FO 1-13. Durant cette période, ils ont clairement démontré la vaste gamme de capacités critiques que les artilleurs apportent au combat toutes armes au niveau de la brigade – tirs, coordination des effets, coordination de l’espace aérien, surveillance et acquisition des objectifs et soutien à l’ISTAR et aux processus de choix des objectifs. Sur le plan opérationnel, les membres GX5pJLPHQWUR\DORQWSULVSDUWjO¶23-$'(DX0R\HQ2ULHQW,VUDsO /LEDQHW6\ULHjO¶233527(86HQ,VUDsOjO¶236235$12DX 6RXGDQ HW j O¶23 612:*226( j &K\SUH 8Q WRWDO GH PHPEUHVGX5&+$RQWSDUWLFLSpjO¶23$77(17,21±ODURWDWLRQ¿QDOH du Canada en Afghanistan, ce qui a représenté la plus importante contribution opérationnelle du Régiment. Dans l’environnement interarmées, le 4 RAAA a continué d’offrir une capacité opérationnelle 68$9 j OD 0DULQH GDQV OH FDGUH GH O¶RSpUDWLRQ $57(0,6 'HV PHPEUHV RQW DORUV pWp DIIHFWpV GDQV OH *ROIH 3HUVLTXH j ERUG GX NCSM TORONTO et ils ont participé de près à plusieurs opérations interarmées visant à perturber l’introduction de drogues illicites dans ODUpJLRQ(Q¿QPHPEUHVGX5&+$RQWSDUWLFLSpjXQHPLVVLRQ GHO¶eTXLSHG¶LQWHUYHQWLRQHQFDVGHFDWDVWURSKH(,&&DX[3KLOLSSLQHVjO¶DSSXLGHO¶235(1$,66$1&(LOVRQWRFFXSpOH3HORWRQ' PDGHDVLJQL¿FDQWFRQWULEXWLRQWRRSHUDWLRQDOVXFFHVV In terms of collective training, the Royal Regiment continued WR IRFXV RQ KRQLQJ LWV FRUH DUWLOOHU\ VNLOOV KHUH DW KRPH IURP coast to coast, and in numerous joint and combined exercises DVIDUD¿HOGDV3RODQG1HZ=HDODQG6DQ'LHJRDQG&RUVLFD Air Defence Regiment continued to develop its division-level and MRLQW¿UHVH[SHUWLVHWKURXJKLWV$UWLOOHU\&RRUGLQDWLRQ&HOOVDWVW Canadian Division HQ and through participating in JOINTEX, &$*(,,,DQG$5&$'()86,21LQWKH8QLWHG.LQJGRP2QWKH individual training front, The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School, in support of the Army Training Review, continued its transformation to better streamline individual training delivery and to provide an enhanced focus on its Centre of Excellence responsibilities. With respect to capability development, 2013 was a busy and productive year for the Royal Regiment. We collaboratively developed an Artillery Reserve Structure in response to the Army’s Reserve Establishment Directive and are now in the process of VHHNLQJ ¿QDO DSSURYDO IRU LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ EHJLQQLQJ LQ We continued to transform 4 AD Regt with the stand-up of 127 %DWWHU\DQGWKHDUULYDORIQHZ'3VDVWKH5HJLPHQWQRZ structured to align a GS battery with each CMBG, continues to grow to its establishment endstate. RSM RCA led a review of our Regular Force career progression model in response to the QHZO\ LPSOHPHQWHG MREEDVHG VSHFL¿FDWLRQV DQG SURGXFHG D formalized career progression model that will enable us to betWHUPDQDJHFDUHHUSURJUHVVLRQZLWKLQRXUIRXU³VWUHDPV´:RUN on the Reserve career progression model has begun and will continue through 2014. There was also good news on the equipment front in 2013. )RU WKH 6PDOO 8QPDQQHG$HULDO 6\VWHP 68$6 WKH 5HTXHVW IRU3URSRVDO5)3FORVHG1RY7KHELGHYDOXDWLRQLVRQgoing and we expect contract award by end Mar 2014 with ICT VFKHGXOHGIRUIDOO,QDGGLWLRQWKH0LQL8QPDQQHG$HULDO 6\VWHP 08$6 FRQWUDFW ZDV UHFHQWO\ DZDUGHG DQG LQLWLDO GHlivery of the Raven RQ-11B will commence spring 2014. Also on the horizon in 2014, is a Regiment-wide modernization of RXULQGLUHFW¿UHWUDLQLQJ,)7VLPXODWRUVZKLFKZLOOVHHDOOXQLWV equipped with IFT version 10.0, a common simulation platform IRUERWKWKH3ULPDU\5HVHUYHDQG5HJXODU)RUFH&ORVH6XSSRUW 5HJLPHQWV )LQDOO\ ZRUN RQ WKH ,QGLUHFW )LUH 0RGHUQL]DWLRQ 3URMHFW KDV FRPPHQFHG DV KDYH LQLWLDO WKUHDW DVVHVVPHQW HIforts in support of the GBAMD project. $V ZH KHDG LQWR ZH FRQWLQXH WR ZRUN WR HQVXUH WKDW WKH 5HJLPHQW LV SRVWXUHG WR SURYLGH ¿UH VXSSRUW H[FHOOHQFH ¿UHV HIIHFWV FRRUGLQDWLRQ DLU VSDFH FRRUGLQDWLRQ VXUYHLOODQFH and target acquisition, and support to the ISTAR and targeting processes – to the Army and when required, to joint partners. I encourage you all to read The Royal Regiment of Artillery &DPSDLJQ 3ODQ DQG WR VWD\ DEUHDVW RI SXEOLVKHG quarterly updates, to gain a better understanding of the Royal 5HJLPHQW¶VNH\FDSDELOLW\GHYHORSPHQWDQGIRUFHPDQDJHPHQW LQLWLDWLYHV %RWK WKH &DPSDLJQ 3ODQ DQG WKH TXDUWHUO\ VLWUHSV DUHDFFHVVLEOHRQWKH5&$6$UWLOOHU\6KDUH3RLQWVLWHDWOIGWVFWF NLQJVWRQPLOFD5&$6 In closing, I am honoured to serve as your Director and to have the opportunity to be part of a very dedicated group of GunQHUVZKRFRQWLQXHZRUNKDUGEHKLQGWKHVFHQHVWRDGYDQFHRXU collective best interests. *RRG6KRRWLQJ 6HWOH4XDUWLHUJpQpUDOGHODFRPSDJQLHGHO¶(,&&GDQVOHFDGUH de l’intervention du Canada lors du passage du Typhon HAIYAN. Dans tous les cas, les artilleurs, grâce à leur professionnalisme, ont apporté une contribution substantielle au succès opérationnel. Au chapitre de l’instruction collective, le Régiment royal a poursuivi le perfectionnement de ses compétences en artillerie de base, d’un océan à l’autre, et dans de nombreux exercices interarmées et comELQpVDXVVLORLQTX¶HQ3RORJQHHQ1RXYHOOH=pODQGHj6DQ'LHJR et en Corse. Le 4e Régiment d’artillerie antiaérienne a continué de développer son expertise au niveau de la division et en ce qui a trait aux tirs interarmées par l’intermédiaire de ses cellules de coordination de l’artillerie au QG de la 1re Division du Canada et par sa parWLFLSDWLRQj-2,17(;j&$*(,,,HWj$5&$'()86,21DX5R\DXPH8QL$XFKDSLWUHGHO¶LQVWUXFWLRQLQGLYLGXHOOHO¶eFROHGX5pJLPHQW royal de l’Artillerie canadienne, à l’appui de l’Examen de l’instruction GHO¶$UPpHDSRXUVXLYLVDWUDQVIRUPDWLRQD¿QGHPLHX[UDWLRQDOLVHU la prestation de l’instruction individuelle et pour mettre davantage l’accent sur les responsabilités de son Centre d’excellence. En ce qui a trait au développement des capacités, l’année 2013 a été occupée et productive pour le Régiment royal. Nous avons élaboré en collaboration une structure de la Réserve de l’artillerie en réponse au tableau des effectifs de la Réserve de l’Armée et nous GHPDQGHURQVO¶DSSUREDWLRQ¿QDOHSRXUVDPLVHHQ°XYUHDXGpEXW de 2014. Nous avons poursuivi la transformation du 4 RAAA avec la PLVHVXUSLHGGHODH%DWWHULHHWO¶DUULYpHGHQRXYHOOHV33 Le Régiment, dont la structure renferme désormais une batterie AG dans chaque GBMC, poursuit son expansion en vue de l’atteinte de l’effectif visé. Le SMR ARC a effectué un examen de notre modèle d’avancement professionnel de la Force régulière en réponse aux GHVFULSWLRQVGHVSpFL¿FDWLRQVGHWUDYDLOUpFHPPHQWPLVHVHQ°XYUH HWDSUpSDUpXQPRGqOHG¶DYDQFHPHQWSURIHVVLRQQHORI¿FLHOTXLQRXV permettra de mieux gérer l’avancement professionnel dans nos quatre « volets ». Les travaux relatifs au modèle d’avancement professionnel de la Réserve ont débuté et se poursuivront en 2014. 1RXV DYRQV pJDOHPHQW UHoX GH ERQQHV QRXYHOOHV FRQFHUQDQW l’équipement en 2013. La demande de propositions pour le petit véhicule aérien sans pilote s’est terminée le 5 novembre 2013. L’évaluation des soumissions est en cours et on s’attend à ce que le FRQWUDWVRLWDFFRUGpG¶LFLOD¿QGHPDUVHWOD)0&,,HVWSUpYXH à l’automne 2014. En outre, le contrat pour le véhicule aérien sans pilote miniature a récemment été octroyé et la première livraison du Raven RQ-11B se fera au printemps 2014. Figure également à l’horizon pour 2014, la modernisation dans l’ensemble du Régiment de nos simulateurs d’instruction au tir indirect, qui permettra à toutes les unités d’obtenir la version 10.0, une plateforme de simulaWLRQFRPPXQHSRXUOHVUpJLPHQWVG¶DSSXLUDSSURFKpGHOD3UHPLqUH UpVHUYHHWGHOD)RUFHUpJXOLqUH(Q¿QOHVWUDYDX[VXUOHSURMHWVXU la modernisation du tir indirect ont débuté, tout comme les efforts initiaux d’évaluation de la menace à l’appui du projet DAAAMBS. Alors que nous entamons l’année 2014, nous continuons de GpSOR\HUGHVHIIRUWVD¿QGHIDLUHHQVRUWHTXHOH5pJLPHQWVRLWHQ bonne posture pour offrir une excellente capacité d’appui-feu - tirs, de coordination des effets, de coordination de l’espace aérien, de surveillance et acquisition des objectifs et de soutien à l’ISTAR et aux processus de choix des objectifs – à l’Armée et au besoin aux SDUWHQDLUHV LQWHUDUPpHV -H YRXV HQFRXUDJH WRXV j OLUH OH 3ODQ GH campagne 2014-2015 du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne, HWGHUHVWHUjO¶DIIWGHVPLVHVjMRXUWULPHVWULHOOHVD¿QGHPLHX[FRPprendre le développement des capacités clés du Régiment royal et OHVLQLWLDWLYHVGHJHVWLRQGHVIRUFHV/H3ODQGHFDPSDJQHHWOHVUDSSRUWVWULPHVWULHOVVRQWGLVSRQLEOHVVXUOHVLWH6KDUH3RLQWGHO¶($5& GHO¶$UWLOOHULHjO¶DGUHVVHOIGWVFWFNLQJVWRQPLOFD5&$6 3RXUWHUPLQHUF¶HVWXQKRQQHXUSRXUPRLG¶rWUHYRWUHGLUHFWHXUHW d’avoir la chance de faire partie d’un groupe d’artilleurs très dévoués qui continuent de travailler dur en coulisse pour faire progresser les meilleurs intérêts collectifs. %RQWLU 12 L’Artilleur Canadien Colonel J.M.D. Bouchard, CD Message from the Regimental Colonel Message du Colonel régimentaire I wish to congratulate all members of The Regimental Family for their outstanding accomplishments in 2013. The commitPHQWWRH[FHOOHQFHSURXGO\UHÀHFWVWKH5HJLPHQW¶VKLVWRU\DQG has greatly advanced our vision, focusing not only on today’s accomplishments, but also on celebrating our heritage and continuing to build toward the future. The importance of each member of The Royal Regiment cannot be understated as everyone SOD\VDNH\UROHLQOD\LQJDVROLGIRXQGDWLRQIRUIXWXUHJHQHUDtions of Gunners. The past year provided many opportunities to celebrate RXUKHULWDJH7KHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RI2SHUDWLRQ+XVN\ZKLFK PDUNHG WKH ¿UVW WLPH GXULQJ WKH 6HFRQG :RUOG :DU WKDW )LHOG 5HJLPHQWVGHFLVLYHO\HQJDJHGWKHHQHP\ZLWKLQGLUHFW¿UH7KLV EULQJVWRPLQGWKH&HQWHQDU\PDUNLQJWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKH)LUVW World War and the 70th Anniversary of D-Day in just a few months and the potential contribution of The Royal Regiment to some of the events. The number one priority of The Royal Regiment, in support of the Great War activities, will be the unveiling of a statue to commemorate the contribution of Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae to our Great Nation. Members of the Regular and Reserve )RUFHV ZRUNLQJ ZLWK IULHQGV RI 7KH 5R\DO 5HJLPHQW DUH IXOO\ dedicated to the success of the ceremony, remembering a GunQHUZKRZURWHDSRHPRQD*XQ3RVLWLRQLQVSLUHGE\*XQQHUV NLOOHGLQDFWLRQDQGSXEOLVKHGWKDQNVWRD*XQQHU7KLVDFWLYLW\ aims to restore the full story of “In Flanders Fields” in honor of all who contributed to the poem’s heritage. Your Regiment is ORRNLQJIRU\RXUVXSSRUWWRPDUNWKLVJUHDWDFFRPSOLVKPHQWRID Je désire féliciter tous les membres de la famille régimentaire pour leurs remarquables réalisations en 2013. Notre enJDJHPHQW j YLVHU O¶H[FHOOHQFH HVW ¿GqOH j OD ¿qUH KLVWRLUH GX Régiment et contribue grandement à l’avancement de notre vision, non seulement en nous concentrant sur les réalisations d’aujourd’hui, mais en célébrant notre passé et en nous efforoDQWFRQWLQXHOOHPHQWGHEkWLUO¶DYHQLU-HQHVDXUDLVWURSLQVLVWHU sur l’importance de chaque membre du Régiment royal puisque chacun a un rôle essentiel à jouer dans l’établissement de fondations solide sur lesquelles pourront se construire les futures générations d’artilleurs. L’année dernière, nous avons eu maintes occasions de célébrer notre passé, par exemple, le 70e anniversaire de O¶RSpUDWLRQ+86.<ORUVGHODTXHOOHOHVUpJLPHQWVGHFDPSDJQH ont réussi, pour la première fois pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à engager l’ennemi de manière décisive par tir indiUHFW&HFLQRXVUDSSHOOHTXHOHFHQWHQDLUHGXGpEXWGHOD3UHmière Guerre mondiale et le 70e anniversaire du Jour-J auront lieu dans quelques mois à peine, et nous fait penser à certaines activités auxquelles le Régiment royal pourrait apporter sa contribution. La grande priorité du Régiment royal en vue d’appuyer les activités de commémoration de la Grande Guerre sera le dévoilement d’une statue en mémoire de la contribution du lieutenant-colonel John McCrae à notre grande nation. Des membres de la Force régulière et de la Réserve, en collaboration avec des amis du Régiment royal, sont totalement engagés à assurer le succès de la cérémonie en l’honneur de l’artilleur Canadian Gunner 13 member of The Royal Regiment. The end of 2013 brought great sadness as the issue of mental health was tragically brought to the front of our collective consciousness following the recent death of young soldiers. We, The Regimental Family, must ensure that we continue to care for RQHDQRWKHUDVWKHEDWWOH¿HOGVRI$IJKDQLVWDQEHFRPHDGLVWDQW memory. As stated by Gen Lawson, our CDS, “from private to General, from recruit to retirement; we’re a team and we’re there to support each other”, a message which will continue to resonate in the years to come. I hope that any of you, regardless of UDQNLILQDWLPHRIQHHGZLOOUHDFKRXWWR\RXUIHOORZVROGLHUVRU other resources available to avoid further tragedy. The strength of The Regiment shows through the resiliency of our institutions across the country. We, as a Regiment, need to remain focused on the road ahead. While the mission in Afghanistan is drawing to a close, our focus must move to the QH[WWDVN)URPWKHVWDQGSRLQWRI7KH5HJLPHQWDO)DPLO\ZH must continue to focus on developing and building strong bonds within, reaching out to our fellow Canadians, and celebrate our heritage, not just our recent successes. Much as 2013 did, 2014 will challenge us in many ways. It is through our agility and strength that we, as an institution, will continue to thrive. I wish each and every one of you a successIXO \HDU SURIHVVLRQDOO\ DQG SHUVRQDOO\ DQG XUJH WKDW \RX WDNH WKH WLPH WR UHÀHFW RQ DOO OHVVRQV OHDUQHG LQ SUHYLRXV \HDUV WR PDNHDJUHDW\HDULQWKHSURXGKLVWRU\RIRXU5HJLPHQW 8ELTXH qui a composé un poème depuis un poste de tir en s’inspirant G¶DUWLOOHXUV PRUWVDX FRPEDWGRQWO¶°XYUH DpWpSXEOLpH JUkFH à un artilleur. Cette activité vise à rétablir l’histoire intégrale du poème « Au champ d’honneur » en mémoire de tous ceux qui ont contribué à l’inscrire dans notre patrimoine. Nous comptons sur votre soutien pour souligner la grande réalisation de l’un des membres du Régiment royal. ¬OD¿QGHQRXVDYRQVpSURXYpXQHJUDQGHWULVWHVVH en raison du problème de la santé mentale qui a été mis en relief dans notre conscience collective à la suite du décès de jeunes soldats. À titre de membres de la famille régimentaire, nous devons faire en sorte de continuer à prendre soin les uns des autres à mesure que les champs de bataille de l’Afghanistan s’estompent dans notre mémoire. Comme l’a déclaré le gén Lawson, notre CEMD : « De soldat à général, du recrutement à la retraite, nous formons une équipe et nous sommes là pour nous épauler mutuellement ». Ce message continuera de faire écho dans les années à venir. J’espère que peu importe YRWUHJUDGHVLYRXVpSURXYH]GHVGLI¿FXOWpVYRXVIHUH]DSSHO à vos camarades d’armes ou à d’autres ressources disponibles D¿QG¶pYLWHUG¶DXWUHVWUDJpGLHV La force du Régiment transparait dans la résilience de nos institutions de l’ensemble du pays. En tant que régiment, nous devons continuer de nous concentrer sur l’avenir. Maintenant TXHODPLVVLRQHQ$IJKDQLVWDQWLUHjVD¿QQRXVGHYRQVUHGLULJHU nos efforts sur la tâche suivante. Du point de vue de la famille régimentaire, nous devons continuer de nous efforcer de tisser des liens en notre sein et de les renforcer, d’établir des rapports avec nos compatriotes canadiens, ainsi que de célébrer notre passé et non seulement nos derniers succès. ¬ O¶LQVWDU GH O¶DQQpH PHWWUD GH QRPEUHX[ Gp¿V sur notre chemin. Notre souplesse et notre force assureront le succès continu de notre institution. Je souhaite à chacun d’entre vous une année remplie de succès autant professionnel que SHUVRQQHO-HYRXVLQYLWHjSUHQGUHOHWHPSVGHUpÀpFKLUjWRXWHV OHV OHoRQV UHWHQXHV GHV DQQpHV SUpFpGHQWHV SRXU TXH V¶DYqUHODDQQpHGHOD¿qUHKLVWRLUHGHQRWUH5pJLPHQW 8ELTXH 14 L’Artilleur Canadien &KLHI:DUUDQW2I¿FHU&35XVN000060&' Message from the Regimental Sergeant Major Mot du sergent-major régimentaire 7KLV\HDU,ZRXOGOLNHWRWDNHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRSURYLGHDIHZ FRPPHQWVRQ1&0SURIHVVLRQDOGHYHORSPHQW3'IURPP\SHUVSHFWLYHDVWKH$UP\1&03'&:27KHUHDUHDQGWKHUHZLOO continue to be discussions and studies in the CAF on educational and training requirements of the NCM. There will be continued emphasis on lifelong learning, educational upgrading, and second language ability. While encouraging the above throughout a member’s career, we must ensure the main focus for our junior NCMs and senior NCOs is to become the technical and tactical expert of their craft. In this stage of a career, learning VKRXOGSULPDULO\EHIRFXVHGRQMREUHODWHGVNLOOVDQGNQRZOHGJH As a secondary effort, individuals can begin to self-develop in areas of education and second language abilities. As personnel SURJUHVVWRWKHUDQNRI:2WKURXJKWR&:2WKH\PXVWWKHQIRFXVRQH[SDQGLQJWKHLUNQRZOHGJHEDVHDQGIXUWKHUGHYHORSLQJ NH\FRPSHWHQFLHVDQGVHFRQGODQJXDJHDELOLWLHV7KLVZLOOHQsure that our units and sub-units will continue to be well served by NCM leadership and The Royal Regiment will be in a position to provide quality leaders to the institutional Army and CAF. 2013 saw The Royal Regiment experience a number of second and third order effects as a result of the adoption of the QHZYHUVLRQRI$UW\1&0-RE%DVHG6SHFL¿FDWLRQV,QSDUWLFXODU WKHUH ZDV D ODFN RI FRPPRQ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH WUDLQLQJ and promotion requirements to career progress in the 4 stream model. This situation has been resolved in the Regular Force FRPSRQHQWDQGVLPLODUZRUNLVQRZRQJRLQJWRGRWKHVDPHIRU WKH3ULPDU\5HVHUYH$VSDUWRIWKLVODWWHUSURMHFWDUHYLHZRI 35HV$UW\,7LVUHTXLUHGWRHQVXUHWKHQXPEHURIFRXUVHVDQG &HWWH DQQpH M¶DLPHUDLV SUR¿WHU GH O¶RFFDVLRQ TXL P¶HVW GRQnée pour faire quelques observations sur le perfectionnement SURIHVVLRQQHO33GHVPLOLWDLUHVGXUDQJ05GHPRQSRLQWGH YXHjWLWUHG¶DGMXGDQWFKHIGX33GHV05GHO¶$UPpHGHWHUUH Dans les FAC, il y a, et il continuera d’y avoir, des débats et des études concernant les besoins d’instruction et d’éducation des MR. L’apprentissage continu, les cours de perfectionnement et les compétences en langue seconde resteront au premier plan. Tout en encourageant les éléments précédents tout au long de la carrière du militaire, nous devons veiller à nous concentrer principalement sur la production de MR subalternes et GH VRXVRI¿FLHUV VXSpULHXUV D ¿Q TXLOV VRLHQW GHV VSpFLDOLVWHV techniques et tactiques dans leur domaine. À cette étape de la carrière, l’apprentissage devrait surtout porter sur l’acquisition de compétences et de connaissances liées à l’emploi. Ensuite, les militaires peuvent entreprendre leur autoperfectionnement en matière d’éducation et de maîtrise de la langue seconde. À mesure que les militaires prennent du grade, d’abord jusqu’à adj, puis jusqu’à adjuc, ils doivent se concentrer sur l’élargissement de leur base de connaissances et le perfectionnement de leurs compétences clés et de leur maîtrise de leur langue seconde. Ainsi, les MR, par leur leadership, pourront continuer de bien servir nos unités et sous-unités, et le Régiment royal sera en mesure de fournir des leaders de qualité à l’Armée institutionnelle et aux FAC. En 2013, le Régiment royal a subi des effets de deuxième et de troisième ordres par suite de l’adoption des nouvelles deVFULSWLRQVGHVSpFL¿FDWLRQVGHWUDYDLOGHV05GHO¶DUWLOOHULH3OXV Canadian Gunner 15 WUDLQLQJ GD\V ZLOO DOORZ 3 5HV VROGLHUV WR FDUHHU SURJUHVV DQG XQLWVWRVXFFHVVLRQSODQLQDVXVWDLQDEOHPDQQHU$JDLQZRUNLV on-going and will progress in 2014. 2013 also saw the inauguration of The Brigadier-General E.B. %HQR$ZDUGIRU/HDGHUVKLSLQWKH5DQNRI6HUJHDQW,ZRXOG OLNHWRH[WHQGP\SHUVRQDOFRQJUDWXODWLRQVWRWKHZLQQHUVRIWKLV year’s award, Sgt King and Sgt Cavin. Well done to all who were QRPLQDWHGDVWKHFRPSHWLWLRQZDVTXLWHNHHQ In closing, I wish all Gunners and their families the very best in 2014. particulièrement, on a noté un manque de compréhension commune des exigences d’instruction et de promotion liées à la progression de carrière dans le contexte de l’approche à quatre volets. Cette situation ayant été réglée dans la Force régulière, RQ V¶DSSOLTXH DFWXHOOHPHQW j IDLUH GH PrPH SRXU OD 3UHPLqUH réserve. Dans le cadre de ce second projet, il faudra procéder à XQH[DPHQGHO¶,,GHO¶DUWLOOHULHGDQVOD3UpVSRXUYRLUjFHTXHOH nombre de cours et de jours d’instruction permette aux soldats GH OD 3 UpV GH SURJUHVVHU GDQV OHXU FDUULqUH HW DX[ XQLWpV GH créer un plan de relève durable. Ici encore, le travail est en cours et se poursuivra en 2014. (QRQDpJDOHPHQWLQDXJXUpODGLVWLQFWLRQKRQRUL¿TXH du Brigadier-général E.B. Beno pour le leadership au grade de sergent. J’aimerais féliciter personnellement les lauréats de cette année, le sgt King et le sgt Cavin. Bravo à tous ceux qui ont été mis en candidature, car la compétition était très serrée. 3RXUWHUPLQHUM¶RIIUHjWRXVOHVDUWLOOHXUVHWjOHXUIDPLOOHPHV PHLOOHXUVY°X[SRXUO¶DQQpH 16 L’Artilleur Canadien Senior Appointments/ Nominations Supéieures THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF CANADIAN ARTILLERY / LE RÉGIMENT ROYAL DE L’ARTILLERIE CANADIENNE SENIOR APPOINTMENTS / NOMINATIONS SUPÉIEURES 2013 LGEN S.A. BEARE COMD CJOC MGEN A.J. HOWARD RETIRED 2013 MGÉN J.G.E. TREMBLAY COMD CDA BEGN K.R. COTTEN DIR GEN (PA) BGEN D. HENLEY DCOMD 5 CDN DIV COL J.M.D BOUCHARD COS CFD COL L.H.P.S BOUCHER SR ADVISOR COL R.K. CHAMBERLAIN COS 4 CDN DIV COL L.C. DALTON COMD 5 CDSG COL G.F. DAME CDN ARMY - G1 COL J.S.S.D FORTIN CMDT 5 GBMC COL S.C. HETHERINGTON ATL Canadian Gunner COL M.D. HODGSON COL M. LAFORTUNE COS 3 CDN DIV CFLS 17 COL M. LAVOIE VCDS - CPROG NO PHOTO AVAILABLE COL A.S. COL L.P. MCGARRY MACDONALD DCOS PLANS/ ACOS OPS 5 CDN DIV STRATEGY COL B.W.G. MCPHERSON ATL COL I.A. MIEZITIS ACG ADVISOR COL D.A. PATTERSON A/DIR ARMY RES COL P.J. WILLIAMS SJS J5 ENGAGEMENT ADJUC J.M.S. MANNY 33 GBC SMR CWO D.T. MOYER CCWO EXPEDITIONARY CJOC NO PHOTO AVAILABLE COL M.N. ROULEAU COL C.G. SIMONDS RETIRED 2013 DGIS POL 18 L’Artilleur Canadien Senate/ Sénate THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF CANADIAN ARTILLERY / LE RÉGIMENT ROYAL DE L’ARTILLERIE CANADIENNE SENATE/SÉNATE 2013 LGEN (RET’D) J. ARP LGEN S.A. BEARE SENATOR R.A. DALLAIRE LGEN (RET’D) M.K. JEFFERY MGÉN J.G.E. TREMBLAY BGÉN (RET’D) J.G.J. BARABÉ BGEN (RET’D) E.B. BENO BGEN K.R. COTTEN BGEN J.D.G. HENLEY BGEN (RET’D) D.L. ROSS COL J.M.D. BOUCHARD HCOL G.E. BURTON COL (RET’D) J.P. CULLIGAN COL L.C.DALTON HCOL J.K.F. IRVING Canadian Gunner 19 NO PHOTO AVAILABLE HCOL C. DE KOVACHICH LCOL (RET’D) C.L. COTTER LCOL (RET’D) M.D. MCKAY LCOL A. REIFFENSTEIN CWO C.P. RUSK CWO (MR GNR) (RET’D) D. TOMASO LCOL (RET’D) A. RICHARD NO PHOTO AVAILABLE LCOL (RET’D) N.L. STEWART MAJ J.D. STEWART 20 L’Artilleur Canadien 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery CO LCol S.W. Taylor, CD RSM CWO S.A. Rice, CD The 2013 campaign for 1 they exposed supported arms RCHA was an impressive year. to danger close artillery. While Following the Regiment’s reGHSOR\HG RQ ([ 3520(7+(WXUQ IURP &KULVWPDV EORFN AN RAM, the Bty advanced OHDYH WDVNV ZHUH QRQVWRS WKURXJK UG %DWWDOLRQ 33&/,¶V with priority given to the standConvoy live range which was XS RI WZR WDVN IRUFHV 7) LQ something outside of what the support of overseas commitleadership and soldiers found ments and contingency. TF typical. The Bty welcomed 2-13 was stood-up in February MWO Harris as they said good and included 50 members from bye to MWO Lundrigan as the across the unit who deployed BSM. WO Harpelle was preon Op ATTENTION to Afghanisented with a CDS commendastan. Simultaneously, TF 1-13 tion for his effect at the scene based upon A Battery (Bty) of a motor vehicle collision with elements attached from while transiting from Shilo to across the Regiment was also Wainwright. stood-up and spent much of The CDS and CFCWO are presented with a casing by the CO and the spring time in Wainwright, RSM as a memento to their visit to the Unit. B Battery Alberta conducting it’s road to high readiness training. After all elements of the Regiment had B Bty started the year with a large portion of its leadership, returned from Alberta, we said goodbye to the CO and RSM, LQFOXGLQJ PDQ\ RI¿FHUV DQG VHQLRU 1&2V FRQGXFWLQJ SUHGHCol Hammond and CWO Smith, and welcomed LCol Taylor and ployment training for Op ATTENTION TF 2-13. Once deployed, CWO Rice and their families to 1 RCHA. members of the Bty found themselves spread out around variRXVFDPSVLQWKH.DEXODUHDZRUNLQJWLUHOHVVO\LQP\ULDGSRVLA Battery WLRQV ,Q &DPS %ODFNKRUVH 0DM (WKHOVWRQ VHUYHG DV WKH VHFond-in-command along with Sgt Taylor as members of a Training $%W\ZDVWDVNHGWKURXJKRXWWKLV\HDUDV5&+$¶VFRPPLW- Mentor Team for the Consolidated Fielding Centre. Capts Li ment to the high-readiness TF 1-13 that was force generated DQG+D\QHVDQG/W%XUNHVHUYHGLQWKH2SVVWDIIZKLOH&DSW out of 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group in February. With Lewington mentored at the Kabul Military Training Center. In adthe additions of a third gun Troop, three forward observer par- dition, WO Buenacruz deployed on short notice to assist with Op ties, and support elements including a full MET section, vehicle RENAISSANCE, Canada’s disaster relief response to the tragmaintainers, and a weapons detachment, the Bty grew substan- HG\RI7\SKRRQ+DL\DQLQWKH3KLOLSSLQHV&RPPHQFLQJHDUO\LQ tially in size. In total, 160 personnel underwent comprehensive the year, the Bty provided the leadership and several gunners LQGLYLGXDO DQG FRPELQHG ZRUN XS WUDLQLQJ WR DFKLHYH OHYHO ¿YH RQFH DJDLQ WR 5RJHUV 3DVV %& DV SDUW RI 2SHUDWLRQ 3$/$&, %DWWOH *URXS EDWWOH WDVN VWDQGDUGV PDLQWDLQLQJ WKLV OHYHO RI IRU DYDODQFKH FRQWURO 2YHU WKH VXPPHU PRQWKV VHYHUDO NH\ readiness for a full year. Inclusive of individual level training, the leadership changes were made as personnel were posted out Bty also conducted a series of basic and advanced ranges, in- DQGWKH5HJLPHQWZDVVKXIÀHG2IQRWH:2-HVVHDXZDVUHcluding pairs movement, C9, C6, and grenades, and supporting placed by WO Buchanan as the BSM and Capt Grannan was OLYHFRPEDWWHDPDWWDFNVZLWKLQGLUHFW¿UHIURPWKHLUVL[0V appointed the acting Battery Commander over the duration of In addition, they also conducted a battle inoculation range where 0DM(WKHOVWRQ¶VGHSOR\PHQW%%W\WRRNRYHURZQHUVKLSRIWKH Canadian Gunner 21 deployed on Op ATTENTION, leaving the Bty in the trustworthy hands of Capt Mayes for the large part of the year as the acting %DWWHU\&RPPDQGHU=%W\DOVRVDLGJRRGE\HWRDQXPEHURI IRONV DV WKH\ ZHUH SRVWHG WR RWKHU H[RWLF ORFDWLRQV DFURVV WKH county, at the same time, welcoming new members into the Bty. These new members had an excellent opportunity on the fall exHUFLVH/,0%(5*811(5WREHFRPHRULHQWHGWR=%W\¶VZDUULRU spirit as many interesting ranges were executed during the Bty controlled portion of the exercise, including thermal shoots with QHZO\DFTXLUHGVPDOODUPVNLW=%W\GHIHDWHG+4DQG6HUYLFHV %W\IRUWKH+XJVZHLU&XSGXULQJWKH6DLQW%DUEDUD¶VGD\KRFNH\ this year. Headquarters & Services Battery It has been a busy year for the soldiers of Headquarters and Services Bty (HQ Bty). With the stand up of TF 2-13, many of WKHVHQLRURI¿FHUVLQWKH%W\ZHUHGHSOR\HGWR$IJKDQLVWDQOHDYing many who did not deploy in acting roles. Concurrently, the Members of the Camp Morehead Canadian Drive Team in AfghanBty also provided support to A Bty and TF 1-13 and many of our istan. PHPEHUVVDZWKHPVHOYHVLQ:DLQZULJKWIRUZHHNVRQHQGGXUcoveted Kingston Cup this year from A Bty during the Saint Bar- LQJWKHVSULQJKLJKUHDGLQHVVZRUNXS+4%W\EHLQJPDGHXSRI EDUD¶VGD\KRFNH\ VHYHUDOGLVWLQFWWUDGHVVDZDOO7URRSVZRUNLQJGLOLJHQWO\WRNHHS WKH5HJLPHQWPRYLQJIRUZDUGWKURXJKRXWWKH\HDU7KHFOHUNV C Battery had a never ending pile of claims as personnel were moving in all directions throughout the country and the globe. Our main2013 has been a busy year for C Bty. Starting the year WDLQHUVKDGWKHQHYHUHQGLQJWDVNRINHHSLQJWKH5HJLPHQW¶VDJwith mobilizing members for Op ATTENTION and preparing ele- LQJÀHHWRIYHKLFOHVVHUYLFHDEOHDGDXQWLQJWDVNWRVD\WKHOHDVW PHQWVDWWDFKHGWR7)&%W\¿OOHGWKH67$UROHIRUWKH%UL- 6LJQDOV7URRSLQWURGXFHGWKH(3/$56UDGLRWRWKHJXQVLQ gade as part of TF 1-13, including an STA troop, which operated and have been committhe LCMR and HALO, ted to maintaining this and a STACC/ISTAR YLWDOSLHFHRINLW/DVWO\ Cell at Brigade HQ. our Regimental QuarDuring the road to hightermaster Section has readiness the STACC/ done an outstanding ISTAR cell participated job of general support in several computer throughout the year. aided exercises, inThere have also been cluding JOINTEX, and some notable changes Ex CEREBRAL RAM. RI NH\ SRVLWLRQV WKLV The STA troop and the year, of particular note, STACC/ISTAR cell also BC HQ change of comSDUWLFLSDWHG LQ WZR ¿HOG mand from LCol Moon exercises in the spring, WR0DM%XUNH ([ 3520(7+,$1 Indeed, the 2013 5$0 DQG ([ 0$3/( campaign has been RESOLVE, integrating exceptionally busy for seamlessly into the Bri1 RCHA. Regardless gade HQ and providing RI WKH WDVN RU PLVVLRQ ground commanders at hand, the Regiment WO Buenacruz looks at a map of Panay Island, Philippines, before integrating with enhanced situ- into a remote community with DART as part of Op RENAISSANCE. has continued to deliver ational awareness. In the Gunner guarantee the fall, C Bty particiwithout fail. As we turn SDWHGLQ([/,0%(5*811(5FRQWULEXWLQJDVWKHHQHP\IRUFH WRWKH5HJLPHQWORRNVIRUZDUGWRUHFRYHULQJRXUSHUVRQQHO and utilizing the HALO equipment to detect the gun batteries. I from TF 2-13 and completing our high-readiness commitment 7SPRUWDUVDVVLVWHGWKHQG%DWWDOLRQ33&/,ZLWKWKHLUDQQXDO with TF 1-13 in order to focus our efforts on reconstitution acH[HUFLVH([.$3<21*:$55,25LQWHJUDWLQJLQGLUHFW¿UHIURP tivities and posturing ourselves for the next challenges that lay their 81mm mortars with a live 25mm LAV III range. ahead at home and abroad. Z Battery =%W\FRQWLQXHGWREHOLNHO\WKHEXVLHVWVXEXQLWLQWKH%ULJDGH VXSSRUWLQJ DOPRVW HYHU\ H[HUFLVH ZLWKLQ WKH %ULGDJH DQG NHHQ to offer personnel to operations and high-readiness training. %60 :2 /DGRXFHXU KDQGHG RYHU WKH SDFH VWLFN DQG WKH %W\ welcomed WO Tholberg from Regimental Ops. Maj Stimpson 22 L’Artilleur Canadien LCol 0DM Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt /W Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt CWO MWO MWO MWO MWO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO :2 WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt RC 6& MJ CW WH SM DR JP RM RT MM AWJ KA TMJ ADJ M MN EP JR JFA JRL AJ ME AS CAJ -7 CR AKO JP 0: JCM CJC MD BS A WD AF '$ MAL JG RY RB $5 S MJW MGK BF KP REJ EP AT JJ AM WE RW TB JN SK BE MA CB PA RJ CP (' PD CR $ TJ .- JWG JRA JM JW RD JMJ 6& MD GR JD 0/- CL JA MD '$- PB TR AD 3*- RB TA RC WD A BE DJ ER D Canadian Gunner Moon %XUNH Draho Ethelston Hunt Lang Matheson O'Donnell Saunders Stimpson Anthony Bradley Christensen Claus Curr Delvo Einer Elloway Evans Gervais Grannan Hayman Haynes Jawed Kelly /DUNLQ Lewington Li Logan 0DFNHQ]LH Mayes Meyers Molsberry Pettigrew Pham Pryor Richardson 6NLQQHU Stevenson Tegart Villemaire Wyntjes %XUNH Hinman-Miller Hughes Kelly Miles Simpson Watson Smith Chubbs Gero Harris Lundrigan Beatty Buchanan Buenacruz Clouthier Colwell Colwell Damjanoff Desbiens Everett Gresl *UXONH Harpelle Herbert -DFNVRQ Jesseau .LUNSDWULFN Klein Ladouceur Power Simpson Tholberg Van Damme $LNHQV Allary Billard Blair %ODNHO\ Bristow Burhoe Burns &KHONRZVNL Collier Engram Fleming *UDEDXVNDV Hannam Harpe Houle Jarrell Jr Kennis Kooistra Lavigne Levesque Levesque Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr 23 JM MF KR PG MJ PR S JRES SW CM NR PE LW TE ID IT OTG DE AT MS KJM 75 CJ AHL JA WE AD JT MD BA L 5- HS CP W 50 -% AC RN WJ .7- JW C 6. YA RR SL CJI DE 1: RAA ') MJ KA TF '7/ LL KD HP AA OJ JJM A CGA JRK JTA F CM BJ 1: GJS RA JRE MT KJ JE EP AJ A M CCJ JD LE JEM R MEC RWKC SH NJ KS EW C JD DM MM PA A DJ Lussier Macintyre Macrury McBurnie McCauley Noel Normand Perreault Planetta Rein Robicheau Rogerson Starling Syme Taylor Thibeau Thorne Walsh Wierenga Wiseman Audet %DGFRFN Ball Boggs Broad Bruce Brown Carey Caveen Corbett Doucet 'XWFKDN Gingras Gingrich Guay +DZNLQV +HOND Hilchie Houston Ingram -HQNLQV Knee Lajoie /DNH Langlois Matheson McNeil Morton Oliver 2VDGFKXN Penney 3HWNRYLFK Robinson Roth Sheppard 7\PFKDN Vandecaveye Vanderzwaag Wiswell Agregan Alcime Arbour Ardolei Arnott Arsenault Arsenault Baah Bell Blinn %RQNRZVNL Bonneau Boretz Bouchard Boyle Brophy Brown Bzdyl Cabot Cabungcal Canart Carleton Castellanos Cespedes-Sarmiento Chouinard-Lavoie Chow Clement Cooper Connors Copeland Cormier Cornect Corrigal Couturier Currie Cyr Dainard Daniels Danson Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr DV MJW DJ KG BM AW DM MT TJ DR BD SE JP JPE JW JAM JE H 55 CCJ JM SM KS E D ELB JD &$$ 6$ WOL PM NJT &6 GFL JC RD SL JNK JB DG CW GBL ADA ' TW FHJ .' BRS AE ,& DS KA JAB TDW CRC TMA EJ 6' ZB MD TD TD JJ BR RJ BJJ JW DS MD KM KW JF TA TC RP J KE KJ JLR CJJ DS NE RJ MJL EG JK R '- EJ RM RK MC 7&3 CM RE GPP N DA Davis Dentrey Desroches Dillon Eden Egloff Elliott Elliott Elliott Elson Emberly English Farquhar Favron Fowler Fridge Gabel Gallant-Boulet *LONV Girard Gossen Gregg Gustafson Harris Harrison Hernandez-Lacroix Hildebrandt +LOOLNHU +OLEFKXN Hudson Hutchinson Ironman -DFNVRQ Jeddrie Jimenez Johnston Johnson Jungheim Kaiser Kassaye Kennedy Kinnear Kittson .OLPHQNR Kruger Lachance Quessy /DÀHFKH Lanteigne Larson /HFNLH Lefave Leger MacQuarrie Marion Marshall McAvinn McConnell 0F&RUPLFN McDermot-Fouts McDonald McElhinney McNeil Molnar Montgomery Moran Morgan Morris Moulton Nicholson Norton O'Connell Pamplin Paynton Perry Pitzel Podolas Portillo Potts Pridham Preston Pullinger Raymond Rempel Ribeiro Robichaud Rosamond Scheer 6HGJZLFN Shaw Shortt Simpson Simundson 6ODYLQVN\ Smith Smith Staples Stisi St. Laurent Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr *QU *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU *QU *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU 24 RR DM GOT JL NJM SR FK BD MLL JAF DLW JA SM 06 BM DM JF KSP ($ BY PWJ 7$ DNM SJJA CW J RPW J PFA JG MRJ W JCL AJ AJ AL KFE MR BD JS 5$ .' SW MS SJS '31 KR S RJ JD PE MR CS J $$ D BGW %-' %-- BL JJG JR DJ 63 0-% 30 KJR MB NM RA DCJ 95 CG GE CHM RCP MT 05* CE BJ DRK 003 AT CR TA DJM JW DA EE DRA SL J JWL $15 S JT DH 5& Sylvester Talbot Taylor Taylor Thomson Thorburn Tribe Trivers Urquhart Vialette Whalen White White :LONLH Wilson Wilson Wilson Wirzman :RONL Young Albert-McGrath %DNHU Bauman Bellavance-Parent Blanchette Campbell Doyle Dreyer Dummitt Epp Forbes Foster Hebb Heisler Henley Hobson Holm Hynes Irving MacIsaac 0DFND\ 0DNL Mason Morin Neveu 1LNXOD Olson Paquin-Dupont Parcher Paxman Playford Porter Provo Psallidas 5RFNZHOO Streberg White :LFNHQV <RUN Anstey Baber Baird Bernetchez %ODFN %ODNH %URFNKRII Brown Brown Carriere Cerenzie Chabot &XUNRZVN\M Eisert Flett Fraser Ganong Godfrey +DQNH Hooper Ingram Kertesz .UXVKQLVN\ Lepp Leslie Lofts Machut MacNeil Mayer-Mulé McShane Miles Mitchell Mondigo Noland 1XOLD\RN5XGROSK Ouellet Palmer Pearson 3LFNHULQJ L’Artilleur Canadien Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU PJR AW SJ M JD ZEJ AM %( Poulin Quilty Richer Ross Leclerc Rutz Saunders Scruggs 6HUQRVNL Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr CEJ PA DR B A DT MA SGJ Sharpe Simard Thue Tong Tottenham Trinh Vienneau-Bujold Young 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery CO RSM LCol D. Bobbitt, CD CWO G.E. Hoegi, CD It has been a very busy year for the soldiers in 2 RCHA with a variety of new adventures and fun experiences. D Battery started off 2013 with a plunge…into the icy waters at the Ravenscroft Lodge in Temagami. This years Battery Winter Warfare Training, Ex COLD RANGER, had all PHPEHUV RI ' %DWWHU\ WDNLQJ their turn jumping into a freezing cold cut-out in the ice and experiencing the effects it had on their bodies. Many were VXUSULVHGDWKRZGLI¿FXOWLWZDV WR SHUIRUP WKH VLPSOH WDVN RI E Battery Gunline saying their name and service number upon exiting the water. It was a fantastic activity that, although not entirely enjoyable, was very educational and an experience that no one will forget. $ VROGLHU FRPSRVLWH HOHPHQW FRQVLVWLQJ RI 23 SDUWLHV an FSCC, and an STACC, led by Major Sarah Heer, Battery Commander E Battery, and attached to the 3rd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment departed for Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to WDNHSDUWLQWKH-RLQW2SHUDWLRQDO$FFHVV([HUFLVH-2$; 02 in the end of February. JOAX 13-02 is an annual air mobile/ airborne exercise designed to challenge all levels of leadership. Being a deliberate operation, an immense amount of planning, meetings, and rehearsals were conducted to prepare the Canadian soldiers to act as a multi-national Global Reaction Force. On the night of February 27th, six members of 2 RCHA joined nearly 1800 other airborne service personnel and jumped into WKH H[HUFLVH FDSWXULQJ DQ DLU¿HOG 5&+$¶V DELOLW\ WR SURYLGH Canadian Gunner 25 3 RCR with an airborne caSDEOH )6&& DQG 23 SDUW\ JDYHWKHEDWWOH¿HOGFRPPDQGHUV WKH ¿UHSRZHU DQG VXSSRUW required to ensure success in the initial phases of the exercise. The remaining gunners were deployed by simulated air insertion once the lodgment was seized. The pinnacle point however was the NonCombatant Evacuation Operation conducted on day two of the exercise. Supported by the 86$LU)RUFHPHPEHUVRIWKH 3 RCR Combat Team boarded &KLQRRNV DQG %ODFNKDZNV ZKHUHWKH\SXWWKHLUKDUGZRUN and training into action. The objective was to seize a village being held by the enemy and evacuate personnel to a safe location. Again members of 2 RCHA provided the battle group with a very important capabilLW\:2$GDP+HUPDQEHLQJDTXDOL¿HGIRUZDUGDLUFRQWUROOHU provided over watch and air support from the American OH-58 Kiowas that were on station. The 82nd Airborne Division hosted the Canadian contingent and provided excellent joint training opportunities to all trades. ,Q$SULO)%DWWHU\OLQNHGXSZLWK(%DWWHU\IRU([67$/.,1* FOX. The intent of this exercise was to qualify new Gunners on the STA equipment and also practice drills. During this exercise the LCMR and AWLS detachments were deployed to detect PRUWDUVDQGUHVSRQGZLWKFDOOVIRU¿UH,QWKHHQGWKHQHZPHPEHUVUHFHLYHGWKHLUTXDOL¿FDWLRQDQG)%DWWHU\JRWWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRIXUWKHUUH¿QHLWVVNLOOV 7KH 5HJLPHQW WRRN SDUW ing Exercise, Ex VIGILANT LQ WKH %&¶V )LUH 3ODQQLQJ DRAGON, which also Course from 4-10 May. GRXEOHG DV WKH ¿HOG SRUWLRQ 0XOWLSOH 5HJLPHQWDO &3;V of the M777 Conversion WRRN SODFH DOORZLQJ ' DQG Course, getting all students ( %DWWHULHV WR UH¿QH WKHLU TXDOL¿HG E\ ¿ULQJ WKHLU ¿UVW abilities to engage targets rounds on the M777 Howitin a Regimental context. It zer. The Battery performed was an excellent opportuTC and #1’s open actions, QLW\ IRU WKH 2I¿FHUV DQG &3 TXLFNDFWLRQVDQGKDUDVVLQJ FUHZV WR LPSURYH WKHLU VNLOOV ¿UH WDVNV %DWWHU\ ¿UH PLVwhile executing 10-12 live sions were carried out and %&¶V¿UHSODQVDQGSURYLGLQJ local defense plans were KHDY\ YROXPHV RI ¿UH IURP exercised, allowing the gunthe gunline. The course ran ners to put numerous rounds smoothly with the exception (OHPHQWVRI(%DWWHU\-XPS,QWRVHL]HDQ$LU¿HOGGXULQJ-2$; down range. 15C gun deRIDµVPDOO¶¿UHRQWKHUDQJH tachment reclaimed their victhat caused a 3-day shuttory by winning the D Battery down. 2 RCHA excelled and demonstrated their ability to per- %&¶V SHQQDQW GXULQJ WKH VQLSLQJ JXQ WDVNV DQG VHFXULQJ WKHLU IRUPWKHLUGXWLHVE\GHOLYHULQJIDVWDQGDFFXUDWH¿UH bragging rights for yet another year. ' %DWWHU\¶V ([ 6+227 $1' 6&227 %&¶V FKDOOHQJH WRRN $ 5HJLPHQWDO ([HUFLVH ([ 67$/:$57 *811(5 ZDV SODFH 0D\ LPPHGLDWHO\ IROORZLQJ WKH %&¶V )LUH 3ODQQLQJ planned immediately after Remembrance Day. However, the Course. This exercise involved 3 events. First, each detach- GHYDVWDWLRQ FDXVHG E\7\SKRRQ +DL\DQ LQ WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV WULJment ran through the obstacle course. Following this, each de- gered a Disaster Assistance Relief Team (DART) deployment WDFKPHQWFRPSOHWHGDNPIRUFHGPDUFKDQGDVFRUHG&ULÀH WKDWZHHNHQG$WRWDORIVROGLHUVIURP5&+$LQFOXGLQJ VKRRW7KHVROGLHUVWKHQKDGWRPDUFKEDFNWREDVHWRFRPSOHWH soldiers from F battery, 13 soldiers from HQ Battery, 12 soldiers the challenge. from D Battery, and nine soldiers from E Battery deployed to A change of command ceremony in June saw the departure DVVLVWLQUHOLHIHIIRUWV6KRZLQJWKHLUGHWHUPLQDWLRQDQGVNLOOWKH of LCol main body of the Regiment went on to be conduct a very chalG.W. Ivey lenging exercise while the deployed DART soldiers coordinatand CWO HG DQG FRQGXFWHG KXPDQLWDULDQ DLG WDVNV KDOI ZD\ DFURVV WKH J . A . M . world. Commanding the Defence and Security element of the 3URYHQFK- '$57ZDVWKH+46YFVFRPPDQGWHDPRI0DM%RE0HDGH er. The and MWO Dave Milligan. Regiment :KHQ WKH 5HJLPHQW GHSOR\HG RQ (; 67$/:$57 *811(5 w e l c o m e d nothing was slowing down. The exercise was 6 days, 5 nights. LCol D.R. But for many, due to little sleep, constant moves, night time road Bobbitt and PRYHVDQGDQDOODURXQGKLJKWHPSRLWIHOWOLNHRQHYHU\ORQJ CWO G.E. day. The exercise was a fantastic training experience for new Hoegi as DQG ROG PHPEHUV RI 5&+$ DOLNH (YHU\ DVSHFW RI WKH 5HJLthe 33rd PHQWIURP5HFFH&323V67$DQGWKHJXQOLQHVZHUHSXVKHG Command- to the limits and came out successful on the other side. Many LQJ 2I¿FHU lessons were learned, and will be improved upon in the New Maj Sarah Heer is briefed on an American M777 and 25th Year when we conduct another Regimental Exercise. Gunline Regimental KDVEHHQDQH[FLWLQJWLPHIRU5&+$7KHVNLOOVJDLQHG S e r g e a n t on these numerous exercises will prove to be invaluable prepa0DMRURI5&+$(%DWWHU\ZRXOGDOVRXQGHUWDNHDFKDQJHRI ration as the Regiment waits to meet the challenges of the future command when the outgoing Battery Commander Major S.A. including 2 CMBG’s road to high readiness. Heer welcomed Major F.H. Gould as the new Battery Commander of E Battery. F Battery would also welcome MWO C.A. Rigby as Battery Sergeant Major later that year who replaced MWO 53%RXUTXH The months of June, July and August saw a regimental effort WRUXQ7KHDWUH0LVVLRQ6SHFL¿F7UDLQLQJ7067RQEHKDOIRIWKH brigade to prepare members going overseas to Afghanistan as part of Op ATTENTION. They conducted all the standard ranges including C7, 9mm pistol, grenades, and support weapons. They DOVR UDQ WKURXJK D ZRUNVSDFH VFHQDULR VKRRW ZKLFK LQFOXGHG ÀLSSLQJ RYHU WDEOHV DQG KLGLQJ EHKLQG ZDOOV DOO ZKLOH VKRRWLQJ select targets. Training ran smoothly for all members deploying overseas. With much of the Regiment engaged in the summer months with TMST, it meant that there was a very rapid transition from individuals on leave, to our own individual and collecElements of 2 RCHA Defence and Security Company partnered tive training in the fall timeframe. with the Armed Forces of the Philippines during Operation RENIn September, D Battery conducted their Battery Field Train- AISSANCE 26 L’Artilleur Canadien Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt &DSW &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt /W Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt 2Lt 2Lt CWO MWO MWO MWO MWO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO :2 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt 6JW Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt JA CA FH KF RJ IC A JMF 0' 5- JG CG JP MJ MB TJB .- D RG JM AD RDM WD DJ VMJ JGB NBM MNA NJ JR SB MW MA AA CMF DP CMC JC 60) D N.B JE LR JK AAB JR ZK JAM MG RA DE A CH TJ B. RK JJC D 6$- RA JT K SE JGL JL JRA & KVB SC 6/ 5*0 KD ME NSP ME NAH SDF CL DS BC KG JD 5:1 SR CS JI AD (' JR % DJ $' RG JPL CM KD CC JSB Canadian Gunner Causey Gillis Gould Haire Meade Plummer Bach Beatty %HFNHU %LQNOH\ Brownridge Brumpton Brunelle Chiu Crosier Degaust 'RQDN Furman Haug Howe James Johnston LeBlanc Levangie Lizotte Lynch Maher Mathieson Meidinger Neeley Rebeiro Riopelle Roche Snow Ward Wilson Yuvan Zwicewicz &RRN Downs Hamlyn Hill Lavictoire Malone Rigby Bouthot Vanthournout Provencher Campbell Gallant Milligan Rigby Carroll Dalton Dolan Ewing Gilbert Hewitt +\VND Kelly Killeen Luce Merson Moloughney Murphy Paquin 3HFNIRUG Power Sarnelli =DFKDUXN $WNLQVRQ Bannister Beaupre Bennett Bernier Berthier Cairns Comeau Doucet Doyle Doyle Erling )UDQN Gilby Hanrahan Hinch Holmes +RV]NR Huntington -RNVLPRYLF King .XLDFN Langille Lavallie Leblanc Luten Mangrove McKnight Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr 27 TT DAW NL EC D B MJA CJ BM DC KO PJ TM JP & GS SL TM JL R DD RA SG MS LK DE SB JP A CJ TJ CR $9 RJ AD JPA KFM JL JJCA GM JSJ CD GG CL SL ACJ DJ SE TJ CG NM KM MR BA 0 JJ C CM AM JP RB 5/ C DH BA JP SJL SM PM CS JC -1 CD DJL LM RG CM (& KF + %0 BS MAC BLD AE AP KSK JA JAM TMD JJ TL $' .) AP GM JW ID Nechelput Novosad Orth Osborne Pigeon Ponza Saumure Saunders Secord Shea Simmonds Springman Thordarson Timms :DONHU Wilson Albert Barney Benn Bingham Boudreau Chiarelli Cunningham Drummond Evelyn Gavel Gedeon Hamilton Hannaford Harrison Henderson Hoyt -DFNVRQ Kelly Keough Lachance Lacoste Lajambe Lalonde Langlois Ledoux Macdonald Maclean McLean Millar Osbourne Pelley Roodzant Rumbolt Saulter Simard Slade Small Smith 6WDUN Stodgell St-Pierre Surette Tatchell Thomas Thompson 7UHNRIVNL Veland White Williams Wiseman Anderson Arlt Auger Avery Avery %DNHU Barry Beaudoin Bennett Blanchette Boley %RVWRFN Brown %XHFNHUW %XUNH Burrows Butler Campbell Campbell Casswell Chabwa Comeau Compton Coughlan Crocco Czech 'LFNLQVRQ 'RPEURVNL Empey Espeut Ettinger Fleury Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr CC JM JML TL EJ KA MC KEB .( PP DR SD CM DGD BWG MT KR BJ MA TAS -$ -- TR NAA EN KA RJ JG KT M E MG CY JM Y JRW CH AM 79 D MJA BE NA CL CKK TS C DMW N SM JJ NJ KK FJI CAP AD IE M SN AT SE JMGD JAJ '5 DD CG RL AJM OAL RJ AM MA CS JRGP TF BC RD SF DJJK EA EJ AR KL SL BJ 7' DE ZK JE BD MJ CS JFG NG GTA DN DSS C Francis French Gagnon Gates Gillman Godin Goiziou-Gallant Graham *ULI¿WKV Gulliver Haines Hall Hannah Hardy Higgins Hillman Homuth Horst Hotson Hughes ,NHUHQJH ,VKUDNL Kahrs Kelly Kimball King Kleri Koeslag Langas Le Gendre Leclair Leroux Li Lloyd Longpré Lovean Lyons Macneil 0DOLNRY Mara Marcoux-Desrochers Marier Mason McBride McDiarmid McEntee Meadus Meuret Moamai Mooring Morin Morrell Moulton Murphy Murphy Murphy Myers Nicholson Nyimu O'Dell O'Quinn Ouellet Papineau 3DUDFKRQLDN Paul Peraltavintimilla Petiquan Porter Powell Pross Regimbald Reid Richards Richards Richardson Richardson Ritchie Roorda Rose Rowe Roy Roy Sauve Savage Seang 6KHZFKXN Sims Slipetz Slosse Smith Smith Speer St-Cyr Stinziano Stubbs Styles Swallow Thibault Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr 28 WW SR MB -& JJJ MN JG BJ BA AJ TJ PWJ SS AJH RP DS DP BAI 7/ EW FS DC CRG KW CD DJ PBAJ DJ MM SP AF 2, SLL SJN &' D CL GC J RM DMV SP MAC JT CM RJ MBJ ML DA ST WLG S KA KJ SL JET JJOR BR RE CM O DG 7&: SEL CW NRS JL KW DRO A SMW JA RC CR RNL SP MJ JY JMJP K RPD 3 3' SR LH CJ JKD GS KM PD BJ S JL 0. FW CL JW AS Thomas Thompson Thompson 7LQN Turcotte Turner Turner Turner Walton Weron West Wettlaufer Wiseman Worden Wretham Younan Abbott Ainsworth $NDOX Alston Alvarez Anning Bailey Berdan Bergeron Bloye Boileau Boutilier Brazeau Bristow Browning-Eberhardt %XWNR Chainey Champigny &KDSLHVNL Collins Conarroe Cunningham Dai Davies Desilets-Proulx Dooley Doucet Douglas Downey Dowson Dussault Earle Elliott Fiore Fobert Foucher Fraser Gabriel Gerrish Gibbs Gilchrist Godfrey Green-Roberts Hargis Harnois Harris +DZNLQV Hayward Healy Hearty Holmes Jeaurond Jenner Jolicoeur-Hebert Jones Kellerman Kennedy Knorr LaFroy Landry Langevin Langevin Lefebvre Lemieux Lewis /REHFN 0DFNOH MacLeod Maquet Marshall Martin McDonald McGarr McGregor McNeilly Meshtag Metcalfe 0LNKDLO Milne Moon Moore Pace L’Artilleur Canadien Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr SD MJS TWH LP KJM J NP M KL SLK JR M CAD CM KA DEQ JJL PDJ JN CS J Pasanen Pauze-Houle Pelletier Pena Barreto Perron Pieterson Pinard Poirier Poirier Primeau Ribee Richard Robinet Robinson Rooley Ross Roussy Sagastume Samson Schivas Serson Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr JP TJ J JJ ARW SM JA LD LM MC &7 MJ TR T EBA CT AL CA NG DM Shallenberger Sjolie Soguilon Sotiriou Stiles Suchard Suddes Tamayo Tenale Tenasco-Commanda 7KDFKXN Toelly Tollett Turcotte St-Amour Visser Wiggins Willard Wooster Wright Zieba 5e Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada Cmdt Lcol J.F. Duval MSM, CD SMR Adjuc J.N.E. Saint-Pierre MMM, CD coup d’efforts, une troupe de Durant l’année 2013, le 5e PRUWLHU D pWp RI¿FLHOOHPHQW Régiment d’artillerie légère FUppHGDQVOD%DWWHULH4D¿Q du Canada a été très occupé d’être en mesure de mieux HWDUHOHYpSOXVLHXUVGHGp¿V soutenir les éléments de En effet, le 5 RALC a comPDQ°XYUH &HWWH QRXYHOOH posé avec plusieurs changeFDSDFLWp UHSUpVHQWH XQ Gp¿ ments dans son organisaintéressant pour les membres tion. Le Régiment s’est de cette troupe puisqu’ils ont encore une fois démarqué appris à s’adapter aux procéSDUVDFDSDFLWpjSODQL¿HUHW dures et aux rudiments des à réagir aux situations chanopérations démontées. Cette geantes. Il y a eu quatre extroupe composée de quatre ercices au niveau régimendétachements de mortier et taire, ainsi que des exercices d’un détachement de poste à plus petite échelle comme de commandement totalise '$:1 %/,7= HW 75,'(17 SHUVRQQHV 3RXU GHV )85< (QVXLWH SOXVLHXUV raisons pratiques et opérade nos membres déployés /D%DWWHULH;HIIHFWXHXQWLUUpHOSHQGDQWO¶(;3,Ê&(6*(/e(6j tionnelles, les méthodes de avec la FO 4-12 sont reve- Valcatier. ¿[DWLRQHWG¶RULHQWDWLRQRQWpWp QXVG¶$IJKDQLVWDQ3RXU¿QLU UDPHQpHVjODEDVH8WLOLVDQW les membres du Régiment se sont démarqués dans plusieurs activités sportives et ils ont ac- une boussole prismatique pour orienter les tubes et le système GHWLUGXPRUWLHUSRXUOH3&OHVWHFKQLTXHVGHPLVHHQEDWWHULH cueilli leur 34e commandant. En janvier, la nouvelle année a été marquée par l’ajout d’une VLPSOL¿pHVVHWURXYHQWDLQVLDPpOLRUpHVHWSOXVUHSUpVHQWDWLYHV nouvelle capacité au 5 RALC. En effet, le 7 janvier, après beau- des exigences liées aux opérations démontées. Canadian Gunner 29 de son histoire. En effet, le Lcol Marcel McNicoll passait le FRPPDQGHPHQWDX/FRO-HDQ)UDQoRLV'XYDO/DMRXUQpHDpWp marquée par une cérémonie de passation de commandement et s’est terminée par un souper au Château Laurier pour les RI¿FLHUV HW OHV LQYLWpV G¶KRQQHXU GX 5pJLPHQW /H OHQGHPDLQ PDWLQ OH WRXUQRL GH JROI DQQXHO DX SUR¿W GH OD IRQGDWLRQ GX 5$/&DFFXHLOODLWSOXVGHJROIHXUVDX*UDQG3RUWQHXIGDQV la municipalité de St-Raymond. La fondation faisait appel à la générosité de la famille des artilleurs au sein du Régiment pour aider d’autres membres en cas de besoin. De plus, il est important de noter que le 5 RALC a été l’unité la plus généreuse de la base de Valcartier au cours de la campagne Centraide en ayant donné plus de 51 000$ 3HQGDQWFHWHPSVSOXVLHXUVPHPEUHVGX5$/&GpSOR\pV &KDQJHPHQWGH&RPPDQGDQW'HJDXFKHjGURLWH/*pQUHW en Afghanistan revenaient ou attendaient avec impatiente de 0LFKDHO-HIIUH\/FRO0DUFHO0F1LFROO&RO6WpSKDQH/DIDXWHWOH revenir au pays. En effet, du 22 juin au 16 juillet, les neuf enLcol Jean-François Duval. volées ont rapatrié environ cinquante membres du Régiment à /¶(; 3,Ê&(6 *(/e(6 DYDLW OLHX GDQV OHV VHFWHXUV la maison. Ces derniers ont passé entre sept et huit mois prind’entraînement de Valcartier du 18 au 22 février. De plus, le 5 FLSDOHPHQWGDQVODUpJLRQGH.DERXO'XUDQWODPLVVLRQ23$75$/&GHYDLWWHVWHUOHV\VWqPH(3/56V\VWqPHDPpOLRUpGHGp- TENTION, ils ont aidé à la formation de l’armée et de la police WHUPLQDWLRQGHSRVLWLRQGXUDQWO¶H[HUFLFH3RXUFHIDLUHGXUDQW afghane. Les artilleurs ont pu être témoins de grands changela préparation de l’exercice, plusieurs membres des différentes ments en Afghanistan depuis le début de la mission en 2004. batteries ont participé à des formations sur ce nouveau sys- Ils ont vu les différents centres d’entraînement de l’armée et de tème. Ils ont ainsi assisté à l’implantation du système dans les la police passer sous le contrôle complet des Afghans vers le 9%/OHV0HWVXUOHV0D¿QG¶rWUHSUrWVjVHGpSOR\HU milieu de la mission. Les Canadiens du camp Alamo étaient aux Durant l’exercice, on a pu mener les premières missions de tir premières loges pour voir les Afghans prendre contrôle en termiDYHF(3/56GHO¶KLVWRLUHGX5pJLPHQWHWFHVDQVVRXWLHQGHV nant leur mission de mentorat au Kabul Military Training Center techniciens spécialisés. C’est ainsi que le 5 RALC est passé (KMTC). Le camp Alamo, qui était en charge d’aviser KMTC, dans l’ère numérique. En plus de tester ce système, il y avait a pu se retirer et laisser les militaires afghans accomplir leurs des plateaux de sentiers de combat, des mouvements routiers tâches journalières sans l’assistance de leurs mentors. De plus, et des missions de tir conventionnelles, tous synchronisés avec en juin, les membres de la roto 2 ont pu voir le gouvernement afle scénario tactique, en même temps, bien entendu, de fournir ghan reprendre en charge plusieurs secteurs de responsabilités XQ IHX G¶DSSXL FRQVWDQW )LQDOHPHQW OH 5pJLPHQW D SUR¿Wp GH liés à la sécurité de son pays. L’Expo Québec s’est déroulé du 16 au 25 août au Centre de O¶RFFDVLRQ SRXU FRQ¿UPHU OHV TXDOL¿FDWLRQV GHV VWDJLDLUHV GHV foires. Elle a permis au Régiment de se rapprocher avec la popdifférents cours de l’école régimentaire. Au retour de la semaine de relâche, la troupe s’est préparée ulation de la ville de Québec. En effet, après une année sans SRXU XQ GHX[LqPH H[HUFLFH UpJLPHQWDLUH 3,Ê&(6 02%,/(6 la présence des Forces Armées Canadiennes, la Brigade et les autres unités sont revenues du 18 au 22 mars dans les en force. C’est le Régiment secteurs d’entraînement de qui a été mandaté pour orValcartier. Le Régiment ganiser le site d’exposition D SRXUVXLYL OD FRQ¿UPDpour la Brigade entière. tion des différents cours de Bien entendu, le canon l’école régimentaire et en M777 a suscité un vif intérêt plus de maintenir les comchez les visiteurs. Tous se pétences de haut niveau sont accordés pour dire que acquises lors de la monle site des FAC a été l’un tée en puissance de la FO des plus populaires. 3-12. Le 5 RALC avait Les mois d’octobre et de toujours comme tâche de novembre ont été très occontinuer l’apprentissage cupés avec la préparation et l’utilisation du système et le déploiement pour l’EX (3/56 &HW H[HUFLFH pWDLW BOMBARDE BORDÉE, du une préparation en vue de 25 au 29 novembre. En O¶(; 3,Ê&(6 $*8(55,(6 addition, un cours d’OOA qui s’est déroulée du 22 au 8QPRUWLHUUpSRQGDQWjXQHGHPDQGHGHWLUORUVGHO¶(;'$:1%/,7= SRXU OHV RI¿FLHUV IUDQFR25 avril. De plus, l’exercice phones, normalement tenu a permis d’évaluer l’état de SUpSDUDWLRQ GHV WURXSHV /¶(; 3,Ê&(6 $*8(55,(6 pWDLW OH à l’ÉRRAC, a eu lieu à Valcartier, et ce, en partenariat avec le troisième et dernier déploiement régimentaire dans les secteurs Régiment. Avant l’EX BOMBARDE BORDÉE, les candidats du de Valcartier avant les vacances estivales ayant pour but de FRXUVG¶22$RQWFRQ¿UPpOHXUDSSUHQWLVVDJHVXUOHVPLVVLRQV faire des mouvements routiers en batterie, des missions de tir GHWLUHVVHQWLHOOHV3RXUFHIDLUHOD%DWWHULH5DpWpGpSOR\pH régimentaires et des plans de tir régimentaires. Évidemment, HQ VRXWLHQ DX FRXUV GXUDQW OD VHPDLQH GX RFWREUH 3DU OD O¶(;3,Ê&(6$*8(55,(6DpWpXQDXWUHVXFFqVSRXUOH5pJL- suite, durant l’EX BOMBARDE BORDÉE, les candidats ont été pYDOXpVVXUOHVSODQVGHWLU8QHIRLVGHSOXVO¶pFROHUpJLPHQment. Le 26 juin 2013, le 5 RALC accueillait le 34e commandant WDLUHDSUR¿WpGHO¶RFFDVLRQSRXUFRQ¿UPHUOHVTXDOL¿FDWLRQVGHV 30 L’Artilleur Canadien eTXLSHG¶REVHUYDWHXUVDI¿OLpHjODFRPSDJQLHDpURSRUWpH&LH$ du 3 R22R. stagiaires, notamment pour les cours de technicien de poste de commandement et de servant de pièce sur le M777. L’exercice UpJLPHQWDLUH V¶HVW ELHQ GpURXOp HW D RIIHUW XQ Gp¿ LQWpUHVVDQW autant pour les stagiaires que pour l’ensemble des membres du Régiment en soutien. De plus, les opérations et le poste de commandement régimentaire ont rencontré tous leurs objectifs, atteignant ainsi les attentes en matière d’entraînement individuel et collectif. Le Régiment a déployé une première rotation de 17 perVRQQHV SRXU 23 3$/$&, SRXU O¶KLYHU /H 5$/& était en charge d’envoyer un contingent de la mi-novembre 2013 j OD ¿Q DYULO SRXU GpFOHQFKHU DX EHVRLQ OHV DYDODQFKHV GDQV OD UpJLRQ GH 5RJHU¶V 3DVV j O¶DLGH GHV REXVLHUV & GH PPSRXUJDUGHUOHVURXWHVSUDWLFDEOHVHWVpFXULWDLUHV8QH deuxième rotation partira en février 2014. Durant l’année, en plus de participer aux exercices régimentaires importants pour l’entraînement individuel et collectif, des groupes ont pris part à d’autres exercices. En effet, durant l’été, OH5$/&DDSSX\pOHFRXUV'3HQHQYR\DQWXQHWUHQWDLQH de personnes à trois occasions. Du 1er au 7 juin, la Batterie X a envoyé le premier groupe pour appuyer l’entraînement des stagiaires de l’ÉRRAC lors des évaluations de reconnaissance et de déploiement d’artillerie. Ensuite, du 16 au 25 juillet, la Batterie R a appuyé l’entraînement de ces mêmes stagiaires durant les mises en batterie rapide et les missions de tir de procédures VSpFLDOHV(Q¿QOD%DWWHULH;V¶HVWUHGpSOR\pHGXDXDRW SRXUH[pFXWHUOHVSODQVGHWLUORUVGHO¶H[HUFLFH¿QDOGHFHPrPH cours. /H%GUF7KLIIHDXOWDSXSUR¿WHUG¶XQHRFFDVLRQXQLTXHHQDOlant sur le cours de tir d’appui naval du 5 août au 6 septembre. Ce cours se déroulait à la Naval Amphibious Base à Coronado en Californie. Le cours était divisé en trois grandes parties : la compréhension d’une opération amphibie et la structure de la IRUFHG¶DVVDXWO¶HPSORLGXWLUG¶DSSXLQDYDOHWODFRQ¿UPDWLRQHQ simulateur du tir d’appui naval. Le Bdrc Thiffeault peut maintenDQWHPSOR\HUVHVFRQQDLVVDQFHVD¿QGHIRXUQLUSOXVGHSURIRQGeur au Régiment quant aux opérations côtières et amphibies. Il est important de noter qu’il était le seul membre des FAC sur ce FRXUVHWTXHOH5pJLPHQWQ¶DYDLWSDVEpQp¿FLpGHFHWWHH[SHUWLVH depuis plusieurs années. Le Régiment a envoyé un détachement de poste d’observation et un détachement de centre de coordination des feux d’appui jO¶(;75,'(17)85<&HWH[HUFLFHVHGpURXODLWGDQVOHFDGUH GH O¶(; -2,17(; HW O¶(; 5,03$& /HV GpWDFKHPHQWV RQW SX WUDYDLOOHU DYHF OH GHVWUR\HU $/*2148,1 HW OD IUpJDWH +$/,)$; $YDQW GH SDUWLU VXU O¶(; 75,'(17 )85< OHV GpWDFKH- Canadian Gunner 31 ments se sont entraînés avec la Réserve Navale et la Garde Côtière de Québec. Ils ont pu se familiariser avec les rudiments d’un débarquement de navire en mer et sur une plage. Durant l’exercice, les détachements ont opéré avec la collaboration de OD 0DULQH UR\DOH FDQDGLHQQH /HV FLQT RI¿FLHUV HW OHV TXDWUH militaires du rang ont participé à une extraction par bateau. En FRPSWDQWOHVDOSKDMHWVHQDSSXLDpULHQO¶(;75,'(17)85< impliquait les trois éléments des FAC et simulait un large contexte interarmées. /H5pJLPHQWDSULVSDUWjO¶(;'$:1%/,7=DX&DPS3HQGleton pour améliorer ses capacités amphibies. En effet, du 4 juin au 2 juillet, la nouvelle troupe de mortier de la Batterie Q avec plusieurs membres de la Batterie R composée de quatre mortiers de 81mm et d’un détachement d’observation a appuyé les opérations de la Compagnie A du 2e Bataillon du Royal 22e Régiment. Les troupes ont aussi pu s’entraîner avec les véhicules AMTRAX des Marines américains pour exécuter des opérations amphibies. L’expérience a été extrêmement béné¿TXHDX5pJLPHQWJUkFHDX[QRPEUHX[Gp¿VDX[TXHOVLODIDLW IDFHHWOHVSUpFLHXVHVOHoRQVDSSULVHVTXLHQRQWGpFRXOpHV $YDQWGHSDUWLUSRXUOHVYDFDQFHVGHV)rWHVOHVRI¿FLHUVHWOHV VRXVRI¿FLHUVRQWSDUWLFLSpDXGvQHUUpJLPHQWDLUHSRXUOHVIHVWLYLtés de la Ste-Barbe, à Montréal, avec nos confrères du secteur 4XpEHFHWGHODUpVHUYH,OVRQWDXVVLSUR¿WpGHO¶DQQXHOLQWHU mess pour échanger quelques bonnes histoires. On a aussi eu ODWUDGLWLRQQHOOHSDUWLHGHKRFNH\HQWUHOHVDUWLOOHXUVERPEDUGLHUV DIIURQWDQWOHVERPEDUGLHUVFKHIHWFHOXLHQWUHOHVRI¿FLHUVHWOHV VRXVRI¿FLHUV)LQDOHPHQWDYDQWGHSDUWLUHQFRQJpOHVPHPbres du Régiment se sont régalés au dîner de la troupe, où les VRXVRI¿FLHUVHWOHVRI¿FLHUVRQWVDLVLO¶RFFDVLRQSRXUVRXOLJQHU leur bon travail au cours de l’année. Durant l’année, plusieurs artilleurs ont participé à des compétitions sportives organisées par le Régiment et par la Brigade. En effet, le 5 RALC a tenu sa traditionnelle course Whalen le 13 septembre où chaque membre du Régiment devait compléter OHSDUFRXUVGHFLQTNLORPqWUHVDXWRXUGHODEDVH/¶$UWLO0RULQ Boucher chez les hommes et la Bdrc Vallière chez les femmes ont été les plus rapides du Régiment. Aussi, le 5 RALC a participé à la compétition de course à obstacles organisée par la %ULJDGH 3RXU VH SUpSDUHU j FHWWH FRXUVH WUqV H[LJHDQWH OHV artilleurs ont suivi un entraînement très rigoureux. La course de 28 obstacles avait un volet par équipe où le Régiment s’est démarqué en arrivant en troisième position. En plus, il y avait un volet individuel divisé par groupes soit; 20-29 ans, 30-39 ans et 40 et plus. L’Artil Morin-Boucher s’est hissé en deuxième position dans le groupe 20-29 ans, le Sgt Dion (30-39 ans) et l’Adj Gauveau (40 ans et plus) se sont classés en premier place dans leurs groupes respectifs. Batterie X Après la création de deux batteries jumelles au 5 RALC, la Batterie X s’est vu octroyer quatre M777 en remplacement des LG1. Ces derniers ont été utilisés pour la première fois par la %DWWHULH;ORUVGHO¶(;3,Ê&(6$*8(55,(6HQDYULO$YDQWFHW exercice, la Batterie X a mis en pratique sa doctrine et ses tacWLTXHVORUVGHV(;3,Ê&(6*(/e(6HW3,Ê&(602%,/(6HQ février et en mars. Elle a également eu la chance de participer à de multiples tâches durant la période estivale. Entres autres, elle a organisé l’Expo Québec durant laquelle plusieurs artilleurs ont pu montrer à la population leur travail dans leur corps de métier. Elle a ainsi permis au 5 RALC de se rapprocher de la population de la ville de Québec. Batterie Q Au cours de la dernière année, la Batterie de surveillance et d’acquisition d’objectifs a été très occupée. Grâce à la contribuWLRQHQSHUVRQQHOFOpG¶pWDWPDMRUOD%DWWHULH4DVRXWHQXO 23 ATTENTION. Dépourvu de son commandant de batterie et de son adjudant d'acquisition d'objectif, les membres de la batterie, armés d'une détermination inébranlable, ont relevé tous les dé¿VDYHFDGUHVVH1RXYHOOHPHQWPXQLHG XQHWURXSHGHPRUWLHU la Batterie Q a excellé dans l'art de la gestion du changement, passant ainsi, de deux à trois troupes avec des fonctions opposées. Même avec des limitations importantes en personnel et en équipement, la Batterie Q a participé à tous les exercices du 5pJLPHQWGHOD%ULJDGH/,21180e5,48(HWGHOD'LYLVLRQ (JOINT EX). Aussi, la troupe de mortier a été déployée à San 'LHJRDYHFQRVFRQIUqUHVDPpULFDLQVORUVGHO (;'$:1%/,7= La création d'une unité d'intervention NBC a également sollicité l'implication de la Batterie Q. Batterie V Cette année, la Batterie V a été impliquée dans de nombreuses tâches, et ce, tout en participant à tous les exercices régimentaires. Le manque de personnel a été l’un des aspects majeurs pour cette année, mais la batterie a été en mesure d’accomplir toutes les tâches qui lui ont été présentées. Au PRLVGHIpYULHUORUVGHO¶(;3,Ê&(6*(/e(6OD%DWWHULH9D LQLWLpODSUHPLqUHPLVVLRQGHWLU(3/56GHO¶$UWLOOHULHUR\DOHGX Canada. Tout au cours de l’année, plusieurs détachements ont SDUWLFLSpjGHVH[HUFLFHVLQWHUQDWLRQDX[HWDX&DQDGD8QGpWDFKHPHQWG¶2$$DSDUWLFLSpjO¶(;75,'(17)85<j9LFWRULD HQ&RORPELH%ULWDQQLTXHXQDXWUHjO¶(;'$:1%/,7=j&DPS 3HQGOHWRQHQ&DOLIRUQLHHWO¶(;<$1.((6/$<(5j*LOD%HQG en Arizona pour augmenter nos capacités opérationnelles. MalJUpOHSHUVRQQHOUHVWUHLQWOHV&$$RQWSDUWLFLSpjO¶(;0$3/( 675,.(D¿QGHGHPHXUHUjMRXUVXUOHVSURFpGXUHVGHFRQWU{OH de l’AAR. La collaboration avec les autres unités de la Brigade s’est continuée tout au long de l’année en les appuyant sur de nombreux exercices et en gardant à jour leurs capacités de demandes de tir toutes armes. L’été a été marqué par le retour de SOXVLHXUVPHPEUHVGHO¶23$77(17,213OXVLHXUVRI¿FLHUVGX Régiment ont été impliqués sur le cours d’OOA à Valcartier et SOXVLHXUVPHPEUHVGHODEDWWHULHRQWpWpLQFOXVGDQVODSODQL¿cation et l’exécution du cours. L’année s’est terminée avec un tempo assez élevé pour les membres de la batterie. Ceux-ci RQWSDUWLFLSpDX[H[HUFLFHV6287+(51.$3,72HQ1RXYHOOH =pODQGHHW6(53(17(;HQ&RUVH un déploiement autant au Canada qu’outre-mer. La Batterie R D ¿QL VRQ HIIRUW UpJLPHQWDLUH DYHF OD SDUWLFLSDWLRQ GH SOXVLHXUV PHPEUHV VXU O¶23 3$/$&, HQ &RORPELH%ULWDQQLTXH ,O HVW j noter que l’Adjum Henry, muté à Gagetown, a cédé sa place à titre de sergent-major de la Batterie R à l’Adjum Coté, nous arrivant de l’ELRFC. Batterie C&S $XFRXUVGHO¶DQQpHOD%DWWHULH&6DGpSOR\pWRXVOHVHIforts nécessaires quant à la préparation, à l’approvisionnement logistique, au soutien des transmissions et à la maintenance de l’équipement et des véhicules. Le travail de ce côté, bien TX¶H[WUrPHPHQW H[LJHDQW D UHÀpWp OH FDUDFWqUH DFKDUQp GHV membres de chacune des sections. Il ne faut pas passer sous VLOHQFHXQHSUHPLqUHDXFRXUVGHO¶(;3,Ê&(6*(/e(6ODVHFtion de transmissions qui a fait fonctionner pour la première fois DX&DQDGDOHV\VWqPH(3/56TXLHQYRLHOHVGRQQpHVGX3& vers les pièces. Les Cplc Corneau, Cpl Ho et le Cpl Lacoursière RQW pWp OHV PDvWUHV G¶°XYUH GH FHWWH LPSODQWDWLRQ DX FKDSLWUH des transmissions. Le poste de commandement régimentaire V¶HVW TXDQW j OXL IDLW JDUDQW HW GH EHOOH IDoRQ GH O¶LQVWUXFWLRQ régimentaire ainsi que du contrôle du tir en exercice. Les opérations régimentaires, pour leur part, ont fournit une gestion serrée du personnel et de l’équipement sur les tâches auxquelles le Régiment devait s’acquitter en plus d’être le chef d’orchestre du Régiment en campagne. Finalement, en plus de sa gestion de ODÀRWWHGHYpKLFXOHVODVHFWLRQGXWUDQVSRUWUpJLPHQWDLUHV¶HVW mise à offrir aux membres du Régiment une série de formations destinées à devenir premier intervenant, chargé d’intervenir rapidement en cas de déversement de produits pétroliers au sein de leur détachement. Cette formation est axée sur la sécurité et l’intervention et donne de très bons outils pour contenir tous produits déversés dans n’importe quel environnement. Le travail d’état-major a brillamment favorisé le travail d’équipe et l’implication de chacune des sections de la batterie, permettant ainsi à l’ensemble des batteries du Régiment de réaliser leurs objectifs respectifs et ainsi permettre au Régiment de travailler avec dynamisme et professionnalisme au sein de la Brigade. 3RXUFRQFOXUHOH5$/&DpWpELHQRFFXSpWRXWDXORQJGH l’année 2013. Les membres du Régiment ont relevé plusieurs Gp¿V DX FRXUV GHV GLIIpUHQWV H[HUFLFHV UpJLPHQWDLUHV GHV GLIférents exercices conjoints, des tâches, des cours et du déploiement de la FO 4-12. L’année 2014 est attendue avec impatiente et s’annonce encore une fois bien remplie. Batterie R /D%DWWHULH5DUHOHYpSOHLQGHGp¿VDXFRXUVGHFHWWHDQQpH '¶DERUGOHVPXOWLSOHVWLUVGHVDOXWSRXUO¶DUULYpHGX3UHPLHUPLQistre, le jour du Souvenir et le concert sous les étoiles. Durant ces tirs de salut, les spectateurs ont vu le professionnalisme de la Batterie R. Ensuite, nous avons envoyé quelques membres avec la Batterie Q pour un entraînement de mortier durant l’EX '$:1%/,7=DX[eWDWV8QLV'HSOXVQRXVDYRQVIDLWTXHOTXHV H[HUFLFHVG¶XQMRXUD¿QGHWHVWHUOHV\VWqPH(3/56HWPHWWUH à jour nos techniques de campagne. Nous avons également offert, à la majorité des membres, l’opportunité de se familiariser avec le parcours de combat de Valcartier qui a été très instructif et demandant pour la majorité. Sur une triste note, nous avons malheureusement rendu un dernier hommage à l’un de nos confrères et membre de la Batterie R en septembre. En HIIHWO¶$UWLO0LFNDsO'HVFKrQHVHVWGpFpGpOHVHSWHPEUHHWOHV funérailles ont eu lieu le 9 septembre dans la municipalité de Desbiens. Tout au long de l’année, la Batterie R était prête pour 8Q0UpSRQGDQWjXQHGHPDQGHGHWLUGHOD%DWWHULH;ORUVGH O¶(;%20%$5'(%25'e( 32 L’Artilleur Canadien Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Slt Slt Adjum Adjum Adjum Adjum Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt JLB BJG JLB PDD S MGM JMM JLAP 7& DG JPPEJ GLMR YP JCG M PJ GE DRS JGK JBJM SMN YNR VC AW D F JFPC D BN GA FJD BJ PRL JEE PN M BW JMJD JRE JJM GA D JPM DC JP JANS PEEJ LC JPS JHJ FJR JRM JJPY S CM JE JAJS JYS JES JCM JPD JGD I M JGE JM JAS S JC BM D JGD DD G CM AJP JJPD SF PJU RJN JAS JC PY JPP JME JLC PM CYF MOJ EJP B JMF MJL SA PN SE CD FCJ Canadian Gunner Audet Bossé Faucher Gilbert Lemieux Raymond Simard St-Pierre %HFNULFK Bourque Brunet Clément Côté-Baribeau Courtemanche Deshaies Donaldson Dupuis Gaudreault Gélinas Gendron Guay Guertin Hughes Jewer Kairns Keays Lévesque Lavoie Maheu McCool Noel Perreault Rath Roberge Théberge Vachon Villeneuve Alexander Daigle Guillemette Pelletier Somogyvari Tanguay Grenier Hoyt Côté Leduc Parisien Perron Beaudry Beaulieu Bossé Bourguignon Carpentier Cloutier Cochrane Diaz Enault Fortin Gauvreau Guerin Jean Laplante Methot Morneau Normand Ouellet Plante Belanger Bernatchez Bernier Blais Boursier Boyd Calvé Coelho Deslauriers Deveault Dion Fortin Girard Goneau Gourlie Grégoire Houde Janvier Jouvet Lapointe Laporte Laporte Larocque Leblanc Leblanc Lemieux Lévesque Lortie Marois Morin Pitre Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr 33 C JJCB GJLP JJE SGJ JRH JAG JF JGJ JGPE D JSC CMB NC PM MJPL JF M N MJS RE JJCY Y SPJ BJF MA JJA D JJF JCF S O M MBMM D DJG SJA SJD GK GCC E L RJS DFP MD O JJM JT PR SCM VMG DC PRK PJR PMA JJR CJD M JF A MJS MJL JF AMM EJG JFJK PN GJE J MJJ M DJA JJFG JJRK D RM R FJP PJS J S DJA MJMC MMDJF JDS JF G D SJF JP BG JMA JCF DJAR M JF D JYBMA Raymond Renaud Rheaume Rochefort Savard Soucy Thibault Thibeault Turgeon Vézina Belanger Bigras Dallaire Avery B.Levesque Beaulieu Bélanger Berthelot Blanchette Boucher Boudreau Bouffard Boulé Chabot Charron Chouinard Corneau Corriveau Cote D Anjou Demers Desbiens Desrosiers Ouellet Drolet Fortin Gervais Gervais Girard Hamel Hethrington Lachance Lagace Lemieux Lemieux Lessard Loiselle Maurice Mercier Morillon Paquet Paradis Plante Roberge Rodrigue Rouillard Roy Samson Sirois Sylvestre Tahan Thiffeault Tremblay-Lavoie Turmel Vallières Veilleux Yanire Abel Anglehart-Méthot Arsenault Aubé Aubin Avon Ayotte Barabé Beauchemin Beaudet Beaulieu Beaumont Bédard Beland Belanger Bergeron Bergeron Bérubé Blais Blais Bouffard-Abran Bourque Bourré-Laprise Breton Breton Breton Brunet Cameron Campagna-Gleeton Cantin Caouette Carbonneau Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr JC JA JBJM TJN JJC J WA S D E C PMH ECL D MJ SJP SJJC SR JP DJJP JJJ JMC CM SJJ SJ E ST P CK KM JF RT DJA JRJY PJF MMN JJ MJB IA D CPJC LJKS D - DGM RJR S SJC MAL CEJA F JPR CB PJR SCF E SMD EE PJ EJR JPA KH MP JCM JF S JMN F AJN RJJ KJMB LJFL V G JSJ R LCM C PA SJD ED L L D S A E JJG S N S S A JDD JLJ M JL JJCSR Cardona Cardona Paiz Carle Caron Caron Corriveau Carrier Castellanos Zetino Chabot Chalifour Champagne Chapdelaine Chartrand Chouinard-Lavigne Cloutier Corbin-Ratté Cordey Cossette Côté Côté Cousineau Daigle Darveau DaSilva D'Avignon Dechamplain Depas Diaz Dionne Dorval Dostie Doucet Dunbar Duperré Emond Fafard Côté Faucher Fecteau Fonner Fontaine Fortin Fortin-Godin Fournelle Fréchette )XUPDQHN Gagné-Michaud Gagné-Monfette Gagnon-Deveaux Galipeau Gauthier Gervais Girard Gobeil Godmer Goulet-Thiboutot Gourichon Green Guimont Hernandez Moscoso Jacques Jean Joanis Keays Labelle Lachance Lachapelle Lacroix Lafontaine Lafrance Lalancette Lambert Langlais Langlois Lapierre Larose Lasnier Lebrun Lefebvre-Jouvet Lehoux-Allaire Levesque Lévesque Lizé Lollier Longpré Losier Mailhot Mainville Mercier Milette-Lemay Millette Molloy Nepton Nicole Ouellet-Tremblay Paquet Paradis Paradis-Aubin Patry-Young Pelletier Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil 34 M JFJL JM PL O AJR JD KJCE APG S )- SJGJ K RJC S BC JJ CF F S Y SJ O CJF FJA P TJG KJJB MS KDAF F BS J JLT POJ JPJD JD F JMMP S J AI SWM FJR MJY PLJJM A MMJ DM JG B M S GW J AT PG FCA M VFLJ EJ JR PJDA MJP VR S M JO MC MG C M JFC SM K TC GS FJS CJGA MJ DJJ NJJ MJL P JJJR FJF FJM PLH CB FM JEY IJMGD M KJ LCJJE GV FJJ MD Pelletier-Marceau Picard Pleau-Duchesneau Poliquin Potvin Prince Proulx Racine Ratelle Renaud 5KpDXPH/DÀHXU Roberge Roch Rodrigue Rouillard Rousseau Roy Roy Roy Scarcello Seguin Simoneau St-Coeur St-Pierre Talbot Talbot Tessier Tessier Théberge Therrien-Coulombe Thibodeau Tremblay Tremblay Turpin Vallières St-Gelais Veilleux Ventura Vasquez Verreault Viau Allaire Barriault Beaulieu Blais Brodeur Brouillette Champagne Charbonneau Cote De Launière Dean Dion Gagne Gagné Grenier Jutras Latter Lavoie Légaré Lincourt Mayette Narvaez Linares Paulhus Richer Rousseau-Choquette Ruel Silletta Theriault Therrien Tremblay Vachon Vander Stelt Armaly Barbe-Gagne Beaulieu Beausoleil Biron Boisvert Brochu C.Forest Caron Caya Chabot Collin Cossette Delisle Desgagné Desjardins-Rocheleau Dessureault Dumais Gagnon Galarneau Gauthier Glaude Guillette Hebert-Cantin Kulyov Lafontaine Lamarre L’Artilleur Canadien Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil ASO WJ B GW S P A A JD MJP A Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Leclere Roy Lévesque Morin Boucher Morin-Noël Mountain Nadeau Ndayizigiye Ouellet-Poirier Perron Plante Poirier R M E SJJ EA JF M PJM JB AJ MJM Raymond Robitaille Roy Roy Santerre Savard Tremblay Trudel Valiquette Lavoie Beauregard 4th Air Defence Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery CO LCol T.J. Leigh CD RSM CWO J.C. Sénécal MMM, CD 4th Air Defence Regi$'%W\WKHWKLUG¿JKWLQJ ment, RCA (4 AD Regt) battery in 4 AD Regt was welcomed a new CO, re-established in July 13 LCol Terence Leigh and and will be next on the his wife, Janis, to the road to high readiness Regiment in June 13, (R2HR). 128 AD Bty culWDNLQJ RYHU IURP /&RO minated its R2HR trainDarrell Russel. Sadly, ing in Wainwright, AB on we also said goodbye to ([ 0$3/( 5(62/9( Bdr Luis Talaverra who 13, and again displayed passed away on 2 June 4 AD Regt’s effectiveand to OCdt Joshua ness in providing the air Bourgoin who passed on picture, airspace coordi7 July. nation and overall battle 68$6 GHW FRPSRVHG situational awareness, of Capt Chris Carter, Sgt this time in support of 1 0LNH 0D\ 0%GU )UDQCMBG. cis Boivin, Bdr Michael Lavoie and Gnr William 119 AD Battery Simoneau deployed on HCMS TORONTO to as119 AD Bty welcomed sist the Royal Canadian a new BC, Maj David SCAN EAGLE Launch during a Flight Event Navy by employing the Brassard from 5 RALC ScanEagle system durWKLV VXPPHU WDNLQJ RYHU ing Op ATHENA. The new RHQ Artillery Coordination Cell de- IURP&DSW1LJHO*URXWZKRZDVFRYHULQJIRU0DM1LFN5RE\ZKLOH SOR\HGWKLV\HDUIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHRQWKH-2,17(;&DQDGLDQ'LYL- he was deployed as a training observer to the Democratic Resion (Cdn Div) series of exercises, then Ex CAGE III in Ottawa in SXEOLFRI&RQJRRQ23&52&2',/(:KLOHLWZDV$'%W\ DQH[SHULPHQWDOH[HUFLVHGHYHORSLQJ&RDOLWLRQ$WWDFN*XLGDQFH who provided the detachment for the HMCS TORONTO, the rest ZLWKWKH8.DQG$XVWUDOLD7KLVFXOPLQDWHGLQWKH5+4GHSOR\- of the bty has been in reconstitution this year, and as such have LQJWRWKH8.RQ([$5&$'()86,21DQH[HUFLVHGHVLJQHGWR been focussed mainly on the assistance to the Regt in trainWHVW&GQ'LY¶VMRLQWFRPELQHGRSHUDWLRQVZLWKNH\DOOLHV ing. Most notably, they were charged to put together a Surveil- Canadian Gunner 35 of JOINTEX 4B and 4C. Immediately following JOINTEX the ASCC with BC 128 redeployed to Edmonton to participate in EX 81,),('5(62/9(D&$;GHVLJQHGWRWHVWWKH&0%*+4¶V planning abilities. The ASCC and BC 128 effectively coordinated airspace and notional air defence assets in preparation for WKHIROORZRQ¿HOGH[HUFLVHV(;3520(7+($15$0([35 which saw 128 AD Bty complete deploy to Wainwright in early $SULOWREHJLQWKH¿HOGSRUWLRQRI5+5'XULQJ([35WKH$6&& OLQNHGLQWKH$'$76ORZOHYHOUDGDUSLFWXUHZLWKWKH&DQDGLDQ$LU Defence System (CADS) in order to provide 1 CMBG HQ with an integrated air picture of the entire Area of Operations (AO). 7KH68$6PDQDJHGWRODXQFKDOPRVWHYHU\GD\SURYLGLQJLQWHOligence and video footage of enemy movement and activities. )ROORZLQJ([35$'%W\ZHQWKRPHIRUDWZRZHHNEUHDN EHIRUHUHWXUQLQJWR:DLQZULJKWIRU([0$3/(5(62/9(([ 05WKH¿QDOFRQ¿UPDWLRQRIWKH%GH¶VUHDGLQHVV([05 pushed Bty op tempo to a challenging pace and the ADATS deployed with the manoeuvre units to provide early warning. HQ & Svcs Battery Maj. R.A. Moore, BC 128 AD Bty, working hard at the end of MAPLE RESOLVE 1 lance and Target Acquisition Technician (STA Tech) course to instruct the junior NCMs on the technical aspects of the Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar (LCMR), Hostile Artillery Locating +$/2 DQG WKH 6PDOO 8QPDQQHG$HULDO 6\VWHP 68$6 DV well as instructing them on the duties of a STA technician in WKH&RPPDQG3RVW7KH\UDQQXPHURXVRWKHUFRXUVHVDVZHOO including LSVW (Light Support Vehicle Wheeled), AVAM (ArPRXUHG9HKLFOH$GPLQLVWUDWLYH0RYHPHQWDQG7/$97UDFNHG Light Armoured Vehicle) courses. +HDGTXDUWHUVDQG6HUYLFHV%DWWHU\+46YFV%W\DOVRZHOFRPHGLWVQHZ%DWWHU\&RPPDQGHU0DM&ULVWLDQ7D\ORUWDNLQJ RYHUIURP0DM(ULN'HQHDX$VLVQRUPDORYHUWKHFRXUVHRID \HDU+46YFV%W\KDVIDFLOLWDWHGDQXPEHURIGULYHUDQGFRPmunication courses for the Regt as well as provided support to almost every exercise. In January, an ATCIS course run by the Signals Tp started with the Basic Operator course, progressed LQWR WKH ,QWHUPHGLDWH WKHQ &3 &RPPXQLFDWRU DQG ¿QLVKHG LQ February with the Artillery Communicator course. This allowed \RXQJJXQQHUVWRDGYDQFHTXLFNO\IURPKDYLQJQRFRPPXQLFDWRUWUDLQLQJWREHLQJIXOO\TXDOL¿HG$UWLOOHU\&RPPXQLFDWRUV7KH many driver courses consisted of MSVS, AVAM, HLVW, and 1m Turret, enabling the capability of the Regt to move equipment DQG SHUVRQQHO ,Q ODWH 2FWREHU +4 6YFV %W\ GHSOR\HG LQWR WKH*DJHWRZQ7UDLQLQJ$UHD*7$RQLWVDQQXDO([6:$03< TRENCH, an exercise designed to test and develop the bty’s EDVLF VROGLHULQJ VNLOOV ZKLOH FRYHULQJ /HYHO %76 IRU VXSSRUW trades. The exercise consisted of conducting Repair and Recovery Requests (RRRs), deploying Remote Rebroadcast (RRB) stations, and providing logistic support both day and night and under contact. The exercise also served as the FTX portion RI WKH 6LJV '3 FRXUVH WKDW ZDV UXQ DV SDUW RI 5HJLPHQWDO school. 127 AD Battery RHQ 127 AD Bty was recently stood up under the command of Maj Brendan Insley, posted from the Royal Canadian Artillery School. 127 AD Bty started exercising in July with the deployment of DQ68$6)OLJKW&DPSLQ%OLVVYLOOHWRVXSSRUWWKH6XUYHLOODQFH Target, and Acquisition Troop Commander Course (STA TC), as ZHOODVSURYLGLQJÀLJKWWLPHIRUUHFHUWL¿FDWLRQRIRWKHUUHJLPHQtal personnel. Following this, 127 AD Bty leadership travelled to 3HWDZDZDLQODWH6HSWHPEHUWREHJLQWKHLU3'WUDLQLQJZLWKWKHLU DI¿OLDWHG%ULJDGH*URXS&0%*LQRUGHUWROHDUQKRZWKH%GH intends to operate and how the Bty can best support them during their upcoming R2HR. 128 AD Battery 128 AD Bty was this year’s high readiness bty and remained under the command of Maj Rory Moore. Beginning in January, 128 AD Bty deployed their Airspace Coordination Cell (ASCC) DQG DQ 68$6 7S PLQXV HTXLSPHQW WR (GPRQWRQ LV VXSSRUW In early November the Regiment deployed in its entirety to the *7$WRFRQGXFW([7(1(%5,66,/9$DQ,QGLYLGXDO%DWWOH7DVN Standard (IBTS) exercise. Each battery ran ranges (9mm, C7, C6, C9, grenade and gas hut) and/or a challenge, consisting RIQDYLJDWLRQRUGULYLQJVNLOOV+46YFV%W\ZRQWKHQDYLJDtion challenge and 127 Bty achieved the top spot on the Driving Challenge. While the days were dedicated to IBTS, soldiers were challenged in other capacities each evening; troops conducted dismounted recces, practiced night road moves both with and without night vision goggles (NVGs) and reviewed section level tactics and movement. 4 AD Regt has had another busy year of transformation from a pure Air Defence Regiment into a General Supporting Regiment providing support to each of the Reg Force Brigade GroupsHYHQVWDQGLQJXSDQHZEW\WRDFFRPSOLVKWKLVWDVN2XUIDPLO\ FRQWLQXHVWRJURZDVZHZHOFRPHQHZSHUVRQQHOLQWRRXUUDQNV DQGZHORRNIRUZDUGWRWKHFKDOOHQJHVRIWKHFRPLQJ\HDU 36 L’Artilleur Canadien Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Lt /W Lt Lt Lt Lt 2Lt 2Lt /W MWO MWO MWO MWO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr SF DYG BC RA CR %$& DD CJ AJD SP NZG GA NJ MAL ID GM PA BG SLA AD TR ED RD ,. JR 75 JM MJ CC JM MA BC -/ RJ GP RD PH CP JBD JL KR JAF SW DJL 6' JP DM BG BB KM DJRD RS S BG MM .' MD TJ JACT RTAJ JDJ WJ TS GD APR AJ 0& JD CA LR SF MG MD RD CGG SD H GS D SJW DG PD PJRW JJP 6'5 BP AA C BJ IR F BA AFG DA JL JJ RA RA Canadian Gunner Gallagher Brassard Insley Moore Taylor %URHVN\ Brown Carter Cogswell Duvall Feng George Grout Haines Haliburton Imperial Little Mullins Omari Poirier Robertson Robison Smith 9DQ'\NH Anderson 'UDNH Gargano Graham Patzer Rouleau Bernhardt Johnson 5LFNHWWV Keating Lees Miller Penney Armstrong Chevalier Furber Gardy Guillemette Hofman Knaggs .URHNHU Landry Legge Payne Plamondon Richards Sauvageau Seguin Thibault Young Allain %XUNH Butler Carnegie Champagne Curnew Deziel Hachey Hillier Hogan Hope Howlett -HQNLQV Logan Lohnes MacKinnon Malley May McNeil Mendes Nowell O'Brien Pelletier Roache Roberts Roy Sabados Sheehan Sova St-Hilaire :DONHU Willcott Babin Benoit Besaw Blaedow Boivin Burton Byrde Campbell Carter Corliss Desruisseau Gerrow MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr 37 TS DL .&- C SJ BT MN FJR AFM RR JFTD JPT DE DL KM GA BR NA JR 0 SR M LG EM A RJ TB SR JM KA PJ MJ DG JGJ MJG NTJ IW MJRY MY RC PR KGK TR P MA NL JJ JP JS KC %5- GK CD M CA RG DA SP RJ M 0: TJ SM NJ BS EW RJ DCA MO MJ CM SMM DS 5& JF YD A CFC CL AC 7 SE MJJM AGB JR WA LA PL TW SL MS G 96 BA AM MD JIL JSA Gervais Gibson *ULI¿Q Hale Hennessey Hoquet Hyatt Larocque LeBlanc Levesque Martineau McKenna McNeil O'Dell O'Donnell Persico Peters Randall Rattie 5HLFNHU Reynolds Rioux Sheppard Spital Thibodeau Whitten Wolfe Worsley Astles Asmar Bellows Blouin Bossé Bouchard Boucher Boudreau Boyle Breau Busque Chamberlain Coad Cordy Dooler Dumont Elliott Folz Galange Gallagher Grass Hartjes +RRN Kettle Lauder Lavoie Luther Lynch MacDonald MacDonald MacDonald MacKenzie 0DNHSHDFH Martin Massinen Matheson McDonnell McGee Megaw Miller Mills Moore Moses Munro Ouellet 3DUNLQ Payette Perree Pooran Prudhomme Saunders Shannon 6LHGOHFNL Staton Tremblay Trites Turgeon Van Norden Williston Ares Ballinger Bastarache Beaton Bernier-Mailhot %RW\XN Bradmore Brown Cantwell Carter Champagne *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr $- TM R KWJ SM TRJ A GR ,0 BRO BA LA ./ TAD %* ZDE MC P KJA SR X RJJB -0 MP SC MM DCA S DA WAP DA BLV &KXEDN Currie Dooley Duncan-Roth Duquette Eagles Faber Franche )UDQN George Hamilton Hanson +DUWZLFN Harway ,QNSHQ Johnston Jones Josiah King Kuhn Lauzon Lavoie /D\FRFN MacGowan Maertens Mailhot Marticotte Martin Matheson McAvoy McKelvey McMullen Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr SJJ MD KA JM AJ TA S BA CAS PLJ BJ GJE J 6$ MEA AQ RC WSD CJ JR PA MJP 1& JK BR DB G 1&)$ AG JD H Meloche Miller Milne Mioc Morin Morris Mitchell Naugler Noble Ouimette Parsons Perrault Plamondon-Roy 5RPDQFKRXN Roorda Rosales Seawright Simoneau Souster Sprague St. John Verdon 9LQN Viscount Walters Welsh Welton :HVWHODNHQ White Winter Wu The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School Cmdt LCol J.D.S. Masson CD The pace at the RCAS has been rapid once again this year. LCol Masson has led us through another successful year, and continued to give excellent guidance with the help of the RSM, CWO Beaudry. The instructors of 45 Battery and 67 Battery ZRUNHGWLUHOHVVO\WRSURGXFHQRQVWRSFRXUVHV7KHZRUOGFODVV instruction provided here gives candidates the best opportuniW\WRXVHWKHLUQHZVNLOOVDWWKHLUUHVSHFWLYH5HJLPHQWV:%W\ ZRUNHG QLJKW DQG GD\ VWUHWFKHG WR WKH PD[LPXP IRU SHUVRQnel, to support all courses with a gun line, mortars, STA, and 23V7KHUHDUHORWVRIPRYLQJSDUWVWKDWQHYHUVWRSEXWWKLVGLG QRW KLQGHU DQ\ 5&$6 VROGLHU IURP WDFNOLQJ SUREOHPV KHDGRQ As always, we at the School, learned from our experiences and continued to give our expertise in the world of gunnery. While FRQFXUUHQWO\EHLQJUHVSRQVLEOHIRU&2(WDVNVWKH5&$6UHPDLQVKLJKO\ÀH[LEOHDQGWKRURXJKO\LQYROYHGLQWKHFRQWLQXHG evolution of Gunnery through the challenges of the Individual Training Review, Bound 2, in order to continue to position the RSM CWO (Mr Gnr) R.J. Beaudry CD RCAS and the Artillery for continued success. We still help to produce the most vital thing for The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery: the Gunners who serve. 45 Depot Battery This year was another busy year for 45 Battery as the RCAS continued with a demanding Individual Training schedule. A total of 23 courses were conducted (12 x FSCC, 5 x AD, 3 x FAC, 1 x IG, and 1 x BC) with 237 students attending training and 220 graduating. In May 2013, 45 Battery restructured to now concenWUDWHVROHO\RQ)6&&$'DQG)$&VSHFL¿FWUDLQLQJ Major projects for the sub-sections included range developPHQWLQWKH&ROG/DNHWUDLQLQJDUHDIRU)$&XVHIXWXUH*%$' procurement, AD doctrine update, AD Offr/WO course development, ASCC Modernization (equipment, software and hardware XSJUDGHV23VWUHDPGHYHORSPHQWDQG,*$,*DVVLVWDQFHWR 38 L’Artilleur Canadien :%W\¿UHVLQVXSSRUWRI)22WUDLQLQJ 6KLOR3HWDZDZDDQG9DOFDUWLHUZLWKDVVLVWDQFHSURYLGHGE\WKH AD Cell to JOINTEX in Ottawa. The RCAS AD Cell remains the Army lead for Tactical Data InIRUPDWLRQ/LQN7',/FRXUVHV7',/DQG2QWKHPRG HUQEDWWOH¿HOGWKHUHLVDYDVWDPRXQWRIGLJLWDOLQIRUPDWLRQEHLQJ transmitted between platforms in the air, sea or on the ground. 7',/ FRPELQHV WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ LQWR RQH VHDPOHVV ÀXLG UHDO WLPH SLFWXUH WR DOORZ FRPPDQGHUV WR PDNH WLPHO\ LQIRUPHG decisions based upon the most up-to-date intelligence and to maintain situational awareness. This information if collected, correlated, and disseminated effectively will allow commanders to conduct time sensitive targeting to most effectively use weapons effects on target. TDIL requirements are by their nature a joint issue, and understanding this concept is critical to future operational successes. A small core of highly trained and specialized soldiers now exist LQ HDFK &) HOHPHQW DQG WKHLU VNLOOV DQG NQRZOHGJH DUH EHLQJ Advertising with The Royal Regiment harnessed to train new soldiers. The RCAS has embraced this Joint Tri-Service training and is currently running two courses, TDL 100 and TDL 200, to train future soldiers in TDIL operations. The role of the FAC is critical in order to provide Close Air Support (CAS) and mitigate incidents of fratricide. The FAC Cell ZRUNHG KDUG WR HQVXUH WKDW DOO WKUHH )$& FRXUVHV ZHUH RI WKH KLJKHVWFDOLEUHLQRUGHUWRVHQGEDFNTXDOL¿HGFDSDEOH)$&VWR their respective Regiments. The RCAS FAC Cell is responsible for delivering FAC Individual Training for the CAF. Two serials of the Basic FAC Course and one serial of the Supervisory FAC Course are delivered annually. Candidates for the FAC Course are being drawn predominantly from Observer Batteries, as well DV$LU:HDSRQV&RQWUROOHUVDQG)LJKWHU3LORWVIURPWKH5&$) The FSCC Cell has focused its main effort on producing qualLW\)RUZDUG2EVHUYDWLRQ2I¿FHUV2EVHUYDWLRQ3RVW'HWDFKPHQW &RPPDQGHUVDQGWKH)6&&2I¿FHUVDQG:2V,QDGGLWLRQWKH\ DUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKH%DWWHU\&RPPDQGHU¶V&RXUVHIRU3ULPD U\5HVHUYH2I¿FHUV 0DM'HUHN&UDEEHOHIWWKH5&$6LV1RYHPEHULQRUGHUWRRE WDLQ KLV VHFRQG ODQJXDJH SUR¿OH DQG &DSW -XVWLQ )ODQGHUV DV sumed command of the Battery. The BSM, MWO J. Reid, retired in September after 37 years of service and was replaced by MWO M. Hartery. This year two members of 45 Battery were SURPRWHGWRWKHUDQNRI0DMRU0DMV1:LOOLDPVDQG-:LWPHU 86H[FKDQJHZHUHSURPRWHGLQ0D\ 67 Depot Battery The Battery had a productive year assiduously training \RXQJRI¿FHUVDVZHOODVFRQGXFWLQJPXOWLSOHDGYDQFHGFRXUVHV in support of The Royal Regiment. The Battery also saw a reorganization of its structure with 45 Bty’s STA Cell joining the %DWWHU\:LWKWKLVDGGLWLRQ%DWWHU\ZHQWEDFNWRLWVURRWVDQG renamed itself 67 Battery and drew from the original WW1 era crest to create a new 67 Battery crest. The Battery also renamed the cells and created three troops: A Troop – Field, B Troop – 67$DQG&7URRS±'31&0 Publicité avec le Régiment royal The Quadrant’s audience is found across Canada, from the Atlantic all the way to the Pacific (and everywhere in between), which lends to great exposure for advertisers. We offer competitive rates, which can be seen below. When you agree to advertise with us, your ad will be seen in two issues of The Quadrant and in the yearly publication of The Canadian Gunner (format – glossy print). As well, both publications are available online at: On trouve des lecteurs du bulletin Le Quadrant partout au Canada, d’un océan à l’autre (et partout entre ces océans), ce qui donne une grande visibilité aux annonceurs. Nous offrons des tarifs compétitifs (voir ci-dessous). Lorsque vous acceptez de publier une annonce avec nous, elle sera vue dans les deux publications du bulletin Le Quadrant et dans la publication annuelle de l’Artilleur canadien (format – épreuve glacée). De plus, les deux publications sont accessibles en ligne au :, and et au, Si respectively. If you are interested, please send us an email at: vous souhaitez publier une annonce avec le Régiment royal, envoyez-nous un courriel à l’adresse [email protected]. [email protected]. Yearly advertising rates are as follows: Full page - $1000; ¾ page - $800; ½ page - $600; ¼ page - $400; and 1/8 page - $200 Canadian Gunner Les tarifs de publicité sont les suivants : Pleine page – 1000 $; ¾ de page – 800 $; ½ de page - 600 $; ¼ de page - 400 $; 1/8 de page – 200 $ 39 67 Battery, B Troop Cmdt oversees the signing of the scrolls for the Change of Command of W Battery from Maj T. Spears to Maj J. Chetwynd. 67 Battery, A Troop ,WLVDQXQGHUVWDWHPHQWWRVD\ZRUNLQJZLWKLQ%DWWHU\RIWKH RCAS is anything but challenging. With another busy fall schedule upon the Battery, here is but a glimpse of what B Troop has accomplished to date. With the mission of delivering, sustaining, and evaluating individual training for the Field Regiments, there were several FRXUVHVWKDWWRRNSODFHZLWKLQ%DWWHU\7KHVHFRXUVHVLQFOXGed the STA Troop Commanders Course, producing innovative quality leaders ready to go forth and lead the new generation of Gunners and the STA Technical Supervisor Course with a mix of ERWK6JWVDQG0%GUV7KLVFRXUVHTXDOL¿HGQLQHVROGLHUVIRUWKH GHPDQGLQJFKDOOHQJHRIZRUNLQJZLWKLQD67$&&HQYLURQPHQW AIGs from the STA Troop will be involved with the upcomLQJWUDLQLQJRQWKHQHZ0LQL8QPDQQHG$HULDO6\VWHP08$6 project. Once the train-the-trainer is complete, these instructors ZLOOWKHQWUDLQWKHYDULRXV,QIDQWU\DQG$UPRXUHGXQLWVRIWKH¿HOG IRUFH7KHZRUNORDGFRQWLQXHVWRSLOHXSSDUWLFXODUO\LQWKHIRUP of advising on doctrine and creating and revising STA publications. It is a team effort to produce the best results for the soldiers who attend STA training at the RCAS. This year 67 Battery ran gunline courses such as Artillery Of¿FHU'3'31&0WKH*XQ$UHD760¶V&RXUVHWKH 67 Battery, C Troop Gun Area Technical Supervisor’s Course, the Battery Sergeant Major’s Course, and the AIG Course. Throughout the busy temThe newly created C Troop branched off of A Troop in Seppo, 67 Battery was still able to provide IG and AIG assistance LQ 6KLOR 3HWDZDZD DQG 9DOFDUWLHU ZKLOH QHYHU IDOWHULQJ LQ WKH WHPEHU7KLV7URRS¶VWDVNLVWRWHDFK'31&0FRXUVHV whenever the need arises. This troop is a temporary Troop, delivery of training at the RCAS. 8QLTXHWRWKLV\HDU%DWWHU\UDQWKUHHFRQFXUUHQWVHULDOVRI meaning that it is only activated when there is a need to teach WKH$UWLOOHU\2I¿FHU'3&RXUVHRQH5HJXODU)RUFHFRXUVH '3 1&0 FRXUVHV WKH UHVW RI WKH WLPH WKH SHUVRQQHO IRUPone Reserve Force course, and one combined Reserve and ing this Troop remain in W Bty and help support other national 5HJXODU)RUFHFRXUVHWKDWZDVGRQHHQWLUHO\LQ)UHQFKWKDQNV FRXUVHVZLWKWKHLUH[SHUWLVH&7URRSUDQIRXU'31&0&RXUVes this year. to the coordination and support IURP 5$/& '3 ZDV UXQ W Battery in the fall. This created its own set of unique challenges for the Replete with international exstudents and was an eye openFKDQJHVFRQVWDQW¿HOGGHSOR\er for some as they had to deal ments, exciting training opportuwith inclement and cold weather nities, and the 60th anniversary IRUSRWHQWLDOO\WKH¿UVWWLPH7KLV of our beloved Captain-Generallowed the staff to assess stual’s reign, it is without surprise dents on how they reacted to that 2013 was a banner year challenging exercises, coupled for W Battery. Ever professional with dealing with all issues that and dedicated to excellence in can appear once inclement Gunnery, W Battery members weather enters the mix. loyally supported the RCAS to One major difference befacilitate the vital Artillery IndiWZHHQ WKH '3 DQG '3 vidual Training requirements of FRXUVHLVWKDWWKH'3FRXUVH the CAF. FRQGXFWHGOLYHPXOWLEDWWHU\¿UH The Command Team at W planning. In order to accom:%W\VROGLHUVWU\WRNHHSIURPÀRDWLQJDZD\DVWKH\EDWWOHWKH Battery witnessed the transiplish this, 67 Battery liaised with elements tion of both the BC and BSM, the Advance Training Battery as Maj J.T. Spears and Maj JaDQGWKH'3VWXGHQWVZHUHLQ WKHFRPPDQGSRVWDVWKLV\HDU¶VVWXGHQW,*VVHW¿UHSODQV7KH son Chetwynd conducted a Change of Command ceremony on Batteries that participated in this exercise were 1st Field Battery the 7th of July, closely followed by the change of appointment IURP+DOLID[DQGUG)LHOG%DWWHU\IURP6DLQW-RKQ7KH'3 between MWO Michael Hartery with WO Dennis Goodland on &RXUVH DQG '3 1&0 &RXUVH ERWK JUDGXDWHG RQ WKH WK RI WKHWKRI6HSWHPEHU0DM6SHDUVLVFXUUHQWO\GHSOR\HGRQ23 JADE, while MWO Hartery is the current BSM of 45 Battery. December 2013. &DSW1.DHPSIIHUGHSOR\HGZLWK7)DVSDUWRI23$7The Battery had a change of command in July and Major O. Wing handed over command to Maj N. Williams. There was also TENTION Rotation 3, employed as the Specialized Cells Advia change over of BSMs, MWO J. Moore moved on to the Ad- VRUZLWKLQWKH2I¿FHU7UDLQLQJ%ULJDGHDQHOHPHQWRIWKH.DEXO vanced Training Battery and MWO J. Henry became the new 0LOLWDU\7UDLQLQJ&HQWUH:RUNLQJZLWKWKH$IJKDQ1DWLRQDO$UP\ to further enhance their capabilities, he was proud to observe his BSM of 67 Battery in August. 40 L’Artilleur Canadien lowed by the BC’s Course. In May 2014, Advanced Training 7URRSORRNVIRUZDUGWRJUDGXDWLQJLWV¿UVWFDGUHRI,*VDQG$,*V Headquarters Battery BC W presents 45C the BC's Award for Top Detachment Afghan counterparts transition to fully independent operations. 1LQHPHPEHUVRI:%DWWHU\ZHUHIRUWXQDWHWRZRUNZLWKIHOORZ Commonwealth Gunners of 163 Battery as part of the Canada/ 1HZ =HDODQG ([FKDQJH &$1=(; SURJUDP /W 7\OHU 7XUQHU and Sgt Stephen Ker led the RCAS contingent. The soldiers ZHUHVSOLWEHWZHHQVL[JXQGHWDFKPHQWVWKH23DQGWKH5HFFH SDUW\$IWHUIDPLOLDUL]LQJWKHPVHOYHVZLWK1HZ=HDODQG'HIHQFH )RUFH1=')HTXLSPHQWLQFOXGLQJWKH/PPKRZLW]HU %DWWHU\SHUVRQQHOVXSSRUWHGERWK1=')FRXUVHVDQGDEULJDGH H[HUFLVHGXULQJWZR¿HOGGHSOR\PHQWV,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHH[FLWHment of dynamic training, Battery members managed to enjoy WKH WRXULVWLF HOHPHQWV RI 1HZ =HDODQG DQG SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ D VRPEUH$1=$&'D\FHUHPRQ\DNLQWR5HPHPEUDQFH'D\$Q XQIRUJHWWDEOH H[SHULHQFH IRU DOO LQYROYHG &$1=(; SURYHG DQ outstanding opportunity to strengthen ties between Gunners of common lineage. Throughout the year, the guns of the Battery rarely fell silent, due to the demands for support required for a plethora of NationDO&DOHQGDUFRXUVHVLQFOXGLQJ'3'3*$76*$760 ,*$,* )22 )6&& '3 $UW\PQ '3 ,QI '3 $UPU Sniper Det Comd, CTCC, STA TC, STA Tech Supervisor, and the %&¶V&RXUVH7KH%DWWHU\FRQGXFWHGDQLPSUHVVLYH0¿UHSRZHUGHPRQVWUDWLRQIRUWKH&'6DVSDUWRIWKH&7&&$LUVLFNness brought some levity to the gunline as pilots of 403 Sqn put *XQQHUVWKURXJKVRPHQDSRIWKHHDUWKÀ\LQJZKHQ:%DWWHU\ FRQGXFWHGDMRLQWWUDLQLQJH[HUFLVHWRIDFLOLWDWH$LU23GULOOV$OOLQ all, 2013 was yet another outstanding year to be a Gunner, as W Battery strived to support the RCAS and The Royal Regiment of &DQDGLDQ$UWLOOHU\ZLWKRQWLPHRQWDUJHW¿UHSRZHU Advanced Training Troop In May 2013 Advanced Training Troop stood up at the RCAS with the purpose of conducting the majority of senior and advanced courses for the Artillery. Maj O. Wing assumed the position as OC with MWO J. Moore as the Sergeant Major. Immediately after standing up as a Troop, the focus was directed toward the Instructor-in-Gunnery and Assistant ,QVWUXFWRULQ*XQQHU\FRXUVHVWKDWNLFNHGRIIVLPXOWDQHRXVO\LQ -XO\:LWKDEURDGIRFXVRIWHDFKLQJ2I¿FHUVDQG6HQLRU1&2V LQ*XQ/LQH67$DQG23VWUHDPVWKH7URRSKDVEHHQQRQVWRS ZLWKWUDLQLQJLQERWKJDUULVRQDQGWKH¿HOG7URRSPHPEHUVKDYH GHSOR\HGWR9DOFDUWLHUWRVXSSRUWD¿HOGH[HUFLVHDVZHOODVFRQducted a joint exercise with Reserve units in order to practice 5HJLPHQWOHYHO¿UHSODQQLQJ8SRQUHWXUQIURP&KULVWPDVOHDYH the Troop will immediately launch into the FECCO Course fol- Canadian Gunner 41 $IWHU D ZHOO GHVHUYHG &KULVWPDV EORFN OHDYH +HDGTXDUWHUV Battery made some changes atop its mountain in the spring of 2013. We said goodbye to Maj Doug Degaust and hello to Maj -3KLOOLSVGXULQJD&KDQJHRI&RPPDQGLQ0DUFK0DM'HJDXVW has left us in very capable hands as he moves to a new adYHQWXUHRQ23-$'(:HDOVRZHOFRPHGPDQ\QHZPHPEHUV LQWRVRPHNH\SRVLWLRQV'&PGW0DM($QGUHVHQ&,*0DM( 'HQHDX'600:271HLO$GMW&DSW/-DFNVRQDQG2SV2 Capt B. Kelly. The members of Headquarters Battery, in conjunction with the RCAS, were closely involved with the Children’s Wish Foundation this spring. We helped to raise over $10,000 in a very sucFHVVIXO HIIRUW WR JUDQW 6JW . %XUNH¶V VRQ +XQWHU D ³WULS RI D lifetime” with Disney Cruise Lines. The RCAS team alone raised enough for Hunter’s wish. The rest of the money was donated within the 5 CDSB Gagetown community; used to help grant another child’s wish. 8QGHUWKHJUHDWRUJDQL]DWLRQVNLOOVRI&DSW0LFKHOOH7UDQTXLOOD Headquarters Battery once again led the RCAS in Relay for Life fundraising. We raised over 5000 dollars for this great cause. Capt Tranquilla would be later recognized by the Commander of 5 CDSB Gagetown when she received his Commander’s Coin for her efforts. ,Q NHHSLQJ ZLWK WKH WUDGLWLRQ RI IXQGUDLVLQJ LQ VXSSRUW RI WKH 8QLWHG:D\WKH%DWWHU\ZDVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHFRRUGLQDWLRQRI this years RCAS fundraising campaign. It was a spectacularly successful campaign with over $14,000 raised. This was more than a 200% increase from the previous year. It was with great sadness this year that Headquarters Battery said goodbye to one of our own, with the passing of WO Andrew Glenn Johnson on the 7th of July. His funeral on the 11th of July was attended by the RCAS. He was a great leader for 31 years within our family, and will be deeply missed by all those ZKR NQHZ KLP RYHU KLV FDUHHU$QGUHZ HQG RI PLVVLRQ JRRG shooting. The various sections of the Battery continued to provide vital and unwavering support to the RCAS. Standards ensured that FRXUVHV ZHUH UXQ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH 7UDLQLQJ 3ODQV DQG participated in many boards to continue to develop Individual Training. The Orderly Room provided steadfast service to students and School personnel, and Ops and Training continued WRGHDOZLWKWKHFRQVWDQWO\ÀXLGHQYLURQPHQWWKDWHQFRPSDVVHV coordination to ensure training can function without delay. As the fall season progressed into winter, the members of the Battery completed yet another IBTS cycle. We move once again into the Christmas period to rest, recoup and be with friends and family. With spring will come new challenges for us as we begin supporting a new series of writing boards aimed at improving training and standards for some of the many vital courses offered at the RCAS. Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt /W Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt /W 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt /W 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt /W 2Lt /W /W 2Lt 2&GW OCdt OCdt OCdt OCdt MWO ER JAC DR EDD JA NJ OM S MJ --% PR WB JLA NIB JMG PJ JD MJC NRD LJA SL JD TJH J MJG MG DLG 0$ JJH N AGH /0 E BHK JPK PD MJSL GENY MLM ( CD SRP PFXP $: BE CR LCS 1< RPT MC KJ SD P D GK SMK JK KAM J R 5 TP IJA AMB N MJD MD DWE AKJG A B BJ APCJL MLC LJ 0/ EM JLM JRM AMM FMB BMN .02 TJ SCP TSP VR -5 C &6 53: TJHW -.' TFE NKK MO PAWS A Andresen Chetwynd Crabbe Deneau Phillips Williams Wing Witmer Astalos %DQNV Beaudin Bossence Bouchard Boudreau Calnan Carew Cober Conley Day Doucet Evans Flanders Geilen Gendronhoule Gerbrandt Grant Guymer +LVFRFN Hobson Holleran Holt -DFNVRQ Kaempffer Kelly Knox Lanouette Lavallee Leclerc-Desjardins Macneill 0LURVQLNRY Osborne Paish Preaux 3U\PDFN Ritchie Saulnier Schutte 6NLGPRUH Telfer Tranquilla Woodill Youngson Fortin Kapa Kelly Keoghan Koh Montgomery Montminy Salovaara 6WLFNODQG Turner Allain Bernhardt Carey Dean Doull Enns Garton Hovey Iverson Johnson Lacombe Lavine Lee /HQFKXN Mcdonald Mcgregor Morrell Morris Mushagalusa Birindwa Neal 2 URXUNH Pugh Puillarde Puusa Pynn 5LFNHWWV Sao Miguel 6NHOVH\ :DONHU Wilson 'XQNV Everett Kawamura O'reilly Sebert Hartery MWO MWO MWO MWO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 42 RAH W TKN RW A CA L SA M JA EK BD JJCP DTB PA SKB T TA JPC DDC -6 J DA E NKC EPC BMA MLD RM LS W AMJ RWF JAM DAG AL TE RF TDK -. RCAS DA BAL RL JF RS FR NR MH .* J DMJ DJP GG CJ DL JH $' AS LS J JM JAT R CSG 6'5 GR LJ TS JA RAGB M JW EDD I JY P JJS J TR JD PC RLME R JMF MG PG ANG MD '- JBK E JS CA J RACO JFGF NT Henry Moore Neill Smith Alexander Angers Attrux Attrux Aucoin Babineau Barnes Beach Benard Berube Brown Bushey Butts Cameron Caron Chater &ODUNH Cloutier Colbourne Comeau Coxworthy Craig Dowe Dupont Fiander Flynn Flynn Fortin Fraser Gingras Goodland Graham Hale Jofre Kidson .LUN Lahaye Larade Larocque Larocque Latulippe Lilly Martin Martin Mcgarrigle 0FNLQQRQ Morrell Munro Penney Pinard Porter Robichaud Short 6LPSNLQV Smith St-Laurent Storey Strohm omlinson Turner Virgoe :DONHU Weagle Williams Zaremba Aucoin Bazinet Beamish Beaver Bedard Belanger Belval Boland Boudreau Bromley Cameron Conway Embrett Evans Evans Flynn Gagne Goyer Gunton Harnish -HQNLQV Kelloway Ker Lacoste Lohnes Martin Oneil Prevost Shaw L’Artilleur Canadien Sgt Sgt Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr JP A JC M M NAF P J AA E M E DM JEKM CA SN IM CA GE MJ E P A JJ M &) CB KP KD TM MCB CL CJ EAG R AC M -':7 AKL BB J IG EJ JH JJ WD R 5-- N O A GA AK C 3 JKCN D B V W SR A JM MP B E J Canadian Gunner Szilbereisz Walton Williams Boucher Davidson Fader Giberson Goguen Holm Hoquet Hosford Huntington Mccarthy Michaud Neves Normand Pitman Price Rich Robinson Sampson Scott Van Rooyen Wentzell Wilson $FNHU Bowe Branch Brown Burgie Burrows Byrne Calderon-Arroyo Cere-Burns Chasse Chatterton Colburne 'HPLFN Diggs Duchesne-Tanguay Ferguson Gallant Halley Harnum Harvey Hawe Holowaty -DFNVRQ Kean Lavoie Lawrence Lemay Lord Magee 0FFORVNH\ Northrup Petten Pitman Ramnarine Reese Rousselle Salema See Shave Thomas Thurston Tsagouris Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr 43 R J JPV JFG J CBMA 6% TB A BJL L H GJB KB SB JC WJD JD RD KDR D DF 0) JMG AJG MG SWH KH JRDH TJ $ ZJ MJ PJ MAL DL PMM SM DM L SM GAM HA TAM JA DT & JRR ADEP A NDR MR TWR K C CJS DBT WWJJ JHV 1&9 BW GAW DOW JDW 5 R Vardy Veldhuizen Velleux Warren Zaporzan Arsenault %DNHU Ballinger Beers Blanchet Boily Boivin-Hogue Bredeweg Brett Brown Copoc Daigneault Davey Dooley Duncan-Roth Foley Foster )UDQN Genereux Gray Guinet Haight Handley Handley Hillier +XQWLQJKDZN%UDQVRQ Johnston Jones Josiah Linaric Lindegaard Macdonald Martin Matheson Miller Mitchell Moore Morency Morris Murray Musgrave 3DUNLQ Peddle Proud Rasuev Rempel Roorda Rosman Slade Smith Souster Tran Vallerand Vienneau 9LQN Walters Welten Williams Winter <RUN Zoghaib 5HFRJQLWLRQ$ZDUGV 3UL[HWUHFRQQDLVVDQFH THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF CANADIAN ARTILLERY / LE RÉGIMENT ROYAL DE L’ARTILLERIE CANADIENNE RECOGNITION & AWARDS / PRIX ET RECONNAISSANCE 2013 Order Order of of Military Military Merit Merit // L’Ordre du mérite militaire (Officer) /¶2UGUHGXPpULWHPLOLWDLUH2I¿FHU O.M.M. O.M.M. Order Order of of Military Military Merit Merit // L’Ordre du mérite militaire L’Ordre du mérite militaire (Member) (Member) M.M.M. M.M.M. Col Col S.C. S.C. Hetherington Hetherington Col Col M.N. M.N. Rouleau Rouleau Maj Smid Maj R.D. R.D. Smid CWO P.D. Elliott &:23'(OOLRWW CWO J.P.J.C. Sénécal &:2-3-&6pQpFDO Meritorious Meritorious Service Service Cross Cross // La La Croix Croix du du service service méritoire méritoire M.S.C. M.S.C. Meritorious Meritorious Service Service Medal Medal // La La Médaille Médaille du du service service méritoire méritoire M.S.M. M.S.M. LGen Beare LGen S.A. Beare Col Dame Col G.F. G.F. Dame LCol S.J. Hunter LCol Hunter CWO C.P. Rusk &:2&35XVN CDS CDS Commendation Commendation // Mention Mention élogieuse élogieuse CEMD CEMD Col Col Comdt Comdt Commendation Commendation // Mention Mention élogieuse élogieuse du du Col Col Comdt Comdt LCol S.J. Hunter LCol Hunter LCol J.R.M. J.R.M. McNicoll LCol McNicoll Maj C.D. Comeau Maj C.D. Comeau Maj C.S. C.S. Sines Maj Sines &:2-3-&6pQpFDO CWO J.P.J.C. Sénécal Maj Maj M. M. Coulombe Coulombe Maj R.G. Hart Maj Hart Capt C.J. Barth Capt Barth MWO C.L. Gibson MWO Gibson 0U30DF/HDQ Mr. P. MacLean &RO&RPGW&HUWL¿FDWHRI$SSUHFLDWLRQ Col Comdt Certificate of Appreciation / &HUWL¿FDWGH0pULWHGX&RO&RPGW Certifi cat de Mérite du Col Comdt 0:20U*QU--0DF3KHUVRQ MWO (Mr Gnr) J.J. MacPherson 7KH*HRUJH%ODFNEXUQ0HPRULDO%XUVDU\ The George Blackburn Memorial Bursary / /HERXUVHVFRPPHPRUDWLYHV*HRUJH%ODFNEXUQ Le bourses commemoratives George Blackburn The Captain Captain General’s General’s Diamond Diamond Jubilee Jubilee Bursary Bursary // The Bourse du Jubilé de diamante du capitaine-général Bourse du Jubilé de diamante du capitaine-général Spencer Andre Andre Tanguay Spencer Tanguay James Bligh James Bligh 6R¿D%DUUHUD+HUQDQGH] Sofia Barrera-Hernandez 44 Jean-Francois Bellemare-Caron Bellemare-Caron Jean-Francois Carol Gibson Carol Gibson Cassandra Hartery Cassandra Hartery Melinda Kelly Melinda Kelly Isabelle Meade Isabelle Meade Charlotte Nauss Charlotte Nauss 5DFKHO3RVSROLWD Rachel Pospolita Dorothée Sévigny Dorothée Sévigny L’Artilleur Canadien EXCLUSIVE OFFER The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Officer's swords are manufactured by the experienced craftsmen of Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Cie (WKC) using traditional European methods. Recently redesigned, the blade now bears the official RCA etching pattern. This sword is available for purchase from the RCA Kitshop ( or through our website ( For a limited time, order online and personalize your sword with custom laser engraving (one location only) at no charge. Enter promo code GUNNER when completing your order at Offer expires April 30, 2014. Coming Soon: Miniature replica Artillery Officer's sword with official RCA pattern, display stand included. Contact the RCA Kitshop for more information and to pre-order. Quality products. Quality service. *Actual item may differ slightly. 10#PY4UJUUTWJMMF0/,4"t5FM t'BY Canadian Gunner 45 1st (Halifax-Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO LCol L.S. Gallant CD RSM CWO B.W. Gittens MMM, CD Honorary Colonel HCol R.G.C. Sobey Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol W.C. Doty, CD 84th Independent Field Battery Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol C.D. Crosby In 2013, 1st (Halifaxwhich allow us train with Dartmouth) Field Artilour American allies, conlery Regiment, RCA continually prove to be a retinued to build upon its sounding success and a strengths and continued great opportunity. The SURJUHVV ¿HOGLQJ DQ HIwinter training calenfective force capable of dar concluded with the supporting domestic opRegiment conducting erations and augmenting ([ 67((/ 7+81'(5 expeditionary operations. WKH &RPPDQGLQJ 2I¿The regiment draws on cers gunnery competition both 51 and 84 batteries where detachments are WRFRQGXFW¿HOGH[HUFLVHV put through a series of run courses and support JXQQHU\ UHODWHG WDVNV D the Regular Force in all detachment from 84 Batits capabilities. A vigorWHU\WRRNKRPHWKHWURSK\ RXV VHQVH RI WHDPZRUN for 2013. and warrior spirit is alive Spring of 2013 saw a and well in the Regiment. shift from collective trainThe winter of 2013 saw %GU0XUSK\¿UHVGXULQJWKH5R\DO$UWLOOHU\&RUSV2SHUDWLRQDO6KRRWLQJ&RP- ing to focus on individual the Regiment supporting petition, Pirbright UK VROGLHU VNLOOV FXOPLQDWLQJ the 36 Canadian Brigade with Ex STEEL TRACER Group’s Territorial Battle conducted at 5 Cdn Div *URXS 7%* DV LW FRQGXFWHG ([ 6287+%281' 75223(5 Support Base Gagetown which saw the accomplishment of a DFROOHFWLYHWUDLQLQJH[HUFLVHFRQGXFWHGDW)RUW3LFNHWW9LUJLQLD small arms range and a regimental Battle Fitness Test led by the The Regiment was able to support the Commander by send- &2DQG560,QFOXGHGLQWKHZHHNHQGZDVDJDWKHULQJZKHUH ing two FOO teams and a FSCC. These types of exercises, DOOPHPEHUVZHUHDEOHWRNLFNEDFNDQGHQMR\HDFKRWKHU¶VFRP- 46 L’Artilleur Canadien Capt Stephen Misner calls in close air support onto enemy positions during Ex SHOUTHBOUND TROOPER pany. As spring progressed to summer many members were WDVNHGDZD\WRWKH5R\DO&DQDGLDQ$UWLOOHU\6FKRRORURQHRIWKH many courses that our Regiment was able to support or attend. $QRWDEOHPHQWLRQZDVWKH'3DUWLOOHU\PDQFRXUVHGXULQJWKH month of August run by 5 Cdn Div Support Base Gagetown. This course saw a rigorous schedule perfectly executed by the trainLQJVWDIIDQGFXOPLQDWHGLQDGD\¿HOGH[HUFLVHZKLFKWHVWHG WKHVROGLHU¶VNQRZOHGJHDQGVNLOOVWKHPD[LPXPGHJUHHDWRWDO of 22 gunners earned their cap badge at the end of this course. :LWKWURRSVUHWXUQLQJIURPVXPPHUWDVNLQJVDQGWUDLQLQJWKH IDOOFDOHQGDUZDVIDVWDQGIXULRXVWKUHHOLYH¿UHJXQQHU\H[HUcises and two dry exercises in support of Bde collective training. ([ 6:,)7 7+81'(5 FRQGXFWHG DW &GQ 'LY 6XSSRUW %DVH *DJHWRZQIRFXVHGRQJHQHUDOJXQQHU\VNLOOVRI¿UHDQGPRYHPHQW:LWKWKHHDUOLHUµVKDNHRXW¶H[HUFLVHFRPSOHWHWKH5HJLPHQWVKLIWHGDUFVDQGFRQGXFWHG([6+(//%856761,3(5D ¿UHSODQQLQJDQGORFDOGHIHQFHH[HUFLVHZKLFKVDZDOORI¿FHUV and troops pushed to their limits. Ex STEEL TITAN was the Bde FTX where the guns were dug in and the batteries sent two FOO parties out supporting a dismounted infantry company and a light armoured reconnaissance squadron. In the concluding training event, the Regiment was able to support the RCAS InstructorLQ*XQQHU\FRXUVHLQWKH5HJLPHQWDO¿UHSODQQLQJH[HUFLVHDQ H[FHOOHQWRSSRUWXQLW\WRVKDUSHQWKH&3DQGJXQOLQHVNLOOV A number of command appointments changed this year. Capt Duncan Neish assumed command of 51 Battery from Major David Boudreau on 24 September. As well Capt Joseph Dulong DVVXPHGFRPPDQGRI%DWWHU\IURP0DMRU5LFN&RPHDXRQ 2FWREHU 7KH 5HJLPHQWDO SDFH VWLFN FKDQJHG KDQGV DV Field Regiment, RCA welcomed CWO Brent Gittens as the new 5HJLPHQWDO6HUJHDQW0DMRUWDNLQJRYHUIURP&:25REHUW/Hlievre on 30 April. As 2013 was the year of our Captain Generals’ Diamond Jubilee the following members were selected as worthy recipients of her medal: LCol S Gallant, CWO R Lelievre, Capt S Misner, Capt D Neish, Sgt B Deveau and Sgt T Ferguson. Sgt A GrimPHUZDVDZDUGHGKLV¿UVWFODVSRQKLV&'ZKLOH&DSW'1HLVK was awarded his CD. As the 2013 year draws to a close, the Regiment can be proud RILWVPDQ\DFFRPSOLVKPHQWVDQGORRNVIRUZDUGWRVHUYLQJDQG supporting 36 Canadian Brigade, 5 Canadian Division and the Canadian Army in the upcoming year. *XQQHUV¿ULQJRQ([HUFLVH67((/75$&(5 Maj Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt Lt 2Lt GP GD JJ DL MV DV DA SD MW KJ L DEM Canadian Gunner Hatcher Gallant Goetz Boudreau Roesler Tibbel Neish Misner Konecny Crawshaw Han Goguen OCDT OCDT WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt MBdr 47 RV BA PJ DJ AK GJ BJ TR JM WD AK DSF Westhaver Sidney Thibault Lloy Grimmer Oliver Deveau Ferguson Henneberry Grimshire Grimmer Hopey MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr T TM MM AM TC RD CE KJN DSM SLD 6- SM MJB MT OB EM JA AR KR AM GA JM JFP Hoang Lee Khezri Cherubini Garrison Pepler Buchanan Law Harrie Mcgrath %UDNH Khezri Byron Fraser Johnson Owen Sampson Francis Barr Lardhi Langford Thibodeau Bayer Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr RP ZFJ KJ JJR -5 CJ SM IDD MAM JM 7$ MC SP CA AM MB DW 6' SN TD JA RM CK Sangster Ladouceur Mcintyre Comeau 0DFFRUPLFN Stubbert Carter Chapman Leblanc Gomezday %ODFN Sevigny Curry Rees Lorimercarlin Bishop Carter 1D]YHVN\ Lloyd Lawlor Macleod Lunn Moore Capt Capt Lt 2Lt :2 WO Sgt Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr CG JP ALP R '6 DL RHD SBA CJP CL EJ MER JG EJ HD JD DL TJ Young Dulong Maynard Maccabe &ODUNH Meuse Pitman Davis Deveau Hunt Armshaw Winters Boudreau Armshaw Fougere Smith Lombard Deon Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr ACL TA CB JRJS RC SR RJ AL RJ RK NJ LTA CS -/ DM GFT JE BA Doelle Thurber Doucette Bean Jeddry Proulx Axworthy Maclean Blinn Muise Murphy Churchill Hunt :DWNLQV Fitzgerald Doelle Tufts Comeau The Royal Canadian Artillery Heritage Campaign La Campagne du Fonds du patrimoine de l’Artillerie royale canadienne One goal of the Campaign is the establishment of an endowment which will permit the continued development of Bursary and other programs to support the Regimental Family. Please see where and how you can help. La campagne vise à créer un fonds de dotation pour permettre le développement soutenu du programme de bourses d’étude et d’autres programmes qui appuient la famille régimentaire. Songez à ce que vous pouvez faire pour aider. 48 L’Artilleur Canadien Support The RCA Heritage Fund Create A Lasting Legacy Soutenez le Fonds du patrimoine de l’ARC Faites une action durable Quand on veut, on peut! Where there’s a will, there’s a way! You have the ability to provide a legacy to SUHVHUYHRXUKHULWDJHDQGEHQH¿WIXWXUH*XQQHUV DQGDOO&DQDGLDQVE\PDNLQJ7KH5&$+HULWDJH )XQGDEHQH¿FLDU\LQ\RXUZLOO:KHQ\RXPDNH a bequest, you choose a powerful way to help PDNHDPHDQLQJIXOGLIIHUHQFHIRURXU5HJLPHQWDO Family. En laissant dans votre testament quelque chose pour leFonds du patrimoine de l’ARC, vous faites un legs qui contribuera à préserver QRWUHSDWULPRLQHHWTXLSUR¿WHUDDX[IXWXUV artilleurs et à tous les Canadiens. En léguant, YRXVFKRLVLVVH]XQPR\HQFRQYDLQFDQWD¿Q de faire quelque chose qui compte pour notre famille régimentaire. For example it can be as simple as stating: 3DUH[HPSOHYRXVSRXYH]VLPSOHPHQWLQGLquer : Je lègue au Fonds du patrimoine de l’ARC la somme de _____ $ ou ____ % de mes biens. I give and bequeath to The RCA Heritage Fund the sum of $ ____ or ____ % of my estate. Other planned gift options could include gifts of VHFXULWLHVOLIHLQVXUDQFHDQGSDUWRUIXOO5563DQG RRIF contributions. '¶DXWUHVRSWLRQVGHGRQSODQL¿pV¶RIIUHQWj vous, notamment les dons de valeurs mobilières, d’assurance-vie et de contributions partielles ou complètes de REER et de FERR. 3OHDVHFRQVXOW\RXUIDPLO\PHPEHUVODZ\HU DQG¿QDQFLDODGYLVRU For more information please contact the Campaign: Nous vous recommandons de consulter les membres de votre famille, votre avocat etvotre FRQVHLOOHU¿QDQFLHU By E-Mail: [email protected] 3RXUHQVDYRLUSOXVFRPPXQLTXH]DYHFOHV personnes chargées de la Campagne : RU%\3KRQH Tel: ((204) 765-3000 ext/poste: 3595 Fax: (204) 765-5289 3DUFRXUULHO [email protected] 3DUWpOpSKRQH Tél. : 204-765-3000, poste 3595 Téléc. : 204-765-5289 On Line: En ligne : This announcement has been written by the RCA Heritage Campaign Canadian Gunner Cette annonce a été rédigée par le Comité de la Campagne du patrimoine de l’ARC 49 2nd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO LCol R. Garon CD RSM CWO J.A.C. Barros CD Honorary Colonel HCol C.R.J. De Kovachich, CD Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol D. Dussault, CD This year was an RCA members. HYHQWIXO \HDU PDUNHG Committed to the by the Change of Comtradition of involvement mand. On March 24th in their community, 2nd 2013, LCol Richard Field Regiment, RCA *DURQ WRRN RYHU IURP members proudly par/&RO 'DQLHO 3DUHQW WLFLSDWHG LQ VLJQL¿FDQW during a ceremony at public events in Monthe 2nd Field Regitreal. The Gun Salute ment armoury. LCol KHOGLQWKH2OG3RUWRI Garon commanded Montreal on Canada the 6 RCA from 2004 Day made all particito 2009 followed by pating gunners proud. (CSC) SQFT between On November 11th, 2011 and 2013 the Gun Salute held Captain Chabot and on Remembrance Day /DMRXUQpHSRUWHVRXYHUWHVGXH5pJLPHQWG¶DUWLOOHULHGHFDPSDJQHDX0DQqJH :DUUDQW 2I¿FHU 'HUwas the opportunity to PLOLWDLUH&{WHGHV1HLJHVGH0RQWUpDO bridge returned from pay tribute to the fallen Afghanistan in June. members. Gunners Their service was acclaimed upon their return by the Regiment were touched by the impressive number of Montrealers who having proudly represented the Regiment overseas. During their came to honour the memory of those who fought for our country. nine month deployment, they provided mentorship to the Afghan army. Our Regiment recruited many candidates during the past year, many of them successfully completed their training to beFRPHQHZJXQQHUV$PRQJWKHQHZUHFUXLWVVL[RI¿FHUFDQGLdates went to CFB Valcartier to complete their training cycle thus YDOLGDWLQJWKHLUOHDGHUVKLSVNLOOV2&'79RNH\ZRQWKH%URQ]H Medal at the 2013 Military World Championship of Tae Kwon Do. Two Second Lieutenants went to CFB Gagetown to complete DUWLOOHU\WUDLQLQJDOORZLQJWKHPWRDFTXLUHWKHUDQNRI/LHXWHQDQW and were transfered to the 7th Battery. Finally, the major artillery exercise held at the end of August was a great success, PDUNHGE\DKLJKOHYHORISDUWLFLSDWLRQE\QG)LHOG5HJLPHQW /HVPHPEUHVGXQG)LHOG5HJLPHQWRQWSDUWLFLSpjXQHQWUDvQHPHQWG DUWLOOHULHj)DUQKDP 50 L’Artilleur Canadien Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt SLt SLt 6/W SLt SLt SLt Elof Elof (ORI Adjum Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdr Bdr C MG GA JCR JRA JPL JGJ A CZ IS JC JH $6 GL WF DW R K -(6 JGG CE CRF NA JMA SP REA JRB DH PMP JBD CMJ MAJ TA JLD JMC S WM JFF CA EL P OAP S MRB M PJS MA Bérubé Pelletier Ramacieri Boutin Chabot Cloutier Larocque Tremblay-Michaud Leong Stoica Cervantes Calle Ha :RMVNL Bond-Castelli Djetou Djetou Bousena Muninda Kapilya 9RNH\ St-Hilaire Berendt Bremner Derbridge Fugere Hand Cases Castonguay Chafe Dalphond De Souza Desrosiers Duval Felder Langlais Lepage Moore Radforth Verreault Afonso Bergeron Chamoun Dalphond Garcia Levasseur Winter Arseneault Chiasson Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art Art $UW $UW $UW Art Art Art KA MA JMG RJP FRH KS FJPN NK JJ D G MA B JR A CLR JR M E L Y HDM AJM JCR RBC E JN PL SF JF NJR A WE AS JE TJP A SP RS KT . - /' JNT S PG Diemer Abrigo Aubin Bessette Boisclair Cormier Dansereau Dinh Doyle Dupuy Duval Ferreira Guenette Belec Hoffmann Lalchan Louis-Seize Manz Nemmaoui Olivier Toussaint Tshitenge Ntambue Yung Barbeau-Moreau Cusson Didone Gallucci Jara Pinto Laurin Poirier Renaud Roy Sleeman Townsend Chiza Diaz Lopez Dufort Fodjo Gagnon-L'étang Johnston Khuu .XODNRY 0DNODQ 0DNRXFKH Matte Oda Quiroga 3rd Field Artillery Regiment (The Loyal Company), RCA CO LCol S.B. Strachan CD RSM &:253DUNHU CD Honorary Colonel HCol J.K.F. Irving Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol J. Quinn Canadian Gunner 51 The Regiment has uated 22 new gunners had quite a year, full of along with comms and great training and good driver courses. Maj times, along with one of LeBlanc spent most of our members deployKLVVXPPHUWDNLQJYDULLQJRQD812SHUDWLRQ ous courses and doing The Regiment continpre-deployment trainues to train top notch LQJ IRU KLV WDVN LQ WKH gunners and leaders Sudan. On return it was to meet the challenges a time of change, Capt of the future. We not -RH /LQGHU WRRN RYHU only need to train but the reigns as BC 89 Bty we have come to realLQ:RRGVWRFNDQG&DSW ize the importance of a Tom Watters became robust recruiting plan, the A/2IC of the Regiand the dedicated solment in Maj LeBlanc’s diers to execute the DEVHQFH)DOOZDV¿OOHG plan successfully in His Worship Mel Norton inspects 115 Bty during the Regiments Exercising its with the sound of the order to meet the Regi- Freedom of the City guns under the direction ment's goal of returning of Capt Linder as the to Regimental shooting unit completed the rewithin the unit. quired BTS in preparation for our support to the IG Course. Over On return from our Christmas leave the Regiment got right WKH WKDQNVJLYLQJ ZHHNHQG WKH 5HJLPHQW GHSOR\HG WR SUDFWLFH down to business with our Winter Indoc Ex where we deployed DOORIRXUVROGLHUVNLOOVDORQJZLWKWKH¿QDOVKRRWWRTXDOLI\LQJ WR *DJHWRZQ WR ¿UH DQG ZRUN LQ WKH FROG RI 1HZ %UXQVZLFN more Gunners on the 81mm Mortar. :HFRQWLQXHGWRSUHSDUHWRVHQG*XQQHUVWR)RUW3LTXHWIRU([ December started with a bang, the Regiment was out in full 6287+(515$,'(5ZKLFKZDVDJUHDWVXFFHVVDQGWKHFRQ- IRUFHWRVXSSRUWWKH,*FRXUVHLQWKHLU¿UHSODQQLQJ([7KH5HJLtingent from the Regiment did us proud. ment performed extremely well, receiving many compliments inMoving into the spring it always brings us to 3 main events, cluding those of the Commandant LCol Masson. the annual veterans dinner, hosted by the HCol, followed by 3rd Field Artillery Regiment RCA (The Loyal Company) was the Top Gun competition with the presentation at the Loyalist SULYLOHJHGWRKRVWDOORIWKH*XQQHU2I¿FHUVLQ$WODQWLF&DQDGD Day salute on the 18 May 13. The veteran’s dinner is open to for the annual Saint Barbara’s Day Special Guest Night. Memall members of the Regiment who have served on operations EHUVIURPWK$'5HJLPHQW$UWLOOHU\6FKRRO(5(2I¿FHUVDQG where they received a medal and this year we welcomed into SDVW &RPPDQGLQJ 2I¿FHUV RI WKH 5HJLPHQW MRLQHG E\ WKH &RO this fold some new members who just completed a 9 month tour Comdt as our special guest and HCol of the Regiment for a night LQ$IJKDQLVWDQ7KLVHYHQWLVORRNHGIRUZDUGWRHDFK\HDUE\DOO RIJRRGIRRGUHQHZHGIULHQGVKLSVDQGVLQJLQJLQERWKRI¿FLDO who have served. languages. We were even introduced to an unpublished verse of Next up was the Regimental Gun competition where the De- WKHVFUHZJXQV/RRNIRUZDUGWRQH[W\HDUZKHQ)G5HJLPHQW tachments were put through their paces in all aspects of gunnery will host us all. DQGEDVLFVROGLHUVNLOOV7KLVZDVDWZRGD\H[HUFLVHDQGDOORI The year ended with a snow storm that cancelled our Soldiers the Detachments rose to the challenge. There was the thrill of $SSUHFLDWLRQ'LQQHUEXWZHZHUHDEOHWRFRPSOHWHWKH23'Hvictory but there was also the agony of defeat. Sgt Robichaud WDFKPHQW0HPEHUFRXUVHZLWKVWXGHQWVDQGVWDUWWKH&37HFK was the early leader and maintained the pace throughout and Course with 12 students. All in all, another great year for all his Detachment won the competition. Next year I am sure the UDQNVRIWKH5HJLPHQW RWKHUQXPEHUVRQHZLOOVHHNWKHWLWOHVLQFH6JW5RELFKDXGKDV WDNHQWKHWHUP%UDJJLQJ5LJKWVWRQHZOHYHOV7KHGHWDFKPHQW members all received a Roots Regimental Hoody will the Loyal Company Logo for their efforts. :HPRYHGVPRRWKO\IURPWKH¿HOGWUDLQLQJWRJHWUHDG\WRFHOebrate with the City of Saint John Loyalist Day with the Regiment ¿ULQJDJXQVDOXWH7KLV\HDUWKH5HJLPHQWDOVRH[HUFLVHGLWV freedom of the City, which it originally received in 1968. The long history of the Regiment and that of the City of Saint John are inWHUWZLQHGDQGLWZDV¿WWLQJWKDWZHPDUNHGWKLVRFFDVLRQZLWKWKH Regiment parading through the streets. This event was well attended by many dignitaries and local politicians with the Mayor, His Worship Mel Norton signing the documents along with the &RPPDQGLQJ 2I¿FHU DQG +&RO -.) ,UYLQJ :H WKHQ PDUFKHG RIIWRFRQGXFWWKH/R\DOLVW'D\6DOXWHDW3XJVOH\:KDUIDWWKH downtown waterfront, much to the pleasure of those in attendance and those within ear shot. The entire day was capped off E\DIXOO5HJLPHQWDO*XHVW1LJKWIRUDOOUDQNVRIWKH5HJLPHQW Much merriment and good times were had by all. Summer was fast approaching and the soldiers were getting 7RS*XQ'HW/WR5*QU-DFRE%GU&RJJHU2¶1LHODQG6JW5RELchaud. Not pictured Bdr Burns, Gnr Daigle and Soc prepared for their time at the different training centers. We grad- 52 L’Artilleur Canadien Capt J. Linder accepts the 89 Bty pennant from Major W. LeBlanc Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt 2Lt MWO MWO MWO WO WO WO WO WO 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Cpl WB MA JRM DJ LR MG JCG DAJ AR DJJ AV MJ NA CS TN JA PM GM KD E BE NR DT AA 5* LM PD PE GR JA CD SJ JW BK NW RA RRD JW DA /- NS SL JC MJR %/ /:- 0' JPH RD DP DP MH F EL SL Canadian Gunner Leblanc Caines Durette Eadie Goodfellow Holland Linder Maccready Mcquarrie Meehan Melvin Molloy Morris Reid-Mcpherson Watters Guthrie Gillingham Louvelle Mclean Bergeron Gardiner Mason Mclaughlin Sangster %ODNHPRUH Bromley Deveaux Garrett Jones Robichaud Smith Williams Andrews Blinn Burns Gibson Kennedy Marston Stairs 7RPSNLQV Bowmaster Brittain Brittain Burns &ODUN &ODUN &ODUN Cogger Doherty Eggert Finnamore Fletcher Habold Hunter Lowther Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr 53 D WM CE JW AP AMF NC CL KS BA AL MI J JJ CM CL JEM DJ BP BK RG PG AR JT MEA AJ PD JK CJE GCM KV CC JRM DW DR MA CF MB SW TJ SL CP NWD JL 5*5 TA MA SE %$7 JA JD APC CD WC MB Mcsheffery Obenaus O'neill Robinson Robinson Smith Spencer Sprague Thomson Waybret Williams Williams Allen Benoit Boucher Brittain Brown Cooper Cormier Costain Crawford Cullins Daigle Delaney Dolan Drost Flowers Francis Fraser Golder Goodwin Gormley Goudreau Hemming Hoben Jacob Kinsman Lavigne Leblanc Macqueen Patterson Petley Reid Rowsell 5XFNVWXKO Sanford Smith Smith 6RN Spencer Urdang Vail Wetmore Wong Woodhouse 5th (British Columbia) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO LCol J.E. )RUWRORF]N\&' RSM CWO B.J. Lougheed CD HonoraryColonel Colonel Honorary HColS.T. S.T.McDonald, McDonald,CMM, CMM,CD CD HCol HonoraryLieutenant-Colonel Lieutenant-Colonel Honorary HLCol W.D.Murray, Murray,CD CD HLColW.D. 5th (British ColumMajor. bia) Field Regiment, The New Year had Royal Canadian D¿UVWUDWHEHJLQQLQJ Artillery, has had a with the traditional very eventful year for New Year’s levee 2013. The Regiment FRPELQLQJWKHRI¿FHU continued to its high messes of the Canatempo conducting dian Scottish Regitraining or augmentment and 5th (BC) ing operations. The )LHOG 5HJLPHQW 8QLW \HDU ZDV ¿OOHG ZLWK training resumed in both unit and joint early January conexercises shooting GXFWLQJ ¿UH SODQwith 15th Field Regining drills along with ment, gun salutes at mortar training and a federal, provincial, an introduction to and municipal levnavigation for the HOV WDVNV IRU RSHUDnewest members. tions within Canada, Bombardier Warawa training to attain and Gunners Harghigh standards of UHDYHV +LFNH\ DQG preparedness, and /&RO6:LVGDKOSDVVHVERWK6LU$UWKXU&XUULH¶V6ZRUGDQGFRPPDQGRIWKH)G5HJW Hope returned from DFKLHYLQJ TXDOL¿FD- to LCol J.E. Fortoloczky 2S3$/$&,LQ)HEUXtions at all levels for DU\2S3$/$&,LVWKH gunners. avalanche control lo6WDUWLQJWKH\HDURIIWKH&RPPDQGLQJ2I¿FHUZDV/LHXWHQDQW FDWHGDW5RJHUV3DVVLQ%ULWLVK&ROXPELD7KH¿UVWH[HUFLVHRI Colonel Scott Wisdahl CD and the Regimental Sergeant Major ZDV([&<1,&$/678'(17IRFXVLQJRQSURIHVVLRQDOGHZDV&KLHI:DUUDQW2I¿FHU%ULDQ/RXJKHHG&'7KH5HJLPHQ- YHORSPHQWWUDLQLQJ$PRQWKDIWHU([&<1,&$/678'(17ZDV tal Second-in-Command was Major Brendon LeBlanc CD. The ([&2$67$/6(53(17LQ)HEUXDU\ZKLFKLVRULHQWHGDURXQG Battery Commander for 55 Battery located in Victoria is Major EDVLFVROGLHUVNLOOVDVZHOODVVRPHGU\GHSOR\PHQWVZLWKWKH& 6KDZQD %R\HFKNR &' ZLWK KHU DGYLVRU WKH %DWWHU\ 6HUJHDQW 105 mm Howitzer and 81 mm Mortar. This exercise was to pre0DMRU0DVWHU:DUUDQW2I¿FHU5LFKDUG*DUGQHU&'7KH1DQDL- SDUHIRU([&$867,&6+2&.ZKLFKZDVDOLYH¿UHGHSOR\PHQW PR%DWWHU\%DWWHU\ZDVFRPPDQGHGE\&DSWDLQ0LNH'DL- down to Fort Lewis, Washington with 81 mm Mortars and 105 ley CD with Sergeant Jaie Lenius CD as the Battery Sergeant mm Howitzers. During the exercise, gunners of both 5th (BC) 54 L’Artilleur Canadien to the First World War where he went on to command the Canadian Corps) signi¿HG WKH FKDQJH RI FRPPDQG EHWZHHQ Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Wisdahl, CD WR /LHXWHQDQW&RORQHO -RKQ )RUWRORF]N\ &'WKHFXUUHQW&RPPDQGLQJ2I¿FHU7KH Regiment is greatly appreciative of the 24 years effort Lieutenant-Colonel Wisdahl has put into the Regiment. This came at a high cost in time and effort as he had to FRPPXWHNPVWRJHWWRZRUN7KDQN you Lieutenant-Colonel Wisdahl and 8ELTXH <RX ZLOO DOZD\V EH D SDUW RI RXU family. Exercises recommenced after the sumPHU EUHDN ZLWK ([ 5HDG\ *XQQHU WR DFcomplish portions of the Individual Battle 7DVN 6WDQGDUGV UHTXLUHG RI HYHU\ VROGLHU and many different administrative aspects required for the Regiment to run smoothly. During the summer, aside from individual training, the Regiment had sent Master Bombardier William MacKeigan CD C3 105 mm Howitzers are deployed during Ex GUNNER DEFENDER WR &RXJDU 0XVNHW ZKLFK LV %ULJDGH¶V Shooting Team in a competition context. Field Regiment and our sister unit, 15 Field Regiment (situated LQ9DQFRXYHUSUDFWLFHGERWKOLYH¿ULQJRIWKHZHDSRQVDWWDUJHWV 7KHQH[WOLYH¿UH([HUFLVH&/$<025(67((/RFFXUUHGLQ2Fin the impact area as well as local defence strategies against an WREHUDWWKH<DNLPD7UDLQLQJ&HQWHU:DVKLQJWRQZKHUHDQH[RSSRVLQJIRUFHXVLQJEODQNVDQGRWKHUS\URWHFKQLFV7KH5HJL- ceptional number of troops attended (approximately 80% of unit PHQWGHSOR\HGDJDLQZLWK)LHOG5HJLPHQWWR<DNLPD:DVK- VWUHQJWKDQGSXWDQHZPHDQLQJWRZRUNKDUGSOD\KDUG([LQJWRQIRU([52//,1*7+81'(5WRSUDFWLFHOLYH¿UHWUDLQLQJ HUFLVH &58&,$/ 6.,//6 IROORZHG VKRUWO\ DIWHU 5HPHPEUDQFH with the C3 105 mm Howitzer, 84 mm Carl Gustav, and the C6 'D\WUDLQLQJWURRSVRQ,QGLYLGXDO%DWWOH7DVN6WDQGDUGVFRXSOHG *HQHUDO3XUSRVH0DFKLQH*XQ:KLOHWKHPPJXQVZHUH ZLWK 6,081,7,21 WUDLQLQJ XWLOL]LQJ WKH 1DYDO %RDUGLQJ 3DUW\ shooting at practice targets in the impact area, gunners prac- 7UDLQLQJ IDFLOLW\ 7KH ¿QDO H[HUFLVH RI WKH \HDU FRQFOXGHG ZLWK WLFHGORFDOGHIHQFHXVLQJPPEODQNVDJDLQVWDQRSSRVLQJ ([ &+5,670$6 678'(17 ZKHUH SURIHVVLRQDO GHYHORSPHQW classes were held with competitions between the batteries and IRUFHFRPSULVHGRI9DQFRXYHUDQG&DOJDU\FLW\SROLFHRI¿FHUV Following the end of the 2012/13 training year was the change HQGLQJZLWKDQDOOUDQNV¶&KULVWPDV'LQQHU Throughout the year, the Regiment participated in many comRI FRPPDQG SDUDGH RQ 0D\ 7KLV ZDV D VLJQL¿FDQW munity relaevent in the tions events. Regiment’s The salutes history and conducted WRRN SODFH DW this year were Fort Rodd Hill; Victoria Day, a National Canada Day, SDUN WKDW SUHRemembrance serves one of Day, Opening the Regiment’s of the Legoriginal battery islature, Fab positions that Forts, and were a part of North Amerithe Victoria decan Motorfences since F\FOH 3ROLFH the late 1800’s 2I¿FHU¶V $Vuntil after the sociation. The Korean War. Regiment has The parade, also particiand passing pated in other of Sir Arthur community Currie’s sword events such (he joined this as the Comox Regiment as air show, the a Gunner and Nanaimo bathwas Comtub race, Camanding Of- *XQQHUVIURPWK%&)LHOG5HJLPHQWHQJDJHGLQD¿UHPLVVLRQGXULQJDQH[HUFLVHLQ<DNLPD nadian Armed ¿FHU MXVW SULRU Washington. Canadian Gunner 55 in command course which allows junior 1&2V WR WDNH FRPPDQG RI D JXQ GH tachment. The Regiment’s sister unit (15 Field Regiment) hosted a mortar course which allowed the unit to also contribute to many driver courses during 2013 including Driver Wheel, MSVS, MSVS Artillery Tow, Transport of Controlled Goods, and Troop Carrying Vehicle 'ULYHU 7KH 5HJLPHQW KDG RI¿FHUV DQG VHQLRU 1&2¶V DWWHQG WKH 8QLW 'LVFLSOLQ ary Investigation course and the Charge Laying Course hosted by the CFB Esquimalt JAG to develop an updated understanding of the processes involved IRU XQLW GLVFLSOLQH PDLQWHQDQFH 8QLW PHPEHUVDOVRDWWHQGHGWKH/LJKW8UEDQ 6HDUFKDQG5HVFXHFRXUVHOHDUQLQJNH\ VNLOOV WKDW PD\ EH XWLOL]HG LI D FDWDVWUR phe occurred. The 39 Brigade Commander, Colonel (now Brigadier General) Rob Roy 0DFNHQ]LH&'YLVLWHGWKH5HJLPHQWLQ *XQQHUVIURPUG&DQDGLDQ'LYLVLRQ¿UHDWDWDUJHWGXULQJ([HUFLVH*811(5'()(1'(5 May prior to the Change of Command 3DUDGHDQGDZDUGHGWKUHHPHPEHUVRI Forces appreciation night at Bear Mountain arena, and hosting the unit the 39 Brigade Commander Commendation: Captain DQRSHQKRXVHIRUWKHSXEOLFGXULQJWKH9HWHUDQV:HHN %ULDQ6\OYHVWHU&'2I¿FHU&DGHW5LFKDUG:DONHUDQG:DUUDQW The Regiment hosted and supported many courses during 2I¿FHU+HQU\6ODFN&'7KH5HJLPHQWLVSURXGWRKDYHWKHVH 7KH 5HJLPHQW KRVWHG D ZHHNHQG %DVLF 0LOLWDU\ 4XDOL¿ members be a continual part of the operations of the unit and cation Land that started in January and held a full time Basic FRQWLQXH WR KDYH FRQ¿GHQFH LQ WKH RXWVWDQGLQJ ZRUN JXQQHUV 0LOLWDU\4XDOL¿FDWLRQFRXUVHGXULQJ-XQH7KHEDVLFFRXUVHVUXQ from 5th Field are able to produce. by the Regiment utilize the support available provided by CFB Esquimalt and train new recruits coming from the local area in addition to those coming from central Canada. During this summer period, troops went away to complete their basic and artillery communications course, developmental period one, their ¿UVW DUWLOOHU\ FRXUVH DQG WKH GHWDFKPHQW FRPPDQGHU VHFRQG LCol Maj 0DM Capt Capt Maj Capt Capt /W Lt Lt /W OCdt MWO WO :2 Sgt 6JW 6JW Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr S B 6 M A T B W $ L C 5 C R J + R / * J D % F J B S S J C W E . D M B E N S S A Wisdahl LeBlanc %R\HFKNR Dailey Dawe Michelsen Plaxton Sylvester -DFNVRQ Rushton Penney :DONHU Life Gardner Beddows 6ODFN Gow .DWDFKDQRVNL .OLPHN Lenius Newton 6DUN Thompson Cheung Coles-Webb Colyn Dawe Szabo Filiatrault MacKeigan McNeely 3HUSHOXN Pennington Spears Walts Windl Carpenter Challis Conquist Dupont Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU 56 B Q J C N $ C P D K $ R D D E - J A M M D M K M S A 6 S M D S J M B J A L T * Hess Howels Ibbotson Ingbritson Ker .LOSDWULFN Kimmerly Lang Murdoch Nelson (ULNVHQ Riggs Rogers Rottluff Sorensen 9DQ'HU/HHN Warawa Schertzing Hargreaves Perron Power Barbe Parrott-Ruiz Kingston-Collins Ferguson Grant +LFNH\ Hope Kenyon McDonald Rein Ter Veer Andrews Bertucci Gan Lambert Lloyd McCreight 3DNR]G\ L’Artilleur Canadien 6e Régiment d’Artillerie de Campagne, ARC Cmdt LCol L.D. Morand CD SMR Adjuc J. Champagne CD Colonel Honoraire +&RO-/DÀDPPH Lieutenant-colonel Honoraire HLcol R.A. Dallaire, OC, CMM, GOQ, MSC, CD, LLD L’année 2013 vient de se terminer, voilà déjà 2014 qui s’installe tranquillement au sein du Régiment. 8QH DXWUH DQnée de mérite et de persévérance comme on doit s’y attendre au 6e 5$& 3RXU FRPmencer il faut noter le travail remarquable de chaque membres de l’unité dans leurs engagements visà-vis leurs activités tant militaires que civiles et ce peu importe la saison. Dans le même or7LUGXH5$&GXUDQW(;2%8635e&,6 dre d’idée, c’est un honneur de pouvoir souligner nos membres qui sont allés soutenir le peuple afJKDQVHWOHVLQWpUrWVGHVGLIIpUHQWVSD\VSUpVHQWVGDQVFHFRQÀLW DXFRXUVGHFHWWHPLVVLRQKLVWRULTXH1RXVVRPPHV¿HUVGHFHV jeunes gens qui malgré leurs obligations quotidiennes ont su VH VDFUL¿HU SRXU OH ELHQ FRPPXQ D¿Q G¶DOOHU VHUYLU KRQRUDEOHment. Nous tenons à les remercier chaleureusement ainsi que leur famille qui les appuie dans ce bel exemple de dévouement HWGHVDFUL¿FH'HFHIDLWQRXVVRXOLJQRQVOHVGpSDUWVHWUHWRXUV Canadian Gunner 57 VXU 23 $77(1TION (FO 4-12) en 2013 des membres suivants : OH 0DM 6WRFNHU le Maj Vézina, le Capt Carrière, le Capt Desrosiers, le Capt Lemieux, le Sgt Marceau et le Bdr Turcotte. /D¿QG¶XQHDQnée c’est aussi un moment où on prend le temps de souligner les promotions de nos chers membres. Sans pouvoir toutes les nommer, c’est avec plaisir que nous avons assisté à la promotion de Tommy Champagne au grade d’Adjudant-Chef en janvier, de Dane Carrière au grade de Capitaine en avril, de Rémi Ouellet au grade d’Adjudant en VHSWHPEUHHWGH3KLOLSSH&{WpDXJUDGHGH0DMRUHQQRYHPEUH 7RXWG¶DERUGO¶DQQpHDGpEXWpORUVGHO¶(;12%/(*8(5RIER en janvier 2013. Ce fut un moment, pour le régiment et ses membres, d’avoir une occasion d’appliquer les notions d’artillerie, tout en développant un esprit de cohésion avec les autres artilleurs du Québec. En effet, le 6e RAC, le 62e RAC et crépuscule est un exemple d’événement en partenariat entre travailleurs civils et militaires. Notre mandat était de fournir les canons du régiment et d’exécuter le tir duUDQWO LQWHUSUpWDWLRQGH7FKDwNRYVNLSDUOHV musiciens du Royal 22e Régiment. Les partenaires civils de cette année étaient © 3DUFV &DQDGD ª © &DLVVH 3RSXODLUH Desjardins de Lévis », « Fondation du Mémorial », « South Shore Industries », © 9LOOH GH /pYLV ª HW © 3ROLFH GH /pYLV ª Il s'agissait d'un bel exemple de coopération civilo-militaire au sein de notre belle région. Dans la même veine d’idée, le 6e RAC a participé au Marathon des Deux-Rives où il a fourni les coups de départ pour les FRXUVHVGHNPNPHWNP&HIXW un autre exemple d’une belle collaboration entre civil et militaire. L’automne a débuté avec la traditionnelle journée du DAG qui permet à toute la fourmilière administrative &DQRQVGXH5$&VXSSRUWDQWOH&RQFHUWDX&UpSXVFXOHDX)RUWGH/pYLV de travailler à plein régime pour s’assurer du bon déroulement de la carrière de nos membres en plus de sonder leur particile 2e Fd se sont présentés à cet exercice de grande envergure VHGpURXODQWDX[eWDWV8QLVSRXUHIIHFWXHUGXWLUj)RUW3LFNHWW pation à d’éventuelles activités régimentaires. Bien entendu, Le début de l’année, c’est aussi le moment où nos membres c’était aussi le moment pour ceux qui venaient de terminer leurs participent à divers champs de tirs pour atteindre leurs normes cours d’artilleurs durant l’été de mettre en pratique très rapideindividuelles d’aptitude au combat. Cette année, le tout s’est ment ce qu’ils ont appris en plus de commencer à connaître GpURXOpjOD*DUQLVRQ)DUQKDP3DUODVXLWHGqVOHSULQWHPSV et apprécier leurs nouveaux collègues. Aussi, le régiment s’est nous étions déjà solidement impliqués dans la vie régimentaire. préparé à aller supporter les unités d’infanterie de la 35e brigade En effet, c’était la traditionnelle parade de régiment où le com- en créant des groupes d’observateur avancé et un centre de coordination des mandant a soufeux d’appui. Le ligné, lors de but était d’avoir la cérémonie, un support les différentes d’artillerie pour étapes que nos permettre aux militaires ont armes de comfranchies et son bats de travailler appréciation sur dans un conl’état général du texte interarmes. UpJLPHQW 3RXU L’automne fut tout dire, lors de également une la revue régimenoccasion de taire nous avons continuer à pareu la chance faire les normes d’avoir notre lieuindividuelles tenant-général d’aptitudes à la retraite et au combat. colonel honoD’ailleurs, le régiraire, l’honorable ment a organisé Roméo Dallaire, une journée de parmi nous. Les défense en situmembres du réDWLRQ GH FRQÀLW giment n’ont pas chimique et pleu le temps de DQL¿p GHX[ H[se reposer, car 7LUGXH5$&GXUDQW(;2%8635e&,6 ercices de tir en déjà on commencampagne : EX oDLWjLQVWDOOHUOHV tentes du Camp Vimy à Valcartier pour le TEII 2013 se dérou- 2%86 ,035e986 HW (; 2%86 35e&,6 7RXW GHX[ pWDLHQW lant jusqu’au mois d’août. Cet entrainement avait pour objectif des exercices de niveau régimentaire et ont permis à plusieurs la complétion de plusieurs cours reliés à l'artillerie et bien sûr, le d’acquérir ou de parfaire des aptitudes supplémentaires. En novembre, nous avons célébré chaleureusement le Jour maintien des compétences à tous les niveaux. Le 24 juillet, il y a eu le concert au crépuscule, une activité du Souvenir. En ce sens, nous avons rendus honneurs à ces très importante pour le régiment. Bien entendu, le concert au vétérans de toutes les époques en paradant dans la ville de 58 L’Artilleur Canadien Montmagny et de Lévis. D’ailleurs, une cérémonie religieuse a eu lieu à l’église St-Thomas et ce fut un moment émouvant pour nos membres. Le temps avance vite et l’année se termine déjà bientôt. C’est durant la fête de la Sainte-Barbe avec le 35 RGC que le 6e RAC a eu la chance d’entretenir et de maintenir son esprit de corps DYHFOHVXQLWpVGHODEULJDGHHWWRXVOHVDUWL¿FLHUV/HVIHVWLYL WpVGH1RsODUULYHQWjJUDQGSDVHWDQQRQFHQWOD¿QGHO¶DQQpH 3RXUOHVRI¿FLHUVHWOHVVRXVRI¿FLHUVVXSpULHXUVF¶HVWXQWHPSV précieux qui leur est offert de pouvoir participer au Mess Diner GHV RI¿FLHUV GH O¶$UWLOOHULH 5R\DOH &DQDGLHQQH ORUV G¶XQ IHVWLQ JDVWURQRPLTXH SDUVHPp G¶pFKDQJHV HQULFKLVVDQWV 8Q pYqQH ment traditionnel qui devint couronné de succès par notre SUpVHQFH'HSOXVF¶HVWGXUDQWFHPRLVTXHOHVPHPEUHVSHX YHQWHQSUR¿WHUSRXUVHUpXQLU&¶HVWOHWDQWDWWHQGXWUDGLWLRQQHO Dîner de la Troupe du 14 décembre qui conclut l’année dans un esprit de fraternité inégalé témoignant l’appréciation des sousRI¿FLHUVVXSpULHXUVHWGHVRI¿FLHUVHQYHUVODWURXSH&¶HVWpJDOH ment une occasion pour tous et chacun de se souhaiter tout OHVXFFqVTXHQRXVPpULWRQV3DUDOOqOHPHQWF¶HVWDXVVLGXUDQW cette soirée que nous assistons à une parade régimentaire où le FRPPDQGDQWHQSUR¿WHSRXUUHPHWWUHOHVGLIIpUHQWHVSURPRWLRQV et souligner le travail exceptionnel de certains artilleurs qui ont su se démarquer tout au long de l’année de par leur implication et leur participation aux différentes activités du régiment. Encore une fois, une année de succès et d’expériences diverses s’achève pour tous les membres du 6e RAC. Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt Lt Lt Slt Slt Slt Slt Élof Élof Élof Élof Élof Élof Adjum Adjum Adjum Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc %GUF Bdrc Bdrc Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil B JGG DAP DE PP JGC YJ PLGF MAJR JSB JEJ DJGP SJP MJL PA DJFA AJY DJD MA HJX TH MJM JFJ CEJS JHR JHL JGAL JVD JMP JA JDE RL P JGB JNA JPS JFSP PMM JRM JFK JJM A JGE PPJS JF P JAG MTJ DJL JCM JDS MD $$ CJL GJR JG DMM CMGE LMH CMC PL FS JJJ DJS CHJ Canadian Gunner Garant Vézina Côté Carrière Desrosiers Gauthier Leblond Lemieux Paré Talbot Boily Boucher Drouin Dumas Boulet Hervé Pagé Tardif Fortin Gagnon-Marquis Gagnon-Montreuil Paiement-Marchand Paquet Plante Desmeules Desrochers Gravel Charland Charland Coulombe Neron Ouellet Beaulieu Dupont Dupuis Fournier Gaudette Jean Labbé Labrecque Lavoie Lemieux Marceau Morin Ouellet Pelletier Royer Savard Villeneuve Bélanger Boucher Breton &ODUNH Pouliot Vézina Auger Beauchamp Beauchamp Beaudet Belanger Bélanger Soucy Bilodeau Blais Boutin Brochu 59 M SJ JPA JA LMA J MSA SJC EC VMM CJA D MA JYJF F JF REJHNC JMA JGJL YJP RMMMI R OJJP SP MA KC SJM MJC JSMA MTE MMJ PLMF JAJ G KLC BJPB YJM SJP S V K FJA JS CJA PE JJ GR F S MCGM MJTL JBB GRN PLJE J SS WP DG JF SCR JBAM SJM W SJR Buteau Cadorette-Rioux Caron Caron Carrier Carrier Chamberland Charland Chouinard Collin Coulombe Couture Croteau Daigle De Gready-Benoit Deschênes Dion Dionne Dumais Fournier Fradette Gagnon Gagnon-Claveau Garant-Poitras Gilbert Gosselin Goyette-Turcotte Huard-Mercier Jean Jean Laferrière Lavigne Leclerc Létourneau Levesque Nadeau Ouellet Ouellet Ouellet-Carrier Payeur Pelletier Pelletier Poulin Prémont Richer Roberge Robichaud Rowley-Bernard Ruel St-Laurent St-Pierre Tremblay Turcotte Beaulieu Coulombe Gagnon-Gauley Garon Guillemette Harvey Henri-Richard Labrie Noreau Renaud Têtu 7th Toronto Regiment, RCA CO LCol P.A. Szabunio CD RSM MWO M. Reyes CD Honorary Colonel HCol J.R. Breithaupt, KStJ, CD, QC Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol T.J. Bitove, O. Ont ZDVD\HDURI¿UVWVIRUWKH 7th Toronto Regiment. For the ¿UVW WLPH WKH 8QLW DQG LWV %DQG marched up Yonge Street as part RIWKH5HPHPEUDQFH3DUDGHDQG Service, a proud and visible demRQVWUDWLRQ$QGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH LQ UHFHQW PHPRU\ WKH 8QLW DOVR ¿HOGHG WZR EDWWHULHV %W\ DQG %W\ ¿ULQJ LQGHSHQGHQWO\ LQ D UHJLPHQWDO¿HOGH[HUFLVH,WZDV truly a proud accomplishment. 7KH 8QLW DOVR FRQWLQXHG LWV training tempo with a successful joint exercise with the 56th Field 5HJLPHQWLQWKH6SULQJ7KH8QLW saw its grand vision come to frui- Shot, Remembrance Day 2013 tion with the stand-up of the 15 Battery. 7th Toronto Regiment continued to foster relationships with its soldiers’ families and the community through outreach efIRUWVWRJURZWKHEURDGHUUHJLPHQWDOIDPLO\7KH8QLWDOVRFRQWLQued to build stronger relationships with the supported arms regiPHQWVZLWKLQ0RVV3DUN$UPRXU\ 9 Battery Through the winter, 9 Bty focused its efforts on conducting an in-house dismounted mortarmen course in anticipation of standing up 15 Bty. The 7th Toronto Regiment successfully graduated QHZPRUWDUTXDOL¿HGVROGLHUVWKDQNVWRWKHKDUGZRUNRIWKH teaching cadre and the in-house staff. 9 Bty’s mortar capability was transferred to 15 Bty, allowing the OHDGHUVKLSWRIRFXVRQLWVSULPDU\UROHDVWKH8QLW¶V*XQ%W\SURYLGLQJLQGLUHFW¿UHVXSSRUWZLWKWKHPP&+RZLW]HUV The Bty successfully completed its annual winter warfare training, which brought together basic ZLQWHUVXUYLYDOVNLOOVZLWKIRUWKH ¿UVWWLPHDQPPPRUWDUVKRRW This allowed our soldiers to hone WKHLUVNLOOVDVGLVPRXQWHGPRUWDUmen in an austere winter environment at 4 Div TC Meaford. 7KH %W\ FRQGXFWHG WKHLU ¿QDO exercise under the command of its then Battery Commander, Major Navraj Grewal in April, who subsequently assumed the posiWLRQRI8QLWL&0DMRU-RKQ'HDQ assumed command as the BC. ,Q DGGLWLRQ 6HUJHDQW -D\ %UDNH was appointed as the BSM while :DUUDQW2I¿FHU0LFKDHO%HFKPDQLVSURPRWHGIURP6HUJHDQWWKLV year, was posted to CFB Kingston in a Class B role. Representing the unit, 9 Bty elevated the scope of its trainLQJE\ZRUNLQJZLWKPHPEHUVRIWK)LHOGLQD5HJLPHQWDO¿UH mission during Ex Coop Gunner, providing to all participants not only some friendly competition but also an excellent opportunity WROHDUQIURPSHHUV7KH%W\ORRNVIRUZDUGWRWKHQH[WRSSRUWXQLW\IRUWKLVPXWXDOO\EHQH¿FLDOWUDLQLQJWRKRQHJXQQHU\VNLOOVLQD regimental context. 15 Battery 8QGHUWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKH&RPPDQGLQJ2I¿FHU/&RO3DXO6]abunio, 15 Battery of the 7th Toronto Regiment, was stood up once again after a two year hiatus. The unit was pleased to welcome Major Ryan Smid, recently retired from the Regular Force, 60 L’Artilleur Canadien of their effort and achievement. The focus on becoming a light, mobile, capable and very robust mortar battery has also produced future goals for the Battery. In particular, the future may yield an airborne capability, with the supSRUWRIWKH4XHHQV2ZQ5LÀHVRI&DQDGDDQGIXUWKHULQWHJUDWLRQ WKURXJK MRLQW WDVNV DQG H[HUFLVHV ,Q 1RYHPEHU WKH 23 SDUW\ SDUWLFLSDWHGLQD425RI&¿HOGH[HUFLVHDVLQGLUHFW¿UH60(¶V with their Recce element, and provided Company Commanders ZLWK¿UHVXSSRUWGXULQJ&R\DWWDFNV 15 Battery also regularly trains in CQCB with the aid of instructors from the 48th Highlanders, in addition to preparing for the 3DUD377HVWDOOZKLOHFRQWLQXLQJWRSUDFWLFHDQGXSJUDGHWKHLU VNLOOVZLWKWKHPRUWDUV On December 2nd, 2013 LCol Szabunio presented the BC15 0DMRU6PLGZLWKWKH%&¶V3HQQDQWVROLGLI\LQJWKHQRWLRQRIZKDW %DWWHU\KDVFRPHWREHDQRI¿FLDOUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRIWK7RURQto Regiment and an asset to 4 Division as a dismounted mortar battery. 130 Battery 130 Bty is comprised of several sub-units, including the Training Troop, Recruiting, RQMS and the Band, led by Battery Commander Captain Miguel Ortiz. On the recruiting side, the Bty grew in size this year and was On time and on target, no matter the conditions UHVSRQVLEOHIRULPSOHPHQWLQJDQHZXQLW623IRUVZHDULQJLQFHUemonies for new members, with the aim of building family ties as the new Battery Commander. With a new direction and fowithin the broader Regimental community. cus, Major Smid, with the assistance of his Battery Captain (BK), The Band provided superlative entertainment to the many serv&DSWDLQ3DXO7KRPSVRQPDUVKDOOHGLQWKHUHQDLVVDQFHRIWKH ing soldiers and guests during a multitude of performances this PRUWDUEDWWHU\7KHYLVLRQZDVWR¿HOGDIXOO\GLVPRXQWHGPRUWDU \HDU$PRQJWKRVHZHUH7KH%DWWOHRI<RUN3DUDGH9LFWRULD'D\ EDWWHU\ZLWK¿WWDFWLFDOO\VRXQGZHOOWUDLQHGDQGHQWKXVLDVWLF2IDQG&DQDGD'D\*XQ6DOXWHV$UWLOOHU\'D\'LQQHU3DUDGHVDW ¿FHUVDQG1&0¶V,QGHHGIURPWKHSODQQLQJSKDVHVLQHDUO\ the Canadian National Exhibition, Tin Hat Veteran's Dinner, The WRWKH¿HOGLQJVWDJHVWKHFROOHFWLYHYLVLRQKDVEHFRPHDUHDOLW\ 3ROLVK)HVWLYDO5&0,&RQFHUWDW5R\7KRPVRQ+DOO5HJLPHQ%DWWHU\VXFFHVVIXOO\¿UHGLWV¿UVWPRUWDUURXQGVDVDQLQGHSHQWDO&KXUFK3DUDGHDQG6HUYLFH7RURQWR&LW\+DOO5HPHPEUDQFH GHQWEDWWHU\LQVXSSRUWRIWKH&DQDGLDQ3DWURO&RPSHWLWLRQDW 'D\&HUHPRQ\<RUN0LOOV&ROOHJLDWH&RQFHUW6W%DUEDUD V0HVV Div TC Meaford on November 9th, 2013. Dinner, and the annual Soldier's Christmas Dinner. In addition to 7KH ¿UVW RI¿FLDO ¿HOG H[HUFLVH IRU WKH EDWWHU\ DV D SDUW RI WKH the ceremonial role, the Band saw increased integration with the 7th Toronto Regiment was conducted on November 29th, 2013 RWKHUVROGLHUVLQWKHXQLWWKURXJKMRLQW37VHVVLRQVRQ5HJLPHQWDO to the 1st of December, 3DUDGHQLJKWVDQGWDVNLQJV 7KH EDWWHU\ ¿HOGHG GXULQJ ¿HOG H[HUFLVH SODQtwo mortars in a fully disning and deployment. mounted role. The Recce, RQMS continued its role &RPPDQG 3RVW DQG 23 supporting the broader acelements were challenged tivities of the unit, responto adapt to a new role as sible for Logistical Support dismounted technicians, LQJDUULVRQDQG¿HOG,QWKH overcoming the challenges SDVW \HDU %W\ ZRUNHG of travelling and deploying towards better integration ZLWKRXW YHKLFOHV 7KH ¿HOG between the RQMS and the exercise was conducted Bty HQ’s. The aim is to imwith a different focus and prove communication and tempo than with the HowHI¿FLHQF\ itzers, beginning with a live With the successful zeroing range at midnight stand-up of 15 Bty while followed by a night-formaintaining a full training night occupation, with helischedule with 9 Bty and 130 insertion and heli-ops drills, 7RUPDUFKHVXS<RQJH6WUHHWDVSDUWRIWKH5HPHPEUDQFH'D\&KXUFK Bty, the 7th Toronto Regireact-to-ambush and pla- Parade ment concluded a very busy toon level battle procedure, \HDU :H ORRN IRUZDUG WR ZKLOHUHDFWLQJWRWKHFDOOVIRU¿UHDQGFDUU\LQJRXW¿UHPLVVLRQV further developing Regimental Family Ties through a more handsCarrying a full combat load of water and ball ammunition as well on approach to recruiting and continuing to connect with not only DVPDQSDFNLQJWKHPRUWDU(,6DQGURXQGVRIPPWKHEDWRXUPHPEHUVEXWWKHLUIDPLOLHVDOUHDG\ORRNVWREHDFKDOtery moved tactically cross-country over snow covered terrain at OHQJLQJ\HDUIRUWKHWK7RURQWR5HJLPHQWDQGLWVPHPEHUVORRN night. The mortarmen rose to the occasion and should be proud forward to opening another year with a bang. Canadian Gunner 61 Maj Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt /W 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt MWO WO WO WO Sgt 6JW 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW 6JW MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr JW NS RD JD RJF GA ' SA TQ M BTK PA A JA D JW EC J AVR EJ ST DP 0+< JN MA SM PMG MI RJ RD NA 72 - OJ JD CJR '0 P GO JC JM DY PDP JL &3 9/ CS H MS JL PDJ M A M CAL 0% R C EJ M R JL RY 7' AG GO AA 6$ PAC RR JCS JA CA D DC 6 S RF JA JR K S EL 01 CL DJ Dean Grewal Smid Stewart Andrews Brescacin &ODUN Graham On Ortiz-Sosa Stewart Thompson Zafar Henry Kim Kim Laxton Ma Macrae McBride Rasheed Vigor .ZRN Lum Tempeny Young Reyes Bechmanis Morningstar Woodhams Arrigo %DQNDVLQJK %UDNH Edwards Etorma Harris +LFNV Khlyustov Lloyd Lombara Murray Musgrave Pereira Provencal 6SUDDNPDQ :LFNHWW An Aygun Bhatti DCruz Gawley Grys Hwang Hwang Isip -DFNVRQ Kase Lalor Laplante Lee Li Loo Min 2NHP Polyvyanny Ramirez Shvetsov 6LNRUVNL Spanos Tallud Wood Amador Antonecchia Antonov Archer %DUGRXN Bizama Brown Browne Buccella Chen Choi Cimolai &ODUNH Coppell Crawford Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr 62 F N GJB M PCR JB EM TR GM JS OG DV MM BL SJ AJ B Y K JC J JF TCW LE AR JA DEG S FE .$ (& B AR KW A A J MDT JEM KR AMJ MJ AB VA LS JE YHR K ET H S PJ GE GA KA SK LDWC DB K S EC C ( D SMC CA A RS AD 6& 00 M JM WG AW KM 6 DA S AD GY GMV D SM BE DAmico Damolidis De Guzman Dehghan Devlin Dewhirst Dunsmore Edwards Espeut Farrell-Jobst Fleet Forrester Gooding Heatherington Joynson Keshvari Koch Krulevich Lam Langridge Latta LeBlanc Liyanage Lopez-Carbajal Lovatt Macdonell Maranan Marilovic Maturana-Farias 0HUULFN 0LNNROD Moniz Naraine Noh Omrow Oussatchev Perez Peter Rae Rahaman Rocco Ross Rugira-Busigo Sandford Shao Smith Son Stradalowicz Sullivan Swain Tenzin Townson Turpin Tuysusian Vallar Waterman Yip Yu Ahmed Bassi Becerra Taipe Boutin-Bourque %UHNHU Chan Costa Desormiers Douvris Huang Lane /RFNZRRG 0DNKPXG Martins Rosa McCulloch Nasir Noh Ollivier-Brown 3DUN Prosper Quattrociocchi Rocchetti Shim Silva Singh Stavenjord Timmons L’Artilleur Canadien 10th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 26th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO LCol D.A. Dalal CD RSM CWO D.R. Sembalerus CD Honorary Colonel – 10 Field Regiment HCol L. Schneider Honorary Colonel – 26 Field Regiment HCol R.H. Felstead, CStJ, CD Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel – 26 Field Regiment +/&RO/'DQJHU¿HOG 116th Independent Field Battery, RCA Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol W.F. Linton Canadian Gunner 63 The 38 Brigade Artillery Tactical Group consists of three separate units; 10 Field Regt in Regina and <RUNWRQ6DVNDWFKHZDQ)LHOG5HJWLQ%UDQGRQDQG 3RUWDJH/D3UDLULH0DQLWREDDQG,QG)LHOG%W\LQ Kenora Ontario with the HQ element centralized in the 26 Fd Regt located in the Brandon Armouries. ComPDQGLQJ 2I¿FHU /LHXWHQDQW&RORQHO 'DODO DQG 5HJLPHQWDO 6HUJHDQW 0DMRU &KLHI :DUUDQW 2I¿FHU 6HPbalerus have the honour of forming the Command WHDPIRUWKH$7*8QGHUWKHLUGLUHFWLRQWKLVSDVW\HDU has been a true success and a testament of gunnery within western Canada. 2013 started off with the units sending instructors and candidates to the 38 CBG battle school for the annual BMQ and MSVS course. The remaining leadership and soldiers conducted the ATG led Exercise )52=(1 *811(5 GXULQJ WKH PRQWK RI )HEUXDU\ ZKLFKZDVDOLYH¿UHH[HUFLVHWKDWVDZWKH$7*EURNHQ LQWRWZR¿UHXQLWVD*XQJURXSDQGD0RUWDUJURXS Though the weather was not extremely cold for what Targets ready and in place awaiting the local defensive battle is expected during a Manitoban winter, the exercise was challenging and rewarding to all soldiers of the another of its members serving the Canadian Armed Forces on ATG that were in attendance. expeditionary operations. He is expected to return early January On top of maintaining its high standard of gunnery, the 116 Ind 2014. )G%W\XQGHUWKHFRPPDQGRI&DSWDLQ-RQ%DNHUUHJXODUO\LQAs spring weather turned into hot summer days, most of the corporated various exciting training opportunities into its sched- $7* OHDGHUVKLS DQG JXQQHUV ZHUH RQ WDVNLQJ LQVWUXFWLQJ RQ ule and increasingly made use of the vast wilderness surround- various courses or being candidates themselves in an effort to ing Kenora. ‘Train to Retain’ events from this past year included IXUWKHU HQKDQFH WKHLU JXQQHU\ VNLOOV (YHQ ZLWK D ODUJH SRUWLRQ DGYDQFHGSLVWROVKRRWLQJDZHHNHQGVXUYLYDO)7;ZLWKOLPLWHG of the members away for the summer months, 10 Field Regt, SURYLVLRQV¿JKWLQJDQGUHFFHSDWURO)7;VDQGEDVLFPRXQWDLQ 26 Field Regt and 116 Ind Field Bty were still able to conduct ops – including rappelling and zip-lining off the roof of the Ke- WKHLUDQQXDO&DQDGD'D\*XQ6DOXWHVDWWKH6DVNDWFKHZDQDQG nora Armoury. Manitoban Legislatures, respectively. There is no It is of note durdoubt that one of ing this same pethe year’s highriod that the ATG lights came in welcomed several March, when 38 new members into Brigade Artillery NH\ DSSRLQWPHQWV Tactical Group won Command of 71 the Brigade’s AnBattery of the 26th QXDO 0LOLWDU\ 6NLOOV Field Regiment Competition. A transitioned from team composed Captain Geoff of 116 Ind Fd Bty 3RSRYLWVWR&DSWDLQ members Capt Jon 6WHYH 5RJRZVN\ %DNHU 0%GU 5\DQ Captain Travis RiScott, Bdr Micha vard from 1 RCHA *HUEHU DQG 3WH was recently post3DWULFN :DOO DV HGLQDQGWRRNRYHU well as Bdr Trent the role as the ATG Campbell of 26 Adjt. Warrant OfFd Regt, beat out ¿FHU .HLWK +HQU\ nine other teams released from the VHQW IURP 3ULPDregular force after ry Reserve units 28 years of service. DFURVV 6DVNDWFK- Members of the gun detachment set up the collimator as the C3 comes into action Nonetheless, he is ewan, Manitoba, staying on with 116 and North Western Ind Fd Bty as a reOntario. The team servist and will continue to serve as the 116 Ind Fd Bty BSM. went on to win the T. Eaton Cup, a historic trophy which was ,QG)G%W\DOVRZHOFRPHG:DUUDQW2I¿FHU'HUHN%UDLGIURP ¿UVWDZDUGHGWRPLOLWLDXQLWVLQWKHUHJLRQIRUWKHLUPLOLWDU\VNLOOV 1 RCHA as the new RSS Ops WO in Kenora, ON. Lastly, SerEDFNLQ JHDQW.HYLQ%DOLFNLDOVRIURP5&+$WRRNRQWKHUROHRIWKH Spring 2013, 116 Ind Fd Bty’s own MBdr Nathan Cousineau 5666JWLQ3RUWDJH/D3UDLULH0% deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan as a driver on Op Attention Roto The true highlight of the training year came in late August 3 (Mission Closure Team). The ATG and the Bty is proud to have when militia gunners from across 3rd Canadian Division consoli- 64 L’Artilleur Canadien Direct Fire Shoot during Ex GUNNER DEFENDER GDWHGRQ&)%6KLORWRWDNHSDUWLQ([HUFLVH*811(5'()(1'(5:LWKWKHXQLTXHDVSHFWRIWUXO\QRWNQRZLQJZKRZLOOVKRZ up till the day of the exercise, gun detachments were formed on the spot as the various gunners arrived from all across Western &DQDGD WR WDNH SDUW LQ WKH GD\ ([HUFLVH :LWK WKH H[HUFLVH under the direction of LCol Dalal and his ATG leadership, the reservist gunners went from the basic area neutralization missions WRWURRSFRPPDQGHU¿UHSODQVLQFOXVLYHRIDOOVSHFLDOSURFHGXUH missions within 3 short training days. To say this exercise was a success would be an understatement. The performance of all involved truly dictated the success and quality of Canadian gunnery within 3rd Canadian Division. With the completion of the exercise, the ATG carried on with its fall training cycle. In the middle of October members of the $7*PHWIRU(;/,0%(5*811(5$WZRGD\DUWLOOHU\MRLQWH[- The sun setting at the Command Post Canadian Gunner 65 ercise in support of elements from The Fort Garry Horse and the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, the unique aspect of this exercise was having infantry and armoured elements from the Brigade SUDFWLFH WKHLU DOO DUPV FDOO IRU ¿UH ZLWK OLYH DUWLOOHU\ URXQGV7R WKH EHQH¿W RI DOO LQYROYHG WKH DELOLW\ WR ZRUNZLWKRWKHUXQLWVWXUQHGRXWWREHDJUHDWWUDLQing success for the reserve units from 38 Canadian %DWWOH*URXS1HZVNLOOVZHUHOHDUQHGDQGFRKHVLRQ developed, the gunner’s from the ATG left the exerFLVHORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRIXWXUHFKDOOHQJLQJH[HUFLVHV that lay ahead. Once again the units of the ATG successfully and honourably conducted the Remembrance Day SaOXWH DW WKH 6DVNDWFKHZDQ DQG 0DQLWREDQ /HJLVODture respectively, in honour of those that have previously served and especially for those that made the XOWLPDWHVDFUL¿FHVHUYLQJWKHLUFRXQWU\ As a proud tradition of years past, the 26th Field Regiment held their 65th Annual Military Ball in Brandon Manitoba. This ball is the longest continually running military ball within Canada and the night was truly one to be remembered. This event was the last Military Ball that would see our own Honourary Colonel (Retired) Betty Coleman plan and organize prior to her moving out west. Being her 65th consecutive military ball that VKHKDVDWWHQGHGVKHWRRNWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRWKDQNDOOLQDWWHQdance and present the unit with a framed menu of the very 1st %UDQGRQ0LOLWDU\%DOOGDWLQJEDFNWR1RYHPEHU $VWKH\HDUFDPHWRDFORVHPHPEHUVRIWKH$7*WRRNSDUW LQWKH\HDU¶V¿QDOH[HUFLVHEHIRUHWKHKROLGD\VHDVRQ([HUFLVH MERRY BARBARA. The exercise brought together the ATG for WKHDQQXDOXQLWÀRRUKRFNH\WRXUQDPHQWFXOPLQDWLQJLQWKHVROdiers appreciation dinner. In all, it was a very busy year for all members of the 38 Bde ATG. As eyes set on next year’s challenges, all members of the ATG should be proud of what they have accomplished this past year. Maj Maj &DSW Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt &DSW &DSW Capt /W 2Lt 2Lt OCdt OCdt OCdt OCdt WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU 0%GU MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr MD TS -*0 BM PG 7* RG GM TMJ 6& ,( MG 0: DIPM PA JRT SBG ZD AJ TM RD PGC RAA RK CE NA SA DJ FJ TA KG .0- RM ME MR DG L JC JA TH PE DR :$ K.E RA KH CI SRA -( 5: RRM AR -5 NE LD JF DJ 06 KP 5-$ W JD DJ GR SE DW CD KL BJ CM -' IM JAR MI ZJ MDA WM DC (: NPR JL TA Neville Rupcich %DNHU Grimeau Haughey -DZRUVNL Lewis Popovits Rivard 5RJRZVN\ 6NXFH Wilson 0\PNR Small Weedon Norris Sigurdson Smithson White Appel Braid Cote Eppert Henry Lelond Marner Mcgowan Merlin Pratt Alexander Appel %DOLFNL Bartlette Fawdrey Hague Hegg Imamovic Leblanc Marchant Matthies Mayers Melsted 3DQNUDW] Quiring Scott Allard Anderson Beaumont-Smith %HQFKDUVNL %HWNHU Blissroth Boutilier &ODUN Cousineau Danielson Deroo Ellingson )DLUEDQN Friesen +DZNLQV Houle Karg Lamirande Larocque Magill Mcauley Mcmullen Perry Rhind Ross 6DZND Scott Southam Sweatman Vanderhulst Watson Appel Ballantyne %DUNHU Betz Bilan Campbell Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr 66 RJ LH MGJ CJD TS AJ 7/ M RG 0% AJ .6$ E JD $/ RB DT RD RA BC RC &( /5 %9* 0 MK JW DWB (7 RK DSR RWA AM CL 06 BA KLC JA JDA SPM JL KC DK JW NG A SAS RM ZE 1* MHP MT MT JH CM CT SM WR KD CAC J MM TJM TA RM RMR FT MA JPJ JWR KJ CJ AM JWT JDJ CDP $$ TA JJ CV JA Casement Clifford Davey Delongchamp Durston Engram )DON Gerber Goertzen *RWWVFKDON Green +DDVEHHN Hebert Hertz +RYULVNR Johnas Leblanc Lowe Marshall Mault Mcinnis 0FND\ 0FND\ 0FND\ 0FNLQQRQ Melendres Mercer Nelson 1LFNHO Paul Pearce Pero Richardson Sangwais 6FKDZRUVNL Thompson Tom Topping Vandamme Vroomen Wiebe Wiersema Blind Campbell Ching Chmil Cochrane Cote Cummins ']ZRQ\NFKDUOHERLV Garcia Gottselig Hagglund Hui Kolyn Ledoux Lipp Louison Maguire Mansoniii Mathews Mcgillivary Mcmurdo Mcpherson Merasty Nicholas Osoup Ostlund Patterson Price Reimer Robertson Smith Smyth Strom Taypotat :DUN Watson Wiley Yerxa Zavala L’Artilleur Canadien 11th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO LCol K.P.J. Doyle CD RSM &:27&&RRNH CD Honorary Colonel HCol G.E. Burton, CD The soldiers of 11th Field Regiment, RCA began 2013 by refreshing winter warfare VNLOOV RQ ([ 32/$5 *811(5 13, conducted at CFB Borden. Before the exercise began the quesWLRQ PRVW DVNHG by the soldiers was whether or not there would be enough snow IRU D EHQH¿FLDO WUDLQLQJ ZHHNHQG Fortunately, durLQJWKHZHHNSULRU to the exercise, there was a large VQRZIDOO WR PDNH the training excit- (;&RRSHUDWLYH*XQQHU ing and challenging. During the exercise, the soldiers got to practice their basic ZLQWHU ZDUIDUH VNLOOV DQG ZLQWHU QDYLJDWLRQ RQ VQRZVKRHV DQG FURVVFRXQWU\VNLVIROORZHGXSZLWKDERQ¿UH:LWKWKHODFNRI SURSHU KRWGRJ URDVWHUV WKH XQLW LPSURYLVHG E\ XVLQJ UDNHV WR roast the perfect dog. March saw the Regiment return to Meaford, along with 49th )LHOG5HJLPHQWWRFRQGXFWLWV¿UVWJXQQHU\H[HUFLVHRIWKH\HDU ([ &223(5$7,9( *811(5 +DYLQJ IRUPHG D FRPSRVLWH ¿HOGEDWWHU\PHPEHUVRIWKHWZR5HJLPHQWVFRQGXFWHG¿UHDQG movement on the Saturday, followed by coordinated illumination missions at night. The exercise was conducted in a cold weather environment, as winter in Meaford was far from over, thus Canadian Gunner 67 FRQ¿UPLQJ ZLQWHU warfare lessons. As the exercise progressed and the temperature warmed on Sunday, the Battery was presented with the familiar obstacle of mud and more mud, PDNLQJ WKH PRYH IURP WKH ¿QDO JXQ position one to be remembered. There are indeed training objectives to be achieved in recovery. 7KH &2 VKRRN things up a bit in April and May as the unit did not conduct its tradiWLRQDO %DVLF 6NLOOV ,%76H[HUFLVH,QVWHDGWKHXQLWTXDOL¿HGPHPEHUVRQWKHPP Mortar. The "81" is new to 11th Field Regiment and throughout the course, the students grew familiar with the weapon system and its operational capabilities. The Basic Mortar Course quali¿HGWKLUW\JXQQHUVDQGSURYLGHGDIRXQGDWLRQIRUWKHOHDGHUVKLS DWDOOOHYHOVRIWKHVNLOOVDQGNQRZOHGJHUHTXLUHGRIDPRUWDUPDQ 11th Field Regiment held its annual Artillery Support Group (ASG) Special Guest Night Dinner in May. This year the ASG KRVWHG &KLHI RI 3ROLFH %ULDQ /DUNLQ RI *XHOSK 3ROLFH 6HUYLFH as the special guest. The dinner was a great success and saw PDQ\ORFDOGLJQLWDULHVDQGWKH2I¿FHUVDWWHQG2Q-XQHWKH 5HJLPHQWDOVRFRPSOHWHGLWV¿UVWOLYH¿UHPRUWDU)7;DW0HDIRUG following which the main effort became preparations for Regional Summer Training (RST). The Regiment sent soldiers as both staff and students to complete career courses across the counWU\ LQFOXGLQJ$UWLOOHU\ '3 1, Legacy Gun Detachment 2IC, Observation 3RVW ,& DQG $UWLOOHU\ Troop Commander, to name a few. 7KH VXPPHU ¿QLVKHG with Ex STALWART *8$5',$1 LQ ODWH $X gust. This exercise combined units from across 4th Canadian Division (;&RRSHUDWLYH*XQQHU in a defence of Canada scenario. It was an excellent learning experience for the participating members of the Regiment to simulate the battle environment with the use of WES gear. During the exercise, the Regiment joined with its VLVWHU5HJLPHQWVIURP2QWDULRWRIRUP5&$$OOUDQNVOHDUQHG WRRYHUFRPHXQIRUHVHHQGLI¿FXOWLHVZKLOHPDLQWDLQLQJDQH[WHQ VLYHUDGLRFRPPXQLFDWLRQQHWZRUNDFURVVWKHEDVHRIWKH%UXFH 3HQLQVXOD7KH WDFWLFDO SRUWLRQ RI WKH H[HUFLVH FXOPLQDWHG LQ D %ULJDGH DWWDFN UHTXLULQJ D &2 V ¿UH SODQ GU\ XQIRUWXQDWHO\ Overall the soldiers of 11th Field Regiment that participated in WKLVH[HUFLVHJDLQHGYLWDONQRZOHGJHLQRSHUDWLQJLQDFRPEDWHQ YLURQPHQWDQGZRUNLQJZLWKRWKHUXQLWVRIWK&DQDGLDQ'LYLVLRQ During the exercise another 81mm exercise was conducted and was designed to qualify junior leaders at the MBdr level in order WRHQVXUHDGHSWKRITXDOL¿HG1XPEHUV2QHDQG/LQH1&2VIRU future mortar FTXs. With RST over, the fall saw the Regiment begin a busy training schedule. In September, the Regiment conducted Ex BASIC SKILLS I, aimed at the annual IBTS requirement. Also in September, 13 soldiers proudly attended, and successfully completed, the 6th Annual Army Run in Ottawa. 2FWREHU EURXJKW ([$87801 *811(5 LQ ZKLFK PHPEHUV JDLQHG ¿UVW KDQG H[SHULHQFH GHSOR\LQJ WKH PP 0RUWDUDVD Troop. The temperamental weather of Meaford played its hand again this year, with an unusual amount of wet snow and excessive winds which initially preYHQWHG PRUWDU OLYH ¿UH The 81mm shoot was postponed and a live C6 range conducted until the weather changed and the winds died down. During the mid afternoon of the Saturday the weather cooperated and the 81mm VKRRWWRRNSODFH 9HWHUDQ¶V :HHN DQG Remembrance Day provided a chance for all UDQNV RI WKH 5HJLPHQW and the Guelph and Hamilton communities to show their appreciation to veterans in the area. The unit paraded through the streets of downtown Guelph to the 6OHHPDQ &HQWHU DQG SURYLGHG PHPEHUV IRU D ¿ULQJ SDUW\ DQG cenotaph guard. Members and Guelph citizens heard from Col 5HW¶G)UDQN%D\QHWKH*XHVWRI+RQRXUWDONWRKLVVHUYLFHLQ Korea in 1953 as a member of 81st Fd Regt/4 RCHA. Col Bayne VSRNHRIWKH$UWLOOHU\UROHLQWKHFRQÀLFWDQGKLVWKRXJKWVRQ being declared the year of the Korean veteran by Veteran’s Affairs Canada. Members of 11 Battery in Hamilton participated in two Remembrance Day events: in Hamilton on Sunday 10 November; and in Dundas on 11 November. $OVRLQ1RYHPEHUWK)LHOG5HJLPHQWFRQGXFWHG([352 7(&7,9( 7+81'(5 LQ 0HDIRUG D & OLYH ¿UH DQG PRYH ment FTX. The unit performed admirably, conducting many battery level deployments (four in one day to be exact), late night KDUDVVLQJ¿UHPLVVLRQVDQGHDUO\PRUQLQJ6QLSLQJ*XQVWDVNV The exercise was an excellent opportunity for the newly quali¿HG'HWDFKPHQW&RPPDQGHUVWRJDLQYDOXDEOHH[SHULHQFHDQG FRQ¿UPVNLOOVHWVQRWXVHGVLQFHWKHVXPPHU As the calendar moves into December and Christmas stand down, 11th Field Regiment prepares for another year of successful training. 2013 ended with the annual Soldiers’ Christmas 'LQQHU$OOUDQNVRIWKH5HJLPHQWDZDLWWKHPDQ\H[FHOOHQWWUDLQ ing opportunities and challenges that 2014 will bring. 0DM Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt /W 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt MWO MWO WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr 0%GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr ** JM AP CT JR RC GA 6: M ASG KH JC KJ MH MA EF RE AJ PE KM PM KJ HXW DR JT DA AC KJ *'0 )UDQN Jones Prentice Cutting Page Prentice Richards %HFN Barrera-Hernandez Huntley Hammermueller Brown Mcleod Coit Melvin Haugen Kenny Ramsey Simmons Kurp Miceli Steele Zhou Pullen Schmidt Crow Potts Francis 6WDFN 68 PQD CAB HS ERH AR MWA BJ HAN -& CNC 75* KD RH PG LWT CT RD TW PC IAG LM MF DW TJ PK JD DA DTW VC Nguyen Haines Bhatti Shields Ortiz Haldane Gregory Kenny /DQN Rigby 3LQNQH\ Thompson Andrews Haid Hempey Stubbs Ivany Poirier Waller Scott Messerschmidt Pellizzari Wainwright Maltman-Taylor Hatzinger Brown Francis Lowartz Dumbrava L’Artilleur Canadien Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr CM &% JJ AJ CC TA - DT DM :- KK BW Kennard .PLHFLN Lapierre Brierley Smethurst Bowers -RXNDNHOLDQ Vu Feletto /DI¿HU Dinh Farrow Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr RC EJ DV RG MD SM BM -: JG BD JA ZL Lawther Fieldwebster Martin Ghent Mcguire Francis Heisler 9DQGHU%HHN Kendall Halfpenny Aasman Gilbert 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO RSM /&RO.$:LFNHQV CWO G.M. Dempsey CD CD Honorary Colonel HCol R.G. Smith, OStJ, CD Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol W.J. Rodgers Armoury. The outgoing RSM, 2013 has been a year of &:2 :DONHU KDV EHHQ DStransformation for the 15th pointed BK of 68 Bty and was Field Artillery Regiment (15th promoted to Captain in SepFd Regt), RCA. This was partember of this year. ticularly true in March with As part of its mandate to WKH ¿QDO FORVXUH RI WKH XQLW¶V B Tp, based in Aldergrove, continually train and develop its soldiers, 15th Fd Regt con%& 7KH ORZHULQJ RI WKH ÀDJ ducted a number of courses was attended by the CO and this year. These included two RSM and a march past was ZHHNHQG %04/ VHULDOV RQH performed. The closure was necessitated by the movefrom February to May and anment and consolidation of other, which is ongoing, from September to January 2014. the 39th Canadian Brigade Additionally, we ran an Arty Group’s footprint in the Fraser Dismounted Mortar Course Valley to its present location in January through March. A LQ &KLOOLZDFN %DWWHU\ QRZ has B Tp members co-located *XQQHUV'LVFXVVLQJ'ULOOEHWZHHQ)LUH0LVVLRQVLQWKH<DNLPD OLYH¿UHPRUWDUH[HUFLVHZKLFK TXDOL¿HG FRXUVH FDQGLGDWHV in the Bessborough Armoury Desert, Washington. on the mortar tubes was conunder a new organizational ducted in Fort Lewis, Washington. This exercise was supported structure. On 20 February 2013, CWO G.M. Dempsey was promoted by unit personnel and entailed a combined mortar and howitzer WR KLV UDQN DQG DSSRLQWHG 5HJLPHQWDO 6HUJHDQW 0DMRU 560 VKRRW7KH JXQV ZHUH DVVLJQHG LQGLYLGXDO KDUDVVLQJ ¿UH WDVNV E\WKH&2/&RO.$:LFNHQVRQSDUDGHDWWKH%HVVERURXJK which were performed with the precision and drive expected of Canadian Gunner 69 Regiments across the Division. September is the month when Gunners return from the summer stand down period. 15th Fd Regt hit the ground running (or UDWKHUJDVVLQJZLWK(;*$6*811(57KLVRQHGD\H[HUFLVH ZDVDUHIUHVKHURIGHFRQWDPLQDWLRQGULOOVGULQNLQJDQGFDQLVWHU FKDQJHGULOOVDQGEDVLF*DV,3(XVDJHZKLOHXQGHU&%51FRQditions. Lt Bannon was able to use his freshly acquired CBRN LQVWUXFWRUVNLOOVWRFRQGXFWWKHWUDLQLQJIRUXVDQGWKH6HDIRUWK Highlanders of Canada. All Gunners persevered through the gas hut performing their drills with vigour and many a tear was shed. 2FWREHU VDZ WKH 3:7 UDQJH VKRRWV ZKHUH WK )G 5HJW ZHQW WR *HQHUDO 9RNHV 5DQJH LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK WKH 5R\DO :HVWPLQVWHU5HJLPHQWDQXPEHURIVROGLHUVZLOODGGWKHPDUNVNewly promoted Gunners Cheung and Wong. PDQVKLSEDGJHWRWKHLU'(87KDWVDPHZHHNHQGKDG*XQQHUV our Detachment Commanders. The mortar shoot was a suc- KHDGWR0W6H\PRXUIRUDGYHQWXUHWUDLQLQJDFKDOOHQJLQJKLNH FHVVIXOFXOPLQDWLQJHYHQWDQGUHVXOWHGLQWKH¿UVWTXDOL¿HGPRU- on the North Shore Mountains. Interspersed between the two training days was a well deserved BBQ. tar troop at 15th Fd Regt. As a Reserve unit, one of our core functions is to augment the 15th Fd Regt also conducted a full-time Artillery Command Regular Force army as required. For much of the past decade, 3RVW 7HFKQLFLDQ FRXUVH IURP ODWH -XQH WR HDUO\ $XJXVW ZKLFK drew candidates from across 3rd Cdn Div. It was conducted as this has meant supporting the Afghanistan mission. This year, an export course Candidates were fortunate enough to stay in as in years past, we have had members step forward to serve UHODWLYHO\OX[XULRXVDFFRPPRGDWLRQVDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI%ULWLVK overseas; this time for the closing Roto. Members who are presColumbia. Despite the beaches and balmy weather the candi- ently overseas include Maj Watt and Cpl Wong. Community relations are one of the vital functions that reserve dates remained focused on the course and all troops passed the XQLWVSOD\WK)G5HJWWDNHVJUHDWSULGHLQFHOHEUDWLQJ&DQDGD ¿QDO&RPPDQG3RVW7HFKQLDay and Remembrance Day cian qualifying exercise inwith the Vancouver comcluding 3 soldiers from 15th munity at large. On Canada Fd Regt. Day, 15th Fd Regt performed 15th Fd Regt’s preeminent WKHVDOXWHLQ6WDQOH\3DUNDW perennial activity is a joint ex+DOOHOXMDK 3RLQW RYHUORRNercise with 5 Fd Regt named ing downtown Vancouver. (; 52//,1* 7+81'(5 On Remembrance Day, we held around Easter time in recognized the fallen with <DNLPD :DVKLQJWRQ 7KH D VDOXWH DW 3RUWVLGH 3DUN LQ H[HUFLVH FRQVWLWXWHG D ¿UH support of the ceremony at and movement shoot with an the Vancouver Cenotaph. incorporated No. 1’s Open Furthermore, 15th Fd Regt Action. Concurrently, as part sent members to participate of a local defence scenario, in the Ride to Live. This is a the troops were given the motorcycle ride which occurs RSSRUWXQLW\WR¿UHWKHPP each May in the Vancouver Carl Gustav and light and Lower Mainland in support of medium machine guns. The prostate cancer. The Abbots9DQFRXYHU 3ROLFH 'HSDUW- 1LJKW6KRRWLQ<DNLPD'HVHUW:DVKLQJWRQ ford International Airshow, PHQW93'VHQWDVHFWLRQRI a popular attraction for the LWV0LOLWDU\/LDLVRQ8QLWWRDFW DV&2()RU7KH93'LQLWLDWHGIUHTXHQWURDGEORFNVKDUDVVLQJ public, occurs in mid-August and was attended by the Guns who ¿UHDQGWKHRFFDVLRQDODWWDFN7KLVOHGWRWKHXVHRIQHJRWLDWLRQ maintained a static display and participated, as part of an all WDFWLFVDWURDGEORFNVLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIORFDOGHIHQFHDQGWKH DUPV WDFWLFV GHPRQVWUDWLRQ ¿ULQJ EODQN DQG DVVDXOWLQJ DQ HQemy structure. QRF repelling the enemy threat as necessary. 15th Fd Regt regularly provides augmentation to the longest WK)G5HJWSDUWRRNLQ(;*811(5'()(1'(5LQ$XJXVW UXQQLQJ'RPHVWLF2SHUDWLRQLQ&DQDGD2S3$/$&,7KLVSDVW 2013, a divisional exercise which occurs every 2 years. This exHUFLVHIROORZHGDFUDZOZDONUXQSKLORVRSK\ZKLFKOHGWRLQFUH- Avalanche Control (AVCON) season, running from fall 2012 to PHQWDOLQFUHDVHVLQGLI¿FXOW\RYHUWKHZHHN7KHUXQSKDVHRI early spring 2013, was no different. We supported this domestic WKH H[HUFLVH HQWDLOHG 5HJLPHQWDO ¿UH SODQQLQJ PLVVLRQV ZKLFK PLVVLRQZLWKVHYHQVROGLHUVSOD\LQJDQLPSRUWDQWUROHLQNHHSLQJ challenged the abilities of the FOO party and the Command WKH 7UDQV &DQDGD +LJKZD\ RSHQ DW 5RJHUV 3DVV GXULQJ WKH 3RVW1XPEHUVZHUHDOVRFKDOOHQJHGDQGWKHLUWUDLQLQJFXOPL- winter months – and that the public is largely unaware of their nated in Number 1 open actions which were assessed based activities is a testament to their success. Reservists must contend with both military responsibilities and on speed, accuracy of drills, and the number of target rounds DFKLHYHG/LYHVPDOODUPV¿UHZDVDOVRXVHGLQGHIHQFHRIWKH those of their primary employer. These responsibilities somegun position. While the exercise highlights may have been in WLPHVFRQÀLFWDQGDVVXFKLWLVQRWDOZD\VDQHDV\WDVNWRPHHW WKHVNLOOVWKDWZHUHUHQHZHGRUOHDUQHGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHWKHUHDO these competing demands. One of the most common outside EHQH¿WFDPHIURPWK)G5HJW*XQQHUVKDYLQJWKHRSSRUWXQLW\ responsibilities for Reservists is post-secondary education. to build relations and engage in camaraderie with Gunners from The15th Field Artillery Regimental Society recognizes this fric- 70 L’Artilleur Canadien tion through the dissemination of $500 bursaries to those who DUHZRUNLQJWRZDUGVDQHGXFDWLRQZKLOHVHUYLQJWKHJXQV/DVW December at the Soldier’s Christmas Dinner, three troops reFHLYHGWKHVHEXUVDULHV0%GU1JDQ0%GU&ROHVDQG%GU3DWFK Beyond managing competing academic and military responsibilities, MBdr Coles has also been successful in leading the unit ULÀHWHDPWRVXFFHVVRYHUWKHSDVW\HDU$WWKH&%*FRPSHWL tion shoot in the spring, team members won trophies for the Best Shot and the Best New Shooter during separate matches under the leadership of MBdr Coles. 15th Fd Regt presently hosts several cadet corps. Capt Townley heads up the 2472 Royal Canadian Army Cadets and MaMRU7LPPVUXQVWKH3HJDVXV6TXDGURQ$LU&DGHWVWK)G Regt is also the home away from home for two additional cadet units from the Seaforth Armouries, which is presently closed for renovations. These are the 135 Bell Irving Air Cadets and the 72 Royal Canadian Army Cadets. The Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment was heavily involved with both the Regiment and the community in 2013. The Band found itself engaged in activities ranging from supporting unit functions to marching in civic parades. The Band, in conjunction with its mandate to Connect with Canadians, also played in concerts across British Columbia, promoting the military through music. In June 2013 the Band saw one of its most senior members, Sgt Greg Graham, retire. Between the former Royal Westminster Regiment Band and the 15th Field Regiment Band, Sgt Graham had over 40 years of service. He was honoured with conJUDWXODWRU\OHWWHUVIURPWKH3ULPH0LQLVWHUWKH&KLHIRI'HIHQVH 6WDIIDQGWKH3UHPLHURI%ULWLVK&ROXPELDGXULQJKLVUHWLUHPHQW ceremony. The Band also had the pleasure of promoting WO McHugh to 0:2'HVSLWHKHUQHZIRXQGUDQNVKHZLOOFRQWLQXHWRVSOLWKHU time between the Band and helping in the 15th Fd Regt Orderly Room. 7KH%DQGRIWKHWK)LHOG5HJLPHQWSOD\HGDWVHYHUDONH\ note functions in 2013. One of the most prestigious was the International Military Band Concert in June at the Washington &HQWUHRIWKH3HUIRUPLQJ$UWVLQ2O\PSLD:DVKLQJWRQ3UHSDUD tion for the function involved three days of rehearsals followed by an afternoon concert for an audience of more than 700 patrons. 2Q&DQDGD'D\WKHEDQGOHGWKH&DQDGD'D\3DUDGHWKURXJK the streets of Steveston in Richmond, BC. The parade was the highlight of the annual Salmon Festival in Steveston, the largest summer festival in the city. The band has also had the opportunity to play the Canadian $QWKHPDWWKH'DYLV&XSTXDUWHU¿QDOVDVZHOODVDWD&$)$S SUHFLDWLRQ(YHQWDWD9DQFRXYHU&DQXFNVJDPHLQ9DQFRXYHU BC. In the latter event the Chief of Defense Staff was on hand to cheer the home team. Their annual “With Glowing Hearts” conFHUW VHULHV FRQGXFWHG LQ VXSSRUW RI 5HPHPEUDQFH :HHN ZDV held in Whistler, British Columbia to excellent reviews. The 15th Fd Regt and the 15th Fd Regt Band have come through this year of change well positioned to deal with whatever challenges the new year brings. Importantly, the implementation of a formal Regimental Family Structure will create a cohesive IRXQGDWLRQXSRQZKLFKIXWXUHXQLWSODQVZLOOÀRXULVK Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt 2lt 2lt 2lt OCdt MWO WO WO WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt 0%GU MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr JP BA NJ WA AW DB MJ IP JE H .( IC DR CS C GD AS JC RT IM RT Cl AJ RF HL IM WR AM D AD JLE GA G SD ST SJ BJ RP &6 SB OJ JH <9 MT $- EA TJ KA KS '- D Canadian Gunner Lajoie Purcell Watts Baxter Grieve Lamb Maassen Scholl Tempest Tombing :DONHU Watt Bannon Godsoe Hui Lenis Peters Girardi Helina Oceguera Jones Mchugh Brady Garrett Porritt Smith Blair Bond Calogero Coleman Cote Graham Kurtagic Nelson Ouellette Penner Rae Scheib 6NXFH Weaver Young Zhong %ROJDN Coles '\NH Gentry Hauser Hodgson Keene /DUNLQ Lu 71 K 5' S DN DC DS DF LP + CV JC EH JD JE RK JR MP JM $: AM OV RD EK IS CW PAS */ SP SA J PC TS SPA ST RA TL IC E BH AZ BJ MJ WV CN IA AC JEK JA DP NR WL Maruyama 0FNHQ]LH Ngan Penner Scott Switzer Taylor Underwood :DONHU Watrich Wong Wong Baldizon Beaudoin Bligh Brama Casby Charters &ODUN Cole Couturier Crawford Devereaux Dhugga Drew Drouin 'XQNOH\ Figueroa Freeman Fujii Gal Gu Hammond Hilbich Hill Hillier Ho Huang Jiang Law Lippert Ludwig Martinez Mccaffery Munro Nelson Norsworthy Overy Pare Patch Ross Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr JM CW MB BE $ MW MH MF $* RG '0 RC PH GR CN AJ TC SV Rozario Sewell Sings Smith 6RORPDNKD Soltys Soltys Stewart 6WRFNGDOH Stone 6\OND Toth Tsang Tse Veenstra Voth Wang Weaver Bdr Bdr *QU *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr CT AL % 6 NN YB XR N MK BX KC JR JKL SH GL MW SE CM Weller Young $OHNVLF $OLNKDQL Cheung Choi Dandurand Kalam Kim Kong Law Morrison Seto Tang Todd Vanderzalm Weststeijn Wong 20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO LCol D.A. Paquette CD RSM CWO D.W. Huedepohl CD Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel +/&RO*'6XUNDQ with 7 Toronto Regiment Building on the success as Battery Commander of of 2012, 2013 has brought 15th Field Battery. Masmany important activities and accomplishments in WHU :DUUDQW 2I¿FHU $OODQ various avenues for 20th Moggey the former Battery Sergeant Major of 61 Field Field Regiment. Multiple Battery, left in December exercises, unit run courses, KDYLQJWDNHQDIXOOWLPHSRprofessional development sessions, and numerous sition with 3 Canadian Ditraining opportunities made vision Headquarters, WarUDQW 2I¿FHU 4XLQQ *LOODUG this an outstanding training who was promoted in June, year. assumed the BSM position 2013 saw some changin December 2013. es in leadership with 61 Field Battery conducting Captain George Khuse a change of command in *XQQHUVSUHSDUHWRPRXQWLQWRD7DF+HOLFRSWHU6TQ*ULIIRQGXULQJ([ UHWLUHG DIWHU ¿ULQJ KLV ODVW round during the Canada June, seeing the departure (1)25&,1*&,7,=(1 Day salute on July 1st at of Major Ryan Smid as Batthe Alberta Legsilature, aftery Commander and welcoming Major (then Captain) Michael Waldner as the incoming ter 37 years of service. Family and friends of the Regiment were %DWWHU\ &RPPDQGHU 0DMRU 6PLG ZLOO EH FRQWLQXLQJ KLV ZRUN on hand to celebrate the occassion, including the Lieutenant 72 L’Artilleur Canadien healed. $OZD\V LPSURYLQJ EDVLF VROGLHULQJ DQG JXQQHU\ VNLOOV LV D corner stone for the Regiment, and this year was no exception to that standard. Early spring was the start of the Regimental School where three courses were run; Close Quarter Combat %DVLF 2EVHUYDWLRQ 3RVW 'HWDFKPHQW 0HPEHU DQG WKH PP 0RUWDU&RQYHUVLRQ&RXUVH(DFKFRXUVHFRQVLVWHGRID¿HOGH[ercise portion. Exercises ENFORCING VALLEY and TROJAN, FRQ¿UP WKHVH VNLOOV DQG PDGH WKH VSULQJ D YHU\ EXV\ WLPH IRU WKH5HJLPHQW,QDGGLWLRQDUDQJHZHHNHQGZDVFRQGXFWHGDW &)%&ROG/DNH$OEHUWDWRSUDFWLFHVPDOODUPVVNLOOVDQGEHDU HYDVLRQ7KHVXPPHUSHULRGZDVSXQFWXDWHGE\([HUFLVH*811(5'()(1'(5LQ6KLOR,WZDVDZHHNORQJH[HUFLVHZKHUH the Regiment participated with other 3 Canadian Division GunQHUVDOORZLQJIRUDOHQJWKHQHGWLPHLQWKH¿HOGWRKRQHJXQQHU\ VNLOOV,QWKHIDOOWKUHHH[HUFLVHVZHUHFRQGXFWHG([HUFLVH(1)25&,1*61,3(5DWZRGD\UDQJHZHHNHQGZKLFKLQFOXGHG JDVKXWWUDLQLQJ([HUFLVH(1)25&,1*&,7,=(1DOLYH¿UHPRUWDUH[HUFLVHZKLFKZDVWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQIRUWKHIDOOPP0RUWDU 0%GU-$QGHUVRQSUHSDUHVDPRUWDUURXQGIRU¿ULQJGXULQJWKH Conversion Course; and Exercise ENFORCING SENTINEL, a mm Mortar Conversion Course live 105 mm gun exercise. Governor Donald S. Ethell to whom Captain Khuse had served ([HUFLVHV (1)25&,1* &,7,=(1 DQG 6(17,1(/ DOORZHG as an Aide-de-Camp. for some combined arms and joint training. In October on ExThe year saw the return of two of our members who were HUFLVH (1)25&,1* &,7,=(1 7DFWLFDO +HOLFRSWHU 6TXDGdeployed with Op ron provided air ATTENTION, Matransportation of jor Jeff Wilson and the battery which Master Bombardier proved to be very Duncan Cramer. exciting. As part of While our last deWKH ZHHNHQG SLORWV ployed member, were given the opMajor Stephen portunity under the Kuervers (who was guidance of Capnewly promoted on tain Steve Brush, to 22 May 2013), conconduct supported tinues his mission in DUPV FDOOV IRU ¿UH Afghanistan and is Secondly, during not scheduled to reExercise ENFORCturn until sometime ING SENTINEL in in early 2014. November, memThe Regiment bers of The South grew in size with Alberta Light Horse the addition of new Regiment were on recruits throughhand and conductout the year as a ed supported arms UHVXOW RI KDUG ZRUN FDOOV IRU ¿UH XQGHU from our members the watchful eye of such as Bombar- Royal Salute on Victoria Day at the Alberta Legislature. Major Jason Snider dier Karan Toor who who was the acting WUDFNHG DQG PDLQBattery Commandtained potential candidates to ensure the process is completed. er during the exercise. 7KH WUDLQLQJ \HDU ZDV KLJKO\ GHPDQGLQJ DV ZDV SDFNHG IXOO 7KH5HJLPHQW¿QLVKHGE\FORVLQJWKH\HDUZLWKRXUWUDGLof exciting opportunities for members to pursue. Keeping with WLRQDO6W%DUEDUD¶V'D\WUDLQLQJZHHNHQGFRQVLVWLQJRIYDULRXV our new tradition, 20th Fd Regiment submitted its second team VSHDNHUVRQLPSRUWDQWWRSLFVVXFKDV(WKLFVDQG(QYLURQPHQWDO as part of 1st Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group’s Mountain awareness. The event was held in Red Deer, Alberta and as Man competition. The team was led by Major Waldner and was tradition it closes with the St. Barbara’s Day Ball, which allows FRPSRVHG RI :2 6LPHQVHQ /LHXWHQDQW +ROW 6HUJHDQW 3\O\- for the recognition of various accomplishments, and the hard SRZ%RPEDUGLHU1HLOVRQDQG%RPEDUGLHU6FKPLGWPDNLQJXS ZRUNRIRXUPHPEHUV a team of six. In addition, the Regiment saw to the creation of It is certain that 2013 carried on the success of 2012, offering and led a 41 Canadian Brigade Group Nijmegen Team, consist- QHZWUDLQLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHVWRWKH5HJLPHQW$VZHORRNIRUZDUG LQJ RI 0DMRU 6PLG :DUUDQW 2I¿FHU .HYLQ 3LHUFH DQG %RPEDU- to 2014 our focus stays on expanding on our horizons and endier Alex Neilson. Training for Nijmegen began early in March suring that we maintain the train to excite posture. DQGFRQVLVWHGRIDPLQLPXPPDUFKLQJGLVWDQFHRINPSULRU to the competition. The team trained hard and brought pride to unit during the competition. For the most part the blisters have Canadian Gunner 73 Maj Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt /W 2Lt /W 2Lt 2Lt MWO :2 WO WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr SJ JR MJ JC SL IL FG HF MA JG MG CD +7 JFG -: DJ MC AP '6 QD KS EM C MR JJ JL SR DH KMJ 6. EB BE SD MD MDH IA JB JJEM KM JC Kuervers Snider Waldner Wilson Brush Haney Helms Mitchell Payne Vienneau Vlaicov Holt 'HUNVHQ King .XSURZVN\ McQuillan Simiana Moggey %DNHU Gillard Pierce Simensen Pylypow Stanier Strong Anderson Conrod Cramer Fudge *UHJRUVNL Keen Neveaux Peterson Thornton Ubbing Blair Ball Brousseau Cariou Chacon Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr AL '. TR ALI , JMD CT JA $3 NJ 5' J K JP / KN SD AK M KW MP RQ ES MC CP AW CE TB MS RR K SR CM RV AW JRJ JC $- CD Davies (VD\DQNR Feser Forsythe *RQFKDUHQNR Guenther Guevara Hill +LVFRFN Holt +XFXOLDN Johnson Kelly Leduc /LQNODWHU Machan McGreer Neilson Neufeld Power Pylychaty Quaale Schlegl Schmidt Sebesten Senger Stang Stone Szaroz Thomas Toor Thorpe Vonalbedyhll Weldon Zacher Butler Larocque 0F&RUPDFN Mullaly 30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO LCol F.L. Mullally CD RSM CWO L. Guyon CD Honorary Colonel HCol H. Nanji 2013 was a year of change, challenge, and ceremony for the Bytown Gunners of 30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA. The PRVWVLJQL¿FDQWPLOHVWRQHIRUWKH%\WRZQ*XQQHUVDQGWKHLUUHJ imental family was the occupation of our new home at Morrison $UWLOOHU\3DUNIROORZLQJWKHPRYHIURP'RZ¶V/DNH,QWKHKLJK tempo of the move to a new armoury, our national salute duties, and an outstanding pace of training that included two regimental exercises attached to 42 RCA and 2 RCHA, the soldiers of 30th Field Artillery Regiment performed with exceptional drive and focus. 2Q WKH ¿QDO FROG ZHHNHQG RI -DQXDU\ WKH %\WRZQ *XQQHUV GHSOR\HGIURP'RZ¶V/DNHIRUWKHODVWWLPHRQDQH[HUFLVH2XU ¿UVW¿HOGWUDLQLQJH[HUFLVHRIFRQ¿UPHGRXUZLQWHUZDUIDUH WUDLQLQJDQGTXDOL¿HGRXUODWHVWFDQGLGDWHVIURPDMXVWFRPSOHWHG PRUWDUFRXUVH7KHZHHNHQGH[HUFLVHGYDOXDEOHVNLOOVUDQJLQJ from survival, navigation and warfare under winter conditions DQGVDZWKLUWHHQFDQGLGDWHVTXDOL¿HGRQPRUWDUV &DSW0LNN\DO.RVKPDQDQG:26WHIDQ0HLQHUWZHUHUHVSRQ 74 L’Artilleur Canadien tunity to join the summer concentration exercise to apply new VNLOOV 'XULQJ([HUFLVH67$/:$57*8$5',$1LQ0HDIRUGWKH%\town Gunners deployed as a composite battery with 42 Fd as SDUWRI5&$5&$ZDVIRUPHGVSHFL¿FDOO\IRUWKHH[HUFLVH and was constructed exclusively from the reserve units of 4 DiviVLRQ7KLVZDVWKH¿UVWUHJLPHQWDOOHYHOUHVHUYHDUWLOOHU\H[HUcise in memory of almost every member present and was both a technical and administrative achievement. With one 81 mm and two 105 mm call signs, the guns moved into positions and ¿UHGOLYHIRUWZRGD\V7KH\WKHQFRQGXFWHGPRYHPHQWFRRUGLQDWHGE\FVDFURVVDQH[WHQGHGRIIEDVHWUDLQLQJDUHDRI¿IW\ NLORPHWUHV¿QDOO\RFFXS\LQJSRVLWLRQVWRVXSSRUWWZR7%*VIURP 31 and 33 Bde) during a coordinated Brigade Group deliberate DWWDFNLQ0HDIRUG FOO parties were attached to the infantry companies throughRXW67$/:$57*$85',$1DQGWRRNSDUWLQDZLGHYDULHW\RI scenario stands and realistic combat training throughout. The FSCC and Targeting cell manned by Capt Koshman, WO Mein&DSW5RDFK¿ULQJ5HJLPHQWDO6PRNHZLWK5&+$ ert and MBdr Lacombe joined Brigade HQ in the TOC providing sible for standing up a dedicated FSCC and Targeting team. input and expertise to operational planning and execution. ,Q6HSWHPEHU%DWWHU\WRRNSDUWLQWKH%ULJDGH([HUFLVH Their FSCC with MBdr Sami Hussien, Bdr Andy Birdsell, and Bdr Shaun Swallow was attached to and trained with 33 Territorial WOLF FORCE in a composite battery formed with 42 Fd. The %DWWOH*URXS7%*7KH\SDUWLFLSDWHGLQH[HUFLVH75,//,80 %DWWHU\VKRRNRXWDQGFRQ¿UPHGEDWWHU\OHYHOVKRRWLQJRQ6DW5(63216( DQG WUDYHOOHG WR 0RRVRQHH 2QWDULR LQ )HEUXDU\ urday and moved that night to participate in the TBG conduct7KH WDUJHWLQJ WHDP MRLQHG WKH ,QÀXHQFH $FWLYLWLHV 7DVN )RUFH ing a water crossing on Sunday morning. This exercise offered (IATF) throughout the year dealing with effects management. exposure to advantages and limitations of water movement for a The two different training opportunities of FSCC and Target- battle group and started off the new training year. 7KH 5HJLPHQW WRRN SDUW LQ RXU VHFRQG UHJLPHQWDO ¿UH H[HUing complemented each other as lessons learned were directly cise with 2 RCHA transferable beduring Exercise tween the two. STALWART 2Q WKH ¿*811(5 PLG QDO ZHHNHQG LQ November. It March, 2 Battery had been almost WRRN SDUW LQ WKH a year since 7%* FRQ¿UPDjoining the last tion Exercise Regular Force : 2 / ) 3 $ & . regimental ex$3(;ZLWKPHPercise and the bers of 42nd battery was very Field Artillery successful in apRegiment (42 plying lessons Fd) attached. learned from last On Saturday, the year and provcomposite batLQJ EDWWOH WDVN WHU\¿UHGLQGLUHFW standards in a to exercise gun regimental conposition drills. text. The FOO On Saturday party with Capt night the battery Curtis Roach redeployed to and MBdrAaron support the TBG Krannich were defensive posithrown a curvetion. The battery Salute to HRH, Prince George ball during a faprovided live dimiliarisation with UHFW ¿UH FRRUGLnated with a 25 mm LAV III engagement and the Engineers blew WKH5HJXODU)RUFH/$9,,,LQGLUHFW¿UHFRQWUROV\VWHPZKHQ%&' up two bridges to demonstrate a Battle Group’s concentration of VXUSULVHGWKHPE\VHWWLQJD5HJLPHQWDO'HOLEHUDWH6PRNHPLVsion. Despite never having used the equipment before, the mis¿UHDQGHIIHFWV 567LQ0HDIRUGTXLFNO\WRRNRYHUWKHVXPPHU$PRQJWKH VLRQZDVVXFFHVVIXOO\¿UHGZLWKVRPHWLSVSURYLGHGWKURXJKRXW NH\FRXUVHVDQGTXDOL¿FDWLRQVZHUH6JW&KHULH.RVKPDQZKR RQKRZWRXVHWKHXQIDPLOLDU¿UHFRQWUROV\VWHP,QDGGLWLRQWR completed GATSM and WO Vishnoo Soondrum who completed ¿UHDQGPRYHPHQW%DWWHU\ZDVWHVWHGE\D5&5RSSRVLWLRQ KLV%60FRXUVH$PRQJRXUQHZUHFUXLWV*QU0LFKDHO3ODQWH force and successfully defended the gun position by utilizing a $MDKZDVQRWDEO\7RS&DQGLGDWHIRUWKH'LYLVLRQ'3FRXUVH well laid out local defence plan set by Capt Richard Montague. At the end of the summer training, all candidates had the oppor- At the close of the exercise on Sunday morning, 2 Battery en- Canadian Gunner 75 JDJHG WDUJHWVDVSDUWRIDEDWWHU\FRPPDQGHU¶V¿UHSODQFRQducted by BC D. In addition to the rigours of training both in garrison and the ¿HOGWKH%\WRZQ*XQQHUVDUHDOVRKRQRXUHGWRVHUYHDV&DQDda’s National Salute Troop. These duties entail participation in myriad ceremonies, tattoos, parades, and static displays. This year, 30th Field Artillery Regiment provided gun salutes for visiting heads of state and dignitaries from Japan, Italy, France, Trinidad and Tobago, Estonia, and Chile. The guns also conducted D VDOXWH DW 50&¶V JUDGXDWLRQ LQ WKH WKLUG ZHHN RI 0D\ 7KH guns including our refurbished 9 pounder participated in Ottawa’s military tattoo, Fortissimo, providing a Feu de Joie and the traditional percussion support to the 1812 overture. The Regiment’s salute troop preformed a brief but meaningful salute at 2WWDZD¶V3ROLFHDQG3HDFH2I¿FHU0HPRULDOGHPRQVWUDWLQJRXU FRPPLWPHQWWRWKHUHPHPEUDQFHRIERWKPLOLWDU\DQGFLYLOLDQ¿UVW responders. On 16 October the Regiment performed a salute RQ3DUOLDPHQW+LOOWRFRPPHPRUDWHWKHDUULYDORIWKH*RYHUQRU General and the Throne Speech. 7KHPRVWQRWDEOHDQGXQLTXHVDOXWHXQGHUWDNHQE\WKHJXQV this year was on 23 July. The guns were called to provide a VDOXWHIRUWKHELUWKRI+LV5R\DO+LJKQHVV3ULQFH*HRUJH7KH Regiment’s Adjutant, Capt Alisdair Galbraith received a phone FDOODWWKUHHR¶FORFNLQWKHDIWHUQRRQRI-XO\7KH&DQDGLDQ Secretary to the Queen, Mr. Kevin MacLeod was on the line and UHTXHVWHGWKDWWKH%\WRZQ*XQQHUV¶1DWLRQDO6DOXWH7URRS¿UH D UR\DO JXQ VDOXWH WR 3ULQFH *HRUJH RQ 3DUOLDPHQW +LOO WKH IROORZLQJ GD\ DW QRRQ 7KH 5HJLPHQW PDGH D ÀXUU\ RI telephone calls to organize the salute between a half dozen national and local agencies and hastily assembled a salute troop RI¿IWHHQVROGLHUVOHGE\&DSW&RU\%URZQ/W*UHJ:DUQHDQG WO Stephan Meinert. Within two hours the Regiment was able WR FRQ¿UP WKURXJK WKH FKDLQ RI FRPPDQG WR WKH &'6 WKDW WKH guns were ready. On Remembrance Day the Regiment supported three national ceremonies in Ottawa. At the National War Memorial 2 %DWWHU\¿UHGDPLQXWHJXQDQGJXQVDOXWHDWDPWRKRQRXU those who died in service to the country. At the same time 1 %DWWHU\¿UHGDPLQXWHJXQVDOXWHDW%HHFKZRRG1DWLRQDO0LOLWDU\ Cemetery. In the afternoon, the Regiment and Y Battery from 2 RCHA as well as gunners from the National Capital Region congregated at the National Artillery Memorial for a minute gun salute and ceremony to honour fallen gunners. The unit welcomed the return of Sgt. Yasir Godatalla who had previously been deployed on Operation LOBE in Libya between 0DUFK DQG -XO\ 6JW *RGDWDOOD UHFHLYHG DQ 260(;3 IRU KLV participation in an operational tour as an interpreter. The unit also welcomed the return of WO Danny Compton who had been previously deployed on Operation ATTENTION in Afghanistan. 7KH 5HJLPHQW DZDUGHG 6JW 3DXO 6LOODQSDD DQG 0%GU 0LFKDHO Cheeseman their CDs as a testament to their commitment to the Regiment, the guns, and the Canadian Armed Forces. The RegLPHQW DOVR DZDUGHG 6JW *OHQPRUH &ODUNH DQG 0&SO 0LFKHOOH Sonnichsen with their CD clasps. This year the Bytown Gunners extended a welcome to our attached posted members, Tpr Bianca Romagnoli, Tpr James Hogan, Bdr Lindsay Messerschidt, and Bdr Serena Stavenjord. WK)LHOG$UWLOOHU\5HJLPHQWZRXOGDOVROLNHWRWKDQN%GU3DWULFD Koch and Bdr Mary Fandry for their continued service to the Royal Regiment while attach posted away from our unit at 7 Toronto and 20th Field Artillery Regiment. On 12 September, The Regiment conducted a change of comPDQG SDUDGH IRU %DWWHU\ &DSW 5LFKDUG 0RQWDJXH WRRN RYHU command of the Battery from Major Chantal Bérubé. The Battery welcomed the incoming battery commander and honoured 76 Maj Bérubé’s time with the Bytown Gunners. 7KHODQGPDUNHYHQWIRUWKHWKH%\WRZQ*XQQHUVWKLV\HDUZDV PRYLQJIURPRXUKRPHRIVL[W\\HDUVDW'RZ¶V/DNHWR&)%8Slands in February. On the evening of 25 September, 30th Field Artillery Regiment unveiled our new armoury with an opening FHUHPRQ\0RUULVRQ$UWLOOHU\3DUNZDVLQDXJXUDWHGE\WKHXQLW SHUVRQQHOIRUPHUPHPEHUVDQGDI¿OLDWHVDQGPXOWLSOHGLJQLWDUies. It is named in honour of former Ottawa Citizen Editor In Chief, and Bytown Gunner, MGen E.W.B. Morrison, KCMG, CB, DSO (1867-1925) who served in both the Boer War and WWI. The ceremony featured a quarter-guard and the Senior Serving Gunner LGen Stuart Beare. The ribbon cutting was conducted with an artillery sabre formerly used by the commander of a SRXQG JXQ LQ D FHUHPRQ\ HYRNLQJ D FRPELQDWLRQ RI FKDQJH and tradition. Despite the hasty and at times hectic move, Morrison ArtilOHU\ 3DUN KDV DQG ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR EH D UHVRXQGLQJ VXFFHVV The new facilities provide the Bytown Gunners an area large enough to conduct gun drill, host special events, and stage parades. It also features an improved Indirect Fire Trainer, mobility LPSDLUHGDFFHVVDQGPXFKQHHGHGDGGLWLRQDORI¿FHVSDFH$W present, the Regiments’ guns can be comfortably housed in the DUPRXU\¶VVSUXQJVKHOWHUZKLOHWUDLQLQJFDQWDNHSODFHFRQFXUrently. 30th Field Artillery Regiment is also very proud of its cadet FRUSV DQG LV SOHDVHG WKDW ZH FDQ RIIHU WKH FDGHWV PRUH RI¿FH space and better resources as a result of our new facilities. The 5HJLPHQWKDVWZRDI¿OLDWHGFDGHWERGLHVLQWKHQDWLRQDOFDSLWDO area. 2317-30th Field Regiment who are located with us at MorULVRQ$UWLOOHU\3DUNDQGVWDQWLWDQNUHJLPHQWSDUDGLQJRXW of branch 314 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Despite sharing the burden of a move with the Regiment, the cadets were able to successfully demonstrate 1860’s gun drill at their annual parade which was presided over by 30th Field Artillery Regiment CO LCol Finley Mullally. With the new armoury also comes a new and improved museum aptly named the “Bytown Gunners’ Firepower Museum.” Located inside the new facility, the museum’s staff is comprised of former members, current members, and other volunteers. The ¿QDOSURGXFWLVDQH[SHUWO\FXUDWHGDQGFDUHIXOO\FDUHGIRUFROOHFtion of artillery and military artefacts which expertly showcases the Regiment over 150 years of history. WK)LHOG$UWLOOHU\5HJLPHQWZRXOGOLNHWRJLYHVSHFLDOWKDQNV WR +&RO &KLNR 1DQML ZKR KDV SURYLGHG YDOXDEOH VXSSRUW WR DQ ongoing project reviewed by the Regiment’s Senate History Committee to write the history of the Bytown Gunners. The museum project would not have been possible without a generous endowment from Joy Maclaren. Other vital support has come from the Regimental Senate, the Bytown Gunner’s order, the Senior NCO’s Association, and all other friends and volunteers of the Regiment. These various partners have made the regimental museum popular and have to date registered over 1000 artefacts. We are grateful for all members of the Regiments’ supSRUWLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGORRNIRUZDUGWRKHOSLQJWKHPLQWKHLU continuing efforts to preserve the unit’s history and build community here in Ottawa. In spite of the stresses of the move and challenges posed by training the Bytown Gunners rose to the occasion in 2013. None of this would have been possible without the precious support of our regimental family: our HCol Nanji, the Senate members, the Senior NCO Association and especially the unit members themselves. The guns are continuing on with the missions and DQVZHULQJWKHFDOOIRU¿UH L’Artilleur Canadien Grand Opening Morrison Artillery Park. Col Comdt, 33 Bde SM, 33 Bde DComd, Senior Serving Gunner - Comd CJOC; RSM 30 Fd, HCol 30 Fd and CO 30 Fd Maj Maj Maj &DSW Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt 2Lt OCDT MWO MWO WO WO WO WO WO Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW 6JW Sgt MBdr 0%GU 0%GU 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MPC T.A. JA '3 CF 5 AK M EEM RT CR P.J GS SA JJ WR DH DC EC SJ DC V DES *& MR DF YM SW CMM 5. % PEL ML *7 0&-- 1' MW MG CM RJ CA AMF MC 5- JE JDT MJW Canadian Gunner Bérubé Calnan Hampson $WNLQV Brown &DUNQHU Galbraith Koshman Leslie Montague Roach Costello Warne Hussien Jeffrey Hall Robinson Compton Fisher Meinert Rogers Soondrum Butts &ODUN Garbuio Gaston Godatalla Hood Koshman 0DFND\ 0DNWKHSKDUDN Sillanpaa Cheeseman &ODUNH &RRN &RRN Dent Dumaine Gale Jennings Knowles Krannich Lacombe /RHSSN\ Meahan Phillips Thorp MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr 77 EA JD WJ GR MHPC W ABRA AB JMS P 5 B MJ VA S JS A CW JO WR RA T S KDC * M EJP ME S K E EJ J KE KH P L Y S E.P D R EG RD N M CP Widdowson Anstey Bell Brown Cathcart Cretes Drescher Brown Fandrey Gemmell Gobeil +RSNLQVRQ Koch Low Marcantonio Ntamwira Pelletier Ramanathan Ratcliffe Ratcliffe Shelson Stewart Wolstenholme Wynne Young $PHV$IÀHFN Branch Charpentier Cotton-Dumouchel Danial Desouza Douglas-O'neill Enge Grummett Guilbeault Holland Izzo Jones Jung Koch Krausbar Mcateer Morris Murphy Pinos Plante-Ajah Sheppard Withers The RCA Heritage Campaign Regimental Headquarters The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Canadian Forces Base Shilo 32%R[6WQ0DLQ Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 Campagne du Fonds du patrimoine de l’Artillerie royale canadienne Quartier général régimentaire du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Base des Forces canadiennes Shilo &35000, succ. Main Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 In Flanders Fields – Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, May 1915 – May 2015 Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, artillery officer, physician and poet, wrote In Flanders Fields at the height of Second Ypres, one of the most bitter battles of World War I. The centenary of that poem falls at the beginning of May 2015. As a result of the initiative of the RCAA and the dynamic leadership of the McCrae Statue Committee, the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery will erect a statue to honour John McCrae. DesLJQZRUNLVwell advanced. The figure will resemble McCrae and show him in a way highlighting all of his roles, with his dress as an Artillery officer and his medical bag nearby, as he writes. The statue will show the destruction of the battlefield and, at his feet, the poppies which are such an enduring symbol of Remembrance of that war and all armed conflict since. We are pleased to have commissioned renowned Canadian sculptor Ruth Abernethy, NQRZQIRUZRUNVVXFKDVWKH Oscar 3HWHUVRQVWDWXHDWWKH National Arts Centre in Ottawa and the statue of Glenn Gould outside the CBC building in Toronto. A possible design, then Major John McCrae May 1915 We are now involved in discussions with the National Capital Commission (NCC) and anticipate that we will have authority, in due course, to place the statue near the National Artillery War Memorial, on Green Island at the junction of the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, just off Sussex Drive in Ottawa. This ideal site is just minutes north of the National War Memorial. The citizens of Guelph, Ontario will also honour John McCrae, by placing an identical statue near his ELUWKSODFH7KH\ZLOOXQGHUWDNe a separate civic fund-raising FDPSDLJQDQGZRUNFORVHO\ZLWKRXU Regimental committee in Guelph. We are beginning the process of fund-raising for the statue. The Campaign Goal is $350,000. All &DQDGLDQVFDQKHOSXVHQVXUHWKDWWKLVLFRQLF&DQDGLDQDQGKLVZRUNDUHUHPHPEHUHGon the centenary of In Flanders Fields. To donate or for further information visit our web site at Mention McCrae Statue in the comments section of the donation form at the Canada Helps button. Or PDLODFKHTXH payable to the “The RCA Fund” to: /&RO0'0F.D\32%R[ 970, Guelph, ON, N1H 6N1. Mention “McCrae statue” on the cheque. Or contact; The Regimental Major RCA at [email protected] or at 204 765-3000 ext 3595 Donations to the RCA Heritage Campaign form part of the RCA Regimental Fund - ŚĂƌŝƚĂďůĞZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶEŽ͘ϭϭϵϮϱϮϵϵϳZZϬϬϬϭ. Tax Receipts are issued for donations over $20, or on request. <HVWHUGD\7RGD\DQG7RPRUURZ +LHUDXMRXUG·KXLHWGHPDLQ &HOHEUDWLQJRXU+HULWDJH6HFXULQJWKH &pOpEUHUQRWUHSDWULPRLQHJDUDQWLU )XWXUH O DYHQLU This note has been written by the RCA Heritage Campaign Committee. Cette note a été écrite par le Comité de la Campagne du fonds du patrimoine de l’ARC. 78 L’Artilleur Canadien The RCA Heritage Campaign Regimental Headquarters The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Canadian Forces Base Shilo 32%R[6WQ0DLQ Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 Campagne du Fonds du patrimoine de l’Artillerie royale canadienne Quartier général régimentaire du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Base des Forces canadiennes Shilo &3 5000, Succ. Main Shilo (MB), R0K 2A0 Au champ d’honneur – Lieutenant-colonel John McCrae, mai 1915-mai 2015 Le lieutenant-colonel John McCrae est un officier d’artillerie, un médecin et un poète qui a composé Au champ d’honneur lors de la seconde bataille d’Ypres, une des batailles les plus horribles de la 3UHPLqUH*XHUUHPRQGLDOH. Le centième anniversaire de ce poème aura lieu au début de mai 2015. Suite à l’initiative de l’AARC et grâce au leadership dynamique du comité de la statue de John McCrae, le Régiment Royal de l’Artillerie Canadienne dévoilera une statue de John McCrae pour lui rendre hommage. Le travail de conception avance bien. La figure est créée afin de ressembler à McCrae et pour le montrer de IDoRQjPHWWUHHQYDOHXUWRXVVHVU{OHVDYHFVD tenue d’officier de l’artillerie et son sac de médecin, tout près, pendant qu’il écrit. La statue exposera la destruction du champ de bataille et, à ses pieds, les coquelicots qui représentent, depuis longtemps, le symbole du souvenir de cette guerre et de tous les conflits armés depuis. 8QPRGqOHSRVVLEOHGXPDMRU John McCrae, mai 1915 Nous sommes maintenant en pourparlers avec la Commission de la capitale nationale (CCN) et nous prévoyons obtenir la permission, en temps voulu, de placer la statue près du Monument national aux artilleurs, à l’île Verte, à la jonction des rivières Rideau et des Outaouais, tout près de la promenade Sussex, à Ottawa. Ce site idéal se trouve à quelques minutes au nord du Monument national de guerre. Les citoyens de Guelph, en Ontario, travaillent également sur un projet pour honorer John McCrae, qui est d’installer une statue identique près de son lieu de naissance. Ils entreprendront une campagne de financement civile distincte et travailleront étroitement avec notre comité régimentaire de la campagne de charité situé à Guelph. 1RXVFRPPHQoRQVOHfinancement pour la statue. Tous les Canadiens peuvent nous aider à faire en sorte que l’on se souvienne de cette légende canadienne et de son œuvre lors du centenaire du poème Au champ d’honneur. Pour faire un don ou pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez notre site Web au Mentionnez « Statue de McCrae » dans la section « Message/instructions » du formulaire de don en ligne de CanaDon. 2XHQYR\H]XQFKqTXHSDUODSRVWHSD\able au nom de « Fonds de l’ARC » au : Lcol MD McKay, &3 970, Guelph (ON), N1H 6N1. Mentionnez « Statue de McCrae » sur le chèque. Ou contactez le major régimentaire, ARC, par courriel à [email protected] ou par téléphone au 204 765-3000, poste 3595 La Campagne du Fonds du patrimoine est administrée par l’intermédiaire du Fonds du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne, un organisme sans but lucratif enregistré auprès de l’Agence du revenu du Canada - No. 11925 2997 RR 0001. <HVWHUGD\7RGD\DQG7RPRUURZ +LHUDXMRXUG·KXLHWGHPDLQ &HOHEUDWLQJRXU+HULWDJH6HFXULQJWKH &pOpEUHUQRWUHSDWULPRLQHJDUDQWLU )XWXUH O DYHQLU This note has been written by the RCA Heritage Campaign Committee. Cette note a été écrite par le Comité de la Campagne du fonds du patrimoine de l’ARC. Canadian Gunner 79 42nd Field Artillery Regiment /DQDUN5HQIUHZ6FRWWLVK RCA CO LCol S.M. Fritz-Millett CD RSM MWO A.D. Batten, CD This year represented one of progress, enjoyment, and the need for detachment commanders was apparent. The Gun DeFRQWLQXHG HQKDQFHPHQW RI QHFHVVDU\ VROGLHULQJ VNLOOV IRU WKH tachment 2IC Course, run in Meaford in July 2013, saw our unit PHPEHUVRI)LHOG5HJLPHQW/DQDUNDQG5HQIUHZ6FRWWLVK successfully graduate three new leaders. MBdr Devin Keenan, 5R\DO&DQDGLDQ$UWLOOHU\2XUH[FHOOHQWVHQLRUOHDGHUVKLSVNLOOHG MBdr William Andress and Bdr Michael Sawyer all managed to VHQLRU1&2 VDQGNHHQ\RXQJJXQQHUVKHOSWRFRPSULVHDXQLW complete the demanding course and have since been dutifully WKDWLVFORVHNQLWDQGDZRUNSODFHWKDWLVHI¿FLHQW employed in these roles which serve as the immediate level of The unit began the year with training aimed at refreshing leadership for soldiers on the gun line. It is their competence WKH YLWDO VNLOOV UHTXLUHG WR DQG NQRZOHGJH WKDW HQoperate in cold weather sures timely and accurate FRQGLWLRQV 8QVXUSULV¿UHPLVVLRQV ingly, the nature of our Another need met durFRXQWU\ V FOLPDWH PDNHV ing the summer was for it mandatory to be able to the role of junior gun line SXWWRXVHDOOVNLOOVLQZLQRI¿FHU FRPPRQO\ UHter conditions not only to ferred to as the "subalsurvive, but to thrive in an WHUQ /W -XVWLQ :DONHU operational setting. The and 2Lt Chad Millar both remainder of the winter XQGHUWRRN WKH FKDOOHQJH VKLIWHGIRFXVEDFNWRZDUG of the three-month long JXQQHU\VNLOOV:LWK567 '3 $UWLOOHU\ 7URRS (reserve summer trainCommander course at the ing) beginning in April, it Royal Canadian Artillery was important to prepare School in Gagetown, New all course candidates %UXQVZLFNDQGZHUHERWK for the challenges they successful. The course ZRXOGIDFHZKHQVHHNLQJ combines the roles of QHZ VNLOOV DQG TXDOL¿FDBattery Reconnaissance tions. This ranges all the 2I¿FHU &RPPDQG 3RVW way from new recruits 2I¿FHU DQG *XQ 3RVLWLRQ completing their entry- 5HJW,&0DM&7HVVLHUULJKWDQG560YLVLWWKHQHZO\EDGJHGJXQQHUVRI 2I¿FHU level courses and basic 42 Fd Regt. Exercise STALWART artillery course, to Master *8$5',$1 WRRN Bombardiers and senior Bombardiers training to become gun- place at Meaford, Ontario from 17-25 August and served as a detachment commanders. FRQ¿UPDWLRQRIVNLOOVOHDUQHGDQGKRQHGWKURXJKRXWWKHVXPPHU The summer proved to be very busy yet highly successful pe- It was an exercise that included a regimental level artillery eleriod and saw the capability and readiness of the unit grow sub- ment. 42nd Fd Regt gunners served in c/s 2 of 12 RCA. For the stantially. Some of the crucial needs of the unit were met dur- ¿UVWWLPHWKHPDMRULW\RIWKHJXQOLQHRI¿FHUFRPSOHPHQWIRUWKH ing this time frame. With some gun detachment commanders battery was supplied by this unit. having moved on to perform Troop Sergeant Major duties, the As always, Change of Command ceremonies are a very emo- 80 L’Artilleur Canadien *QU7+DUWHHDJHUO\DZDLWVWKHRUGHUWR¿UHIURPKLV'HW&RPG WLRQDO WLPH IRU XQLWV DV FORVHO\ NQLW DV RXUV /&RO ,DQ %HFNLQJ commanded the unit for two and one half years and enjoyed the respect and affection of those serving with him. He brought forth DKDQGVRQVW\OHRIOHDGHUVKLSWKDWH[HPSOL¿HGWKHH[SHUWDUWLO OHU\NQRZOHGJHFRQ¿GHQFHDQGFRPSDVVLRQUHTXLUHGRIDVHQLRU leader in the Canadian Forces. On the 6th of October 2013, LCol %HFNLQJKDQGHGFRPPDQGRYHUWR0DM6WHSKHQ)ULW]0LOOHWW1R stranger to the area, Maj Fritz-Millett had served previously as the CO of 1 AD Regt. The unit’s future is bright with our new CO at the helm. It was also an eventful year for the Senior NCO's of WKHXQLW0:2'DOH%DWWHQWRRNRYHUDV560IURP&:2(UQHVW +DOOEULQJLQJZLWKKLPDZHDOWKRIDUWLOOHU\NQRZOHGJH,QDGGL tion, WO Sean Chase was promoted to MWO and MBdrs Devin Keenan, Randall Kuehl and Alisdair Kay were promoted to Sgt. Our regular force cadre also saw a change with Sgt Caroline &XUWLV UHSODFLQJ 6JW -RHO 6WXDUW DV WKH &KLHI &OHUN DQG 0%GU Ona Valdivia replacing MBdr Martin Langlois. Appropriately, the year concluded with another large artillery ¿HOGH[HUFLVH6HUYLQJDVSDUWRI5&+$¶V([HUFLVH67$/:$57 *811(5ZHMRLQHGIRUFHVZLWK)G5HJWWRIRUPDFRPSRVLWH EDWWHU\ZKHUHZHZHUHDEOHWRWDNHSDUWLQ5HJLPHQWDO¿UHPLV sions. This training opportunity was a great learning experience IRURXUSHUVRQQHODQGZHFHUWDLQO\ORRNIRUZDUGWRZRUNLQJDJDLQ with the 2 RCHA. Additionally, many young gunners were able to get some introductory training with the M777 155mm Howitzer. This not only offered valuable training, but also an element RIH[FLWHPHQWIRUWKRVHZKRKDGQHYHUZRUNHGZLWKWKHV\VWHP before. This exercise was largely representative of the year as a whole. It showcased a successful year of training because our XQLWZDVDEOHWRSDUWDNHVXFFHVVIXOO\LQVXFKODUJHVFDOHH[HU cises and perform very well in doing so. We must not forget, however, that one successful year must fold into the next. May the year of 2014 bring with it new challenges that we will meet head on while we move forward with purpose. $WOHIW1HZO\SURPRWHG MBdr B. Andress is seen here during Ex Stalwart Gunner. 5LJKW-RLQWQGWK Command Post crew looks none the worse after a successful hoursORQJ¿UHSODQ Capt &DSW 2Lt 2Lt /W MWO WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr WPR .- MA CJ -$ SC JE SJD DM AER DA RE NJ WL JLD KJ MA JT ODC J NA JD DR TC NLL Canadian Gunner Davis 'RQDN Buxcey Millar :DONHU Chase Mosher Pepin Carmody Kay Keenan Kuehl Luhtanen Andress Dusseault Gamble Sawyer Shulist Valdivia Benoit Bygott Clouthier Davidson Drew Fong Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr 81 SJD MM JA '$ '5 MW GR CLV BJ LR LR EA SE BD RA BM JWJ DT VAR BJ NE AR DR AM SM Hawley Keuhl Kolody 0DVN 0DVN McGillvray McKee Morrell Murphy Pringle Shulist Sjaarda Storie Bagrie-Davis Baldwin David Desjardins Harte Hunt Jordan MacFarland Moore Salter Solar Wren 49th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA 1RW6XEPLWWHG Non Soumis 82 L’Artilleur Canadien 56th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA CO LCol C.H. Marvin CD RSM CWO P.D. Elliott MMM, CD Honorary Colonel HCol E.M. Pancoe, CD Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol B.E. Robertson, CD The year 2013 began with the Regimental Levee, with particiWith collective regimental training concluded, members of pation in the Mayor’s Fun Run in Brantford; then it was down to 56 Field dispersed to provide instructors and students on varibusiness, with Exercise COLD START held in Simcoe to serve ous artillery courses as part of reserve summer training (RST), as a refresher for winter warwhile other members continIDUH VNLOOV 0HPEHUV RI WKH ued with a variety of activities. Regiment provided personnel In June, gunners of 10 Battery for a variety of positions and provided an escort at the anWDVNLQJV IRU ([HUFLVH 75,//,QXDO 3ROLVK 9HWHUDQV 3DUDGH 80 5(63216( LQ )HEUXDU\ DW 1LDJDUDRQWKH/DNH DQG LQFOXGLQJD)223DUW\ personnel participated in the In March training in Mea32 CBG Change of Command IRUG LQFOXGLQJ (; &28*$5 3DUDGHDW'HQLVRQ$UPRXU\LQ 63,5,7 VDZ PHPEHUV RI Toronto. On 1 July 56 Field 56 Field Regiment providing provided a presence at the ¿UH VXSSRUW DQG H[HUFLVLQJ re-dedication of the Cenotaph JXQQHU\ VNLOOV ZLWK ERWK WKH in St George Ontario and the 105mm howitzers and 81mm Honorary Colonel, Colonel mortars. (G 3DQFRH UHSUHVHQWHG WKH April saw members of the Regiment and addressed the Regiment once again training crowd gathered for the solemn LQ0HDIRUGIRU([HUFLVH&28ceremony. Members of the *$563,5,7ZKLFKLQYROYHG Regiment also acquitted themhelicopter operations training selves well in the Warrior Dash in conjunction with deployment Regimental parade in Toronto to commemorate the 200 anniversary held in Barrie, Ontario. August DQG¿ULQJZLWKPP0RUWDUV RIWKH%DWWOHRI)RUW<RUN saw the gathering of the memApril also saw the commemobers of 56 Field as part of the ration of the Battle of St Julien commemorating the heroic action DQQXDO VXPPHU %ULJDGH ([HUFLVH 67$/:$57 *8$5',$1 LQ of the gunners of 10th Battery on April 22, 1915. Members of 3HWDZDZD 56 Field also joined with other units of 32 CBG in the Battle of September saw the beginning of a new training cycle, and <RUN&RPPHPRUDWLRQKHOGLQ7RURQWRDVSDUWRIWKHELFHQWHQQLDO UHIUHVKHU WUDLQLQJ RI LQGLYLGXDO VROGLHU VNLOOV FRPPHQFHG ZLWK events for the War of 1812. The collective training cycle culmi- DQQXDO,%76WUDLQLQJ:KLOHIRFXVRQEDVLFPLOLWDU\VNLOOVFRQQDWHGLQ0D\ZLWK([HUFLVH&28*$563,5,7ZKHUHPHPEHUV tinued, October also saw members of 69 Battery participate in RIWKH5HJLPHQWRQFHDJDLQSUDFWLFHGWKHLUVNLOOVZLWKKHOLFRSWHU the annual Warrior Day celebration, as well as members of the RSHUDWLRQVWUDLQLQJDQGGHSOR\LQJDQG¿ULQJPPPRUWDUV Regiment displaying an excellent showing in the gruelling Rog- Canadian Gunner 83 er’s Challenge competition. November saw members of the 5HJLPHQW DFWLYH LQ WKH DQQXDO 7KDQND9HW /XQFKHRQ KHOG LQ Brantford, and participating in Remembrance Day Ceremonies throughout St Catharines, Simcoe and Brantford locations. This PRQWK DOVR VDZ WKH ¿QDO JXQQHU\ H[HUFLVH RI WKH \HDU ZKHUH members of the Regiment deployed 105mm howitzers in MeaIRUGDQGSUDFWLFHGVNLOOVLQFOXGLQJGLUHFW¿UHHQJDJHPHQWV7KLV exercise also served as a “farewell” of sorts, as Sgt Chris Davis, &'DQG6JW6FRWW-HQHUHDX[&'ERWKRI%DWWHU\¿UHGWKHLU last rounds. As of January 2014, each will have spent 38 years in service with the guns. During this year there was occasion both for mourning and FHOHEUDWLQJ 0HPEHUV PDUNHG WKH SDVVLQJ RI &:2 UHWLUHG -HII*RZDQORFN&'IRUPHU5HJLPHQWDO6HUJHDQW0DMRURIWK )LHOG5HJLPHQW5&$,WFHOHEUDWHGDV&:23DXO'(OOLRWW&' Regimental Sergeant Major of 56 Field Regiment RCA, was appointed by His Excellency Governor General David Johnson as a Member of the Order of Military Merit. Investiture in Ottawa occurred on Friday 8 November at Rideau Hall. With a celebration in honour of St Barbara and a Christmas Dinner, the training year of 2013 came to an end. Detachment members clean a C3 Howitzer 6JW:RRG V&+RZLW]HUGXULQJDOLYH¿UHGLUHFWVKRRW Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt /W 2Lt CWO WO WO WO WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU1' 0%GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Gnr *QU *QU Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr Gnr Gnr *QU Gnr RJ HG NT JW PJE K DB KR SM +( Z JB DT MJ KR JW KJ J C WE 5 C CSL SE C MJ BPS JD JR GW P :$ KD TE MJ A LJ DM JJK RN DR JA MC JJ KW JR DR 7FKRUHN 0' S BR AS NL Christopher Maclachlan Gudgeon Hill Pitt Smith Vreugdenhil Webb Whitworth 2KONH Pocuca Elliott Anderson Leitch Mans Mcdonald Smith Cavin Davis Durrant )HNHWH Gagen Jax Jenereaux Ketler Kuz Lannon Martin Morgan Philpott Richardson 6URND Boese Bothwell Bradley Brown Cunningham Dubas Elliott Giesbrecht Held Long Monteblanca Olthof Rogers Roos Shaughnessy :RURQFKDQND Abbruscato Bates Birdsell Chappel 84 JJ RA J JAI &&- 1 JA AR DA JRA .6 RC CJ GT BL TGA BT SGB MJ L AJM 0' MG 60 TJ %5 DKW DJW JRK AG KN NA 0$ BM JM BN 0:- $0- S 70: G BJ MD LG MR MSD AR 5$ RB JWP DAM %-' N Crocco Deboer Den Besten Dunlop (LNHOHQERRP (LNHOHQERRP Fraser Gareau Gareau Gravelle *ULI¿Q Grimwood Grummett Henderson Henry Holmes Holmes Hoo Howe Kizur Leduc /RFNLH Mccay 0FFRUPLFN Mclaughlin 3LNXOD Reinhardt Robertson Routley Sutch Taylor Tempelman :DOFKXN Waterman Zolnierowicz Bacher %DUNHU %XUWQLFN Cloutier +DQHN Hanson Kyle Lippert Lubin Mcconnachie Moore Penn 3LFNHULQJ Standfast Sutton Thorne :LFNHQV Wren L’Artilleur Canadien 62e Régiment d’Artillerie de Campagne, ARC Cmdt LCol G.M.F. Segard CD SMR Adjuc R. Blouin CD Lieutenant-colonel Honoraire HLcol F. Normand Le 62e Régia aussi invité ment d’Artillerie des employeurs de Campagne et patrons des (RAC) débute membres du régl’année avec iment à venir voir l’exercice Noble les artilleurs en Guerrier qui s’est action. Cette acdéroulé à Fort tivité se présente 3LFNHWW HQ 9LUsous le nom de ginie. Cet exer3URJUDPPH (;cice d’envergure (&875(. HW D a permis de comme principal FRQ¿UPHUOHVHQbut d’acquérir traînements colune meilleure lectifs des unités compréhension du 34e et 35e de la réserve, Groupe-Brigade des responsabilGX4XpEHF3XLV ités et des comODSUHPLqUH¿QGH pétences que semaine du mois le militaire peut de février, 18 aller chercher et membres du régtransférer dans iment participent son milieu de à un exercice de travail au civil. 'pSORLHPHQWOHVWDWLRQQHPHQWGXFHQWUH*HUYDLV$XWRFRPHQYXHG XQHPLVVLRQ guerre hivernale L’expérience fut j 9DOFDUWLHU D¿Q répétée avec de de mettre en pranouveaux invités tique les différentes techniques de survie en hiver. en octobre compte tenu des résultats positifs sur les membres Le 2 mars, se tient une compétition sportive dans le parc St- et la visibilité du régiment. Marc de la ville de Shawinigan avec pour objectif d’augmenter Le 62e RAC en collaboration avec le personnel de l’école secla cohésion et l’esprit d’équipe entre les membres tout en favori- ondaire Les Chutes organise une journée d’exploration militaire sant le sens de l’urgence, le leadership et l’organisation. Les jOD¿QPDLD¿QGHGRQQHUXQHPRWLYDWLRQVFRODLUHjXQHYLQJShawiniganais ont la chance de voir les militaires munis de leurs taine d’élèves. Soulignons la participation du cmdt du 62e RAC, pTXLSHPHQWV j O¶°XYUH 'X DX PDUV XQ GpSORLHPHQW OHOFRO)UDQoRLV6HJDUGFRPPHFRSUpVLGHQWjODHpGLWLRQGX PXOWLIRQFWLRQQHO j 9DOFDUWLHU SHUPHW OD FRQ¿UPDWLRQ GX FRXUV Relais pour la vie de la Société canadienne de Cancer situé à de sergent-major de troupe (SMT) et de mettre à l’épreuve les *UDQG0qUHGDQVOHSDUFGHODULYLqUH3UqVG¶XQHGRX]DLQHGH HQVHLJQHPHQWVUHoXVSDUOHVQRXYHDX[JUDGXpV/HH5$& membres du 62e RAC se joint aux 500 marcheurs et ont récolté Canadian Gunner 85 131 000$ lors de cette collecte de fond. Les 13-14 avril, les musiciens du 62e RAC présentent un FRQFHUWDXWKpkWUHGX&(*(3GH7URLV5LYLqUHVDYHFOHV3HWLWV Chanteurs. Des pièces parmi les plus grands classiques du ciQpPDDFFRPSDJQpVG¶H[WUDLWVGH¿OPVSURMHWpVDXJUDQGpFUDQ ont agrémenté les spectateurs. Le 62e RAC s’implique également dans la 80e édition de la classique internationale de canots de la Mauricie durant le long ZHHNHQG GH OD IrWH GX WUDYDLO (Q SOXV GH TXHOTXHV PLOLWDLUHV participant à la course de canot, la troupe Weider donne le coup de feu marquant le départ des canotiers à La Tuque. Le deuxLqPH MRXU OHV PXVLFLHQV IRQW XQH SUHVWDWLRQ GDQV OH 3DUF 6W Maurice juste avant l’arrivée des canotiers. Notons que cette compétition sportive a lieu depuis 1939 pour commémorer le VRXYHQLUGX3qUH%XWHX[PLVVLRQQDLUHWRUWXUpHWWXpSDUOHVLUR quois et rendre hommage aux pionniers où le seul moyen de Maj Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt Slt Slt Slt Slt Élof Élof Adjum Adjum Adj Adj Adj Adj Adj Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdrc Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr M SJF DJG DJA JPR B AJPJ JPR PO NA BV SJJ GJY DJMS SF PYFK JJPR DMJ JG C JPM JGM JBJP OJLC SJP SJA EJN JMM BJJ MS SGE A F MFJ JMTR BHR JRRF MDA MJD BJJRG MKJ JRDP FJAJY DJGD GJYR GGME FJJN WT BC CC JDD JEV BJC Y NE MPG A JRD P SJD Denommé Massé Roux Blais Boisvert Chaffey Ferland Martel Beauchesne Dumais Bergeron Boisclair Boisvert Bérubé Lemay Corbin Le Bot-Béliveau Blouin Garceau Binette Lambert Maurier Robitaille Savard Arel Bergeron Béchard Cossette Duplessis Désilets Fleury Gauthier Lamy Pagé Rinfret Vincent Chamberland Couturier Garceau Gauthier-Fréchette Giguère Héroux-Alain Lefebvre Ringuette Arcand Beaulieu Berger Bertrand Blais Boulé Bourassa-DEstimauville Bourré Bourré-Laprise Buist Bérubé Caron Casabon Chang Côté Daigle Desalliers transport était le canot. Le 22 septembre, on annonce sur parade des changements LPSRUWDQWVGDQVODUpRUJDQLVDWLRQGHWRXVOHVSRVWHVFOpV3XLV la 81e batterie réalise trois exercices sans tir réel dans la ville GH6KDZLQLJDQ8QQRXYHDXFRQFHSWTXLSHUPHWGHVDXYHUGHV coûts d’entraînement, motive le membre à montrer son savoirfaire aux visiteurs ainsi qu’une belle visibilité auprès des comPHUoDQWV /H H 5$& UHQG KRPPDJH j YDLOODQWV VROGDWV ayant participé à la dernière mission en Afghanistan en partenariat avec la Société d’histoire mauricienne et de l’Association des artilleurs ainsi avec la présence musicale de la musique du 62e RAC et d’une dizaine de cornemusiers. (Q¿QOHH5pJLPHQWG¶$UWLOOHULHGH&DPSDJQHGH6KDZLQ igan est une unité activement professionnelle et qui rayonne grâce à son implication dans sa région. Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil Artil 86 JPB A DRF RMR MALJ JPJF O D EJC MJN S JJ G JCE JPJM AJM MMS FJD AJMD TFD H CM JCD SP RD MTJ JFJN YJ JMB MJT MVS A FLSJ MJA SJG RJA E FD JJG CJJS FJF JFJR PA OJPR F MAJS NJJ CJS CJRS JJM G C GEJB F JRJ JF SJR JPL M JGFP Desrochers Duchaine Désilets Fay-Milette Ferron Gagnon Gagnon-Berthiaume Galipeau Guillemette Gélinas Helbling Houde Lord Hérard Isabelle Isabelle Lafreniere Lamarre Lambert Landry Landry Laperrière Piché Lemire Mailhot Martineau Martineau Massé-Turenne Mathon Mc Laughlin Mellon Nolet Paquette Parent-Lamy Poudrier Poulin Prince Provencher Renaud Roussel Simon Sylvestre Toupin Tremblay Trépanier Turcotte Vallée Vallée Vallée Vincent Blanchette Chrétien Gélinas Gélinas La Rose Lessard Pelletier Plamondon Santerre Séguin Thibeault-Tremblay Vincent L’Artilleur Canadien 20th Independent Field Battery, RCA BC Maj S. Dawson CD BSM MWO G.J. Wittebolle CD Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel HLCol W.C. Peterson 2013 was a year of triumphs and tragedies for 20th Independent Field Battery. :LWKWKUHHOLYH¿UHH[HUFLVHVLQ6XI¿HOGLQWKHWK,Qdependent Field Battery was able to continue to develop into an LQGHSHQGHQW¿HOGEDWWHU\:KLOHWKHUHLVPXFKZRUNWREHGRQH the evolution in training made important progress towards developing the future leadership of the unit. Bdr Graham Hall was promoted to MBdr, and several Bdr’s ZHUHDEOHWREHJLQWKHLU3/4WUDLQLQJPDNLQJWKHSRWHQWLDOIRUD full complement of MBdr’s in 2014. Bdr Michael Bittman comSOHWHGKLV3/4DVWKHWRSFDQGLGDWHDQGSURPSWO\FRPPLVVLRQHG DVDQRI¿FHUEHFRPLQJD/W 2013 saw the deployment of MBdr Barnard to Afghanistan; he UHWXUQHGVDIHO\RQ'HFHPEHU7KH¿QDOWRXUDQGODVWPHPEHU of the 20th Indep Fd Bty to serve in Afghanistan highlighted the efforts made by members of the battery in the service of their FRXQWU\RYHUWKHODVWGHFDGH8SRQWKHUHWXUQRI0%GU%DUQDUG WKHFLW\RI/HWKEULGJHKHOGWKHORZHULQJRIWKH$UWLOOHU\ÀDJFHUHPRQ\ WR PDUN WKH VDIH UHWXUQ RI RXU *XQQHU :2$OH[DQGHU Herman assumed the position of RSS WO in 2013, bringing a QHZSHUVSHFWLYHWRWKH%DWWHU\DQGKLVVNLOOVDVDQH[SHULHQFHG FOO / FAC. He was accompanied by MBdr Travis Halmrast. 7KH%DWWHU\DOVRVDZWKHDUULYDORI6JW-DPHV0RRUHZKRWRRN on the QM duties. MBdr Halmrast passed away in 2013; originally hailing from the Lethbridge area, MBdr Halmrast began his military career as a Reservist in Lethbridge and then transferred to the Regular Force 1 RCHA. His return to Lethbridge and service to the Battery was far too short. The tragic loss of this valued member was a great burden to endure in the concluding months of 2013. There were numerous awards and honors in the year. Bdr Dale Hutchison was Battery soldier of the year, “A” Troop soldier RIWKH\HDUZDV%GU$DURQ%URRNV³%´7URRSVROGLHURIWKH\HDU was Bdr Shawn Boisson. The King’s Cup Challenge, the annual WURRS FRPSHWLWLRQ VWDUWHG DQHZ LQ 6HSWHPEHU 7KH ¿UVW event was the second annual trebuchet contest that was judged RQ GLVWDQFH DFFXUDF\ DQG ¿UH GLVFLSOLQH 7KLV \HDU¶V FRQWHVW saw new and improved trebuchet designs that produced better UHVXOWV WKDQ ODVW \HDU¶V HIIRUWV7KH NLQJV &XS$ZDUG IRU was awarded to Gun Det #2. #2 Det had the best attendance, course participation, and contest points from Sept, 2012 to Sept, 2013. On November 6, the 20th Indep Fd Bty attended a Military Appreciation Night presented by the Lethbridge Hurricanes, funds ZHUHUDLVHGZLWKSURFHHGVVSOLWEHWZHHQWKH/HJLRQ3RSS\)XQG DQGWKH8QLW¶V/HWKEULGJH0LOLWDU\0XVHXP ,Q-XQHRIWKH&%*'RPHVWLF2SHUDWLRQV7DVN)RUFH 7)6,/9(57,3ZDVGHSOR\HGLQUHVSRQVHWRWKHÀRRGFULVLVLQ Southern Alberta. 22 Members answered the call, and within 24 hours the Bty had deployed and was offering aid to beleaguered citizens of Calgary. Although the 20th Indep Fd Bty is a small unit, the numbers that deployed, and the speed in which it was done, demonstrated a unit that is able to punch far above its weight. ,Q$XJXVWRIWK,QGHS)G%W\SDUWLFLSDWHGLQ(;*81NER DEFENDER 13 in CFB Shilo. The concentration of gunners from all across Western Canada gave members of the unit an opportunity to build a rapport with members of the RCA family, and to practice Gunnery at a Regimental level. 22 members from the 20th Indep Fd Bty participated in the EX and made up WKHODUJHVWFRQWULEXWLRQWRWKHZHHNORQJH[HUFLVHIURPDVLQJOH unit; again highlighting the willingness of the unit members to serve, and to do far more than is expected. 2013 was a year of challenges to face, tragedies to overcome, and great accomplishments to be had. 2013 will be a year to remember as the Battery marches forward. Maj Capt Capt 2Lt 2Lt OCdt MWO WO SC JCW RL DS Canadian Gunner Dawson McDonald Mein Atwood 87 AH C GJ AA Bittman Ciubotariu Wittebolle Herman Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr DW ASE -/ GA &- W CD KW GPL ' SE $& JS CP MR Hansen Lapthorn 3DQFKXN Williams %DNHU Barnard Eelhart Geiger Hall $NLWWLUT Boisson %URRNV Calhoun Crow Chief Damgaard Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr Gnr SJ AN DN MR -&6 KG '- JPG S -' TAJ -- DRC BD Harris Hummel Hutchison Indenbosch 0DQNRZ Mann 0HUULFN Nelson Ohemeng 3LFNHUHOO Schamber 7KRUNLOGVHQ Weiss Nguyen The Royal Canadian Artillery Band CO Capt P. Arsenault CD BSM MWO S.L. Mochnacz CD they brought the audience “out The Royal Canadian Artillery of their seats with one of the (RCA) Band had an extremely best halftime performances busy and successful year, perseen at Commonwealth Staforming an array of concerts dium.” (Edmonton Sun) and reaching out to communiThis fall The RCA Band ties in Edmonton and across launched its Educational Alberta. These concerts, School Concert Series (ESCS). which included street parades, festivals, stampedes, ceremoThe ESCS is geared towards students in grades 4-6, and is nies, and more formal perforintended to explore various inmances, allowed thousands of struments and styles of music Albertans to see and hear The RCA Band as they represented through educational and poputhe greater military community. lar selections. It was a huge success, as 1400 students They continued their annual participation in the Calgary attended from the greater Edmonton area. Stampede parade, and per- The RCA Band performs at Spruce Meadows The RCA Band was also formed in the Devon International Band Festival and the proud to present “A Musical Alberta Band Association conference. Salute: A Tribute to Our Veterans” at Edmonton City Hall. VetIn early June, The RCA Band performed an outdoor concert erans of all ages and their families, as well as all members of LQ 6LU :LQVWRQ &KXUFKLOO 6TXDUH 3HUIRUPLQJ D PL[ RI SRSXODU WKHFRPPXQLW\DWWHQGHG*RUGRQ*URDWDIRUPHU86PLOLWDU\ classics and military marches, they brought the downtown Ed- member, praised the band, saying it was “the best performance monton crowd out in droves. They also participated in Victoria I’ve ever seen a military band deliver,” and citing The RCA Band Day celebrations and Canada Day events at the Alberta Leg- as “a great credit to the Canadian Army and to Canada.” Also in islature, in support of 20th Field Regiment RCA, City Hall and attendance was His Honour, Colonel (Retired) the Honourable the Edmonton Garrison. A highlight of the summer was their Donald S. Ethell, OC OMM AOE MSC CD LLD, Lieutenant GovSHUIRUPDQFHGXULQJWKHKDOIWLPHVKRZDWWKH(GPRQWRQ(VNLPRV ernor of Alberta, who addressed the audience. game on August 2nd. As part of the Military Appreciation Night, This year came to a close with The RCA Band’s annual “A 88 L’Artilleur Canadien Christmas Wish” concert, held at the Winspear Centre, Edmonton’s premiere concert hall. Witnessing the largest audience attendance to date, the concert was a major success. For this performance The RCA Band was joined by The Richard Eaton Singers, led by Dr. Leonard Ratzlaff. The musicians of the Royal Canadian Artillery Band would DOVR OLNH WR VHQG RXW D VSHFLDO WKDQNVWRDOOWKHUHVHUYLVWVZKR were able to join them and help PDNHWKLV\HDUVRVXFFHVVIXO The RCA Band has a long tradition of providing musical support to the Canadian Armed Forces. They have been based in Edmonton since 1997, but The RCA Band performs at the Alberta Legislature their existence can be traced EDFNWRWKHHQGRIWKHWKFHQ tury. It is one of six Regular Force bands stationed throughout Canada, with a complement For more information about The RCA Band, visit their website at of 35 full-time musicians. From military parades, ceremonial occasions, and government functions, to formal concerts and entertaining their fellow soldiers, The RCA Band can be heard performing in a variety of musical styles nationally and abroad. CO of The RCA Band, works with students during the Educational School Concert Series :2 WO WO WO WO Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt & NE CJ DJ BK CE JYS SJS JR JL .0 JD BD MC JA MS Canadian Gunner &KDGGRFN Depoe Martin Moulton Wise Bamford Beyries Boisvert Brancato Brémault Bamford %XFNODQG Cooper Driscoll Driscoll Maitland Maloney Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt 6JW Sgt Cpl Cpl Cpl Cpl Cpl Cpl Cpl 89 AD DC KB PD &. MG &+ DA SJ FA STY CT AR JM RDC Morgan Payne Pearce Richey 9DQGHUNUDD\ Walters :DQDPDNHU Wiley Gallant Iannuzzi Kuo Learmonth Lorway Potash Spady /((&+35,17,1* )8//3$*( AD :D Since 1964, Leech Printing has been a proud supporting partner of the Royal Canadian Artillery. We are thankful for the men and women who have served our country in the past and for those who continue to serve it today. It is our honour to produce this annual publication. Leech Printing Ltd. | established 1927 d]][`hjafl[geÛÝÛima[c¤hjafl[YÛÝÛo]Yj]affgnYlan][Y 90 L’Artilleur Canadien The Royal Canadian Artillery Association/ L’Association de l’artillerie royal canadienne President LCol (Ret’d) C.L. Cotter, CD V/President Maj (Ret’d) D. Dussault, CD ,W¶V DQ 2OG %R\V¶ &OXE" ,W¶V WRWDOO\ 5HVHUYH GRPLQDWHG ,W¶V RQO\IRU5HJXODUV"1R1&0¶VDUHDOORZHG:KDWLVWKH5&$$ anyway??? Well, it’s none of the above. What it is, is your voice in political decisions affecting you and your Regiment whether you are regular or reservist, an NCO, newly minted Gunner, commisVLRQHGRI¿FHURUUHWLUHG³ROGER\´ The RCAA is Canada’s oldest branch or corps association and is a founding member of the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA), an organisation created to coordinate all the various associations that promote a strong and healthy Canadian Armed Forces. What do we do? $WWKHQDWLRQDOOHYHOZHZRUNZLWKWKH&'$WRDGYDQFHLVVXHV that affect the Canadian Armed Forces and The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, at the local level we provide a voice for all the artillery social associations to address Gunner issues. We also help with spreading the word within the greater Regiment. $WWKH5HJLPHQWDOOHYHOZHVXSSRUWLQLWLDWLYHVWKDWPDNHRXU 5R\DO5HJLPHQWJUHDWWKLQJVOLNHWKHZULWLQJDQGSXEOLVKLQJRI Volume 3 of “The Gunners of Canada” and conducting our anQXDOVHPLQDUZKLFKWKLV\HDUIRFXVHGRQµ8QLQKDELWHG$HULDO9Hhicles, where the Canadian Armed Forces are going with them, and what role the Royal Regiment will play in the future’. AnRWKHUVLJQL¿FDQWSURMHFWLVWKHFUHDWLRQRID1DWLRQDO0RQXPHQW recognizing the great Gunner, surgeon and poet; Lt-Col John McCrae of “In Flanders Fields” fame. At the individual level we offer bursaries to encourage academic success for our members, emergency support grants IRU JXQQHUV FDXJKW LQ ¿QDQFLDO VWUDLWV 2XU KHULWDJH FDPSDLJQ LV ZRUNLQJ KDUG ZLWK WKH 5&$ 0XVHXP DQG RWKHU *XQQHU PXseums across Canada to help preserve our collective history Canadian Gunner 91 C’est un club de « vieux amis »? L’Association est composée PDMRULWDLUHPHQWGHUpVHUYLVWHV&¶HVWVHXOHPHQWSRXUOHVPHPEUHVGHOD)RUFHUpJXOLqUH"$XFXQ05Q¶HVWDGPLV0DLVTX¶HVW ce que l’AARC au juste? (W ELHQ F¶HVW WRXW DXWUH FKRVH /¶$VVRFLDWLRQ HVW YRWUH YRL[ dans les décisions politiques qui vous touchent vous et votre Régiment, que vous soyez un membre de la Force régulière ou XQUpVHUYLVWHXQ05XQQRXYHODUWLOOHXUXQVRXVRI¿FLHURXXQ « vieux » retraité. L’AARC est la plus ancienne association de branches ou de corps et elle est membre fondateur de la Conférence des associations de la défense (CAD), une organisation mise sur pied pour coordonner les diverses associations qui font la promotion de Forces armées canadiennes solides et saines. Que faisons-nous? Au niveau national, nous travaillons avec la CAD pour faire progresser des dossiers qui touchent les Forces armées canadiennes et le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne. Au niveau local, nous sommes la voix de toutes les associations sociales d’artillerie en ce qui a trait aux problèmes en matière d’artillerie. Nous nous employons également à faire passer des messages dans l’ensemble du Régiment. Au niveau du Régiment, nous appuyons les initiatives qui rendent le Régiment formidable, notamment la rédaction et la publication du Volume 3 de Les artilleurs du Canada et la tenue du colloque annuel, qui portera cette année sur les engins télépilotés. Il sera notamment question des projets des Forces armées canadiennes à cet égard et du rôle que jouera le Régiment royal GDQVO¶DYHQLU3DUPLOHVDXWUHVSURMHWVFRQVLGpUDEOHVPHQWLRQQRQVO¶pGL¿FDWLRQG¶XQPRQXPHQWQDWLRQDOTXLUHQGUDKRPPDJH à un grand artilleur, le médecin et poète, le Lcol John McCrae au champ d’honneur. ¬XQQLYHDXSOXVLQGLYLGXHOQRXVGpFHUQRQVGHVERXUVHVD¿Q with recent efforts such as stories on gunner families and how these families that have produced generations of famous GunQHUVZKRKDYHLPSDFWHGRQRXUJUHDWHU*XQQHU)DPLO\<RX¶OO see other articles about these many activities scattered through the “Canadian Gunner” you are holding in your hands right now. We hold a national conference annually which includes our AGM and a Seminar which last year in Ottawa concerned itself ZLWK 8QPDQQHG$LU 9HKLFOHV 8$9 DQG 6XUYHLOODQFH 7DUJHW $FTXLVLWLRQ 7KH &RQIHUHQFH ZLOO WDNH SODFH LQ 0RQWUHDO 6HSWHPEHU&KHFNRXUZHEVLWHDWZZZ5&$$$$5& ca for details. How do we raise the funds for all this? Most funds are raised through membership dues and some funds are donated by individuals and groups. The dues of all currently serving Gunners, UHJDUGOHVVRIUDQNDUHSDLGWKURXJKWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHUHJLPHQWDO funds and some artillery social associations have a similar arUDQJHPHQWVRUHWLUHGPHPEHUVDUHHQFRXUDJHGWRFKHFNLIWKHLU RCAA dues are or are not paid through their local association. 7KH5&$$LV<285DVVRFLDWLRQUHJDUGOHVVRIUDQNUHJXODU or reserve, serving or retired. Get involved and, if you have the time, volunteer for one of the sub-committees. Have a say in KRZWKH5&$$ZRUNVIRU\RX d’encourager les réussites scolaires de nos membres et nous remettons des bourses de soutien urgent aux artilleurs qui ont GHVSUREOqPHV¿QDQFLHUV/HVSDUWHQDLUHVGHOD&DPSDJQHGX patrimoine collaborent avec le Musée de l’ARC et d’autres muVpHV G¶DUWLOOHULH G¶XQ SHX SDUWRXW DX &DQDGD D¿Q GH SUpVHUYHU QRWUHSDWULPRLQHFROOHFWLI3DUPLOHVUpFHQWHVLQLWLDWLYHVPHQWLRQnons la publication d’histoires sur des familles d’artilleurs et la IDoRQGRQWHOOHVRQWIRUPpGHVJpQpUDWLRQVGHFpOqEUHVDUWLOOHXUV TXLRQWHXXQHLQFLGHQFHVXUQRWUHJUDQGHIDPLOOHG¶DUWLOOHXUV/H numéro de l’Artilleur canadien que vous avez entre les mains renferme d’autres articles sur nos nombreuses activités. Nous tenons une conférence nationale chaque année, qui englobe notre AGA et un colloque. Celui de l’année dernière, à 2WWDZDDSRUWpVXUOHVYpKLFXOHVDpULHQVVDQVSLORWH8$9HW la surveillance et acquisition d’objectif. La conférence de 2014 aura lieu à Montréal les 26 et 27 septembre. Veuillez consulter notre site Web, à l’adresse, pour obtenir de plus amples détails. 4XHOOHVVRQWQRVVRXUFHVGH¿QDQFHPHQWSRXUWRXWHVFHVDFtivités? La plupart proviennent des cotisations des membres et certains dons sont remis par des personnes et des groupes. Les cotisations de tous les artilleurs en service actif, peu importe leur grade, sont versées par l’intermédiaire de leur fonds régimentaire respectif et certaines associations sociales d’artillerie ont une entente similaire. Les membres à la retraite sont donc LQYLWpVjYpUL¿HUVLOHXUFRWLVDWLRQDX5$5&SHXWrWUHSD\pHSDU l’intermédiaire de leur association locale. L’AARC est VOTRE association, peu importe votre grade, que vous fassiez partie de la Force régulière ou de la Réserve, que vous soyez un militaire en service actif ou à la retraite. Impliquez-vous et si vous avez le temps, siégez à l’un des sous-coPLWpV)DLWHVQRXVSDUWGHYRWUHRSLQLRQjSURSRVGHO¶$$5& 92 L’Artilleur Canadien Reunions / Réunions REUNIONS / RÉUNIONS 2013 B.C. GUNNER’S ASSOCIATION Canadian Gunner 93 MANITOBA GUNNER’S ASSOCIATION 94 L’Artilleur Canadien Regimental Headquarters, RCA Quartier général régimentaire, de l’ARC Regt Maj Maj R.G. Hart CD January - July Regt Maj Maj R.J. Arseneau CD August - December RHQ SM MWO C.L. Gibson CD One century ago, Il y a un siècle, The Royal Regiment le Régiment royal faced an uncertain faisait face à un world, being about a monde incertain : decade removed from la guerre des Boers the Boer War and was avait sévi il y a envion the eve of the Great ron une décennie et War which ravaged a il était à l’aube de la generation of young Grande Guerre, qui men and left lasting a ravagé une géPDUNV XSRQ WKH ODQGnération d’hommes scape of northwest et qui a laissé des Europe which can be traces indélébiles seen to this day. Now, sur le paysage DV WKHQ LV PDUNHG du nord-ouest with uncertainty with de l’Europe, des the impending end of traces qui sont enthe Canadian training core perceptibles mission in Afghanistan aujourd’hui. Cette and a renewed focus incertitude conon returning to the batinue de régner 0*HQ$-+RZDUGORDGLQJKLVODVWURXQGLQ7KH5R\DO5HJLPHQW³ORRNVKHDY\´ sics of our trade, while aujourd’hui compte not allowing the lesWHQXGHOD¿QLPPLsons learned through a great amount of blood, sweat, and tears nente de la mission canadienne en Afghanistan et de l’accent to be forgotten. renouvelé sur le retour aux fondements de notre groupe profesThe Regimental Headquarters of The Royal Regiment of Ca- sionnel, ce qui fait en sorte qu’il ne sera plus possible de tirer nadian Artillery remains sharply focused on celebrating our rich SUR¿WGHVOHoRQVGXVDQJGHODVXHXUHWGHVODUPHVYHUVpVDX KLVWRU\ZKLOHNH\LQJLQRQNHHSLQJWKHERQGEHWZHHQDOO*XQQHUV combat. vibrant and relevant. As with years previous, we have endeavLe Quartier régimentaire du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie caoured to provide a central source for news which affects The nadienne est fermement résolu à célébrer notre riche histoire 5HJLPHQW WKURXJK FRQWLQXLQJ ZRUN RQ 7KH 5&$ 6WDQGLQJ 2U- et souhaite également préserver le lien dynamique et pertinent GHUV5+45RXWLQH2UGHUVZZZUFDNLWVKRSQHWDQGH[SDQGLQJ entre tous les artilleurs. Comme par les années passées, nous the role of the website to provide a more ac- nous sommes efforcés de fournir une source centrale pour les cessible and interactive form, tying it in with an interactive forum, nouvelles qui ont trait au Régiment. Nous poursuivons d’ailleurs D )DFHERRN SDJH DQG D 7ZLWWHU IHHG 7KH IRFXV DV DOZD\V le travail sur les Ordres permanents de l’ARC et sur les Ordres is to facilitate discussion, and the dissemination of timely and FRXUDQWV GH O¶$5& ZZZUFDNLWVKRSQHW HW QRXV pODUJLVVRQV OH relevant news which pertains to the entire extended Regimental rôle du site Web dans le but d’offrir un for- Canadian Gunner 95 Carmichael being escorted to JOC Special Guest Night by 2 RCHA subalterns Family. :LWKWKHFHQWHQQLDORIWKHRXWEUHDNRIWKH*UHDW:DUTXLFNO\ DSSURDFKLQJDVZHOODVPDQ\NH\DQQLYHUVDULHVIURPWKH6HFond World War, RHQ is leaning forward with researching and planning for numerous events in the upcoming year. As an exDPSOHPDUNVWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RIVW&DQDGLDQ$UP\ operations in the Nijmegen Salient, an operation which set the VROLGIRXQGDWLRQIRUWKHHYHQWXDO¿QDOSXVKWR%HUOLQWRHQGWKH war in Europe. For The Regiment, this anniversary touches 2nd Field Regiment, 11th Field Regiment, 20th Field Regiment, 26th Field Regiment, 30th Field Regiment, 56th Field Regiment, 62e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, and expands to The North 6KRUH1HZ%UXQVZLFN5HJLPHQW7KH+DVWLQJVDQG3ULQFH(GZDUG5HJLPHQWDQG7KH%URFNYLOOH5LÀHVDVDOORIWKHVHXQLWV SHUSHWXDWH XQLWV RU VXEXQLWV ZKLFK ¿UHG LQ VXSSRUW RI WKH VW Canadian Army for the liberation of The Netherlands and the push into the Rhineland in the days leading up to Victory in Europe on May 8, 1945. RHQ also played host to the 2013 edition of The Junior Of¿FHUV¶ &RXUVH which saw 42 juQLRU RI¿FHUV IURP across The Royal Regiment gather in Shilo to learn both the rich history of The Regiment and receive a glimpse of what their careers may hold from the numerous guest VSHDNHUV $Gditionally, RHQ planned and executed the annual Canoe River Memorial Ceremony DW$UWLOOHU\3DUNDW The Home Sta-XQLRU2I¿FHU&RXUVH tion. 2013 saw some changes in manning for RHQ. Maj Hart moved on to a posting at NATO +HDGTXDUWHUVLQ%HOJLXPLQ-XO\0DM$UVHQHDXHQMR\HGDIXO¿OOing, albeit short, tenure as Regimental Major before moving on to new challenges in civilian life. The Regimental Major and RHQ RCA encourage all Gunners mat plus accessible et interactif, d’y ajouter un forum interactif, XQHSDJH)DFHERRNHWXQ¿O7ZLWWHU/¶REMHFWLIFRPPHWRXMRXUV est de faciliter la discussion et de communiquer des nouvelles pertinentes en temps opportun, des nouvelles qui concernent la famille régimentaire élargie. Comme le centenaire du déclenchement de la Grande Guerre approche à grands pas, de même que de nombreux autres anniversaires de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le QGR a déjà HQWDPpOHSURFHVVXVGHUHFKHUFKHHWGHSODQL¿FDWLRQSRXUOHVGLverses activités qui auront lieu au cours de la prochaine année. À titre d’exemple, l’année 2014 marque le 70e anniversaire des RSpUDWLRQVGHOD3UHPLqUHDUPpHFDQDGLHQQHGDQVOHVDLOODQWGH Nijmegen, une opération qui a servi de base solide pour la pousVpH¿QDOHYHUV%HUOLQTXLDPLV¿QjODJXHUUHHQ(XURSH&HW DQQLYHUVDLUH HVW VLJQL¿FDWLI SRXU OH H 5pJLPHQW G¶DUWLOOHULH GH campagne, le 11e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, le 20e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, le 26e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, le 30e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, le 56e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, le 62e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, mais également pour le North Shore (New BrunsZLFN 5HJLPHQW OH +DVWLQJV DQG 3ULQFH (GZDUG 5HJLPHQW HW OH%URFNYLOOH5LÀHVFDUWRXWHVFHVXQLWpVSHUSpWXHQWGHVXQLWpV ou des sous-unités qui ont fait feu en appui de la 1re Armée FDQDGLHQQH SRXU OD OLEpUDWLRQ GHV 3D\V%DV HW OD SRXVVpH HQ Rhénanie dans les jours qui ont précédé la victoire en Europe, le 8 mai 1945. /H4*5DDFFXHLOOLO¶pGLWLRQGXFRXUVGHVRI¿FLHUVVXEDOWHUQHVTXLDUpXQLj6KLORRI¿FLHUVVXEDOWHUQHVGX5pJLPHQW royal. Ils ont appris la riche histoire du Régiment et de nombreux FRQIpUHQFLHUV OHXU RQW GRQQp XQ DSHUoX GH FH j TXRL SRXUUDLW ressembler leur carrière. En outre, le QGR a organisé et exécuté la cérémonie commémorative annuelle de la catastrophe de Canoe River au parc Artillery, à la maison mère. En 2013, il y a eu des changements au niveau de l’effectif du QGR. Le Maj Hart a accepté une affectation au Quartier général de l’OTAN en Belgique en juillet. Le Maj Arseneau a rempli, SHQGDQW XQH EUqYH SpULRGH OH PDQGDW JUDWL¿DQW GH PDMRU Upgimentaire avant d’entreprendre de nouveaux dé¿V GDQV OH PLOLHX civil. Le major régimentaire et le QGR ARC encouragent tous les artilleurs à contribuer à préserver et à promouvoir le passé, le présent et l’avenir de notre Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne dont QRXV VRPPHV ¿ers. 8ELTXH 96 L’Artilleur Canadien to share in preserving and promoting the past, present and future of our proud Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery. 8ELTXH 0DM5*+DUW5HJW0DMPLQXWHVDIWHUUHFHLYLQJKLV287&$1 posting message Depart with Dignity Ceremony, MGen A.J. Howard The RCA Museum - Musée de l’ARC 7KH 5&$ 0XVHXP NLFNHG off 2013 with an exhibit of art IURP7KH5&$2I¿FHUV¶0HVV HQWLWOHG³0HQ0\WK7KH$UW RIWKH2I¿FHUV¶0HVV´7KLV was followed up from April to August with a travelling exhibit from the Canadian Museum of Civilization entitled ³$ 4XHHQ +HU &RXQWU\´ which celebrated Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee. We were very happy to host the exhibit on the actual 60th anniversary of the coronation. To close out the year, we created an exhibit called “Wars in Yugoslavia” which Auster V honoured the 20th anniversary of the Battle of the 0HGDN 3RFNHW IRXJKW E\ 33&/,7KLVH[KLELWIHDWXUHGRXUIXOO\UHVWRUHG,OWLVDQG0 $3&LQ81FRORXUV :HFRQWLQXHGWRPDNHJUHDWSURJUHVVLQFXUDWRULDOWHUPVZLWK all-new display cases purchased for the National Artillery Gallery and improvements to our preparation and artefact processing space in the main building. In addition, we opened a new cold storage building which now holds approximately 80 pallets of Canadian Gunner 97 Le Musée de l’ARC a abordé l’année 2013 en proposant une exposition G¶DUW GX 0HVV GHV RI¿FLHUV GH O¶$5& LQWLWXOpH © 0HQ 0\WK7KH$UWRIWKH2I¿FHUV¶ Mess ». Ensuite, d’avril à août, le Musée a présenté l’exposition itinérante du Musée canadien des civiliVDWLRQV LQWLWXOpH © 8QH UHine et son pays », célébrant le Jubilé de diamant de Sa Majesté. Nous avons été très contents de présenter l’exposition la date même du 60e anniversaire du couronnement. 3RXU ¿QLU O¶DQQpH QRXV avons créé une exposition intitulée « Guerres en Yougoslavie », en l’honneur du 20e anniversaire de la Bataille de O¶HQFODYHGH0HGDNGDQVODTXHOOHOH33&/,DFRPEDWWX&HWWH exposition mettait en vedette notre Iltis entièrement restaurée et XQ9%730DX[FRXOHXUVGHV18 Nous continuons de faire de grands progrès en termes de conservation. Nous avons acquis de tout nouveaux présentoirs pour la Gallerie nationale de l’artillerie et apporté des amélio- 25 Pdr MK II, WW 2 Gallery spare parts for vehicles and non-temperature sensitive artifacts. This has freed up tremendous space in our main conservation facility and greatly improved our ability to maintain the historic YHKLFOHÀHHW,Q'HFHPEHUFRQVWUXFWLRQVWDUWHGWR¿QLVKWKHUH siding of the main museum building. This will be completed by the summer of 2014 and will ensure that we have world-class climate control. With the outstanding support from CFB Shilo, we will continue to improve the National Artillery Museum and connect with Canadians on behalf of The Royal Regiment in 2014. It is truly a privilege to tell the Gunner story. *22'6+227,1*(9(5<21( rations à notre aire de traitement des artefacts dans le bâtiment principal. De plus, nous avons ouvert un nouvel entrepôt frigoUL¿TXH TXL FRQWLHQW PDLQWHQDQW environ 80 palettes de pièces de rechange pour véhicules et des artefacts non sensibles à la température. Ceci nous a permis de libérer énormément d’espace dans notre installation de conservation principale et a beaucoup amélioré notre capacité de maintenir le parc de véhicules historiques. En décembre, Nous avons entrepris de terminer le revêtement du bâtiment principal du musée. Les travaux, qui SUHQGURQW ¿Q j O¶pWp QRXV permettront de disposer d’un système de chauffage et de climatisation de premier ordre. Grâce à l’excellent soutien de la BFC Shilo, nous continuons d’améliorer le Musée national de l’artillerie et d’entretenir des liens avec les Canadiens pour le compte du Régiment royal en 2014. C’est vraiment un privilège de narrer l’histoire des artilleurs. %217,5¬7286 QF 12 Pdr, Boer War Display Marc George, Director / Directeur Kathleen Christensen, Senior Curator / Conservatrice Dayna Barscello, Assistant Curator / Assistante- Conservatrice &OLYH3URWKHUR%URRNV&ROOHFWLRQV0DQDJHU*HVWLRQQDLUHGHVDUWpIDFWV Cheryl van der Raadt, Administrative Coordinator / Coordonatrice Administrative Kirsten Bambridge, Librarian / Libraire Rob Love, Chief Mechanic / Chef Mécanicien Leon Marion, Security / Sécurité M114 155mm HOW, M109 155mm SP Candice Tame, Security / Sécurité 98 L’Artilleur Canadien Regimental Family REGIMENTAL FAMILY / FAMILLE RÉGIMENTAIRE The Gunners of Camp Blackhorse 0DM&KULV6LQHVDUHoXODPHQWLRQpORJLHXVHGX&(0' D Day Celebrations at the Juno Beach Centre Strategic Joint Staff - Capt Mike Lavery, LCol Gary Hardwick, MWO James Doran, Col Chris Simonds, Col Peter Williams, Maj Paul McRory, and Maj Howard Han Canadian Gunner 99 1DWLRQDO$UWLOOHU\0HPRULDOPRQXPHQWQDWLRQDOGHO¶$UWLOOHULH -RXUGX6RXYHQLU5HPHPEUDQFH'D\ 0DM0DUWLQ&RXORPEHUHFHLYHV&RO&RPGW¶V&RPPHQGDWLRQ Le 30 Fd Regt sur la colline parlementaire 100 L’Artilleur Canadien 7KH5&$SDQHO$VVRUR,WDO\2S+XVN\ &KLOGUHQ V:LVK)RXQGDWLRQ1HZ%UXQVZLFN&KDSWHU+XQWHU %XUNHVRQRI6JW%XUNH5&$6 Canadian Gunner /¶$GMXF--$%RLYLQFKDUJHXQFDQRQSRXUODGHUQLqUHIRLVDYHF OH5pJLPHQW5R\DO 101 Maj Katherine Haire - 2 CMBG Ironman Competitions MWO John MacPherson UHFHLYHV&RO&RPGW¶V&HUWL¿cate of Appreciation RAdm Lloyd, CFD, Susan McKeever, newly promoted LCol McKeever, Nicole McKeever, LGen Beare Comd CJOC, and Col Dufour, CO CFWC Hemer Rebels Hockey Team 102 L’Artilleur Canadien The RCA Heritage Campaign/ &DPSDJQHGX3DWULPRLQHGHO¶$5& National Chair LGen (Ret’d) J. Arp CMM, CD The Royal Canadian Artillery Heritage Campaign La Campagne du Fonds du patrimoine de l’Artillerie royale canadienne /LNHDOOFKDULWLHVWKH5&$+HULWDJH3URJUDPVXSSRUWVDYDULHW\ RISURMHFWVIURPEXUVDULHVIRURXUNLGVWRWKHZULWLQJRIRXUKLVtory, to the erection of a statue to honour one of our own who is truly a great Canadian, and more besides. 3OHDVHVHHZKHUHDQGKRZ\RXFDQKHOS . &RPPH WRXWHV OHV °XYUHV FDULWDWLYHV OH 3URJUDPPH GX patrimoine de l’ARC appuie une vaste gamme de projets, qu’il s’agisse de bourses à l’intention de nos enfants, de la rédaction de notre histoire, d’une statue rendant hommage à un véritable grand Canadien qui fait partie des nôtres, et bien d’autres projets. Songez à ce que vous pouvez faire pour aider. In Memoriam donations / Dons commémoratifs To make a donation to The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Heritage Fund in memory of someone special or some special group Pour faire un don au Fonds du patrimoine de l’Artillerie royale canadienne en mémoire d’une personne ou d’un groupe particulier CALL: (204) 765-3000 ext/poste: 3595 Fax: (204) 765-5289 EMAIL: [email protected] ONLINE: OR FORWARD YOUR DONATION TO/ FAITES PARVENIR VOTRE DON À L’ADRESSE SUIVANTE : Regimental Headquarters The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Canadian Forces Base Shilo P.O. Box 5000 Stn Main Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 This announcement has been written by The RCA Heritage Campaign Committee. Cette annonce a été écrite par le Comité de la Campagne du fonds du patrimoine de l’ARC. Canadian Gunner 103 The RCA Heritage Campaign Regimental Headquarters The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Canadian Forces Base Shilo 32%R[6WQ0DLQ Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 Campagne du Fonds du patrimoine de l’Artillerie royale canadienne Quartier général régimentaire du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Base des Forces canadiennes Shilo 32ER[6WQ0DLQ Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 7KH*XQQHUVRI&DQDGD7KH+LVWRU\RI7KH5R\DO5HJLPHQWRI&DQDGLDQ$UWLOOHU\ Volume III, 1967 – 2012 7KH5R\DO&DQDGLDQ$UWLOOHU\$VVRFLDWLRQKDVXQGHUWDNHQRQEHKDOIRI7KH5R\DO5HJLPHQWRI Canadian Artillery, to publish Volume III of The Gunners of Canada as the Regiment’s authorized history from 1967 to 2012. English and French editions will be published in 2017. The first two volumes of The Gunners of Canada, The History of The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery were written by Colonel G.W.L. Nicholson and cover the period from 1534 to $OWKRXJKDIHZERRNVRQVRPH5&$XQLWVKDYHEHHQZULWWHQIRUWKH\HDUVDIWHU there is no comprehensive history for the post-1967 era. Volume III will describe the history of all field, locating, target acquisition, airborne and air defence artillery units in the Regular and Reserve Force including those disbanded since 1967. ,WVZLGHVFRSHLQFOXGHV7KH5&$¶VFRQWULEXWLRQWRGRPHVWLF1$72DQG81RSHUDWLRQVWUDLQLQJ DQGWKHLPSDFWRI8QLILFDWLRQWKH&ROG:DUWKH%DONDQVDQG$IJKDQLVWDQ$UWLOOHU\HTXLSPHQW technology, Gunner identity, Regimental life and personalities are all integral parts of the scope. 7KH5&$$DXWKRUL]HG0DQDJHPHQW&RPPLWWHHKDVFRQWUDFWHG:LOOLDP5DZOLQJ3K'DVWKH author. Dr. Rawling is a highly regarded Canadian military historian with 20 years of experience LQWKH'LUHFWRUDWHRI+LVWRU\DQG+HULWDJH+HKDVZULWWHQHLJKWERRNVDQGPDQ\DUWLFOHVLQERWK English and French and has co-authored the official histories of the RCN and RCAF. If you served as a Gunner, or if you have a frLHQGRUUHODWLYHZKRGLGDQG\RXZRXOGOLNHWR contribute information or anecdotes about what they saw or did during their RCA service, the &RPPLWWHHDQG'U5DZOLQJZRXOGOLNHWRKHDUIURP\RX&RQWDFWWKH&RPPLWWHHWKURXJK Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Doc Hopper at [email protected], or Dr. Rawling at gunners.of.canada@gmail.com8VHHLWKHUDGGUHVVWRVXEPLWFRQWDFWLQIRUPDWLRQRUDEULHI summary of the information you have to offer. Dr. Rawling will follow up on all submissions. We are now engaged in fund-raising, with a Campaign Goal of $350,000. All Canadians can help us preserve these exciting and valuable elements of our shared history and culture. To donate or for further information visit our web site at . Mention Volume III in the comments section of the donation form at the Canada Helps button. 2UPDLODFKHTXHSD\DEOHWRWKH³7KH5&$)XQG´ to the address at the head of this document. Mention Volume III on the cheque. Or contact; The Regimental Major RCA at [email protected] or at 204 765-3000 ext 3595. TheRCAHeritageCampaignFundformspartoftheRCARegimentalFundͲŚĂƌŝƚĂďůĞZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶEŽ͘ϭϭϵϮϱϮϵϵϳZZϬϬϬϭ. TaxReceiptsareissuedfordonationsover$20,oronrequest. <HVWHUGD\7RGD\DQG7RPRUURZ +LHUDXMRXUG·KXLHWGHPDLQ &HOHEUDWLQJRXU+HULWDJH6HFXULQJWKH &pOpEUHUQRWUHSDWULPRLQHJDUDQWLU )XWXUH O DYHQLU This note has been written by the RCA Heritage Campaign Committee. Ceci a été écrite par le Comité de la Campagne du fonds du patrimoine de l’ARC. 104 L’Artilleur Canadien The RCA Heritage Campaign Regimental Headquarters The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Canadian Forces Base Shilo 32%R[6WQ0DLQ Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 Campagne du Fonds du patrimoine de l’Artillerie royale canadienne Quartier général régimentaire du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Base des Forces canadiennes Shilo &3VXFF0DLQ Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 /HV$UWLOOHXUVGX&DQDGDO¶KLVWRLUHGX5pJLPHQWUR\DOGHO¶$UWLOOHULHGX&DQDGD Volume III, 1967 – 2012 L’Associationdel’Artillerieroyalecanadienneaentrepris,aunomduRégimentroyalde l’Artilleriecanadienne,depublierleVolumeIII,LesArtilleursduCanada,quirelatel’histoire autoriséedel’ARCde1967à2012.Lesversionsanglaisesetfrançaisesserontpubliéesen2017. LesdeuxpremiersvolumesLesArtilleursduCanada:l’histoireduRégimentroyaldel’Artillerie duCanadaontétérédigésparlecolonelG.W.L.Nicholsonetcouvrentlapériodede1534à 1967.Bienquecertainsouvragesaientétérédigéssurdesunitésdel’ARC,onnetrouveaucun documenthistoriqueexhaustifaprès1967. LevolumeIIIporterasurl’histoiredetouteslesunitésdecampagne,derepérage,d’acquisition d’objectifs,aéroportéetdedéfenseaériennedelaForcerégulièreetdelaRéserve,ycompris cellesquiontétédémanteléesdepuis1967.Savasteportéeenglobelacontributiondel’ARC auxopérationsnationalesainsiqu’auxopérationsdel’OTANetdel’ONU,àl’instructionetàla conséquencedel’unification,àlaguerreFroideainsiqu’auxopérationsdanslesBalkanseten Afghanistan.L’équipementetlatechnologied’artillerie,l’identitédel’artilleur,lavie régimentaireetlespersonnalitésfonttouspartieintégrantedelaportée. Lecomitédegestionautorisédel’Associationdel’Artillerieroyalecanadienneaconfiéla rédactionduvolumeIIIàM.WilliamRawling(PhD).M.Rawling,unhistorienmilitairecanadien tenuenhauteestime,travailledepuis20ansàlaDirection–Histoireetpatrimoine.Ilapublié huitlivresetdenombreuxarticles,enanglaisetenfrançais.Ilaégalementparticipéàla rédactiondeshistoiresofficiellesdelaMRCetdel’ARC. Sivousavezserviàtitred’artilleur,ouqu’undevosamisoumembredevotrefamilleafait partiedel’Artillerieetquevousaimeriezfairepartd’informationoud’anecdotesdurantle serviceàl’ARC,n’hésitezpasàcommuniqueraveclecomitéetM.Rawling.Vouspouvez communiqueraveclelieutenantͲcolonel(retraité)DocHopper,àl’adresse [email protected],oudeM.Rawling,àl’[email protected]. Vouspouvezutiliserl’unedecesadressespourenvoyerlescoordonnéesd’unepersonneouun brefrésumédecequevousvouleznouscommuniquer.M.Rawlingdonnerasuiteàtousles envois. Noussommesprésentementencampagnedefinancement.L’objectif:350000$.Tousles Canadienspeuventnousaideràpréserverlesgrandsmomentsprécieuxdenotrehistoireetde notreculture. Pourdeplusamplesrenseignementsoupourfaireundon,visiteznotresiteWebau«VolumeIII»danslasection«Message/instructions»du formulairededonenlignedeCanaDon. Ouenvoyezunchèqueparlapostepayableaunomde«Fondsdel’ARC»au:LcolMDMcKay,C.P.970, Guelph(ON),N1H6N1.Mentionnez«VolumeIII»surlechèque. Oucontactezlemajorrégimentaire,ARC,parcourrielà[email protected]éléphoneau204 765Ͳ3000,poste3595 LaCampagneduFondsdupatrimoineestadministréeparl’intermédiaireduFondsduRégimentroyaldel’Artilleriecanadienne, unorganismesansbutlucratifenregistréauprèsdel’AgencedurevenuduCanadaͲNo.119252997RR0001. <HVWHUGD\7RGD\DQG7RPRUURZ &HOHEUDWLQJRXU+HULWDJH6HFXULQJWKH )XWXUH +LHUDXMRXUG·KXLHWGHPDLQ &pOpEUHUQRWUHSDWULPRLQHJDUDQWLU O DYHQLU This note has been written by the RCA Heritage Campaign Committee. Ceci a été écrite par le Comité de la Campagne du fonds du patrimoine de l’ARC. Canadian Gunner 105 Regimental Fund Financial Statement/ État de compte du Fond Régimentaire Financial statement from 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2013 / %LODQ¿QDQFLHUGX-DQDX'pF 106 L’Artilleur Canadien 7KH5R\DO5HJLPHQWRI&DQDGLDQ$UWLOOHU\(5(/LVWLQJE\5DQNV La liste par grade du personnel employ l’extrieur du Regiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne 2013 LGen MGen Mgén BGen BGen Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol /&RO LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol /&RO LCol LCol LCol LCol /&RO /&RO LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol /&RO LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol LCol /&RO LCol LCol Maj 0DM Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj 0DM Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj SA AJ JGE KR D JMD LHPS RK LC GF JSSD SC MD M M AS L B I DA M C P JAY JGA JECP BJ TJ DC JMF '* AM JS JMAL RV SJ RS RN JAS BA LJ *- ST S G SAA '% &5 CS JR MA JAA RP IC DC JB JRM :6 SW SL DC MF JP JG AE JJ RR DA TS JE JAC MJC 8-) JR TR DA %3 IME JLC CM RD JE JEPP JAC $* JF JSM CD JCM KP BD JAC MSJ Canadian Gunner Beare Howard Tremblay Cotten Henley Bouchard Boucher Chamberlain Dalton Dame Fortin Hetherington Hodgson LaFortune Lavoie MacDonald McGarry McPherson Miezitis Patterson Rouleau Simonds Williams Audet Barbier Beauchamp Bedard Bishop Buchanan Casault &ODUNH Dejacolyn Dubois Dufour Dufour Dumas Dunn33 Farrell Gagne Gauvin Hammond +DUGZLFN Hatton Hunter Ivey Johnson -RQHV .LOIRUG Landry Lavoie Leach Lemieux MacEachern MacVicar McKeever McNair McNicoll 0RODVNL Morrison MMurray Nauss Notaro Payne Pospolita Reiffenstein Richard Rouleau Russel Scharlach St. Dennis St-Pierre Sullivan :RODQVNL Woodgate Young Aaltonen %DNHU Bégin Belanger Bigler Bissonnette Bruce Bruneau Cantin &KDUFKXN Claveau Cloutier Comeau Coulombe Currie Degaust Deschênes Destrempes Comd CJOC Comd CDA Dir Gen (PA) DComd 5 Cdn Div CFD Sr Advisor 4 Cdn Div Comd 5 CGSD C Army Cmdt 5 GBMC ATL CFLS 3 Cdn Div VCDS 5 Cdn Div CJOC ATL ACG Advisor 1 Cdn Div DGIS POL SJS CFD 2 Cdn Div HQ 1 Cdn Div HQ 4 Cdn Div TC CFC CDA HQ CJOC HQ 63+/ CACSC 2 CDSB Valcartier C Army NCSE - Op Attention PSTC CBG HQ SHAPE RMC CACSC NCSE - Op Attention 6-6 CJOC HQ C Army SJS CADTC HQ 1$72$I¿OLDWHG2UJV &'$27XUNH\ C Army SPHL 37 CBG HQ NES - Term Lve C Prog JTFA HQ CFWC CANMILREP C Army $&22UJV6 CACSC Asst CMP 5 Cdn Div HQ CFC 5 Cdn Div HQ CMTC CFSU (Ottawa) 5 Cdn Div TC 1 Cdn Div HQ COS VCDS CANSOFCOM HQ JTFN HQ SHAPE C Army $&22UJV6 5 Cdn Div HQ DRT C Army OUTCAN ROW &$'7&+4 CFC CJOC HQ 4 Cdn Div HQ JMC C Army Det Kingston DGCFGA 2 Cdn Div HQ 7DF6FKRRO DGMC C Army C Army OUTCAN USA C Army 5 Cdn Div TC TF Middle East CFD METC Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj 0DM Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj 0DM Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj 0DM Maj 0DM Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj 0DM Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj 0DM Maj Maj Maj Maj Maj 0DM Maj Maj 107 BF FLJP KF GM KLA RW '- RD JR JPM SK KS JL JJG CM VMB JJJR DW SG *5 JG H JAP RG EMC PJ SA SD SL DK PJ TJ RE TJ LT TJ DM S JEJD JFD JSPF JGD DA JGC JPF JBG RNW WK SD $' RS '/ RJ TL SD WG P EB HBJ RA SD JAR JA JPM RM JAMG LB F 6- PDD DB JJSB GA YJJ NS RJ JJ PP LW CS DW MR SW JT &' SH SDJ JEJ JH M &) WM JR Diilio C Army Dorris C Army Duff C Army Dunlop C Army Dunlop SJS Dupuis C Army (OGHUNLQ &$UP\ Embree C Army Fisher SPHL Fortier CJOC HQ Fortin CACSC Foss DGMC Frenette CDLS(W) Garant CFSU (Ottawa) Gardner C Army Giroux CFC Gratton JTFE HQ Grebstad JTFC HQ Haire 2 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn +DPLOWRQ%URZQ1$72$I¿OLDWHG2UJV Hampton CADTC HQ Han SJS Hannan DGMP Hart CANMILREP Harvey CDA OUTCAN ROW Heenan CFD Heer CFC Heij 36 CBG HQ Hewitt 4 Cdn Div HQ Higgins CRS Hillier 33 CBG HQ Hogan C Prog Holah CADTC HQ Isberg 3 Cdn Div HQ Kennedy CADTC HQ Kennedy CADTC HQ Kenny DG IS Pol Kiropoulos DGMP Lacombe 2 Cdn Div HQ Lahaie CFD Lavigne PSTC Lebel DGLEPM LeBlanc SPHL Legendre CFSU (Ottawa) Lepine RMC Lessard SPHL Little CFINTCOM HQ Little CFD Lloyd CFB Shilo /RFNULGJH &$'7&+4 Lott TF Jerusalem /\QN &$'7&+4 Lyttle 1 Cdn Div HQ Maxwell MCE McBean 1 Cdn Div HQ McHattie CACSC McRory SJS Mills NES - Term Lve Nelson CFC O'Donnell 2 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn O'Leary 5 CDSB Gagetown Otis 5 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn Pederson C Army OUTCAN USA Perreault DGMC Pierce RMC Plante2 CDSB Valcartier Plemel C Army Poitras 1 Cdn Div HQ 3ROORFN &$'7&+4 Préaux DGMC Prendergast CADTC HQ Proulx CADTC HQ Ramacieri Concordia University Robert 5 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn Roby CFC Roy ACT Orgs Schamehorn 1 Cdn Div HQ Sevigny ATL Seymour 3 Cdn Div HQ Sines CFWC Smith 5 Cdn Div HQ Smith 3 CDSB Edmonton Smoley 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo Spears TF Middle East 6\NRUD &GQ'LY+4 Usborne CFD Vahey CJOC HQ Vaughan C Army Vieveen CFD Voyer CACSC Det Valcartier :DONHU &-2&+4 Warren CTCHQ Watts CMTC Maj Maj Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt &DSW Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Capt Lt Lt Lt Lt MP AR DV PC L JGD NP CJ MW LRP JT B L RJ JD TA GP V T 67 50 KR LE JYCM PM JR DD TJ TV JGF CF -' GJ CJ DL ADJ $5 JMD JLA JM 7) JEJ JB CD SW DG MC RJ GE CJ ME MDS PL PRJ LR JD HRA DC *7 CJ '* JR JD MJM M DA RAH JLMG JGAC RTD JA Y GTS A MR EJ LC RP 0)% JC SC JP PA :6 DF AJ RW NJ GG AG LM BV PA EH PM SW JYMF Williams Wood Aliberti Amberley Andreola Auger Barber Barth Batten Bellemore Best Billing Bouchard Bower Bowering Burt Canuel Charlery Chiasson &KOHGRZVNL &ODUNH Coburn Cooper Courtemanche Crane Cusson Cyr Dinner Duong Duplessis Durant (NH Evans Farrell Ferrera Frigault *LOOHVSLH Giroux Grenier Hawco +LFNV Hornell Huddleston Hudson Irving Jenness Johnson Johnson Keach Ker Labonté Lavery Lebel Leclair Léger Leslie MacBeth Mann 0F&DEH McConnell 0F&RUPLFN Mccullough Morgan Morin Morrissette Nahirney Nicholson O'Brien Ostiguy Parent Pedneault Pelletier Riddoch Roman Rosales Ross Schutte Sheppard 6KRQLNHU Simmonds Sloat Southen Stewart 7LOEURRN Tofts Vamos Vandermolen Verleun White Whitman Williams Wiltshire Wilvers Arsenault Leblond Lemna Perusse ATL CJOC HQ CFC CFD 5 CDSB Gagetown CDA Hq Det Borden CFRC Toronto RHQ RCA CMTC CACSC Det Petawawa CFRG HQ DGLEPM NS(NB)R CFRC Toronto Det London JTF X 2 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn JTFW HQ CFRG HQ RMC &$UP\ 367& SPHL CFD TF Cyprus CJOC HQ ATL CADTC HQ 1 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn CFRC Calgary RMC Saint-Jean DGLEPM -7)3+4 32 CBG HQ 5 CDSB Gagetown Cdn Spec Ops Regt CTC HQ &)%6XI¿HOG CF H Svcs Gp HQ 2 Cdn Div TC NES - Term Lve 367& 5 CDSB Gagetown CACSC Det Gagetown 3 Cdn Div HQ 33 CBG HQ 3 Cdn Div HQ 5 Cdn Div TC CFB Halifax RMC CJOC HQ JTFE HQ SJS C Army RCSU (Atlantic) CMTC DGMPD L&S 4 CDSB Petawawa CJOC HQ &)%6XI¿HOG RMC &7&+4 CMTC 4 Cdn Div HQ CATEU RMC C Army C Army OUTCAN USA SPHL 2 CDSB Valcartier RMC CFLRS CFRC Quebec RMC CFLRS 4 Cdn Div TC Cdn Spec Ops Regt C Army OUTCAN USA CFB Shilo 50& SPHL CFB Shilo 2 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn DG IS Pol &GQ6SHF2SV5HJW CADTC HQ CFRC Toronto 41 CBG HQ 3 Cdn Div HQ 4 Cdn Div TC 5 CDSB Gagetown RCSU Central CFB Shilo C Army CFB Halifax CFRC Halifax Infantry School 2 Cdn Div HQ 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt 2Lt /W 2&'7 OCDT 2&'7 OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT 2&'7 OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT 2&'7 OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT 2&'7 OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT 2&'7 OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT 2&'7 2&'7 OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT 2&'7 OCDT 108 LJA D CJD SR EE 53 --* PT $ JSJN NRW GJW JM MDA JM HPSG NS JBD AS MJR JT JR MJJ GM D DA OJR CL K JP MH JA AJ MR V RJ AG GE RL NJ HT 0+ S DM JCA K $- RG IP FJM AF BJS 6= BAV GE AC D JR MI LG S JWF KW AW A AE &- C W TJF SRS AJG AJ DC RELW J DGM MM A JW KE SW JF M GSJ &09 &5 MCA M VJRDN AJ EED DRJ MA JP 1$ TS Aumond JPSU Det Valcartier Belliard NES - Term Lve Fontaine JPSU Det Gagetown Knox 5 CDSB Gagetown Misener CFB Esquimalt :DONHU &)%(VTXLPDOW $GDPF]\N 50& Allard RMC Saint-Jean %DUVNL &'6%3HWDZDZD Beaulieu-Labonte RMC Besterd RMC Blandford RMC Boileau RMC Saint-Jean Bono CFSU (Ottawa) Bouchard RMC Boucher RMC Saint-Jean Boucher RMC Bouthillier RMC Brideau RMC Briere-Provost CFLRS Budz RMC Burchat RMC Cherry RMC Cianciosi RMC Corriveau RMC Cotton RMC Saint-Jean Crépeau RMC Donaldson RMC Saint-Jean D'Souza RMC Dubuc RMC Emmerson RMC Erion RMC Evans RMC Fagan Acadia University Farr RMC Fitzgerald RMC Fremis RMC Garber RMC Gibney RMC Saint-Jean Gignac RMC Gilchrist RMC Saint-Jean *ROGHU 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ%UXQVZLFN Gosselin CFLRS Graham RMC Gray CFLRS Greenwell RMC *U]HJRU]HZVNL &)/56 Guay University of Ottawa Gutz RMC Hamel-Giroux RMC Heros RMC Saint-Jean Hibbert McMaster University +RIIPDQQ0RQNHU50& Hogan RMC Hoshoian NES - Term Lve Houston RMC Huard-Houle RMC Huver CFLRS Iver RMC Jamois-Paradis RMC Jimenez RMC Johnson RMC Kang CFLRS Kingswood RMC Saint-Jean Kleynhans RMC Labranche University of Ottawa /DUGQHU 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ%UXQVZLFN Le Breton-Prévost RMC Lee RMC Levert RMC Saint-Jean Marcoux CFLRS McCaffrey-Noviss RMC McIlvenna CFLRS McKernan University of Ottawa Moll Queen's University Morel RMC Saint-Jean Moss NES - Term Lve Munger RMC Saint-Jean Murney Acadia University Neverson RMC Nielsen RMC Northcott RMC Orozco 4 CDSB Petawawa Ouellet RMC Saint-Jean Paquet RMC 3DUNHU 4XHHQ V8QLYHUVLW\ 3DZXOVNL 50& Pharand RMC Plourde RMC Poulet RMC Pouliot RMC Prosper RMC Saint-Jean Radulescu-Galang RMC Reynoso-Medina RMC Rodgers RMC 5RPNH\ 50& Ross University of Ottawa L’Artilleur Canadien OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT 2&'7 OCDT 2&'7 OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT OCDT CWO CWO CWO Adjuc CWO CWO CWO CWO CWO CWO &:2 CWO MWO MWO MWO MWO 0:2 MWO MWO MWO MWO MWO MWO MWO 0:2 MWO 0:2 MWO MWO MWO MWO MWO 0:2 MWO MWO MWO MWO MWO MWO 0:2 MWO MWO MWO MWO WO WO WO :2 :2 WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO B JP JR PG F JHW JBB KAF /$ SM 11 G AD PRN MW MN AM MJ JJE RE JGM JMS KC RJ DT DL JAM MA &3 CJA DG JGM MR BW -9 RP SB RP CD DJ JJ DR 0$ RC ': KM BR KT JC JAJ -3 JJ MJ PJ B A CA $-/ AM JAG JED JRF JMY TC DB 5( :& JRM JW JD BK RF $& JCM CRF *- DG R JRP DJ JNP IW AA PG TS JGA AW JBRR VAE JPP JD CJ JD KM JAS JSM K Canadian Gunner Roy Saabas Sass Saumure Savard Selbie Simon Snee 6SDUNV Staples 6WKDOHNDU T.Soucy Tanguay Vendette Walsh White Crépeau Wideman Wolscht Degready Fillier Gabanna Manny Mattsson Montague Moyer Poss Provencher Ross 5XVN Wagar Aldred Angel AngusAsst Baldwin %DOODUG Bartlett Bell Bourque Brady Connor Doran Elson (VWDEURRNV Francis )UDQNHQ Hood Jensen Johnson Lannigan Leveillee 0DF0XOOLQ MacPherson Martin Pinel Popovitch Reid Roehl 6NLQQHU Snodgrass Stirmey Tessier Vidal Allaire Anderson Ballard %DUNOH\ %DVNHU Beauchemin Beaver Bélanger Bellmore Bennett %HVZLFN Bouchard Bremner %URRNV Buchan Carrasqueira Carriere Coupland Crepeau Croft Cutler Dolomont Falls Filion Furmidge Genereux Genest Germain Gosselin Harrison Hawtin Hayes Houde Ledoux Leet RMC Saint-Jean RMC RMC RMC Saint-Jean RMC University of Toronto RMC RMC 50& RMC &)/56 RMC RMC Saint-Jean RMC Saint-Jean RMC RMC CFLRS RMC CDA HQ CACSC 2 CDSB Valcartier 35 GBC SMR 4 Cdn Div TC DGMC CJOC RSM CADTC HQ NCSE - Op Attention CADTC HQ &$&6& DGMC CATEU 2 CDSB Valcartier CMP 5 CDSB Gagetown '5'&068'HW6XI¿HOG 5 CDSB Gagetown CMTC CTC HQ CACSC CFLRS SJS 1 CRPG &)' 5 CDSB Gagetown &'6%3HWDZDZD 5 Cdn Div TC CFB Shilo CADTC HQ CJOC HQ SPHL &)%6XI¿HOG CJOC HQ C Army 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo CDA HQ NES - Term Lve CDA HQ &'$+4 CTC HQ C Army CANSOFCOM HQ 5 Cdn Div HQ 5 CDSB Gagetown SPHL 5 Cdn Div HQ &GQ'LY7& 63+/ DGMC ATL 430 Tac Hel Sqn CFTDC CATEU &GQ'LY7& SPHL NES - Term Lve &GQ'LY7&'HW6KLOR Cdn Spec Ops Regt CFLRS CFLRS Cdn Spec Ops Regt RMC 4 Cdn Div TC RCSU Northwest 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo METC 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo RMC CFRC Ottawa SPHL 2 Cdn Div TC CTC HQ JTF X CTC HQ CFLRS CFLRS 1 CRPG WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO :2 WO :2 WO WO WO WO :2 WO WO WO 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt 109 CR AM GK DA DJ JRGR R TC JP JG EE 5& JAA CT JJ BD DE KM DA CE MA K R JA DM -5 JAW -0' AG GP A MJ 0- MA DT JA -. DR JDJ D JPS JCD JL JRF JPGJF JAM CN RE JS D JMM %/ LJL AG AR SE RA MJDR TD JAJP IMR CF EA KA SJM LC D MGA JMC AJR SC JGM CA DJ HJJN JGS R SC JL CH JCD PP MJC JGD CA -- MW DR RA JMD '- JAW SJP B S --5 JP Leggett CFB Borden Littler CANSOFCOM HQ MacDonald JTF X MacDougall 5 Cdn Div TC Major 31 CBG HQ Morse SPHL Moses CATEU Murrin CFLRS Myler C Army Normand CADTC HQ Oliver 32 CBG HQ 3HWKLFN 5&68$WODQWLF Picard 2 Cdn Div TC Powell CANSOFCOM HQ Querques 4 Cdn Div TC Det Ottawa Quigley RMC Quinn SPHL Radey 3 CDSB Edmonton Redford 1 CRPG Reid 4 CDSB Petawawa Reinders 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo Sajadi 5 Cdn Div TC Sharpe SPHL Simourd 4 CDSB Petawawa Simpson CFB Shilo 6SUDJXH 5&683DFL¿F Stewart PSTC 7DOERW /(GPQ5HJW'HW<HOORZNQLIH Todd DGLEPM Trites SPHL Tullett CATEU Walsh 4 Cdn Div TC Det Petawawa :DWHU¿HOG &GQ'LY7&'HW6KLOR Wheeler CFLRS White SPHL Williams 4 Cdn Div TC $NHUR\G &)68(XURSH Apperley JTFC HQ Arsenault 5 CDSB Gagetown Aubin 2 Cdn Div TC Beaupre SPHL Bedard SPHL Bédard CFLRS Bélanger Asst CMP Bellemare-Caron CFLRS Bériau CFLRS Bilodeau SPHL Blowes 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo Bouchard 2 Cdn Div TC Boudreau CFRC Halifax Bourgault 2 CDSB Valcartier %ULFNHOO &GQ'LY7& Brouillard CFLRS Burton CFRC Calgary Campbell 5 CDSB Gagetown Canning CFLRS Cantin CFLRS Charette Infantry School Churchill 3 Cdn Div TC Cloutier CFLRS Corbeil CFLRS Coughlan SPHL Coupal SPHL Croft 4 Cdn Div TC Dauphinais CFLRS Deitner CANSOFCOM HQ Deveau SPHL Dufour CANSOFCOM HQ Dunville CAAWC Emery CFRC Quebec Fletcher Infantry School Gauthier 5 CDSB Gagetown Giles 5 Cdn Div TC Gillespie 4 Cdn Div TC Girouard 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo Giroux CANSOFCOM HQ Goddard NES - Term Lve Godfrey CTC HQ Goguen CFRC Halifax Golding 38 CBG HQ Goudreau CFLRS Greene SPHL Guilbault 1 CRPG Hammond CANSOFCOM HQ Harris 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo +DZNLQV &GQ'LY7& Holland 32 CBG HQ Inglis SPHL Inniss CFSU (Ottawa) Jacques JTFE HQ -HQNLQV &GQ'LY7& Kaus 5 Cdn Div HQ Labadie 3 CDSB Edmonton Landry 4 Cdn Div TC Lavoie 2 Cdn Div TC /HV]F]\QVNL 63+/ Lindsay 4 Cdn Div TC Det Petawawa Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt 6JW Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr SC ML WA MDC RL $( DJW SJ TJ /- M EJL DA JSMJ LW %$ NB FA AM WE RS JJ JN WS GA D M WAD SM DD 0( MJ 07 JR TJ YF ED MJD JJA CJA JMB JD JALM PD JGF DC JAPS JA BS MC A JMF JC TG E JPA EJB RHJ DW FAP JSS MD PAG 07 S JA JAD JRR KJ CJLN MCE PJS DPJ MacNeil SPHL Maddison 1 CRPG Medcalf 3 CDSB Edmonton Mercado CFSPDB Montgomery 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo 1LFNHUVRQ &'6%*DJHWRZQ Niittynen 4 CDSB Petawawa Pearson DG IS Pol Phillips SPHL 5LFNHWWV &)%6KLOR Robichaud CTC HQ Robidoux CFLRS Russell CFB Shilo Simoneau 2 Cdn Div TC Smith SPHL 6WDQV¿HOG &%*+4 Sylvester CFRC Toronto Taylor CANSOFCOM HQ Weaver ATL Webb 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo Weron 4 Cdn Div TC White NES - Term Lve Wiebe 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo Williams 408 Tac Hel Sqn Wilson CANSOFCOM HQ Arel CFLRS Bédard SPHL Belair CFLRS Bell CFB Shilo Benedetti CFLRS %ODFN 6-6 Bonville SPHL %R]HN 63+/ Caron RégisCFLRS Chetwynd 5 Cdn Div TC Cozannet CANSOFCOM HQ Daigle 5 CDSB Gagetown Darveau CFLRS Daudelin-Corbeil CFLRS Douglas SJS Duchesne CFLRS Dupont SPHL Dupuis 2 Cdn Div TC Durand CFLRS Duval SPHL Flynn CFLRS Fournier CFLRS Furber CFSSAT Gaffey CATEU Gauthier CFSPDB Gautreau SPHL Houle CFLRS Houle 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo Johnson 3 Cdn Div TC Kheirallah CFLRS Lachance 4 CDSB Petawawa Landry CFLRS Lecoz CFSU (Ottawa) Leforte 4 Cdn Div TC MacLaren CFLRS Mandeville CANSOFCOM HQ McClung 4 Cdn Div TC McLeod SPHL 0HFKDNUD &)%6XI¿HOG Michaud-Hebert SPHL Mills CFB Shilo Parent SPHL Paul CFLRS Pelletier CFLRS Picard CANSOFCOM HQ Pilotte-Duperray 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo Poirier CFLRS Prévost 2 CDSB Valcartier MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr MBdr 0%GU 0%GU MBdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr %GU Bdr Bdr Bdr 110 JD AO DP RN REW CL JRG 0/00 /- IJ DM DJA NWL F JL MJ 6$ AD JC FN BR SJN NJJ 6& PJA E BC JD JLE D --. PJD JFJR GG %& ED SA MM JJ JGA GJ JA SR JST LRJ G BR &' PS --0 JJM JG CD ND JA JMJ &' 5. J DJR MA SJN -, I MR '' JJ BL 1- SPL KPR JC Price CMTC See CANSOFCOM HQ St John CANSOFCOM HQ Tapp SECLIST Alta Energy Co Umlah SPHL Vaillancourt CFLRS Vaillancourt 5 CDSB Gagetown :LONLQVRQ &)-65 :RWKHUVSRRQ &)%6XI¿HOG Wright CFLRS Anderson 5 Cdn Div TC Armanda SPHL Armstrong SPHL Belanger SPHL Blain SPHL Blouin CFB Halifax %RRNHU &0%*+46LJ6TQ Boutilier SPHL Bowser 5 CDSB Gagetown Bradford CMTC Caton SPHL Courcy SPHL Couture 2 CDSB Valcartier &XUUDQ &)%6XI¿HOG Damphousse CFLRS Delisle 2 Cdn Div TC Embro 4 Cdn Div TC Firmin JTF X Fortin 5 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn Gagnon CFLRS *UpJRLUH &)%6XI¿HOG Guerra SPHL Hallé SPHL Haywood SPHL +LOO &)%6XI¿HOG Hillis 4 Cdn Div TC Huntington SPHL Jacques 2 CDSB Valcartier Kovacs Tac School Leclair SPHL Logue SPHL MacDonald 5 CDSB Gagetown Macpherson 5 CDSB Gagetown Maheux SPHL Martin SPHL Maximilien 1 PPCLI Mcclelland 3 Cdn Div TC Det Shilo 0F&R\ &)%6XI¿HOG McMullan SPHL 0F1LYHQ &)%6XI¿HOG Melo CACSC Morgan SPHL Parent CMTC Parris SPHL Payne SPHL Perron CFB Shilo 3LNH 63+/ 3RO\ZNDQ 63+/ Raoul NES - Term Lve Ringuette-Farrell CFLRS Rioux-Goyette2 CDSB Valcartier Ruttan CFLRS 6FDQLH-HQNLQV&'6%(GPRQWRQ Schriver SPHL Sheets 4 Cdn Div TC 6RSNRZ &07& Staley SPHL Tobin 4 CDSB Petawawa 7RPF]\N 63+/ Trimm SPHL Urquhart SPHL Winsor SPHL L’Artilleur Canadien