The bad news is that according to Free Online
The bad news is that according to Free Online
The bad news is that according to Free Online Dictionary, the term ¶ORZEURZ·GHÀQHV someone as having uncultivated tastes. As an adjective it means unsophisticated and unscholarly - so basically educated conservatives KDWHORZEURZDUW:LNLSHGLDGHÀQHVWKH¶ORZEURZPRYHPHQW· as an underground visual art that arose during the late 70Õs in Los Angeles, with origins in the comic world, hot rod, punk and other subcultures. Lowbrow art or Ôpop surrealismÕ not surprisingly is often sarcastic, usually has an obvious sense of humor about it and most recognised lowbrow workÕs are paintings but as technology increases it now includes digital, sculpture and FDUYLQJV7KHÀUVWDUWLVWWREHFRPHNQRZQIRUORZEURZDUWZDV underground painter / cartoonist Robert Williams who founded Juxtapoz Art and Culture magazine. His mix of California car, culture and apocalypticism helped create a new genre Ôpsychedelic imagery.Õ No surprise psychedelic drug advocate 24 Timothy Leary whom President Richard Nixon once described as Ôthe most dangerous man in AmericaÕ became a supporter. In a 2006 issue of Juxtapoz - Williams took credit for originating the term ÔlowbrowÕ after decades earlier producing a book of paintings which he self-depreciatingly titled ÔThe Lowbrow Art of Robert WilliamsÕ because no art institution would recognise him. The term ÔlowbrowÕ was used in opposition to ¶KLJKEURZ·ZKLFKGHÀQHVWUDGLWLRQDQGWKHQDPHVWXFN although Williams isnÕt happy about it - now referring to the movement as Ôcartoon-tainted abstract surrealism.Õ Galleries arenÕt sure on the importance of Ôlowbrow artÕ UHJDUGLQJ¶ÀQHDUW·DOWKRXJKWKLVKDVQ·WVWRSSHGDFWRU Nicolas Cage, singer Anthony Kiedis or SimpsonÕs creator Matt Groening collecting this art form. The good news is the worst thing you can be is ÔmiddlebrowÕ which means someday youÕll actually get used to the stuff mainstream society wants you to like!