Volume 5, Issue 19, May 8, 2016
Volume 5, Issue 19, May 8, 2016
MINISTER GEORGE WILLIAMS 5701 E. MLK, Jr. Boulevard at east side Church of Christ 512.477.1647 [email protected] ELDERS ED DAVIS 512.477.1647 www.eastsidecoc.com 512.339.2306 [email protected] MIKE DEEN 512.431.9886 [email protected] “We are people of the Book.” CRANSTON HARDEMAN 512.484.9775 [email protected] MAY 8, 2016 MARLON MCGHEE 512.913.2323 [email protected] “Together With God – DEACONS We Can!” Genesis 11:6 2016 CHURCH THEME FLOYD BOOZER 512.246.1722 [email protected] JERMAINE BROOM 512.502.4806 [email protected] RUSSELL CLEMONS 512.280.8639 [email protected] DARRYL MANOR 512.853.0576 [email protected] RICKY SELLS, SR. 512.989.7011 [email protected] QUINTON SMITH, SR. 512.250.0274 [email protected] ETHAN WILLIAMS, SR. 512.990.8151 [email protected] PRAY FOR THOSE WHO REQUESTED PRAYERS Leah Teamer, Archa Rogers, Sharon Jackson, Gail Williams, James Davis & family, Allen Patridge II, Karen Billingsley, Javonda Taylor, Kelvin Sideboard, Keith & Stacey Kneeland, Shirley King, Blessing Ehigie, Cheryl Williams, Ronalyn R. Johnson, members who requested prayers during the week, members in the armed forces, and families in bereavement. VISIT THE SICK AND SHUT IN AND PRAY FOR THEM Vicki Herron, Bill Arnold (512.521.6771), Dora Washington (512.926.2023), Ruby Lewis, Zeola Williams (Heritage Park Nursing , Austin), Jerri Hardin, Nyoka Davis, Veronica Scott, Vicky Lamkin, and Ralph & Alice Watson’s son. If you are ill, know of someone who is ill, know about a death, or see a name that should be removed from the sick and shut in list, please call the church office (512.477.1647) and/or your care group leader. . thought for the week PROVERBS 16: 1-3 The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the spirits. Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established. ministry news YOUTH MINISTRY CONGRATULATIONS YOUTH & PARENTS, on your upcoming graduations! This is a tremendous milestone and we want to celebrate with you on this great accomplishment! Please email Sister Bradford ([email protected]) and Sister Jackson ([email protected]) Your graduation information listed below and your great accomplishments will be put in the church bulletin. INFORMATION NEEDED: Your full name; your parent’s names; the name of your high school; the date, time and place of your graduation; and your future plans. THE ROYAL BOOK CLUB Everyone is welcomed to join! We’re reading Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family by James E. Hughes Jr. EAST SIDE LIBRARY HOURS Wednesdays 6-7 pm Sundays 5-6 pm family news A NOTE OF THANKS & APPRECITATION To my church family “THANKS” for all your prayers, cards and the lovely plant sent to my family during the passing of my father. ~ Sister Stephanie Owens and the Bowser family. MAY BIRTHDAYS 5/4 EDUCATION MINISTRY EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING Saturday, May 22nd | 4:30 – 5:45 pm Auditorium BIBLE CLASS PROMOTIONS PROGRAM Sunday, June 5th | 3:30 – 5:30 pm Auditorium DRUG & ALCOHOL RECOVERY MINISTRY 12 STEPS RECOVERY MEETINGS 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month NEXT MEETING | May 10th 7-8:30 pm | Church Building Contact: Brother Douglas Ehigie. PLEASE NOTE: The May 25th class is cancelled. For information and coaching, contact Brother Sam Roberts (512.748.0723). THE COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE HOMELESS is sponsoring a SOCKS DONATION DRIVE during the month of May. Please place donated socks in the plastic containers in the foyer. Questions? Please see Brother Luther Baker. Waymon Grant 78 blessed years 5/9 Jermaine Broom Angela Sells 5/11 Ruby Lewis Reginald Evans, Sr. 5/13 Victoria Julius 17 years old 5/14 Dana Young II 14 years old 5/17 Betty More 5/21 Zeola Williams 5/23 Lailah Anette Sells 8 years old 5/29 Barbara Shaw 5/30 Cranston Hardeman MAY WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES 5/15 Kevin & Cre’ Sandra Maney ♡ 6 years 5/24 Max & Samara Hargrove ♡ 8 years 5/26 D.W. & Betty Pennick ♡ 60 years 5/29 Ricky & Mertis Sells ♡ 30 years If you would like your anniversary or birthday listed, please email Sister Maxine Jackson ([email protected]) or call 512.477-1647. SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PRESENTS — THE 2016 J.S. WINSTON MEMORIAL SUMMER TOUR You are cordially invited you to an evening of praise at the Church of Church at East Side Tuesday, May 17th | 7 pm THIS INSPIRATIONAL CHORUS WILL BLESS YOUR SOUL WITH SONGS OF PRAISE TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. In addition, on this special evening, Brother Warren Roberts, Director of Admissions, will let us know more about Southwestern Christian College and how we can support Christian Education. Please come and be apart of this blessed event. Please plan to attend and please support the school with your $25 donation. other congregations FT. SAM HOUSTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Men’s Day Program | San Antonio May 14th | 8 am - Noon THEME: “We Are Family” Genesis 13:7-8 SOUTH OAK CHURCH OF CHRIST Men’s Day Program | Dime Box May 21st | 8 am – Noon THEME: “Sharing the Knowledge: Evangelism, Exhortation & Edification” Speaker: Bro. Joseph Walsh We’re encouraging all men in the surrounding areas to attend. DELLCREST CHURCH OF CHRIST 65th. Annual Homecoming Celebration June 4th - 8th | San Antonio TX THEME: “Reviving the Vision!” Songfest | Saturday, June 4th |5 pm All choirs of the churches of Christ are invited to participate! Speaker: Bro. Olu J. Shabazz ,Minister Harlem Church of Christ Harlem NY CHURCH OF CHRIST AT PECAN STREET Annual Homecoming/Revival June 26th – 29th | Rockdale TX THEME: “Are You Walking in the Newness of Life?” Worship 11:00 am Speaker: Bro. Peter Martin, Minister Sugarland Church of Christ | Houston Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 Welcome Visitors. You are our honored guests! HOW GOD CREATED MOTHERS God took the fragrance of a flower, The majesty of a tree, The gentleness of morning dew, The calm of a quiet sea, The beauty of a twilight hour, The laughter of the rippling brook, and The grace of a bird in flight, God then fashioned from these things, A creation like no other, And when His masterpiece was through He called His masterpiece … MOTHER Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverbs 31:28 19TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY BBQ Come enjoy Pfood, Pfamily, Pfun & Pfellowship! Monday, May 30, 2016 | 12 – 7 pm Home of the Robinsons 1120 Laurel Oak Trail | Pflugerville TX 78660 WHAT TO BRING: Your favorite dish | meat, side or desert Already chilled beverages (Clear/light beverages only, please) Bottled water, canned/bottled lemonade, Sprite, etc. Your favorite games | Board games, cards, dominoes, etc. ACTIVITIES FOR THE KIDS. For more information, please contact: Brother Hillery | 512,923,6215 Sister Cynthia | 512.252.8903 Sister Crystal G. | 512.923.6216 Sister Portia D. | 512.785.4583 Please sign up in the foyer – please. MINISTER & ELDER AVAILABILITY HOW TO BE SAVED ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES Our minister, George Williams, and two elders, Milton Deen & Cranston Hardeman, are full time and available at the building during the week. Hear the Gospel ~ Acts 15:7 Believe in Jesus ~ John 8:21, 24 Repent of Sins ~ Acts 17:30, 31 Confess Christ ~ Acts 8:36-38 Be Baptized ~ Acts 2:38 Please feel free to make appointments with all of them or with them individually to discuss any concerns, suggestions or spiritual counseling needs. They are here for the congregation. You are saved by grace and the Lord adds you to the church of Christ. MEN PRIVILEGED TO SERVE Monday-Friday By Appointment Please. MA Y CALENDAR Ladies Tuesday Bible Sessions | 10-11 am Seasoned Saints Meeting |1-2 pm 5/7 New Teacher orientation|11a m-1p m 5/7 CYP Dinner & Devotional | 7-9 pm, away 5/13 Men’s Prayer Meeting |7-9 pm, away 5/13 Men’s Training | 4:30-5:45 pm 5/15 Ladies Bible Study | 4:30-5:45 pm 5/ 15 Health Awareness Class | 6-7 pm 5/18 Seasoned Saint visit Nursing Home | 2:30-3 pm 5/20 Singles ”Healthy Relationship” RT | 7 pm 5/20 Sister’s Relate & Relax | 7-10 pm, away 5/20 Education Committee Meeting | 4:30-5:45 pm 5/22 WINGS | 2-4 pm 5/28 Sisters Prayer Circle | 9-10:30am 5/28 CYP Sunday Fellowship | 12:30-3pm 5/29 Youth Dinner & Devotional | 6-8:30pm 5/29 Acts 2:47 | Matthew 16:18 | Romans 16:16 10 :00 am 6:00 pm Songs Service R. McClarron M. McGhee Invocation J. Broom R. Sells Prayer W. Grant C. Caswell Sermon G. Williams G. Williams Communion & Offering L. Brown C. Brown Passion Reading R. Harry D. Phagans Announcements H. Moffett II H. Moffett II Benediction L. Pennick R. Randle .USHERS | Baker, Apena, Bradford, Davis, Ervin, Franklin, Haynes, Iheke, Johnson, King, Matthews, Mitchell, Randle, Ray, Smith, Williams, Willis & Wright Members In Service | “Together With God– We Can!” COMMUNION PREPARERS GREETERS MAY 8TH Patsy Grant May 8th & May 15th Carrol Franklin Delores Spears Sallie Miller Felicia Williams Shemika McWilliams Lacy Jones Karen Tribue Danielle McGhee Benita Hodge CALLING COMMITTEE May 8th BAPTISMAL Month of May NURSERY NEW MEMBERS Janet Horace Adriene McClarron Carrol Franklin Vicki Herron May 8th & 15 Keena Randle Monica Deen Cynthia Robinson Month of June Care Group Leader, Elder, Deacon, Stabilizer, & Photographer Patricia Mc Kinzie Benita Hodge RADIO BROADCAST, BIBLE CLASSES AND WORSHIP TIMES Sunday Radio Broadcast, KTXW 1120 AM ~ 8:30 - 9 am Sunday Bible Classes ~ 8:45 am Sunday Worship Services ~ 10 am & 6 pm Wednesday Bible Classes ~ 7 pm
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