BTSA Induction SB 2042 Credentials 101 Workshop
BTSA Induction SB 2042 Credentials 101 Workshop
Teacher Assignment Monitoring and Review for Williams Settlement July 30, 2010 AGENDA General functions of BCOE Credentials Office ¾ Assignment Monitoring for Williams Reporting ¾ Forms and materials needed for collection of data ¾ CALPADS/CALTIDES ¾ Contact information ¾ General Assignment Monitoring COE Responsibility Every year One quarter of districts Report due July 1 ALL certificated positions – Teachers Administrators Psychologists Librarians Counselors Nurses Must include whether teacher provides English Learner services Vacancy data required from ALL districts HQT is not part of the assignment monitoring process Williams Assignment Monitoring Williams schools must provide assignment information on a quarterly basis Identify classes with 20% or more English Learners Vacancies Misassignments ¾ ¾ ¾ Per Education Code §33126 (b)(5)(B): “Misassignment" means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold. Upon discovery of a misassignment, the District’s Human Resources Department is notified 30 days to remedy. BCOE Credentials staff will assist How Is Data Collected? ¾ Master Schedules from ALL districts are due to BCOE by mid-October for annual reporting • • • ¾ Complete first and last name (no nicknames) Last four digits of SS# Indicate if teacher serves EL students Updates are sent to BCOE whenever there is a change in assignment information No site visits necessary for Williams monitoring Data Collection (continued) ¾ Reporting forms have been developed by BCOE to collect the required data: Self-contained and departmentalized classrooms Non-teaching assignments Special Education services where overall disability served in the classroom is reported ¾ EL data is required for all classrooms each quarter ¾ You may use an alternate report as long as it contains all of the required information Vacancy Definition Per Education Code §33126 (b)(5)(A): A “vacant teacher position” means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year, or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position of which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester. Williams Reporting Timelines • • • Decile 1, 2, & 3 schools based on 2009 API Reporting is done on quarterly basis Quarter Period Covered District information due to BCOE 1st July – Sept To Be Determined 2nd Oct – Dec To Be Determined 3rd Jan – Mar To Be Determined 4th Apr – Jun To Be Determined Must include # of EL students and total # of students in classroom • EC §44258.9 requires, on an annual basis, to report if teachers in K-12 classes in deciles 1, 2, and 3 schools hold the appropriate EL certification for classes with 20 percent or more ELs. CALPADS/CALTIDES ¾ CALPADS – longitudinal student data system ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Track student transfers, program placement, reduce costs of redundant testing Students assigned SSID’s Rolled out in 2009-10 CALTIDES – longitudinal teacher data system ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Automate assignment monitoring, facilitate Williams and NCLB reporting Teachers assigned SEID’s Roll out expected in 2011-12 Won’t eliminate assignment monitoring, but will change the way it is conducted ¾ Local course mapping to state course code is key Thank you for coming today! For questions regarding assignment monitoring: Dawn Christensen [email protected] 532-5645 Patti Underhill [email protected] 532-5646