PDF Manual - Skerryvore Software Ltd


PDF Manual - Skerryvore Software Ltd
Version 5.1
Create and print your own
Personalised calendars
For home and office
© Skerryvore Software Ltd
Revised 1 January 2009
In a few clicks, and with your own photos, you can
make and send presents to your family and friends that will be really appreciated
personalise calendars for your own needs
create fundraising calendars for your club or organisation
create calendars as a showpiece portfolio of your digital photos or painting
create in-house promotional calendars for your business
create calendars for past and future
is designed to let you create and print personalised professional quality calendars.
You can choose from more than 50 different customizable styles and any year from 1582 through to 9999.
Add special events and your own pictures as desired.
Automatic formatting for paper sizes (up to A1, where supported by your printer) makes producing a
calendar simple.
Supported on Windows 2000 Windows XP and Windows Vista
You can …
Quickly produce personalised calendars and planners for home and work.
Choose from more than 50 different customizable styles.
Print directly to your printer or to a PDF file
Choose from over 100 languages (monolingual/bilingual)
Add your own scanned/digital photos
Select any year from 1582* to 9999
Add National holidays and Religious Events calculated for selected year
Add your own events eg birthdays
Add Week Numbers, Moon Phases
Modify colours and fonts
Save as *.cld files.
Export individual pages as JPEG, BMP, PDF, TIFF or PNG files
Export the complete year’s calendar as multipage PDF or TIFF files
Export the complete year’s calendar as a “ready to upload” web (HTML) calendar.
…Never need to buy a calendar again!
You can add pictures using:
• existing picture files
• digital photographs
• by scanning pictures using your scanner
• pictures from WWW (© restrictions may apply)
Illustrations and photos can be edited using the integrated “Darkroom” (Image Editor)
Image files greater than 4 Mpixels in size may not be supported by Simply Calenders on older PCs.
Image File Utilities may be used to reduce some bmp jpg and gif files, if less than 16 MPixel.
Minimum Required
Pentium Processor 166MHz or faster
TrueColor capable Display Driver
256Mb RAM (or more)
Windows 2000 ®, Windows XP ® or Windows Vista ®
No longer supported under earlier versions of Windows
Intended for use on western versions of Windows - untested on Arabic and Far Eastern versions of Windows
Windows Vista ®
1GB RAM or more
TWAIN compliant scanner
Colour Printer
Windows 98SE ®, Windows ME ®, Windows 2000 ®, Windows XP ® and Windows Vista ® are trademarks of Microsoft
Adobe Acrobat ® is a trademark of Adobe
Although various calendars are in existence throughout the world, this program is based purely on the
Gregorian Calendar which is in use throughout most of the Western world.
The Gregorian Calendar was devised by Pope Gregory XIII and decreed in a papal bull in 1582. It was based
on the earlier Julian Calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC. However, the Gregorian calendar had
new rules for determining leap years that kept it more in line with the solar year.
The Gregorian calendar was adopted by most Catholic countries shortly after 1582. Many protestant
countries delayed its adoption: Great Britain and its dominions (including what is now the USA) delayed its
introduction until 1752. Most Asian, East European and Orthodox countries did not change until after the
start of the 20th century.
The validity of calendars produced for previous years is dependent on the adoption of the Gregorian
calendar in any given country.
The Gregorian calendar is essentially a solar calendar based on the solar year. Although often referred to as
the “Christian Calendar”, much of its origins are, in fact, pre-Christian and pagan.
Simply Calenders does not support creation of non-Gregorian calendars.
This information is provided for interest only.
The Hebrew calendar is a mixed solar/lunar calendar with years coinciding with the solar year whilst
months are lunar. A year varies between 353 and 385 days and begins on the day of the new moon. The year
may have 12 or 13 months. Years are counted since “Anno Mundi”, the creation of the world, which is
assumed to have occurred in 3761BC.
[2000AD was 5760AM]
It is the official calendar of Israel and used for religious purposes all over the world.
The Islam calendar is a pure lunar calendar with 12 lunar months. Months begin with the sighting of the
new moon. The year is consistently shorter than the solar year and hence the Islam year shifts with respect to
the Gregorian calendar. Years are counted since Hijra (Mohamed’s flight to Medina) which is said to have
occurred in 622 AD
[2000AD was 1420/1421AH]
It is the official calendar in many gulf countries especially Saudi Arabia. Other Muslim countries use the
Gregorian calendar for civil purposes and the Islamic calendar for religious purposes.
The Persian Calendar is a solar calendar which has 12 months of 30 days with 5/6 additional days. It
begins on March 21.
The Chinese Calendar is one of the oldest calendars. It was allegedly invented by Emperor Huangdi in
2637 BC. It is a combined solar/lunar calendar with similarities to the Hebrew in having 12/13 lunar months
and a variable length year.
2000AD was 4698
The Chinese new year occurs in mid January to mid February.
Although the Gregorian Calendar is now the official civil calendar in China, the Chinese calendar is used for
determining Chinese festivals
The Budhist Era year is 543 years ahead of the Gregorian year ie 2000AD was 2543 BE
Calendars created with Simply Calenders can be saved as as special text files with tag cld
eg My 2007 Calendar.cld.
CLD files are small files, typically 1-2Kb, similar to Windows initiation (ini) files.
Similar to HTML web pages, Simply Calenders CLD files do not themselves contain any picture. They do
include a file locations (or links) to image files. If you copy a CLD file to another computer, pictures will
not be included unless you also copy the image files to the same location on the new computer.
To open a Simply Calenders (cld) file, Simply Calenders must be installed on that PC.
However, you can print your calendar to a multipage PDF file. This will include pictures and can be opened
with Adobe Acrobat ® Reader which is installed on many computers. PDF files are quite useful for
distributing and publishing calendars electronically. Although multipage TIFF files can be used similarly,
the file size can be very large and the quality of TIFF exports is not as good.
You can also create and upload Web Calendars to your web site.
Individual calendar pages can be exported to graphic files in various formats (JPEG, BMP, PDF, TIFF and
(Ctrl + O)
Opens an existing calendar file (*.cld)
(navigating to appropriate folder if necessary)
Open Template
Opens a new style (Template)
Choose one of the 54 templates.
You can open last four most recently used .cld files directly from File menu by selecting that file
Calendar Creation Wizard (F2)
Opens Calendar Creation Wizard, a step by step tool allowing you to create a personalised calendar
or modify an existing one.
Save (Ctrl + S)
Saves open calendar as a *.cld file
Save As...
Saves open calendar as a new *.cld file
Calendar Properties
Allows you to view current calendar settings
Print (Ctrl + P)
Opens print dialog
Select months/weeks to be printed and enter number of copies, then click OK to print a calendar.
(If you are very short of hard disk space or memory, you may need to print less than 12 months at a time.)
PDF Print
Allows you to print calendar to a PDF file
You can select the pages to be printed.
You can specify whether PDF file can be printed, copied* or modified*.
The PDF can be encrypted.
PDF file created using Print PDF may differ slightly from display due to Windows font substitution.
PDF files created using Print PDF are editable with 3rd party software such as Adobe Acrobat.
You can also export to PDF file.
PDF files created using Export to PDF should be identical to display but are not editable. Text may
not be as sharp in PDF files created using Export to PDF.
* Permission to modify/copy options are not available with demonstration version
Print Setup
Opens printer setup dialog to select printer and printer settings.
When “Simply Calenders” is re-opened last selected printer will be remembered..
Use this dialog to change printer, paper source, quality or paper size.
Media Type (eg Glossy Paper must be set through the default settings for that printer via Windows Printers folder.
Exits program
The Calendar Creation Wizard walks you through creation of personalised calendar, step by step.
You can use the Calendar Creation Wizard to create a calendar from scratch or modify an existing calendar.
The Calendar Creation Wizard allows you to rapidly apply common functions.
Further features are available from standard interface eg changing fonts.
Colour Schemes are accessible only from Calendar Creation Wizard.
If you select Use Wizard on Opening Program, the Calendar Creation Wizard will be shown every time you
open Simply Calenders
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Select Calendar type (Month, Year, Week, Duplex, Special, Financial & Academic)
Select Calendar Type (or template)
Select primary language
Select Year
Select Bilingual if you wish a 2nd language to be included on your calendar.
Select Colour Scheme from one of the options or keep existing one.
Current colour scheme can be saved as “CUSTOM” Colour Scheme
Select any set of National Events you wish to include.
Select any set of Religious Events you wish to include.
Select Pictures for each page from image files on your hard disk.
Location of Picture File
Double click on appropriate row of this column then browse to your image file.
Right Click on row to show further options
Click to toggle whether select picture has border
Click to open dialog where picture caption can be entered.
Click on date row to enter text for that date
Stage 7
Select any other options required.
You can click Finish at any time to apply the changes or click Cancel to exit Wizard without
applying changes.
From the menus, you can now select pictures adjust fonts and more.
% &
Duplex calendars are designed to be printed on both sides of the paper.
If you have a printer capable of duplex printing, then you can do this automatically by setting selecting
Automatic under Duplex Printing on the Print Dialog.
Automatic is disabled if duplex printing is not available for the selected printer.
Printers capable of automatic duplex printing can usually be set to be bound on the left edge (“booklet”) or
the top edge (“tablet”). Duplex calendars are normally bound on the top edge. This setting can be changed
by selecting that printer in Printers folder and right clicking for properties.
On most inkjet printers, the printable area is reduced when duplex printing is automatic.
This may result in incorrect printing if the margins are not set sufficiently large (20mm should be adequate)
If you do not have a printer capable of duplex printing, then you can still print double sided calendars
• Choose Print on File menu.
Initially Odd pages is selected under Duplex Printing is selected on the Print Dialog.
• Click [Print] and allow all pages to be printed.
• When completed, replace the pages in the printer paper tray with the Front Page on top followed by
January and so on (usually Printed Side Face Up).
• Choose Print on File menu, but this time choose Even Pages under Duplex Printing.
• The flip sides will then be printed.
Allows you to select objects for resizing eg Picture or Calendar Block.
Undo (Ctrl+Z)
Undoes last action. Click again to redo last action.
You can select whether Undo is available for Wizard and Open Template (see below)
Copy Page to Clipboard
Allows you to copy calendar page to clipboard in Windows Bitmap (bmp) format. The calendar can then be
pasted into other applications such as Word Processor documents. - Disabled if unprintable area is shown.
Clear Clipboard
Allows you to clear clipboard if calendar page currently stored (freeing memory).
Associate *.cld Files
In Simply Calenders v4.8, association of cld files with Simply Calenders program is configured
during setup.
CLD Files may then be opened in Simply Calenders by double-clicking on file name within
Windows Explorer
In versions of Windows prior to Windows Vista, the Preferences dialog has a button which allows
easy association of Simply Calenders files (*.cld) with Simply Calenders program.
Set Preferred File Location
Allows you to select a folder where calendar and picture files are stored.
This can be a shared network folder.
Subfolders such as Calenders, Graphics etc are then automatically created.
The name of current Preferred File Location is displayed under Help, About.
Open at current date
Ticking this results in new calendars will opening at current date
If not ticked then new calendars will open at January in year following the current.
Open at Last File
Select this to open most recently used *.cld file (if available) whenever Simply Calenders is opened.
Open with Wizard
Select this to show Calendar Creation Wizard every time you open Simply Calenders
Force Capitalization of Months and Weekdays
(does not apply to user defined languages)
Use Julian Calendar for Eastern Orthodox Events
Select this to calculate fixed Eastern Orthodox events according to the Old Julian calendar, currently
running 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar.
Allow Undo for Wizard and Open Template
Select this to allow undo of changes made by the Calendar Creation Wizard and Open Template
function. This may slow down applying changes made by these functions.
Reverse Hebrew/Arabic Text
These languages are normally written right to left. The correct value for this option should normally
be set automatically. However, if the writing order is incorrect then check/uncheck this option to
correct this.
Local Events
Enables Local Events (currently Orkney)
Time Zone for Moon Phases, Solstices and Equinoxes
This allows you to select the Time Zone used when calculating Moon phases, Solstices and
Equinoxes. The default setting is the system time zone for your PC.
(The Lunar Months and Solstice Events in Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese Events are still calculated for the time zone
of the appropriate country)
Use Selected Location (below) to Update Time Zone
If selected, Time Zone for Moon phases will will be adjusted each time location for Sunrise/Sunset is altered
Location for Sunrise and Sunset Calculations
Sets the location to be used when calculating Sunrise and Sunset times.
Either choose one of the many preset locations or use Add button to add your own.
Interface Language
The interface language may be set to English, Français (French), Español (Spanish), Magyar
(Hungarian), Svenska (Swedish), Italiano (Italian) , Deutsch (German ), Dansk (Danish)
It is hoped to add more choices for future versions.
The advanced user could do this for themself by to
1. Copying null.ini to a new file using the locale number (eg 1043.ini for Dutch)
2. Using notepad to add a line to UILang.ini (eg 1043 = Nederlands (Dutch)
3. Using notepad to edit the new file, inserting Dutch words and phrases after the =
Registration Key
Allows you to enter your personal username and registration key.
These should BOTH be entered in exactly as given. We recommend using Copy and Paste.
Demonstration Version is converted to FULL VERSION on entry of valid username and registration key for
v4.3 or later.
NB Having signed registration document is proof of version being legally licensed.
Having a valid Registration key and Username does not necessarily mean that a licence has been purchased
and the program is legal.
Go to Page …
Changes displayed calendar page to next, previous or selected month.
Front Page
Changes display to Front Page (“Month 0”)
Opens a dialog showing all pages of calendar as “thumbnail” images.
(Disabled if not available)
Text information regarding the calendar is also displayed.
Click on a Month Thumbnail to open page for that month.
Thumbnail View
Displays page of thumbnail views of pictures used in calendar.
Can include main image only (3 x 4) or main and 2nd image (4 x 6)
(Disabled if not available)
Extra Pages
For month calendars, up to 2 extra pages may be inserted between the calendar pages and the Thumbnail
page. Extra pages may be blank, show a PDF file or include basic text. The PDF file can be rotated through
90, 180 or 270. You can specify whether these extra pages are printed on the Print Dialog.
Changes view of page to a specified magnification, full page height or width.
Views less than 100% will occasionally result in imperfect representation of fonts on some screen displays.
This does not apply to printing which should always be accurate.
Forces redraw of current page
Mark Unprintable Area
Toggles display of unprintable area for current printer as dotted line (on screen only).
When is Easter?
Displays message box stating date of Easter for selected year.
When is Pesach (Passover)?
Displays message box stating date of Pesach for selected year.
When is Chinese New Year?
Displays message box stating date of Chinese and Vietnamese Lunar New Year along with dates of months
(moons) for China and Vietnam.
View Islamic Calendar
Displays Gregorian dates corresponding to beginning of each Islamic month for currently selected year.
View Moon Phases
Displays Moon phases (new and full) for current year using correction for time zone specified under
By choosing Multimonth mode you can create month calendars
• up to 36 month length
• starting on months other than January.
When in multimonth mode, a 3 tiered month toolbar will be visible. The top tier represents the year before,
the middle tier represents the year selected and the bottom tier represents the year after.
Months in strikethrough and marked with a red cross will not be printed nor included in exports.
Right click on button to set month printable.
Sunday Start
If selected, the calendar is formatted as Sunday-Saturday week (US preference), rather than Monday-Sunday
week (default)
On Week Planners and Fiscal calendars, this also sets system of week numbering
Sunday Start calendars use American system of week numbering
Monday start calendars use European ISO 8601 system of week numbering
Weekend Saturday Only
If selected, only Saturdays to be highlighted with weekend font.
Weekend Sunday Only
If selected, only Sundays to be highlighted with weekend font.
Align Title
Set Title to be aligned to Right, Centre (default) or Left of page
Suppress Title
If selected, title is neither displayed nor printed
Choose how the year is shown
• CE (Common Era) eg 2000
• Roman Numerals eg MM
• CE + Hebrew eg 2000 (5760AM)
• CE + Islamic eg 2000 (1420/21AH)
• User Defined (add user defined string as suffix to CE Year)
• None (omit year from calendar)
Toggles orientation from Portrait to Landscape and back.
Paper Size
Opens Printer Setup Dialog Box allowing you to change paper size
The calendar will then be reformatted to fit that paper size with optimised default font sizes.
Printers set to port "FILE:" ie print to file cannot be used
Allows you to set page margins for calendar in millimetres.
If margin size is less than the unprintable area, it will be rounded up.
Increasing the size of margins may be used to reduce size of calendar.
Line Style
Allows you to change line colour and width
applies to graphic borders and calendar grids.
Thick lines are 3 points wide; Thin, one point wide.
No Grid Lines
If you check this then grid will be invisible.
Grid Style
For grid calendars, you can specify Simple, Rounded Corner or 3D Effect.
The 3D effect is fully achieved by also shading the cells.
3D Effect
Rounded Corners
Background Colour
Specifies a background colour for the calendar.
This colour will be printed on the maximum printable area as a base layer on each page.
Most older printers will not support printing right to the edge of the paper and result may be asymetrical.
The unprintable area of your printer cannot be overridden by software!
Setting Background Colour to white indicates that no background colour is to be printed (even if coloured
paper is used)
When Maternity Organiser is the active calendar type, Layout menu has an additional item EDD.
Use this to set the expected date of delivery EDD.
You can enter either LMP (last menstrual period) or EDD (expected date of delivery).
Although the date can be entered in many formats, yyyy-mm-dd eg 2004-09-01 is unambiguous and should always be interpreted
When Itemised Organiser is the active calendar type, Layout menu has an additional item Columns.
Use this to set the number of columns (2 – 8) and the text for the column headers.
The column headers should be entered as a single line separated by semicolons (;)
eg Alan;Barbara;Carolyn
Start Hour Duration and Intervals
When an Appointment Planner is the active calendar type, Layout menu has an additional item Start Hour,
Duration and intervals.
This allows the user to specify the start time (by hour), duration (h) and increment for appointment times.
Select Fonts
Here you can set Font style (Font, Font Size, Italic, Bold, Colour) for each of
• Calendar Title
• Headers
• Graphic Captions
• Weekday Dates
• Weekend Dates
• Day Labels
• Promotions
• Extra Text
• Extra Page
• Front Page Title Font (when Front Page is displayed)
• Front Page Text Font (when Front Page is displayed)
You can use any installed True Type Font, provided it contains a Character Set for the chosen main
Hold down Shift key while choosing a font to change all fonts at once.
It is generally better to choose a similar font size for Weekday and Weekend Dates.
Weekend dates apply to Saturday and Sunday unless either
Saturday Only Weekend
Sunday Only Weekend
is selected from Layout menu.
If a given character set (eg Arabic, Russian etc) is not available in that font, then Windows will look for an
alternative font with chosen character set and override the font selection.
Set as Default – checking this box retains selected font as your preferred font for that style, whenever
Simply Calenders is opened.
Use Default Font Sizes for chosen paper size
Use this to reapply optimised font sizes for chosen paper size and calendar style.
Public Holiday Colour
Here you can set the colour to be used for highlighting public holidays.
Highlight Colours 1 and 2
Here you can set the colours to be used for highlighting dates.
(you can select the dates for highlighting through Edit User Defined, Day Labels)
Cell Shading (disabled if not available for that calendar template)
This opens a dialog which allows you to select dates for Cell Shading.
Set Colour for Shading
Allows you to select colour/shade for cell shading.
On Maternity Organisers, this sets the general shading colour/shade.
On Itemised Month Organisers, this sets the Column Header colour/shade
Opens dialog allowing you to select graphic files for calendar page.
You can use any graphic in BMP, JPG, WMF, TIF, PNG, GIF, PDF, ICO, EMF, DIB or RLE format for
Most pictures can be resized and repositioned
Pictures for individual dates on Advent Calendars are fixed size.
Browse… to choose a picture file from your hard disk
None to remove picture for that page (this does not delete picture file).
To enter a picture caption, enter in Caption box.
The caption can be aligned, Left, Right or Centre.
If Border desired, Check Border.
Edit opens integral Image Editor (“Darkroom”)
Reset Image to default Size and Position
Restores default size and position for image on displayed month.
Match Picture Size to Calendar Block
Available for grid calendars once calendar block size has been set.
This sets picture to same size as calendar block for that page.
Moves image on displayed page to left, centre or right
Apply this Page's Picture Size and Position to All Pages
Sets all pictures to same size as this page.
This applies only to pictures that have been already added ie this size will not be applied to new pictures that you add to the
Copy Picture Files from this Calendar to Graphics Folder
Copies picture files in current calendar to Simply Calenders Graphics folder. The picture file references for
that calendar are changed to point to the new location. This feature allows copying of image files from CD
to your PC which would otherwise be unavailable when CD was removed.
Remove All Pictures from Calendar
Removes all picture references for current calendar (picture files are not deleted).
Day/Month Pictures
Allows you to choose pictures for any date of the year.
These pictures are attached to the dates and cannot be resized nor
repositioned. They are normally sized to fit the lower half of the date cell.
If you select large on Day Picture dialog, then they are sized to fit the whole date cell while maintaining
Day pictures are only available for 12 month calendars with grid
(templates 3, 4, 8, 16, 17, 15 & 21)
Month pictures are only available for template 43 (Variable Start Year Calendar)
Promotional Pictures
Opens dialogue allowing you to choose a picture for each page. Although intended for promotional logos,
this feature can be used for any picture. The picture can be moved and resized as other pictures.
Image File Utilities
PDF Viewer
Image files reducer
Image file convertor
Image Editor
Opens integral Image Editor (“Darkroom”)
Graphic files may be obtained from
• Your own digital photographs
• photo/clipart collections
• scanned photos/drawings
• drawing software
• Internet
NB © Copyright restrictions may apply.
You can open the picture dialog for that month by double clicking on a picture area.
If you have a TWAIN compliant scanner, you can scan a picture directly into the calendar by selecting
Disabled if no scanner is available
Picture selections will be carried over to the new calendar, when you open a new template unless you check
the box not to do this.
' (
• Edit [Ctrl + U]
This may be used to mark special days such as Family birthdays, Company Events, or National
See User Defined Events
Quick Entry [Ctrl + Q]
Allows text entry of user Day Labels in format
MM DD Text for day
eg 09 12 John’s Birthday
to enter John’s Birthday on 12 September
View User Defined
Disabled for Year Planners
Displays overview of user defined events for whole year.
Import User Preferred Events (userpref.txt)
After having saved your user defined events to userdef.txt (Save As Preferred), you can then use this
menu to quickly re-import your favourite events.
Edit predefined Events
This feature allows you to vary the text used for predefined events
eg you could substitute Whit Sunday for Pentecost
Mark Easter
Calculates date of (western) Easter and appends calendar appropriately using weekend font.
This overrides Christian Events label for Easter
Mark Pesach (Passover)
Calculates date of Passover and appends calendar appropriately in weekday font. .
This overrides Jewish Events label for Pesach.
Disabled on some templates
Religious Events
Disabled for Year Planners and Special Calendars
Christian Events (Western)
• Adds moveable and fixed western Christian events as Day Labels to calendar for the selected year.
• This is usually translated to selected language.
• The shortened version does not include Sundays of Lent nor Advent
Orthodox Events
• Adds Eastern Orthodox Events as Day labels.
Text is in selected language for most languages including Greek and Russian.
Orthodox Events
• Adds several additional Eastern Orthodox Events as Day labels.
Currently available for English, Fyro (Macedonian) and Serbian (Latin)
Islamic Events
Adds approximate dates of Islamic Events and months as Day Labels (Arabic/English)
Jewish Events
• Adds Jewish Events and Hebrew months as Day Labels (Hebrew/English)
National Events
Adds predicted Austrian, Belgian, British, Cypriot, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek,
Hungarian, Icelandic, Israeli, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Canadian, Mexican,
US, Australian, New Zealand, Russian, Israeli, Japanese or Vietnamese events. Chinese lunar events eg
Chinese New Year can also be added. These predictions have been extensively checked, but should be
checked when this information is critical.
See National Events
Local Events (if enabled through Preferences)
Orkney Events
Moon Phases
Adds New, Waxing, Full and Waning moon symbols to calendar.
Moon phases occur at the same time point throughout the world, but may occur on different dates in different time zones.
The Time Zone used for Moon phases can be set through Preferences.
No adjustment is made for Daylight Saving.
This uses the Moon phases font (moon.ttf) © Curtis Clark 1995
Week Numbers
Adds week numbers to calendar.
These may be:
• ISO 8601 (Week 1 is Monday week that includes 4 January)
Commonly used in Europe
• American (Week 1 is Sunday week that includes 1 January)
Used in USA, Canada and other parts of American continent
• UK Inland Revenue Weeks (Week 1 begins 6 April)
Note: Other week numbering systems may be in use in other parts of the world
Day of Year
Numbers each day of year from 1 to 365/6
Daylight Savings (DST) (applies to month calendars only)
Adds Daylight saving dates (change of hour) to calendar.
• NA North American
DST(NA) begins/ends
EU European
BST begins/ends
l'Heure D'Été/Hiver
Sommerzeit beginnt/endet
Zomertijd begin/einde
Ora Legale inizio/ termina
com/fin. Hora Verano
Sommertid begynder/ender
DST begins/ends
depending on language of calendar
Au Australian
DST (Au) begins/ends
North American Daylight Saving begins on the first Sunday of April and ends on the last Sunday of October. Includes Canada,
USA, Mexico, Bahamas. In 2007 this was extended to 2nd Sunday in March until 1st Sunday in November for USA and Canada.
European (see above) Daylight Saving (Summer Time) begins on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday of
October. Includes European Union, Russia and most of former USSR
Australian (DST (Au) begins/ends) Daylight Saving begins on the last Sunday of October and ends on the last Sunday of March.
Includes Australia but not New Zealand.
[New Zealand - Daylight Saving begins on the first Sunday of October and ends on the third Sunday of March.]
Day/Month Pictures
Opens a dialog allowing you to specify a picture for any date of the year. This picture is automatically
attached to the date and cannot be repositioned. You can opt for a larger size by checking Large.
Day pictures are only available for 12 month calendars with grid
(templates 3, 4, 8, 16, 17, 15 & 21)
Month pictures are only available for template 43 (Variable Start Year Calendar)
$ *
Day Labels, User-Defined, Edit [Ctrl + U]
With user-defined events, you can add text to special days such as Company Events, National holidays
or family birthdays (using Day Label font)
Individual dates may be highlighted by using one of 2 different highlight colours.
This is where you can add your own text for individual dates
Disabled for all Year Planners except type 1
- just select month and date, then enter text in box.
This text is limited according to the calendar style.
When using Itemised Organiser template,, you can specify column using semicolon (;) as separator
eg entering
First Event;;;;Last Event
will produce
First Event
Last Event
You can suppress display of set events (eg Christian Events) for that date by inserting a double
hyphen (- -) in user defined events.
The double hyphen (- -) will not be displayed nor printed.
When you save a calendar, the User defined Day Labels are saved within individual cld files.
Add menu allows insertion of calculated Julian dates for that year.
NB: These are not recalculated if calendar year is changed.
Add menu also allows insertion of leading blank line.
This may be useful if adjacent day labels overlap.
Import from MS Outlook
This feature allows you to import events stored in your MS Outlook Calendar.
Choose to import by sensitivity level (Normal, Confidential …) and choose which repeated events
you wish to include. After retrieving events these can be inserted into calendar with or without
Use this feature to import previously exported Day Labels.
Text Files with namedays (Swedish, Hungarian, Greek, Czech) as well as Catholic Saint days are included with program
Use this feature to export Day Labels on current calendar to a text file for re-use in another calendar
Save as Preferred
Use this feature to export Day Labels on current calendar to a userpref.txt for quick one click re-use
in another calendar
Highlight Dates
You can specify dates to be highlighted in either of two Highlight Colours.
To highlight a date, select month and date then choose either of the Highlight Colours.
You can change Highlight Colour for whole calendar by double-clicking Highlight Colour.
Repeating Events
This feature allows you to reuse user-defined text at regular intervals such as weekly, 1st Sunday of
month …
Copy To
This feature allows you to copy user-defined text to other dates specified by you.
Find and Replace
With this feature you can quickly edit user-defined text already entered
On the National Events submenu of the Day Labels menu,
Check the appropriate item to add the following events.
These dates are calculated where appropriate.
Austrian Events
Neujahr, Heilige 3 K, Maifeiertag, Mariä Himmelfahrt, Nationalfeiertag, Allerheiligen, Allerseelen,
Martinstag, Nikolaustag, Mariä Empfängnis, Christtag, Stephanitag, Silvester, Muttertag, Fastnacht,
Aschermittwoch, Karfreitag, Ostermontag, Ostern, Christi Himmelfahrt, Pfingsten, Pfingstmontag,
Belgian Events
Fête Nationale, Fête de la Communauté flamande, Fête de la Communauté, Dag van de Dynasty,
Jour de l'An, Fête du Travail, Armistice, Toussaint, Assomption, Pâques, Lundi de Pâques,
Ascension, Pentecôte, Lundi de Pentecôte & Noël
If main language is Dutch
Nationale feestdag, Feest vlaamse gemeenschap, Waalse feestdag, Dag van de Dynasty, nieuwjaar,
Dag van de Arbeid, Allerheiligen, Wapenstilstand, Maria Hemelvaart, Pasen, Paasmaandag,
Hemmelvaart, Pinksteren, 2de Pinksterdag & Kerstmis
British Events
May include Hogmanay, New Year & 2 January, St Valentine's Day, St David's Day, St Patrick's
Day, Good Friday, Easter, St George's Day, St Andrew's Day, Halloween, Christmas, Boxing Day,
Guy Fawkes, Burns Night, Battle of Boyne (NI), Remembrance Sunday, Mothers Day, Easter
Monday, May Bank holiday, Spring Bank Holiday, August Bank Holidays and Bank holidays in
Cypriot Events
May include New Year, Theophania, 25 March, Clean Monday, Holy Friday , Holy Saturday,
Pascha, Pascha Monday, Holy Spirt Monday, May Day, Apokimisis tis Panagias, Dormition,Ochi
Day, Christmas, Synaxis Theotokou and Greek Cypriot Day
Czech Events
May include Nový rok, Den obnovy samostatného eského státu, Den památky ob tí holocaustu,
Mezinárodní den žen, Vstup eské republiky do NATO, Svátek práce, Kv tnové povstání eského
lidu, Den osvobození, Den památky ob tí komunistického rezimu, Den slovanských v rozv st
Cyrila a Metod je, Den upálení mistra Jana Husa, Den eské státnosti, Den vzniku samostatného
eskoslovenského státu, Den vále ných veterán , Den boje za svobodu a demokracii, Št drý den, 1.
svátek váno ní, 2. svátek váno ní, Velikonoce & Velikono ní pond lí
Danish Events
May include Nytår, St. Bededag, Grundlovsdag, Påskedag, 2. Påskedag, Pinsedag, 2. Pinsedag,
Juledag & 2. Juledag
Dutch Events
May include Nieuwjaar, Driekoningen, Goede Vrijdag, Pasen, 2de Paasdag, Hemmelvaart,
Pinksteren, 2de Pinksteren, Bevrijdingsdag, Koninginnedag, Kerst, Kerstmaandag & Oud Jaar
Finnish Events
May include Uudenvuodenpäivä, Loppiainen, Vappu, J.L.Runebergin p., Ystävänpäivä, Kalevalan
p., M.Acricolan p., Kansall. veter. p., J.V. Snellmanin p., Äitienpäivä, Laskiaissunnuntai,
Laskiaistiistai, Pitkäperjantai, Pääsiäispäivä, Helatorstai, Helluntaipäivä, Puol.v.lippuj.p.,
Juhannusaatto, Juhannuspäivä, E.Leinon päivä, A.Kiven päivä, YK:n päivä, Pyhäinpäivä, svenska
dagen, Isänpäivä, Itsenäisyyspäivä, Jouluaatto, Joulupäivä & Tapaninpäivä.
French Events
May include Jour de l'An, Fête des Rois, Chandeleur, St Valentin, Mercredi des Cendres, Mardi
Gras, Poisson d'Avril, Lundi de Pâques, Pâques, Fête du Travail, Victoire 1945, Pentecôte, Lundi de
Pentecôte, Ascension, St Bernardin, Fête Nationale, Assomption, Toussaint, Armistice 1918 & Noël
Greek Events
May include New Year, Theophania, 25 March, Clean Monday, Holy Friday , Holy Saturday,
Pascha, Pascha Monday, Holy Spirt Monday, May Day, Apokimisis tis Panagias, Dormition, Ochi
Day, Christmas and Synaxis Theotokou
German Events
May include Neujahr, Heilige 3 Könige, Reformationtag, Muttertag, Rosenmontag, Karneval,
Aschermittwoch, Karfreitag, Ostern, Ostermontag, Christi Himmelfahrt, Pfingsten, Pfingstmontag,
Fronleichnam, Maifeiertag, Tag der dt. Einheit, Maria Himmelfahrt, Buss- und Bettag, Allerheiligen,
Weihnachten, 2. Weihnachstag & Silvester
Hungarian Events
May include Újév, Nemzeti ünnep, A munka ünnepe, Alkotmány-ünnep, Köztársaság napja,
Mindenszentek, Karácsony
Icelandic Events
May include Nýársdagur, Þrettándinn, Verkalýðsdagurinn, Lýðveldisdagurinn, Fullveldisdagurinn,
Þorláksmessa, Aðfangadagur, Jóladagur, Gamlársdagur, Bolludagur, Sprengidagur, Öskudagur,
Pálmasunnudagur, Skírdagur, Föstudagurinn langi, Páskadagur, Frídagur verslunarmanna &
May include Hanukkah, Tisha B'Av, Tu B'Shevat, Purim, Ta'nit Esther, Shushan Purim, Ta'nit
Bechorot, Pesach, End of Pesach, Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day, Independence
Day, Yom Hazikaron, Jerusalem Day, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Tzom Gedalia, Yom Kippur,
Sukkot & Shemini Atzerat
May include Primo dell'Anno, Epifania", Anniversario della Liberazione (1945), Festa del Lavoro,
Pasqua, Lunedí di Pasqua, Ferragosto, Ognisante, L'Immacolata Concezione, Natale & Santo Stefano
Norwegian Events
May include Off.Høytidsdag, Frigjøringsdag 1945, Grundlovsdag, St. Hansaften, Nyttårsaften as
well as events around Juledag (Christmas) and Påske (Easter)
Polish Events
May include Nowy Rok, Konstytucja 3 Maya, Swieto 1 Maya, Wielkanoc, Boze Cialo,
Wniebowziecie, Wszystkich, Swieto Narodowe, Boze Narodzenie & 2. Boze Narodzenie
Portuguese Events
May include Anno Novo, Entrudo, Santa-feira Santa, Páscoa, Corpo de Deus, Dia da Liberdade, Dia
do Trabalhador, Dia de Portugal, Assunção de Nossa Senhora, Implantação da / República, Todos29
os-Santos, Restauração da Independencia & Immaculada Conceição & Natal
Spanish Events
May include Ano Nuevo, Epifania, Viernes Santo, Resureccion, Lunes de Pascua, Fiesta del Trabajo,
Asuncion, Dia de la Hispanidad, Todos los Santos, Dia de la Constitución, Fiesta de la Hispanidad &
Swedish Events
May include Nyårsdagen, Trettondagen, Första Maj, Juldagen, Annandag Jul, Langfredagen, Påsk,
Annandag Påsk, Kristi Himmelfärdsdag, Pingstdagen, Annandag Pingst, Allhelgonadagen &
Swiss Events
May include Neujahrstag, Berchtoldstag, Heilige drei Könige, Valentinstag, Jahrestag Ausrufung
Republik Neuenburg, St. Josef, Tag der Arbeit, St. Peter und Paul, Nationalfeiertag Schweiz, Mariä
Himmelfahrt, Genfer Bettag, Eidg. Dank-, Buss- und Bettag, Allerheiligen, Mariä Empfängnis,
Weihnachten, Stephanstag, Silvester, Karfreitag, Ostern, Ostermontag, Auffahrt, Pfingsten,
Pfingstmontag & Fronleichnam
Canadian Events
May include New Year, Easter Monday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Boxing Day,
Canada Day, Labor Day, Remembrance Day, Family Day, Thanksgiving Day, Victoria Day, Fathers
Day, Mothers Day, St Valentine & St Patrick’s Day.
If main language is French:
May include Jour de l’An, Lundi de Pâques, Vendredi saint, Réveillon de Noël, Noël, Lendermain de
Noël, Jour du Canada, Fête du Travail, Jour du Souvenir, Jour de la famille, Action de grâce, Fête de
la Reine, Fête des pères, Fête des mères, St Valentin & St Patrick.
Mexican Events
May include Año Nuevo, los Santos Reyes, la Constitucón, la Amistad, la Bandera, Expropiación
Petrolera, Natalicio de Benito Juarez, Viernes Santo, Pascua, Primero de Mayo, Cinco de Mayo, Dia
de la Madre, Corpus Cristi, San Juan Bautista, Muerte. de Benito Juarez, El Grito de Dolores, Día de
los Muertos, Día de la Hispanidad, Día de la Revolucion, Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe, Las
Posadas, Nochebuena, Navidad & Vispera de Año Nueva.
US Events
May include New Year, Good Friday, St Valentine's Day, St Patrick's Day, Halloween, Mothers
Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Presidents Day, Martin Luther King, Fathers Day, Thanksgiving
Day, Christmas, Columbus Day, Independence Day, Flag Day, Abraham Lincoln, George
Washington, Memorial Day & Inauguration Day
Australian Events
May include New Year, Good Friday, Easter, Easter Monday, Christmas, Boxing Day, Mothers Day,
Australia Day, ANZAC Day & "Queen's Birthday".
New Zealand Events
May include New Year, Day after NY, Good Friday, Easter, Easter Monday, Christmas, Boxing
Day, ANZAC Day, Waitangi Day, "Queen's Birthday" & Labour Day.
Chinese Lunar Events
Chinese New Year (with year name), Lantern Festival, Birthday of Buddha, Dragon Boat Festival,
Seven Sisters Festival, Hungry Ghost Festival, Moon (Mid Autumn) Festival and Double Nine
(Lunar Events by Beijing Time Zone)
Japanese Events
ganjitsu, seijin no hi, kenkoku kinen no hi, Valentine's Day, White Day, shunbun no hi, midori no hi,
kenpou kinenbi, kokumin no kyujitsu (extra holiday), kodomo no hi, umi no hi, o-bon, keirou no hi,
shuubun no hi, tai iku no hi, bunka no hi, kinrou kansha no hi and tennou tanjoubi.
(Solar events are dated according to Japanese Time Zone)
Vietnamese Events
Têt Nguyên Ðán, Têt Khai Ha, Trung Trac / Trung Nhi, Phat Dan, Têt Doan Ngo, Giô Tô Hùng
Vuong, Têt Trung Nguyên, Têt Trung Thu, Confucius, Têt Trung Cuu, Têt Trung Thap, Têt Tao
Quan, Solar New Year, Saigon Liberation Day, Ho Chi Minh, Mayday, Ðiên Biên Phú and National
(Lunar Events by Hanoi Time Zone)
Russian Events
Novy God, Den zashchitnika Otechestva, St Valentine's Day, Vos'moe Marta, Spring and Labour
Holiday, Pascha, Den Pobedy, Russia Day, Unity Day, Rozhdestvo
South African Events
New Year, Human Rights Day, Good Friday, Family Day, Freedom Day, Workers Day, Youth Day,
National Women's Day, Heritage Day, Day of Reconciliation, Christmas and Day of Goodwill
Nuwejaarsdag, Menseregtedag, Goeie Vrydag, Gensinsdag, Vryheidsdag, Werkersdag, Jeugdag,
Nationale Damesdag, Erfenisdag, Versoeningsdag, Kersdag, and Welwillendheidsdag
Botswanan Events
New Year, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Labour Day, Sir Seretse Khama Day,
Botswana Day, Christmas, Boxing Day and President's Day
Kenyan Events
New Year, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Labour Day, Madaraka Day, Moi Day, Kenyatta Day,
Christmas, Boxing Day, Jamhuri Day and Eid al Fitr
Select Language opens a dialog of available languages available on your computer
where you can
• Choose one and click OK
• Copy as New to adapt an existing language setting and save as a user-defined language setting under
a new name
• Add to add a new user-defined language setting
• Select a language and check Set Selected Language as Default for User to override the default
language of the system when Simply Calenders is opened or User Preferred is selected. This occurs
after OK is clicked.
Select 2nd Language
Allows you same choices for 2nd language as used on bilingual calendars.
Use this to reformat template to a bilingual version of calendar (available for most templates)
Day and month names will be shown in both languages. Depending on language and template, religious
events may be shown in both languages. Canadian national events will be shown in both French and English
if these languages are selected. Belgian national events will be shown in both French and Flemish (Dutch) if
these languages are selected.
Default (System) resets the language to the default for your computer (as defined by the Windows Regional
User Preferred sets the language to the User Default selected on the Language Dialog.
The last two languages selected will also be shown on Language menu for easy reselection.
Export page as
Copies current calendar page to JPEG (*.jpg) or Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) file or Acrobat Portable
Document (*.pdf) or Tagged Image file (*.tif) or Portable Network File (*.png)
The quality of the exported calendar can be specified as High, Medium or Low resolution.
High resolution gives the best quality but the largest file size
Custom uses current Zoom setting to set resolution.
Export Page to Desktop wallpaper
Sets desktop wallpaper for current user to saved copy of current calendar page.
Export Calendar as
Copies current calendar to a multipage Acrobat ® Portable Document (*.pdf) or a multipage Tagged
Image file (*.tif).
The quality of the exported calendar can be specified as High, Medium or Low resolution.
High resolution gives the best quality but the largest file size
Custom uses current Zoom setting to set resolution.
Multipage PDF files are useful for sending a completed calendar to others.
Multipage TIFF files can be very large.
PDF files produced by exporting will not be editable with PDF Editors but calendar should be very
similar to that seen on screen. (see PDF Print)
Export 10 year Calendar as
Exports 10 years of current year planner (from currently selected year) to a multipage Acrobat
Portable Document (*.pdf) or a multipage Tagged Image file (*.tif)
The quality of the exported calendar can be specified as High, Medium or Low resolution.
High resolution gives the best quality but the largest file size
Custom uses current Zoom setting to set resolution.
Create Web Calendar
After displaying HTML Options Dialog, exports complete year’s calendar as indexed calendar ready
for upload to web space or copying to CD-ROM or floppy.
The HTML Options Dialog allows you to specify
• Size of calendar pages
• HTML, Framed HTML or PHP
• Meta tags (title, description and keywords)
• Colours (background, text and hyperlink)
• Options (front page, print script, table borders)
• Name of subfolder for webpage files (default Web Calendar XX)
• CSS Style Sheet
(if specified, then CSS file, eg Style01.css, must also be
uploaded in appropriate location, usually a top level folder called Styles)
Open Web Calendar
Opens a web calendar created by Simply Calenders using your default Browser
Organise Web Calendars
View, Copy or Delete web calendars
Explore web calendars folder (and Style Sheets folder)
In the UNREGISTERED version of Simply Calenders, exported calendars are branded with
“UNREGISTERED VERSION”. When you register the program, branding no longer occurs.
To display Front Page, choose Front from the Month Toolbar or choose Front Page (Cover Sheet)from
Display menu.
When the Front Page is displayed, the Front Page menu is visible and the Day Labels menu is hidden.
Also Select Fonts on fonts menu, shows fonts for Front Page Title and Front Page Text only.
The Front Page can contain
• a title,
• up to 4 pictures with optional caption,
• a promotional picture (logo)
• text.
• a simple border
• a background colour.
These latter features can be set from the Front Page Menu (this also appears when the calendar display is
The Text and Title can be edited by double-clicking Text or Title.
Font attributes can be independently set.
The Picture can be moved sized and edited in the same way as other pictures.
The Front Page is considered to be Month 0
Include Promotional Message
Toggles insertion of a promotional message as specified in Edit Promotional Message
Edit Promotional Message for this Calendar
Allows you to edit the promotional message for current calendar.
You can add text to promote a company, club, organisation etc.
This messages will be saved within cld file.
Use Default for Character Set
Sets promotional message for current calendar to your preferred message (for character set selected).
Applies Left, Centre or Right justification to Promotion Text.
Edit Default Promotional Message
Allows you to edit the default promotional message for selected character set.
The messages are stored, individual to user and character set,
that is, a separate message is stored for each user for each character set.
Promotional Pictures (Logo)
Opens a dialog allowing you to choose a picture for each page
Reset Size and Position of Logo
Repositions and resizes Logo Picture to original default size and position
Use Default Logo on All Pages
If a default Logo image has been set - this will set Logo picture for all pages to this image.
- %
You can add extra placeable text to most calendars
This can be up to 2048 characters and may include line breaks.
(not available for Pocket nor 4 year Year Planners – templates 5 & 6).
Quick Entry
Allows rapid entry of Extra Text for several months in format
MM Extra Text for month
eg 12 Some text for December
to enter Some text for December on December page
Include Public Holidays
If this option is selected, public holidays from National Holidays will be added to Extra Text
Remove All
Deletes all Extra text for calendar.
Applies justification to Extra Text
Once entered, you can move this text, by clicking to select, then using the mouse to drag to a new position
on page.
, +
You can enter any year from 1582 right up to 9999!
Use up/down arrows to increase/decrease year by one.
Click any of the month buttons or right click on the month name/week number below the year.
To display previous page in calendar enter [Ctrl] + [B]
To display next page in calendar enter [Ctrl] + [N]
Ctrl + B to move to previous page
Ctrl + D to add/edit day pictures
Ctrl + E to change margins
Ctrl + F to change fonts
Ctrl + G to add/edit pictures
Ctrl + I to select 1st picture
Ctrl + J to select 2nd picture
Ctrl + K to select 3rd picture
Ctrl + Y to select 4th picture
Ctrl + L to change calendar language
0 1
Ctrl + N to move to next page
Ctrl + O to open a calendar (cld) file
Ctrl + P to print a calendar
Ctrl + Q for Quick Entry of Day Labels
Ctrl + S to save a new template
Ctrl + T to open a new template
Ctrl + U to add Day Labels
Ctrl + Z to undo last action
F1 for Help
F2 to open calendar creation wizard
F9 to exit program
Alt + Left Click
If you cannot select a calendar object because another object appears to be in front of it, click with the Alt
key held down. If you then release the Alt key, you can click to select the intended object.
This does not affect appearance of calendar.
Day Labels
Whenever the mouse cursor appears as this icon
you can left click while holding down Ctrl key to enter text for that date
Whenever the mouse cursor appears as one of these icons
you can left click to select that picture for resizing or repositioning
you can double click to add, change or edit the picture
Whenever the mouse cursor appears as this icon
you can left click to select logo for resizing or repositioning
you can double click to add, change or edit the logo (promotional picture)
Whenever the mouse cursor appears as this image
you can right click to repostion title
Simply Calenders produces calendars more than 50 different customisable styles
Month Calendars
1. 3 Month
2. Strip Calendar
3. Planner
4. Illustrated Planner
8. Right to Left Illustrated
9. Picture Calendar
16. Illustrated Month Planner
( with mini months)
17. Month Planner
( with mini months)
20. Itemised Organiser
24. 3 Month B
25. Illustrated Single Strip
27. Column with minicalendars
28. Month in Line
38. Planner B
44. Large Print Planner
50. Single Column
51. Month in 2 columns
Week Planners
11. Week Planner
12. Week Planner (Strip)
29. Week In Line
39. Appointment Planner
49. 5 Day Appointment Planner
Year Planners
0. Year Planner
5. Pocket Year Planner
6. Year Planner Design 2
7. 4 Year Miniplanner
10. Illustrated Year Calendar
13. Year planner by Saturday week
14. Year planner by week
22. Picture Year Planner
23. 2 x 6 Picture Year Planner
26. 2 x 6 Picture Year Planner
36. Freestanding Prism (H)
37. Freestanding Prism (V)
42. Variable Start
Duplex Month Calendars
15. 21. Grid Style
40, 41. 3 Month
47. Organiser
Special Calendars
18. Maternity Organiser
19. Advent Calendar
43. Birthday Calendar
45. Birthday Planner
46. Festive Calendar
48. Duplex Birthday
Academic and Fiscal Year Calendars
Academic Year Planner (30)
Academic Year Planner by week (35)
Fiscal (Financial) Year Calendars (31- 34, 52, 53)
The calendar block and the picture may be re-sized and re-positioned within month calendars, using the
mouse to select then drag the picture/calendar block.
The Calendar Block is fixed for non-illustrated Year Planners.
Classic Year Planner organized in rows of months
With this template, you can
• Start with any month
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Shade individual cells
• Add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
limited to 3 rows of 3 characters
Add Week Numbers.
Add Moon phases
Mark Easter and Pesach as abbreviated text eg E and P
Add promotional message and picture eg logo
Add a second language (bilingual)
A picture at the top, this months calendar with
previous and next months calendar below.
4 5 67!
A picture at the top, this months calendar at bottom
with previous and next months calendar above.
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move or resize picture and calendar blocks.
• Add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Week Numbers
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach as abbreviated text eg E and P
2 months in 2 columns designed so that you can cut page into two strips after printing.
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move and resize Pictures and Calendar Block
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach
8 4 9 5 8: !
Basic “No Frills” month planner (not illustrated).
Use template17 to show last and next months as mini months
Use template 38 to wrap dates back to first line, maximising writing space
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Shade individual cells
• Move and resize Calendar Block
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add a picture to any date
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add Week Numbers.
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach - Easter.
8 4 9 5 8: !
Basic “No Frills” month planner (not illustrated).
Use template17 to show last and next months as mini months
Use template 38 to wrap dates back to first line, maximising writing space
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Shade individual cells
• Move and resize Calendar Block
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add a picture to any date
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add Week Numbers.
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach - Easter.
A month calendar with large numerals.
Whole calendar can be resized eg to fit in CD Jewel Case
With this template, you can
• Resize and position complete calendar on page
• Change text fonts and colours
• Change Grid Style (default none)
• Shade individual cells
• Highlight individual dates
• Add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add Religious and National Events
• Add Moon Phases
• Add Week Numbers.
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach .
Four identical pocket sized year planners on
a single sheet of paper.
(unsuitable for paper sizes smaller than A4)
Pocket sized year planners for 4 consecutive
years on a single sheet of paper.
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Start the calendar with any month
• Highlight individual dates
• Change language
• Mark Easter by a circled date
• Add promotional message.
6 9!
Year Planner as 3 by 4 blocks of months. Not illustrated.
With this template, you can
• Start with any month
• Include public holidays as extra text
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add Moon phases
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo.
• Mark Easter may by a circled date, Pesach by an underlined date
' *
Similar to the standard Illustrated Month Planner except that the dates are ordered right to left. This is
suitable for Right to Left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Shade individual cells
• Add/Edit pictures
• Add a picture to any date
• Move and resize picture and calendar blocks
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add Week Numbers.
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach - Easter.
Month calendar arranged vertically with lines leaving room for a large picture
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move or resize picture and calendar blocks.
• Add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach as abbreviated text eg E and P
43 5 66!
4 by 3 blocks of months illustrated year planners
No 10 has top row Jan-Feb-Mar-Apr.
No 22 has top row Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct
With these templates, you can
• Start calendar with any month
• Include public holidays as extra text
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/edit pictures
• Move or resize picture and calendar blocks.
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo.
• Mark Easter may by a circled date, Pesach by an underlined date
4= 5 64!
Month calendars designed to be printed on both sides of paper so that picture page opens up above
calendar page. Template 21 has minimonths for month before and after.
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Shade individual cells
• Add/Edit pictures
• Add a picture to any date
• Move and resize picture and calendar blocks
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add Week Numbers.
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach - Easter.
% 8 "
Month calendars designed to be printed on both sides of paper so that picture page opens up above
calendar page.
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit Pictures
• Move or resize Pictures and Calendar Block.
• Add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Week Numbers
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach as abbreviated text eg E and P
0 48 5 47!
Year planners, not illustrated, organised in rows by week.
Week numbering system is determined by week start
o Sunday start uses American numbering
o Monday start uses ISO 8601(European) numbering
o Saturday week calendars (13) have no week numbering and may be useful for
accommodation planning etc
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Shade individual cells
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels) - limited
• Add Moon phases
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach – Easter.
0 &
44 5 46!
WeekPlanners are arranged in columns with one or 2 weeks to each page.
Week numbering is ISO 8601 if week start is Monday
Week numbering is American if week start is Sunday
Strip Week Planner is designed to be cut into 2 after printing.
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move and resize picture and calendar blocks
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach – Easter.
9 Month Maternity Organiser arranged in rows of gestational weeks around a given EDD (Expected
Date of Delivery)
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Shade individual cells
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move and resize picture and calendar blocks
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
1 +
Traditional calendar for four Sunday weeks of
Advent leading to Christmas.
These are true advent calendars beginning on fourth
Sunday before Christmas.
Pictures can be added for each date.
You can include a Front Page intended to be placed
in front of the calendar with cut out window flaps
matching the daily pictures.
4< 5 7;!
A calendar for December including Christmas.
Hannukah and New Year.
Pictures can be added for each date.
You can include a Front Page intended to be placed
in front of the calendar with cut out window flaps
matching the daily pictures.
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Shade individual cells
• Add/Edit pictures for each date (preset size).
• Add a moveable sizeable background Picture
• Move and resize background Picture and Calendar Block
You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels). If you wish, you can adhere the front page to the
main page after cutting marked windows. Each of the windows when opened will reveal picture for that
6 3 .7 9 !
Month calendar with 2 – 8 columns, Events are arranged by columns.
Each columns can be used for different family members, times of day etc
Template 47 is a duplex version
With this template, you can
• Set Number of Columns
choose Columns on Layout menu.
Set Column Headers are also set through
choose Columns on Layout menu.
and enter a single semicolon delimited line eg Alan;Barbara;Clare;David
Change text fonts and colours
Highlight individual dates
Shade individual cells
Add/Edit pictures
Move and resize picture and calendar blocks
You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
Add religious and national events
Add Moon phases
Add Week Numbers.
Add a second language (bilingual)
Add promotional message and picture eg logo
Mark Easter and Pesach - Easter.
6 (
; 2
No 26 has columns on either side of picture
68 5 6;!
No 23 has columns together
2 by 6 month block illustrated year planners
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Start the calendar with any month
• Include public holidays as extra text
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/edit pictures
• Move or resize picture and calendar blocks.
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo.
• Mark Easter may by a circled date, Pesach by an underlined date
6= 5 69!
No25 has room for a large picture
No 27 has minicalendars for month before and after
2 designs with current month as a column.
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move or resize picture and calendar blocks.
• Add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach
Large picture area with dates in line below
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move or resize picture and calendar blocks.
• Add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach
Dates in line with large picture area below
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move and resize picture and calendar blocks
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add religious and national events
• Add moon phases
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach – Easter.
83 !
August – July Year Planner for academic year
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter– E.
84 >87 . =6 . =8!
Year Planner split into quarters for financial year
There are 6 variations
a) Each Quarter split into 3 blocks of 5 weeks 4 weeks & 4 weeks
The planner begins on first full week of month
b) Each Quarter split into 3 blocks of 5 weeks 4 weeks & 4 weeks
The planner begins on week including 1st of month
c) Each Quarter split into 3 blocks of 4 weeks 4 weeks & 5 weeks
The planner begins on first full week of month
d) Each Quarter split into 3 blocks of 4 weeks 4 weeks & 5 weeks
The planner begins on week including 1st of month
e) Each Quarter split into 3 blocks of 4 weeks 5 weeks & 4 weeks
The planner begins on first full week of month
f) Each Quarter split into 3 blocks of 4 weeks 5 weeks & 4 weeks
The planner begins on week including 1st of month
You can specify any month from January through to December (default October) using the Month Toolbar.
You can also specify whether week begins on Monday or Sunday. ISO8601 week numbering is used with
Monday weeks, American week numbering is used with Sunday weeks.
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter– E.
August – July Year Planner for academic year
arranged in rows of weeks
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Change Grid Style
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter– E.
8< .7< !
Dates in line with appointment times below. Optional pictures
7 Day Appointment Planner (39)
5 Day Appointment Planner (49)
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add a grid and change style
• Add/edit pictures
• Move and resize picture and calendar blocks
• You can add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add religious and national events
• Add moon phases
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach – Easter.
Illustrated Year Planner as 3 by 4 blocks of months.
You can specify any start month from January to December
Optional pictures for each month
With this template, you can
• Start the calendar with any month
• Add a picture for any or all months
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add moon phases
• Add promotional message and picture eg
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Mark Easter by a circled date
78. 7 =. 7 : !
Perpetual calendars of no specified year, 366 days, intended for adding birthday reminders
2 months in 2 columns designed so that you can cut page into two strips after printing.
With these templates, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit a picture
• Move and resize Pictures and Calendar Block
• You can add your own text by each date
(Day Labels)
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture
45 and 48
• Change Grid Style
Template 48 is a duplex version of template 45
=3 !
Single wide strip with offset picture
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move and resize Pictures and Calendar Block
• You can add your own text by each date
(Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg
• Mark Easter and Pesach
With this template, you can
• Change text fonts and colours
• Highlight individual dates
• Add/Edit pictures
• Move or resize picture and calendar blocks.
• Add your own text by each date (Day Labels)
• Add religious and national events
• Add Moon phases
• Add a second language (bilingual)
• Add promotional message and picture eg logo
• Mark Easter and Pesach
Simply Calenders enables you to create calendars in many different languages. Most calendar styles can also
be bilingual. You can choose from many standard languages, preset user-defined languages or you can set
up your own user-defined language.
The standard language settings used in this program are derived from Windows Regional Settings (Locales).
The user-defined languages are stored in language.ini.
Different languages may use different character sets.
Provided the correct Character Set is available on your computer, other languages may be added as userdefined languages. These are stored in language.ini.
If characters are displayed as a series of question marks eg ???? ??, this indicates that these characters are not available in the
selected character set on your system. This may be helped by installing an appropriate font for that language.
Christian events and Eastern Orthodox events are usually shown in selected main language.
For a few languages, these are shown in English, as translation was not available.
For user defined languages, you can edit Christmas and Easter terms for through Languages, Select, Edit.
Advanced users can add text for other Christian events by directly editing “language.ini” using Windows Notepad.
>$ *
** User defined languages are CAPITALISED (Upper Case) in language list **
You can add more user-defined language settings.
These are stored in language.ini.
To add a user-defined language setting, choose
Copy as New to adapt an existing language setting under a new name
or export to a text file (File, Export)
Add to add a totally new one
(Or import a previously exported language).
If you chose Add, then next choose the appropriate character set (this is disabled if you chose Copy As
Enter the months and weekdays in the boxes and enter a name for this user-defined language setting.
Enter text for Christmas and Easter in the appropriate boxes, if required.
For advanced users, other Christian events (as above) may be added by directly editing “language.ini” using Windows
Arabic and Hebrew should be entered as normally seen, that is Right to Left, although the boxes may fill
from left to right.
Click OK once complete.
(It can be modified at a later date, if required)
To facilitate entering non-ANSI characters, you can click on Find Character, select the desired one from a
table then copy it in where required. This table of available characters may also be printed.
The IME method for entering Chinese Japanese and Korean is not supported however text can be copied and pasted from other
applications in these languages provided that it the same as the main calendar language.
Character Sets are groups of alphabetic and numeric characters.
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), Arabic, Baltic, East European, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese,
Korean, Russian, PRC Chinese, Taiwanese Chinese, Thai, Turkish & Vietnamese.
Each of these character sets includes the numerals 0-9 and the alphabetical characters a-z, A-Z but contain
different additional characters. The East Asian character sets are Double Byte character sets and contain
thousands of additional characters.
Each Simply Calenders calendar uses one character set chosen by the primary language. Bilingual calendars
may use a second character set for second language. All additional text eg captions and Extra Text use the
character set of the primary language.
You can however set language to ENGLISH (EAST EUROPEAN CHARACTER SET) to have calendar in English whilst
keeping the option to use East European accented characters in other text.
You can view and print characters in a font for a given character set by selecting Language, Select then Add. Choose the
character set required from the drop down list then select Find Character to view the complete character set for that font.
Character sets supported depend on Windows version and fonts installed.
You can select a character from the table, copy it, then paste it into any of the text entry boxes on the
Add/Edit Language dialog.
If characters are displayed as a series of question marks eg ???? ??, this indicates that these characters are not available in the
selected character set on your system. This may be helped by installing an appropriate font for that language.
If your operating system is WinNT/2000/XP, it is highly recommended to download latest version of Arial font from Microsoft
Ansi Character Set is found in practically all fonts.
Arabic Character Set is found in Arial*, Courier New*, Cyberbit, Tahoma and Times New Roman* fonts.
Baltic Character Set is found in many fonts including Arial*, Courier New*, Comic Sans MS, Cyberbit,
Tahoma, Times New Roman* and Verdana .
East Europe Character Set is found in many fonts including Arial*, Courier New*, Comic Sans MS,
Cyberbit, Tahoma, Times New Roman* and Verdana.
Greek Character Set is found in many fonts including Arial*, Courier New*, Cyberbit, Comic Sans MS,
Cyberbit, Tahoma and Times New Roman* and Verdana fonts.
Hebrew Character Set is found in Arial*, Courier New, Cyberbit, Tahoma and Times New Roman* fonts.
Japanese Character Set is found in MS Mincho, MS Gothic, Cyberbit and other specialised East Asian
Korean (Johab) Character Set
(Not supported)
Korean (Hangeul/Wansung) Character Set is found in GulimChe, Cyberbit and other specialised East
Asian fonts
PRC Chinese (GB2312) Character Set is found in MS Song, MS Hei, Cyberbit and other specialised East
Asian fonts
Russian (Cyryllic) Character Set is found in many fonts including Arial, Courier New, Comic Sans MS,
Cyberbit, Tahoma and Times New Roman and Verdana
Taiwanese Chinese (big5) Character Set is found in MingLiU, Cyberbit and other specialised East Asian
Thai Character Set is found in Cyberbit and Tahoma fonts
Turkish Character Set is found in many fonts including Arial, Courier New, Comic Sans MS, Cyberbit,
Tahoma, Times New Roman and Verdana fonts
Vietnamese Character Set is found in Arial*, Cyberbit, Tahoma and Times New Roman* and Verdana
* since version 2.76
Underlined fonts are available to download from Microsoft
Cyberbit font available from Bitstream.com
Simply Calenders allows you to scan in pictures directly if you have a TWAIN compliant scanner available.
These Functions are disabled if no scanner source is available.
Simply Calenders supports Line Art, 16 colour , 256 colour and 24 bit colour scanning on most TWAIN compatible scanners.
If the original picture is large then it is preferable to scan at a low resolution (say 100 dpi).
Pictures greater than 4 Mpixels are not always supported by Simply Calenders, (that is 2048 x 2048 pixels or
Simply Calenders allows scanning and editing before saving to a file (JPG, BMP, TIFF, RLE,GIF or PNG)
using the integrated Image Editor (“Darkroom”).
Select Image Editor from Pictures menu then Acquire from File menu within “The Darkroom”.
Alternatively you can scan a picture directly to file (JPG/BMP) by selecting Pictures, Add/Edit…
Select the month where the picture is to be used from the dropdown box., then click Acquire to File. Enter a
new filename for the scanned picture in the subsequent Save dialog.
The Scanner TWAIN interface should then open. Place the picture in your scanner and scan using your
scanner TWAIN interface. Once the Scan is complete, the picture will be saved and linked to the current
" +
Pictures and calendar blocks on month and week calendars can be moved and resized by selecting, dragging
and dropping using mouse.
Calendar block size is fixed for Year Planners except Illustrated Year Planner (10)
To Select, click on picture/block or Edit, Select, Picture/Calendar Block
You can also select pictures using Ctrl + I (picture 1) Ctrl + J (picture 2) or Ctrl + J (picture 3) or Ctrl + Y
(picture 4)
If the calendar block or another picture appears to be preventing you selecting the correct object, Hold down Alt key and click,
release Alt key and click again.
8 black boxes should then be seen surrounding picture/block.
To move picture/block, Select, hold left mouse button down, and drag.
To resize, Select, then hold left mouse button down over any of the black boxes and drag.
To resize preserving Height/Width ratio, hold down Shift key first.
@ A-
This is an integrated image editor, which allows you to
• Edit and adapt pictures and photos
• Apply Special Effects to pictures and photos
• Draw pictures
The Darkroom opens and edits the original image files.
NB If you wish to keep the original file intact, then Save As to a new file name.
You can open and save files in JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and RLE (compressed bmp) formats.
You can also open WMF and ICO Files, but these can only be saved in above formats.
You can use The Darkroom to simply retouch existing photos or to produce creative effects.
Opens a blank canvas in one of three resolutions
High Res are larger files with greater detail
Low Res are smaller files with less detail.
Remember that the picture area in the calendars is usually quite small and fine detail may not be required.
Opens a graphic file using standard open file dialog.
JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, RLE, ICO & WMF files may be opened by Simply Calendars.
Opens up TWAIN scanner/digital camera interface to import your own photographs.
Disabled if no scanner or other TWAIN device installed
Select Source
Allows selection of TWAIN source (Scanners and Digital Cameras) if more than one present .Save
Saves current image using original file name and format.
Disabled for WMF metafiles and if image not yet saved.
Save As
Save current image using new file name and/or format.
Images may be saved in JPEG(*.jpg), Windows Bitmap (*.bmp), Compressed bitmap format (*.rle), Tagged
Image (&*.tif) or Portable Network Graphic (*.png)
JPEG format is recommended for most purposes as the file size is relatively small, however repeated saving
to JPEG may result in some loss of detail.
Displays the properties of the current image
Closes Darkroom prompting to save current image if unsaved.
If Darkroom has been opened from the Choose Picture Dialog then saved picture will automatically be used
for appropriate month .
Last Opened File
Opens last used image file
Undoes last change.
2 undo levels are available, that is, you can undo the last 2 changes. When this menu is grayed no more
undos are available.
Cut Copy
Cuts or copies the selected area or the whole image if no area is selected. If an oval selection is in use the
image copied will be oval.
Enabled when image data is present on clipboard (ie you have just cut or copied an image).
Pastes image to selected area or whole picture area if no selection stretching as necessary
Crop to Selection
Reduces the image to the selected area. Disabled (grayed) if no area selected.
Remove Selection
Clears the current Selection (ie whole picture selected)
Enabled when image data is present on clipboard (ie you have just cut or copied an image).
Merges clipboard image with selected area on picture (or whole area if no selection).
This may be done in 4 different ways which suit different situations.
Merge takes the average of the source and destination pixels.
AND OR and XOR combine the source and destination images according to bitwise logic.
Best appreciated by experimentation
Returns the whole picture to a blank white image.
Actual Size
Toggles viewpoint between scaled preview and actual size with scrollbars.
The default scaled preview is satisfactory for most of the time and allows the whole picture to be seen at
Actual Size allows more detail to be seen. The Airbrush and Clone Tools are possibly easier to use with
Actual Size View.
Drawing Tools may be selected from the Drawing Tools menu or from the Toolbar.
Solid Box
Solid Oval
This tool sets a mask for Transformations, Effects, Cropping, Cutting, Copying, Pasting and Merging. Select
Tool cannot be selected at the same time as other drawing tools and other drawing tools are not affected by
selection mask.
The default selection mask is rectangular but an oval mask can also be used.
Select Rectangular
Select Oval
Simply Click and Drag Mouse to draw a selection mask.
If Oval Selection mask
is chosen then oval mask will be within the rectangle “drawn”.
Once drawn, the arrow keys can be used to adjust position of mask
as can [Home], [PgUp], [PgDn] and [End] keys.
In addition:
[Ctrl]+[Home] aligns mask to left side.
[Ctrl]+[PgUp] aligns mask to top.
[Ctrl]+[End] aligns mask to right side.
[Ctrl]+[PgDn] aligns mask to bottom.
- % -
Text is entered using the font characteristics set under Font Settings.
Click on picture, enter some text then commit text using [Enter]. Prior to committing text position can be
altered using [Home], [PgUp], [PgDn], [End] and arrow keys
If non English characters are required, then the appropriate character set should first be selected under Font
Settings – A character or string of characters can then be selected and copied using Font, Select Special
To copy a string of characters select, right click and copy first character. For subsequent characters select,
right click and Append to Clipboard.
The copied character or string may then be pasted when using the text tool.
Both use the currently selected Draw Colour and line width.
Line width can be adjusted using the slider on the toolbar.
Draw Colour may be selected from the palette with a left mouse click.
Double-clicking on a palette colour brings up a Colour selection dialog from which a new palette colour
may be set.
You can also drag a palette colour to any point on the picture to change palette colour to colour of that point.
? %
All use the currently chosen Draw Colour and Line Width.
Solid Boxes are filled with the Fill Colour using the chosen Fill Pattern.
Line width can be adjusted using the slider on the toolbar.
Draw Colour may be selected from the palette with a left mouse click.
Fill Colour may be selected from the palette with a right mouse click.
Fill Pattern is chosen using the Pattern button on the Toolbar.
{bml pattern.bmp}
Double-clicking on a palette colour brings up a Colour selection dialog from which a new palette colour
may be set.
You can also drag a palette colour to any point on the picture to change palette colour to colour of that point.
1 (
The Airbrush uses the currently selected Draw Colour.
The spray area can be adjusted using the slider on the toolbar.
It may be more accurate to use Airbrush with the Actual Size view.
The Airbrush mimics the action of an airbrush or aerosol spraycan.
You can press the left mouse button over the clone tool to copy one area of the picture to another.
The source circle may be moved independently from the destination circle by pressing the [Shift] key prior
to dragging with mouse.
Apart from creative work this may be used to remove blemishes from photos such as scratches and hair
Font Settings
This brings up a dialog from which Font, font Size, font Character set, Bold and Italic attributes can be set
for Text tool and Text Vignettes.
These font settings only affect the Darkroom
Select Special Character
This brings up a table showing all available characters for the currently selected font and character set.
To copy a string of characters select, right click and copy first character. For subsequent characters select,
rightclick and Append to Clipboard.
The copied character or string may then be pasted when using the text tool or Text Vignette.
It is useful for entering characters other than the standard English, such as accented characters, Cyrillic,
Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean characters.
If a mask area is selected then Transformation is limited to that area.
Reflects horizontally or vertically
Rotates through specified angle increasing size of image as necessary. If mask selected, only mask region is
Reduces image resolution to one of three preset resolutions. This reduces size of image.
Brings up dialog which allows adjustment of brightness and contrast
The changes are shown in a preview allowing viewing effect before applying.
Colour Balance
Brings up dialog, which allows adjustment of red green and blue intensity.
The changes are shown in a preview allowing viewing effect before applying.
To remove a colour cast, click on an area that should be white within the left hand pane and colour values
should be adjusted accordingly.
Filters through the colour specified.
This is a filter not a tint so filtering pure red then pure blue will result in a black image as pure red contains
no blue.
Creates a blocky effect as used by television to obscure a face
To 256 palette colour
Displays the picture in a 256 colour palette colour image
To 16 Colours (VGA)
Displays the picture in a 16 colour VGA colour image
To Monochrome (Grayscale)
Displays the picture as a monochrome gray image (as a B+W photo)
To Monochrome (Sepia)
Displays the picture as a monochrome sepia image (as in old photos)
To Line Art (B+W)
Displays the picture as a 2 tone black and white image.
These conversions do not affect save format.
If a mask area is selected then Vignette is limited to that area.
Soft Oval
Creates an oval vignette, faded towards edges
Hard Oval
Creates an oval vignette with a sharp border.
Round Corners
Rounds corners of picture
Creates a heart shaped vignette.
Symbol font must be installed.
Text Vignette
Creates a vignette effect using the text character of your choice.
Simply enter the text character when requested.
For special characters (such as accented characters, Symbol, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese,
and Korean characters) appropriate character set should first be selected under Font Settings – A character or
string of characters can then be selected and copied using Font, Select Special Character.
To copy a string of characters select, right-click and copy first character. For subsequent characters select,
right-click and Append to Clipboard.
The copied character or string will then be automatically copied to the Enter Text Character dialog
NB non ASCII characters eg Arabic, Hebrew and Asian pictograms will not be represented correctly
in the dialog box but the vignette will reflect the true character or string.
If a mask area is selected then Effect is limited to that area.
Smooths picture. This is useful in removing grainy patterns.
Heightens contrast at borders so sharpening picture.
Creates an embossed effect.
Line Edge
Creates lines at colour borders so creating a pseudo line drawing
Lightens picture
Left and Right Motion Blur
Creates effect as if camera were moved during exposure.
A palette of 32 colours is available for drawing.
The first 16 of these are set to VGA basic colours initially.
Each palette colour can be reset by double clicking then selecting a new colour from the subsequent colour
Each palette colour can be reset by dragging palette box to a new colour on the picture.
A palette may be saved as a DIB file for future use
A palette can be extracted from any 256 colour BMP or DIB file then saved as a new dib file.
The Colour selection palette should not be confused with the palette used to display pictures, Selecting
different colours in the palette does not change the picture in Simply Calenders.
Left-clicking on a colour in the palette sets the Draw Colour.
Right-clicking on a colour in the palette sets the Fill Colour.
The border of the top left box is replaced with currently selected Draw Colour.
The middle of the top left box is filled with currently selected Fill Colour using the currently selected fill
This dialog may be reached through “Image File Utilities” on Pictures menu.
PDF Viewer
Allows you to view PDF files
Reduce Image Size as Copy
Files (bmp, jpg or gif format, less than 16 Mpixels) can be reduced a new bmp file at 2 MPixels size.
Copy to Different File Format
Files (bmp, jpg, png, tif and gif format, less than 16 Mpixels) may be converted to a new file in bmp, jpg,
png, tif or gif format.
Christian (western) events (moveable and fixed), may be added as pre-defined day labels.
These may include:
Fixed Events
• Epiphany
(The Three Kings)
• All Saints
• Christmas Eve
• Christmas
• (Birth of Jesus Christ)
Moveable Events
• Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras)
• Ash Wednesday
• Sundays of Lent
• Maundy (Holy) Thursday
• Good Friday
• Easter Sunday
• Ascension
• Pentecost
• Sundays of Advent
The moveable events are calculated for the selected year.
A translation is now available for most of the fixed languages.
For these the labels are in the selected language.
If no translation is available, either English is used or that event is omitted.
User defined languages: only Easter and Christmas (in English) are included by default.
Different text can be used for Easter and Christmas by editing “Christmas” and “Easter” boxes under
Languages, Select, Edit.
[User defined languages are capitalised (Upper Case) in language list.]
For advanced users, other Christian events (as above) may be added by directly editing “language.ini” using Windows Notepad.
The date of Easter in the Eastern Orthodox Churches is different to that of the Catholic & Protestant
Churches. This is because it is calculated according to the Julian calendar. Old Calendarists also use the
Julian calendar for fixed dates.
Selecting + Eastern Orthodox Events from Day Labels menu, marks the following events in the calendar
after calculating the date of Orthodox Pascha for the selected year.
The text is in the selected language for some countries including Greek, Russian, Romanian, French and German. The text may be
in English/Russian or omitted if unavailable.
These are presented using the Day Label font. Where these dates might be confused with western Christian
events, ° is appended to the event eg Pentecost°.
For fixed Eastern Orthodox events, the New Calendar convention is default, that is, the Gregorian calendar
is used rather than the Julian.
To use the Old Calendar convention, check Use Julian Calendar for Eastern Orthodox Events in the
Preferences menu. Fixed Eastern Orthodox events will then be placed according to the Old Julian calendar,
currently running 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar.
Orthodox Events (may include)
Nativity of Theotokos (8 Sep)
The Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross (14 Sep)
Presentation of the Theotokos in the Temple (21 Nov)
Nativity of Christ (25 Dec)
Theophany (6 Jan)
Presentation of Our Lord in Temple (2 Feb)
Annunciation of Theotokos (25 Mar)
Palm Sunday
Pascha (Orthodox Easter)
Transfiguration of Our Saviour Jesus Christ (6 Aug)
The Dormition of Theotokos (15 Aug)
Clean Monday (beginning of Great Fast)
Fast of the Apostles
Dormition Fast
Christmas Fast
Theotokos means God-bearer and refers to the Mother of God.
For a few languages (currently English, Serbian and Macedonian), additional Eastern Orthodox feasts are
available: The Venerable Nahum of Ohrid the Wonderworker, Synaxis of John the Baptist", St. George
(Holy Great Martyr), Cyril and Methodius, All Souls Day, Nativity of John the Baptist, St. Clement the
Archbishop of Ohrid, The Beheading of St. John the Baptist, St. Paraskeva, Holy Great Martyr Demetrius
and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
You can add other fixed feastdays such as Name Days as user defined labels.
Selecting + Jewish Events from Day Labels menu, inserts Jewish Feasts and months as Day Labels. These
are calculated for the selected year. They are presented using the Day Label font.
Jewish Events:
If Hebrew language is selected, then months and events in Jewish calendar are in Hebrew
For all other languages, English is used.
Selecting + Islamic Events and months from Day Labels menu, inserts Islamic Events and months as Day
Labels. They are presented using the Day Label font.
These are calculated for the selected year using the Microsoft arithmetic implementation of the Islamic
calendar. This should be regarded as approximate and may differ from actual Islamic calendar based on
actual new moon sighting.
If an Arabic language is selected, then months and events in Islamic calendar are in Arabic
For all other languages, English is used.
Islamic Events:
- %
Text can be entered on Language Edit, Add/Edit Picture, Day Labels, Extra Text and Promotional text
forms. The text can be directly typed in, imported from a text file or pasted from other programs.
The Undo menu (Ctr+Z) will undo the last text action or redo the last undo.
Menus facilitate entry of accented characters and symbols.
Find Character allows you to select from the full range of characters available in that character set.
Under Windows XP, 2000 and NT, Simply Calenders can copy, cut and paste text from Unicode text and
Code Page(ANSI) text.
Normally text is saved to clipboard as Unicode and converted back to Code Page(ANSI) text when you
paste text into Simply Calenders.
If you hold down the Shift key during these procedures then copy/cut/paste do not convert to and from
Simply Calenders uses Code Page text internally and text is limited to characters that can be displayed by
that Code Page eg Japanese characters can only be displayed on a calendar using a Japanese Code Page or
Character Set.
You can however paste text from both code page applications and Unicode applications
If the pasted text contains different characters to those expected (eg Aaeio Eyneeeio instead of Greek
), then try holding down Shift key as you click paste.
If the pasted text contains many question marks (???????), these represent characters that cannot be
displayed by your currently selected character set.
Simply Calenders can be run from the Command Line that is from
• C:\>
• Batch file (*.bat)
• Run on Start menu
It can take 4 parameters or arguments separated by commas with the following syntax.
Long file names should be enclosed in double quotes “Filename1”
All arguments are optional.
“[Path]SimplyCalenders.exe” “[Path]FileName1.cld”,“[Path]FileName2.pdf”,“[Path]FileName3.txt”,[o][v][q][hl]
Argument 1
An existing Simply Calenders cld file.
This file must exist.
Argument 2
A filename with PDF tag in a valid existing folder.
This file need not exist but path must be valid.
O option specifies that it should be overwritten
Argument 3
An existing Simply Calenders Events file
This file must exist.
This file must be in be in format
M||D||Event Text
Argument 4 Options
V View completed PDF file following creation
Q Quit after completion
O Overwrite PDF file if already exists
H High Quality Export (=200-300% Zoom)
L Low Quality Export (=100% Zoom)
(Default is 150% Zoom)
Errors are not normally shown on screen during command line operation but are written to a file called
For example
"C:\Program Files\Skerryvore Software\Simply Calenders.exe" "C:\Program Files\Skerryvore Software\Simply Calenders\Calenders\yp.cld","C:\Program
Files\Skerryvore Software\Simply Calenders\Exports\test.pdf","C:\Program Files\Skerryvore Software\Simply Calenders\Events\swe_ndays.txt",vo
This will open the yp.cld file, add the user-defined events from swe_ndays.txt then export whole calender to
test.pdf. If test.pdf exists this will be overwritten. The pdf file will be displayed once complete.
1 0
1/ !
Installation Issues
I1. "1154: Installer not found in ..."
I3. How do I uninstall Simply Calenders?
I4. "Missing" sc.gif and printer.gif
Registration Issues
R1. Who may use the full version?
R3. Why does my Registration Number not work?
R3. Help, I Have Lost my Registration Number!
Language Issues
L1. Why can't I select Japanese, Korean, Thai or Chinese on my PC?
L2. How do I type the Welsh accented characters:
& ?
L3. Where can I download international fonts?
L4. Can I Make a Bilingual Calendar with Simply Calenders?
L5. How Do I Install a Downloaded Font?
L6. Why can’t I select VNTimes when language is Vietnamese?
General Issues
G1. How Can I insert text by each date?
G2. How Can I Use Full Day Names on the Calendars?
G3. Why is the Day Labels menu mostly grayed out (disabled) when a Year Planner is selected?
G4. Where Can I find Additional Events Files (such as Swedish Namedays and Catholic Saints' Days)?
G5. Can you keep the Images' Proportions when Resizing Images?
G6. Can I change Colour of the date for special dates?
G7. Is it possible to put in the Week Number in front of Every Week?
G8. How Can I Set the Media Type (eg Glossy Paper) for my Printer?
G9. Can I Add 2 Pictures to a Calendar Page?
G10. Where is the Pictures Menu?
G12. Why Can I only see One Page when I export a Calendar to TIFF?
G13. Why Does Simply Calenders Freeze when I Click Select Fonts?
G14. How Do I Insert Special Characters?
G15. Can I add several pictures to a calendar Page?
G16. Where is the Pictures menu?
G18. Why can I only see one page when I export a calendar to TIFF?
G19. Why does Simply Calenders freeze when I click Select Fonts?
G20. How do I insert special characters?
G21. Why do the dates/text disappear when I export calendar?
G22. "Cannot find file: ArmAccess.dll"or "Error while unpacking program, code LP5. Please report to
G23. Error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument on opening Simply Calenders
"The Darkroom" Issues
D1. "This Image File is too large to be Supported by Simply Calenders"
D2. I cannot draw on the bottom and right of the picture area!
Error Messages
E1. Program crashes when launching on Vista
E3. Problem refreshing Calendar 380: Invalid Property Value
I2. Error 1309 - Error reading from file. Looking for ...
E4. Failure DibWritePage
E5. Debugger detected - please close it down and restart! ...
I1. During installation
"1154: Installer not found in ..." - Windows Installer (MSI) is not installed.
Applies to Win 98SE Win Me & Win NT
Simply Calenders is no longer supported under Win 98SE Win Me & Win NT
I3. How do I uninstall Simply Calenders?
Via Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel, Choose "Simply Calenders" and click Add/Remove.
Or via Uninstall Simply Calenders on the Start Menu
Uninstalling will NOT delete calendar files that you have created
I4. "Missing" sc.gif and printer.gif
On trying to create web Calendar:
"Cannot find file C:\Program Files\Skerryvore Software\Simply Calenders\Calenders\HTML\sc.gif" and
"Cannot find file C:\Program Files\Skerryvore Software\Simply Calenders\Calenders\HTML\printer.gif"
These files may not be missing but may be in the wrong folder.
If these 2 files are found in
"C:\Program Files\Skerryvore Software\Simply Calenders\Calenders\"
then they should be copied to "C:\Program Files\Skerryvore Software\Simply Calenders\Calenders\HTML\"
R1. Who may use the full version?
The full (registered) version may only be used by all those who have paid the registration fee and hold a
signed licence agreement from Skerryvore Software Ltd. This entitles the user to enter a valid user name and
number which will be issued to them.
In addition, Digital Foto readers may use version 2 of Simply Calenders, using the registration code for
Digital Foto.
All other use of the full version is theft and illegal.
The user name and registration number should be carefully entered taking note of spaces and capitalisation.
We recommend using Copy and Paste
R2. Why does my Registration Number not work?
You may be attempting to use a registration key for version 4.2 or earlier version.
You may be attempting to use a version 4.3+ Registration key on an earlier version of Simply
Version Number can be seen under Help, About.
You may be attempting to use a version 3 Registration number on version 2 of Simply Calenders
Version Number can be seen under Help, About.
Version 2 Registration numbers are all numerical and may have spaces
Version 3/4 Registration numbers are mixed alphanumerical and don't have spaces
Version 4.3 and later keys are longer, mixed alphanumerical and separated into groups by hyphens
You may have mistyped either your User Name or Registration Key
Try copying and pasting these from the confirmation email containing these.
Case (capitalisation or not) is important
If you have checked both of these, and registration is still unsuccessful, please email support
R3. Help, I Have Lost my Registration Number!
Please email [email protected] giving your name along with your address and email
submitted at the time you registered "Simply Calenders"
L1. Why can't I select Japanese, Korean, Thai or Chinese on my PC
Simply Calenders is not supported under these operating systems.
A suitable font needs to be installed on your PC.
See Simply Calenders Help for further information
L2. How do I type the Welsh accented characters:
& ?
Although copying and pasting accented characters has been a feature since early versions, the
characters used in Welsh are not available in any character set.
Ideally UNICODE is required but UNICODE is not supported by the programming language in which
Simply Calenders is written.
Fortunately, there is a special Welsh font which contains these characters:
Pryd Euro-Cymraeg .
If you download and install this font it can be selected and used by Simply Calenders.
The characters
will be found in the Find Character table when this font is selected.
L3. Where can I download international fonts?
See font page on Skerryvore Software website for suggested download sites
L4. Can I Make a Bilingual Calendar with Simply Calenders?
Bilingual calendars are easily created.
Most calendar styles within Simply Calenders have a bilingual version.
Select BILINGUAL from the Language menu.
Both the 1st and 2nd Language may be specified
L5. How Do I Install Downloaded Fonts?
Assuming you have saved your downloaded fonts in, say, C:\Downloaded fonts\
1. Open the Fonts folder from within Control Panel
2. Choose "Install new font... " from File menu
3. Browse to C:\Downloaded fonts\ for your new font files - Windows will then retrieve font names
4. Select fonts that you wish to install (Use Ctrl to do multiple selections)
5. Click Install
L6. Why can’t I select VN Times font when selected language is Vietnamese?
Unfortunately VN Times and some other Vietnamese fonts are not configured to work with character sets.
This can be seen by selecting that font within notepad – only “Western” can be selected on the Script dropdown selection.
However when you select Arial, then there are several options on Script dropdown selection including
G1. How Can I insert text by each date?
Yes - you can add your own text eg birthdays and reminders for any date.
Choose "User Defined" from Day Label menu, select a date and type in your text for that day.
OR click on that date while holding down Ctrl key
You can also select include set National Holidays, Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish and Islamic religious
(Moveable events are calculated for selected year)
G2. How Can I Use Full Day Names on the Calendars?
Day names are abbreviated (by design) to fit into the space allowed.
These are usually standard abbreviations for that language eg jeu. for Jeudi.
You can, however, override this by copying your chosen language to a "User Defined" language.
Language, Select, (highlight chosen language), Copy As New
Extend Day names as required eg jeu to Jeudi and then give the User Defined Language a name eg
G3. Why is the Day Labels menu mostly grayed out (disabled) when a Year Planner is
Mark Easter, Mark Pesach and Moon Phases are enabled on Day Labels menu for most year planners.
All other items are disabled (grayed).
This is simply because the font would have to be unduly small or the text unduly shortened to fit in the
available space.
G4. Where Can I find Additional Events Files (such as Swedish Namedays Catholic Saints'
days and Icelandic Yuletide Lads)?
Common Catholic Saints' Days (cath_sts.txt), Swedish Namedays (swe_ndays.txt), Icelandic Yuletide Lads
(yuletidelads.txt) and Zodiac Signs (Zodiac.txt) can be found on website.
Save these preferably to the My Documents\Simply Calenders\Events\ folder.
Open Simply Calenders
Choose any of the Month Calendars.
From the Day Labels menu, choose User Defined.
Click the [Import] button.
Select the swe_ndays.txt file, navigating to correct folder if necessary.
Click [Open]
A message should appear stating x labels have been imported.
Click [OK]
Click [OK] again and events should appear as Day Labels should appear on calendar.
G5. How Can I keep the Images' Proportions when Resizing Images?
Press and hold down Shift key before dragging
G6. Can I change colour of the date for special dates?
Select User Defined, Edit from Day Label menu.
Select a date
In Highlight date select Colour 1 or Colour 2
Click OK
Colour 1 and Colour 2 can be changed from the Fonts menu
G7. Is it possible to put in the week number in front of every week?
Yes - select Week Numbers, American or ISO 8601, from Day Label menu.
Alternatively select one of the week planner templates.
G8. How Can I Set the Media Type (eg Glossy Paper) for my Printer?
Before opening Simply Calenders, Open the Printers folder in Control Panel.
Double click icon for your printer
Choose Properties from Printer menu.
The Printer Properties dialog should then be shown - this differs according to printer and operating system.
However you should be able to set Media Type (eg Glossy Paper) under Printing Preferences
Once set, OK out of all this.
Open Simply Calenders
Note this change of setting may affect other Windows programs
G9. Can I Add More than One Picture to a Calendar Page?
You can add up to 4 pictures to any page for most illustrated calendars.
In addition a (5th) "Promotional Picture (Logo)" can be added.
Its initial default size is smaller than the main picture but the image, size and position can be set individually
for each page.
To add a Promotional picture, Select Promotional Picture (Logo) from the Promotion menu.
Select the row corresponding to the calendar page and double click - you can then browse to your chosen
image file (jpg, bmp, tif, gif, png)
Select Open then OK
You can then use the mouse to resize and position the picture
G10. Where is the Pictures Menu?
The Pictures menu is to the right of the Layout menu.
If a non-illustrated style is selected, then Pictures menu is not visible.
G12. Why Can I only see one page when I export a Calendar to TIFF?
When viewing, Simply Calenders does not display TIFF files itself but calls your Windows default program
for tif files
(ie as doubleclicking a TIFF file within Windows Explorer)
It is likely that the default program for viewing TIFF files on your PC does not support multipage TIF files
(and so is only viewing first page).
Install a graphics program that supports multipage tiff files. eg Irfan View (free for non commercial use)
You will also need to ensure that this is default program for tif files
(that is, the program that opens if a tif file is doubleclicked in Windows Explorer.)
G14. How Do I Insert Special Characters?
Wherever you see a [Find Char] button, you can click [Find Char] to display a table with all the available
characters for your chosen language (Character Set).
Select the character, eg ó, then either click [Copy] button (or right click and Copy).
Click [Done]
Use the mouse to place the cursor in text entry box where character is required
Rightclick and Paste.
G15. Can I add more than one picture to a calendar page?
You can add up to 4 pictures to a page for most illustrated calendar styles.
On Add/Edit Picture Dialog, choose Picture 2 - 4, then select your picture file.
Pictures can be moved and resized.
You can also add a "Promotional Picture (Logo)" (5th picture).
The default size of additional pictures is smaller than the main picture but the image, size and position
can be set individually for each page.
To add a 5th picture,
Select Promotional Picture (Logo) from the Promotion menu.
(see Screenshot)
Select the row corresponding to the calendar page and double click - you can then browse to your
chosen image file (jpg, bmp, tif, gif, png)
Select Open then OK
You can then use the mouse to resize and position the picture
G16. Where is the pictures menu?
The Pictures menu is to the right of the Layout menu.
If a non-illustrated style is selected, then Pictures menu is not visible
G18. Why can I only see one page when I export a calendar to TIFF?
When viewing, Simply Calenders does not display TIFF files itself but calls your Windows default
program for tif files (ie as doubleclicking a TIFF file within Windows Explorer).
It is likely that the default program for viewing TIFF files on your PC does not support multipage TIF
files (and so is only viewing first page).
Install a graphics program that supports multipage tiff files.
eg Irfan View (free for non commercial use)
You will also need to ensure that this is default program for tif files (that is, the program that opens if
a tif file is doubleclicked in Windows Explorer.)
G19. Why does Simply Calenders freeze when I click Select Fonts?
If you have more than approximately 500 installed fonts and your operating system is Windows 98 or
ME then Simply Calenders may freeze on attempting to load Fonts dialog. This is due to size
limitations within the Windows Registry for these versions of Windows.
Simply Calenders is no longer supported on these legacy versions of Windows
Open the Windows Fonts folder and uninstall fonts that you do not use.
G20. How do I insert special characters?
Wherever you see a [Find Char] button, you can click [Find Char] to display a table with all the
available characters for your chosen language (Character Set).
Select the character, eg ó, then either click [Copy] button (or rightclick and Copy).
Click [Done]
Use the mouse to place the cursor in text entry box where character is required
Rightclick and Paste.
G21. Why do the Dates/Text Disappear when I Export a Calendar?
After exporting a calendar to JPG/TIF only the grid lines are visible - the dates and any text within
the grid cannot be seen
This is most likely due to hardware acceleration on your display driver.
Graphics Hardware Acceleration is used to smooth screen changes with fast changing graphics (eg
Games Software).
Graphics Hardware Acceleration on most display drivers works well with Simply Calenders.
However some Graphics Acceleration has been reported to cause the perimeter of the grid to be
drawn as an opaque rather than a transparent box (so obscuring dates and text).
This is reported to be a problem with the ATI Radeon 9000 Display Driver
FIX: Reduce or Turn Off Graphics Hardware Acceleration
This differs from PC to PC but settings for Hardware Acceleration will be found under Control Panel
- Display - Settings
perhaps on - Advanced - Troubleshoot
D1. "This Image File is too large to be Supported by Simply Calenders"
The picture file you wish to use is too large.
This file may be large to be edited within Simply Calenders.
Editing pictures greater than 4 MPixels is not fully supported by Simply Calenders.
However, if you are using Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT, then it is possible to override this
The utility "Reduce Image Size as Copy" can be used to produce a useable 2MPix copy for files up to
16MPix resolution.
"Reduce Image Size as Copy" may be found on Image File Utilies on Picture menu.
Note this is displayed size(MPixels) not stored size (MB)
D2. Using "The Darkroom", I cannot draw on the bottom and right of the picture area
This may be due to Graphics Acceleration methods used particularly in Windows 98SE/Me.
Simply Calenders is not supported under Windows 98SE/Me.
The actual picture where the drawing takes place is invisible and may be larger than your screen area.
It is then reduced and copied to the visible picture.
Graphics Acceleration methods may limit Off Screen drawing.
Go to Control Panel, Display then select Advanced.
Reduce the Graphics Acceleration one step at a time until problem is resolved.
A reboot each time may be required to apply the new setting.
E1. Program crashes when launching on Vista
We believe that later versions of Simply Calenders have largely corrected this software conflict between
DEP (Data Execution Prevention) and the 3rd party software licencing system used by Simply Calenders
We recommend downloading and installing the latest version of Simply Calenders
If the problem persists, search Windows Help on Data Execution Prevention.
Try selecting Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only and rebooting computer
If this then resolves this problem, you can then go back and select Turn on DEP for all programs and
services except those I select
Next add Simply Calenders.exe to the exception list.
Again reboot the computer.
You can alter DEP settings by going to Windows Control Panel,
Double click on "System" icon then select "Advanced System Settings" from left hand panel.
Administrator password will need to be entered
Click the top "Settings" button ("Performance") then open the Data Execution Prevention tab.
Here you can either select Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only or
Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select
You can also Add programs to the exceptions list
E3. Error 380: Invalid Property Value
The usual cause for this error is that the standard font MS Sans Serif is not available.
This may be because you have checked the box
Show only True Type fonts in the programs on my computer
in folder options for Windows Font folder
To correct
Go to Control Panel, Fonts
Choose Folder Options on Tools menu.
Choose True Type Fonts tab then untick the box marked "Show only True Type fonts in the programs on my
Restart PC
The usual setting for this option is unticked.
Ticking it causes the 380 error.
Unticking it removes the 380 error. :-)
This option essentially makes the font MS Sans Serif ( which is not a True Type font) inaccessible to most programs
E4. Failure DibWritePage
Failure DibWritePage
An error occurred during export to PDF[-3]
This error may occur in v4.7 on attempting to export a calendar to PDF.
The error is caused by anolder version of the file EZPdf.dll.
This file is located in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\EZPdf.dll
The correct version for Simply Calenders 4.7 should have beeen v1.19 (196kB)
To correct this problem, either
1. Download current installation files (which now contain the correct version of this file), uninstall old
version and reinstall using new installation files.
E5. Debugger detected - please close it down and restart!
Debugger detected - please close it down and restart!
Windows NT users: Please note that having the WinIce/SoftIce service installed means that you are running
a debugger!
This is NOT a Simply Calenders error, it may occur with many programs and is is usually caused by Nero
Burning ROM (or other Nero products)
You can check this out by Googling "Debugger detected - please close it down and restart!"
Although uninstalling Nero, or downgrading to v5 will resolve the problem, it is apparently possible to
resolve the problem and keep Nero by renaming just one file:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\NeVideo.ax
- say to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\NeVideo.ax.old
© Skerryvore Software Ltd 2002-9
This Skerryvore Software End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal AGREEMENT between you and Skerryvore
Software Ltd for the software product identified above, which product includes computer software and may include associated
media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or
otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms
of this EULA, then DO NOT install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual
property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.
1) GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you, the user of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, the following rights:
Unregistered Product
* Without any liability whatsoever assumed by Skerryvore Software Ltd, you may install and personally evaluate the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT "AS IS" on ONE computer for an unlimited time period. Calendars produced by the unregistered
version may NOT be distributed commercially.
Registered product
* On payment of the registration fee, a UserName and Registration number will be issued. Registration entitles that user to install
the software on ONE computer in accordance with this EULA. That user may additionally install the software on his/her portable
computer. Non-commercial use on more than one PC within the same household as the licence holder is also permitted. Calendars
produced by the registered version have no company endorsement on the printout and may be distributed commercially or
·Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly. You may not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, or
disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law
notwithstanding this limitation of components. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as a single product. Its component parts
may not be separated for use on more than one computer.
·Rental. You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to any party.
-redistribution. You may not redistribute the SOFTWARE PRODUCT commercially or otherwise
·Termination. Without prejudice to any of Skerryvore Software's other rights, Skerryvore Software may terminate this EULA if
you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy any and all copies of the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT and all of its component parts.
·All title, trademarks and copyrights in and pertaining to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limited to any images,
photographs, animation, video, audio, music, text, and applets incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), the accompanying,
printed materials and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned by Skerryvore Software. The SOFTWARE
PRODUCT is protected by copyright and trademark laws and international treaty provisions. You must treat the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT like any other copyrighted for archival purposes, and you may not copy the printed materials accompanying the
·You may not remove, modify or alter any Skerryvore Software Ltd copyright or trademark notice from any part of the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT, including but not limited to any such notices contained in the physical and/or electronic media or
documentation, in the Setup Wizard dialogue or 'about' boxes, in any of the runtime resources and/or in any web-presence or webenabled notices, code or other embodiments originally contained in or dynamically or otherwise created by the SOFTWARE
This EULA is governed by the laws of Scotland.