2014 annual report - Trinity College
2014 annual report - Trinity College
2014 ANNUAL REPORT Trinity College Annual Report 2014 2014© Trinity College, Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052 Photography: Kit Haselden, Mark Chew. CONTENTS Overview0 3 Provost’s Report0 4 Residential College0 8 Trinity College Foundation Studies 010 Trinity College Theological School 012 Trinity Institute 13 Advancement 14 Other College-wide Departments 15 Appendix 19 Cover: The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee, Dean of the Trinity College Theological School 1 2 OVERVIEW Founded in 1872 as the first college of the University of Melbourne, Trinity College is a unique tertiary institution that provides a diverse range of academic programs to talented students from across Australia and around the world. Trinity College programs include: • the Residential College for undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University of Melbourne and of the Trinity College Theological School, both resident and non-resident • Trinity College Theological School (TCTS), a centre for Anglican theology and ministry that educates people, lay and ordained, to work for the transformation of church and society • Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS), which offers a range of one-year courses that prepare able overseas students for undergraduate entry to the University of Melbourne and other leading Australian universities • the Trinity Institute, which offers inspirational leadership programs for high school students, innovative professional development, and thought-provoking open learning opportunities for all Trinity College actively contributes to the academic, sporting and cultural life of the wider community. Its main campus is located adjacent to the University of Melbourne grounds. An Anglican institution, Trinity welcomes people of all faiths and none. The College celebrates, and is enriched by, the diversity of backgrounds of its staff and students. RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE Resident students Non-resident students Total 329 17 346 THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL Ministry Formation 42 Online 125 Certificate 376 Total 543 FOUNDATION STUDIES COMMENCEMENTS February Main 424 July Fast Track 79 August Main 299 August Comprehensive Extended and Specialised 345 October Fast Track Total 63 1,210 TRINITY INSTITUTE Young Leaders Program (July) 145 Young Leaders Program (December) 85 New York Jazz Symposium 39 Yalari Year 10 Orientation Program 35 Global Leaders in Science 83 Residential Indigenous Science Experience (Rise) 52 Strengthening Engagement and Achievement in Mathematics and Science (Seams) Junior 56 Total STUDENT COHORT DURING 2014 495 2,594 3 PROVOST’S REPORT IT IS AN HONOUR TO REPORT ON THE ACHIEVEMENTS AND THE GOOD STANDING OF THE COLLEGE AT THE END OF 2014. 4 By almost all measures it was a fine year, and there is good reason to see the future with a sense of optimism and great possibility. The dark moments in our lives were the untimely deaths by misadventure of Joshua Hardy, a third-year resident student from Darwin, and Kevin Soetjipto from Indonesia, a recent graduate of Foundation Studies. We give thanks for their lives and celebrate their scholarship and friendship while at Trinity. The report that follows is rich and detailed, but let me recommend some highlights from the year past: • There was continuing and remarkable growth of admissions of international students in Foundation Studies. Over the past four years the student numbers have doubled, and there was well over 1,000 students in the program in 2014. The growth has strengthened the College in many ways, including in its partnership with the University of Melbourne, its place as a leading education provider, its relationship with Asia, and in greater financial security and opportunities for development. • A new teaching and staff facility for Foundation Studies was developed at 200 Victoria Street, Carlton, adjacent to the Queen Victoria Market. Established through a 10-year lease of the top two floors of the EPA Building, this is a first-class addition to the College. • Construction commenced on the Gateway building on the southern precinct of the College grounds. This is the most important capital project for many years, and will establish excellent resources for education, cultural life, art and archives, and public engagement. It is expected that the building will be completed mid-2016. • Alongside regret at the decision to close the United Faculty of Theology (UFT) that has served the cause of ecumenical theological education so well for more than 40 years, there was cause for celebration on 7 July when the Trinity College Theological School formally became an independent College of the University of Divinity. The School also recruited some further excellent staff, and is well placed to take the next step as a more comprehensive and independent academic faculty than was the case in the UFT. • The students of the residential College continued to achieve very strong academic results, and enjoyed a full and rich year of community endeavour in social service, sport and cultural pursuits. Important advances were made in policies and services in young adult mental health and wellbeing. • There was good progress in engagement with young Indigenous women and men from across the nation, including through the short-term Young Leaders Programs for school students, and partnerships with the University of Melbourne and Yalari in hosting short courses for high-achieving students. Trinity also made an important contribution to building a Bachelor of Science Extended degree that will give greater access to Indigenous students keen to pursue science and health fields. • The College achieved a very strong financial result and is ready to finance the Gateway building and other development projects. The financial operations were complemented importantly by the continuing generosity of the many donors to Trinity, to whom we extend sincere appreciation. 2014 also saw the departure of the seventh Warden, the Revd Professor Andrew McGowan, who took up appointment as Dean and President of the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, an Episcopal seminary. Andrew’s splendid contribution to Trinity was celebrated and acclaimed, and he and Dr Felicity Harley McGowan left with the College’s deep thanks and best wishes. In my role as Provost and Acting Warden of Trinity, I sincerely thank Mr Jim Craig as Chair and all members of the Board and the subcommittees for their wise counsel and clear governance, and the Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Philip Freier, for his leadership of the Council, and the members of Council for their deliberations. The College is blessed to have so many engaged and effective leaders and volunteers. Campbell Bairstow Provost and Acting Warden 5 COUNCIL THE 40-MEMBER COUNCIL CONSISTS OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ALL MAJOR SECTORS OF THE TRINITY COLLEGE COMMUNITY, INCLUDING STUDENTS, STAFF, ALUMNI, DONORS, THE CHURCH AND THE UNIVERSITY, PRESIDED OVER BY THE ARCHBISHOP OF MELBOURNE. THE COUNCIL MEETS TWICE EACH YEAR. In May, it considered and approved the 2013 Annual Report of the College. Council re-appointed the Rt Revd John Parkes for a further two-year term as a member of the Board. In October the Council appointed Mr Bill Cowan AM to the Council, and re-elected Professor Kenneth Hinchcliff for a third term of three years. The Council elected Ms Rowena Armstrong AO QC, Dr Graeme Leslie Blackman OAM, Associate Professor Alison Inglis and the Rt Revd Andrew William Curnow AM as new Honorary Fellows of the College. The Council heard a presentation by the Revd Canon Dr Ray Cleary and the Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee regarding the Trinity College Theological School’s new structure and curriculum as a College of the University of Divinity. BOARD REGULAR PRESENTATIONS CONTINUE TO BE MADE TO THE BOARD BY THE VARIOUS TEACHING AND SUPPORT DIVISIONS OF THE COLLEGE, AS WELL AS BY EXTERNAL CONSULTANTS AS REQUIRED. The Board monitors the College’s performance by way of monthly financial and executive reports, and through the deliberations and reports of the various subcommittees. The Board also undertakes an annual self-evaluation survey. The Board has committees that oversee Buildings and Grounds, Education Strategy, Finance, Governance, Investment Management, Risk Management, including OH&S, and the Theological School. In 2014 the Board reviewed and considered the governance structure of the College and the continuing contribution of all committees. The Risk Management and Audit Committee was disbanded, and the responsibilities for operational risk were taken up by the Senior Management Team and the Finance Committee. The Board assumed responsibility for matters of 6 strategic risk. The Education Strategy Committee moved from being a regular standing committee to a series of project-specific working groups. During 2014 the Board held nine meetings. Key discussions included International Strategy, the Gateway Building, the Annual Risk Review, Operating and Capital Budgets, Fundraising, and future arrangements with the University of Melbourne related to Foundation Studies. The Board also approved a range of major infrastructure projects including the Behan Stage 2 renovations and Bishops’ building bathroom renovations, development of a multi-purpose court and the leasing and associated fit-out of 200 Victoria Street, Carlton to accommodate increased Foundation Studies enrolments. The Board was pleased to appoint Ms Susanna King, and reappoint Mr Stuart Gooley and Bishop John Parkes. Mr Jack Young followed Ms Anna Traill as Senior Student of the College, an ex officio position on the Board. The Board farewelled and thanked Ms Oshana De Silva at the conclusion of her term of eight years on the Board in July. Ms De Silva was instrumental in establishing for the College good practice in risk management. Upon the resignation of the Revd Professor Andrew McGowan, the Board commenced the search for the next Warden of the College. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE THE COLLEGE HAD A GOOD YEAR FINANCIALLY. THE RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE WAS FULL, AND FOUNDATION STUDIES ENROLMENTS CONTINUED TO INCREASE. The international student market for Foundation Studies is rising and the demand for the Trinity College program is strong. This is being driven by, among other things, the University of Melbourne’s strong global and regional ranking and Foundation Studies being a premier pathway program. The charts below show a breakdown of the consolidated income and expenditure for the year to 31 December 2014. The College generates most of its income from fees, but the many generous donations received during the year also make an important contribution to the life of the College. For example, in 2014 funds were donated for scholarships, teaching and lectureships, educational programs and for capital works including the Gateway building among other things. In 2014 the College spent some $11.4 million on capital works to improve infrastructure and operations. The major projects included the next stage of the refurbishment of the Behan building, the fit-out of the teaching facilities in the new Victoria Street premises and the initial stages of the Gateway building. Trinity College and the Trinity College Foundation have a portfolio of investments from donations and endowments. These investment funds support the College through the funding of scholarships, studentships, contributions to staff teaching and lectureships, building projects and other College activities. The Board, through the Finance and Investment Committees, regularly reviews the College’s investment performance and fund drawdowns to ensure that programs and activities are supported adequately, while also endeavouring to ensure endowed funds are maintained in real terms for the long term. 2014 INCOME 2014 EXPENDITURE Donations 5.0% Other income 5.9% Interest income 0.5% Catering and hospitality 5.5% Buildings and grounds 10.4% Investment income 6.2% Marketing and promotion 13.1% Fee income 82.3% Administration and other 14.9% Staff costs 48.2% Depreciation and amortisation 7.9% 7 RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE DESPITE THE TRAGIC ENDING TO SEMESTER 2, THE COLLEGE COMMUNITY HAD A VERY GOOD YEAR IN TERMS OF ACADEMIC RESULTS AND WELLBEING, AND PARTICULARLY IN SPORT. 8 The residential community suffered the severe blow of the loss of Joshua Hardy, a third-year Arts student and Larrakia man from Darwin, on 18 October, the morning after Valedictory Dinner. Joshua was, in the words of the Provost at the Memorial Service, a shining soul, an extremely wellliked student respected for his concern for others and for his sporting achievements. The College did a remarkable job of dealing with the aftermath, with the Revd Lynda McMinn being instrumental in leading the College through various rituals of mourning. The Joshua Hardy Cup will be presented to the best and fairest in male sport in 2015. A new memorial scholarship fund for Indigenous students is in the process of being set up. Joshua’s passing, coming just before examinations, inevitably impacted student results. Dr Katherine Firth, who took on the role of Head of Academic Programs in July, worked tirelessly with the University to ensure that students were given maximum consideration. However, students had already been made offers for postgraduate law and medicine before the tragedy. With eight alumni also now at Oxbridge, the College can still feel reassured about its academic seriousness. The tutoring team, of around 90 resident and non-resident tutors, performed to its usual high standard, with the extracurricular tutorials in music and art being popular as always. The Fireside Chat series had big audiences, particularly for Laureate Professor Peter Doherty and Professor Ross Garnaut. The Oak Program also had a stellar year, ending with former Prime Minister Mr Malcolm Fraser as guest speaker. With the new Careers Office firmly established, the College has the basis for extending its mentoring program further in 2015. The College said farewell to resident tutors Dr Erika Duan and Sarah Ward, while welcoming the new College Nurse, Emily Dawson (replacing Andrea Ball) and the College Counselor, Anita Krautschneider (in a new role for the residential College). With the Warden’s search still ongoing, Campbell Bairstow became Provost until the end of 2015, with Dr Sally Dalton-Brown becoming Dean in the interim. Sport was a particular highlight, with Trinity winning the Cowan Cup as well as its first footy final in 20 years (the late Frank Henagan would have been very proud). The rugby boys reclaimed victory, while Trinity’s sportswomen excelled across a variety of activities. In the arts, Trinity wrote its own play for the first time under the guidance of resident tutor Angus Cameron, while the musical was as always a wonderful frame for the range of talent at the College. In other arts achievements, the Candystripes and Tiger Tones held showcases, the latter troupe also getting through to the finals of an a cappella competition. The Orchestra performed for a local underprivileged community, and in Outreach the College as always showed remarkable dedication to service. The residential team has worked well with outgoing Senior Student Anna Trail and 2015 Senior Student Jack Young. The TCAC for 2015 has already shown keenness and creativity. One particular initiative was the setting up of a student-led Wellbeing Committee, under the Chaplain’s portfolio, and with TCAC representation. The Trinity community continued to embrace Edith Head Hall, with students coming up to dinner and the Fireside Chats on main campus occasionally. The Hall has undergone some staffing changes, with the appointment of two new administrators and two new resident tutors for 2015. 9 TRINITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION STUDIES 10 TRINITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION STUDIES (TCFS) IS A HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER PATHWAY PROGRAM THAT IN 2014 PREPARED OVER 1,200 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS FOR UNDERGRADUATE ENTRY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE, AS WELL AS OTHER LEADING AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES. The TCFS program continues to produce high-level outcomes for its international students. The overall results for the 2014 academic year were slightly below the 2013 results, but in line with the 10-year average results for the program. In 2014, TCFS trialled the Flipped Classroom, in which students watch a short instructional video before class, followed by an in-depth discussion in the classroom. Academic staff also trialled the recording of lectures for on-demand viewing. Commencement numbers grew from 998 to 1,210 students, an overall increase of 21.4%. The most rapid ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS Number of final examinees (includes 2013 starters) increase occurred in the August Comprehensive Extended intake, with a large number of Chinese students enrolling for the 18-month program. In order to accommodate the rapid growth, Trinity College established new classroom and staff facilities on three floors of 200 Victoria Street, Carlton – a 6-star green building. Trinity College has also commenced work on the Gateway building, which will provide four storeys of classrooms, lecture theatres, music practice rooms and drama rooms, to be used during the day by TCFS students and in the evening by residential College students. This will allow further growth, but a limit to growth will be put in place in 2016. The Pathways School, formed in 2013 – consisting of TCFS, the Young Leaders Program, Jazz Program and other short programs and conferences – is now a cohesive unit within Trinity College. Marketing staff from TCFS and the University of Melbourne meet regularly to discuss strategies and collaborate on joint areas of interest. This provides better outcomes for students and agents, and saves on marketing expenditure for both parties. Students continue to take up travel and community development opportunities provided by Trinity College. During the year students travelled to Central Australia with staff. JULY FAST TRACK 2013 –2014 AUGUST OCTOBER MAIN FAST TRACK 2013–2014 2013–2014 FEBRUARY MAIN 2014 72 242 51 595 Students qualifying from the program 71 (98.61%) 239 (98.76%) 51 (100%) 579 (97.31%) Students with an average of 95% or above for their top four subjects 11 (15.27%) 8 (3.3%) 4 (7.84%) 35 (5.88%) Students with an average of 90% or above for their top four subjects 39 (54.16%) 59 (24.38%) 25 (49.01%) 156 (26.21%) TCFS graduates meeting guaranteed entry scores for New Generation degrees at the University of Melbourne (i.e. Best Four Average of 80% or above) 68 (94.44%) 192 (79.33%) 47 (92.15%) 452 (75.96%) 11 TRINITY COLLEGE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL THE YEAR 2014 HAS BEEN AN EXTRAORDINARY ONE FOR THE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. For more than 40 years, we have been teaching Theology as part of an ecumenical consortium. At the end of 2014, however, the United Faculty of Theology was wound up. In preparation for this, the Theological School gained independent status as a College of the University of Divinity. This came into effect on 1 January 2015. This move took several months of negotiation and hard work involving the submission of new strategic and financial plans, the appointment of an almost entirely new faculty, the accreditation of staff to teach new courses, and approval of a new curriculum of more than 90 individual units. Success was achieved due in large part to the support of the Board of Trinity College and the leadership of Bishop John Parkes. In August, Archbishop Jeffrey Driver gave the 44th Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture at Trinity College on ‘The Gift and Grief of Anglicanism’. The annual Theological School Retreat was held at Pallotti College. The retreat conductor was the Dean, the Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee, who led meditations on the spirituality of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel. 12 During the year, the Revd Professor Andrew McGowan left the College to take an appointment at Yale, and at the end of the year Dr David Gormley-O’Brien and the Revd Canon Dr Ray Cleary finished their contracts. Earlier in the year, the School Administrator, Ms Lek Koswig also departed Trinity. As the new Registrar, Dr Peter Campbell began at the School in August. The new Faculty for 2015 consists of the Dean, the Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee; the Revd Dr Stephen Burns, who will be Distinguished Lecturer in Liturgical and Pastoral Theology, as well as Associate Dean and Formation Co-ordinator; the Revd Dr Don Saines, Senior Lecturer in Systematic Theology and Coursework Co-ordinator; the Revd Professor Mark Lindsay, Professor of Historical Theology and Research Co-ordinator; the Revd Cecilia Francis, Lecturer in Practical Theology and Field Education Co-ordinator; and the Revd Jasmine Dow, Lecturer in Practical Theology and Certificate Co-ordinator. In February, the School ran the inaugural Anglican Summer School, with guest speaker Professor Stanley Hauerwas from Duke Divinity School. In November and December, eight students were ordained as priest in Melbourne and two in Ballarat. Mr Michael Danaher proved to be a useful and inspiring Senior Student of the School. Finance continues to be a challenge for the Theological School, but two new benefactions created the Susan Sandford Fund and the Rosemary Young Fund for Theological students. Such gifts make all the difference to the life and work of the Trinity College Theological School. TRINITY INSTITUTE THE TRINITY INSTITUTE INCLUDES THE YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAM (YLP), CONFERENCES AND EVENTS, AND VARIOUS TAILORED PROGRAMS OFFERED WITH STRATEGIC PARTNERS. In 2014 the Trinity Institute welcomed two new staff members to the team: Lisa MacKinven, Leadership Programs Officer, and Marc Horner, Conference and Accommodation Coordinator. Overall, 2014 was the most successful year to date for all areas of the Institute. The Institute coordinated tailored programs with various strategic partners, for organisations both locally and internationally, including: • Global Leaders in Science, January. This program was developed for 86 Brazilian undergraduate students who were on exchange studying at the University of Melbourne. The three-week program developed the leadership potential in these young scientists, teaching them how to effectively communicate, pitch ideas and manage their personal brand in an increasingly competitive world. • Yalari Year 10 Orientation Program, February. There were 37 recipients of Yalari scholarships, which offer Indigenous students from regional, rural and remote communities throughout Australia a chance to experience a first-class secondary education, a value that Trinity also shares – providing access to education to students regardless of their financial means. • New York Jazz Symposium, July. Forty outstanding high school students successfully auditioned for the Symposium, participating in workshops and performances lead by world-class jazz musicians, educators and mentors. • Residential Indigenous Science Experience (RISE), November. Fiffy-one Year 9 and 10 students participated in a science exposure program in partnership with the Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne. • Strengthening Engagement and Achievement in Mathematics and Science (SEAMS) Junior, December. Twenty-four Indigenous students participated in mathematics and science in a culturally supportive environment that encourages students to pursue science and mathematics to senior secondary and tertiary level. These programs were in addition to the regular Young Leaders Program, which broke record numbers in July with 110 students participating in Week 1, comprising Arts, Commerce and the Jazz Symposium. In Week 2, 117 students participated in Biomedicine, English, Fine Arts and Social Justice. In December there were 85 students in four 2-week streams: Arts, Biomedicine, Commerce and Science/ Engineering. As the July 2009 program had only 12 students, and each was international, this is a significant expansion. Conferencing and Events continued to strengthen partnerships with the University of Melbourne, alumni and external clientele. The year also saw discussions with the University of Delaware and the subsequent confirmation of bookings for 2016 and 2017. The Conference team continues to fine-tune operational aspects of the business with reductions in costs being achieved, whilst increasing the quality of products and service being delivered. The Appendix includes a full list of Trinity Institute Program students for 2014. 13 ADVANCEMENT IN 2014, WE WERE ONCE AGAIN HUMBLED BY THE GENEROSITY AND SUPPORT OF THE TRINITY COLLEGE COMMUNITY. This support is greatly appreciated and is allowing the College to continue to provide an educational experience that can be compared with the best in the world. We have more scholarships than ever before. We are continually upgrading and maintaining our beautiful historic buildings, and are well on our way to funding the new academic and cultural precinct. The internationally recognised Trinity Choir continues to receive support, and our General Endowment continues to grow. We are leading the way with our commitment to Indigenous education, and are attracting outstanding visiting scholars. In 2014 we had over 600 donors making combined contributions of just under $2.5 million in cash, with a further $475,000 pledged for future years. Fundraising figures alone don’t reveal the investment in future potential giving. The fundraising efforts were supported by fantastic efforts in donor and alumni engagement. In 2014, the Advancement team had over 300 face-to-face meetings with approximately 400 alumni and friends of the College, where the activities and projects we are involved with at Trinity were shared, and their support was asked for. (In 2013, we tallied 260 face-to-face meetings.) Furthermore, there were 41 events, in four different states, which were attended by over 1,900 people. Over 250 people again attended the Drinks Under the Oak, where John (Jack) Best AO was announced as the inaugural winner of the Bill Cowan Alumnus of the Year Award. Over 12 months our College LinkedIn membership grew by 50% from 1,000 to 1,500, providing us with a long-term avenue for staying in touch with alumni. This year we also changed the system by which we send our E-News bulletins, giving us an opportunity to measure reader engagement. In 2014 we had an open rate of 48% (the percentage of people who open their E-News email). 14 We do not have 2013 figures to compare this with, but the average in the education sector sits around 24% (the Economics and Commerce Faculty at the University of Melbourne has an open rate of 20%). This suggests that our readers – largely residential College alumni – remain highly engaged with the College over time. Late last year we also started measuring the average monthly visitors to our website. In 2013 it was 24,500; for 2014 we averaged 32,400 per month. In May, the Gateway building was featured in various University of Melbourne publications, including the ‘Voice’ magazine in The Age, the University’s Alumni news, and the campaign publication ‘Believe’. Two highlights stand out during the year. The speeches made by the scholarship recipients at the Founders & Benefactors Dinner were so honest and heartfelt that they actually bought a tear to the eye. And then a much smaller event we held for the donors to the Gibson Scholarship, where we heard from Hussain Alamein about his incredible journey having to flee Iraq, spending 18 months in detention on Nauru. He arrived in Shepparton, not being able to speak English. After struggling at first, he flourished at school and became school captain. Thanks solely to receiving a scholarship, he was able to accept a place studying Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne. Hearing his story was incredibly moving. Certainly, the Foundation’s achievements in 2014 represent a truly wonderful group effort from the entire College community. Sincere thanks to the members of the Advancement team and the members of the Executive Committee of the Foundation (ECOF) for their support and guidance during the year in the role. In particular, thanks to Mia Yourn, who has moved over to work with Foundation Studies; and Robin Campbell, who is leaving ECOF after many years of dedicated service. Thank you also to the former Warden, the Very Revd Professor Andrew McGowan; Campbell Bairstow in his roles as Acting Warden and Provost; the Senior Management Team; and Charles Sitch, the Chairman of the Foundation. The team is very excited about 2015 and about helping to set the College up for another 142 years. OTHER COLLEGE-WIDE DEPARTMENTS ART AND ARCHIVES 2014 WAS A PARTICULARLY ACTIVE YEAR FOR THE COLLEGE’S CULTURAL COLLECTIONS ACROSS BOTH THE VISUAL ART AND ARCHIVAL HOLDINGS. The latest portrait commission of the Very Revd Father Miltiades Chryssavgis (TC 1952) by multiple Archibald Prize finalist Marcus Callum was unveiled in Sydney. It was subsequently unveiled at the Founders & Benefactors Dinner. Two further commissioned portraits are well advanced, again by Archibald finalists. The student ER White Society made a particularly fine acquisition with a triptych painting by renowned artist Jon Cattapan. Cattapan was appointed an official war artist in 2008, and the purchased works reflect his experiences at that time. In late 2013, an archival consultant was engaged to review the College’s archives. The report and recommendations have provided a template for the introduction of the Series System, a model developed by the National Archives of Australia in the 1960s. New collection management software has been adopted, amalgamating the art and archival collections into a single database. This will allow for a greater level of data capture for better long-term management, and not only brings the College in line with software already widely in use across many of the cultural collections of the University of Melbourne, but also larger collecting institutions such as Museum Victoria and, internationally, the Smithsonian in the USA. The generosity of our community has, as in past years, enriched our cultural holdings through gifts of artworks, historical items of College ephemera, and their recollections and memories as students and staff of a rich cultural heritage. CHAPLAINCY IN 2014, THE TEAM INCLUDED THE REVD LYNDA MCMINN AS COLLEGE CHAPLAIN, WITH A RESPONSIBILITY TO THE RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE; THE REVD CHRISTOPHER CAROLANE, COLLEGE CHAPLAIN WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR FOUNDATION STUDIES; AND BISHOP IAN GEORGE AS ASSOCIATE CHAPLAIN. Generous giving at the College’s regular Evensong services enabled funds to be raised to support a wide range of student outreach projects. The Chapel was enhanced by some generous donations, including a beautifully crafted wedding kneeler, made and donated by former Dean of International Programs Barbara Cargill; a chasuble and stole set, designed and made by Heather Seymour and Dr Margaret Lush; and four chasubles and stoles designed and made by former Trinitarian the Revd Canon Jan Joustra. The new Wellbeing program, designed to encourage emotional resilience in students as they face life’s adversities, was well received. With growth in Foundation Studies, the Revd Christopher Carolane spent more of his time directly assisting Foundation Studies students and staff. In January Christopher conducted a second Trinity College and Friends Cambodian Service Project; and in September he facilitated and led a Central Australian adventure trip. In December, the Chaplains, Music and Advancement staff again produced two well-attended and beautifully sung Services of Lessons and Carols at Trinity, and a third service at St Paul’s Cathedral, where funds were raised for the Brotherhood of St Laurence, Anglicare Victoria and the Christmas Bowl. 15 INDIGENOUS EDUCATION THERE WERE 25 INDIGENOUS STUDENTS IN RESIDENCE, AND INDIGENOUS SCHOOL-AGED STUDENTS SPENT TIME LIVING ON CAMPUS FOR TRINITY YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAMS. Important partnerships were maintained with Yalari, The Smith Family, Career Trackers (via Trinity’s Careers Office) and the Aurora Foundation, with a new partnership with GradAustralia being developed for 2015 to fund a half-scholarship. The College continued to assist with the University’s access degree program, with the new Bachelor of Science Extended (a four-year course for Science students) offered from February 2015. The Nakata Brophy Short Prose Prize for Young Indigenous Writers was again offered in 2014, and attracted a healthy number of entrants, with the prizes to be awarded in May 2015. The 2013 winner, Jessica Hart, whose poem ‘Land Mountain’ still adorns the glass wall in our café, spent a period in residence in December and gifted the College a collection of poems from that stay. The annual student trip to North East Arnhem Land took place in July, with 15 students and a staff member spending 10 days with the Lirrwi Yolngu Tourism Aboriginal Corporation. SUSTAINABILITY IN 2014 THE SUSTAINABILITY INTERNS, MS GEORGIE DAVIE, MS DZIFA AMENUVEGBE AND MR JOE CAVANAGH, ASSISTED IN DELIVERING ON THE COLLEGE SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY. They helped with a range of initiatives including distributing keep-cups and water bottles to students, and recycling bins for student rooms; increasing awareness of the College strategy across the student community; assisting the coordination of community events such as ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ and the Community Planting Day in Royal Park; arranging guest expert speakers for Fireside Chats; and in working with other colleges around the crescent. The College placed an order for a Gaia waste recycling system, which was installed over the 2014 summer break. The Gaia system processes kitchen and organic waste, resulting in a dry biomass rich in concentrated nutrients that is only 10–15% of the original volume and can be used in the College gardens. Based on the main campus’s current food waste, we estimate the new machine will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 76.58 tonnes per annum. A project was also initiated to redesign the waste stations in the various Pathways School properties to help create better awareness and effective waste management and recycling. These stations will be rolled out in 2015. 16 Following on from the work done in 2013, a review of performance against each of the Sustainability targets was initiated in late 2014 to feed into a project to review and renew how the College is performing, and to ensure it is on track to meet its 2022 Sustainability goals. MUSIC TRINITY COLLEGE IS RENOWNED FOR ITS MUSIC MAKING, AND THIS ACHIEVEMENT AND AMBITION WAS AS OBVIOUS IN 2014 AS IN PREVIOUS YEARS. The year began with the appointment of Jonathan Grieves-Smith as Elisabeth Murdoch Fellow in Choral Music. At the heart of the Choir’s work is the singing of Choral Evensong on Sunday evenings in semester. On Palm Sunday Eve, the College presented an outstanding performance of Bach’s St John Passion in a packed St Paul’s Cathedral, and broadcast on ABC Classic FM. With Jonathan confirmed as Director of Music, the Choir toured to Brisbane and Hobart in October. The Choir also sang at the State Memorial Service for Flight MH17. The Carol Services in December were accompanied by College organist Hugh Fullarton. The Candystripes had a wonderful 2014 with five new members and lots of fresh ideas. At the Victorian A Cappella state finals, Jordy McMillan gained the title of Best Soloist for her stirring vocals. The end of the year saw collaborations with the Trinity Tiger Tones, and our annual showcase in the Chapel, with proceeds donated to Heart Kids Australia. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES IN 2014, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (ITS) IMPLEMENTED YEAR ONE OF A FIVE-YEAR STRATEGY. This involved the completion of a new conduit and fibre optic network installation, the launch of new cloud IT software for the Careers Office, improved AV services for residential tutors, a lecture capture system trial and installation into Trinity’s four lecture theatres, as well as the launch of unlimited internet communications for Parkville campus residential students. ITS also fitted out IT and AV services in the new teaching building at 200 Victoria Street, Carlton. Another 2014 project saw the development of eduroam wireless communications, which allows Trinity students to use the wireless network at the University of Melbourne and other universities. In 2014 the eLearning Incubator was created to research, test and evaluate the latest apps and technology available for teachers and students in the classroom. LIBRARY THE CONTINUING IMPORTANCE OF THE LEEPER LIBRARY TO THE COLLEGE’S EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS WAS HIGHLIGHTED IN 2014 BY THE HIGH LEVEL OF STUDENT USE FROM BOTH THE RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE AND THE FOUNDATION STUDIES PROGRAM AS A PLACE FOR STUDY AND RESEARCH, AND BY THE SIGNIFICANT BORROWING STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR. The collection continues to grow with an increasing focus on electronic resources. The library targets acquisitions in support of teaching and learning at the University and in the Pathways programs, and for broadening exposure to quality literature. Over 170 books were given as gifts, including a significant bequest from Frank Henagan of his extensive sports collection. The collections have been showcased throughout the year in a series of displays. Other highlights of the year include the completion of the Radio-frequency identification (RFID) project and the installation of a state-of-the-art self-check unit, initiation of conservation work with our valuable rare book collection (pre-1801), extensive information literacy training with the Foundation Studies programs, new signage and the hosting of a student library intern from Austria. 17 18 APPENDIX STAFF LIST WARDEN’S OFFICE The Revd Professor Andrew McGowan BA(Hons) WAust, BD(Hons) MelbCollDiv, MA, PhD NotreDame Warden and President (to July) Principal Research Fellow, School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne Mr Campbell Bairstow BA WAust, BEd Murdoch Acting Warden (from July) and Provost (from August) Dr Brenda Holt BA Baylor, DipEd Monash, MA Fuller, PhD Melb Chief of Staff (to October) Honorary Fellow, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Dr Peter Campbell, JP BEc, BA, MMus ANU, GradDipLib&InfoMgt Canberra, PhD Melb, AALIA Executive Officer (to July) Honorary Fellow, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne Ms Arla Marshall DipBus Spectra Executive Assistant to the Warden (from July) Mr Gary Norman BBus RMIT, GradCertBus(Mktg) PhillipIT, CPA Director, Major Projects and planitgreen (from October) RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE Mr Campbell Bairstow BA WAust, BEd Murdoch Dean of the College and Deputy to the Warden (to July) Dr Sally Dalton-Brown BA(Hons) Wits, BA(Hons) UNISA, MA Wits, PhD Cantab, PhD UCLan Head of Academic Programs (to July) Acting Dean (to October) Dean (from October) Dr Katherine Firth MA Cantab, MA, PhD OxBrookes Head of Academic Programs (from July) Ms Stephanie Joshua Anandappa BA, MMktg, Monash Academic Programs Officer Mr Jeff Richardson BA, DipEd Melb, GradDipLang Deakin, MEd Monash Head of Student Services (to September) Ms Toni Roberts BA, BTeach Melb, PGradDip(Psych), Monash Registrar Ms Andrea Ball BNurs LaTrobe Nurse (to July) Ms Emily Dawson BNurs, BAppSc(Psych) Deakin, MPH Melb Nurse (from September) RESIDENT TUTORS Ms Holly Cao BA Harvard (Tennis) Mr Angus Cameron BA(Hons) Melb (Media) Mr Jackson Clarke BSc, BMath UNewcastle, MS Melb (Mathematics/Physics) Ms Kate Crowhurst BA WAust, MEd Melb (History/ Political Science) Dr Erika Duan BBiomed, BSc(Hons) PhD Melb (Biomedicine/Immunology) Dr Ben Gauntlett BCom, BLaws, Western Australia, DPhil Oxford (Law) Associate Professor Matthew Harding BA(Hons), LLB(Hons), Melb, BCL(Dist), DPhil Oxon (Law) Mr Josh McLeod BEng(Hons), BSci Swinburne (Computer Science) Dr Justin McNamara BSc, DPsych Deakin (Psychology) Mr Andrew Hebbard BBiomed Melb (Biomedicine) Mr Sean Hewteson BSc Melb (Physiology) Mr Rukman Vijakumar BBiomed Melb (Biomedicine) Mr Ryan Hoult BEng(Hons), MEngStruct Melb (Mathematics) Ms Sarah Ward BSc Auckland, BPhty Otago PGDipSci Auckland (Physiotherapy) Ms Sue Jobst DipVisArts Boxhill, BA, DipEd LaTrobe GradDipEd ACU (EAP) NON-RESIDENT TUTORS Ms Joy Liu BBiomed Melb (Immunology) Ms Najwa Belkziz BA Al Akhawayn, GradStud , MA Columbia (Islam) Mr Marc Bonaventura BA Melb (Classics) Ms Lily Brown BA Western Australia Hons Melb MPhil Melb (BAX Study) Mr Derek Chan BSc Alberta, MBA McMaster, CHE Canadian College (Marketing) Ms Sarah Ch’ng BBiomed Melb (Neuroscience) Ms Imogen Dewey BA, DipLang Melb (Gender Studies) Ms Emily Direen BFA, BA(Hons) Tasmania, MA Melb (Literature) Ms Chantal Donovan BSc(Hons) Melb (Pharmacology) Ms Nicole Feast BSc Melb (Neuroscience) Mr Michael Francis BA(Hons), MA Melb (History) Ms Astrid Fulton BSc Melb (Engineering) Mr Hamish Galloway-Brown BSc, MSc Melb (Physics) Ms Natasha Giles BEnvDes Western Australia (Architecture) Dr Clare Harding BA(Hons) Otago, MSt(Dist), DPhil Oxon Dr Sanzhuan Sandra Guo LLM Northwestern, PhD Peking, JD Melb (Business Law) Dr Emma Henderson BA, LLB(Hons) Canter, LLM BritCol, PhD Melb (Law) Ms Charlotte Guy BEnv Melb (Environments) Mr Matthew Harper-Schmid BA, BCom Melb (Accounting) Ms Yingjia Luo BCom(Hons) Melb (Macro Environment) Mr Sandeep Kirpalani BCom SymbiosisColl (Accounting) Mr Daniel Ko BBiomed Melb (Biomedicine) Mr Varun Kommidi BBiomed Monash (Biomedicine) Professor Joe Klewicki BSc Michigan, MSc GeorgiaIT, PhD Michigan (Fluid Dynamics) Mr Stephen Lonsdale BSc, DipMathSc, MSc Melb (Mathematics) Mr Bevan Main BSc(Hons) Melb (Pharmacology) Ms Sarah Mann BSc Melb (Chemistry) Dr Reza Madad BSc Amirkabir, MSc Sharif, PhD Melb (Mechnical engineering) Mr Lachlan McCall BA, MIR Melb (Politics) Ms Clare McIIwraith BSc, PGDipBioScEnt Auckland (LSAT Prep) Ms Sophia McQuillan BA(Hons) Melb (History) Mr Patrick Miller BMus, MMus Melb (Orchestra) Mr Caleb Morrill-Winter BSc, MSc NewHamp (Fluid Mechanics) Mr Benjamin Murphy BA Melb (Politics) Ms Simone Nathan BA Melb (Cinema / Media) 19 Ms Iona Norton BSc Melb (Engineering) Ms Amelia Watson BA Melb (Psychology) Ms Chantelle Robbins (Sociology) Ms Clare O’Donoghue BA(Hons) Melb (Art History) Mr Freddy Woodhouse BA, MPhil Auckland (Philosophy) Mr Zhi Xian On (Research Methods & Indonesian) Mr Harrison Wraight BArchSt Melb (Design) Ms Kelly Shang (Chinese Translation) Mr Diego Mendez Osorio Cert IV, BA (Criminology/Spanish) Mr Mark Wood BA(Hons) Melb (Culture & Identity) Ms Chiemi Parker BA Melb (Japanese) Dr Hee-Jeong Silvia Yang DipTheol MelbCollDiv, PhD Hanbuk (Spanish) Mr Christopher Roache BMus(Hons) Melb, GradDipEd ACU (Singing) Ms Sara Dee Rusdiah (Indonesian) Ms Alex Theile (Politics and Media) Dr Peter Campbell, JP BEc, BA, MMus ANU, GradDipLib&InfoMgt Canberra, PhD Melb, AALIA Registrar (from July) Honorary Research Fellow, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne Mr Douglas Tjandra (Biomedicine) MISSION PARTNERS Ms Anna Sloan (History) Mr Tom Szoka (Business Finance) Ms Vicky Tan (Chinese) Ms Caijie Yang BCom(Hons) (Economics) Ms Laura Toscano (Italian) Ms Kelly Roberts BA Melb (Law) Mr Arvind Yeramilli BA Melb (Biochemistry) Mr Ruaridh Williamson (Calculus) Ms Kelly Shang BA, LLB China, JD Hong Kong (Chinese) STUDENT TUTORS Ms Olivia Baenziger (Art) Mr Tristan Shepherd BSc(Hons), MSc Canter (Climate Science) Mr Harry Breidahl (Mathematics) Ms Yang Song BCom Melb (Economics) Mr Ben Clark (Finance/Economics) Dr Janusz Sysak BA, MLitt, DipEd, PhD (Scientific Thinking) Mr Tom Crowhurst (Mathematics) Dr Howard Tang MBBS, BMedSc Melb (Human pathology) Mr Sze-Beng Tang LLB(Hons), BCom Melb (Media/Law) Ms Natalie Tavassoli BA Melb (Criminology) Ms Tina Thorburn BBiomed Melb (Photography) Ms Alena Broesder (Econometrics) Mr Cameron Englman (History) Ms Lucie Gavanon (Philosophy / Spanish) Mr Matt Geleta (Chemistry) Ms Susie Gomm (Management) Ms Miranda Gronow (Classics) Mr Philip Hall (Engineering / Mathematics) Ms Laura Hanson (Genes and Genomes) Mr Sam Hartley (Piano) Mr Douglas Tjandra BBiomed Melb (Biomedicine) Mr Morgan Hepburn-Brown (Cardiovascular systems) Ms Megan Tucker BSc Melb (Ecology / Biology) Ms Kate Hewitt (Piano) Ms Hurmat Ul Ain BEng NEDUET, MSc KTH, MSc FAU (Engineering) Ms Jeanine Hourani (Arabic) Mr David Wakeham BA(Hons) Monash, BSc Melb (Mathematics) Mr Hamish Williamson BA Melb (History) Ms Sissi (Xi) Wang BCom Melb (Accounting/Chinese) Ms Alice Warren BA(Hons) Canterbury (Linguistics) 20 Mr Miles Horton (Guitar) Mr Avnish Jain (Software Design) Ms Felicitas Krettek (German) Mr Marcus Lim (Guitar) Ms Hannah McCreath (Sociology) Mr James McMahon (Algorithms) Mr Simon Matthews (Quantitative Methods/Economics) Mr Liam Nuttal (Environments) Mr Luke Patterson (Aboriginalities) Ms Claire Peterson (French) Ms Lek Koswig Administrator (to July) Mr Bohao Yao (Mathematics) THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee BA(Hons), DipEd Newc, BD(Hons), PhD Syd Dean of the Theological School Frank Woods Professor of New Testament The Revd Canon Dr Ray Cleary, AM BEcon, DipEd Monash, BSocWk Melb, BTheol, MMin, DMinStuds MelbCollDiv Sambell Lecturer in Pastoral and Public Theology Director of Ministry Formation Dr David Gormley O’Brien BSc, BComEng LaTrobe, MA, MATS GordonConwellTS, MPhil, DPhil Oxon McMullin Lecturer and Coordinator of Theology Online (to November) The Revd Cecilia Francis LicACST LincolnIHS, BTheol MelbCollDiv Coordinator, Supervised Theological Field Education Program and Certificate in Theology and Ministry The Revd Professor Andrew McGowan BA(Hons) WAust, BD(Hons) MelbCollDiv, MA, PhD NotreDame Joan F W Munro Professor of Historical Theology (to July) The Revd Jasmine Dow DipAngOrds StMarkCanb, BTh, MTh CSU Morna Sturrock Doctoral Fellow The Revd Dr Craig D’Alton BA, PhD Melb, BTheol, MA MelbCollDiv St Mary’s Lecturer in Anglican Studies The Venerable Dr Bradley Billings BTh Tabor, BMin Ridley, MA Melb, ThD AustCollTheol St John’s Toorak Lecturer in New Testament and Early Christianity The Revd Dr Hugh Kempster BEng UWIST Wales, GradDipEd Deakin, BTheol, Mtheol MCDU, PhD NZ St Peter’s Eastern Hill Lecturer in Spirituality The Revd Dr Richard Treloar BTheol, MTheol MCDU, PhD Monash Christ Church South Yarra Lecturer in Ministry Studies ADJUNCT FACULTY The Revd Canon Dr Stephen Ames BSc, PhD Melb, BD, BA, PhD EpiscDivSch, PhD Melb The Revd Professor Gary D Bouma BA Calvin, MDiv PrincetonThSem, MA, PhD Cornell The Revd Dr Lynne Broughton BA, PhD Melb The Revd Dr John Capper BEng UNSW, BTheol, DipMin Ridley, DipSocSc UNE, PhD Cantab The Revd Dr David Cole DMin SanFran, PhD Newc The Venerable Dr John Davis BA Adel, DipEd, MA McMaster, BD, DTheol MelbCollDiv Dr Irene Donohoue-Clyne BA, MEd Adelaide, DipTeach WPTC, MTheol MelbCollDiv Dr Anne Elvey BSc(hons), PhD Monash, GradDipEd MercyColl, BTheol, TheolM MelbCollDiv Dr Katherine Firth MA Cantab, MA, PhD OxBrookes The Revd Dr Graeme Garrett BSc Melb, BD(Hons) MelbCollDiv, ThD GradTheolUnion Dr Felicity Harley-McGowan BA, PhD Adelaide The Very Revd Dr Andreas Loewe BA(Hons), MPhil, MA Oxon, PhD Camb The Very Revd Professor Andrew McGowan BA(Hons) WAust, BD(Hons) MelbCollDiv, MA, PhD NotreDame (from July) The Revd Dr Ron Noone BA Melb, PhD NYU, BTheol MelbCollDiv The Revd Canon Dr Colleen O’Reilly GradDipEdAdmin Melb, ThA AustCollTheol, BTheol SydCollDiv, MTheol USyd, DMinStud SanFranThSem The Rt Revd John Parkes, AM, KStJ LLB(Hons) Sheff, BTh(Hons) AustCollTheol, MTh MelbCollDiv The Revd Dr Brian Porter MA Cantab, MLitt UNE, BA Monash, ThD AustCollTheol Dr Muriel Porter, OAM BA UNE, BLitt ANU, DPhil Melb, MA ACU The Rt Revd Graeme Rutherford LicTheol, DipRE, SchTheo Ridley, BA, MA Durham The Revd Dr Don Saines BAgEc UNE, GCHEd Griffith, BTheol(Hons), DipMin AustCollTheol, PhD Birmingham The Revd Canon Dr Charles Sherlock BA(Hons) Syd, ThL AustCollTheol, MA ANU, BD Lond, ThD AustCollTheol Dr Megan Warner BJuris, LLB UWA, LLM Bristol, DTheol MCDU INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Dr Barbara Cargill BA, MEd Melb, DBA Swinburne, MAHRI Dean of International Programs (to February) Ms Denise Bush BA, Dip Ed USYD, Grad Dip Cultural Studies Goulburn CAE, MEd (TESL) UC Dean of International Programs (from February) Mr Glen Jennings BA(Hons), MA LaTrobe Associate Dean (Academic Operations) Dr Bernard Leigh BSc(Hons), GradDipEd, PhD Monash, MEd Melb Manager, Timetabling and Examinations Dr Mardie O’Sullivan PhD Uni Syd, BA(Hons) UWA, B App Sci (SpPath) Lincoln Institute of Health Science Director of Foundation Studies Student Support Services (from March) FOUNDATION STUDIES ADMINISTRATION Dr Tan Hooi Cheng BSc(Hons), PhD Monash Associate Director, Academic Administration Ms Alexandra Dahlsen Manager, Student Administration Ms Sonam Agarwal BCom, BMBus(Bank&Fin) Monash Finance Officer Ms Jennifer Lans BA Adelaide, CertIVTAA Swinburne Administration and Compliance Officer (from February) Finance and Compliance Manager (from September) Mr Zhenyu Li BSc Melb Administration Assistant Ms Annie Rapoport BA(Hons), PostGradCertEd Bristol Academic Administration Coordinator (from April) ACCOMMODATION Ms Jennifer Walsh Housing and Accommodation Manager (from December) Ms Linda Olivieri Housing and Accommodation Coordinator EDITH HEAD HALL Ms Tess Morriss Deputy Head of Residence (to November) Ms Christy Capper BA Macq, GradDipArts, MAVocPrac Tabor Deputy Head of Residence Ms Caitlin Jennings Residential Assistant (to December) Ms Sarah Bunting BA ANU Junior Resident Tutor (to December) MARKETING AND ADMISSIONS Ms Cara Burgio BCA, MA La Trobe Drama and Administration Assistant (from February) Ms Alison Menzies BA, BSW, GradDip(Mgt) Melb Associate Dean (Marketing and Admissions) (to October) Ms Victoria Gregory BA, BCom Monash Administration and Budget Officer (to January) Mr Ben Waymire BA LaTrobe Senior Marketing & Admissions Manager Mrs Mina Corbino BA, BBus VUT Examinations Coordinator Ms Lesley Allen DipKTC Melb Admissions Manager Ms Kiki Citra Horas BA(Media&Comms), DipModLang(Jap) Melb Administrative Assistant (to April) Ms Vivian Chan BCom, GradDipIS Melb Marketing & Admissions Manager Ms Cindy Chandra BA(Media&Comms), DipModLang(Indon) Melb, MComm RMIT Marketing & Admissions Manager Mr James Kerley BA(Hons), GradDipEd LaTrobe Marketing & Admissions Manager Ms Jaime Winchester BA, GradDipComms VicU Admissions Officer (to February) Ms Kirsten Fawcett-Le Rossignol BA VUT Marketing & Admissions Officer Ms Claire Jung Admissions Officer (from February) REGISTRATIONS Ms Christine Findlay BA Monash Registrar, Pathways School Ms Ting Dong BBus(HospMgt) VicU Registrations Officer STUDENT COUNSELLING Ms Anita Krautschneider BA Deakin, GradDipAppPsych VUT, MEd(Psych) Melb, MAPS, MCCLP, MCCOUNP Counsellor Mr Noam Perl-Gurovich BA(Dist) HUJI, BSW(Dist), GCertFamSensPract&FamThpy LaTrobe, MAASW Counsellor Mr Camilo Martinez-Izquierdo BPsych Javeriana, MCouns&Psych Cairnmillar Counsellor (from August) STUDENT SERVICES Ms Su Li Yeoh BSc Melb Acting Manager Student Services Mr Janaka Wijesekera BEng(Hons) RMIT Student Experience Coordinator Mr Joko Horas BEng (Hons) Melb Activities & Administration Officer 21 STUDENT WELFARE Ms Say Chin Lim BA Deakin, DipAdvert LimkokwingICT Manager Student Welfare Ms Piumali Jayasuriya BIT CSU Student Support Services Officer Ms Ann Wang BA(IntStud) RMIT Student Welfare Administration Officer Ms Mia Yourn DipGovt NMIT, DipMin VicUni Student Support Administrator (from December) TEACHING STAFF ACCOUNTING Ms Mary Zafirakis BEc, PostGradDip(Acc) Monash Subject Leader Mr Felipe Casasayas BEd Melb, GradDipCompSc, GradDipAdvCompSc, GradDipAcc LaTrobe Mr Tee Keat (Danny) Tan BCom, LLB Melb, GradDipLegPrac LeoCussen Ms Sharyn Yeats BBus(Acc), GradDipEd(Sec) QUT, CELTA Cambr (from April) BA EXTENDED Mr David Collis BSc(Hons), BA(Hons) Monash, GradDipTheol, MA(BibStud) MelbCollDiv Program Leader BIOLOGY Dr Kerry Higgins BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Subject Leader Ms Madeline Papandreou BSc LaTrobe, DipEd(Sec) CSU Dr Shan Sun BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Dr Catherine Symington BAgrSc(Hons), PhD LaTrobe, MEd(EdMgt) Melb Ms Victoria Guggenheimer BSc RMIT Laboratory Assistant and demonstrator 22 Ms Catherine Elsworth BSc(Hons) Melb, GradDip(FinPlan) SecInst CHEMISTRY Dr Kerry Higgins BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Subject Leader Ms Catherine Elsworth BSc(Hons) Melb, GradDip(FinPlan) SecInst Dr Mei Fong BSc Deakin, PhD Melb, GradDipEd ACU Mr Steven Ng BE, BSc Melb, MBITRMIT Dr Abilio (Bill) Ten BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Dr Lucia Jurdana BSc RMIT, PhD Melb Laboratory Technician & Demonstrator Dr Shan Sun BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Dr Barbara Li BSc(Hons) PhD Melb DRAMA Mr Danny Fahey BEd VicColl Subject Leader Dr Rosemary Blight BA, DipEd, MEd, PhD Melb Mr Stephan Faubel BEd MelbStateCol, PostGradDip(Act) East15ActSch Mr Ernie Gray BEd Rusden, BA(DramArts) NIDA Ms Vanessa Lisina ABAI, BEd Victoria University (from June) Ms Gillian McInnes HDipTeachSec Deakin, BEd LaTrobe Dr Jack Migdalek BEd Deakin, DipTEFL/TESL ELC, MEd, PhD Deakin Dr Joo Yeoul Ryu BA(Hons) Theatre Arts ChungAng Univ, MFA (Dramatics), National School of Drama, PhD (Performance Studies) Nehru Univ (from August) Mr Roger Selleck GradDipHist LaTrobe, DipDramArt VCA Ms Jaqualine Vandersluys BA Deakin, PGradDipEd, MTeach Melb Dr Amanda Bayliss BA Syd, DipEd, GradDipHum UNE, MA Bond, PhD Melb Dr Ashley Wain DipDrama (Acting) VCA, BA(Hons) Theatre Studies Monash, PhD UWS (from August) Ms Susan Bendall BA(Hons), DipEd LaTrobe Ms Joanne Wilson BEd Rusden ECONOMICS Ms Vandana Wadhwa BA(Eco Hons), JMC(DU), MA(Eco) DSE, GradDipEd(Sec) Monash, MEd Melb Subject Leader Mr Gareth James BEc (Hons) Monash, MSc Sussex, GradDip TertEd, VU (from June) Dr Troy Lynch BEc Monash, MLitt UNE, GradDipAppFin&Invt FINSIA, PhD LaTrobe Ms Ecaterine (Ketty) Philips DipTESOL VUW, DipTeach ChristchCOE, BSc Canterbury (to July) Dr Nick Sharman BA, BCom (Hons), M.A Melb, M.Ed UTas and PhD Latrobe Dr Ying Zhou PhD, PGradDipEc Monash, BEc Henu, CertTT AUT (from August) ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Mrs Peetra Lechte BA Hull, CertTESL Exeter, MA(TESOL) Wollongong, Cert IV Train&Asses Syd Subject Leader (to August) Mr Rhys Tyers BA, MA LaTrobe, MEd Deakin Acting Subject Leader (from August) Ms Poi Chey Chan BA(Hons) Sussex, MA(TESOL) Nottingham Associate Subject Leader Mr Lawrence Bonato Bed ACU, BTchg, CELTA, Cert 1V Train&Ass RMIT (from August) Ms Sally Burchard BA, GradDipEd Adelaide, MA Oxf (from August) Ms Sara Cameron TTC, GradDipTESL Well, BEd LaTrobe, GradDipHRM Deakin (to July) Ms Simone Cohen BA Deakin, CELTA Holmesglen, Cert 1V Train&Assess (from August) Ms Mary Ferguson BA, PGradCertEd Portsmouth, MAEd UniSA, CELTA IHL Ms Helen Flint BSc Monash, CELTA Cantab, GradDipEd Deakin (from August) Ms Jane Garton BEd, GradDipTESL StateCollVic, MEdSt UniSA Dr Nazanin Ghodrati BLitt Shiraz, ME(TEFL) Tehran, PhD Melb (from August) Mr Chris Heath BA Bristol, TESOL TCL Mr Marco Hermann BA LaTrobe, DipEd Monash, BEd, GradDipTESL Deakin, MA(AppLing) Melb Ms Neralie Hoadley BA(Hons), GradDipEd, MA Melb Ms Susan Jobst BA, DipEd LaTrobe, GradDipEd(MulticultStud) ACU, DipVisArts BoxHillTAFE Dr Susan Karpasitis BA(Hons), MA, PhD Lincoln, (from August) Ms Kavita Kaur BA, MEd UniSA (from August) Ms Luisa Abelardo BA LaTrobe, DipEd, MA(TESOL) ACU Ms Esther Krause BA, Dip Ed Monash, GradDipEdTESOL Deakin Mr Marcus Anthony BA(Hons), DEd, DPhil Newcastle(NSW), CELTA CambridgeIOE (from August) Ms Pam Lawrence DipEd, PGradESL, MA(AppLing) Melb Ms Julie Levine BEd, MEd Melb, GradDipTESOL Monash, Cert IV Train&Ass GippsIAE Mr Trevor Williams BA Syd (from August) Mr Gary Lichtenstein BA, DipEd Monash Ms Jane Sykes BA, DipEd, GradDipEd(Pol&Admin), MEd Monash Subject Leader Ms Julie-Ann Mackell BA UWA, CELTA Cambr Mr Theseus McLean BA Flin, Cert IV TESOL AdelIT, GradCert TESOL Holmesglen (from August) Mr Andrew McIntyre BA(Hons) Monash, DipEd, BLit, GradDipTESOL Melb, DipMus Paris Ms Priti Mukherjee BA, DipEd(TESL), BEd(TESOL) LaTrobe Mr John Murphy BA Newcastle, TEFL, TESOL (from August) Dr Puvenesvary Muthiah BA Malaya, MA(AppLing) Leic, PhD Melb (from July) Ms Tran Nguyen BSc La Trobe, MEd Melb (from August) Ms Melanie Platt BA (Hons), MA (Hons) Exeter, PGDipEd Birm, CELTA LaTrobe Ms Ruth Pritchard BA Syd, BEd (TESOL), DipEd LaTrobe, MA(AppLing) Melb Ms Frederique Robert BA ECU, PGradDipEd UWA, MAEd Monash, Cert IV Train&Ass Swinburne (from August) Mr Lawrence Rowe BA Canterbury, CELTA, Cert IV Train&Ass (from August) Mr Edward Rush BA Edith Cowen, MEd, GradDipEd Murdoch (from July) ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT Ms Judith McPherson BA, DipEd, GradDipEval Melb Dr Catherine Symington BAgrSc(Hons), PhD LaTrobe, MEd(EdMgt) Melb Mr Simon Miller BSc (Hons) Open Uni, Milton Keynes, UK, MSc Lancaster Uni UK, MTeach Monash (from August) HISTORY OF IDEAS Dr Tamar Lewit BA(Hons) Melb, PhD Lond, FSA Subject Leader and Director of Special Academic Projects Mr Richard Finch BA(Hons), BCom Melb Associate Subject Leader Dr Janusz Sysak BA, DipEd Qld, MLitt ParisIII, PhD Melb Associate Subject Leader Dr Frazer Andrewes BA, MA(Hons) Auck, PhD Melb Dr Jonathan Barlow MA Monash, PhD Syd Mr John Buttrose DipTeach(Primary) TorrensCAE, BA(Hons) LaTrobe Dr Roderick Foster BA(Hons), MA, PhD Melb Mr Tom Kehoe BA (Hons) Melb, MA Syd (from February) Mr Frank Sanders BS, MA BUP, MA Melb, CertEFLA HolmesColl, GradCertTESOL Wollongong Ms Jane Neild BA UNSW Ms Selvarani Suppiah BA(Hons), DipEd, MA(AppLing) Nanyang William Purchase BA, MA, BA(Hons) Melb Ms Patrizia Valastro MEd Monash, DipEd ACU, BA LaTrobe Michael Pickering BA(Hons) Qld Dr Daniel Townsend BA Deakin, BLitt (Hons) Deakin, PhD Deakin (from August) Dr Justin Tighe BA(Hons), MA LaTrobe, PhD Monash LITERATURE Dr Michael Heald BA(Hons), DipEd, PhD WAust, CertTEFL MilnerICE Subject Leader Dr Jose Ayala Hoffman BMath UCdelNorte, MSc Iowa, PhD Melb Dr Monica Broeksteeg BSc(Hons), PhD Monash Ms Gayle Allan BA(Hons) Deakin, GradCertArts(CinStud) Melb, MA LaTrobe Mr David Collis BSc(Hons), BA(Hons) Monash, GradDipTheol, MA(BibStud) MelbCollDiv Mr Robin Baker BA(Ed) Melb, Cert III Jap Fukushima Mr Nicholas Davis BSc (Hons), BA Melb Dr Sarah Comyn BA (Hons) UWA / Melb, PhD Melb (from August) Dr Cheryl Filippe BSc(Hons), PhD Monash Ms Katerina Kasapidis BA(Hons) LaTrobe (from August) Ms Rosalie Ham BEd VicColl, MA RMIT Ms Neralie Hoadley BA(Hons), GradDipEd, MA Melb Dr Mercedeh Makoui BA Shahid Beheshti, MA Tehran, PhD Deakin Ms Gayle McIntyre BA Laval, CertAdLit Conestoga, MA Manitoba Dr Colm McNaughton BA (Hons), PhD Monash (from August) Dr Jennifer Mitchell BSocSc RMIT, GradDipArts, MA, PhD Monash Mrs Sameen Motahhir MA Pubjab, PGradDipArts. MA(TESOL) Melb Dr Mark Nixon BCom, BA(Hons), PhD Melb Ms Jolanta Nowak BA Flinders, PGradDipArts, MA, PhD Melb Ms Dianne Siriban BA, MA Philippines (from August) Dr Alexandra Williams BA Otago, DipT ChristchTC, DipTESL VUW, BMus(Hons), PhD Melb, LTCL MATHEMATICS Dr Raymond Broeksteeg BSc(Hons) Otago, PhD Monash Subject Leader (Mathematics 1) Dr Sasha Cyganowski BSc(Hons), PhD Deakin Subject Leader (Mathematics 2) Ms Alison Fisher CertEd Leics, BSc RMIT, PGDipEdStud, Med Melb, PGCertOnlineEd&Train Lond Dr Bell Foozwell BSc(Hons) LaTrobe, PhD Melb Ms Lee Pin Goh BSc, Dip Ed Monash Ms Shelley Hansen BSc(Hons) Monash (from August) Mr Peter Hird BEd(Sc) Melb (to December) Mr Leigh Humphries BSc, PGraDCertSc Melb Dr Anthony Klemm BSc(Hons) Adel, PhD Flinders, FAustMS Mr Makhew Kotros BSc(Hons), BEng(Hons) Melb Dr Bernard Leigh BSc(Hons), GradDipEd, PhD Monash, MEd Melb Mr Philip Mannes BA(Hons) Monash Mr Joshua McLeod BEng / BSci Swinburne Ms Elspeth McCracken-Hewson BSc, DipEd Melb, CertEd(FE), GradDipMgtStud Middlesex Dr Melissa McCulloch BAppSc, PhD, GradDipEd(Sec) RMIT Mr Andrew Oppenheim BA, BSc, MSc, DipEd Melb Mr Philip Threlfall BSc(Hons), Grad Dip (Higher Ed) ANU Mrs Barbara Trauer BSc, DipEd Melb 23 MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS Ms Loretta Duffy BA Deakin, GradDipArts RMIT, MA(Comm&MediaStud) Monash, MA(AppLing) Melb Subject Leader Ms Rose Bisignano BA Monash, GradDipEd Melb Ms Jo Fletcher BA, Post Grad Dip Soc Otago, Cert TESOL, Grad Cert TESOL Auckland PHYSICS Dr Fun Lai BSc, MSc RMIT, PhD Melb Subject Leader Mr Geoffrey Adam BSc(Hons) JCU Ms Farah Ajoudani BSc(Hons) Mashad, MSc Melb Mr Steven Ng BE, BSc Melb, MBIT RMIT Ms Astghik (Esther) Tamanyan BSc, MSc Yerevan Lab Demonstrator Mr Philip Threlfall BSc(Hons), Grad Dip (Higher Ed) ANU PSYCHOLOGY Dr Maureen Vincent BA Monash, BSW Melb, GradDipEd(Sec) ACU, GradDipPsy Monash, MClinPsy, PhD Deakin, MAPS, MACPA, MCCP Subject Leader Mr Ian Wei Yuan Teo BSc Melb, GradDipPsych Deakin Dr Christina Tuke Flanders BSc (Hons) London, P.G.C.E. ChristChurch Canterbury, MA.Ed. Chichester, D.Ch.Ed. Psych, Tavistock Clinic London, MAPS (from February) TRINITY INSTITUTE Ms Sue Karzis BA, DipEd, MYouthHealth&EdMgt Melb Director, Partnerships and Engagement 24 Mr Mark Gordon BA(Hons) LSBF Conference and Events Manager (to February) Mr Marc Horner Conference and Accommodation Coordinator (from May) Ms Lisa MacKinven BBus La Trobe, GradDip Melb Leadership Programs Officer (from March) Ms Tina Thorburn BBiomed Melb (to February) Ms Denise Gladwyn Conference & Events Coordinator COLLEGE-WIDE DEPARTMENTS ADVANCEMENT Mr Scott Charles BPD, BBldg Melb, ME RMIT Director of Advancement Ms Kay Attali BA Monash, MA Lond Advancement Associate, Major Projects Ms Judith Breheny BBus SIT, CPA Senior Advancement Officer (from December) The Rt Revd James Grant AM BA(Hons) Melb, ThL, AustCollTheol, BD MelbCollDiv Bequest Officer Ms Dawn Leicester BA Melb Special Projects (to Aug) Ms Essie Marendy BA(Hons) Qld, MA Melb, GradDipArtsEd PhillipIT, GradDipEd&Pub RMIT, GradCertMktg Holmesglen Research Officer Ms Kathryn Stewart BA(Hons) Gloucester Events Manager Ms Jennifer Wraight DipEd BallaratTC, GradDipTeachLib BallaratCAE, Cert II IT EastGippsTAFE Associate Director, Major Gifts Ms Mia Yourn DipGovt NMIT, DipMin VicUni Advancement Administrator (to December) ART AND ARCHIVES FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Dr Benjamin Thomas BA(Hons), MArtCur, PhD Melb Rusden Curator of Art & Archives Mr Gary Norman BBus RMIT, GradCertBus(Mktg) PhillipIT, CPA Chief Financial Officer Director, planitgreen, Trinity’s Sustainability Projects (to October) CAREERS AND FURTHER STUDIES Ms Jo Doyle BA Adel, BTech Melb Manager of Careers and Further Studies (from March) Ms Kelly Owen Dip Event Mgt/ PR EMTA Coordinator of Careers and Further Studies Mr Skip Horne BSFS Georgetown, MBA Virginia Careers Consultant (to March) CHAPLAINCY The Revd Christopher Carolane BSc(Hons) LaTrobe, DipEd Melb, Th L ACT, Grad Dip Theol MCD Chaplain to Foundation Studies Joint College Chaplain The Revd Lynda McMinn BA(Hons) UWS, BTheol CSU Chaplain to the Residential College Joint College Chaplain The Rt Revd Ian George AO LL.B Adelaide, M.Div. GTS, NY, DD h.c GTS,NY Fellow and Associate Chaplain (from March) Mr Josh McLeod BEng(Hons), BSci Swinburne Administrator, Chaplaincy and Music COMMUNICATIONS Mr Ben Zipper BA(Hons) Swinburne, DipArts RMIT Manager, Communications Ms Deirdre Sheehan Cert IV GraphicDes Shillington Visual Communications Coordinator Ms Imogen Smith-Waters Communications Intern Mr Patrik Valsinger BCom(Hons) Melb Chief Financial Officer (from October) Mrs Beverley Roberts Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer Miss Judith Breheny BBus SIT, CPA Deputy Chief Financial Officer (to August) Mr Dean Berry Accounts Receivable Officer Ms Philippa Smith BA, BCom Melb Payroll and Administration Officer Ms Jenny Sovolos BBus (Acc) RMIT, CPA Manager, Finance and Accounting (from September) Ms Nhi Tran BEc HoChiMinhCityU, BCom Well, CPA Accountant HUMAN RESOURCES Ms Alison Menzies BA, BSW, GradDip(Mgt) Melb Director, Human Resources (from October) Ms Kim Hubery BAppSc CSU, MCom Swinburn Manager, Human Resources and OHS Ms Julie Tsamis Cert IV Bus VU, DipBus(HRMgt) NMIT Human Resources Advisor INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Mr Greg Chenhall BSc Melb Director of Information Technology Services Mr Wisam Abdelaziz MB(IT) Melb Manager, Database Applications (from September) Mr Trent Anderson BSc(ComTech) Melb Subjacent Systems Administrator Mr Timothy Bell BSc(Hons) Melb Systems Administrator Mr Santosh Chituprolu IT Projects Systems Administrator (from May to June) Mr Geoffrey Crompton BComms, BEng, BAppSci RMIT Systems Administrator Ms Ratna Dhavala BTech JNTUniversity IT Client Services Officer (from February) Mr Stanley Despotellis Audio Visual and Administrative Assistant Mr Matt Howard BTeach Melb, AdvDipMus Box Hill, MA Monash ITS Projects and Client Services Officer Mr Hermann Koppenwallner DipIT Holmesglen IT Client Services Officer Mr Kien Khuong Lai IT & AV Client Services Officer (from October) Mr Waye-Wynn Lee Database Applications Support Officer Mr Joel Marques IT Client Services Officer (from March to May) Ms Gayatri Rambhatla IT Service Desk & Administration Officer (from June to December) Mr Martin Steers AdvCertDigElec Barton, DipIT Holmesglen Manager of IT Client Services Ms Joslyn Tait BA, DipSLT Waikato, MA Melb, CertTEFLA UCLES Manager, Database Applications (to July) LIBRARY Ms Gale Watt Licence ès Lettres Paris IV, BA Rutgers, MBIT, GradDipInfoMgt RMIT Leeper Librarian Mr John Fyffe Gardener/Maintenance Mr Paul McGrath Caretaker & Security Officer Mr Ian McLay Maintenance Officer (to August) Mr Derek McMillan Facilities Assistant Ms Heidi Macklin BSc Macq, BSc(Hons) LaTrobe Administrator Ms Catharina (Kitty) Vroomen DipLib, GradDipAppInfoSys RMIT Deputy Librarian Mr Luke Rousch Operations Coordinator (from June) Mrs Marina Comport AssocDipSocSci Swinburne Library Technician Mr Michiel Ware Maintenance Officer (from August) Mrs Karyn Yapp AssocDipSocSci Swinburne Library Technician Mrs Josie Tosolini AssocDipSocSci Whitehorse Library Technician Dr Joanne Allan Library Officer Master of Information Studies in Librarianship, University of Canberra MUSIC Mr Michael Leighton Jones BA Well, MA Cantab, MMus Qld Director of Music (to April) Mr Jonathan Grieves-Smith BA(Hons) Sus Director of Music (from May) Mr Hugh Fullarton BMus, MMus, DipEd Melb, ARCM College Organist Mr Josh McLeod BEng(Hons), BSci Swinburne Administrator, Chaplaincy and Music PROPERTY & FACILITIES SERVICES Mr Scott Fennell Operations Coordinator (to March) Manager, Property & Facility Services (from March) Mr Paul Camilleri Caretaker & Security Officer Mr Malcolm Fraser DipNurs Melb Gardener COLLEGE RECEPTION Mrs Yvonne Diamond Receptionist & Administration Officer Ms Lorraine Ferrari Reception & Administration Officer Ms Cathy Cipriani House Manager STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS Peter Campbell, JP, is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, the University of Melbourne. He continued as a member of the editorial committee for Context: A Journal of Music Research, as Treasurer of the Victorian Chapter of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA), and as Treasurer of Ensemble Gombert Inc. His choral setting of the Lord’s Prayer was sung at a wedding in April, and an arrangement of the hymn ‘Morning has Broken, at a wedding in July. As well as his appearances in concerts with Ensemble Gombert, he also sang as a guest chorister with the Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, the Choir of Trinity College, Gloriana, and at the Intervarsity Choral Festival in Brisbane. In August, Peter was a judge for the vocal and choral section of the 2014 APRA/ AMCOSS Art Music Awards. His review of the Trinity production of the Drowsy Chaperone appeared in Trinity Today, vol. 82 (Aug. 2014): 15. Anne Elvey published a book of poetry, Kin (Parkville: Five Islands Press, 2014), as well as poems published in Antipodes, Australian Poetry Members’ Anthology, The Best Australian Poems 2014, Cordite Poetry Review, Eureka Street, Island, Otoliths, Rabbit, Southerly, The Stinging Fly, Writ Review, Uneven Floor and Verge. Scholarly publications included ‘Acknowledging Traditional Owners of the Land: A Theological Inquiry,’ in Colonial Contexts and Postcolonial Theologies: Storyweaving in the Asia-Pacific, edited by Mark Brett and Jione Havea, 231–48 Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, and “‘Who is the greatest?’ Reading Luke 22:24-27 Ecologically,” Anglican Ecocare journal vol 1. At the Society of Asian Biblical Studies Conference in Thailand, Anne presented ‘Talking it 25 up: the Northern Territory Intervention and (Post)colonial Relationships to Land in Australia as Context for Reading the Magnificat as a Song of Protest’, and was a member of a book review panel. Anne was the inaugural managing editor of Plumwood Mountain: An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics. Other presentations included ‘On (not) speaking about God ecologically’, given at Ecofaith conference, Chapel by the Sea, and ‘A Spirituality that is not One: Australian Poetry, Spirit and Country’ presented at the Carmelite Centre. Dr Ying Zhou jointly published the original research article ‘The effectiveness of China’s RMB exchange rate reforms: An insight from multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis’ in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, volume 421: pages 443-454. The manuscript was accepted for publication in November 2014 and will be available in print in March 2015. Andreas Loewe‘s book Johann Sebastian Bach’s St John Passion: A Theological Commentary (Leiden: Brill, 2014) was launched by Bishop Barbara Darling in April. At St Paul’s Cathedral he hosted a Theological School forum on the Book of Common Prayer, and chaired a panel discussion on Bach’s B-minor Mass as part of ABC Classic FM Music Makers. He also sang with the MSO Chorus for performances of the B-Minor Mass conducted by Stephen Layton. The Revd Christopher Carolane led the second Trinity College and Friends Cambodian Service Project based in Phnom Penh in January 2014, during which 17 FS students with 11 friends of the College finished building 12 houses in a poor village, renovated a wing of a local primary school, conducted maintenance at the 26 Unaccompanied Association (UNACAS) orphanage and conducted hygiene programs in two abjectly poor villages, treating over 700 children for head lice. During the year he preached at The Holy Church in Phnom Penh, and at St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne, where he is an honorary member of the Cathedral clergy. In June he was a panellist at the annual conference of Civil Celebrants Graduate Association of Monash University. In July Christopher attended the conference of Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC) in South Korea, where he gave a paper on the Trinity Foundation Studies Program. Throughout 2014 he continued as a member of the Board of the Council for Chaplains in Tertiary Institutions (Victoria). Dr Katherine Firth continued to work at the University of Melbourne in Academic Skills, and in seconded roles as the Web Lead of the Student Services Strategic Communications Project; and a Subject Coordinator in the Melbourne Business School and Graduate School of Science. Returning to Trinity College in July 2014 as Head of Academic Programs, she was elected President of the SCR in October. Katherine published an article ‘“Bright flower breaks from charnel bough”: The arts of peace and the 1953 Coronation’, in The Finzi Journal (March, 2014), 90-118. She also contributed a ‘New Study Translation’ to Johann Sebastian Bach’s St John Passion (BWV 245): A Theological Commentary: With a new Study Translation by Katherine Firth and a Preface by N. T. Wright, by A. Loewe (Leiden: Brill, 2014), 100-35. Tamar Lewit delivered a specialist seminar on using archaeological evidence to the Classics Honours: Methods and Evidence course at the Australian National University, by invitation. She was invited by Tim Newfield, Impact Fellow, University of Stirling and Banting Fellow, Princeton University to contribute a chapter on ‘Animals’ for the Brill Handbook of Medieval Environmental History, 400-1000, Leiden, co-authored in collaboration with Associate Professor A. Chavarría, University of Padova. The book is expected to appear in 2016. Citations: Smith, C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer, New York 2014; Rapp, C, Drake H A (eds) The City in the Classical and PostClassical World: Changing Contexts of Power and Identity, University of California, Santa Barbara 2014; Hamerow, H Rural Settlements and Society in Anglo-Saxon England, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2014. Cathy Symington was Science Advisor (in addition to earlier roles as Communications Advisor and Advisory Board Member) to the board of WeForest (international reforestation NGO). Science writer for WeForest monthly newsletters: December 2014 ‘Where to from here? A synopsis of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report Summary for Policy Makers’; November 2014 ‘You’ve heard of the butterfly effect’; September 2014 ‘Deforestation – the challenges and opportunities are greater than you know’. TED-Ed lesson on the Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis published with over 123,000 views since release in April 2014: ‘Nature’s smallest factory – the Calvin Cycle’. Attended the annual Australian Council for Education Leaders conference in Melbourne. Michael Pickering submitted his PhD (History, University of Melbourne in December). He peer-reviewed an edited collection (finalised 2014, to be published February 2015): Julie Davies and Michael Pickering, eds, A World Enchanted: Magic and the Margins, Essays in Honour of Charles Zika (Melbourne: MHJ Collective, 2015). He also wrote a book review: Edoardo Tortarolo, Diesseits und jenseits der Alpen: Deutsche und italienische Kultur im 18. Jahrhundert (Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2011). ISBN: 978-3-86583-518-5. Jack Migdalek published chapters in two books in 2014: Migdalek, J. ‘Mincing, Striding, Stomping, Gliding: Messing with Gender Choreographic Taboos’, in PallottaChiarolli, M. and Pease, B. (Eds). The Politics of Recognition and Social Justice: Transforming Subjectivities and New Forms of Resistance. New York. Routledge (2014); Migdalek, J. ‘Challenging Gendered Practices through Drama’, in Carlson, D. and Meyer, E. (Eds). Gender and Sexualities in Education. New York. Peter Lang (2014). Journal article: Migdalek, J. ‘Performing Gender in Dance’. (2014). Journal of Artistic and Creative Education, vol 8, no. 1 (118-123). Workshop at a symposium: Danced Inquiry. Artistry, Performance and Scholarly Inquiry symposium (APSI), University of Melbourne, June 2014. Kitty Vroomen was a member of The Choir, directed by Dr Jonathan Welch, which supports the Choir of Hope and Inspiration (formerly the Choir of Hard Knocks) and the School of Hard Knocks. She was also a volunteer ‘Penguin Guide’ for EARTHCARE St Kilda. Kitty attended the ALIA National Conference 2014 (Australian Library and Information Association). Kelly Owen completed with Distinction the first year of her Graduate Diploma in Social Science, Swinburne. Attended the National Career and Advisors Meeting in Wollongong in December, and met with career professionals from Australia, the UK, Canada and America. In 2014 Kelly also got married! Benjamin Thomas co-authored the book publication Visions of Colonial Grandeur: John Twycross at Melbourne’s International Exhibitions (Melbourne, Museum Victoria, 2014) with Dr Charlotte Smith, Senior Curator, Politics & Society, Museum Victoria. In July he attended Writing Lives, a twoday writing workshop with noted Australian biographer David Day, hosted by Writers Victoria. Glen Jennings co-authored a seminar paper with Jennifer Mitchell, ‘Academic Development and Student Outcomes’ Innovations in Teaching and Learning Seminar Series, The Centre for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne, 28 May 2014. He also wrote an article, ‘Voices from China,’ Steep Stairs Review, vol. 9 (December 2014). Lisa MacKinven served as the Coordinator of the Female Youth Leadership Program, an initiative of Game Changers Australia in partnership with Sport & Recreation Victoria. Emma Henderson had two articles published last year (the GLR says 2013 but was not published until May 2014): ‘Narrative, Theatre and the Potential Interruptive Value of Jury Directions for Rape Trials in Victoria, Australia’, with Dr Kirsty Duncanson; (2014) 22(2) Feminist Legal Studies 1; ‘Meanings of “Sex” and “Consent”: The Persistence of Rape Myths in Victorian Rape Law’, with Dr Anastasia Powell, Dr Nicola Henry and Dr Asher Flynn; (2013) 22(2) Griffith Law Review 456. Jackson Clarke published, with Robert Foot and Raymond R Volkas: ‘Phenomenology of a very light scalar (100 MeV < mh < 10 GeV) mixing with the SM Higgs’, JHEP 02 (2014): 123; Yi Cai, Jackson D Clarke, Michael A Schmidt, Raymond R Volkas: ‘Testing Radiative Neutrino Mass Models at the LHC’, arXiv preprint, hep-ph:1410.0689 (2014). Conferences: CoEPP Annual Workshop 2014; The 2014 European School of High-Energy Physics; CoEPP-CAASTRO Workshop 2014. Talks: GOSS Seminar, University of Melbourne, ‘A smoking gun for New Physics in an LHC blind spot’; Seminar, Nikhef Amsterdam (Netherlands National Institute for Subatomic Physics), ‘A smoking gun for New Physics in an LHC blind spot’; Poster presentation, European School of High‐Energy Physics, ‘An O(1 GeV) Physics scalar right under our noses?’; Invited talk, ATLAS long‐lived exotics group, CERN Geneva, ‘A smoking gun for New Physics in an LHC blind spot’; Invited talk, LHCb rare decays group, CERN Geneva, ‘Phenomenology of a very light scalar mixing with the SM Higgs’. COLLEGE COUNCIL The Most Revd Philip Freier Archbishop of Melbourne President Mr Oliver Hodson Alumnus (to October) Dr Brenda Holt Chief of Staff (to October) Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord Current parent Ms Elizabeth Kelly Alumna Mr Campbell Bairstow Dean of the College (to June), Acting Warden (to August), Provost (from August) Ms Alice Knight Diocese of Ballarat Mr Andrew Beyer Residential Student Representative (from October) The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee Dean of the Theological School Mr Mark Leslie Trinity College Foundation Dr Graeme Blackman Diocese of Melbourne Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Ms Denise Bush Dean of Pathways School (from April) Ms Gayle McIntyre Staff representative (May to December) Associate Professor Tony Buzzard Fellow of the College The Revd Lynda McMinn Joint College Chaplain Dr Barbara Cargill Dean of International Programs (to February) Dr Justin McNamara President of the Senior Common Room (to August) The Revd Christopher Carolane Joint College Chaplain Mr Simon Matthews Residential Student Representative (to September) Ms Vivian Chan TCFS alumnus Mr Scott Charles Executive Director of the Trinity College Foundation Mr Robert Clemente Fellow of the College Ms Alison Menzies Director of Human Resources (from October) Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer (to October) Mr Bill Cowan Current Parent (from October) Ms Katherine Parrott Residential Student Representative (to September) Mr Jim Craig Chairman of the Board Professor Pip Pattison University of Melbourne (to May) Mr Michael Danaher Theological Student Representative Ms Kate Reid Alumna The Revd John Davis Diocese of Wangaratta Ms Tanika D’Souza Residential Student Representative (from October) Dr Katherine Firth President of the Senior Common Room (from August) Ms Margot Foster President of the Union of the Fleur-de-Lys Ms Louise Gourlay Fellow of the College Professor Kenneth Hinchcliff University of Melbourne The Revd Dr Donald Saines Diocese of Gippsland Mr Donald Speagle Alumnus Ms Anna Traill Senior Student (to August) Dr Ben Thomas Staff Representative (from April) Mr Patrik Valsinger Chief Financial Officer (from October) The Revd Tony White Diocese of Bendigo Mr Jack Young Senior Student (from August) 27 Secretary to the Council The Warden (to July), Provost (from August) Minutes Secretary Dr Peter Campbell COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL FELLOWS COMMITTEE Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (Chair) (to July) Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost (Chair) (from August) Mr Tony Buzzard Fellow of the College Mr Bill Cowan Fellow of the College Ms Louise Gourlay Fellow of the College The Rt Revd James Grant Senior Fellow of the College BOARD Mr Jim Craig BEc, LLB(Hons) Adel, LLM Melb Chairman of the Board Ms Anna Traill Senior Student of the College (until August) Mr Rick Tudor OAM BSc(Hons) Monash, MSc, GDipEd Melb, FACE, FACEL Ms Jack Young Senior Student of the College (from August) Secretary to the Board Mr Gary Norman (to October) Mr Patrik Valsinger (from October) Minutes Secretary Dr Peter Campbell (to July) Ms Beverley Roberts (from July) COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord Chair Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost (from August) Mr Chris Cole (from March) Revd Professor Andrew McGowan BA(Hons) WAust, BD(Hons) MelbCollDiv, MA, PhD NotreDame Warden (to July) Mr Bill Cowan Mr Campbell Bairstow BA WAust, BEd Murdoch Dean of the College (to July) Provost (from August) Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord BA(Hons) Melb, GAICD Dr Sally Dalton-Brown MA Wits, PhD Cantab, PhD UCLan Dean of the College (from October) Ms Oshana De Silva BSc(Hons) UCL, MBA Melb (to July) Mr Stuart Gooley BCom Melb, FCPA, CPA Ms Susanna King LLB(Hons), BA Melb, Grad Dip Courtauld (from July) The Rt Revd (Anthony) John Parkes AM, KStJ LLB(Hons) Sheffield, BTH(Hons) ACT, MTh MCD Mr Charles Sitch BCom, LLB Melb, MBA Columbia, GAICD 28 Ms Susanna King (from November) Mr Will Leaf Ms Laura Mumaw Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer (to October) Ms Rachel Peck Mr Patrik Valsinger Chief Financial Officer (from October) EDUCATION STRATEGY COMMITTEE Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost Dr Sally Dalton-Brown Dean of the College (from October) Ms Denise Bush Dean of Pathways School (from March) Dr Barbara Cargill Dean of International Programs (to February) Mr Charles (Sandy) Clark Professor Simon Evans Dr Brenda Holt Chief of Staff (to October) Mrs Liz Kelly) The Revd Professor Dorothy Lee Dean of the Theological School Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Mr Rick Tudor FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr Stuart Gooley Chair Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost (from February) Mr Bill Cowan Mr Andre Carstens Mr Philip Holberton (to December) Ms Galina Kraeva (to December) Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer (to October) Mr Patrik Valsinger Chief Financial Officer (from October) Mr Ian Ward-Ambler INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SUB-COMMITTEE A committee reporting to the Finance Committee Mr Philip Holberton Chair Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost (from July) My Syd Bone Ms Sue Dahn Mr Stuart Gooley Chair of the Finance Committee Mr Jono Gourlay Mr Peter Hodgson Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer (to October) Mr Patrik Valsinger Chief Financial Officer (from October) GOVERNANCE & NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Mr Jim Craig Chair Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost (from July) Mr Bill Cowan The Rt Revd James Grant Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord (from November) Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) RISK MANAGEMENT & AUDIT COMMITTEE Ms Susanna King Chair (from September Ms Oshana de Silva Chair (to July) Ms Kim Hubery HR Advisor and OH&S Manager Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer (to October) Mr Tony Pititto Ms Aarti Sharma Mr Patrik Valsinger Chief Financial Officer (from October OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY REPRESENTATIVES A committee reporting to the Risk Management & Audit Committee Ms Kim Hubery HR & OHS Manager, Chair Mr Scott Fennell Manager, Property & Facility Services Dr Kerry Higgins Foundation Studies Nominee (to March) Dr Mardie O’Sullivan Foundation Studies Nominee (from March) Mr Jeff Richardson Residential College Nominee (to October) Mr Scott Charles Director of Advancement The Rt Revd James Grant Mr W B ‘Barry’ Capp AM Mr Mark Leslie Mr Danny Fahey Mr Phillip Cohen The Most Revd Dr Peter Carnley AC Mr Mark Gordon (to February) Ms Louise Pennell Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Mr Ken Shaw Mr Michael Munckton Ms Heidi Macklin The Rt Revd Andrew St John Mr Robert Clemente Revd Lynda McMinn Ms Madeline Papandreou Ms Jennifer Wraight Major Gifts Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer (to October) Ms Ruth Pritchard (from September) COMMITTEE OF THE UNION OF THE FLEUR-DE-LYS Mr Ian Solomon Professor Derek Denton AC Professor C Ian Donaldson Mr Roger Selleck Ms Margot Foster, TC 1976 President Mr Patrik Valsinger Chief Financial Officer (from October) Ms Christy Capper Ms Cate Elsworth Mr Janusz Sysak (from September) Dr Maureen Vincent Mr Waye-Wynn Lee Ms Mia Yourn (to December) Ms Lisa MacKinven (from December) THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE The Rt Revd John Parkes Bishop of Wangaratta, Chair Dr Graeme Blackman Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost (from July) The Revd Canon Dr Ray Cleary Director of Ministry Formation The Rt Revd Andrew Curnow Diocese of Bendigo The Venerable Dr John Davis Diocese of Wangaratta The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee Dean of the Theological School Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer (to October) The Revd Canon Colleen O’Reilly Diocese of Melbourne Mr Patrik Valsinger Chief Financial Officer (from October) COMMITTEES OF ASSOCIATED ORGANISATIONS AMERICAN FRIENDS OF TRINITY The Revd Dr Peter French Chair Mr Jon Adler Mr Simon Bell Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny AC Mr Bill Cowan AM The Rt Revd Andrew Curnow AM Mrs Louise Gourlay OAM ART COMMITTEE The Rt Revd Dr Peter Hollingworth AC, OBE Mr Paul Andrews, TC 2006 Sir Andrew Grimwade Chair Associate Professor Alison Inglis Mr Ralph Ashton, TC 1991 (to April) Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost Professor Marcia Langton AM Mr David Berry, TC 1971 (to April) Ms Olivia Baenziger 2014 President, Art Studios Mrs Carole Hinchcliff, TC 1978 Secretary Miss Kate Calder, TC 1989 (from June) Ms Georgina Barraclough Dr Michael ‘Taffy’ Jones AM, PSM Professor Richard Larkins AO Dr Susan Lim Dr Fay Marles AM Mr Paul Elliot, TC 1968 Dr Kate Challis Dr N. Bruce Munro Mr Jono Gourlay, TC 1991 (to April) Dr Sally Dalton-Brown Dean of the College Dr Roger Riordan AM Professor Richard Smallwood AO The Rt Revd James Grant, TC 1950 (to April) Mr Alex Galligan 2014 President, ER White Society Mr Clive Smith Mr Tim Hamilton, TC 2008 Mr Fred Grimwade Dr Mechai Viravaidya AO Professor John King, TC 1961 (from June) Associate Professor Alison Inglis Dr Denis White Ms Dawn Leicester, TC 1979 (from June) Mr Charles Kemp 2014 TCAC Arts Representative (to September) Mr Richard Woolcott AC Mr Tim Roberts, TC 1981 Ms Jane Clark Sir Roderick Carnegie AC Professor John Royle OAM, TC 1954 (from June) Revd Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (to July) Mr Robert Cripps AM Miss Alison Robson, TC 1994 (from June) Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer (to October) The Rt Revd James Grant AM Mr Andrew Tulloch, TC 1987 (from June) Ms Irini Vazanellis, TC 2009 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE FOUNDATION Mr Charles Sitch Chair Dr Benjamin Thomas Rusden Curator of Art Mr Patrik Valsinger Chief Financial Officer (from October) Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord FELLOWS OF THE COLLEGE Mr Campbell Bairstow Provost (from July) Ms Rowena Armstrong AO QC Ms Robin Campbell Mr Scott Charles Executive Director of the Foundation Mr Bill Cowan Mr Jono Gourlay HONORARY FELLOWS The Hon. Austin Asche AC, KStJ, QC Dr Graeme Blackman OAM Mr David Brownbill AM Associate Professor Anthony Buzzard Ms Diana Smith SENIOR FELLOWS Mr Alan Cuthbertson Mr James Guest AM, OBE, VRD Mr Brian Loton AC Professor John Poynter AO, OBE Professor Robin Sharwood AM The Hon. Clive Tadgell AO, QC ACADEMIC AND TEACHING FELLOWS Mr Jonathan Grieves-Smith Elisabeth Murdoch Fellow in Choral Music (to April) The Revd Jasmine Dow Morna Sturrock Postgraduate Research Fellow Professor Fiona Stanley AC Lilian Alexander Fellow Revd Professor Andrew McGowan (from November) 29 FORMER FELLOWS QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY Dame Margaret Blackwood DBE (†1986) Member of the College Sir John Bunting KBE (†1995) The Revd Dr Evan Burge (†2003) Sir Joseph Burke KBE (†1992) Professor Manning Clark AC (†1991) Sir Rupert Clarke AM, MBE (†2005) The Rt Revd Robert Dann (†2008) Professor Peter Dennison (†1989) Sir Clive Fitts (†1984) Mr John Gourlay AM (†2007) The Hon Sir Rupert Hamer AC, KCMG, ED (†2004) Sir Edmund Herring QC, KCMG, KBE, DSO, MC, ED (†1982) Dr John Hueston (†1993) Professor Hugh John White AO (TC 1971) Dr John David Scarlett OAM (TC Non-res 1972) BEREAVEMENTS Mr David John CLAPPISON (TC 1960) Mr Brian Addison CLARK (TC 1947) Mrs Eirène Christina CLARK – Leeper Librarian (1985–91), widow of the Revd Canon Russell Clark (TC 1932) and past parent Dr Garnet Francis Ernest DERAVIN (TC 1942) Dr John McLaren EMMERSON (TC 1956) Dr Alexander Wynne VENABLES (TC 1941) The Revd John Henry WALTON (TC 1950) Ms Jennifer Kathleen WELLS (TC 1986) Mr David Ian Beaumont WELSH AM (TC 1951) Dr Kenneth John Stawell WHIGHT (TC 1945) The Revd John Geoffrey WIGHT (TC 1951) Mrs Concesa (Connie) WILKINS – Alliance catering staff Mr Antony Patterson Winfield WILLIAMS (TC 1956) Dr John Hobling WRIEDT (TC 1943) Dr John Arnold ZWAR (TC 1945) Dr Peter Jones (†1995) Dr Richard Weld FLETCHER (TC 1961) SENIOR COMMON ROOM Miss Valentine Leeper (†2001) Mr Josh HARDING (TC 2012) Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC, DBE (†2012) Mr Frank Patrick HENAGAN – staff since 1976 Mr Jeff Richardson President Mr James Perry (†2007) Mr Robert Sanderson DFC (†2008) Mr John Timothy Crowther HEWISON (TC 1951) The Hon. Sir Reginald Sholl (†1988) Mr Anthony Grenville HISCOCK (TC 1955) Mr Michael Thwaites AO (†2005) Mr Douglas Mitchell HOCKING (TC 1940) Sir Lance Townsend (†1983) Professor Kevin Westfold (†2001) The Most Revd Sir Frank Woods KBE (†1992) FORMER SENIOR FELLOWS Sir Brian Scott Inglis AC (†2014) Professor Alan Shaw AO (†2012) HONOURS AUSTRALIA DAY Members of the College Mr John Noel Barron BRYSON AM (non-resident, TC 1955) Dr John Rowland HOWES OAM (staff, 1982) Mr Peter Murray MURTON OAM (TC 1949) Dr John Charles VANCE OAM (non-resident, TC 1962) Friends of the College Mr Robert Ian OATLEY AO, BEM 30 Mr Russell Ian HOWEY (TC 1948) Rear Admiral Oscar HUGHES AO, RAN (RTD) (TC 1954) Sir Brian Scott INGLIS AC (TC 1946) Mr William Stephen KIMPTON (TC 1963) Dr Peter Gavin McMAHON (TC 1942) The Hon Justice William Frederick ORMISTON AO (TC 1954) Mr Barrie Donald PURVIS (TC 1952) Mr Ian Thomas Dalziel SHEEN (TC 1952) Mr Douglas William SMITH (TC 1946) Mr Kevin Alexander SOETJIPTO (TCFS 2012) The Revd Michael Ronald SYMONS (TC 1993) EXECUTIVE 2013–14 Ms Nicole Crook Treasurer Ms Kellie Mathers Secretary Ms Kate Stewart Steward EXECUTIVE 2014–15 Dr Katherine Firth President Mr Jackson Clarke Treasurer Ms Heidi Macklin Secretary Mr Angus Cameron Steward VISITING SCHOLARS Professor Francois du Toit University of the Western Cape 3 to 15 Mar Professor Miroslav Volf Yale Divinity School & Yale Center for Faith and Culture 11 to 16 Mar Associate Professor Adrienne Edgar University of California 18 to 27 Mar Dr Stephen Plant Trinity College, Cambridge 20 to 29 Mar Lady Patricia Mirrlees Friends of the Alola Foundation 21 to 27 Mar & 20 to 24 Oct Professor George Hay Cornell University 31 Mar to 10 Apr Mr Andrew Collis Opera Australia 31 Mar to 13 Apr Dr Paul McMahon Australian National University 8 to 13 Apr Professor David Bossaerts The University of Utah 28 Apr to 20 May & 31 July to 13 Aug Associate Professor Elena Asparouhova The University of Utah 28 Apr to 20 May & 31 July to 13 Aug Ms Jessica Hart Winner of the Nakata Brophy Prize 3 to 5 May Ms Mallika Bajaj Little Yellow Beetle Media Pvt. Ltd 6 to 17 May Professor Joe Klewicki University of Melbourne 3 Jan to 11 Jun Dr Lizanne Henderson University of Glasgow 8 May to 21 Jun Professor Stanley Hauerwas Duke Divinity School 1 Feb to 8 Feb Lady Beverley Reeves Writer in Residence 24 to 31 May Dr Angus Turner Lions Eye Institute 20 Feb to 23 Feb, 18 to 20 Mar & 31 July Professor Lawrence Gostin Georgetown University WHO, Collaborating Centre on Public Health Law & Human Rights 20 to 26 July Dr Fiona Walter University of Cambridge 1 to 14 Mar Dr Colleen Butcher Plan Inc Development Partners Limited The University of Melbourne 20 to 27 July The Revd John Kafwanka Anglican Communion Office 31 July to 2 Aug Dr Stephen Mills University of Sydney 1 to 4 Aug Professor Philip Hardie Trinity College, Cambridge 2 to 17 Oct Sir Brian Hoskins Imperial College London & University of Reading 2 to 18 Oct CHOIR OF TRINITY COLLEGE Emma Warburton David BOYD-LAW Angus Wilkinson Courtney BRACKLEY *Senior Choral Scholars Jessica BRADFORD EMERITUS CHORAL SCHOLARS Rebecca BREADMORE David Barmby Kristy Biber (to May) Peter Campbell Thomas Drent Georgia Bentley Freemantle Choral Scholar Benjamin Namdarian Jimmy Campbell Suzanne Shakespeare Camilla Gorman Siobhán Stagg Nobel Laureate Professort Ada Yonath Weizmann Institute of Science Miegunyah Fellow 9 to 20 Aug Lyndon Green Megan Warner Hannah Grigg N H M Forsyth Choral Scholar COLLEGE ORGANIST Archbishop Jeffrey Driver Anglican Diocese of Adelaide 19 to 20 Aug William Lennie* Brother Bruce-Paul The Society of St Francis 2 to 18 Aug Miranda Gronow Robert W H Cripps Choral Scholar Ranald Macky Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Choral Scholar Philip Nicholls Hugh Fullarton BRUCE MUNRO JUNIOR ORGAN SCHOLAR James McClure Harald BREIDAHL Ashley BROADWAY Alena BROESDER Jacqui BROOKES Sorcha BUCHAN Amy BUCKERFIELD Patrick BURTON Nicholas CALDWELL Taylor CALLAGHAN Kirsten CALLANDER Anna CAMERON Emily CAMERON James CAMPBELL Colton CARNER Joseph CAVANAGH RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE Frederick CHAN RESIDENT STUDENTS Elizabeth ACLAND James CHAN Bori AHN Lily CHEN Hussain ALAMEIN David CHEN Jacqueline ALLEN Dean CHEN Dzifa AMENUVEGBE Jason CHIANG Juliet ARCHIBALD Lachlan CHOMLEY Christopher ARNOTT Wern Han CHOO Amba-Rose ATKINSON Jia-Xiong CHOO Megan Oldmeadow Mr Josh McLeod Olivia BAENZIGER Kai Lin CHOO Georgina BAKER Wern Han CHOO Dr Simon Pierse Aberystwyth University 5 to 16 Sep BEng(Hons), BSci Swinburne Administrator, Chaplaincy and Music (from July) Alistair BAKER Jocelyn Wai-Ling CHU Nicholas BANKS Paul CHYNOWETH Dr Rosamund Thomas Gourlay Visiting Professor 2014 Centre for Business and Public Sector Ethics, Cambridge 5 Sep to 4 Oct Alexandra Phillips Thomas BANNAN Emma CLARK Helena BEAN John CLARKE Ella BECKINGSALE Stephanie CLARKE Thomas BEISCHER Jackson CLARKE William BENNETT Nicholas COLE Georgia BENTLEY Jamie COLLINS Eloise BENTLEY George COLMAN Tonya BERNARDO Campbell COOKE Nicholas BERNARDO Asha CORNISH Richard BESTEL DE LEZONGARD Bianka COVIC Alethea BETT Imogen COWAN Andrew BEYER Harriet CRAIG Renee BLACK Timothy CROWE Ngaree BLOW Thomas CROWHURST Ms Amanda Lee Koe Melbourne Writers Festival Writer in residence 21 to 27 Aug Associate Professor Joanna Mendelssohn University of New South Wales 29 to 31 Aug Dr Catherine De Lorenzo University of New South Wales 29 to 31 Aug Professor Graham Virgo Downing College, Cambridge 31 Aug to 23 Sep Dr Richard Williams Charles Darwin University 26 Aug to 3 Sep, 18 to 25 Sep & 2 Oct to 11 Nov Professor Thomas Sharp Arizona State University 21 to 27 Sept Ms Debbie Rowland Electorate Casaurina 25 to 28 Sep James McClure Lachlan McDonald Caitlin McIvor Joshua McLeod* Jordy McMillan Alana Minchenko Peter Godfrey Choral Scholar Jack Marozzi (to April) Timothy Newton* Christopher Roache Emily Simpson-Page Aaron Teh Phoebe Thomson Peter Dennison Choral Scholar and N H M Forsyth Senior Choral Scholar Bradley Tjandra Felicity Anne Curry and Nancy Curry Choral Scholar Stephen Treloar A J Herd Choral Scholar Eloise Verbeek Breanna CHAPMAN 31 Hamish CURRAN Fiona GUNN Jonathan LAU Isabelle NAPIER Amelia CURRAN JingJing GUO Robert LEAN Hoang NGO Tanika D’SOUZA Phillip HALL Yi Lin LEE Eleanor NICKLASON Yvette DAL POZZO Samuel HALLETT Miles LESCHEN Aoife NICKLASON John DALY Alexander HAMER Emily LEWIS Blake NIELSEN Christopher DAVEY Caroline HAMER Marcus Farn-Jie LIM Liam NUTTALL Samantha DAVIDSON Timothy HANNAH Tessa LIM Matthew O’BRIEN Georgina DAVIE Laura HANSON An Chieh LIN Sherryl OKOKO Jonathon DAWSON The Late Joshua HARDY Susana LIU Katherine PARROTT Madelaine DIAMOND Rebecca HARDY Yilin LIU Evelyn PARSONAGE Annabel DIXON William HARGREAVES Jordan LO PICCOLO Luke PATTERSON David DIXON Oliver HARLEY Jessica LORD Harry PENDLEBURY Cale DOBROSAK Nicole HART Indi LOWE Claire PETERSON Alanna DODD Samuel HARTLEY Scotch MACDONALD Matthew PHAN Renrui DONG Alistair HASKETT Campbell MACGILLIVRAY Lachlan PHILIPS Sarah DONKERSLEY Kate HAWKER Ranald MACKY Aiden POTTS Darcie DOUGLAS-SCARFE Gretel HAYDEN Ben MAHONEY Shanley PRICE Edgar DRUCE Robert HAYWARD Jack MAROZZI Ailish PUREN Luis DUHART GONZALEZ John HE Alexander MARSHALL Precious RAMETSANA Winston DZAU Julia HENLY Samantha MARSHALL Shilpa RATH Nitaa EAPEN Morgan HEPBURN-BROWN Charles MARTIN Anuja RATWATTE Georgina EDWARDS Tennessee HEWETSON John MARTIN Rahul RATWATTE Hugh EDWARDS Katherine HEWITT Ainara MARTINEZ-MIRANDA Emmett RICHARDSON Victoria EMERSON Alexandra HINCHCLIFF Simon MATTHEWS Georgina RIDLEY Cameron ENGLMAN Baden HITCHCOCK James MCCLURE Jordi RIVERA PRINCE Rachael FARQUHAR Lok Yan HO Laura MCCONNELL Natasha ROBBINS Stephany FORMAN Tyson HOLLOWAY-CLARKE Rachael MCCULLOUGH Chantelle ROBBINS Madeline FOSTER Alara HOOD Lauren MCKENZIE Joanna ROBERTS Molly FOWLER Alexander HORTON Levi MCKENZIE-KIRKBRIGHT Hannah ROBERTS Allanah FREDDI Miles HORTON James MCMAHON Claire ROBINSON Andrew FREEMAN Jeanine HOURANI Courtney MCMAHON Lily ROBINSON Nichol FYFE Senhao HUANG John MCMENIMAN Annabel ROBINSON Alexander GALLIGAN Avnish JAIN Annabel MCMICHAEL Alexandra ROBINSON Henry GARDINER Daisy JOHNSON Jordy MCMILLAN Alistair ROBINSON Harrison GATES Andrew KELLY Joseph MERRION Andrew ROCHE Lucie GAVANON Bernard KELLY Lloyd MILLER Philippa ROFE Aram GELERIS Charles KEMP Alana MINCHENKO Amelia ROGERS Matthew GELETA Jia Ying KHO Alex MITCHELL Sara RUSDIAH Madeline GIBSON Jay KIM Jirra MOFFATT Sarah RYAN Natasha GILES Julia KIM Samuel MONIGATTI Liam RYAN Rona GLYNN-MCDONALD Brittany KING Audrey MOORE Namrata SATISH Susannah GOMM Jacqueline KIRWAN Giovanna MORRIS Alex SCOTT Samuel GOOLEY Rachel Li Tzu KOH Eleanor MORRIS Nicholas SENIOR Caroline GRAHAM Felicitas KRETTEK John MORRISON Marcus SEVIOR Hannah GRIGG Shakeel LALA Tiernan MORRISON Samuel SHACKLES Miranda GRONOW Elizabeth LAMOND Rebecca MORRISON Kelly SHANG Andrew GUNN Nicholas LANGFORD Morgan MULLER Evangeline SHAW 32 Emily SIMPSON-PAGE Laura WARD Mathuranthakan SINNATHAMBY Grantley WARD Will SITCH Emily WARD-AMBLER Anna SLOAN Stuart WATSON Evelyn SLOAN Daniel WATSON Jacqueline SMITH Claudia WEATHERALL Imogen SMITH-WATERS Pearl WEE Angus SOMERVILLE Olivia WHITAKER Wilfrid SPEAGLE Jack WILLIAMS Waverley STANLEY Ruaridh WILLIAMSON Max STAUB Cameron WILSON Rhori STEIN Christopher WOOD Robbie-Lee STEPHEN Joshua WRIGHT George STEPHEN Jack WRIGHT David STERN Mengjie WU Nathan STOREN Charlotte WYLES Alexandra STRATOULY Eugene YANG Savannah STRONG Lu YE Lachlan STROVER Jack YOUNG Bianca STRUGNELL Robert YOUNG Thomas SZOKA Wayne ZHENG Heather TAN Vicky TAN NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS Camilla GORMAN Naoya TASHIRO Alexandra HADJI Alexandra THEILE Andrew HAMILTON Natasha THIAGARAJAH Conrad HEALD Phoebe THOMSON Phillipa KIRBY Alexander THOMSON Lachlan MCDONALD Lily THURSTON Caitlin MCIVOR Bradley TJANDRA Benjamin MURPHY Adam TODD Harry PENDLEBURY Bernadette TOOHEY Alexandra PHILLIPS Laura TOSCANO Ewen PICKLES Anna TRAILL Samantha PIENAAR Stephen TRELOAR Christopher ROACHE Sai Yee TSE Aaron SHUARN-YI TEH Lucinda TURNBULL Eloise VERBEEK Henri VAN BREDA Emma WARBUTON Sarah VAN DER POST Angus WILKINSON Hilary VAN LEEUWEN CRIPPS MIDDLE COMMON ROOM Madeleine VANSTONE Spencer VELARDE Arielle VOCALE John VRODOS Fraser WALLACE Anna WALLACE Chudi WANG Alistair Baker Baldrick Tyson Holloway-Clarke Baldrick RESIDENT STUDENT COORDINATORS Claudia Weatherall Avi Jain Joe Cavanagh Olivia Baenziger Tom Szoka Alena Broesder Ben Mahoney Miles Horton Rob Lean Shanley Price Fraser Wallace Ash Broadway Jack Young Olivia Whitaker Ailish Puren TCAC COMMITTEE 2014–2015 Jack Young Senior Student Eloise Bentley Social Secretary Harry Breidahl Treasurer Hugh Edwards Arts Representative Ailish Puren Female Sports Representative Alex Horton Male Sports Representative Jeanine Hourani Community Representative Lauren McKenzie Indoor Representative ART SOCIETY Olivia Baenziger President Georgie Baker Treasurer Ella Beckingsale Fiona Gunn Committee Laura Hanson Harriet Craig Juliet Archibald Olivia Whitaker Alex Horton Helena Bean Grantley Ward BURSARY COORDINATORS BEER BREWING SOCIETY Cam Wilson President Robbie Stephen Scotch Macdonald Secretary Claire Robinson Bianca Strugnell Laura Ward TRINITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATED CLUBS (TCAC) TCAC COMMITTEE 2013–2014 Anna Trail Senior Student Cale Dobrosak Social Secretary Ruaridh Williamson Treasurer Charles Kemp Arts Representative Harry Breidahl Treasurer Alex Horton Claudia Weatherall Anuja Ratwatte BEER BUDLAY Jack Young President Eloise Bentley Secretary Ailish Puren Treasurer Olivia Whitaker Alistair Haskett President Alexandra Hinchcliff Female Sports Representative Lucie Gavanon Treasurer Sandy Marshall Male Sports Representative Nicole Hart Committee Member Miranda Gronow Community Representative BILLIARDS ROOM Will Hargreaves President Sam Gooley Secretary Andrew Gunn Indoor Representative Fraser Wallace Secretary Annabel Dixon Joshua Wright 33 Cameron Wilson Treasurer James McMahon Secretary Grantley Ward Harry Gates Treasurer Scotch Macdonald Anna Cameron Jack Young COOKING SOCIETY Eloise Bentley President Sam Davidson Olivia Whitaker Marcus Lim Claire Peterson TRINITY RACQUET SOCIETY Harry Breidahl President Jack McMeniman Secretary Jessica Lord Secretary GAMES SOCIETY Tyson Holloway-Clarke President Sam Davidson Treasurer Harry Gates Treasurer Ben Mahoney Secretary Anna Cameron Aoife Nicklason Avi Jain Treasurer Breanna Chapman Nick Cole Anuja Ratwatte DANCE SOCIETY Madeline Foster President Joe Cavanagh Annabel Dixon Ash Broadway Lucy Turnbull TRINITY RECREATIONAL ALPINE CLUB Max Staub President Rose Hewetson Secretary Hugh Edwards Online Custodian Fiona Gunn Intern Grantley Ward Intern BUTTERY Andrew Beyer Manager Jack Young Treasurer Edgar Druce Keeper of the Kegs William Hargreaves Rebecca Breadmore Emily Ward-Ambler Joe Cavanagh BULPADOCK (LITERARY JOURNAL) Sarah Donkersley Jay Kim Secretary INFORMAL DINNING SOCIETY Tyson Holloway-Clarke President Sarah Ryan Treasurer Jess Lord Secretary Blake Nielsen Edgar Druce ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Susie Gomm DIALECTIC SOCIETY Hugh Edwards Secretary Scotch Macdonald Treasurer Ailish Puren Fiona Gunn Senhao Huang Alex Horton Claudia Weatherall WINE CELLAR Rose Hewetson President Ben Mahoney Ash Broadway E.R. WHITE SOCIETY Alex Galligan President TRINITY COLLEGE MUSIC SOCIETY Fraser Wallace President Olivia Baenziger Secretary Tiernan Morrison Treasurer Jo Roberts Sarah Ryan Tyson Holloway-Clarke FILM SOCIETY Andy Beyer President Olivia Whitaker Secretary Alex Horton Treasurer Jack Young Paul Chynoweth Will Hargreaves FITZSTANEITH POLLING SOCIETY Hugh Edwards President 34 Rose Hewetson Miles Horton Secretary Oliver Harley Treasurer Hugh Edwards Marcus Lim Britt King TRINITY COLLEGE MUSIC THEATRE SOCIETY Imogen Cowan Producer TRINITY INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL COMMITTEE Simon Matthews President Lily Chen Secretary Liam Nuttall Treasurer Rachel Koh Charlie Martin Treasurer Miles Horton Secretary Hugh Edwards Treasurer Nick Langford Fraser Wallace Alex Horton RESIDENT COMMITTEES BALL COMMITTEE Cale Dobrosak Chair Emily Lewis Secretary Emily Ward-Ambler Sam Davidson Tom Szoka Laura Hanson Helena Bean BEER GARDEN (NEWSPAPER) Ash Broadway Editor Georgie Baker Custodian Liam Nuttall FLEUR-DE-LYS (YEAR BOOK) Tiernan Morrison Imogen Cowan JESTER COMMITTEE Olivia Whitaker Scotch Macdonald OUTREACH Miranda Gronow Chair Emily Lewis Secretary Simon Matthews Treasurer Gianna Morris Claudia Weatherall Robert Hayward Katherine Parrott Levi McKenzie STUDENT IT / AV COMMITTEE Hugh Edwards Chair Jia Choo Oliver Harley TECH (DJ) COMMITTEE Nick Cole PHOTOGRAPHERS Anuja Ratwatte Joe Cavanagh Matt Geleta Luis Duhart Gonzalez Robbie Stephen Susannah Gomm Winston Dzau Annabel Robinson Fresher volunteer of the year Bern Toohey Hannah Grigg Nitaa Eapen Miranda Gronow Hugh Edwards OAK PROGRAM COMMITTEE Jeanine Hourani RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE AWARDS Phyllis Lok Yan Ho Molly Fowler Matthew Geleta Joe Merrion Student of the Year Avnish Jain Miles Horton Senhao Huang Susannah Gomm Philippa Kirby Hannah Grigg Gabrielle LeFevre Miranda Gronow Campbell McGillivray Laura Hanson Outstanding contribution to community service Jeanine Hourani Simon Matthews Lok Yan Ho Rachel McCullough Miles Horton Sportswoman of the year Elizabeth Lamond James McMahon Senhao Huang Nicholas Montgomery Jia Ying Kho Tiernan Morrison Robert Lean Eleanor Nicklason Jack Marozzi Blake Nielsen Simon Matthews Iona Norton James McClure Franc Carse Essay Prize Morgan Hepburn-Brown Luke Patterson Rachel McCullough Emmett Richardson Hoang Nam Phuong Ngo James Roberts Eleanor Nicklason Prof. Marcia Langton AM Philip Sargeant Poetry Prize Luke Patterson William Allen Essay Prize Tyson Holloway-Clarke Lily Robinson Blake Nielson Dr Bryan Keon-Cohen AM (TC 1966) Sara Dee Rusdiah Evelyn Parsonage Mr Jason Misfud Nakata Brophy Short Fiction and Poetry Prize for Young Indigenous Writers Jessica Hart Thomas Szoka Matthew Phan Alexandra Theile Lachlan Philips Bradley Tjandra Shilpa Rath Eliza Wallace Lily Robinson Herschel Art Prize Olivia Baenziger Fraser Wallace Andrew Roche Stuart Watson Sara Dee Rusdiah ACDEMIC CERTIFICATES Emma Williams Evangeline Shaw AWARDED IN MARCH For results in Semester 2, 2013 Luke Wilson Rhori Stein Bohao Yao Thomas Szoka Jacqueline Allen Charlotte Zhan Alexandra Theile OAK PROGRAM Tiernan Morrison Cameron Wilson OAK PROGRAM SPEAKERS Dr Martin Sevior (TC 1977) Ms Dawn Leicester (TC 1979) Dr Jane Fox (TC 1976) Dr Phoebe Wynn-Pope (TC 1984) Mr Donald Speagle (TC 1986) Mr Rob Grant (TC 1985) Prof. Peter McPhee AM (TC 1966) Ms Elizabeth Aitken (TC 2007) Mr Michael Trail AM (TC 1979) Dr Rod Graham (TC 1972) Ms Katherine Rekaris (TC 1989) Mr Michael Levine (TC 2005) Dr Stephen Mills (TC 1971) Rt Hon. Malcom Fraser AC, CH, GCL TCAC AWARDS Fresher Artsperson of the year Jack Wright Outstanding contribution to indoor activities Oliver Harley Outstanding contribution to the Arts Alex Galligan Sportsman of the year Marcus Sevior Rohan Humberstone Cup Susie Gomm Georgina Baker Avnish Jain Outstanding contribution to College spirit Scotch Macdonald AWARDED IN AUGUST For results Semester 1, 2014 Phoebe Thomson Harry Breidahl Lily Chen Olivia Baenziger Bernadette Toohey Ben Clark Georgina Baker Fraser Wallace Tom Clark Thomas Beischer Daniel Watson Joseph Constable Richard Bestel De Lezongard Claudia Weatherall Thomas Crowhurst Alena Broesder Luke Wilson Jack Cuthbertson Colton Carner Ruaridh Williamson Bradley Den Heijer James Chan Lu Ye Winston Dzau Lily Chen Wayne Zheng Hugh Edwards Timothy Crowe Cameron Englman Amelia Curran Nicole Feast John Daly Stephanie Forrest Georgina Davie Miranda Gaze Sarah Donkersley Olivia Whitaker Fresher sportsman of the year Marcus Sevior Fresher sportswoman of the year Elizabeth Lamond Outstanding contribution to college sport Philip Hall Outstanding contribution to college life Olivia Baenziger Bradley Tjandra 35 RESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Clive Smith Scholarships (2010) Nicholas Langford Henry Berthon Scholarship (1886) Tom Szoka Perry Scholarship (1873) Miranda Gronow AGL and Peggy Shaw Scholarship (2012) Robbie-Lee Stephen Kirsten Callander Ian Home McKenzie Medical Scholarship (2001) Samuel Gooley Rosemary and Bryan Cutter Foundation Scholarship (2008) Jamie Collins James A Grant Scholarship (2001) Jackson Clarke Oatley Family Scholarship (2007) Breanna Chapman James Guest Science Scholarship (2007) Dzifa Amenuvegbe Jackson Clarke A G Miller Scholarship (1933) Fraser Wallace Amy Smith Recurrent Scholarship (1985) Emily Simpson-Page Agnes Robertson Choral Scholarship (1999) Phoebe Thomson Agnes Tait Robertson Scholarship for the Creative Arts (2006) Madelaine Diamond Audrey Moore A J Herd Scholarship (1996) Stephen Treloar Dr Andrew Fraser Medical Scholarship (2009) Olivia Baenziger Cale Dobrosak Andrew Freeman Shilpa Rath Evangeline Shaw Andrew Sprague Bursary for Photography and Archives (1989) Anuja Ratwatte Annabel Robinson Arthur Hills Scholarship (1987) Senhao Huang Barry and Margo Capp Scholarship (2005) Ngaree Blow Bill Bockholt Scholarship – (1978) Rona Glynn-McDonald Campbell Scholarship (2007) Jack Marozzi Charles Abbott Scholarship (1986) Alexander Marshall Charles Hebden Memorial Scholarship (1919) Nicholas Langford Cheong Yu-Lin Endowment Fund (2008) Sara Rusdiah Clarke Scholarship (1880) Jack McMeniman Eleanor Nicklason Sara Rusdiah Miranda Gronow Tom Szoka 36 Natasha Robbins Emily Simpson-Page Cybec Recurrent Scholarship (2005) Hamish Curran Phillip Hall Samuel Hartley Jordan Lo Piccolo Simon Matthews Chantelle Robbins Luke Wilson Cybec IT Endowed Scholarship (1994) Avnish Jain David Wells Law Scholarship (1997) Imogen Smith-Waters Donald Markwell Scholarship (2006) James McClure Laura Ward Kenneth Moore Music Scholarship (2008) Katherine Hewitt Le Souef Medical Scholarship (1999) Nicholas Caldwell Morgan Hepburn-Brown Leith Hancock Scholarship (1992) Isabelle Napier Lilian Alexander Medical Scholarship (1999) Morgan Hepburn-Brown Andrew Lin Angus Somerville Oodgeroo Endowed Scholarship (2000) Robert Lean Peter Godfrey Choral Scholarship (2002) Alana Michenko Peter Dennison Choral Scholarship (2002) Phoebe Thomson Hannah Grigg R A Must Scholarship (2000) Winston Dzau Lucie Gavanon Matthew Geleta Alistair Haskett Evan Burge Entrance Scholarship (1995) Timothy Crowe Marion F Wilson Choral Scholarship (1991) Miranda Gronow Wayne Zheng Maurice Hurry Law Scholarship (1983) Imogen Smith-Waters Tom Szoka Merlyn Myer Scholarship (2007) Jack Young Jonathan Lau Felicity Anne Curry Choral Scholarship (2006) Bradley Tjandra F F Knight Scholarship (1993) Jacqueline Brookes F L Armytage Scholarship (1883) Rebecca Breadmore Jacqueline Brookes Frank Henagan Scholarship (1997) Jacqueline Brookes Freemantle Choral Scholarship (2011) Georgia Bentley Fulford Research Scholarship (1925) Jocelyn Chu Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship (1985) Will Bennett Laura Ward Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Choral Scholarship (1990) Bradley Tjandra Stephen Treloar Ranald Macky Miltiades and Alkestis Chryssavgis Scholarship (1995) Aram Geleris N Bruce Munro Senior Scholarship (1984) Winston Dzau Matthew Geleta Alistair Haskett Jack McMeniman Eleanor Nicklason Tom Szoka N H M Forsyth Choral Scholarship (1997) Hannah Grigg N H M Forsyth Senior Choral Scholarship (2001) Phoebe Thomson Nancy Curry Choral Scholarship (1997) Bradley Tjandra Nerida Wylie Scholarship (2001) Laura Ward Phyllis Ho Jack McMeniman Fraser Wallace Hugh Edwards Randolph Creswell Engineering Scholarship (2004) Thomas Crowhurst Randal and Louisa Alcock Scholarship (1927) Will Bennett Reginald M V Blakemore Scholarship (1991) Jacqueline Brookes R F Stuart-Burnett Scholarship (1994) Nicole Hart Robert B Lewis Scholarship (1989) Laura Ward Robert W H Cripps Choral Scholarship (1994) Miranda Gronow Ronald Cowan Scholarship (2008) Shanley Price SAF Pond Scholarship (1980) Phoebe Thomson S A F Pond Non-Resident Choral Scholarship (1980) Kristy Biber Caitlin McIvor Camilla Gorman Angus Wilkinson Emma Warburton Alexandra Philipps Will Lennie Lyndon Green Lachlan McDonald Christopher Roache Eloise Verbeek Shanley Price Shilpa Rath Anuja Ratwatte Annabel Robinson Bernadette Toohey Laura Ward Chris Wood Maggie Wu Andrew Roche Alanna Dodd Bernard Kelly Aiden Potts Aaron Teh Trinity International Scholarship (2000) Taylor Callaghan Tim Newton Lily Chen Josh McLeod Phyllis Ho Conrad Heald Senhao Huang Andrew Hamilton Shakeel Lala Jordy McMillan Phuong Ngo James Campbell Sara Rusdiah S R Stoneman Scholarship (2010) Rebecca Breadmore Maggie Wu Megan Oldmeadow Amelia Curran Simon Fraser Scholarship (1920) Jia Xiong Choo Dr Susan Lim Medical Scholarship (2010) Jocelyn Chu Laura Toscano Wayne Zheng Sydney Wynne Scholarship (1970) Jacqueline Brookes Taylor Callaghan Trinity General Scholarship Bori Ahn Hussain Alamein Alethea Bett Taylor Callaghan James Chan Imogen Cowan Madelaine Diamond Rona Glynn-McDonald Senhao Huang Emily Lewis James McClure Liam Nuttall Matthew O’Brien Claire Peterson Trinity Resident Theological Scholarship Jacqueline Smith Morna Sturrock Doctoral Fellowship (2008) Jasmine Dow CHEN Allan THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL CHI Henry Leonie Clare BIRD DU Frank Trevor Norman BRADLEY GAO Ray Andrew Lindsay BUNTING HAN Han Christy CAPPER HE Aaron Christopher John Robert CAROLANE JOO David Paul CARR LI Emily Melissa Anne CLARK Deborah COULTHARD Ian Kieran CRICHTON Michael Francis DANAHER Wendy Marian DOWNING Nicholas Alexander FABBRI Jacob Deng GARANG AKECH Peter David GUY Emma Louise HALGREN John Paul George HOBBY Christine Linda JOHNSON Nay Htoo KHIN Hay Day Ta Tha KUNOO William Cain Scholarship Alana Minchenko Nisher KUNOO W J Banks Fund Will Bennett Mark Richard LINDSAY Yorta Yorta Scholarship (2004) Eloise Bentley ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP Alan and Peggy Shaw Oxford Scholarship (2012) Elliott Bannan Louise Agnes LANG Kate Maree LORD Catherine MCGOVERN Catherine Mary MOORE Elizabeth Jennifer MURRAY Gunasilan NADARAJAN David James Robert PERRYMAN THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS Benjamin David PETSCHEL The Nigel & Margery Herring Studentship (2011) Jacqueline Smith Claire Elizabeth Leigh PRESTON John Liversidge Studentship (2012) Jacqueline Smith Mitchell James William PORTER John Alan RAIKE Fiona Yvonne RAIKE Brenda SANG Heather May SCOTT Geoffrey and Edith Pitcher Studentships (2013) Melissa Clark Adriaan Charles SIERSEMA Michael Danaher Moe Win TUN KIN Elizabeth Murray Paul Carr FOUNDATION STUDIES MARCH SPECIALISED EXTENDED 2013 Jacqueline Anne SMITH Josephine SNOWDON Joanne Rae VAN NIEKERK Nicholas Kurt WHITE Janet Merilyn WINFIELD LEI Sylvia LI Louis LIN Shuling LIU Paul LIU Simon MARGARETH PAN Cherish POEDJI Cindy SHI Ethan SUWANNAPROM Rexy TANG Tiantian TONG Sylvia VALENTINO Julio WANG Marko WANG Michael WANG Tom YANG Richard YANG Samuel ZHANG Bruce ZHANG Sharon ZHU Shawn JULY FAST TRACK 2013 ADISUDJANA Elsa Magdalena ADITYA Reynard ADJIPUTRO Reinaldo AKBAR Erick ALBERT Charles ANG Gracia Yan Ting ANGELICA Lawrensia Jessy AUNG Sai Htin BARTLETT Britt BI Minghao CHAN Jasmine CHAN William CHANDRA Regina CHEN Ivan 37 CHEN Yilin PUTRI Carissa Dea Chandra CHU Jessica ATIP-ANAN Tarn CHEONG Sonia RUNGWATTANASOPHON Tony DECKER GABELA Maria Antonieta AUNG Sai Htin CHUNG Wing Yee SALFA Halida FRANSISKA Anggun BAO Jianwei DAREN Timothy SEJATI Ajie SENDJAJA Richie GARCIA JIMENEZ Daniel Fernando BARTLETT Britt DARMALI Adrian DEVINA Theresia SETIAWAN Kwik Iwan Kurniadi HALIM Claudia BUDIHARDJO Annette DJONNATHA Roberto SETIAWAN Michelle HALIM Darren DUAN Freya SIA Nathan HO Caralene EUGENIA Joscelind SOEGIARTO Andri Jaya HONG Baoqi GEMA Ferdian SONG Felicia HUANG WeiJian GO Gino SUSANTO Jessica HUTAMA Intan GRISZELDA Jesslyn SUSILO Rani KOCHAROVA Angelina GUNADI Arga SUTANTIO Feli LEE Angel GUNTORO Jessica SY Martin LIANG Laura HALIM Darren TAN Ming Huei LIM Nicolas HANDA Rika TANCHAROEN Prang LIU Yifei HARYONO Titi TEDJOWARSITO Gabriele Ellora LO Johnnel Joseph HU Jeffrey TEN Michael LWIN MOE MYINT HU Zhexin TJUWARNO Calvin MENA MORALES Luis HUANG Jacqueline TRINH Y MIKHALCHUK Maxim HUANG Jingbo TRINITA Elisya MO Gabriella HUYNH Thao VENISHA Venisha NG Adriana INDRAWAN Christian VINUEZA BRAVO Katherine NGUYEN Duy Phat JIAO Sisy WANGDRA Kevin PATNI Ling-Ling JOENOES Josephine WICAKSONO Kresno Budi PERDANA Rizki Satria KHO Mathew WIGUNO Glory PHAN Muykim KOAY Teng Bin WILLA Jesslyn PHUA Joey KOK Jessica WIRIASUGATA Billy ROSAS PACHA Sofia KOSMAN Claudia WONG Enrica ROWHANI TAZANGI Armin KUSUMA Michelle WONG Hartini SEE Sien Wei GARCIA JIMENEZ Daniel Fernando KWOK Wilson WONG YoYo SIM Yu Jing GO Gino LAIWIN Kenneth WU Jiacheng SINGANA GUANA Johan Edison GOH Samson LASE Felicia Melina XU Chenshun SIY CHA Matthew GONZALES Ivana LEE Sherry YANG Sandra SUPRAPTO Glenn GOSAL Christie LEE Stefanie YAO Carolyn SZE Rachel GRISZELDA Jesslyn LEONG Janelle Eleanor YAP Priscilla Li-Ting TEN Michael GU Lyn LI Ashley YUNITANTRIA Vena THIAN Stephannnie GUNAWAN Satrio LIU Yan ZHOU Katrina VANDOTHRA Ananth Krishna GUNTORO Jessica LO Annabel ZHU Andrea WAI HLYAN PHYO Matt HAASIANI Nova MO Susanna ZHU Wendy WEI Oriana HALIM Claudia NAGARAJAN Arvind JULY MAIN PLUS 2013 WIJAYA Gautama HAMZAH Afiq WONG May HAN Doris YUEN Kim HARYONO Titi AUGUST MAIN 2013 HE Aaron NGUYEN Minh Trang OLIVIA OO Zaw Ba POON Sean PRANANTA Phillip Ray PRASETIO Wisely 38 ANDREEVA Stacy ANG Brendi ANG Brenwin ARNINDYA Nadira ASLAN Natalia BAO Jianwei ANAND Kisshanpyar ANGGONO Victor ANGKARSA Sheila BUDHI Joshua CACERES CACERES Estefany CHAN William CHAN MYAE AUNG Chan CHANG Dawn CHANG Gloris CHEN Alice CHEN Allan CHEN Cruise CHIO Janice CHONG Kenny Ken Li CHOO Abby DAI Wesley DAREN Timothy DECKER GABELA Maria Antonieta DIAZ RODRIGUEZ Marcelo DJOJOSEPUTRO Stephanie DONG Chenny FAN Sammie FAN Selina FU Wen-Chi FUNG Anthony GAO Esther HE Andrew HERIAWAN Jason HERMAWAN Vania HO Caralene MAIGUA TENELEMABrenda TAN Amy YUEN Chris HONG Julie MARGARETA Theatrixia TAN Mark Tze Han ZHANG Cathy HUANG Sherry MENA MORALES Luis TANCHAROEN Prang ZHANG Constance HUYNH Tan Tai MENG Elaine TANEAN Joanne Kaemmer ZHANG Gibson HUYNH Thao MIAO Renzheng TANTOMO Aaron ZHANG Ibrahim ILCHENKO Elizaveta MIKHALCHUK Maxim TAY Kai Shen ZHANG Iris JIA Swagger MOCHIZUKI Yuma TEOH Zhi ZHANG Sherry JIANG Even MORENO MALDONADO Domenica Luisa TJUWARNO Calvin ZHANG Yan TOCK Minn ZHANG Ying NG Andrew TRAN Juvia ZHAO Laurel NG Ronjo TRAN Kim ZHAO Marco NGAI Bianca VOO Zachary ZHU Andrea NGUYEN Duy Phat WAI HLYAN PHYO Matt ZHU Julie NGUYEN Huy WANG Candice NGUYEN Minh Tran WANG Claire OCHOA MORA Paula Daniela WANG Ming ONG Harold WANG Raymond PAN Vanessa WANG Soda PAREDES VILLAMAR Diego Xavier WIBOWO Yohanes PARK Eonji WICAKSONO Kresno Budi PATNI Ling-Ling WIDJAJA Simon Budiman PERDANA Rizki Satria WIJAYA Kristi POH Charice WILLA Jesslyn PUTRI Carissa Dea Chandra WIN Eric RAHMAN Adiansyah Emiral WIRIASUGATA Billy REYNATA Clarisa WISTAN Billy ROMARIO Odwin WONG Hartini RUSSELL Alexander WONG Humphrey SAENZ PENAFIEL Diego WONG Timothy SAIFUL BAHRI Muhammad Reza WU Evan SHEN Edison WU Tong SHEN Rain XIAO Selina SHI Jack XIE Sylvia SIA Nathan XU Alan SIAWIRA Cindy XU Alois SIEM Richard XU Elen SINGANA GUANA Johan Edison XU Thomas SIY CHA Matthew YANG Richard SOEGIARTO Andri Jaya YANG Sandra SU Kate YANG Yu SUN Jennifer SUN Yutong YANZAGUANO BRAVO Camila Viviana SUSILO Rani YAP Victoria SUTANTIO Felix YE Han SY Martin YE Shuwen TAKEI Shuntaro YEO Desiree Huey Ming TAM Chun Kit YU Hazel JIANG Jack JIANG Jason JIANG Yanbing JIAO Sisy KANG Erin KANG Evelyn KHO Mathew KINUHATA Kenta KOMARUDIN Benazir Maharani KWAN Douglas KYAING WUT YE KYI Isabella LAIWIN Kenneth LAU Celina LE Ngoc Tram LEE Soojung LEIVA VILLAGOMEZ Geovanny LEW Jonathan LI Kurt LI Robin LI Vincent LIANG Laura LIAO Coco LIM Vivien LIN Ang LIN Rachel LIN Shuling LIU Paul LIU Saxon LIU Sunny LOK Andy LOW Shing Ying LU Ivy LU Lulu LU Ronee LU Zhuoer LUO Tim LWIN MOE MYINT MAI Tu OCTOBER FAST TRACK 2013 AGGARWAL Yash AKBAR Erick BUDHI Joshua CAYANTI Teresa CHAN Catherine CHAN Ka Man Carrie CHEN Allen CHEN Nell CHENG Felix CHIO Janice CHUI Michael CHUNG Sunny DEVINA Theresia FAN Fred FANG Sally FANG Tracy FRANSISKA Anggun GAO Esther GAO Shirley GOH Sebastian GUNTORO Jessica HAASIANI Nova HAN Lucy HON Gordon HUANG Jingbo KWOK Joyce KWOK Wilson KWONG Pok Naam LAM Raymond LAYADI Angel LEUNG Angus LEW Jonathan LI Junfeng 39 LIM Vivien DAI Diane LI Maxine WANG Chris LIU Catherine DU Hugo LI May WANG Chuyue MIAO Renzheng DU Josie LI Veronica WANG Hande NEKRASOVA Marianna DU Sean LI Winnie WANG Jenny PAULINA Flory Anggi DUAN Ethan LI Yico WANG Jenny PERERA Amesh FAN Tony LIANG Kevin WANG King REN Lynn FANG Yvonne LIANG Terry WANG Letitia REN Victor FENG Jin LIAO Aria WANG Ningxiao SALFA Halida FU Fersula LIM Mable WANG Wang SANTANA LIZANO Ness FU Jennifer LIN Alva WANG Yvonne SEE Emmeline Mei Yi GAO Gordon LIN Jeremy WU Euphie TAM Ka Kit GAO Kim LIN Lynette WU Winnie TANTOMO Aaron GAO Leo LIU Amor XING Gloria TRAN Tam GONG Gary LIU Andy XU Jocelyn VO John GUAN Gary LIU Pauline XU Louise WANG Modan GUAN Tong LIU Sylvia XU Shelly WEI Yi GUO Catherine LONG Allyson XUE Zoe WICAKSONO Kresno Budi GUO Dylan LU Billy YANG Amelia WIN Eric GUO Jessie LUO Eric YANG Dian WONG Carrie GUO Kelly LYU Vivian YANG Luhan WONG Humphrey HO Justin MA Jane YANG Naomi WU Jiacheng HOANG William MA Judy YANG Ryan YEOH Darren Cheang Leng HOU Alva MA Winni YIN Vicky ZENG Yiwen HU Gary MURTHI Ryan YU Derek ZHAI Patrick HU Ronnie NGUYEN Nhi YUE Shelley ZHOU Stella HU Zoe NI Ray ZENG Marcus ZHU Andrea HUANG Gwen PAN Bom ZHANG Eason ZHU Brian HUANG Jerry PAN Dylan ZHANG Joe AUGUST COMPREHENSIVE EXTENDED 2013 HUANG Sissi PI Bobby ZHANG Lorace HUANG Sunny QI James ZHANG Martin ALDHANHANI Omar HUO Cherry QIAN Astrid ZHANG Vivian BAI Kate JI Owen QIAN Brendan ZHAO Yuni BONG Will JIAN Hantao RONG Glory ZHAO Zoe CAO Anita JIANG Esther SHI Coco ZHENG Carly CAO Celine JIN Serena SHI Jessica ZHOU Jarrie CAO Mike JUNUS Jasmine SHI Selina ZHOU Olivia CHEN Ashley KAPI Fanny SHI Yvette ZHOU Ruolan CHEN Colette KHVOROVSen SHU Cissy ZHOU Tiffany CHEN Eric LAM Laurinda SHU Tony ZHU Danee CHEN Evette LAU Yoda SONG Song ZHU Debbie CHEN Feifan LI Barbara SU Irene ZHU Nicholas CHEN George LI Charlie SUN Aaron ZHU Rex CHEN Rebecca LI Doris SUN Carol ZHUANG Rellia CHEN Robert LI Jacqueline SUN Jim CHEN Steven LI Keremy SUN Lesley AUGUST SPECIALISED EXTENDED 2013 CHENG Charlene LI Lydia TIORENTINA Tina BAI Ree CHI Sharon LI Lyra TSOI Wing Hung DING Florence 40 GU Olive KRIKUL Neil LEI Ken LI Phoebe LIN Henry MEESANUN Na NIU Bryan PAN Seta PRAJONO Vito SHI Frank THONG Desmond WANG Ashley WANG Rain WANG Una XU Allen XU Caroline ZHAN Ken ZHANG Kris ZHENG Emmy JANUARY MAIN PLUS 2014 ADVENSIA Estrella Desi AL RAMADAN Yasmin Ali H ALDOSSARI Farah Fahad M ALSANIA May AVELLAN JIMENEZ Oscar CAMACHO MUNCHA Maria CANDRA Claudia CHAN Ho Yan Claudia CHAU Michael CHENG KoKo CHIA Christopher Yu Xuan CHIAU Jerry CHONG Alysha CHOW Tsz Yan CHUNG Cherry EFFENDI Mila ELANGOVAN Laknes Elan KAHAWA KORALALAGE Amith Shehan AREVALO BAZALAR Charito GIOH Joanne AUNG Ye Htet GOH Jamie KENGSLEY Anyssa Priscilla AW Kai Ken GOH Ryan BARTLETT Brendan GOH Samantha CAI Winnie GONZALEZ URIARTE Erick CAO Joseph GUAN Clive CEDENO MENDOZA Andy GUAN Jiajia CHAI Chang Jia GUANOLEMA COBA Anita CHAN Martin GUO Florence CHAN Wai Choong GUO Jay CHAN Wei Kin GUO Shaina CHEN Aney HAN Ren-Guang CHEN Fei HAN Wency CHEN Francis HARINDYASWARA Nabil CHEN Jenny HARTANTO Stefanus Kevin CHEN Keynes HAY Jon CHEN Lantty HE Christina CHEN Nelson HE Muyuan CHEN Rachel HE Robert CHEN Shelley HE Steven CHEN Sherry HENG Ninq CHEN Sunny HIRAYAMA Hiroki CHENG Hancy HO Danielle CHENG Jingjing HOANG Linh CHEOW Wen Yan Shaina HONG Bill CHIAN Kim HONG Elyshia CHIN Jasling HOU Psyche CHIN Tiffany HOU Steven CHIO Sabina HSUEH Yung-Hsin CHOKCHAINUN Nat HUANG Danielle CHOO Yen-Li Clara HUANG Sunnie CHOONG Sze Zhing Carol HUANG Tony CHUA Rachel HUANG Wan-Yi CUI Aiden HUNG Wendy CUI Jenny JIANG Xiaolin DANIEL Daniel JIAO Jean DON Hans JIN Shan DONG Shin KEH Carene DOU Maoyin KEH Dione FENG Fiona KHOO Jun Jie FENG Oliver KHOO Miriam FONG Jia Hong KIM Shannon FOO Xin En Joelle KON Jon FOONG Amanda KUA Jia Yee GAO Rex KUO Jun GE Evey KURNIAWAN Stefan GINTING Bob Bushido KYAW Nick KO Ching Hong KOSMAN Safira Paramitha KWONG Flora LABANG Peter LAPANUN Pear LAPWATTANAMONGKOL Ariel LI Lena LIM Rochelle LIMANTA Denis LINARDO Samudra LOH Janice LOPEZ REYES David Josue LOW Sze Yun MOHD QAYS YIK Danial Yik MYAT John NATHANIA Jovita NG Elizabeth NG Rachel Hui Yi NGOK Cindy ONG Robin PAREDES PASPUEL Luis Alejandro POLIT BERNAL Bryan Eduardo POON Yanie PRASETIYO Vanessa PUTRA Adrian Hendrawan RAKATANI Mark Richard SATRIO Tanaya SHI Karen SUEN Cheuk Ting Matthew TAN Esther Wei Shen THONG Daniel VO Sally WAN MD TAMBRIN SAH Wan Ibrahim ENG Janice WARIAMBU Pearce GALLEGOS ROCA Fernando WIJAYA Gilbert GAN Ming Hao WONG Amy GUAPISACA PACURUCU Geovanna Belen YAM Nigel HAMDANI Utomo HENRY Christian HONG Nicole Sien Lien HUSNI Silvie JOHARI Amir Hisham YEE I-Xin YUDISTIRA JoTi ZHU Evan FEBRUARY MAIN 2014 AHMAD Nurul Athirah ANG Wayne 41 LAI Elric LUK Timmy SEYEDALIBEYK LAVASANI Hajar TJAHJADI Indri LAM Steven LYU Coral SHA Nico TJANG Wesley Wei Siang LAU Chloe MA Mason SHAN Crystal TJENDRA Andreas LAU Giselle MAH Jia Yi SHAO Derek TRUONG Ryan LAU MiSha MAH Stephen SHAO Sophie TSE Sam LEE Chen Xi MAK Michelle SHIH Johnny TSE Thomas LEE Sean MANALOTO Ulan SIAW Cassandra VANESSA LEE Skye MARAN Shallet SIERRA YANACALLO Danny VONG Kennes LEE Violet MAUNG MAUNG Htet Wai SIM Alina WANG Alan LEE Woei Shin MINGGAT SPENCER Rudy SIM Bryan WANG Anna LEE Yea Ji MOHAMMADI Nima SIM Jasmine WANG Bruce LEI Twist MOK Jeremy SIRAJ Shaafiq WANG Cara LEONG Derek MONTALUISA CHANATASIG Jonathan SITOH Andy WANG Cindy SITU David MORISHITA Kazu WANG Derossi SOE LATT Naing Oak NG Noelle WANG Hactor SOH Irene NGO Vincent WANG Itach SOK Hok Hong NGU Esmond WANG Jason SOON Ashley NGUI Matthew WANG Joey SRIWIHOK Pim NGUYEN Ha WANG Meiru SUGIYAMA Arthur Junpei NIU Vincent WANG Missy SUON Witu ONG Matthew WANG Roy SUPIT Alicia ONG Rose WANG Xiaoxu SURYA Dea OO Po Po WANG Yian TAN Alina OOI Inn Huei WEI Anny TAN Chloe OUNG Sarah WEI Katherine TAN Claire PAJOUHANDEH Alireza WIN LEI LEI PHYU TAN Ezekiel PAN Caroline WINSON Winson TAN Jia Le PAN Ryan WIRADIPUTRI Kharizta TAN Jia Qi PEH Alice WONG Brenda Yun Ru TANG Annie PEREZ VILLA Andy WONG Chris TANG Brenda PHAY Natalie WONG Cindy TANG Rebecca QIN Ruijun WONG Ivan TANZIL Richard QU Zoe WONG Joyce TARAY Ella QUEK Priscilla Bai Zhen WONG Lok Yee TAY Eleen RAJALINGAM Pavethra WONG Margaret TE Uytak RAOUFISADR Ali WONG Xin Yun TEE Daniel RAVICHANDAR Vik WU Ben Wu THE Yi Jie REN Vicky WU Elvis TENG Sheryel Shue Li REN Zhekun WU Nancy TEO Samantha RIN Pearith WU Nick TEOH Crystal RUSLI Richard WU Wenhao TEY Shirley SAGARA Kan XIANG Ting THARMARAJA Kertna SANNASGALA Pansilu XIE Ricky THONG Jonathan SANTANDER SAMANIEGO Leonel XU Chaohui TIAN Leo SAW Jett XU Leo TING Ging SELVARAS Pavi XU Wanchun TING Trisha Chee Ern YAN Hongyang LI Christina LI Clytze LI Elena LI James LI Jenny LI Patrick LI Yang LIANG Cindy LIANG Ming Yau LIM Berlinda LIM Jean LIM Josh LIM Kevin LIM Michelle LIM Nicolette LIM Shou Fang LIM Vanny LIM Yan Kai Julian LIN Donny LIN Hao LIN Jason LIN Vivienne LING Angel Jia Jia LIU Bosco LIU Jiali LIU Lene LIU May LIU Patrick LIU Sean LOI Samuel Kai Xiang LOONG Leanne En zi LOW Jason LOW Julian LU Yi Han 42 YAN Steven HU Bobo VO Tran Bao Tran WIJAYANTI Adit YANG Dongjun HUANG Miya WANG Mike WINARDO Vincent YANG Haoyu JIN Jane WEE Ben WIRYANTO Naomi YANG Lizzy LI Adam YOU Meiyi WONG Horace YANG Niki LI Li ZHANG Jiayin YASIN Adam MD YANG Qiyu LIAO James YELIA Maria YAP Huei Mian LIN Yestin JULY MAIN PLUS 2014 BUMRUNGSAKSILP Pat YE Sammi MU Arthur CHHUON Ben YE HTUN Kyle QIU Emily CHOI Eugene YEO Gracia SHANG George JULY FAST TRACK 2014 CHONG Chong ANDRETI Marcel YEO Kevin SHI Kira CHRISTOPHER Jelvin ARTAJAYA Alexander YEOW Serene SHI Caroline EAIN Elle CAYANTI Teresa YEPEZ CHACHA Nicolas SUN Klein GOH Alina CHAN Felicia YEUNG Edward THUREIN Justin GUO Alan CHAN U-Jane YIN Cathy WANG Rachel HOLIJAYA Felicia CHANG Chance YIN James WANG Karen JARA PILA Bryan CHEN Nicole YIN Shengzhu WANG Sky KHOR Chen Jack CHIN Mei YOKO Reagan WANG Yui KHUSBIN Michael CHRISTANTI Melisa YONG Evelyn WU Fiona KORDELIA Evelyn CHRISTIAN Malvin YONG Martin XIE Steven LEE Natasha DARSONO Dennis YOON Eddy YANG Star LEI Winslet EVITAPUTRI Vita YU Alice YU Robert LEONG Isaac FIONA Fiona YU Lisa ZHAI Aaron LI Ying Ying GALAPON Maria Carmelia YU Yulu ZHANG Iris LIANG Linda GOH Yi Ling YUAN Tiffany ZHENG John LIM Joe Sin HAGIANTI Hagi YUN Sky ZHU Hogan LIM KJ HALIM Shierly YUWONO Rosana ZHU Jasmine ZUN PAN NEW Zurina MARCH ACCELERATED 2014 LOPEZ GARCIA Steeven HALL Marika ZAW Nasir BUNCHASAKDIPHAT Newyear LOW Zi HARTANA David ZHANG Betty CHIA Phoebe MANOMAIPHAN Natacha HERJANTO Kavin Thingker ZHANG Christine CHUAH Kai Hui MELITA Melita HERTANTO Natasha ZHANG Harry HUANG Carol NAEEM Omar HUANG Wei ZHANG Ningxuan JIN Michael NGUYEN Carter IMAKULATA Florencia ZHANG Zixin KOSASIH Jennie OKTAVIANA Erica ISTARDI Michelle ZHAO Jason KOSASIH Jesica PHAM Lan JARUNRAT Yokky ZHAO Jiahang LIEW Wei Jie PINEDA GUEVARA Salvador KOLOSIDHI Kenley ZHAO Qee LO Cliveton PRASETYA Marvin KOSASIH Fefe ZHAO Vivian ONG Bree QUEK Kendrick KURNIAWAN Joy ZHENG Christine ONG Diana RAMADHANI Tissa KURNIAWAN Henry ZHOU Darcy SIOW Wilson ROMERO ARTEAGA Kevin KUSNADI Kevin ZHOU Irene SOH Jin SIEW Clarence LASMONO Salvia MARCH SPECIALISED EXTENDED 2014 TAN Claudie SIM Claudia LI Wei TAN Ingrid SINDARTO Cathy LI Yonghan TAN Matthias Guang Zheng SUDIRO Phoebe LI Yuhao TANG Clara TAN Ryan LIM Joan TAY Kristal TANUWIJAYA Sherlin LIU Haofeiran TEO Jonathan TJIUPEK Nicky LIU Georgia TRAN Jinna WIDYAWATI Merlina LUO Haofeng CHUNG Jacky FU Hennessy GAO Cindy HE Jessie HE Joe 43 LUO Soleil BOO Vanessa HO Christine LIU Ivy MATSUMOTO Maika BUDIMAN Stephan HONG Holly LIU Sachiel MICHAEL CAI Richard HOSOYA Marin LIU Zhaojin MIKHA Isaac Christian CAI Qing HU Chukai LIU Caroline MOGHADDAM TABRIZI Nazanin CAO Peilin HU Guangzhe LUO Qilin NEILWAN CHAI Claire HU Domingo LV Celine NG Caine CHAM Deon HU Erik LWIN Johnny NUGRAHA Armand CHANDRA Natasha Mitzi HUANG Ezreal MA Katherine OETOMO Christopher Hadi CHEN Joy HUANG Angela MAO Yilan PHIE Nadia CHEN Cong HUI Jerry MAO Yulu PRANJOTO Heraldo CHEN Ronney INDAHSARI Jovita MYINT ZU May PURWONO Brian CHEN Eleanor JIANG Alice NG Mandy PUTRA Leonardus Elbert CHEN Lawson JIANG Victoria NG See Hau RUMLI Karin CHEN Alice KARYADI Irwan NGUYEN Emma SETIAWAN Michelle CHEN Toby KATARINA Katar SHARLENE Gracia CHEN Belinda KEE Stephanie NUR NADIAH BINTE MASRI Nadiah SIEW Sasha CHENG Cynthia KIM Jioh SU Yufei CHEONG Brendan KURNIAWAN Andrian SUSANTO Ester CHET Regant LAV Sean SUTANTO Daniel CHEUNG Jeffrey LAZUARDI Josephine Tania SYNIAGOVSKA Oleksandra CHEW Charlene LE Alicia TABRANI Gracia Stephanie CHONG Bonnie LEE Rachel TAN Stephanie CHOO Yi Siu Maria LEE Marissa TANTOWIBOWO Erika CHOW Kimberly LEW Dan TAO Yijie CHU Jermaine LI Cherry THIANCHETTHAKUL Penny CHUNG Christopher Isaac LI Lynn TJANDRA Gerardus Widyoadri CLARKE Anthea LI Joey TJIUPEK Kathleen CUI Cathy LI Sylar UNTARIADY Nico DANG Anh Phong LI Liz WANG Renee DENG Yilia LI Sean WANG Zhuyun DING Lin LI Karen WANGSUTTHITHAM Nate DOI AUNG JA Doi LI Lee WIBISONO Vincent DONG Yingxue LI Sherry XIE Kirin DUAN Stefan LI Rain YAP Aaron DZAKIHILMY Batrisyia LI Lynn YONANTO Kevin FAN Caroline LIANG Phoebe YUDHISTIRA Albertus Magnus FAN FAN LIAO Cloris YUTRAYA Jesslyn FENG Tianyi LIEW Annie ZHANG Grant FI Khan Lin Lyena LIM Min Chee AUGUST MAIN 2014 GAO Wendi LIM Samantha Lim Jia Qi GU Elsa LIM Yi Sheng GU Harry LIN Sally GUO Phoebe LIN Lois GUO Sandra LIU Bowen HAN Gi Gi LIU Brandon HAN Yifei LIU Jiaye HE Julia LIU Yolanda ACHI Valerie Rani Anak ALEXANDER Hans Calvin ALFIAN Frea Disa ANDIANI Carissa ANDWA Kenny Glorious ANGELO Arnold AQSELA Beclarinda 44 ORLOV Kira OVCHARUK Valeriia OYE Joey OZKURT Hasan Batin PAN Sandy PANG Khloe PARK SiHyun PENG Shuwei PENG Wenning PRAWIDJAJA Clarisa Sylviana QIAN Junyi QU Freda QUEK Arren RAHIMUDDIN Farah RUSLI Michelle SANJAYA Gabriella SANTOS Sam SANTOSO Kevin SATYAWIRAWAN Sandra SHEN Jiaying SHEN Ruoyao SHEN Second SHI Benny SIA Thea Austine SOH Andrew SOMAMORA Vania SONG Jinlu SOU Alan STEVEN Royce SUN Vivi SUN Ikea SURJA Steven XU Nick CHEN Lu JI Jones SUWANNACHAYA Paul XU Yuping CHEN Patrick JIA Tris SUYANTO Indani YAN Evangeline CHEN Melody JIANG Sherleen SY Hanna YANG William CHEN Kelsi JIANG Echo TAI Sammi YANG Erin CHEN Winston JIN Stewart TAN Chia Wen YANG Yang CHEN Xiuwen KANG Renata TAN Grace Jie Yin YANG Jessica CHEN Zijun KHO Catherine TAN Shirley Min Huey YANG Yili CHRISTINA Rebecca KHUSBIN Melvia TAN Sharlyn YANG Vivienne CHU Bella KUANG Wing TANKAWIJAYA Melinda YANG Zewen DAI David LAI Christine TEE Annli YAP Brenda DENG Gaigai LAMTARA Jesslyn Clarance THE Aline YAP Edison DING Allen LE Louise THE Audrey YAPVIAN Christopher DING Jie LI Sophia THEONARDO Kevin Andrien YONG Sarah DUAN Junjun LI Kaer TIANG Brandon YOW Wen Kyle FAN Shuming LI Lucy TRYHANDARU Lala YU Hayden FAN Alex LI Ciel VALDEZ ROMO Erick Fernando YU Tom FANG Huilin LI Jonas VILLACIS ZUMBANA Jefferson YU Sally FANG Vera LI Tim VU Ken ZENG Zimo FENG Helena LI Irene VUONG Hoang Anh ZHANG Jianing FENG Swaggie LI Chris WAI WAI MAUNG Jill ZHANG Mary Anne FENG Louise LI Doris WAN Liangyi ZHANG Nina GAO Andy LI Yihan WANG Henry ZHANG Dandan GUAN Xiyuan LI Kerwin WANG Pengyu ZHANG Zulin GUAN Irene LI Rex WANG Rui ZHAO Josephine GUO Robert LI Grace WANG Shenqian ZHAO Felicia HANG Kirito LI Allen WANG Tao ZHENG Lyle HAO Skila LI Zhuyun WANG Stacy ZHONG Zijian HE Joy LI Zixuan WANG Zack ZHOU Liaoyu HE Susan LIANG Nina WEI Olivia ZUO Irene HE Rebecca LIANG Jiajia WIGUNO William AUGUST COMPREHENSIVE EXTENDED 2014 HE May LIANG Leanne WIJAYA Eva HE Olivia LIANG Olivia WIJAYA Maleakhi Agung ANGELINA Stefi HONG Betty LIAO Ada WIN Ali BUI Aaron HSU Chih-Tang LIN Hongliang WONG Russell Wong Jun Se BUI Hanna HU Marcia LIN Crystal WONG Lee Lee CAI Jianyi HU Ida LIN Qing WONG Nicole CAI Aaron HU Susie LIN Peter WONORAHARDJO Sharleen CAI Poppy HUANG Albert LIN Simon WOO Chong-Hein CAO Mia HUANG Austin LIN Karl WU Chih-Kuan CAO Vivian HUANG Patricia LING Prince WU Cecilia CHANG Krystal HUANG Mocaty LIU Victor WU Ashley CHEN Shine HUANG Yong LIU Icey XIA Zhixiang CHEN Prince HUANG Cindy LIU Tom XIAO Ke CHEN Haitian HUO Shaoyuan LIU Jamie XIONG Yijiang CHEN Emma HUO Rebecca LIU Alex XU Spencer CHEN Candice HUYNH Jacky LIU Jessica XU Siyuan CHEN Chantel JI Fiona LIU Homer 45 LIU Jane REN Grace WANG Alice YU Jiaao LIU Kara RONG Ivy WANG Yvonne YU Frank LIU Tian SARWONO William WANG Yelena YU Yuki LIU Weijie SHAN Zoe WANG Kirah YU Peggy LIU Yan SHAO Aure WANG Lynn YU Vivien LIU Rachel SHAO Adelheid WANG Timothy YUAN Brendy LIU Robin SHAO Sharon WANG Don YUAN Ivan LIU Jesse SHEN Winona WANG Serena ZENG Xingcheng LOURENS Jessica SHEN Lamont WANG Cindy ZENG Lareina LU Yuki SHENG Ivy WEI Claire ZENG Minggang LU Celine SHI Stone WEI Tiffany ZENG Qianwei LU Mindy SHI Yifan WEN Mengyuan ZENG Will LU Elaine SHI Yunqi WEN Qiqi ZHANG Kim LU Ziyin SIMA Dave WEN Winkie ZHANG Brook LUO Sam SUN Huiting WU Rebecca ZHANG Vickie LUO Adam SUN Sun WU Maxine ZHANG Jessica LUO Rodgers SUN Seven WU Jimmy ZHANG Rachel LYU Jingjing SUN Ian WU Meng ZHANG Jiamei MA Hao SUN Aimo WU Jenny ZHANG Jiaqi MA Allison SUN Yiwei WU Vera ZHANG George MA Sunny SUN Yuqi WU Yifeng ZHANG Leo MA Sam SUN Frida WU Zongqi ZHANG Lixiang MAO Siqi SUTAN Diego XIE Vicky ZHANG Perry MARENTEK Jessica TAN Daniel XIE Charlie ZHANG Molin MEI Jeffrey TAN Kamari XING Fiona ZHANG Sai MENG Monica TAN Aliya XING Cindy ZHANG Shangyang MENG Somnia TANG Paris XU Lilian ZHANG Shawn MIAO Selma TIONADEWI Anastasia XU Michael ZHANG Cyrus NING Charlie WAN Aerith XU Skylar ZHANG Scofield OUYANG Tom WAN Liqing XU Yue ZHANG Terrence PAN Monica WANG Boyu XU Quinn ZHANG Victoria PAN Pamela WANG Chuyi XUE Mars ZHANG Jim PANDEAN Michelle WANG Lorraine XUE Yichen ZHANG Jeremy PENG May WANG Rikki YAN Hanchun ZHANG Xinrui PENG Zara WANG Jason YANG Alex ZHANG Cayla PENG Max WANG Chloe YANG Carol ZHANG Cadence PENG Yuqi WANG Tanya YANG Sue ZHANG Doris PRIYAJI Erlangga Wisnu WANG Jinxia YANG Adam young ZHANG Christina PU Jiaru WANG Joel YANG Stellar ZHAO Linfeng QI Sylar WANG Yolanda YANG Joshua ZHAO Siming QIAN Diane WANG Abyss YAO Tina ZHAO Stephanie QIAN Jason WANG Sunny YE Jessica ZHAO Alice QIAN Kuhn WANG Hadi YE Skylar ZHENG Jasmine QIN Neal WANG Sam YI Yi ZHENG Hedy QIN Qingyang WANG Nicole YIN Bale ZHENG Liya QIU Mill WANG Chris YONG Nicole ZHENG Audrey REN Antony WANG Stella YU Three ZHOU Jiada 46 ZHOU Rhyme OCTOBER FAST TRACK 2014 WU Jiaying ZHOU Leon ADWAN Tatyana WU Brandon ZHOU Charles AGATA Gaby XIE Jacky ZHOU Peter ARIESTA Cindy YAM Rachel AUGUST MAIN 2013 FAN Sam In ZHU Saber CHAN Eunice YAP Lala ATIP-ANAN Tarnsuda ZHU Hannah CHANG Theresa YEO Candace Tian KYI Hay Mar Linn Linn AUGUST SPECIALISED EXTENDED 2014 CHEN Renee YONG Nicholas KYAING Wut Ye Jessica CHEN Kelsey ZHANG Heather NGUYEN Duy Phat BAO Yichen CHEN Michelle ZHANG Jansson WONG Sean Timothy CHEN Rachel CHEONG Deb ZHANG Belle LEE Soojung DENG Ran CHEUNG Alex ZHANG Spencer FUNG Pak Yin HUANG Haohua CHIN Sam ZHANG Cathy TRAN Kim Phuoc HUANG Harold CHIPUTRA Aditya Sasmita ZHANG Irene HUANG Zack CHOW Man Ting ZHANG Nicky OCTOBER FAST TRACK 2013 KWOK Ying Joyce JI Biqiang GAO Gloria JIANG Wenhao GLENNDA Gabriela KANESUGI Kokoro GU Gordon JULY FAST TRACK 2013 YAO Liyang KIM Min Woo HANGGODO Michael AUGUST MAIN 2013 LE Jane HAQ Asmita Fardina NGUYEN Duy Phat LI Jie HARO LEON Bryan YU Ziying LI Kunlong HO Percy LI Shirley JIANG Mark LI Vivian KANG Grace LI Xingni KWOK James LI Cindy LI Chris LIU Allison LIU Penny LIU Zhiyang LIU Peggy FEBRUARY MAIN 2013 NGO Hoang Nam Phuong LU Henry LO Albert LIU Jiajun LYSENKO Daria LUONG To Mai LYU Ziyi MA Tiffany AUGUST MAIN 2013 NGUYEN Phat Duy MA Mar MAO Lily MA Frank MATSUMOTO Ai MEI Nikki NGUYEN Stephanie PENG Pedro ONGGO Edelin ROSELIYAR Roselia PHAM Jenny SAN San PHAM Hoang Thai Viet VONG Hao I POON Melina FEBRUARY MAIN 2013 TIRTANA Theodore WANG Leslie LIU Jiajun POON Kay GUNAWAN Amelia Putri WEI Bella NGO Hoang Nam Phuong RABBANI Rabbani POEDJI Cindy Harianto WONG Elvis YU Ping SHEN Jessie OKOKO Sherryl XIA Melody CHEN Munika TOH Cheryline HUANG Szu-En XIU Kell CHEN Yuzhu TSAI Justeen PORNSIRIANANT Anantaya XU Bifeng CO Janel Nathalie Ang VONG Si Kei TO Tran Chan Nhu XU Ray HE Haozhou WANG Avril CHEANG Kin Ieng ZHANG Vincent YAN Yuqing WANG Hanson WIBISONO Arief Nugroho ZHANG Selena CHI Didi WANG Elbert DARMAWIJAYA Alvin Susanto ZHANG Zijie CUI Wensi WONG Yiu Wing ZHAO Krystal DUXES OCTOBER FAST TRACK 2013 HAN Yiting FEBRUARY MAIN 2014 CHENG Jingjing UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE SCHOLARSHIPS YU Ziying OCTOBER FAST TRACK 2013 ZENG Yiwen JULY FAST TACK 2013 OO Zaw Ba INTERNATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE PARTNER SCHOLARSHIPS FEBRUARY MAIN 2013 YU Ping JULY FAST TACK 2013 YAO Liyang ALISON WEHRMANN AWARDS RECEPIENTS OCTOBER FAST TRACK 2013 CHAN Hei Tung PERERA Amesh Wilhelm Hayden AUGUST MAIN 2013 YUEN Lok Him Chris SU Huaqi SEE Sien Wei FEBRUARY MAIN 2014 XU Yizhou WONG Lok Yee WANG Modan NG Elizabeth Ming Yen COMMERCE FACULTY SCHOLARSHIPS ACADEMIC AWARDS RECEPIENTS FEBRUARY MAIN 2013 LI Ke 47 YU Ziying TRINITY INSTITUTE Maria Augusta F. C. ANDRADE SIM Ting Ling CHANG Tianweijia Raisa FONTENELE CARVALHO TAO Yu Hang Vivian ANG Brenwin Lien Jie GLOBAL LEADERS IN SCIENCE Luisa ABOUDIB YAM Yee Wah HERMAWAN Vania YAO Xiaojun HALIM Darren Gabriel ALCANTARA RANGEL DE COSTA Iandê Abá GOMES TELES DE HOLANDA CAI Yunqi TRAN Truong Nhu Y CHEANG Kin Ieng SAENZ PENAFIEL Diego Oswaldo CHIEW Kok Weng DUAN Sainan OCTOBER FAST TRACK 2013 HAN Yiting GOH Beatrice Shiqi ZENG Yiwen KHOO Matthew Theng Yen WANG Modan KONG Karmen Jia Wen KWOK Ying LIU Yiding Pedro ALENCAR SAN MARTIN Filipe FREITAS Renan ARAUJO LAGE Renato GONÇALVES VIEIRA ARAÚJO Eduardo AUGUSTINHO PEREIRA Niobey Frossard GUILHERME Ana Claudia AZEVEDO DA SILVA LIMA Vitor Akihiro HISANO HIGUTI André BAIN Henrique Vinícius JAFET DA TRINDADE Ana Paula BASTOS TAVARES Bruno KANINSKI MILLEU Luiza BERTI TOSCAN Gustavo LEÁO CARVALHO TAN Chu Sheen Benedict FEBRUARY MAIN 2014 CHENG Jingjing Mayra BIZARI Bruna LUCHEZE FREIRE TRIHARDJO Felix Otto Henrique BORGES Luis H. M. VERGARI WONG Amy An Qi YANG Haoyi ONG Diana Sze Mei Alexandra BRAGA FURSTENBERGER Lucas Eduardo Aldrigues MACHADO CHAN Suet Ying Sharina KHVOROV Arseniy TANG Brenda See Hui Felipe BRAVO MELLO FERREIRA DE SOUZA Felipe MARCONDES CABRAL CONG Taoran ENG Vik Ven SHI Kexin Raphael CAMARGO Felipe MENDES GUIMARÃES SEAH Kah Howe Felipe Rodolfo CAMARGO DOS SANTOS Margherita MASCHÍETTO GUERRA HASHKAVAEI Armity XING Ying HO Melissa Yi Shien LIM Shou Fang MOHAMED HARUN Ilsa Ameera YOU Meiyi NGUYEN Thanh Tu WANG Xueying ONG Su Zen YANG Haoyu ONG Veronica Xing Xian ZHANG Jiaxi TAN Lydia Hui Theng LO Cliveton WIBISONO Arief Nugroho CAO Yurong WONG Fanny Fang Qi ZHUANG Ruiliang WUTAMI Ilycia Kasih Indah SHU Xiyue YANG Han WONG Xin Yun Victor CERATTI SILVELLO DE MELLO LIMA ZHAO Ruodi YIN Yue Rafael CHEANG João Henrique PERES ZHENG Di CHIA Wan Ting Phoebe Lurian PIRES KLEIN ZHENG Siqiong CHIAN Kimberly Hui Thing Arthur CUPERTINO SERPA DOS SANTOS Marina D’ASSUMPÇÃO THOMÉ André Benedito DA COSTA Henrique Godoy Corsetti PURCINO João Paulo DA S. COSTA Rafael QUINTANILHA Gabriela DA SILVA Fabio RABELO CAMPOS Cássio DANI DE ALMEIDA Eduardo RAMOS SANCHES Bruno DE MATTOS FREIRE CABRAL Jennifer RIBEIRO PAIVA Gabriela DE MIRANDA LAURIA Maria Alice S. S. CARDOSO Loraine Thiemi DE SOUSA Fabiane Carolyne SANTOS Beatriz DÉO SORIGOTTO Everton SARMENTO Bruno DÖHLER Bruno SBRAVATI Andre DOS SANTOS CARVALHO Daniela SCHNAIDMAN Carlos Diego DOS SANTOS GOMES Eduardo SCHUCH REIMANN JULY FAST TRACK 2013 YAO Liyang CAI Yongjun LASE Felicia Melina SHI Weiwei LO Annabel CHEN Jiaxin ANGELICA Lawrensia Jessy GUO Keruo KOAY Teng Bin LI Yifang TANCHAROEN Nattakarn SAW Tse Chuen TRINH Nguyen Hong Nhu Y ZHANG Tianshu CHUNG Wing Yee GUO Xiaoyu DJONNATHA Roberto HIRAYAMA Hiroki GO Antonio Geoffrey HSUEH Yung-Hsin NGUYEN Minh Trang HUANG Wan-Yi AUGUST MAIN 2013 NGUYEN Duy Phat LI Yuting CHAI Chang Jia SITOH Andy Onn Jin ZHANG Kexin 48 Dimitria CAMASAO Renato CARNEIRO ROCHA Tiago CARVALHAES Fabiana CASSAR DE BARROS COUTO Morgana CERQUEIRA ALVES Renato CESAR ALVES DE OLIVEIRA Adriano ETHUR Lucas MIRANDA DE OLIVEIRA Alice MULLER BUFFO Carla Cecília NASCIMENTO DOS SANTOS Wagih NASSAR NETO Juliana NASSAU FERNANDES Kamilla Brunna NAVES Lucas NETO Flávio NUNES LINS Ricardo OMACHI Lucas PEREIRA MARTINS Gabriel PORTELA RIBEIRO Leonardo ROSSINI PERTICARRARI Camila SOMMER GODINHO Elizabeth PICKETT Callum WATSON MENTORS Chris FARNSWORTH Bella WINTER Tyson HOLLOWAY-CLARKE Rachael RUTKOWSKI * Awarded a Trinity Institute Juilliard Jazz Scholarship Llew MULLINS Dyarni SHARMAN Gareth O’BRIEN MENTORS Sophie CATSOULIS Kamesa SIBOSADO Mattie WEBER Jaylen SKEEN Phillip SOLOMON Alexander GALLIGAN RESIDENTIAL INDIGENOUS SCIENCE EXPERIENCE (RISE) Sinaed ARTHUR Lachlan HAWKINS Kiara BAXTER-MANNIX Erin MCKELLAR Jessica BENNETT YALARI YEAR 10 ORIENTATION PROGRAM Kia ARNDT Jessica BOXETTE Anderson Noriaki TAKARA Thomas VOSS Luis VALVERDE GUIMARAES Alexandre VASCONCELOS LEVY Kaian WERKHAIZER FERRAZ MENTORS Ciaran HUDSON Max LECHTE Simon LILEY Emma PARKER Cassandra WILLIAMS NEW YORK JAZZ SYMPOSIUM Sarah-Jo BRAMFIT* Theo CARBO WALKER Flora CARBO WALKER Euan CHAFFEY Josh CHENOWETH Lucien FINCH Ben FINNIS John FRASER Amelia FRENCH Pep Louie GASCOIGNE Sonny GERRARD-BROWN Lachlan GLOVER David GOODWIN* Dugald GRAHAM Jonah GRANT Aidan GRIFFITHS Nikos HARPOLOS SMALLMAN Noah HUTCHINSON Pattrick JAFFE Oliver LEE Stuart MCCOWAN Jared MCCUNNIE Perry MCSHANE Felix MEREDITH Nicla NANNIPIERI Lucy NEILSON Matt NICHOLLS Zax O’CONNELL Remi OWEN Sebastian PARSONS Emile RYJOCH Emily SCHNALL Dominic STITT Sarah SU Patrick TRIA* Tyler VENTER Robbie FINCH Giorgia BAYLES Michelle BERRIGEN Joline BOUWER Jessicah BRIGGS Sheldyn BRIGGS Kane BRUNJES Brianna CAMERON Yukio CHAPLIN Taylah CUBILLOR Nelson FOSTER Jodene GARSTONE Nathan GENO Eric GIBSON Syranna GLENN Lyric HEARN Mia HODGES Tanaya HOOD Samuel JACKSON-BOLTON Marnie JONES Orson KING Tearnee LEWINGTON Nara MACMILLAN Reggie MADDEN Monique MALLYER Jayde MARSHALL Amelia MITCHELL Kara MUNYARRYUN Raelene PEARSON Trey PETTERSON Jaxon PETTERSON Jayden RANBY Chelsea RYAN Rekisha SATOUR Kelsey SEXTON Austin BROOKING Nakeeta ROGERS Denvah THOMAS Isaiah WALDON Stephanie WALKER Dalton WEST Tanya WUNUNGMURRA Jordan BRYSON MENTORS Amba-Rose ATKINSON Nanara BRYSON Brittany CARTER Jamaya BULMER Tony CHIOVITTI Jacqueline BUNTING Laura CONSTABLE Tracey CALLAGHAN Brett FISHER Aydin CIHAN Ruth LANG Hannah CINERARI Jack MAROZZI Andrea FARROW Maria MYLONAS Branesha FARROW Kevin RASSOOL Justice FELTON Janine RICHARDSON Geoffrey FITT Adriana ZANCA Hannah FORTUNE Eleanor FRANKS YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAM – JULY Laura ABBOTT Connor HAMILTON Amir ADEM Bailey HARRISON-ADAMS Alden AKEMAH Codey HERMANN Corinne Therese ANTONOFF* Justin HILL Isara ARUNANONDCHAI Claire HINDS Thanattha AUNGJAO Jackson HOBSON Leen Saad AZEEZ Tyler HOBSON Hala AZIZ Georgia KIRBY Nur Amelia Fatimah AZLAN Kate KLEMETILLA Hannah Louise BATES Teigan KYLE-TAYLOR Chian Marie BAUMER Rebecca LANGLEY Joshua BEECH Stella MAKALIO-JACKSON Olivia Louise BENTLEY** Zephy MARTIN Jessica BEYER* Nancy MATHEW Caitlin BIGNOLD Tyler MCCORMACK Sarah BRESNEHAN Jordan MCNALLY Lauren Emily CALLEJA Iesha NONA Jun Wei CH’NG Natashka OZIES Kok Yew CHAI WILL PAGE Li-Shenn CHAN Sarah PATEN Li Syuen CHAN Jessica PATEN Ari CHINNIAH Teneille FRANCIS 49 Bethanie Hui Chien L CHONG Nora May MAARLEVELD Wein Yee TAN* Cheok Chun CHONG Pauline MADERAZO* Hong Xuan TAN* Alvin CHRISTIANTO Daina MINCHENKO* Yao Zong TAN Ngoc Thao CHU* Amira Sofia MOHAMAD ZABIDI Ann Joo TAN Eden Mariah COOK* Nicla NANNIPIERI T Nang TANGBAU Molly Grace COPELAND* Samuel Paul Vaisey NAYLOR Chayakorn TANGKUNJAETHONG Caroline CRAWFORD* Jun Bin NG Amanda Louise TAUBER Shierese CUNNINGHAM** Thi Ngoc Anh NGUYEN Pei Gi TAY Tristan CUNNINGHAM** Thuy Linh NGUYEN Emily THOMPSON* Hoang Lan DAO* Khanh Linh NGUYEN Isabella TING Rachel Anne DAVIES Ha Lam Do NGUYEN* Laura Jessie DAVIS Emily O’CONNOR* Monique Gabrielle TJANDRAPRAWINA Minh-Quan DO* Laura OLIVIA* Brigit France Nixon DOYLE* Jaimie Barbara OLORENSHAW Cagla ERDOGAN Yamin Thiri OO Guang Qi GAO Alexandra ORR Ruby Angel GEORGOPOULOS* Yukari OSAWA Phuc Thien HA Remi OWEN Nikos HAROPOULOS-SMALLMAN Jasmine Kaur PANNU Hana HASSAN ALI* Sebastian PARSONS Lyric HEARN** Yohanes PAULUS* Keenan HELLYER* Duleesha PERERA Jin Ying HENG Thi Ngoc Han PHAM Ruby-Belle HOUGHTON* Thai Ha PHAM Chih-Han HSIN Natasha PHILIPPS Timothy David HUME* Himal PILLAY* Mushtaq HUSSAINI* Setasit PITTAYATHIKHUN Phurichya JIRAYUTAT Apisada PRASITDAMRONG Grace JOEL* Jennisa PRIDTPUSASIN Philippa Meghan JOHNSTON-LEEK Reegan QUICK Keerat Kaur JUDGE* Ana RAMBIE Sirapong KANCVALSKUL Free ROBERTSON-VREMAN* Tamanna KAUL* Ella ROBINSON-CLARKE Moe Hay Mar Kaung KAUNG Angus Peter ROBSON Thitakhajn KITTIAPHIBUOL Maegan Lea RODRICKS Matthew KU* Rekisha SATOUR* MENTORS Shen Lyn BOLTON Vivian LAI-TRAN* Mercedes SCHWEDES* Sophie CUSWORTH Tsun Ming LAM Aidan SEXTON* Chris CHOUREEMOOTOO Sang Yup LEE Siti Nadia SHAIFUL BAHARI Shahed KAMAL Xinyee LEE James SHAKER Keit LOI Oliver LEE Keshia SIMATUPANG* Rhys LAWRY Mikaela Natasha Jane LEY Eangano SINGEHEBHUYE* Katie MIRABELLA Megan LIEW* Praveena SIVANUJAN Emma PARKER Ching-Pu LIU Patricia SONG Elwin SIA Passamol LOHAKITTHAWORN Isabella Maria STEVENSON* Jon TAN Catalina LONIE-RICHARDSON Alexandria Brighid STRONG Carolyn YAO Anastasia RACHINSKAYA Ngoc Long TO* Tan Dat TRAN Phuong Quynh TRAN Dieu Linh TRAN* Thuy-Tien TRINH Elleni TSAKETAS* Phakmo TSO* Patchanon TUNGKIATSILP Van Anh TUONG* Jacobus VAN AARDT* Rhiannon VAN VLIET* Tuong Van VO Eveline VO* Callum WATSON Nadia Lauransia WIBISONO* Vanessa WIJAYA Bella WINTER Shiyan WU Kevin YAO* Mao YUKAWA *Awarded a Trinity Institute Young Leader Program Scholarship **Awarded an Indigenous Education Programs Scholarship Rachel XU 50 YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAM – DECEMBER Runn AUGSORNSRI Denisha B’GANESAN Kelly BAKER Rebecca BOWDEN Karina BUDIMAN Joel CHAN Benjamin CHAN Cameron CHENG Amber CHIENG Jia CHIN Kevin CHIN Yi Fan CHIN Alix CROWE Lily DALE Hue Man DANG* Kah Aik DANNY TAN Nashalie DE SILVA Wally EL-HAWLI* Carri FOO Nelson FOSTER* Nathan GENO* Rio GOSAL Ally GU Aqilah HANIF ABDEEN Jia Yan HIEW Jeer Kang HONG Marcus HOO Melantha JANSZ Michelle KAM Poulami KELKAR Amrita KHANDPUR Biana KHOR Rumali KULARATNE Song Tinh LE* Esther Lee En LEE Guo Ting LEE Tiffiny LEE LIN Rachel LEONG Jeremy LEUNG Hannah LI Jack LIM Su Lyn LOW Su Myn LOW Harris LOXTON Jasmine LUANGBORIBOON Cassie MILLS Fiqri MOHAMMAD FARISH Rhys LAWRY Qahirah Siew MOHD QHADAFFIE Jack MAROZZI Qaisara Siew MOHD QHADAFFIE Emma PARKER Anugrah MUHAMMAD Carolyn YAO Zhu Han NG Ca Lin NG Gek Teng ONG Huey Ern ONG Priscilla ONG Yi Qian OOI Robin OOI Ryan PAU Bryan QUEK Navaal RASHEED Kervin REES Flavia SETIAJITA Tanya SHARMA Samantha SIAW Jun Chao SIM Rhuthshana SIVA SHANKER Bryan SNG Hui Min TAN Xin Ru TAN Isabel TAN John TAN Xi Kon TAN Guanyin TANG Zheng Hao TANG Naomi TEH Panammy TOUCH* Kervin TSAI Sheng WANG Jenna WESTON Matthew WONG Anne WONG Hong Kwan WONG Jia Yuan WONG Melvin YEO Zoe YEOH *Awarded a Trinity Institute Young Leader Program Scholarship MENTORS Sophie CUSWORTH Chris CHOUREEMOOTOO Shahed KAMAL Sandeep KIRPALANI Keit LOI SEAMS JUNIOR Luke ARDEN Kiara ATKINSON Rashita BARTLETT Jodah BRIGGS Lana BROWN Kobe BROWN Chelsea CHILDS-BROWN Quentin CLARK Jayden DREVER Stephaine GREENGRASS Dakota GRIFFITHS Tyler HOBSON Jackson HOBSON Bethany HOLMES Dylan IMREI Eugene JOHNSON Mayra KELLY Dirk KWAKERNAAT Drue MCENTEE Jai PORTELLI Tyler RIDGWELL Morgan RUCHEL Phoebe WARREN Samuel WARREN John WILLIAMS MENTORS Shahed KAMAL Sandeep KIRPALANI Stephen MARSHALL Emma PARKER GIFTS TO THE ART COLLECTION Lynne Broughton Two religious icons of likely European origin on painted wood, one with embossed and chased metal. Phoenix Feather, intaglio print on paper, artist’s proof, John Pratt (1979). Board Trophy & After Image, intaglio print on paper, 116/300, Les Kossatz (1978). Homage to the Square, intaglio print on paper, Josef Albers. Walk in the Rainforest, collated series of eleven intaglio prints on a single sheet paper, Guy Warren (1921 - ) 5/25, signed, dated and annotated by the artist. GIFTS TO THE ARCHIVES John Reeve (TC 1974) Papers of the Revd. Lawrence Reeve (TC 1947), and digitised copy of two photographic albums from the period 1947-1951. Professor Robin Sharwood (Fourth Warden) Photographs relating to the re-enactment of the laying of the College foundation stone, and various art catalogues. Nicolas Thomas (TC 1976) 1976 Trinity College Student Handbook. Jamie Gardiner (TC 1966) Various Trinity College newsletters ranging from the late 1970s to mid 1990s. Susan Sypkens (daughter of Juttoddie co-founder, Thomas Harold ‘Hal’ Oddie) Reproduction photographs of Juttoddie from 1958, 1959, 1992 and 1997. Eddie Millar (TC 1954) Digitised copy of two photographic albums from the mid-1950s, and original typed manuscript of the blessing at the 1958 ‘Black Sabbath’ Juttoddie. Robert Bates (TC 2008) Original hand-written letters by Edward Bouverie Pusey. GIFTS TO THE LIBRARY For full list of gifts donated, see the Leeper Library Andrew Oppenheim Ben Draper Bishop James Grant Campbell Bairstow Chryssavgis Miltiades David Hilliard Dr Andrew McGowan Dr Dorothy Lee Elizabeth Symon Dyer Frank Henagan Grabau, Rosemary Isabel Stoman Jeremy Heaseler John Poynter Lady Southey to Dr Andrew Mcgowan Lara Nicholls Medical History Museum, University of Melbourne Miles Horton Prof Emeritus Robert Gribben Prof Jeremy Moon Rosemary Crabau Sir Andrew Grimwade Tim Bell Yvonne Diamond CONFERENCE GROUPS & EVENTS STUDY ABROAD University of Delaware (Nursing) University of California – Irvine YEAR 11/12 STUDY CAMPS Goulbourn Valley Grammar School Calvin Christian College (Tasmania) Camberwell Girls Grammar Aquinas School Hoppers Crossing Secondary School Padua College Bill Cowan (TC 1963) Bush Plum, acrylic on canvas, Angelina Pwerle (2008). Ian George Urn Burial, intaglio print on paper, artist’s proof, John Pratt (1980), unframed. 51 THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Melbourne Research SUSTAINABILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL Earth Watch Institute Australia MUSIC AND THE ARTS Jung Society piano recital Overseas Students Society (MUOSS) Australian Conservation Foundation Swinburne University film students International Student Services SPORTING Toowoomba Grammar School Volleyball RMIT film students Australian Maths & Science Institute (AMSI) Conference Bio 21 Biomedicine Department of Psychology Architect & Design Summer School Department of Pathology Department of Genetics Faculty of Business Department of Economics Finance & Planning Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The Glennie School Volleyball Melbourne University Cricket Melbourne University Athletics King’s School Tennis Tour INDIGENOUS Career Trackers 2nd Cambridge Economic History Symposium GAMSAT Ready Revision Classes Gold Standard GAMSAT classes Medstart UMAT classes Engage Education Elevate Education Brain Gym (Kinaesthetic) Richmond Emerging Aboriginal Leadership Camps (REAL) Hobsons Bay City Council Ganbina Group Leadership Program BA Extended interviews Murdoch Children’s Research Institute Victorian Comprehansive Cancer Centre RELIGIOUS Focolare Movement Australian Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue (AUSTARC) Melbourne University Overseas Christian Fellowship (MUOCF) Anglican Diocese of Melbourne Selection Conferences Multicultural Conference (Anglican) Planet Shakers City Church CityLife Church Life Group Retreat OZTrekk Orientation Melbourne Church of Christ Bible Studies The Communications Council Doctrinal Commission (Anglican) School for Excellence TSFX VCE Revision Red Hat Australia Pacific Pty Ltd 52 CLE Consulting City of Melton Annecto – The People Network (Disability Employment) Engineers Without Borders People Measures Murrup Barak Winter School School of Graduate Research Graduate School of Management Future Students OTHER ACADEMIC/EDUCATION Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference ATA Scientific Workshops Reaching Your Pinnacle NAB Murrup Barack Summer School NOT-FOR-PROFIT Harvard Scholarship interviews National Disability Service Student Management Services CORPORATE VCA film students GOVERNMENT City of Melbourne Family Services Melbourne School of Engineering School of Chemistry AUSAID (International Office) Melbourne Welcome Program Film Making Summer School Royal Parade Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia T: +61 3 9348 7100 F: +61 3 9348 7610 E: [email protected] www.trinity.unimelb.edu.au ABN: 39 485 211 746 CRICOS: 00709G
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