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FORO INTERNACIONAL DE LA INNOVACIÓN INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION FORUM 13:00-14:00 h. Mesa redonda – Round table LA TRANSFERENCIA DE CONOCIMIENTO EN LOS CENTROS DE EXCELENCIA SEVERO OCHOA THE TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE SEVERO OCHOA Technology Transfer at BSC-CNS Mateo Valero BSC Director Málaga, 12th February 2015 Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacional de Supercomputación BSC-CNS objectives: – – R&D in Computer, Life, Earth and Engineering Sciences Supercomputing services and support to Spanish and European researchers BSC-CNS is a consortium that includes: – – – Spanish Government Catalonian Government Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) 51% 37% 12% 425 people, 41 countries 3 The MareNostrum 3 Supercomputer Over 1015 Floating Point Operations per second Nearly 50,000 cores 100.8 TB of main memory 2 PB of disk storage 70% distributed through PRACE 24% distributed through RES 6% for BSC-CNS use Simulation on Supercomputers helps to solve scientific, industrial and societal challenges Environment Climate prediction Life Sciences Personalised medicine Engineering Industrial process improvement Energy Oil exploration Wind farm design Air quality The virtual patient Virtual prototyping Fusion (ITER) Mission of BSC Scientific Departments COMPUTER SCIENCES To influence the way machines are built, programmed and used: programming models, performance tools, Big Data, computer EARTH SCIENCES To develop and implement global and regional state-ofthe-art models for shortterm air quality forecast and long-term climate applications. architecture, energy efficiency. LIFE SCIENCES CASE To understand living organisms by means of theoretical and computational methods (molecular modeling, genomics, proteomics). To develop scientific and engineering software to efficiently exploit supercomputing capabilities (biomedical, geophysics, atmospheric, energy, social and economic simulations). 6 From Research to Market BSC Technologies Pharma Medical Weather Services / Climate Agencies Renewables Agriculture Bioinformatic tools for drug discovery and finding genetic mutations Programming models, performance tools & energy efficient hardware HPC Data Centres Middleware, System Software Air quality, weather and climate modelling products Simulations of complex problems Mobile HPC Smart Cities Embedded electronics for improving safety in time-critical applications IoT Cloud Big Data Renewables Medical Nautical Oil & Gas Engineering Automotive Automotive Rail Pharma Smart Cities Aviation Aviation Space Competitive Grants, all BSC Projects (since 2005) Over 106M€ in grants and contracts BSC achieved the 9th greatest return from FP7 of all Spanish institutions according to CDTI report 11/11/2013 Fourteen H2020 projects approved or under negotiation (Grant value: 5.97M€) - Includes personnel grants and future income for approved projects 21/01/2015 - National income includes ICTS calls 8 Joint Research Centres with IT Companies BSC-IBM Technology Center for Supercomputing Future challenges for supercomputers including power efficiency and scalability, new programming models, and tools for analysis and optimization of applications BSC-NVIDIA CUDA Center of Excellence BSC-Microsoft Research Centre Analysis of Hadoop workload performance under different software parameters and hardware configurations. Results available online Training in Parallel Programming using CUDA and StarSs Optimising management of execution resources in multi-GPU environments with GMAC Intel-BSC Exascale Lab Multi-year agreement focussing on optimising efficiency through research into Programming Models, Performance Tools and Applications Agreement on memory performance in HPC systems with Key Spanish Industrial Partners Repsol-BSC Research Center Iberdrola Renovables Research into advanced technologies for the exploration of hydrocarbons, subterranean and subsea reserve modelling and fluid flows Mind the Gap: 500K € Nostrum Drug Discovery Spin off Proof of Concept: 150K€ PELE Design and optimization of wind farms Patents - dpEDMD: method for drug discovery SMUFIN: Somatic Mutations Finder miRNA markers for Morbid obesity diseases Some Strategic Projects Severo Ochoa A multidisciplinary research program to address the complex challenges in the path towards Exascale. A set of key strategic scientific projects and improvements in HR management, training, mobility and communication. Mont-Blanc Human Brain Project 10-year FET Flagship research project to simulate human brain and design computers based on its workings Developing an European Exascale approach Based on embedded powerefficient technology Riding on Moore’s Law Personalised Medicine Combining genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics with computer simulation to support predictive medicine and personalized treatment Optimizing performance, energy consumption and reliability of parallel computer architectures through higher level abstraction (ERC M Valero) Alya Red Computational mechanics simulation tools designed for biomedical research. Winner 2012 Science-NSF visualisation challenge 11 Internationalisation HPC Infrastructure for Europe’s Best Scientists Over 90 EC Framework Projects Part of Future Spanish node of ICT-Labs Bridge between EU and Latin America 12 Helping to define the future of global HPC Enabling the Data Revolution International Roadmapping Leadership in Exascale Contributing to Standardisation 13 Suggestions on how to facilitate Technology Transfer for Research Centres LEGAL – Create Agency for research – We need a Patronage Law – Allow public centres to use more flexible legal forms – MINECO and Hacienda should remove barriers to hiring CULTURAL – Promotion of a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, and of acceptance of failure – Promotion of the concept of R&D&i as an investment for companies, not an expense ECONOMIC – Creation of organisations specialised in Technology Transfer and Innovation – More investment in research – Target funding where the relevant expertise is MARKET – Creation of a strong venture capital industry The Future of Tech Transfer at BSC In December 2014 BSC hired its first dedicated Technology Transfer manager: – To intensify relations with industry (especially SMEs) – To manage BSCs portfolio of technology and IPR – To help researchers consider technologies’ market potential from the initial stages – To help create spin-offs – To promote a culture of tech transfer contact: [email protected] Summary Supercomputing has become an essential tool for scientific and industrial competitivity BSC is a centre which has critical mass and a dual role as a service provider and internationally relevant research centre BSC develops transferable technologies in the areas of computer, life, earth and engineering sciences We work with important national and international companies through private contracts as well as publicly funded projects We plan to intensify our activities in this area and promote a culture of technology transfer throughout the whole centre The government can take various measures to facilitate Technology Transfer by research centres Thank you !